House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 16 October 1832

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 16 October 1832', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 16 October 1832', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 16 October 1832". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

Die Martis, 16° Octobris 1832.

Domini præsentes fuerunt:

Ds. Brougham & Vaux, Cancellarius.
Ds. Brougham & Vaux, Cancellarius.
March. Lansdowne, Præses.
Ds. Wellesley, Senescallus.
Ds. Sefton.

The Lord Chancellor acquainted the House, "That His Majesty had been pleased to grant a Commission under the Great Seal for the further Prorogation of the Parliament."

Then Three of the Lords Commissioners, being in their Robes, and seated on a Form placed between the Throne and the Woolsack, The Lord Chancellor in the Middle, with The Lord President on his Right Hand, and The Lord Steward on his Left; commanded the Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod to let the Commons know, "The Lords Commissioners desire their immediate Attendance in this House, to hear the Commission read."

Who being come,

The Commission was read by the Clerk as follows; (viz t.)

"William R.

Commission for Proroguing the Parliament:

"William the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith; To Our most dear Brothers and faithful Councillors Ernest Augustus Duke of Cumberland, Augustus Duke of Sussex, Adolphus Duke of Cambridge; Our most dear Cousin and faithful Councillor William Frederick Duke of Gloucester; The Most Reverend Father in God and Our faithful Councillor William Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate and Metropolitan of all England; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillor Henry Lord Brougham and Vaux, Chancellor of that Part of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Great Britain; The Most Reverend Father in God and Our faithful Councillor Edward Venables Archbishop of York, Primate and Metropolitan of England; Our most dear Cousin and Councillor Henry Marquess of Lansdowne, President of Our Council; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillor John George Lord Durham, Keeper of Our Privy Seal; Our most dear Cousins and Councillors William Spencer Duke of Devonshire, Chamberlain of Our Household; Bernard Edward Duke of Norfolk, Charles Duke of Richmond, George William Frederick Duke of Leeds, John Duke of Bedford, Alexander Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, George Duke of Gordon, James Duke of Montrose, William Henry Duke of Portland, Charles Duke of Dorset, Hugh Duke of Northumberland, Augustus Frederick Duke of Leinster, Arthur Duke of Wellington, Richard Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Marquess Wellesley, Steward of Our Household; Charles Ingoldsby Marquess of Winchester, Groom of Our Stole; George Granville Leveson Marquess of Stafford, Francis Charles Marquess of Hertford, John Jeffreys Marquess Camden, Henry William Marquess of Anglesey, George James Horatio Marquess of Cholmondeley, Charles William Marquess of Londonderry, Henry Marquess Conyngham, Ulick Marquess of Clanricarde, Robert Marquess of Westminster, Edward Earl of Derby, John Earl of Westmorland, George Earl of Carlisle, Cropley Ashley Earl of Shaftesbury, William Charles Earl of Albemarle, George Earl of Jersey, William George Earl of Erroll, Thomas Earl of Haddington, Thomas Earl of Elgin and Kincardine, James Earl of Lauderdale, George Earl of Aberdeen, Archibald John Earl of Rosebery, Charles Augustus Earl of Tankerville, George Earl of Macclesfield, William Earl Fitzwilliam, Philip Earl of Hardwicke, George John Earl Spencer, John Earl of Chatham, Henry Earl Bathurst, John Charles Earl of Clarendon, Charles Earl Talbot, Richard Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, James George Earl of Courtown, Robert Earl of Roden, John Earl of Clare, James Earl of Rosslyn, Richard Earl of Clancarty, Edward Earl of Powis, Charles Earl Grey, Dudley Earl of Harrowby, William Earl Cathcart, John Earl of Eldon, Richard William Earl Howe, William Pitt Earl Amherst, John William Earl of Dudley, Thomas William Earl of Lichfield, Henry Viscount Hereford, Percy Clinton Sydney Viscount Strangford, William Viscount Melbourne, One of Our Principal Secretaries of State; Robert Viscount Melville, Henry Viscount Sidmouth, Granville Leveson Viscount Granville, William Carr Viscount Beresford, Frederick John Viscount Goderich, One other of Our Principal Secretaries of State; The Right Reverend Father in God and Our faithful Councillor Charles James Lord Bishop of London; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillors Peter Robert Lord Willoughby De Eresby, Henry Richard Lord Holland, Thomas Lord Foley, George Lord Carteret, William Wyndham Lord Grenville, George Lord Auckland, Charles George Lord Arden, Alleyne Lord Saint Helens, Edward Lord Ellenborough, Thomas Lord Manners, Rowland Lord Hill, William Lord Maryborough, William Lord Stowell, Nicholas Lord Bexley, Charles Lord Farnborough, John Singleton Lord Lyndhurst, Charles Lord Tenterden, William Lord Plunket, Henry Lord Cowley, Charles Lord Stuart de Rothesay, William Lord Heytesbury, Thomas Lord Wallace, William Draper Lord Wynford and George James Lord Dover, Greeting: Whereas We did lately, for divers difficult and pressing Affairs concerning Us, the State and Defence of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Church, ordain this Our present Parliament to begin and be holden at Our City of Westminster upon the Fourteenth Day of June, in the First Year of Our Regin, on which Day Our said Parliament was begun and holden, and from thence, by several Adjournments and Prorogations, hath been adjourned and prorogued to and until Tuesday the Sixteenth Day of October instant, then to be holden and sit at Our City of Westminster aforesaid: Know ye, that for certain pressing Causes and Considerations Us especially moving, We have thought fit further to prorogue Our said Parliament; therefore We, confiding very much in your Fidelity, Prudence and Circumspection, have, by the Advice and Consent of Our Council, assigned you Our Commissioners, giving to you, or any Three or more of you, by virtue of these Presents, full Power and Authority in Our Name further to prorogue and continue Our present Parliament at Our City of Westminster aforesaid from Tuesday the Sixteenth Day of October instant until and unto Tuesday the Eleventh Day of December now next following, there then to be holden and sit; and therefore We command you, that you, diligently attend the Premises, and effectually fulfil them in Manner aforesaid: We also strictly command all and singular Our Archbishops, Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, Viscounts, Bishops, Barons, Knights, Citizens, Burgesses and Commissioners for Our Counties and Boroughs, and all others whom it concerns, to meet at Our said Parliament by virtue of these Presents, that they observe, obey and assist you in executing the Premises as they ought to do. In Witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent.

"Witness Ourself at Westminster, the Twelfth Day of October, in the Third Year of Our Regin.

"By the King Himself, signed with His own Hand.


Then The Lord Chancellor said,

"My Lords, and Gentlemen,

Parliament Prorogued.

"By virtue of His Majesty's Commission under the Great Seal to us and other Lords directed and now read, we do, in His Majesty's Name, and in obedience to His Commands, prorogue this Parliament to Tuesday the Eleventh Day of December next, to be then here holden; and this Parliament is accordingly prorogued to Tuesday the Eleventh Day of December next."

(fn. 1) "By the King.

"A Proclamation,

"For dissolving the present Parliament, and declaring the Calling of another.


"Whereas We think fit, by and with the Advice of Our Privy Council, to dissolve this present Parliament, which stands prorogued to Tuesday the Eleventh Day of this instant December: We do, for that End, publish this Our Royal Proclamation; and do hereby dissolve the said Parliament accordingly; and the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, and the Commissioners for Shires and Burghs of the House of Commons, are discharged from their Meeting and Attendance on the said Tuesday the Eleventh Day of this instant December: And We being desirous and resolved, as soon as may be, to meet Our People, and to have their Advice in Parliament, do hereby make known to all Our loving Subjects Our Royal Will and Pleasure to call a new Parliament: And do hereby further declare, that, with the Advice of Our Privy Council, We have this Day given Order to Our Chancellor of that Part of Our United Kingdom called Great Britain and Our Chancellor of Ireland that they do respectively, upon Notice thereof, forthwith issue out Writs, in due Form and according to Law, for calling a new Parliament. And We do hereby also, by this Our Royal Proclamation under Our Great Seal of Our United Kingdom, require Writs forthwith to be issued accordingly by Our said Chancellors respectively, for causing the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, who are to serve in the said Parliament, to be duly returned to, and give their Attendance in, Our said Parliament; which Writs are to be returnable on Tuesday the Twenty-ninth Day of January next.

"Given at Our Court at St. James's, this Third Day of December One thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, and in the Third Year of Our Reign.

"God save the King."


  • 1. This Proclamation is printed, and bound up with the Original.