House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 4 July 1832

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 4 July 1832', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 4 July 1832', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 4 July 1832". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

Die Mercurii, 4° Julii 1832.

DOMINI tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Dux Cumberland.
Dux Sussex.
Ds. Brougham
& Vaux,
Archiep. Armacan.
Epus. Roffen.
Epus. Exon.
Epus. Cicestrien.
Epus. Hereford.
Ds. Boyle.
Ds. Hay.
Ds. Holland.
Ds. Ducie.
Ds. Sundridge & Hamilton.
Ds. Foley.
Ds. Montagu.
Ds. Suffield.
Ds. Douglas of Douglas.
Ds. Auckland.
Ds. Selsey.
Ds. Dundas.
Ds. Rolle.
Ds. Lilford.
Ds. Ellenborough.
Ds. Mont Eagle.
Ds. Oriel.
Ds. Ravensworth.
Ds. Somerhill.
Ds. Wharncliffe.
Ds. Feversham.
Ds. Fife.
Ds. Tenterden.
Ds. Plunket.
Ds. Melros.
Ds. Stuart de Rothesay.
Ds. Rosebery.
Ds. Skelmersdale.
Ds. Wynford.
Ds. Fingall.
Ds. Sefton.
Ds. Clements.
Ds. Kenlis.
Ds. Howden.
Ds. Panmure.
Ds. Oakley.
Ds. Poltimore.
Ds. Mostyn.
Ds. Segrave.
Ds. Dinorben.
March. Lansdowne, Præses.
Dux Richmond.
Dux St. Albans.
Dux Brandon.
March. Queensberry.
March. Salisbury.
March. Westmeath.
March. Bristol.
March. Ailsa.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Doncaster.
Comes Shaftesbury.
Comes Morton.
Comes Selkirk.
Comes Dartmouth.
Comes Brooke & Warwick.
Comes Bathurst.
Comes Hillsborough.
Comes Mansfield.
Comes Carnarvon.
Comes Longford.
Comes Rosslyn.
Comes Gosford.
Comes Grey.
Comes Harrowby.
Comes Minto.
Comes Brownlow.
Comes Morley.
Comes Vane.
Comes Camperdown.
Comes Lichfield.
Vicecom. Hood.
Vicecom. Gordon.
Vicecom. Goderich.
Ds. Melbourne, Unus Primariorum Secretariorum.
Ds. Dacre.
Ds. Howard of Effingham.
Ds. Saye & Sele.
Ds. Stafford.
Ds. Gower.
Ds. Saltoun.
Ds. Colville of Culross.
Ds. Napier.
Ds. Belhaven & Stenton.


The Lord Tenterden sat Speaker by virtue of a former Commission.

Lucas et al. v. Nockells:

The Order of the Day being read for hearing Counsel to argue the Errors assigned upon the Writ of Error wherein Matthias Prime Lucas Esquire, and others, are Plaintiffs, and Christopher Nockells is Defendant; and for the Judges to attend;

Counsel were accordingly called in:

And the Plaintiffs and Defendant's Counsel being heard;

As also One Counsel for the Plaintiff, by way of Reply;

The Counsel were directed to withdraw.

Question put to the Judges.

Proposed, "That the following Question of Law be put to the Judges:

"An Action of Trespass being brought against a Sheriff and another Person for entering the Plaintiff's House, and seizing and taking away his Goods, on divers Days and Times, the Sheriff pleaded a Justification under a Writ of Fi: Fa: issued against the Goods of A.B. at the Suit of the other Defendant, averring that Goods of A.B. were in the House, and that he entered the House to seize, and did seize and sell them under the Writ: The other Defendant pleaded the same Plea, with the Addition of the Judgment recovered by himself against A.B. The Plaintiff replied, admitting the Judgment and Writ, and traversing the Residue of the Cause; and also added a new Assignment, at other Times and on other Occasions, and for other Purposes, and also alleging Excess. At the Trial it appeared that the Sheriff had made a Warrant to his Officers, who entered the House, and continued therein until all the Goods were removed, which occupied Three or Four Days, and that the Sheriff was indemnified by the other Defendant:

"Was it competent by Law, on these Pleadings, for the Plaintiff to shew at the Trial, in Maintenance of his Action, that the Acts of the Defendants were not really done under or in Execution of the Writ, but for another Purpose, under another Claim; and that the Writ and the Proceedings under it were a mere Colour and Contrivance to get Possession of the Goods?"

The same was agreed to; and the said Question was accordingly put to the Judges:

And the Judges desiring Time to consider the said Question;

Ordered, That the further Consideration of the said Cause be put off sine Die.

The Mayor, &c. of Lyme Regis v. Henley put off to the next Session.

The Order of the Day being read for hearing Counsel to argue the Errors assigned upon the Writ of Error wherein The Mayor and Burgesses of the Borough of Lyme Regis are Plaintiffs, and Henry Hoste Henley Esquire is Defendant; and for the Judges to attend;

A Petition of The Mayor and Burgesses of the Borough of Lyme Regis, Plaintiffs in the last-mentioned Writ of Error, was presented and read; praying their Lordships, "That in consequence of the Notice of this Writ of Error being appointed for hearing this Day not being communicated to the Petitioners Agent so as to enable him to inform their Counsel thereof until the 3d of July, their Lordships will allow the Argument of this Writ of Error to stand over to such Period as to their Lordships shall seem proper:"

Ordered, That the Hearing of the said Errors argued be put off to the next Session of Parliament; and that the Question of the Costs of this Day be then considered.

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed by The Lord Chancellor.

Bills passed by Commission.

The Lord Chancellor acquainted the House, "That His Majesty had been pleased to issue a Commission to several Lords therein named, for declaring His Royal Assent to several Acts agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament."

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed.

Then Three of the Lords Commissioners, being in their Robes, and seated on a Form placed between the Throne and the Woolsack, The Lord Chancellor in the Middle, with His Royal Highness The Duke of Sussex on his Right Hand, and The Earl of Shaftesbury on his Left; commanded the Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod to signify to the Commons, "The Lords Commissioners desire their immediate Attendance in this House, to hear the Commission read."

Who being come, with their Speaker;

The Lord Chancellor said,

"My Lords, and Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

"His Majesty, not thinking fit to be personally present here at this Time, has been pleased to cause a Commission to be issued under the Great Seal, and thereby given His Royal Assent to divers Acts which have been agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament, the Titles whereof are particularly mentioned; and by the said Commission hath commanded us to declare and notify His Royal Assent to the said several Acts, in the Presence of you the Lords and Commons assembled for that Purpose: Which Commission you will now hear read."

Then the said Commission was read by the Clerk as follows; (vizt.)


"William the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith; To Our right trusty and right well-beloved the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and to Our trusty and well-beloved the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, and the Commissioners for Shires and Burghs of the House of Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, Greeting: Whereas in Our said Parliament divers and sundry Acts have been agreed and accorded on by you Our loving Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this Our present Parliament assembled, and endorsed by you as hath been accustomed, the Titles and Names of which Acts hereafter do particularly ensue; (that is to say,) "An Act to transfer the Management of certain Annuities on Lives from the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer to the Management of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt; and to amend an Act for enabling the said Commissioners to grant Life Annuities and Annuities for Terms of Years:" "An Act for holding the Assizes for the King's County, in Ireland, Twice in every Year, at Tullamoore, instead of Philipstown:" "An Act for uniting the Funds of the North and South Charitable Infirmaries of the City of Cork, and for establishing in lieu of such Infirmaries One general Hospital for the said City:" "An Act for erecting and maintaining a new Court House and Public Offices for the County of Inverness:" "An Act for better regulating the Pilotage of the Port of Kingston-upon-Hull and of the River Humber; and for other Purposes relating thereto:" "An Act for better paving, lighting, watching, cleansing and otherwise improving the City of Exeter and County of the same City:" "An Act to make more effectual Provisions for lighting, cleansing and watching the City of Londonderry, and to amend several Acts relating to the said City:" "An Act for discharging the Inhabitants of the Township of Ossett-cum-Gawthorpe, in the Parish of Dewsbury, in the County of York, from the Custom of grinding Corn, Grain and Malt at certain Water Corn Mills in the Townships of Wakefield and Horbury, and in the Parish of Sandal, in the said County; and for making Compensation to the Proprietor of the said Mills:" "An Act for maintaining certain Roads in the Neighbourhood of the Towns of Beverley, of Kingston-upon-Hull and of North Cave, called "The Beverley, Hessle and North Cave Turnpike Roads:" "An Act for exchanging Part of the Settled Estates of Sir Thomas Fletcher Fenton Boughey Baronet for Part of his Fee-Simple Estates:" "An Act for vesting the Real Estates devised by the Will of Ellis Leckonby Hodgson Esquire, deceased, in Everton, within the Manor of West Derby, in the County of Lancaster, in Trustees, to be sold for paying off an Incumbrance thereon; for dividing Two Third Parts of the Residue of the Purchase Money among the Devisees of Two Third Parts of the said Estates; and for investing the remaining One Third Part of the said Money in the Purchase of other Estates, or on Securities to the same Uses as the other Third Part of the said devised Estates:" "An Act for empowering the Trustees of the Blue Coat Charity School in Warrington, in the County of Lancaster, to make Sales and to grant Building and Mining Leases of certain Parts of the Estates belonging to the said Charity; and for other Purposes therein mentioned:" "An Act for establishing and carrying into Effect an Agreement for a Partition between William Henry Bowen Jordan Wilson Esquire and Edmund Meysey Wigley Greswolde Esquire, of Estates in the County of Warwick:" "An Act for effectually settling all the Estates in Great Britain which by the Will of the late Right Honorable George Pitt Lord Rivers deceased, dated the Fifteenth of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty three, are required to be settled by The Right Honorable George Pitt Rivers now Lord Rivers to the Uses directed by such Will:" An Act to enable the Dean and Chapter of Durham to appropriate Part of the Property of their Church to the Establishment of a University in Connexion therewith for the Advancement of Learning:" "An Act to authorize the Patrons or Patron for the Time being of the Vicarage of Aston juxta Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, to appropriate and assign any Part of the Tithes and Vicarial Dues belonging to the said Vicarage, or any Rentcharge issuing out of the same, for endowing certain new Churches within the said Vicarage if converted into District Parishes or Vicarages, and for selling the Advowsons of the same Churches or new Benefices:" "An Act to authorize the granting of Leases of certain Parts of the Estates (subject to the Trusts of the Will) of Philip Antrobus Gentleman, deceased:" "An Act for disafforesting and inclosing so much of the Forest of Rockingham as is situate within the Bailiwick of Rockingham, and for inclosing Open and Common Field Lands in Gretton, all within the County of Northampton." And albeit the said Acts by you Our said Subjects, the Lords and Commons in this Our present Parliament assembled, are fully agreed and consented unto, yet nevertheless the same are not of Force and Effect in the Law without Our Royal Assent given and put to the said Acts; And for as much as for divers Causes and Considerations We cannot conveniently at this Time be present in Our Royal Person in the Higher House of Our said Parliament, being the accustomed Place for giving Our Royal Assent to such Acts as have been agreed upon by you Our said Subjects, the Lords and Commons, We have therefore caused these Our Letters Patent to be made, and have signed the same, and by the same do give and put Our Royal Assent to the said Acts, and to all Articles, Clauses and Provisions therein contained, and have fully agreed and assented to the said Acts; Willing that the said Acts, and every Article, Clause, Sentence and Provision therein contained, from henceforth shall be of the same Strength, Force and Effect, as if We had been personally present in the said Higher House, and had openly and publicly, in the Presence of you all, assented to the same: And We do by these Presents declare and notify the same Our Royal Assent, as well to you the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons aforesaid, as to all others whom it may concern; Commanding also by these Presents Our well-beloved and faithful Councillor Henry Lord Brougham and Vaux, Our Chancellor of that Part of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Great Britain, to seal these Our Letters Patent with Our Great Seal of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; and also commanding Our most dear Brothers and faithful Councillors Ernest Duke of Cumberland, Augustus Duke of Sussex, Adolphus Duke of Cambridge; Our most dear Cousin and faithful Councillor William Frederick Duke of Gloucester; The Most Reverend Father in God and Our faithful Councillor William Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate and Metropolitan of all England; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillor Henry Lord Brougham and Vaux, Chancellor of that Part of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Great Britain; Our most dear Cousin and Councillor Henry Marquess of Lansdowne, President of Our Council; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillor John George Lord Durham, Keeper of Our Privy Seal; Our most dear Cousins and Councillors William Spencer Duke of Devonshire, Chamberlain of Our Household; Charles Duke of Richmond, George William Frederick Duke of Leeds, William Henry Duke of Portland, Arthur Duke of Wellington, Richard Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Marquess Wellesley, Steward of Our Household; Charles Marquess of Winchester, John Jeffreys Marquess Camden, Henry William Marquess of Anglesey, John Earl of Westmorland, George Earl of Carlisle, Cropley Ashley Earl of Shaftesbury, George Earl of Aberdeen, William Earl Fitzwilliam, George John Earl Spencer, John Earl of Chatham, Henry Earl Bathurst, Charles Earl Grey, John Earl of Eldon, John William Earl of Dudley, William Viscount Melbourne, Robert Viscount Melville, Henry Viscount Sidmouth, Frederick John Viscount Goderich; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillors Henry Richard Lord Holland, William Wyndham Lord Grenville, Edward Lord Ellenborough, Nicholas Lord Bexley, John Singleton Lord Lyndhurst and Charles Lord Tenterden, or any Three or more of them, to declare and notify this Our Royal Assent in Our Absence in the said Higher House, in the Presence of you, the said Lords and Commons of Our Parliament, there to be assembled for that Purpose; and the Clerk of Our Parliaments to endorse the said Acts with such Terms and Words, in Our Name, as is requisite and hath been accustomed for the same, and also to enrol these Our Letters Patent, and the said Acts, in the Parliament Roll; and these Our Letters Patent shall be to every of them a sufficient Warrant in that Behalf: And finally, We do declare and will, that after this Our Royal Assent given and passed by these Presents, and declared and notified as is aforesaid, then and immediately the said Acts shall be taken, accepted and admitted good, sufficient and perfect Acts of Parliament and Laws, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes, and to be put in due Execution accordingly, the Continuance or Dissolution of this Our Parliament, or any other Use, Custom, Thing or Things to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. In Witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent.

"Witness Ourself at Westminster, the Fourth Day of July, in the Third Year of Our Reign.

"By the King Himself, signed with His own Hand.


Then The Lord Chancellor said,

"In obedience to His Majesty's Commands, and by virtue of the Commission which has been now read, We do declare and notify to you, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament assembled, That His Majesty hath given His Royal Assent to the several Acts in the Commission mentioned; and the Clerks are required to pass the same in the usual Form and Words."

Then the Deputy Clerk of the Crown, at the Table, read the Titles of the Bills to be passed, severally, as follow; (vizt.)

1. "An Act to transfer the Management of certain Annuities on Lives from the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer to the Management of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt; and to amend an Act for enabling the said Commissioners to grant Life Annuities and Annuities for Terms of Years."

2. "An Act for holding the Assizes for the King's County, in Ireland, Twice in every Year, at Tullamoore, instead of Philipstown."

3. "An Act for uniting the Funds of the North and South Charitable Infirmaries of the City of Cork, and for establishing in lieu of such Infirmaries One general Hospital for the said City."

4. "An Act for erecting and maintaining a new Court House and Public Offices for the County of Inverness."

5. "An Act for better regulating the Pilotage of the Port of Kingston-upon-Hull and of the River Humber; and for other Purposes relating thereto."

6. "An Act for better paving, lighting, watching, cleansing and otherwise improving the City of Exeter and County of the same City."

7. "An Act to make more effectual Provisions for lighting, cleansing and watching the City of Londonderry, and to amend several Acts relating to the said City."

8. "An Act for discharging the Inhabitants of the Township of Ossett-cum-Gawthorpe, in the Parish of Dewsbury, in the County of York, from the Custom of grinding Corn, Grain and Malt at certain Water Corn Mills in the Townships of Wakefield and Horbury, and in the Parish of Sandal, in the said County; and for making Compensation to the Proprietor of the said Mills."

9. "An Act for maintaining certain Roads in the Neighbourhood of the Towns of Beverley, of Kingstonupon-Hull and of North Cave, called "The Beverley, Hessle and North Cave Turnpike Roads."

To these Bills the Royal Assent was pronounced, severally, by the Clerk Assistant, in these Words; (vizt.)

"Le Roy le veult."

10. "An Act for exchanging Part of the Settled Estates of Sir Thomas Fletcher Fenton Boughey Baronet for Part of his Fee-Simple Estates."

11. "An Act for vesting the Real Estates devised by the Will of Ellis Leckonby Hodgson Esquire, deceased, in Everton, within the Manor of West Derby, in the County of Lancaster, in Trustees, to be sold for paying off an Incumbrance thereon; for dividing Two Third Parts of the Residue of the Purchase Money among the Devisees of Two Third Parts of the said Estates; and for investing the remaining One Third Part of the said Money in the Purchase of other Estates, or on Securities to the same Uses as the other Third Part of the said devised Estates."

12. "An Act for empowering the Trustees of the Blue Coat Charity School in Warrington, in the County of Lancaster, to make Sales and to grant Building and Mining Leases of certain Parts of the Estates belonging to the said Charity; and for other Purposes therein mentioned."

13. "An Act for establishing and carrying into Effect an Agreement for a Partition between William Henry Bowen Jordan Wilson Esquire and Edmund Meysey Wigley Greswolde Esquire, of Estates in the County of Warwick."

14. "An Act for effectually settling all the Estates in Great Britain which by the Will of the late Right Honorable George Pitt Lord Rivers deceased, dated the Fifteenth of March One thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, are required to be settled by The Right Honorable George Pitt Rivers now Lord Rivers to the Uses directed by such Will."

15. "An Act to enable the Dean and Chapter of Durham to appropriate Part of the Property of their Church to the Establishement of a University in connexion therewith for the Advancement of Learning."

16. "An Act to authorize the Patrons or Patron for the Time being of the Vicarage of Aston juxta Birmingham, in the County of Warwick, to appropriate and assign any Part of the Tithes and Vicarial Dues belonging to the said Vicarage, or any Rent-charge issuing out of the same, for endowing certain new Churches within the said Vicarage if converted into District Parishes or Vicarages, and for selling the Advowsons of the same Churches or new Benefices."

17. "An Act to authorize the granting of Leases of certain Parts of the Estates (subject to the Trusts of the Will) of Philip Antrobus Gentleman, deceased."

18. "An Act for disafforesting and inclosing so much of the Forest of Rockingham as is situate within the Bailiwick of Rockingham, and for inclosing Open and Common Field Lands in Gretton, all within the County of Northampton."

To these Bills the Royal Assent was pronounced, severally, by the Clerk Assistant, in these Words; (vizt.)

"Soit fait comme il est desiré."

Then the Commons withdrew.

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed.

Napier v. Goldie et al. Appellant's Petition for Time for his Case, referred to Appeal Com ee.

Upon reading the Petition of John Napier, Appellant in a Cause depending in this House, to which Alexander Goldie, and others, are Respondents; praying their Lordships, "That he may have until the first Week of next Session of Parliament to lodge his printed Case:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Appeal Committee.

Martins' Petition to change Reference to the Judges.

Upon reading the Petition of James Thomas Martin Esquire and Joseph John Martin Esquire; praying, "That their Lordships will be pleased to refer their Petition for a Private Bill, presented to the House on the 7th of June last, to Mr. Justice Littledale and Mr. Justice Gaselee, instead of Mr. Justice Littledale and Mr. Justice Alderson, the said Mr. Justice Alderson having left Town to go on the Welsh Circuit:"

It is Ordered, That the Consideration of the said Petition be, and is hereby referred to Mr. Justice Littledale and Mr. Justice Gaselee, who are forthwith to summon all Parties concerned in the Bill, and, after hearing them, are to report to the House the State of the Case, with their Opinion thereupon, under their Hands, and whether all Parties, who may be concerned in the Consequences of the Bill, have signed the Petition; and also, that the Judges, having perused the Bill, do sign the same.

Hamilton v. Bennet et al.

The House being moved, "That a Day may be appointed for hearing the Cause wherein John Hamilton is Appellant, and The Reverend George Bennet, and others, are Respondents:"

It is Ordered, That this House will hear the said Cause, by Counsel at the Bar, on the first vacant Day for Causes after those already appointed.

Frank's Estate Bill, Standing Order 94 to be considered.

Ordered, That the Standing Order, No. 94, directing that no Committee shall sit upon any Private Bill until Ten Days after the Second Reading thereof, be taken into Consideration To-morrow, in order to its being dispensed with upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act to enable Richard Bacon Frank Esquire, jointly with the Committee of the Estate of Edward Frank Clerk, his Father, (a Person of unsound Mind,) to make Appointments of Estates in the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk and County of the City of Norwich, by way of Family Arrangement and Settlement, conformably to an Order of The Lord Chancellor in the Matter of the said Edward Frank; and also to confirm an Annuity to be charged on the Life Estate of the said Edward Frank;" and that the Lords be summoned.

White et al. Leave for a Bill:

After reading and considering the Report of the Judges, to whom was referred the Petition of Thomas White, and others; praying Leave to bring in a Private Bill for the Purposes therein mentioned:

It is Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, pursuant to the said Petition and Report.

Bill read.

Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for authorizing the Trustees of John White the elder, deceased, to complete on their Part an Exchange of certain Lands at Millbank, in the County of Middlesex; and for vesting the exchanged Lands and other Hereditaments in the Trustees of the Marriage Settlement of William Leaper Newton Esquire and Henrietta his Wife, with Power of Sale."

London & Birmingham Railway Bill, Petition in favor of, referred to the Com ee.

Upon reading the Petition of the Mine-Owners, Coal Masters and Iron Masters of the several Parishes of Westbromwich, Wednesbury, Tipton, Sedgley, Wolverhampton and Bilston, in the County of Stafford, and of Dudley and Stourbridge, in the County of Worcester, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of a Bill depending in this House, intituled, "An Act for making a Railway from London to Birmingham;" and praying their Lordships, "That the same may pass into a Law:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Committee to whom the said Bill stands committed.

Committals to Mullingar Gaol, Return of, Ordered.

Ordered, That there be laid before this House, "A Return of the Number of Committals to Mullingar Gaol, since the Conclusion of the last Lent Assizes, of Prisoners who now remain for Trial at the ensuing Assizes, for any and what alleged Offences committed since the last Assizes."

Lords summoned.

Ordered, That all the Lords be summoned to attend the Service of the House on Thursday the 12th of this instant July.

Division of Counties Bill, Petition from Elland cum Greetland to extend the Elective Franchise to Halifax.

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Township of Elland cum Greetland, in the Parish of Halifax, in the West Riding of the County of York, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of a Bill depending in this House, intituled, "An Act to settle and describe the Divisions of Counties, and the Limits of Cities and Boroughs, in England and Wales, in so far as respects the Election of Members to serve in Parliament;" and praying their Lordships "to extend the Franchise or Right of voting for Two Members of Parliament to the Parish of Halifax, which from the Extent and Diversity of its Manufactures, and the Density of its Population of One hundred and one thousand Inhabitants, the Petitioners conceive has a Claim to participate in the Advantages of having a Voice in the Representation, especially as the like Privilege hath been extended to the Parishes of Leeds, Sheffield and Oldham:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Divisions of Counties Bill, Petitions to re-appoint Dursley as the Place of Election: (Forest of Dean:)

Upon reading the Petition of the Persons residing in the Forest of Dean and the other Parts of the Western Side of the Severn, in the County of Gloucester, and entitled to vote in the Election of Members of Parliament for the Western Division of that County, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying, "That their Lordships will take into Consideration the Convenience of all the Electors of the Western Division of Gloucestershire, and re-appoint the Town of Dursley as the Place of Election, that none of the Electors may be prevented from attending on the Day of the Election:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Freeholders and others residing in the Upper Division of the Hundred of Berkeley, in the Western Division of the County of Gloucester, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to appoint the Town of Dursley as the Polling Place of the Upper Part of the Western Division of Gloucestershire, and not the Town of Wottonunderedge:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Western Division of Gloucestershire.

Upon reading the Petition of the Freeholders and others resident in the Western Division of the County of Gloucester, and entitled to vote in the Election of Knights of the Shire of that Division, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to replace (as it stood in the original Bill) the Town of Dursley as the Place of Election for the Western Division of the County of Gloucester:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Trespasses (Scotland) Bill.

The House (according to Order) was adjourned during Pleasure, and put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act for the more effectual Prevention of Trespasses upon Property by Persons in Pursuit of Game in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland."

After some Time, the House was resumed:

And The Earl of Shaftesbury reported from the Committee, "That they had gone through the Bill, and made several Amendments thereto, which he was ready to report, when the House will please to receive the same."

Ordered, That the said Report be received To-morrow.

Reform (Scotland) Bill, Petition of Trustees of J. Schaw for Compensation.

Upon reading the Petition of the Trustees of the late James Schaw of Preston, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of a Bill depending in this House, intituled, "An Act to amend the Representation of the People in Scotland;" stating, "That the late James Schaw of Preston, in the County of Haddington, in Scotland, devised his whole Property, and particularly his Landed Estate of Preston, to the Petitioners, in Trust for the Purpose of instituting an Hospital for the Reception, Maintenance and Education of poor Boys: That the Petitioners, in the Course of administering the Estate, incurred very heavy Expences in obtaining an Act of Parliament, and in making up Titles, with the Purpose of selling the Dominium directum of their Lands of Preston, a Property which by the Law and Constitution of Scotland would confer on the Purchasers Two Freehold Qualifications in the County of Haddington, and for this Property they, on reasonable Grounds, expected a Price of from £1,500 to £1,800: That, under the Provisions of the said Bill, this Value is in a great Measure forfeited, as the Elective Franchise is separated from its Possession;" and therefore praying their Lordships "to receive Evidence of the Facts, and to hear the Petitioners thereon, and to provide for them a suitable Compensation for the Loss of Property or Privilege sustained:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Reform (Scotland) Bill.

The Order of the Day being read for the Lords to be summoned;

It was moved, "That the Bill, intituled, "An Act to amend the Representation of the People in Scotland," be now read a Second Time."

After Debate,

The Question was put thereupon?

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Then the said Bill was read a Second Time.

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to a Committee of the Whole House.

Ordered, That the House be put into a Committee upon the said Bill on Monday next; and that the Lords be summoned.

Divisions of Counties Bill, Petition from Godalming to make it a Place of Election.

Upon reading the Petition of the Freeholders living within the Hundred of Godalming, in the County of Surrey, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of a Bill depending in this House, intituled, "An Act to settle and describe the Divisions of Counties, and the Limits of Cities and Boroughs, in England and Wales, in so far as respects the Election of Members to serve in Parliament;" and praying their Lordships to amend the same so as to make Godalming a Polling Place for at least the Hundred of Godalming:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Divisions of Counties Bill.

The Order of the Day being read for the House to be put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act to settle and describe the Divisions of Counties, and the Limits of Cities and Boroughs, in England and Wales, in so far as respects the Election of Members to serve in Parliament;" and for the Lords to be summoned;

The House was accordingly adjourned during Pleasure, and put into a Committee upon the said Bill.

After some Time, the House was resumed:

And The Earl of Shaftesbury reported from the Committee, "That they had gone through the Bill, and made several Amendments thereto, which he was ready to report, when the House will please to receive the same."

Ordered, That the said Report be received To-morrow; and that the Lords be summoned.

A. & J. Dixon v. Dixon et al.

It was moved, "That the Order made on Monday last, "That the Cause wherein Anthony Dixon Esquire and Joseph Dixon Esquire are Appellants, and William Dixon, and others, are Respondents, be heard by Counsel at the Bar on Monday next," be now read."

The same was accordingly read by the Clerk.

Ordered, That the said Order be discharged.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Jovis, quintum diem instantis Julii, horâ undecimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.