James VI: July 1590

Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Originally published by His Majesty's General Register House, Edinburgh, 1936.

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'James VI: July 1590', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593, ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp344-368 [accessed 11 March 2025].

'James VI: July 1590', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Edited by William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online, accessed March 11, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp344-368.

"James VI: July 1590". Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online. Web. 11 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp344-368.

In this section

James VI: July 1590

437. Payments made in England to the use of James VI. [July 2.]

"14 Aug. 1588. To Sir William Reade to be carried to the Erle of Huntingdon to be issued as his lordship showld have direction 6,000 l." (fn. 1)

"27 Ap. 1589. To Mr. Robert Bowes to be imploied for the said Kinge. 3,000 l."

"9 Dec. 1589. To John Colvile the Scottish ambassadour in monie 1,000 l., and for plate and silkes 2,000 l. 3,000 l."

"21 Junii 1590. To his ambassadours that went into Denmark 500 l."

"2 Julii 1590. To Sir John Carmichell to the said King's use 3,000 l."

½ p. Indorsed.

438. James Hudson to Burghley. [July 3.]

"I sei the matters of Scotland is not lyk to goe so wel as was lookid for; for now the Earl of Hunttly offers hime self to tryal for bearinge armes agaenst the King at the brige of Dee, and his unkle Mr. James Gordon haeth lyssence to depart the cuntrei. What moar disorder can be then plaen rebelyon to be avowid and that thoes that doe so dar offer them selves to the tryal of law, and that a notabil Jesuit and wikid papist shal have lyssence to goe wher he wil with owt farther?

"The Chanceller haeth delt most instantly and earnistly with the King, affirming to him that nether his frends and neychtbors wold regard him if he swerve from a notable refformacyon at this tyme, and that ether now or never he must recover and get estemasyon by his owin acsyons, affirminge also the lyk disgrace to him at hoam by his owin subjects; and the best sort begin to fear his over great clemenssy."

"If the Queen's majeste with hold hir pretended good at this tyme from the King, it wil utterly disgrace and overthrow the Chanceler and this man hear and al the good faxsyon, and strengthen the bad and maek them moar insolent, and the King unable to do any thinge amongest them. And if the King gett it I fear it breid moar caerlessnes in him, so that under corecsyon in humble sort I think it were nocht a miss that your lordship and my lord Chanceler should taek knowledge of evil aperance of matters at hoam, and sharply to reprehend the King's clemency and caerlesness, and to threattin loss of the Queen's majestes favor to the King if he howeld nocht a good and justiceable cowrsse amongest his people of al estaetts."

"The imbasador is desyrus to speak with your honors and to taek his leve, spaer not to frae him in this sort. I saw the Chancelers letter to him, but he tuchith noan of this, but it is of trewth that I wryt, and every one amongest them befrendith other, parsyaly, with owt regard to the comon welth or the King."

"I mean, if so seam good to your honor, to goe with this imbasador to do my dewte to the King, otherwysse nocht. Wherfor I humbly crave your honors pleassuer hearin, and to know if it shal pleas your honor to comand me any service ther."

pp. Holograph but not signed. Indorsed by Burghley.

439. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 4.]

This day Colonel Stewart has been with him, greatly grieved with some reports made against him, and praying that they may be brought to her majesty's knowledge: she will know the truth of them, so Colonel Stewart prays her to vouchsafe such declaration of his true part therein as may please her, and make his innocency known to the King and others in this realm. Stewart says it has been reported to some noblemen about the King that when he went to England he had direction from the King to travail with her majesty on behalf of the Duke of Lennox and Earl of Arran; wherein he earnestly laboured, and found in the beginning her majesty's acceptance; but in the end she misliked the matter, and he was driven to seek other means. And labouring with the help of a person in that court to further that cause, he delivered to that person the heads or articles of his desire, which coming to the hands of John Colvile, his colleague, were by him shown to the lords of the Council, who condemned the articles and the intention of the suitor. Stewart also said that Archibald Douglas, the young laird of Whitingham, has written to David Collace, as appears by the double of the said letter enclosed, "and as tendeth to his slander and disgrace"; he prays that those reports and that letter may be considered, and the truth signified, that the lords and others may be satisfied; otherwise they may think the Colonel has not done his duty entrusted to him. St. Andrews. Signed: Robert Bowes.

1 p. No flyleaf or address.

440. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 4.]

In order to understand the doings of the Spanish barque, he sent William Walker, a pensioner in Berwick, to Anstruther, and is informed that on Monday June 22nd the Spaniards and Scottishmen in that barque, "being consorted with a little fliebote, wherein one Cuningham—brother of the lard of Barnes and the Isle of May—and Captaine Rig do commaund," took six English ships off Hartlepool, whereof five were bound for Newcastle and one for Berwick with malt to Mr. Vernon. Four of them belonged to Lynn, one to Cley, and one to Yarmouth. Out of three of these ships the Spaniards took all the men prisoners, spoiled the tackling, and left the ships floating on the seas. The other three—two of Lynn and one of Cley—they carried to Anstruther, where they anchored on June 26th, and compounded with the masters of the English ships for ransom of men, vessels, and goods.

On June 27th the Spaniards lying before Anstruther put forth a boat with some Spaniards to seke fresh victuals, and two English boys to help them to row, with the two masters of the ships of Lynn, to return with the ransoms on the 29th. The bailiff of the town stayed the victuals, whereupon a Spaniard struck him, and in the fray one Spaniard was taken; the rest escaped and recovered their barque. The two English boys with the help of the townsmen escaped. "Soone after sondrie fishermen sawe the Spaniardes executing some Inglishmen on the hatches."

On Sunday 27th June the Spaniards hanged an Englishman by the head and feet together on the main yard of the ship of Lynn: and stowing other Englishmen under the hatches, they fired the ship, with the men and her freight of beans. The townsmen attempting a rescue were repulsed by Spanish muskets.

The Spaniards afterwards put one Knightson of Pittenweem into the ship of Cley as captain. That day they hoisted sail, taking with them the other ship of Lynn sent to Mr. Vernon, and that night lay under the Isle of May. The next day they started southwards, but on the following day were seen to come northwards again. The Spaniard detained says they intend to seek the English fishermen in the north seas, threatening to drown all they can get. It is thought they will make to Orkney and tarry there, especially the Scottishmen, to utter in Orkney the corn from the English ships, and to abide there.

Has sought that fit vessels may be sent to pursue them, and to rescue the English ships, or at least put them out of the seas to protect the fishermen. It is promised that all shall be done that may be; but finding few ships here fit for the purpose he doubts the success unless remedy be provided.

With these Spaniards are twenty-two Scottishmen, besides the men in the fly-boat. It is suspected that some of the merchants lately spoiled by English pirates have in revenge helped to set forth this barque; though this is denied, as the laird of Carmichael will make known.

On Wednesday last the King and Council, at the Tolbooth in Edinburgh, had conference with his commissioners for Border causes. It was declared that the delay of redress in the bills filed by the late commissioners at Berwick stays the meetings of the Wardens and the execution of justice, "and also holdeth the pledges in England thus longe for the satisfaccion of the deliverie for these bills." Whereupon the Clerk Register was sent to Bowes to deliberate for some remedy, persuading that all bills filed by the commissioners at Berwick not yet redressed should be sworn on one day, that the full quantity might be known. And that thereon either prince shall discharge the other for like value and quantity, and also satisfy their own subjects for the redresses to be made unto them. The surplusage remaining to be answered by the prince chargeable with that surplusage.

Commends the matter to the consideration of her majesty's Council: Sir John Carmichael will move it to them and to Burghley. Upon his calling for redress for Mindrum and other attempts in England the King has written to Bothwell for surety of his redresses for Liddesdale, and for his resolution as to exchange with the King for Liddesdale, as by the copy of his letter enclosed will appear. The messenger sent to Bothwell in the north is not yet returned. Bothwell is expected at St. Johnston's next week at the tryst already mentioned by Bowes. The assembly will not be so great as appointed, as some of the parties are stayed, but Hume is gone this night to the tryst.

"The King at his being at the Tolebooth had sommoned the presbiterie of this towne to appeare there before him and his Counsell: whereupon he chardged them, that contrarie to their owne act of convencion they had suffered one minister to preache in that churche, notwithstanding he was before suspended for evill speache uttered in his sermon against the King and his honour. It was answered that this minister had submitt himself and was thought to have bein reconsiled to the King and churche: yet bicause the King appeared not well content therewith, it was ordered that the minister should remaine suspended and enjoyned to yeld him self to the King's will and pleasure. Wherewith the King was well pleased."

Alexander King, accompanied with John Stewart, was summoned before the sessions of the church for obstinacy and papistry. He abusing the assembly, the King ordered them both to ward, saying "that he wold have no other to beat ministers then him self; but that they should be reverenced as their estate required."

At this assembly of the Council the King, thinking himself often prevented by them in his course desired, sought their advice whether any of the bridge of Dee—offering to accomplish the order set down for them, to answer for all things done since that time, and hereafter to be of good behaviour—should be received to his grace, and that such as refused might be called upon to do their duties; "and that his doing herein might be the better knowne, he uttered these thinges in the hearing of the ministers there gathered for the cause recited. It was generally agreed that suche as should come in and submit themselves agreable to the order proponed by the King might be well received, and that the others ought to be called upon as the King had moved; and thereupon suche act is made as by the copie hereof enclosed will appeare to your lordship."

Showed the Council that he had restrained the marriage of the Earl of Erroll with Morton's daughter until he and the church might be satisfied, and had sent his charge in writing on Monday last for the same; "but Arroll had prevented him and consummated the mariage on Saterdaie last, noting therein muche evill dealing in him and others in that behalf." Morton shall be charged, upon pain of rebellion and horning, to appear before King and Council on Wednesday next at Holyrood, to answer this matter: which charge is gone forth.

Through this marriage new griefs are sprung betwixt the Chancellor and the Master of Glamis. Sundry of their friends have travailed to reconcile them, but such jealousies remain as may wreck one of them and hazard the alteration of this state.

Sundry noblemen are sent for to be present on Wednesday at the appearance of Morton; the assembly will be greater than is meet to convene at this time, in the entry of the King's progress. Particular offences are reconciled, for the better strengthening of these two parties. Such agreements are too fast and loose to be described, and hasty troubles are feared.

Huntly will probably come shortly to the King's presence, though some of the wisest in Council seek to keep them asunder. The King desires to draw all to peace and concord. The Master of Glamis offered on Monday last to find a way for all his noblemen to come and submit themselves, and the King has accepted his offer gladly.

Mr. James Gordon the Jesuit is at Leith, pretending to be ready to embark at the King's command, yet hopes "to finde ether some favour to remaine secretlie in the realme, or els some meane to retire shortlie into this countrie [sic]. The lard of Aughendoun is said to be in Netherie, the house of the Lord Seaton, seeking his peace with the King by the meanes of his freindes in the chamber."

"The master of Angusse is readie to reconsile him self to the churche and to his father, and I have bein partlie assaied to travell in the same, but I attend some signes for my suertie to do good offices therein."

Maxwell seems disposed to keep the Borders in peace, and by letters to Bowes offers devotion to her majesty; but some say he purposes to send David King, a papist and excommunicate, into Flanders, either for the surety of this wicked fellow or with other evil intent; yet he protests innocence. It is thought that David King is now with Huntly, and is to be sent by him to the Duke of Parma—offended by Huntly's slackness —accredited by Maxwell.

The other day a Dutch gentlewoman from Lubeck arrived at Leith. She had sought the King of Scots at Elsinore, but coming after his departure took her voyage hither. She brings a Latin letter, declaring that she is sent to the King to discover to him his good fortune. She had conference with the Queen in her own language, "having no other tonge then the Duche," showing that learned magicians of the east had met and found noble acts to be done by a prince in the north-west of Europe, having a mark in his side, whom they noted to be the King of Scots. (fn. 2) She would not tell who sent her, but prayed that one having the Dutch tongue and in credit with the King might confer with her in the King's presence. The King and country think her a witch; yet he is purposed to hear her.

The King is gone to see that Dunfermline and Falkland be prepared for himself and the Queen by the end of next week; he returns on Monday next the 6th instant.

Is persuaded that Worcester moved him on behalf of James Murray rather through request in this town than by direction from her majesty. Sir John Carmichael should be told that this motion for restitution of Murray to his place in the King's wardrobe was by her majesty's order. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

pp. Addressed. Indorsed.

Enclosure with the same:

(The King to Bothwell.)

"Right trustie cousing and councellour we greit yow hartely wele. We were occupied yesterdaie, being the first of this month, principallie about the Border matters, whereof craving to be particulerlie informed we finde yow decernit and adjudgit to be put to the horne for none relieving of us and our warden of that bill of Mindram, for non finding of seuirtie in landismen according to the remanent landislordis having landis on the Borders, and we have gotten no resolute answer of the memorie [sic] delivered to yow at our commaund and by your owne desier touching Liddisdale and the Lewes. In thir thingis we are put to our great straitis and on force must have an outgate. Therefore we desier yow effectuouslie to send us ane answere in writt with this same bearer what we sall lippen unto in these pointis: for gif your men filed in the bill of Mindram be not presentlie here to us, we will not bid sett a new meeting without yow finde suertie. Others will do what they can to cast of the like burden, and for the matter of excambion lett it be ether effectuallie followed out or left, giving us in every point sic a speciall and direct answere as it sall not appeare that other matters goes wrange be the preparacion of this, as ye respect us and your owne honour." Holyrood. 2 July.

½ p. Copy. Indorsed.

Second Enclosure with the same:

(Act of the Secret Council of Scotland.)

Printed in The Register of the Privy Council of Scotland, iv, 501-2.

"Forsimekle as the Kinges majestie, with advise of the lordes of his secret Counsell, hes though gud to signifie and declaire to all his gud subjettis and uthers whome it effeireis, that as his highnes of his owne free mercie and grace hes extended his clemencie and favour to a great number of persons quhilk hes made defection and tak armes against his majestie and his aucthoritie at the brigg of Dee, in the month of Aprill the year of God 1589: even soe his majestie intendes na wayes to enter in quarelling or pursuet of anye of them quhilke either hes resavit his highnes remission, respett, or other pardon, be word or writt, for the said crime, or that repaired to his majesties presenc, and resaivet his highnes gud contenance for any thing depending upon the said action preceding the tyme of the granting pardon, presenc, and countenance, but to use this common and indefferent order to them all, namelye, that they shalbe answe[r]able and abid triall before his majestie and sic of his Counsell or uthers as his highnes shall thinke meet to nominate and appoint for all thingis done be them synsyne, to the troubling of his highnes estate and the relegion presentlye professed within this realme, and sall compeir before the presbetarie of Edenburghe or others as sall likewise be apointed be his highnes at all tymes as they sall requier it, and reconcile them to the kirke be acknowledging of their offence committed against God and his majestie in manner foresaid, and submitting themselves to the discyplyne thereof: and that they in like manner fynd causion to underlie and followe furth that order and derection for the quiet setling of the present estate, savetye of the religion, and their gud behaviour hereafter, as be his majestie alswe salbe preserived. And in speciall that they sall do nor attempt at nathing to the hurt or prejudice of hes majestie, the presenc estate, nor the said trew relegion in tyme comming, under certaine pecunniall payns to be modifiit be hes highnes and the said lordis, according to an act and ordenance made by them at their being at Aberdein in the month of July last by past, quhilk act they califie [sic] and aprove in all pointis, and ordains letters to be derect to this effect as oft as need beis, as alswa to make publication of the premisses at all mercat croses, wharthrow nane pretend ignorance of the same." Edinburgh, 1 July 1590.

¾ p.

441. Elizabeth to James VI. [July 6.]

"Greater promises, more affection, and grauntes of more acknowledgings of receavid good turnes, my deere brother, none can better remember than this gentleman by your charge hath made me understand; wherby I think all my indevors well recompensid that see them so well acknowledgid; and doo trust that my counsells, if they so much content you, will serve for memorialls to turne your actions to serve the turne of your safe gouvernement, and make the lookers on honour your worth and reverence such a ruler. And lest faire semblance that easely may beguile doo not breede your ignorance of such parsons as eyther pretend religion or dissemble devotion, let me warne you that ther is risen both in your relme and myne a sect of perillous consequence, such as wold have no Kings but a presbitery, and take our place while they enjoy our priviledge with a shade of God's word, which none is judged to follow right without by their censure they be so deemid. Yea, looke we well unto them, whan they have made in our peples hartes a doubte of our religion, and that we erre if they say so: what perillous issue this may make I rather think than mynde to wryte. Sapienti pauca."

"I pray you stopp the mouthes or make shorter the tongues of such ministers as dare presume to make oraisons in their pulpitts for the persecutid in England for the Gospell. Suppose you, my deere brother, that I can tollerate such scandalls of my sincere governement? No. I hope howsoevir you be pleasid to bear with their audacitie towardes your self, yet you will not suffer a strange King receave that indignitie at such caterpillers hands that instede of frute I am afrayde will stuff your realme with vennom. Of this I have particularised more to this bearer, togither with other aunswers to his charge, beseeching you to heare them, and not to give more harborow to vacabond traytors and seditious inventors, but to retourn them to me or bannish them your land. And thus with my many thankes for your honorable intertaynmentes of my late ambassade, I commyt you to God."

1 p. Copy. Indorsed.

Printed in Tytler's Hist. of Scot. (1877 edn.) iv. 178; Letters of Queen Elizabeth and James VI. Camden Soc., 1849, pp. 63-4.

442. Bothwell to James VI. [July 7.]

"I received your letter, and agreable to the desier thereof I sall travell to put all the inhabitantis in Liddisdale under your highnes obedience, so that throughe their default nathing shalbe attempted in ther boundis. As annenpt the excambion of the Lewis with Liddisdale I am well content that the same take effect, your majeste finding securitie how I salbe satisfied anent the peaceable bruiking thereof. For, God willing, I sall ever endevour myself to dischardg my dueties as effeiris. And sen I am upon the continewance of my jorney, will request your majestie to shaw your favourable countenaunce and assistance in my absence to my wife, barnes, and servauntis, as I sall ever continew your highnes most obedient and loving servaunt to the end." St. Johnston.

p. Copy. Indorsed.

443. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 11.]

The griefs betwixt the Chancellor and the Master of Glamis have increased beyond reconciliation, working general inconveniencies. Glamis thinks the Chancellor "hathe bound up firmelie with Bothwell for his distruction," and the Chancellor is persuaded "that Glames is banded with Arroll and others for his overthrowe." It is true that the Chancellor has entered into great kindness with Bothwell and Hume, and Hume has offered thirty able men to defend his person, and to bring him five hundred armed horsemen if need be. Yesternight the Earl of Mar and the Master of Glamis were with the Chancellor to compound the matter between him and Erroll.

The King, desiring a quiet state, and to bring his noblemen to his obedience and to concord among themselves, is pleased that the associates of the Bridge of Dee shall be received upon the conditions set down in the act of Council of the first instant. He has sought to employ the Master of Glamis to bring in Huntly, Erroll, and the rest, showing herein better countenance to Glamis than formerly.

Glamis found fault with the draft drawn up by John Andrews, the clerk, for the remission to be granted to the associates of the Bridge of Dee for that action, and caused him to draw another draft covering all offences up to the day of the act of Council. Bowes pointed out how this differed from the course pretended by the King and advised by the Master himself, and how dangerous it should be to the common cause. Glamis answered that the first draft was more to the hurt of Erroll than of any other, for which he desired redress. He assured Bowes that he had not had any dealing with Huntly and his party, nor would deal with him, notwithstanding that the King should press him in the same. But the Chancellor and others show that he had intelligence with these parties before they entered into arms or took him, and that he has now "moyen" amongst them. All which Glamis denies.

These discords threaten the overthrow of the Chancellor or Glamis, "with dangerous welter in this estate." Bowes has warned the Chancellor, who thinks the King will remedy these matters, and chastise and bring in the fellowship of the Bridge of Dee and others seeking to disquiet the state: the Chancellor holds himself safe against all attempts.

Put the King in mind of the good advise her majesty had given him by her letter and by the Earl of Worcester touching his course against disobedient subjects; and his promise given to Worcester: so endeavouring to draw the King to action against the "Briggers of Dee" and others. The King answered that he remembered her advice and would keep his promise, but there is no surety of the accomplishment of his promises.

Morton, appearing on Wednesday last before the King and Council, was put over till their sitting yesterday. "Before his appearance the provost of Linclowden, the abbott of Newbottle, the priour of Blantire, and the Comptroller sought the Chancelour's favour to be shewed to Morton. Whereupon the Chancelour sent them to the King, with an especiall token and earnest request for his goodness to be shewed to Morton." The King paid no heed, purposing to ward Morton, charging him with disobedience to his commandment restraining him to agree to the marriage of his daughter with Erroll till the latter had satisfied him and the church. The Justice Clerk and the whole Council sought to excuse Morton, urging his former services and his weakness in old age, but the King pressed them to vote directly whether it was disobedience or not. "They resolved that it was disobedience to him, but not to be punished so farre as to be warded for the same; committing nevertheles the punishment of him to the King's pleasure. The King is pleased to advise with Linclowden, Newbotttle, Blantire, and the Comptroller for the qualitie of the punishment to be inflicted upon Morton. Whereupon he hathe libertie to retorne home."

The Earl of Mar and the Master of Glamis hereupon resorted to the Chancellor, who is grievously diseased with a pain in his right arm, causing him to keep his lodging, and many times in the day his bed, and is prayed for in the churches. They sought to compound matters betwixt him and Erroll, who was secretly come to this town with one man to see what would become of Morton his father-in-law. "But Marre and Glames could litle prevale with the Chancelour: whereupon Arroll passed awaie this morning, and may not se the King before he satisfie the churche and the Chancelour. All which he seemeth to be readie to do, and to take fast part with the well affected and fellowship of the roade of Sterling: which parties togither with those of the religion are presentlie in no litle jelousie and feare with the sight of the condicion and state of these courses presentlie holden. The ministers conceiving some good opinion of Arroll's reconsiliacion, and desierous to pacifie those matters, have intreated the Chancelour to deale favorablie with Morton and Arroll, and that he and Glames may be reconsiled; whereupon the Chancelour hathe invited Morton and Glames to be at dynner with him tomorrowe at the baptisme of his doughter."

Bothwell is passed towards Caithness. He has been at Dunkeld with Atholl, and seeks to draw Atholl, Murray, Caithness, and others to strengthen his band with the Chancellor. Erroll was with him at St. Johnston's. Others have essayed to get him to their party, but he stands fast with the Chancellor. The assembly purposing to have met at St. Johnston's was stayed. Bothwell still pretends to prepare to pass over sea, but none will believe him till they know him to be gone.

The King purposes to ride to the Borders shortly to take order for the peace thereof. Letters shall be awarded commanding all men to attend upon him upon six hours warning, with furniture and victuals for six days.

"A generall convencion of all the estates shalbe called, to be at Holyroodehouse the 27th hereof, to delibereate in the matters had in consultacion the last convencion for reformacions to have bein taken in the estate, and for other like causes."

The King was informed the other day by William Cockburne, burgess of Edinburgh, that English pirates had robbed his ship in Yarmouth road, in sight of the inhabitants, and used great cruelty on the sailors. Bowes encloses the information, subscribed by said William, the master and mariners. The King is exceedingly grieved, for the other day the provost and burgesses of this town exclaimed to him on the daily piracies that the English made on them, both in the main seas and the roads of England where they trade.

David Alexander, burgess of this town, also complains of spoil done upon him at sea by the same pirates that robbed Cockburne and other Scottishmen. They affirm that there are three flyboats and two barques of English pirates consorting together, as the inhabitants of Yarmouth can make known. Except remedy be provided, sundry of this nation will attempt their own redress, "as they stick not in their passions openlie to protest."

The Spanish barque, with Captain Knightson in the ship of Cley, is passed to Orkney, intending to set upon the poor English fishermen about Shetland; they threaten to cast into the seas all that they can take. Their relief must come by her majesty's order from England, for here is no ship fit for the same. The King offers to appoint some to put them off the coast, but it can hardly be executed. Sundry coming from the north coast of Scotland did not see the barque, but think they have put into some haven about Caithness, Orkney, or the Isles to sell their prizes. The King has promised that if the Earl of Orkney has taken any English fishermen he shall make amends; but Bowes cannot get any proof thereof.

Is told that Huntly has leave to come to the King's presence at his pleasure, but will not hasten so to do; also that James Gordon went northwards on the 4th instant; "yet the King still pretendeth that he shalbe openlie imbarked at Leith to passe out of this contrie to content the churche"; that Auchendown has the King's remission for the Bridge of Dee and all other offences till the 4th instant.

The Lady of Kintyre bringing with her to Glasgow her husband's letters to her majesty, Burghley, and Sir John Perratt, sought to have them conveyed in Bowes's packet; but finding disorder in their address he wished her to procure her husband to write them again. Yet her sickness continuing, and the Justice Clerk and other her friends entreating him to send them as they are, he now does so. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

pp. Addressed. Indorsed by Burghley.

Enclosure with the same:

(Declaration by William Cockburn and others.)

"Mr. Williame Cokburne, owner of the schip in Leyth callit the Thomas, David Fluker merchand thairof, Richart Richesoun, skipper, Peter Edmeit, Richie Fillane, James Wallange, Georges Robertsoun, Gilbert Scolay, Mathew Sinclair, David Strauchane, William Sinclair, and Alexander Elcheonde, marinellis of the said schip, be thir presenttis testefes the piracie and injureis done to ws, ilk ane of ws for oure awin pairtis, be the Inglis pirrattis as followis, videlicet: that we the said merchand and maister of the said schip with oure haill cumpany being cumand hamewart fra Kaleis in France, quhair we had dischairgeit oure laiding, to oure awin native cuntrie of Scotland, quhair we peccablie without ony impediment maid to us be ze seyis arryvit quhill we come anent Zaermout raid in England. At the quhilk tyme and raid upoun Sonday the 28 day of Junii anno etc. fourescoir ten zeiris, about tua houris eftir noune in the day, thair forgadderit with ws in presens of the toun of Zarmout, Lestow, and Jalstoun, ane Inglis schip and pirrat, quhairin as appeirit thair wes fyftie men, or thairby, pirratis; quhilk schip and pirrattis had ane consert and marrow within the said hewin of Zarmout well intertainit, and thair the said pirrat maist crowellie set upown ws, and burdit us within the said raid of Zarmout, neir besyid and in presens of ane schip cumit out of Londone to Beruick, and pat ane tow about the heid of me the said skipper with ane irne bolt, and tuik me the said David Fluker, merchand, and tirrit me naikit as I wes borne, heissit me upe and down naikit at the schippis starne, and raiss upe my mouth and pat ane quhinger thairintel; and tuik me the said Mathew Sinclair, ane of the marinelles, and hangit me upe with ane tow upoun the owirloft of the schip quhill I wes almaist deid, lyk as sensyne I am unabill to continew in this lyf as is noterlie knawin. And at last tuik ws ane and ane upoun the owirloft, and tirrit ws nakit and kist ane seck owirburd stuffit with stray and luit us see the samin and said, athir tell ws quhair the gould and the money is, or we suld be cassin owirburd as our morrowis; and desyrit us to behuld quhair we sobmit in the same; and in the menctyme [sic] spulyet and reft fra us the quantitie of gould and silver following, videlicet:"

"Thre hundreth and fyftie doubill pistollis of gould, three hundreth and fyftie crownis of the sone, three hundreth and fyftie caser dolouris, schip, ger, and wittuallis of our schip worth tuentie pund strewling, our kystis and claytis worth 16 lis strewling, besyid sundrie uthir wrangis and injureis done to us be thame."

"And this we testifie to be of treuth, and sall abyd thairat be thir presenttis." Edinburgh. Signed: Williame Cokburnn, David Fluckar, Richart Richesoun; by James Estoun notary. Witnesses: Andrew Lamb, Archibald Lamb, Mr. Eistoun.

1 p. Indorsed.

444. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 11.]

Sir Alexander Stewart—knighted by the Earl of Leicester in the Low Countries—is minded to serve the Duke of Parma. The King of Scots and Bothwell have commended him by their letters to the Duke, with request that he will accept him as a gentleman desiring to serve in the field and to get honour. And Bothwell has required that in secrets he may be trusted as Colonel Sempill has been.

The Duke of Lennox has the King's leave to write also in commendation of the said Alexander Stewart to Parma, and will accompany him; but Huntly chiefly employs him, purposing thus to recover Parma's good opinion and entertain intelligence with him. "This gentleman by meanes is comed to me, offering to her majestie his wholl devotion, and all the services that he can yeld to her majestie ether to please and profitt her majestie with the advertisement of any intelligence or matters that shall come to his knowledge, or otherwise to serve her majestie in any sort as shall please her majestie to appoint." His service, by good handling, may redound to her contentment. Bowes prays direction what to do with him; he will need a gratuity, and is ready to pass over to Huntly, and will return hither to know her majesty's mind. Signed: "Ro. Bowes."

Postscript in Bowes's hand: "It may please your lordship keepe this to your self, and returne to me dyrection with sped."

1 p. Indorsed by Burghley.

445. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 11.]

Has been this day informed that Bothwell, sending lately for the Master of Gray, let him know that Erroll had sought at St. Johnston "to drawe him to partie Huntlay, himself, and others against the Chancelour," who oppressed and dishonoured the nobility. "Whereupon he and others were mynded to give him the like reward that was given to Coquharan, who serving under King James the third and offending generallie all the noblemen was sodainelie taken by the Erle of Angusse and others and hanged. In this mocion Arroll seemed [sic] that the Master of Glames should be the chefe actour, and that he wold ether tarie in court to bring in and gitt peace to the attemptours after the execution of the matter, or els that he wold in parson attempt the enterprise. That he named Angusse, Morton, Huntlay, Marre, Claud Hamilton, the King's officers in his house, as the Lord Privie Seale, the Collectour, the Comptroller, Justice Clark, and captaine of the castle of Edenburghe to be contented to joyne in this accion, perswaiding Bothwell to take part with them. But Bothwell answered that he had promised his good will to the Chancelour, and he wold not onelie take his part to the uttermost of his powre, but also lett the King understand this practise intended against the Chancelour. And hereupon Bothwell advised and moved the Master of Graie to open this whole matter to the Chancelour, saieng that he wold by his letters likewise discover it to the King. The Master of Graie hath told the Chancelour all that Bothwell opened to him, and he thincketh that Bothwell—according to his purpose—hathe certified the same at greater length to the King, who nevertheles contineweth his good countenaunce towardes Glames. This daie the Master of Graie looketh to be sent for to reveale and confirme this matter to the King."

Glamis and Gray, lately reconciled, are fallen out again about the marriage, wardship, and relief of the son of the laird of Inchture, lately slain by Alexander Winton, brother to the laird of Strathmartine. Many of the persons named by Erroll to Bothwell are friends to the Chancellor, and of such peaceable disposition as it is thought they would not enter into such a foul action. "This matter is like to blow the coalls betwixt the Chancelour and the Master of Glames," and the practisers here may thereby bring in question the raid of Stirling, or otherwise disquiet the peace of the countrey, and thus the parties of the Bridge of Dee gain safety and profit. In such case Bowes knows not how he should carry himself, and prays direction. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

p. Addressed. Indorsed by Burghley.

446. Mr. Archibald Douglas to Burghley. [July 12.]

"The unquiet estate whearin I do remayne wyth those that ar my creditouris, and the wnpleasant maner of my lyfe, so full of necessite, constreanis me to lay oppin before your lordship that this neyde whearin I am reduced doethe not proceide from any my desserving, bot from one contynewance of gude mynd borne to do hir majestie service, and inploying of myself at all tymes for the adwancemint of such matter as mychte tend to quietnes of both realmes; whearof I beleawe hir majeste hath had sufficient proffe. And in that respect it did please hir hyenes to gewe hir princelye wordie to sea my wantis suppleid."

"I can remayn contented nevir to sute any fordar of hir majeste bot the payment of my debtis of layte contracted in hir majesteis service, or than the diffraying of my necessarye chargis debursed and awing induring the tyme off my aboadie to do gud officis according to derection proseading from hir self; and in requitting thayrof I shall remayn hir majesteis perpetuall servitour, according as bownding deutye doeth requyre. Most hartlye thayrfoire I will requeist your lordship to be so gud onto me as that hir hyenes may be moved to gewe som faworable ordour heirin before the tyme of hir majesteis removing, when I shall remayn far of from the court, involwed in debbtis and full of necessite, and your lordship seldom to be fownd thayr." London. Signed: A. Douglas.

Postscript—"Some letteris I haif in keping that wer send from Sir Woggan to Sir Francis Walsinghame of gud memorie, that may gewe lycht in matteris of controwersye betuixt him and some Scottis men. I wold be glayde to onderstand when your lordships lasare may serve to peruse thayme."

1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

447. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 14.]

This bearer, Edward Johnson, was sundry times employed by Sir Francis Walsingham and proved trustworthy, and Bowes has found him devoted to her majesty and ready with good offices for her service. He therefore commends him to Burghley's favour for furtherance of his suit to the ambassador of the French King and other affairs. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

p. Addressed. Indorsed.

448. Master of Gray to Burghley. [July 14.]

"Albeit I vryt not so frequently nou being an retired man as of befor, yet my good vill to do her majestie and the estait of England service is no thing the les, as I think her majesteis embassadour heir resident shall bear sufficient vitnessing. Hoyping heirfor in recompence of my good vill that some litle favour I shall find by your lordship's good procurment at her majesteis handis, I have directed this berar to schau your lordship hou that of lait his majestie, my master, haithe preassit me for to resigne over in favour of her majestie his bedfellou my tytle to Dunfermeling, vich I have performed, and for satisfactioun I have receavit sume gratitudes, amongest uthers, for that his majestie haith to do this yeir greatly, he haithe villit me to tak me for the payment of a thousand pounds sterling to the yeirly gratitud vich her majestie bestoueth, yet not to this vich Sir Jhone Carmichell hes or shall crave presently, bot to the nixt. To this I have accordit the more villingly in hoyp that your good lordship shalbe a mein quhairby I may have it sumquhat avancit. And as your lordship shall send me advyse, so shall I procure of his majestie varrand ether by missive or utheruayis for this effect, and the souner I shall receave your lordship's ansuer, the more I shall be obligit; for I differ to seik my self payit in any uther sorte unto the tym I knou quhat courtesie I may luk for by your lordship; and my good vill to do service persuadis me that I shall find it favorable." Edinburgh. Signed: Mr. of Gray.

1⅓ pp. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

449. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 16.]

Since his last of the 11th instant, about discords here, sundry reconciliations have ensued, both amongst the councillors and betwixt the King and Council. On Monday last Erroll, coming with a small company, was conveyed to the Chancellor by Mar, Glamis, and other friends. Erroll acknowledged that, hearing that the Chancellor had wrought with the King for his overthrow, he sought revenge against him, without just cause, giving the Chancellor good occasion to think himself wronged. He offered friendship frankly to the Chancellor, with promise to keep fast with him, and to satisfy the King and church with all humility. "The greefes betwixt the Chancelour and Glames were shortlie ripped up and soone appeared, whereupon these parties were readelie reconsiled together, protesting depelie to kepe fast the kindenes and amitie concluded amongst them." Afterwards Lord Hamilton and others carried Erroll to the King's presence, where he submitted himself to the King, offeringe to do the like to the church as the King should prescribe. The King was informed that all parties had agreed that any one of them, being aggrieved, should first inform the King of the wrong done, and conform to his order therein: otherwise the King assureth them that he will set himself against the party breaking the peace. The King was pleased with this agreement, saying that if they and the other councillors then present—being officers in his house—should stand fast together, no faction could defeat the intended reformations or disturb the peace of the realm.

"Albeit that the Master of Graie—according to the commission given him by Bothwell and the advice of the Chancelour—had reveled to the King that Arrell sought to have drawen Bothwell to partie him and the rest against the Chancelour—as by my former is certified—and that Arroll's letter addressed to the Lord Hume in like effect had bein shewed to the King and Chancelour, yet these matters passed easelie without any hard rehearsall of those thinges; which nevertheles are thought to be laid up in the deck to be brought fourth againe upon newe occasion."

It is said that Erroll and others, still carrying displeasure towards the Chancellor, intend to charge him at the Convention on the 27th instant that he procured Bothwell to write to the King against him; whereupon all those threads of reconciliation shall be again broken. Because the party wherewith Erroll has lately linked himself is well affected in religion and devoted to her majesty, Bowes would not offend them; yet he has warned the Chancellor to cherish his old friends, and seeks to knit him and the other good party together. Has put the King and Chancellor in mind again to prepare two fit commissioners to be sent into Spain with the other commissioners for the princes of Germany. The King objected that he could not send a papist or atheist, yet a protestant would be in peril by the inquisition. Bowes replied that the King of Spain would not see the law of nations violated with so small advantage to himself: whereupon the King promised to appoint two. The Chancellor will daily remind him thereof. The Chancellor says that the King, purposing to proceed in his reformations, is minded to ward Huntly, Erroll, and others of the Bridge of Dee, that they may not be able to trouble the quietness of this state. Many think that this faction has so good friends in the King's chamber that he shall be hardly drawn to deal otherwise with them than shall please them. The course against the "Briggers of Dee" has been much tempered and stayed, and that against the fellowship of Stirling pricked forwards.

"On Mondaie last the 13th hereof Thomas Graie, captaine of the Lyons Whelp, came into the Firth here, with two other Inglish shipps taken by him upon suspicion of piracie: whereupon I repaired to Holieroodehouse to have acquainted the King of his arrivall, doinges, and successe, and with offer of his service and vessell to the King, agreable to the direccion given him. But the King was then so muche occupied with the agreamentes betwixt the Chancelour, Arrell, and Glames, as he referred me to the Chancelour, and departed at ten of the clock in the night to Dumfermling in a most tempestuouse storme of thunder and raine." The next day Gray and Bowes resorted to the Chancellor, who was glad of Gray's success in apprehending the three English ships with pirates suspected to have done the spoils on the Scottish men, and advised him to pursue the Spanish barque: which advice Gray followed, returning immediately to his pinnace and sailing that night for Orkney. Bowes told him that the Spanish barque, Knightson in the ship of Cley, and Peterson in the hoy of Lynn, were all in Kirkwall road in Orkney, with twenty-five English prisoners still alive. He should be at Orkney before this. At his being at Leith on his return one Robert Kirkarth, the admiral's deputy there, offered him discourtesy: Bowes has informed the King and Chancellor, and received answer that the offender shall be punished.

Yesterday Alexander Lindsay, the Vice Chamberlain, having a precept to the provost and bailiffs of Edinburgh to arrest a servant of the Earl of Angus upon debts due to Lindsay in right of the Countess of Angus his wife, arrested the said party in Edinburgh, then being in company of the Earl's son, who gave knowledge thereof to his father. The latter rescued his servant, alleging that Lindsay had no power to stay his body, seeing the process was to be executed by the ordinary officer. The matter moved a great concourse of people. Erroll and Morton came to the aid of Angus, who needed no help. The Provost stayed the trouble without blood; Lindsay having delivered the process, Angus delivered his servant to the said provost. Angus and Lindsay were soon agreed, as also Glamis and Lindsay. "The brute of this fraie was brought to the King, then at supper at Dumfermling, who imediatelie arose and came to the Lord Chancelour's house in this towne, finding the Lord Chancelour departed from thence the daie before to Smeaton. The King committed Angusse to the castle at eleven of the clock in the night, and at thre in this morning retorned to Dumfermling. Proclamacion shalbe made this daie or tomorrowe that an erle entring into this towne shall not bring with him above twelve persons, a lord eight, and a baron five."

This day the Chancellor is returned, and has sent to the King to seek the liberty of Angus, who shall be speedily delivered. It is well liked that the King should thus stay sudden troubles, and be so round with Angus and others known to be well affected.

Auchendown returned secretly the other day and had presence with the King, and yesternight came with him from Dunfermline, so has recovered the King's favour, but has given no satisfaction to the church.

Was told that Huntly came secretly also on Sunday last, with Patrick Murray only, to Canongate. Bowes acquainted the Chancellor herewith, who denied it, but others affirm he was here, and on the King's departure went to a place three miles from here till he may speak with the King and Chancellor.

Bothwell having prepared for his departure out of this realm, and disposed his lands and possessions to the relief of himself, his wife, and children, wrote to the King as appears by the copy enclosed. The King answered that in case he determined to change his course to peaceable order, to give redress for the attempts of Liddesdale, "to remove from him the evill rabble of murtherers, theives, and wicked persons that onelie found refuge under him, and to reforme his unchristain life," he should be welcome to him; otherwise he left him to pass to Germany or Italy at his pleasure. The Earl is come again to Leith, intending to be shortly with the King, and still pretending his purpose to depart; but it is thought he will be loth to leave the realm.

The Master of Angus is secretly in this town seeking to be reconciled with his father. He has good parts, but is not well affected in religion. Bowes doubts whether a papist shall do good offices to her majesty and the common cause.

"The assemblie gathered this daie to the daie of lawe betwixt the Twedies and Veches is verie great, but suche provision is made as I trust no danger shall fall out thereon."

"The Queen removed this daie to the King at Dumfermling, and the Lord Chancelour intendeth to passe some tyme at his house at Lowther. But the King, he, and the lords wilbe here againe at the Convencion to beginn the 27th hereof." Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

4 pp.

450. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 16.]

Understands by the Master of Gray that the King has compounded with him for his interest in Dunfermline, agreeing to give him one thousand pounds for it, and to assign to him such gratuity as her majesty shall give yearly to the King. Gray desires to sue to her majesty for the payment of this sum by the end of November next, or when it shall please her, by her privy seal; and to Burghley for furtherance of his suit and direction in his future course. He (Gray) therefore sends this bearer, Edward Johnston, and prayed Bowes to commend him and his suit to Burghley, which Bowes does the more readily, as he appears to continue in devotion and good offices for her majesty. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

2/3 p. Addressed. Indorsed.

451. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 16.]

"Being requyred by the Master of Gray to advertyse your lordship secretly of the factes followinge, I have therefour thought gud to signyfie the same to your lordship aparte and in this maner by these presenttes for his satysfactioun therin. The Master of Grey showed me, that John Baylye, Scotyshman—pensioner to the King of Spayne, and laytly comed hither outt of Flanders—informed the Master that Moryanser, seconde secretarye to the Duke of Parma, and appoynted by the King of Spayne, had imployed and geven commyssioun to John Baylye mencioned, to lett the King of Scottes to understande, that her majestye had moved and offred maryadge betwixt the Duke of Parma and the Lady Arbell; and that the Duke both thinketh that this mocioun is tendred by her majesty, with purpose to drawe the Duke into jelowsyes with his master the King of Spayne, and to wynne tyme, and also dissymuleth with hir majesty. For he hayth reveyled the matter to the King of Spayne, and semeth to thinke very light of the offres."

"Baylye was directed to Sir John Seaton and his brothair, the prior of Pluscardye, to persuade them to braeke and open this matter to the of Scottes [sic], butt nathair of them wold deale therin. Yett the King is laytly acquainted with the matter by the Master of Gray's meanes, wherupon the King haith not forborne to speake something of ytt openly att his table, thinking that her majesty meaneth none other thinge then to dally with the Duke in that motioun. The Master further showed me that upon occasioun he had befour this tyme geven the King some light of this motioun, wherof the King toke no greate regarde; and that he doth not thinke hitherto or att this tyme any otherwyse of ytt then ys befour expreshed."

"Lastly, he offreth that yf your lordship shall nott be fully satysfied with this discovery of this matter thus farre opeyned, that upon knowledg of your lordships pleasure therin he will gyv your lordship further informatioun in the circumstancis therof, to your lordships gud contentement. After he had fynyshed the cause remembred, he told me that the King had compounded with him for his interest in Dunfermlyng, agreying to gyve hym one thousand poundes sterling for the same, and to assigne hym to receave the some of such gratuytis as hir majeste is pleasyd to gyve yarly to the King. And albeytt that I lett hym understand that hir majesty haith beyn and still ys many wayes occasioned to diffray such lardg sommes for most weighty affayres as he cold nott loke for spedy payment, or peradventur att the tyme destined, persuading hym to sek some other meane for his satysfactioun heirin, yett thinking this assignement to be the sureste maner for his payment, with the best contentement to the King, he ys purposed to seu as moche to her majesty to hav this some in the end of November next, or els att such other tyme as shall please her majesty to appoynt by her majestes privy seal, as also to your lordship for your lordships furtherance in his sute, and for your advise and directioun what course he shall tak to receave this assignement at the handes of the King, with her majesteis gud lyking and for his own suretye; praying my letters to your lordship in the same."

"And as I have agreed to delyver to Edward Johnstoun for hym, and to satysfy his earnest request, so I have thought yt my dewty to gyve your lordship preknowledge therof, and to leave the matter to your lordships gud consideratioun." Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

pp. Holograph, also address. Indorsed by Burghley.

452. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 17.]

This bearer, John Montgumerie, late servant to Thomas Fowler, deceased, having finished his business, is addressing himself to Burghley, to deliver to him such of his master's writings as have come to his hands, and to inform him as to Fowler's affairs. He served his master faithfully and will deal honestly with Burghley, to whom Bowes commends him, praying favour and furtherance of his suit for the reversion of his father's office or another like it.

At Mr. Blencko's motion, and upon Burghley's letter to Bowes in Mrs. Fowler's behalf, Montgumerie has delivered to Bowes Thomas Fowler's accounts for the sweet wines in his charge. Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

2/3 p. Addressed. Indorsed.

453. John Leslie ["Jehan de Lesselie"]. to Burghley. [July 20.]

I am bound to thank you most humbly, and to pray God for your prosperity and health all the days of my life, for that it has pleased your honour—as I have been able to understand from the warder—to do me so much favour as to set me at liberty from prison. Now I will entreat your honour most humbly that it may please you to have regard to the great want and suffering I am in, being destitute of all means, and having no acquaintance in this country, neither friend nor kinsman who might help me in any wise. Thus I am totally destitute, wherefore I most humbly beseech your honour by the same means that it may please you to have pity and compassion upon me; that if it is your pleasure that I remain here, I entreat you most humbly that it may please your honour to do me so much favour as that I may be entertained and nourished at her majesty's charges until I can advertise my father and kinsmen who are in the country, in order that they may give me some advice and help. Signed: Jehan de Lesselie.

1 p. French. Holograph. Addressed: "Au treshonorable." Indorsed by Burghley: "20 Julii 1590. Jhon Lisle nevew to the B. of Ross in the Gatehouss."

454. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 23.]

At the hands of Sir John Carmichael, on Friday last the 17th instant, he received her majesty's letter of the 6th. The King, then at Falkland, was to be at Dunfermline the next day at night, and Bowes resolved to be with him there early on the Monday following; but hearing on his way that the King had returned the night before to Falkland, found him there and had audience.

Yesterday—after his return from the King—he received Burghley's letter of the 16th, and was about to answer it when the Chancellor sent to say he would come this night to speak with him. In accordance with her majesty's letter, Bowes let the King understand that the Earl of Worcester had reported to her majesty his intention and promise to proceed effectually against such of his subjects as had attempted to make a party against him to trouble the peace of this realm, whereof they remain attainted: and Bowes added that he had confirmed that report by the King's own answers made to his several motions. In this behalf her majesty had also had speech with Sir John Carmichael, and allowed the King's purpose as necessary for the maintenance of his estimation among his subjects, and the quietness of the realm, endangered by his former remissness, which encouraged these parties to draw foreign forces into this realm in the King's absence, and to make factions against him and his best servants. Because her majesty looked for due accomplishment of his promise, Bowes thought it his duty to renew the matter to him, praying his resolute determination; the rather because he heard that several of that faction had lately been with the King and received his good countenance so far as it seems he has either changed his mind or purposes some secret means to compass his promise. Bowes could not satisfy her majesty in the matter while those secret means were hid from him.

The King said it was true that Auchendown had been with him, "and delivered to him the principall band of the rode of the brig of Dee, which Huntlaie had ones cast into the fyer, and sodainlie taken it out againe, upon consideracion that if it should be called for—as nowe it is—and could not be produced by him, that then it wold turne to his utter wrack; and also it is in some part blemished with the fier, yet the wholl substance appeareth and it is to be well seen and redd."

Albeit James Gordon had passed over the water, and was thought to have purposed to return into the north, yet the King said he came to him in Dunfermline, whence he sent him to Burntisland, where he is ready to be immediately shipped over the sea agreeable to the laws of the realm. Upon the submission of Erroll, and assurance that he would satisfy himself and the church, he had received him, with the advice of all his Council, who thought it good so to weaken the fellowship of the Brig of Dee. And although Huntly had many ways sought access to him, offering to prove both his innocence ever since his former offence at the Brig of Dee, and also his future loyalty and obedience, yet he had put over the same to better advice therein. Moreover he said that to bring this realm into quietness before his departure into Denmark, that he might proceed in that marriage and preserve his country in peace in his absence, he sought to bind those disobedient subjects to him by clemency, and so gave remission to all parties in that action, with condition that they should afterwards be loyal and obedient, satisfy the church, and be of good behaviour hereafter. The parties say that they have performed the condition ever since those remissions granted, praying to have the benefit of his grant and privilege of the laws, or else to be charged with some particular crime or breach of the conditions. Wherein he said that he dealt with his Council and the ministers to know whether they could charge any of those parties with any matter against the condition aforesaid; and as he could not find any express matter against them, and thought he might be accounted an unjust prince to imprison any of them after his remission given, without some fresh offence proved against them, therefore he could not in justice imprison them: nevertheless, he would provide, in regard of the suspicion that he and others had of them and their doings, that they should be so confined and put into such places distant from their own rules and possessions, they they should have no power to work any great hurt: and that they should not be trusted with office nor entertained in court before they have given good testimonies of their good mind to religion, himself, and the peace of the country.

Replied that the chief of these factions, before the raid of the Brig of Dee, had subscribed to the articles of religion, and protested obedience and good behaviour as now they offered, and yet had foully revolted as well by their action of the Brig of Dee as by sending Jesuits to the Pope, the King of Spain, and the Duke of Parma, at whose hands the Jesuits so employed had procured gold, with promise of foreign forces to have been brought into this realm: that it was apparent to himself that most of them stood fast in their erroneous religion; noting also that his remission was by act of Council passed since his promise made to the Earl of Worcester.

The King denied that any of those things alleged to be done by them since the remissions could be proved against them, saying that the Jesuits might give out in their names much more than they had commission; but affirmed that if any matter could be proved against them he would proceed against all found guilty with all severity, and would give no pardon, but rather command the execution of his laws according to the quality of the fact. He appears desirous to unite all his nobility, councillors, and chief men of action in outward concord, hoping thereby to keep this realm in peace: this may be the ruin of his best servants and councillors, and the beginning of great inconveniences.

Has reported to the Chancellor the King's resolution and answer "wherein he findeth litle suertie for the King and small contentment to himself," thinking that the King's desire to draw all things into peaceable estate shall be frustrate. He will endeavour to persuade the King to some better course, more agreeable to her majesty's advice. And because he notes that this matter is put into the King's head by the Master of Glamis, who has employed Blantyre to bring on the King in the same, therefore the Chancellor will send for Blantyre to be at the next Convention, that Bowes may confer with him "and wynn him to amend that he hath hurt."

"Sir John Carmighell likewise hath bein verie earnest with the King in this behalf, and left him not well pleased with his earnestnes": for he spared not to tell the King that seeing her majesty had dealt so honourably with him, and that his welfare depends especially on the continuance of her kindness, he ought to follow her advice, which had always been for his honour and profit. He told the King that if this present course should fail—as he looked it should—he would faithfully advertise her majesty of the same, and of the cause. "He hath acknowledged to the King and others that for his sake he received right honorable intertainement at the handes of her majestie and all her highness's Counsell, commending the same so highlie as he deserveth well the honour and favour done to him, with thanckes for his offices therein."

Required the King, as before, that Penry might either be delivered to him to be sent into England to be ordered by the laws there, or else be publicly banished. The King agreed, according to his promise, that he should be banished, saying that great labour had been made to him in favour of Penry, but sundry of the ministers thought he would do no good here. Some have persuaded her majesty that Bowes has favoured Penry; he prays she will examine his deed before condemning him, for he has never favoured any seditious person.

Informed the King that sundry ministers in this realm—appearing to condemn the government and church of England—had moved their auditors to pray for such as were persecuted in England for the word of God, meaning such as Penry, seeking the alteration of the ecclesiastical order of the church of England. Bowes required these disorders of the minister to be reformed. The King, misliking some of their prayers, agreed to give order to the Chancellor for redress herein. Bowes purposely absented himself from the sermon yesterday, but hears that the preacher omitted to move his auditors to pray in this behalf. The Chancellor will be careful in this matter.

Reminded the King about the two commissioners for Spain. The King commended Sir James Melville for that service, "saieing that he had good knowledge in the Latin, Italian, and Dutch tonges, had bein oftentimes imploied in negotiacions by the Palsgrave and others, and that he thought her majestie wold well allow of him." He desires to know her pleasure; and at the Convention on the 27th instant will put in readiness another for Spain, and also give Bowes the names of such as he would appoint to be commissioners for the Borders.

The King moved him (Bowes) for redress for the late piracies committed by Englishmen against his subjects, especially William Cockburn; and asked whether Thomas Gray, captain of the Lion's Whelp, was gone to Orkney to apprehend the Spanish barque and the Scottish men in the English vessels lately taken by the Spaniards, and whether he would return again into this Firth. Bowes told him that the Lord Admiral had sent Gray in his own pinnace to range the north coasts for this purpose; and Gray had taken three ships and put others to land, whereof sundry are in ward to answer to all things objected against them.

Also opened to the King the great complaints of the north coast men of England against his subjects, and the Spanish barque furnished by and with Scottishmen: and told him that at Gray's departure out of the Firth he purposed to sail for Orkney to seek the Spaniards and the Scottishmen with them; it is said he took in victuals at Berwick and sailed southwards, but he may return, for he sent word by Bowes's servant that he would sail for Orkney, and if so he should have found the Spaniards and the Scotchmen at Kirkwall road.

The King said that the Spaniards and Scotchmen remained still in Orkney, and the Earl of Orkney had feasted them greatly. One coming from Orkney this day asserts "that he left them in Kirkwaie road, braving excedinglie on the spoiles and slaughter of the Inglish men, and saieng that if they can not gitt good sale of their corne taken from Inglishmen, they will burne the ship and men that yet they have alive with them."

Has entreated the Chancellor, who has great interest in the Earl of Orkney, to travail with the Earl to apprehend them; and he will send a gentleman by land to the Earl with instructions: the Chancellor promises to sue to the King that the Earl may still retain Orkney if he will take and keep these Spaniards and Scotchmen in Kirkwall, "who with despitefull tortures use and rejoyse to torment to death all the Inglishmen falling in their handes." Bowes has warned the fishermen, and nothing has as yet been done against them.

The English pirate who robbed the merchants now with Thomas Gray in the Lion's Whelp has put into the Isle of Mull, where he remains, showing good store of gold, silver, velvet, and silks.

"The Erle of Angusse contineweth still in the castle here upon the King's commaundment. The Chancelour wrote to the King for his libertie, which the King had ones intended to have graunted; but the King was advertised by the Master of Glames, that albeit by the late mediacion of frendes the greefes betwixt Angusse and Mr. Alexander Lyndsaie were brought to frendlie order before the King had committ Angusse, yet now Angusse refuseth to compound with Lyndsaie, thincking that he hathe received the King's evill countenaunce by Lindsaie's meanes, with some harder measure then hathe bein given to others of his qualitie for like offence. He is like to continew in ward untill his cause shalbe determined by this Convencion, which by the generall call made should be great; yet it is thought that it shall not be so great as hath bein looked for."

Bothwell, calling the Chancellor to lodge at his house, accompanied him yesterday to this town. They remain in good friendship, but the Chancellor will not knit any faster knot with him but in the presence of the King, whose word he will have to be pledged to him for Bothwell. The Earl has stayed his voyage into Germany, intending to remain at court as the King shall direct. He had thought that Hume could not have been drawn from him, but Huntly and his friends have won Hume with large offers.

"It is advertised from Denmark, that the admirall there hathe caused five or six witches to be taken in Coupnahaven, upon suspicion that by their witche craft they had staied the Queen of Scottes voiage into Scotland, and sought to have staied likewise the King's retorne."

"Sundrie witches were arreigned yesterdaie in this towne, and are found giltie of odious crimes; chefelie that some of them made in wax the image of the yong lard of Wardhouse, and rosting the image the gentleman pined awaie by sweate as the wax melteth before the fier."

The King sent Mr. George Yonge to understand the divination of the gentlewoman of Lubeck as to the great honours destined to him; but she desired to see the mark in the King's side before she should foretell anything, and also referred judgment thereof to such wise man as she would open the matter unto. "It is found that the inordinate love of one of the Queen's servauntes here hath chefelie drawen her hither; so that her creditt is so cracked as she ronneth abroad at hir pleasure." Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

5 pp. Addressed. Indorsed. Marginal notes by Burghley.

455. Robert Bowes to Burghley. [July 23.]

"By my former and particuler letter of the 11th heerof, I both advertyshed your lordship of the late conference that I have had with Sir Alexander Stewarde, and also prayed spedye retorne of hir majestes will and your lordships direction in the same. And understanding that your lordship had nott acquainted hir majestie with my letters att the dispatche of your lordships last letter to me, and that I loke that Sir Alexander will shortly preshe me for resolution to his offer, wherein I desiere to be furnyshed with knowledge of hir majestes pleasure, that I may carye my corse agreable to the same and in best maner satysfie the gentleman, how so ever yt shall please hir majestie to determyn of his service offred: therfour I do humbly besech your lordship to gyve me tymely direction herein. The Master of Grey wilbe here within few dayes, loking to receave notyce from your lordship that I have advertyshed your lordship of the matter of maryadge mencioned in my last particulere letter of the 16th hereof; and whether your lordship will have hym to gyve you any further light therein; which matter also ytt may please your good lordship to have in remembrance, together with your lordships advise and direction to my selfe, how I shall governe my selfe and my corse in the jelowsyes still reignynge betwixt the Chancelour and the Master of Glamys, notwithstanding all the agrementes passed amonges them." Edinburgh. Signed: Robert Bowes.

Postscript—"I do most humbly thanke your lordship for the last occurranttes sentt to me, being of no lesse price then gold, seyng that with the exchang therof I can gett better intelligence for her majesties service at some handes then with golde."

1 p. Holograph.

456. Mr. Archibald Douglas to Burghley. [July 27.]

"The necessitie whearin I am reduced for gude will borne to hir majesteis service, and the confidence that I haif consawed that hir hyenes vill nevir suffer such as ar knawin to be dryvin to extremite for gud meaning to hir hyenes self to leawe in suche miseri as I do, gevis me the boldenes to hartelye pray yowr lordship to mowe hir majeste to hawe consideration of my present state and case, to your lordship knavin worthy to be put to some end before hir hyenes departure; wthervaise in gud fayth I cannot tell whatt to do, as moyr particularly the bearar will informe your honour, whom I haif send to attend your lordships pleasour." Signed: A. Douglas.

2/3 p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

457. Answer made by Christian iv., King of Denmark, to the Scottish Ambassadors, William Stewart of Pittenweem and John Skene. [July 29.]

"Serenissimus ac potentissimus Daniæ, Norvagiæ, Vandalorum, Gottorum Rex, Dux Slesuigi, Holsatiæ, Stormariæ ac Dithmarsiæ, Comes in Oldenburg et Delmenhorst, Dominus noster clementissimus, tam ex literis serenissimi Scotorum Regis Jacobi VI., regiæ ipsius magestatis consanguinei, affinis et fratris carissimi quam ex luculenta et accurata generosorum et clarissimorum serenitatis ipsius legatorum oratione perspicue intellexit, quibus cum mandatis a dicto serenissimo Rege ad regiam ipsius majestatem sint ablegati; quæ etiam quanquam graves causæ, imprimis vero utilitatis communis et reipublicæ Christianæ pacis ac tranquillitatis procurandæ studium serenitatem ipsius ad id consilii capiendum impulerint. Ad hæc quibus viis ac rationibus ad ejus sui propositi finem effectumque serenitas ipsius perveniri posse existimet, denique quid a regia ipsius majestate in eadem causa vicissim prestari postulet. De quibus omnibus cum exiguum deliberandi tempus regia ipsius majestas petiisset, nunc re cum magnificis et generosis dominis regni sui proceribus ac senatoribus communicata in hunc modum de eorundem procerum et senatorum consilio sententiaque respondendum esse putavit."

"Inprimis vero tam de salute regiæ ipsius majestatis tam amice nunciata et benevolentia, et studio fraterno delato quam de mutua et syncera consiliorum et sententiarum communicatione dicto serenissimo Scotorum Regi Serenissimus Daniæ et Norvagiæ etc., Rex, Dominus noster clementissimus gratias ingentes, ut par est, agit; et a generosis ac clarrissimis [sic] dominis oratoribus clementissime petit ut in reditu ad dictum serenissimum Scotorum Regem tam suo quam serenissimæ Reginæ matris suæ carissimæ nomine serenitati ipsius vicissim plurimam salutem amantissimis verbis precentur; et hanc gratiarum actionem cum mutua eorum que tam a materno affectu quam a vero fraterno amore ac benevolentia proficisci possunt audiorum delatione renuntient."

"Quod vero ad summum legationis caput attinet in quo divina et heroica quædam serenitatis ipsius virtus cum summa prudentia conjuncta elucet dum imminentia Ecclesiæ Christi discrimina ex bellicis vicinorum regum motibus prospicit et provido consilio, qua ratione ea devitari declinarique possint in medium consulit animosque dissidentium inter se regum amica intercessione tentandos explorandosque censet, num reconciliata inter ipsos redintegrataque gratia ad pacis et concordiæ cogitationes flecti aducique queant. Regia ipsius majestas ardentissimum illum serenitatis ipsius zelum preclarumque studium et voluntatem de republica Christiana benemerendi condignis laudibus extollere satisque commendare non potest."

"Neque tantum media a serenitate ipsius proposita, plane idonea et convenientia ad expectatum optatumque fructum consequendum arbitratur. Verum etiam omni studio in eandem curam incumbere sese velle, quæque ad adjuvandos promovendosque tam pios ipsius serenitatis conatus facere posse judicabit corum nihil prætermissurum certo pollicetur. In quem finem suis literis tam ad Electores quam ad alios imperii principes datis regia ipsius majestas dittos serenitatis ipsius oratores abunde instruxit, quibus ut conjunctis animis studiisque reipublicæ Christianæ periclitantis saluti consulant sedulo eos adhortatur uti ex fideli generosorum ac clarissimorum dominorum oratorum relatione, serenitati ipsius plenius constabit, cui prosperrimam valitudinem felicemque regni administrationem omnium actionum ac consiliorum prosperum eventum ex animo precatur."

"Quæ omnia regia majestas a generosis et clarissimis dominus (sic) oratoribus petit eadem fide et dexteritate qua in exponendis suis mandatis sunt usi serenitati ipsius renuntiari. Quos propter virtutem, prudentiam et in rebus agendis industriam merito facit plurimi, suamque voluntatem ac favorem regium eis clementissime promittit, atque adeo felicia omnia et prospera ad institutum inter peragendum exoptat."

"Signatum in regia nostra Coldingi sigillo nostro regio subscribentibus ad gubernationem regni deputatis consiliariis et senatoribus die 29 Julii Anno salutis 1590."

Copies of Signatures: "Nicolaus Kaas, Peter Munck, Georgius Christopherus Kalk, Resconkrantz Lendorff."

2 pp. Copy. Indorsed.


  • 1. Marginal note by Burghley: "Whereof 3,000 to the King of Scottes."
  • 2. Marginal note by Burghley: "A Mockery."