Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 501-550

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1955.

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Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 501-550', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online [accessed 17 January 2025].

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 501-550', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII( London, 1955), British History Online, accessed January 17, 2025,

Cyril Flower, M. C. B. Dawes, A. C. Wood. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 501-550". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 3, Henry VII. (London, 1955), , British History Online. Web. 17 January 2025.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 501-550

501. —— (blank), ABBESS OF LAYCOCKE, co Wilts.
Commission and inquisition, as above.
She died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor on 6 February, 22 Edward IV. Immediately after her death Margery Gloucetour was elected abbess and intruded into the said manor, and she has taken the issues and profits thereof ever since.
ISLE OF WIGHT. Manor of Shorewell, worth 16l., held of the king in chief by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (18.)
Commission of concealments &c. 29 March, 21 Henry VII; inquisition 5 November, 24 Henry VII.
William Harwell died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and lands &c. After his death the premises descended to John Horewell, his son and heir, who intruded therein without due livery out of the king’s hands, and took the issues and profits thereof all his life. John died on 10 April, 20 Henry VII, and the premises descended to Thomas Horewell, his son and heir, who was then under the age of 12 years.
SALOP. Manor of Byllyngsley, worth 21l., held of the king, services unknown. Manors of Wricton and Walkeslowe, worth 14l., held of the king, services unknown.
Manor of Broseley, worth 10l., held of the king, services unknown.
Lands &c. in Myllyngchop and Posterne, worth 10l., held of the king, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (21.)
503. DREW SAMBOURNE, esquire.
Commission 11 July, inquisition 12 August, 23 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Sowthcote by Redyng and Buckehurst by Okyngeham, and enfeoffed thereof Christopher Ursewyk, clerk, then dean of the church of Wynsour, John Langeford, knight, and Nicholas Sambourne, who were seised thereof accordingly in fee. Afterwards the said Christopher, John and Nicholas, by their charter dated 27 October, 20 Henry VII, enfeoffed the said Drew and Joan his wife of a parcel of the manor of Sowthcote (by the name of all the messuages, lands &c. held at farm by Robert Newbury by demise of the said Drew in the parish of St. Mary, Redyng), to hold to them and the heirs of Drew; and the said Christopher and John enfeoffed the said Drew and Joan of the said manor of Buckehurst (by the name of all the lands &c. called ‘Buckehurst’ in the parish of Okyngeham held, at farm by Robert Sampson by demise of the said Drew), to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of Drew. Joan survived Drew, and is sole seised of the premises for life.
The said Drew was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Farnam by Faryngton, and with the king’s licence enfeoffed thereof Christopher Ursewyk aforesaid, Thomas Fynes, knight, Thomas Oxinbrige, serjeant-at-law, Richard Carew and others, who were seised thereof accordingly in fee. Afterwards the said feoffees, with the king’s licence, enfeoffed thereof William Samborne, Drew’s son and heir apparent, and Anne his wife, to hold to them and the heirs of the said William. William died 20 October, 19 Henry VII. Anne survived him, and was and is sole seised of the manor for life.
The said Drew died seised in fee of the under-mentioned capital messuage and lands &c. in Tyldehurst, Birfeld and Schynfeld.
He died 3 January, 22 Henry VII. Margaret Sambourne, aged 5 years and more, is his kinswoman and heir, to wit, daughter and heir of William Samborne above-named.
BERKS. Manor of Farneham by Faryngton, worth 9l., held of the king in chief by knight-service.
Manor of Sowthcote, held of the abbot of Redyng, as of his manor of Canape, by fealty only.
Manor of Buckehurst, held of the bishop of Salisbury, as of his manor of Okyngham, by fealty and a yearly rent of 30s. at Michaelmas.
A capital messuage, 200a. land, 100a. pasture and 20a. meadow in Tyldehurst, called ‘Pynsons,’ worth 100s., held of the abbot of Redyng by fealty and a rent of 19s. at Michaelmas.
7a. wood called ‘Drus Copys,’ 2 tenements and 10a. pasture in Birfeld; whereof 7a. wood and 10a. pasture, worth 20s., are held of John Polhampton by fealty and a rent of 4s. at Michaelmas, and the 2 tenements and 10a. pasture (sic), with 3 tenements, 8a. pasture and 6a. wood in Shynefeld, worth 8s., are held of Gilbert Talbot, knight, by fealty and a rent of 12d. at Michaelmas.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (22.)
Commission, as above; inquisition 8 August, 23 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor.
Death and heir as in No. 503.
WILTS. Manor of Lushill, worth 100s., held of the king, as of his honor of Troubrige, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (23.)
Commission, as above; inquisition 16 August, 23 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned capital messuage and lands in Langrigge, and enfeoffed thereof Christopher Ursewyke, clerk, Thomas Fynys, knight, Thomas Oxinbrigge, serjeant-at-law, Richard Carew and others, who were seised thereof accordingly in fee. Afterwards the said feoffees enfeoffed thereof William Sambourne, Drew’s son and heir apparent, and Anne his wife, to hold to them and the heirs of the said William. William died 19 October, 19 Henry VII. Anne survived him, and was and is sole seised of the premises for life.
Death and heir as in No. 503.
SOMERSET. A capital messuage, 200a. arable, 300a. pasture and 8a. meadow in Langrigge, worth 4l., held of the bishop of Bath by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (24.)
506. THOMAS TEMPEST, knight.
Commission 11 February, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 22 October, 24 Henry VII.
Long before his death he was seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands &c., and by indented charter dated 13 July, 12 Henry VII, granted them to John Sayvell and Thomas Talbot, knights, William Calverley and William Westby, esquires, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of himself and the heirs male of his body, and in default of such issue to the use of Richard Tempest, son of Nicholas Tempest, and the heirs male of his body. William Westby survived the other grantees, and by his charter dated 1 August, 22 Henry VII, granted the under-mentioned manor of Waddyngton and lands &c. there to the said Richard Tempest and the heirs male of his body. Richard is still seised thereof in fee tail. He is 30 years of age and more.
The said Thomas Tempest died 1 July, 22 Henry VII. Margaret Tempest, then aged one year and 11 months and more, is his daughter and heir.
YORK. Manors of Bracewell, Waddyngton, Skalshawe, Pathorn and Ulley, and 40 messuages, 400a. land, 300a. pasture, 300a. meadow, 100a. wood, 1000a. moor and 5s. rent in Bracewell, Waddyngton, Pathorn, Skalshawe, Ulley, Esyngton, Stok, Horton in Craven, Pathnall, Thorp, Burnsall, Skipton in Craven, Malhome, Broghton, Conyngston, Cold Conyngston and Hornby; whereof:—
The manors of Bracewell and Ulley and the messuages &c. in Bracewell, Ulley and Esyngton, worth 10l., are held of Henry, lord de Clifford, as of his castle of Skipton, services unknown;
The messuages &c. in Horton, worth 40s., are held of the heirs of John Clay, services unknown;
The manor and other premises in Waddyngton, worth 10 marks, are held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, services unknown;
The messuages &c. in Thorp, Burnsall and Skipton, worth 20s., are held of Henry, lord de Clifford, services unknown;
The manor and other premises in Pathorn, worth 20s., are held of Henry, earl of Northumberland, services unknown;
The messuages &c. in Malhome, worth 10s., are held of the abbot of Fountains, services unknown;
The manor of Skalshawe and the messuages &c. there, worth —— (blank), are held of —— (blank), services unknown; and
The messuages &c. in Broghton, Conyngstone and Colde Conyngstone, worth 40s., are held of Henry, lord de Clifford, as of his castle of Skipton, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (25.)
Writ 13 October, inquisition 30 October, 24 Henry VII.
John Baskervyle, knight, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor and lands &c., and by his indented charter granted them to James Baskervyle, esquire, and Sibyl his wife (by the names of James Baskervyle, his son and heir, and Sibyl daughter of Walter Devereux, knight), and the heirs of their bodies. James and Sibyl had issue Walter Baskervile, named in the writ, who on their death was seised of the said manor and lands in fee tail and died so seised.
He died 5 September last. James Baskervile, esquire, aged 26 years and more, is his son and heir.
GLOUCESTER. Manor of Combe Baskervile with the advowson of the church of the said manor, and divers lands &c. in Combe Baskervile and Wescote which are parcel of the said manor, worth 20l., held of the abbess of Syon, as of her hundred of Sloughtour, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (26.)
508. JOHN MALTHOUSE of Bynfeld.
Commission of intrusions, wanting; inquisition Wednesday after St. Luke, 24 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage &c. on 25 March, 19 Henry VII. John Malthouse, aged 18 years, is his son and heir. After his death his said son entered into the said messuage &c. without the king’s licence, and still holds the same.
BERKS. A messuage and 300a. land in Bynfeld, worth 8 marks, held of the king in chief, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (27.)
509. ROBERT BASSET, esquire.
Writ of Que plura, 4 April, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 20 October, 24 Henry VII.
By an inqusition taken 20 June, 4 Henry VII, (fn. 1) it was found that the said Robert died seised in fee of the manor of Norton Malvers. The jurors now find that he was also seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and lands &c.
He died 13 October, 4 Henry VII. Giles Bassett, then aged 23 years and more, is his son and heir. The said Giles entered into the premises after his father’s death, and has held them ever since.
SOMERSET. Manor of Wynfreth, worth 5l. 13s. 4d., held of the king, as of his honor of Gloucester, formerly of the countess of Warwick, by fealty only.
114a. land, 16a. meadow and 16a. pasture in Salfford and Wynfreth, worth 3l. 11s., held of the king, as of the said honor, by service of 7s. 8d. yearly.
A messuage in Hye Litelton, worth 25s. 6d., held of John Radney, knight, by service of 2s. yearly.
20a. land, 16a. meadow, 44a. pasture and 3a. wood in Loxton, worth 4 marks, held of John Mordaunt by service of 7s. 4d. yearly.
4a. land, 1a. meadow and 3a. pasture in Bacwill, worth 6s., held of John Radney, knight, service unknown.
40a. land, 18a. pasture and 1a. wood in Barogorney, worth 10s. 4d., held of Edward Barkeley of Beverston, knight, by service of 10s.
40a. land, 10a. meadow and 28a. pasture in Dundrey, worth 18s. 3d., held of Adrian, bishop of Bath, by service of 20d. and 1d. of St. Peter.
10 1/2a. land and 11 1/2a. pasture in Longeasheton, worth 7s. 2d., held of Henry Daubney, as of his manor of Longeaysheton, by service of 12d. yearly.
22s. rent in Shiryngton in the parish of Stokcursey.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (28.) E. Series II. File 897d. (19.)
Writ 9 June, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 31 October, 24 Henry VII.
By his charter dated 20 March, 22 Edward IV, he granted to Thomas Lumbeton, ‘gentylman,’ and John Webster all his lands &c. in Aynes Burton and Thurneham, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of himself and Anne, his wife, and the heirs of his body.
By another charter dated 10 August, 15 Henry VII, he granted to Walter Griffith, knight, all his lands &c. in Trumflete, to hold to the use of Walter, his son, and Elizabeth, his said son’s wife, and the heirs of the body of his said son.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned tenements in Wytwang and Holme.
He died 30 November, 23 Henry VII. Walter Cawod, aged 22 years and more, is his son and heir.
YORK. Lands, tenements, rents and services in Aynes Burton and Thurneham; whereof those in Aynes Burton, worth 4 marks, are held of Walter Griffith, knight, in socage.
Lands, tenements, rents and services in Trumflete, worth 40s., held of William Gascoign, knight, in socage.
3 small inclosures in Wytwang, worth 6s., held of the provost of St. John of Beverley in socage.
A cottage in Holme, worth 6s., held of Marmaduke Constable, knight, in socage.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (29.)
Writ of dower 16 March,
assignment of dower 20 April, 22 Henry VII.
The escheator, in the absence of the next friends of Antony Rigges, son and heir of Thomas aforesaid, assigned to her in dower:—
LINCOLN. A cottage, 3a. arable and 3a. pasture in the town and fields of Fryskeney, lately in the tenure of Hugh Boyll.
la. pasture lately in the tenure of Thomas Godfrey, chaplain, 4a. pasture lately in the tenure of William Pynder, 2a. arable lately in the tenure of Robert Merton, 3a. meadow lately in the tenure of Ralph Smyth, 4a. pasture lately in the tenure of Simon Westmalis, 4a. meadow lately in the tenure of William Cheseney, 3s. rent issuing from lands &c. of John Trawtyng, 9d. rent issuing from lands &c. of Robert Woodoff, and 4d. rent issuing from lands &c. of Hugh Skawyn, in Fryskeney.
A messuage, 3a. arable, 40a. pasture and 17a. meadow in Crofte, lately in the tenure of John Dawson.
10a. pasture in Crofte, lately in the tenure of John Miskyntyn.
A messuage, 30a. arable, 20a. meadow, 30a. pasture, and all the other cottages in Bothby lately in the tenure of John Penson.
10a. arable in the tenure of John Chapman, 6d. rent issuing from lands &c. of John Fulneby, 4d. rent issuing from lands &c. of John Raner, and 3a. meadow and la. arable lately in the tenure of William Stynt, in Walton.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (30.)
512. THOMAS AGMONDESHAM, gentleman.
Writ 15 May, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 16 November, 24 Henry VII.
Long before his death he was seised of the under-mentioned lands &c. in Kyrdeforde and Petworth, and by charter enfeoffed John Dautrie of Petworth, esquire, John Gatton of Byllyngesherst, William Bowyer of Petworth, William Bocher and Richard Hycheherst thereof (by the name of all his messuages, lands &c. in Barkefolde, Retherbrygge, Lekefold and Amyrsam, or elsewhere in cos. Sussex and Southampton), to hold to the use of Agnes, then his wife, for life. The said feoffees are still seised to the use of the said Agnes, who is still living.
He died 17 February last. Barbara Agmondesham, then aged half a year and more, is his daughter and heir.
SUSSEX. 4 messuages, a garden, 210a. land, 46a. meadow, 46a. pasture and 42a. wood in the parishes of Kyrdeforde and Petworth: whereof:—
A messuage, 50a. land, 20a. meadow, 20a. pasture and 10a. wood called ‘Barkedefold,’ worth 40s., are held of Thomas, earl of Arundel, and Richard Mekewyk of Goundevyle, in socage, to wit, by a rent of 2d.;
2 messuages, 160a. land, 26a. meadow, 26a. pasture and 32a. wood, worth 20s., are held of Elizabeth Mascy, widow, in socage, to wit, by a rent of 1/2d.; and
A messuage and garden, worth 6s. 8d., are held of Henry, earl of Northumberland, by a rent of 1d.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (31.)
Writ, as above; inquisition 26 November, 24 Henry VII.
The said Thomas and one Elizabeth Agmondesham were seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c. in Esthorsley and Ewhurst, which comprise (faciunt) the manor of Rowbarne, alias Rubarne. This manor Thomas, earl of Arundel, Giles Dawbeney, knight, lord Dawbeney, John Bourghchier, knight, lord Berners, Robert Rede, knight, John Kyngysmyll, John Husey, knight, John Leigh, knight, Edmund Dudley, esquire, Henry Wyatt, esquire, Richard Weston, Richard Broke, Giles Strangways, Alexander Buller, John Syddenham, John Erneley, Jasper Fyloll, George Harebrowne, Ralph Legh, John Peryent, John Agmondesham, Thomas Fulmyn, Thomas Strangwysh, William Rumsey, Henry Asshley, John Bygges and Thomas Polsted lately recovered against the said Thomas and Elizabeth Agmondesham, to the following use, to wit, that the recoverors should grant a yearly rent of 17l. out of the issues of the said manor to the said Elizabeth and her assigns for the term of her life, and that they should stand enfeoffed of the manor to the use of the said Thomas Agmondesham and his heirs so long as he, his heirs or assigns, should paythe said annuity, but that, if the said annuity should at any time be a month in arrear, then they should stand enfeoffed in the manor to the use of the said Elizabeth for life. Elizabeth is still living.
Afterwards the said Thomas, by his last will, bequeathed all his lands &c. in cos. Sussex and Southampton to Agnes his wife, for life, with remainder to his daughter; and also bequeathed all his lands &c. in co. Surrey to the said Agnes for life, she paying the aforesaid annuity of 17l., with remainder to Barbara, his daughter by the said Agnes.
Death and heir as in No. 512.
SURREY. 2 messuages, 400a. land, 20a. meadow, 20a. pasture, 200a. wood and 10s. rent in Esthorsley, worth 10 marks, held of David Owen, knight, as of his manor of Wotton, in socage, to wit, by a rent of 50s.
A messuage, 100a. land, 20a. meadow, 20a. pasture and 40a. wood, called ‘le Breche,’ in Ewhurst, worth 40s., held of the abbot of Notley in socage, to wit, by a rent of 1d.
40a. land in Esthorsley, called ‘Brokholl,’ worth 20s., held of Henry, prince of Wales, as of his manor of Byflete, in socage, to wit, by a rent of 4d.
60a. land in Esthorsley, called ‘Pygnottes land,’ worth 13s. 4d., held of the king, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (32.)
514. EDMUND NORRES, ‘gentilman.’
Writ 16 October, inquisition 9 November, 24 Henry VII.
John Tyrell, esquire, and Robert Norwyche, gentleman, were seised in feeat the time of Edmund’s death, and before, of the under-mentioned manors, to the use of Edmund and Juliana, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, as appears by the exemplification of a recovery suffered by the said Edmund in Easter term last, and by an indenture made between the said John, Robert and Edmund. Juliana is still living.
Edmund died 6 September last. John Norres, aged 47 weeks and more, is his son and heir.
KENT. Manor of Goldston in Asshe by Sandwich, worth 25l., held of William, archbishop of Canterbury, in right of his church, by service of one knight’s fee.
Manor of Lyes, alias Ulmes, in Asshe aforesaid, worth 5l., held of the said archbishop by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Manor or messuage called ‘Polder’ in Wenesborowe, of the nature of gavelkind, worth 40s., held of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, as of his manor of Estre, by fealty and a rent of 22s.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (33.)
Writ of Que plura, 11 July, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 20 October, 24 Henry VII.
Besides the lands specified in the inquisition of 23 June, 4 Henry VII (Vol. I, No. 456), the jurors now find that he died seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c.
He died 13 October, 4 Henry VII. Giles Basset, then aged 23 years and more, is his son and heir. The said Giles entered into the premises after his father’s death, and has held them ever since.
GLOUCESTER. Moiety of the manor of Eweley, and a virgate of land and a curtilage in Eweley, worth 4 marks, held of the king, as of his lordship of Barkeley, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Upton Chenewe, worth 10l. 5s., held of Edward, duke of Buckynham, as of the honor of Herford, service unknown.
A messuage, 20a. land, 2a. pasture and l 1/2a. meadow in Chame, worth 43s., held of the king, as of his lordship of Barkeley, by service of 12d. yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (34.) E. Series II. File 343. (4.)
Writ 12 October, inquisition 30 November, 24 Henry VII.
Long before his death and at the time of his death Richard Mery, chaplain, John Harppisfeld and Gilbert Gentill were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Manewden and lands &c. in Manewden to the use of him and his heirs, and for the performance of his last will.
Long before his death and at the time of his death Henry Wodecok, George Danyell, esquire, John Bende of Walden, Robert Frende and William Danyell were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor and advowson of Stretehall and lands &c. mentioned therewith, and of the under-mentioned tenement called ‘le Facon’ and lands &c. in Chepyngwalden mentioned therewith, to the use of Joan, late his wife, who survives, for the term of her life, and thereafter to the use of his last will.
Long before his death and at the time of his death Henry Wodecok and John Bende, with others, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned 6 tenements and 50a. land in Walden to the use of him and his heirs, and for the performance of his last will.
By his last will he directed that immediately after his death Henry Gardyner, his son, should have the manor of Manewden in fee simple, and that immediately after the death of Joan aforesaid the said Henry should have the manor of Stretehall and all his other lands &c. in England not otherwise bequeathed in the said will. He willed that his mother should have all his lands &c. in Walden during her life, except his wife’s jointure in ‘le Facon’and 4 marks to be levied yearly for his wife’s use from the said lands; and that on his mother’s death the said lands &c. should remain to Joan, his wife, during the minority of Daniel, his son by her, she undertaking the repairs thereof; and that the said Daniel, on reaching full age, should have the said lands &c in fee simple; and that, in the event of Daniel’s dying within age, the said lands &c. should remain to Joan for life, and after her death to Henry Gardyner aforesaid and his heirs. This bequest to his wife was made on condition that she should be content with the legacy made to her of his moveable goods; otherwise the bequest was to be void, and the lands &c. bequeathed to her were to remain to the said Henry and his heirs immediately after the death of the testator’s mother. Further he directed that whoever should have the said lands &c. in Walden should expend 13s. 4d. yearly on an obit in the church of Walden for his soul, the souls of his parents, and the souls of John Garlond, William Garlond and his friends; and that his wife, having the said lands &c., should pay 40s. to William Rayson and Joan his wife for the relief of their poverty.
He died 2 September, 24 Henry VII. Henry Gardyner, aged 17 3/4 years and more, is his son and heir.
ESSEX. Manor of Manewden, held of the king, as of his manor of Claveryngbury, by fealty and a rent of 5s. 11d. yearly, and by suit to the court of Claveryng; worth 10l. after deduction of a yearly rent of 10 marks payable to (blank) Bassyngbourne, widow, during her life.
Lands &c. in Manewden called ‘Wodehallondes,’ worth 28s. 8d., held of John, earl of Oxford, as of his manor of Benffieldbury, by a quarter of a knight’s fee and a yearly rent of 33s. 4d.
Lands and meadows in Manewden formerly belonging to William Fitzwareyn, value unknown, held of the said earl, as above, by fealty and a yearly rent of 2s. 6d.
Certain parcels of land in Manewden, value unknown, held of the master and fellows of New College, Oxford, as of their manor of Takeley, by fealty and a yearly rent of 20s.
Manor and advowson of Stretehall, and 340a. land, 15a. meadow, 60a. pasture, 50a. wood and 46s. 8d. rent in Elmedon, Walden and Litle-bury, which make up the said manor of Stretehall, worth 10l., held of the bishop of Ely, service unknown.
A tenement called ‘le Facon’ in Walden, and 2 messuages, 24a. land, 2a. wood and 16d. rent in Chepyngwalden, worth 40s., held of the king, in right of his earldom of Hereford, in free burgage, as the whole town of Walden is held.
6 tenements or messuages and 50a. land in Walden, worth 10l., held of the king, as above.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (35.)
Writ 29 November, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 22 January, 24 Henry VII.
In Hilary term, 14 Henry VII, he suffered a recovery of the under-mentioned manor of Areley to William Howghton, knight, Ralph Shirley, knight, Thomas Kebull, serjeant-at-law, John Whyttyngton, esquire, Richard Lyttelton, Thomas Marowe, Robert Brudenell and John Hethe, to the use of himself and Mary, his wife, and his heirs; and the said recoverors were seised accordingly in fee to that use.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Lichefelde, and by charter dated 10 August, 21 Henry VII, enfeoffed thereof (by the name of all his lands &c. in co. Stafford except the manor of Areley) Richard Lyttelton, Thomas Lyttelton, Edward Lyttelton, Nicholas Brome, John Whyttyngton and Edward Ferrees, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, for the performance of his last will; and they were seised accordingly in fee to that use.
By his last will he directed that Mary, his wife, should have the manor of Areley, and all his lands &c. there, for life, and that his feoffees should provide, out of rents and profits of the residue of the premises and the other lands &c. in cos. Salop and Worcester specified in the above charter, a priest to celebrate for his soul by the space of seven years, receiving 8 marks yearly. They were also to pay his debts out of the same rents and profits, as well as 400 marks for the marriage of Elizabeth Lyttelton, his daughter, and 100 marks for her support, the said Elizabeth to be under the governance of her mother. After fulfilment of these provisions the feoffees were to stand seised of the said lands &c. to the use of his heirs and his heirs’ heirs.
He died 8 November, 23 Henry VII. John Lyttelton, aged 8 years, is his son and heir.
STAFFORD. Manor of Areley, worth 27l. 6s. 8d., held of the king in chief by service of one knight’s fee.
8 messuages or burgages, a cottage, 5 gardens, 30a. land and a croft in the town and fields of Lichefelde, worth 3l., held of the bishop of Coventry and Lychefelde by fealty.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (36.) E. Series II. File 1017. (24.)
518. THOMAS CONSTABLE of Catfosse, gentleman.
Inquisition taken virtute officii, 20 November, 24 Henry VII.
John Constable of Cattefosse, father of Thomas, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage &c. in Cattefosse, and by his charter dated 3 August, 3 Richard III, enfeoffed thereof William Melton, clerk, William Constable, esquire, James Charleton and Robert Billop of Wodhall, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said Thomas, his son, and Margaret wife of Thomas, and the heirs of the body of Thomas; and they were seised thereof accordingly. Margaret survived Thomas, and still holds herself in the premises by virtue of the said feoffment.
The said Thomas was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage &c. in Seton, and by his charter dated 30 September, 22 Henry VII, granted the same to Stephen Constable, one of his sons, for life; and the said Stephen is still seised thereof in his demesne as of free tenement.
The same Thomas died seised in fee of the under-mentioned residue of the manor of Cattefosse.
He died 20 November, 22 Henry VII. Ralph Constable, aged 13 years and more, is his son and heir.
YORK. A messuage, a croft, 3 bovates of land and meadow and 2 cottages in Cattefosse, worth 40s., held of the king, as of his manor of Ryse, by knight-service, as parcel of the manor of Cattefosse.
A messuage, a close and 5 bovates of land in Seton, worth 30s., held of the king, as above.
The residue of the manor of Cattefosse, to wit, 24 bovates of land, meadow and pasture, 10 closes, 4 messuages, a cottage and 1a. wood in Cattefosse and Flotemanbe, worth 14l. 13s. 4d., held of the king, of his manor of Ryse, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (37.)
519. JOAN FOWLER or FULLER, widow.
Writ 9 April, 20 Henry VII; inquisition 14 November, 21 Henry VII.
Edmund, now bishop of Salisbury, formerly bishop of Rochester, Richard Empson, Henry Collet, William Knevet, Thomas Ingylfeld and George Puttenham, knights, John Langston and Andrew Wyndesore, esquires, and Richard Norton, clerk, were seised in fee at the time of Joan’s death of the under-mentioned manor of Shyrborne and messuages &c. in Shyrborne, to the use of the said Joan and her heirs male by Richard Fowler, esquire, late her husband, and in default of such heirs to the use of her and her heirs by the said Richard, and in default of such heirs to the use of the right heirs of Richard.
John Trevell was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor called ‘Quatermayns maner’ and lands &c. mentioned therewith, and by his charter granted them to Richard Quatermayns and Sibyl, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with successive remainders to Richard Fowler and Joan, his wife, and the heirs male of their bodies, to the heirs female begotten between the said Richard and Joan (but without partition, the whole property to descend to the eldest daughter and the heirs of her body, without any partition being made among the heirs female of such daughter, and, in default of issue of the eldest daughter, to the second eldest daughter on the same conditions), to Richard Boteler (son of Isabel Boteler, daughter of Elizabeth sister of Richard Quatermayns aforesaid) and the heirs male of his body, to Thomas Boteler, brother of the said Richard Boteler, and the heirs male of his body, to Richard Rouse (son of Joan Rouse daughter of the said Elizabeth) and the heirs male of his body, to John Fetyplace (son of Margaret Fetyplace daughter of the said Elizabeth) and the heirs male of his body, to Joan Mauncell and the heirs male of her body, and to the right heirs of Richard Quatermayns. Richard Quatermayns and Sibyl, his wife, were seised thereof accordingly in fee tail, and Richard died so seised. Sibyl survived him, and held herself in the premises by survivorship. She also survived Richard Fowler, and on her death Joan Fowler entered into the premises and died seised thereof in tail by the form of the above gift.
Joan died seised in her demesne as of free tenement of the under-mentioned manor of Halton, the reversion thereof belonging to the right heirs of Richard Fowler aforesaid, as appears by letters patent of Edward IV and an act of Parliament of 1 Henry VII.
She died 5 April last. Richard Fowler, knight, aged 34 years and more, is son and heir male of the said Richard and Joan Fowler.
OXFORD. Manor of Shyrborne, and 20 messuages, 400a. land, 40a. meadow, 400a. wood, 20l. rent and a rent of 1 lb. pepper in Shyrborne, worth 26l. 13s. 4d., held of the prince, as of his honor of Walyngford, by fealty and a rent of 10s. yearly.
Manor of Northweston called ‘Quatermayns maner,’ lands &c. in Northweston called ‘le Hall place’ formerly belonging to William Baudyngton and Joan, his wife, and divers other lands, tenements, rents and services there, worth 20l., held of the bishop of Lincoln by fealty, other services unknown.
Manor of Halton, worth 20 marks, held of the king in chief by service of one knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (38.)
520. JOAN TALBOT, widow.
Writ of Mandamus, wanting; inquisition 25 November, 24 Henry VII.
She died 3 October, 20 Henry VII.
Other findings as in No. 185, mutatis mutandis.
LEICESTER. Manor of Kilmecote and 3 messuages, a cottage, 13 virgates of land, 40a. meadow and 100a. pasture in Kylmecote, worth 14l. 5s. 8d., and 7 messuages and 20 virgates of land in Walton by Kilmecote, worth 7l. 8s. 8d., held of the bishop of Lincoln, services unknown.
5 messuages and 9 virgates of land in Claxton, worth 7l. 0s. 6 1/2d., held of the castle of Bever by service of 3s. 4d.
4 messuages and 8 virgates of land in Worthyngton, and 2 messuages and 4 virgates of land in Newebold on le Heth, worth 8l. 4s., held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, by service of 13s. 4d.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (39.) E. Series II. File 1116. (96.)
Writ 24 January, inquisition 30 January, 24 Henry VII.
The said John Breten granted by charter the under-mentioned manor of Tekon and all his lands &c. in Tekon to Thomas Asteley, John Hartwel, Edmund Newenham, John Wattes, Henry Boughton, Humphrey Harpur, William Wyrley and Edward Warner, gentlemen, and their heirs, to the use of himself and Elizabeth, his wife, and his heirs, and for the performance of his last will. He died during the seisin of the said feoffees. Elizabeth survived him and is still living.
After the making of the above feoffment John Astel, the elder, of Esthaddon, granted by charter a messuage, a virgate of land and 6a. land in Tekon to John Breten, William Boughton, Thomas Asteley, John Hartwel and Edmund Newenham, esquires, and John Wattes, Christopher Seyntgerman, Henry Boughton, Humphrey Harpur and Edward Warner, ‘gentylmen,’ their heirs and assigns, to the use of the said John Breten and his heirs, and for the performance of his last will.
At the time of the said John’s death William Boughton, Nicholas Harpur and Christopher Seyntgerman were seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Ravensthorpe, Esthaddon, Yelvertofte, Thyrnby, Bukby and Holwell, to the use of John Breten and his heirs, and for the performance of his last will.
By his last will the said John directed that Elizabeth, his wife, should have for life by way of jointure the site of his manor in Tekon, the lands pertaining thereto, and all his lands &c. in Tekon except those lately acquired from John Astel. He also willed that his executors should have all his lands &c., except those assigned to the said Elizabeth, for 13 years after his death, to the following uses, to wit:—that out of the profits thereof and his other goods and chattels they should provide a priest for two years to celebrate for the souls of his father and mother and others in Tekon chapel; that they should pay 40s. yearly during the said 13 years to his heir to provide an education for him; that during the last 11 years of the said term they should give 20s. yearly for the marriage of poor girls in the parish of Ravensthorpe, at their discretion; and that during the same 11 years the said Elizabeth should have the residue of all his lands &c. to provide for their younger sons. He also willed that, if Elizabeth should die within the said term of 13 years, then his brother Christopher Seyntgerman, and the latter’s executors, should have all the lands assigned to her as jointure, giving 20l. for the marriage of each of his (the testator’s) daughters then unmarried, if the said lands should amount to so much. He also willed that, after the performance of his said will, his feoffees should stand seised of all his lands &c. (except those in Yelvertoft) to the use of himself and the heirs of his body, with remainder to the aforesaid Christopher Seyntgerman and his heirs. Further he willed that Henry, his younger son, should have his messuage and lands in Yelvertofte in tail, with successive remainders to the use of the right heirs of his (the testator’s) body, and to the use of the said Christopher and his heirs; Elizabeth to take the profits thereof during Henry’s minority. He also willed that all his future heirs might assign to their wives as jointure such lands as they should please, any clause in his said will notwithstanding.
He died 5 September last. Christopher Breten, aged 8 years and more, is his son and heir.
NORTHAMPTON. Manor of Tekon and lands &c. there (including the messuage, virgate of land and 6a. land acquired from John Astel), worth 10 marks, held of the lord Broke by service of 1 lb. cummin and a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
A messuage in Ravensthorpe, worth 24s., held of Richard Samuel by fealty and 1d. rent.
A messuage in Ravensthorpe, worth 11s., held of [William] Tanfeld, esquire, by fealty and 1d. rent.
A messuage and 3 cottages in Ravensthorpe, worth 22s., held of the lord Broke aforesaid, services unknown.
A toft and a virgate of land, a croft and a headland (forera), a free rent of 6s. 3d., suit of court and other services, and 1 1/2 lb. pepper in Esthaddon, worth 20s., held of the king, as of the duchy of Lancaster, by fealty only.
A messuage, a virgate of land and a close in Yelvertofte, worth 20s., held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England by fealty and suit of court.
5s. 8d. free and quit rent issuing from a messuage and certain lands &c. in Thyrnby, held of the lord Broke aforesaid by fealty and 8d. yearly.
A messuage and half a virgate of land in Bukby, worth 6s., held of the prior of Daventre by fealty and a rent of two capons.
3 sellions of land in Holwel, worth 12d., held of Owen Gefforn, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (40.)
Writ 10 February, inquisition 18 April, 24 Henry VII.
She held no lands in the county of Lincoln at the time of her death, nor were any lands held to her use. She died 11 January, 24 Henry VII. Bartholomew Dene, aged 23 years and more, is her son and heir.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (41.)
Writ 6 October, inquisition 18 November, 20 Henry VII.
Edward IV, by letters patent confirmed by the present king, granted the under-mentioned yearly rent to Edmund, then earl of Kent, father of the said George, and his heirs male, for the better support of the title. The said George died seised in fee tail of the said rent, as son and heir of Edmund aforesaid.
He died 21 December, 19 Henry VII. Richard, now earl of Kent, aged 21 years and more, is his son and heir.
KENT. A yearly rent of 20l. payable at Michaelmas and Easter by the sheriff of Kent out of the issues and profits of that county.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (42.)
524. ROBERT BRENT, esquire.
Writ, wanting; inquisition 1 February, 24 Henry VII. (fn. 2)
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and advowsons of Cosyngton and Fourde, lands &c. in Bawderip, Catcote, Edyngton, Stowell, Chauton, Wullavyngton, Hunspill, Rokesbrigge, Southbrent, Marke, Blakeforde Episcopi, West Pennard, Wurston, Glastonbery, [Briggewater], Puttenell, Brodelake, Cheselake, Samford, Pery and Sutton Malet, manor of Wrington, rents in Wrington, messuage in Ligh and rent in Siddecote.
William Carant and John Capron, clerk, with Alexander Hody, deceased, were seised of the under-mentioned manors of Overlangford, Netherlangford, Synderlond, Whatley and Whatmans, and by their indented charter dated 3 February, 6 Edward IV, demised them to Robert Brent aforesaid and Joan, his wife, and the heirs and assigns of Robert. Joan survives, and still occupies the premises by reason of the said gift.
The said Robert Brent and John, his son, were jointly seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Godwynsbower and Estbagborowe and lands &c. in Godwynsbower, Estbagborowe, Compton Bishop, Wibbyngton, Berton, Wokihole, Wellis, Westbury, Estbower, Mollisney, Slape, Dunwere, Hamme, Periton, Pawelet, Dounend, Andresey and Weston Abbatis. Robert died so seised, and John, his son, holds himself in the premises by survivorship.
Robert died 24 October, 24 Henry VII. The said John Brent, his son and heir, is 35 years of age and more.
SOMERSET. Manor of Cosyngton, worth 10 marks, held of the abbot of Glastonbury by fealty only; with the advowson of the parish church.
Manor of Fourde, worth 40s., held of the manor of Bawedrippe, services unknown; with the advowson of the free chapel of Fourde.
A rent of 4d. and 1 lb. cummin in Fourde.
Ameadow in Bawedrip containing 12a., worth 10s., held of Christopher Wroughton, as of his manor of Bawedrip; and common of pasture on Bawederip More and elsewhere in the parish.
3 messuages in Catcote and Edyngton; whereof the messuage in Edyngton, worth 5s. is held of William Say, as of his manor of Edyngton, services unknown, and the messuage (sic) in Catcote, worth 3s. 4d., is held of Edmund Gorges, as of his manor of Catcote.
2 messuages and a cottage in Stowell, worth 13s. 4d., held of the abbot of Glastonbery, services unknown.
A messuage in Chauton alias Chaweton, worth 3s. 4d., held of the lord of Chelton, as of his manor of Chelton, services unknown; with common of turbary in the moor of Chaweton alias Chelton.
A toft, 2a. meadow, 4a. arable and a close called ‘Brentis lese’ in Wullavyngton, worth 12d., held of the manor of Wullavyngton by fealty and a rent of 1d.
A messuage and a close called ‘Rogers hamme’ in Hunspill, worth 5s., held of the manor of Cote, services unknown.
A messuage, 36a. arable and meadow, and a cottage with a close adjoining, in Rokesbrigge in the parish of Estbrent, worth 10s., held of the abbot of Glastonbury in right of his monastery, as of his manor of Estbrent, services unknown.
4 messuages in Southbrent, worth 26s. 8d., held of the said abbot in right of his monastery, as of his manor of Southbrent, services unknown.
A messuage and 12a. land in Marke and a messuage in Blakeforde Episcopi, worth 14s., held of the bishop of Bath and Wells, as of his manor of Blakeforde, in right of his church, services unknown.
A messuage in West Pennard, worth 6s., held of the abbot of Glastonbury, as of his manor of West Pennard.
A messuage in Wurston in the parish of Burneham, worth 2s., held of the heirs [of] Trowe, as of their manor of Murston, in socage, by a rent of 4s.
A messuage or tenenent with a toft in the town of Glastonbury, worth 2d., held of the aforesaid abbot.
A third part of burgage tenement called ‘Potellis burgage’ in Briggewater, worth 4d., held of William, lord de Zowche, as of the borough of Briggewater, by fealty and a rent of 1d.
A messuage in Putnell in the parish of Canyngton, worth 10s., held of the earl of Northumberland, as of his castle of Stokegurcy, services unknown.
A messuage in Brodelake in the parish of Canyngton, worth 5s., held of John Tremaile, as of his manor of Blakemore, in socage, by a rent of a pair of gloves.
3 tenements in Cheselate, or Cheselake, Sampforde and Pery in the parish of Wemdon; whereof the lands in Cheselake, worth 40s., are held of Nicholas Bluet, those in Sampforde, worth 3s., are held of John Broughton, and those in Pery, worth 2s., are held of William Strode; services unknown.
1a. arable in Sutton Malet, worth 12d., held of William Malet, as of his manor of Sutton Malet, services unknown.
Manor of Wryngton and rents of 2s. and 1 lb. pepper in Wrington, whereof the manor, worth 100s., is held of the abbot of Glastonbury.
A messuage in Ligh in the parish of Wryngton, worth 6s. 8d., held of the same abbot, services unknown.
22d. rent in Siddecote in the parish of Wynnescombe.
Manors of Overlangford, Netherlangford, Whatley, Synderlond and Whatmans, in the parishes of Beryngton and Churchehill; whereof the manors of Overlangford, Netherlangford and Whatley, worth 10s., are held of the abbot of Glastonbury in right of his monastery, and the manor of Whatmans, alias the lands called ‘Whatmans,’ worth 40s., are held of John Kerne, as of his manor of Keme; services unknown.
Manor of Godwynsbower and lands &c. in Godwynsbower, Dunwere, Estbower, Slape and Mollisney, alias manors of Godwynsbower, Dunwere, Estbowere, Slape and Molysney, worth 7l., held of William Hody, knight, as of his manor of Otterhampton.
Manor of Estbagborowe, held of the bishop of Bath and Wells, as of his manor of Bishop’s Lidiard, services unknown.
Lands &c. in Compton Bishop, Westbury, Wellys, Wybbyngton, Whokihole and Berton, worth 40s., held of the same bishop, as of his manor of Westbury, services unknown.
Lands in Hamme, worth 20d., held of the abbot of Athelney.
Lands in Weston Abbatis, worth 20s., held of the abbot of Glastonbury, services unknown.
Lands in Andresey, held of Margaret, countess of Richemond, as of her manor of Cory Ryvell, services unknown.
Lands in Peryton, worth 6s. 8d., held of Joan Pye, as of her manor of Periton, by a rent of 1 lb. pepper.
Lands in Pawlet, worth 10s., held of the master of Gawntis [hospital], Bristoll.
Lands in Downend, worth 3s. 4d., held in burgage of the lord of the borough of Dounend by a rent of 7s.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (43.) E. Series II. File 897d. (16.)
525. JOHN WILLIAMS, knight.
Writ and inquisition, 26 November, 24 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee tail of the under-mentioned messuages &c., which were granted to him and the heirs male of his body by letters patent dated 24 May, 21 Henry VII, by the name of all the lands &c. in Exbrige and Baunton late of Thomas Trowe, esquire, which came to the king’s hands by reason of the attainder or forfeiture of the said Thomas for high treason.
He died 15 June, 23 Henry VII. Reynold Williams, aged 15 years and more, is his son and heir.
DEVON. 3 messuages, 100a. land, 200a. pasture and 5s. rent in Exbrige and Baunton, worth 5 marks, held of the king in chief, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (44.)
Writ of dower 13 December,
assignment of dower 20 December, 24 Henry VII.
The escheator, in the presence of William Peperell, Roger Elford, Stephen Horsewyll and others, the next friends of Reynold Williams, son and heir of the said John, assigned to her:—
DEVON. A third part of 3 messuages, 100a. land, 200a. pasture and 5s. rent in Exbrygge and Baunton.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (44A.)
527. THOMAS TREMAYLE, knight.
Writ 7 November, inquisition 20 November, 24 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Bothemeston and lands &c. in Northpetherton, Dunster, Bagynhuys and Roode.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Blakmore, and the day before his death (die (fn. 3) ante obitum suum) gave it by charter to John Tremayle, his son, and Elizabeth, the latter’s wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to his own right heirs. The said John and Elizabeth are still seised thereof in fee tail.
He died 10 September last. Philip Tremayle, aged 40 years and more, is his son and heir.
SOMERSET. Lands &c. in Northpetherton, worth 4l., held of Nicholas Bluet, esquire, as of his manor of Northpetherton, services unknown.
Manor of Bothemeston, worth 100s., held of John Speke, knight, as of his manor of Whitlakenton, services unknown.
Manor of Blakmore, worth 100s., held of John Compton, as of his manor of Chilton Trevit.
Lands &c. in Dunster, worth 20s., held of Hugh Lutterell, knight, as of his castle of Dunster, services unknown.
Lands &c. in Bagynhuys, worth 20s., held of Hugh Lutterell, knight, services unknown.
40a. land in Roode, worth 13s. 4d., held of Amyas Paulet, knight, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (45.) E. Series II. File 897d. (20.)
Writ 23 November, inquisition 28 November, 24 Henry VII.
Long before his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Welcomb and Suttecomb, and advowson of the church of the manor of Suttecomb, and by his charter dated 8 October, 16 Henry VII, granted them to Thomas Stukelegh and John Hyll of Shylston, esquires, John More of Columpton, Lewis Pollard, Ralph Slader, Roger Holland and John Eston, their heirs and assigns; and the said feoffees re-granted the same by charter to him and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs male of their bodies. Elizabeth survives, and is seised of the premises in her demesne as of free tenement.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Marton and Alfardysworthy and advowson of Marton.
He died 5 September, 24 Henry VII. John Stowell, aged 14 years and more, is his son and heir.
DEVON. Manor of Welcomb, worth 10 marks, held of John Arundell, knight, as of his manor of Conorton, in free socage.
Manor of Suttecomb and advowson of the church thereof, worth 10l., held of the lady Margaret, countess of Richymount and Derby, as of her manor of Barnastaple, by knight-service.
Manor of Alfardisworthy, worth 40s., held of John Cruysse of Morchard, as of his manor of Morchard, services unknown.
Manor of Marton and advowson of the church thereof, worth 20l., held of the countess of Richymount and Derby, as of her manor of Barnastaple, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (46.)
529. GILES DAWBENEY of Dawbeney, knight.
Writ 13 November, inquisition 28 March, 24 Henry VII.
Long before his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors, and by his indented charter dated 20 August, 1 Richard III, enfeoffed thereof Thomas Graynfeld, esquire, and Thomas Glynne, who afterwards, by their charter dated 17 September, 1 Richard III, demised them to the said Giles Dawbeney and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs and assigns of Giles. Elizabeth survives and has held herself in the manors by survivorship.
He died 21 May, 23 Henry VII. Henry Dawbeney, aged 14 years and more, is his son and heir.
CORNWALL. Manors of Trenay and [P]ollerewan, worth 20l., held of Nicholas Vaus and Thomas Leighton, knights, as of their manor of Penpoll, by fealty and suit of court.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (47.)
530. WILLIAM LITELTON, knight.
Writ . . November, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 18 January, 24 Henry VII.
Long before his death, in Hilary term, 14 Henry VII, he suffered a recovery of the under-mentioned manor of Collesdon to William Houghton and Ralph Shirley, knights, Thomas Kebill, serjeant-at-law, John Whityngton, esquire, Richard Litelton, Thomas Marowe, Robert Bruden[ell] and John Heth, to the use of himself and Mary, his wife, during her life, and his heirs; and the recoverors were seised thereof accordingly to that use.
Long before his death, in Hilary term, 19 Henry VII, rot. 149, John Veysy, clerk, and Thomas Whytington, then feoffees to the use of him and Mary, his wife, during her life, and his heirs, suffered a recovery of the under-mentioned manor of Fraunkeley and lands &c. in Fraunkeley to Thomas Litelton, Arthur Collewyche, John Whytington and John Cotes; and the said recoverors were seised of the premises accordingly to the use aforesaid.
By his last will he directed that Mary, his wife, should have the above manors and lands for life.
Long before his death he was seised of the under-mentioned boileries in Droitwych and messuage &c. in the city of Worcester, and by his charter enfeoffed thereof Richard Litelton, Thomas Litelton, Edward Litelton, Nicholas Brome, John Whytington and Edward Ferrers, their heirs and assigns, for the performance of his last will. By his said will he directed that out of the profits and rents of the said boileries, messuage &c. his said feoffees should provide a priest to celebrate for his soul by the space of seven years, receiving 8 marks yearly, and also pay his debts and 400 marks for the marriage of his daughter Elizabeth and 100 marks for her support, she to be under the governance of Mary, her mother, and that afterwards they should stand seised of the premises to the use of his heirs.
Death and heir as in No. 517.
WORCESTER. Manor of Collesdon, worth 8l. 6s. 8d., held of the bishop of Worcester by fealty only.
Manor of Fraunkeley and 2 messuages, 200a. land, 100a. meadow, 200a. pasture, 200a. wood and 100a. heath in Fraunkeley, worth 19l., held as above.
2 boileries of salt water in Droitwyche, worth 13s. 4d., held of the king in free burgage by fealty.
A messuage, 5 cottages and 3 gardens in the city of Worcester, worth 4l., held of the king in free burgage by fealty.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (48.)
531. ROBERT TYRELL, knight.
Writ 10 July, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 30 March, 24 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Coggars and lands &c. in Coryngham, Sheryngham, Harvorstoke, Spryngfeld, Buttisbury, Steple Bumpstede, Stamborn and Brydbroke, and granted them by charter to John Chester, Thomas Bullysdon, Henry Wodcoke, Nicholas Warley, Robert Amadas, John Corbett, William Haryes and William Cawode, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, to the use of Elizabeth Hygham, widow, who survives, for her life, and after her death to the use of him, the said Robert Tyrell, and his heirs, and for the performance of his last will.
By his last will he directed that, after payment of his debts and performance of his said will, his son Robert should have all his lands &c. in tail, with remainder to his daughter, Margery Bryce, in tail; ‘except 10 markes by yere that shalbe sold by my executoures and disposid for the helth of my soule and all their soules that I am bounden to pray for.’ Also he willed that Thomas, his eldest son, should have 10 marks yearly ‘to hys exhibucion at Cambrigge or Oxenford or in any other place where it shall please hym unto the tyme he shalbe preferryd to a benefice of 30l. by yere.’
He was also seised in fee jointly with Robert Tyler, John Snelhake and Edmund Stebbyng, now deceased, and John [Brokhole], son of Richard Brokhole, who survives, of the under-mentioned lands in Riddiswell, to the use of himself and his heirs; and afterwards made his will as above.
John Richmonde was seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuage &c. in Thaxstede, and sold the same to the said Robert, who afterwards made his will as above.
He died 1 July, 23 Henry VII. Thomas Tyrell, aged 30 years and more, is his son and heir.
ESSEX. A capital messuage with 80a. land and 2a. meadow in Thaxstede, worth 5 marks, held of the king, as of the honor of Clare, by service of three-fourths of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Coggars in Coryngham, and a tenement and 20a. land called ‘Danyelles,’ with pasture for 30 sheep, in Coryngham and Sheryngham, worth 10l., held of Thomas Fyssher, gentleman, as of his manor of Owld Hall, by fealty and a rent of 20s.
7a. land called ‘Brokes,’ a croft of land. called ‘Masons,’ and a tenement and 14a. land late of John Byglon, worth 20s., held of Thomas Tyrell, knight, by fealty only.
A tenement and 60a. wood, meadow and pasture called ‘Danyelles’ in Harvorstoke, a messuage and 30a. land called ‘Brownes,’ a croft called ‘Carters’ and 50a. wood and meadow in Coryngham, Sheryngham, Harvorstoke and Spryngfeld, and a windmill in Harvorstoke and Buttisbury, worth 40s., held of the earl of Urmond by fealty only.
Lands and tenements called ‘Messynges’ in Steple Bumpstede, Stamborn and Brydbroke, worth 40s., held of William Gent, as of his manor of Moynes, by fealty and a rent of 4d.
2 crofts of arable and a parcel of meadow in Riddiswell.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (49.)
532. GRACE DANYELL, widow.
Writ 14 February, inquisition 29 March, 24 Henry VII.
Henry Stampe was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Messyng and messuages &c. in Messyng, Inneworth and Feryng, and gave them to Richard Baynard and the heirs of his body. After Richard’s death the premises descended to the said Grace Danyell as his daughter and heir, and she died seised thereof in fee tail.
The same Henry Stampe was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Knybso, Brychehall and Brychecastell, and gave them to the said Richard Baynard and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of the body of Richard. Richard survived Margaret, and on his death the manors descended to Grace Danyell, as above.
The said Grace died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Hardburght, 7s. 3d. rent, and messuage &c. in Copford.
She died 2 January last. John Danyell, aged 23 years and more, is her son and heir.
ESSEX. Manor of Messyng, worth 20l. 2s. 9d., held of the king, as of his honor of Reymes, by service of one knight’s fee.
2 messuages, 100a. land and 3a. meadow called ‘Suttons’ and ‘Goterys,’ alias ‘Gutters,’ in Messyng, Inneworth and Feryng, worth 3l. 14d., held of the abbot of St. Peter’s, Westminster, as of his manor of Feryng, services unknown.
Manor of Knybso, alias Baynardes, in Maylond, worth 12l., held of Robert Payton, knight, by service of a fourth part of a knight’s fee.
Manors of Brychehall and Brychecastell in Great Bryche and Little Bryche, worth 12l. 12s. 4 1/2d., held of Robert Payton aforesaid by fealty and a rent of a clove yearly at Christmas.
Manor of Hardburght with appurtenances in Messyng, worth 9l., held of the king, as of his honor of Reymes, by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
7s. 3d. rent issuing from divers lands &c. in the said county, and a messuage and 40a. land in Copford, held of Henry Tey, knight, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (50.)
Writ 8 June, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 28 March, 24 Henry VII.
Long before his death he was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, moieties and messuages &c.; and, being so seised, he enfeoffed John Fortescu of Wynston, John Kerton and John Cole of all his messuages &c. in Trewyn and Trenode, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, to the use of himself and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, as appears by a schedule annexed to the feoffment. Elizabeth is still living, and John Fortescu and John Cole, the surviving feoffees, are still seised to her use for the term of her life.
He died 24 July, 23 Henry VII. Joan wife of Edmund Bray, aged 18 years and more, is his daughter and heir.
CORNWALL. Manor of Trewyn, and 7 messuages, 300a. land, 20a. wood, 7a. meadow and 40a. furze and heath in Trewyn, Trethiest, Treledyan, Trenaynowe, Hendre, Culbasowe, Kestell, Combe and West Trenaynowe, parcel of the said manor, worth 5l., held of William Seye, knight, as of his manor of Halton, services unknown.
Moiety of the manor of Trenode, and a moiety of 8 messuages, 40a. land, 15a. wood, 6a. meadow, 30a. furze and heath and 30s. rent in Trenode, Trenodemylle, Est Trenode, Trebrown, Trebrownbrygge and Fentenvanus, parcel of the moiety of the said manor, worth 3l., held of the king, as of his manor of Lantyan, parcel of the [lands late of the] countess of Salisbury, by knight-service.
9 messuages, 50a. land, 7a. meadow, 10a. wood and 10a. furze and heath in Pennarth, Polgover, Wryngworthy, Laylond, Lantonell atte Hyll and Myllond, worth 40s., held of John Tregodek, as of his manor of Pennarth, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (51.)
Writ 7 July, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 20 March, 24 Henry VII.
John Wareyn was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of West Newelond, and by his charter dated at St. Lawrence, 6 April, 13 Edward IV, granted it to Robert Rouchestre and Elizabeth, his wife, and the heirs male of the body of Robert. Elizabeth survived her husband, and is still seised of the manor in her demesne as of free tenement.
The said Robert was sole seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Scarlettes, and by his charter dated at Terlyng, 2 October, 23 Henry VII, granted an annuity of 9 marks therefrom to Griselda West, late the wife of John Rouchestre, gentleman, for life, with a right to distraint in case of non-payment.
He was also sole seised in fee of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Hatfeld Peverell &c., and by his charter dated at Hatfeld aforesaid, 2 October, 23 Henry VII, granted them to the aforesaid Griselda and the heirs of the bodies of John Rouchestre and Griselda aforesaid; and Griselda was seised thereof accordingly in fee tail.
Thomas Mongomery and Thomas Urswik, knights, Richard Hawte, Thomas Cornwayles, Humphrey Tyrell and Robert Tyrell, esquires, William Howard, chaplain, Thomas Hotoft, William Garlond, John Nynge and John Rawelyn were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Ryngers, and by their charter dated 9 February, 17 Edward IV, granted it to Robert Rouchestre, Thomas Grene, Thomas Salle, Geoffrey Yong, John Rampston, John Rouchestre, Thomas Rouchestre, Edmund Mone and Hugh Smyth, their heirs and assigns. Robert died, and John Rochestre survived him and held himself in the manor by survivorship, and was and is sole seised thereof in his demesne as of fee.
Robert died 15 May last. William Rouchester, son of John Rouchestre his son and heir, aged 11 years and more, is his next heir.
ESSEX. Manor of West Newlond in the town of St. Lawrence, Steple, [Bradwell] and Tynlyngham, worth 30l., held of the earl of Essex, as of his manor of Hashingdon Hall, service unknown.
Manor of Scarlettes, with appurtenances in the parishes of Terlyng, Fayersted and Great Lyeghes, held of the bishop of Norwich, as of his manor of Terlyng, service unknown; worth 20s. after deduction of the above-mentioned annuity of 9 marks.
6 messuages or tenements, 300a. land, meadow, pasture and wood and 5l. rent in Hatfeld Peverell, Oughtyng, Fayersted, Terlyng, White Notley, Black Notley and Great Lighes, worth 17l., held of Thomas Cheyny, knight, as of his manor of Notley Hall, and of John Fortescu, esquire, as of his manor of Falkborne, service unknown.
Manor of Ryngers, with appurtenances in the towns, parishes and fields of Terlyng, Boreham, Spryngfeld, Little Waltham and Great Lighes, worth 6l., held of the bishop of Norwich, as of his manor of Terling, by service of one knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (52.)
535. WILLIAM MIRFELD, knight.
Writ 8 October, inquisition 19 October, 24 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Hopton and 10 messuages &c. in Mirfeld and Morley, and enfeoffed thereof John Savile, the elder, John Savile, the younger, William Gascoigne and Hugh Haistynges, knights, and Thomas Savile, esquire, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of himself and his heirs. William Gascoigne and Hugh Haistynges released by deed all their right in the premises to the other feoffees, who by their charter enfeoffed thereof Thomas Burgh, William Gascoigne, Hugh Haistynges, Henry Vavasour, Robert Rither, Thomas Fitzwilliam, William Fitzwilliam and John Nevile, knights, and Gervase Clifton, John Fitzwilliam, Ralph Reresby, Edmund Fitzwilliam and Richard Fitzwilliam, esquires, to hold for the life of Anne late wife of the said William Mirfeld, without impeachment of waste, with remainder after her death to the said William and his heirs. Of the said feoffees Ralph Reresby and Richard Fitzwilliam survive, and are seised of the premises to the use of the said Anne.
He was also seised in fee of the under-mentioned 2 messuages in Wakfeld, and enfeoffed thereof Thomas Fitzwilliam, knight, Edmund Fitzwilliam, William Savile and Ralph Amyas, to hold for the life of the said Anne; and they were seised thereof accordingly to her use.
He was also seised in fee of the under-mentioned 28 messuages &c. in Morley, Batley, Drightlyngton &c., and enfeoffed thereof Guy Fairfax, William Gascoigne, John Savile and Thomas Fitzwilliam, knights, and William Savile and Thomas Savile, esquires, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of himself and his heirs. Of the said feoffees William Gascoigne survives, and is seised of the premises by survivorship to the use aforesaid.
He was also seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor of Smeton and 8 messuages &c. in Smeton, Puknall &c., and enfeoffed thereof Thomas Fitzwilliam, knight, Edmund Fitzwilliam, Roger Hickes and John Longbothome, to hold to them and their heirs to the use of himself and his heirs. Roger Hickes and John Longbothome survive, and are seised of the premises by survivorship to the use aforesaid.
He was also seised in fee of the under-mentioned 3a. meadow in Wilmersley, and died so seised.
The aforesaid Anne, late his wife, is still alive, and lives at Howley.
He died 30 May last. William Mirfeld, esquire, aged 22 years and more, is his son and heir.
YORK. Manor of Hopton, and 10 messuages, 100a. arable, 60a. pasture, 20a. meadow, 6a. wood and 6d. rent in Mirfeld and Morley; manor of Smeton, and 8 messuages, 100a. land, 40a. pasture, 20a. meadow and 3s. rent in Smeton, Puknall, Stubbes, Morley, Wodkyrke, West Erdeslawe and Laghton in Morthyng; 28 messuages, 500a. land, 200a. pasture, 100a. meadow, 20a. wood, 200a. moor and 20s. rent in Morley, Batley, Drightlyngton, Gildershome, Mirfeld, Hudersfeld, Kirkheton, Bolton in Bradforth Dale, Newestede by Lede, Saxton, Halifax, Chekynley, Heton by Osset and Wakffeld; and 2 messuages in Wakfeld. The said manors and all the premises in Hopton, Smeton, Mirfeld, Morley, Drightlyngton, Gildershome, Batley, Hudersfeld, Kirkheton, Bolton in Bradford Dale and Newestede by Lede, worth 120 marks, are held of the king, as of his honor of Pontefract, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, services unknown. The premises in Wakfeld, Heton by Osset and Chekynley, worth 5 marks, are held of the king, as of his manor or lordship of Wakfeld, parcel of the duchy of York, by socage, to wit, by fealty and a rent of 3s. 6d. The premises in Halifax, worth 20s., are held of the prior of Lewes, services unknown. The premises in Laghton in Morthyng, worth 4 marks, are held of the king, as of his honor of Tikhill, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, services unknown. The premises in Stubbes, worth 20s., are held of William Droncefeld, services unknown.
3a. meadow in Wilmersley, worth 3s. 4d., held of William Gascoigne, knight, by a rent of 9d., other services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (53.)
Writ of Mandamus, wanting; inquisition 6 November, 24 Henry VII.
Long before his death he was seised of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in the city of Exeter, St. Sidwell’s fee, Dyreard fee, Topsam, Raplyngheys, Weryngston, Honyton, Dunkeswell and Ayssheperton, and by his charter dated 20 January, 22 Henry VII, granted them to John Kyrkeham, John Tremayle, John Underdon and Philip Stoford, their heirs and assigns. The said grantees, by their charter dated 1 August, 22 Henry VII, granted the premises to Alice, late the wife of the said William, for life, with successive remainders to Thomas Style, son and heir of William, and the heirs of his body, to Isabel and Joan, daughters of the said William, and the heirs of their bodies, and to Juliana, sister of the said William, and her heirs and assigns.
The said William died seised of the under-mentioned messuages &c. in Otery St. Mary. The said Alice entered into them on his death, and is still seised of them for the term of her life according to the custom of the manor of Otery.
He died 12 January, 21 Henry VII. Thomas Style, aged 22 years and more, is his son and heir. Since his death the said Alice has taken all the issues and profits of the premises.
DEVON. 4 messuages with curtilages adjacent, 20a. pasture and 4a. meadow in Otery St. Mary, worth 10a., held of the warden and canons of the college of Otery St. Mary.
2 messuages and a garden in the city of Exeter, worth 56s. 8d., held of the mayor and bailiffs of the city in socage.
A messuage with curtilage adjacent and 3 closes of land in St. Sidwell’s fee (feodum Sancte Sativole) without the East gate of the said city, worth 28s. 4d., held of the dean and chapter of Exeter in socage.
A close of land in Dereyeard fee without the East gate aforesaid, worth 6s. 8d., held of the mayor and bailiffs of Exeter in socage.
2 closes of land (containing by estimate 30a.) in Topsam without the South gate of the said city, worth 24s., held of Edward, earl of Devon, services unknown.
A messuage, 30a. pasture and 8a. meadow in Raplyngheys called ‘Strete,’ and a messuage, 20a. pasture and 4a. meadow in Weryngston, worth 54s. 8d., held of the abbot of Dunkeswell in socage.
A messuage with a garden adjoining, and 2 closes of land estimated to contain 8a., in Honyton, worth 13s. 4d., held of William Courteney, knight, in socage.
8a. (fn. 4) land in Ayssheperton, worth 6s. 8d., held of Hugh, bishop of Exeter, in socage.
10s. rent issuing from his lands and tenements in Dunkeswell.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (54.)
Writ 12 October, inquisition 8 November, 24 Henry VII.
Edward Knevett, late father of the said Elizabeth Raynesford, whose heir she was, was seised in fee of both the under-mentioned manors of Castelyns, and granted them by deed of feoffment to Richard Badby, his heirs and assigns, to the use of himself (the said Edward) and his heirs. Afterwards, in Easter term, 14 Henry VII, the said Richard Badby suffered a recovery of the manors to Thomas Tirell, Robert Peyton and Robert Clere, knights, John Marny and Ralph Chamberleyn, to the use of Katharine Marny, daughter of Henry Marny, knight, and late the wife of Edward Knevett aforesaid, for her life, and after her death to the use of the said Edward and his heirs, in accordance with certain indentures made between the said Henry and Edward touching a covenant of marriage between the said Edward and Katharine. The marriage was solemnized, and afterwards Edward died and Katharine survived him, and still survives. At the time of Elizabeth’s death the aforesaid recoverors were seised of the manors to the use of the said Katharine for life, and after her death to the use of Elizabeth and her heirs. At the time of Edward’s death Elizabeth was his daughter and next heir.
The said Elizabeth died seised of the under-mentioned manor of Sampfordes.
Death and heirs as in No. 457.
SUFFOLK. Manor of Castelyns in Grotton, worth 5l., held of the provost of the college of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, Cambridge, in right of the said college, as of the priory of Kersey, by service of 2s. yearly.
Manor of Castelyns in Grotton (sic), (fn. 5) worth 5l., held of the king, as of his honor of Clare, services unknown.
Manor of Sampfordes, in Great and Little Waldyngfeld, worth 8l., held of the king, as above, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (55.)
538. THOMAS HETHE, ‘gentilman.’
Writ 28 March, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 25 November, 24 Henry VII.
John Petyt, John Rachford, chaplain, William Butler and John Marres were seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c., and granted them by charter to the said Thomas Heth and Margaret, his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to one Roger Heth and his heirs. Margaret is still living.
Thomas died 6 January last. Roland Heth, then aged 11 years, is his son and heir.
STAFFORD. A messuage and a cottage in Bloxwych, worth 5 marks, held of the king, (by reason of the lands late of the countess of Warwick having come to the king’s hands by a fine levied by the said countess in the king’s favour), by fealty, suit of court and a rent of 3s.
3 closes called ‘Blakeleys’ in Bentley, worth 40s., held of Richard Lane, gentleman, by fealty, suit of court and 2d. yearly.
A close in Esyngton, worth 5s., held of John Cleyton and Rose, his wife, by fealty and a yearly rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (56.) E. Series II. File 1017. (25.)
539. JOAN TALBOT, widow.
Writ of Mandamus 3 November, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 20 January, 24 Henry VII.
Findings as in No. 185, mutatis mutandis.
LINCOLN. A third part of the manor of Roppesley, and 6 messuages, 4 cottages, 3 tofts, 300a. land, 40a. meadow, 60a. pasture, 30a. wood and 22s. rent in Ropesley, worth 6l. 9s., held of the lord de Rosse, as of his castle of Bever, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (57.)
540. JOAN TALBOT, widow.
Writ 18 May, 22 Henry VII; inquisition 30 November, 24 Henry VII.
She died 3 October, 22 Henry VII.
Other findings as in No. 185, mutatis mutandis.
WARWICK. 2 messuages, 2 cottages, 300a. land, 200a. pasture, 24a. meadow and 20a. wood in Corley, worth 32s., held of George, lord Burgayne, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (58.) E. Series II. File 1116. (95.)
541. THOMAS TREMAYLE, knight.
Writ 27 September, inquisition 10 November, 24 Henry VII.
He held no lands of the king, but died seised in fee of the under-mentioned lands &c.
Death and heir as in No. 527.
DEVON. A messuage, 100a. land and 20a. wood in Sydbery, worth 4 marks, held of the dean and chapter of Exeter, services unknown.
20a. land in Sydbury, worth 10s., held of Edward Courteney, earl of Devon, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (59.)
542. JOAN TALBOT, widow.
Writ of Mandamus 3 November, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 26 November, 24 Henry VII.
Findings as in No. 185, mutatis mutandis.
NORTHAMPTON. Manor of Cotun, 8 messuages, 200a. land, 50a. meadow, 200a. pasture and 2a. wood in Cotun, and 6 messuages, 120a. land, 40a. meadow and 108a. pasture in Ravensthorp, worth 14l., held of the king, as of his honor of Peverell, by a rent of 2s.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (60.)
543. JOAN NEVELL, widow.
Writ 15 May, inquisition 4 November, 23 Henry VII.
William Staveley and Alice, his wife, Thomas Sapcote and Joan, his wife, and Joan Nevell, widow, suffered a recovery of the under-mentioned manor and lands &c. to Humphrey Conyngesby, John Yaxley and Robert Constable, serjeants-at-law, who were seised thereof accordingly in fee to the use of the said William and Alice, Thomas and Joan, and Joan Nevell. The said Humphrey survived the other recoverors, and was [and is] sole seised tot he use aforesaid.
The said Joan Nevell died 12 March, 23 Henry VII. Richard Floure, aged 40 years and more, is her son and heir.
LINCOLN. Manor of Taunton, advowson of the church of Nether Taunton, and 16 messuages, 14 tofts, 1115a. land, 655a. meadow, 330a. pasture, 600a. marsh, 6l. 17s. 8d. rent and a rent of 4 1/2 quarters of salt in Over Taunton, Nether Taunton, Halton, Frysby, Asby, Irby, Braytofte, Hundilby, Waynflete, Tetford, Worleby and Starkell; whereof—
The manor of Taunton alias Over Taunton, worth 40 marks, is held of the lord Willoughby by a rent of 5s. 4d.;
4l. 2s. 2d. rent of assise of divers tenements within the manor of Over Taunton, 35s. 10d. rent of assise in Halton, 6 messuages, 100a. land and 16a. meadow in Halton, and 2 messuages, 16a. land and 20a. meadow and pasture in Hundilby, worth 20l., are held of the lord Willoughby by service of suit of court yearly;
A toft and 4a. land in Frysby, worth 20s., are held of the abbot of Bardeney, as of the manor of Frysby, by suit of court;
1a. land and 2 messuages and 16a. land in Assheby, Irby and Braytofte, worth 26s. 8d., are held of the heirs of John Coupildyk by suit of court once yearly;
The lands and tenements in Wayneflet, worth 40s., are held of the king, as of his duchy of Lancaster, as of the manor of Waynflete, by suit of court;
A messuage and 40a. land and pasture in Tetford, worth 40s., are held of Richard Thymylby of Tetford by suit of court;
2 messuages in Worleby and a toft and croft in Esterkell, worth 13s. 4d., are held of William, lord de Willoughby, as of his manor of Esterkell, by suit of court once yearly;
2 messuages in Halton, worth 20s., are held of the prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, as of his manor of Assheby, by suit of court; and
The lands and tenements in Hundilby, worth 40s., are held of the lord Willoughby by suit of court.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (61.)
Writ 4 October, inquisition 14 November, 24 Henry VII.
He was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Stansfeld and Herteshede and 3 messuages, 200a. land, 100a. meadow, 200a. pasture, 40a. wood and 6s. rent in Stansfeld, Waddesworth and Herteshede, and by his charter enfeoffed thereof John Lacy, Percival Thornton, Robert Sutcliff, John Hall, chaplain, Edward Stansfeld and Thomas Lister, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns, to the use of himself and his heirs. At his special request the said feoffees granted the said manor of Herteshede and a close in Stansfeld called ‘Rawsonfeld,’ parcel of the said tenements in Stansfeld, to James Stansfeld, his kinsman and heir, and Ellen, daughter of Alexander Paslewe, and the heirs male of the body of James, in fulfilment of certain covenants contained in indentures made between him and the said Alexander touching a marriage between the said James and Ellen. Also at his request the said feoffees granted to Robert Stansfeld, his son, a yearly rent of 26s. 8d. issuing from the manor of Stansfeld, for life, and to John Stansfeld, his son, 3 messuages in Waddesworth called ‘Redecarre,’ ‘Hilhous’ and ‘Wynterroide,’ with lands and tenements pertaining thereto, for life. John is still seised thereof accordingly.
At the time of his death the said Geoffrey was seised jointly with Margaret, his wife,—he in his demesne as of in fee and she in her demesne as of free tenement,—of 4 messuages with appurtenances in Stansfeld in the respective tenures of Peter Tomson, Laurence Stansfeld, John Grenewode and John Hanson, and a messuage with appurtenances in Herteshede in the tenure of William Rayner; and he died seised of such estate therein. Margaret survived him, and is still seised of the premises by survivorship.
Margaret late the wife of Ralph Stansfeld held for life a messuage and lands &c. called ‘Barkerflatt’ and a close called ‘Jomppes’ in Herteshede, and 3 messuages with appurtenances in Stansfeld, called ‘Swyneshede,’ ‘Overasshes’ and ‘Nethirasshes,’ with reversion to the said Geoffrey and his heirs.
Geoffrey died 1 October last. James Stansfeld, aged 14 years and married to the above-mentioned Ellen, is his kinsman and heir, to wit, son of Ralph his son.
YORK. The manor of Stansfeld and all the premises there, worth 20 marks, are held of Thomas Sotehill, esquire, in socage.
The manor of Herteshede and all the premises there, worth 13 marks, are held of the prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England in socage.
The premises in Waddesworth, worth 40s., are held of Henry Sayvill, son and heir of John Sayvill, knight, in socage.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (62.)
545. JOAN DREWE, widow.
Writ of Mandamus 12 October, inquisition 10 November, 24 Henry VII.
At the time of her death the said Joan, lately the wife of William Drewe, was seised in fee tail of the under-mentioned lands &c. in Sherpeham, Stretysparkes, Hillonde by Medeparke and Medeparke by Badeparke, and the under-mentioned messuage, 12a. meadow and 10a. arable in Wercomb and messuage and 24a. arable in Wercomb and Blawdon.
Also she was seised in fee, in coparcenary with John Somester and Edward Litelton, of the under-mentioned third part of 100a. land in Wercomb &c. and messuages &c. in Stokedon.
She died on the eve of St. Martin, 20 Henry VII. Henry Drwe, aged 60 years and more, is her son and heir.
DEVON. A messuage, 5a. garden, 3a. wood, 30a. arable, 2a. pasture and 2a. furze and heath in Sherpeham, worth 26s. 8d. held of Robert Hyll, prior, and the convent of the house and church of St. Mary, Totnes, as of their manor of Aysshprynton, services unknown.
24a. arable in Stretysparkes, 20a. arable in Hillond by Medeparke, 2a. arable in Medeparke by Badeparke, and a messuage, 12a. meadow and 10a. arable in Wercomb, worth 32s., held of the prior and convent aforesaid, as of the said manor, in free socage, other services unknown.
A messuage and 24a. arable in Wercomb and Blawdon, worth 13s. 4d., held of Humphrey Walronde and John Holeway, as of their manor of Tibecombe, in free socage.
Third part of 100a. land in Wercomb by the water of Dart, Torcomb in le Rode and Somerystyfforlonge, and 6a. land on Brokeholl, worth 14s., held of the aforesaid prior and convent, as of their said manor of Aysshpryngton, in free socage, other services unknown.
4 messuages and 3 ferlings of land in Stokedon, [or a third part thereof], and a third part of other lands and tenements there, worth 20s., held of Humphrey Fulford, knight, and John Chechestre, as of their manor of Aveton Gyffard, in free socage.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (63.)
546. JOHN WILLIAMS, knight.
Writ, wanting; inquisition 26 November, 24 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee tail of the under-mentioned manor, advowson and messuages &c., which were granted to him and the heirs male of his body by letters patent dated 24 May, 21 Henry VII, by the name of the said manor and advowson and all the lands &c. in the county late of Thomas Trowe, esquire, which came to the king’s hands by reason of the attainder or forfeiture of the said Thomas for high treason.
Death and heir as in No. 524.
SOMERSET. Manor of Playnesfeld, advowson of the church of Ashold, and 28 messuages, a watermill, 15 closes, 400a. land, 400a. pasture and 16s. rent in Toukeswell, Ashholt, Milverton, Donsterre, Netherstowey, Overstowey, Padnaller, Stokgursy, Wyke, Tenehill, Wutheston, Burnham, Dounend, Purueton, Wollavyngton, Shelton, Edyngton, Catecote, Bryggewater, Taunton and Asshehill, worth 27l., held of the king in chief, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (64.) E. Series II. File 897d. (15.)
Writ 13 November, inquisition 30 November, 24 Henry VII.
Elizabeth Pomerey, widow, late the wife of Richard Pomerey, knight, was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor &c., and suffered a recovery thereof in Hilary term, 15 Henry VII (rot. 142), to John Shepcote, knight, John Kyrkeham, esquire, Thomas Appelforde, clerk, and George Vyall, who by their charter granted the same to her for life, with remainders successively to Thomas Pomerey, named in the writ, and the heirs male of his body, to Edward Pomerey, knight, and the heirs male of his body, and to the right heirs of Elizabeth. After the death of Elizabeth the said Thomas Pomerey entered into the premises and died seised thereof in fee tail without heir of his body. After his death the said Edward entered, and is still seised thereof in fee tail.
Thomas died 12 August last. The said Edward Pomerey, knight, aged 30 years and more, is his brother and heir.
SOMERSET. Manor of Corscombe, and 44 messuages, 7 mills, 1000a. land, 12a. meadow, 8a. wood, 300a. furze and heath, 26s. 3 1/2d. rent and rents of 1 1/2 lb. pepper and 2 lb. cummin in Corscomb, Dynner, Nunney, Prestley, Shepton Malet, Barton and Glastonbury, worth 20l., held of Henry, prince of Wales, as of his manor of Cory Malet, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (65.) E. Series II. File 897d. (21.)
548. ROBERT STAWELL, esquire.
Writ 23 November, inquisition 28 November, 24 Henry VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors and messuages &c. on 5 September, 24 Henry VII. John Stawell, aged 14 years and more, is his son and heir.
SOMERSET. Manor of Codilston, worth 16l., held of the bishop of Winchester, as of his manor and castle of Taunton, by knight-service.
Manor of Stowell, worth 20l., held of the abbot of Glastonbury, as of his manor of Weston, by knight-service.
Manor of Stony Stratton, worth 20l., held of the bishop of Bath by knight-service.
Manor of Meirygge, worth 6l., held of the king by reason of the attainder of the lord de Audeley, as of the manor of Staway, by knight-service.
Manor of Hethcombe, worth 10l., held of Giles Strangweys by knight-service.
8 messuages and 1000a. arable in Lytelton, Bagborowe, Burnham, Lydyerd Poncherton and Catcote, worth 4l., held of the bishop of Winchester in socage, by a rent of 12d. yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (66.) E. Series II. File 897d. (18).
Writ 13 October, inquisition 29 November, 24 Henry VII.
On the day of the death of the said Thomas, and before, George Crowmer, clerk, William Whetnall and William Isaak, esquires, and James Jerforth and Thomas Cleyton, merchants of the staple of Calais, were seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor and lands to the use of the said Thomas Berton and Elizabeth, his wife, and his heirs, and for the performance of his last will after the death of Elizabeth, as appears in a charter dated 18 November, 19 Henry VII. Elizabeth is still living.
Thomas died 3 March last. Thomas Berton, aged 10 years and more, is his son and heir.
KENT. Manor called ‘Cotmanton,’ alias manor of Godmanton, with appurtenances in Sholdon, worth 12l., held of John, abbot of the church of St. Augustine without the walls of the city of Canterbury, in right of his church, by service of one knight’s fee.
A tenement, 140a. land and 40a. marsh called ‘Fowlm[e]de,’ ‘Northbroke,’ ‘Jacobbys’ and ‘Combefeld,’ in Sholdon, worth 6l., which are of the nature of gavelkind, held of the said abbot, as of his manor of Norborn, by fealty and a rent of 48s. 8d. yearly.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (67.)
550. JOHN MARKHAM, knight.
Writ 13 March, 23 Henry VII; inquisition 20 November, 24 Henry VII.
He died seised of the under-mentioned manors and messuages &c.; the 4 messuages, 130a. land &c. in Kylvyngton, Alverton and Flawborough and the lands in Shelton being held in fee tail, and the remainder in fee.
He died 22 February, 23 Henry VII. John Markham, esquire, aged 22 years and more, is his son and heir.
NOTTINGHAM. Manor of Mapulbek, and 14 messuages, 5 cottages, 288a. land, 44a. meadow, 20a. pasture and 20a. wood in Mapulbek, Kyrsall, Kyrton and Walesby, worth 17l. 17s. 11d., held of the king, as of his honor of Donyngton, co. Leicester, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by suit to the court of Allerton twice yearly.
Manor of Boughton, and 5 messuages, 140a. land, 26a. meadow and 40a. pasture in Boughton and Great Markham, worth 15l. 5s. 9d., held of the king, as of his honor of Tikhill, co. York, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by suit to the court there twice yearly.
12 messuages, 2 cottages, 300a. land, 24a. meadow and 33a. wood in Bothumsell, Upton and Morton, worth 20l., held of the king, as of his honor of Bolyngbrok, co. Lincoln, parcel of his duchy of Lancaster, by 9s. rent and suit to the court of Bothumsell twice yearly.
A messuage, 3 cottages, 80a. land, 10a. meadow and 10a. pasture in Great Markham, worth 4l., held of Edward Bourgh, knight, as of his manor of Dunham on Trent, by 26s. 8d. rent and suit to his court there every three weeks.
2 messuages, 54a. land, 12a. meadow, 6a. pasture and 4a. wood in Sutton on Trent, Stokum and Lanum, worth 30s., held of Richard Basset, esquire, as of his manor of Fledborow, services unknown.
3 messuages, a cottage, 40a. land, 10a. meadow and 10a. pasture in Hawton, worth 7l., held of Robert Molyneux, esquire, as of his manor of Hawton, by a rent of 12 lb. wax, price 6s., and suit to his court there twice yearly.
Manors of Cotom and Stoke, and 19 messuages, 2 cottages, 200a. land, 124a. meadow and 62a. pasture in Cotom, Stoke by Newark, Elston, Newark and Darnthorp, worth 27l., held of the bishop of Lincoln, as of his castle of Newark, by 23s. 9d. rent and suit to his court there twice yearly.
A water-mill called ‘le More Mille’ in Allerton in Shirwod, worth 13s. 4d., held of Edward duke of Buckingham, as of his manor of Kneshall, by a rent of 12d. yearly.
3 messuages, 67a. land, 12a. meadow and 12a. pasture in Kylvyngton and Staunton, worth 4l. 6s. 8d., held of Thomas Staunton, as of his manor of Staunton, by 3s. 4d. rent and suit to his court there once yearly.
4 messuages, 130a. land, 23a. meadow and 23a. pasture in Kylvyngton, Alverton and Flawborough, worth 7l. 3s. 4d., held of the bishop of Lincoln, as of his castle of Newark, by 3s. 9d. rent and suit to his court there twice yearly.
2 messuages, 100a. land, 10a. meadow and 10a. pasture in Shelton, held of Henry Clifford, knight, as of his manor of Malton on Rye, services unknown.
2 messuages, 24a. land, 3a. meadow and 3a. pasture in Shelton, worth 40s., held of Thomas Magnus, clerk, warden of the chapel of St. Mary, Sybthorp, as of his said chapel, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 22. (68.)


  • 1. The Chancery original of the inquisition referred to is missing. The reference of the Exchequer copy is E. 150/892/13.
  • 2. The Chancery inquisition is in bad condition. The Exchequer copy has been used in preparing this abstract.
  • 3. ? recte diu.
  • 4. Also given as 54a., presumably in error.
  • 5. Elsewhere in the inquisition this manor is correctly stated to be in Great and Little Waldyngfeld.