General Index: K

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1955.

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Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'General Index: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'General Index: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood. "General Index: K". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. (London, 1955), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Kamhou. See Cambo.

Karham. See Carham.

Karkyke, Kyrkyke, John, 573.

Karvyle, Humphrey, 413.

Kateryn Garthes. See under Elkington, South.

Kaye, Kay, Key, Arthur, son of George, 158.
-, ……, Edward, son of John, 158.
-, ……, George, son of John, 158.
-, ……, John, 158.
-, ……, Lawrence, 158.

KAYE, NICHOLAS, son of Edward, co. York, 158.
-, ……, …., land held of, 1.

Kayham. See Keyham.

Kayleway, Thomas, 318, 321.

Kaymes Othe. See Camesworth.

Kaynho. See Cainhoe.

Kaynnyshous, co. Cornwall, 474.

Keal, East, Esterkell, Starkell, co. Lincoln, 543.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 543.

Keal, West, Westerkele, Westirkele, Westyrkele, co. Lincoln, 154, 298.

Kebbeworth. See Kibworth.

Kebbeworth Beauchamp. See Kibworth Beauchamp.

KEBLE, Kebeel, Kebell, Kebill, Kebull, Kebyll, GEORGE, co. Leicester, 1166.
-, ……, Thomas, brother of George, 1166.
-, ……, Thomas, king’s serjeant at law, 195, 204, 243, 269, 284, 357, 517, 530, 929, 994, 1002–3.

Kechyn, William, p. 605.

Kedall, Ellen, wife of John, 816.

KEDALL, JOHN, son of Thomas, co. Lincoln, 816.
-, ……, John, son of John, 816.
-, ……, Thomas, 816.

Kedleston, Ketelston, Ketilston, co. Derby, manor, 1040.

Kedwelley. See Kidwelly.

Keelby, Keleby, co. Lincoln, 740.

Keeres, Keryes, Kyres, in Aythorpe Roding, co. Essex, 358.

Kegwen. See Keigwin.

Kegworth, co. Leicester, 1162, p. 599.
-, ……, advowson, p. 599.
-, ……, manor, 1162.

Keighley, Kighley, Kyghley, co. York, 742.
-, ……, Newsholme in, q.v.

Keigwin, Kegwen [in St. Just in Penwith], co. Cornwall, 184.

Keisby, Kyesby, Kysby, co. Lincoln, manor, 348, 829.

Kekylton, co. York, 196.

Kekynwyche. See Kenswick.

Keleby. See Keelby.

Kelestoke. See Callestick.

Kelfield, Kelfeld, co. York, 270.
-, ……, manor, 915.

Kelham, Kellom, Kelom, co. Nottingham, 765, 1035.
-, ……, manor, 1034.

Kelk, Kelke, Great, co. York, 126.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 126.

Kelke, Roger, land held of, 126.

Kellaways, Tideryngton Kaylwey, co. Wilts, p. 594.

Kelle, Thomas, 562.

Kellesey. See Kelsale.

Kellom. See Kelham.

Kelly, Michael, 54.

Kelmarsh, Keylmershe, co. Northampton, 1006.

Kelom. See Kelham.

Kelsale, Kellesey, co. Suffolk, 435.

Kelvedon Hatch, Kelwedon, Koledone, co. Essex, p. 596.
-, ……, Myles’s, Milles, manor in, 278.

Kelyk, John, 1137.

Keme, co. Somerset, manor, land held of, 524.

Keme, John, land held of, 524.
-, ……, John, of Horndon, 677.

Kempe, Thomas, 363.

Kempston, co. Bedford, manor, p. 602.

Kempton, Coldkenyngton, Kenyngton [in Sunbury], co. Middlesex, manor, land held of, 461.

Kemsing, Kemsyng, co. Kent, 412.

Kenalton. See Kinoulton.

Kenchester, Kenchestre, co. Hereford, manor, 377.

Kendal, Kirkeby, Kirkby, Kyrkby in Kendall, Kirkby Kendale, co. Westmorland, 212, 343, 360, 659, 903.
-, ……, vicar of. See Appulby, A.

Kendal, Kendale, co. Westmorland, barony, land held of, 656.

Kendall, Kendale, Alice, 772.

KENDALL, JOHN, co. Gloucester, 654.
-, ……, William, land held of, in right of his wife, 365.

Kenelworth. See Kenilworth.

Kenera. See Canara.

Kenilworth, Kenelworth, co. Warwick, abbot of, land held of, 209, 386, 614.

Kenley, co. Salop, manor, 1070.

Kenningtons, Kenyngton [in Aveley], co. Essex, manor and advowson, 229.

Kennys, co. Southampton [in Pamber], manor, 729.

Kensington, Kensyngton, co. Middlesex, 950, p. 596.

Kenswick, Kekynwyche, co. Worcester, 617, 1170.

Kensyngton. See Kensington.

Kent, felonies and forcible entries in, p. 600.
-, ……, issues of the county, 214.
-, ……, …., rent out of, 523.
-, ……, sheriff of, 214, 523.

Kent, countess of. See Fauconberge, J.

Kent, earl of. See Burgh, H. de; Grey, E.; Grey, G.; Grey, R.
-, ……, …., land held of, 1045.

Kent, Geoffrey, 363.
-, ……, John, 199.
-, ……, Mary, wife of John, 199.
-, ……, Richard, 199, 340.

Kentisbury, Kentysbury, co. Devon, manor, 905.

Kentleworth, Kyntleswurth [in Marnhull], co. Dorset, 318.

Kenton [in Wealdstone and Wembley], co. Middlesex, 463.

Kenton, Kynton, co. Northumberland, manor, 8.

Kentysbury. See Kentisbury.

Kenworthey, Richard, chaplain, 812.

Kenwyn, Stretkenwyn, co. Cornwall, 857.

Kenyngton. See Kempton; Kenningtons.

Kepas, Thomas, 356.

Kerblewen, co. Cornwall, 47.

Kerdyff. See Cardiff.

Keresford, Richard, 196.

Kerketh, Cruker, Crukker [in St. Merryn], co. Cornwall, 365.

Kernebull, Henry, clerk, 70.

Kernett, John de, heirs of, land held of, 129.

Kersall, Kyrsall, co. Nottingham, 550.

Kersey, co. Suffolk, 435.
-, ……, priory, land held of, 537.

Kersford, Carsford, Crasford [in Crediton], co. Devon, 367, 562.

Kerton, John, 533.

Kerver, Henry, 622.

Keryes. See Keeres.

Kesgrave, co. Suffolk, 361, 414.

Kesmerbryge. See Kismeldon Bridge.

Kessewyk. See Keswick.

Kestell, co. Cornwall, 533.

Kestle, Kestell [in St. Ewe], co. Cornwall, 857.

Keswick, Kessewyk, co. Cumberland, 655.

Ketelston, Ketilston. See Kedleston.

Kettlebaston, Ketylberston, co. Suffolk, manor, 981.

Ketysham. See Kitsham.

Kevelyok. See Cyfeiliog.

Keweresker, co. Cornwall, 861.

Keworth. See Keyworth.

Key. See Kaye.

Keyford, Cayford [in Frome], co. Somerset, 385, 388.

Keyham, Cayham, Kayham, co. Leicester, p. 596.
-, ……, manor, 283.

Keyley. See Kyloe.

Keylmershe. See Kelmarsh.

Keynes, Keynes, Ellen, wife of John, 380, 421.
-, ……, Humphrey, son of John, 380, 421.

KEYNES, JOAN, wife of John, co. Devon, 596.

KEYNES, JOHN, co. Devon, 596.

KEYNES, John, co. Devon, 380; co. Dorset, 421.
-, ……, …., land held of, 795, 799.

Keynsham, Keynesham, co. Somerset, in-hundred and out-hundred of, 1087.
-, ……, manor, 1087.
-, ……, John, abbot of, 1087.

KEYNSHAM, THOMAS, abbot of, co. Somerset, 1087.

Keysoe, Caseho, co. Bedford, p. 601.

Keyworth, Keworth, co. Nottingham, 1047.
-, ……, deed dated at, 316.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 316.

Kibworth, Kebbeworth, Beauchamp, co. Leicester, manor, 844, 1160.

Kidbrook, Catbroke, co. Kent, Wildos Closes in, 363.

Kidderminster, Kydremester, co. Worcester, 617, 1170.

Kiddington, Nether, Nedercodyngton [in Kiddington], co. Oxford, manor, 691.

Kiddington, Over, Overcodyngton [in Kiddington], co. Oxford, manor, 691.

KIDWELLY, Cadwelly, Kedwelley, Kydwelly, MORGAN, knight, co. Dorset, 142; co. Somerset, 144; co. Southampton, 112.
-, ……, …., 133, 651, 729, 758, 1107.
-, ……, …., land held of, 729.
-, ……, …., his wives. See Cowdrey, A.; Norris, J.

Kigbeare, Cadecabeare [in Okehampton], co. Devon, manor, 54.

Kighley, co. York. See Keighley.

Kighley, Kyghley, Gilbert, 742.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Eland, E.
-, ……, Henry, knight, land held of, 270.

Kildale, Kyldale, co. York, 432.

Kildare, earl and countess of. See Fitzgerald.

Kildare, Gerald, earl of, 1169.
-, ……, …., Elizabeth his wife, 1169.

Kilham, Killom, Kyllom, Kyllum, co. Northumberland, manor, 17, 359.

Kilham, Killom, Kyllom, co. York, 183, 720.

Kilkington, Kylkynton [in Staunton on Wye], co. Hereford, manor, 566.

Killamarsh, Kynualmersh, Kynualmershe, co. Derby, manor, 762, 1026.

Killerton, Kylryngton [in Broad Clyst], co. Devon, manor, 577.

Killingholme, co. Lincoln, 276.

Killington, Knewayton [in Martinhoe], co. Devon, 576.

Killom. See Kilham.

Kilmecote. See Kimcote.

Kilmersdon, Kylmersdon, co. Somerset, manor, land held of, 225.

Kilminorth, Kylmynaweth [in Talland], co. Cornwall, manor, 595.

Kilner, John, 343.

Kilpeck, Kilpek, Kylpek, co. Hereford, castle and manor, land held of, 739.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 944.

Kilpin, Kylpyn, co. York, 270.

Kilton, Culveton, co. Somerset, manor, 582.

Kilton, Kylton, co. York, manor, land held of, 262.
-, ……, manor and castle, 432.

Kilvington, Kylvyngton, co. Nottingham, 550.

Kilworth, North, co. Leicester, 204.

Kilworth, South, Southkylworth, co. Leicester, 204, 442.

Kimberworth, Kymberworth, co. York, 202.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 202, 262.

Kimble, Kymbell, co. Buckingham, 197.

Kimble, Little, Lityll Kynebell, Lytilkymbell, co. Buckingham, manor, 614.

Kimcote, Kilmecote, Kymcote, co. Leicester, 204.
-, ……, manor, 520.
-, ……, …., land held of, 204.

Kimmerston, Kymerston [in Ford], co. Northumberland, manor, 16.

Kimpton, Kympton, co. Hertford, Deep Dell, Depdelfeld, in, 918.
-, ……, manor, 919.

Kineton, Kynton, hundred, co. Warwick, suit to court of, 1148.

Kineton Green, Kyngton [in Solihull], co. Warwick, 1169.

King, Kyng, John, 1174.
-, ……, Oliver, bishop of Exeter, land held of, 577.
-, ……, Richard, 195.
-, ……, Thomas, 2.
-, ……, Thomas, vicar of Hutton Buscel, 262.

Kingdon, Kyngdon [in Alverdiscott], co. Devon, 696.

Kingerby, Kynearby, Kynyardby, co. Lincoln, 679, 962.

Kingeston, co. Sussex. See Kingston by Sea.

King’s Bench, chief justice of. See Fyneux, J.
-, ……, justices of. See Billing, T.; Byngeham, R.; Rede, R.; Tremayle, T.; Yonge, T.

Kingsbridge, Kyngesbrige, Kyngesbrigge, co. Devon, 718.
-, ……, merchant of. See Taylour, J.

Kingsbury, Kyngesbury, co. Middlesex, 195.

Kingsclere, Kyngescleer, Kyngesclere, co. Southampton, 626, 729.

Kingscote, Kyngescote, co. Gloucester, 865.

Kingsdon, Kyngesdon, co. Somerset, 1110.

Kingsford, Kyngesford [in Solihull], co. Warwick, manor, 760, 1169.

Kingshaugh, Kyngeshawe [in Darlton], co. Nottingham, manor, 488.

Kingsholm, Kyngeshome, in Gloucester, manor, 853.

Kingshurst, Kyngeshurst, in Colehill, co. Warwick, 760.

Kingsley, Kyngesle, co. Southampton, 129.

Kingsley, Kyngley, co. Stafford, rector of. See Flynt, H.

Kingsteignton, Kyngisteyngton, co. Devon, 45.

Kingsthorpe, Kyngesthorp, co. Northampton, 568.

Kingston, Kyngeston, co. Cambridge, p. 593.

Kingston, co. Dorset. See Kinson.

Kingston, Kyngeston, Isle of Wight, manor, 484.

Kingston, Kyngeston, co. Kent, manor, land held of, 430.

Kingston, Kyngeston, Kyngston, in Yeovil, co. Somerset, 144, 584, 1101, p. 595.

Kingston, Kyngeston, co. Stafford, 1121.

Kingston, Kyngeston, co. Warwick, manor, 376.

Kingston Bagpuize, Kyngeston Bagpuse, co. Berks, 1059.

Kingston by Sea, Beauxcy, Kingeston, co. Sussex, 814.
-, ……, manor, 814.

Kingston Lisle, Kyngeston Lysle, co. Berks, manor, 72.

Kingston, Kyngeston, Russell, co. Dorset, 1090.
-, ……, free chapel, advowson of, 177.
-, ……, manor, 177.

Kingston, Kyngeston, Seymour, co. Somerset, manor, 1083.

Kingston upon Hull, Kyngeston, Kyngston, co. York, 262.
-, ……, free farm of, 18.

Kingston upon Soar, Kyngeston, Kynston, co. Nottingham, 340.
-, ……, manor, land held of, 340.

Kingston, Kyngeston, Kyngston, upon Thames, co. Surrey, 1138, p. 606.
-, ……, chapel of St. Mary Magdalene in, land held of, 1138.
-, ……, Down Hall in, q.v.
-, ……, le Ryall in, 1138.

Kingswear, Kyngeswere, co. Devon, 904.

Kingswood, Kyngeswode, co. Gloucester, abbot of, land held of, 134.

Kingswood, Kyngeswod, Kyngeswode [in Lapworth], co. Warwick, manor, 103, 141.

Kington, Kyngton, Kynton, co. Hereford, 450.
-, ……, honour, land held of, 377.

Kington, Kyyngton, West, co. Wilts, 1117.

Kinnersley, Kynardesley, co. Hereford, 635.

Kinoulton, Kenalton, co. Nottingham, manor, 250.

Kinson, Kingston, co. Dorset, 318.

Kirby, Kyrkeby [in Gretton], co. Northampton, 62.

Kirby Bellars, Kirkby on Wrethek, co. Leicester, p. 594.

Kirdford, Kyrdeforde, co. Sussex, 512.

Kirkby in Ashfield, Kyrkby, Kyrkebe, Kyrkeby, in Ashfelde, Asshefeld, co. Nottingham, 475, 569, 1022, 1029.
-, ……, manor and advowson, 1172.

Kirkby Fleetham, Kyrkby Fletham, co. York, 858.

Kirkby Mallory, Kyrkby Malory, co. Leicester, p. 596.

Kirkby on Wrethek. See Kirby Bellars.

Kirkby in Kendall, K. Kendale. See Kendal.

Kirkby Malzeard, Kirkbymalserd, Kirkmalserd, co. York, manor, land held of, 201.

Kirkby, Kirkeby, K. by Brierley, Kyrkeby, South, co. York, 182, 863.
-, ……, Brakynstorthez in, 182.
-, ……, Dobriddynges in, 182.
-, ……, Dolo riddyng in, 182.
-, ……, Elmsall riddyng in, 182.
-, ……, Panel Hall in, 182.
-, ……, Sym riddynges in, 182.

Kirkby Underwood, Kyrkby, co. Lincoln, 107, 829.

Kirkby Wharfe, Kirkeby upon Werf, Wharff, Wherf, co. York, 863.
-, ……, manor, 251.

Kirkeby by Brierley. See Kirkby, South.

Kirkeby in Kendale. See Kendal.

Kirkeby, South. See Kirkby, South.

Kirkeby upon Wharff. See Kirkby Wharfe.

Kirkestaneley. See Stainley, South.

Kirketon in Holand. See Kirton.

Kirketon in Lyndesey. See Kirton in Lindsey.

Kirkham, Kyrkham, co. York, 167.

Kirkham, George, 324.

Kirkharle, Kyrhull, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Kirkheaton, Little Heton, co. Northumberland, manor, 7.

Kirkheaton, Heyton, Kirkheton, co. York, 535.
-, ……, advowson, 863.

Kirkleatham, Lethom, co. York, manor, 432.

Kirkley, Crikelaw, Crykelaw, co. Northumberland, manor, 13.

Kirkley, Kyrkele, co. Suffolk, 414.
-, ……, manor, 414.

Kirklinton, Kyrklevyngton, co. Cumberland, manor, 69.

Kirkmalserd. See Kirkby Malzeard.

Kirknewton, Neuton, co. Northumberland, manor, 17.

Kirksanton, Kyrksanton [in Millom], co. Cumberland, manor, 213.

Kirkstall, Crystall, Kyrkestall [in Leeds], co. York, abbot of, 1180.
-, ……, abbot and convent of, land held of, 271.

Kirkthorpe, Kyrkethorp, alias Warmfield, co. York, vicar of. See Legh, R.

Kirton, Kirketon in Holand, Kyrketon, co. Lincoln, 349, 838.

Kirton, Kyrton, co. Nottingham, 550.

Kirton in Lindsey, Kirketon, Kyrketon, in Lyndesey, co. Lincoln, lordship, land held of, 679, 962.

Kirton, John, 97.

Kismeldon Bridge, Kesmerbryge [in West Putford], co. Devon, manor, 288.

Kitsham, Ketysham [in Alverdiscott], co. Devon, 696.

Knapp, Knappe [in North Curry], co. Somerset, 1108.

Knapp, Knap [in Christchurch], co. Southampton, 410.

Knappe, John, 471.

Knapthorpe, Knapthorp [in Caunton], co. Nottingham, manor, 1037.

Knapwell, co. Cambridge, 2.

Knaresborough, Knaresburgh, Knarresburghe, co. York, castle, land held of, 448.
-, ……, castle or honour, land held of, 201.

Kneesall, Kneshall, co. Nottingham, manor, land held of, 550.

Kneesworth, Kneseworth, co. Cambridge, p. 599.

Kneeton, Kneton, Knyveton, co. Nottingham, 316, 1012.

Knell, Lyes alias Ulmes, in Ash, co. Kent [near Sandwich], manor, 514.

Kneseworth. See Kneesworth.

Kneshall. See Kneesall.

Kneton. See Kneeton.

Knevet, Knevett, Knyvet, Knywet, Edmund, 435.
-, ……, Edmund, son of William, 62.
-, ……, Edward, 457, 537.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Marny, K.
-, ……, John, 62, 776.
-, ……, William, and Joan his wife, land held of, 585.
-, ……, William, knight, son of John, 58, 61, 62, 519, 776.

Knewayton. See Killington.

Knight, Knyght, Edward, 175.
-, ……, John, rector of Stoke Charity, 721.
-, ……, Robert, 319.
-, ……, Roger, 963–4.
-, ……, Thomas, 175.
-, ……, Thomas, clerk, 999, 1156.

KNIGHT, THOMAS, of North Ingleby and Lincoln, co. Lincoln, 963–4.
-, ……, Thomas, of Shrewsbury, 1068.
-, ……, William, 963–4.

Knightley, Knyghtley, John, 994.
-, ……, Maud, married William Humfrey, 994.
-, ……, Richard, 994.

Knighton, Knyghton [in Beer Hackett], co. Dorset, 1103.

Knighton, Knyghton [in Newchurch], Isle of Wight, manor, 480.

Knipton, Knypton, co. Leicester, 417.

Knockin, Knokyn, co. Salop, castle and manor, 805.

Knoll, Knolle. See Knowle.

Knoston. See Knuston.

Knottingley, Knottyngley, co. York, 82.

Knout, Richard de, heirs of, land held of, 201.

Knowle, Knoll, Knolle [in Bedminster], co. Somerset, 258.

Knoyle, Knoyll, William, 313–4.

Knuston, Knoston [in Irchester], co. Northampton, p. 597.

Knybso. See Nipsell’s Raiments.

Knyfsmyth, Robert, 30.

Knyfton, Nicholas, 605.

Knyght. See Knight.

Knyghtley. See Knightley.

Knyghton. See Knighton.

Knyghton, Thomas, 236.

Knyll, Jankyn, 96.
-, ……, John, 192.

Knyvet. See Knevet.

Knyveton, co. Nottingham. See Kneeton.

Knyveton, Richard, 1040.

Knyvett, Knywet. See Knevet.

Kokerych. See Cookeridge.

Koledon. See Kelvedon Hatch.

Kydremester. See Kidderminster.

Kydwelly. See Kidwelly.

Kyesby. See Keisby.

Kyghley, co. York. See Keighley.

Kyghley. See Kighley.

Kykylpeny, Alice, wife of Robert, 772.
-, ……, Robert, 772.

Kyldale. See Kildale.

Kylgarron. See Cilgerran.

Kylkynton. See Kilkington.

Kyllom, Kyllum. See Kilham.

Kyllygrewe, Thomas, 861.

Kyllyngnook, co. Cornwall, 595.

Kyllyngton, Kyllyngton, co. Cornwall, manor, 595.

KYLLYNGWURTH, THOMAS, co. Suffolk, 791.

Kylmersdon. See Kilmersdon.

Kylmynaweth. See Kilminorth.

Kylnodret. See Tremodrett.

Kyloe, Keyley, Kylay, co. Northumberland, 359.
-, ……, lordship, 470.

Kylpek. See Kilpeck.

Kylpyn. See Kilpin.

Kylryngton. See Killerton.

Kylton. See Kilton, co. York.

Kylvyngton. See Kilvington.

Kymballes, co. Sussex, 814.

Kymbell. See Kimble.

Kymberworth. See Kimberworth.

Kymcote. See Kimcote.

Kyme, John, 349.
-, ……, Thomas, 349.

Kymerston. See Kimmerston.

Kympton. See Kimpton.

Kynardesley. See Kinnersley.

KYNASTON, ROGER, knight, co. Salop, 805.
-, ……, …., his wife. See Le Strange, E.
-, ……, Thomas, son of Roger, 805.

Kynearby. See Kingerby.

Kynebell, Lityll. See Kimble, Little.

Kyng. See King.

Kyngdon. See Kingdon.

Kynges …, co. Worcester [King’s Norton?], 617.

Kyngesbrige, Kyngesbrigge. See Kingsbridge.

Kyngesbromley. See Bromley, King’s.

Kyngesbury. See Kingsbury.

Kyngescaple. See Caple, King’s.

Kyngescleer, Kyngesclere, co. Southampton. See Kingsclere.

Kyngescote. See Kingscote.

Kyngesdon. See Kingsdon.

Kyngesford. See Kingsford.

Kyngeshawe. See Kingshaugh.

Kyngeshome. See Kingsholm.

Kyngeshurst. See Kingshurst.

Kyngeslangley. See Langley, Kings.

Kyngesle. See Kingsley.

Kyngesmede, co. Buckingham, 614.

Kyngesmyll, Kyngesmell, Kyngismyll, Kyngysmyll, John, serjeant at law, justice of the Common Pleas, 128, 195, 243, 279, 513, 830, 1039.
-, ……, Richard, 1053.

Kyngesnewton. See Newton Regis.

Kyngesnorton. See Norton, King’s.

Kyngespowyn. See Pyon, King’s.

Kyngestamerton. See Tamerton, King’s.

Kyngesthorp. See Kingsthorpe.

Kyngeston. See Kingston.

Kyngeston Bagpuse. See Kingston Bagpuize.

Kyngeston Lysle. See Kingston Lisle.

Kyngeston Russell. See Kingston Russell.

Kyngeston Seymour. See Kingston Seymour.

Kyngeston upon Hull. See Kingston upon Hull.

Kyngeston upon Thames. See Kingston upon Thames.

Kyngeston, John, 133, 1059, 1113.
-, ……, …., land held of, 957.

KYNGESTON, THOMAS, co. Berks, 1059; co. Kent, 133; co. Southampton, 1113.
-, ……, …., heirs of, land held of, 193.

Kyngeswere. See Kingswear.

Kyngeswod, Kyngeswode. See Kingswood.

Kyngismyll. See Kyngesmyll.

Kyngisteyngton. See Kingsteignton.

Kyngley. See Kingsley.

Kyngston, co. Surrey. See Kingston upon Thames.

Kyngston, co. York. See Kingston upon Hull.

Kyngston by Yevill. See Kingston, co. Somerset.

Kyngton. See Kineton Green; Kington.

Kyngysmyll. See Kyngesmyll.

Kynnersley, Kynnarsley, Thomas, 199, 316, 323, 339.

Kynnynge, Thomas, 568.

Kynsaws. See Thorington.

Kynston. See Kingston upon Soar.

Kyntleswurth. See Kentleworth.

Kynton. See Kenton; Kineton; Kington.

Kynualmersh, Kynualmershe. See Killamarsh.

Kynwalmerssh, William, clerk, 1167.

Kynyardby. See Kingerby.

Kyrby, Richard, 358.

Kyrdeforde. See Kirdford.

Kyres. See Keeres.

Kyrhull. See Kirkharle.

Kyrkby. See Kirkby in Ashfield; Kirkby Underwood.

Kyrkby Asshfeld. See Kirkby in Ashfield.

Kyrkby Fletham. See Kirkby Fleetham.

Kyrkby in Kendall. See Kendal.

Kyrkby Malory. See Kirkby Mallory.

Kyrkebe, Kyrkeby. See Kirkby in Ashfield.

Kyrkeby. See Kirby.

Kyrkeby in Asshefeld. See Kirkby in Ashfield.

Kyrkeby, South. See Kirkby, South.

Kyrkeham. See Kyrkham.

Kyrkele. See Kirkley.

Kyrkelongley. See Langley, Kirk.

Kyrkestall. See Kirkstall.

Kyrkethorp. See Kirkthorpe.

Kyrketon. See Kirton.

Kyrketon in Lyndesey. See Kirton in Lindsey.

Kyrkham, co. York. See Kirkham.

Kyrkham, Kyrkeham, John, 380, 421, 536, 547.
-, ……, John, knight, 45.
-, ……, …., land held of, 46.
-, ……, John, son of Nicholas, 1110.

KYRKHAM, NICHOLAS, co. Somerset, 1110.
-, ……, William, clerk, 138.

Kyrklevyngton. See Kirklinton.

Kyrksanton. See Kirksanton.

Kyrkyke. See Karkyke.

Kyrsall. See Kersall.

Kyrton. See Kirton.

Kyrton, John, p. 605.

Kysby. See Keisby.

Kystelsyns. See Castlends.

Kytchyn, John, 189.

Kyyngton, West. See Kington, West.