James VI: June 1589

Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Originally published by His Majesty's General Register House, Edinburgh, 1936.

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'James VI: June 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593, ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp90-114 [accessed 2 February 2025].

'James VI: June 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Edited by William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online, accessed February 2, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp90-114.

"James VI: June 1589". Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online. Web. 2 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/scotland/vol10/pp90-114.

In this section

James VI: June 1589

112. Archibald Douglas to Walsingham. [June 2.]

"Be the report of my servand and uther circumstancis I can collect no bettir mater bot that thayr is ane disposition to pycke querrellis against me in the tyme of this my necessite. Albeit the harde measure that hathe beyn offered onto me hath reduced my present state in that case that is verray unpropre to enter in the debating of querrellis, zit necessite that is subject to no lawis gevis me libertye to thank God of all that he sendis, and permittis that I may gewe gud ressonis that I haif deserwed no such mater as apperis to be intendit against me."

"I dowbt not bot that your honour doothe remember that I haif remaned in this realm the spaice of ix yearis and moyr; ane part of that tyme in the state of bannishement, when for the werray cause thayrof some of the best of my freyndis hathe lossed thayr lyves."

"I persuade my self that suche as hathe serwed her majeste in that realme of Scotland hath informed your honour that I was no beggar so long as I remaned as ane subject theyr; as also that all the gudis of fortune be me acquired vas lossed for no uther cause bot for the desire I had to do hir majeste service. And the rather I was drawin in this inconvenient for that suche as var than inployed to serve thayr mayde me to beleave that thayr hoile derection did proceid from your self, whiche I must leave to your bettir rememberance to pray your honour to consider that I haif remaned these thre yearis in this realme in qualite of ane servand to the King my soverayn, whear I haif ressawed dyvers promessis that my vantis shuld be subveaned onto."

"Throw the remaning on my awin chargis I haif contracted induring the tyme of my aboade no smale nombre of debtis that doethe dayly incresse, and no part of this inconvenient hathe fallin owt throw ony part of my misgoverning, but throw the ilnes of tym that gawe the occasion of my remaning, to hir majeste weill knawin."

"And now, for the releawing of my present necessite, proceading from the groundis aforespecifeid, I can persawe no uther helpe bot that it is objected that this variance fallin owt betuixt the Master of Gray and me doothe greit harm to boythe, if not at home at leaste in this realme, notwythstanding that I am fullye persuaded your honour doethe veill consider that I can not be towched vyth ony part thayrof, be ressone that as I can not amend the Maister of Gray his inconstancye, nather inhonestye, so can I not forbear to deffend my awin reputation of ane honeste man be all laufull and honeste meanis, albeit it shuld be wyth gretar hasarde than anye can com from the Maister forsaide, whose credite and fortune I do not misknow. Admitt that he hathe mayde promesse to performe som matterris to hir majeste, as I onderstode be him self he hath don, if it may lye in his powar to do thaym. I pray God he may dissawe me and keipe his promesse, bot I do onderstand they vill not be vorse performed that he is informed that I am cayrfull to sea him keaped in the bowndis of honestye, and fayling thayrof to be able to put him in rememberance of his deutye."

"It hathe also beyn objected that the variance betuixt our Chancellar and me doethe breid harm to the common cause and quietnes of boythe realmes. I beleawe your honour doethe remember that the variance betuixt him and me did proceid from no uthir grownd bot for that I wold hawe beyne the moyen to draw him to the course whearin he presentlye valkis. So long as he shall remayn uprytlye thayrin, the querrell betuixt him and me is endit one my part. And newerthelesse I am of that opinion that nather the one nather the uthir of these forsaidis personis vilbe the lesse myndfull to keipe thaym selffis vythin the boundis of honestye anent thayr sewerall promessis mayde for intertannyng of quietnes and veill of boythe the crownis, that they shall onderstand thay haif ane cayrfull vatchman to tell thayme or thayr maister when they shall go owt of the hye vaye. Bot perhappis it may be thocht be the vysar sort that the partye is not veill fowndit when I shuld presume to bende my self against those personis that ar—or may be—in so greit credit vyth the Kinge our soverayn. Treulye I may this far affirm— vithout any greit jactance of my self—that I beleawe I haif mo kynnismen and freyndis amongis the nobilite of Scotland than thay bothe hawe, so that I neid not greitlye to fear thayr actionis if I can keipe my self from any disgrace of the Kinge my soverayn, which boyth thayr creditis is not able to effectuate against me if it shall not be assisted be her majeste, to whose grawe consideration I leawe it to be considered whethir it shalbe moir expedient for her hyenes to do it or no."

"Seing that be the consideration of these promissis I can not collect that these querrellis alledged against me doethe proceid from any of these growndis, I must imagyne that my present estate reduced in to necessite is the occasion thayrof. I must confesse that powretye is ane privation from uthers and be consequent hynderar of honest men to do so gud officis as uthirvayse thay volde, bot zit not to be imputed as ane vice to any that is not the occasion thayrof to thayme selfis. I culd be bettir contented of my present necessite, accompanye[d] as it is vyth honestye, than thay of thayr ill acquyred richesse when they shall possess it—vyth politye—if I culd maynteyn my powre credite withowt craving of creditouris: bot this necessite whearin I am reduced, not threw my defalt bot proceading from the causis before expressed, gevis me the boldenes to craue pardon that I have uttered some part of my just consawed greif to your honour, that best knavis the originalle thayrof, as also how I haif beyn used for my gud meanin, prayand your honour that all ill fowndit querrellis may be sett apart, and hir majeste moved that I may ressave her anser whatsoevir it shalbe her gud pleasur to gewe anent piraceis, that thayrbye I may mak my deligens knavin to my soverayn. In this nydde tyme if it shalbe hir majesteis gud pleasur to sea my debtis, contracted in hir hyenes and for hir hyenes service, ane part also proceading be commandement from hir self, satisfeid, I shall think my self the moyr bownd to serve hir majeste in all tymes heireftir, and be glayde to depart furth of hir hyenes realme when it shalbe hir majesteis gud pleasur to gewe me leawe, as one that nevir thocht offence against hir hyenes, nather deserwe that ony querrell shuld be consaved against him." Signed: A. Douglas.

22/3 pp. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

113. Master of Gray to Burghley. [June 4.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 379. Printed in Letters of Gray, Ban. Club, p. 156.

". . . (fn. 1) kneu . . . the treuthe of our estait vitche I find summqu[hat] different from that I did accompt it to be for [I] perceave a greater difficultie then I lukit for, . . . the persecutioun of theis rebelles, be reasoun of the K[ing] my masters sumquhat to passionat affectioun towardis them [for] sum particulaire respectis; vitche, as the Chancellar affirmis, did grou from the slounes [slowness] usit be the Quene y[our] souveraine in that maiter; for in the begining haid any man of sprit bein send hither, the Kings necessitie vith the con[cur]rence of the veil disposit noble men about his majestie [had] moveit him for to accord to quhatsumever sould have bein demaundit. Bot the tym past, and the rebellis haid so m[any] freindis about him, that they submittit them selfis . . . a forme of entring, yet albeit the King seimit not to d . . . in any capitulatioun vith them, he moveit the noble men about him to give unto the rebelles promeis of lyf . . . and goodes. The promisers ver Lords Hamiltoun, Angus, Mar, Mortoun, Houme, Maraschall, and Master of Glamis."

"The Chancellar fand in this, if forther ordre ver not tak[in], great danger, and yet vould not seim to be the do[er of] it, bot moveit the King to convein his estaits, quhair [the thing] being proposit, it ves concludit that the rebelles so[uld be] maid coulpable of thair fait, keipt strictly . . . The first poynt ves performed by Huntly his submis[sion] and confessing of treasoun, and by Bothuel and Cra[ford] thair convictioun by one assyse of thair peires . . . strict keiping it . . . of inhabilitie. Treulye thair is no appeir . . . I may tell in my particulaire for in a mai[ter] by Huntly vitche apperteinethe to me. The King hes . . . vill in goodis prefer no man to him. So . . . vryt plainly, I see no appeirence that any of [the] three pointis concludit in Conventioun shalbe execut age . . . from our selfis and in this I knou sume men in[tending] to do our Chancellar good haithe hermit him for . . . have maid his credict sutche vith the King that qu[hat he] pleasethe he may get done. Bot in this they ar [stran]gers bothe in the Kings auin naturell and in our estait . . . vill assur your lordship the Chancellar quhat he may [do he] uill, bot all he vould he may not. For the [Erle] Lenox is nou a man and accomptit for his aige, a . . . dissimuler and reasonable accort; he beginnethe to have interest in the Kings ear, and of naturall inclinatioun he [is ene]mie to the course and freind for dyvers respect[is to] thois rebelles, vitche is no small impediment to . . . thing the Chancellar of him self could propone . . . maiter. One vuther thair is, the Master of Glammiss . . . the estait in sutche termes that if he ver guyl[ty] . . . the Chancellar he lukethe to fall in his place . . . moveit him factiously to seik the Chancellars ru[me ?] . . . indirectly deallis vith Huntly and sume of his f[reindis], so that appeirand to be ennemie, quhat ever he say[is] tendethe for Huntlyis avantage. To the King he sem[is] to speik it for the Kings veil, and veil judge . . . sible fait . . . auin dispositioun inclyning thairto."

"In sorte . . . he is in a maner the uphoulder of Huntly . . . rest. This fare I doubt if it be plainly . . . your men heir for your embassadour is accomp[tit] sumquhat simple for our estait and vhen men [settle ?] one a ground if it tuitche the King his majestie . . . dasches him from it, vitche I have not of . . . for that I never as yet have practiquet the . . . bot of the Chancellar and a nombre of uther [veill] villars; who vould be glaid from thair . . . that sume man of countenence ver send hither . . . extremitie. Of justice non can not be haid. Th . . . pointes resolvit by estaites micht be cravit to . . ., vitche vithout doubt shalbe grantit, for the . . . is sutche that at this tym he vill not . . . refuse her majestie your souveraines reasonable petition. . . . Besyd this the Chancellar vill advyse your l[ordship] and the King bothe in maiters he can not propo[ne] him self by reasoun, as I have said, he is gre . . . bothe directly and indirectly. For sutche a prop . . . findis no man fitter then Mr. Robert Boues fo . . . knouin in our affaires is requisit, and for so sch . . . imployement small moyens for a great good . . . his inhabilitie. Remitting aluayis the choise of the . . . your Lordships visdome; bot one is necessairly requisit, . . . vitche eny thing to be performed. As for the . . . in it . . . durst not have medlit in it, for the day befo[re] . . . this toun the holl marchandis in concurrence mai[d] . . . and bostit my Lord Hammiltoun and Chancellar beca[use they] opposit them selfis to the mariage, so that I am v[er] lothe to speik in it: and I think it shall . . . affectual, for the King craveis so great maiters bo[the] . . . taucher and uther pointis that I doubt if they . . . to performe it; and in this country thair be verie [few] noble men inclynable to it."

"I vould have v[rytten] to her majestie, particulairly quhat the King haithe said to . . . that maiter, bot I forbear, for that I have not y[et] delt in uther pointis vith him, bot by Mr. Huds[one], vho shalbe despetchit touardis her majestie vithin fyve or sex [days]. I shall, God uilling, advertis her majestie of all thingis . . . more particulairly then goodly I may at this tym [by] reasoun of sume heast."

"I feare her majestie tak[ith] not veil that the monoy sche send to the king for [the] greater pairt is delyverit to th'earle Marchall for . . . . ing his voyage in Denmark, bot sche shall not blam[e the] Chancellar for it, nor haithe sche any cause."

"Res . . . advertis your lordship that all the jalousies conceavit of me proceidit of sume opinioun they haid that I ves go[verned] by Mr. Archibald Douglas, and thairfor I pray your lordship . . . the treuthe ver to schau hou vhen for malice [Mr.] Archibald vould have calum[n]iat the Chancellar, I tould your [lordship] the simple treuthe. This I pray your lordship vryt to Mr. . . . I . . . notvithstanding all ver vroth . . . favorably of me, he never utterit the same . . . bot I am not to be a sore accuser of it for [I] hoyp, God uilling, to be aible to do my auin tou . . . In the particulaire of Dumfermling, albeit . . . be half pairtie as yet, I trust I shalbe . . ." Edinburgh. Signed: Mr. of Gr . . .

pp. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

114. Master of Gray to Burghley. [June 5.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 378. Printed in Letters . . . of Gray, Ban. Club. p. 160.

"Efter this uther lettre ves vrottin Mr. Aschby hir majesteis embassador send me one from your lordship; bot befor the recept of it I haid takin leive of his majestie to go vissie my father and my hous, so that presently I think I can ansuer it in litle forther then is alredy conteinit in my uther letter: for thair is sutche unuorthy men about the Kings majestie, that honest men can nether do nor speik bot is misconstructed. Yet vithin a day or tuo I am to retourne, and then I shall concur vith the Chancellar, but I knou he vilbe lothe to deall ether directly or indirectly in stay of the mariage vith Denmark; for as I have vrottin the verie day befor I came to this toun thair arose a great mutinerie agenst my Lord Hammiltoun and him, for he, all noble men and gentlemen, save a verie feu particulairs, be altogither inclyning to Navarre; so that my opinion is bothe for that and uther maiters that Mr. Robert Boues sould be send hither, and indirectly the Chancellar and my self shall advyse him hou to stay the maiter, and her majestie never to acknouledge it, nor yet shall it be knouin in Denmark the maiter to proceid from her. And in the mid tym I shall deall quhat I can vith his majestie, according to the reasouns sete doun in your lordships lettre, and by Mr. Hudsone shall mak you advertisit hou fare I prouffit. Bot, as I vrot, th'earle Maraschall hes alredy receavit a great pairt of the mony her majestie send to the King . . . (fn. 2) for defraie of his voyage. The choi[se ?] of this mariage is one Mr. Peter Young . . . majestie, vho ves first imployed in the same . . ."

"As for my actiouns so fare as they may extend . . . shall euer be to do her majestie service nixt my auin master, and I hoyp the Chancellar s[hall] do the same, so that bothe 'propter istud ter . . .' our auin particulaire veilles, as your lordship v . . . it shalbe agenst my vill if ve co . . . veil amongst our selfis."

"I have hard . . . from Mr. Archibald Douglas of neuis, nor visch to heir from him, bot vould be glaid to [heir] from your lordship if any be good." Edinburgh. Signed: Mr. of Gr . . .

Postscript—" My lord it shalbe in my opinioun verie pertinent . . . Secretary vryt a lettre to the Chancellar conteining [the] same argumentes set down by your lordship, and sutche a lettre [as the] Chancellar may veil schau to his majestie as proceiding from Mr. Secretary's self."

2 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.

115. Thomas Fowler to Burghley. [June 7.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 376. Printed in Letters . . . of Gray, Ban. Club, p. 161.

Please [your[ lordship to understand that "sence . . . (fn. 3) sent by the ambassadours convoy tochinge the tymulte abo[ut the] Kinges maryage, and the resolucyon apon the same, w[e ?] fynd styll to holde, and the Erll Marshall peparinge in hast to goo with the next wynde. Yet his instrucyon[s are] not drawne to a poynt, but sum of them agrede a[pon]."

"I fynd that the Kinge is caryed by Coronell Stewerd, but specyallye by Peter Yonge in this matter of his maryage, frome Chauncelour and all other, so far as he commendes [the] delyng of the towne of Edenbrowghe, and alowes it [to] procede of zeale and affeccyon they beare him, and to avoyde an extremety lyke to fawle apon themselves for theyre trade. Yet he condemnes them for unreverent speches that the baser sort shold use agaynst the Lady of Navar and sum other there, and theyre raylinge agaynst Ingland, which he wold have had sum ponished for, but there was no partyculer men charged, it was so generall. The sayd Stewerd and Yonge hathe put in his hed [that] the syster of Navar ys old and croked, and sum[thing] worse if all were knowne, and settes forthe [the] other, so that it aperes the Kinge hathe conceaved [a] lykinge by imaginacyon, which makes the Chauncelour yeld and allow of his procedinges that way. But [he] is sorry for it in his hart, and hathe told me [in] secret that there hathe none but fooles deal[t in] that negocyacyon as yet, suche as ar vayne g . . . and hoopes to gayne to them selves by it, regar[ding] not the good of theyre master. And even now goo suche lyke, but of a higher degree: for the [Erll] Marshall and the Lord of Dingewell, that go[o for] him, will not bothe make a wyese man. And [their] instruccyons shalbe suche as the Chauncelour thinke[s they] in Denmarke will never agree unto. One is that they shalbe bownd to furnishe the Kinge ten tho[usand] men payd and armed for syx monthes if he . . . to use them for the obteyninge of Ingland after her majestis deseace. It was once agreed on so longe [as he] shold nede them. I thinke to get all the who[le so] sone as they be drawne perfet; but now is . . . sayd Peter Yonge determined to goo with the [Erll] Marshall, and the Kinge commendes it, and it . . . that Yonge . . . [in]struccyons to him selffe that shalbe more . . . be not lyked. so that they will have noo . . . matter, but hoopes to brynge hir home with the Erll . . . at his returne and make no moo sendinges."

"Whear[e] it was set downe that the Erll shold have but c . . . the covenantes of the maryage, and the Lord Hamel[ton] shold have gon for hir, the Erll Marshall is pers[uaded] by sum frendes, of which in truthe I am one, that Peter [Yonge] will robbe him of all the honour, havinge byn there before and havinge secret instruccyons: and now he [will] not goo at all if Peter Yonge goo, and tells the [Kinge] so playnly yesterday; so that yet the matter is [not] agreed apon."

"It is wisshed here by the well af[fected] to Ingland that the Cowncell of Denmarke myght [be] wrought to answer, they wold conclude noo mary[age] with the Kinge without the Quene of Inglandes con[sent]; and that the forward Scotes Danistes that will take so muche apon them, dyspisynge that hir majeste shold . . . in the Kinges maryage, may be dryven frome theym unlesse she be pleased."

The Master of Gray hath con[ferred] with me at length; he and the Chancellor have had large conferences. The King gives him countenance, but his credit is little with him. He seeks the abbey of Dunfermline, or at least to have the . . . of the law allowed him, which cannot be well refused. The Chancellor is of that opinion, but the King hath made no answer, but s[ayd] to me, 'He can never get it by law.' The Master speaks exceeding well of England, and against those who oppose the amity. He condemns the hardness of her majesty, and that she loses much thereby. His credit will not be much here a long time. I beseech you that these may be kept secret. I know the Master writes at length, and that mine are the less needful. [He is] of my opinion that it were needful to have a gentleman of account sent hither, and thinks it would be good for his own particular.

"The Erlls ar gon to severall pryssons in the cowntry; Bodwell to Tamtallon, Hunt[ley] to Bairtyke Castell, Crawford to St. Tandrows [sic], and every . . . a trusty gentellman with sum gard for theyre keping." Edinburgh. Signed: T. Fowler.

Postscript—Today the captains of the Vanguard and Tiger have been with the King, who takes kindly that they were appointed to offer him service, and is proud that he used them well. But the base people and Spaniards misused some of them and slew a trumpeter. The King was angry, and willed me that a demand should be put in to the Council, and he would see it was granted. I told the ambassador, who had made other requests before for disorder and was little regarded. At his request I drew him two requests to present to the King and Council; they may do more good, for I have conjured the King to see justice done and the English well used, being subjects not only of his good sister, "but to accompt [her] his mother, maynteyner and upholder, protectour and defender; so blessed by God that the lyke of . . . so many yeres cannot be red of in thes cowntry; and who hathe byn so miraculowsly preserved." He allowed of my speech exceeding well.

3 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

116. Thomas Fowler to Walsingham. [June 7.]

Has received his of May 30, and will follow his advice. Other matters he will answer by Hudson, who goes hence shortly. He thanks God for sending him such a friend as Walsingham. Colonel Stewart and Peter Young have the credit of the marriage with Denmark, and thus have won the King's affection above all others. The Earl Marishal is near ready to go, and the Lord of Dingwall with him, but a controversy has arisen, because Peter Young would go with the Earl. He has private instructions, easier than those the Earl was to carry, for the Chancellor had drawn them so hard as it is doubted they will not be granted in Denmark: "and Peter Yonge perceavinge it no dowt hathe perswaded the Kinge so; and becawse they wold have no delay in the matter he may make what instruccyons he will, the Kinge will fyrme them as he did once allreddy to the sayd Mr. Peter."

"The Erll is perswaded, and it is true, that the sayd Peter will robbe him of all his honour, beinge an ambycyowse fellow, and aquaynted there, and specyally by his pryvy instruccyons; and he told the Kinge yesterday that he wold not goo if Peter Yonge went. The Kinge wold have perswaded him, but it wold not be."

The Chancellor and others well affected to England like not of that marriage, specially that it should be done by such mean men for their own glory, who despise that any advice should be asked of her majesty in the King's marriage. They wish the council of Denmark might answer that they would conclude no marriage without her majesty's consent, that they might be driven to seek her. They hope to make such speed that the new Queen shall come home with the Earl Marischal without delay. It was once appointed that Lord Hamilton should go for her convoy, and this Earl but to have concluded the covenants.

It is generally desired that the King should marry, but the wisest think this lady too young, and that the other of Navarre, being staid, were more for his good, besides that the portion of this is but money that will be quickly spent here, and the other hath a yearly revenue and money too. "Besydes they thinke that the Luteryan religion shall be browght in, and dronkennes, which they ar here to muche in use of all reddy." The King, though wise in matters he gives himself to, is careless of his own commodity, and a great giver if he have it. A wise woman would be a great stay, and the other being but a child shall for a long time need some discreet ladies to advise her.

The Chancellor found that Peter Young was a chief stirrer up of the late tumult in Edinburgh, and so rebuked him and called him a seditious knave, but no one has been punished, the King excusing them "that they did it upon zeale and love to him and care of theyre owne trade. Yet he wisht to know summe of them that spake unreverently of Ingland and of the sister of Navare and Kinge and all; but none is bewrayed, the case was so generall. But the Frenche here, as Civell and De Lyell, sweres the percecusyon of the marchantes of this towne that trades with Fraunce."

Has had conference with the Master of Gray, and loves him for honouring Walsingham. Gray is well affected to England, and honours the Queen above all others except his master: "he thinkes hir majeste to hard, and that she looses muche there by, and so thinkes many moo." The Chancellor and Gray agree, and confer much together: "but what it wilbe if the Master get not the abbye agayne I know not." The King uses him well but cannot hear of the abbey. The Master desires to be allowed law, which the Chancellor thinks reason, but the King says he cannot have it by law. His credit will be little with the King for a long time. Gray wishes a wise man were here from England: it would be well for him.

"The Erlls Huntley is gon to the Castell Burtyke, Bodwell to Tamtallan, Crawford to St. Androwes, and every one of them a gentellman and sum gard to kepe them saffe, and not any other procedinge yet towardes any of that rebellion."

The Master says that the King excused the rebels that they meant not anything to himself but to the Chancellor; but to others he hath done clean contrary, and approved it by many reasons that it was a feigned tale to say they took arms against the Chancellor. Edinburgh. Signed: T. Fowler.

Postscript—"This day the capteynes of the Quenes shippes were a land with the Kinge, who was exceedinge glad of them and used them well. I have wrytten in effect of all thes matters to my lord Tresorer. Mr. Archbald hathe wrytten hether spitefully agaynst the Master of Gray."

3 pp. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

117. William Asheby to Burghley. [June 8.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 374.

"In my last I acquainted your honour with the arri[val] of Sir Georg Beston in the Firthe hard by t[his] the first of June, leaving thother tow, bei[ng] severed by wether. The third of June Mr. Edward Croftes, captein of the Teygar, came to Sir Georg Beston, but the Achates is not as yet hard of, the ammirall imagining that this . . . (fn. 4) erlie wind keapeth her in harbore that she cannot come to him." The King accepts in good part the coming of these ships from her majesty. He sent for the admiral and captains and used them with all honour, as Sir George upon his return willed me to make relation to you. Yet there hath been great outrage offered, whereof the King is highly offended, offering such justice as shall be required.

On the 5th instant certain of the admiral's company came on shore to Leith and Edinburgh to buy necessaries and see the city. Three of the [English] trumpeters drinking with Scots of their quality, and falling out, one of them was hurt with a dagger. They retired towards their ship, and passing to Leith, three or four Spaniards followed and overtook them, and murdered one.

The Spaniards returned to Edinburgh. The two English trumpeters, being without weapons, could neither defend themselves nor avenge their fellow's death.

"Upon Sir Geo[r]ge Bestons coming to the King the 7 daie we both requested his majestie that suche Scottishemen as shalbe found guiltie in this abuse maie be punished according to there desertes: and for the Spanni[ardes] that cruellie slew the tompeter of the ship called the Vantgard, that thei maie ha[ve the] lawe executed upon them as apparteineth. And if those cannot be gotten which slew t[he] man, then we desired to haue so manie [of] the principall capteins delivered us pres[ently] till thei find out the parties guiltie. Whereupon by the Kings commaundment, for th[at] the parties that did the murder cannot as yet be found, tow of the principall Spanniardes that are here are committed [to] the towne house prisoners, the King promising condigne justice to be executed in this ca[use], which I will prosequute with all diligence."

"The Earl Huntley was sent on Thursdaie the 5 of June to Burticke 7 or 8 myles from Edenborough, and there keapt prisoner. The Earl Bodwell is sent to Tantallon a house of the Earl of Anguse."

The commissioners from the States have taken leave of the King, for the time contented, To-day or to-morrow they will acquaint me with the answer they have received of the King, and with the next wind return home.

Postscript—"Of the Master of Graye and the Lord Chancellors coming in on good course, it is to be feared, for that there haith ben great enmytie in court heretofore betwixt them, and now the Chancellour having the onlie credit, he will hardlie suffer a competitour to crep into favour, for 'stimulos habet animi virtus,' and the Master of Grayes humour is not here liked."

You will smile at a pageant now begun betwixt Archibald Douglas and the Master of Graye, who seemed to be great friends being in London together: they now deface one another by letters, which have been showed to the King.

The Master of Gray a little before . . . into Scotland writeth to his brother here what an evil course Archibald Douglas followeth, wishing he might be called home, as his being there is a hindrance to the King. This letter was shown to his highness, and report made to Archibald Douglas by his friends here: he replies "and paintes out the Master [of] Graye in his coullours"; his letter likewise shown to the King, who laughs at their dealing.

They show what faithfulness is to be had of them, pretending friendship and going about to cut one another's throats by evil reports. These men may well be used but never trusted. They will not cease here. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

32/3 pp. Holograph. Indorsed by Burghley.

118. James Hudson to Walsingham. [June 11.]

Has received Walsingham's letter of May 30 and gives thanks for it. "Mr. Archibald has writtin a venemous letter hear agaenst the Master of Grae, wher in he haeth so often callid him faethless and a detraccter of the King and a desembler with hir majeste and your honors, with suche vyll and shamefull deallings and cross nudges as I am ashamid to wryt but mean to bringe the letter it self with mei to show your honor, becaws he haeth sent a letter writin with your honors owin hand hear to give it cowntanance, as thowch your honor was prive to his letter so freycht with mallice." They are unwise in inveighing one against the other, for they harm themselves, and make sport for their enemies to laugh at. The King and Chancellor know the beginning of this, but interpret Mr. Archibald to write in malice rather than truth; "and the King saed that Mr. Archebald belyed him in that letter as well as the Master, in sainge that he was nocht desperatt of his majestes favor and that he had his hichnes good cowntenance in tymes past whiche he hoappid stil to injoye. 'Ther he lyeth,' saed the King, 'for he never had it, nether shal he ever have it.'" Thus passionately he heaps more ill will upon himself, and for all his fair terms of the King and Chancellor is but mocked.

The Master returns but this day from his father, and shall be acquainted with that letter, and to procure a trial of such things as he is charged with, by the Chancellor's favour. The Chancellor and he "sort" well, and their friends and unfriends are all one. The Master shall have the benefit of the law for his living, which will make it his. He has friends here and is like to get more. The only thing that has kept Mr. Archibald in any good terms is Walsingham's favour, at which men marvel. Fowler's credit is great, and thereby must he work. Edinburgh.

pp. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

119. Lord John Hamilton to Walsingham. [June 12.] Cott. Calig. D. I., fol. 426.

"I thank zour lordship for zour fatherlie and . . . (fn. 5) counsell send in zour last, quhilk I sall God . . . follow in preferring religion to natur and all s[uch] thingis. And quhair as zour lordship praysis me for the . . . full service done to the King my soveraine . . . acknowledge I mereit na prayse in doing quhilk in dewtie I could nocht omit: bot the [suffi]ciencie of this berar and his privatie . . . ws baythe makis me to be schorter [than] vtherways I wald. He can declair how . . . rememberance I keip of hir majestie for hir . . . benefites, and how thankfull a mynd . . . zour lordship for zour curteseis, in so mutche . . . ar the frend I haif in the wardle I ho[nour] and luif moste, and that hes gretest powar to dispose of me." Hamilton. Signed: "Zour lordship's assirut gud frinde at pouar to coummande, J. Hammilton.

1 p. No flyleaf or address.

120. [Laird of Poury Ogilvy] to Walsingham. [June 12.]

"My good lord, willing to pretermitt no occatione, naethuer at courte nor at home, it will pleis your honour [to] onderstande yat notwithstanding all the rigour yat is wsitt agaenst thois laeitt rebelliuse subiectis, zeitt the Jesuistis, Mr. Aedmonde Haey, Mr. William Chrichtone, Robert Brwsce, the Laird of Fintrye, ar all keiptit priwelie in my lord Ogilwy his howse calitt Boischaere in our contrie of Angwiss. Thaey mein to goe owt of the contrie bott nott zeitt, boith for feir to be caichitt be the way be hir majestes schips, and yat thaey doe ass zeitt attemt for ye incummine of straengers, quhilk expectatione maeks my Lord of Arroille and Montroiss to lye owt ass zeitt."

"His majeste is to be in Aberdeine abowtt the 10 day of July, thaer to pwtt ordur to my Lord of Arroill and sik my Lord of Hwntlei his frinds ass doe zeitt trwbill ye contrie. My Lord of Crafwirde is to resaiff fawoir and sindrie wyers of the factione, quhilk mwiffs [moves] sume jalows maen to feir; sume hide misteries quhilk is meir than I myself can sie throche, for I doe persaiff his majeste altogithaer baent that waey."

"I sall nott feill till adwertis your honour of the Jesuistes yaer passine owt of the contrie if I maey knaw ye samme to be acceptabill to yowr honour." Dundee. Signed in cipher.

pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

121. Mr. Archibald Douglas to Walsingham. [June 13.]

"The necessite whearin I am reduced forcis me inportunatlye to put you in rememberance that my sute may be put to some poynct. I remember that hir majeste at that tyme it pleased hir hyenes to speik wyth me was able to declayr onto me what I had gottin from Jhone Morley as I my self vas, and did regrett that the mater was so small in respict hir mynd in gevin vas so liberall."

"As towardis William Huntar his mater, I fynd the mater betuixt the marchantis and him not so difficill to be agreed apon as is the money taking from his cuntreyman thayre fact uris, whiche he alledgis vas takin for paymente of debtis contracted for thayr cause, and that necessite constraned him to the doing thayrof. This somme extendis to xxv hundreth ducattis, whearof they vill pay no part, bot doeth alledge that the takin thayrof did hinder thaym anent the gayne thay vold haif uthervayse obteaned, the somme of no les than the principall. What is to be done in this mater I must leawe to your moyr grawe consideration."

"I mynd to derect the bearar heirof to Scotland so sone as I can obteyn anser what ordour shalbe takin anent piraceis, and such uther mater as was left unperfytted be the Larde of Weamis. My lord Tresorir did tell me yisterdaye that he vold consult heirupon vith your honour, and vold mowe you to send me anser when any meting shuld be for this effect." Signed: A. Douglas.

2/3 p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

122. James Colvile to Walsingham. [June 14.]

"I resavit zour letter vithe my cousingis, quha movit me ane litil to onderstand that thingis promeisit and contractit culd not be kepit, seing I vas oblisit be vord to ane number of capitains quha myndit to hasard them selfis in my cumpanie. Ze may lat Monsieur de Buzanval onderstand of it gif it pleis zow. My mynd and frank deling in that service I think hes rather doon me hinderance nor fortherance, but my gud mynd shal ever contineu and that above my pouer."

"Gif zour honor may do ony gud at Monsieur de Buzanval it is now the tyme to help, sua as in mony uther thingis afor. Zour honor, I beleve, vil not tak this request in no evil part. My redines, I hoip in the Lord, shal be in tuenty days efter the reset of the silver to depart, quhilk I vald com vithe al expedition. Thingis ar not doon heir as necessitie requyrit, and that becaus ther is non send to keip his majestie in mynd, and flatteris hes mair credit nor honest men."

"For my awin part I abyd at al occationis to lat my affectionat mynd be knawin to do zour honor service. Edinburgh. Signed: James Coluill of Estveimes.

¾ p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

123. Thomas Fowler to Walsingham. [June 14.]

"Here is great workinge for favour and ease to the traytors in prysson. Crawford is not gon to Saynt Androwes as was apoynted, and he goinge, but returned and lyes in this towne with noo great gard apon him attendinge. Hontley hathe lybertye to ryde with his keper to take the ayre fyve or syx myles frome Burtyk. Mountrose by the Lord Hameltons meanes comes in and submittes him selffe to the Kinges mercy withowt any condicyon, and shalbe warded as yet is agreed in Dumbarton. The Kinge wilbe at Hamelton within viij dayes, and there he comes in. The Master of Glames is a suter for the Erll Bodwell and for Huntley allso, that they may be banyshed for a tyme but injoy theyre lyvinges wholy." He is malcontent with the Chancellor that Crawford is not executed, in respect of the feud between them. The Chancellor says he cannot help it, because so many of Crawford's friends have the King's ear, specially Alexander Lindsey the King's minion. The Master this morning in open Council protested his friendship for Huntley and his friends: he carries with him Morton, Angus and Mar.

It is manifest now that the Master was taken by his own consent, and so let go again to serve a turn for the traitors; he is a perilous man. The Chancellor is so little regarded by her majesty that every one thinks to overthrow him for his dealings with England and receiving English gold. He might hinder the favour showed to the rebels, but has to temporise, being so strangely dealt with by her majesty. Fowler gains nothing by him, but thinks him the surest means to her majesty's service if he were rightly used.

"The Kinge is most suer and constant for the religion and the amyte betwen hir majeste and contry and him selffe and his; and hathe of late shewed openly his opinyon in rebuke of sum that contended with the Larde of Wymes and me, he sittynge at diner, wheare he pronownced them all traytors that wisshed him, as some before had spoken, to favour or esteme Spanierdes as [w]ell as Inglishe or nere them by twenty fold; but rather to hate them as those that wold have gotten frome him that which after hir majeste he had righte unto: with muche more whyche I will commyt to my lord ambassadors letters and the report of Lyttel David."

The Master of Gray will get no credit with the King, who says he cannot brook, love, nor trust him who dealt so falsely with him. Mr. Archibald's letter is most despiteful against the Master, but the King only says, "Lyke will to lyke," and is glad to see them at this point. May be the Master shall do better in time; he professes a good part towards England and Walsingham; to win him credit the Chancellor should have been better considered. Once the King has been deceived he forgets not hastily, though he sometimes forgives.

His majesty lacks horses, and takes unkindly that the Queen will send him none for hunting; he has to borrow of his servants. He rides north to Stratherne and Ross to keep justice courts, and to see the houses and livings of all Huntly's friends and Erroll's seized to his use. After his return on August 10th he will hunt the buck in all the grounds he hath, which are but few, and then the stag.

Hears now that the Master of Glamis and the Chancellor are friended by means of the nobility of the good faction, "but the Chauncelour dryven to yeld to many thinges that he wold not if he knew of a back." He is honest, and will run a sound course in religion and the King's service, how unkindly soever he be dealt with.

Has written to Burghley to speed some good deed, specially for horses and money. The Master of Gray says that the 3000 li. which came last was no part of the 5000 li. her majesty promised. Edinburgh. Signed: T. Fowler.

Postscript—"The Lord Mershall goes within 3 dayes and not Mr. Peter Yonge."

3 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

124. Instructions to the Commissioners for Denmark. [June] Printed in Hist. MSS. Com. Reports, Hatfield MSS., Pt. 3, pp. 420-22 (with marginal notes by Burghley).

"Instructions to our right trusty cosen and counsellor Goerge, Earle of Mersall, Lord Keith and Altrie, our liftenaunt in the north, our trusty cosen and counsellor Andrew, Lord Dingwall, colonnell generall of our realme, our trusty and wellbeloved counsellour James Skymger of Dudop, Constable of Dundie, and with them adjoyned Mr. John Skinner, advocat in our Colledge of Justice, directed by us ambassadours for the complectyng of our mariage with Dennemark at Edimburg the daye [sic] of June 1589."

"After you have presented your letters and hartyest commendations to our dearest sister the Queene of Dennemark, our dearest brother the elected King her sonne, and his fower regentes and governor of that realme, ye shall declare unto them how havyng now by the good favour of our God attayned to a reasonnable perfection of yeares and thirwith to some tranquillitye of our estates subject to continewall unquiettnes induring the wholl course of our minoritye, and findyng the matturitye of our adge, the statt of our affaires, and the long wishe and expectacion of all our good and lovyng subjectes to crave most earnestly that by some worthy and honorable alliaunce our crowne should be continually in our race and lyne, our realme and kingdome strenghtned, and we the more able to possesse us in our forayne ryghts, that God and the prerogatives of our discent have geven unto us, and [sic] undoubted expectation; and findyng by good recordes of wordy memory what wealth and honor hath accresced and still remayneth with our sayd crowne and countrey by our alliaunce with the crowne of Dennemark, and thirwith understandyng, by our latte embassadour the adge, the favour, education, and other princely qualitys of the right excellent and worthy princesse the Lady Anna, second sister alyve to our sayd dearest brother, aunswearable in every point to our contentement and lykyng: wee have made choyse of you to passe into those partes and in our name to propound to our sayd dearest sister, the King our brother and his sayd governors, our mariage with the sayd princesse, and findyng them agreable to treatte, conferre, conclude, and contracte with them upon the clauses and conditions followyng:—"

"1. Art: First, that the somme of tenn hundreth thowsand poundes Scottes be graunted to us in name of tocher, and the sayd some transported here together at once and delivered really in our handes immediatly after the complectyng of the mariage."

2. "Secondly, yat for the better countinuyng of good amitye and frendly love betwixte the inhabitantes of the two realmes, all Scottishmen be naturallized Danishe, and therby be permitted to trafficke, conquer, mary, bruck offices and honors, make testamentes, succyed ab intestato, and generally to enjoye all and whatsoever immunitys, libertys, and privileges within the wholle dominions subject to the King of Dennemark which wsually are permitted to any natturall and borne Danishe, such like and als freely in all respectes as if they were borne subjectes to that crowne."

3. "Thirdly, that whatsoever to[ll] be imposed to our subjectes travelling trough theyr seas, eyther for theyr shippes or goodes, may be discharged, and our sayd subjectes free and relyved therof in all tyme commyng."

4. "Fourthly, if eyther for our juste deffense against a foraine ennemye, or the recoverye of the possession of foreyne titles dewe unto us by juste inheritaunce, (fn. 6) wee shall be mooved to crave our dearest brothers or his successors ayde and assistaunce, that he and his forsaydes upon our requisition direct hyther and intertayne within our realme eight thousand foottmen and two thouzand horsmen upon his owne expenses, well armed and ecquipped, to serve when wee shall have occasion to employe them."

5. "Fyftly, that wee may have a graunt [of] warre shippes (fn. 7) well ordeyned and ecquipped with ordinaunce and other necessary provisions to be sent hyther with all diligence to our use and behove."

6. "And last, that our sayd brother and his forsaydes, respecting the undoubted right, the long continewed kindnes and possession which wee and our predecessors above all memory have had and fermely brucked of the Ilandes of Orkney and others [blank] (fn. 8) to the countinent of our realme, may well forbeare to move us any further question or clayme therfore in any sorte, and for the more security therof that with advice of the estates they will expeedd us under theyr hand and seale a full discharge of whatsoever right or interest they can pretend therunto, founded upon whatsoever reversion or other title, in such sorte and maner as you shall advisedly devyse. And for that reason and honor craveth that the sayd princesse and futur spowse should be reciprokely provyded by us to any honorable lyverent proportionnall to the revenu of her sayd tocher, therefore you shall accord and graunt her in our name a lyverent of all and whole our ducherie of Allbany, our earledom of Carrikt and our lordship of L . . . [sic], (fn. 9) with our palaces of . . . [sic] (fn. 10) and Falkland and theyr pertinentes, togyther with the revenewes of the sayd ducherie, earledome and lordship, the which you may in our name assure and therupon oblige to them our all borrowes to make equivallent to thre fyfte part partis of the rente of whatsoever somme shall be accorded to us in name of the tocher. And if that be not found sufficient, rather or it cast of in that deffault you shall in our sayd name aggree and promis her the third of our all property in lifrend, sparyng all wayes to vallewe it in any sorte."

"This beyng don, you shall laye out unto our forsayd dearest brother and his sayd governors how the long covered pretenses of the Pope and his adherauntes begynnyng now more playnely to utter theyr intent and malice against the trewe religion presently by the good favour of our God in both owr kingdomes, our duety kraveth that by our comm[on]union, conjunction, and intelligence wee should oppone to theyr desseings such remedyes as God hath graunted us, both for the surety of the sayd religion in our tyme and the continuaunce tharof to our posterity. You shall therfore deale most earnestly with our sayd dearest brother and his forsaydes, that not onely wee our selfes, our tounes, and kingdomes may joyne togeather in strayght league for our commun defense against all and whomsoever that shall attempt any violency against us or eyther of us, our crownes and countreys, but also do our best indevour to drawe the reste of the reformed stattes and princes to concurre and joyne with us in that behalf."

pp. Copy. Addressed to Walsingham. Indorsed.

Another copy of the same.

Cott. Calig., D. I. fol. 177.

125. William Asheby to Walsingham. [June 16.]

Received his letter of May 31st on June 5th; thinks Walsingham knows what moved the ambassador Mr. Douglas to write to the King: some unkindness fallen out between him and the Master of Gray. They have both written to their friends most spitefully against one another; the letters have been shown to the King, who makes merry with their follies, and doubts which he may best trust. Mr. Archibald's letter to the King was delivered by Fowler.

On 14th instant a Scotsman arrived at Edinburgh from Flanders with letters from Parma, "requesting the Spanniardes that be in this countrie to be transported of his charge." The King is willing to have them gone and divers labour to transport them, yet no man will undertake it without her majesty's safe-conduct. If it please her, one William Neper, a burgess of Edinburgh, will transport them to Spain or Flanders, as she shall direct.

"Peterson the Pyrate is taken and in prison here in Edenbrowghe; the ship which he tooke the last yere from Frauncis Clarkson—who came in Sir G. Beston ship with your honour's letter to me—is staid by a brother of the Erll Marshall's; but the King haith commaunded the deliverie of her to the partie, who is going for her towardes Aberdine: so as I hope the pore man shall recover his ship, althoughe there is some crosse dealing by the Erll Marshall and his brother; but the Chancellour promissed me this daie that the ship should be delivered to the Zealer."

"The King goeth the 21 of this present to Hamelton to the christening of the Lord of Arbroth sone and hayre; who haith invited me to be a goshope there, as I writ to your honour before. After that solemnitie finished, the King meaneth to ryde into the north, and there to spend tow or thre moneths in progresse, and to shew himself amongest those Hilanders, which are as wild as our Irishe."

The King deals too mildly with the condemned earls; Huntly is at "Bourtecke" 7 or 8 miles from Edinburgh, Bothwell at Tantallon, Crawford in Edinburgh; all have access to them, and they have many favourers about the King.

The commissioners from the States departed on June 10th. Upon debate, and hearing Colonel Stewart's demands and reasons, wherewith they were not before acquainted, they asked his majesty for further time, promising an answer within three months: to which the King consented, and also Colonel Stewart. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

Postscript—"This daie about none Sir George Beston went downe with the ebb out of the Frith: he haith ben honorablie used at the King's hand. Your honour's letter of the 12 with a packet to Monsieur Civil I receaved this [sic]. Mr. Hudson should have brought this packet, but the King haith stayd him for 3 or foure dayes."

3 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

126. James Hudson to Walsingham. [June 16.]

The King and Chancellor have been so busy about the dispatch for Denmark and in writing to the Queen by Sir George Beston that he could not be dispatched, and the King's absence will stay him four days more. The Master has written to Walsingham. The King is inclined to pity these last trespassers. Many about him are evil inclined to England; Hudson has already suggested the remedy. "The Master's pacyence and wysse behavyor is lyk to carrei hime thorow al theas storms to his conttentment." Signed: J. Hudson.

1 p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed.

127. Master of Gray to Burghley. [June 16.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 369. Printed in Letters . . . of Gray, Ban. Club, p. 165.

"Since my last ve haue . . . (fn. 11) so many appeirences of maiters to fall furthe I diferrit from day to day to vryt lu[king] for sum certaintie; vitche as yet skairsly . . . I performe, bot I have stayit for a day or . . . Mr. Hudsone, and til then have send them . . . let your lordship knou hou that vpon sume occasi[on] thair fell furthe at my retourne betuene the . . . Chancellar and Master of Glammiss sume querel[l] vitche ver occasioun that no thing ves . . . as ves promised at the last Conventioun by . . . majeste tuitching the rebelles; for the Master of G[lammiss] tuk a plaine dealing for th'Earle of Huntly, and . . . Chancellar underhand for Montrois, so that . . . the tuo all maiters ves neglected. Vitche . . . perceaued by sume honest men who hes medlit . . . in this cause they trauelit vith bothe the . . ., and hes takin up the maiter betuene the Chancellar and the Master, so that yisternicht . . . have promisit honest freindschip among them sel[fis], and to procure to joine in the course all [the] men they can, for suppressing the vther . . . If this maiter be effectuall betuene them . . . good, bot I am affrait. I vryt to your . . . Mr. Hudsone that the Master of Glammiss is . . . his nepheu is to chuse his curatores and . . . necessitie he ves compellit to ryd from . . . to stay for a tym: thairfor thocht it not g[ood to] leave behind him so great one ennemie at court [as] the Chancellar. This in a pairt I knou to be [true], for he hes stayed theis eicht dayis bygone only [for] this purpose. Aluayis th'effect vill give li[cht]. I am requyrit my self to enter in this same . . . schips, to the vitche I accord most villing[ly] . . . marie th'earle of Huntly is yet possest vith my . . . and I as yet can haue no redress, for I crau[e] . . . indifferent justice according to our laues, vit[ch] . . . can not haue, for the King him self in persoun hai[th] procured that the sessioun shall medle in no process [or] actioun apperteining th'Earle of Huntly during his a . . . in vard, so that th'earle is in both caice no . . . if he haid neuer bein traiterous, and better by . . . committing then he ver fre. For this I haue . . . of the Chancellar, and the rest of honest men and . . . men vho craveis me in fellouschip, that they . . . find out the moyen hou I may haue justice . . . for me, for I haue my liuing dayly offerit . . . I vill sute Huntly for it. In this caice . . . my maiters at this tyme, so that skairsly . . . I ansuer your lordship in your auin langage, vhither . . . larde or pauanne, seing I haue not yet begune . . . befor I kn[ew] . . . to tak by the hand. I dar not vryt so pla[inly as] I vould and as I shall by Mr. Hudsone . . . knou your lordship can not be informed of our verie . . . for they be not knouin to many. Bot if your . . . not sume sufficient man send hither, I do assur . . . maiters for that estait can not go rychtly; . . . if ve haid heir sume sensible man your lordship sould see England sould find freindis, and nou I da[re] affirme quhair euer thair is one favouring Eng[land] about his majestie, thair be ten Spainyardis . . . Mr. Hudsone shall informe your lordship to vhom I . . . all uthir thingis, saue to schau your lordship . . . throu sinistrous men the King thocht not the . . . of me for her majesteis earnest requyest, bot hes . . . I may kythe my self and knou vhom to em . . . I hoyp to redress all maiters to my content[ment] Mr. Archibald Douglas vithin theis eicht da[yes] vrot a letter hither to a gentleman for to be [shown] to his majestie, conteining no vther thing saue . . . of me and my deportmentes at my last be[ing in] England; quhairin he tuitchis no les deiply her [majestie] and all your Lords of Counsell then my self. Thairfor it haithe pleasit his majestie for to . . . me the lettre to send to her majestie, to th'end . . . sein quhat handsomme ghaist sche enterteinethes. For [my] pairt I protest the greatest offence . . . receave for doing the lyk for a tryede . . . say no more in this" . . . . Edinburgh. Signed: Mr. of Gray.

Postscript—"I forbear to vryt to her majestie, as yet, not haueing full knouledg of all thingis bot Mr. Hudsoun shalbe by his majestie despetchit the 20."

pp. Holograph. No flyleaf. No address.

128. Maitland to Walsingham. [June 18.]

"Upoun this great concurse of Spanizeartis in this realme ordour is tane uith Williame Naper, ane honest merchand of this burgh, for thair transport, and licence granted him to deale uith the Duke of Parme for the refounding of his money. To this effect her Majesteis ambassadour being delt uith for a pasport to thame, he hes remitted the graunt thairof to her majestie, for the quhilk, sen this bearer is purposlie directed thether be the said Williame, I maun requeist zow hartelie to further the said pasport hether, and to include thairin the said William his name, that thairupoun he may tak present ordour for thair shipping, and sa releve this realme of thame, quhair thair remayning langer can do no gude." Edinburgh. Signed: "Your luffing freind to command, Jo. Maitland."

2/3 p. Addressed. Indorsed.

129. William Asheby to Burghley. [June 20.]

"The same daie I receaved your honour's lettre with the inclosed from the Lordes of the Counsell the Kinge tooke his journey towardes Hamelton. Notwithstanding, before he went to his horse I acquainted his heighnes with the contentes of the Counsell's lettre, and withall shewed him the letter to read, delivering his majestie beside the principall pointes to considre of. For answere he deferred me till I did come to Hamelton, meaning to follow tomorrow, being invited by the Lord Hamelton to be his goshope at the christening of his sone on Sondaie next." Desires to be excused answering the Council's letter till he has been with the King at Hamilton.

The Earl Marishal sailed for Denmark on 17th instant, but there will be no conclusion without her majesty's advice. Touching the murder of the English trumpeter by Spaniards, the King desires to see justice done, and the two chief Spaniards are kept in prison till they bring out the parties that did the murder.

No Spaniards have been transported since Medina—"generall of the hulkes"—went towards Spain, except two or three about a month past. Parma has sent for them all. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

Postscript—Thanks Burghley for thinking of his poor estate.

2 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

130. James Hudson to [Walsingham]. [June 21.]

The King has commanded him to wait upon him at Hamilton, because he has no leisure here to write to her majesty. At the Queen's request the King uses the Master of Gray as a good subject, but for the abbacy of Dunfermline he is bound by his promise to Huntly and cannot retreat. Asks [Walsingham] to tarry his coming, and not urge the King to a thing so far against his heart. Over great favour is shown to the traitors, and nothing done against them; to amend this both Fowler and Hudson wished some wise man to have come from England: "but this seamid noct good unto hir majeste and now it is past remedy." Yet he still wishes some man of judgment might be sent for a short time.

The Chancellor, being a subject, may not over far press the King; and Fowler, wanting authority, can do no farther than courtesy will reach. Yet when no man dare deal in a matter touching England comes Fowler thus: "Sir, yow know I love yow. Sei how this mae offend hir majeste, hir Cownssell or peipell; and therfor, Sir, remedy it thus." And the King follows his advice. If it be a public thing touching England, Fowler spares no person of whatsoever degree; he is always in waiting.

Fowler has told Hudson the contents of the last letter sent, "the answer wherof I think I shall returne but as it was takin." That touching the rebels in Burghley's letter he remits to Fowler's writing. Were it not for the Chancellor's wisdom and Fowler's credit there would be a strange state here, "for that whiche is good hear this daie three daies hence is noct currant; and ther is suche daelly jelowsseis and such parcyall deallinge of all syds, and suche fallinge owt and agreinge, that if a man be noct stil pressent and have good creditt to, he shall never know what they mean."

"My lord, I wish good generalls keipt for hir majestes service, and what have I to doe moar with Mr. Fowllcr or my lord Imbasador but to this end?"

Fowler follows the King at his costly roads, at all his pastimes, without and within doors, to his great charge, only to do the Queen service. By his wisdom he has gotten great credit, yet receives no commendation from Burghley "to stuf him agaenst the falss reports spred hear by Scottish men boath of hir majeste, hir fleit and other things whiche he will wryt him self. Theas things he haeth beattin dowin by his specyal credit at the King's hand, and maed the reporter cum to purge him self at his hand." Wishes him to be encouraged. The bringer of those knavish bruits was William Cockburn, for whom Burghley has done much; it is the fortune of knaves often to speed when honest men go without.

Merchants are coming for transporting the Spaniards. One of them is a proud knave, and was of the uproar touching the King's marriage; his name is Geddass. Signed: J. Hudson.

4 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.

131. Thomas Fowler to Burghley. [June 24.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 371.

Being at Hamilton on the 22nd instant with the King I received your letter, which "stayed" a day longer at Berwick for John Selbye's being absent at a marriage.

The Master of Gray finds, as he thinks, hard dealing at the King's hands, and though the Chancellor and he agree in all show, yet I know it is no perfect part with either. The Chancellor will go no further than the King likes, and the King is not to be won in this cause. The Master thinks I may do him more good with the King than the Chancellor or any other. For his honouring of her majesty I have done my best, "but the Kinge prayes me not to speke for him nor to deale in his matters as I love him. I told him it was for his owne sake, not for the Master of Grayes that I spoke, for I was so[rry] that it shold be bruted bothe here and [in] Ingland that he wold be so partyall as to stay justyce, specyally in the favour of so g[reat] an offendour. He still sayes he dothe it for the s[ake] of a yonge lady his dowghter and beloved of his blud, and he trustes that neyther hir m[ajestie] nor cowncell wyll accompt of the Master and h[er] alyke, nay, he assuers him selffe of it, and sayes, 'If they love me they will not, but [if] they knew him so well as I they wold not. I will prove I do him no wronge. I cann[ot] goo muche farder in this poynt because he ca[me to] me with so fayre and good wordes, and I must . . . (fn. 12) my credit, which is knowne to be su[m]what m[ore] then ordenary.' To conclude, I see no hasty h . . . for the Master."

"Here hathe come home of l[ate] one William Colborne, whome your Lordship . . . informed hathe favored muche . . . owt here for serteyn . . . and over all Edenbrowghe and cowntry that . . . of Ingland sent for Portugall is defeat vj . . . men slayn, Sir Frances Drake eyther slayn [or] taken; a brother of Sir John Norrys and x or x . . . capteynes pryncypalls; manny of the shipes sould . . . muche a doo. He assuers that he hard it in . . . that the Quenes shipes were sent hether to bry[ng] away the Kinge into Ingland, and that the Chancellor shold have wyeled him aboarde. He sayes allso [that] Ingland generally was not in that stir, fy . . ., and discontent and feare when the Spanierdes came alonge the coast the last sommer [as] now they ar at the Kinges matche with Denma[rk], and that hir majeste shold protest agaynst it; w[ith] moo suche untruthes, as this berer Mr. Hudson well informe your lordship at lengthe, who hard it. The Kinge beleved no part thereof, the traytour erlls in prysson. It is true that [they] ar but dallied with all more then that they . . . forthe comminge. And I fynde it allowed of [by] the cowncell that now has place abowt the [King], for sum affectes one and sum a nother, and [one] cannot have favour but all must have the lyk[e, which] makes one beare with a nother. And beinge h[ere] in sort as I am, I cannot shew my selffe [to] the contrary of all the nobyllite, as one tha[t had] byn sent hether for a while myghte have [done]. I am offred in secret by one that was pryour [of] Cowdingham, and put frome it by Bodwell, t[hat] if he myght fynd favour sum wheare he [would] dispatche the sayd Erll. This matter I wold [not] hastely harken unto, but he desyred me to . . . of it and adviese him. It is a nere kins[man] of the Lord Humes, and wold fayne have [his] abecy agayne, and is lyke to do suche [an] exployte. The sayd Bodwell shall now have . . . a more lyberty as to be removed to Burtyke . . . Erll Hontley is, and Hontley shall . . . howse of his owne iij myles [from] Edenbrowghe. Burtyke is within ij myles of Cryghton, and by that meanes Bodwell shall have suche lyberty [as] he may goo every day home to his owne howse and see to his byldinge which he there is presently proceeding with."

All this is won by the Chancellor. Every one of the rebels hath sought by friends to make peace with him, and when they have him they spe[ed] well after. I beseech you to remember what I have advertised of him heretofore. I assure you he was bent to run a course most pleasing to her majesty till of late, and I had brought him so far into it as he was never. "But when hir majeste had here but one cook kyndeled to holde in the fyer and wold quenche that too, hir fyer here must nedes goo owt." Therefore whatever fall out unpleasing to her majesty from hence, let me be excused.

The King and Chancellor are sure to continue the amity with her majesty so far as their own power can reach. But in matters of their common proceedings and execution of laws, favouring offenders and doing justice to the earls, it is overseen and little regarded. The King is well minded of himself, but "they put it in his hed . . toyes" of the Queen "intent to kepe him vnder," and other hard dealing with him, as if he were not stayed and settled it might remove him.

For the marriage with Denmark, I know the Chancellor likes not of it, and hath framed the instructions accordingly which now upon your letter they send her majesty.

"The Kinge must be at Haleidene . . . of the next, and so forward [as] yesterday . . . a brode with the Kinge . . . with me emongst others. He told me that wh[en a] prysoner with the lordes rebells they told him [that] they ment to change the religion, and by the he[lp of] Spanyshe power to enter Ingland, set up the relig[ion] and reforme religion there too, makinge accompt that theyre help of Inglishe papistes wold be gre[at]. They expected vj thowsand Spanierdes, and wold ha[ve] had mony to pay xij thowsand, but the Prynce [of] Parma wold allow no more but to pay half so many men as he sent. If they wold have vjM, then they shold have mony to pay iijM, and so after the rate. They here wold have the contrary rate, mony to pay as many moo as they shold receave." The Master told me if they had not begun over timely they had wrought a shrewd piece of work, but they were deceived by missing intercepting the King at Hawton, which bewrayed them; and then the King pur[sued] before they were ready, raised their forces of a sudden ere foreign help came. They may [prepare] the like again for any restraint they have.

I told the Master of Glamis what England must think if it were not otherwise used, "they wold all be gon owt of this cont[ry] over, and I dowt that as evell." Signature decayed.

Postscript—I beseech you to procure the King's horses to be sent hither; it will content him much and do good.

"The Lard of Wymes and Mr. Rychard Colborne beseches your lordship to pardon theyre intersessyon for William Colborne, for they condemne [his] behaviour here."

4 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.

132. Mr. Archibald Douglas to Burghley. [June 24.]

"Whereas Thomas Boston, of Lynne, in the countie of Norfolke, marchaunte, hathe solde unto one David Walker of Brunte Ilande in Scotlande, marchaunte, the number of one hundrethe and thirtie quarters of wheate nowe remayninge in certaine garnettes within the Bridgehowse of London, in discharge of a debte to him owinge by the saide Boston; and by reason that the saide wheate is mustie, unsaverie, verie course, and not vendable within this lande—as maye appeere by a certaine certificate herein enclosed under the hande of the mayor of the citie of London, the saide David Walker is verie like thereby to sustaine greate losse unlesse he maye have some vente for the same other wayes then in this realme. These are therefore earnestlie to praye your honnor—at the request of the saide David Walker my soveraignes subjecte—that it woulde please your honnor to vouchsafe to graunte the saide David Walker your honnors licence or warrante for the transportinge of the saide number of wheate into the realme of Scotlande where it is in more request." London. Signed: "A. Douglas."

½ p. Addressed. Indorsed.

133. Thomas Fowler to Walsingham. [June 25.]

Refers all matters to the bearer who knows all as well as himself, and whom he has also acquainted with the contents of his letter now sent to Burghley, to let his lordship see that the little regard had to the Chancellor, and the not sending a man of account to Scotland, "doth hinder many good effects." Is now going with the King a long journey north, but will write as occasion serves. Hamilton. Signed: T. Fowler.

Postscript—"The noble man of this howse deserves well to be remembered for the love he beares hir majeste and the good wordes he gives."

1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

134. William Asheby to Burghley. [June 28.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 373.

"Seing your honour continews the mannaging of theise Sco[tch] affaires, I judge it would haue the better effect if [some] familiar correspondence of writing might passe betw[een] your honour and the Lord Chancellor here: and that doth the King desire, whom I see greatlie bent to follow your honours advise and counsell before others."

The King is well disposed, and loth to do anything to discontent her majesty, but I see none about him with credit to nourish this mind in him, "onlie the Chancellor haith folowed this course hitherto, seeing the King so bent, and finding it the only waie for the advancement of religion and honour [of] his prince"; but I judge him somewhat discontented, imagining his service either mistrusted, or thought not sufficient without the Master of Gray's coming, which he mislikes; neither do any here think it can do good, since he is out of credit with the King and others.

The Chancellor has the King's ear, and on him the King reposes, "therefore the countenansing of him will wourke better effectes and lesse charge [to] her majestie then the interteining of Mr. Archbald Do[uglas] or of the Master of Graye, both which, as appeareth [by] there letters, for now thei accuse on another, will [do] rather hurt then good. For as mercenarie men seek to live respecting there gaine more . . . (fn. 13) accompted debauched . . ." It lies upon the Chancellor to run this course he hath begun, for the earls, if ever at liberty, will not forget to revenge; such is the charity of this nation. Seeing it toucheth him near, and he hath well carried himself, and hath the better hand of his adversaries, who are now glad to seek him, if her majesty would have any good done he only must be countenanced: the joining of any with him, especially the Master of Gray, will only do hurt. He doth all, and hath credit above the rest. If he see her majesty's favour towards him, other good offices will be done by him for suitors of [our] nation; for the dispatch of matters is referred to him after the King's assent, which takes small effect without the Chancellor's furtherance.

"I thinke the liberalitie bestowed of [sic] the Master of Graye and Mr. Archbald Douglas, for nether of them haith cr[edit] with there prince, will litle advance anie accion, but rather hinder, for the envie that is borne."

Thus much I thought good to impart, understanding that the Master of Gray is writing to you, and will say more than he can perform. Signed: W. Asheby.

2 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.

135. Mr. Archibald Douglas to Burghley. [June 28.]

"Whereas it hathe pleased your honour at my request to directe your favourable letter—in the behalfe of David Walker my soveraignes subjecte—to the officers of the custome howse of London for the transportinge of one hundrethe and thirtie quarters of wheate lyinge within a garner of the bridgehouse, beinge unsweete and unmeete to be solde within this lande, into the realme of Scotlande, and to aunswere her majestie suche custome and duties for the same as thereto apperteynethe; therefore my request unto your honnor is that the saide David Walker maye transporte the saide number of wheate freelie without payinge anye custome or dutie for the same, in that the saide David knoweth not howe to get his owne, notwithstandinge havinge the custome freelie graunted to him, by reason the saide wheate is soe unsaverie, unsweete, and not vendable in anye place." London. Signed: A. Douglas.

p. Addressed. Indorsed.

136. William Asheby to Walsingham. [June 28.]

This gentleman, Mr. Hudson, will acquaint you with all matters since his coming to these parts. The King is daily more and more devoted to her majesty and careful to avoid what may discontent her. "For the offers made at my first comming, her majestie shall heare of them no more, although thei were latelie urged by the Laird of Weimes."

I see by the date of your last letters that your honour is returned to court, whereof I am glad, judging thereby of the recovery of your health.

I beseech you to continue your favour towards me, and to remember my revocation; my stay has been longer than I looked for, and "my pore state is such as I am no waie able to sustein the charge without her majestie's gracious consideracion some waie by gift or larger allowance." Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.

137. William Asheby to Burghley. [June 28.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 422.

Since my last letters I followed the [King] to Hamilton, being invited by the Laird of Arbroath to be a gossip of his at the christening of his son with his majesty. This nobleman showeth himself grateful for her majesty's liberality in time of his banishment, and always ready to honour her servants, among whom he protests himself to be.

I certified your honour that I had acquainted the King with the contents of the letter from the Lords of the Council, delivering the principal points and requiring his answer, which he deferred till he came to Hamilton, meaning to write. Her majesty shall understand by his letter how far he hath proceeded in the match with Denmark, as you may see by the articles sent by the Earl Marishal, whereof the copy is enclosed.

"Towching his weake proceading against th[e re]bellious Erls, it is misliked of manie, an[d no] waie to be healped, but by her majesties ear[nest] urging and advise to do justice; oth[erwise it is to] be feared that greater troubles will fo[llow in this] countrey, if he do not cut of some of the [prin]cipallest, and plucke the fethers of the re[st]; but as yat there is none touched . . . in life nor goodes nor office, but confined [to] prisone, which is the waie to inriche them, a[nd] better to inable them to wourke a farther mi[schief]." The best instrument to use is the Chancellor, upon whom the King doth most repose, finding him both religious and politic.

Montrose surrendered to the King at Hamilton, and is sent to Dumbarton Castle. All the rebellious earls, except Erroll, have surrendered and are confined—Huntly in Borthwick, Bothwell in Tantallon, Crawford in St. Andrews, Montrose at Dumbarton, Claud Hamilton still in Edinburgh Castle, Lord Ma[r] in Blackness. None of them hath lost lands, goods or office; no company barred from them; thus their restraint cannot be counted imprisonment. Such is the lenity of this prince. He will ruin his state if he overslip this opportunity of ruling his subjects and enriching the crown, which is in a miserable state.

The King is at Stirling, and means to go to Ross to see the country and pass a month or two hunting. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.

Postscript—The Spaniards shall be sent away if a safe-conduct come from her majesty, and justice done for the murder of her subject ere they depart; if the parties that committed the deed be not brought forth to be executed, the captains shall be still detained in prison.

3 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed by Burghley.


  • 1. Decayed.
  • 2. Decayed.
  • 3. Decayed.
  • 4. Decayed.
  • 5. Decayed.
  • 6. For 'or the recovery . . . inheritance,' Cal. of Hatfield MSS. reads 'or otherwise for the weal of us and our estate.'
  • 7. 'ten warships' in Hatfield MSS.
  • 8. For 'Orkney . . . countinent' Hatfield MSS. read 'Orkney lying so "euish" to the Continent.'
  • 9. Linlithgow, ibid.
  • 10. Linlithgow, ibid.
  • 11. Decayed.
  • 12. Decayed.
  • 13. Decayed.