House of Lords Journal Volume 64: Index K-Z

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 64: Index K-Z', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 64: Index K-Z', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 64: Index K-Z". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


Kellie Claim of Peerage; The Earl of Mar Leave to lodge his Case, (on Petition,) . - Committee for Privileges to meet. - Evidence to be printed. - Mrs. Mary Erskine to attend as a Witness. - Committee to meet.

Kid Skins, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 95.

Killeen, Barony of; Copy of Report on; - Plunket Lord of; Copy of all Acts of Parliament relating to; Vide Ireland.

King, The; Assault on; Address on Occasion of the late; Vide Address, No 22, and Conference.
-, - present at the opening of the Session. - At the Prorogation of Parliament.
-, - v. Trafford; Writ of Error; Delivered. - Petition of Plaintiff to assign Errors, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Hearing appointed.
-, - John, Esquire (Aston Vicarage); Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, (on Petition,) and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, an Amendment made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

King's And Queen's College of Physicians, Ireland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 2.

King's County Assizes Bill; - Papers respecting; Vide Ireland.

Kingsale Barony, Copy of Report on; Vide Ireland.

Kingston, The Earl of, v. Viscount Lorton; Cross Appeal; Vide Original Appeal, V. Lorton v. E. Kingston.
-, - Upon Hull Pilots; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, an Amendment made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Kingstown And Dublin Railway Act, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 53.

Knox v. Malcolm; Appeal presented.

Labour Rate; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 8.

Labourers Employment; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - Petition in favor, from Hockering. - On Motion to be read 2a, objected to, and, after short Debate, read 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Went through Committee, with an Amendment. - Amendment reported, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to . - Royal Assent.

Ladbroke, J. W. Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - The Warden of the Fleet to attend with a Witness to be sworn, and to give Evidence before the Judges. - Judges Report read, (on Petition,) and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - The Warden of the Fleet to attend with the above Witness to be sworn, to give Evidence before the Committee. - Reported specially, with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Lambs Skins, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 95.

Land Revenue (Buckingham Palace); Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Revenues, Report respecting; Vide Woods, Forests, And Land Revenues.
-, - Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.
-, - Tax Commissioners Names; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Redemption Act, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 29.

Lanfabon, & c. Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported specially. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Larceny, Convictions For; Account of; Vide Accounts, No 66.

Largs Harbour Bill; Vide Scotland.

Lawson v. Ogilvy; Appeal presented - Webster to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and allowed to 1st of January next.

Lead, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 89 to 92.

Lee, John, LL. D.; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Petition withdrawn, (on Petition,) and another presented and referred to same Judges, and Time for receiving Report enlarged. - Judges Report read, (on Petition,) and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported specially, with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Leicester, St. Margaret's, Poor; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Lewis v. Colmer et al.; Petition to present Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with - Appeal presented, and Tustin to enter into Recognizance. - Answers brought in. - Petition of R. Colmer to bring in his Answer without taking an Office Copy of Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Three Petitions of Respondents, and Petition of Appellant, for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and a Month allowed to Appellant, and Six Weeks to Two of the Respondents. - Hearing appointed. - Petitions of Respondent (Langdon) and Respondent (Sampson) for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Three Weeks allowed. - Petition of Respondent (Langdon) for further Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Respondent (Colmer) to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Langdon allowed Six Weeks, paying the Costs of the Appellant by reason of this Application. - Petition of Respondent (Sampson) for further Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and allowed until 20th July.

Licensed Victuallers, Liability for Loss of Property in their Houses; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 13.

Lichfield, & c. Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a . - 2a, and committed. - Reported with One Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Life Annuities Transfer; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, Committee negatived, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Limerick, The Earl of; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges in Ireland. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - Standing Order No 94. to be considered. - Order discharged.

Limitations Of Actions; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.

Lincoln, The Lord Bishop of, et al. (Mirehouse) v. Rennell; Writ of Error; To be further considered, and the Judges to attend to deliver their Opinion on the Question of Law put to them. - Order discharged. - To be further considered, and Judges to attend. - Order discharged. - To be further considered, and Judges to attend. - Judges Opinions delivered, seriatim, and further Consideration put off sine Die.

Linen And Hempen Manufactures, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Little Yarmouth Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a.-2a, and committed.- Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Liverpool Cattle Market; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, an Amendment made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Docks, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 30.
-, - Marine Assurance; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Revenue Buildings; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - And Holyhead Roads, Report respecting; Vide Holyhead.
-, - And Manchester Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported specially, with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Local Courts Of Jurisdiction, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 94.

Lockhart, John Ingram, Esquire; A Bill to enable, to take the Name of Wastie, presented, (on Petition,) and read 1a. - 2a, and committed, and a Witness to attend. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Logan et al. v. M. And J. Wienholt; Petition of Appellants to revive Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard . - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Heard . - To be further heard by One Counsel of a Side. - Order discharged. - To be further heard by One Counsel of a Side. - Heard. - Considered in Part, and further Consideration put off sine Die.

London Bridge, Account respecting;Vide Accounts, No 20.
-, - Approaches; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - Petition against. - 2a, and committed. - Petition of C. Pitt to add Clauses. - The King's Consent given, and Bill reported with Amendments. - 3a, an Amendment made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Paving of; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 20.
-, - Police; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Petition of Harbut Ward, the younger, to exempt Bridewell Precinct from the Operation of the Bill. - Petition of the Court of Aldermen of London against, presented and referred to the Committee.
-, - Sewers of; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 20.
-, - And Birmingham Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed; Two Petitions against, presented and referred to the Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Seven Petitions against, presented and referred to Committee. - Petition against, presented and referred to Committee. - Committee put off. - Petition in favor, presented and referred to Committee. - Petitions against, presented and referred to Committee, with Leave to be heard by Counsel . - Petition in favor. - Petition in favor, presented and referred to Committee, and Evidence taken from Time to Time to be printed. - Petition in favor, presented and referred to Committee. - Several Witnesses to attend Committee. - Petitions in favor, presented and referred to Committee. - Petitions against, presented and referred to Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel. - Petition in favor. - Report made from the Committee, that the Preamble has not been proved, ibid.

Londonderry Improvement Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - The Marquess of; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Several Witnesses to attend to be sworn, to give Evidence before the Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a; a printed Copy of the Bill referred to Judges in Ireland to take a Consent; The Earl Vane (in his Place) signified his Consent to the Bill for himself and infant Children. - Standing Order No 94 to be considered, and Lords summoned.-Considered and dispensed with; Bill 2a, and com- mitted, ibid. - Report of Judges in Ireland read, and referred to the Committee. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed.-3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons, ibid. - Returned agreed to, with Amendments, and Amendments considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Lords, Roll of the; Vide Roll.
-, - Summoned. - Order discharged, and Lords summoned. - Lords summoned. - Order discharged. - Lords summoned. - Order discharged, and Lords summoned, ibid. - Lords summoned. - Order discharged. - Lords summoned. ibid. - Order dis- charged, and Lords summoned. - Lords summoned. - Order discharged, and Lords summoned. - Order discharged.- Lords summoned.-Order discharged, and Lords summoned. - Order discharged, ibid. - Lords summoned. ibid. - Order discharged, and Lords summoned. - Order discharged, and Lords summoned. - Lords summoned. - Order discharged, and Lords summoned. - Lords summoned. - Order discharged. - Lords summoned . ibid.
-, - Take The Oaths; . ibid.

Lord's, The, Day; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 68. - Message for Report respecting; Vide Message, No 10.
-, Lorton, Viscount, And King v. The Earl Of Kingston et al., et E Con.; Appeal presented. - Lefroy to enter into Recognizance. - Appellants Pleadings proved. - Petition of Appellant to amend Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in. - Cross Appeal presented. - Answer to Cross Appeal brought in. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondent in Original Appeal for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and allowed until 21st September next.

Lottery Tickets (Outstanding); Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed, ibid. - Royal Assent.

Lucas et al. v. Nockells; Writ of Error; To be heard, and the Judges to attend. - Heard (the Judges being present); a Question of Law put to the Judges, and the further Consideration of Cause put off sine Die.

Luke et al. v. Hunter et al.; Appeal presented. - Robertson to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and One Month allowed. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Answer brought in. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Hearing appointed. - To be heard. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Heard. - Considered. - Interlocutors Affirmed, with £200 Costs.

Lunacy, Metropolitan Commissioners in; Account of; Vide Accounts, No 18.

Lunatics; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and referred to a Private Committee; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. (Vide Committee, No 15.) - Reported with Amendments, and to be printed as amended. - Went through Committee of Whole House, (on Motion,) with Amendments. - Amendments reported and agreed to, further Amendments made, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Message from H.C. for a Conference on the Subject of their Disagreement to some of the Amendments; (Vide Conference;) Report of the Commons Reasons for disagreeing to some of the Amendments read; moved, not to insist on those Amendments; on Question, resolved in the Affirmative, and a Message sent to inform them thereof. - Royal Assent.
-, - Commissions; A Bill to diminish the Inconvenience and Expence of Commissions in the Nature of Writs De lunatico inquirendo, and to provide for the better Care and Treatment of Idiots, Lunatics and Persons of unsound Mind, found such by Inquisition, presented by The Lord Chancellor; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

Lyme Regis, The Mayor, & c. of, v. Henley; Writ of Error; Delivered. - Petition of Defendant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made; a Fortnight allowed. - Hearing appointed. - To be heard, and the Judges to attend. - Petition of Plaintiffs to postpone the Hearing presented, and Hearing put off to next Session, and the Question of Costs of the Day to be then considered.

Macdonald, Lord, v. The Hon. A. Macdonald; - v. -; - v. - D. S. Macdonald; Appeals presented.
-, - Macdougall to enter into Recognizances. - Petitions for Time to lodge Cases, (in each Appeal,) presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Answers brought in. - Report made, and Six Weeks allowed to Parties on both Sides.

Macdougall, Alexander, Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges.

Mackenzie v. Rose; To be heard. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Put off. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Mac Millan et al. v. Campbell et al.; To be heard.- Heard, considered, and Respondents to deliver in their Bill of Costs, and further Consideration put off sine Die.

Mactavish v. Turner; Dismissed, (on Petition,) Respondent's Agent consenting.

Madhouses, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 85.

Magistracy, Petition respecting the; Vide Petitions, No 76.

Malcolm (or Kirk) et al. v. Messieurs Hotchkis and Meiklejohn; Appeal presented, and M'Crae to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for a Remit before Hearing, to correct certain Irregularities in the Proceedings, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Cause remitted to the Court of Session to correct the said Irregularities.

Malt, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No 39.
-, - Drawback; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a, and Petitions presented against, from County of Aberdeen, and Kincardine. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Under The Distillery Laws; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 44, 45.

Manchester Improvement; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Manchester, Bolton And Bury Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - The King's Consent given, and Bill reported specially. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Manerowen Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Mangel Wurzell Distillation; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Mansfield, The Earl of, v. Scott; Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in.
-, - or Tibshelf, Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported.-3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Margate Pier, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 34.

Marlborough And Swindon Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Marriage, Bills to dissolve; Vide Divorce.

Marriages Between Protestants And Catholics, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 66. 71.

Marsh v. Keating; Writ of Error; Delivered. - Hearing appointed.

Martin, J. T., And J. I. Martin; Petition of, for a Bill, presented, (on Petition,) and referred to Judges.-Reference to One of the Judges changed (on Petition).-Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed, and Standing Order No 94 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Considered and dispensed with, and Committee to meet. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Maule, The Hon. William, v. Maule; Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Hearing appointed, ibid.

Maynooth College, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 62. 67.

Mayo, County of; Members for; Petitions for Increase of; Vide Petitions, No 34.

McDougall v. Campbell et al.; Appeal presented, and Appellant to sue in formâ Pauperis, (on Petition,) . - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Report made, and Appellant now to lodge Cases. - Hearing appointed ex-parte.

M'Ewen v. Cameron; Appeal presented. - Webster to enter into Recognizance.

Mellish v. Richardson; Writ of Error; To be heard, and the Judges to attend. - No Counsel appearing for the Plaintiff, his Agent requested that the Cause might stand over, which being refused, the Defendant's Counsel was heard, (the Judges being present,) . - Counsel heard for Plaintiff and Defendant, (the Judges being present,) Two Questions of Law were put to the Judges, and the Consideration of the Cause adjourned post meridiem. - Judges Opinion on the First Question delivered in the Negative, Cause considered, and Judgment Affirmed.

Members (House of Commons) Seats Vacating; A Bill to alter the Laws now in force relating to vacating the Seats of Members of the House of Commons by Acceptance of Offices of Profit under the Crown, presented by The Marquess of Northampton; read 1a, and to be printed. - On Motion to be now read 2a, after short Debate, Motion, by Leave, withdrawn, and Bill to be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Order discharged.

Menzies And Stewart v. Fergusson et al.; Appeal presented, and Richardson to enter into Recognizance.
-, Message (1.) to the Commons, for Report of the last Session, on the Affairs of The East India Company, ordered.
-, 2. - for Report on Education, Ireland, in Session. - Report communicated by the Masters, and to be printed.
-, 3. - for Minutes of Evidence, Documents and Papers on which they passed the Zemindar of Nozeed Bill. - Commons will send an Answer. - Four Papers communicated, and referred to the Committee on the Bill, ibid.
-, 4. - for the First Report from the Select Committee on Tithes, Ireland.-for the Second Report from the Committee.-Communicated, and to be printed.
-, 5. Message to the Commons for Report and Evidence of Select Committee on the West India Colonies. - Commons will send an Answer. - Communicated, to be printed, and referred to Select Committee on the West India Colonies.
-, 6. - for Report from the Committee on the Bill for making Provision for the Dispatch of the Business of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland. - Communicated, and to be printed.
-, 7. - for Report from the Select Committee on Steam Carriages. - Communicated, and referred to the Select Committee on Steam Carriages Bill. - To be printed.
-, 8. - for Report from the Select Committee on Secondary Punishments. - Communicated, and to be printed.
-, 9. - for Report from Select Committee to enquire into the Laws and Practices relative to the Observance of the Lord's Day. - Commons will send an Answer.
-, 10. - requesting that they will give Leave to Members to attend the following Committees of this House; vizt.
-, Select Committee on Tithes, Ireland; The Right Honorable T. F. Lewis. - Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies; W. Burge Esquire. - Leave given. - T. F. Buxton Esquire. - Commons will send an Answer. - Leave given. - Committee on Gravesend Pier Bill; The Right Honorable Sir J. Graham Baronet; The Right Honorable Sir G. Cockburn; Sir T. B. Martin; and John Mills Esquire. - Commons will send an Answer.
-, 11. - from the Commons for Report and Evidence of Select Committee on Tithes, Ireland; the same was delivered to the Messengers.
-, 12. - for Report from the Select Committee on the West India Colonies, with Appendix; the Lords will send an Answer.
-, 13. - for The Marquess of Westmeath to attend the Select Committee on the State of Ireland; The Marquess consenting, Leave given.
-, 14. - for The Lord Bishop of London to attend the Select Committee on the Observance of the Sabbath; the Lords will send an Answer. - Leave given.

Mette, Echardt Martin, Naturalization; Bill presented, (on Petition,) and read 1a.-Certificate produced; Petitioner takes the Oaths; Bill read 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Metropolis Cemetery Bill; Vide Cemetery, General, Bill.
-, - Police Act, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 30. 92.
-, - Turnpike Roads, Sixth Report of the Commissioner sof; delivered.
-, a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Officers And Deputy Lieutenants, Return of Qualifications of; Vide Deputy Lieutenants.
-, - Pay; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Miller et al. v. Miller et al.; Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondents for an early Day, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.
-, - v. Moodie, or Anderson; Appeal presented, and Crawfurd to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed.
-, - v. Orr and Boog; Appeal presented, and Dobie to enter into Recognizance. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte.

Miller v. The Dundee and Newtyle Railway Company; Appeal presented. - Webster to enter into Recognizance.
-, - v. The Earl of Glasgow et al.; Appeal presented. - Robertson to enter into Recognizance.
-, Mills and Factories, Petitions respecting the Hours of Labour in; Vide Petitions, No 15.

Ministers Money, Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 4.

Mirehouse and others v. Rennell; Writ of Error; Vide Lincoln, Lord Bishop of.

Moffat, Frances: Bill to dissolve her Marriage, presented, (on Petition,) and read 1a; a Copy of the Proceedings in the Ecclesiastical Court being first delivered (upon Oath) at the Bar. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned, and usual Orders made. - Several Witnesses to attend. - Second Reading put off, and Lords summoned. - Counsel heard, Witnesses examined, and Second Reading put off, and Lords summoned. - Counsel heard, Witnesses examined, and Second Reading put off, and the Evidence to be printed. - To be further considered, and Lords summoned, and Mrs. Moffat to attend. - Order for Mrs. Moffat's Attendance discharged, and Bill to be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Order discharged, and Bill to be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Petition of William Palmer Moffat Esquire, to be heard by Counsel against. - Petition of Mrs. Moffat against Mr. Moffat's Petition, presented; moved, that the Bill be now read 2a; objected to; moved to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Six Months"); after Debate, on Question, that ("now") stand Part of the Motion? resolved in the Negative, and Bill put off for Six Months.

Monarchy, The; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 89.

Monmouth (Newport) Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Moohummudan Laws of Property, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 10.

Morris v. Davies et al.; Petition of Appellant for Production of Judges Notes, and to be allowed a Copy thereof, and for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, Prayer respecting the Judges Notes not complied with, and One Month allowed to lodge Cases. - Hearing appointed.

Motion (1.) for Copies of or Extracts from all Correspondence between the Factory at Canton and the Court of Directors of The East India Company, relative to the last Differences between the Factory and the Authorities at Canton; objected to, and (by Leave) withdrawn.
-, 2. - for an Address to His Majesty respecting the Treaty with Belgium, and the Separation of that Country from Holland; objected to, and, after long Debate, (on Question,) resolved in the Negative.
-, 3. - That a Question be put to the Judges respecting the Russian Dutch Loan; objected to, and, after long Debate, (by Leave,) withdrawn.
-, 4. - That a Select Committee be appointed to enquire into the depressed State of the British Glove Trade; objected to, and, (on Question,) resolved in the Negative.
-, 5. - for an Address for Copies of or Extracts from Dispatches relative to Belgium; objected to, and, after short Debate, (by Leave,) withdrawn.
-, 6. - to resolve, That, inasmuch as by the Plan of National Education established in Ireland, the Bible is practically excluded from Schools formed under the Sanction of Government, this House cannot view that Plan with Approbation; objected to, and, after long Debate, (on Question,) resolved in the Negative.
-, 7. - for Four Returns respecting the Importation and Use of Hemp and Flax in the Navy, and the Use and Experiments made of the Formium Tenax or New Zealand Flax; and the Three last, being objected to, were (by Leave) withdrawn, and the Remainder of Motion (on Question) agreed to. - Vide Accounts, No 97.
-, 8. - for a Copy of the Report of R. W. Green Esquire, K.C., who was sent by the Government to investigate the Circumstance at Newtown Barry; objected to, and (on Question,) resolved in the Negative.
-, 9. - for an Address to His Majesty, praying His Majesty to take into Consideration the afflicted State of His Protestant Subjects in Ireland, and adopt such Measures as are necessary to uphold the Protestant Religion, and protect the Lives and Properties of all His Majesty's Irish Subjects; objected to, and, after long Debate, (on Question,) resolved in the Negative.

Mullingar Gaol, Committals to; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 107.

Murray, Alexander, Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Murray's Claim Bill; Vide Zemindar of Nozeed.

Murton, William, Yeoman; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges.

Mutiny Continuing; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - (Marine) Continuing; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Mytholm Royd Bridge; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Napier v. Goldie et al.; Appeal presented. - Macdougall to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Two of the Respondents to dismiss Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and a Month allowed, and Respondents Petition not complied with.

National Debt, and Expences of Commissioners of; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 9,10 Judges Report read .

Navigation and Trade, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 22. and 76 to 88.

Navy Civil Departments; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - Order discharged. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Order discharged. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Read 2a, after Debate, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Went through the Committee, with One Amendment. - Amendment reported and agreed to, and Bill to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Netherlands, Treaty relative to the, signed at London, 15th November 1831; delivered, (by Command,) .
-, - Copy of the Convention signed at Mayence, March 1831, referred to in the Ninth Article of the above Treaty, and of the Tariff annexed, with Translation; delivered, (by Command,) .
-, - Fortifications in the; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 60.

Newcastle and Carlisle Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - and Drayton Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Newdegate et al. v. Newdigate; Appeal presented. - Humphreys to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Three Weeks allowed. - Hearing appointed.

Newfoundland Appropriation of Duties; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Fisheries; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Representative Local Legislature at; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 61.

New South Wales, & c.; Emigration to; Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, No 2.
-, - and Van Diemen's Land; Copies of the Laws and Ordinances passed by the Governors and Council; delivered.
-, - Mr. Stephen, late Puisne Judge at; Superannuation to; Vide Superannuation.

Newtown Barry, Papers respecting the Affair at; Vide Ireland; Motion, No 8.

New Zealand Flax, Motion for Returns respecting; Vide Motion, No 7. - Account respecting; Vide Account, No 97.

Nicol v. Sir R. W. Vaughan et al.; Appeal presented. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Appellant to advance the Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Heard in Part. - To be further heard. - Fully heard. - Considered, and Order, in Part, reversed, with a Declaration.

Nisi-prius Court, Dublin, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Nocton, & c. Drainage; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - The King's Consent given, and Bill reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Norfolk Assizes; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, to be printed, and to be read 2a. - Seven Petitions against. - Second Reading put off. - On Motion, to be now read 2a, objected to; Amendment moved, to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Six Months"); on Question, that ("now") stand Part of the Motion? resolved in the Affirmative; Bill read 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

North British Insurance Company v. Barker; Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Northern Lighthouses, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 37.

Norway, Trade with; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 78 79.

Norwich and Fakenham Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Lowestoft Navigation; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed, ibid. - Royal Assent.

Nottidge and Black v. Prichard; Appeal presented. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed.

OATHS of Supremacy and Abjuration, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 54.
-, - The Lords take the; Vide Lords.
-, Odiham and Farnham Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Office of Works; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Orders of The House, Breach of; Vide House.

Orders, Standing; Nos 26 and 155, relative to Bills not being read or proceeded in Twice the same Day, to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Considered, and dispensed with on the Cholera Prevention Bill. - On the Cholera Prevention, Scotland, Bill. - On the Sheriff of Selkirk Bill.
-, - No 94, relative to the Time of the Meeting of Committees on Private Bills, to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Order discharged. - To be considered. - Relative to Consents. - Considered, and dispensed with on The Marquess of Londonderry's Estate Bill. - On Martin's Estate Bill. - On Frank's Estate Bill.
-, - No 126, respecting Bills for selling Lands, and purchasing others, to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Considered, and dispensed with on the Durham University Bill.
-, - No 153, to be considered, in order to be amended, and Lords summoned. - Considered, and amended.
-, - No 210, to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Considered, and dispensed with on the Cemetery (General) Bill.

Ordnance Department; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Orphans Fund, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No 19.

Ossett Soke Corn Mills; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Outlawries for High Treason in Ireland, Returns respecting; Vide Ireland.

Outrages in Ireland, Returns respecting; Vide Ireland.

PAISLEY GAS Bill; Vide Scotland.

Palace Court, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 97.

Panizzi, Antonio, Esquire, Naturalization; Bill presented, (on Petition,) and read 1a. - Certificate produced; Petitioner takes the Oaths; Bill read 2a, and committed. - Reported with an Amendment, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Parliament; The Session opened by His Majesty. - Prorogued by His Majesty. - Further prorogued.

Parliamentary Representation, Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, No 6. - Papers respecting; Vide Reform; Accounts, Nos 98.
-, - Ireland; Papers respecting; Vide Ireland.

Party Processions, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Pasteur, Pierre Jaques Adolpe, Naturalization; Bill presented, (on Petition,) and read 1a. - Certificate produced; Petitioner takes the Oaths; Bill 2a, and committed. - Reported and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Patison and Blincow v. Allan and Company et al; - v. - Answers brought in. - Petitions of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petitions complied with.

Patzeker, Edward, Naturalization; Bill presented, (on Petition,) and read 1a. - Certificate produced; Petitioner takes the Oaths; Bill read 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Peerage, Claims of; Vide Berners; Crauford; Duffus; Kellie; Slane; Stirling (Petition respecting); Waterford.
-, - Claim to vote at Elections of Representative Peers for Scotland; Vide Scotland, Duffus.
-, Peerages; Claims to vote at Elections of Representative Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland - Crofton; Ranfurly; Trimlestown; Waterford, Earl of; Waterford, Marquess of.

Penitentiary, General, at Millbank; Annual Report from the Committee on; delivered.

Pensions, & c. Duties; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, Committee negatived, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Permits; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Perthshire Roads Bill; Vide Scotland.

Petitions, - 1. for facilitating the Study of Anatomy; from the Hunterian Society. - Sheffield. - President, & c. of the Faculty of Physic, London; and School of Anatomy, Webb Street, Southwark. - Physicians, & c. of Leeds; and Inhabitants of Leeds. - St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London; and Worcester. - Students of Medicine, University of Glasgow, & c.; D. Phelan and others; and Lancaster. - Medical Students, Little Windmill Street Theatre. - Medical Societies of Worcestershire; and Liverpool.
-, 2. - that in any Enactment for facilitating the Study of Anatomy, the Privileges of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland may be preserved.
-, 3. - in favor of Reform of Parliament; from Wellington. - County of Perth. - Kinsale. - Roscommon; and Renfrewshire Political Union (received as Petition of Persons signing,) . - Stonehouse; Mayor, & c. of Waterford; and Castlebar; & c. - Dunsany; and Skreen and Rathfigh. - County of Dublin (received as Petition of Persons signing). - Westmeath; and Navan. - Derrypatrick. - Dunoon. - J. J. Stockdale. - Balmerino. - County of Roxburgh; and Mansfield.
-, 4. - respecting Ministers Money, Ireland, and for Repeal of Vestry Acts; from the National Trades Political Union, Dublin.
-, 5. - for Alteration in the Tithe Laws, or Abolition of Tithes, Ireland; from Grenagh; Carne and Lady's Island; and Tacumshane. - Knockmark, & c. - Rathclaren. - Skreen and Rathfigh; Clonmethan; and Woollen Grange, presented and referred to Select Committee on Tithes, Ireland. - Stabannon, presented and referred to same Committee. - A. Marmion; and Trim. - Navan; and Ballinakill. - Kilrane; Ratoath; Balaconick; and Kilcoan. - Derrypatrick; Kilbrew and Tryvett; Richardstown; Old Leighlin, & c.; Carrickbeg; and National Trades Political Union, Dublin. - Ballylanheen. - Marraugh. - Faughart; Carrick-on-Suir; Mosstown; Whitechurch and Garrocloyne; New Ross; and Kilmannan. - Butlerstown; Kilree; Gowran; Kells; Clara; Youghal; and C. Scully. - Kiltayle; Monasterevan, & c.; Clonmore; Dromin; Rahill and Rathvilly; Kill, & c.; Newtown; and Moleary and Monasterboice. - Graig, & c.; Myross; and Cashel. - Drogheda; Landholders, Harristown; and Tithe Payers, Harristown. - Donegore, & c.; Belfast; Forth; Termonfechin, & c.; and Duncormack. - Ballinrobe; Moncoin and Carageen; Abbert; and Ardrahan. - Moyanna and Stradbally, presented and referred to the Select Committee on Tithes, Ireland. - Carlingford; Taghmon; Ahina; and Maghera and Killelagh. - Rower; and Kilsaran. - Kilbrittain; and Coolbanaher and Ardee. - Athy. - Ballymacormick, & c.; Athboy, & c.; Syddan, & c.; and Navan. - Cong. - Tyholland. - Newport Pratt and Tieranan. - Clogher. - Walterstown; and Cruisetown. - Kiltinell and Clonegoose, ibid. - Seapatrick; Political Union, Waterford; Clondalkin, & c.; Lanesboro; Loughmore; Shrule; and Bargy. - Clonnoulty and Rossmore, ibid. - Donamine. - Edenderry, & c.; and St. Andrews and Grey Abbey. - Santry. - Kilkeedy; and Kilbrudy, & c. - Ballingany; Newtownbarry; Knockaney and Patrickswell; Rosdroit and Templescobin; and Kilcash and Templetney. - Ballymore; and Kilworth, & c. - Loughan. - Temple-Shambo. - Beaminster. - Stamullen, & c.; Ardbraccan and Cortown; Garrocloyne; Whitechurch; and Mullinahone. - Garristown and Bellemadun; and Aglis. - Kilbeheny, ibid. - Kilbrogan and Ballymoodan; and Kilcock and Cloncurry. - Naul, & c.; and Castle-Lyons. - Painstown and Ardmulchan; Bally Mac Hugh and Dromloman; Carrickmacross; and Kildalkey. - Kilcollumb, & c. - Hospital and Herbertstown. - Cloonacool. - Clahane and Ballyduff. - Kinsale, & c.; Kildimo; Castle Gregory, & c.; Burnchurch; Galbally; Timoleague; and Ballynadee. - Mourne Abbey and Grenaugh; Killorny; Killshinane; Dysert; Kilfeighney; Liscarrol; and Lurgan. - Tacumshane. - Lower Killeavy; and Killeavy and County Armagh.
-, 6. - for the Abolition of Slavery; from Beckham; Tyddyn; Castleford; Union Street, Southwark, Meeting; Chepstow; Bethel Chapel, Cemues, Llanbadrig; Kellington; Darrington; Featherstone; Lorn; Annan; Weeley; Wereham; Cefn Mawr; Killishee; Atherstone; Aldringham; Skelbrook; Ebenezer Chapel, Caernarvon; Avebury; Abersychan; Eynsford; Llanafan; Knighton; Tabor; Arncliffe; Saron; Abury; Tregaron; Aberton; St. Peter's Port, Guernsey; Llanfechell; Badsworth; Asham Bryan; Straddishall; and Lewes. - Grimsby, Arbroath; Astley; Aldborough; Little Alie Street Chapel, Goodmans Fields; Baptists, Ashton-under-Lyne; Altrincham; Protestants, Ashton-under-Lyne; Auchtergaven; Thorne and Hatfield; Cheshunt; Ashbocking; Ashfield cum Thorpe; Ashwell; and Abbott's Roothing. - F. Shekleton. - Whitchurch. - Marylebone. - Hemel Hempstead; and St. Albans. - Durham. - Louth. - Carmarthen. - Wisbech; and Ridgmount. - British Subjects; West Row, Stockton; Brabourne; Great Shelford; Blisworth; Cannington; Congleton; Mansfield; Frome; Woodbridge; Epping; Oswestry; Horrabridge; Wellingborough; Leiston; Providence Chapel, Abergavenny; Braintree; Bocking; and Bridgwater. - Billericay; Nottingham; and Carlisle. - Edinburgh. - Newcastle upon Tyne; Hereford; Church Withington; Baptist Chapel, Hereford; Eign Brook Chapel, Hereford; and Berrington Street Chapel, Hereford. - Northampton. - Osmaston. - York. - British Subjects; Coln; Chichester; Liverpool; and Leicester. - Bromsgrove; Stratton St. Margaret; Lickey; Horeb; France Chapel, Chalford Hill; Eastcombs; and Bath. - Brunswick Chapel, Mile End Road. - Yeaveley. - Shirley. - Derby. - Methodists, Chester.
-, 7. - for Repeal of the Beer Act; from Laughton. - Burslem. - Cheadle. - Justices of the Peace, Cheshire, assembled in Quarter Sessions. - Burslem.
-, 8. - for the Establishment of a Labour Rate; from Shipley. - Pulborough. - West Grinstead. - Petworth.
-, 9. - for Enquiry into Public Hospitals; from Worcester.
-, 10. - for Alteration in the Hindoo and Moohummudan Laws of Property and Inheritance; from Ministers in Bombay.
-, 11. - for Protection to the Silk Manufacture against Foreign Competition; from Silk Throwsters, Macclesfield.
-, 12. - for Revision of the Criminal Laws, and against Punishment of Death for Offences against Property; from Monstrevan. - Tullamoore; Clara; and Moate. - Ross. - Bury St. Edmunds. - Hinckley; Brigg; Kirton in Lindsay; Caistor; and Poole. - Oxford. - Beccles. - Bangor and Wincanton. - Alton. - Ampthill; Earl's Colne; North Walsham; Market Weighton; Axbridge; Parson's Town; Chapel, Rose Street, Wokingham; Dudley; and Selby.- Reading; Horsham; Liverpool; Warrington; Wigton; High Flatts; Danby; Stapleton; Culmstock; and Truro. - Kingston upon Thames; Olney; and Beverley.- Clogheen.- J. J. Stockdale. - Blackburn; Folkestone; and Aisgarth. - Castle Comer; Waterford; Rosscrea; Guisbro'; and Mountmelick. - Kildare; Athy; Cootehill; Newtown Limivady; Rathangan; Thornton Rusts; and Members of the Leinster Circuit Bar. - Lisburn; Grand Jurors, County of Leitrim; and Dublin. - Hereford, ibid. - King's bridge; and Bishop Stortford. - Loughall; and National Political Union. - Cavan; Ramelton; and Leighlin Bridge.
-, 13. - for Revision of the Laws imposing Liabilities for Loss of Property at their Houses; from Licensed Victuallers of Brighthelmston. - New Windsor.- Isle of Wight.
-, 14. - against the proposed Plan of Education of the Poor of Ireland; from Protestants, Moate. - Portarlington. - All Saints, Donegal. - Drumlish, ibid. - Midleton; Iffa and Offa West; Crossmolina, & c.; Monastereven; Bally Kelly; Nowhead; and Donoughmore. - Ballytrain; Smisby; and Skull. - Clare. - Clergy, & c. of Ireland; and of Waterford; and Inhabitants of Boveva. - Liverpool. - Corporation of Shoemakers, Dublin. - Archbishop and Clergy of Diocese of Tuam; Archbishop of Tuam and Clergy of Diocese of Ardagh; Bishop and Clergy of Diocese of Elphin; Kilbroney; Clonmel; and Stambourne. - Watford; Dromlease; and Killenumery. - Exeter; Ballesodere; Granard; Dromore; Lyme and Charmouth; and Southrepps and Waxham. - J. B. M Crea; and Bangor. - J. Holmes,. - Wellington; Chester; Bruera; Foxearth; Wareham; Reading; Maidenhead; and Drumquin and Langfield. - Bandon; Kennigh; Desert-Serges; Murragh; Monaghan; Granshaw; and Drum. - Tynemouth; Wethersfield; Denston; Wickhambrook; Stradishall; Hawkedon; Wimborne; and Pentlow. - Clergy of Diocese of Cork. - Darlington; Sherborne; and Brigg, & c. - Sunday School Teachers; Bridport; Dorchester; Belchamp St. Paul; Shaftesbury; and Canterbury. - Rochester, & c.; Clergymen of Diocese of Exeter; White Roothing; and Kilmalooda. - Boardmills. - Randalstown; Templemartin; and Newton Abbot. - Measham; Ipswich; Rushmere; and Tuttingstone. - Dunblane; Presbytery of Auchterarder; Kentford; Denham; Dalham; Ashley; Gazely; and Leicester. - Presbytery of Tain. - Killesher; Skreen; Bulmer cum Belchamp, & c.; Templetrim; and Clergy of Fairford. - Provincial Synod of Aberdeen; Louth, & c.; Tillicoultry; Torquay; and Two from Devonshire. - Taunton; Presbytery of Lochmaben; and Manchester. - Synod of Glasgow and Ayr; Synod of Fife; Annan; Forfar; St. Andrews; and Ashburne,.-Cotgrave, & c. - Synod of Ross; Cheveley; Presbytery of Stirling; Synod of Perth and Stirling; Presbytery of Perth; Tracton, & c., Brinny and Knockavilly; Temple Michael; and Rochford. - Synod of Galloway; Presbytery of Aberdeen; and Kilnagross. - Counties of Flint and Denbigh. - Drumgooland, received as the Petition of the Persons signing it; Clonakilty; Ross Carbery; Innishannon; Dunmanway; Brighthelmston; Archdeacon and Clergy of Raphoe; Creagh and Abbey Strowry; and Ballymoney. - Clergy of Diocese of Kilmore. - Melbourne. - Cropper Street, Manchester; Presbytery of Dalkeith; and of Linlithgow.-Carbery; Leffunny; Edmonton; King's Lynn; and East Dereham. - Presbytery of Dunoon, received as the Petition of the Person signing it; and Rawreth. - Bristol; Inhabitants of Glasgow; and Presbytery of Glasgow.- Guildford; Clifton Campville; Kirk Langley; Chesterfield; St. John's, Derby; Winster; and Ormaston by Ashbourn. - Spondon; St. George's Church, Derby; Weston upon Trent; St. Peter's Church, Derby; Norwich; Presbytery of Newcastle upon Tyne; and Dumfries.- Marden; Presbytery of Hamilton; Kilvarnet; Orange Lodges, Banbridge (Four); Persons subscribing; Presbytery of Haddington; and York. - Archdeaconry of Rochester; Addington; and Kenchester, & c.-Killashee; Balbriggan; Faughart; Killoran; Orange Lodges (Dromore), Nos 834 and 851; Orange Lodge (Banbridge), No 416; Killala; and Kilmeen. - Swords; Presbytery of Edinburgh; and Weymouth. - Shrule; Ballinrobe; Kilskier; Raddanstown; Grange Gorman; Kilmacshalgan and Templeboy; Jonesborough; Orange Lodges of Dromore, No 1,030; No 730; No 1,181; No 1,193; No 982; and No 1,159. - Edinburgh. - Rathcoony; Presbytery of Irvine; Orange Lodges (Dromore), No 933 and No 1,586; and Balrothery. - Arva; Foxford; Anna; and Easkey. - Drumgath; Carrig-allen; Kilfree; Stranorlar; Connor; and Temple port. - Camus juxta Mourne, & c.; and Ardstraw. - Ardstraw; Comber; and Drumcliff.- St. Bridget's, Dublin; Moylesker; Cashell; Drumhilary; Aghold; Cleenish; Keady; Loughrea; Kilglass; and Antrim. - Archdeaconry of Totnes. - Leekpatrick; Kildallen; Drumriely; Donegore, & c.; Achonry; Killeshandra; Donagheady; Taughboyne; Carrickfergus; Delgany; Aughalurcher; Clones; Orange Lodges, No 765 and No 1,690; Clough; and Wexford. - Taunaugh; Kilmacallane; and Drumcollum. - Youghal. - Archdeaconry of Bedford. - Sturminster Newton. - Synod of Argyll.
-, 15. - for Regulation of the Labour in Cotton and other Factories; from Chesterfield. - Ampthill. - Reading; and Kettering. - Rochdale. - Maidstone. - Bethnal Green; Persons subscribing; and Christchurch, Spitalfields. - Great Faringdon; and Hemel Hempsted. - Inhabitants of Bishopsgate Street; Maidenhead; and Brigham, & c. - Blackburn; Devonport; and Ditchling.-Clerkenwell. - Canterbury. - Bury. - Carlisle. - Horsham. - Rochester; Glasgow; and Stockton upon Tees. - Outwood, & c. - St. Albans. - Exeter. - Derby. - Ashton-under-Lyne. - Manchester. - North Walsham. - Minories; and Halifax. - Whitechapel; and Hoxton.
-, 16. - against the Establishment of a General Register Office; from Owners of Real Property at Wisbech.
-, 17. - for the Abolition of Tithes and Church Rates, Ireland; from Rathclaren. - Carrickbeg. - Kilmesson; Dunsany; and Maryboro', & c. - Kilcoman and Robin. - Termonfechin, & c. - Clonmore, & c.; Drumcar; and Dunleer, & c. - Kilcullen and Gormanstown. - Drumconrath, & c. - Roslea, & c.; and Balemakenny. - Dromiskin; and Celbridge. - Nobber. - Kilcouly and Kilbanon; and Crossboyne, & c. - Prosperous and Caragh; and Ardkeen.-Ardee, & c. - Crecora; Carnew; and Ballinaslaney, & c. - Retain, & c.; Kentstown and Ballymagarvy; and Laracor. - St. Mary's Limerick. - East Aughnamullen. - Political Union of Edmarine, (received as Petition of Person signing,) . - Maheracloone; and Castlejordan. - Painstown and Ardmulchan; Bally Mac Hugh and Dromloman; Carrickmacross; and Kildalkey. - Enniskeen and Kingscourt; and Kilcavin, & c.- Killany.- Molahiff, & c.- Ratoath, & c.-Rathdrum, & c.-Galbally. - Cove and the Great Island; Ballyhea, & c.; and Persons subscribing. - Tallow, & c.
-, 18. - for Repeal of the Vestry Act, Ireland, and for the Abolition of Tithes; from Dungarvan. - Killag. - Duncormack. - Crossmolina. - Mullyfarnham, & c.- Monaghan; and Tydavnet.- Kilrossenty; Moynalty; and Kilcloone and Radenstown. - Fiddown; and Donaghcavey. - Kildalkey. - Lisronagh. - Kilrane.
-, 19. - against the proposed Measure of Reform of Parliament; from County of Cambridge. - Corporation of Bricklayers and Plasterers, Dublin; and Guild of Merchants, Dublin; and Corporation of Shoemakers, Dublin.
-, 20. - respecting Reform in Parliament; from County of Worcester. - Of Perth. - G. C. Rapier.
-, 21. - against the Importation of Foreign Ribbons; from Nuneaton and Chilvers Coton.
-, 22. - complaining of the Arrest of Count Joseph Napoleon Czapski, a Pole, under the Aliens Act; from Dublin.
-, 23. - for a similar Measure of Reform for Ireland to that for England; from Kilcoman and Robin; National Trades Political Union; and Grange Gorman. - Duncormack; Kilcoan; and New Ross. - Kiltagle; and Balaconick. - Kilmesson. - Killag; and Kilmannon. - Belfast Reform Society. - Gallen. - Moncoin and Carigeen. - Bective; and Navan. - Kilcoman and Robin. - Clonmel. - Monaghan. - Clonmel. - Cong.
-, 24. - for the Repeal of the Union between Great Britain and Ireland; from Longford, & c. - Corporation of Joiners, & c., Dublin.
-, 25. - for the Introduction of Poor Laws into Ireland; from Whitechurch and Garrocloyne. - Armagh. - Society for Encouragement of Industry, King's Head Tavern, Poultry, (received as the Petition of the Person signing,) .
-, 26. - for disbanding the Yeomanry Corps of Ireland; from Wexford; Maglass, & c.; and Taghmon.
-, 27. - for Repeal of the Sub-letting Act, Ireland; from Butlerstown.
-, 28. - for Reduction of the Cabin Fares of the Holyhead Government Steam Packets; from Mail Coach Contractors, & c. on the Road from London to Holyhead.
-, 29. - for the Augmentation of small Benefices; from the Clergy of the Deanery of Boroughbridge.
-, 30. - for Exemption of their Parish from the Operation of the Metropolis Police Act; from Inhabitants of TootingGraveney.
-, 31. - for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals; from the Society for that Object. - London and Westminster. - Saffron Walden.
-, 32. - against the proposed Measure of Reform in Parliament, Scotland; from County of Argyll.
-, 33. - against the Repeal of the Union between Great Britain and Ireland, Reform of Parliament, and proposed Plan of Education, Ireland; from County and City of Cork.
-, 34. - for an Increase of Members to the County of Mayo; from Aughawal. - Westport; Aughagour; Louisburg; and Isleanady.
-, 35. - for the Abolition of Tithes, Ireland, and for Repeal of the Vestry and Sub-letting Acts, Ireland; from Kiltormer.
-, 36. - for further Powers to Magistrates to preserve the Public Peace of Ireland; from Lieutenant and Magistrates of the County of Westmeath, Sheriff and Grand Jury, King's County, Lent Assizes 1832, assembled at Philips town.
-, 37. - against the proposed Measure of facilitating the Study of Anatomy; from Blackburn.
-, 38. - for Reduction of the Duty on West India Sugar, and against the Use of Foreign Sugar in England; from Proprietors and others interested in the West India Colonies, residing in Belfast.
-, 39. - in favor of the proposed Plan of Education of the Poor of Ireland; from Wareham. - Dewsbury. - Leicester. - Liversedge. - Protestant Dissenters, (Two,) . - Lord Mayor, & c. of London. - Trustees of the Tuam Free Schools. - Dumfries; and Derby. - Belfast; Magistrates, & c. of Cupar; Dissenting Ministers, London and Westminster; Stratforduponvon; Honiton; Dissenting Ministers, County of Worcester; and Wethersfield. - Cortoon; Belclare; Donaughpatrick and Kilcooney; Annadown; Lacker; Becan; and Galway. - Corosin; and Romsey. - Magistrates, & c. of Kinghorn. - Newport Pratt and Tiernar; Weymouth; Crook Street Chapel, Chester; Westport; and Cropper Street Political Union, Manchester. - St. Audeons, Dublin; and St. James, Westminster. - Political Union of Enniscorthy. - Mayo; and Tuam. - Kilcoman and Robin. - Ballinrobe; and Paradise Street Chapel, Liverpool. - Aughagoure; and Kilgiver. - Presbytery of Dunfermline, received as the Petition of the Person signing it; Southern Presbytery of Dublin; Unitarians, Salford; Renshaw Street Chapel, Liverpool; St. Michael's and St. John's Dublin; and Presbytery of Belfast. - Turlogh and Kildacommogue; National Political Union; and Presbyterian Synod of Munster, received as the Petition of the Person signing it. - Vice Patron of the British School, Newport. - Rathfeigh and Skreen. - Byrom Street Chapel; Gloucester Street Chapel; and Presbytery of Antrim. - Thorne and Stainforth; and St. Nicholas, & c. Dublin. - Synod of Ulster. - Bethesda Chapel, Liverpool; Great George Street Chapel, Liverpool; and Castletown Delvin, & c. - Dissenters, (Baptists,) Lymington; and Dissenters, (Independents,) Lymington. - Newton and Failsworth; and Rivington. - Hanley; Cross Street Chapel, Manchester; and Castletown Delvin, & c. - Members of Provincial Meeting of Lancashire and Cheshire; and Methodists, Chester.
-, 40. - for Reform in the Church Establishment; from Bentley, Arksey.
-, 41. - for Reform in the Church Establishment and in Parliament; from W. Palmer. - T. V. S. Villars Esquire.
-, 42. - against General Fasts, and for Reform in Parliament; from R. Jones.
-, 43. - for Alteration of the Law as to Purchase of Lands for Burial Grounds; from Stoke Damerel.
-, 44. - to abolish the Malt Drawback under the Distillery Laws; from Distillers, Londonderry.
-, 45. - against the Reduction of the Drawback on Malt Spirits; from Distillers of Whiskey from Malt in the Elgin Excise Collection.
-, 46. - for Repeal of the Roman Catholics Relief Act, and against the Reform Bill; from The Reverend Sir H. Lees. - County of Longford.
-, 47. - for such a Regulation of the Sugar Duties as may mitigate and ultimately extinguish Slavery; from Lord Mayor, & c. of London.
-, 48. - for Revision of the Laws respecting the Office of Sheriff; from Sheriff, & c. at the Assizes held at the Castle of Lincoln on 6th March 1832.
-, 49. - for Repeal of so much of the Acts of 12 Richard 2, C. 10, and 14 Richard 2, C. 11, as relates to the Number of Justices of the Peace for each County, and the Wages to be paid them and Clerks of the Peace; from Sheriff, & c. at the Assizes held at the Castle of Lincoln on 6th March 1832.
-, 50. - for Protection to West India Colonies; from Chamber of Commerce, Glasgow; and Stirling. - Merchants, & c. of Port Glasgow and Newark. - Greenock.
-, 51. - for Revision of the Poor Laws; from Olney.
-, 52. - that the Rights granted by Charter to the Citizens of Cork may be restored to them; from Inhabitants of Cork.
-, 53. - for the Repeal of the Kingstown and Dublin Railway Act; from St. Andrews, and Proprietors of Jaunting Cars plying on the Road between Dublin and Kingstown.
-, 54. - for Alteration in the Laws imposing the Necessity of taking the Oaths of Supermacy and Abjuration; from Lord Mayor, & c. of London.
-, 55. - against any Bill to arm the Executive Authorities in Ireland with new Powers for the Recovery of Tithes; from Graig, & c.
-, 56. - for Repeal of the Vestry Act, Ireland; from Enniscorthy and Templeshannon. - Athboy.
-, 57. - for Relief, and for Parliamentary Enquiry into the Condition and Treatment of the Slaves in the West India Colonies; from Planters, & c. interested in those Colonies, presented; on Motion, that the Petition do lie on the Table, after long Debate, on Question, agreed to. - From Glasgow; and Trades House of Glasgow, presented and referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies, ibid. - Dingwall; and Elgin. - County of Inverness. - Chamber of Commerce of Greenock. - County of Ross, presented and referred to above Committee. - St. Lucia, presented and referred to above Committee. - General Shipping United Association of Glasgow.
-, 58. - against Alteration of the Distillery Laws; from County of Ross.
-, 59. - in favor of the Reform Bills (England and Scotland), and for increasing the Number of Members proposed in the Reform Bill, Ireland; from Clonnoulty and Rossmore.
-, 60. - for the Establishment of a Court of Judicature possessing Admiralty Jurisdiction at Singapore, in the East Indies; from Inhabitants of Singapore.
-, 61. - for a Representative local Legislature at Newfoundland; from Inhabitants of Harbor Grace, in Conception Bay, Newfoundland.
-, 62. - for withholding the Annual Grant to the College at Maynooth; from Presbytery of Stirling; and of Paisley; and Drumchurin. - Presbytery of Newcastle upon Tyne.
-, 63. - for enquiring into the State of the Collieries; from Pitmen in Coal Mines on the Tyne and Wear.
-, 64. - that the Property of Absentees from Ireland may be taxed for the Support of the Poor of Ireland; from Enniscorthy and Templeshannon.
-, 65. - for Revision of the Grand Jury System of Ireland; Abolition of Tithes; as extensive a Reform in Parliament as that for England; and in favor of the proposed Plan of Education of the Poor of Ireland; from Urney; and Terminamongan.
-, 66. - to abrogate such Statues as impose Penalties on Catholic Clergymen for marrying Protestants with Catholics; from National Trades Political Union, Dublin.
-, 67. - against the proposed Plan of Education of the Poor of Ireland, and that the Annual Grant to the College of Maynooth may be discontinued; from St. James' Church, Standard Hill, Nottingham. - Guildford; Kirk Langley; Chesterfield; St. John's Church, Derby; and Winster.
-, 68. - for Amendment in the Law as to the Observance of the Lord's Day; from Camberwell. - Chelsea. - Huddersfield. - Tradesmen of London (Two); and Watford, & c.
-, 69. - for the Restoration of Captain Graham to the Commission of the Peace in Ireland; from Magistrates of the County of Wexford.
-, 70. - respecting the Mode of levying local Rates in the City of Cork; from Rate Payers, St. Peter's Cork.
-, 71. - against the Repeal of the Statute 12 Geo. 1, imposing Penalties on Catholic Clergymen for marrying Protestants to Catholics; from J. Graham, Rector of Tamlaght Ard.
-, 72. - for Inquiry into the perilous Condition of the Queen's County, Ireland; from Lord Lieutenant, & c. of the County, assembled at the Lent Assizes 1832.
-, 73. - for Enquiry into the present System of Astronomy; from J. Finleyson.
-, 74. - for the Suppression of Political Unions, and against the Reform, Ireland, Bill; from Kirk-Langley, & c.
-, 75. - against the Payment of Tithes; to remove all Ecclesiastics from Political Power; to utterly disunite Church and State; and to suspend all coercive Proceedings respecting Tithes in Ireland; from Beaminster. - Landulph and Botusfleming.
-, 76. - to exclude the Clergy from the Magistracy, and for regulating County Expences; from Cheshire, (received as Petition of Person signing,) .
-, 77. - for Legislative Provision for the Sale of Ecclesiastical Property; from the Council of the Northern Political Union.
-, 78. - complaining of the distressed State of Trade and Agriculture; and for Relief; from Proprietors of Lands in York.
-, 79. - for Relief; from G. W. Busteed. - A Second Petition for Relief, and to have the First Petition and Correspondence attached to it printed.
-, 80. - that Corners Courts may be open Courts; from R. S. Tighe. - Prisoners in the King's Bench Prison.
-, 81. - complaining of the Alteration of the Route of the Mail Coach to Dublin, by which Collon and Ardee are deprived of a daily Post; from certain Persons.
-, 82. - complaining of being removed from their Houses, and in favor of Vote by Ballot; from Warwick.
-, 83. - for an open Committee to enquire into the Causes of the Acts of Violence committed by the Pitmen at the Coal Mines on the Tyne and Wear; from Proprietors, & c. of Coal Mines on those Rivers.
-, 84. - for Remuneration for preventing a Smuggling Vessel from landing her Cargo; from John Dillon.
-, 85. - for Enquiry into the State of Madhouses; from J. J. Stockdale.
-, 86. - that the present Mode of collecting Tithes in Kind may be abolished; from R. Hopper.
-, 87. - that in the Schools for the Education of the Poor in Ireland the fullest Liberty be secured to Protestants to read the whole Scripture, without Note or Comment; from the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.
-, 88. - for Means to assist in the Recovery of Tithes in Ireland; from W. O'Neill.
-, 89. - for Protection of the Church and Monarchy; from The Reverend Sir Harcourt Lees.
-, 90. - for Alterations in the Tithe Composition Act, Ireland; from Doneraile.
-, 91. - in favor of the proposed Plan of Education of the Poor of Ireland; of the Reform, Ireland, Bill; and for the Abolition of Tithes, Ireland; from Cong.
-, 92. - for Relief from the Rate under the Metropolis Police Act; from Vestrymen of St. Marylebone.
-, 93. - that all Meetings to be held under the St. Pancras Paving, & c. Act, which shall fall on a Sunday, may be held on the Day following; from the Commissioners, & c. for paving the Skinner's Estate, St. Pancras.
-, 94. - for the Establishment of Local Courts of Jurisdiction; from Leicester.
-, 95. - for Revision of the Law of Debtor and Creditor; from Prisoners in the King's Bench Prison.
-, 96. - for the Abolition of Infanticide in India; from Methodists of the New Connexion, Chester, (received as the Petition of the Persons signing,) .
-, 97. - for Enquiry into the Powers of the Palace Court; from R. G. Butt.
-, 98. - that their Lordships will insist on the Restoration of the Independence of Poland; from Bridgwater.
-, 99. - against the Importation of Foreign Gloves; from Glove Manufacturers of Milborne Port. - Manufacturers of Leather Gloves, Milborne Port. - Worcester. - Yeovil; London; and Great Torrington. - Hereford. - Worcester. - Kington; and Woodstock. - Yeovil. - Worcester.
-, 100. - for Compensation to the Dublin Coal Meters; from Dublin; Corporations of Bakers, Dublin; of Cooks; of Shoemakers; of Tanners; of Butchers; of Chandlers, & c.; of Barbers, & c.; and of Carpenters, & c. - Corporation of Weavers; and Lord Mayor, & c. of Dublin, presented, and the whole referred to Select Committee on Dublin Coal Trade Bill.
-, 101. - in favor of the Bill for meliorating the Condition of the Agricultural Poor; from Skipsea; and Bedford.
-, 102. - for compulsory Composition of Tithes; from Tully and Aughuish.
-, 103. - to take all Church Property into the Hands of Government, and dispose of it partly for the Clergy, and partly for the entire People; from Moncoin, & c.

Phipps v. Ackers; Appeal presented, and G. Phipps to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant to restore Appeal and lodge Cases, and Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and both Petitions complied with. - Hearing appointed.

Phormium Tenax or New Zealand Flax, Motion for Returns respecting; Vide Motion, No 7. - Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 97.

Pilots Fund, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 27.

Plurality of Benefices; A Bill to restrain and regulate the holding of, by Spiritual Persons, presented by The Archbishop of Canterbury; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Committee put off, and Lords summoned. - House in Committee, and to be again in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Petition of Reverend H. B. Wrey for a certain Provision in the Bill. - Moved, that the House be now put into a Committee; after Debate, further Debate adjourned during Pleasure. - Debate resumed, and after long Debate, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative; House in Committee, and to be again in Committee, and Lords summoned, ibid. - Went through Committee, with Amendments; Report to be received, and Lords summoned. - Amendments reported and agreed to, Bill to be ingrossed and read 3a, and Lords summoned. - On Motion to be read 3a, objected to; after Debate, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative; Bill read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

Poland, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 98.

Police, Ireland; Returns of Chief Constables of; Vide Ireland.

Political Unions, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 74.

Poor Allotments; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, an Amendment made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Laws, Copy of Commission for Enquiry respecting; Address for; Vide Address, No 15.
-, - Introduction of, into Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 25. 64.
-, - Petition for Revision of; Vide Petitions, No 51.

Portman Market; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Postage, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Post Office Communication with Ireland; Leave to Earl Cawdor to attend the Select Committee of the House of Commons respecting.
-, - Conveyance, Ireland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 81. - Papers respecting; Vide Ireland.
-, - Roads, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Precious Metals, Returns respecting; Vide Address, No 28.

Prescription; A Bill for shortening the Time of, in certain Cases, presented by Lord Tenterden; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with an Amendment. - Amendment considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Tithes; A Bill for shortening the Time required in Claims of Modus decimandi, or Exemption from or Discharge of Tithes, presented by Lord Tenterden; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed. - Went through Committee, with an Amendment. - Amendment reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with an Amendment. - Amendment to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Amendment to be considered. - Considered and agreed to, with an Amendment, and Bill sent to the Commons. - Returned, and Amendment to Commons Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Preston Waterworks; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Prestwich and Bury Roads; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with an Amendment; the Consideration thereof put off for Six Months.
-, - A Second Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Prisoners Removal, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Prisons, Ireland; Report respecting; Vide Ireland.

Privilege; Lord Dundas, the Lord in the Chair of the Committee on the Sunderland Dock Bill, stated That John Joseph Wright, One of the Solicitors to the Opponents of the Bill, had complained to the Committee, that he had been grossly insulted by James Allison, One of the Witnesses in favor of the Bill; J. J. Wright called in and examined, and J. Allison ordered to attend. - Mr. Allison called in, and the Evidence (of Yesterday) read; Mr. Allison examined and directed to withdraw; moved to resolve, that the said J. Allison has been guilty of a gross Breach of the Privileges of this House, and, on Question, agreed to; moved, that he be taken into the Custody of the Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, and, on Question, agreed to, and ordered accordingly. - Petition of J. Allison, expressing Sorrow for his Offence, and praying to be set at liberty. - Moved, that he be brought to the Bar, reprimanded, and discharged on Payment of his Fees; on Question, resolved in the Affirmative; called in, reprimanded, and discharged accordingly, ibid.
-, - Complaint made by a Lord, that a Challenge had been sent by Mr. Abbs, Solicitor for the Sunderland Dock Bill, to J. J. Wright, One of the Solicitors to the Opponents of the Bill, for his Conduct in the Business before the Committee; Mr. Wright called in and examined, and Richard Swarley Thorpe ordered to attend. - Order discharged.

Privileges, Committee for; appointed; Vide Committee, No 1.

Privy Seal; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Prize Money, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 11.

Process, Common Law Courts, Bill; Vide Common.

Property, Offences against; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 12.

Protest; Vide Dissent.

Public Accountants, Account of Arrears and Balances due from; Vide Accounts, No 25.
-, - Accounts; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - Report of Commissioners for auditing; Vide Ireland.
-, - Debt, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 15.
-, - Departments, Salaries of Officers in; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 24.
-, - Peace, Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 36.
-, - Works, Ireland; Report on; Vide Ireland.

Punishment of Death; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - On Motion, that the House do resolve itself into a Committee, objected to; after Debate, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative; House in Committee, Amendments made, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Report of Amendments to be received. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Conference had with the Commons on the Subject of their Disagreement to the said Amendments; (Vide Conference;). - Three Amendments insisted on by this House. - Bill returned; Commons do Not insist on their Disagreement to the Amendments insisted on by this House. - Royal Assent.

Pusey, Philip, Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a . - 2a, and committed. - Mr. Wallis to attend to give Evidence before the Committee. - The Earl of Radnor (in his Place) signified his Consent. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with Amendments, and Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

QUEEN'S COUNTY, Ireland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 72.

RANFURLY, Earl of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Reade; Copies of Papers recorded in the Heralds College connected with the Claim made in 1810 to the Reade Baronetcy; ordered. - Delivered. - To be printed.
-, - Pedigree; Copy of the Proceedings of the apter of the College of Arms, London, of the 30th April 1810, relative to the; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.

Reade Pedigree; Copy of the Proceedings of the said Chapter, of 2d June 1811, and of all Documents therein entered, relative to the Claims of Rear Admiral Sir Chichester Fortescue Knight, Ulster King of Arms, and also of those relative to the Reade Pedigree: Also,
-, Copies of the Proceedings of the said Chapter of 13th June 1813, 3d July 1813, and 6th June 1813, relative to the Reade Pedigree: And also,
-, Copy of a Letter from Sir W. Betham, Deputy Ulster King of Arms, to George Naylor Esquire, York Herald, dated 31st March 1814, relative to the Reade Pedigree, and to the Entires in the Baronets Book of the said College, and of all other Correspondence which was laid before the Chapter of the said College, or remains among their Papers, relative to the Matter of Reade; ordered. - Returns to Orders delivered, and to be printed.
-, - -Copy of the astmentioned Letter, from the Office of Arms, Dublin; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.

Receivers of Taxes, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 16.

Reddie v. Syme; Petition of C. M. Barston to be added as a Party Respondent to the Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Barston's Answer brought in. - To be heard. - Put off. - Heard in Part. - Put off. - Fully heard. - Considered in Part. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with £239 Costs.

Reform, England; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - Petitions in favor, from the County of Aberdeen. - Bradford Political Union; and Essex. - Bill to be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Petition of J. J. Stockdale in favor. - Petition of The Mayor, & c. of Quinborowe, that their Right to return Two Representatives may be preserved, and to be heard by Counsel against the Bill. - Petitions against, from Lonsdale; and University of Oxford. - North and South-east Parts of Cornwall. - Petition in favor, of Members of the Council of the National Political Union. - Petition of Freemen, & c. of Okehampton, for preserving their Rights and Privileges. - Petitions against, from Cheshire; and R. Oram. - Petition from Kingston upon Hall and Sculcoats, for a moderate Reform. - Petitions against, from Beaconsfield; and Eye, ibid. - Petitions in favor, from Clerkenwell; Dundalk (received as the Petition of the Person signing it); a Petition of Members of the Greenwich and Deptford Political Union was presented and read, and on Motion, that the said Petition do lie on the Table, resolved in the Affirmative, ibid. - Moved, that the Bill be now read 2a; objected to; Amendment proposed, to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Six Months"); after long Debate, further Debate put off, and Lords summoned. - Petitions in favor, from Kilsyth; Misterton; Colleslie; Wigton; Thorney; Great Driffield; Neilston; Drumgath; Cromarty; and Lochwinnoch. - Wells. - Petition against, from The Mayor, & c. of Leicester, ibid. - Petition of the Corporation of Arundel, that the Borough may either be excluded from the Bill, or placed in Schedule A., or otherwise relieved from being annexed to Littlehampton, ibid. - Debate resumed, and, after long Debate, further Debate put off, and Lords summoned, ibid. - Petition of The Reverend Sir Harcourt Lees Baronet against, presented and read, and on Motion, that it do lie on the Table, objected to; moved, that it be rejected; after short Debate, last Motion (by Leave) withdrawn, and Petition ordered to lie on the Table. - Petition of Freemen of Sudbury resident in London, that their Elective Franchise may be preserved, ibid. - Petition from Walsall in favor, ibid. - Debate resumed; after long Debate, further Debate put off, and Lords summoned, ibid. - Petitions in favor, from Lochwinnoch; and Culfeightrin, & c.. - Renfrewshire Agricultural Society, received as the Petition of the Person signing it, ibid. - Petitions against, from J. B. Holloway; and Bridlington, ibid. - The Lord Wynford allowed to speak sitting, on account of Infirmity; Debate resumed; after long Debate, The Lord Chancellor quitting the House, The Lord Tenterden sat Speaker; after Debate, the Woolsack resumed by The Lord Chancellor; and on Question, that ("now") stand Part of the Motion, resolved in the Affirmative; a Dissentient, with Reasons, entered. - Bill read 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Petitions in favor, from Bannockburn Political Union, (received as Petition of Person signing,). - Council of National Political Union of St. Matthew, Bethnal Green. - Petition of Churchwardens, & c. of South Shields and Westoe, that the Extent and Population thereof may be considered, ibid. - Petition in favor, from the Predditch and Studley Political Union. - Petition of The Mayor and Commonalty of the City of York to continue York as the Place of Election for the North Riding and the Ainsty. - Petition of Inhabitants of Richmond (Yorkshire), that that Town may be selected as the Place of Election, ibid. - Petitions in favor, from Traffickers, Leith; Merchant Company, Ayr; Kilbirnie; Seaton and Beer; Dunfermline; Seven Incorporated Trades, & c., St. Andrews; Nine Incorporated Trades, Ayr; Provost, & c., Ayr; Todmorden; Morpeth; Perth, Incorporations of Fleshers, Edinburgh; and of Hammermen; Edinburgh. - Dysart; Chamber of Commerce, Edinburgh; Provost, & c. of Haddington; Glasgow Reform Association; Stansfield; Langfield; Auchinblae; Northern Political Union; Baker Incorporation, Perth, (received as the Petition of the Person signing it;) Company of Merchants, Edinburgh; Biggar; Lord Mayor, & c. of London; Inhabitants of Edinburgh; Incorporated Trades of Calton; Ayr, & c.; Dalkeith; Symington; Incorporation of Wrights, & c. Edinburgh; and Leith, & c. - Elir; Annan; and St. Mawes.- Two Petitions of G. C. Rapier, for Alteration of Parts of the Bill. - Petition of Inhabitants of Minehead to place that Borough in Schedule B., adding to it certain Parishes, ibid.-Petitions of Free Burgesses of Great Grimsby; and of Wives and Daughters of the said Free- men, to continue to return Two Members, ibid. - House in Committee, and to be again in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Petitions in favor, from Lewes; and Dumfries. - Seapatrick. - Petition against, from The Mayor, & c. of Norwich. - Petition from Northallerton, to substitute that Place for York as the Place of Election for Members for the North Riding, ibid. - Petitions in favor, from Doncaster; Dumfries; Wigtown; Trinity House of Leith; Shoemaker Incorporation, Perth; Four Incorporations, Leith; and Thorne.- North Shields; and Monythusloyne and Bedwelty Political Union, received as the Petitions of the Persons signing them, ibid. - Yeovil Political Union; and Dewsbury. - Inhabitants of the Town and Neighbourhood of Birmingham assembled at a great Meeting at Newhall Hill, received as the Petition of Thomas Attwood, Chairman, who only signed it, ibid. - Order for House to be again in Committee To-morrow discharged, ibid. - Moved, that the House do again resolve itself into a Committee on Monday next; on Question, agreed to, and Lords summoned, ibid.-Petitions in favor, from Tarbolton; Kelso; Stonehaven; Auchterarder; Incorporated Trades, Arbroath; Political Union, Fouchie; Linlithgow; Incorporation of Maltmen, Leith; Convenery of Trades, Edinburgh; Berwick; and Whithorn.- Sheffield; Incorporated Tailors, Edinburgh; Denny; Shepton-Mallet; Selkirk; Aberdeen; Langholm; Inhabitants of Hawick; Magistrates of Hawick; Kirkaldy; Mussleburgh; Strathmiglo; Carnwath; Cupar; Citizens of Brechin; Auchtermuchty; Laurencekirk; Leslie; and Pitlessie;. - Balmerino; and Dundee. - Guildry Incorporation of Perth, received as the Petition of the Dean of Guild; Haddington, received as the Petition of the Person signing it; Political Union, Leslie, received as the Petition of the Persons signing it; Linlithgow; Bathgate; Cambridge; Huddersfield; Stanley; Nairn; Political Union, Kilmaurs; Derby; Wright Incorporation, Perth; Glasgow Political Union; and Incorporated Trades, Lanark, ibid. - Lanark, & c.; Banks of the Leven; Dudley, received as the Petition of the Person signing it; and Incorporation of Guildry of Stirling, received as the Petition of the Dean of Guild. - Petition of Inhabitants of Llanfair to return One Member in Conjunction with Six other Towns in Montgomeryshire, ibid. - Petition of Inhabitants of Morpeth to continue to elect Two Burgesses, ibid. - Petition of Clergy, & c. of Thirsk, that that Town may be selected as the Place of Election for the North Riding of Yorkshire, ibid. - Committee put off, and Lords summoned. - Petitions in favor, from Dartmouth; Ilfracombe; Frodsham; Burntisland; Barnstaple, received as the Petition of the Person signing it; Kilsyth; Dunse; and Bury St. Edmunds.-Petition against, from The Reverend Sir Harcourt Lees. - Petitions in favor, from Provost, & c. of Stirling; and Stirling. - Petition against, from Cambridge. - Order for House to be again in Committee this Day discharged, ibid. - Petitions in favor, from Provost, & c. of Haddington; and Burton on Trent. - Wick. - House to be again in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Petitions in favor, from Provost, & c. of Perth; Incorporation of Hammermen, Perth, received as the Petition of the Person signing it; Irvine; Galston; Newmilns; and Convenery of Perth, received as the Petition of the Person signing it. - Petition of The Reverend J. Headlam, Chairman of the General Quarter Sessions for the North Riding of Yorkshire held at Northallerton, on behalf of the Magistrates, to substitute that Place for York as the Place for holding Elections, ibid. - Petition against, from the Orange Institution (Lodge No 1,672). - Petition of The Mayor, & c. of Stockton, that the Town of Stockton, or that Town with Norton and Billingham, may return a Member, ibid. - Petition of D. Jarvis M. D. to allow the Inhabitants of Margate to vote for Members for Dover, or to return a Member themselves, ibid. - Petition of Burgesses, & c. of Appleby, that that Borough may be removed from Schedule A. to Schedule B, ibid. - House again in Committee, and to be again in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Petition from Inhabitants of the Isle of Sheppy, that that Isle may be inserted in Schedule C. or D. of the Bill. - Petition from Inhabitants of Eastington not to be incorporated in the Stroud District, ibid. - Petition in favor, from Falkirk. - Petition from Non-resident Freemen of the City of Oxford, residing in and near London, to retain their Elective Franchise during their Lives. - Petition of Freeholders, & c. of the Island of Purbeck to return a Member, ibid. - Petitions in favor, from Blackburn. - Berks, received as the Petition of the Person signing it; Staffordshire Potteries; Thurso; Dunbar; and Patriotic Society, Newport. - Petition of The Mayor, & c. of Helleston; and of Inhabitants of Helleston, to retain the Privilege of returning Two Members. - Petition from Inhabitants of Amersham to retain the Privilege of returning One Member read; moved, that the Petitioners be heard by Counsel to substantiate the Allegations of their Petition; objected to, and, on Question, resolved in the Negative, ibid. - Petition of Gentlemen, & c. of Stockton Ward to vest in the Freeholders thereof the Right of returning One Member. - House again in Committee, and went through the Bill, with Amendments; Report to be received, and Lords summoned, and Bill to be printed as amended. - Petitions in favor, from St. Mawes. - Chapel-en-le- Frith, ibid. - Petition of Freeholders of Malton, that the Election of Members for the North Riding of Yorkshire may take place at York, ibid. - Petition of W. Bryant, a principal Owner of the unbought-up Freeholds in the Borough of Reigate, that the Borough may be transferred from Schedule B. to Schedule A. of the Bill, ibid. - Petition of The Mayor, & c. of Hedon in Holderness, & c., that the Town of Hedon and the Hundred of Holderness may be united to return Two Members, ibid. - Moved, that the Report be now received; objected to; and, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative; a Dissentient, with Reasons, entered; Amendments reported and agreed to, with Amendments; several Amendments moved and negatived, and other Amendments made; Bill to be printed as amended, and to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - Leave given to enter Protests before Two o'Clock on Monday next, and to sign the same before the Rising of the House on that Day, ibid. - Petition of Burgesses of Berwick upon Tweed resident in London to continue to them their Right of voting for the Borough. - Petition of James Scott Esquire, that the Monied Class may be placed on an equal Footing with the Landed Interest. - Petition of Thomas Cliffe in favor, ibid. - Petitions that the intended Borough of Halifax may extend to the Parish at large, from Wadworth; Erringden; Midgley; and Heptonstall. - Petitions in favor, from Renfrewshire Political Union, received as the Petition of the Person signing it; and Rochester, Chatham and Stroud. - Brixham; and Calton and Mile End Political Union, received as the Petition of the Persons signing it. - Moved, that the Bill be now read 3a; objected to; and, after Debate, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative; Nine Dissentients entered, Eight of them with Reasons; Bill read 3a, Amendments made; on Question, that the Bill do pass? resolved in the Affirmative; Three Dissentients, with Reasons, entered; Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Leave given to enter Protests before Three o'Clock Tomorrow, and to sign the same before the Rising of the House on that Day. - Leave given to sign Protests before the Rising of the House Tomorrow. - Bill returned from the Commons, Amendments agreed to, ibid. Petition in favor, from St. John's, Wapping. - Petition of Inhabitants of Over Danven, Blackburn, to be joined to the Town of Blackburn in returning Members, ibid. - Royal Assent. - Petition of Inhabitants of Barnstaple and Pilton, that the Housekeepers of Pilton may vote for a Representative conjointly with Barnstaple. - Petition of Vestrymen of St. Marylebone to enlarge the Period appointed for Payment of Poor Rates to qualify Persons to be in a Condition to exercise the Elective Franchise.
-, - Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.
-, - In Parliament; Amount of Assessed Taxes levied in Dartmouth in 1829, 1830 and 1831, with Correspondence relating thereto; also, Memorials of the Burgesses of Appleby, Inhabitants of Ramsgate and Greenock; also, Amount of Exemption from Assessed Taxes on account of Yeomanry Cavalry; also, Amount of Population and Number of Houses in each Parish of the present and proposed Boroughs; and a Summary of what the Returning Officer considers the Right of voting (with a Plan of Bodmin); and also, Number of Voters polled at the last contested Elections, and Number of Freemen in Boroughs and Corporate Towns; severally ordered, delivered, and to be printed.
-, - List of the 110 smallest Boroughs, arranged according to the Number of Houses and the Amount of Assessed Taxes, presented, (by Command,) and to be printed, 153.
-, - Papers respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 98, 99.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Nos 3, 4. 19, 20. 23. 32, 33, 34. 41, 42. 46. 59. 65. 74.

Regent's Park Acts Amendment; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, Register, General, Office; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 16.

Registration of Deeds, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Reid v. Lyon And Fisher; To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.
-, Remedies Against The Hundred; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - House to be in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - Put off. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, Representative Peers for Scotland, Elections of; Committee respecting; Vide Committee, No 9. - Copies of Proceedings at; Vide Scotland.
-, - Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.
-, Revenue Accounts, Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.
-, - of Scotland, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 42, 43.

Rhodes v. De Beauvoir; To be heard - Heard. - Petition of Respondent, that in case the House shall direct any Issues at Law to be tried, he may be heard as to the framing of such Issues. - Considered, and Cause remitted, with Directions for certain Issues to be tried.

Ribbons, Foreign; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 21.

Richardson, John, Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges in Scotland. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Richmond Bridge, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No32.

Ricketts v. Lewis; Writ of Error; Delivered.

Rintoul v. Boyter; Appeal presented, and Poole to enter into Recognizance. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed.

Rivers, Lord; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Roads and Bridges, Ireland; Report respecting; Vide Ireland, Public Works.

Robertson v. Harford and Co.; Considered, and Interlocutors Reversed, with Declarations, and Cause remitted, .

Rockingham Forest Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed.- The King's Consent given, and Bill reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Roll of the Lords, laid on the Table, and to be printed.

Roman Catholic Bequests; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Catholics Relief Act, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, N° 46.

Roxburghe, The Duke of, et al. v. Kerr; Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Petition of Appellants that Appeal may be revived on part of the Respondent, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Royal Assent to Bills; Vide Bills.
-, - Military Canal, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 35.

Ruskington, & c. Drainage; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.with, signed at London, 16th November 1831; delivered, (by Command,) .
-, - Precious Metals raised, coined, & c. in; Returns respecting; Vide Address, No 28.
-, Russian Dutch Loan, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 7. - Motion respecting; Vide Motion, No 3.
-, - Additional Article to the Convention between Great Britain, Russia and the Netherlands relative to the, signed at London, 19th May 1815; delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - On Motion to be read 2a, objected to; after Debate, on Question, read 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, (on Motion,) and passed; a Dissentient, with Reasons, entered. - Leave given to Viscount Gordon to enter a Protest against the passing. - Leave given to the Lords to sign the said Protest. - Royal Assent.
-, SABBATH, Observance of the; Message from the Commons for a Lord to attend the Select Committee on; Vide Message, No 14.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 68.

Sacramental Test, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Salaries of Officers in Public Departments, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 24.
-, - & c. of Clerks, & c. of the House; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 105.

Saltash Floating Bridge; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - The King's Consent given, and Bill reported. - Petition against. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Savings Banks, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 10.

Schools in Ireland, Papers respecting; Vide Ireland, Education. - Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 87.

Scot v. Ker and Johnston; Petition of the late Appellant to recall the Judgment pronounced by this House, to amend the Appeal, and that the same may be reheard, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Matter of Petition to be argued, by One Counsel of a Side, at the Bar. - Counsel heard. - Petition considered, and not complied with.

-, - Aberdeen Colleges; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - Put off. - Petition of certain Booksellers and Publishers to postpone the Confirmation of the proposed Arrangement with the University of Aberdeen to the next Session. - Order for Third Reading discharged.
-, - Assessed Taxes; Copies of Cases stated and signed by the Commissioners of, and Opinions of the Barons of the Exchequer thereon; delivered.
-, - Berwickshire Roads Bill; Petition of the Trustees for Turnpike Roads in the County of Berwick, that the usual Notices, to be given in March or April, shall be equally effectual as if given at the Periods pointed out by the Standing Orders of the House, presented, and ordered as prayed. - Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Caledonian Canal; Twenty-eighth Report of Commissioners of; delivered.
-, - Cholera; Orders of the Lords in Council, issued under the Act respecting; delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Prevention; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed; and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed; Standing Orders considered and dispensed with; and House to be in Committee instanter; House in Committee; Bill reported, read 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Amendment; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Compensation; Copies of Warrants granting, to W.G. Campbell, Principal Clerk of the late Court of Admiralty in Scotland; delivered.-To Commissary Clerks. - To Officers of the late Court of Admiralty. - To P. Wishart.
-, - Court of Exchequer; Accounts respecting Business in; Vide Accounts, Nos 40, 41. 44 to 57.
-, - Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Moved, That the House do now resolve itself into a Committee; objected to; Amendment moved, to leave out from ("That") to the End of the Motion, and insert ("this Bill be referred to a Select Committee, with certain Instructions"); on Question, that the Words proposed to be left out stand Part of the Motion; resolved in the Affirmative; House in Committee, Bill reported, and to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - 3a, Amendments moved and negatived, and Bill passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Court of Exchequer; Message for Report respecting; Vide Message, No 11.
-, - Session; Account of Business in; Vide Accounts, No 112.
-, - Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Creditors; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Duffus, Benjamin Lord; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Representative Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges. - The Lord Reay sworn to give Evidence before the Committee.
-, - Dundee Police Bill; Petition of the Commissioners under the Dundee Police Act for Leave to affix Notice of a Bill at the first General or adjourned Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the County of Forfar; presented, and ordered as prayed.
-, - Edinburgh Police; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Elections of Representative Peers for; Minutes of Proceedings at; Vide Representative.
-, - Evan Water Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Glasgow and Carlisle Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Haddington Court House; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, an Amendment made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Highland Roads and Bridges; Eighteenth Report of Commissioners of; delivered.
-, - Inverness Court House; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Land Revenues; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent, 460.
-, - Largs Harbour; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Paisley Gas; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Perthshire, & c. Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Reform Bill; Petition of Vassals of the Crown, Freeholders of Scotland, entitled to return Members, for Compensation for the Loss of their Superiorities; and Petition from the County of Elgin, that the County of Nairn may not be united to Elgin in the Exercise of the Elective Franchise. - Petition of The Provost, & c. of Banff, that the Return of Members for the District to which this Burgh belongs shall be made at Banff. - Petition of Freeholders of the County of Linlithgow entitled to elect Commissioners to Parliament for that County, to be heard by Counsel against, and for Compensation. - Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - Petition from Leven against the Introduction of a Clause enacting that no Person shall represent any Burgh not possessed of £300 per Annum Heritable Property. - Petition of Inhabitants of Hamilton for Alteration in regard to the Qualifications of Members. - Petitions that Glasgow be disjoined from No 9 of Schedule E., and that the Writ of Election be addressed to the Sheriff of Ayr, and published at Kilmarnock, from Magistrates, & c. of Kilmarnock; and Kilmarnock. - Petition of the Magistrates, & c. of Port Glasgow and Newark in favor of the Arrangement of Burghs made in No 9 of Schedule E., ibid. - Petition of the Trustees of the late James Schaw of Preston for Compensation for the Loss of Property or Privilege, and to be heard against the Bill. - Bill read 2a, after Debate, and committed, and Lords summoned, ibid. - Petition from Stromness to assign One Representative to Orkney and another to Zetland. - Petition from the Shetland Isles to grant to Shetland the Right of returning a separate Member, ibid. - Petitions for Alteration of, from Banff; Kirkaldy; Dundee; Rosshire; Hamilton; Elgin; and Kirkintilloch. - St. Andrews; Elgin; Campbeltown; and Sheriffs of Scotland. - Petitions in favor, from Greenock; and Port Glasgow and Newark, ibid. - Bridgeton; Cupar; and Greenock, ibid. - Petitions to be heard by Counsel as to the Constitution of their Rights, and for Compensation, from Vassals of the Crown, Freeholders of the County of Kincardine, entitled to elect Commissioners for Shires, and Four from Vassals of the Crown, Freeholders of the County of Kincardine, Scotland, ibid. - Moved, That the House do now resolve itself into a Committee; objected to; Amendment moved, to leave out from ("That") to the End of the Motion, and insert ("it be an Instruction to the Committee to provide for the Representation of the Universities of Scotland in the following Manner; vizt. One Member to represent the Universities of Edinburgh, of King's College and of Marischall College, Aberdeen; and One to represent the Universities of Glasgow and St. Andrews; the Right of voting to be in the Chancellors, Lords Rectors, Principals, Professors, and other Office Bearers, and in the Graduates of each University respectively, resident within Scotland"); on Question, that the Words proposed to be left out stand Part of the Motion; resolved in the Affirmative; House in Committee, and to be again in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Petition from Hamilton for Alteration in. - House again in Committee, and went through the Bill, with Amendments, and Report to be received, and Lords summoned, and Bill to be printed as amended. - Amendments reported and agreed to, further Amendments made, and Bill to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - 3a, Amendments made; moved, that the Bill do pass; objected to; and, after short Debate, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative; Two Dissentients entered, One with Reasons; Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Leave given to enter Protests until the Rising of the House on Monday next, and to sign the same before the Rising of the House on Tuesday next. - Returned from the Commons, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Reform of Parliament; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 10. 32. 59.
-, - Representative Peers Bill; A Bill to enable Peers of Scotland to take and subscribed in Ireland the Oaths required for qualifying them to vote in any Election of the Peers of Scotland, presented by Lord Rosebery; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be ingrossed and read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with Amendments, and Amendments considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Elections of, Committee respecting; Vide Committee, No 9.
-, - for; Authentic Copies of the Minutes of the Proceedings at all Elections of, since 1822; ordered. - Similar Return from 1801 to 1822, both inclusive; ordered. - First Return delivered, and referred to the Committee on the Subject. - Second Return delivered, and referred to same Committee.
-, - Revenue Accounts; Bill brought from H.C.; read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - of; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 42, 43.
-, - Selkirk, Sheriff of; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a, and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Considered and dispensed with; Bill read 2a, and committed instanter; reported, read 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Spey Bridge; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Trespasses; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Put off. - Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Universities; Address for Report respecting; Vide Address, No 13.

Scott, The Honorable William Henry; Offices held by; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 96.
-, - v. Steuart et al.; Appeal presented. - M'Crae to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in.
-, Seats Vacating, Members of House of Commons, Bill; Vide Mentry
-, Secondary Punishments, Report respecting; Message for; Vide Message,No8.

Selkirk, Sheriff of, Bill; Vide Scotland.

Sentence of Death Explanation; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Order discharged, ibid. - House in Committee, (on Motion,) Amendments made, and Bill to be printed as amended.

Service of Process, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Sewers; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - Order discharged.

Shaftesbury Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported,. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Shankhill Road Bill; Vide Ireland.

Shawbury Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Sheriff, Office of; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 48.

Sheriffs Expenses; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.

Shipping, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 76 to 88.

Shrewsbury and Holyhead Road, Annual Account and Report of the Commissioners of; delivered.

Silk Manufacture, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 11.

Simson v. Jones; Appeal withdrawn, on Petition of Appellant, Respondent consenting.

Singapore, East Indies; Establishment of a Court of Admiralty at; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 60.

Slane Peerage; Vide Ireland.

Slave Population in the West Indies; Papers respecting; Vide West Indies. - Select Committee respecting; Vide Committee, No 11.-Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos .- Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, Nos 21. 23. 25.
-, - Papers relative to, in the West Indies, South America, the Cape of Good Hope and the Mauritius; delivered, (by Command,) and to be printed. - Referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.
-, - Papers in Explanation of the Measures adopted by Government for the Melioration of the Condition of the, in the West Indies and South America (in Continuation of Papers presented in December last); delivered, and to be printed. - Referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies. - Further Papers delivered, (by Command,) and to be printed.
-, - Trade, Correspondence relative to the (in Two Classes); delivered, (by Command,) and to be printed.
-, - Suppression of; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 73, 74, 75.

Slavery, Abolition of; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 6. 47. 50. 57.

Slaves in the West India Colonies, Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, Nos 11. 19; West Indies.
-, - Papers respecting; Vide West Indies.
-, - Traffick in; Convention with The King of the French for the more effectual Suppression of; delivered, (by Command,). - Referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.

Slingsby, Sir T., Baronet; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, (on Petition,) and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Lord Feversham sworn to give Evidence. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Smith, Josiah; A Bill to dissolve his Marriage, presented, (on Petition,) read 1a, and to be read 2a, and Lords summoned, and usual Orders made, a Copy of the Proceedings in the Ecclesiastical Court being first delivered (upon Oath) at the Bar. - Several Witnesses to attend. - Minutes of Evidence taken on the Execution on the Writ of Enquiry of Damages in this Case laid on the Table pursuant to the Standing Order; Counsel heard, and Witnesses examined; Second Reading put off, and Evidence to be printed. - To be read 2a. - A Witness examined, Bill read 2a, and committed. - Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Smuggling; Petition for Remuneration for preventing a Smuggling Vessel from landing; Vide Petitions,No84.

Solarte v. Palmer; Writ of Error; Delivered. - Petition of Defendant to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Hearing appointed, ibid.

Soldiers Families; Bill brought from H.C. read 1, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

South Sea Duties, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 100.

Spain, The King of, v Hullett et al.; Petition to present Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Appeal presented, and Matthiessen to enter into Recognizance, and Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee, ibid. - Report made, and allowed until the Second Day of next Session.

Spalding, & c. Drainage; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, an Amendment made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Spanish America; Returns relating to precious Metals raised, coined, & c. in; Vide Address, No 28.

Speaker; The Earl of Shaftesbury sat as, ibid.
-, - The Lord Tenterden sat as.
-, - The Lord Wynford sat as.
-, - of this House, Fees payable to the; Committee respecting; Vide Committee, No 14.
-, - of the House of Commons, Annuity; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Salary; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Special Constables, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Speech of His Majesty, at the Opening of the Session. - Reported. (Vide Address, No 1.) - At the Prorogation of Parliament.

Spey Bridge Bill; Vide Scotland.

Stage Carriages and Post Horse Duties; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Staines Bridge, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 31.

Staley v. King and Hindle; Appeal presented. - Answers brought in. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondent (T. Hindle) for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and One Month allowed.

Stamp Duties, Ireland; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 12, 13, 14.

Standard Life Assurance Company; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

St. Andrews, Holborn, Improvement; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Steam Carriages; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - 2a, and committed to a Select Committee. (Vide Committee, No 12.)
-, - Report respecting; Message for; Vide Message, No 7.

Stevenage Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

St. Helens Gas; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Stirling, Earldom of; Petition of The Marchioness Dowager of Downshire, praying that Alexander Humphrys Alexander may be required to show by what Authority he assumed the Title of and voted as Earl of Stirling at the Election of Viscount Strathallan as a Representative Peer for Scotland. - Referred to Committee on Elections of Representative Peers for Scotland.

St. Katharine's Docks; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

St. Leonard's Improvement; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with One Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent, 229.

St. Luke's, Middlesex, Improvement; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Stoke Ferry Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

St. Pancras Paving Act, Meetings under; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 93.

Strathmore, The Earl and Countess of, v. Ewing; To be heard exparte. - Appellants Counsel heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors in Part Reversed.

Streets, Stoppages in; Order to prevent, renewed.

St. Vincent and Barbadoes Provisions Bill; Vide Barbadoes.

Subletting Act Amendment Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 35.

Sugar Duties: Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, Committee negatived, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 47.
-, - Price of, before and after the Revolution in St. Domingo; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 4.
-, - West Indian; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 38.

Suitors Fund of the Court of Chancery, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 116, 117, 118.

Sunderland Dock; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - Petition of Ship Owners, & c. of Sunderland to be heard by Counsel against, ibid. - Bill 2a, and committed, and the Petition referred to Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman; Two Witnesses to attend.- Petition of Ship Owners, & c. of Sunderland in favor, presented and referred to the Committee. - Petitions against, presented and referred to the Committee, with Leave to be heard by Counsel; vizt. from Wharfingers at Sunderland. - From Shipbuilders, & c. of Sunderland; Wholesale Grocers of Sunderland; and N. C. Reed. - From Wholesale Wine and Brandy Merchants residing at Sunderland and Bishop Wearmouth. - And from Owners of Vessels employed in the Conveyance of Goods between London and Sunderland. - Lieutenant Colonel W. C. Elphinstone Holloway to attend as a Witness. - Evidence taken before the Committee from Time to Time to be printed. - Petitions against, presented and referred to Committee, from Ship Owners, & c. of Sunderland. - And from Ship Owners of Sunderland. - Report made, that the Preamble has not been proved. - (Complaints of an Assault on, and a Challenge sent to, a Solicitor against the Bill); Vide Privilege.

Superannuation Allowance, Copy of Treasury Minute granting, to Mr. J. Stephen, late Puisne Judge at New South Wales; delivered.
-, - Allowances, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 26.

Sutton Pool Harbour; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - The King's Consent given, and Bill reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent, 120.

TAMWORTH ROADS; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent, 229.

Tanjore Commissioners, Eighth Report of; delivered.

Taxed Carts; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Taxes, Receivers of; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 16.

Taylor v. Sir W. C. Fairlie et al.; Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Ternhill and Newport Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Thames, Navigation of, and the Mooring Chains in the; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No 20.

Thanet, Henry Earl of; sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Brother.

Thornbury Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Thornhill et al. v. Hall; Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Respondent that some other of the Appellants may be ordered to enter into Recognizance, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and First Petition complied with. - Petition of Respondent to dismiss Appeal unless good Security is given for Costs, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, that unless the Appellants shall within the first Eight Days of the next Session give such additional Security by Recognizance as shall be satisfactory to the House, the Appeal should be dismissed, 345.

Three Commotts Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Tithe Composition Act, Ireland; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 61, 62, 63. - Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 102.

Tithes Composition, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 86.
-, - Prescription Bill; Vide Prescription.
-, - Ireland, Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, No 5. - Resolutions respecting; Vide Ireland, Tithes.
-, - Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - Letter respecting Outrages connected with; Vide Ireland, Tithe System.
-, - Messages to the Commons for Report on; Vide Message, No 4.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 5. 17. 18. 35. 55. 65. 75. 88. 90. 91. 102.
-, - Select Committee respecting; Vide Committee, No 5. - Messages for Reports from; Vide Messages, Nos 4. 11.

Tobacco, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Tollemache, Lady Laura, v. The Earl of Coventry et Ux.; Appeal presented, and Baker to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and a Fortnight allowed. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Hearing appointed, ibid. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Tower Hamlets Small Debts; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Trade and Navigation, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 22. and 76 to 88.
-, - State of; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 78.

Transfer of Aids; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, Committee negatived, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Trespasses, Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.

Trimlestown, Lord; Claim of, to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Trinidad, Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, No 18.

Turner v. Ballandene, or M'Ilwhannel; Appeal presented, and Mundell to enter into Recognizance.

Turnpike Roads, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No 70.
-, - A Return to certain Questions to be obtained from the Clerks of the several Turnpike Roads by the several Clerks of the Peace in England; also a Return to certain Questions to be obtained from the Surveyors of the said several Turnpike Roads by the Clerks of the Peace; ordered. - Returns to be forthwith delivered, or certain Clerks of the Peace to attend.

Turnpike Tolls; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Went through Committee, with an Amendment. - Amendment reported. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Turton and Entwisle Reservoir; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Tyrone, Henry de la Poer Lord; sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Father.

UNION between Great Britain and Ireland, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 24. 33.
-, - of Parishes, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Universities, Scotland; Address for Report respecting; Vide Address, No 13.

Upton Town Hall and Market Place; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Valuation of Lands, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Van Diemen's Land, Laws of (1826 to 1830); delivered.

Vaughan v. Gronow; Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.
-, - Sir R. W., v. Lady C. S. B. Hamilton; Petition of Appellant that the Hearing may stand adjourned, the Appeal being under Compromise, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.
-, - Appeal withdrawn, on Petition of Appellant, Respondent's Agent consenting.

Vaults and Burial Grounds, Returns respecting; Address for; Vide Address, No 20.

Vestry Act, Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 18. 35. 56.

Vice Admiralty Courts; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Vinehall Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Committee put off. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Vote by Ballot, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 82.

Walker, Sir P., v. Craig; Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Answer brought in. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Hearing appointed.

Wallbeoff's Divorce Bill, Proceedings before the Judges at Ceylon on; transmitted to The Lord Chancellor pursuant to Act 1 Geo. 4, laid before the House, and to be printed.

Walpole Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed,. - Royal Assent.

Warburton v. Loveland (Lessee of Ivie et al.); Writ of Error, Ireland; To be further argued by One Counsel of a Side, and Judges to attend. - Order discharged. - To be further considered, and Judges to attend to deliver their Opinions on the Questions of Law put to them on the 14th of April last. - The Judges Opinion delivered, and Judgment Affirmed.

Warrington Blue Coat Charity School, Trustees of; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges.-Judges Report read, (on Petition,) and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Warwick and Northampton Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed, ibid. - Royal Assent.

Wastie's Name Bill; Vide Lockhart.

Waterford Claim of Peerage; Vide Ireland.
-, - Marquess of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Weir v. Glenny; Appeal presented.-Dobie to enter into Recognizance.

Wells Gas; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a.-2a, and committed.-Reported. - 3a, and passed, ibid. - Royal Assent.

West India Colonies, Addresses for Papers respecting; Vide Address, Nos 21. 23. 25.
-, - Messages for Reports on; Vide Message, Nos 5. 12.
-, - Select Committee respecting the State of; Vide Committee, No 11.

West India Colonies, Slave Population in; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 108, 109, 110, 111.
-, - Slaves in; Addresses for Papers respecting; Vide Address, Nos 11. 19. 25.
-, - Islands Relief; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Petition of Planters, & c. in Demerara, Essequibo and Berbice not to grant the proposed Measure of Relief coupled with the Condition of their adopting the Order in Council of 2d November 1831, for improving the Condition of Slaves in certain Colonies. - Bill reported, and to be read 3a, ibid. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Sugar, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 38.
-, - Property, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 50.
-, - Indies; Copies of the Dispatches from The Governor of Jamaica to Viscount Goderich, conveying Information to the latest Period of the recent Rebellion amongst the Slaves of that Colony; and of the Proclamation issued by the Governor in consequence of that Rebellion: And also,
-, Copies of any Dispatches which may have been received from other of the West India Colonies besides Jamaica in answer to Lord Goderich's Circular Dispatch of the 3d June 1831; and a Copy of the Circular Dispatch addressed by Viscount Goderich to the Governors of the West India Colonies, (with the Exception of Jamaica and Honduras,) dated 10th March 1832; delivered, (by Command,) and to be printed. - Referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.
-, - Copy of any Report or Reports from The Bishop of Jamaica, or of any other Information in the Possession of the Government, showing the Means furnished by that Colony for the Religious Instruction of the Coloured and Slave Population, the Number of Churches, Chapels and other Places of Worship, and of the Rectors, Curates and Catechists and Schools therein; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed. - Referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.
-, - Similar Return from The Bishop of Barbadoes as to the Colonies within his Diocese; ordered.
-, - Return of the Civil, Ecclesiastical and Military Establishments of Jamaica, the Expences of which are defrayed by any Revenue raised in that Island; the Annual Amount of such Expences, and of any other Expenditure incurred, and which is defrayed by a Revenue raised in the Island; and of the Annual Ways and Means for raising such Revenue, during the last Ten Years, ending 31st December 1830; ordered. - Delivered, and referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.
-, - Similar Returns as to the other West India Colonies; ordered.
-, - Copies of the Laws passed by the several Colonial Legislatures for the Removal of the Disabilities of the free Persons of Colour, passed during the last Six Years; ordered. - Delivered. - Referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.
-, - Copies of all Laws passed by the several Colonial Legislatures for the Amelioration of the Slave Population in and since the Year 1823; ordered.
-, - Copies of a Patent of Land in the Island of Jamaica granted by the Crown, 11th November 1690, to Christopher Deacon, and of a Patent of Land, 24th February 1745, to A. Arcedekne; ordered. - Delivered, and referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.
-, - Returns of all Manumissions granted in Jamaica between 1817 and 31st December 1830, distinguishing the Numbers in each Year, and those which are gratuitous or for which only a nominal Consideration was paid from those which are paid for; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed, 463.
-, - Similar Returns of Manumissions in the other West India Colonies; ordered.
-, - Return of the Number of Africans, as distinguished from Creoles, which were contained in the original Registry for the Island of Jamaica in 1817; ordered.
-, - Copy of a Report of the House of Assembly of Jamaica, and of the Examinations on Oath thereto annexed, taken by a Committee of that House in 1815 appointed to take into Consideration a "Bill for effectually preventing the unlawful Importation of Slaves and the holding free Persons in Slavery in the British Colonies;" ordered. - Delivered. - Referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.
-, - Copy of a Report and Examination on Oath, before a Committee of the House of Assembly of Jamaica in 1825, on a Bill to admit the Evidence of Slaves in certain Cases; ordered. - Delivered. - Referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.

West Indies; Return of all Summaries or Accounts of Births and Deaths, or Classes of Slaves, contained in the Slave Registry Returns of Barbadoes, from 1817 to 1830 inclusive; ordered. - Delivered, and referred to Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.
-, - Copy of any Report of a Committee of the Council and Assembly of Antigua, respecting the State of the Slaves manumitted by the Crown in 1828, and of the Manner in which they employ themselves; ordered. - Delivered, and referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.

Westmeath, Magistrates, & c. of the County of; Address of, to The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; Vide Address, No 17.

Westminster Bridge, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 36.

Wheat, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No 104.

Wheat et Al. v. Baugh And Beale; Appeal presented. - Anderson to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Six Weeks allowed. - Petition of Appellant for further Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and One Month allowed. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.
-, - Thomas, And Others; Petition of, for a Bill, presented (on Petition) and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported specially, with Amendments, a Clause added, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Whitland Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported specially. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Whittet And Greig, v. Johnston Et Al.; Petition of Respondents for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Hearing appointed. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Willoughby De Eresby, Lord; Petition of, for a Bill, presented (on Petition) and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported specially, with Amendments, a Clause added, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Wilson, W. H. B. J., Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, (on Petition,) and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Winchester Gaol And Bridewell, Address for Report of Visiting Magistrates of; Vide Address, No 16.

Windsor Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed; a Petition against, presented and referred to Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Reported. - The King's Consent given, and Bill read 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Woods, Forests, And Land Revenues; The Ninth Report of the Commissioners of; delivered, and to be printed.

Woollens, Duties on; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 106.

YEOMANRY CORPS, Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 26.

ZEMINDAR of Nozeed (Murray's Claim); Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - Petition of The East India Company to be heard by Counsel against. - To be read 2a, and Leave given to The East India Company to be heard by Counsel against, also Counsel for the Bill. - Counsel heard for The East India Company; moved, that One Counsel only on a Side be heard; on Question agreed to, Counsel heard for the Bill, as also Counsel in reply; on Motion, that the Bill be now read 2a, objected to; moved to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Six Months"); after Debate, on Question, that ("now") stand Part of the Motion; resolved in the Affirmative; Bill read 2a, and committed; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Petition of The East India Company against certain Parts, presented and referred to Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill. - Message to the Commons for Copies of the Minutes of Evidence, Documents and Papers on which they passed the Bill. - Communicated and referred to the Committee (Four Papers). - J. C. Melville Esquire, Auditor of The East India Company, to attend Committee as a Witness. - Account respecting Tribute due from the Zemindary of Nozeed to the Company referred to the Committee. (Vide Account, No 2.) - Committee put off. - Regulations affecting Demands on Zemindars referred to the Committee. (Vide East India Company.) - Bill reported with an Amendment. - Petition of The East India Company to be heard by Counsel against; Bill to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - The East India Company to be heard by Counsel against, also Counsel for the Bill, ibid. - Counsel called in; on Suggestion of Counsel for the Bill, The Bishop of Worcester was examined on a particular Point; Counsel heard against the Bill, and Third Reading put off, and Lords summoned. - Counsel called in, and heard in Part for the Bill, and Third Reading put off, and Lords summoned. - Counsel fully heard for and against the Bill; and a Debtor and Creditor Account of the Zemindar of Nozeed with the Madras Government from 1774 to 1796 delivered in by Counsel for the Bill (by Consent), and a like Account ordered to be delivered in by the other Party, (Vide Account, No 3,) and Third Reading put off, and Lords summoned. - Account delivered in, and with that delivered in on the 19th June to be printed. - Bill to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - On Motion to be now read 3a, objected to; moved to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Six Months"); Debate thereon adjourned.-Debate resumed, and on Question, that ("now") stand Part of the Motion; resolved in the Affirmative; Question put, that the Bill be now read 3a; moved, that the further Debate thereon be adjourned; on Question, resolved in the Negative; Bill read 3a (upon the Question); then it was moved, that the Bill, with the Amendment, do pass; resolved in the Affirmative; Bill passed, and sent to the Commons, ibid.-Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Zemindars, Demands on; Paper respecting; Vide East India Company; and East Indies.

Zemindary of Nozeed, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 2, 3.