General Index: U

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: U', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'General Index: U', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "General Index: U". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Uckington, Okyngton, co. Glouc., land in, 946.

Ufculme, co. Devon. See Uffculme.

Uffculme, Ufculme, co. Devon. Ses Stenehall.
-, ………, ……, land held of manor of, 1253.

Uffecote, co. Wilts., land in, 1152.

Ufton, Ofton, co. Berks., land in, 877, 934.

Ugborough, Ugbourough, Ugburgh, co. Devon, land in, 755; Wodland in. See Woodland.

Ugbourough, co. Devon. See Ugborough.

Ugburgh, co. Devon. See Ugborough.

Ughterby, co. Cumb. See Oughterby.

Ughtersyde, co. Cumb. See Oughterside.

Ughtred, Henry, grandson and h. of Robert, knt., 341.
-, ………, Robert, esq., s. and h. of Robert, knt., 341.

Ughtred, Robert, knt., York, 341.

Uggehale, co. Suff. See Uggeshall.

Uggele, co. Essex. See Ugley.

Uggeshall, Uggehale, co. Suff., land held of manor of, 1136.

Ugley, Uggele, co. Essex, land in, 291.

Ulcotwra, co. Cumb., land in, 245.

Uldale, Uldall, co. Cumb., Hutton, Matthew, rector of. See Hutton.

Uldall, co. Cumb. See Uldale.

Ullesby, co. Cumb., cottage in, 157.

Ulleswater, co. Cumb., Fishery in, 245.
-, ……, co. Westmd., Fishery in, 10.

Ulstons Manor, co. Norf. See Haveringland.

Ulvyngton, co. York. See Ovington.

Umber of the covert.” See Plumpton.

Umberleigh, Whomberlegh, Womberlegh, co. Devon, manor of, 379, 674.

Umbwell, co. York. See Wombwell.

Umfrey, Richard, &c. See Humphrey.

Underdown, Undirdowne, co. Dorset, land in, 143.

Underhill, Thomas, esq., 1001.

Underwode, James. See Underwood.

Underwood, Underwode, Undirwode, Edward, clk., 886.
-, ………, James, master of Whittington College, London, 854.
-, ………, Robert, clk., 1040.

Undirdowne, co. Dorset. See Underdown.

Undirwode, Edward. See Underwood.

Undyrwode, Weston, co. Bucks. See Weston Underwood.

Unwyn, Thomas, esq., 479, 657, 1198.

Up Clatford, co. Hants. See Clatford.
-, ……… Hall, co. Norf. See Wilby.
-, ……… Otery, co. Devon. See Ottery.
-, ……… Sterthill, co. Dorset. See Stirthill, Upper.
-, ……… Wymbourne, co. Dorset. See Wimborne.

Upchirch, co. Kent. See Upchurch.

Upchurch, Upchirch, co. Kent, land in, 396, 606.

Upcott, Uppecote, in Welcombe, co. Devon, manor of, 155.
-, ……. in Witheridge, co. Devon, manor of, 155.

Updon Lovell, co. Wilts. See Upton.

Uphall Manor, co. Norf. See Hillington.

Uphams, co. Hants. See Bentworth.

Uphill, co. Somers., advowson of, 764; land in, 1150; manor of, 716.

Uplomen, co. Devon. See Uplowman.

Uplomyn, co. Devon. See Uplowman.

Uplowman, Uplomen, Uplomyn, Uppelomyn, co. Devon, land in, 799; manor of, 379, 1231.

Upminster, Upmynster, co. Essex, advowson of, 574.

Upmynster, co. Essex. See Upminster.

Uppecote, co. Devon. See Upcott.

Uppelomyn, co. Devon. See Uplowman.

Upper Brokhampton, co. Heref. See Brockhampton.
-, ……… Lynsted, co. Suff. See Linstead.
-, ……… Slaughter, co. Glouc. See Slaughter.
-, ……… Stirthill, co. Dorset. See Stirthill.

Uppeton, John, &c. See Upton.

Upsall, co. York, knight’s fee in, 675; Lord le Scrope of. See Scrope.

Upthrope, co. Warw, Ward, Thomas, of, See Ward.

Upton, Updon, Uppeton, co. Linc., land in, 639.
-, ……, co. Norf., land in, 916.
-, ……, co. Wilts., manor of, 1063.
-, ……… Cheyney (Channe), co. Glouc., manor of, 116.
-, ……… Helions (Hyllyng, Helyon), co. Devon, advowson (1/8) of, 680; land in, 680.
-, ……… Knoell, co. Wilts. See Knoyle, Upton.
-, ……… Lovell, co. Wilts., manor of, 505.

Upton Payne, co. Devon, advowson of, 235; land in, 235.
-, ……… St. Leonard (Seynt Leonardes), co. Glouc., land in, 128.

Upton, Agnes, wife of John, and sister and h. of John Penels, 498.

Upton, Joan, Devon, 808.

Upton, Joan, wife of William, d. and ch. of Walter Colebrook, 808.
-, ………, John, 498.
-, …….., William, 808.

Upulden, co. Hants, manor of, 103.

Upway, Upwey, co. Dorset, manor (1/2) of, 1065.

Upwell, co. Norf., land in, 210; Welles, Thomas, of. See Welles.

Upwey, co. Dorset. See Upway.

Upwich (Upwick), co. Worc. See Droitwich.

Upwode, co. Hunt. See Upwood.

Upwood, Upwode, co. Hunt., Claryvaux manor in, 412; Deyns manor in, 412.

Urmonde, Anne, &c. See Ormonde.

Urswick, Urswik, Christopher, clk., 1120.
-, ………, Christopher, Dean of York, 1144.
-, ………, Thomas, 1088.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., 468, 477, 542, 544, 548, 552, 558.
-, ………, Thomas, Recorder of London, 82.

Urswick, Thomas, &c. See Urswick.

Usburn, co. York. See Ouseburn.

Uskell, co. York, land in, 1053.

Uton, co. Devon. See Yewton.

Uvedale, Ovedale, Anne, wife of William, and d. and ch. of William Sydney of Banyards, esq, 400.

Uvedale, Elizabeth, widow, late wife of Thomas, knt., and sometime wife of William Sydney, of Banyards, esq., Hants, 392; Surrey, 400; Sussex, 401.

Uvedale, John, escheator, 987, 989, 992.
-, ………, Robert, s. and h. of Elizabeth, Lady, 392, 400, 401.
-, ………, Thomas, 187.
-, ………, Thomas, knt., 392, 400.
-, ………, William, esq., 392, 400.
-, ………, William, esq. s. and h. of Thomas, knt., 392, 400.
-, ………, William, knt., 822; land held of, in co. Hants, 769.

Uxbridge, Woxbrigge, co. Middx., messuages in, 82.