Index of Persons and Places: A

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1987.

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J. L. Kirby, 'Index of Persons and Places: A', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV( London, 1987), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J. L. Kirby, 'Index of Persons and Places: A', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV( London, 1987), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J. L. Kirby. "Index of Persons and Places: A". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV. (London, 1987), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

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Abbas Hall (Abessishalle), in Great Cornard, Suff, manor, 24

Abberley (Abbodele, Abbotele), Worcs, advowson, 515
-, manor, 502

Abbotsbury (Abbotesbury), Dors, inquisition at, 445

Abbott (Abott), John, 308
-, Richard, 886

Aberedw (Aberedewe), [Rad], manor, 506

Abergavenny (Bergavenny, Bergeveny), [Monm], castle and town, 463

Abergavenny (Bergavenny, Bergeveny), lordship, 463

Abingdon (Abyndon), Berks, 1025
-, abbot of, 350, 592, 799, 1025
-, inquisitions at, 131, 202, 318, 592, 903
-, manor, 799

Abinger, Surrey, Paddington in, q.v.

Ablington (Ablynton) [in Bibury], Glos, manor, 1095

Aboke, William, 146, 162, 166, 849

Abott see Abbott

Abovebrook, Richard, 527

Abovetheton, William, 828

Abraham, John, 662
-, Robert, 1184

Acaster Malbis (Acastremalbyssh), Yorks, manor, 568

Achard (Axhard), John, rector of Clyst Hydon, 104
-, Peter, Elizabeth his wife and John his brother, 1055
-, Robert, and Agnes his wife, 1055

Acklam (Acclum), Yorks, 955

Ackleton (Acleton) [in Badger], Salop, 958

Acle, Norf, Weybridge in, q.v.

Acre, Castle, (Castelacre), Norf, prior of, 406
-, Newton by, q.v.

Acton Burnell, Salop, 840–1
-, Ruckley in, q.v.

Acton, Iron, (Irenacton), Glos, 846

Acton Trussell, Staffs, 851

Acton Turville (Acton), Glos, inquisition at, 1095

Acton, John de, 831

Adam, John, John ap, 303, 522
-, John, citizen and goldsmith of London, 1189
-, William, 259, 299

Adderbury, East, (Adderbury), Oxon, manor, 801

Adderle, Ralph, 792

Addingham, Cumb, Salkeld, Little, in q.v.

Addington (Adyngton), Kent, manor, 12

Addington, Little (Little Adyngton), Northants, 334, 828

Adforton (Atforton) [in Leintwardine], Salop, [afterwards Heref], 61

Admond, John, 676

Adstone (Adeston) [in Canons Ashby], Salop, 825

Advent, Corn, Poldue in q.v.

Afflington (Alfrynton) [in Corfe Castle], Dors, 648

Aglaby, William de, 115

Aillemer see Aylemer

Aillesbury see Aylesbury

Aishford (Ayschford), Richard, and Alice his wife, 699
-, William, 105–6

Aiskew (Aiscogh) [in Bedale], Yorks, 221

Ake (Ak), William, parson of Lockington, 319
-, William de, of Lockington, and Alice (Hall) his wife, 655

Akelesdon (Akelyston), John de, 152, 846

Akenbergh (Bergh) [in Lockington], Yorks, manor, 419

Akenham, Suff, 303

Alayn see Aleyn

Alberbury (Alburbury), Salop, church, 968
-, Amaston, Breiddin, Bretchel, Eyton, Hayes and Rowton in, q.v.

Albon, John, 838

Alburgh (Aldeburgh), Norf, advowson, 302

Alby, Norf, advowson, 302

Alcester (Alycestre), Warw, 309, 527

Alconbury (Alcumbury, Alkemondebury, Alkenbury), Hunts, inquisition at, 333
-, manor, 271, 913, 1166

Aldborough, Yorks, 1140

Aldbourne, Sussex, manor, 370

Aldebury, Thomas, clerk, 342, 494, 500, 508–9, 511

Alden, Thomas de, knight, Elizabeth (Say) his wife and Maud his daughter, 1071
-, Mary daughter of see Worthyngton

Aldenham, Herts, 25

Alderbury (Alwardbury), Wilts, 410
-, Ivychurch in, q.v.

Aldermaston, Berks, inquisition at, and manor, 1055

Alderminster (Aldermerston), Worcs, 1126
-, Goldicote and Upthorpe in, q.v.

Aldersfield (Alderfeld) [in Wickhambrook], Suff, 834

Alderton (Aldryngton), Glos, 152, 846
-, Dixton in, q.v.

Alderton (Aldryngton), Northants, manor and advowson, 395

Aldglose (Aldelose) [in Hastingleigh], Kent, 1082

Aldham, Essex, Bourchiers in see Fordham, Little, formerly Bourchiers

Aldingham (Aldyngham), Lancs, 969

Aldington (Aldyngton by Maydeston) [in Thurnham], Kent, manor, 768, 1121

Aldridge (Allerwich), Staffs, manor, 774

Aldwincle (Aldewyncle); Northants, 828

Alesthorpe (Allesthorp by Burley, Alsthorp) in Burley, Rut, 266, 920

Alexanderman, William, and Joan his wife, 1141

Aleyn (Alayn), Henry, butler, 1123
-, John, 502, 1195
-, Walter, 119
-, William, 53, 509, 1124–5

ALEYNS, Cecily, daughter of Robert see Durdaunt
-, Geoffrey, of Cromer, 875, 1181
-, CHRISTINA wife of, 875
-, Roger brother of, 875, 1181
-, William brother of, 875
-, Robert son of Roger, 875, 1181

Aleynson, John, 425

Alford, Lincs, inquisition at, 883

Alfred (Alred), Richard, 563

Alfreton, Robert de, chaplain, 617

Algarkirk, Lincs, parson of see Ravenser, John

Algode, John, 862

ALISAUNDRE, JOHN, of Ousby, 558
-, Robert, 791
-, Robert son of John, 558
-, Robert son of William, 792–3

Alkborough (Alkebarewe), Lincs, 449

Alkebarowe, William, 963

Alkerton, Oxon, manor, 801

Aller (Aller Peverell) [in Kentisbeare], Devon, 105

Aller (Alre), Som, manor, advowson and chantry, 1146
-, parson of see Kyrchehille, John
-, Oathe in, q.v.

Allerton, liberty, 428

Allesley, William, 527

Allington (Alryngton), Dors, manor, 960

Allington (Alynton) [in Lewes], Sussex, 1081

Almondbury, Yorks, Holme in, q.v.

Almondsbury, Glos, Tockington, Lower, in, q.v.

Aln (Am), river, and ‘Cudbertferry’ on, 433

Alnwick (Alnewyk, Alnwyk), Northumb, 5, 433
-, castle, 433
-, inquisition at, 4

Alnwick (Alnewyk, Alnwyk), barony, 433

Alphington (Alfyngton), Devon, 1145
-, manor and advowson, 1145

Alred see Alfred

Alrewas, Eleanor de, 774

Alspath (Alspathe) [in Meriden], Warw, manor, 243, 269

Alstonefield (Alstanesfeld), Staffs, manor, 482

Althorpe, Lincs, 305
-, Amcotts in, q.v.

Alton (Aulton), Hants, inquisition at, 1086

Alton (Alveton), Staffs, lady of, 482
-, lord of, 376

Alveley (Alvytheleye), Salop, 77
-, inquisition at, 77
-, Lye Hall and Romsley in, q.v.

Alverstoke, Hants, Bedenham in, q.v.

Alveston, Glos, Earthcott, Row, in, q.v.

Alwent, John, chaplain, 997

Alwinton, Northumb, Biddlestone in, q.v.

Amaston (Ambaston) [in Alberbury], Salop, 1147

Amcotts (Amcotes) [in Althorpe], Lincs, 305

Amersham (Aumondesham), Bucks, inquisition at, 940

Amesbury (Ambresbury), Wilts, inquisitions at, 408, 688

Amesbury (Ombresbury), Wilts, hundred, 548

Amington (Amynton) [in Tamworth], Warw, 527

Ampney Crucis, Glos, Reddington in, q.v.

Ampney [unidentified] (Aumeneye), Glos, 1136

Ampthill (Amthull), Beds, manor, 803

Amys, Richard, prior of Stogursey, 1145–6
-, William, 859

Amyson, William, of Billingborough, 998

Anable, William, junior and senior, 425

Anderby, Lincs, parson of see Northwode, William

Andernes, Denise de, 677

Andover (Andevere), Hants, inquisitions at, 326, 524

Angerton, High or Low, (Angirton) [in Hartburn], Northumb, manor, 906

Anglesey (Angleseye) [in Bottisham], Cambs, prior of, 844

Angmering, Sussex, inquisitions at, 526, 934
-, Ecclesden and Ham in, q.v.

Angus, earl of see Umfraville, Gilbert

Ankerwyke (Ancrewyk) [in Wyrardisbury], Bucks, nuns of, 147, 185
-, prioress of, 147, 185, 850

Anketill, Henry, 944

Anne, queen consort of Richard II, 885

Anneseye, John, and Peter his son, 1181

ANNESLEY, HUGH DE, knight, and Hugh his son, 867
-, John de, knight, 687, 951, 954

Annington (Annyngton) [in Botolphs], Sussex, 304

Ansford (Almesford), Som, advowson, 476

Anstey (Ansty), Herts, castle, 637
-, manor, 631, 637

Anstey, East, (Estansty), Devon, 479

Anstey, West, (Westansty), Devon, 479

Ansty, Warw, 313

Anthorn (Aynthorn) [in Bowness], Cumb, 232

Antrouse, John, 792

Apethorp, Gilbert and John, 862

Apley (Appeley) [in Stockton], Salop, manor, 231

APPELER (Appler), JOHN, outlaw, 719–20
-, Margaret sister of, 720

Appleby (Appelby), Westm, inquisitions at, 779, 904, 1084, 1089, 1158
-, ‘Ribillandes’ in, 779
-, Hilton in, q.v.

Appledore (Appoldre, Appulderfelde), Kent, 119, 1082
-, Park in, q.v.

Applegarth (Appelgarth) [in Bainton], Yorks, 419

Appler see Appeler

Appleton (Appulton), Berks, inquisition at, 589
-, manor and advowson, 589
-, Eaton in, q.v.

Appleton (Apulton) [in Waldershare], Kent, 1082

Appleton le Street, Yorks, Newsham in, q.v.

Appulby, Geoffrey de, 842

Arblaster, Thomas, esquire, 829

Archenfield (Irchenfeld), Heref, lord of see Talbot, Gilbert

Archer (Archere), Alice, 536
-, John, 306
-, Richard, 866
-, Robert, 198
-, Thomas, 527

Ardeley (Erdele), Herts, manor, 402

Ardern (Arden, Arderne), Helen de, 527
-, Henry de, knight, 502, 515
-, Ralph, 855, 958
-, Richard, 672
-, Cecily daughter of see Swayn
-, Richard de, 517
-, Thomas de, 527
-, Walter, 140, 848

Argam (Erghum), Yorks, 583

Arganton, John de, knight, 201

Arkilby, Alan de, 232

Arley, Warw, manor, 902
-, Slowley in, q.v.

Arlingham (Erlyngham), Glos, 475

Arlington, Sussex, Michelham in, q.v.

Armthorpe (Arnethorp), Yorks, 301

Armurer, William, 140, 848

Armysthorp, John, 198

Arnewyk, Thomas de, 1055

Arnford (Arnesford) [in Long Preston], Yorks, 301

Arnore, Thomas, 306

Arrington (Arnington), Cambs, 844

Arthingworth, Northants, 828

Artowe, Richard, 476

Arundel, Sussex, 658

Arundel, earls of see Fitzalan

ARUNDEL (Arundell, Darundell), Agnes, 109
-, Agnes widow of William, knight, 313
-, John, 304
-, John, knight, 55, 760, 764, 769–70, 1116–8, 1122
-, Eleanor wife of afterwards Cobham, q.v.
-, John de, knight, son of, 1116
-, JOHN DE, esquire, son of, 1116, 1123
-, Richard de, knight, 4–5, 73, 433, 527, 896, 1120
-, Thomas, archbishop of York, afterwards of Canterbury, 12, 119, 272, 463, 768, 823, 1006, 1052, 1067, 1069, 1113, 1121
-, Thomas de, 55

Arwe, Thomas, smith, 310

Arwystly (Arwhistly), [Mont], 650

Ash (Asshe), Surrey, manor, 590

Ash Rose (Asshe Raaf), Devon, 1109

Ash Thomas (Aishe Thomas) [in Halberton], Devon, 105–6

Ashampstead (Ashamstede), Berks, 519

Ashborne, Robert, 862

Ashbourne (Asshburn), Derb, 241, 282, 910

Ashby (Askeby), Suf, 85

Ashby, Canons, Salop, Adstone in, q.v.

Ashby, Castle, (Assheby), Northants, castle, manor and advowson, 727–8
-, Chadstone in, q.v.

Ashby, Cold, (Coldessheby), Northants, 290

Ashby de la Zouch (Asheby la Zouche), Leics, inquisition at, 54
-, manor, extent of, 54
-, Kilwardby in, q.v.

Ashchurch, Glos, Aston on Carrant in, q.v.

Ashdon (Assedon, Asshdon), Essex, 198
-, parson of see Wauton, William de
-, Stevington in, q.v.

Asheldham (Asscheldam), Essex, 103

Ashen (Assh), Essex, 117, 198

Ashendon (Asshyndon), Bucks, 447

Ashfield, Great, (Asshefeld, Asshefeld Great), Suff, 110, 564

Ashfield, Little, (Asshefeld Little) in Great Ashfield, Suff, 564

Ashford (Ashford in the Peeke) [in Bakewell], Derb, inquisition at, 976
-, manor, 976

Ashford (Aishford), Devon, manor, 105

Ashford (Esshettisforde), Kent, inquisition at, 324
-, Stour, East, in, q.v.

Ashill (Asschele, Asshele, Aysshele), Norf, advowson, 469
-, Panworth and Uphall in, q.v.

Ashington (Astyngton), Som, 1012

Ashley, Cambs, 191

Ashley on Tern (Asshelee, Assheleye), Staffs, manor, 437
-, extent of, 611

Ashorne (Assherne) [in Newbold Pacey], Warw, manor, 509

Ashow (Asho), Warw, 527

Ashreigney, Devon, Northcott Barton in, q.v.

Ashridge (Assherugge) [in Little Gaddesden], Herts, rector of, 67

Ashtead (Asshestede), Surrey, manor, extent of, 420–1

Ashton (Assheton) [in Preston], Lancs, manor, 1091

Ashton (Asshen), Northants, 520

Ashton Gifford (Aston Giffard) [in Codford St. Peter], Wilts, manor, 477

Ashton Keynes (Assheton), Wilts, ‘Asshetonmede’ in, 1103

Ashton, Street, (Stretarston) [in Monks Kirby], Warw, 295

Ashwater (Aysshewater), Devon, 1005

Ashwell (Asshewell), Herts, 140, 848

Ashwell (Asshewell), Rut, 1044

Ashwellthorpe (Thorpe), Norf, 793

Ashwood (Asshewode) [in Kinver], Staffs, 774

Ask, Richard, 527

Askern, Joan, 854
-, John, parish clerk of Campsall, 854

Askerswell, Dors, Eggardon in, q.v.

Askham Bryan (Askham), Yorks, 108–9, 221

Askwith (Askewith) [in Weston], Yorks, 46–7

Aspele, Roger, 303

Aspenden (Aspeden), Herts, 402
-, Berkesden in, q.v.

Aspley (Aspeley) [in Tanworth], Warw, manor, 243, 269

Asselby (Asslaggby) [in Howden], Yorks, 301

ASSELE, THOMAS DE, knight, and Thomas his son, 535

Asshbrennere, John, 304

Asshe, William, 747
-, Cf. Nasshe

Asshebournham, Roger, 405

Assheburn, John, of Cheshire, 707

Assheby, Margery, 859
-, William, 308

-, John son of, 563
-, Robert grandson of, 563–5

Asshehurst see Asshurst

Assheley, John, 314

Asshelyn, Roger, 314

ASSHEMAN, John, 85
-, THOMAS, of Somerleyton, son of, idiot, 85
-, Walter brother of, 85
-, John son of Walter, 85

Assheton see Asshton

Asshewell, Master Richard, 1036

Asshton (Assheton), John de, knight, 597
-, Robert de, 445

Asshurst (Asshehurst), John, 933
-, Thomas, 934

Assington, Suff, manor, 1027
-, Aveley in, q.v.

Asteley, Nicholas de, 527
-, Thomas de, knight, 436, 594
-, William de, knight, 609

Asthorp see Astorp

Astley (Asteley, Estlegh), Salop, 77

Astley (Asteley), Warw, 527
-, dean of see Wetherley, John de

Astley (Asteley), Worcs, manor or priory, 342
-, Syntley in, q.v.

Astley Abbotts (Asteley Abbates), Salop, 825
-, Nordley in, q.v.

Aston (Aston in Monslowe in Corfedale), in Munslow, Salop, 588

Aston (Aston undre le Wreken) [in Wem], Salop, 650

Aston, Warw, 773
-, Erdington and Witton in, q.v.

Aston (Aston by Stone) in Stone, Staffs, 851

Aston Cantlow, Warw, Wilmcote in, q.v.

Aston, Church, (Mikelaston), Salop, manor, 483

Aston Clinton (Aston Clynton), Bucks, 789
-, manor, 42

Aston Eyre (Aston Eir, Eyr) [in Morville], Salop, manor, 231

Aston Ingham (Aston Ingeyn), Heref, 682

Aston le Walls (Aston), Northants, 151–2, 163, 166, 187, 838

Aston on Carrant (Aston) [in Ashchurch], Glos, 152, 846

Aston Pigott (Aston Pigot) [in Worthen], Salop, 840–1

Aston Sandford (Aston Saunford), Bucks, manor, 193

Aston Subedge (Aston undur Egge), Glos, manor and advowson, 57

Aston Upthorpe (Aston) [in Blewbury], Berks, 519

ASTON (Eston), John, escheator in Devon, 367
-, Nicholas de, 517
-, Robert de, 529
-, Roger, 196
-, Roger de, parson of Weston under Lizard, 425
-, Thomas, knight, 784–5, 829
-, WILLIAM, idiot, and Alice his wife, 682

ASTORP (Asthorp), WILLIAM, knight, bastard, 104–7, 386
-, Margaret wife of, 104–6

Athelard, William, 307

ATHELLES (Dathell), ADOMAR DE, 581–3
-, David brother of, 581–2

Atherton, Nicholas de, knight, 597–8

Atholl (Adhall, Athell), earl of see Strabolgi, David

Atteberne see Berne

Attenash see Nasshe
-, Cf. Asshe

Atterley (Atteley) [in Much Wenlock], Salop, lord of, 527

Attewode see Wode

Attleborough (Attelburgh, Attilburgh), Norf, 871
-, inquisition at, 406
-, Crowshall and Plassing Hall in, q.v.

Attlebridge (Attelbrigg), Norf, 1083

Aubrey, Andrew, citizen of London, and John his son, 25, 27
-, Maud wife of John see Montague

Auburn (Alborne) [in Carnaby], Yorks, 583

Aucher (Auger, Fitzaucher, Fitzauger), Henry, 146, 162, 166, 188, 849
-, Richard, 1123
-, Cf. Orger

Auckland, Durh, Eldon in, q.v.

Auckley (Alkeby) [in Finningley], Yorks, 292

AUDELEY (Audelegh, Audeleygh, Daudeley), James, 482–4
-, Joan wife of and Isabel second wife of, 484
-, Margaret daughter of see Hillary
-, James, of Heighley, 788
-, Nicholas, and Joan his wife, 482–3
-, Nicholas, knight, and ELIZABETH his wife, 477–84
-, Roland, 788
-, Margaret sister of see Fitzwaryn
-, Thomas brother of, 788

Audley (Audeley), Staffs, manor, 482
-, Heighley in, q.v.

Audley, lord see Tuchet

Auger see Aucher

Auckland, Robert de, chaplain, 29

Aumale (Albemarle, Albimarle), honour, 70, 380–2, 416, 427

Aumbergull, William, 303

AURE (Aura), HENRY DE, and Richard his son, 681
-, Walter de, 680

Austin (Orkesden) [in Eynsford], Kent, manor, 768, 1121

Austyn, John, 303
-, Thomas, 863

Avebury, Wilts, priory, 1030

Aveley (Alveleye, Alvyngleth) [in Assington], Suff, 303
-, manor, 1053

Avenell, William, 1005

Averham, Notts, Staythorpe in, q.v.

Aveton, Thomas, 843

Avington (Avynton), Berks, manor, 937

Avon, Warw, river, 509

Awre (Aura), Glos, and ‘Hundmor’ in, 680

Axfleet Marsh (Acresflet) in Canewdon, Essex, manor, 619

Axhard see Achard

Axholme (Haxholm), Isle of, Lincs, 284, 305
-, receiver in see Fouler, William

Aykenhed (Aykhed), John de, rector of Moresby, 232–3

Aylburton (Ailberton) [in Lydney], Glos, manor, 409

Aylemer (Aillemer, Aylemere), John, 196, 485, 869

Aylesbury (Ailesbury), Bucks, inquisitions at, 8, 124, 143, 157, 193, 518, 562, 607, 789

Aylesbury (Aillesbury), Agnes de, 843
-, Katherine (Pabenham) wife of Thomas, 17, 19

Aylesford (Aylesforde), Kent, 12

Aylmerton (Aylemereton), Norf, 1181

Aylsham (Aylmanburgh), Norf, chaplain of see Tonne, William

Aylton, Heref, manor and advowson, 753

Aylyngton, William 191

Aynho (Ayno), Northants, 152–2, 838
-, manor, 760

Ayot St. Lawrence (Ayote), Herts, 140, 848

Ayschford see Aishford

Aysgarth, Yorks, 931
-, Bolton, West, Burton, West, Mossdale, Thwaite and Walden in, q.v.