House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 3 July 1832

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 3 July 1832', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 3 July 1832', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 64: 3 July 1832". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 64, 1831-1832. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

Die Martis, 3° Julii 1832.

DOMINI tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Dux Cumberland.
Ds. Brougham
& Vaux,
Archiep. Armacan.
Epus. Londinen.
Epus. Roffen.
Epus. Exon.
Epus. Cicestrien.
Epus. Hereford.
Epus. Kilmoren.
Ds. Stafford.
Ds. Gower.
Ds. Colville of Culross.
Ds. Napier.
Ds. Belhaven & Stenton.
Ds. Hay.
Ds. King.
Ds. Boston.
Ds. Holland.
Ds. Sundridge & Hamilton.
Ds. Foley.
Ds. Sherborne.
Ds. Montagu.
Ds. Suffield.
Ds. Kenyon.
Ds. Auckland.
Ds. Selsey.
Ds. Dundas.
Ds. Rolle.
Ds. Dunalley.
Ds. Redesdale.
Ds. Ellenborough.
Ds. Mont Eagle.
Ds. Clanbrassill.
Ds. Oriel.
Ds. Ravensworth.
Ds. Bexley.
Ds. Penshurst.
Ds. Somerhill.
Ds. Wharncliffe.
Ds. Tenterden.
Ds. Plunket.
Ds. Melros.
Ds. Stuart de Rothesay.
Ds. Rosebery.
Ds. Skelmersdale.
Ds. Wynford.
Ds. Fingall.
Ds. Sefton.
Ds. Clements.
Ds. Panmure.
Ds. Poltimore.
Ds. Mostyn.
Ds. Segrave.
Ds. Dinorben.
March. Lansdowne, Præses.
Dux Richmond.
Dux Beaufort.
Dux Leeds.
Dux Portland.
Dux Wellington.
March. Salisbury.
March. Camden.
March. Westmeath.
March. Bristol.
March. Cleveland.
March. Westminster.
Comes Suffolk & Berkshire.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Westmorland.
Comes Doncaster.
Comes Shaftesbury.
Comes Abingdon.
Comes Albemarle.
Comes Jersey.
Comes Selkirk.
Comes Dartmouth.
Comes Tankerville.
Comes Brooke & Warwick.
Comes Ilchester.
Comes Bathurst.
Comes Hillsborough.
Comes Carnarvon.
Comes Longford.
Comes Rosslyn.
Comes Gosford.
Comes Grey.
Comes Minto.
Comes Verulam.
Comes Beauchamp.
Comes Glengall.
Comes Eldon.
Comes Vane.
Comes Camperdown.
Comes Lichfield.
Vicecom. Leinster.
Vicecom. Sydney.
Vicecom. Hood.
Vicecom. Gordon.
Vicecom. Goderich.
Ds. Wellesley, Senescallus.
Ds. Melbourne, Unus Primariorum Secretariorum.
Ds. Dacre.
Ds. Howard of Effingham.
Ds. Clifton.
Ds. Teynham.


The Lord Tenterden sat Speaker by virtue of a former Commission.

Duvergier v. Fellowes, Wr: Err:

The Order of the Day being read for hearing Counsel to argue the Errors assigned upon the Writ of Error wherein Aimé Duvergier is Plaintiff, and William Dorset Fellowes is Defendant; and for the Judges to attend;

Counsel were accordingly called in:

And the Plaintiff's Counsel being fully heard;

The Counsel were directed to withdraw.

Then the following Order and Judgment was made:

Whereas, by virtue of His Majesty's Writ of Error returnable into the House of Lords in Parliament assembled, a Record of the Court of King's Bench was brought into this House on the 11th Day of February 1831, wherein Aimé Duvergier is Plaintiff, and William Dorset Fellowes is Defendant, in order to reverse a Judgment given in the Court of King's Bench, affirming a Judgment of the Court of Common Pleas for the said Defendant; and the Plaintiff's Counsel having been heard this Day to argue the Errors assigned upon the said Writ of Error; and due Consideration had of what was offered in this Cause:

Judgment Affirmed:

It is Ordered and Adjudged, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in Parliament assembled, That the said Judgment given in the Court of King's Bench, affirming a Judgment of the Court of Common Pleas, be, and the same is hereby Affirmed; and that the Record be remitted, to the end such Proceeding may be had thereupon as if no such Writ of Error had been brought into this House: And it is further Ordered, That the said Plaintiff do pay or cause to be paid to the said Defendant the Sum of Eighty Pounds, for his Costs sustained by reason of bringing the said Writ of Error.

The Tenor of which Judgment, to be affixed to the Transcript of the Record, is as follows; (vizt.)


"On which Day, before the same Court of Parliament aforesaid, at Westminster aforesaid, come the Parties aforesaid, by their Attornies aforesaid; Whereupon the said Court of Parliament having seen, diligently examined and fully understood, as well the Record and Process aforesaid, and the Judgments given thereupon, as the Causes and Matters aforesaid assigned by the said Aimé Duvergier as above for Error, and mature Deliberation being thereon had; It appears to the said Court of Parliament, that there is no Error either in the Record and Proceedings aforesaid, or in the giving of the Judgment aforesaid, or in the Affirmance of the said Judgment, and that the Record is in no ways vicious or defective: Therefore it is considered by the same Court of Parliament aforesaid, that the said Judgments be in all Things Affirmed, and that they stand in full force and virtue, notwithstanding the Causes and Matters aforesaid as above assigned for Error: And it is further considered by the same Court of Parliament now here, that the said William Dorset Fellowes recover against the said Aimé Duvergier Eighty Pounds, adjudged to the said William Dorset Fellowes by the same Court of Parliament aforesaid, according to the Form of the Statute in such Case made and provided, for his Costs, Charges and Damages which he hath sustained by reason of the Delay of Execution of the Judgment aforesaid, on Pretext of prosecuting the Writ of Error aforesaid: And thereupon the Record aforesaid, and also the Process had in the Court of Parliament aforesaid on the Premises, are sent back by the same Court of Parliament to the Court of the said Lord The King, before The King Himself, wheresoever He shall then in England, &c. to do Execution thereupon, &c."

Doe v. Perratt & Burge, Questions put to the Judges.

The House proceeded to take into Consideration the Cause wherein John Doe, on the Demise of Isaac Winter, is Plaintiff, and Matthew Perratt and William Burge are Defendants:

And Consideration being had thereof;

It was proposed, "That the following Questions of Law be put to the Judges:

"1. Is the Remainder to the First Male Heir of the Branch of the Family of the Testator's Uncle, Richard Chilcot, a Remainder in Fee-Simple or Fee-Tail?"

"2. Was the Expression "First Male Heir" used by the Testator to denote a Person of whom an Ancestor might be living?"

"3. At what Time did this Remainder vest in Interest?"

"4. In what Person did this Remainder first vest in Interest?"

"5. Could the Remainder, if once vested in Interest in any Person, open or become devested so as to admit another Person in preference to the Person in whom it had so vested?"

The same was agreed to; and the said Questions were accordingly put to the Judges:

And the Judges desiring Time to consider the said Questions;

Ordered, That the further Consideration of the said Cause be put off sine Die.

Colvin et al. v. Newberry & Benson.

The Order of the Day being read for hearing Counsel to argue the Errors assigned upon the Writ of Error wherein David Colvin, and others, are Plaintiffs, and Nicholas Newberry and Thomas Starling Benson are Defendants; and for the Judges to attend;

Counsel were accordingly called in:

And the Plaintiffs and Defendants Counsel being heard;

As also One Counsel for the Plaintiffs, by way of Reply;

The Counsel were directed to withdraw.

Ordered, That the further Consideration of the said Cause be put off sine Die.

Ossett Soke Corn Mills Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Viscount Morpeth and others;

To return the Bill, intituled, "An Act for discharging the Inhabitants of the Township of Ossett-cum-Gawthorpe, in the Parish of Dewsbury, in the County of York, from the Custom of grinding Corn, Grain and Malt at certain Water Corn Mills in the Townships of Wakefield and Horbury, and in the Parish of Sandal, in the said County; and for making Compensation to the Proprietor of the said Mills;" and to acquaint this House, That they have agreed to their Lordships Amendments made thereto.

Antrobus's Estate Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Viscount Morpeth and others;

To return the Bill, intituled, "An Act to authorize the granting of Leases of certain Parts of the Estates (subject to the Trusts of the Will) of Philip Antrobus Gentleman, deceased;" and to acquaint this House, That they have agreed to the same, without any Amendment.

Rockingham Forest Inclosure Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Viscount Morpeth and others;

To return the Bill, intituled, "An Act for disafforesting and inclosing so much of the Forest of Rockingham as is situate within the Bailiwick of Rockingham, and for inclosing Open and Common Field Lands in Gretton, all within the County of Northampton;" and to acquaint this House, That they have agreed to their Lordships Amendments made thereto.

Metropolis Cemetery Bill:

The Order of the Day being read for the Third Reading of the Bill, intituled, "An Act for establishing a General Cemetery for the Interment of the Dead in the Neighbourhood of the Metropolis;"

It was moved, "That the said Bill be now read the Third Time."

Which being objected to;

It was moved, "to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Six Months")

The Question was put, "Whether the Word ("now") shall stand Part of the Motion?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Then the said Bill was read the Third Time.

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill, with the Amendments, shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H.C. with Amendments to it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Giffin Wilson and Mr. Martin;

To return the said Bill, and acquaint them, That the Lords have agreed to the same, with several Amendments, to which their Lordships desire their Concurrence.

Divisions of Counties Bill, Petition from Gloucester to enlarge the Limits.

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of Gloucester, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of a Bill depending in this House, intituled, "An Act to settle and describe the Divisions of Counties, and the Limits of Cities and Boroughs, in England and Wales, in so far as respects the Election of Members to serve in Parliament;" and praying their Lordships "to cause the Limits of the said Bill, as regards the City of Gloucester, to be enlarged so as to embrace that Part of the Suburbs called Barton Street, and the Place adjoining called Barton Terrace, the Northgate Road and the Hamlet of Kingsholm; and that the Boundary of Gloucester may be ascertained and fixed by the Circumference of a Circle, whose Centre should be the Centre of the City, and known by the Name of The Cross, extending to the Distance of One Mile from such Centre, which would include so much of the Places and Hamlets before mentioned as the Justice and Expedience of the Case seems to require:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Divisions of Counties Bill, Petition from Haitefeld to add Thorne to the Places of Election.

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Manor of Haitefeld, in the West Riding of Yorkshire, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying, "That their Lordships will be pleased either to add Thorne to the Number of Places at which the Ballot is to be taken for the District in which Thorne is situated, or to substitute the Town of Thorne for the Town of Snaith for such Ballot:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

London & Birmingham Railway Bill, Petition in favor of, referred to the Com ee.

Upon reading the Petition of the Freeholders, Leaseholders and Inhabitant Householders, Merchants, Bankers, Manufacturers and Traders within the Staffordshire Potteries and their Vicinity, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of a Bill depending in this House, intituled, "An Act for making a Railway from London to Birmingham;" and praying their Lordships, That the same may pass into a Law:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Committee to whom the said Bill stands committed.

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed by The Lord Chancellor.

Londonderry Improvement Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act to make more effectual Provisions for lighting, cleansing and watching the City of Londonderry, and to amend several Acts relating to the said City."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H.C. that the Lords have agreed to it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by the former Messengers;

To acquaint them, That the Lords have agreed to the said Bill, without any Amendment.

Ecclesiastical Corporation Lands Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act to authorize the identifying of Lands and other Possessions of certain Ecclesiastical and Collegiate Corporations."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H.C. with it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by the former Messengers;

To carry down the said Bill, and desire their Concurrence thereto.

Life Annuities Transfer Bill:

The Order of the Day being read for the Third Reading of the Bill, intituled, "An Act to transfer the Management of certain Annuities on Lives from the Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer to the Management of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt; and to amend an Act for enabling the said Commissioners to grant Life Annuities and Annuities for Terms of Years;"

The said Bill was accordingly read the Third Time.

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H.C. that the Lords have agreed to it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by the former Messengers;

To acquaint them, That the Lords have agreed to the said Bill, without any Amendment.

Dobie to enter into a Recogce on Weir's Appeal.

The House being moved, "That Alexander Dobie of Palsgrave Place, Temple, Gentleman, may be permitted to enter into a Recognizance for Robert Weir, on account of his Appeal depending in this House, he residing in Scotland:"

The same was agreed to; and Ordered accordingly.

Franks' Leave for a Bill:

After reading and considering the Report of the Judges, to whom was referred the Petition of Sir William Bryan Cooke Baronet, the Committee of the Estates of The Reverend Edward Frank; and of Richard Bacon Frank Esquire; praying Leave to bring in a Private Bill for the Purposes therein mentioned:

It is Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, pursuant to the said Petition and Report.

Bill read.

Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act to enable Richard Bacon Frank Esquire, jointly with the Committee of the Estate of Edward Frank Clerk, his Father, (a Person of unsound Mind,) to make Appointments of Estates in the Counties of Norfolk and Suffolk and County of the City of Norwich, by way of Family Arrangement and Settlement, conformably to an Order of The Lord Chancellor in the Matter of the said Edward Frank; and also to confirm an Annuity to be charged on the Life Estate of the said Edward Frank."

London & Birmingham Railway Bill, Witnesses to attend.

Ordered, That Benjamin Worthy Herne, Chaplin, Mountain, Joseph Hearne and Thomas Rhodes Esquire do attend this House To-morrow, and that George Trumper and Bagnall do attend this House on Thursday next, to be sworn, in order to their being examined as Witnesses before the Committee to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for making a Railway from London to Birmingham," stands committed.

Dr. Lee's et al. Petition to receive Judges Report:

Upon reading the Petition of John Lee of Hartwell, in the County of Buckingham, Doctor of Laws, and others; praying their Lordships, "That the Report of the Judges on the Petitioners Petition for a Private Bill may be now received:"

It is Ordered, That the said Report be now received.

Leave for a Bill:

Accordingly, After reading and considering the Report of the Judges, to whom was referred the Petition of John Lee, Doctor of Laws, and others; praying Leave to bring in a Private Bill for the Purposes therein mentioned:

It is Ordered, That Leave be given to bring in a Bill, pursuant to the said Petition and Report.

Bill read.

Hodie 1a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act for vesting the Fee-Simple of Part of the Freehold Estates devised by the Will of William Lee Antonie Esquire, deceased, in strict Settlement, in his Nephew John Lee Esquire, Doctor of Laws, subject to a Term of Five hundred Years, as an Indemnification against a Sum of Ten thousand Pounds and Interest; and for substituting Part of the Fee-Simple Estates of the said John Lee in lieu thereof; and also for appointing new Trustees of the said Settled Estates."

Contempts in Ecclesiastical Courts Bill.

The Order of the Day being read for the Second Reading of the Bill, intituled, "An Act for enforcing the Process upon Contempts in the Courts Ecclesiastical of England and Ireland;" and for the Lords to be summoned;

Ordered, That the said Bill be read a Second Time on Thursday next; and that the Lords be summoned.

Sunderland Dock Bill, Evidence to be printed.

Ordered, That the Evidence taken from Time to Time before the Committee to whom the Bill, intituled, "An Act for making and maintaining a Wet Dock on the North Side of the River Wear, at or near the Entrance of the Port of Sunderland, in the County Palatine of Durham," stands committed, be printed.

Education, (Ireland,) Petitions against proposed Plan: (Ardstraw:) Comber:

Upon reading the Petition of the Parishioners of the Parish of Ardstraw, in the County of Tyrone, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Comber, in the County of Down, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Parishioners of the Parish of Drumcliff, in the County of Sligo, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

St. Bridget's, Dublin:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Parishioners of the Parish of Saint Bridget's, in the City of Dublin, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Parishioners of the Parish of Moylesker, in the County of West Meath, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Minister, Churchwardens and Protestant Parishioners of the Parish of Cashell, in the County of Longford, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


And also, Upon reading the Petition of the Members of the Congregation of Drumhilary, in the Parish of Tynan and County of Armagh, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; severally praying their Lordships "to provide that all Grants of Public Money for National Education in Ireland be applied only to the Support of Systems of Instruction which are founded upon the entire Word of God, and which encourage the free and general Use of the Holy Scriptures amongst all Descriptions of Persons; and further, to provide that in the Application of such Money no unholy Compromise be made with the Church of Rome, and no Support or Countenance whatever given to those who would substitute a Part for the Whole of God's Word, or who would teach for Doctrines the Commandments of Men:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petitions do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Parishioners of the Union of Aghold, in the Diocess of Leighlin, in the Counties of Wicklow and Carlow, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying their Lordships, "That for the Sake of both the Protestants and Roman Catholics of Ireland the System of National Education about to be established in that Country by His Majesty's Government may be abandoned, and one adopted on any Plan which the Wisdom of Parliament may deem expedient, only provided that it has the Word of the Living God for its Foundation, as the only Means of obtaining a Blessing on any Temporal or Spiritual Improvement in the Country:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Protestants of the Parish of Cleenish, in the County of Fermanagh, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying their Lordships, "That the new System of Education proposed for Ireland may not pass into a Law:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Keady, in the County of Armagh, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying their Lordships "not to countenance or support any Plan of National Education for Ireland founded upon Principles repugnant to the pure Doctrines of the Gospel, and opposed to the Progress and Safety of the Reformed Faith, which has so long proved a Blessing to this Land; and that their Lordships will not sanction the Grant of any Sum of Money for the Maintenance of a System which the Petitioners submit must tend, if persevered in, to exalt the vain Traditions and Anti-scriptural Devices of Men above the true and holy Commandments of the Lord, and consequently must prove alike destructive of the real Glory of a People, and dangerous to the best Interests of Mankind both here and hereafter:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Protestants of the Parish and Neighbourhood of Loughrea, County of Galway, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying their Lordships, "That no Legislative Measures may be enacted, and no Parliamentary Aid afforded to any System of Education in Ireland, inconsistent with the great and distinguishing Principles of the Christian Faith, namely, that the whole Word of God shall be the only acknowledged Standard of National Education:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Parishioners of the Parish of Kilglass and County of Longford, Ireland, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying their Lordships "to provide that the Public Money for National Education in Ireland be applied to Systems of Instruction founded on the entire Word of God, and not to such as teach for Doctrines the Commandments of Men, and substitute Parts for the Whole of the Divine Word:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Parishioners of Antrim, in the County of Antrim, of various Religious Denominations, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying their Lordships "to provide that all Grants of Public Money for National Education in Ireland be applied only to the Support of Systems of Instruction which are founded upon the entire Word of God, and which encourage the free and general Use of the Holy Scriptures amongst all Descriptions of Persons:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Gravesend Pier Bill Specially reported.

The Lord Clifton reported from the Lords Committees, to whom was re-committed the Bill, intituled, "An Act for amending an Act passed in the Ninth Year of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, intituled, "An Act for rebuilding, or for improving, regulating and maintaining the Town Quay of Gravesend, in the County of Kent, and the Landing Place belonging thereto;" and for building a Pier or Jetty adjoining thereto; and for other Purposes connected therewith;" That the Committee had met, and further considered the said Bill, and had further examined the Allegations thereof; and had also further heard Counsel and examined Witnesses in support of and against the said Bill; and the Committee are of Opinion, That the Allegations contained in the Preamble of the said Bill had not been proved; and therefore the Committee had not proceeded further in the Consideration of the Bill."

Which Report being read by the Clerk;

Ordered, That the said Report do lie on the Table.

Education. (Ireland, Petition General Assembly of Church of Scotland against the proposed Plan.

Upon reading the Petition of the Ministers and Elders of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, under their Common Seal; praying their Lordships, "That in the Schools founded or proposed to be founded in Ireland the fullest Liberty be secured to Protestants and to every one desirous to obtain the Privilege of regularly reading in a Daily Bible Class the Sacred Scriptures in the Protestant authorized Version, without Note or Comment, and of thus becoming acquainted with the whole Truths and Doctrines of our Holy Religion:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Trespasses (Scotland) Bill.

The Order of the Day being read for the House to be put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act for the more effectual Prevention of Trespasses upon Property by Persons in Pursuit of Game in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland;"

Ordered, That the House be put into a Committee upon the said Bill To-morrow.

Divisions of Counties Bill.

The Order of the Day being read for the House to be put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act to settle and describe the Divisions of Counties, and the Limits of Cities and Boroughs, in England and Wales, in so far as respects the Election of Members to serve in Parliament;" and for the Lords to be summoned;

It was moved, "That the House do now resolve itself into a Committee upon the said Bill."

Which being objected to;

It was moved "to leave out from ("That") to the End of the Motion, and insert ("the Returns and Reports of the Commissioners on the Boundaries of such Boroughs as by the Reports of 1832 are stated to contain less than Three hundred £10 Houses, as also the Boroughs of Barnstaple and Huddersfield, be referred to a Select Committee to examine Persons, Papers and Records, and to report from Time to Time their Opinions as to what Boundaries will secure to those respective Boroughs independent Constituencies.")

Then it was moved, "That so much of the Boundary Reports as relates to the Borough of Barnstaple be now read."

The same was accordingly read by the Clerk.

Then the Question was put, "Whether the Words proposed to be left out of the first-mentioned Motion shall stand Part thereof?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Then the House was adjourned during Pleasure, and put into a Committee upon the said Bill.

After some Time, the House was resumed.

Ordered, That the House be again put into a Committee upon the said Bill To-morrow; and that the Lords be summoned.

Logan et al. v. M. & J. Wienholt.

Ordered, That the Cause wherein Sarah Logan, and others, are Appellants, and Mary Wienholt and John Birkett Wienholt are Respondents, be further heard, by One Counsel of a Side, at the Bar on Monday next.

Anatomy Bill.

Ordered, That the House be put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act for regulating Schools of Anatomy," on Friday next; and that the Lords be summoned.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Mercurii, quartum diem instantis Julii, horâ decimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.