Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 5, 1646-1648. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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'House of Commons Journal Volume 5: 1 May 1647', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 5, 1646-1648(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 29 January 2025].
'House of Commons Journal Volume 5: 1 May 1647', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 5, 1646-1648(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed January 29, 2025,
"House of Commons Journal Volume 5: 1 May 1647". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 5, 1646-1648. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 29 January 2025.
In this section
Die Sabbati, 1 Maii, 1647.
Dr. Juxon's Tenants.
WHEREAS divers of the late Tenants of Dr. Juxon late Bishop of London, have refused and do refuse to pay the Rents, or other Sums of Money, due unto him as Bishop of London, at or before the First of November last: It is Ordered, That the said Tenants do pay the said Rents and Sums of Money. And
It is further Ordered, That the Trustees for the Sale of Bishops Lands be hereby authorized and required to appoint their Receiver and Receivers of the Revenues and Rents of the said Bishoprick, forthwith to demand, receive, and levy, all the said Arrears of the said several Tenants, so due as aforesaid; and to pay the same to the said Dr. Juxon, or to such other Person or Persons as he shall, under his Hand and Seal, authorize to receive the same: Who are also to use all such due Ways and Means for Recovery of the said Arrears, if they be denied, as by any Ordinance of Parliament, they are enabled, for the Levying of the present Rents and Revenues of the said Bishoprick.
Ordered, That the Lords Concurrence be desired herein.
Colonel Harvey is appointed to carry it to the Lords.
Ordnance, &c.
Ordered, by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That the Officers, and such other Persons whom it may concern of the several Armies and Brigades, and those of the Garisons, as well such as have been, or are to be slighted, as those that are to be continued within this Kingdom, do certify the Committees. of the Army and the Navy, what Ordnance, or other Abiliments of War, incident to a Train of Artillery, have, since the Begining of this Parliament, come to their Hands; and what remaineth thereof: And of other warlike Provisions, whether issued out of the Stores and Magazines belonging to the Parliament or taken from the Enemy; and how they were, or now are, disposed of: And the said Committees of the Navy and of the Army, or any Five of them, whereof Two at the least to be of either of the said Committees, as well for the demanding and taking Account thereof, as otherwise, for informing themselves concerning the Particulars before mentioned for the Ordering and Managing hereof, are joined together, and made one Committee, as to that Business: And are hereby authorized to employ such Persons, and to use such other lawful Ways and Means for the better Effecting thereof, as they shall think fit: And are to take care, and to give Order, for the securing all such Ordnance, and other Particulars beforenamed; and to make Report thereof to this House; to the end that the same may be so disposed of, as may be of most Advantage for the Service of the Kingdom: And the Committees of the several Counties and Cities of this Kingdom, and all Mayors, Bailiffs, and other Officers, are to give their best Assistance unto the said Committee, in all and singular the Premises.
Isle of Jersoy.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Navy, to furnish, upon the Security of the Two hundred thousand Pounds, or such other Security as they shall think fitting, the Sum of Six thousand Seven hundred Pounds: And that the said Six thousand Seven hundred Pounds be paid, upon Account, to Colonel Rainsborough, upon his Proposition and Engagement for reducing the Isle of Jersey.
It is further Ordered, That, with the Sum of Six thousand Seven hundred Pounds, the Six Weeks Pay of Arrears, payable to Colonel Rainsborough's Regiment, upon Disbanding, be comprehended.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Army, to furnish Four hundred Pikes, Eight hundred Bandaleers, Three hundred Pickaxes, Nine hundred Shovels and Spades, Five hundred Hand Barrows, Five hundred Ladders, Coats and Snapsacks, for the Service of reducing Jersey, and for Colonel Rainsborough's Soldiers, employed in that Design.
Ordered, That the General be desired to appoint and give Order for a Troop of Horse, to be under the Command of Colonel Rainsborough in the Design and Service of reducing the Isle of Jersey.
Ordered, That the Members of both Houses, that are of the Committee of both Kingdoms, do grant a Commission to Colonel Rainsborough, to command in Chief the Forces designed for reducing the Isle of Jersey.
The Lords Concurrence to be desired in this Vote.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of the Army to furnish Colonel Rainsborough with Four Mortarpieces, and other Necessaries belonging to them, out of the Army, or some other Place where they may be had most conveniently, to be made use of in the Service for reducing of the Isle of Jersey.
Colonel Lilbourne, &c.
The Question was propounded, That Colonel Lilbourne, Major Sanders, Captain Styles, and Serjeant Crofts, summoned by former Order to attend this House, shall be called to the Bar:
And the Question being put, Whether this Question shall be now put up.
It passed with the Negative.
Resolved, &c. That the Committee to whom these Gentlemen are referred, be revived: And
It is Ordered, upon the Question, That this Committee do meet this Afternoon at One of Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.
Borrowing Money.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and Doctor Aylett;
The Lords desire a Conference, by Committees of both Houses, presently, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, upon the Matter of the last Conference, touching the Propositions for Borrowing of Monies.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree to give a present Meeting, at a Conference, as is desired.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and have resolved to give a present Meeting, as is desired.
Mr. Holles, Sir Walter Erle, Sir Phil. Stapilton, Mr. Reynolds, Sir Henry Cholmley, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.
Mr. Holles reports the Conference this Day had with the Lords, upon their Desire, concerning the Matter of the last Conference, touching the Propositions for Borrowing of Two hundred thousand Pounds.
The Lords are so desirous to express their Compliance with the House of Commons, in the Particular which they conceive tends so much to Quieting of this Kingdom, and relieving the Kingdom of Ireland, as they have receded from their own Sense in their former disagreeing to the Second Vote, and do now agree unto it.
They likewise consider the present Necessity of borrowing the Sum of Two hundred thousand Pounds: And therefore they conceive the Security upon Goldsmiths Hall to be such a Security as may give best Satisfaction to those that shall lend any Sum of Money, do think fit to dhere to their former Resolution: And whereas it was arged by the House of Commons, that the Point of Time as a considerable Circumstance in this Business; and that the greater Encouragements that should be given to those who are to lend, would be the certainest Means for the speedy Procuring of our own Desires, in answering our present pressing Necessities; they have thought sit to make an Addition of further Security: which, in Part, answers the Desires of the House of Commons.
He then reported these Two Votes following.
"Resolved, &c. That the whole Compositions at Goldsmiths Hall, in Course, shall be added to the Security."
"Resolved, &c. That the Lands and Estates of Papists in Arms; their just Debts, made before the First of April 1642, being first paid; and excepting former Engagements that have been made by both or either House of Parliament; and excepting Impropriations; shall be given as a Part of the Security to the City of London for the Loan of the Two hundred thousand Pounds."
The Question being put, For concurring with the Lords, that the whole Compositions at Goldsmiths Hall in Course, shall be added to the Security;
The House was divided.
The Yeas went forth.
Sir John Clolworthy, | Tellers for the Yea: | 46. |
Mr. Herbert, | With the Yea, | |
Sir Henry Mildmay, | Tellers for the Noe: | 58. |
Mr. Sam. Browne, | With the Noe: |
So that the Question passed with the Negative.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth concur with the Lords in their Vote, that the Lands and Estates of Papists in Arms; their just Debts, made before the First of April 1642, being first paid; and excepting former Engagements that have been made by both or either House of Parliament; and excepting Impropriations; shall be given as a Part of the Security, leaving out these Words, "to the City of London, for the Loan of Two hundred thousand Pounds."
Resolved, &c. That these Resolutions be communicated to the Lords, at a free Conference; to be desired with the Lords, presently.
Message from Lords.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and Doctor Aylett;
The Lords, taking into Consideration the great Occasions of the Kingdom, have resolved to sit this Afternoon at Three of Clock; and desire this House to do the like, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House.
Resolved, &c. That this House doth agree to sit this Afternoon at Three of Clock.
Sir Henry Mildmay is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire a free Conference, by Committees of both Houses, so soon as may stand with their Lordships Conveniency, upon the Matter of the last Conference, touching the Propositions of Borrowing of Two hundred thousand Pounds.
Answer to Lords.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do agree to sit this Afternoon at Three of Clock, as is desired.
Leave of Absence.
Ordered, That Colonel Mountague, a Member of this House, shall have Leave to go into the Country.
Ordered, That the Reporters of the last Conference be Managers of this free Conference.
Committees added.
Ordered, That Sir John Clotworthy, Sir Wm. Waller, and Lieutenant General Massie, be added to the Committee to whom Colonel Lilbourne, and the rest of the Gentlemen of the Army, summoned to attend the House, are referred.
Causes in Chancery.
Resolved, &c. That John Godbolt Esquire, one of the Justices of the Common Pleas, be added to the Commissioners for hearing and determining Causes in Chancery: And that he be one of the Quorum in that Commission: And the Commissioners of the Great Seal are hereby authorized and required to pass the Commission, with the Addition of the Name of Mr. Justice Godbolt accordingly.
Sir Gilbert Gerard is appointed to carry this to the Lords for their Concurrence.
Foxe's Delinquency.
He likewise carried to the Lords the Order for pardoning the Delinquency, and taking off the Sequestration of Mr. Somerset Foxe's Estate, Real and Personal.
Potter's Claims.
An Ordinance for paying unto Daniel Potter the Sum of One Thousand Seven hundred Fifty-five Pounds, due unto him from the Parliament, out of the Receipts at Goldsmiths Hall, together with Interest for the same, at the End of every Six Months, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed: And ordered to be sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.
Answers from Lords.
Sir Henry Mildmay brings Answer, That the Lords will give a present Meeting at a free Conference, as is desired.
Sir Gilbert Gerard brings Answer, That the Lords do agree to the Order for adding Mr. Justice Godbolt to the Commission for hearing Causes in Chancery: To the Order for taking off the Sequestration of Somersett Foxe's Estate, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.
Citizens Petition, &c.
Ordered, That the Petition, intituled, The humble Petition of divers well-affected Citizens, and the Certificate annexed; and the Petition mentioned in the said Certificate; be read on Tuesday Morning next, the first Business; and nothing to intervene.
Borrowing Money.
Mr. Holles reports from the free Conference, that the Earl of Manchester told them, that the Lords, considering the Necessities of Ireland, and of this Kingdom, and of expediting this Business, and being desirous to hold all fair Correspondency and Concurrence, do agree with this House in omitting the Compositions of Goldsmiths Hall in the Security: They do likewise agree to the leaving out the last Clause in the Vote concerning Papists Estates, in Arms, to be given for Security.
Resolved, &c. That Colonel Harvey and Mr. Allen do desire the Lord Mayor of the City of London to call a Common Council, to meet on Monday next, in the Afternoon, at Three of Clock.
Ordered, That the Committee formerly appointed to go to the City, upon the Proposition of borrowing Two hundred thousand Pounds, do go to the Common Council, on Monday next, at Three of Clock in the Afternoon; and communicate unto them the Security agreed upon by both Houses: And have Power to treat with such Committee as the Common Council shall appoint for the expediting this Service, and the speedy bringing in the Monies desired to be now borrowed.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edward Leech and Dr. Aylett;
The Lords think fit, That the Members of their House, that are appointed to treat with the City for the Borrowing of Two hundred thousand Pounds, may go into the City on Monday next, at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon; and desire that their Members that are of the said Committee, may do the like, if the House of Commons shall think fit: And that the Lord Mayor of the City of London be sent unto, to call a Common Council at the same time.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do agree with the Lords in all of it; and have given Order to their Committee accordingly.
Repayment of 60,000l.
A Proposition was read for securing of Sixty thousand Pounds more upon the same Security as is given upon the Proposition of borrowing Two hundred thousand Pounds, for Repayment of such poor indigent Persons as have formerly lent Monies, and are not able to lend as much more now to secure That, was this Day read; and ordered to be read again, when the Committee makes Report from the City.
Beddingfield's Security.
Whereas Mr. Thomas Beddingfield, Son to Sir Henry Beddingfield, is now beyond Seas, upon Security given not to return into this Kingdom without Leave of this House, and is now under great Indisposition of the Dead Palsey, as is informed: It is Ordered, That the said Mr. Thomas Beddingfield, upon the same Security, shall have Leave to return; and to go to the Bath, for Recovery of his Health; he renewing the same Security to the Serjeant of this House, upon his coming hither, not to act any thing, during his Abode here, to the Prejudice of the Parliament; and to leave the Kingdom again so soon as he shall be in State of Health fit for it: And that he give the like Security as formerly, not to return without the Leave of this House, nor to act any thing to the Prejudice of the Parliament beyond the Seas.
Ordered, That the Ordinance for the Indemnity of such as have acted under the Authority of the Parliament, and the Instructions for taking and determining the Accompts of the Soldiery of the Kingdom, be read on Tuesday Morning next, the next after the Petition and Certificate ordered to be then read by a former Order of this House.
Resolved, &c. That the House be adjourned till Tuesday Morning, Eight of Clock.
The House adjourned itself accordingly.