House of Lords Journal Volume 64: Index A-J

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 64: Index A-J', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 64: Index A-J', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 64: Index A-J". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


Abercorn, John James, Marquess Of; sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Grandfather.

Aberdeen Colleges Bill; Vide Scotland.

Absentees From Ireland, Property of; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 64.

Accounts; - 1. All relating to the Trade of India and China, and to the Finances of India, which were presented to this House, by His Majesty's Command, in 1829 and 1830, and in the present Year, and all such further Accounts relating to the same Matters which have been ordered by this House, or prepared for the Committee on the Affairs of The East India Company, during the Year 1830, to be completed to the latest Period to which the same can be made up, and laid before the House within Twenty-one Days after the Christmas Recess; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 2. - of the Tribute due from the Zemindary of Nozeed to The East India Company in each Year from 1784 to the present Time inclusive; and of the Sum received on account of such Tribute in each of the said Years; ordered. - Delivered, and referred to the Committee on the Zemindar of Nozeed Bill.
-, 3. - Debtor and Creditor, of the Zemindar of Nozeed with the Madras Government from 1774 to 1796, delivered in (by Consent) by the Counsel for the Zemindar of Nozeed Bill; and, A like Account ordered to be delivered in on the other Side. - Delivered, and both Accounts to be printed.
-, 4. - of the Price of Sugar for Three Years before the Revolution in St. Domingo, and for Three Years after; ordered. - Delivered.
-, 5. - (Annual) of the Revenue of The East India Company; delivered.
-, 6. - of the Proceeds of the Sale of Goods and Merchandize of The East India Company in Great Britain; delivered, and to be printed.
-, 7. - of Sums paid and applied in 1831 to the Payment of the Russian Dutch Loan; delivered. - To be printed.
-, 8. - of the Contingency Fund of the Imperial Gas Light and Coke Company; delivered.
-, 9. - of Sums received and expended by the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt; delivered.
-, 10. - of the gross Amount of Bank and other Annuities paid to the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt; and also of all Sums received and paid by the said Commissioners on account of Savings Banks and Friendly Societies; and Expences of the Commissioners, from 6th August 1817 to 20th November 1831; delivered.
-, 11. - of the Deputy Treasurer of Chelsea Hospital of Unclaimed Army Prize Money; delivered.
-, 12. - (Annual) of the Stamp Duties received on certain Proceedings in the Courts of Law in Ireland in the Year ending 5th January 1832; delivered.
-, 13. - of the Stamp Duties received on certain Proceedings in the Court of Chancery, and on the Equity Side of the Court of Exchequer, in Ireland, in the Year ending 5th January 1832; delivered.
-, 14. - of all Sums paid into the Exchequer in Ireland, in the Year ending 5th January 1832, on account of Stamp Duties granted by the Act 4 Geo. 4, c. 78; and of all Salaries, & c. paid to Masters of Chancery and Chief Remembrancer; delivered.
-, 15. - of Additions to the Public Debt by Loans or Annuities; delivered.
-, 16. - of Emoluments of Receivers of Taxes for the Year ending 5th January 1832; delivered.
-, 17. - of the Commissioners of the Port of Arundel; delivered.
-, 18. - of Monies received and paid by the Clerk of the Metropolitan Commissioners in Lunacy; delivered.
-, 19. - of the Orphans Fund; delivered.
-, 20. - from the Chamberlain of London, respecting London Bridge; paving the City; maintaining the Sewers; Navigation of the Thames; Coal Market; Metage of Coals; Mooring Chains in the Thames; and Blackfriars Bridge; delivered.
-, 21. - Finance of the United Kingdom, in Seven Classes; delivered.
-, 22. - of Trade and Navigation; delivered.
-, 23. - of Grand Jury Presentments, Ireland, in 1831; delivered.
-, 24. - of Increase and Diminution in the several Public Departments in the Year 1831; delivered.
-, 25. - of Arrears and Balances due from Public Accountants on 5th January 1832; delivered.
-, 26. - of Superannuation Allowances under 3 Geo. 4, c. 113, for the Year ended 5th January 1832; delivered.
-, 27. - of the Pilots Fund of the Corporation of Trinity House; delivered.
-, 28. - of the Receipt and Expenditure of the Dovor Harbour Tonnage Duties; delivered.
-, 29. - of Expences incurred under the Land Tax Redemption Act, from 5th April 1831 to 5th April 1832; delivered.
-, 30. - (Annual) of the Receipt and Disbursements at the Liverpool Docks; delivered.
-, 31. - relating to Staines Bridge; delivered.
-, 32. - respecting Richmond Bridge; delivered.
-, 33. - of Expences of Commissioners for building new Churches; delivered.
-, 34. - of the Margate Pier and Harbour Company; delivered.
-, 35. - of the Royal Military Canal; delivered.
-, 36. - of the Commissioners of Westminster Bridge; delivered.
-, 37. - Abstract of the, of the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses, to 30th June 1832; delivered.
-, 38. - of the Hop Duty for 1831, specifying the Districts, and the old and new Duty, with the Number of Acres in Cultivation: Also,
-, 39. - of the Number of Bushels of Malt that have paid Duty in England and Wales during the Year 1831; also, in Scotland; and also, in Ireland; ordered. - Forthwith. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 40. - shewing the Number of Arguments on Law Points in the Court of Exchequer at Edinburgh during the last Twenty Years; distinguishing the Number of such Arguments during each of the said Years; ordered. - Laid on the Table by the Clerk Assistant, (having been transmitted by Post,) and to be printed.
-, 41. - of the Number of Causes brought in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, distinguishing Undefended Causes, Causes tried, Defended Causes tried, and Causes compromised without any Trial, for the last Twenty Years, distinguishing each Year; laid on the Table by the Clerk Assistant, (having been transmitted by Post,) and to be printed.
-, 42. - of the Revenue of Scotland the First Year in which it can be ascertained subsequent to the Change made in the Constitution of the Court of Exchequer at the Union in 1707: Also,
-, 43. - In each of the following Years, 1819, 1822, 1825, 1828 and 1831, (being every Third Year during that Period,) the following Returns; (vizt.)
-, The Gross Revenue of Scotland in the Departments of Customs, Excise, Stamps, Legacy Duty, Post Horse Duty, Assessed Taxes, Land Tax, Crown Rents and Casualties, Post Office, Pension Tax and Hawkers Licence Tax: Also,
-, 44. - The Number of Suits or Proceedings in English Law, in each of these Years, on behalf of His Majesty or of Qui tam Informers, including the Number of Motions for enforcing Payment of Legacy Duty; explaining the Description of the Suits and Proceedings: Also,
-, 45. - the Number of such English Law Suits and Proceedings in which Defendants or Claimers have employed Attornies to act for them, with an Explanation generally of the various Modes in which such Cases have been concluded: Also,
-, 46. - the Number of English Law Writs and other Proceedings which were sealed with the Exchequer Seal, explaining the Nature of these: Also,
-, 47. - the Number of Cases in which Bonds given by Collectors and Sub-Collectors of Assessed Taxes have been prosecuted under Authority of the Barons, or One of their Number: Also,
-, 48. - the Number of separate Proceedings before the Barons in Treasury Chambers, explaining distinctly the various Descriptions of such Proceedings: Also,
-, 49. - the Number of Orders by the Barons in Treasury Chambers drawn up and entered: Also,
-, 50. - the Number of Letters and Reports to the High Courts of Parliament, the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, or the Secretaries of State, which required the special Consideration of the Barons, explaining generally the Occasions on which these were called for: Also,
-, 51. - the Number of Signatures which passed the Exchequer, with a proper Explanation of the Nature of this Proceeding, and of the Duty performed by the Barons in regard to it; and the Mode of discussing Questions when Disputes arise as to such Signatures: Also,
-, 52. - the Number of Justiciary and other Fines, and Forfeited Bail Bonds, returned to be recovered in Exchequer: Also,
-, 53. - In the Year 1831 -
-, Return of the Number of Persons employed; the Amount of Attendance; and Nature of the Duties performed
-, In the Department of the King's Remembrancer, including his Treasury Clerks and the Attornies or English Law Clerks in his Department, with their Clerks:
-, In the Lord Treasurer's Department:
-, In the Department of the Auditor of the Public Accounts generally, and in that of the Auditor of Excise Accounts:
-, In the Department of the Clerk of the Pipe; also of the Solicitors of Excise, Customs, Stamps, Legacy Duties, Assessed Taxes, Post Office, and Exchequer: Also,
-, 54. - Statement of the several Acts of Parliament now in force in which special Duties are imposed upon the Barons, and an Explanation of the Nature of those Duties: And lastly,
-, 55. - Return for the aforesaid Five several Years of the Number of Days Attendance, and of the Average Number of Hours Attendance during those Days, by the Barons or any of them, in Court or in Treasury Chambers, adding an Explanation of the casual Business during Vacation which requires the Attention of the Barons or One of them; ordered.
-, 56. - Return of the Number of Writs of Subpona requiring Parties to appear as Defendants before the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, issued during each of the last Ten Years respectively, including the Number of Rules granted for Parties to shew Cause before the said Court, the Number of Informations of Seizure, the Number of Writs of Scire Facias, and the Number of Suits arising under Writs of Extent, during the aforesaid Period, distinguishing each Year: And also,
-, 57. - Return of the Number of all Cases compromised by the different Boards of Revenue in Scotland for the last Ten Years respectively; distinguishing those compromised without being brought into Court and those after being brought to Trial, and the Amount of the Sums received as such; ordered.
-, 58. - of the Prices, per London Chaldron, of Sea-borne Coals at the Coal Exchange in London, upon each Market Day from 1st February to 17th October 1831; distinguishing the different Sorts; delivered, and to be printed.
-, 59. - of the Number of Persons who have emigrated from the United Kingdom to North America, the Cape of Good Hope, New South Wales, & c. since the passing of the Act 9 Geo. 4, c. 21; ordered. - Delivered. - To be printed.
-, 60. - of the Total Sums contributed by Great Britain for the Erection of Fortifications in the Netherlands, or towards the Defence and Incorporation of the Belgic Provinces with Holland; delivered, and to be printed.
-, 61. - of the Name of every Parish in Ireland in which an Agreement has been made under the Tithe Composition Act; distinguishing Tithes held by Ecclesiastical Persons or Lay Impropriators, and the Amount of Composition in each Case: Also,
-, 62. - of all Applications for Vestries to be appointed under the Tithe Composition Act, from November 1829 to November 1831; the Progress made in consequence of such Applications; and the Number of Cases in which the Composition has been actually effected: And also,
-, 63. - from the Four Arch Dioceses of the Ten last Parishes in each of the said Dioceses in which the Composition Act has been carried into Effect, and of the Number of Acres in each of the said Parishes, distinguishing the Amount of Bog, Pasture, Tillage and Waste Land, and (so far as the same can be ascertained) the Average Amount of Rent paid thereon; ordered. - Delivered, to be printed, and referred to the Tithe (Ireland) Committee. - From the Two last Parishes in the Diocese of Ossory, delivered, and to be printed.
-, 64. - of the Number of Commitments for stealing from the Person, during the Years 1805, 1806 and 1807, in England and Wales: Also,
-, 65. - of the Number of Commitments for stealing from the Person, during the Years 1809, 1810 and 1811, in England and Wales: And also,
-, 66. - of the Number of Persons who, having before been convicted of Larceny, have been convicted of a Second Larceny since the passing of the Statute subjecting such Persons to Transportation for Life, in England and Wales; and the Sentences passed on such Persons; ordered.
-, 67. - of the Money that has been already accumulated from Interest on the Interest of the Money paid into the Court of Chancery, and which is now remaining in the Suitors Fund: Also,
-, 68. - of the Interest that has been paid in each Year, for the last Three Years, on the Interest of Money now lodged in the Court of Chancery: And also,
-, 69. - of the Amount of the existing Charges on these Funds; ordered. - Delivered.
-, 70. - The several Clerks of the Peace in England to lay before the House, A Copy of the Receipt and Expenditure of all Turnpike Roads that were transmitted to their respective Offices for the Year ending Michaelmas 1829, with the Name and Place of Abode of the Clerks of each of such Turnpike Roads: Also,
-, 71. - A Return to certain Questions, to be obtained from the Clerks of the said several Turnpike Roads: And also,
-, 72. - A Return to certain Questions, to be obtained from the Surveyors of the said several Turnpike Roads; ordered, 19.
-, 73. - of the Number of Vessels belonging to His Majesty's Navy which have been employed in each Year from the Year 1817, inclusive, to the present Time, under special Instructions for the Suppression of the Slave Trade: And also,
-, 74. - of the Number of Vessels seized and condemned in each Year by the Mixed Commissions under the several Treaties with Foreign States for the Suppression of the Slave Trade, specifying the Countries to which such Vessels belonged; ordered. - Delivered. - To be printed. - Referred to Select Committee on the West India Colonies, 254.
-, 75. - of the Number of Vessels belonging to Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands and Brazil, which have been employed in each Year, under the several Treaties with those Powers, under special Instructions for the Suppression of the Slave Trade; ordered.
-, 76. - of the Number of British Ships, with their Tonnage, laden wholly or partly with Produce, entered Inwards, from the 1st of January 1831 to the 1st of January 1832, (or up to the latest Period to which the same can be made up,) into the Port of Liverpool from the United States of America: Also,
-, 77. - (similar) of American Vessels: Also,
-, 78. - of the Number and Tonnage of all Foreign Ships, laden wholly or partly with Lumber or Deals, from Norway into the Port of London, from 1st January 1831 to 1st January 1832, or up to the latest Period to which the same can be made up: Also,
-, 79. - (similar) of all British Vessels: And also,
-, 80. - of all Sums paid by His Majesty's Treasury, from 1st January 1826 to 1st January 1832, (distinguishing the Amount in each Year,) to different Corporate Establishments, or others, or to Individuals exercising by Charter or Act of Parliament the Power to levy additional Dues, in the Ports and Harbours of the United Kingdom, on Foreign Vessels, beyond those that are paid by British Vessels; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 81. - of the Number of Vessels, with the Amount of their Tonnage, that have been built and registered in the several Ports of the British Empire, in each Year from the Year 1814 to the Year 1831, both inclusive: And also,
-, 82. - of the Number of Vessels, with the Amount of their Tonnage, and the Number of Men and Boys usually employed in navigating the same, that belonged to the several Ports of the British Empire, in each Year from 1814 to 1831, both inclusive; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 83. - of the Number of Vessels, with the Amount of their Tonnage, and the Number of Men and Boys employed in navigating the same, (including their repeated Voyages,) that entered Inwards and cleared Outwards at the several Ports of the United Kingdom from and to Foreign Parts, in each Year from 1814 to 1831, both inclusive, distinguishing British from Foreign: Also,
-, 84. - of the Number of Vessels, with the Amount of their Tonnage, and the Number of Men and Boys employed in navigating the same, (including their repeated Voyages,) that entered Inwards and cleared Outwards at the several Ports of Great Britain from and to all Parts of the World, in each Year from 1814 to 1831, both inclusive: Also,
-, 85. - like, exclusive of the Trade between Great Britain and Ireland: And also,
-, 86. - Comparative Statement of the British and Foreign Tonnage which have entered the several Ports of the United Kingdom, distinguishing the Countries from whence, from the Year 1814 to 1831, both inclusive; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 87. - of the Tonnage of Vessels employed in the Coasting Trade which have entered at or cleared out from the Ports of the United Kingdom, from 1823 to 1831, both inclusive; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 88. - of the Number of Ships which passed the Sound, from the Year 1814 to 1831, both inclusive; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 89. - of all Lead and Lead Ore imported into the United Kingdom in the Year ending 5th January 1832: Also,
-, 90. - of all Lead and Lead Ore, distinguishing Pig and Rolled Lead, Shot, Litharge, and Lead Paints from each other, exported from the United Kingdom in the Year ending 5th January 1832: Also,
-, 91. - of the Quantity of Lead and Lead Ore imported, and from whence, from the 5th January 1831 to 5th January 1832, with the Amount of Duty received: And also,
-, 92. - of Lead and Lead Ore exported from the United Kingdom, from 5th January 1831 to 5th January 1832, distinguishing the Countries to which it was sent; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 93. - of all Sums paid at the Office of Arms in Ireland by Claimants of Baronies descending through Heirs Female or Baronies in Fee, from 1824 to 1831: And also,
-, 94. - like, of all Sums paid by Persons claiming similar Baronies as Heirs Male, in same Office, from 1817 to 1825; ordered. - Delivered. - To be printed.
-, 95. - of the Quantities of Gloves and of Kid and Lamb Skins respectively imported; of the Quantities taken for Home Consumption; and of the Quantities exported, expressing whether exported from Warehouse or otherwise; from the Year 1820 to the 5th January 1832, both inclusive; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 96. - of all Offices held by The Honourable William Henry Scott by Appointment under the Great Seal, with a Description of such Offices, and the Form and Date of Appointment to each, distinguishing those in Possession and in Reversion; with an Account of the Emoluments received by him from each of such Offices upon an Average of the last Three Years; ordered. - Delivered.
-, 97. - of the Quantity of Phormium Tenax, or New Zealand Flax, imported in each of the last Three Years ending January 1st, 1832, stating the Ports where received; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 98. - of the Population and Assessed Taxes of each Town in England and Wales having more than 2,000 Inhabitants which does not now return Members to the House of Commons, and to which it is not proposed to give that Right by the Bill "to amend the Representation of the People of England and Wales;" ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 99. - of every Place in Great Britain not now sending Members to Parliament, of which the Population has by the last Census exceeded 5,000 Souls, and the Amount of Assessed Taxes for the Year ending the 5th of April 1831 in each Place respectively; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 100. - of the Amount of all South Sea Duties which have been returned on imported Goods, stating by what Authority such Returns have been made, up to the latest Period; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 101. - of the Number of Applications to the Board of Education in Dublin for new Schools under their System, or for Assistance in behalf of Schools already established; the Number of the Applications in each Case; and the Names and Persuasions of the Clergy; with the Places, Parishes and Counties from which such Applications have proceeded: And also,
-, 102. - of the Number of such Applications which have been complied with; the Names of the Schools; the Parishes and Counties in which they are situated; and the Number of Children in each; distinguishing those in which the Application has been signed by, 1st, the Clergy of both Persuasions; 2d, the Clergy of one Persuasion and the Laity of another; 3d, the Laity of both; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 103. - of all Sums granted by the new Board of Education in Ireland, distinguishing the Sum on each Application; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 104. - of the highest and lowest Price at which, according to the Official Returns published in The London Gazette, Wheat has been sold in each of the Twenty-four following Years, vizt. from 24th June 1808 to 24th June 1832, inclusive; ordered. - Delivered.
-, 105. - of all Salaries and Emoluments enjoyed by the Clerks and Officers of this House between 5th January 1829 and 5th January 1830, the Total Amount of which exceeds £1,000, (delivered 17th December 1830,) to be printed, 303.
-, 106. - of the Amount of all Duties returned on Woollens exported to Foreign Countries in consequence of Treaties, stating also by what Authority such Returns were made, from 1825 to the latest Period; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 107. - of the Number of Committals to Mullingar Gaol, since the Conclusion of the last Lent Assizes, of Prisoners who now remain for Trial at the ensuing Assizes, for any and what alleged Offences committed since the last Assizes; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 108. - of the Number of the Africans and Creoles upon the Seventy-six Estates in the Parish of Trelawney, in the Island of Jamaica, at the Commencement of the Registry in the Year 1817; distinguishing Africans from Creoles, and their Sexes respectively: Also,
-, 109. - of the Number of Births and Deaths (distinguishing in the latter only the Africans from the Creoles) which have occurred upon the same Seventy-six Estates, from the earliest to the latest Period of the Registration: And also,
-, 110. - of the Ages of the Africans only upon the same Seventy-six Estates at the Commencement of the Registry, distinguished in Periods of Ten Years; ordered. - Delivered, to be printed, and referred to Select Committee on the West India Colonies.
-, 111. - of the Numbers and Ages of the African and Creole Population respectively in Jamaica as exhibited in the first Registry of Slaves for that Island for 1817; distinguishing the Sexes, and classing them in Periods of Age of Five Years respectively; ordered.
-, 112. - of the Number of Causes instituted and decided in the Court of Session in Scotland between the 1st January 1831 and 1st January 1832, shewing the Number of Causes ready for Judgment, but not disposed of, at the last of these Dates; delivered.
-, 113. - of the Residence and Non-residence of the Irish Clergy for the Year 1829, as communicated to the Privy Council; ordered. - Order discharged. Vide Address, No 7.
-, 114. - of the Exports from this Country to Hayti, and of the Imports into this Country from Hayti, for Five Years, up to the latest Period to which the same can be made up; ordered, 429. - Delivered.
-, 115. - of all Salaries, Profits, Fees and Emoluments held and enjoyed by all Persons between the 5th January 1831 and the 5th January 1832, specifying with each Name the Total Amount received by each Individual, so far as relates to the Keeper or Clerk of His Majesty's Hanaper, the Patentee of the Subpona Office, the Registrar of Affidavits, the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, the Clerk of the Patents, the Clerk of the Custodies of Lunatics and Idiots, and the Patentee for the Execution of the Laws and Statutes concerning Bankrupts, the Prothonotary of the Court of Chancery, the Chaff Wax, the Sealer, the Clerk of the Presentations, the Clerk of Inrolments in Bankruptcy, and the Clerk of Dispensations and Faculties; ordered. - Delivered in Part, and to be printed.
-, 116. - of the Income of The Lord Chancellor from the 1st of January 1831 to the 1st of January 1832, with the Sources from whence the same was derived; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.

Ackers v. Phipps; Appeal presented. - Separate Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Hearing appointed, ibid. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Adamson and Watson v. Stormonth or Darling et al.; Appeal presented. - Robertson to enter into Recognizance. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Address; - 1. of Thanks on the Speech of His Majesty, moved, and agreed to Nemine Dissentiente, and Committee appointed to prepare the Address; Address reported and agreed to, and to be presented by the Whole House, and the Lords with White Staves to wait on His Majesty humbly to know when He will please to be attended with the same. - The King's Answer reported. - The King's Answer to the Address reported, and, with the Address, to be printed and published.
-, 2. - to His Majesty for Copies of the Royal Instructions to the Governors of New South Wales, Van Diemen's Land and Western Australia, as to the Mode to be adopted in disposing of Crown Lands; together with such Parts of any Despatches addressed to them as relate to the same Subject, or to the Means by which Emigration may be facilitated; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 3. - for an Abstract of the Total Number of Curates in each Diocese in England and Wales, according to the Returns made by the Archbishops and Bishops to His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council for the Year 1829; distinguishing the Number resident in the Parsonage House and the Number resident in the Parish; likewise the Number of those who are licensed, and the Amount of Stipends, arranged in Classes of £10 and under £20, £20 and under £30, £30 and under £40, & c. & c. & c.: Also the Number of Livings held by Non-resident Incumbents which are of the gross Annual Value of £300 and upwards and under £380: And also,
-, 4. - for an Abstract of the Number and Classes of Non-resident Incumbents, and of the Number of Resident Incumbents, according to the Diocesan Returns for the Year 1829; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed. - The King's Answer.
-, 5. - to His Majesty for Copies and Extracts of Communications received by the Irish Government, within the last Year, upon the Collection and Payment of Tithe, and the Resistance offered thereto; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, to be printed, and referred to the Select Committee on Tithes, Ireland.
-, 6. - for Copies of Instructions given by The Secretary of State for the Home Department with reference to Parliamentary Representation; likewise Copies of Letters or Reports received by The Secretary of State for the Home Department in answer to such Instructions; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed. - (Reports on the Boundaries of Scotch Burghs,) 339.
-, 7. - for a Return of the Residence and Non-residence of the Irish Clergy for the Year 1829 and for the Year 1830, as far as the same can be made out, as communicated to the Privy Council; ordered. - The King's Answer.
-, 8. - for the Plans, detailed Estimates, and Contracts relative to the proposed Alterations at Buckingham Palace; the Plans to distinguish between the Works already done, and the proposed Alterations; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and (exclusive of the Plans) to be printed.
-, 9. - for Copies of Papers relating to the Disorder called Spasmodic Cholera, and Reports from the Central Board of Health to the Privy Council, founded thereupon; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Copies of Papers delivered, and to be printed. - Reports delivered, and to be printed. - Reports referred to Committee on Metropolis Cemetery Bill.
-, 10. - for Report of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the Practice and Jurisdiction of the Ecclesiastical Courts in England and Wales; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 11. - for Copies of a Circular Despatch addressed by Viscount Goderich to the Governors of West Indian Colonies on the 3d of June 1831, and of a Proclamation enclosed therein, to be issued by the Governors in the event of any Excitement or false Impressions being observed amongst the Slaves: And also Copies or Extracts of a Correspondence which ensued thereupon between Viscount Goderich and The Earl of Belmore, Governor of Jamaica; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed. - Referred to Select Committee on West India Colonies.
-, 12. - for the last Report of the Commissioners for enquiring into the Proceedings in Suits in the Superior Courts of Common Law; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 13. - for Report of the Commissioners for enquiring into the State of the Universities in Scotland; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 14. - for Statement of the Number of Persons charged with Criminal Offences who were committed to the different Gaols in England and Wales for Trial at the Assizes and Sessions held for the several Counties, Cities, Towns and Liberties therein, during the last Twenty- one Years, distinguishing the Numbers in each Year: A similar Statement of the Number committed in each County in each of the Three last Seven Years: A similar Statement of the Number convicted, sentenced, acquitted, & c. & c: And a similar Statement of the Number convicted of Crimes for which they received Sentence of Death, and the Number thereof who were executed; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed. - The King's Answer.
-, 15. - for Copy of the Commission for enquiring into the Administration of the Poor Laws; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 16. - for Copy of Report of the Visiting Magistrates of the Gaol and Bridewell at Winchester, at the Epiphany Sessions of the present Year, and ordered by the Magistrates then present to be transmitted to His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 17. - to His Majesty for a Copy of the Address of the Magistrates and Governor of the County of Westmeath to The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, and His Excellency's Reply; moved, and, after Debate, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative, and Address ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 18. - for Copy of the Memorial of the Committee of the Inhabitants of Trinidad, addressed to Lord Viscount Goderich, dated in November 1831, praying for a Change in the Legislative Council of the Colony: Also,
-, A Copy of Lord Viscount Goderich's Despatch to Sir Lewis Grant, dated 30th January 1832, in reply to the above Memorial: Also,
-, A Copy of the Statement and Observations of the Committee upon the Taxation and Expenditure of the Colony, transmitted to Lord Viscount Goderich, 31st December, through their Agent: And also,
-, A Copy of a Despatch in reply to the above, dated 14th January 1832; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and referred to Select Committee on the West India Colonies.
-, 19. - for Copies of all Communications from Jamaica relating to the Trial of George Ancle and Samuel Swiney, Negro Slaves, for certain alleged Offences relating to Religious Worship: And also,
-, Communications relating to the Adoption or Rejection of a Law for abolishing the Practice of punishing Females by the Whip; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed. - Referred to Select Committee on West India Colonies.
-, 20. - for Copies of Three Returns of Churches, Vaults and Burial Grounds visited by the Medical Officers attached to the Central Board of Health, referred to in the Report of the Central Board of Health to the Privy Council; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered.
-, 21. - for Copy of the Dispatch from Lord Goderich to The Earl of Belmore, dated 1st November 1831; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed. - Referred to Select Committee on West India Colonies.
-, 22. - to express to His Majesty their Lordships Horror and Indignation at the late atrocious and treasonable Attempt upon His Majesty, and their heartfelt Congratulations that His Majesty escaped from it without Injury to His sacred Person; to express to His Majesty the deep Concern which they feel at there having been found within His Majesty's Dominions a Person capable of so flagitious an Attempt; and that their Lordships make it their earnest Prayer to Almighty God that He will preserve to their Lordships the Blessings which they enjoy under His Majesty's just and mild Government, and to continue to watch over and protect a Life so justly dear to them; moved, and agreed to Nemine Dissentiente, and a Committee appointed to prepare the Address; Address reported and agreed to, and ordered to be communicated to the Commons at a Conference, and their Concurrence thereto desired; certain Lords went to the Conference, and afterwards reported that they had communicated to the Managers for the Commons the Address of this House; a Message was brought from the Commons, to acquaint their Lordships that the Commons had agreed to the said Address; the same was ordered, Nemine Dissentiente, to be presented to His Majesty by the Whole House, and the Lords with White Staves directed to wait on His Majesty to know when He will please to appoint to be attended therewith. - The King's Answer reported. - A Message sent to the Commons to acquaint them therewith. - The King's Answer to the Address reported, and, with the Address, to be printed and published. Vide Conference.
-, 23. - to His Majesty for Report of the Committee of the House of Assembly in Jamaica appointed to inquire into the Cause of and the Injury sustained by the recent Rebellion in that Colony, together with the Examinations on Oath, Confessions and other Documents thereto annexed; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed. - Referred to Select Committee on West India Colonies.
-, 24. - for Copy of the Code Rural of Hayti (July 1826) and Translation; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and referred to Select Committee on the West India Colonies, 426.
-, 25. - for Despatch, dated the 10th December 1774, from The Earl of Dartmouth to Sir Basil Keith, Governor of Jamaica, with Memorials from London, Bristol and Liverpool, on the Subject of an Act passed by the Assembly of Jamaica in that Year, imposing a Duty on each Slave imported: Also,
-, The foregoing Memorials; Also,
-, Report of the Board of Trade upon the Subject of the foregoing Act; Also,
-, Additional Despatch or Instruction, dated the 3d March 1775, to Sir Basil Keith; Also,
-, Letter, dated the 12th June 1775, from Sir Basil Keith to The Earl of Dartmouth; Also,
-, Letter, dated the 6th November 1775, from Sir Basil Keith to The Earl of Dartmouth; And also,
-, Instructions to the Governors of the West India Colonies, requiring them to withhold their Assent to any Act imposing additional Duties on the Importation of Negroes; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and referred to Select Committee on the West India Colonies.
-, 26. - for the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Reports of Commissioners concerning Charities; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 27. - for Copies of any Reports from the Commissioners for Emigration to The Secretary of State for the Colonial Department since the last Session of Parliament; ordered. - The King's Answer. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, 28. - of 30th March 1830; Returns relating to the precious Metals raised, coined, & c. of late Years in Spanish America and Russia; delivered pursuant to, and to be printed.

Admission of Freemen, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Advances to Government; Copy of all Applications made to the Bank of England for, and Amount of Government Securities purchased by the Bank, for the Year ending 5th January 1832; delivered.

African Slaves, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 108 to 111; and West Indies.

Agricultural Poor, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 101.

Agriculture; A Bill for encouraging and facilitating the Employment of Labourers in; presented by The Earl of Shaftesbury, read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed to a private Committee, all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman, (Vide Committee, No 6.) 29. - Amendments made by the Committee to be printed for the Committee only. - Bill reported with Amendments, and to be printed as amended. - Committed to a Committee of the Whole House, and Lords summoned. - Committee put off, and Lords summoned. - House in Committee, and to be again in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Went through the Committee, with Amendments, and Bill to be printed as amended. - Recommitted, and Lords summoned. - On Motion that the House do now again resolve itself into a Committee, after short Debate, Motion (by Leave) withdrawn, and Committee put off, and Lords summoned. - Committee put off, and Lords summoned. - House in Committee, Amendments made, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Report of Amendments to be received, and Lords summoned. - Report of Amendments put off for Six Months.
-, - Petition complaining of the distressed State of Trade and; Vide Petitions, No 78.

Aliens Act, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 22.

Alison v. Grahame; Cross Appeal; Vide Original Appeal, Grahame v. Alison.

America, Trade with; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos .

Amesbury; Charles Dundas Esquire, being created Baron, was (in the usual Manner) introduced.

Amphlett Et Al. v. Peck; Petition of Lydia Amphlett, and others, to present Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Appeal presented. - Fuller to enter into Recognizance.

Anatomy; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - Petition against, from National Trades Political Union, Dublin. - To be read 2a. - Petition in favor, from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. - Second Reading put off. - On Motion to be now read 2a, Amendment moved, to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Six Months"); after Debate, on Question that ("now") stand Part of Motion, resolved in the Affirmative; Bill read 2a, and committed. - Petition of Andrew Sleight for Alteration in. - Petition of William Cobbett against. - House to be in Committee, and Lords summoned. - On Motion that the House do now resolve itself into a Committee, objected to, and, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative; House in Committee, and went through the Bill with Amendments, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Petition of the Council of the Northern Political Union against, received as the Petition of Thomas Attwood, Chairman, who only had signed it. - Amendments reported and agreed to, and Bill to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - On Motion to be now read 3a, objected to; Amendment moved to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Three Months"); on Question that ("now") stand Part of Motion, resolved in the Affirmative, and a Dissentient, with a Reason, entered; Bill read 3a; Amendments made; Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 1

Animals, Cruelty to; Petitions against; Vide Petitions, No 31.

Antrobus, Mary; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Appeals and Writs of Error, Committee respecting; Vide Committee, No 4.

Arbitration; A Bill for settling Controversies by, presented by The Earl of Shaftesbury; read 1a, and to be printed.- 2a, and committed. - Put off. - Reported, to be ingrossed and read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.

Argyll, The Duke Of, And Selkrig v. Macalister And Kelso; Petition of Appellants to amend Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Put off. - Heard in Part. - Fully heard, and Interlocutors, in Part, Reversed, and Cause remitted with a Declaration.

Arms, & c. Act Continuing, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Army Prize Money, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 11.
-, - Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Arrears And Balances Due From Public Accountants, Account of; Vide Accounts, No 25.

Arundel, Port of; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 17.

Ashford Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Assault On The King, Address on Occasion of the late; Vide Address, No 22; and Conference.

Assessed Taxes Composition; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Return of Cases stated and signed by the Commissioners of, subsequent to 25th July 1831; delivered. - Subsequent to 17th January 1832.
-, - Scotland; Cases stated and signed by Commissioners of; Vide Scotland.

Aston Rowant Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - The King's Consent given, and Bill reported with an Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons, ibid. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Vicarage Bill; Vide King.

Astronomy, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 73.

Athenry, Barony of; Copy of Report on; Vide Ireland.

Attorney General, at the Relation of Lord Suffield and Nowell, v. Principal, & c. of Brazen Nose College (Governors of Middleton Free School); Petition to present Appeal; Leave given. - Appeal presented, and Broughton to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in.

Attwood Et Al. v. Messrs. Kinnear And Sons; Appeal presented. - Pearce to enter into Recognizance.

Baillie v. Baillie Et Al. ; Appeal presented, and Smith to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Respondents to dimiss Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made; a Week allowed. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Respondents allowed to lodge Cases. - Petition of Respondents, that Appellant be ordered, within Ten Days, to lodge a Supplemental Case, and for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee, ibid. - Report made, and Respondents allowed to lodge a Supplemental Case, containing Copies of the Record, in place of the Appllant.
-, - v. Grant; Petition to revive Appeal on Part of Appellant, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Heard in Part. - Order for further Hearing discharged. - To be further heard. - Fully heard. - To be further heard by One Counsel of a Side, and the Judges to attend. - Heard, (the Judges present,) and a Question of Law put to the Judges. - To be further considered, and the Judges to attend. - Opinion of the Judges delivered, and the Interlocutors Affirmed.

Baird v. Ross; To be heard. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Put off. - To be heard. - Heard. - Considered. Interlocutors Reversed, and Cause remitted with Instructions.

Baking Trade, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Ballesley Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with an Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Balmer v. Hogarth;- v. - ; Appeals withdrawn, on Petition of Appellant, (Respondent consenting,) 95.

Bank of England; Applications to, for Advances to Government; Vide Advances.

Bankrupt Laws Amendment; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - Put off. - Order discharged. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Barbadoes, Papers respecting;
-, - Slave Population, Papers respecting; Vide West Indies.
-, - and St. Vincents Provisions; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Barton Bridge Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a, 103. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Bawtry and Selby Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Bazett Et Al. v. Campion; Petition to present Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition not complied with.

Beer Act Amendment Bill; A Bill to explain and render effectual the Provisions of an Act to permit the general Sale of Beer and Cyder by Retail in England, presented by The Lord Redesdale; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and com- mitted. - Put off. - Went through Committee with Amendments. - Amendments reported, Bill to be ingrossed and read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 7.

Belfast Railway Bill; Vide Ireland.

Belgic Fortresses; Convention relative to, signed at London, December 14, 1831; delivered, (by Command,) 205.
-, - Provinces, Defence and Incorporation of, with Holland; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 60.

Belgium, Papers respecting; Motion for; Vide Motion, No 5.
-, - Treaty respecting; Vide Netherlands.
-, - Treaty with; Motion for Address respecting; Vide Motion, No 2.

Benefices, Augmentation of small; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 29.
-, - Plurality of, Bill; Vide Plurality.

Berners Claim of Peerage; Committee for Privileges to meet, (on Petition,) 43. - Several Witnesses to attend Committee, and produce certain Documents. 69. - Order for Committee to meet discharged. - Committee to meet. - The Earl of Albemarle sworn to give Evidence before the Committee. - Evidence to be printed. - Committee to meet - Report made, that the Petitioner had made out his Claim as eldest Co-heir of the Barony of Berners; agreed to, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution and Judgment to be laid before His Majesty.
-, - Robert, Baron; The House being informed, that his Lordship was attending with his Writ of Summons, The Lord Chancellor explained his Lordship's Descent, and that he was the eldest Co-heir of that Barony; then his Lordship was called in, and took the Oaths and his Seat.

Berwick Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a.- 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a and passed. - Royal Assent.

Berwickshire Roads Bill; Vide Scotland.

Beveridge v. Freen et. al. ; Appeal presented.
-, - v. - Appeal presented. - Richardson to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Respondents to dismiss Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Beverley, & c. Roads; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a.
-, - 2a, and committed. - Put off. - Reported with an Amendment. - 3a and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Bill, pro formâ, read 1a.

Bills of Exchange; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. Order discharged. - Bill read 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Private; Petitions for, not to be received after 30th March, nor Reports from the Judges thereon after 7th May, 13.
-, - received the Royal Assent by Commission. (The Reform, England, Bill). - 465.

Birkenhead Church; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Birmingham and London Railway Bill; Vide London.
-, - And Stonebridge Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - And Wednesbury Roads; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Bishop Wearmouth and Norton Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Black Rod; The Lord Chamberlain acquainted the House, that His Majesty had appointed Sir Augustus William Clifford, Knight, to be Gentleman Usher of the Black Rod, in the Room of Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, resigned, and that he was at the Door to receive their Lordships Commands; whereupon he was called in, and officiated in his Place.

Blackfriars Bridge, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 20.

Blake v. Boyle and Nixon; Petition to present Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Appeal presented, ibid. - Witham to enter into Recognizance. - Christian Name of One of the Respondents to be altered, (on Petition of Appellant,). - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Blankney, & c. Drainage; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Board (Central) of Health; Addresses for Report from, and Returns respecting Burial Grounds; Vide Address, Nos 9. 20.

Bodmin Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Booth, J. and L. v. Booth and Black; To be heard. - Heard. - Considered. - Further considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with £230 Costs.

Boroughbridge and Durham Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Boughey, Sir Thomas E. F. Baronet; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Petition for further Provision in the Bill, presented and referred to same Judges. - Judges Report read, (on Petition,) and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Boundaries, Address for Reports on; Vide Address, No 6.
-, - Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Bribery at Elections; A Bill to amend the Law relating to Bribery in the Election of Members of Parliament, presented by Lord Wynford; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Read 2a, (after short Debate,) and committed.
-, - ; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a (on Motion), and committed, and Lords summoned. - Order discharged.

Bridgewater and Taunton Canal; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Petition against, presented and referred to the Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman, ibid. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Bristol Blind Asylum; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with One Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Damages Compensation; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - (St. James) Improvement; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

British Commercial Insurance Company; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - India, Account of Cargoes exported by American Ships from the Ports of; Vide Accounts, No 4.
-, - Museum; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Brodie, William, Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges in Scotland. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Bromham and Olney Road; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Brough Ferry Roads; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Browne v. W. and D. Tighe; Appeal presented, and Bainbridge to enter into Recognizance. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed ex-parte. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Bruce v. Lang; Appeal presented. - Robertson to enter into Recognizance.

Bryden et al. v. Bryden et al.; Hearing appointed. - Peti- tion of Respondents for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made; a Week allowed.

Bubwith, & c. Inclosure; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - The King's Consent given, and Bill reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Buckingham and Hanwell Road; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Palace, Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, No 8.
-, - (Land Revenue) Bill; Vide Land Revenue.

Bulkley v. Wilford; Petition of Appellant that the Judges Notes may be produced on the Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Burford Road; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Burial Grounds, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 43. - Address for Returns respecting; Vide Address, No 20.

Burman, John, Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a.

Bush et al. v. Locke; Appeal presented. - Stephen to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Appellants to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Appellants last Petition complied with, ibid. - Report made, and Respondent's Petition complied with. - Hearing appointed.

Bushnell, John, Clerk; Petition of, for a Bill, presented (on Petition) and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Busteed, George Washington; Petitions of, for Relief; Vide Petitions, No 79.

CADELL v. Palmer et al.; To be heard, and the Judges to attend. - Heard in Part, (the Judges present,) 59. - To be further heard. - Order discharged.

Caledonian Canal, Report respecting; Vide Scotland.

Calves, Mode of conveying to Market; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 31.

Cameron v. Mackie et al.; Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Campbell and Hay v. Graham; Appeal presented. - Brundrett to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Revived on Part of Respondent (on Petition), 107. - Report made, and One Month allowed to lodge Cases, 122. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondent for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made; a Week allowed. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondent for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Candy v. Campbell and Stuart; Appeal presented. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondents to advance the Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Carnarvonshire Roads; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Catholics, Marriages between, and Protestants; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 66. 71.

Caversham Inclosure; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Cemetery (General); Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - Standing Order No 210 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Considered and dispensed with, and Bill read 2a, and committed. - Petition of Rector and Inhabitants of St. Mary-le-bone against, presented and referred to the Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman; and Committee put off. - Witnesses to attend. - Report from Central Board of Health, dated 23d January 1832, referred to the Committee. - Petition of Vestrymen, & c. of St. Mary-le-bone in favor, presented and referred to Committee. - Reported with Amendments. - To be read 3a.-On Motion to be now read 3a, objected to; moved to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Six Months;") on Question that ("now") stand Part of the Motion, it was resolved in the Affirmative; Bill read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Central Board of Health, Address for Reports from; Vide Address, No 9.
-, - Returns respecting Burial Grounds referred to in Report from; Address for; Vide Address, No 20.

Certificates of Commissioners of Common Law Courts; Vide Courts of Common Law.

Chancellor, The Lord, Ireland, Secretaries to; Returns respecting; Vide Ireland - Copy.

Chancellor's, The Lord, Income; Account of; Vide Account, No 116.
-, - Salary; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Chancery; Vide Court of.

Charitable Funds; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Institutions, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Charities, Reports respecting; Address for; Vide Address, No 26.

Chester Bridge; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with One Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Chichester Church; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

China, Trade with; Papers respecting; Vide East Indies.

Chipping Sodbury, The Bailiff, & c. of, et al.; Petition of, to present an Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition not complied with.

Cholera, Orders in Council issued under the Act for the Prevention of; delivered and to be printed.
-, - Prevention; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed, and Standing Orders Nos 26 and 155 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Bill read 2a, and committed; Standing Orders considered and dispensed with; House to be in Committee instanter; went through Committee, with Amendments; Amendments reported and agreed to; Bill 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.
-, - Scotland; Papers respecting; Vide Scotland.
-, - Spasmodic, Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, No 9.

Chorlton Row Improvement; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Church and Monarchy, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 89.
-, - Establishment, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 29. 40. 41. 89.
-, - Property, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 103.
-, - Rates and Cess, Ireland; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 17.

Churches Building Act Amendment Bill; A Bill to render more effectual an Act of 59 Geo. 3, for amending an Act for building and promoting the building of additional Churches in populous Parishes, presented by The Lord Bishop of London; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - New; Account of Expences for building; Vide Accounts, No 33.
-, - Returns respecting; Address for; Vide Address, No 20.
-, - The Twelfth Report of the Commissioners for building new; delivered, and to be printed.

Circars, Papers respecting; Vide East Indies.

Civil Departments, Navy, Bill; Vide Navy.

Civil List Payments; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a (on Motion), and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, an Amendment made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Clarence Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed.-Reported.-3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Clark v. Sim; Appeal presented. - Richardson to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition not complied with.
-, - v. -; Appeal presented, and Richardson to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed.

Clayton, W. R. Esquire; A Bill to dissolve his Marriage, presented (on Petition), read 1a, and to be read 2a, and Lords summoned, and usual Orders made, a Copy of the Proceedings in the Ecclesiastical Court being first delivered (upon Oath) at the Bar. - Several Witnesses to attend. - Second Reading put off, and Lords summoned. - A Report of the Proceedings upon the Trial of the Cause Clayton v. Franklyn laid on the Table, pursuant to Standing Order; Counsel heard, Witnesses examined and Second Reading put off; and Lords summoned. - Evidence to be printed, ibid. - Bill to be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - On Motion to be read 2a, objected to; and, on Question, read 2a, and committed. - Went through Committee, with One Amendment.- Amendment reported, Bill to be ingrossed and read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Clergy and Livings, Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, Nos 3, 4.
-, - Ireland; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 113.- Address for Return respecting; Vide Address, No 7.
-, - Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 76.

Clerk of The Crown (King's Bench), Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Clerk, Sir G., et al. v. Dr. Adam et al.; Petition of Respondent (Dr. Adam) to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in. - To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Reversed.

Clerks of the Peace, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 49.

Clifton Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with One Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Clyne v. Manson and Goldie; Appeal presented. - Macqueen to enter into Recognizance. - Respondents to defend in formâ pauperis, (on Petition,) 72. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition not complied with. - Petition of Appellant that R. M. S. Rose may enter into Recognizance, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with; Rose to enter into Recognizance forthwith.
-, - v. - Appeal presented. - Respondents to defend in formâ pauperis, (on Petition,) .
-, - v. Sclater et al. ; Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Petition of Appellant to remit the Cause, with Instructions, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Coal Meters, Dublin, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Coals, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 58.
-, - Metage of, and Market; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No 20.

Cockerell, Sir C. et al. v. Cholmeley; Petition of Respondent for an early Day, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Cause to be heard. - To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Decree Affirmed.

Cockermouth and Workington Road; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Codwise, Edward, Naturalization; Bill presented, (on Petition,) and read 1a. - Certificate produced; Petitioner takes the Oaths; Bill 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Coin Laws; A Bill for consolidating and amending the Laws against Offences relating to the Coin, presented by The Lord Auckland; read 1a, and to be printed.-2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Collieries, Outrages at; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 83.
-, - Petition for Enquiry into the State of the; Vide Petitions, No 63.

Colonial Revenues Audit; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Colonies, West India; Papers respecting; Vide West Indies.
-, - Select Committee respecting; Vide Committee, No 11.

Colvin et al. v. Newberry and Benson; Writ of Error; To be heard, and the Judges to attend. - Heard, (the Judges present,). - Considered, and Judgment Affirmed.

Commission; Bills received the Royal Assent by; Vide Bills.

Committee -1. for Privileges appointed. - Report from Select Committee on Election of Representative Peers for Scotland referred to the Committee. - Further Proceedings; Vide Committee, No 9.
-, 2. - Sub-, for perusing and perfecting the Journals of this House, appointed.- Report made, that the General Index to 17 Volumes, from the 36th to the 52d, both inclusive, (from 20th Geo. 3. to End of that Reign,) and Index to the Rolls of Parliament, were ready; and Indexes ordered to be delivered out in the usual Manner. - Report made, that the 63d Volume, containing Sessions 1830-31 and 1831, was ready; and the same was ordered to be delivered out in the usual Manner.
-, 3. - Select, to consider of some Additions to be made to the Library, appointed, and to meet; and an Instruction given to the Committee to consider of some Mode for more effectually ventilating the House.
-, 4. - respecting Appeals and Writs of Error, appointed, and all Lords added to the Committee. - 1st Report from, 14. - 2d Report. - 3d Report. - 4th Report. - 5th Report. - 6th Report. - 7th Report. - 8th Report. - 9th Report. - 10th Report. - 11th Report. - 12th Report. - 13th Report. - 14th Report. - 15th Report.
-, 5.- Order of the Day for Lords to be summoned read; so much of His Majesty's Speech on opening the Session as relates to Ireland, read; moved, that a Select Committee be appointed to enquire into the Collection and Payment of Tithes in Ireland, and the State of the Laws relating thereto; after Debate, agreed to, and Committee to meet. - Message to the Commons for The Right Honorable Thomas F. Lewis to attend the Committee. - Several Witnesses to attend, ibid. - Evidence taken from Time to Time to be printed, and delivered to the Members of the Committee only, and Committee to report from Time to Time. - Papers respecting the Collection of Tithe in Ireland, and the Resistance offered thereto, referred to the Committee. - The Marquess of Westmeath sworn to give Evidence before the Committee. - The Archbishop of Dublin sworn to give Evidence before the Committee. - Letter respecting Outrages, connected with the Tithe System, in Munster, referred to the Com- mittee. - Petition respecting Tithes, Ireland, referred to the Committee. - Three Accounts respecting Tithes, Ireland, referred to the Committee. - Petitions respecting Tithes, Ireland, referred to the Committee. - Report made from Committee, read, and to be printed, and Evidence (to 9th February) reported, and to be delivered to the Members of the House. - The First Report read, and Resolutions moved and carried; Vide Ireland, Tithes. - Second Report made from, read, and to be printed, and Evidence to 17th April reported, and to be delivered to the Members of the House.
-, 6. - Private, appointed to consider of the Agricultural Labourers Employment Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Amendments made by the Committee to be printed for the Committee. - Bill reported with Amendments, and to be printed as amended.
-, 7. - Select, to enquire into the Expediency of the Baking Trade (Ireland) Bill, under Standing Order No 198, appointed. - Report made.
-, 8. - Select, to enquire into the Expediency of the Dublin Coal Trade Bill, under the Standing Order No 198, appointed. - Petitions for Compensation to Dublin Coal Meters referred to the Committee, ibid. - Report made.
-, 9. - Select, to take into Consideration the Laws and Regulations relating to the Election of Representative Peers for Scotland, appointed. - Petition of The Earl of Mar, complaining that his List was rejected at the General Election, June 1831; Petition of The Marchioness Dowager of Downshire, complaining that Mr. Humphreys Alexander has assumed the Earldom of Stirling; a Copy of the Union Roll of Peers of Scotland, and a List of Peers voting since 1800, (delivered last Session,) referred to the Committee. - The Lord Belhaven and Stenton added to the Committee, 109. - Minutes of Proceedings at the Elections since 1822, referred to the Committee. - Similar Minutes from 1801 to 1822 referred to the Committee. - Report made, and to be printed. - Referred to the Committee for Privileges, and Committee to meet. - The abovementioned Petitions of The Earl of Mar and The Mar- chioness of Downshire referred to the Committee. - Committee put off. - David Robertson to attend to give Evidence. - Committee to meet.
-, 10. - Select, to consider of the Juries (Ireland) Bill, appointed. - Lord Carbery added to the Committee. - Bill reported with Amendments.
-, 11. - Select, to enquire into the Laws and Usages of the several West India Colonies in relation to the Slave Population, and into the distressed Condition of those Colonies, appointed. - Petitions referred to the Committee, ibid. - The Duke of Manchester and Lord Seaford sworn to give Evidence before the Committee. - Several Witnesses ordered to attend. - Committee to report Evidence from Time to Time, and to be printed for the Use of the Committee. - The following Lords added to the Committee, Earl of Radnor. - Lord Colville, Lord Bexley and Lord Wharncliffe. - Marquess of Westminster. - Messages to the Commons for W. Burge Esquire and T. F. Buxton Esquire to attend Committee; Vide Message, No 10. - Several Papers respecting Slavery and the Colonies (delivered to the House in 1830 and 1831) referred to the Committee. - Report of the Commons on the Subject referred to the Committee. - Copy of the Dispatch from Lord Goderich to The Earl of Belmore, dated 1st November 1831, referred to the Committee. - Several Papers relative to the West India Colonies, delivered 29th June, referred to the Committee. - Three Accounts respecting Slaves delivered and referred to the Committee. - Papers relating to the West India Colonies delivered and referred to the Committee. - Report made, and to be printed, and the Evidence to be delivered out to all the Members of the House.
-, 12. - Select, to consider of the Steam Carriages Bill, appointed. - Report of the Commons on Steam Carriages referred to the Committee. - Several Witnesses to attend. - Viscount Hood added to the Committee, 368.
-, 13. - Select, to enquire into the Expediency of the Linen and Hempen Manufactures, Ireland, Bill, under the Standing Order No 198, appointed. - The Earl of Stradbroke, Viscount Leinster, Lord Boyle, Lord Ormonde, Lord Clements and Lord Templemore added to the Committee. - Report made, that it is expedient to proceed with the Bill.
-, 14. - Select, to consider of the Fees of the House so far as the same relate to those payable to The Lord Chancellor as Speaker of this House, appointed. - Report made, agreed to, and ordered accordingly.
-, 15. - Private, appointed to consider of the Lunatics Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - Reported with Amendments, and to be printed as amended.

Committees; The Earl of Shaftesbury appointed, Nemine Dissentiente, to take the Chair in all, for this Session.

Commitments for Stealing, Accounts of; Vide Accounts, Nos .

Common Law Courts Process; A Bill for Uniformity of Process in Personal Actions in His Majesty's Courts of Law at Westminster, presented by Lord Tenterden; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Went through Committee with Amendments, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Amendments reported, on Motion, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Compensation, Ireland; Certificates and Warrants respecting; Vide Ireland.
-, - Scotland; Warrants granting; Vide Scotland.

Conference had with the Commons on the Subject Matter of their Disagreement to the Amendments made by this House to the Punishment of Death Bill, and Report made of their Reasons for the same; Report read, and to be taken into Consideration, and Lords summoned. - Report read; the House agreed to insist on Three of the Amendments, and not on the other Two; Committee appointed to prepare Reasons to be offered to the Commons for insisting on the said Three Amendments; House adjourned during Pleasure, resumed, the Reasons reported, and to be communicated to the Commons at a Conference; a Message sent to the Commons to desire a present Conference, and Managers named. - Conference agreed to by the Commons, had, and The Lord President reported that the Managers had delivered the said Reasons to the Commons at the Conference, and had left the Bill and Amendments with them. - Bill returned, and House acquainted that the Commons do not insist on their Disagreement to the Amendments insisted on by this House.
-, - had with the Commons on the Subject Matter of their Disagreement to some of the Amendments to the Lunatics Bill, and Report made of their Reasons for such Disagreement; Report read; moved not to insist on the Amendments to which the Commons disagree; on Question, resolved in the Affirmative, and a Message sent to the Commons to inform them thereof.
-, - had with the Commons, at the Desire of the Lords, to request their Concurrence in an Address to His Majesty on the late atrocious Attempt on His Person; Report made, that the Address had been communicated to them; and a Message brought from H.C. that they had agreed to it. - Vide Address, No 22.

Consolidated Fund (£3,000,000); Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - ; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - ; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, after short Debate, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Contagious Diseases, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Contempts in Ecclesiastical Courts Bill; Vide Ecclesiastical.
-, - Equity Act Amendment; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - Order discharged. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Convicts, Two Reports of J. H. Capper Esquire relative to; delivered, and to be printed.

Convention with The King of the French respecting the Slave Trade; delivered. - Referred to Select Committee on the State of the West India Colonies.
-, - relative to the Belgick Fortresses; Vide Belgick.
-, - with Russia; delivered; Vide Russia.

Cork, City of; Local Rates in; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 70.
-, - Hospital Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - Rights of the Citizens of; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 52.

Coroners Courts, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 80.

Corporate Funds; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Went through Committee with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be read 3a. - Put off. - Order discharged, and Bill to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - On Motion, after short Debate, Bill read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Cotton Factories, Labour in; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 15.

County Expenses, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 76.

Court of Chancery; A Bill for the Improvement of the Administration of Justice in the, presented by The Lord Chancellor; read 1a, and to be printed.
-, - A Bill to abolish certain Sinecure Offices connected with the, presented by The Lord Chancellor; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, Amendments made, Bill to be ingrossed and printed as amended. - To be read 3a. - The King's Consent given; on Motion to be now read 3a, objected to, and, after Debate, (on Question,) read 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with an Amendment. - Amendment considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Interest on Money paid into; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos .
-, - Salaries and Emoluments of certain Officers in; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No 115.
-, - Delegates Bill; Vide Ecclesiastical Appellate Jurisdiction.
-, - Exchequer; A Bill for the better Regulation of the Duties to be performed by the Officers on the Plea or Common Law Side of the, presented by Lord Lyndhurst; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with Amendments. - Amendments considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.
-, - Session, Scotland; Account of Business in; Vide Accounts, No 12.
-, - Bill; Vide Scotland.

Courts of Common Law, Copies of Certificates of the Commissioners for enquiring into the Fees and Emoluments of Officers of; delivered.
-, - Suits in; Address for Report respecting; Vide Address, No 12.

Cranstoun et al. v. Bontine; Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Crauford Claim of Peerage; Claimant to lodge his Case, (on Petition,) .

Creditors, Scotland, Bill; Vide Scotland.

Creole Slaves, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 108 to 111; West Indies.

Crewe, John Baron; sat first in Parliament after the Death of his Father.

Criminal Laws, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 12.
-, - Offenders, Address for Statements respecting; Vide Address, No 14.

Crofton, Lord; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for Ireland; Vide Ireland.

Crowder (or Turnley) v. Watson et al; Appeal presented, 82. - Answer brought in. - Crowder to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - The Recognizance entered into for the Appellant ordered to be cancelled, (on Petition of Respondent,) the Appellant's Agent consenting. - Petition of Appellant for Leave to enter into a Recognizance in Scotland, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Petition of Appellant to restore Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, Appeal restored, on Payment of certain Costs; Appellant's Cases to be now received; Order for Recognizance to be entered into in Scotland discharged, and Recognizance dispensed with. - Hearing appointed. - To be heard. - Order discharged. - The Interim Factor on Respondents Estate directed to appear, or signify his Reason for not appearing, and the Cause to be heard, (on the Petition of Appellant,). - Hearing put off. - Counsel heard to state why the Interim Factor did not appear; Appellant's Counsel heard, and Consideration put off. - Further considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Crown Lands in New South Wales, & c.; Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, No 2.
-, - Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Cruelty to Animals, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 31.

Cuninghame, William, Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges in Scotland. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Lord Douglas sworn to give Evidence before the Committee. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Curtesy; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed, 301.

Customs; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Wharfs Sale; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, an Amendment made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons.
-, - Another Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Czapski, Count, J. N.; Arrest of, under the Aliens Act; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 22.

DEATH, Punishment of, Bill; Vide Punishment.
-, - Sentence of, Explanation Bill; Vide Sentence.

Debtor and Creditor Laws, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 95.

Delegates, Court of, Bill; Vide Ecclesiastical Appellate Jurisdiction.

Delvin Barony, Copies of Reports on; Vide Ireland.

Deputy Lieutenants and Militia Officers, Return of the Qualifications of; delivered.

Dingwall, The Magistrates of, et al. v. The Honorable Mrs. M. H. Mackenzie and Munro; Appeal presented. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Dissent, with a Reason, against the Fifth Resolution moved on reading the First Report from the Select Committee on Tithes, Ireland.
-, - against the Third Reading of the Anatomy Bill.
-, - with Reasons, against the Second Reading of the Reform, England, Bill.
-, - against receiving the Report of the Amendments made to the Reform, England, Bill.
-, - Leave given to enter, against receiving the Report of the Amendments made to the last-mentioned Bill, before Two o'Clock on Monday next, and to sign the same before the Rising of the House on that Day.
-, - (Nine), Eight with Reasons, against the Third Reading of the Reform, England, Bill to .
-, - (Three), with Reasons, against the passing of the said Bill.
-, - Leave given to enter, against the Third Reading and passing of the said Bill before Three o'Clock Tomorrow, and to sign the same before the Rising of the House on that Day.
-, - to sign, against the Third Reading of the Reform, England, Bill, before the Rising of the House To-morrow.
-, - to enter, against the passing of the Reform, Scotland, Bill, until the Rising of the House on Monday next, and to sign the same before the Rising of the House on Tuesday next.
-, - (Two), One with Reasons, against the Third Reading of the Reform, Scotland, Bill.
-, - with Reasons, against the passing of the Russian Dutch Loan Bill.
-, - Leave given to Viscount Gordon to enter, against the passing of the Russian Dutch Loan Bill, until the Rising of the House Tomorrow. - Leave given to the Lords to sign the same until the Rising of the House this Day.
-, - (Three), with Reasons, against the Third Reading of the Reform, Ireland, Bill.

Distillery Laws, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 44. 58.

Divisions of Counties; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - Petition of Inhabitants of Bewdley, Ribbesford, against including Lower Milton with Lickhill in the Franchise for Bewdley. - Petition of Freemen, & c. of Exeter, that the Bill, as regards that City, may not pass. - Bill to be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Petitions against the Removal from Walsall to Lichfield of the Place of Election for One Division of the County of Stafford, from Bilston and Willenhall. - Petition of Inhabitants of Newport for the same Privileges as have been granted to the Inhabitants of Barnstaple. - Petition from Walsall to restore it as the Place of Election, and Petition of Inhabitants entitled to vote for the intended Southern Division of Shropshire to appoint Shiffnal as the Place of Election. - Bill read 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Petitions for altering the Places for holding Elections, from Pickering, Arundel, Guisbrough, Wolverhampton, Caistor, and Corporation of Arundel. - Committee put off, and Lords summoned. - Petition from Gloucester for an Enlargement of the Limits of the Boundary of that City. - Petition of Inhabitants of Haitefield to add Thorne to the Number of Places at which the Ballot is to be taken for the West Riding of Yorkshire, or to substitute Thorne for Snaith. - Moved, That the House do now resolve itself into a Committee; objected to; Amendment moved, to leave out from ("That") to the End of the Motion, and insert ("the Returns and Reports of the Commissioners on the Boundaries of such Boroughs as by the Reports of 1832 are stated to contain less than Three hundred £10 Houses, as also the Boroughs of Barnstaple and Huddersfield, be referred to a Select Committee to examine Persons, Papers and Records, and to report from Time to Time their Opinions as to what Boundaries will secure to those respective Boroughs independent Constituencies";) Report on the Borough of Barnstaple, from the Boundary Reports, read; on Question, that the Words proposed to be left out stand Part of the Motion, it was resolved in the Affirmative; House in Committee, Amendments made, and House to be again in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Petition of Inhabitants of Elland cum Greetland to extend the Right of voting for Two Members to Halifax. - Petitions to reappoint the Town of Dursley as the Place of Election for the Western Division of Gloucestershire, from Forest of Dean, & c., Freeholders, Upper Division of Berkeley, and Freeholders, Western Division of Gloucestershire, ibid. - Petition of Freeholders of Hundred of Godalming to make that Place a Polling Place for the Hundred of Godalming. - House again in Committee, Amendments made, and Report to be received, and Lords summoned, ibid. - Petitions either to adopt the Boundaries originally fixed for the Borough of Welshpool, or to extend the Limits of the Borough of Llanidloes so as to make it as extensive as Welshpool, from Machynlleth, Llanidloes. - Petition of Inhabitants of Hydan y Ddol, & c. to restore to them their ancient Rights, ibid. - Amendments reported and agreed to, further Amendments made, and Bill to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - Petitions that the proposed Alterations in the Limits of the Borough of Poole may not be carried into Effect, from Poole, and Mayor, & c. of Poole. - Petition of Freeholders of Darlaston to reinsert the Town of Walsall as the Place of Election of Members for the South Division of the County of Stafford. - Bill read 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to.-Royal Assent.

Divorce Bills; Vide Clayton; Moffat (Mrs.); Smith; Walbeoff (India).

Dixon, A. and J. v. Dixon et al.; Appeal presented. - Webster to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant to amend Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed exparte. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Appellants for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Respondents Petition complied with. - Report made, and Cause to be heard. - Order discharged. - To be heard. - Heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.
-, - v. Fisher; Appeal presented, and Robertson to enter into Recognizance. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed exparte.

Doe (on Demise of Hearle et al.) v. Hicks; Writ of Error; To be further considered, and the Judges to attend to deliver their Opinion on the Question of Law put to them. - Order discharged. - To be further considered, and the Judges to attend. - Order discharged. - To be further considered, and the Judges to attend. - Judges Opinion delivered, and the Judgment Affirmed.

Doe (on Demise of Winter) v. Perratt and Burge; Writ of Error; To be heard, and the Judges to attend. - Heard, (the Judges being present,) . - Considered, Five Questions put to the Judges, and the further Consideration put off sine Die.

Doncaster and Bawtry Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - and Selby Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, Amendment made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Donegal, The Marquess of, v. Grattan et Ux.; Appeal presented. - Sir A. Chichester to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Three Months allowed.
-, - v. Salt et al.; Appeal presented, and Sir A. Chichester to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Respondents to dismiss Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition not complied with. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Appellant for an early Day, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Respondents Petition complied with.

Douglas, Lord; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges in Scotland. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Dovor Harbour, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 28.

Downham Market Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Dublin Coal Meters, Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 100.
-, - Trade Bill; - Roads, & c. Presentment Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - The Corporation of, v. The Attorney General for Ireland et al.; Appeal presented - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed. - Pleadings proved, (Respondents,). - Petition of Respondent to advance the Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Respondent to lodge an additional Appendix, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition not complied with.
-, - and Kingstown Railway Act, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 53.

Dudley and Brettel Lane Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - and New Inn Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Duffus, Lord; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Peers for Scotland; Vide Scotland.
-, - Peerage; Petition of Eric Rudd of Thorne, Yorkshire, Clerk, that Sir Benjamin Dunbar of Kempriggs, Caithness, Baronet, may be called before the House, to show by what Right he has assumed the Dignity of Lord Duffus; presented, .

Dundee Police Bill; Vide Scotland.
-, - and Newtyle Railway Company v. Macdonald; Appeal presented. - Richardson to enter into Recognizance.

Dunsany, Barony of; Copy of Report on Claim of Randall Plunket to; Vide Ireland.

Durham, The Lord Bishop of Durham, and Archdeacon of; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. -Reported with One Amendment, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - (University); Petition of the Dean and Chapter of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Standing Order No 94 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - The King's Consent given, Bill read 2a, and committed. - Standing Order No 126 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Petition of Inhabitants of South Shields in favor, presented and referred to the Committee. - Standing Order No 126 considered and dispensed with. - Bill reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Duvergier v. Fellowes; Writ of Error; To be heard, and the Judges to attend. - Put off. - The Plaintiff's Counsel heard, (the Judges being present,) and the Judgment Affirmed, with £80 Costs.

EAST INDIA COMPANY; Copy of the separate Letter from the Select Committee of Supra Cargoes in China to the Court of Directors of The East India Company, dated the 31st May 1831, with the Consulatations relating thereto: Also,
-, Copy of the Secret Letter from the Select Committee to the Court of Directors, dated the 18th June 1831, with the Consultations relating thereto: Also,
-, Copy of the Letter from the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of The East India Company to the Select Committee, dated the 9th December 1831: And also,
-, Copy of the Letter from the Court of Directors to the Select Committee, dated the 13th January 1832; ordered - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Copy of a Paper prepared at the India Board in October 1830, intituled, "Prospective Estimate of the Finances of India, shewing the probable Result, Abroad and at Home, in Time of Peace, when the Reductions of Expenditure ordered and in progress are carried into Effect; converting the Indian Currencies into Sterling, at the intrinsic Value of the respective Coins at the London Mint; and calculating the Produce of Funds remitted to England at the Average Out-turn of a Remittance in Bullion;" together with the several Statements thereto annexed; ordered. - Order discharged, and a prospective Estimate of the Finances of India, shewing the probable Result, Abroad and at Home, in Time of Peace, when the Reductions of Expenditure ordered and in progress are carried into Effect, be framed, according to the latest Advices, in a Manner similar to that adopted in the Paper above referred to; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - An Estimate, framed in a similar Manner, according to the latest Advices from India; ordered.
-, - The latest Regular and Sketch Estimates of the Revenues and Expenditure of all India, and of the several Presidencies; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Returns of all Civil Offices, and the Establishments connected therewith, under each of the Presidencies of Bengal, Madras and Bombay, at the latest Period to which the same can be made up; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Copies of any Regulations of the Government of Fort St. George, confirmed by the Court of Directors of The East India Company, limiting in point of Time or otherwise affecting the pecuniary Demands of British Subjects upon Zemindars under their Authority; ordered. - Order discharged, and Copies of any Regulations of the Government of Fort St. George limiting in point of Time or otherwise affecting the pecuniary Demands of British Subjects upon Zemindars under their Authority; ordered. - Delivered, and referred to the Committee on the Zemindar of Nozeed Bill. - Return to the Order of the 30th March, delivered.
-, - Message to the Commons for Report respecting; Vide Message, No 1.
-, - Motion for Papers respecting the last Differences between the Factory and the Authorities at Canton; Vide Motion, No 1.
-, - Resolutions of the Court of Directors of, granting Pensions, & c.; delivered.
-, - Revenue Accounts; Vide Accounts, Nos 5, 6.
-, - Zemindary of Nozeed and the; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 2.
-, - Judicature Act; List of Lords that have delivered in Lists pursuant to, laid on the Table. - Further Proceedings. 70. - Report made, and List to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery.
-, - Jury Bill; Copy of the Correspondence between the Directors of The East India Company and the Commissioners for the Affairs of India on the; ordered. - Delivered. - To be printed.

East Indies; Copy of the Letter from the Chief and Council of Masulipatam, dated 5th December 1783, on the general State of the Circars, to The Governor and Council of Madras; And also,
-, Copy of the Minute of Lord Macartney, of 16th December 1783, in answer to the above; ordered. - Delivered.
-, - and China, Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, No 1.
-, - Insolvent Debtors Bill; Vide Insolvent.
-, - Singapore; Establishment of a Court of Admiralty at; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 60.

Ecclesiastical Corporation Lands; A Bill to authorize the identifying of Lands and other Ecclesiastical and Collegiate Corporations, presented by The Marquess of Cleveland; read 1a, and to be printed.-2a, and committed.- Put off. - House to be in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Put off. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Went through Committee, with Amendments, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - To be again in Committee. - Went through Committee, with Amendments, and Bill, as amended, to be printed. - Recommitted. - Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to, with Amendments. - Amendments considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Courts; A Bill for enforcing the Process upon Contempts in, of England and Ireland, presented by The Lord Chancellor; read 1a, and to be printed - To be read 2a, and Lords summoned. - Put off, and Lords summoned. - Moved to be now read 2a; objected to; after Debate, (on Question,) Bill read 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - Reported, to be ingrossed and read 3a. - Moved to be now read 3a; objected to; after short Debate, (on Question,) Bill read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Appellate Jurisdiction; A Bill for transferring the Powers of the High Court of Delegates in Ecclesiastical and Maritime Causes to His Majesty in Council, presented by The Lord Chancellor; read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, to be ingrossed and read 3a. - Moved to be now read 3a; objected to; after short Debate, (on Question,) Bill read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Report respecting; Address for; Vide Address, No 10.
-, - Lands Exchange; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed.
-, - Property, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 77.

Ecclesiastics, Petitions to remove all, from Political Power; Vide Petitions, No 75.

Edinburgh Police Bill; Vide Scotland.

Education, Ireland; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 101, 102, 103.
-, - Message to the Commons for Report respecting; Vide Message, No 2. - Motion respecting; Vide Motion, No 6.
-, - Papers respecting; Vide Ireland, Education.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 14. 33. 39. 65. 67. 87. 91.

Edwards, George, And Others; Petition of, for a Bill, presented, (on Petition,) and referred to Judges.

Eliott, Sir W. F., et al. v. The Earl of Minto; Appeal presented. - Bromley to enter into Recognizance. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Four Weeks allowed. - Hearing appointed exparte. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee, ibid. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Embezzlements Prevention; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Emigration, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 59.
-, - Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, Nos 2. 27.

Equity, Contempts In, Act Amendment Bill; Vide Contempts.

Evan Water Road Bill; Vide Scotland.

Ewing v. M'Kenzie or Cullen; Appeal presented. - Butt to enter into Recognizance. - Respondent peremptorily to answer.
-, - v. Wallace; To be heard exparte. - Put off. - To be heard exparte. - Appellant's Counsel heard, and Consideration put off sine Die. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed.

Exchange, Bills Of, Bill; Vide Bills of Exchange.

Exchequer Bills; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, Committee negatived, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - £13,896,600; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Exchequer, Court of, Officers Bill; Vide Court of Exchequer.
-, - Scotland; Account respecting Business in; Vide Accounts, Nos 40, 41. and 44 to 57.
-, - Bill; Vide Scotland.
-, - Message to the Commons for Report respecting; Vide Message, No 6.

Exeter Improvement; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - And Crediton Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - Petition against, ibid. - 2a, and committed. - Petition referred to the Committee, with Leave to be heard by Counsel, as also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman; and a Petition against certain Parts of the Bill presented and referred to the Committee, with Leave to be heard by Counsel. - Reported with Amendments, and a further Amendment made. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Exmouth Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with an Amendment.- 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

FACTORIES, Labour in; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 15.

Fast, General, Day; The Lord Bishop of Chichester to preach before this House in Westminster Abbey on. - The House proceeded to Westminster Abbey. - Thanks given to the Bishop for his Sermon, and his Lordship desired to print and publish it, ibid.

Fasts, General; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 42.

Fee Fund; Vide House.

Fees, Courts of Common Law; Copies of Certificates respecting; Vide Courts of Common Law.

Ferrier v. The Trustees of Wood, And Veitch; Appeal presented. - Robertson to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Six Weeks from 28th September next allowed.
-, - v. - et al; Appeal presented. - Robertson to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Six Weeks from 28th September next allowed.
-, - v. - et al.; Appeal presented. - Robertson to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Six Weeks from 28th September next allowed.

Festiniog Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Finance Accounts; Vide Accounts, No 21.

Fines and Recoveries; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.

Finlay et al. v. Whyte et al.; Hearing appointed exparte.

Five Oaks and Billingshurst Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Two Petitions against, presented and referred to Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman. - W. Tyler to attend Committee, and produce certain Documents. - Committee put off. - Petition in favor, presented and referred to Committee. - Bill reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Flax and Hemp, Motion for Returns respecting; Vide Motion, No 7. - Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 97.

Fletcher, Andrew, Esquire; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges in Scotland. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Flowerdew v. The Dundee, & c. Shipping Company; To be heard. - Heard. - Considered. - Interlocutors Affirmed, with £ Costs.

Forbes v. Livingston; Appeal presented. - Robertson to enter into Recognizance.

Forgery; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. -2a, and committed, and Lords summoned. - On Motion, that the House do now resolve itself into a Committee, after Debate, (on Question,) the House resolved itself into Committee, and went through the Bill with Amendments; Bill to be printed as amended. - Amendments reported and agreed to; an Amendment moved, and, after short Debate, agreed to, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons, ibid. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Punishment for; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 12.

Formium Tenax or New Zealand Flax, Motion for Returns respecting; Vide Motion, No 7. - Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 97.

Frank, The Reverend Edward, (by Sir W. B. Cooke Baronet, the Committee of his Estates,) and R. B. Frank; Petition of, for a Bill, presented, (on Petition,) and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - Standing Order No 94 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - 2a, and committed. - Reported specially, with Amendments, and Standing Order No 94 to be considered, and Lords summoned. - Considered and dispensed with, Amendments agreed to, and Bill to be ingrossed. - 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons.

Frankfort, Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between His Majesty and the Free City of, signed at London, 13th May 1832; delivered, (by Command,) 382.
-, - Copy of the Tariff referred to in the Fifth Article of the above Treaty, with Translation; delivered, (by Command,) .

Freeman et al. v. Oldham; Appeal presented. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellants for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.
-, - et al. v. Fairlie et al.; Petition of W. Smith and Wife and Elizabeth Oldham to be made Respondents instead of J. Eborall, and for an early Day for Hearing this and the preceding Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Petition of Appellants to revive Appeal, and for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made.

Friendly Societies, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 10.
-, - Act Amendment; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

GALMOY, Lord, v. Sir W. Betham; Record of a Suit entitled; Vide Ireland.

Galway, The Corporation of, v. The Attorney General for Ireland et al.; Petition of Respondent to advance the Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

Gaols, Ireland; Committals to; Returns of; Vide Ireland, Gaols.
-, - Reports respecting, with Schedules B.; delivered.

Gardiner v. Simmons; To be heard. - Counsel called in; the Respondent's Counsel only appearing, the Agent for the Appellant prayed that the Hearing might stand over, but declining to pay the Respondent's Costs of the Day, the House resolved that the Appeal should be dismissed, with Costs, and gave Leave to the Appellant to petition the House on the whole Matter; the Respondent to deliver in his Bill of Costs, and Cause to stand over in the mean time. - Bill of Costs delivered in, and Appeal dismissed, with £100 Costs.

General Register Office, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 16.

Gibson, Dame Helen, and Husband v. Maitland et al.; Appeal presented. - Webster to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Three Weeks allowed. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee, ibid. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Hearing appointed, ibid.
-, - v. Kirkland and Sharpe; Hearing appointed. - Petitions to revive on part of Respondents, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Reports made, and Petitions complied with.

Giles v. Grover and Pollard; Writ of Error; To be further considered, and the Judges to attend to deliver their Opinion on the Question of Law put to them. - Order discharged. - To be further considered, and Judges to attend. - Order discharged. - To be further considered, and the Judges to attend. - Opinions of Three of the Judges delivered, seriatim. - To be further considered. - The rest of the Judges delivered their Opinions, seriatim. - Fully considered, and Judgment Affirmed.

Gilfillan v. Henderson; Appeal presented. - Petition of Appellant for Fourteen Days further Time to enter into Recognizance, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed.

Glasgow and Carlisle Road Bill; Vide Scotland.

Glass Duties; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, Committee negatived, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Gloucester And Berkeley Canal; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with One Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Glove Trade, Motion for a Select Committee on; Vide Motion, No 4.

Gloves, Foreign; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 99. - Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 95.

Godolphin; Lord Francis Godolphin Osborne, being created Baron, was (in the ususal Manner) introduced.

Gold And Other Precious Metals, Returns respecting; Vide Address, No 28.

Gordon v. Dunn et al.; Appeal presented, and Poole to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant to amend Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in. - Some of the Respondents peremptorily to answer. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondent Dunn to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Goudhurst Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a . - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Graham, Captain; Removal of, from the Commission of the Peace in Ireland; Papers respecting; Vide Ireland; Motion, No 8; and Petitions, No 69.

Grahame v. Alison et al., et e con.; Petition of Appellant to restore Appeal and to enter into Recognizance, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in. - Cross Appeal presented. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Answer to Cross Appeal brought in. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Cross Appeal to be heard with Original.

Grand Juries, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - Jury Presentments, Ireland; Account of; Vide Accounts, No 23.
-, - System, Ireland; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 65.

Graves, Lord, v. Dr. Fisher; Petition to revive Appeal on part of Appellant, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Gravesend Pier; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - Petition of Inhabitants, & c. of Gravesend and Milton to be heard by Counsel against. - Petition of Ship Owners, & c. residing at Greenwich, & c. against. - Five Petitions in favor, ibid. - On Motion to be now read 2a, objected to; an Amendment moved, to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Six Months"); on Question, that ("now") stand Part of Motion, resolved in the Affirmative; Bill read 2a, and committed; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman; the several Petitions against and for the Bill referred to the Committee, with Leave for the Inhabitants of Gravesend and Milton to be heard by Counsel against, as also Counsel for the Bill, ibid. - Committee put off. - Seven Petitions against, presented and referred to Committee. - Several Witnesses to attend Committee. - Evidence taken from Time to Time to be printed. - Message to the Commons for Members to attend the Committee. (Vide Message, No 10.) - Report made, that the Allegations of the Preamble had not been proved; to be considered. - On Motion, That the Report be taken into Consideration this Day Six Months, objected to; Amendment moved, to leave out from ("That") to the End of the Motion, and insert ("the said Bill be recommitted"); after Debate, on Question, that the Words proposed to be left out stand Part of the Motion, it was resolved in the Negative; on Question, that the Words proposed to be inserted be there inserted, it was resolved in the Affirmative, and Bill recommitted to same Committee; former Evidence referred thereto; and Petition of Freemen, & c. of Gravesend and Milton against, referred to Committee, with Leave to be heard by Counsel, as also Counsel for the Bill; and the other Petitions referred to the Committee. - Several Witnesses to attend Committee. - Copy of the Resolution of the Committee of Thames Navigation in relation to the Erection of a Pier at Gravesend, ordered. - Delivered, and referred to the Committee. - Report made from Committee, that the Preamble has not been proved.

Greece, Protocols of Conferences held in London relative to the Affairs of; delivered, (by Command,) 426.
-, - Sovereignty of; Convention relative to the, between His Majesty, The King of the French and The Emperor of Russia, on the one Part, and The King of Bavaria on the other, signed at London, 7th May 1832; delivered, (by Command,) 419.

Greek Convention; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - Bill read 2a, (on Motion,) after Debate, and committed. - Petition of Andrew Loughnan for Provision in the Bill for Protection of his Rights, and other Holders of Greek Bonds of . - Reported, and to be read 3a, ibid. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

HADDINGTON Court House Bill; Vide Scotland.

Half-pay Receipt; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed, ibid. - Reported, Amendments made, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Hamilton, The Duke of, v. Aikman; Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondent to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Put off. - Heard, and Interlocutors in Part Reversed, with a Declaration.
-, - v. Bennet et al.; Appeal presented. - Richardson to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant to amend Appeal by adding Parties Respondents, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed. - Petition of Respondents for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with.

Harberrow, & c. Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Harbour Dues, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 80.

Hardingston and Old Stratford Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Hartlepool Docks and Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed; and Petition against, presented and referred to Committee, with Liberty to be heard by Counsel, also Counsel for the Bill; all Lords added, and Committee to appoint their own Chairman; and a Petition in favor, presented and referred to the Committee. - Reported with an Amendment. - Petition against certain Parts of the Bill. - The King's Consent given, Bill read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Petition against. - Bill returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Pier; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with an Amendment. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Petition against. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Hastings Improvement and Waterworks; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed, ibid. - Royal Assent.

Hay v. Rae; - v. -; Appeals presented. - Beck to enter into Recognizances.

Hayti, Code Rural of; Address for Copy of; Vide Address, No 24.
-, - Exports to and Imports from; Account of; Vide Accounts, No 114.

Hemp and Flax, Motion for Returns respecting; Vide Motion, No 7. - Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 97.

Henry v. M'Ewan; Appeal presented. - Macdougall to enter into Recognizance. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and a Month allowed.

Heralds College, Copies of Proceedings at the, relative to the Reade Pedigree; Vide Reade.
-, - Ireland; Papers respecting Claims to Dignities; Vide Ireland. - Accounts of Sums paid at, by Claimants; Vide Accounts, Nos 93, 94.

Herring Fishery, Report of the Commissioners for, for Year ended 5th April 1831; delivered.

High Treason, Outlawries for, in Ireland; Returns respecting; Vide Ireland.

Highland Roads and Bridges, Report respecting; Vide Scotland.

Hill and Sinclair v. Craig and Bennett; Appeal presented. - Macqueen to enter into Recognizance.
-, - And Moor Inclosure; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Hindoo Laws of Property, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 10.

Hodgson, Annabella, Widow; Petition of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. - Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Holderness Drainage; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Holdsworth et al. v. Fairfax and Eamonson; Hearing appointed.

Holland, Separation of, from Belgium; Motion respecting; Vide Motion, No 2.

Holyhead Government Steam Packets, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 28.
-, - And Liverpool Roads, Ninth Report of Commissioners of; delivered.
-, - And Shrewsbury Road, Account and Report respecting; Vide Shrewsbury.

Hops, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 38.

Hospitals, Public; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 9.

Houlditch et al. v. The Marquess of Donegal; Appeal presented. - Petition of Respondent to discharge the Order for answering Appeal, with Costs, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Respondent peremptorily to answer. - Petition of Respondent for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Hearing appointed exparte, ibid. - Report made; the First Petition not complied with, and One Month allowed Respondent to lodge Cases. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellants for an early Day for Hearing, presented and referred to Appeal Committee.

House of Lords; A Certificate of the Amount of the Fee Fund of the, laid on the Table, and referred to a Committee.
-, - Orders of the; moved, that The Earl Vane having risen to make a Speech, there being no Question before the House, and having stated, when called to Order, that he had a Petition to present, and having refused to make the Motion or present the Petition, has been guilty of a Breach of the Orders of this House; after short Debate, The Earl Vane expressing his Regret, the Motion was (by Leave) withdrawn.
-, - Salaries, & c. of Clerks, & c. of the; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 105.

Howard v. The Earl Digby; Petition to receive Appeal, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - Appeal presented, ibid. - Few to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Hearing appointed.

Hundred, Remedies Against, Bill; Vide Remedies.

Hunter v. Lawrence or George et al.; Appeal presented. - Robertson to enter into Recognizance. - Answer brought in. - Petition of Appellant for Time to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Six Weeks allowed.
-, - and Campbell v. Duff et al.; Answer brought in. - Petition of Respondents to lodge Cases, presented and referred to Appeal Committee. - Report made, and Petition complied with. - To be heard. - Heard in Part. - To be further heard. - Fully heard. - Considered, and Interlocutors Affirmed, with a Variation as to Costs.

IGHTHAM Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.

Imperial Gas Company, Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 8.

Indemnity; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent. - Petitions to be heard by Counsel against from Protestant Freemen of Galway. - Protestants of the Wardenship of Galway. - Protestant Merchants, & c. of Galway, and Catholic Land Owners, & c. of Galway, in Tholsal assembled. - Newtownsmith.

India, Insolvent Debtors, Bill; Vide Insolvent.
-, - and China, Accounts relating to the Trade of, and to the Finances of India; Vide Accounts, No 1.

Infanticide in India, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 96.

Infirmaries, & c. Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Inheritance; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.

Insolvent Debtors Act Continuance; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - India; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.

Inverness Court House Bill; Vide Scotland.

Ipswich Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed.- Reported.-3a, and passed.- Royal Assent.

-, - A Copy of Mr. Stanley's Circular Letter to the Magistrates of, dated 30th December 1830; moved for, and, after long Debate, on Question, ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - A Copy of Sir Wm. Gosset's Circular Letter, dated 23d February 1831; moved for; Also,
-, Copies of the Letters of the Magistrates of Newtown Barry to the Secretary for Ireland, dated the 17th and 18th June 1831; and the Answers thereto; moved for; And also,
-, A Copy of Sir Wm. Gosset's Letter to the Magistrates of Newtown Barry, dated 7th August 1831, and the Answer thereto; moved for, and, severally, on Question, ordered.-Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Admission of Freemen; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. -3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Arms, & c. Acts Continuing; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. -3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Athenry Barony; Copy of the Report of The Attorney and Solicitor General for Ireland on the Petition of Thomas Birmingham Daly Henry Sewell Esquire, claiming the Title of Baron of Athenry, dated 3d November 1800, from the Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Baking Trade; A Bill to regulate the, presented by The Marquess of Westmeath; read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. -Referred to a Select Committee under Standing Order No 198; (Vide Committee, No 7.) 53. Report made, and Bill to be read 2a. - 2a, and committed. - Went through Committee, with Amendments, and Bill to be printed as amended. - Amendments reported and agreed to; Bill to be ingrossed and read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. -Royal Assent.
-, - Belfast Railway; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons.-Returned, Amendments agreed to. -Royal Assent.
-, - Boundaries; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - On Motion to be now read 2a, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative; Bill read 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned.- Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported and agreed to, and further Amendments made; Bill to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. -3a, a Clause added, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Petition of Electors of Mallow for an Extension of the Boundary Line of that Borough. - Bill returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Charitable Institutions; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed.- Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Church Rates; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 17.
-, - Clergy; Abstract of the Total Number of Curates in each Diocese in Ireland, according to the Returns made by the Archbishops and Bishops to the Privy Council, for the Years 1829 and 1830: And also,
-, Abstract of the Number of Resident and of the Number and Classes of Non-resident Incumbents in Ireland, according to the Diocesan Returns for the Years 1829 and 1830: delivered, (by Command,) and to be printed.
-, - Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 113.
-, - Clerk of The Crown (King's Bench); Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Compensation; Certificate in the Case of W. E. Porter, Clerk of the Recognizances in the Court of Chancery, and The Lord Lieutenant's Warrant thereon; delivered. - In the Case of John Brenan Esquire, One of the Six Clerks of the Court of Chancery.
-, - Contagious Diseases; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed.-2a, and committed. -Reported, and to be read 3a.-3a, and passed.- Royal Assent.
-, - Copy of the Appointment or Appointments of Richard M'Causland and Robert Long as joint Secretaries of The Lord Chancellor of Ireland, or, if appointed verbally, the Date and Terms of the Appointments; the Ages of the respective Parties at the Time of their Appointments; the Total Amount of the Emoluments of the Office of Secretary since their Appointments; by whom the same have been beneficially received, and in what Proportions; and the Number of Days in every Week in which such Secretaries have been employed in the Duties of their Office, distinguishing the Attendances of each: Also,
-, A Copy of the Appointment of Richard Lockwood Esquire as Secretary of The Lord Chancellor Manners, or, if appointed verbally, the Date and Terms of his Appointment; the Total Amount of the Emoluments of such Secretary from his Appointment during his Continuance in Office; by whom the same was beneficially received; and whether any and what Proportion of the same was paid to any other and what Person; and the Number of the Days in every Week such Secretary, or any Person appointed by him, was employed in the Duties of his Office, distinguishing the Attendances of each: And also,
-, A similar Return as to the Appointment of Robert Long Esquire by Lord Chancellor Hart, and of the Emoluments of his Office, and by whom beneficially received, and in what Proportion; and whether any Proportion of the same was paid to any other and what Persons; and the Number of the Days in every Week in which such Secretary, or any Person appointed by him, was employed in the Duties of his Office, distinguishing the Attendances of each; ordered. - Delivered.
-, - Cork Hospital; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. -3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Rights of the Citizens of; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 52.
-, - Crofton, Lord; Claim of, to vote for Representative Peers for; Committee for Privileges to meet. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly, and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Crown Lands; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Delvin Barony; Copy of the Report of The Attorney and Solicitor General for Ireland on the Petition of Governor Nugent, claiming to be One of the Co-heirs of the Barony of Delvin, dated 3d November 1800, from the Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle: Also,
-, Copy of the Report from the same Law Officers on the Petition of Andrew Nugent Esquire, making a like Claim, dated - 1814, from the same Office; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Dublin Coal Meters; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed.-Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. -Royal Assent.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 100.
-, - Coal Trade; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - Referred to a Select Committee under Standing Order No 198; (Vide Committee, No 8.) Report made, that it is expedient to proceed with the Bill; Bill read 2a, and committed; and the Petitions for Compensation to the Dublin Coal Meters, presented 19th March, referred to the Committee. - Reported, and to be read 3a. -3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Nisi Prius Court Bill; Vide Nisi Prius, Ireland.
-, - Roads, & c. Presentments; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be reada. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - And Kingstown Railway Act; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 53.
-, - Dunsany, Baron of; Copy of the Report of the Law Officers of Ireland on the Claim of Randall Plunket, styling himself Lord Baron of Dunsany, to the Dignity and Honor of, bearing Date 26th April 1782, from the Office of the Secretary of State, Home Department, London, and the Chief Secretary's Office, Dublin; ordered.
-, - Education; Copy of a Letter from The Chief Secretary for Ireland to The Duke of Leinster on the Formation of a Board of Commissioners for Education; ordered. - Delivered. - To be printed.
-, - Copies of the Titles of all Books or Tracts edited, printed or supplied for the Use of Schools by Authority of the Board of Education in Ireland: And also,
-, Lists of all Books or Tracts employed in any Schools, whether in the combined Moral and Literary Instruction or in the separate Religious Instruction, with the Sanction or Approbation of the Board or any Member or Members of the same; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Copy of the Regulations or Conditions on which the Board of Education in Ireland grants its Aid; together with a "Document explanatory of some of the said Conditions, which, having been drawn up by the Commissioners, has received the Approbation and Sanction of His Majesty's Government;" ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Copies of the Title Pages of the Books called by the Board of Education in Ireland "The Standards of the Roman Catholic Church," and a Statement of the Authority on which they are so called by the Board, particularly whether that Authority be the Roman Catholic Members of the Board or any other: Also,
-, A Statement of the "Alterations required by the Board" in any "School Books issued by the Roman Catholic Society which have received the Sanction of the Board," and of the Measures taken to ensure that these Alterations be made before such Books be used in any of the Schools in behalf of which Applications for the Aid of the Board have been complied with: Also,
-, A Statement of the Nature and Extent of the Aid required in each of the several Applications complied with by the Board of Education in Ireland; and a Statement of the Precautions taken by the Board to secure the Expenditure of the Grants for the Purposes for which they were made: Also,
-, The Names and Religious Profession of the Masters, Assistant Masters, and Mistresses of the several Schools which have received such Aid: Also,
-, The Name or Names, Address and Religious Profession of the Individual or Individuals under whose Direction the several Schools which have received such Aid are respectively placed: Also,
-, In all Cases of Applications which have been complied with, of the First Class, ("signed by Clergy of both Persuasions,") the Names of the said Clergy, the Religious Denomination of each of the Protestant Clergy, and their Connection with the Parish in which the Schools for which they apply are situated: In all Cases of the Second Class, ("signed by Clergy of one Persuasion and Laity of another,") the Name and Religious Profession of the Clergymen so signing, and their Connection with the Parishes for which they apply, and the Number of the Lay Applicants: In all Cases of the Third Class, ("signed by Laity of both Persuasions,") the Number of the Applicants, Protestant and Roman Catholic, and the several Religious Denominations, if known, of the Protestants: Also,
-, In all Cases of Applications for existing Schools which have been complied with, the Numbers, severally, of Protestant and Roman Catholic Children in Attendance: And also,
-, The Names, Religious Profession and Amount of Salary of the Inspectors appointed by the Board, and the Instructions given to them; ordered - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Education; Message to the Commons for Report respecting; Vide Message, No 2. - Motion respecting; Vide Motion, No 6.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 14. 33. 39. 65. 67. 87. 91. - Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 101, 102, 103.
-, - Galmoy, Butler Lord, Versus Sir William Betham; The Record of a Suit in the Court of King's Bench, Dublin, in 1828, entitled; ordered. - Delivered. - To be printed.
-, - Gaols; Returns of the Number of Persons committed to the several, for Trial, in 1831; delivered.
-, - Graham, Captain; Removal of, from the Commission of the Peace; Papers respecting; Vide Motion, No 8; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 69.
-, - Grand Jury Presentments; Account of; Vide Accounts, No 23.
-, - System; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 65.
-, - Heralds Office; Account of all Sums paid at the Office of Arms in Ireland by Claimants of Baronies descending through Heirs Female or Baronies in Fee, from 1824 to 1831: Also,
-, Like Return of all Sums paid by Persons claiming similar Baronies as Heirs Male, in same Office, from 1817 to 1825: And also,
-, Copies of such Statements as were prepared and delivered to all or any of the above Claimants; ordered, 46. - Delivered. - To be printed.
-, - Infirmaries, & c. Bill; A Bill to repeal the Provisions of several Acts relating to the erecting and establishing Public Infirmaries and Hospitals in Ireland, and to make more effectual Provisions relating to Infirmaries, Hospitals and Dispensaries, presented by The Marquess of Westmeath; read 1a, and to be printed.
-, - Insolvent Debtors; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Juries; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Put off, and Lords summoned. 99. 114. 125. - On Motion, that the House do now resolve itself into a Committee, objected to, and after Debate, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative; House in Committee, resumed, and Bill referred to a Select Committee. (Vide Committee, No 10.) - Reported with Amendments, and to be printed with the Amendments.
-, - Killeen Barony; Copy of the Report of The Attorney and Solicitor General for Ireland on the Memorial of Maurice O'Connor of Mount Pleasant, in the King's County, Esquire, claiming to be Baron of Killeen, dated 13th March 1813, from the Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Copies of all Acts of Parliament relating to Plunket Lord of Killeen, from the Statute Roll 27th Henry 6th, from the Office of the Rolls of Chancery, Dublin; ordered.
-, - King's and Queen's College of Physicians; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 20.
-, - King's County Assizes; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - Petitions in favor, from Tullamoore and Frankford. - 2a, and committed, ibid. - Petitions in favor, from Clara; Parsonstown; and Magistrates of the King's County. - Went through Committee, with an Amendment, ibid.- Amendment reported, and Bill to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendment agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - King's County Assizes; Copies of all Memorials or Petitions presented to The Lord Lieutenant or The Chancellor of Ireland, or the Twelve Judges in Ireland, from 1829 to the present Time, relating to holding the Assizes for the King's County at Tullamore instead of Philipstown, and to the building of a Court House at Tullamore, with the Proceedings had thereon; ordered.
-, - Kingsale Barony; Copy of the Report of The Attorney and Solicitor General for Ireland on the Petition of John de Courcy, claiming to be Baron Kingsale and Baron Courcy of Ringrone, dated 27th August 1761, from the Secretary's Office, Dublin Castle; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Kinsale, Baron of; Copy of the Decree of the Commissioners executing the Office of Earl Marshal of England, in favor of the Right of John Lord Courcy to the Title of Baron of Kinsale, bearing Date 20th April 1627, from the Council Office, London, and the Office of the Rolls of Chancery, Dublin; ordered.
-, - Linen and Hempen Manufactures; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - Referred to a Select Committee under Standing Order No 198, 390. (Vide Committee, No 13.)-Report made, that it is expedient to proceed with the Bill. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Londonderry Improvement; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Marriage Act; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 66. 71.
-, - Maynooth College; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 62. 67.
-, - Mayo, County of; Increase of Members for; Petitions for; Vide Petitions, No 34.
-, - Mullingar Gaol; Committals to; Account respecting; Vide Accounts, No 107.
-, - Newtown Barry; Motion for Report of R. W. Green Esquire on the Affair at; Vide Motion, No 8.
-, - Nisi Prius Court, Dublin; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Outlawries for High Treason; Returns from the Court of King's Bench, Dublin, of all, issued in Ireland between the Years 1640 and 1703; specifying the Names, Titles, Designations and Places of Residence of the Persons outlawed, the Dates of the Outlawries, and the Counties, Cities and Towns in which they are stated to have been declared; ordered.
-, - Outrages; Copy of the Monthly Returns of the Chief Constables of Police in Ireland, of the King's County, Queen's County, Westmeath, Carlow, Kilkenny, Clare and Tipperary, of Outrages committed in their respective Baronies, and furnished by them to the Inspectors General of Police, and by them forwarded to the Government, from the 1st of March to the latest Period; ordered. - Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Parliamentary Representation; Copy of Instructions given by The Chief Secretary for Ireland with Reference to the Cities and Boroughs in Ireland sending Representatives to Parliament; likewise, Copy of any Letter or Report received by The Chief Secretary in answer to such Instructions; ordered.-Delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Party Processions; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, after short Debate, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a.- 3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Poor Laws; Introduction of, into; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 25. 64.
-, - Post Office Conveyance in; Copies of all Communications made to the Post Office, since the 1st of January 1831, respecting the Conveyance of the Mail between Dublin and Londonderry: And also,
-, Copies of all Contracts entered into by the Post Office for the Conveyance of the Mail between Dublin and Londonderry, as also between Dublin and Belfast, and which have not as yet expired; together with Copies of such Contracts as would have been in force at the present Moment had such Contracts not been surrendered; ordered.- Delivered.
-, - Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 81.
-, - Roads; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Postage; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Prisoners Removal; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Prisons; Tenth Report on the General State of; delivered, and to be printed.
-, - Protestants; State of, in; Motion for Address respecting; Vide Motion, No 9.
-, - Public Accounts; Bill brought from H. C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed, ibid. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - The Twentieth Report of the Commissioners for auditing; delivered.
-, - Peace; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, No 36.
-, - Works; First Report of Commissioners of, on the State of the several Roads and Bridges; delivered.
-, - Queen's County; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 72.
-, - Ranfurly, The Earl of; Claim to vote for Representative Peers for; Committee for Privileges to meet. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly; and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Reform Bill; Petitions of Freeholders, & c. of Dungarvan against the Disfranchisement of £5 Householders, and circumscribing the ancient Limits of the Borough. - Petition of Protestants of Longford against the Bill, and for Facilities to emigrate in case it passes. - Petition against, from Arva. - Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - On Motion to be read 2a on Thursday next, objected to; an Amendment moved, to leave out ("Thursday") and insert ("Monday"); on Question, that ("Thursday") stand Part of the Motion? resolved in the Negative; and Bill to be read 2a on Monday next, and Lords summoned. - Petition in favor, & c. from Cong. - Petition of Freeholders of the County of Mayo to add Two more Members to represent that County, ibid. - Petitions to assimilate their Constituency to that of the English Universities, from Graduates of the University of Dublin, and Dublin College, ibid. - Junior Fellows of Dublin College. - Moved, that the Bill be now read 2a; objected to; after Debate, resolved in the Affirmative; read 2a, and committed, and Lords summoned, ibid. - Petitions for Alterations of, from Merchants, & c. Galway; Mayor, & c. Galway; and Justices of the Peace, Galway. - Petitions against, from Conservative Society, Ireland; Sheriffs, & c. Dublin; and Trim, ibid, - Orange Lodge, Dublin, N° 1,690; Orange Lodge, Sligo, N° 1,674; Wexford; Kildallen; Killeshandra; Corporations of Weavers; and Tailors. - Moved, that the House do now resolve itself into a Committee; objected to; after Debate, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative; House in Committee, and went through the Bill, with Amendments; Report thereof to be received, and Lords summoned, ibid. - Petitions for Alteration of, from Merchants, & c. of Galway; and Iverk. - Amendments reported and agreed to; further Amendments made, and Bill to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - Petitions for Alteration in, from Inhabitants of Galway, and resident Magistrates of Galway. - Petition against, from County of Westmeath. - Bill read 3a (on Motion); Three Dissentients, with Reasons, entered; Amendments made; other Amendments moved and negatived, and Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to, with an Amendments; to be considered, and Lords summoned.-Commons Amendment considered and agreed to. - Royal Assent.-Petition from Galway for Alteration of the Clause relative to the Rights of Freemen.
-, - Reform in Parliament; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 23. 33, 34. 59. 65. 74.
-, - Registry of Deeds; Bill brought from H. C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - Order discharged. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Roads and Bridges; Report on the State of; Vide Public Works, Ireland.
-, - Sacramental Test; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Service of Process; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Shankhill Road; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Slane Peerage; G. Bryan Esquire Leave to lodge an additional Case, (on Petition,) and Committee for Privileges to meet - Order discharged. - Committee to meet. - Put off. - Committee to meet. - Put off.
-, - Special Constables; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Stamp Duties; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 12, 13, 14.
-, - State of; Message from H.C. for Marquess of Westmeath to attend Select Committee on; Vide Message, No 13.
-, - Subletting Act Amendment; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 27. 35.
-, - Tithe System; Copy of a Letter from Major Miller to The Right Honorable E. G. Stanley, dated Fermoy, 14th January 1832, enclosing a Return of Outrages connected with the Tithe System which have lately occurred in the Province of Munster; delivered, (by Command,) to be printed, and referred to the Committee on Tithes, Ireland.
-, - Tithes; Accounts respecting; Vide Accounts, Nos 61, 62, 63.
-, - Address for Papers respecting; Vide Address, No 5.
-, - Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Petition in favor, from Seapatrick. - Committee put off, and Lords summoned. - House to be in Committee, and Lords summoned. - Reported, and to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - Petition against, from Tullowcreen. - Bill read 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent. - Petitions against, from Hacketstown. - Kilmeen.
-, - Tithes Composition; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - On Motion, that Bill be now read 2a, objected to; after Debate, read 2a, (on Question,) and committed, and Lords summoned. - Went through Committee, with Amendments. - Amendments reported, and Bill to be read 3a, and Lords summoned. - Petition of Sir W. Brabazon, that the Bill may be rejected. - Bill read 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons, ibid. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Petition of the Members of the Council of the National Political Union not to make the Act compulsory, but to pass an Act to put an End to the Litigations between the Clergy and the People, presented, and received as the Petition of the Persons signing, ibid. - Royal Assent.
-, - Message to the Commons for Reports on; Vide Message, Nos 4. 7.
-, - Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 5. 17, 18. 35. 55. 65. 75. 88. 90, 91.
-, - Report from the Select Committee on, read; moved to resolve, that it appears to this House that in several Parts of Ireland an organized and systematic Opposition has been made to the Payment of Tithe, by which the Law has been rendered unavailing, and many of the Clergymen of the Established Church have been reduced to great pecuniary Distress; after Debate, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative:
-, Moved to resolve, that in order to afford Relief to this Distress, it is expedient that His Majesty should be empowered, upon the Application of The Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, to direct that there be issued from the Consolidated Fund such Sums as may be required for this Purpose; on Question, resolved in the Affirmative:
-, Moved to resolve, that the Sums so issued shall be distributed by The Lord Lieutenant or other Chief Governor or Governors of Ireland, by and with the Advice of the Privy Council, in Advances proportioned to the Incomes of the Incumbents of Benefices wherein the Tithes or Tithe Composition lawfully due may have been withheld, according to a Scale, diminishing as the Incomes of such Incumbents increase; objected to; and, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative:
-, Moved to resolve, that for the more effectual Vindication of the Authority of the Law, and as a Security for the Repayment of the Sums so to be advanced, His Majesty be empowered to levy, under the Authority of an Act to be passed for this Purpose, the Amount of Arrears for the Tithes or Tithe Composition of the Whole or any Part of the Year 1831, without Prejudice to the Claims of the Clergy for any Arrear which may be due for a longer Period, reserving in the first Instance the Amount of such Advances, and paying over the remaining Balance to the legal Claimants; on Question, resolved in the Affirmative:
-, Moved to resolve, that it is the Opinion of this House, that with a view to secure both the Interests of the Church and the lasting Welfare of Ireland, a permanent Change of System will be required; and that such a Change, to be satisfactory and secure, must involve a complete Extinction of Tithes, including those belonging to Lay Impropriators, by commuting them for a Charge upon Land, or an Exchange for or Investment in Land; objected to; and, on Question, resolved in the Affirmative, and a Dissentient, with a Reason, against the Fifth Resolution, entered.
-, - Select Committee respecting; Vide Committee, No 5. - Message from H. C. for Report from; Vide Message, No 12.
-, - Tobacco; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. -2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a.-3a, Amendments made, Bill passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.
-, - Trimlestown, Lord; Claim to vote for Representative Peers for; Committee for Privileges to meet. - Put off. - Earl of Fingall sworn to give Evidence. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly; and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Union Of Parishes; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported. -3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - With Great Britain; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 24. 33.
-, - Valuation Of Lands; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a, and passed. - Royal Assent.
-, - Vestry Act; Petitions respecting; Vide Petitions, Nos 18. 35. 56.
-, - Waterford Claim Of Peerage; Committee for Privileges to meet. - Report made, that The Earl of Shrewsbury hath made out his Claim to the Title of Earl of Waterford, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly; and Resolution and Judgment to be laid before His Majesty by the Lords with White Staves.
-, - Earl Of Shrewsbury And; Claim to vote for Representative Peers for; Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly; and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Henry De la Poer, Marquess Of; Petition of, claiming to vote at Elections of Representative Peers for, presented and referred to Committee for Privileges. - The Archbishop of Armagh sworn to give Evidence. - Committee to meet. - Report made, that the Petitioner hath made out his Claim, and Resolved and Adjudged accordingly; and Resolution to be transmitted to the Clerk of the Crown in Ireland.
-, - Westmeath, Magistrates, & c. of The County of; Address of, to The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland; Vide Address, No 17.
-, - Yeomanry Corps; Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 26.

Islington Church Rates; Bill brought from H.C. and read 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned, Amendments agreed to. - Royal Assent.

JAMAICA, Grants of Land in; Copies of Patents of; Vide West Indies.
-, - Papers respecting; Vide West Indies, and Address, No 21.
-, - Slave Population in; Papers respecting; Vide West Indies.

Jesus College, Cambridge; Petition of Master, & c. of, for a Bill, presented and referred to Judges. -Judges Report read, and Bill 1a. - 2a, and committed. - Reported with Amendments, and to be ingrossed. - 3a, and passed, and sent to the Commons. - Returned agreed to. - Royal Assent.

Journals, Committee for perusing; Vide Committee, No 2.

Judges, the, present at the Hearing or Consideration of Causes; vizt. Cadell v. Palmer. - Warburton v. Loveland, Writ of Error. - Baillie v. Grant. - Bishop of Lincoln v. Rennell, Writ of Error. - Doe v. Hicks, Writ of Error, ibid. - Giles v. Grover, Writ of Error. - Doe v. Perratt, Writ of Error. - Mellish v. Richardson, Writ of Error. - Duvergier v. Fellowes, Writ of Error. - Colvin v. Newberry, Writ of Error. - Lucas v. Nockells, Writ of Error.
-, - Questions put to the, in the following Causes, Baillie v. Grant. - Mellish v. Richardson, Writ of Error. - Doe v. Perratt, Writ of Error. - Lucas v. Nockells, Writ of Error.

Juries, Grand, Ireland, Bill; Vide Ireland.
-, - India; Bill brought from H.C. read 1a, and to be printed. - To be read 2a. - On Motion to be read 2a, objected to, and, after short Debate, read 2a, and committed. - Reported, and to be read 3a. - Petition that the Bill may be rejected, from Persons who have resided in or are connected with the East Indies. - 3a, and passed, ibid. - Royal Assent.

Jury Bill, India; Correspondence respecting; Vide East Indies.

Justices of the Peace, Petition respecting; Vide Petitions, No 49.