House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 25 May 1643

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 25 May 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644(London, 1802), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].

'House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 25 May 1643', in Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644(London, 1802), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,

"House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 25 May 1643". Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. (London, 1802), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.


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Die Jovis, 25 Maii, 1643


Prisoner discharged.

RESOLVED, &c. That Captain Andrewes shall be discharged from any further Restraint; and that the Horses seized by him, and his Officers, shall be delivered unto him, to carry with him to the Army.

Captain Butler, &c.

Ordered, That the Consideration of the Carriage and Proceedings of Captain Butler, and his Officers, towards divers Gentlemen, and others, in the County of Surrey, be referred to the Examination of the Committee Yesterday appointed for Captain Andrewes: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Three of Clock, in the Exchequer Court.

Conference with Lords.

Sir Rob. Pye went up to the Lords, to desire a Conference concerning the Answer to the Paper received from the Earl of Lindsay on Saturday last, and returned Yesterday from the Lords, with some Alterations.

Sir Rob. Pye brings Answer, that the Lords will give a present Meeting, at a Conference, as is desired.

Lady Brooke.

Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Committee of Ireland, to consider of admitting the Lady Brooke Adventurer for Lands in Ireland, to the Value of a Thousand Pounds; and, as for the Five hundred Pounds of Gratuity, the House leaves it to the Committee to do in it as they shall think fit.

Roydon's Goods.

Ordered, That the Letter from Mr. Morley, concerning a Ship laden with Goods of Captain Roydon, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for the Navy.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Rob. Riche and Mr. Page;

The Lords desire, that, at this Conference which now they are going to, they might impart something concerning the Earl of Chesterfield: They likewise commanded them to present these two Papers, viz. A Petition from the Archbishop of Canterbury; and, an Order of both Houses to the Archbishop of Canterbury, to collate to the Living of Chartham in Kent Mr. Edw. Corbett, of Merton College;

Archbishop of Canterbury, &c.

They were both read : And the House doth agree to the Ordinance concerning Mr. Corbett; and do refer the Petition of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Consideration of the Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequestrations.

Answer to Lords.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; that this . . . doth agree, that at this Conference the Lords may propound what they have to propound: They do agree to the Ordinance for the Archbishop of Canterbury to collate Mr. Corbett to the Parsonage of Chartham in the County of Kent: And, as to the Petition of the Archbishop of Canterbury, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Lorens Pass.

Ordered, That Jo. Lorens, a Frenchman, shall have Mr. Speaker's Warrant to pass into France with Letters from the French Agent to the State of France; and that he shall have Liberty to carry with him Fifteen Yards of Black Silk Mohair.

Prisoner discharged.

Upon the Report made this Day by Mr. Whittacre, that Mr. H. Dixon, now a Prisoner, did undertake that he would become conformable to all the Orders of, and Ordinances of, Parliament; and to all Payments set by Parliament; and that he would join with the rest of the Deputy Lieutenants and Committees, in putting in Execution the several Orders and Ordinances of Parliament; and that he would submit to such Payments as should be assessed upon him, by the Committees;

It is hereupon Resolved, &c. That the said Mr. H. Dixon be forthwith discharged upon Bail.

Associated Counties.

Whereas the County of Huntington was, by a former Ordinance of both Houses, associated with the Counties of Leicester, &c.;

It is this Day Ordered, That the said County of Huntington be discharged from that Association; and associated with the Counties of Cambridge, Herts', Essex, Norfolk, and Suffolk.

Earl of Chesterfield.

Mr. Pym reports from the Conference : That the Earl of Manchester offered a Petition, presented unto them on the Behalf of the Earl of Chesterfield.

The Petition was read : And

Message to Lords.

Ordered, That Sir Wm. Armyn do go up to the Lords, to desire their Lordships to pass the Ordinance concerning Prisoners.

He likewise carried up to the Lords an Order concerning Reparations to be made to Rich. Hughes, for Damages he sustained by the Earl of Chesterfield, before the said Earl be discharged from his Imprisonment.

Weekly Assossments.

Ordered, That the Committee at Haberdashers Hall shall take and pursue the best Means they can, to quicken and expedite the bringing in the Monies from the several Counties, upon the weekly Assessments; and that they do write Letters unto the Two Gentlemen appointed for the several respective Counties, to quicken the Diligence in this Service; which is a Service of so great Importance.

This Order to be sent to the Committee at Haberdashers Hall.

Reparation to Hughes.

Sir Wm. Armyn brings Answer, that the Lords do agree to the Order carried up, concerning the Earl of Chesterfield's making Reparation to Rich. Hughes.

Earl of Bathe.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Rob. Riche and Mr. Page;

The Lords have commanded us to deliver unto you this Petition from the Earl of Bathe, and the Order annexed; that their Lordships are inclined to give him Leave to travel to the Spaw, for the Recovery of his Health; and that, in the mean time, he shall continue in the Lodgings he formerly did.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Dr. Bennett and Dr. Heath;

The Lords do agree to the Answer to be delivered to the Paper received from the Earl of Lyndesay; in the same manner as it was first sent up from this House : And that they have sworn the Witnesses concerning the Usage of the Prisoners at Oxon; and have appointed Ten Lords of their House to meet this Afternoon, at Four of Clock, upon this Business.


Answer returned by the first Messengers; that this House has considered their Lordships Message; and will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Leech's Petition.

Ordered, That the humble Petition of James Leech, of Longworth in the County of Lancaster, Chapman, be referred to the Consideration of the Committee for Sequestrations.

Military Affairs.

Ordered, That the Committee for the Safety of the Kingdom do write to my Lord General, to give his Excellency an Account what Course they have taken to furnish his Excellency with Men, both out of Kent, and out of the Castle of Farnham, to be employed for the Preservation and Defence of that Town: They are likewise to acquaint his Excellency with the Letter out of Wiltshire, concerning the Forces in the West Parts, under the Command of Marquis Hertford, and their Proceedings in those Parts.


The Question being put, whether this Paper, concerning Ireland, now presented from the Committee, should be now read;

The House was divided:

The Yeas went forth.

Sir H. Anderson, Sir Peter Wentworth, Tellers for the Noe: With the Noe, 24
Sir Guy Palmes, Mr. Rous, Tellers for the Yea: With the Yea, 30

Associated Counties.

Ordered, That the Knights and Burgesses for the associated Counties be added to the Committee Yesterday made, concerning the Ordinances for raising Monies for Payment of their Forces: And they, or any Four of them, are to meet this Afternoon, at Three of Clock, in the Exchequer Chamber.

Bill for Relief of Ireland.

Upon the Report from the Committee; and upon the Resolution of the last Question; the Answer to so much of his Majesty's Message, concerning the Bill last presented, for the Relief of Ireland, as seemed to lay a Charge upon the Houses, was read; in hæc verba; (viz.)

That your Majesty may be clearly satisfied, how the Monies, already raised, by the several Acts of Parliament for the Relief of Ireland, have been applied to the proper End and Purpose directed; we humbly present a just Account of what Sums have been borrowed; and what subscribed unto, and paid in; and what remains of such Subscriptions yet unpaid: Against which is opposed what Sums have been paid, since this Rebellion, for the Land Service, and Part of the Sea Service, for that Kingdom of Ireland; whereby it appears, in the Whole, that the Receipts for Ireland come short of the Disbursements Two hundred Threescore and Nineteen thousand Two hundred and Seven Pounds Nineteen Shillings and Threepence. And whereas Your Majesty objects, that One hundred thousand Pounds, of the Money belonging to Ireland, hath been issued, by an Order of one or both Houses of Parliament, and applied to the Maintenance of the Army under the Command of the Earl of Essex; We, the Lords and Commons in Parliament, do acknowledge, that Threescore and Thirteen thousand Three hundred Forty-six Pounds only, was issued out of the Adventurers Money, then in the Treasurers Hands, by virtue of an Order of the First of August 1642: But, by the same Order, it is provided, that the issuing of this Money shall no way frustrate the Acts already made in the Behalf of that Adventure : In pursuance whereof, as the most needful Provisions for that Kingdom, they have since sent thither very great Proportions of Ammunition, Victual, and Cloaths, amounting to One hundred Twenty three thousand Three hundred Eighty-two Pounds Fourteen Shillings and Nine-pence; which being so, both Houses do conceive Your Majesty hath full Cause to be satisfied, that what hath been levied for Ireland, is, with much Addition, disposed of to their Relief.

Resolved, &c. That this shall be presented to his Majesty in Answer to the Charge laid upon both Houses by his Majesty, in his late Answer to the Bill presented from both Houses for the Relief of Ireland; viz. "that they had taken One hundred thousand Pounds of the Monies subscribed for the Relief of Ireland, and had employed it to other Uses."

It was after desired, that some Addition might be made to This, last voted: Which was read, in hac verba; viz.

"And, as hitherto we have been most careful to do all Things for the Advantage of Ireland; and used our best Skills and Endeavours to prevent the miserable Desolation of that Kingdom; so shall we, for the future, continue in the same Zeal, to suppress this unnatural Rebellion, and preserve there the Protestant Religion, and the Interest of the Crown of England."

Resolved, &c. That this shall be added to the former Vote, in Answer to his Majesty's late Message, concerning the Bill for the Relief of Ireland.

There was then a Preamble offered to these Votes: Which was read, in hæc verba; (viz.)

"The Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, having duly considered Your Majesty's Message, sent in Answer to the Bill presented by both Houses to Your Majesty, for the Relief of Ireland, do humbly return this Answer:"

"That it is against the Proceedings of Parliament, when a Bill is presented to Your Majesty, by both Houses of Parliament, (Your greatest and most faithful Council) for them to enter into any Dispute, concerning the Bill proposed; seeing it is always to be understood they will propose nothing but what is for Your Majesty's Honour, and the Weal of all Your Kingdoms : Therefore, as to the Scruples raised, and Objections made against the Bill, they conceive it no ways fit to make any Reply; as they expected none other from Your Majesty, than Your Royal Assent thereunto : But, as to that Part of the Message, wherein You are pleased to lay something to the Charge of both Your Houses of Parliament, they humbly offer this ensuing Answer:"

The Question being put, whether this should be the Preamble to the former Votes;

The House was divided:

The Yeas went forth:

Mr. Holles, Sir Jo. Clotworthy, Tellers for the Yea: With the Yea, 41
Mr. Strode, Mr. Marten, Tellers for the Noe: With the Noe, 29

So the Question passed with the Affirmative.

Then, the Preamble, and the Vote brought from the Committee, and the Addition made in the House, were all read together; and ordered to be fair written; and sent to the Lords for their Concurrence.

Committees added, &c.

Ordered, That Mr. Cage, Mr. Lisle, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Whittlock, be added to the Committee appointed to consider of an Ordinance to prevent the passing of People beyond Seas : And the Ordinance, this Day presented, for preventing the Transportation of any Sort of Grain out of the Kingdom, is recommitted to this Committee.

Lord Forbes, &c.Accompt.

The State of the Accompt between the Right honourable Alexander Lord Forbes, and the Committee of the Adventurers; for additional Forces by Sea and Land, for the Relief of the Kingdom of Ireland; as the same hath been represented to the Committee of Parliament, appointed to examine the same; and by Mr. Trenchard, from that Committee, this Day reported to the House; is as followeth; viz.

It is agreed, that the Lord Forbes, and the rest of the Officers and Soldiers, according to the established List, are charged, by the Committee, with Cloaths and Money for Eight Months, ended 1 Februarii 1642, to the Sum of Six Thousand One hundred and Eleven Pounds Thirteen Shillings and Eight-pence: Whereof they received and allowed Five thousand Three hundred and Sixtythree Pounds Eighteen Shillings and Two-pence: And so remains due unto them, from the Committee, Seven hundred and Forty-seven Pounds Fifteen Shillings and Sixpence: The most Part whereof they have sithence paid unto the Lord Forbes, and his Officers.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth allow thus far of the State of this Accompt.

Ordered, That the rest of the State of this Accompt be taken into a further Consideration To-morrow Morning.

Delinquents Estates.

Whereas the Lords and Commons in Parliament have ordained, that the Estates, as well real as personal, of divers Bishops, and other notorious Delinquents, in their Ordinance specified, shall be seized and sequestred for the Uses therein expressed; the said Lords and Commons, for the Furtherance of the said Work, and bringing the same to a speedier Execution within the Liberties of London and Westminster, and the Suburbs thereof, and in the Borough of Southwark; and in all Parishes and Places, not distant above Five Miles from the said Cities and Borough, or any of them; do Ordain, That all Houses, with their Appurtenances, as well of the said Delinquents, in the said recited Ordinance named and mentioned, as of all Papists, and of all such as have been absent by the Space of Three Months last past, from their said Dwelling Houses; and by the greatest Part of that time, have voluntarily resided at Oxford, York, or at any other City, Borough, or Place, with the King's Forces; and of such Persons, as, having been assessed for any Contribution or Assessment, upon any Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, do absent themselves, refusing to pay such Assessment; and all such Houses, with their Appurtenances, within the Limits aforesaid, which any of the Delinquents, or Persons before specified, or any to their Use, or in Trust for them, do hold in Fee-simple, Fee-tail, for Life, or for Years, in Execution upon Judgment, Statute, or Recognizance, or for any other certain Estates; shall be seized and disposed of, in such sort as is hereafter expressed: And it is further Ordained, that the Sequestrators, or Committees, mentioned in the said former Ordinance of Sequestration of Delinquents Estates, or any .... more of them, within the said Cities, Boroughs, Parishes, Places, and every of them, shall, and may, and are hereby authorized to mortgage any of the said Houses, with the Appurtenances, of the said Delinquents or others aforesaid, unto such Person or Persons, to whom such Mortgages shall be made, their Heirs, Executors, Administrators, or Assigns, shall, and may hold and enjoy the said mortgaged Premises, under and upon such Powers, Provisions, Limitations, and Agreements, as by the said several and respective Sequestrators, or Committees, or any Two or more of them, by their Deed or Deeds, in Writing, shall be expressed and declared, until their Money lent for and upon the same, with Eight Pounds per Cent. for Forbearance thereof, and all such other Monies, as they shall disburse about the said Mortgages, for the Assessments, and the Repairs shall be fully repaid. And it is further Ordained, That every such Mortgagee, as shall advance Monies towards this Service, mentioned in this Ordinance, having formerly lent Money, Horses, &c. upon the Propositions of both Houses of Parliament, upon the publick Faith, shall be allowed the said Monies, with Interest, out of the Monies which they are to pay for their Mortgage: Provided always, that such Sum or Sums of Money, lent upon the Propositions, and to be deducted, as aforesaid, exceed not one Third Part of Monies which are to be paid upon the whole Mortgage: And it is last Ordained, That all the Monies, advanced by virtue of this Ordinance, shall be employed for and towards the Payment of the Forces under the Command of Sir Wm. Waller; the same to be paid to Major Turner, Captain Vaughan, Captain Calwey, Mr. Abraham Babington, all of the City of London, Treasurers especially appointed for this Service; who have hereby Power, or any Two or more of them, to give Acquittances and Discharges, for all Monies by them received; and shall pay the same over to Sir Wm. Waller, or his Assigns; and are to keep Books of Receipts and Payments, that so an Account may be given to either House of Parliament, from time to time, as shall be required.

Chartham Rectory.

Whereas an Ordinance of both Houses of Parliament, passed, on the Sixteenth of this instant May, directing the Lord Archbishop of Canterbury to forbear to present or collate any Person or Persons, to any Parsonage, Vicarage, Prebend, or other Ecclesiastical Promotion, without the Leave and Order of both Houses of Parliament; and that he shall, from time to time, until his Trial in Parliament, present and collate such fit Person and Persons to every such Parsonage, Vicarage, Prebend, and other Ecclesiastical Preferment, which now are, or hereafter, before his said Trial, shall become void, as shall, by both Houses, be nominated to him : Now forasmuch as the Rectory of Chartham in the County of Kent, being in the Gift of the said now Archbishop, hath been void by the Space of Five Months, last past, by the Death of the last Incumbent; it is Ordered, by the Lords and Commons, in Parliament assembled; that the said Archbishop shall forthwith, upon Sight of this Order, collate Edward Corbett, Fellow of Martin College, in the University of Oxon, to the said Rectory of Chartham in the County of Kent aforesaid, according to the Purport and Direction of the said Ordinance of Parliament.