Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 201-250

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 201-250', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 201-250', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII( London, 1898), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

Maskelyne, H. C. Maxwell Lyte. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 201-250". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Series 2, Volume 1, Henry VII. (London, 1898), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry VII, Entries 201-250

Writ 9 Oct., inq. 4 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 23 Sept., 2 Hen. VII, he gave the under-mentioned manor and lands to Richard Lewkenore, esq., Richard Hall, Ralph Tykyll, Thomas Osbaldeston, gent., and Henry Fenell, to the use of his will.
By writing indented, dated 27 Sept., 2 Hen. VII, he directed his said feoffees to make estate, immediately after his decease, of the said manor and of the lands he had purchased in the parish of Walkemstede, to Katharine his wife for the term of her life, with remainder, as to his purchased lands in Lagham and Godstone, to William Harcourt his son, &c. (as in No. 163); and further, that if Miles Harcourt, on reaching his full age, should be of good disposition, his said feoffees should enfeoff him of the said manor in tail, with remainder in default to the heirs of the body of Christopher Harcourt deceased, with remainder to William son of him the said Richard Harcourt, knt., in tail, with remainder to Anne, late the wife of …….., and ….. the wife of William Besiles, in tail, with remainder to the right heirs of Edith, late the wife of him the said Richard Harcourt, knt.; but if the said Miles should not be well disposed, or would not be governed by the said Richard Lewkenore, according to his will, that then the said feoffees should act on the further provisions of his last will; cf. No. 397.
Death and heir as in No. 163.
SURREY. Manor of Lagham in the parish of Walkemstede, worth 8l., held of William Puttenham, service unknown.
A messuage called ‘le Bell’ in the street of ….., and 3a. land thereto belonging, worth 20s., held of Edward Asshton, by fealty and 4d. rent.
A messuage called ‘Nasshes,’ 14a. land thereto belonging, 8a. land called ‘le Barreland,’ and 6a. ……. in Stanstrete in Godstone in the parish of Walkemstede, worth 13s. 4d., held of William …..
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (44.)
Writ 9 Oct., inq. 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
He died the Sunday after Michaelmas last, seised of the under-mentioned manor and lands in fee. Miles Harrecourt, aged 17 and no more, is his cousin and heir, viz. son of Christopher his son and heir.
SUSSEX. Manor of Jevyngton, held of the King, as of Pevensey castle, service unknown.
One hundred acres of land and 40a. pasture in Lamppam beside Pevensey, in the parish of Westham, worth 5l., held of the King, as of Pevensey castle, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, by rent and service of 1 1/2 yearly.
Forty acres of land in the parishes of Brytehelmyston and Portysslade, worth 26s. 8d., tenure unknown.
Sixty acres of pasture called ‘Newmannysland’ in Masefeld, worth 28s. 4d., held of the duchy of Lancaster, service unknown.
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203 JOHN SHELLEY, citizen and mercer of London.
Com. 20 Dec., inq. 9 Jan., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 14 Nov. last, seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee. John Shelley, aged 30 and more, is his son and heir.
HUNT. Manor of Offord Dannes, worth 13l., held of the King, as of the honor of Huntyngdon, by service of one knight’s fee.
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204 JOHN SHELLEY, citizen and mercer of London.
Writ 27 Nov., inq. Saturday next after St. Andrew the Apostle, 2 Hen. VII.
John Leventhorpe and Richard Katermayns, esqs., gave the under-mentioned lands in Sabrichesford to Ralph Bawde, Henry Barley, and John Sturgeon, esqs., Thomas Brawhyng, the said John Shelley, and Charles Nowell, their heirs and assigns for ever.
One William Pury of Ware, John Radyngton, and William Smyth of Hoddesdon enfeoffed the said John, Andrew Body, vintner, and William Laurens, grocer, citizens of London, and Nicholas Thurgood, yeoman, their heirs and assigns of the under-mentioned lands called ‘Olyves.’
One John Squyer, Christopher Coke, William Pratte, and John Radynton, gave the under-mentioned lands called ‘Cadyngtons’ to William Say, Henry Barle Thomas Leventhorpe, Thomas Brawhyng, and the said John Shelley, to the use of the said John Shelley.
He died 12 Nov. last. John Shelley, aged 30 and more, is his son and heir.
HERTS. Divers lands and tenements in Sabrichesford, called ‘Blecches,’ held of William Say, knt., by service of 4s. yearly.
Divers lands and tenements, called ‘Olyves,’ in the parish of Hunnesdon and Stanstede, held of the Abbot of Waltham, by service of 5s. yearly.
Divers lands and tenements in Hunnesdon and Stanstede Abbots, called ‘Cadyngtons,’ held of William Stanley, knt., as of the manor of Hunnesdon, in socage.
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205 THOMAS HOO, esq.
Writ 17 Oct., inq. Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 8 Dec., 13 Edw. IV, John Broket the elder and John Pulter gave the under-mentioned manor to him in tail male, with remainder to Ann, some time the wife of Geoffrey Boleyn, in tail. It descended as in No. 160.
He died 8 Oct. last. His cousins and heirs are Elizabeth, aged 50 and more, wife of Richard Lewkenore, esq., and daughter of Thomas Seynclere by his wife Margaret, sister of Thomas Hoo, knt., father of the said Thomas Hoo, esq.; William Gawage, son of Eleanor, another daughter of the said Margaret Seynclere, aged 40 and more; and Miles, son of Christopher, son of Richard Harcourt, knt., by his wife Edith, another daughter of the said Margaret, aged 18 and more.
BEDF. Manor of Hoo in Luton, worth 10l., held of William Stanley, knt., service unknown.
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Writ 26 Sept., inq. 6 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed dated 3 Dec., 33 Hen. VI, one John Pollard, esq., and Baldwin and Richard Vyell, demised the under-mentioned lands in Cokinaton and Northam to him and Margaret his wife, who survives, and his heirs.
He was seised of the under-mentioned manor of Alwyngton in fee, and being so seised, by his deed dated Monday after the feast of the Assumption, 17 Edw. IV, gave the capital messuage or mansion called ‘Portlynche,’ the demesne lands, the buildings, gardens, &c., adjoining the said mansion, a close of land called ‘Fordowne,’ and a tenement called ‘Alwyngton,’ then held by John Whiteman, parcels of the said manor, to Richard Coffyn his son, John Barry, and William Pollard, and their heirs, who by their deed, dated the Sunday after St. Bartholomew the Apostle, the same year, demised the said premises to the said William and Margaret, and his heirs.
He died 11 Sept. last, seised of the residue of the said manor, and of the under-mentioned lands in Monkelegh, Bydeford, and Abbottesham in fee. Richard Coffyn, aged 30 and more, is his son and heir.
DEVON. Three messuages and 2 ferlings of land called ‘Ley,’ in the parish of Monkelegh, worth 26s. 8d., held of the Prior of Montacute, as of the manor of Monkelegh, by fealty and 8s. 6d. rent.
A third part of a messuage and 4a. land in the parish of Bydeford, called ‘Alfardescote,’ worth 3s. 4d., held of Thomas, Earl of Ormond, by fealty and 3d. rent.
Two parts of a messuage and 30a. land in Bydeford, called ‘Bowdon,’ worth 16s., held of Thomas Greynefild, by fealty and 1d. rent.
A messuage and 12a. land called ‘Westecote’ in Abbottesham, worth 9s., held of John, Abbot of Tavystoke, by fealty and 3s. rent.
Three messuages and 100a. land in Cokinaton, worth 4l., held of John Denys of Orlegh, by 1/4 of a knight’s fee.
Four messuages and 61a. land in Northam, worth 4l., held of the Earl of Northumberland, by fealty and 13s. 10d. rent.
Manor of Alwyngton, with a mansion called ‘Portlynche,’ &c., within it, as above, held of Ralph Copleston, by two fees of Mortaine, for all service; the said mansion, &c., being worth 7l., and the residue of the manor worth 6l. yearly.
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207 JOHN PAKENHAM and MARGARET his wife.
Com. 1 Dec., inq. 14 Jan., 2 Hen. VII.
He died seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor. He and she died 1 Oct., 1 Hen. VII. Edmund Pakenham, aged 5 and more, is their son and heir. William Bessells of Bessells Lee, esq., and William Alayne, late of Esthampstead in the same county, yeoman, have occupied the premises, and taken the issues and profits thereof since the death of the said John and Margaret to the present time, by what right is unknown, wherefore the commissioners, Roger Cheyne and Hugh Fournes, have seised the said manor into the King’s hands.
BERKS. A moiety of the manor of Fynchampsted, worth 10l. 6s. 8d., held of the King in chief by service of half a knight’s fee, and suit of court of the hundred of Cokeham and Bray, and a payment at the rate of 20s. for the whole manor.
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208 JOAN CORYNGTON, widow.
Writ 16 Nov., inq. 27 Jan., 2 Hen. VII.
One Thomas Bodulgat, her brother, by deed dated 12 Jan., 25 Hen. VI, enfeoffed Walter Lyard, Bishop of Norwich, John Arundell, esq., John Lematon, and John Trevylyan, ‘gentilmen,’ and Thomas Edward, chaplain, of the under-mentioned manors and lands. They survive, and are now seised thereof in fee.
She died on the eve of St. Bartholomew the Apostle last. John Coryngton, aged 40 and more, is her son and heir.
CORNW. Manors called Hamet, Dawnant, and Trecorme, worth 4l., held of Richard, late duke of Gloucester, as of the manor of Lantyan, by the moiety of a fee of Mortaine.
Manors of Trencruke, Yollond, and Hellond, worth 8l., held of John Dynham, knt., as of the manor of Cardynan, by the moiety of a knight’s fee.
Manors of Trenowyth and Lamelyn, worth 4l., held of Thomas Arundell, knt., as of the manor of Bodbrane, in socage.
Manor of Dorset, held of Hugh Beamond, as of the manor of Polruan in socage, and it is of no value on account of the devastation and desolation of the country.
Two messuages, three tofts, and two gardens in ‘Leskerd burgh,’ worth 2s., and 4a. land in ‘Leskerd maner,’ worth 6s., held of the King, as of the borough in burgage, and of the manor of Leskerd in socage, respectively.
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209 JOHN RODBERD, gent.
Writ 28 Jan., inq. 6 Feb., 2 Hen. VII.
He died 13 Sept. last, seised of the under-mentioned manor and land in fee. John Rodberd, aged 30 and more, is his son and heir.
SOMERS. Manor of Middel Lambroke, worth 40s., held of the Bishop of Bath and Wells, service unknown.
A messuage and 40a. land anciently annexed to it in Compton Durvyle, worth 16s., held of the King, by fealty and 6d. yearly.
C. Series. II. Vol. 2. (51*.)
210 ISABEL, late the wife of WILLIAM NORREYS, knt., and sometime the wife of JOHN NEVILE, MARQUESS MONTAGU.
Writ wanting; inq., before Thomas Sampson, esq., escheator, 21 Oct., 16 Edw. IV.
She was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors, &c., and took to husband one William Norreys, knt., and they were seised thereof in fee in her right; and she had issue by him, William, Alice, and Joan.
She died on the Monday before Ascension Day last. John Nevyle, Duke of Bedford, aged 11 and more on the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra last, is her son and heir.
NORF. Manor called ‘Ingoldesthorpys maner’ in Seynt Mary Reynham, alias Este Reynham, worth 118s. 4d., with view of frankpledge in Seynt Mary Reynham, Suth Reynham, and West Reynham, of no value over and above the steward’s expenses, and the advowson of the church of St. Mary, Seynt Mary Reynham, held of the King in chief, by service of 1/4 of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Ingaldesthorp with its appurtenances in Snetysham, Ingaldesthorp, Frenge, Wotton, Gayton, Segeforth, Eton, Dersyngham, Neweton, and Appylton, worth 7l. 5s. 8d., held of the King, as of the duchy of Lancaster, by service of 1/6 of a knight’s fee.
Manor of Belacyes, with its appurtenances in Emneth, Walpole, Walton, Walsokyn, and Upwell, worth 9l. 13s. 4d., and 26a. land in Fyncham, worth 4s. 4d., held of the Prior of Lewes, service unknown.
Three roods of wood in Fyncham, worth 6s. every seventh year, when felled, and the advowson of the priory of Austin Nuns of Crabhous, held of Thomas Seynt Leger, service unknown.
Manor of Wymbottysham, called ‘Ingaldesthorpys maner’ with its appurtenances in Wymbottysham, Downham, Roxham, Fordeham, Dereham, and Bekyswell, worth 10l., with the advowson of the church of St. Mary, Wymbottysham, held of William earl of Arundell, service unknown.
Manor of Kenewyk with its appurtenances in Tillney, Wygenhale, Watlyngton, Ilsyngton, Clengewarton, Seche, and Welle, worth 20l.; a rent of assise of 100s., called ‘Hiptoftes rent,’ in Wissebeche; the advowson of the church of Clengewarton; and view of frankpledge with its appurtenances belonging to the said manor, held of the Prior of Lewes, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (52.)
Writ 13 Feb., inq. 30 May, 1 Hen. VII.
The writ recites that by an inq. before Thomas Sampson, escheator in co. Norf. to King Edward IV (No. 210), it was found that John Nevyle, Duke of Bedford, was her son and heir, and by another inq. before Richard Raynsforth escheator to the same King in co. Middx. (No. 212), that George, Duke of Bedford, was her son and heir, and directs the escheator to inquire which return was correct.
NORF. George, late Duke of Bedford, was at the time of the said inq. taken before Thomas Sampson, her son and heir, and not John, Duke of Bedford.
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Writ 22 May, 16 Edw. IV; inq., before Richard Raynsforth, escheator, 8 Oct., 17 Edw. IV.
By letters patent dated 15 Oct., 13 Edw. III, the King gave to Thomas de Bradeston and his heirs, in return for services rendered, and for the better support of the dignity of baneret recently conferred on him, an annuity of 500 marks payable half-yearly at the Exchequer. The said annuity descended to Edmund Ingaldesthorp, knt., as cousin and heir of the said Thomas, viz. son of Margaret, daughter of Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas, son of Robert, son of the said Thomas de Bradeston. On the death of the said Edmund, John Thornbury, escheator, assigned 111l. 2s. 2 3/4d. out of the said annuity to Joan his relict, who survives, in dower, while the said Isabel, as his daughter and heir, was seised in fee of 222l. 4s. 5 1/4d., the residue thereof. She took to husband one William Norrys, knt., &c. (as in No. 210).
She died 20 May, 16 Edw. IV. George, Duke of Bedford, aged 11 and more on the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra, 15 Edw. IV, is her son and heir.
MIDDX. An annuity of 500 marks, held of the king in chief by knight-service.
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Writ 22 May, inq., before Edmund Langley, esq., escheator, the last day of October, 16 Edw. IV.
She was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manors of Bradeston, &c., and being so seised took to husband one William Norris, knt., &c. (as in No. 210).
She was seised at her death of the under-mentioned manor of Rougherdecote in fee tail, by the gift and feoffment of Thomas Charlton, knt., Thomas Wytham, and John Say, made to her and John Nevile, late Marquess Montagu, and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to Richard, late Earl of Salisbury, and Alice his wife, and the heirs of the body of the said Alice, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Alice, as appears by a fine levied in the time of King Henry VI.
She died 20 May last. John, Duke of Bedford, aged 11 and more on the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra last, is her son and heir.
GLOUC. Manors of Bradeston, Stynchecombe, Melkesham, and Pyers Court, the advowson of the chantry of St. Michael the Archangel in the chapel of Bradeston, and a messuage in Slynbrigg, worth 20l., held of William, Lord de Berkeley, services unknown.
A messuage, a carucate of land, and 5s. rent of assise in Elyngham, and 4a. meadow in Nebley, called ‘Otclismede,’ worth 22s., held of George, Duke of Clarence, services unknown.
Eighteen acres of meadow in Tyderyngton, worth 6s., held of Humphrey Stafford, esq., service unknown.
Manor of Rougherdecote, worth 40s., held of William, Lord de Berkeley, sesvice unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (55.)
Writ 13 Feb., inq. 20 May, 1 Hen. VII.
The writ recites that by an inq. before Edmund Langley, esq., escheator in co. Glouc. to King Edward IV (No. 213) it was found that the said Isabel died seised in fee tail of the manor of Rougherdecote, &c., and that John, Duke of Bedford, was her son and heir; and by another inq. before Charles Nowell, escheator to the same King in co. Herts, that George, Duke of Bedford, was her son and heir, and directs the escheator to inquire which return was correct.
GLOUC. Findings as in No. 211.
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Writ 22 May, inq., 30 Oct., 16 Edw. IV, taken before Nicholas Knyveton, esq., escheator.
She was seised in fee of the under-mentioned manor, and took to husband one William Norris, knt., &c. (as in No. 210).
She died 20 May last. John, Duke of Bedford, aged 11 and more on the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra last, is her son and heir.
NOTTS. Manor of Watton in the vale of Beauver, worth 20 marks, held of the King, by service of 1/10 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (57.)
Writ 13 Feb., inq. 26 May, 1 Hen. VII.
The writ recites the findings in Nos. 212 and 215 respectively touching her heir, and directs the escheator to inquire which return is correct.
NOTTS. Findings as in No. 211.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (58.)
Writ 22 May, inq., before John Charlton, esq., escheator, 26 Oct., 16 Edw. IV.
She was seised of the under-mentioned manor and advowson of Everysley in fee, and took to husband William Norris, knt., &c. (as in No. 210).
She was seised at her death of the under-mentioned manors of Estney and Efford in fee tail, with remainders over to Richard, Earl of Salisbury, &c., by the feoffment of Thomas Charlton, knt., and others (as in No. 213).
She died 20 May last. John, Duke of Bedford, aged 11 and more on the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra last, is her son and heir.
HANTS. Manor of Everysley, worth 10 marks, and the advowson of the church of St. Mary, Everysley, held of the Abbot of Westminster, service unknown.
Manors of Estney and Efford, worth 20 marks, held of the King, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (59.)
Writ 13 Feb., inq. 1 May, 1 Hen. VII.
Whereas by an inq. before John Charlton, esq., in co. Hants (No. 217), it Was found that John, and by an inq. before Charles Nowell, escheator to King Edward IV in co. Herts (No. 219), it was found that George, Duke of Bedford, was son and heir of the said Isabel, the escheator is now directed to inquire which return was correct.
HANTS. Findings as in No. 211.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (60.)
Writ 22 May, inq. 2 Nov., 16 Edw. IV.
She was seised at her death of the under-mentioned manor in fee tail, by the gift and feoffment of Thomas Charleton, knt., and others, with remainders over (as in No. 213), as appears by a fine levied 36 Hen. VI.
She died 20 May last. George Nevyle, Duke of Bedford, is her son and heir by the said John Nevyle, Marquess Montagu, and was 11 years old and more on the feast of St. Peter in Cathedra last.
HERTS. Manor of Shenley, worth 10 marks, held of Elizabeth, Queen of England, as of the honor of Maundevyle, by service of 1/3 of three parts of one knight’s fee.
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Writ of Mandamus, 20 Oct., inq. 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
By a fine levied on the morrow of the Purification, 36 Hen. VI, one Thomas Wytham, Thomas Charlton, and John Say, gave the under-mentioned messuages and land in Federston, to the said John Nevyle and Isabel his wife, and the heirs of their bodies; she survived him, and was solely seised in fee tail of the premises, which, at her death, descended to their daughters and heirs.
He died on the feast of Easter, 11 Edw. IV, seised of the other under-mentioned manors, messuages, and land in fee.
His heirs as in No. 161.
YORK. A messuage, 30a. land, 5a. meadow, and 5a. pasture in Secrofte, worth 20s., held of Robert Scrop, service unknown.
William Gascoign, knt., has taken the issues and profits thereof from the death of the said Marquess to the present time, but by what title the jurors do not know.
A messuage, 12a. land, and 4a. pasture in Austhorp, worth 12s., held of Henry Multon, by a rent of 4d. yearly, for all service.
Roger Dynely has taken the issues, &c., as above.
Manor of Barnehill, with its appurtenances in Barnehill, Barnehill, Howe, and Yarmes Howe, between the parks of Houedon and Newesom, worth 40s., late in the tenure of John Barnehill, held of Roger Lutton, by the rent of red rose yearly, for all service.
John Barnehill has taken the issues, &c., as above.
Three messuages, 2 tofts, and 20a. land in Snayth, and within the soke of Snayth, worth 30s., late in the tenure of John Egremond, knt., held of Henry Darcy, by a rent of 3d. yearly, for all service.
John Egremond, knt., has taken the issues and profits thereof, &c., as above.
Three messuages, 3 cottages, 3 tofts, 20a. land, 2a. meadow, and an acre of wood in Selby and Thorp Willughby, worth 40s., held of Richard Stone, by a rent of 1d. yearly, for all service.
John Lucas has taken the issues, &c., as above.
Manor of Cusworth, worth 10 marks, held of Thomas Fitzwilliam service unknown.
Nicholas Vavasour has taken the issues, &c., as above.
A messuage, and a tenement called ‘Paldenhouse’ in Doncastir, worth 6s., held of Henry Ros, by a rent of 1/2d. yearly, for all service.
Thomas Pygburn has taken the issues, &c., as above.
Two messuages, a toft, 90a. land, 20a. meadow, and 12a. pasture in Federston, worth 60s., held of Roger Morley, by a rent of 4d., yearly, for all service.
John Bardford has taken the issues, &c., as above.
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Writ of Mandamus, 20 Oct., inq. 7 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 220 touching lands in Federstan.
She died 20 May, 16 Edw. IV. Elizabeth, Margaret, Lucy, and Isabel, and John Stonor, are her heirs by the said Marquess (as in No. 161).
YORK. TWO messuages, a toft, 90a. land, 20a. meadow, and 12a. pasture in Federstan, worth 60s., held of Roger Morley, by a rent of 4d. yearly, for all service. John Bradford has taken the issues and profits thereof from the time of her death to the present, but by what title the jurors do not know.
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222 GEORGE NEVYLE, son and heir of ISABEL, late the wife of WILLIAM NORREYS, knt., and sometime the wife of JOHN NEVYLE, late MARQUESS MONTAGUE.
Writ de Devenerunt, 23 Oct., inq. 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
The under-mentioned manor came to the hands of King Edward IV by the death of the said Isabel, and by reason of the minority of the said George.
He died 4 May, 1 Edw. V. His four surviving sisters, and John Stonor, son and heir of Anne another sister, begotten of the bodies of the said Marquess and Isabel his wife, are his next heirs (as in No. 161).
GLOUC. Manor of Rougherdecote, worth 40s., held of William, Lord de Berkeley, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (64.)
Writ wanting; inq. 27 May, 2 Hen. VII.
He gave the under-mentioned manors of Wellom and Aton, with lands in Dougelby, to William his son and Anne wife of the said William, and the heirs of their bodies.
He died 13 March last, seised of the other under-mentioned manors and lands in fee. William Conyers, aged 31 and more, is his son and heir.
YORK. A third part of the manor of Colburn, within which are 12a. arable worth 20d., 8a. meadow worth 3s., and 20a. moor worth 4d., held of John Barnby, by fealty only.
A third part of the manor of Newsom, within which are 12a. arable worth 2s., 9a. meadow worth 5s., and 24a. moor worth 12d., held of the heirs of Brian de Stapilton, knt., by a rent of 6s. 8d., for all secular service.
A third part of a burgage in Richemond, held of the Earl of Richemond in burgage, and of no value because wasted.
Manor of Giresby, within which are 10 messuages worth 12d. each, 4 cottages worth 6d. each, 20 bovates of land worth 12d. each, and 5a. moor worth 6d., held of the Bishop of Durham, by fealty only.
A third part of a toft and 3a. land in Huddeswell, worth 12d., held of the Abbot of St. Agatha, by fealty only.
A third part of the site of the castle of Malton, and one-third of the profits of fairs, markets, tolls, and courts of the borough of New Malton, worth 6s. 8d., held of the King, as of the honor and manor of Pykring, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, by a rent of 5s. yearly, for all service.
Manor of Hoton in Pikring Lithe, within which are 4 messuages worth 12d. each, 8 cottages worth 6d. each, and 20 bovates of land worth 20d. each, held of the said duchy, as of the said honor and manor, by a rent of 20s. yearly, for all service.
A moiety of the manor of Wellom, a third part of the manor of Aton in Pikring Lithe, and a messuage and 3 bovates of land in Dougelby, held of the said duchy, as above, by a rent of 5s. yearly, for all service.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (65.) E. Series II. File 213. (5.)
224 KATHARINE, late the wife of HUMPHREY STAFFORD, esq.
Writ de Amotus 12 Feb., inq. 26 Feb., 15 Hen. VII.
The said Humphrey and Katharine were seised at the time of her decease of the under-mentioned messuage in fee, in her right. They had issue between them a son Humphrey. And afterwards she died, viz. 12 May, 22 Edw. IV, and the said Humphrey survived her, and was seised of the said messuage in his demesne as of frank tenement by the curtesy, by reason of their said offspring.
He died so seised 8 July, 1 Hen. VII. The said Humphrey the son, aged 22 on the feast of the Apostles St. Philip and St. James last, is her son and heir.
HUNT. A messuage in the town of St. Neots, worth 8s., held of the Prior of the monastery, or priory, of St. Neots, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (66.)
225 KATHARINE, late the wife of HUMPHREY STAFFOED, esq.
Writ of Mandamus 24 Feb., inq. 5 March, 2 Hen. VII.
The said Humphrey and Katharine were seised at the time of her decease of the under-mentioned manor in fee tail, in her right, viz. to her and the heirs of her body, with remainder in default to the right heirs of John Fray, knt. They had issue Humphrey, who survives. The said Katharine died 12 May, 22 Edw. IV, and the said Humphrey survived her, and was seised of the said manor in his demesne as of frank tenement by the curtesy. He died 8 July, 1 Hen. VII; and who has occupied the said manor, and taken the issues and profits thereof since his death to the present time, the jurors do not know. The said Humphrey the son, aged 8 and more, is her son and heir.
GLOUC. Manor of Fernecote, worth 8l., held of the King in chief, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (67.)
226 KATHARINE, late the wife of HUMPHREY STAFFORD, esq.
Writ of Mandamus 7 Jan., inq. 23 Jan, 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 225.
BEDF. Manor of Suddebury, worth 10l., held of the King in chief, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (68.) E. Series II. File 1. (6.)
227 ANNE, late the wife of JAMES DOUGLAS, EARL OF DOUGLAS.
Writ 2 Feb., inq. 21 Feb., 2 Hen. VII.
Ralph Nevill, late Earl of Westmoreland, deceased, by fine levied in the time of King Hen. VI, gave the under-mentioned manor to one John Nevill, and the said Anne, then his wife, and the heirs of the body of the said John. And the said John and Anne received the King’s pardon for acquiring the said manor. And afterwards the said John died, seised of the said manor in his demesne as of fee tail, without issue, and the said Anne survived him, and was seised thereof in her demesne as of frank tenement with reversion expectant on her death to the said Earl and his heirs. And afterwards the said Earl died without issue, whereupon the said reversion descended to Ralph Nevill, now Earl of Westmoreland, as his cousin and heir, viz. son of one John Nevill, knt., brother of the said deceased Earl.
She died 26 Dec. last, when the said manor by right reverted to the said now Earl, as aforesaid. The said now Earl, aged 30 and more, is her son and heir.
SURREY. Manor of Talworth, worth 8l., held of the King, as of the manor of Sheyn, by service of a rent of 18s.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (69.) E. Series II. File 1059. (9.)
228 ANNE, COUNTESS OF DOUGLAS, as in No. 227.
Writ 2 Feb., inq. 16 April, 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 227.
DEVON. Manors of Kenton, Lyfton, Sheftbeare, and Chetecombe, and the hundred of Lyfton, worth 80l., and a rent of 18l., 13s. 4d. in Brampton, held of the King in chief, by service of 1/4 of a knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (70.)
229 ANNE, COUNTESS OF DOUGLAS, as in No. 227.
Writ 2 Feb., inq. 26 April, 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 227.
YORK. Manor of Weton, worth 40s., held of the King in chief, by service of 1/20 of a knight’s fee.
Twenty messuages, 300a. land, 20a. meadow, 500a. pasture, 200a. wood, and a rent of assize, viz. 50l. 6s. 8d., from the free tenants, in Cotingham, making together a fourth part of the manor of Cotingham, which is held of the King by service of a barony: the clear yearly value of the said fourth part being 60l. 10s. 4d.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (71.) E. Series II. File 213. (6.)
230 KATHARINE, late the wife of HUMPHREY STAFFORD, esq.
Writ of Mandamus 27 Nov., inq. 2 Dec., 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 225.
HERTS. Manors of Russheden and Codred, worth 4l. and 10l. respectively, held of the King in chief, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (72.)
Writ 2 Aug., 2 Hen. VII; inq. the last day of Sept., 3 Hen. VII.
The said Ralph Graistok de Graistok, knt., otherwise styled Ralph Graistok, Lord de Graistok, died 16 July last, seised of the under-mentioned manors and advowsons in fee. Elizabeth Graystok, aged 12 and more, is his cousin and heir, viz. daughter of Robert his son.
SALOP. The barony, manor, or lordship of Wemme, and 200 messuages, 1,000a. land, 1,100a. pasture, 80a. meadow, 200a. wood, and 2 mills, belonging to the said barony, and 12l. rent in Wemme, worth 143l. 6s. 8d., together with the advowson of the church there, held of the King in chief, by service of three knight’s fees.
Manor of Hynstok, and 40s. rent in Hynstok, worth 18l., and the advowson of the church there, held of the King in chief, by service of one knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (73.)
Writ 5 Nov., 1 Hen. VII; inq., 2 Hen. VII, delivered to the Court 27 Nov.
He died 1 Oct., 1 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee. Edmund Pakenham, aged 6 and more, is his son and heir.
HANTS. Manor of Titden, worth 6l., held of William Stanley, knt., and Elizabeth, Lady Worcester, his wife, in her right, as of the manor of Alton, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. (74.)
233 MARGARET, late the wife of GEOFFREY PYGOT, knt.
Writ wanting; inq. 10 Oct., 2 Hen. VII.
He died on Monday before St. Martin last, seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands in fee. Randal, aged 33 and more, is her and next heir.
YORK. Manor of Sywardby, worth 10 marks, held of Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, by knight-service, as of the fee called ‘Menelfe Fee.’
Manor of Norton beside Malton, worth 10 marks, held of William Eure and Richard Nawton, by fealty only.
Three messuages and 20a. land and meadow in Knapton beside Wyntringham, worth 26s. 8d., held of William Eure, knt., by 9s. 6d. rent, for all service.
A messuage and 2 bovates of land in Thoralby in Krendale Lithe, worth 6s. 8d., held of the Prior of Kirkham, by a rent of 5s., for all service.
A manor in Kirkby in Krendale Lithe, worth 4 marks, held of the Prior of Kirkeham, by a rent of 6s., for all service.
A manor in Place Newton beside Wyntringham, worth 10 marks, held of John Kokson, by 5s. rent, for all service.
A messuage, 12 bovates of land and meadow, and 100a. pasture in D……, worth 40s., held of John Bolton, by fealty only.
A messuage and 4 bovates of land and meadow in West Lutton, worth 10s., held of John Person, by fealty only.
Two bovates of land in Est Lutton, worth 3s. 4d., held of John Geffrason, by fealty only.
Six bovates of land in Falthorpe Feilde beside Homonby, and a plot of land (camera) in Homonby, worth 20s., held of Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, as of his demesne of Homonby, by knight-service.
Manor of Grysthorpe, and 2 messuages, 14 bovates of land and meadow, and 20a. pasture in the said county, worth 26s. 8d., held of the King, as of the honor of P ……, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, by a rent of 34s. 6d. and suit of court, for all service.
Two messuages in Liberston, and 16 bovates of land and meadow in the said county, worth 10s., held of the said duchy, as of the said honor, by 40d. rent, for all service.
A messuage and 2 bovates of land and meadow in Rudstane, worth 10s., held of the Abbot of St. Mary’s without the walls of the city of York, by 5s. rent, for all service.
Manor of Bereshend, worth 40s., held of John Dounynge, by fealty only.
Two messuages and 60 bovates of land and meadow in the said county, worth 10 …, held of the Bishop of Durham, by a rent of 8l. 3s. 8d., for all service.
[Eight] bovates of land and meadow, 4a. wood, and a water-mill in Foxton, worth 8l., held of John Scarth, by fealty only.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (75.)
Writ wanting; inq. Friday after Michaelmas, 3 Hen. VII.
He died 28 Sept., 2 Hen. VII. Thomas Spryng, aged 30 and more, is his son and heir.
SUFF. The said Thomas Spryng, Thomas Appulton, William Jacob, John Lynche, and John Turnour, were seised at the time of his decease, and to the use of him and his heirs, of the under-mentioned tenement in fee:—
A tenement called ‘Rowheddes,’ alias ‘Trystrams,’ in Shymplyng and Alpheton, worth 5 marks, held of Lord John Fitz Water, knt., as of the manor of Shymplyng Hall, by fealty and 3s. rent.
The said Thomas, John Turnour, and John Pakeman were in like manner seised of:—
Three tenements called ‘Hogons’, ‘Hoberddes,’ and ‘Clerkes,’ in Preston, worth 5 marks; ‘Hogons’ and ‘Clerkes’ held of George Veer, knt., as of the manor of Preston Hall, by fealty and 2s. rent; and ‘Hoberddes’ held of the master of the College of Bury St. Edmunds, by fealty and 2s. rent.
The said Thomas, Thomas Appulton, John Lynche, John Turnour, and John Bumsted were in like manner seised of:—
A tenement called ‘Woodhall’ in Ratlysden, worth 6 marks, held of the Bishop of Ely, as of the manor of Ratlysden Hall, by fealty and 2s. rent.
The said Thomas, Edmund Bounde, Thomas Causton, and Robert Bykyllysby were in like manner seised of:—
Two tenements called ‘Hoghardes’ and ‘Thurmedes’ in Thorp Moriell, worth 40s., held of Robert Racclyff, knt., by fealty and 2s. rent.
The said Thomas, John Lynche, and John Turnour were in like manner seised of:—
A messuage called ‘Stakwoodes’ in Monks Yllegh, worth 30s., held of the Prior of Canterbury, as of the manor of Monkes Yllegh, by fealty and 4s. rent.
The said Thomas, William Jacob, John Lynche, and John Turnour were in like manner seised of:—
A tenement in Brethenham, worth 20s., held of the Abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, by fealty and 14d. rent.
The said Thomas, John Lynche, and John Turnour were in like manner seised of:—
Eight acres of land in Lavenham, worth 20s., held of John, Earl of Oxford, by fealty and 2s. rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (76.)
Writ 15 Feb., inq. 16 April, 2 Hen. VII.
Thomas Tremayle, serjeant-at-law, Richard Pree, Thomas Larder, and William Knoll, demised the under-mentioned manors, advowson, and land to him for life, with remainder to William Larder and Constance his wife, his daughter, and the heirs of the said William on the body of the said Constance, with remainder to the said Constance in tail, with remainder to the heirs of the body of Edmund Pyne, with remainder to the right heirs of Herbert Pyne.
He died 11 Feb. last. Edmund Larder, aged 7 and more, is his cousin and heir, viz. son of the said William and Constance, his daughter.
DEVON. Manor of Brampford Pyne, worth 20l., held of Edward Courtenay, Earl of Devon, as of the honor of Okehampton, by knight-service.
Manor of Colum Pyne, worth 10 marks, held of John Dynham, knt., as of the manor of Hydon, by knight-service.
One hundred acres of land, 20a. meadow, and 60a. pasture, worth 40s., and a rent of 17s. 1d., in Upton Pyne, together with the advowson of the Church of Upton Pyne, held of the said Earl of Devon, by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (77.)
236 KATHARINE, late the wife of HUMPHREY STAFFORD, esq.
Writ of Mandamus, 7 Jan., inq. 10 Jan., 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 225.
LONDON. Three messuages in the parish of St. Lawrence in the Old Jewry, in Crepulgate ward within London, worth 6l., held of the King in free burgage.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (78.)
Writ 15 Feb., inq. Tuesday 13 March, 2 Hen. VII.
He enfeoffed Richard Nevyll, late Earl of Warwick, William Hastynges, late Lord Hastynges, knt., Roger Ree, Thomas Oxney, John Boys, John Gobyon, Thomas Carewe, and John Trotte, now deceased, and James Lord, chaplain, Thomas Hierd, John Wright, and Thomas Grayson, who survive, of the under-mentioned manor of Goseys, and lands in Haveryng, Rumford, and Hornchirche, in fee, to the use of himself, and his heirs and assigns, and to the use of his last will.
One John Brewster and Margaret his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Richard Waldern and Margaret his wife, being seised in her right of the under-mentioned third of Dovers manor in fee, enfeoffed William Hastyngs, knt., late Lord Hastyngs, John Elryngton, the said Alfred, Thomas Oxney, Richard Rauson, and John de Boys, now deceased, and Beatrix late wife of the said Alfred, William Knyvet, knt., Hugh Bryce, William Slyfeld, Richard Barley, and Thomas Grayson, who survive, thereof in fee, to the use of the said Alfred and Beatrix, and the heirs and assigns of Alfred, and to the use of his last will.
He died 2 Feb. last. His sister Agnes Chambre, aged 60 and more, and John Crafford, aged 40 and more, son of Dame Alice Crafford his other sister, are his next heirs.
ESSEX. Manor of Goseys, 6 messuages, 20 cottages, 40 tofts, 500a. arable, 100a. meadow, and 500a. wood, worth 20 marks, and a rent of 10 marks, in Haveryng, Rumford, and Hornchirche, held of the King in socage, as of the manor of Haveryng-at-Bowre, by fealty and 40s. rent yearly.
A third part of the manor of Dovers, in Haveryng, and in the parishes of Hornchirche, Boures, Gyfford, Reynham, and Alvetheley, worth 7l., held together with the two other parts, of the King, by fealty and 20s. rent.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (79.)
238 MARGARET ALLEY, widow, late the wife of RICHARD ALLEY.
Writ 31 Jan.,
inq., Tuesday, 13 March, 2 Hen. VII.
Richard Alley and William Gregory the elder, citizens and aldermen of London, William Laton, clk., John Powtrell, Henry Gayrstang, Robert Mildenhale, John Croke, William Essex, and William Tuft, ‘gentilmen,’ Thomas Oulgreve, William Gregory of Walbrook, John Cole, John Hardy, William Penbrigge, John Clyffe, Thomas Grene, William More, and John Angell, citizens and skinners of London, John Suyte, Alexander Laumpley, and Ralph Faune, being seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands in fee to the use of the said Richard Alley, demised them to the said Margaret, by the name of Margaret Lyffyn, widow, for the term of her life, by virtue of which demise she was seised thereof in her demesne as of frank tenement, with reversion to the said Richard and the others, to the use of the said Richard and his last will. And afterwards the said Richard took the said Margaret to wife, and they were seised of the said premises in demesne as of frank tenement in her right. And afterwards by his last will, whereof he made her and one William Mounteney executors, he directed that his reversion in the said manors and lands expectant on the death of the said Margaret should be sold, and the proceeds disposed in works of charity at his executors’ discretion. He died, and she survived him, and released her estate in the premises to the said William Mounteney, who also deceasing, she subsequently, viz. 10 Nov., 1 Hen. VII, in accordance with the said will, sold the said reversion to John Brown, knt., citizen and alderman of London.
She died 25 Nov. last. Her heir is unknown to the jury.
ESSEX. Manors of West Whetenham and Flambardes, worth respectively 3l. 13s. 4d., and 3l. 6s. 8d., 100a. land, worth 33s. 4d., 20a. meadow, worth 30s., 100a. pasture, worth 21s. 8d., and 20a. wood, worth 20s., in Stowe Norton and Wodeham Ferrers, held of the manor called ‘Colde Norton,’ in the parish of Norton in the said county, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (80.)
239 GEORGE NEVYLE, son and heir of ISABEL, late the wife of WILLIAM NORREYS, knt., and sometime the wife of JOHN NEVYLE, late MARQUESS MONTAGUE.
Writ de Devenerunt, 23 Oct., inq. 6 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 222.
HERTS. Manor of Shenley, worth 10 marks, held of Elizabeth, Queen of England, as of the honor of Maundevile, by service of 1/3 of three parts of one knight’s fee.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (81.)
Com. 8 Nov., inq. 8 Feb., 2 Hen. VII.
By deed of feoffment dated 30 Aug., 20 Edw. IV, Henry … ., clk., and Henry Tykkyll, gent., demised the under-mentioned manor and lands to the said John, Lord Mountjoy, and Lora his wife, who survives, and the heirs male of his body.
He died 12 Oct., 1 Hen. VII. William Blount, aged 9 and more, is his son and heir.
RUTL. Manor of Belton, worth 100s., and 220a. land, 50a. meadow, and 4s. rent in Cotesmore and Greteham, worth 40s., held of William, Viscount Beawmund, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (82.)
Writ de Amotus, 23 Oct., inq. 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
She was seised at her death of the under-mentioned manors in fee tail, by the gift and grant of Thomas Charlton, knt., Thomas Witham, and John Say, to her and John Nevyle, late Marquess Montague, and the heirs of their bodies. The said Marquess and Isabel had issue Ann, Elizabeth wife of Thomas, Lord le Scrope of Masham, Margaret, Lucy wife of Thomas Fitzwilliam, knt., and Isabel wife of William Hodylston, esq.; and the said Marquess died, and the said Isabel his wife afterwards died, seised of such an estate; after whose death the said Anne took to husband William Stonor, knt., &c. (as in No. 161).
Death and heirs as in No. 221.
SOMERS. Manors of Knoll and Gotehull, worth 10 marks, held of the King by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 2 (83.)
242 GEORGE NEVYLE, son and heir of ISABEL, MARCHIONESS MONTAGUE, as in No. 239.
Writ de Devenerunt, 23 Oct., inq. 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 222.
HANTS. Manors of Estnay and Efford, worth 10l., held of the King by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (84.)
Writ 2 Aug., 2 Hen. VII; inq. 26 Sept., 3 Hen. VII.
The said Ralph Graystok, knt., died on Friday before Pentecost, 2 Hen. VII, seised of the under-mentioned manor in fee. Elizabeth Graystok, aged 13 and more, is his cousin and heir, viz. daughter of Robert his son.
BEDF. Manor of Wybolston, worth 12l., held of the King in chief, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (85.) E. Series II. File 1. (3.)
Writ 8 March, inq. 20 March, 2 Hen. VII.
He died 6 Feb. last, seised of the under-mentioned manors in fee. John Skypwyth, aged 40 and more, is his son and heir.
LINC. Manor of Kyrnyngton, worth 9l., held of the King in chief, by knight-service.
Manor of Haburgh, worth 6l., held of the King in chief, by knight-service.
A fourth part of the manor of Alesby, worth 6l., held of the heirs of Robert Hylton, knt., of the Bishop of Durham, and of the heirs of John Halley, knt., services unknown.
Manor of Laceby, worth 33s. 4d., held of the King and others, services unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (86.)
Writ 2 Aug., 2 Hen. VII; inq. Tuesday, 26 Feb., 3 Hen. VII.
Findings as in No. 243.
CUMB. The barony of Graystoke, held of the King by knight-service, as for an entire barony, paying yearly to the King for cornage at the Exchequer of Carlisle, on the feast of the Assumption only, 4l.
There are within the said barony:—
A castle, of no value above deductions.
A manor, with buildings wasted, and with 60a. land and meadow, worth 12d. an acre.
A park called ‘Gilcamon,’ containing 300a. of herbage, worth 10d. each and no more, over and above the pasturage of the deer, and 20a. wood of no value because not proper to fell.
Another park called ‘Gollar,’ containing 200a. of herbage, worth 8d. each, beside the pasture of the deer, and 30a. wood not proper to fell.
Another park, or close, called ‘Birkhede,’ or ‘Graystoke hede,’ with ‘Scalefeld,’ or ‘Scaleton,’ containing 200a. of herbage, worth 8d. an acre, beyond the pasture of the deer, and 100a. wood of no value.
An annual rent of 6d. each from the free tenants of 18 burgages in Graystoke.
Fourteen tenements with land and meadow thereto belonging, worth 14s. each.
A water corn-mill, worth 4l.
Thirteen tenements with land and meadow belonging at Berriar, worth 10s. each.
Four tenements with land and meadow at Murwra, worth 10s. each.
A fulling mill at Murwra, worth 3s. 4d.
A tenement with land and meadow at South Scales, worth 5s.
A tenement at Heg Hoton, worth 8s.
A tenement beside Hantle Brige, worth 5s.
Two closes lately appropriated by Richard Welles and Gilbert Scot, worth 43d.
Twenty tenements at Grysedale, worth 10s. each.
A common at Grysedale, called ‘Grysedale Forest,’ containing 300a. land, worth 4d. each; and a moss, worth 3s. 4d. a year.
A water corn-mill at Grysedale, worth 3s. 4d.; and a close newly appropriated by John Robynson, worth 12d.
Two tenements at Walltwhate, worth 40s.
A close in Flaskeagh, called ‘Lykstath,’ lately appropriated by Richard Todhunter, worth 5s.
Divers tenements with lands at Dowthwate in Maderdale, worth 13l. 6s. 8d.; and one, worth 6s. 8d.
A cote there called ‘Flaskeugh,’ containing 200a. moor, worth 1d. each; and a moss, worth 3s. 4d.
Also other commons called ‘le Common’ and ‘Maderdale felles,’ containing 300a. moor, worth 1d. each.
Other commons called ‘G[ray]stoke More,’ ‘Berriar,’ ‘Kuyttylin,’ ‘Brouryg,’ and ‘Heggill,’ containing 500a. of moor, worth 1d. each.
Three [tenements] in Moderby, worth 6s. 8d. each.
Divers tenements, with lands and meadows at Mekill Staynton, worth 100s.; and a pasture containing 80a. of moor, which is of no yearly value because it belongs to the tenants.
Three tenements at Gill, worth 20s., with a pasture called ‘Gilmore’ and ‘Thropmore,’ containing 200a. of moor of no annual value.
Divers tenements with land and meadow at Weddermeloke, ‘le Knott’ and Halsteddes, with a water corn-mill, worth 7l. 13s. 4d. yearly, and a pasture containing 100a. of moor, of no annual value.
Divers tenements with divers lands and meadow thereto belonging at Langthwate, Sparkehed, Sparkehede Raw, Banerhede, Wra, and Tong below Mele Fell, worth 10 marks yearly; and pastures called ‘Gobber Fell,’ ‘Great Mele Fell,’ and ‘Soulby Fell,’ which contain 400a. of moor, of no annual value; and a close there called ‘Birkeclousse,’ worth 20s.
Divers tenements with land and meadow, worth 100s., at Greynham, Greynham Raw, Ulcotwra, Crag, and Dokwra; and 2 fulling mills, worth 6s. 8d.
Divers tenements at Ayera, worth 40s.
A fishery called Ulleswater, worth 30s.
A court baron every three weeks at Graystoke, of no annual value, over and above the fees of the steward and bailiffs.
The quit rents due from divers free tenants, viz. for the Lord de Dacre’s land in Newbyggyng, from William Laton of Dalmane, Henry Hoton of Hutton John, Christopher Blenkow of the same, Richard Musgrave, and William Whitlay in Johnby, Richard Hoton of Hoton Roffe, Thomas Ratclyfe for his lands in Turelkeld and Lekburnthuayte, and Miles Halton for his lands in Graystoke, who all owe suit to the Court aforesaid.
All the above lands, rents, &c., are within the said barony of Greystoke.
The advowson of the College at Graystoke.
The advowson of 6 chaplains there.
The advowson of the church of Skelton.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (87.)
Writ de Amotus, 23 Oct., inq. 5 Nov., 2 Hen. VII. The previous writ was issued 22 May, 16 Edw. IV.
Findings as in No. 241.
DEVON. Manor of Okeford, worth 40s., held of the King by knight-service.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (88.)
Inquisition taken Virtute Officii, Thursday after All Hallows, 7 Edw. IV.
She held the under-mentioned manor at the time of her death in dower after the death of Thomas Roos, knt., formerly Lord de Roos, her late husband, of the inheritance of Thomas Roos, late Lord de Roos, son of the said Thomas, Lord de Roos her late husband, with reversion expectant at her death to him and his heirs. Which Thomas the younger, by the name of Thomas, Lord Roos, was attainted by virtue of an Act of Parliament passed at Westminster 4 Nov., 1 Edw. IV, together with others of high treason, wherefore the said manor of right comes to the King, the Duchess being dead.
She died 6 March last.
HERTS. Manor of Bokeland, alias Boclond.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (89.)
248 JOHN CHEYNE of Pyn, esq.
Writ 15 Feb., inq. 8 June, 2 Hen. VII.
The said John Cheyne, Robert Stowell, and Robert Hyll, were seised of the under-mentioned manor and lands in fee, and enfeoffed Genovesa, the wife of William Say, knt., thereof, with her said husband’s assent, to hold to her and her heirs for ever. By virtue of this feoffment the said William and Genovese were seised of the premises in fee in her right, and being so seised suffered a recovery of the said manor and lands, in the time of King Edw. IV, to John Byconell and William Huddesfield, who are now seised thereof.
He died 3 Feb. last. Joan Say, aged 17 and more, the wife of Thomas Say the younger (also called John Say), and Isabel Walgrave, aged 15 and more, the wife of Edward Walgrave, are his cousins and heirs, viz. daughters of John Cheyne his son and heir.
SOMERS. Manor and advowson of Raddestok, and two messuages, a toft, 200a. land, 30a. meadow, 30a. pasture, 24a. wood, and 3a. heather, a rent of 4 1/2d., a rent of 1 lb. of cummin, and a rent of a rose, in Middelton, Melles, and Blakeriche, parcels and members of the said manor of Raddestok, held of the King, as of the honor of Gloucester, by knight-service; clear yearly value 20 marks.
C. Series II. Vol. 2. (90.)
Writ 24 Sept., inq. 26 Nov., 3 Hen. VII.
The said Elizabeth being seised in fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body, of the under-mentioned manor of Charlton, and in fee of the under-mentioned rent out of the manor of Woddelond, took to husband Edward Grey, knt., now Viscount Lysle, who survives, and had issue by him John Grey, Margaret, Anne, and Elizabeth.
Henry Grey, Thomas Grey, Christopher Holbeme, and John Smyth were seised of the under-mentioned manor of Langdon in their demesne as of frank tenement to the use of the said Edward and Elizabeth, with reversion to the said Edward and Elizabeth, and to her heirs.
She was seised jointly with her said husband, in her right, of the under-mentioned manors of Yeddesley and Asshe, and being so seised they suffered a recovery thereof, 21 Edw. IV, to Richard Grey, knt., and John Porter, gent., now deceased, and Thomas, Marquess of Dorset, William Lucy, esq., John Fitzjames, gent., Edward Hungerford, esq., Richard Lytelton, gent., Christopher Holbeme, gent., and John Smyth, gent., who survive.
She died 8 Sept. last. The said John Grey, aged 7 years and 6 months, is her son and heir.
DEVON. Manors of Charlton and Langdon, worth respectively 29l. 10 3/4d., and 40 marks, and the advowson of the church of Charlton, held of Richard Eggecomb, knt., as of the honor of Totness, service unknown.
A rent of 2s. 9d. out of the manor of Woddelond.
Manors of Yeddesley and Asshe Reyny, worth respectively 22l., and 8l., held of the King, as of the honor of Gloucester, service unknown.
C. Series II. Vol. 3. (1.)
Writ 26 April, inq. 19 July, 3 Hen. VII.
He died 13 April last, seised of the under-mentioned manors and lands in fee, with the specified exceptions. James Strangways, aged 28 and more, is his son and heir.
YORK. Manor of West Harlsey, worth 20 marks, over and above the under-mentioned charges, held of the Bishop of Durham, as of ….. Alnerton, by fealty only. By deed dated 8 Aug., 20 Edw. IV, he charged the said manor with an annuity of 100s. in favour of Edward Causon; and by deed dated 9 Oct., 1 Ric. III, with an annuity to John Strangways.
Manor of Halykeld, of no value over and above the under-mentioned charge, held of the said Bishop, by fealty and suit of court of the manor of Alnerton. By deed dated 22 Oct., 1 Ric. III, he charged it with an annuity of 5 marks for Richard Strangways his son.
Manor of Assulby in Whitby Strand, of no value over and above the under-mentioned charge, held of the heirs of Lucy Thweng by fealty only.
A moiety of the manor of Warlaghby, worth …., held of the King, as of the honor of Rychemonde, by fealty only. By deed dated at York, 13 Sept., 1 Ric. III, he gave a rent charge of 25 marks on the said manor of Assulby, and the said moiety of the manor of Warlaghby, to Margery, Lady Welles, George Strangways, S.T.B., James Strangways, Thomas Mountforth, and Thomas Strangways.
Manor of ….., worth 30l., held of the King, as of the honor of Pomfret, by service of a 1/4 of a knight’s fee. By deed dated at West Harlsey, 10 June, 1 Hen. VII, he gave the said manor to John Trafford, knt., John Boothe, knt., Thomas Asheton the elder, esq., John Longley, esq., and John Wode, chaplain, to the intent that they should re-enfeoff him thereof.
Manors of Meddilton, worth 4l., Pethowe, worth …., and Carlton, worth 4l., and a moiety of the manor of Boynton-on-Wold, worth 6l., which are of the fee of the Archbishop of Canterbury, and held by fealty only.
A moiety of the manor of Whorlton, and the advowson of the chapel within the castle of Whorlton, worth 10 marks, which are of the fee of the said Archbishop, …. By deeds dated 28 Aug., 1 Ric. III, and 10 Aug. …. he gave annuities of 10 marks each thereout to Edward Strangways, his brother, and Elizabeth his daughter, both of whom survive.
A messuage and 15a. land in Kepwyk, worth …., held of the honor of Gisburn, by a rent of 12d. yearly, for all service.
A messuage and 4a. land in Newby, worth 2s., held of the Archbishop of Canterbury.
Five knight’s fees and the moiety of a quarter of a knight’s fee in …… Ass …, Bolby, ……, Lasyngby, Lakkenby, Ormesby, Calecotes, Aclome, Leventhorpp, Merton, Tollesby, Thornton, Normanby, Colby, Hoton beside ……., Berwick-on-Tese, and Killyngwik-beside-Poklyngton; with the advowson of a moiety of a moiety of the priory of Gisburn, held of the King …..
Manor of Greenhowe, worth 30l., and the manor of Semer, worth …, which are of the fee of the said Archbishop. By deed dated 16 Sept., … . ., he gave the said manors to Thomas Mountforth, Henry Causon, and William Johnson, to the use of James Strangways, his son and heir, and of Alisia, wife of the said James.
C. Series II. Vol. 3. (1b).