Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 751-800

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1955.

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Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 751-800', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 751-800', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 751-800". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. (London, 1955), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 751-800

751. RICHARD SEYVE, late of Monford, co. Norfolk, gentleman.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 January, 17 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. on 10 August, 9 Henry VII. William Seyve, aged 9 years, is his son and heir, and is in the custody of —— (blank) Holdych, esquire, who has taken the issues and profits of the premises since the death of Richard Seyve.
NORFOLK. 4 messuages, 300a. land, 400a. pasture, 10a. meadow and 10s. rent in Monford, worth 20l., held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, by service of one knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (192.)
752. JOHN NORWICH of Brampton Dingley, co. Northampton, esquire.
Inquisition, Friday after the feast of St. Paul, 17 Henry VII.
He has lost his reason owing to long and incurable infirmity, and has for a long time been non compos mentis, incapable of managing himself or his property. He is seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c.
LEICESTER. 4 messuages, 2 tenements, 3 ‘shoppys,’ 11 virgates of land, 40a. pasture, 30a. meadow and 2s. rent in Haverbarught and Bowden Magna, worth 4l., held of Elizabeth, lady de Scrope, as of her manor of Haverbarought, by fealty and a rent of 20s. yearly, other services unknown.
2 messuages, 8 virgates of land, 60a. pasture, 40a. meadow and 1s. rent in Bryngest, worth 4l. 0s. 6d., held of Robert, abbot of Peterborough, as of his manor of Eston, by fealty, other services unknown.
8 messuages, 5 virgates of land, 20a. meadow and 40a. pasture in Drayton, and 4d. rent in Holt, held of the said abbot, as above, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (193.)
753. RICHARD COOTE, esquire.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 31 December, 17 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. on 15 August, 10 Henry VII. Robert Coote, aged 13 years and more, is his son and heir.
NORFOLK. 12 messuages, 400a. land, 300a. pasture, 20a. meadow and 60s. rent in Bircheham, worth 12 marks, held of the king by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (194.)
754. JOHN WOODE, late of Est Barsham, gentleman.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 31 December, 17 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor &c. on 10 March, 15 Henry VII. Roger Woode, aged 12 years and more, is his son and heir. Ever since his death Henry Fermour and Margaret, his wife, lately the wife of the said John, have taken the issues and profits of the manor.
NORFOLK. Manor of Wultertonz alias Walgraves, and 80a. land, 4a. meadow, 15s. rent and rents of 1 lb. cummin and 1 lb. pepper in Est Barsham and Great Snoryng, worth 40s., held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (195.)
755. EDMUND FERRERS, late of Blountesdon Andrewe, attainted.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 20 June, 17 Henry VII.
The said Edmund, son and heir of John Ferrers, on 14 March last (on which day he was attainted of high treason and forfeited all his manors, lands &c.), and long before, was seised of the under-mentioned manors &c.
WILTS. Manors of Blountesdon Andrewe, Blountesdon Elmers and Blountesdon Gaye, called ‘le Westcourt,’ with the advowson of the church of Blountesdon Andrewe, and 46 messuages, 20 tofts, 2000a. land, 300a. meadow, 1000a. pasture and 300a. wood in Blountesdon Andrewe, Blountesdon Elmers, Blountesdon Gaye, Pyrton, Pyrton Stoke, Haydon, Haydon Wyke, Upper Stratton and Lower Stratton; tenure unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (196.) E. Series II, File 960. (2.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 22 May, 17 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Godwynsbowr &c., and granted it to John de la Lynde and William Martyn, esquires, and William Jacob, and their heirs and assigns. After the death of William Jacob the surviving feoffees, by their indented charter dated 20 November, 18 Edward IV, granted the manor to the said William Godwyn and Margaret, his wife, daughter and heir of Thomas Hardegill, esquire, and the heirs of the body of William, with remainder to William and his heirs. Margaret survived her husband, and is still seised of the manor in her demesne as of free tenement by survivorship.
Also the said William was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Estbagborowe &c., and by his charter dated 23 October, 6 Henry VII, granted it to Thomas Malett, Robert Stowell, John Drewe and Robert Payne, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Margaret Hardegill, his wife, for the term of her life, with remainder to his right heirs.
Also the said William was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Compton, Wylyngton and Barton, and by his charter dated 20 November, 5 (?) Henry VII, granted them to John Drewe and Robert Payne, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, for the term of the life of the said Margaret, his wife, to her use, with remainder to his right heirs. So he was not seised of the said messuages on the day of his death.
He died 3 February last. Christopher Godwyn, aged 19 years and more, is his son and heir.
SOMERSET. Manor of Godwynsbowr by the house of the hospital of St. John the Baptist, Brygwater, with all the messuages and lands &c. pertaining thereto, worth 20l., held of the lord of Cory Ryvell by knight-service and suit to the court of Cory Ryvell.
Manor of Estbagborowe, with all the messuages and lands &c. pertaining thereto, worth 9l., held of the lord of Myrygge by a rent of 1/2 lb. pepper or the price thereof.
4 messuages and certain lands &c. in Compton, Wylyngton and Barton, worth 53s. 4d., held of the bishop of Bath, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (197.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 3 July, 17 Henry VII.
Constance, late countess of Wiltshire (daughter and heir of Henry Grene of Drayton, co. Northampton, esquire), late the wife of John Stafford, late earl of Wiltshire, and mother of Edward, late earl of Wiltshire above-named, died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors &c., which on her death descended to the said Edward as her son and heir. Edward died without issue on 25 March, 14 Henry VII, and on his death the premises descended to Elizabeth wife of Thomas Cheyney, knight, Elizabeth Veer, Amy Veer, Constance wife of John Parre, and Audrey Veer, as his kinswomen and heirs, to wit, Elizabeth Cheyney (then aged 40 years and more) as daughter and heir of Margery, one of the daughters and heirs of John Grene, father of Henry Grene aforesaid, father of Constance, late countess of Wiltshire, mother of the said Edward, and Elizabeth Veer (then aged 13 years and more), Amy Veer (then aged 11 years and more), Constance Parre (then aged 8 years and more), and Audrey Veer (then aged 6 years and more), as daughters and heirs of Henry Veer of Great Adyngton, co. Northampton, esquire, son and heir of Isabel, the other daughter and heir of the said John Grene; whereupon the said Thomas Cheyney and Elizabeth his wife, Elizabeth and Amy Veer, John Parre and Constance his wife, and Audrey Veer, entered into the manors &c. and were seised thereof in fee accordingly.
The said Elizabeth Veer, Amy Veer, Constance Parre and Audrey Veer, by reason of their minority and the death of Henry Veer, their father, who held divers lands of the king in chief in co. Hertford by knight-service, as well as all the manors &c. in the said county whereof the said Henry died seised, were in the king’s wardship, as appears by an inquisition taken before Thomas Smyth, escheator of that county, on 6 February, 9 Henry VII. By letters patent dated 1 December, 11 Henry VII, the wardship and marriage of the said Elizabeth, Amy, Constance and Audrey, and the custody of the said lands, were granted to William Felde, clerk, and his assigns. He, by his deed dated 1 May, 12 Henry VII, granted the wardship and marriage of the said Constance, and the custody of her share of the lands &c. late of the said Henry Veer, to Alice Fitzhugh, lady Fitzhugh, who afterwards, long before the death of the aforesaid Edward, late earl of Wiltshire, married the said Constance to John Parre at Harowdon, co. Northampton. The said William Felde, by another deed dated 25 March, 14 Henry VII, granted the wardship and marriage &c. of Elizabeth, Amy and Audrey Veer to John Mordaunt of Turvey, co. Bedford, ‘gentilman,’ who, after the death of the aforesaid Edward late earl of Wiltshire, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, 14 Henry VII, at Turvey, married Elizabeth Veer to John Mordaunt, his eldest son, and Amy Veer to Robert Mordaunt, his second son. Robert Mordaunt died without issue; and after his death the aforesaid Elizabeth Cheyney died, on 3 April last, without issue, whereupon a moiety of all the under-mentioned manors &c. descended to the said Elizabeth wife of John Mordaunt (now aged 16 years and more), Amy (now aged 14 years and more), Constance wife of John Parre (now aged 11 years and more), and Audrey (now aged 9 years and more), as her kinswomen and heirs, to wit, as daughters of Henry Veer, son of Isabel, sister of Margery, her mother. Afterwards the said Amy married Humphrey Browne.
John Mordaunt aforesaid, father of John and Robert, has taken the issues and profits of all the under-mentioned manors &c. since the death of Edward the late earl, and also since the death of Elizabeth Cheyney.
Cf. Vol. II, No. 796.
WILTS. Manor of Wermystr’, worth 6l., held of the king by service of half a knight’s fee.
Manors of Fysshed Vardon and Dycheryche, hundred of Wermystr’ and the bailiwick thereof, and 300a. land, 600a. pasture, 100a. meadow, 1000a. furze and heath, 1000a. wood and 100s. rent in Wermyster, Fysshed Vardon and Dycheryche, worth 4 marks, held of the abbot of Glastonbury by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (198.) E. Series II. File 960. (1.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 17 April, 13 Henry VII; writ of certiorari, 17 September, 19 Henry VII, directing the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer to send the said inquisition into the Chancery.
The said Thomas Noreys was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages &c. By collusion, and with the intention of defrauding those of whom the premises are held of the wardship of his heirs, he enfeoffed William Frost, Robert Blake, John Michel and Richard Lymbury (who survive), and John, abbot of the monastery of St. Mary of Stanleygh, Roger Towneshend, knight, John Wroughton and Thomas Unkyn, esquires, and John Wylkes, clerk (now deceased), of all the said manors and messuages &c., to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, to the use of himself and his heirs; and they were seised thereof accordingly.
He died 11 April, 4 Henry VII. Alice Letilcote, aged 11 years and more, is his kinswoman and heir, to wit, daughter of Simon Letilcote, son of Joan his sister. Morgan Kidwelly and Joan, his wife, late the wife of the said Simon Letilcote and mother of the said Alice, have taken the issues and profits of the premises since Michaelmas, 12 Henry VII, by what title the jurors know not. Before her marriage to the said Morgan, the said Joan took the said issues and profits from Michaelmas, 9 Henry VII, until Michaelmas, 12 Henry VII. Who took them between the death of Thomas and the said Michaelmas, 9 Henry VII, the jurors know not.
Cf. Vol. I, No. 479.
WILTS. Manor of Chelfestre by Calne, worth 4l., held of the king in chief by service of a twentieth part of a knight’s fee.
4 messuages, 30a. land, 12a. meadow and 20a. pasture in Calne, worth 26s. 8d., held of the king, as of his manor or borough of Calne, in free burgage, by fealty and a rent of 2d. yearly.
8 messuages, 70a. land, 28a. meadow and 40a. pasture in Calne, held of Master Henry Sutton, prebendary of Calne, as of his said prebend, services unknown; worth 10s. after payment of an annuity of 4l. granted by Thomas Noreis to Agnes Lery for life.
Manor of Ligh by Castelcombe, worth 10l., held of the abbot of Malmesbury, services unknown.
4 messuages, 100a. land, 20a. meadow, 60a. pasture and 20s. rent in Highswyndon, worth 5 marks, held of the earl of Shrewsbury, services unknown.
A messuage, 20a. land and 6a. meadow in Mighendene, worth 3s. 4d., held of John Cheyney, knight, services unknown.
A messuage, 20a. land and 6a. meadow in Walcote, worth 6s. 8d., held of the earl aforesaid, services unknown.
A messuage, 10a. land and 6a. pasture in Nether Wroughton, worth 3s. 4d., held of the prior of St. Swithun’s, Winchester, services unknown.
A messuage, 12a. meadow, 40a. land and 20a. pasture in Sutton Benger, worth 13s. 4d., held of the abbot of Malmesbury, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (200.)
759. WILLIAM WHITTON, ‘gentilman,’
Inquisition, virtute officii, 4 November, 18 Henry VII.
He died 5 March, 15 Henry VII. John Whitton, aged 10 years and more, is his son and heir.
Other findings as in Vol. II, No. 384.
SALOP. Manors or lordships of Whitton and Wotton, worth 20s., held of Thomas Cornewall, knight, as of his barony or manor of Burforde, by knight-service, to wit, by a ninth part of a knight’s fee.
Manor or lordship of Fayntre, worth 40s., held of the king in chief by knight-service, to wit, by a fourth part of a knight’s fee and 4s. rent.
6 burgage tenements in the town of Ludlowe, worth 20s., held of the king in burgage by a rent of 1d. each.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (201.)
760. SIMON MOUNTFORT, late of Colshull, knight, attainted.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 1 July, 10 Henry VII; writ of certiorari, 13 November, 19 Henry VII, directing the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer to send the said inquisition into the Chancery.
The said Simon Mountfort was attainted of high treason in the Guildhall of the city of London before William Huse, knight, and other justices appointed by the king by letters patent to enquire concerning all treasons &c. committed in the city and suburbs of London. At the time of his attainder and treason, and long before and after, and at the time of his death, he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and lands.
Long before his said attainder and treason he granted a life annuity of 21s. 8d. to Thomas Tailour out of the issues of the manor of Colshull, an annuity of 4s. to Thomas Hore and his heirs out of the issues of the manor of Hampton, [an annuity of] 20s. to Henry Buteler and Isabel, his wife, out of the issues of the manor of Dunchurch and Toft, life annuities of 10l. to Robert Mountfort and Margaret, his wife, in survivorship, 13s. 4d. to John Buteler, 40s. to Thomas Brouneswayte and 5 marks to Thomas Brereton, esquire, out of the issues of the manor of Ilmedon, and a life annuity of 2s. 6d. to John Bigge out of the issues of certain lands in Creton. He also charged the manor of Fennycomton with a yearly payment of 40s. to the prior of …… and his successors.
The said Simon died 5 February last.
WARWICK. Manor or lordship of Colshull, and a messuage and 200a. land in Kyngeshurst in the parish of Colshull, which from time immemorial have been parcel of the said manor; worth 40l.
Manor of Hampton, worth 30l.
Manor or lordship of Dunchurch and Toft; worth 14l. 6s. 10d.
Manor of Wormeleghton; worth 9l. 8s. 6d.
Manor of Fennycompton; worth 7l. 17s. 5d.
Manor of Avnyngdorset; worth 8l. 19s.
Manor of Ulnale; worth 6l. 6s. 8d.
Manor of Kyngesford; worth 103s. 4d.
Manor of Pekkarse alias Pakkarse; worth 4l.
Manor of Honeley and Blakwell; worth 16l.
Manor of Ilmedon alias Ilmyndon; worth 34l.
Lands in Creton.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (202.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 3 December, 19 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors on 7 May, 16 Henry VII. John Cranmare, aged 26 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor of Aslakton with appurtenances in Aslakton, worth 10 marks, held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England by a rent of 5s. yearly and suit of court twice yearly.
Manor of Torlaton, worth 6l., held of the king, as of the honor of his duchy of Lancaster, by a rent of 5s. yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (203.)
762. NICHOLAS GAUSHULL, ‘gentilman.’
Inquisition, virtute officii, 2 December, 19 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned moieties on 10 February, 13 Henry VII. Heir unknown. Thomas, earl of Derby, and John Wynkefelde, knight, entered into the moieties after his death, by what title the jurors know not.
DERBY. Moiety of the manor of Kynualmershe, worth 4l., held of the king in chief.
Moiety of the manor of Barleborowe, worth 10l., held of Ralph Longforth, knight, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (204.)
763. RICHARD COTTON, esquire.
Inquisition, as above.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor on 20 August last. Thomas Cotton, aged 19 years and more, is his son and heir.
Cf. Vol. II, Nos. 688, 944.
DERBY. Manor of Boylston, worth 20 marks, held of the king in chief.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (204.)
764. JOHN HEEDE, late of Hedehowses, idiot.
Inquisition, as above.
He is an idiot, and at the time of this inquisition was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c.
DERBY. 3 messuages, 120a. land, 10a. meadow and 7a. pasture in Hedehowses, worth 6 marks.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (204.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 3 December, 19 Henry VII.
She died seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage &c. on 22 July last. Thomas Fitzwilliam, aged 17 years and more, is her kinsman and next heir, to wit, son of Thomas her son.
NOTTINGHAM. A messuage, 6 bovates of land and 8a. meadow in Kelom, worth 10 marks, held of the king in chief.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (205.)
Inquisition, as above.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor &c. on 10 June, 9 Henry VII. William Fitzwilliam, aged 15 years and more, is his son and heir.
Cf. Vol. I, Nos. 1100, 1101.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor of Plumtre, with the advowson of the church of Plumtre, worth 40s., held of the king in chief.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (205.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 21 November, 19 Henry VII.
Robert Ferrers, knight, lord Ferrers of Charteley, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, and granted it by charter to Richard Ferrers, his younger son, esquire, in tail male, with remainder to his own right heirs. Richard died without male issue on 6 July, 12 Henry VII. Robert also died, and after his death the reversion and right of the manor descended to Walter Devereux, now lord Ferrers, as his kinsman and heir, to wit, son of John, son of Anne, daughter and heir of William, his son and heir. The said Walter is a minor and in the king’s wardship.
Cf. Vol. I, No. 1212.
GLOUCESTER. Manor of Taynton, held of the king, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (206.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 3 November, 19 Henry VII.
He died on 5 September last seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and lands. Joan Seyntmaur, aged 2 years and more, is his daughter and heir.
Cf. Vol. II, Nos. 715, 743, 963.
SOMERSET. 12 messuages, 250a. land, 100a. pasture and 51a. meadow in Rode, worth 11l., held of the king in chief by knight-service.
Manor of Blakford, worth 22l., held of the king, as of the earldom of Salisbury, by knight-service.
Manor of Crydlyngcote, worth 53s. 4d., held of the lord Hastynges, services unknown.
Manor of Prestley, worth 13l. 6s. 8d., held of the lord of Coscombe, services unknown.
Manor of Michelchurche, worth 8l., held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, by knight-service.
Manor of Durston, worth 16l., held of the lord of Northumberland, services unknown.
23 tenements and 400a. demesne land in Beckyngton, worth 16l., held of the lord of Northumberland, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (207.) E. Series II. File 897b. (18.)
769. ALICE SUTHILL, widow.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 September, 17 Henry VII.
Brian Roucliff, late third baron of the Exchequer of Henry VI, and John Roucliff, clerk, rector of the parish [church] of Ripley, co. York, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, except as specified, and by their charter dated 10 April, 6 Henry VII, granted the same to John Suthill of Everyngham, co. York, esquire, and Alice, his wife, and the heirs of the said John, in accordance with certain letters patent of the king dated 7 February, 6 Henry VII. Alice survived her husband, and was sole seised of the premises in her demesne as of free tenement by survivorship.
She died 12 November last. Robert West, aged 46 years and more, is her son and heir.
Cf. Vol. I, No. 1115.
LINCOLN. Manor of Westraysen, except 3 messuages, a cottage, 4 tofts and 12 bovates of land. The said manor, worth 50l., is held of the king by service of a tenth part of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (208.)
770. ALICE SUTHILL, widow.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 1 October, 17 Henry VII.
John Gonthorp, John Hartt, clerk, Thomas Burgh and Marmaduke Constable, knights, Robert Sheffeld, Edmund Thwaytes, William Panell, Richard Waslen, Ralph Gascoyngn, John Fulneby and John Velners, esquires, and Henry Suthill, Nicholas Suthill and Robert West the younger, gentlemen, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors &c., and by their charter dated 24 July, 1 Henry VII, granted the same to John Suthill and Alice, his wife, and the heirs and assigns of John. Alice survived her husband, and was sole seised of the premises in her demesne as of free tenement by survivorship.
Death and heir as in No. 769. Cf. also Vol. I, No. 1145.
YORK. Manors of Everyngham, Garthom and Newton, and 4 messuages, 3 cottages, 200a. land and 100a. meadow in Everyngham, Garthom and Newton aforesaid, and the advowson of the parish church and chantry in the lordship of Everyngham. The manor of Everyngham and the tenements and advowsons there, worth 50l., are held of Thomas, archbishop of York, as of his manor of Bisshopwylton, by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee. The manors of Garthom and Newton and the tenements there, worth 12l., are held of William, bishop of Durham, as of his manor of Holden, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (209.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 10 October, 16 Henry VII.
John Suthill was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, and granted it to the said Ralph for life at a yearly rent of 4l. 16s. 4d. Ralph was seised of the manor accordingly in his demesne as of free tenement, and continued his estate therein all his life. John Rudleston, aged 50 years and more, is his kinsman and next heir.
YORK. Manor of Skenegraves, worth 4l., held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (210.)
772. HENRY SUTHILL, esquire, of Everyngham.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 1 October, 17 Henry VII. (fn. 1)
John Suthill, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned rents of free tenants, and by his charter dated 19 November, 6 Henry VII, granted them, with the king’s licence, to Henry Suthill, his brother, for life, (by the name of all the farms, rents and services of his free tenants in Drax and Newland except those of John [Joright and John Crubane in] Drax); and the said free tenants attorned to Henry, who was seised of the rents accordingly in his demesne as of free tenement.
Henry died 16 November last. George Suthill, aged 40 years and more, is his kinsman and heir.
YORK. Rents amounting to 9l. 18s. 1d., parcel of the manor of Drax, due from divers free tenants in respect of their lands and tenements in Drax and Newland, to wit: for lands and tenements in Drax, from Richard Raby 16d., from William Goldesburgh 23d., from Henry Warde 2s., from John Hemyngburgh 2s. 7d., from John Frere 6d., from John Eliot 2s. 3d., from Thomas Moreham 3s. and [16d.], from Thomas Hemyngburgh 22 1/2d., 6d. and 2d., from Thomas Hobson 5s. 3 1/2d., from John Folwell 22d., from Agnes Wayte 15d., from John Porter 4s., from Richard Raby 16d., from William Frankelyn [3s., from William] Olyver 12d., from John Warde 8s. 6d., from William Chippingdale 5s. 8 1/2d., 6d. and 1d., from John Hubard 2s. 9d., from Robert Webster [6d.], and from Thomas Webster 3s. 4d.; for lands and tenements in Newland, from William Nesse 7s. 8d., from John Hobard [7s. 3d., from William New]land 5s. 7 1/2d., from Alice Kendale 12d., from Richard Portington 4s. [2d., from John Dawney] 2s., from William Warde 4s. 8d., from Alice late the wife of Robert Kykylpeny 2s. 6d., from John Thomesson 4s. 6d., from Thomas Thournour 4s. 2d., from Alice Valans 4s., from William Nelson [2s. 2d.] and 2s., from William Cleyton 9s. 8d., from Alice Portington [18s.] 10d. and 3s., from Thomas Hawden 6s., from John Markand 3s. 2d., from William Cheryholme [4s.] and 18d., from Richard Raby 5s., from John Warde 9s. 6 1/2d. and 7s. 10d., from John Warde and Thomas Warde 18d., from John Brakyng 4s., from John Capper [14d.], from Thomas Bowther 6s. 2d., from Robert Dissheford 2s. 6d., and from John Nelson [17d.]. The said rent is held of the king in chief.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (211.)
773. THOMAS ROULAND, late prior of the monastery of St. Mary, Luffeld.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 29 June, 18 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c. in right of his priory. The said monastery is of the foundation and patronage of the king, having been founded by the king’s progenitors, kings of England, before the time of memory. The prior has from time immemorial been elected by the convent of the monastery after the king’s licence has been obtained. The lands &c. were given to the prior and convent for their maintenance by the king’s progenitors, kings of England, and ought now to revert to the crown as escheats because the monastery is dissolved by the death of all the monks as well as for other lawful causes.
NORTHAMPTON. A church, 4 messuages and buildings, a certain chapel called ‘le Chapell de Seynt Thomas the Martir,’ and 48a. pasture, 10a. meadow and 19a. wood in Luffeld; 3 messuages, a cottage, 3 tofts, 78a. land, 3 1/2a. pasture, 11a. meadow and 11s. 1d. rent in Silveston, and the view of frankpledge pertaining to the said tenements in Silveston; a cottage, 3 tofts, 8a. land, 61r. pasture, 1 1/2a. meadow and 3s. 2d. rent in Wittilbury; a messuage, 2 cottages, 3a. land, 2 1/2a. pasture and 5a. meadow called ‘Alexandre Mede,’ and 2 messuages, 12a. land, 6a. pasture and 66s. 8d. quit-rent in Toucestre; 21s. rent in Heyford; 12d. rent in Medilton; and the advowson of the appropriated rectory of Dodford: all held of the king in frankalmoin.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (212.) E. Series II. File 675. (4 and 5.)
774. THOMAS ROULAND, late prior of the monastery of St. Mary, Luffeld.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 29 June, 18 Henry VII.
Findings as above (No. 773).
BUCKINGHAM. 126a. pasture and 70 1/2a. wood in Luffeld; a toft and 15s. rent in Lyllyngston; a messuage, a barn, a toft, half a virgate of land, 1 1/2a. pasture, 1/2a. meadow and 10s. rent in Beauchampton, the advowson of the church of Beauchampton every other turn, and 10s. rent issuing from the rectory of the said church; 9 messuages, 7 tofts, 14 1/2 virgates of land, 12a. pasture, 2a. 3r. meadow, and 21s. 1 1/4d. rent in Thornburgh and the advowson of the appropriated rectory of the church of Thornburgh; 2s. rent in Bukyngham; 16d. rent in Chakemore; 6a. pasture and 6s. 8d. rent in Lamport; a chapel called ‘Seynt Nicholas Chapell,’ a cottage and 90 1/2a. 1r. pasture in Eversshawe; a messuage, a toft, 6 virgates of land, 3a. pasture and 13s. 10d. rent in Shaldeston; a cottage, 8a. land, 1a. pasture and 6d. rent in Westbury; and 12d. rent in Stony Stratford: all held of the king in frankalmoin.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (213.) E. Series II. File 5. (24.)
775. THOMAS ROULANDE, late prior of the monastery of St. Mary, Luffeld.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 29 June, 18 Henry VII.
Findings as above (No. 773).
OXFORD. A messuage, 25a. land and 1a. 3r. meadow in Lyllyngston Dansy, held of the king in frankalmoin.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (214.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 20 January, 19 Henry VII.
She died 30 August, 13 Henry VII, seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, which on her death descended to William Knyvett, knight, and William Fitz William, esquire, as her kinsmen and heirs, to wit, to William Knyvett as son of John, son of Elizabeth, daughter of Constantine, daughter (fn. 2) of Elizabeth wife of John Clyfton, knight, one of the daughters and heirs of Ralph Cromwell, knight, father of Ralph, father of Maud wife of William Stannop, knight, the mother of the said Maud, lady Willoughby, and to William Fitz Willyam as son of John, son of William, son of William, son of John, son of John, son of Maud, the other daughter of Ralph Cromwell aforesaid. William Knyvett is 60 years of age and more. William Fitz William is 13 years of age and more, and is in the king’s wardship by reason of other lands held of the king in chief which he has inherited.
Cf. Vol. II, Nos. 12, 13, 14, 33.
NORFOLK. Manor of Hetherset, worth 46l., held of the king, as of his manor of Swafham, parcel of his honor of Richmond, and of the hundred of Humliard, by a rent of 5d.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (215.)
777. JOHN WYNDHAM, knight, attainted.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 22 March, 19 Henry VII.
Long before his death he was attainted of high treason. At the time when the said treason was committed, and until his death, he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor and advowson.
YORK. Manor of Arkesey, worth 100l., and advowson of the church of Arkesey.
The church is worth 20l. yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (216.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 28 June, 19 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor on 11 August, 8 Edward IV. John Crokerne, aged 50 years and more, is his son and heir. The said John intruded into the said manor immediately after Richard’s death, and has continued his intrusion ever since.
DORSET. Manor of Childehay, worth 10l., held of the king in chief by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (217.) E. Series II. File 897b. (25.)
779. HUMPHREY COTYS, esquire.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 24 October, 3 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor and lands &c. on 22 August, 1 Henry VII. John Cotys, aged 5 years, is his next heir. Since his death William Braddoke has taken the issues and profits of the premises, and ought to answer to the king therefor.
STAFFORD. Manor of Cotys, worth 8l. 8s. 4d., held of the king in chief, service unknown.
Lands &c. in Emkerton, worth 100s., tenure unknown.
Lands &c. in Wilbrithton, worth 7s., tenure unknown.
Lands &c. in Brewod, worth 26s. 8d., tenure unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (219.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 June, 19 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor on the feast of St. Edward the King, 17 Henry VII. Robert Farnham, aged 18 years, is his son and heir.
LEICESTER. Manor called ‘lez Asshez’ in Quarndon, worth 20 marks, held of Henry, prince of Wales and earl of Chester, as of his earldom of Chester, by a twentieth part of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (220.)
781. THOMAS BRADEFORDE, esquire.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 29 June, 19 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor and hamlet &c. on 12 August, 9 Henry VII. Jasper Bradforde, aged 40 years and more, is his son and heir.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Manor of Westbradforde, worth 6l., held of the king in chief by knight-service.
Hamlet of Estbradforde and 2 messuages and certain acres of land in Alnewyk and Bamburgh, worth 4l. 10s., tenure unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (221.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 22 October, 18 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. on 10 May, 12 Henry VII. John Porter, aged 26 years and more, is his son and heir, and is, and has been since birth, a natural fool, incapable of managing himself or his property.
NOTTINGHAM. 10 messuages, 200a. land, 100a. meadow and 40a. pasture in Estmarkham, worth 10l.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (222.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 24 October, 18 Henry VII.
Findings as above (No. 782).
LINCOLN. A messuage with garden, 50a. land, 60a. pasture and 4a. meadow called ‘Bayardwong’ in Grantham, worth 10s.
2 messuages, 40a. land, 20a. pasture and 3a. meadow in Gunwarby, worth 20s.
2 messuages, 60a. land, 30a. pasture and 6a. meadow in Lundinthorp, worth 18s.
2 messuages, 100a. land, 20a. pasture and 6a. meadow in Wadyngton, worth 6s. 8d.
A messuage, 8a. land and 4a. pasture in Dunysby, worth 6s.
100a. pasture and 18a. underwood in Lobthorp, worth 26s. 8d.
6 bovates of land and pasture and 10a. meadow in Marston, worth 26s. 8d.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (223.)
784. THOMAS TROWE, attainted.
Inquisition, virtute officii, ……… . 19 Henry VII.
He was attainted of high treason by the Parliament held at Westminster on 25 January, 19 Henry VII, on account of certain traitorous offences against the king’s majesty perpetrated on 22 June, 12 Henry VII. At the time when the said treason was committed, and at the time of his said attainder, and long before and after, he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages &c. Since the said 22 June the king has taken the issues and profits thereof.
Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, was seised in fee of a rent of 2s. yearly out of the manor of Playnesfeld, and from time immemorial he and his predecessors have been used to distrain in the said manor in case of non-payment thereof.
SOMERSET. Manor of Playnesfeld, worth 20l.
Advowson of the church of Assholte.
Manor of Worthestone and Burneham, worth 3l. 6s. 8d.
A messuage, 44a. land and 2a. (or 3a.) meadow in Asshehill, worth 44s.
A burgage tenement and a moiety of two burgage tenements in Bryggewater, worth 12d.
A messuage, 4a. land and 1 1/2a. meadow in Chelton, worth 3s.
A messuage, 30a. land, 2a. pasture and 5a. meadow in Catcote on Poledoun, worth 20s.
12a. land in Edyngton, worth 5s.
A burgage tenement and 2a. land in Mulverton, worth 6s. 8d.
A burgage tenement in Dunster, worth 6d.
2a. (or 3a.) land in Nether Stowey, worth 3s.
2a. land in Over Stowey, worth 2s.
A burgage tenement in Taunton, worth 12d.
2a. land in Wullavyngton, worth 20d.
3a. land in Towkeswyll, worth 3s.
6a. land in Padenaller, worth 3s.
A burgage tenement (or messuage) and 5a. land in Stokgursey, worth 4s.
4a. meadow in Wike, worth 6s.
4a. land and 3a. meadow in Tetthille, worth 9s.
5a. (or 6a.) land in Puriton and Downend, worth 12d.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (224A.)
785. THOMAS TROWE, attainted.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 3 July, 19 Henry VII.
Findings as above (No. 784).
SOMERSET. Manors of Playnesfeld and Bysshopeswode, worth 20l.
Other lands &c. as above, omitting the advowson of Assholte and the lands &c. in Over Stowey, Taunton, Wullavyngton and Towkeswyll.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (224B.)
786. WILLIAM RADMYLDE, knight.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 4 June, 18 Henry VII; writ of certiorari, 7 June, 18 Henry VII, directing the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer to send the said inquisition to the Chancery.
Robert Radmylde, father of the said William, died seised in fee of the under-mentioned moiety and messuages &c. on 26 May, 35 Henry VI, whereupon the premises descended to the said William Radmylde, his son and heir, who entered into them without due livery out of the king’s hands and was seised thereof and took the issues until 6 November, 13 Henry VII, when he enfeoffed Thomas Davars and others thereof, to hold to them and their heirs. Thomas died seised thereof in fee on 16 August last. William Davars, knight, his brother and heir, aged 66 years, entered into the premises after his death and has taken the issues and profits thereof ever since.
At the time of his father’s death the said William Radmylde was aged 2 years and more.
OXFORD. Moiety of a messuage and of 2 carucates of land in Combe, Great Chilworth and Little Chilworth, worth 10l., held of the king in chief by knight-service.
2 messuages and 3 carucates of land in Laurens Baldon, worth 12l., held of the king, as of his honor of Walyngford, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (225.)
787. THOMAS HERTE, late of Barnstaple, ‘yoman.’
Inquisition, virtute officii, Saturday after St. Cecilia the Virgin, 18 Henry VII.
John Denys of Orlegh was seised of the under-mentioned tenement in his demesne as of free tenement, the reversion after his death belonging to John Broughton, John Wygger, Henry Broughton, clerk, John Sequens, John Grybbell, John Braunton, Thomas Peryn, John Smyth, William Morlays and Thomas Whyte, who, by their charter dated 4 February, 20 Edward IV, granted the said reversion to John Herte and Agnes, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, at a rent of 14s. yearly. John Denys died, and after his death the said John Herte and Agnes were seised of the said tenement in fee tail, and had issue Thomas Herte aforesaid. John Hert died, and the said Agnes survived him and is still seised of the said tenement in fee tail by survivorship.
Thomas Herte, aged 42 years and more, is son and heir of the said John and Agnes. He is a traitor and a rebel against the king.
DEVON. A tenement in Barnstaple, worth 13s. 4d.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (226.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 4 November, 20 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors &c. on 12 April, 1 Richard III. John Wykes, aged 60 years and more, is his son and heir.
SOMERSET. Manors of Nynhede Flory and Wythell, worth 16l. 13s. 4d., held of the bishop of Winchester by knight-service.
Fourth part of the manors of Uphill and Criston, alias Crixston, worth 53s. 4d., held of George Stanley, lord Straunge, as of his manor of Blakedon, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
4 messuages, 80a. land, 20a. meadow and 40a. pasture in Oldemyxon, worth 26s. 8d., held of John Arthur, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (227.) E. Series II. File 897. (53.)
789. RICHARD ATTLEE, idiot.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 20 October, 20 Henry VII.
Nicholas Gaynesford, esquire, Peter Westbroke, formerly of the king’s Exchequer, and John Fenner, late feoffees to the use of Richard Attlee of Wolkested, deceased, his heirs and assigns (together with William Gaynesford, Richard Ford, William Saundre, John Wodye and Walter Woneham, now deceased), in fulfilment of the last will of the said Richard Attlee, granted by charter the under-mentioned messuages and lands &c., which they lately had by gift and feoffment of the said Richard, to William Attlee, his son and heir, and the heirs male of his body, with successive remainders to Robert Woneham, son of the said Walter Woneham and of Joan his wife (one of the daughters of the said Richard Attlee), and the heirs male of his body, and to the said Peter Westbroke, his heirs and assigns. William Attlee died seised of the said lands on 8 February, 14 Henry VII. Richard Attlee, his son and heir, entered into the premises and is still seised thereof. He is, and has been since birth, a fool and idiot, incapable of managing himself or his property.
SURREY. 3 messuages, 60a. land, 3a. meadow and 12a. wood in Wolkestede; whereof 3 messuages, 40a. land, 3a. meadow and 12a. wood are held of David Owen, knight, as of his manor of Wolkestede, services unknown, and 4a. land are held of the prior of Tanrege, services unknown.
40a. land and 20a. wood in Tanrege; whereof 40a. land, 7a. meadow (sic) and 20a. wood are held of George Putnam, knight, as of his manor of Tanrege, services unknown, and 12a. land (sic) are held of Maurice Tychborne, as of his manor of Flore, services unknown.
2 messuages and 40a. land in Blecchynglegh, held of Edward, duke of Buckingham, as of his manor of Blecchynglegh, services unknown.
A messuage, 60a. land and 20a. wood in Oxstede; whereof 40a. land are held of Edward Borow, knight, as of his manor of Oxstede, services unknown, and 60a. land (sic) and 20a. wood are held of John Gaynesford, as of his manor of Chelhous, services unknown.
A meadow called ‘Drapersmede’ in Tanrege, held of Edward Asshton, as of his manor of Godeston Place, services unknown.
The above are worth 8 marks.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (228.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 27 October, 20 Henry VII.
He was attainted of high treason by authority of the Parliament held at Westminster on 25 January, 19 Henry VII, on account of treasonable offences perpetrated on 1 July, 14 Henry VII. At the time of his treason and of his attainder, and long before and after, he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor. The king took the issues and profits thereof from 1 July aforesaid until Michaelmas last.
NORFOLK. Manor of Cawston, worth 50 marks.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (229.) E. Series II. File 612. (2.)
791. THOMAS KYLLYNGWURTH, late of Thoryngton, attainted.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 28 October, 20 Henry VII.
He was attainted of high treason in the Parliament held at Westminster on 25 January, 19 Henry VII. He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage &c. on the day of his attainder. Hugh John has taken the issues and profits thereof since the said 25 January, on which day the said Thomas was attainted.
SUFFOLK. A messuage called ‘Kynsaws’ and 70a. land, wood and meadow in Thoryngton, Darsham and Wenaston, worth 60s., held of Robert Cleer, knight, of his manor of Thoryngton, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (230.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 21 January, 20 Henry VII.
In Hilary term, 4 Henry VII, Thomas Wode, then serjeant-at-law, John Byconyll, knight, and Peter Eggecombe, now knight, recovered the under-mentioned manors by a writ of right against Henry, earl of Northumberland, to the use of Thomas Sayntemaure, knight, and his heirs. Thomas Sayntemaure died, and after his death the said recoverors were seised of the manors to the use of William Sayntemaure, knight, his kinsman and heir, to wit, son of John Sayntemaure his son, and to the use of the heirs of the said William. Peter Eggecombe survived his fellow recoverors, and is still seised of the premises in fee to the use aforesaid.
The said William died 5 September, 19 Henry VII. Joan Sayntmaure, aged 3 years and more, is his daughter and heir, and also kinswoman and heir of Thomas Sayntemaure aforesaid.
Cf. Vol. II, Nos. 715, 743, 963.
DORSET. Manor of Ramsham, worth 12l., held of the king, as of his castle of Dover, by fealty and a rent of 20s. yearly.
Manor of Wraxhale, worth 9l., held of the king, as of his honor of Clare, by fealty only.
Manor of Childefrome, worth 7l., held of Hugh Loterell, knight, by fealty and a rent of 12d. yearly.
Manor of Maperton, worth 10l., held of the heirs of Humphrey de Redhorne, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (231.) E. Series II. File 897c. (5.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 20 November, 20 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and lands on 5 September, 19 Henry VII. Joan, aged 3 years and more, is his daughter and heir.
Cf. Vol. II, Nos. 715, 743, 963.
SOMERSET. Manors of Bekyngton and Credelyncote, and 500a. land, 500a. pasture, 300a. wood and 20l. rent in Bekyngton and Credelyncote. The manor of Bekyngton with all the lands &c. there, worth 6l., is held of the earl of Northumberland, service unknown. The manor of Credelyncote with all the lands &c. there, worth 40s., is held of the lord de Hastynges, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (232.) E. Series II. File 897c. (4.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 20 November, 20 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages &c., and [by his charter] dated 6 March, 16 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof Thomas Stukelegh and John Fortescu; who, being seised accordingly in fee, granted the premises by charter dated 12 March, 16 Henry VII, to the said Richard Pollerd and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of Richard.
He died 19 July, 18 Henry VII. Antony Pollerd, aged 23 years and more, is his son and heir.
DEVON. A messuage and 40a. land in Cherchehorewode, worth 8s., held of William Passelewe in socage.
40a. land in Ayssherugge in the parish of Westelegh, worth 13s. 4d., held of Thomas Ormonde by a rent of 20d. yearly.
A messuage and 200a. land in Tossebury in the parish of Hertelond, worth 10s., held of the abbot of Hertelond by fealty and suit to his court of Hertelond.
Manor of Esthorewode, worth 11l., held of Edward Pomerey, knight, by knight-service.
Manor of Est Putford, worth 10l., held of William Corteney, knight, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (233.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 2 November, 20 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands on 7 April last. Margery, aged 21 years and more, is his daughter and heir.
DEVON. 300a. arable, 40a. wood, 10a. meadow and 20a. moor in Rowburgh, worth 16s., held of John Walter in free socage.
20a. arable and 10a. meadow in Waltershayes, worth 20s., held of John Keynes in free socage.
60a. arable, 40a. moor, 10a. meadow and 6a. wood in Aysshelegh, worth 10s., held of the said John Keynes in free socage.
Lands and tenements in Chulmelegh and 4a. arable there, worth 6s., held of Edward, earl of Devon, in free socage.
12 burgage tenements, 13 gardens and 10a. arable in Wynkelegh Keynes, worth 26s. 8d., held of John Keynes aforesaid in free socage.
Certain parcels of land called ‘Smythes’ and ‘Bynneperk,’ worth 4s., held of Robert Way in free socage.
40a. arable and 4a. meadow in Uppecote, worth 6s. 8d., held of William Sampford in free socage.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (234.)
796. IBOT REYGNY, widow.
Inquisition, virtute officii, 19 November, 20 Henry VII.
She was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Lobeton, South Molton and Pattesham, and by her charter dated 29 March, 19 Henry VII, granted them to [Thomas] Gyffard of Hallysbury, William Wideslade, esquire, John Eston, William Orchard, Hugh Founteyn, clerk, Peter Wescotte, John Furse and Henry Toker, and their heirs, for the performance of her last will. They are still seised thereof accordingly in fee.
She held the under-mentioned land in Bishop’s Nimet in fee on the day of her death.
She died 3 April last. William Reygny, aged 45 years and more, is her son and heir.
DEVON. A messuage, 100a. land, 10a. meadow, 6a. wood and 40a. furze and heath in Lobeton in the parish of Wemworthy, worth 20s., held of the heirs of Thomas Raischelegh, as of the manor of Raysshelegh, by a rent of 21s. yearly.
5 messuage, 2 gardens, 10a. land and 6a. wood in South Molton and Pattesham in the parish of South Molton, worth 20s., held of Margaret, countess of Derby and Richemond, as of her manor of South Molton, by a rent of 3s. 9d. yearly, [other] services unknown.
3a. land [in] Parke House in the parish of Bishop’s Nimet, worth 20d., held of the bishop of Exeter, as of his manor of Bishop’s Nimet, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (235.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 20 November, 20 Henry VII.
John Fitz James, the elder, John Porter and John Fitz James, the younger, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors &c., and granted them by indented charter to John de Sancto Mauro, esquire, and the above-named Elizabeth, then his wife, and the heirs of the body of John, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas de Sancto Mauro, knight. The said John and Elizabeth had issue William de Sancto Mauro. Elizabeth survived her husband, and was seised of the premises in her demesne as of free tenement by survivorship. Afterwards the said Thomas de Sancto Mauro died, whereupon the remainder aforesaid descended to the said William de Sancto Mauro as his kinsman and heir, to wit, son of the said John de Sancto Mauro his son. William died 5 September, 19 Henry VII, whereupon the remainder descended to Joan de Sancto Mauro as his daughter and heir. Afterwards the said Elizabeth died, to wit, on 30 June last, whereupon the manors &c. descended to the said Joan, who is 3 years of age and more.
Cf. Vol. II, Nos. 793, 834, 837, 841.
SOMERSET. Manors of Babcare and Pyrry, and 300a. land, 300a. pasture, 100a. wood and 40s. rent in Pyrry and Babcare; whereof the manor of Babcare and the lands &c. there, worth 3l. 6s. 8d., are held of the abbot of Adelney, services unknown, and the manor of Pyrry and the lands &c. there, worth 40s., are held of the abbot of Mochelney, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (236.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 3 November, 20 Henry VII.
She died seised in fee of a third part of the under-mentioned manors &c., which manors &c. she held pro indiviso jointly with Eleanor Richard, wife of Edward Rychard, [her sister], and Richard Trobryg, son and heir of Alice Trobryg, her [other] sister.
She died 1 September, 19 Henry VII. The said Eleanor Richarde, aged 40 years and more, and Richard Trobrygge, aged 30 years and more, are her next heirs.
DEVON. A third part of the manor of Lokysbeare, worth 40s. The manor is held of Margaret, countess of Richmond, as of her manor of Barnestapol, services unknown.
A third part of the manor of Bycote, worth 20s., held of Amyas Paulet, knight, as of his manor of Halberton, by knight-service.
A third part of 30a. land, parcel of the said manor of Bycote, called ‘Crosseparkys,’ worth 6s. 8d., held of Philip Courtenay, esquire, as of his manor of Oborneford, services unknown.
A third part of 6a. land called ‘Ganlond,’ parcel of the same manor of Bycote, worth 3s., held of the abbot of St. Augustine’s, Bristol, as of his manor of Halberton Abbot, services unknown.
A third part of a messuage and 60a. (or 40a.) land in Bruscombe, worth 10s., held of Richard Warre, knight, as of his manor of Burscombe, services unknown.
A third part of 5a. meadow in Burscombe, worth 20d., held of William Ayssheford, esquire, by a rent of a pair of gloves yearly.
A third part of a messuage and 10a. meadow in the parish of St. Leonard without the south gate of the city of Exeter, worth 6s. 8d., held of Edward, earl of Devon, as of his manor of Topsham, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (237.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 1 November, 20 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c. on Thursday next before the Purification, 19 Henry VII. William Haywode, aged 30 years and more, is his son and heir.
DEVON. A messuage, 100a. land, 10a. moor, 2a. wood and 4a. meadow in Bounelegh, worth 8s., held of John Sideham by fealty only.
50a. land, 3a. meadow and 20a. moor in Southtauton, worth 12s., held of John Carue of Haccombe.
A cottage in Wynkelegh, worth 6d., held of John Keyns by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (238.)
Inquisition, virtute officii, 30 January, 20 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor and lordship; and being so seised he committed high treason and was attainted by authority of the Parliament held at Westminster on 25 January, 19 Henry VII, whereupon he forfeited the said manor and all his other manors &c. to the king. John Whyteng, esquire, has taken the issues and profits thereof since the forfeiture.
OXFORD. Manor and lordship of Carsyngton, worth 14l.
C. Series II. Vol. 23. (240.)


  • 1. Part of this inquisition is worn away and illegible. The words in square brackets are supplied from the inquisition on John Suthill (Vol. I, No. 1145).
  • 2. recte son.