Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 896-954

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1987.

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J. L. Kirby, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 896-954', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV( London, 1987), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J. L. Kirby, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 896-954', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV( London, 1987), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J. L. Kirby. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 896-954". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 18, Henry IV. (London, 1987), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

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Inquisitions Post Mortem, Henry IV, Entries 896-954

12 Feb. 1404.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Morpeth. 26 March.
Henry de Heton, knight, held half the vill of Hartley, a place called Brierdene, the castle and manor of Chillingham, and 1 husbandland in Doxford. Owing to his death and the minority of William his son and heir, the half vill and place being held of the king in chief, all were taken into the king’s hands and so remain. William the son died under age.
The half and place are worth 20 marks yearly. Chillingham is held of Henry de Percy, earl of Northumberland, by knight service, annual value these days 20 marks. The husbandland is held of Richard de Arundell, knight, in socage, annual value 12s.
William the son died on 27 Sept. 1401. Joan, aged 15 years and more, and married to Robert de Rotherford, Elizabeth, aged 12 years and more, and Margaret, 9 years and more, are the daughters of Henry de Heton, and sisters and next heirs of William.
C 137/41, no. 18
Writ 6 Jan. 1404.
RUTLAND. Inquisition. Oakham. 19 Jan.
He held in his demesne as of fee 8 messuages and 8 virgates in Morcott, annual value 4 marks; and 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Barrowden, annual value 26s.8d.; of whom and by what service is unknown.
He died on 4 Dec. 1403. Edward his son and heir was aged 14 on 4 March 1403.
Writ 6 Jan. 1404.
WARWICK. Inquisition. Southam. 24 Jan.
He held the manor of Long Itchington in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by the service of half a knight’s fee, annual value 35 marks 10s.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 6 Jan. 1404.
NOTTINGHAM. Inquisition. Epperstone. 24 Jan.
He held the manor of Epperstone in his demesne as of fee of Thomas Chaworth, knight, by suit of court at the castle of Tickhill and payment of 3s. yearly of common farm and ‘Shyreftothe’, annual value £6 10s.4d.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 6 Jan. 1404.
HERTFORD. Inquisition. Hitchin. 31 Jan.
He held half the manor of Pirton called Oddingselles in his demesne as of fee of the king in chief by knight service, amount unknown, annual value £20.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ 6 Jan. 1404.
OXFORD. Inquisition. Burford. 24 Jan.
He held in his demesne as of fee the manor of Broadwell of the king in chief as half a knight’s fee, annual value 20 marks; and 5 virgates in Great Rollright of Hugh Lord Burnell, service unknown, annual value 20s.
Date of death and heir as above.
Writ, for fees, 24 Feb. 1404.
WARWICK. Inquisition. Long Itchington. 24 Sept.
He held the following of his manor of Long Itchington:
Maxstoke, the castle and manor, held of him by John Russell, knight, and Elizabeth his wife in right of Elizabeth for her life, with reversion to William de Clynton, knight, as one fee, annual value 40 marks.
Solihull, half the manor and lordship with a third part of the liberty of the lordship and the whole advowson, held by Sibyl widow of Hugh le Despenser, knight, for life, with reversion to Edward Boteller, knight, and Anne his wife in right of Anne, as half a fee, annual value 40 marks; the other half of the manor and lordship with a third part of the liberty, held by John Dencourt, Lord Deincourt, in right of his wife as half a fee, annual value £22.
Stoneythorpe, the manor, held by William Hore by knight service, 10 marks.
Slowley and Arley, the manors, held by Ralph Racheford, knight, as one fee, 40 marks.
Bascote, the manor, held by Thomas Seyvyll by knight service, 18 marks 6s.8d.
Stockton, the manor, held by Thomas ap Gryffyth as one fee, £20.
Solihull, 100s. rent and a third part of the liberty, held by William de Clynton, knight, by knight service, amount unknown.
Collyweston in Northamptonshire, the manor, held by Edward Boteller, knight, and Anne his wife in her right as one fee, 40 marks.
Long Itchington, lands and tenements, held by Guy Breton as half a fee, 100s.; and various lands, held by the prior of Maxstoke as a quarter fee, 5 marks.
Edward his son and next heir was aged 11 and no more on 17 Feb. 1404.
Writ to Thomas Frysby to receive the attorneys of Mary widow of John Dodyngselles to seek reasonable dower, and send in their names, 16 Feb. 1404.
[Endorsed] He had received Nicholas Dene and Thomas Throp as attorneys of Mary and executed the writ.
C 137/42, no. 19
E 149/83, no. 2
E 152/395, no. 1
Writ 12 April 1404.
BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Abingdon. 22 May.
She held for life of the king in chief by knight service 1 ruinous messuage, 2 carucates, 10 a. meadow and 5s. rent in West Hagbourne of the inheritance of Richard son of Brian de Wyndesore, with reversion to him, annual value 5 marks.
She died on 22 April last [sic]. Richard son of Brian, her next heir, is aged 5 years and more.
She also held jointly with John Yorke, her son, to him and his heirs, 5 messuages, 80 a. arable and 4 a. meadow in the same place of Richard son of Brian by knight service, annual value 20s. John her son is aged 24 years and more.
C 137/42, no. 20
E 152/395, no. 2
Writ 20 Sept. 1403.
WESTMORLAND. Inquisition. Appleby. 15 Oct.
She held in dower from all the lands of William Baron Greystoke, of the inheritance of Ralph Baron Greystoke, knight, son and heir of William, the advowson of Dufton taxed according to the new tax at 6s. yearly. It is held of the Lord Clifford in chief as parcel of the manor of Dufton by homage and fealty.
She died on 1 Sept. last. Ralph her son and heir is aged 40 years and more.
Writ 20 Sept. 1403.
YORK. Inquisition. Malton. 7 Oct.
She held in dower of the inheritance of Ralph Baron Greystoke, knight:
Nidd, 8 messuages and 8 bovates, annual value 53s.4d.; 2 a., 12d.; and a third part of a mill, 6s.8d.; all of the archbishop of York of his manor of Ripon by fealty.
Welbury by East Harlsey, the manor, of Walter Lord Fauconberg of his manor of Skelton in Cleveland, annual value £10, and he holds of the king in chief.
Butterwick in Grindalythe, the manor, with its members in Sherburn, Hertfordlythe, Boythorpe, Flixton, Folkton and Flotmanby, with the advowson of Folkton, of Peter de Malo Lacu of his manor of Bainton by knight service, and he holds of the king in chief, annual value £9.
Crossthwaite in Teesdale, the manor, of Henry Fitzhugh, knight, of his manor of Kirby Ravensworth, by a rent of 4s., annual value £6. Fitzhugh holds it of the earl of Richmond of the honour of Richmond, and the earl of the king in chief.
Scagglethorpe, £4 2s.6d. in rents, of Ralph Hastyngs, knight, of his manor of Slingsby, and he holds of Lord de Moubray of his manor of Hovingham by knight service, and Moubray of the king in chief.
Date of death and heir, as aged 46 years and more, as above.
Writ 20 Sept. 1403.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Morpeth. 9 Oct.
She held in dower of the inheritance of Ralph Baron Greystoke Morpeth castle and manor, with the advowsons of Morpeth and of the hospital of St. Mary Magdalen there called Catchburne ‘spitell’; 5 husbandlands and 5 cottages in Horsley; half of the demesne lands and of 4 husbandlands and 4 cottages in Tranwell; a third part of half the demesne arable and meadow, husbandlands and cottages in Long Benton; and a rent of 17s.4d. in Killingworth, payable by equal parts at Whitsun and Martinmas; all of which William Baron Greystoke died seised of to himself and his heirs. There is a weekly market on Wednesdays at Morpeth and a fair at St. Mary Magdalen without tolls. All are held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £20 and no more because of destruction and burning by the Scots.
She also held of the king in chief by knight service of the same inheritance by the grant of Robert Herle, knight, to William and herself and the heirs of William:
Benridge, the manor, annual value 60s.
Outchester, Benwell, Eachwick, East Heddon, Heddon on the Wall and Middleton Morel, 2 1/2 knight’s fees, and half the manor of Angerton, annual value £10 and no more for the same reason.
Date of death and heir, aged 46 years and more, as above.
Writ 20 Sept. 1403.
CUMBERLAND. Inquisition. Penrith. 16 Oct.
She held nothing in Cumberland.
Date of death and heir, aged 40 years and more, as above.
C 137/42, no. 21
E 149/82, no. 13
E 152/380, no. 1
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Bramber. 4 Oct.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife, from the lands of Thomas duke of Norfolk, her former husband, all of the king in chief, services unknown:
Knepp, the manor, annual value £7 17s.
Shoreham, the borough, £17.
Findon, the manor, £30.
West Grinstead, the manor, £10.
Southease, meadow, 33s.4d.
Washington, assize rent of 20s. from Robert Peter.
Lower Beeding, assize rents of 6d. from Robert Maynard from the manor, and 7s. from John Wylman.
Bramber, assize rent of 12d. from Thomas Palmer.
West Grinstead and Burbeach, the hundreds, and Wyndham and Fishergate, the half hundreds, annual values unknown.
He died on 20 [recte 21] July. Joan and Elizabeth his daughters and heirs are aged 2 years and more and 1 year and more.
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
NOTTINGHAM. Inquisition. Nottingham. 24 Oct.
He held 10 marks rent from Nottingham castle in dower of Elizabeth his wife, from the annuity of £20 of her former husband, Thomas duke of Norfolk, according to the law and custom of England.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
DERBY. Inquisition. Bretby. 23 Oct. 1403.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife from the lands of Thomas duke of Norfolk, her late husband, with reversion to Thomas his son, of whom is unknown:
Bretby, the castle and manor, annual value £25.
Rosliston and Coton in the Elms, the manors, annual value £28 10s.7d.
Repton, Linton, Milton, Willington, Ashbourne and ‘Howes’, 12 messuages, 14 bovates and £10 rent, annual value £14 10d.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
BEDFORD. Inquisition. Bedford. 4 Oct.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife, of the king in chief as parcel of the barony of Bedford:
Haynes, the manor and a third part of the park of the manor, service unknown, annual value £10.
Stotfold, the manor, service unknown, annual value £16.
Date of death, 21 July, and heirs as above.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. Wing. 13 Oct. 1403.
He held the manors of Penn, Linslade and Southcott in the dower of Elizabeth his wife, Linslade and Southcott of the king in chief by knight service, annual value 100s., Penn, annual value £10.
He also held the manor of Wing in right of Elizabeth because Richard earl of Arundel gave it to Thomas duke of Norfolk, Elizabeth then his wife and the heirs of their bodies. Of whom it is held and by what service is unknown.
Date of death, 21 July, and heirs as above.
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
HUNTINGDON. Inquisition. Huntingdon. 19 Jan. 1404.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife a third part of the manor of Alconbury, of whom is unknown, annual value of the third part £17 15s.7d.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 8 Oct. 1403.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife, of whom is unknown:
Kennett and Kentford, the manor, annual value 20 marks.
Cherry Hinton, a third part of the manor, £10 4s.5d.
Ickleton, 6s.8d. rent.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Gainsborough. 17 Oct.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife, of whom is unknown, a third part of the manor of Epworth, annual value of the third, £50.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
LEICESTER. Inquisition. Hallaton. 22 Oct.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife:
Witherley, the manor, of whom is unknown, annual value £10.
Goscote, the hundred, of the king in chief, 40s.
Melton Mowbray, a third part of the manor, of whom is unknown, annual value 10 marks, 10s.6d.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
WARWICK. Inquisition. Coventry. 13 Oct.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife a third part of the manors of Kineton and Caludon, of whom is unknown, annual value together, £10.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
ESSEX. Inquisition. Saffron Walden. 23 Oct.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife, of whom is unknown:
Chesterford, the manor, annual value £30.
Dovercourt with Harwich, a third part of the manor, £9 11s.2d.
Romford, the manor, £10.
He also held in right of Elizabeth, who held jointly with Thomas duke of Norfolk, her former husband, the manor of Prittlewell, of whom is unknown, annual value 24 marks.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
HERTFORD. Inquisition. Hertford. 20 Oct. 1403.
He held nothing in Hertfordshire.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
RUTLAND. Inquisition. Oakham. 13 Sept.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife a third part of a toft and of two virgates in Alesthorp by Burley, of Robert de Plesyngton, lord of Burley, service unknown, annual value 3s.4d.
Date of death, 21 July, and heirs as above.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Chipping Warden. 17 Sept. 1403.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife:
Chalcombe, a third part of the manor, of the bishop of Lincoln of his castle of Banbury, service unknown, annual value of the third part beyond ancient annuities 6s.8d.
Northampton, 8s. rent from various tenements held of the king in burgage.
Date of death, 21 July, and heirs as above.
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
NORFOLK. Inquisition. Kenninghall. 6 Sept.
He held the manor of Kenninghall with the hundred of Guiltcross in right of Elizabeth duchess of Norfolk his wife, who held it jointly with John [recte William] Mountegu, her former [i.e. first] husband, by the gift of William Mountegu, earl of Salisbury, to John [recte William] and Elizabeth and their heirs male. Elizabeth widow of the earl of Salisbury holds a third part in dower. It is held of the king in chief by a rent of 40d. blanch farm of the castle of Norwich, annual value £40 4d.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
SUFFOLK. Inquisition. Earl Soham. 7 Sept. 1403.
He held in the dower of Elizabeth his wife, assigned to her in chancery, of the king in chief, services unknown:
Walton, a third part of the manor, the annual value of the whole manor being £80 17s.4d.
Earl Soham, the manor, annual value £28.
Bungay, the manor and borough, £70 5s.1d.
Earl Stonham, the manor, £46 17s.4 1/2d.
Dunningworth, the manor, £16.
Kelsale, the manor, £60.
Peasenhall, the manor, £18.
Staverton, the manor, £36 16s.3 1/4d.
Hollesley, the manor, £40 17s.7d.
Hoo, the manor, with the hundred of Loes, £33 1s.1/4d.
Cratfield, Stow Park and Berwick, £6 in rents.
Kennett and Kentford, 72 a. arable and 8 a. meadow called ‘Londmedwe’, part of the manor, which is partly in Cambridgeshire, the arable at 2d. the a. and no more because stony and sandy, the meadow 2s. the a.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
YORK. Inquisition. Thirsk. 24 Oct.
He held a third part of the manors of Thirsk, Hovingham and Kirkby Malzeard in the dower of Elizabeth his wife, of whom is unknown, annual value £36.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
He held a third part of the castle of Swansea, of the lordship and manor of Kilvey and of the lordship of Gower in the dower of Elizabeth his wife, of whom is unknown, annual value together 200 marks.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
Writ 6 Aug. 1403.
SHROPSHIRE. Inquisition. Bridgnorth. 4 Oct.
He held the manors of Stottesdon, annual value £20, and Kingswood, annual value 100s., in the dower of Elizabeth his wife, how and of whom is unknown.
Date of death, 20 July, and heirs as above.
C 137/42, no. 22
E 149/80, no. 2
E 152/380, no. 2, 382, 389, no. 5
Writ 21 Dec. 1403.
SHROPSHIRE. Inquisition. Shrewsbury. 31 Dec.
He held in his demesne in fee tail jointly with Eleanor his wife, who survives him, by the grant of William Walleford and William Russell, chaplains, to them and their heirs, half the manors of Rossall, Yagdon and Sleap by Bilmarsh with the advowson of the free chapel of Rossall, together with the reversion of the other halves of the manors which Beatrice his mother holds. They are held of Thomas earl of Arundel by knight service; annual values of the halves, Rossall 6 marks, Yagdon 20s., Sleap 13s.4d.
He died on 21 July last. Eleanor formerly the wife of Nicholas Dagworth, knight, and Alice wife of John Inggelfeld, his sisters and next heirs, are aged 26 and 22 years.
C 137/42, no. 23
Writ 22 Feb. 1404.
WILTSHIRE. Inquisition. Marlborough. 28 Feb.
John de Nubury, chaplain, Adam Blake, chaplain, and Thomas Hungerford, citizen and merchant of Salisbury, by their charter with royal licence [CPR 1354–8, pp.308–9] granted the manor of Rushall with the advowson to Edward de Stocke and Joan, then his wife, and the heirs of the body of Edward, with successive remainders to Thomas son of Walter de Hungerford and the heirs of Thomas, William de Lucy, knight, and his heirs, Edmund brother of William de Lucy and his heirs, Thomas de Stocke and his heirs, and the right heirs of Edward.
Edward de Stocke died without heirs. Joan then held it for life, of the king as one quarter of a knight’s fee, annual value 20 marks.
She died on 18 Feb. last. Thomas son of Walter de Hungerford is dead. It should remain to Walter Hungerford, knight, son and heir of Thomas son of Walter, aged 25 years and more.
C 137/42, no. 24
E 152/397
Writ 16 Dec. 1403.
LEICESTER. Inquisition. Melton Mowbray. 1 July 1404.
He held in his demesne as of fee jointly with Margaret his wife the manors of Edmondthorpe and Wymondham, with 1 messuage and 1 carucate in Barkestone, by the grant of John de Gunwardby and Benet de Goteham, clerk, by a fine of 1386 [CP 25(1) 289/54, no. 150] to them and their heirs with remainder to the right heirs of Margaret. Edmondthorpe is held of the king of the honour of Leicester by knight service, annual value 100s.; Wymondham is similarly held, annual value £4; the messuage and carucate are held of William Lord de Roos, service unknown, annual value 20s.
He also held in his demesne as of fee 9s.3d. rent in Medbourn with the advowson, of the king in chief by a rent of 2d. payable by the sheriff at the exchequer at Easter, annual value of the advowson 20 marks.
He died on 3 Dec. 1403. Richard his son and next heir was aged 10 years on 31 May last.
Writ 14 March 1404.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. High Wycombe. 15 April.
Richard Lescrope, knight, held the manor of Hambleden with the advowson for the life of Juliana wife of Stephen Spore and 1 year more with reversion to John de Gunwardby and Benet de Gotham, clerk, and the heirs of John. They granted the reversion to Roger Lescrope and Margaret his wife, their heirs and the right heirs of Margaret by a fine [as above, no. 929]. Richard released his rights to them and they entered and so held them until Roger died. They are held of William earl of Salisbury of the honour of Christchurch, service unknown; annual values, manor £40, advowson £20.
Date of death and heir, aged 9 years on 31 May, as above.
Writ 16 Dec. 1403.
YORK. Inquisition. York castle. 5 Aug. 1404.
He held in his demesne as of fee:
Caldwell, the manor, of the earl of Richmond by knight service, annual value £8.
Croft and Bolton upon Swale, the manors, of the same earl, annual values 100s. and 40s.
Uckerby, the manor of Lord Deincourt and Henry de Hedelame, annual value 60s.
Ellerton on Swale, the manor, of the lord of Richmond castle, service unknown, annual value £20.
Kirkby Fleetham, the manor, of the earl of Richmond, service unknown, annual value £7.
Great Fencote, the manor, of Henry Fitzhugh, service unknown, annual value £10.
Low Bolton in Wensleydale, the manor, of the lord of Richmond castle, service unknown, annual value £20.
West Bolton in Wensleydale, the manor, of Ralph earl of Westmorland, service unknown, annual value 100s.
Redmire and Preston under Scar, half the manors, of the earl of Richmond and Henry Fitzhugh respectively, services unknown, annual values 100s. and £6.
Brettanby, Jolby, Wensley and Sutton Howgrave, the manors, of the earl of Richmond, services unknown, annual values, 113s.4d., 10s., £10 and 100s.
Dishforth, the manor, of Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, service unknown, annual value 40s.
West Burton and Walden, 1 1/2 carucates, and Aysgarth, 1 carucate, of Thomas Mounford, services unknown, annual value 100s.
Richmond, a free rent of £7 13s.4d., 3 messuages, 4 tofts, 3 shops and 40 a., of the earl of Richmond, service unknown, annual value £9.
Hudswell, 2 small closes and 3 a., of the abbot of St. Agatha’s, service unknown, annual value 8s.
Bellerby, 2 messuages, 2 cottages, 6 bovates and 20 a. meadow, of Stephen Lescrope, lord of Masham, service unknown, annual value 10s.
Date of death and heir, aged 10 years on 31 May, as above.
Writ 16 Dec. 1403.
HERTFORD. Inquisition. Sawbridgeworth. 26 June 1404.
He held nothing in Hertfordshire.
Date of death and heir, aged 10 years on 31 May, as above.
C 137/43, no. 25
E 149/82, no. 10
Writ 8 Sept. 1404.
KENT. Inquisition. West Malling. 10 March 1405.
Long before he died he granted the manor of Boxley by his deed to Nicholas de Carreu, John Asshurst and John Blachemerden, clerk, their heirs and assigns. They still hold it in peaceful seisin, and he only had it by their licence and at their will.
He died on 24 Aug. last. Thomas Leukenore is next heir of blood, being the son of Roger Leukenore, son of Joan, daughter of Margaret Doyle, sister of Henry Treygos, father of John. He is aged 12 years and more, and by right of inheritance the manor would descend to him.
Writ 8 Sept. 1404.
SUSSEX. Inquisition. Angmering. 3 Jan. 1405.
Long before he died he recognised by a fine [CP 25(1) 240/80, no. 13] that the manors of Goring, Preston, Dedisham, Barkham, Parham, Walderton, Wiggenholt, Greatham and Cootham were the right of Nicholas de Carreu, John Estephenes, Thomas Harlyng, clerk, William Pymour, clerk, Thomas Suthtoune, clerk, Thomas Lyttewynne and the heirs of Thomas Lyttewynne. Thomas Lyttewynne by his deed released his rights to the others. William Pymour died. The survivors assigned to Alice widow of Edward Tregos the manors of Preston, Barkham, Wiggenholt and Parham, and 20s. rent from Goring, for life in dower; and she was given seisin by Thomas Asshehurst in accordance with their letters to him [CCR 1399–1402, p.298]. So she has held these manors until the present time.
John Tregos after this assignment and livery of seisin to Alice, by the licence and will of Nicholas Carreu, John Estephenes, Thomas Harlyng and Thomas Suthtoune, entered the manors of Goring, Dedisham, Greatham, Walderton and Cootham, the possession of which they confirmed by their deed to John Tregos, his heirs and assigns.
Afterwards by his deed John Tregos granted to Nicholas de Carreu, John Asshurst and John Black the manors of Goring, Dedisham, Greatham, and Walderton and certain lands and tenements … by the name of ‘Wyntric’ with their appurtenances to them, their heirs and assigns. So they were seised of them and still hold in peaceful seisin, without … John Tregos … [several lines illegible].
Date of death and heir as above.
C 137/43, no. 26
LONDON. Inquisition. 31 May 1403.
He held nothing in his demesne as of fee beyond that which appears in the inquisition taken under Richard II. [CIPM XVII, no. 1098]. John Keresley held for life by the grant of Roger Lestraunge 12 cottages in an alley next to Holborn bridge in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, to the east of a garden of Christina widow of Stephen Pulham. They are held of the king in free burgage as all London is, annual value 6s.8d. After the death of John Keresley they should revert to Roger Lestraunge as son and heir of John son of Roger.
John Keresley died on 30 Jan. 1403. Richard son of John son of Roger is heir.
E 152/383, no. 3
Writ 10 Oct. 1403.
OXFORD. Inquisition. Bicester. 21 Dec.
She held the manor of Bicester with the advowson of the priory for life jointly with John her late husband, of the prince [of Wales] of his honour of Wallingford by knight service, by the grant of Richard Edevenet, Richard Wythyford and John Bannebury, clerks, to them and the heirs and assigns of John; annual value £10.
She died on 20 Sept. 1400. Richard son and next heir of both John and Maud is aged 21 years and more. Since the death of Maud, Nicholas Hauberk, knight, has occupied the manor with the advowson of the priory, and still holds and takes the profits, title unknown.
BERKSHIRE. Inquisition. Hungerford. 28 Jan. 1404.
Roger Lestraunge of Knockin held the manor of Avington in his demesne as of fee, and granted it to John Lestraunge and Maud and the heirs of their bodies [licence, CPR 1370–4, p.187]. She died seised of it, of the king in chief as a sixth part of a knight’s fee, annual value 100s.
Date of death, heir and tenure by Nicholas Hauberk as above.
Writ 10 Oct. 1403.
MIDDLESEX. Inquisition. Charterhouse. 7 May 1404.
She held the manors of Colham and Uxbridge for life jointly with John her late husband, of the prince [of Wales] of his honour of Wallingford by knight service, by the grant of Richard Edevenet, Richard Wythyford and John Bannebury, clerks, to them and the heirs and assigns of John; annual value £40.
Date of death, heir, and tenure by Nicholas Hauberk as above.
Writ 10 Oct. 1403.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Oundle. 14 Jan. 1404.
Roger Lestraunge of Knockin, knight, held the manor of Wadenhoe and granted it to John and Maud and the heirs of their bodies. It is held of the king in chief by knight service, annual value £20.
Date of death, heir, and tenure by Nicholas Hauberk as above.
Writ 10 Oct. 1403.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. Amersham. 10 June 1404.
She held 2 watermills under one roof in Denham for life jointly with John her late husband, by the grant of Richard Edvenet, Richard Withiford and John Bannebury, clerks, to them and the heirs and assigns of John. They are held of the abbot of Westminster by the rent of a red rose at Midsummer, annual value 60s.
Date of death, heir, and tenure by Nicholas Hauberk as above.
Writ 10 Oct. 1403.
CAMBRIDGE. Inquisition. Cambridge. 19 June 1404.
She held the manor and advowson of Milton for life jointly with John her late husband, of the bishop of Ely by the rent of a pair of gilt spurs, price 6d., or 6d., by the grant of Richard Edvenet, Richard Wythyford and John Bannebury, clerks, to them and the heirs and assigns of John; annual value £45.
Date of death, heir, and tenure by Nicholas Hauberk as above.
Writ 10 Oct. 1403.
STAFFORD. Inquisition. Stafford. 24 Jan. 1404.
She held the manor of Shenstone for life jointly with John her late husband, of Robert Plessy, knight, service unknown, by the grant of Robert de Kendale, William Wolascote and John de Longeforde to them and the heirs and assigns of John; annual value £40.
Date of death, heir, and tenure by Nicholas Hauberk as above.
Writ 10 Oct. 1403.
SHROPSHIRE. Inquisition. Shrewsbury. 20 Dec.
She held in her demesne as of fee jointly with John her late husband, of the earl of Arundel, services unknown:
Myddle, the manor, by the grant of Philip de la Lee, parson of Myddle, Roger Hampton, vicar of Ellesmere, and Richard Edevenet, parson of Llanymynech, to them and the heirs of their bodies; annual value £6 13s.4d. and no more because almost wasted by the Welsh rebels.
Knockin, the castle and lordship, by the grant of the same, annual value 100s. and no more for the same reason.
Hardwick and Marton, the manors, by the grant of Richard de Whithiford, chaplain, annual value £4 and no more for the same reason.
Date of death, heir, and tenure by Nicholas Hauberk as above.
C 137/43, no. 27
Writ for proof of age, ordering that Nicholas Haweberk who had custody of the lands should be warned. 8 Aug. 1404.
[Endorsed] He was warned by John Pichard and William Hamme.
LONDON. Proof of age. Guildhall. 16 Aug.
Richard, son and heir of John, son of Roger Lestraunge of Knockin, was born in London in the parish of St. Bartholomew the Less in Broad Street ward and baptised in that church on 1 Aug. 1381 [sic] and so was aged 22 on 1 Aug. last.
Geoffrey Creek, aged 60, was in the church and saw Richard earl of Arundel acting as godfather.
Thomas Whyte, 45, was also there and saw William de Monte Acuto, earl of Salisbury, as the other godfather.
John Goldesburgh, 46, saw Elizabeth le Despenser, the godmother, there.
Henry Anketill, 44, says that Katherine atte Hull, who was staying in a house of his, was a matron of Maud, Richard’s mother, and told him of the birth.
Nicholas Luffenham, 50, saw Nicholas Bleseworth, then an esquire of John son of Roger, carrying a torch before Richard to the church.
John Cole, 44, saw Beatrice atte Lee carrying a bowl of water before Richard to the church for the baptism.
William Weston, 43, had a son called Geoffrey who was baptised then.
William Rybode, 48, met John Bereford, an esquire of Maud, going to Elizabeth to ask her to be a godmother.
Roger Hillom, 60, was present in the church and saw him having 4 godfathers and 2 godmothers whence there was a multiplicity of promises.
John Staunton, 56, saw Richard earl of Arundel on that day after the baptism making a gift to Richard.
John Wolverlee, 70, was an esquire of the earl of Salisbury, and brought Richard that day … as a gift from the earl.
Walter Banham, 42, saw Elizabeth le Despenser on that day …
C 137/45, no. 49
Writ 20 Dec. 1403.
HERTFORD. Inquisition. St. Albans. 26 Dec.
She held in her demesne as of fee 40 a. arable and 6 a. wood in Flaunden, annual value 10s., and 4s. rent of free tenants there payable by equal parts at the four terms, all of the honour of Wallingford, service unknown.
She died on 5 Nov. 1395. Robert her husband held the lands by the courtesy of England, and after he died they were taken into the king’s hands owing to the minority of John Nevell, her son and heir. He is next heir and aged 21 years and more.
Writ 20 Dec. 1403.
BEDFORD. Inquisition. Bedford. 28 Dec.
She held in her demesne as of fee:
Dilwick, the manor, annual value 20 marks, and the park there, annual value nil because she granted an annual fee of £4 to Gilbert Drye, the parker, for life.
Wootton, the manor, annual value 12 marks.
Renhold, the manor, with the wood of Cardington, annual value 33 marks.
Potton, certain lands and tenements called Potton Burdetts held by various tenants, annual value 5 marks.
Stratton, £10 rent from the manor payable by equal parts at Easter and Michaelmas.
Bedford, perquisites of the court held every 3 weeks, annual value 10s.
Bromham, rent of 26s.8d. from various tenants.
All were held in chief of Richard II of the barony of Bedford, except the lands in Potton which are held of the earl of Pembroke of the honour of Huntingdon, service unknown.
Date of death, tenure by Robert, and heir as above.
BUCKINGHAM. Inquisition. Chesham. 27 Dec. 1403.
She held in her demesne as of fee of Henry prince of Wales of the honour of Wallingford, services unknown:
Latimer, the manor, annual value £16 13s.4d.
North Crawley, view of frankpledge held once yearly after Michaelmas, annual value 20d.
Broughton, view of frankpledge, annual value 2s.
Date of death, tenure by Robert, and heir as above.
Writ 20 Dec. 1403.
NORTHAMPTON. Inquisition. Wellingborough. 29 Dec.
She held in her demesne as of fee:
Corby, the manor and advowson, 40s. rent in East Carlton with the advowson, and the hundred of Corby, of the king in chief by a rent of £10 8s. payable at the exchequer by the sheriff, annual value beyond the rent 10 marks 6s.8d.
Bozeat, the manor, of Reynold Grey of Ruthin, knight, service unknown, annual value £8.
Burton Latimer by Finedon, the manor and advowson, of William Latymer, knight, by a rent of 1 oz. of silk, annual value £6.
Northampton, a garden called ‘Latymersplace’, of the king in burgage by a rent of 7s. payable to the bailiffs of the town, annual value 4s.
Date of death, tenure by Robert, and heir as above.
Writ 20 Dec. 1403.
LINCOLN. Inquisition. Swaton. 28 Dec.
She held the manor of Helpringham called Thorpe Latimer with Bicker hamlet in her demesne as of fee of Henry Lord Beaumont, the heir of the lord of Kyme, Thomas Lord Bardolf and William Lord Willoughby, service unknown, annual value £27.
She granted the manor of Scredington to William Pylett to hold for life and one year more at a rent of £8, which rent she held. The manor is held of William Dysny, service unknown, annual value £8.
Afterwards she married Robert de Wilughby and had issue Margaret.
Date of death, tenure by Robert, and heir as above.
C 137/43, no. 28
E 149/82, no. 8
Writ, plura, 5 May 1404.
YORK. Inquisition. Northallerton. 20 May.
She held nothing beyond what was stated in an inquisition taken after her death and returned to the chancery [CIPM XVI, no. 927], except the advowson of a chantry in Pocklington held of the earl of Northumberland in socage, annual value nil.
Robert de Stodhowe, her next heir, son of Robert her son, is aged 21 years and more.
C 137/43, no. 29, mm.3, 4
Writ 5 May 1404.
YORK. Inquisition. Northallerton. 20 May.
Robert de Stodhowe, son of Denise widow of Robert de Stodhowe, held in his demesne in fee tail jointly with Elizabeth his wife:
Yapham, 4 bovates, granted to him by Denise on his marriage to Elizabeth, as being worth a rent of 20s., annual value 12s.4d.
Wombwell, 3 messuages, 2 1/2 bovates and 11s. rent, of John Anneslay, knight, in socage, annual value 40s.
Studdah, the manor of Stephen Lescrop in socage, annual value 40s.
Hudswell in Richmondshire, 1 cottage and 60 a., of the abbot of St. Agatha’s in socage, annual value 17s.
Birdsall, half a carucate, of whom is unknown, annual value 7s.
Harmby, a strip, of Richard Lescrop, knight, in socage, annual value 7s.
The 4 bovates in Yapham are part of 8 bovates there taken into the king’s hands on the death of Denise owing to the minority of Robert son of Robert. They were granted to Henry Percy, son of the earl of Northumberland, to hold from the death of Denise to the full age of Robert, together with his marriage for a certain yearly farm. Elizabeth held the 4 bovates from the death of Robert her husband until they were demised to Henry Percy, and took the profits, and she is answerable for them to the king. On the death of Henry Percy they were taken into the king’s hands by Thomas Egmanton, late escheator, and so they remain.
Robert de Stodhowe, son of Denise, died about 23 Nov. 1383. Robert his son and heir is aged 21 years and more.
Writ, melius sciri, as it was not stated how he was heir to Denise. 5 May 1404.
YORK. Inquisition. Northallerton. 20 May.
Robert son of Robert, son of Robert de Stodhowe, late husband of Denise, is her next heir, namely the son of Robert her son.
C 137/43, no. 29, mm.1, 2, 5, 6
Writ for proof of age, 3 June 1404.
YORK. Proof of age. 18 June 1404.
John Clervaux, 52 years and more, says that Robert de Stodhowe, son of Robert, son of Denise, wife of Robert de Stodhowe, was born at Croft and baptised in the church there on 5 April 1381 [sic 4 Richard II; probably 1383, 6 Richard II]. He remembers because on that day he was retained with the bishop of Norwich to accompany him on his voyage to Flanders.
Robert son of Robert Thorpe, 43 and more, was chamberlain of John Clervaux, Robert’s grandfather, in whose house at Croft Robert was born.
Richard de Dele, 60 and more, was present in the church and saw the baptism by John Bet, chaplain of that church.
Robert de Spellowe, 50, remembers because his house in Croft was accidentally burnt down on that same day.
John Belamy, 61 and more, was building his new house in Croft and saw Beatrice, wife of John Clervaux the grandfather, carrying Robert in his arms to the church to be baptised.
Ivo de Croft, 44 and more, married his wife Elizabeth on that day.
Simon Robertson of Croft, 61 and more, had a daughter Beatrice baptised in the church immediately after the baptism of Robert, and she is now aged 21 years and more by 27 weeks [sic].
John de Bretanby, 60 and more, went to the church to hear mass, and saw Robert de Hippeswell, vicar of East Cowton, raise Robert from the font, and the vicar gave a red cow as a godfather’s present.
Thomas Bell of Croft, 60 and more, heard mass at the church, and afterwards went with Robert Rukeby, chaplain, the other godfather, to the houe of John Clervaux the grandfather to see the child’s mother, who was very ill, and he carried a lantern with a candle.
William Cabery, 67 and more, was a servant of John Clervaux senior, uncle of Robert, and carried a basin, ewer and towel for washing the hands of the godfathers and godmother after the baptism.
William Stable of Croft, 60 and more, says that on that day Robert de Stodhowe the father bought an ambling palfrey from him for 100s. to give to the bishop of Durham.
William Greyson of Croft, 66 and more, was fishing in the Tees that runs by the vill of Croft, and caught a pike three foot long and more, and gave it as a present to the boy’s father.
C 137/43, no. 29, mm.7.8
Writ 5 May 1404.
YORK. Inquisition. Northallerton. 20 May.
Elizabeth held jointly with Robert de Stodowe, sometime her husband:
Wombwell, 3 messuages, 2 1/2 bovates and 11s. rent, of John Anneslay, knight, in socage, annual value 40s.
Studdah, the manor, of Stephen Lescrop in socage, annual value 40s.
Hudswell in Richmondshire, 1 cottage and 60 a., of the abbot of St. Agatha’s in socage, annual value 17s.
Birdsall, 1/2 carucate, of whom is unknown, annual value 7s.
Harmby, a strip of arable, of Richard Lescrop, knight, in socage, annual value 7s.
She died about 1 May 1401. Robert de Stodowe, her son and heir, to whom the reversion of the premises belongs, is aged 21 years and more. They were taken into the king’s hands on her death because he was a minor and Robert the father held elsewhere of the king in chief.
C 137/43, no. 29, mm.9, 10