Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Originally published by His Majesty's General Register House, Edinburgh, 1936.
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'James VI: April 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593, ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'James VI: April 1589', in Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Edited by William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"James VI: April 1589". Calendar of State Papers, Scotland: Volume 10, 1589-1593. Ed. William K. Boyd, Henry W. Meikle (Edinburgh, 1936), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
In this section
James VI: April 1589
22. William Asheby to Burghley. [April 2.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 424.
There hath been a meeting of discontented noblemen and papists; to what end none can tell. Bothwell returned thence on March 29th, and met the King with 50 horse, coming from hunting. Mr. Fowler was with the King, and beheld that he would neither speak to Bothwell nor look at him; whereupon Bothwell rode straight to Crichton, where he is taking up [100?] horsemen, and hath sent for his friends to confer with. He [Fowler] telleth me that both Bruce and . . . (fn. 1) are with Huntly at Strathbogie, and that faction expect news from the Prince of Pa[rma] and the coming of men and money; but this may be given out in policy.
"The Counsell sendes abrode dailie, and appre[hends] divers that lodged Bruice, that helped . . . Symple, and on that served him . . . but litle effect groweth of this to touche [the] great ons, for of none is yet handes layd, [but] of the Lord Claud Hamelton, from whom no com[pany] is restrained, but resorted to and visited [by] suche as pleaseth him: but this thei saie [is] the manner of this countrey, which is here . . . without considering the dangerous tyme."
The King is willing to send the Spaniards away, but the charge of transport stays it, which will not be found without her majesty's liberality. The longer they stay, the more they . . . this country. They still come daily out of Ireland as they get passage, and 300 soldiers which were in Norway have arrived in Scotland.
"I have ben earnest for Desmond; the Kinge . . . comaunded that he be committed. This daie [the] Chancellour haith promised me that the . . . shalbe charged with to take him presentlie, [so] as I looke hourelie when he shalbe . . . and committed." Edinburgh.
Postscript—Bothwell went yesterday from Crichton to Kelso, where the borderers come to him. He is very busy; to what end we know not. Lord John Hamilton hath sent Mr. Colvin to me to tell me that his honour means to invite me to be his gossip, as we term it in England. I would have your lordship's advice; the charge will be her majesty's, I being invited to the christening in respect of the place I hold. The solemnity will be at Hamilton, where the King will be about the end of April, a godfather to the Lord Hamilton's son. Signature decayed.
2¾ pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
23. Sir Richard Cockburn to Maitland. [April 2.] Add. MSS., 23, 241, fol. 19.
"According as wes luiked for, I fand the Master of Gray heir, quhair he had remained eght dayes of before. As I delyverit to him zour lordships letter, together with that zour lordship gave me in command to speke be tonge, I could conceave na thing of the speaches he utterit, bot that he wes altogether to continew that intermitted freyndship for a quhyle betuixt zour lordship and him, taking zour lordshipes advyse concerning his cumming hame to Scotland in gud pairt; and wald have followed the same yf he had understand thairof before his parting out of France. Bot because he wes arryved heir, where he could not stay without suspitioun having na erand, he wald tak the hazarde in returning hame; quhair yf he might find his majestie indifferent, or yf not, no hinderer in staying justice to procede, he doubtit not to effectuat that against the Erle of Huntlie quhilk he had in intention to do, and that the occasioun of his stay heir was onlye to kisse her majesties hand, quhilk he did on Mondday last, with great conference."
"Her majestie luiking the Laird of Weymis should have desyrit presence the day after his cumming to this toun, quhilk wes on Thrusday the xxvij of Marche, whilk he could not convenientlye do at that tyme, differrit to give him audience till Tuisday last, the first of this instant. After the delyverie of his majesties letter he fand that rencounter zour lordship will understande be his a win letter. Her majestie appearis to be offendit with the sclender prosecuting of that matter against the Erle of Huntlie, being so weightie and of sa great consequence, quhilk hes fallin unhappelye out be apperance to cast off sic thingis as ar desyred in his hienes name here."
"After I had resaved that honour as to kisse her majesties hand, she enterit in discourse to tell how far she wes behoulden to zour lordship, and how gud a counsalour ze were to his majestie in advysing him to run so gud a course; wherein she had to thanke zour lordship besyde the gud will she knew zour lordship bure to her, reserving the dewtye to zour awin king, quhilk she wald be glade to acquyte as zour awin hart wald desyre: wishing that zour lordship were transported heir for two houris, that she might have conference with zow in some poyntis, and thair after caryed hame besyde the King; repeting that wishe twyse, and that your lordship had to rejose of zour being in the right syde. Whereby I collact hir majestie to be weill informed of your lordship, that movis her to utter the same, quhilk wilbe augmentit in quhatsumever the Laird of Weymis can do in that or otherwayes as may best stand zour lordship in steid heir: to quhome as I am greatlie addettit in using me so courteslye in all respectis, I will acquyte it be my gud attendance on him, trusting that zour lordship will thank him for me, as the same is done for zour lordships onlye respect."
"Sa farre as I can perceave or learne of others quhom zour lordship will credit, I find the Master of Gray farre changit in his fassionis, and to beare that gud will towardis zour lordship in deid as he professis in wordes; whereof he wald be glade to give pruif in quhatsumever may encresse zour lordships credit here, as he hes elles reported vearye weill of zour lordship to her majestie, and is myndit to do forder at nixt occasioun baith to her and sic others quha hes the credit heir, luiking that zour lordship will wryte to him as zour lasir may serve in onye thing your lordship wald have done be him heir, or elles that zour lordship wald lat him understand of the same be me. I heare he hes changit his first resolution, and is myndit noct to remove from this till he understand forder from that place."
"I am as the rest with the Laird of Weymis in Mr. Archbald Douglas his house, with whome I am noct myndit to have dealing in anye sort, nather hes onye thing past betuixt ws as zit bot generall conference, and not vearye oft." London. Signed: R. Cokburne.
1¾ pp. Holograph, also address.
24. James VI. to Walsingham. [April 3.]
"Right trusty and weilbelovit we greit zow hartlie weill. We have hard be Johane Robertsoun, merchand, of our burgh of Edinburgh, the favour and gude will quhilk ze did utter to him and his partineris in furtherance of the recovery of thair guidis intrometted with be Roger Wendame, and how be ordinance of counsale the said Wendame was found comptable to the parties of thair haill losse and dampnage, albeit that, as we are informit, the said ordinance be now alterit at the instance and procurement of some favouraris of the said Wendame, and our saidis subjectes likelie thairby to be remitted to the countrey men, of plane intentioun in the procurer, ather to force the saidis complenaris to deserte thair sute, or to involve thame in ane endles proces and expenss to thair furthere inconvenient and undoing; the remedy quherof resting in the prosecutioun of that ordour quhilk first was granted, for the obteyning quherof we can addresse thame to no better meanes nor zour gude furtherance and credite. We thairfore will effectueusly requeist zow to travell with the remanent of the counsale that sic ordour may be set doun to the complenaris satisfactioun in that behalff as the said Wendame may still be comptable to thame according to his intromissioun and the said ordinance, respecting baith his better meane to refound him of the countray men, and how he may attend thairon with farre les travell and expenss nor it will drawe to the complenaris. Quherin as ze have weill begun sa man we earnistlie requyre zow to continew, as ze will do us richt acceptable and thankfull pleasure." Holyrood. Signed: James R.
1 p. Addressed. Indorsed.
25. Sir Thomas Heneage to Walsingham. [April 5.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 398.
"Her majesty sawe this forenoone the dely . . . (fn. 2) your letters to me, with the inclosed from S. . . . which cawsed her highness to call for them before I . . . reade them. So for that I can say no more . . . but they be in her own handes, and she h[ath] redde them, but what she thinketh of th[em I] can not yet lette you knowe. Her highness had longe speeche with me yester[day] after my return to her of the matters [of] Scotland, all tending to the expressyon of [her] highness mynd to be fully perswaded of the we[akness] of that King and of the uncertenty of that allya[nce]. Whereupon I shewed her majesty at large . . . that you herd of the Lord of Weimes conceyte . . . his dealyng with her, and what you thought . . . needfull preventyng of the danger immi[nent] and in wurkyng to make an enterans i . . . kyngdome by that perilous posterne, w . . . lykewyse I delt very plainly, but coold . . . her have smalle tayst of the sharpenes . . . this occasyon: yet she sheweth to me th[at she] careth not for her purse in this cawse, and . . . to deale more sweetly with the Lord of We[imes]. But a far greater opinyon I fynd her m . . . in the Lord of Graes, that is now by her appoyntment hear with her, in whome . . . thought their wear as moch syncerety . . . I shold think ther myght growe good . . ."
"If I fynd anything before I goe to Coptha[ll I] will wryte to you. The whilst I must tell [you] that yesterday her majesty gave order to [Mr.] Attorney—after my coommyng to her—to have [the] Earl indyted upon Monday next, and told . . . he shold be arreigned the Monday follow[ing], at what tyme her majessy wold be abrode, [I] think at Hampton Court."
"How this will . . . or allter I can not assure you: the weth[er is] so changeable in Aprile. I can heare yet of no letters from Sir John C . . ., but I fynd from you that he hath doone ly[ke a] gentleman, and a good soldyer and servant. Her majesty was ons mynded to have seen . . . this afternoone, but yt is now most lyke [she] will not." Chelsea. Signed: T. Heneage.
1¾ pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.
26. Thomas Fowler to Walsingham. [April 5.]
All the nobility here have gone home to their houses, and the King is eight miles from hence, a-hunting for nine or ten days. The Chancellor only "keeps" this town. Of the provision of the papists' faction I have written so much as there needs no more: the Chancellor and his party fear them not "so longe as they have no Spanyerdes aryved, which noo dowt they looke for." There is great expectation of Wemyss's return and that he shall bring satisfaction to the King and good men.
The Master of Gray is not desired here either by the King or Chancellor, for "they accompt him of evell religion, worsse concyence, noo honesty or credyt, extreme prowde and ambycyowse, yet poore." There was two months since a proclamation whereby he and other papists were forbidden to come here unless the church here were so satisfied as the ministers should be mediators for them. He was my friend, yet I think good to let you know the truth, for I hear very few account of him. Edinburgh. Signed: T. Fouller.
2/3 p. Holograph. Addressed.
27. [Thomas Fowler] to Burghley. [April 7.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 349.
The King being at Hawton, six miles from Edinburgh, where he meant to stay ten days hunting, I waiting upon him yesterday about 2 o'clock, came Carmichael in haste, saying that Bothwell had gathered his forces at Kelso and made an oration to them, saying that the King was led away by force to an English course, to his and the country's shame; that the Chancellor was bought by English money and was chief dealer, who had taken up horsemen to wait upon the King to keep him as he listed; that there was 3000(?) men to come to the Borders out of England, by which and an English faction the nobility should be overthrown and Scotland brought into bondage; that he knew the King's mind, and desired all their aids to deliver him, to remove the English faction and deliver this realm from the tyranny of those who murdered the King's mother and have done him all the wrong they can.
"To this s[peech] John Carr, the Lard of Grenehed, Phernihirst, the . . of the Trombells, Elliotes, Armstronges and others, broken men, borderers, all vowed to take his part and to dye and lyve in the quarrell; but Buckclowghe, Sesford, and the Lard of Jonston refused him of the playn feld, and onles they saw the Kinges warrant they wold enter into no band nor service; and sent presently to the Chauncelour to know how the world went. They are answered and satysfyed, so as they be suer at the Kinges cawle. Allso on Satterday Bodwell rood to the Lord . . . (fn. 3) howse becawse he wold not cum to his assembly and b . . . meanes perswaded him to be of that party and to reyse his forces owt of hand to joyne with him. The Lo. H . . . partly graunted, but made sum dowt tyll he had ad[vised] with his frendes; which he presently sent for. Bodwell being . . . but Cowdenknowes, the good man of Huton Hawle and gave him suche advice as he sent this morninge to the [Kinge] and the Chauncelour to know what he shold doe w[ith] him selffe as the others. The good man of Huton . . . who at his partynge assured . . . frome the newse at Hawton, whether after ra . . . another jentellman, and browght advertysment that . . . Bodwell wold come to the Kinges howse, Hollirode . . . sone as his majeste and Chauncelour was there in. He . . . by what way Bodwell wold enter, take the Kinge . . ., sley whome he thowght good, and this wold not be l[ong] a doinge."
"At mydnight came yonge Carmihell . . . that Bodwell was cum forward and myght be at Edenbrowghe by the morninge. Another cumes owt of Dondee frome the Master of Glames at that hower, and brynges word that Arolls, Huntleyes, and Crawfordes with others forces were comynge hetherwardes, whereof a great p[art] cam to Byrghen; and vjc horse beinge sent to take [the] sayd Master of Glames in his howse, by good happ he h[ad] advertysment, and toke horse with but one with him [and] fled to Dondee; but he was followed so nere that if [he] had byn but halffe a myle frome the towne he h[ad] byn taken. Apon this newse the Kinge roose, presently tooke horse, and by three aclok was in the Chauncelors ho[wse] in Edenbrowghe towne, I meane within the wawles; wh[ence] presently he sent letters to the Lord Hamelton, the [Earls] of Morton, Angusse, Marshall; Mar is with him, and D . . . Others sent to Atholl, whome they thowght to have h[ad], but ar deceaved by his wyffe, for he is made suer the . . . that he shold kepe the passage at St. Johnstons of the . . . and the towne to be in armes reddy. He sent lyke w[yse] to the towne of Sterlynge, to kepe that brydge; he se[nt] to all the ferryes of Forthe to brynge all the bootes ov[er] to this syde, and theyre sayles taken frome them; a[nd] charges to all the good townes to arme and be reddy at an howers warninge; and proclemacyon this day for all men to come hether withowt delay between sixty and sixten. Another proclemacyon that all men shall forsake and leave the service and companyes of the Erlles Bodwell, Huntley . . . apon payne of treson withowt delay, and that they shall not geve credit nor care to any theyre procklemacyons, wrytinges or speches."
"The Kinge is excedinge angry . . . avowed revenge, specyally on Bodwell, who ride . . . do a myscheffe apon the soddeyn. So that . . . wantes mony for to take up shot, which they of the other syde hathe." Edinburgh. Signature decayed.
Postscript—"Your lordship looses the Chauncelour if the Master of Gray cum home, aye, and all his partakers. It is knowne he wilbe agaynst Huntley for his owne partyculer of Donfermlynge, but . . . all the good men, and will soner joyne with the pap[ists] then with them in all other respectes. And the King ac[counteth] him a very evell man as lyves, bothe in religion, concyence or honest dealinge any way. The Kinge will prove him selffe honest I warrant." Signature decayed.
2⅓ pp. In Thomas Fowler's hand. Addressed by Asheby. Indorsed: "From Mr. Henrie [sic] . . . out of Scotlande."
28. Thomas Fowler to Walsingham. [April 7.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 359.
Huntly and his confederates in the north would have taken the Master of Glamis in his house sixteen miles beyond Dundee, but he fled with one man. They chased him to the walls of the town, but he got into it. Bothwell has gathered his whole p[ower], but it is not so much as he hoped. Hume, Johnston, Buccleuch and Cesford have forsaken him for the King. "Bodwell made oracyon to his frendes that the King was as a pryssoner, for the Chauncelour and the faccyon for Ingland kept him agaynst his will; that the Chauncelour was bowght by Ingland; that men iij thousand were cominge owt of Ingland to joyne with the faccyon to over throughe this nobyllite and state, and to make them bonde."
"The Kinge beinge in a huntyng howse cawled Hawton vj myles hence, yesternight after one a cloke these newse cominge to him roose and to[ok] horse, and was at Edenbrowghe by three a clok [at] the Chauncelors howse, where he and suche cowncell [as] he hathe gave orders for cuttynge of the proceding [of] the rebells by all meanes, and made procklemacyon that all men shold leave them apon payne of treson presently, and that all betwen sixty and xvj shold repayre to this towne in armes without delay. The King is extreme angry and vowes rev[enge], but he lackes mony to doo that he wold." Edinburgh. Signature decayed.
1 p. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.
29. William Asheby to Walsingham. [April 7.]
This enclosed will inform you of the state here at this present set down by Mr. Fowler. "The smoke is now turned into flame; the King fraid from his hunting, and seeth himself abused, especiallie by Huntley: he begins now to be moved, and voweing to persequute it to the uttermost, if he may be backed from her majestie he will not desist till he have wracked the papistes in his countrie." Every day will give new matter to write. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.
2/3 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
30. [Thomas Fowler] to Walsingham. [April 8.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 308.
. . . (fn. 4) so dangerous as there was no tarrying till . . . again out of England; and Bothwell coming yesternight [to] Dalkeith with 600 horse, Huntley on the other side come to Dunfermline with Montrose, Erroll, Crawford and others; and their messengers of all sides coming to the King, who grew fearful, having small forces about this town, I thought good to quicken his majesty, so writ these lines enclosed; and persuaded the ambassador to write them over and send them sealed to the King. I refer the rest to the said ambassador's letters, beseeching you not to let him understand that I wrote thus much to you. Signature decayed.
Postscript—"I am playinge my part as I may to kepe my credyt with the Kinge, but truly I may say inowghe to him for Ingland or he will mislyke it. And for thes broyles, I encorrace him all I can [s]everally dealing with no one more than others of the rebells."
½ p. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.
31. William Asheby to Burghley. [April 8.]
The King going from Holyrood House to Hawghton, and the Chancellor lying in the city in his absence, disappointed "their" first purpose to have taken them both together in Holyrood house. The second intent was to take the King at Hawghton, and possessing him, to deal with the Chancellor and the rest well enough; but the King coming suddenly from Hawghton to this town disappointed that also, and the provision that hath here been suddenly made I hope is like to prevent the forces of their enemies.
Huntly and divers of the principal confederates have come to Dunfermline; their forces follow after them, but yet not many come. Bothwell, who should have done the sudden exploit of this side, was yesternight with 300 horse within a mile of this town. "Sending spiall to the walls, and finding all places wel garded" he retired to Dalkeith, where he is now with 600 horse and other followers. They of the other side have taken divers going over the water into Fife, among others a servant of the King sent with letters to the Earl of Morton and the Master of Glamis; and there is divers taken coming from the other side, and sent to prison in this city. Early this morning Lord Hamilton arrived, whose coming was comfortable to the King and the well affected. These confederates finding themselves frustrate begin to excuse the matter, Huntly alleging that he came to visit his lady, Montrose that he came to compound a matter betwixt his cousin Lord Graham and John Sandilands, Bothwell that being in debate with his neighbours he brought some friends for self-defence. Nevertheless it is resolved to pursue Bothwell to-morrow, to apprehend him, or chase him from the country, and thereafter to invade the residue of the faction. Signed: W. Asheby.
2 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed by Burghley.
32. Robert Carvile to Walsingham. [April 8.]
This day I received from the Laird of Restalrig the letters here enclosed, directed to the Master of Gray, and by a little dark note received from the laird to myself, I perceive there is "gret sturr and hurley-burley in Scotland," but I cannot get any advertisements to write for certain until you answer my last letter, and thereupon you shall hear of great matters. For other common bruits your honour hath daily knowledge by Mr. Ashby better than I can certify.
This day Bothwell is at Kelso taking up a great number of men, as yet not certainly known, saving four hundred, which he payeth monthly after the rate of 50s. a month. And it is reported that he is presently to meet at Peebles with Lord Herries, the Laird of Buccleugh, and the Laird of Johnstone, and pretend to go towards Edinburgh to meet Huntly; but Lord Hume and "Lesterick" are revolted and are at Douglas. They came from Bothwell upon Sunday last, and mean to go to the King forthwith. Berwick. Signed: Robert Carvill.
1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
33. Thomas Fowler to Walsingham. [April 9.]
The common "occurrantes" of the rebels' proceedings are known to so many that I will not trouble your honour therewith, save that the lords of the far side of the water, so soon as they perceived the King to have taken Edinburgh in the night, whereby Bothwell was disappointed of intercepting him, and therefore could not bring his majesty to Dunfermline, where Huntly and others awaited him, withdrew to St. Johnstone's, and there assembled their forces. Bothwell hath lain at Dalkeith till this day, "and sent many stowt messengers and messages to the Kinge, offrynge at last upon sum condissyons to yeld to him selffe, but the Kinge refused all condicyons." At last, though a while it was doubted he would show too much favour, he determined this day to march in person with the forces he had ready to set upon Bothwell, but the horsemen were too weak, and he persuaded to stay till the morning, when he means to march.
This day came a messenger from the Prince of Parma. The colour is to yield courteous thanks in his master's name for the charitable treatment of his distressed soldiers, and promising "answerable" friendly dealing. Withal, they make a show of care to have these transported from hence, but first they will have a safe-conduct from her majesty that if they be driven upon the coast of England they shall not be molested but relieved for their money with victuals. If this they may obtain, they will go back and fetch money to transport them.
Colonel Stewart has been with me to know if I think the like passport will be obtained, for he gives most entertainment here to the man that has come. I like not his coming nor manner of dealing. My friends "of their side" are all now in arms against the King and not here, but I will know the secrets shortly.
"The discomfortable aunswer her majestie made to Wymes will doo no good here as the tyme is, and if there be not other regard had this way then yet is, I feare all wilbe nowght. I refer it to the wisdome of your honour and the rest of the lordes." Late this afternoon Bothwell fled towards Stirling and St. Johnstone's to the other lords, but his borderers left him, save 30 horses. The King to-morrow marches after to Stirling and St. Johnstone, and farther as occasion serveth, to chase them or take them, and is bent to prosecute the matter against them all severely. I go with him, both for that he likes that I should, and that I shall perchance do some service thereby, though it will be somewhat costly to me, more than lying here. Edinburgh. Signed: T. Fouller.
1½ pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
34. William Asheby to Walsingham. [April 10.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 346.
"The 9 daie, right honorable, the King determined to pursue Bothwell lying at Dawketh w[ith] 6 or 700 horse, and coming the daie before w[ithin] a myle of Edenbrowghe with 300 horse; but finding [his] forces not sufficient staid that daie till the Lords Hume and Sesford were comed to him."
"Bothwell hearing of the Kings resolucion removed that daie from Dawketh, marching, as it is thought, towardes the other earls in Fiffe. This daie the King setteth foreward, accompanied with the Duke of Lenoux, the Lord Chancellour, the Lord Hamelton, the Earl of Marr, with the forces of Lord Hume, the Lord Sesford and the Lord of Carrmichell, [and] three Wardens of the Marches, with full resolucion to pursue them to the uttmerost."
"The Earls Morton, Anguse, Marshall, Atho[ll] and the Master of Glamis are beyond the F[orth], gathering forces to joyne with the King, who marches this daie to Lithko, the next daie to Sterling, and so foreward to prosequute the erls confederated; who make pretence t[hat] thei have taken armes to deliver the King, keapt, as thei saie, against his will by th[e En]glishe faccion, which with the forces . . . (fn. 5) seek to suppresse and roote out the ancient [no]bilitie of Scotland."
Fowler tells Asheby that Colonel Stewart asked him if he thought her majesty would grant a safe [conduct], that if the Spaniards should be transported to the Low Countries, and driven on the coast of England, they should not be molested. This motion was made upon one coming hither the 8th instant from the Duke of Parma; if they may have this safe-conduct they will make away with speed.
"The King haith sent to me to request in his n[ame] that Mr. George Carr, brother to the Laird of [New]bottle, and Captain Patricke Seaton, which gentlemen are stayd in England coming out of France, maie be dismissed and suffred to passe into [this] countrie, and his heighnes wilbe answerable for them."
Sends names and particulars of the nobility of Scotland, that Walsingham may judge of their strength. The "lards and barons" are like the knights and squires of England, and are the wealthiest and strongest part of Scotland, such as the Douglases, Hamiltons, Humes, Carrs, etc. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.
Postscript—"Manie of Bothwells forces have forsaken him upon his parting from Dawketh."
"If your honour haith written sithence the 2 of Aprill, I feare in this troublesome tyme that [it] is intercepted. Your last was of the 2, of W . . . and the Master Greis being with her majestie."
3 pp. Holograph, also address. Indorsed by Burghley.
35. State of the Nobility of Scotland. [April 10.] Printed in Letters of John Colville, Ban. Club, pp. 321-331; Estimate of the Scottish Nobility, Grampian Club, pp. 53-62.
"A note of the especiall particularities concerning the present estate of the Nobility here in Scotland. 1589."
Charles James Stewart, king of Scotland, born in Edinburgh Castle, 19 June, 1566. His father Henry, Lord Darnley, Duke of Albany, Earl of Ross, son and heir to the Earl of Lennox. His mother Mary Stewart, Queen of Scots, daughter of King James V. by his second wife, Mary of Lorraine.
Duke of Lennox, Lodovicus Stewart, aged 15. His father first Lord "Obony" [Aubigny] by marriage in France, and after created Duke of Lennox by James VI. His grandfather was second brother to Matthew, Earl of Lennox; so this Duke to this King cousin once removed. His majesty hath given him, besides his father's dukedom, the barony of Methven, since the decease of the late Lord "Meffan" [Methven]. His chief domains belonging to the duchy are in Lennox, to the barony in Perthshire. His younger brother brought up in France to enjoy the barony of Aubigny. His eldest sister lately married by the King to Earl Huntly, with the abbacy of Dunfermline for dowry.
Earl of Orkney and Lord of Shetland, Robert Stewart, "vulgo the Lord Robert," of 60 years, bastard son to James V. His wife a Kennedy, sister to the Earl of Cassillis: his son and heir aged 20: his second son Commendator of Whithorn. His 3 daughters married: (1) the Master of Gray; (2) the Master of Caithness, the Earl's brother; (3) the Abbot of Lindores, the Earl of Rothes's second son. His living in the isles of Orkney and Shetland.
Earl Bothwell, Lord Admiral of Scotland, Master of the Horse, Sheriff of Lothian, Provost of Haddington, Abbot of Kelso, Prior of Coldingham, Lord of Liddisdale, etc., Francis Stewart, of 26 years. His father John, Lord of Coldingham, bastard son to James V. His mother a Hepburn, sister and heir to James late Earl of Bothwell. His wife a Douglas, sister to the late Earl of Angus, widow of the laird of "Bocklughe" [Buccleuch], and mother to this laird now living. His son and heir aged 5. "His landes lie answerable to his stiles."
Earl of Murray, George Stewart, aged 21. His father Lord of Downe, Abbot of St. Colme's; his mother a Campbell, sister to the old Earl of Argyle, and this earl's aunt. His wife a Stewart, daughter and heir to the Earl of Murray (late regent, bastard son to James V.), and sister by the mother's side to this Earl of Argyle, her mother being first Countess of Murray and after of Argyle: so himself cousin-german and his wife half-sister to this Earl of Argyle. His son and heir aged 2. Lands in Murray.
Earl of Atholl, John Stewart, aged 26. His father, John Earl of Atholl, sometime regent. His mother daughter to Lord Fleming by a base sister of James V., before Countess of Montrose and mother to this Earl of Montrose. His wife daughter to the late Earl of Gowrie and sister to this young earl. His children young and many. Lands in Atholl, Perthshire and Strathearne.
Earl of Angus, William Douglas, late Laird of Glenbarvie, aged 60. His mother a Keith, his wife a Graham of the Laird of Morphie's house. His eldest son, the young Laird of Glenbarvie, a catholic, married to Lord Oliphant's daughter. Lands in Angus and Mar.
Earl of Morton, Robert Douglas, late Laird of Lochleven, aged 58. His mother a "Haskin" [Erskine], sister to the Earl of Mar, sometime regent; his wife a "Lasly" [Leslie], sister to the Earl of Rothes. His eldest son, first husband to the late Countess of Angus, died in the hands of the Dunkirkers: his heir now living, the Laird of Mewri, . . . (fn. 6) married the late Lord of Glamis his sister. His daughters married: (1) the Master of Glamis; (2) first the Master of Oliphant and now Lord Hume; (3) the Laird of Findlater; (4) unmarried. His living in Fife, Tweed-dale, Niddisdale, Dalkeith.
Earl of Buchan, named Douglas, aged 15. His father younger brother to this Earl Morton: his mother a Stewart, heir to N. Stewart late Earl of Buchan. Lands in Buchan and Mearns.
Earl Huntly, lieutenant to his majesty in the north, Abbot of Dunfermline, and lately captain of the guard, George Gordon, aged 28. His mother daughter to the Duke of Hamilton, and sister to Lords John and Claud; she deceased distraught. His wife sister to the Duke of Lennox, presently great with child. His brother aged 23; his sister married to the Earl of Caithness. Lands in Lochaber, Badenoch, Strathbogie, Boggiegicht, Ainya, Murray, Fife and Argyle.
Earl of Sutherland, named Gordon, aged 32. His mother sister to the Earl of Lennox, his wife a Gordon, sister to the old Earl Huntly, this man's aunt, before divorced from the old Earl Bothwell. His children many. Lands in Sutherland and Murray.
Earl of Montrose, John Graham, aged 40. His mother sister to Lord Fleming, this Lord Fleming's grandfather, and after Countess of Atholl, mother to this Earl Atholl. His wife sister to Lord Drummond. His heir under age; his daughter married to Lord Fleming. Lands in Stirlingshire, Strathearn and Perthshire.
Earl of Menteith, named Graham, aged 14. His mother a Douglas, daughter to the Laird of Dumblanerike [Drumlanrig] first married to Lord Sanquhar, by whom she had this young Lord Sanquhar now living, and afterwards Countess of Menteith. His living in Menteith.
Earl Marishal, John Keith, aged 34. His mother a Hay of the Earl Erroll's house; his wife half-sister to Lord Hume, now living, daughter to old Lord Hume by his second wife the Laird of Cesford's daughter. Two children, very young. Lands in Angus, Mearns and Buchan.
Earl of Argyle, Colin Campbell, aged 14. His mother a Keith, aunt to this Earl Marishal, Countess of Murray and after of Argyle. He is by inheritance Lord Chief Justice and Lord High Steward of Scotland, Commander of Lorne and all the West Isles. Lands in Argyle, Stirlingshire, Lothian, etc.
Earl of Arran, James Hamilton, aged 57. His father Duke Hamilton, his mother a Douglas, daughter to the old Earl Morton. Himself lunatic, and therefore his living disposed by his next brother, Lord John Hamilton, Abbot of Arbroath, Third brother, Claud, Abbot of Paisley; fourth brother, Davy, lunatic. His sister, mother to this Earl Huntly, died in the like case. His living in Clydesdale and the isle of Arran.
Earl of Erroll, Francis Hay, aged 26, widower, third son of the late earl, but preferred before his brethren, they being deaf and dumb. His first wife younger daughter to Regent Murray; the second a Stewart, sister to the Earl of Atholl. He is by inheritance Constable of Scotland. His living in Mearns and Gowrie.
Earl of Mar, John Erskine, aged 26, widower. His wife was sister to Lord Drummond. His heir aged 5 or 6. Lands in Stirlingshire, Tiffedale, Tweed-dale, March, Mearns and Mar.
Earl of Crawford, named Lindsay, aged 31. His mother a Beton, bastard daughter to the cardinal; his first wife sister to Lord Drummond, his second sister to the Earl of Atholl. Two legitimate children. His next brother, Master of Crawford and Lord of Kinfauns married Sir John Chisholme's sister. Lands in Angus and Fife.
Earl of Gowrie, named Ruthven, aged 10. His father beheaded; his elder brother, late earl, deceased in September last, aged 13. His mother a Stewart, daughter to Lord Methuen. His living in Perthshire, Strathearn and Gowrie.
Earl of Rothes, Andrew Leslie, aged 60. His first wife a Hamilton, his second a Ruthven, aunt to this Earl Gowrie. His second son Abbot of Lindores, married to one of the Earl of Orkney's daughters. Lands in Fife.
Earl of Glencairn, John Cunningham, aged 36. His mother a Campbell of the Earl of Argyle's house; his wife a Campbell of the Laird of Glenurquhart's house. His living in Cunningham, Lennox and the West.
Earl of Eglinton, Alexander Montgomery, aged 6 or 7. His father slain by the Cunninghams of Glencairn, aged 22 or 23, about 3 years since. His mother daughter to Lord Boyd. Lands in Carrick.
Earl of Cassillis, Davy Kennedy, aged 14. His mother a Lyon, sister to the late Lord of Glamis, aunt to the young lord: she was the first Countess of Cassillis, now married to Lord John Hamilton, to whom she lately hath borne a son and heir. His living in Coyle and Carrick.
Earl of Caithness, named Sinclair, aged 23. His mother a Hepburn, sister to the late Earl Bothwell, mother to this Earl Bothwell: so Bothwell and Caithness brothers by the mother's side. His wife sister to Earl Huntly. The Master of Caithness, his brother, aged 21. Son and heir aged 3 or 4. Lands in Caithness.
Lords Barons.
Lord John Hamilton, Abbot of Arbroath, aged 54. His wife a Lyon, sister to the late Lord Glamis, first married to the Earl of Cassillis, mother of the young Earl of Cassillis; hath lately borne a son to Lord John Hamilton. Lands in Clydesdale and Angus.
Lord Claud Hamilton, Abbot of Paisley, aged 52. His wife sister to this Lord Seton. Many children. His living in Clydesdale.
Lord of Avondale, Sir James Hamilton, aged 64. His wife a Cunningham of the Laird of Caprington's house. His son and heir, Sir James Hamilton, aged 27, married a Campbell, daughter to the sheriff of Ayr.
Lord of Doune, John Stuart, aged 60, Abbot of St. Colme. His wife sister to the late Earl of Argyle, this Earl's aunt. The same Earl having married the Countess of Murray, caused her to bestow her daughter— heir to her first husband—upon his nephew the Lord of Doune's eldest son, who in her right is now Earl of Murray. His daughter married to the Laird of "Wester Wimes." Lands in Stirlingshire.
Lord Innermeath, named Stewart, aged 31. His mother a Beton, daughter to the Laird of Creiche. His wife a Lindsay, sister to the knight of "Egall": 3 or 4 children. Lands in Angus, Perthshire and Strathearn.
Lord Okletre [Ochiltree], named Stuart, aged 68, father to Captain James Stewart, sometime usurper of the earldom of Arran.
Lord Maxwell, John Maxwell, aged 34; claims the earldom of Morton in right of his mother, eldest daughter to the old Earl Morton by a base sister of James V. His wife sister to the late Earl of Angus. Son and heir aged 3. Lands in Niddisdale, Annandale, Galloway, etc.
Lord Herries and Lord "Terikles," named Maxwell, aged 26. His father was brother to the old Earl Maxwell, so he is cousin to the now Lord Maxwell. His mother heiress to the old Lord Herries, in whose right he holdeth that barony. His living in Niddisdale and Galloway.
Lord Hume, Alexander Hume, aged 25; Lord Warden of the East Marches. His mother sister to Lord Grey; his wife daughter to Earl Morton, before Mistress of Oliphant. His living in the March and Lothian.
Lord Lovat, named "Frizell," aged 21, chief of the clan "Kimhies" in Ross and Sutherland. His mother a Stewart, sister to the Earl of Atholl, after married to the Earl of March, and now to Captain James Stuart.
Lord "Forbose of that ilke," aged 65. His wife a Keith, one of the heirs of Endengie. The Master of Forbes, his heir, aged 50, married first a Gordon, aunt to Earl Huntly; and after her divorcement he took for second wife a Seton, wife to old Justice Clerk, this Justice Clerk's stepdame. The younger Master, this man's son, aged 26, servitor to the Duke of Parma.
Lord of Glamis, named Lyon, aged 11. His father slain by the followers of the Earl of Crawford. His tutor the Master of Glamis, his father's brother. His mother an Abernethy, daughter to Lord Saltoun. His living in Angus and Mearns.
Lord Drummond, aged about 40. His mother sister to Lord Ruthven, Earl Gowrie's grandfather. His first wife a Lindsay, daughter to the Knight of Egall; "she bare him the Master and all his barns." His second wife formerly Countess of Eglinton, mother to the late Earl Eglinton and to Lady Seton and Lady Sempill now living. Lands in Perthshire and Strathearn.
Lord Oliphant, aged 60. His mother sister to the Earl of Lennox, afterwards Countess of Sutherland, mother to this Earl of Sutherland. His wife a Hay, aunt to the Earl of Erroll. His eldest son, the Master of Oliphant, perished in the hands of the Dunkirkers, leaving his lady, daughter to this Earl of Morton and now Lady Hume, and a son to inherit the barony of Oliphant after the lord's decease. His daughter married the young Laird of Glenbarvie. His living in Perthshire and Strathearn.
Lord Lindsay, aged 68. His mother a Stewart, aunt to Earl Atholl. His wife a Douglas, sister to this Earl of Morton, bare him before her death the Master of Lindsay and 2 or 3 other children. Lands in Fife.
Lord Sinclair, aged 61. His mother a Keith, great-aunt to this Earl Marishal. She was Lady Drummond, and bare this Lord Drummond's father. His first wife, that bare him 3 sons, was sister to Lord Lindsay. His second was daughter to Lord Forbes; by her he had many children. His living in Fife.
Lord Sempill, aged 18. His wife sister to the late Earl Eglinton and to Lady Seton. His father's base brother Colonel Sempill. His living far west.
Lord Livingston, aged 59. His wife a Fleming; his children many. The Master of Livingston, married to a sister of the Earl of Atholl, hath by her many bairns. His living in Stirlingshire and about Linlithgow.
Lord Ogilvie, aged 48. His wife daughter to Lord Forbes; his children many. The Master of Ogilvie, his son, married Earl Gowrie's sister. Lands in Angus.
Lord Sanquhar and Creichton, named Creichton, aged 20. His mother a Douglas, daughter to the Laird of Dumblanerike [Drumlanrig], afterwards Countess of Menteith, mother to this Earl Menteith: so he is half-brother to that Earl. Lands in Niddisdale and Galloway.
Lord Saltoun, named Abernethy, aged 28. His mother a Keith, aunt to this Earl Marishal; his wife a Stewart, half-sister to the Earl of Atholl. His son and heir aged 12. His living in Strathbogie, Buchan and elsewhere.
Lord Elphinstone depends of the Earl of Mar. His mother an Erskine. His years about 29. His living in Stirlingshire.
Lord Grey, aged 49. His wife sister to the old Earl Gowrie. The Master of Grey, his son, aged 29, married the Earl of Orkney's daughter. He is by inheritance sheriff of Angus.
Lord Boyd, of 60 odd years. His second son Laird of "Banneith" [Badinheath]. His daughters married, one to the late Earl of Eglinton, this Earl's mother, another to the Laird of Lusse. Lands in Cunningham.
Lord Somerville, aged 50. The Master of Somerville his son, 26. His living in Clydesdale.
Lord Cathcart, aged 52; the Master his son, 27. Lands in Clydesdale.
Lord Ross, named Hauket, aged 22. His mother a Sempill, sister to Lord Sempill; his wife a Hamilton. Lands in Clydesdale.
Lord Carlisle, named Douglas, aged 30. His mother a Douglas of the house of Parkhead in Clydesdale. His wife a Carlisle, "heretrix to the late Lord Carlile of that ilke." His living in Annandale.
Lord Seton, aged 30. His mother a Cunningham of the Laird of Caprington's house. His wife a Montgomery, sister to the late Lord Eglinton and Lady Sempill. His son and heir aged 4. His living in Lothian and Linlithgow.
Lord Fleming, aged 22. His wife a Graham, daughter to this Earl of Montrose. His living in Tuedale and on the Clyde. He is by inheritance Lord Chamberlain of Scotland.
Lord Yester, named Hay, aged 30. His mother a Carr, sister to the old Laird of Farnihurst; his wife a Maxwell, sister to Lord Herries. His son and heir aged 10. His living in Lothian and Tiffedale.
Lord Borthwick, aged 21. His mother a Scot, aunt to the Laird of Buccleuch; his wife sister to Lord Yester. His living in Lothian.
Lord Altrey and Lord [Abbot] of Dere, named Keith, aged 60, uncle to the Earl Marishal. His wife, a Lundy "farre north." His eldest daughter married a Hay of great power in the north. Lands in Buchan.
7⅓ pp. Marginal notes of pedigrees and indorsement by Burghley. Another copy of the same.
36. William Asheby to Walsingham. [April 10.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 53
On the 8th instant Lord Hamilton arrived, well accompanied, very early in the morning, whose coming was comfortable to the King and the well affected. On the 6th of April the Earl of Huntly came to Dunfermline with the Earls Crawford and Erroll; Montrose came to "Hazers beside Nydry," Bothwell to Dalkeith, all of purpose to have found the King at Haton on the 8th instant. These confederates finding themselves frustrate [etc., as in No. 31]. And thus they think to cloak their traitorous attempts, and to abuse the King's lenity; "but this there presumtuous dealing haith so sturred the Kinge as he shewes himself felon crabbed, as the Scots terme him, and is resolved to persecute them to the uttermost."
This day the King was ready in person to have gone to Dalkeith, where Bothwell hath been these two days with 600 or 700 horse of borderers and broken men his followers; but, understanding the King's mind to pursue him, he retired, so the King is stayed this night, meaning the next day to set forward against Bothwell and the rest.
The King is here, with the young Duke of Lennox, Lord Hamilton, the Lord Chancellor, the Earl of Mar, and the Lord Wardens Hume, Cesford, and Carmichael. The Earls Morton, Angus, Marishal, and Atholl and the Master of Glamis are on the far side of the Firth, gathering forces to set upon the confederate earls, who are retired towards St. Johnstone's.
The King this day marches toward Stirling, and so into Fife, to join with the earls to prosecute Huntly and his party with fire and sword. His mild nature is now stirred, and if he be backed of her majesty before aid come from the Spaniard "he will wracke and ruine his papistes and disobedient subjectes, and keap his countrie from being a receptacle to forein forces."
I received your honour's last letter with a packet from the Lord of Wemyss; "iniqua petit at the first ut equa accipiat." I hope her majesty shall find the King content in the end with reason for he is loth to offend her. "And trulie his state is such as it is to be pitied, for everie insolent earl is readie to beard him, and his want such as he cannot suppresse there insolencie, nor se justice exequuted in his countrie." Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.
2¼ pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
37. J. Gray to [the Master of Gray]. [April 11.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 360. Printed in Letters and Papers relating to Patrick, Master of Gray, Ban. Club, p. 151.
"My gude lord Hamiltone hes heme haertlie komendit to zour lordship. He cane nocht merue[l] aneuch of zour lang stay; trewlie ze hewe heme als fare to do zow freindschip as ze hewe eny mane in the vorld. His majeste hes takin deliberatione to ryd upone thir folkis, the grytest grace is ordenit for theme is extirpatione. This day his majestie begeinnis and wowis to God noct to lye ane nycht quhair he is ane uthere till they be all baniscit Scotland, or takin, and gif you ver to mak speid I think zeit ze sall cum and in tyme to rein ther rak as dois the slouth hound. Ordure first is to be pute to the south. In tyme vill overpass I think als mikill as sall serfe for zowr returne, befor forra be med in the north. I veis ze vere heir agane, thene in caece ze vere vereit ze myght tak repos in zour awin hous of Dunfermling. Bring all the hors with zow ze cane purches, for they ar mervelus skant heir. His majestie is mervelus weill plaesit vith my lord Hewme. I hewe no regret bot of my lord Bothuell. I trust ze salbe the first mane to procure his paece; albeit in trewth he hes done zow sume vrange at this tyme, zeit vithin thire fowre dayis he hes gifin me assurans be his letter that his doing vith the erle of Huntlie is rather for zour veill nore ony vther respek in the vorld, in so fare that my Lord Huntlie vilbe als glaed to gif zow zowr awin as ze vold be to rasawe it. Quhen ewir my Lord Huntlie think I knaw it to be trew that my Lord Bothuell hes this promiss of heme; he hes at sundrie tymis spokin verie fauorablie to myself in this same mater, bot thankis to God ve sall nocht now be so fare in his pouer."
"As for me I protest before God he mycht a gifin faere vordis to heme: he mycht a persuadit more esselie to beleif theme nor me, for he hes commit to his litill bok no litill falsate. For God saek mak speid in zour cuming." Signed: J. Gray.
1 p. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.
38. William Asheby to Burghley. [April 11.]
Yesterday I certified your honour of the King's setting forward out of Edinburgh, and that night to Linlithgow; this day he goeth to Stirling. I am forced to stay here "being in phisicke to shorten a tercian ague." Mr. Fowler waits on the King this journey, with whom I have sent horse and man to bring his advertisements of their proceedings to me to Edinburgh, as you may see by the enclosed, which I received from him this day.
There hath been with me this day a shipper of Wismar, an Easterling, who was laden by an English merchant from those parts to come into England; but upon these coasts he was taken by two pirates of Dunkirk, and his freight taken from him for that it was Englishmen's goods.
Both Scottish and Dunkirk pirates are busy in these seas. As I wrote in my last, a couple of her majesty's ships would do great good here, for besides these pirates, which do great hurt to our nation, they would intercept the Spanish succours which are looked for here daily to come out of the Low Countries. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.
1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
Inclosure with the same:—
[Thomas Fowler to William Asheby.]
My lord, there is "serteyn newese" come this morning to this town of Linlithgow that the Master of Glamis, being gotten into his country to gather his forces to join with Morton, Angus, Atholl, and Marishal, the enemy beset him "and drave him to take a howse of his owne in Anguse," which house being of no strength, they have won it; but whether they have taken him or slain him this messenger cannot tell, but all opinions of the wisest here are that they will never keep him alive if it were but Crawford's feud with him.
The King is exceedingly grieved, and so are all good men here, for he was a principal pillar of this faction, both for his valour of manhood, his wisdom, and good affection to England.
My Lord Chancellor desires that with all expedition possible the Queen and Council "wyll take order for lettyng of the Spaniardes coming hether," if it be not too late, for it is expected vehemently that they are to come very shortly. The intelligence of our council will better discover it. The King is bent to follow out this cause effectually, but it is true that for lack of ability "it must of force quayle;" for if they have not to wage shot with, and that 500 at least, I see no assurance of the King's strength, because I know a number that even march with him are better affected to the other party than to this, and they have money plenty. Here is not any to pay. Twenty men come in slackly.
If this matter be not so diligently handled as that the faction here be suppressed before the foreign forces come, it will cost her majesty dearly where now less will serve. Lord Hume is now come hither with his forces, but who knows what part he will take, for he is a professed papist. Linlithgow. Signed: T. Fowler.
Postscript—"This day we goo to Sterling, and so on. There is yet of nobellmen with the King but the Erll of Mar, the lord Hamelton, and the Duke, whose hart is with Huntley and his forces most, and now Hume."
1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed [by Burghley].
39. James Hudson to Walsingham. [April 11.]
May it please your honour to receive a letter enclosed from Mr. Fowler; I think it be of ane old date, but I have seen one from Mr. John Colville of the 7th of April, wherein he writes that the northern lords were at Brechin with 500 tried horsemen to have surprised the King; but upon advertisement the King came to Edinburgh and to the Chancellor's house, and presently commanded the "browchs" and noblemen to attend upon him for the suppressing of the rebels. "The convencyon holds upon the 18th or 20th of this instant," at which there shall be no one but well-affected men, and the King will declare what Pringle has discovered; and then all men, as they are found guilty, to be punished. The matter for the present is in no danger, nor will be hereafter if order be taken to keep a guard in pay about the court for a time.
Monsieur de Lisle is come from Rochell and Bowness to Scotland with speech. He may come yet in time, if all things be as agreeable as the princes, for Earl Marshall, the ambassador, to end the matter. But [it is] certain one or other goeth presently forward. I see them that may do most with the King think best of Navarre.
The Chancellor writes me that he will write to my Lord Treasurer as I required him to do. London.
Postscript—"Mr. Aston wil waet upon your honor to morow." Signed: J. Hudson.
12/3 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
40. J. Gray to the Master of Gray. [April 13.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 405. Printed in Letters . . . of Gray, Ban. Club, p. 152.
"I resawit zowr lordships lettirs being vith my Lord Hewme in Dungl[as] . . . (fn. 7) [in]tentione to hewe stayit his resolutione tuiching his present parting of the cun[trie] to the tyme ve hed hard farder frome zowr lordship, quhairin his lordship, as in all the offers conserning zowr veill, hes shawin heme self most lowing and kyn[d]. He veill zeit stay wppone zowr returne twentie dayis, and at that tyme as ze sall think meit. No mane is abill to retard his deliberatione [but] ze onlie. I veill maist ernistlie requyst zow to mak haest in zowr cuming . . . zowr linggeringe doing hes done zow harme, zeit zowr presens veill help all th[at] . . . hes bein and is sic as necessarilie mene mane knaw quhair to find theme se[lfis]."
"Trowlie ze hewe sic freindis as I may say in constant loyall behavore, no . . . in this cuntrie hes better. I ame nocht ignorant quhow fare sindrie of zowr . . . hath bein intysit be faere conditionis and offeris to hewe bein drawin by z[ow], bot the hope they hewe of zowr future presens incuragis theme agains assaltis of zowr enemeis present. For Godis saek taempt theme no more; be queik in zowr returne, that ve may tak a cours agriabill to . . . serwice and meit for our awin standing."
"The tyme in my appeirans is ve[rie pro]per for this purpos; mene hath so fare imburkit theme selfis directlie again[st his] majestie that the lowd sound of there retraet sall nocht be hard. My Lor[d Hun]tlie expreslie agains his majesties command, and agains his awin promiss be vord . . . befor his parting and sins hes cum[ing] to Dumfermling, as is thocht, to hewe res[cuit] his majestie there frome sic as vos appoyntit to hewe takin his majestie bein[g at] his hunting and pastyme in Haltone, quhair his majeste vos disposit to hewe s[tayit] aucht or tene dayis, bot upone the aduertisment of this suddenlie in t[he] . . . this last Sunday come to this towne, quhilk hes disapoyntit all ther interprys [at] this tyme, so that ewerie one suspectit to be upone this attempt hes thi . . . send there excusis to his majestie, bot there partis restis to be tryit, and his [majestie] veill nocht pass theme ower in silens."
"My Lord Bothuell in this mater o[f] how zowr absens hes bein sumquhat abusit and hes bein upone the ser[vice] of thire materis, nocht so mikill fore veill of the causs nor leufe of [those] he is in fallowchip with as fore deidlie inwy he baeris the Chancl[er]. Bot ze knaw ze may laed heme be the noss, and trewlie I vald [have] zow the sonner heir for his causs."
"I think ze salbe the first to mak . . . paece. Zour longe stay cane nocht aneuch be admirid of all this cun[trie]. Gif ze suld cum post, I hope ze sall nocht cum so souner to rasawe zowr . . . is my Lord salbe redie to delyver it, and that fore his gud be . . . the divisione is the same ves at Striueling raed, except in my Lord Bo[thuell's] persone and my Lord Glomeis quha is detenit vardoure, bot there i[s] diuinauris gif my Lord Chancler and he be nocht in sound daelling. Certene the Chancler and Justic Clark ar agreiit, and that be Sir . . . Melueilis mediatione."
"The Chancler renders zow haertlie thank[s for] zowr frens occurrantis. He vrettis none to zow for that eu[rie day] he loukis aftir zowr self. Vord vos heir certenlie tene da[yis] . . . in . . . casell or Dunglos a[nd] . . . The causs quhy I hawe bein so lange a vretting . . an . . is his majesties bein[g at] pystyme, quhair the Chancler culd nocht be hed, bot maer becaus . . . vald hewe hed sowme sewre intelligens of thire thingis qu[hilk] hes bein ow[er] . . . sins the reset of zowr last letters in brewing."
"I ame of the Chanclers mynd in that; I knaw nocht quhat to vret to zow till zowr cuming, saef vne thing, that it is meitest ze cum in resp[ect] ze salbe velcum bothe to the estaet spirituall and temporall. I assure zow the keirk hes gud opinone of zow, quhilk I k[naw] in particulare be money of theme selfis."
"The causs I vret so su[dden]lie vith Mr Richard Douglas vos for that I thocht assuridlie my le[tter] suld hewe cum to zowr handis at Beruik, or at laest betuixt that and Londone. I praye forget nocht that gentilmanis curtes[ie]; trewlie ze ar mikill oblist to heme."
"I hewe send for my Lo[rd and] zowr vyfe according to the directione of zowr letter. She sall da[ell] with my Lord hir father in the mater ze vret of, bot I f[ear] his recidens be verie schorte heir." . . . From Court. Signed: J. Gray.
Postscript—"Sundrie zowr frendis auatis zowr cuming in this towne and veill all meit zow at Beruik. . . ."
2 pp. Holograph, also addressed.
41. Thomas Fowler to William Asheby. [April 14.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 404.
There is nothing worth advertisement but the proceedings of our journey . . . (fn. 8) to-morrow to Dundee, the next day to . . ., and so to Aberdeen: thence to the principal places of Huntly and Erroll, who are farthest off. Wherever they be we shall find them, for they, hearing of the King's coming, fled to their countries, Bothwell back again south, Montrose to his house, Crawford to his, and the northern earls carried away the Master of Glamis with them. Crawford would have sl[ain] him, but Erroll and Huntly would not suffer it, whereupon Crawford retired in discontentment. Huntly and Erroll with their Jesuits demanded of the Master,—1st, that he should enter in band with them to revenge their Queen's death; 2nd, to subscribe to the Catholic religion. He desired respite for fourteen or twenty days, and would answer then: and they reminded him that his life was in their hands. Yesterday a herald went to charge them to deliver the Master of Glamis upon pain of high treason, "with which he is to discover theyre abydinge [and] company and other which here is no knowlege of, th[ey] ar so far hence." Those that spake with them in this town say that they expected to hear from the Low Countries, and were not yet ready to meet with the King, and meant to have taken his person. In this town was with them Creichton and Hay, Jesuits, Bruce, Ch . . ., and other priests. It is thought strange that there is no word from England in this dangerous time. "I dowt the Erll Bodwell hathe intercepted sum of . . . . [Ther]e is here now a fyve thowsand men to . . . my frend William Hume of . . . Satterday met with the Erll Bodwell on . . . . More, a myle frome Edenbrowghe, and but viij . . . him, and William was as many well apoynted. Of the viij was Sir John Care, my frend, and the Lard of . . . The Erll used prowd wordes, and bosted that if thes . . . went on this jornay northe he wold make such a doo in the sowth as they shold be glad to . . . bak agayn. The other answered him stowtly . . . Bodwell was going to Chryghton."
1¼ pp. No date or signature.
42. William Asheby to Walsingham. [April 14.]
In what sort the King, to his ability, pursueth the malcontents, the enclosed will inform your lordship, which I received on the 13th instant. By reason of a tertian ague I could not follow the King on his voyage, but Mr. Fowler writes diligently, from whom I am advertised as occasion falleth out. I have sent you Mr. Colvile's letter to me, who is wellaffected to us and makes oft mention of your honourable dealing with him in England. He is very careful to advertise me from time to time. This letter is the last "occurrences" from those parts. Bothwell made towards the confederate lords on Thursday, but, understanding they were gone far northward, he returned, and on the 12th instant came to Edinburgh and lighted in the Canongate at the Countess of Orkney's house and stayed there one hour, and that night to Creichton to his house. He gives out he will be as busy in the south as the King is in the north. He is gone to the Borders and gathers all his followers and loose fellows together. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Ashby.
1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
Inclosure with the same:—
[John Colvile to William Asheby.]
Printed in Letters of . . . Colville, Ban. Club, p. 90.
"This Satterday we sett fordvart to Sanctihonstoun. The malcontentit ar fled to Abirden and ar not habill to make ony force; thei ar togidder bot 240 hors, all landit men and of mark. Thai tuik the Master of Glammis out of the hous of Kirkhill in the Cars of Gowry the tent of this instant at nine in the morning, and hes careit him with thame, and for contempt, after he wes takin, thei careit him in triumphe by his awin castell of Glammis, his lady and servandes behalding the same."
"The indignitie done to him hes irritat his majesty werry muche, so that I think we sall nocht return till ether thai be expellit the realme or apprehendit."
"I beleif hir majesty and hir honorabill estate, in respecd the owerthraw of theis persenis tendis no les to thair benefit nor to ouris, will considder of hes majesties as apertenethe and comfort and incourage him to go fordvart in so holy ane work."
"Whar Bothwell is we knaw not, bot yisternyght Mar and Home, wyth thre hundrethe hors, ried to Dumblan and Doun to serche him bot fand him not. It wille be now hard to find beraris to advertis your lordship bot I sall do so much as I can for supple tharof; for I am so bound to that gratius princess and to my Lord Secretary that when I haif giffen my lyef for thair service I will think it les nor thair benefites hes meritit. Stirling." Signed: Jo: Colvile.
1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
43. James VI. to Burghley. [April 15.]
"Trustie and wellbelovit cousin, I will use at this tyme no other argumentis of rethorike for recomending unto you my affaires comitted to my ambassadoure, the bearare heirof, then to remitt to the consideration of so olde and uyse a counseloure as ye are, quho, as nearest in bloode and neichbourheade and most conforme in langage and religion, hath gevin, and in all tymes hearafter most appearandlie shall give best proofe of his earnist and cairfull zeale to the standing and preservation of that cuntry and estait, and quho is ablest to effectuat this caire by standing you in best steade. And last I leave it to youre most indifferent judgement to considder how suche a man deserves to be used, intertained, and esteamed of by youre prince, and quhat is meitest to be done heirin for the uellfaire of her and her estate. I trust ye will not deceave the goode expectation of him quho is and shall remaine youre most loving and assured freind." Signed: James R.
Postscript—"I must hairtly pray you to further the cumming of the commissioneris of the Lou Cuntreys for thaise maitteris complained upon by sum of my subjectis, to one quhome, [the] coronell Steuart, ye are on my honoure farr beholden for the contineuall good rapport he makis of you unto me."
¾ p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed by Burghley: "From the King of Scottes by the laird of Weymes his ambassador."
44. William Asheby to Walsingham. [April 15.]
My Lord Treasurer in his last letter of the 10th of April, dated at Theobald's, willed me to direct my letters to your honour, he having occasion to be absent from court upon the death of his lady. Whereupon for sureness I thought good to acquaint you both with the proceedings here, as I have done hitherto. I wrote in my last that being in physic I could not follow the King, but Mr. Fowler goes this journey, to whom I have lent my own gelding, and a man to bring me advertisements from him daily, as you shall see by the enclosed copy of his letter to me from St. Johnstone's of the 14th instant, telling how the King proceedeth, "and if he maie be comforted from her majestie he will not ceasse till he have wracked the confederates."
The Jesuits and priests are with Huntly and Erroll, which makes the King pursue them more earnestly, "hoping to surprisse those caterpillers." Bothwell is at his house at Creichton, his forces in readiness on the borders. "This morning I hard that he had sent a gentleman to the King; it is thought if he maie be in hope of grace at his majesties hand, he will submit himself." He beginneth to see his folly; all good men forsake him, except Sir John Carr and the Laird of Grenehead, and broken men living by spoil on the Borders.
Your honour may judge of the King's mind by his proceeding in this action since the confederates took arms: he is willing to follow out this course, but it is thought strange that no encouragement comes out of England from her majesty in this dangerous time. He is not able to keep 100 in pay, and if he be not succoured cannot perform that he desires, to suppress these rebels before their expected succours from Parma arrive on which they are relying. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.
2 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
45. William Asheby to Burghley. [April 18.] Printed in Letters of . . Colville, Ban. Club, p. 246.
By the enclosed (fn. 9) you may see what diligence and expedition the King has hitherto used in prosecuting the confederates, meaning not to desist till they are taken or chased out of the country. His forces daily increase, but the poverty of Scotland will not keep them together: if he could pay 400 or 500 shot and 200 horse "but three months he would roote out the pillers of poperie in this countrey," and his discontented nobility should not be able to take up arms and make his country a receptacle for strangers.
Her majesty's help were most requisite to encourage the King and the well affected; mora trahit periculum in this troublesome time, and the adversaries expect daily foreign succours. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.
1 p. Holograph, also addressed. Indorsed by Burghley: "Mr. Ashby with a letter of Mr. Jn. Colvile."
46. William Asheby to Walsingham. [April 18.]
By the enclosed (fn. 9) sent to me from Mr. Colvile your honour may see what diligence and expedition the King has hitherto used in prosecuting the confederates, meaning not to desist till he has either apprehended them or chased them out of his country. His forces daily increase, but the poverty of Scotland will not keep them together; if he were able to keep in pay 400 or 500 shot and 100 or 200 of horse "but three months, he would roote out the pillers of papistrie in this countrie" and bridle his discontented nobility that they should neither be able to take against him nor make his country a receptacle for strangers.
If he be not now strengthened by her majesty in this action he is not able to go through with it, "for here will not be found to paie on hundred a moneth." Her majesty's help were now most requisite and necessary; if it be delayed it is to be feared that the confederates shall have foreign succour, which they daily expect out of Flanders. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.
1 p. Holograph, also address. Indorsed by Walsingham.
47. Mr. John Colvile to Burghley. [April 18.] Printed in Letters of . . . Colville, Ban. Club, p. 91.
"From our departinge out of Dundie unto this daie the appearance of matters was sa doubtfull, and the event sa difficile to judge upon, that I abstenit to write lest I had committit errour; and yet I was confirmit in the opinion that all soulde turne to the best, like as, blessed be God, it is fallen out presently. As we came fra Dundie on the waie we were advertisit that the malecontentis were assemblit in Aberdine with great forcis after the fasson of that contrey; and cominge that night to Brichen our frendis dwellinge about Aberdeine sent privaly and advisit us to be on our gardis, for we wald be assailit. All that night we watchit; on the nixt day we came to Dunnottiris perteininge to the Earl Merschall, quhaire we wes for truthe advertisit that they wald invade us airlie in the morne, for they were but xij short mile distant. That night also we watchit in armes, and his majestie wald not sa much as lie downe on his bedd that night, but went about lyike a gud capitane encouragin us. They on the other part set fordwart and came maire nor tway myile to haife focht us, bot on the waie thaire came a faintness amange them, in sa much that Crawfurd privaly lefte them; Huntley was discouragit, and the haill barons reterit and tuike purpose to come and render their selfe in his majestis will."
"Sa the xviijth of this instant we came to Aberdein, and fande the towne voyde. His majestis mind is not to returne till this contry be peacible and thay maid unhabil to attempt any sicklike werke. I wishe with all my harte he may be incoragite to prosequute this holy werke by your estate as apperteinith, and by us his subiectis by our faithfull obedience."
"As occasion fallis out your lordschip salbe fra time to time advertisit. In this cause my Lord Hammilton hes declarit himselve vary like to himsel, that is, honest and zealous; and if it were your lordschipis pleasure ane lettre to him of your hande schawinge that ye heare how worthily he hes behavit himselve wald muche encourage him." Aberdeen. Signed: Jo. Colvile.
Postscript—" Huntley send a lettre yesternight to his majestie which wes not resavit. He hes offerit to my Lord Hammilton by a mediate person to reveile all his laite conspiracie upon promise of favour. Whidder this wilbe acceptit or not yet I knaw not: allway it is kept varey secreite."
1 p. Copy. Indorsed.
48. Thomas Fowler to William Asheby. [April 19.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 403.
(fn. 10). . . "service and withowt it the . . . shall take them, and so sone as his . . . is turned they will be gon agayn . . . and this way if he take not the reb[els] he shall so impoveryshe and weken t[hem] that they shall be dryven to yeld t[hem]selves or fly the cowntry. Yet nede . . . not to contynew longe in charge. Th[ere] is but ij hundrethe of them. The good . . . thinkes they deserve well, and that the Kinge is worthy to be well dealt with f[rom] thence, and styll they hoope of Wymes re[turn]; if it fawle not owt well I dowt they [will be] even all mall content."
I hear no more of the Spaniards' coming. These men meant not to have risen so soon, but for the King's forwardness after they missed the taking of his person. If they can [keep] themselves out of hands they will be as [free] for their purpose as ever they were, and more desperate, "therefore it must be foll[owed] thorowghe, and if the Kinge have not wherewith, how will it be ?" Signed: T. Fouller.
Postscript—"I wishe one of your men here in this towne, but if nede be, becawse it is far of, I will fynde meanes to send."
1 p. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.
49. Walsingham to the Lord Chancellor of Scotland. [April 19.] Add. MSS., 23,241, fol. 21.
"Your lordship shall understand by this bearer, my good frend Mr. Hudson, how carefull her majestie is that some good course may bee taken for your lordships saffetie, being now exposed, as her majestie is crediblie informed, to sundrie daungerous practises and complottes, the same proceading chieflie in regarde of the great good will you have of late shewed in both the advauncement and continuance of good ametie and frendship betwen the two crownes, the same being greatlie impugned by diverse evill affected instrumentes that desyer no thing more then the dissolving and breach therof. And for that this bearer is one who I knowe standeth greatlie devoted towardes your lordship, and one also in whom I repose truste, I have thought good to committ some particulareties to bee comunicated unto your lordship by him, whereunto I praie your lordship to give creditt." Barn Elms. Signed: Fra: Walsyngham.
⅓ p. Addressed.
50. Mr. Archibald Douglas to Walsingham. [April 20.]
"I caused speik my Lord Chancellar according to the prescrybed order. He sayde he culd haif beyn contented wyth the offir if hir majeste had not wythin these thre dayis sayde to him that sche wold haif none to meddle in that mater bot Sir Francis Walsinghame, whom sche volde haif to bring that mater to ane finalle poyncte; if he shuld ather deale, meddle, or accept as was offered, it mycht turne to ane harde construction against him; and that he vold be most glayde to assist to the furtherance, and when the mater was performid he volde declayr most of his mynd: whearvyth I haif thocht expedient to make your honour acquayntid, and most effectually to pray your honouris favour and gud adwis in this mater. I ressawid letteris from the larde of Powrye vhich I do send onto you." Signed: A. Douglas.
2/3 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
51. [Robert Carvill] to Walsingham. [April 20.]
I have received the full purpose of Bothwell's intent, and Huntly's and their associates. On Tuesday night next ensuing Bothwell minds to be at Dalkeith with his full force, and to pay 300 horse and foot of them that cannot bear their own charges, and expects Lord Seton and his force to meet him at Dalkeith, with the Earl of Montrose, "the Master Lemingstoune" and others. Huntly's force is to meet them at Dunkeld, and "they mynd to stoppe the Kinges cominge back."
I pray God the King's company be true, for they believe that they have many friends about him. The captains of their horsemen are Robert Maxwell, Hercules Stewart, and Walter Lindsay. This I think I have from one that knows their full purpose. "I thought once to have sent some Englishe man to have taken pay with them as thoughe he had bene banished, but yett did otherwyse alter my course." Berwick. Signature torn off.
1 p. Addressed. Indorsed: "20 April 1589. From A 23 from Barwicke."
52. William Asheby to Burghley. [April 21.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 402.
Your honour may see by the enclosed what pains Mr. Fowler takes to advertise me of the King's proceedings, who flieth neither labour nor danger to prosecute his rebels, who now fly to the mountains. The King will not desist till want drive him back, which is to be feared without speedy help from her majesty.
Bothwell is at his house 7 miles from Edinburgh, gathering what forces he can to join the rebels, for the [hatred] he beareth towards the Chancellor. All the confederates envy the Chancellor and seek his ruin, charging him with high treason.
One Mr. Lyndsey offers to prove these articles against him. "First, that he was a great practiser f[or the] late Quenes death. Secondlie, that he . . . to deliver the Kinge into her majestes . . . Thirdlie, tha[t] he is a pensioner of England, [and] draweth the Kinge wholie to that course to wrake his nobilitie. That he haith imbased the quoyne and t[urned] the Inglishe angels into George nobles, enr[iching] himself thereby and impoverishing the s[tate]. That he seekes to sett the crowne of Scotland . . . the Hameltons." These are sent to the King from Bothwell; Lyndsey offering proofs the King will hear him with indifference: there is no probability of proof.
Where the King is, and with what diligence he pursueth his confederate earls Mr. Fowler's letter to me, (fn. 11) which I send, will inform you. I received it late this night by one of my men, having always some with him for that purpose, being not able to follow in this northern voyage so soon after my physic. Signature decayed.
22 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.
53. Thomas Fowler to William Asheby. [April 22.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 401.
On Sunday last the King and Council gave order to send charges by officers at arms well accompanied to all the houses of Huntly and Erroll to be rendered upon pain of treason, and that by proclamation the earls and their [followers] should enter themselves prisoners in this town within 5 days.
Yesterday the keys of two castles were brought to the [King]: Strathbogie and others further off it is thought will yield. "This morninge at iiij a c[lock] cam in to this towne the Master of Glam[is], sent from Huntley, with one Capteyn Car . . . (fn. 12) a valliant and wyese man aperteynin[g to] Huntley, and iij brothers of the sayd Ca . . ., and a iij or iiij jentellmen more, being lefte in trust with the sayd Master in a . . . cawled Hawen Downe apon the Kinges procklemacyons. And the Masters wyese . . . cyons agreed to leave theyre great . . . and goo all to the Kinge. They have . . . treson inowghe to hange twenty."
It will be Thursday ere the King goes forward; the pro . . . could be no sooner ready, for there are picks and other devices to overthrow their houses; whether rendered or not they shall be burnt and rased. "The Chauncelour goes stowtly forward in thes matters, and [the] Lord Hamelton is so forward as no man more for the nerenes of blud betwen Huntley and him. He . . . now that be very suer men. The sayd L . . . the erlls of Angusse, m . . . Glamis, Cowdenknowes . . . the nobyllitie to those that be in this realme . . . strengthe inowghe to over rune all the rebells . . . were as many moo: this device to raysse the howses . . . cut of a charge for garryson men." It is marvelled that your lordship hath no letters from England to comfort the King in his well doing. I pray you if you receive any send them hither.
The King hath 5[00 ?] hired men, good shot, that shall march through the I . . ., but how they will be paid at the month's end, as they expect, God knows. They are mustered this day. Aberdeen. Signed: T. Fouller.
Postscript—Thursday we go to Strathbogie and other houses near. Then to Elgin in Murray and to Inverness, 74 miles from here.
Sir John Car is undone by following Bothwell. The King hath given his escheat to Lord Hume his neighbour, who is here, but hath sent to enter upon the lands. So is he bound to this side. So one papist will take advantage of another. Lord Hume may renounce his papistry, as he doth that faction. He is youngest of them all, not past 23 years. Sir John is a man of great living for this country. The Spanish faction looks for the arrival of Spaniards; it should be looked to in time. "The Kynge is so evell horsed as it . . . I assuer you ij or iij of his best ar lamed . . ."
2 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.
54. Thomas Fowler to [Walsingham]. [April 23.]
Pardon me that I have not for so long time written to your honour. I could not send any but to the ambassador, who I trust hath advertised you what I wrote to him since I came forth, for so I desired him.
The King hath marched already almost six score miles, and means to go forward three or four score miles further. It hath been "very painful" to him already, but not as it will be. Never was prince more willing than he in this journey "agaynst thes fawlse ingratefull traytors" who have deceived him.
This people must have free access to the King's presence: if there were no more but the continual disquiet of such a throng from morning to night, and their entertainment, it were too much toil for any prince, "but he must visset theyre watches nightly, he must comfort them, be plesant with them passynge frome place to place, that in effect day nor nyght the good Kinge hathe lyttell quiet and lesse rest." He hath watched two nights and never put off his clothes, and is preparing to rase to the ground the houses of Huntly, Erroll, and Crawford, which are four or five within 30 miles of this town. Some of them are already rendered to his majesty's pursuivant-at-arms, but they shall all be rased that there may be no need of garrison. It will go hard "but" he will take them in person; otherwise he will take severe order with them.
The Master of Glamis came yesterday morning with six or seven gentlemen, whom he won to consent to his escape, for Huntly meant to send him to the Prince of Parma, as a special heretic, favourer of the English and detestor of the Spanish. He declares they make all their quarrel (in show) to the Chancellor, and persuade people that he hath altered the King from seeking revenge upon England for the murder of his mother, which touched his honour. "They have in this towne many frendes, and suche as to serve theyre turne castes abrode slawnderowse lybells of the sayde Lord Chauncelour, and of Mr. Patryke Galloway a good precher that goes alonge in this army, and in dede toches them home." Here are not many noblemen with the King, but such as there are be very sure, and none more than Lord Hamilton, whom some doubted, for his nearness of blood to Huntly; he honours you much.
"The most strengthe of this army is of the lardes. It aperes now there be many erlls and lordes that favours the Spanishe faccyon, that yet were not joyned with the rest in it, for they neyther cum nor send to the Kinge, notwithstondinge all his procklemacyons." Sutherland and Caithness, both papists, fell out not long before this conspiracy, which prevented them from being with Huntly, who had almost agreed them before the King came. There was at least 300 slain on a day between them.
To-morrow the King goes to Strathbogie, then to Elgin in Moray, then to "Endernesse" [Inverness], and further as occasion serves. When he returns he shall have occasion southward upon Bothwell and his partakers: if he go not in person there will be nothing executed, for they have given out that they mean all good to the King and common wealth, but desire revenge of England, to maintain the honour of the King and the nobility.
These are matters pleasing enough to all but those that see into their purpose, especially as "the rebells hetherto vastely professes the religion allso, and makes noo shew of alteracyon, thowghe they have Jesuites and other prestes in theyre company."
The King being returned I doubt he shall not keep all quiet; but if he could maintain 200 horse and 300 or 400 shot this summer they would do more than his voluntary army, for the enemy knows all our purposes through their friends among us. It is hard for the King to send noblemen and lairds out with their own companies—for they will not sever—for they are afraid of a feud hereafter if they touch any great man; but they will fight in battle with the King. He can send his hired men out day or night; they will intercept the enemy, and will go through the force of the greatest earl in Scotland.
If the Spanish faction is to be thoroughly rooted out, I wish a maintenance for so many to this King for a time. He is willing, but wants wealth. "He deserves well if a good mynde to hir majeste and hir quiet estate may meryt." Aberdeen.
Postscript—This other faction hopes still of the coming of Spaniards, "and it is bewrayed by the men that ar taken of theres."
The King is informed that Bothwell has gathered his forces and returned to Dalkeith; what he will do is not yet known. He has sent a letter to the King, who delivered it to the Chancellor and would not receive it, "in which he acuses him [the Chancellor] of hyghe treason, that shalbe proved by a gentellman, one Lyndsey. Fyrst, he was the cheffe procurer of his mothers deathe; then that he had trafyqued by letters with the cowncellours of Ingland, and taken mony to restrayn the Kinge frome sekinge revenge; and last had leyd a plot with Ingland that if he cold not rule his majeste he wold of a soddeyn brynge in thre thowsand Inglyshe men to his ayde."
Licence is given at the Chancellor's request for the gentleman to come in under safe conduct that should prove these things; "but we trowe he will not cum hastely."
The Chancellor keeps his watch nightly in turn, is daily in his armour, marches in the vanguard, and none more forward; "in truthe caryes all as he lykes." Signed: T. Fowler.
4 pp. Holograph. Indorsed.
55. William Fownde to Walsingham. [April 23.]
"Whereas I offered to your honour the [?] (fn. 13) of those traytors now in Scotland, I still find such incoradgment by the forsaid Scotchman (fn. 14) that I think me able to performe my dewty herin. And wheras your honour hath had the service alredy offered and yet unperformd, I perswad my self it will remayne as uncerteyn as now at this instant, except the partie whome I deal with sall undertak the thinge, which he will not do to anie but my self, to whome he hath sworne that if anie English man in these partes whatsoever attayne the premisses he will yeld him self to lose his hed. He knowes who hath undertaken the matter—choyse of one or two—the sequell your honour shall behold."
"This Scot demaundes for performaunce for him self and Scotch consort 200 li., viz., one be for the thinge done, for which he will put in bond if he performe not the premisses sufficient English men for repayment; the other to be paid when the thinge is perfitted."
I am willing to serve your honour so far as in me lieth. Mr. Davison, Mr. Randolphe, Captain Errington and Captain Selby can certify of me.
Whereas I proffered the service of daily occurrences from these parts, the party is ready to tender his service herein: if I have means for conveyance he will undertake there shall not be anything worth the writing but you shall have the first intelligence from me, by his means, before anything be put in execution. He says he is the only man that gives intelligence out of these parts, which I beseech you to consider. If your honour accepts his offer he doubts not but all others here will be dumb.
Bothwell will transport his new forces into Fife this 23rd of April, which are 300 foot and 200 horse. Huntly draws to the north, to weary the King's company, who decrease. When Bothwell is come over he minds to retire, and cut between the King and the water, and so have the King and the rest at his pleasure. This is thought to be wrought before the 27th next, being Sunday.
"The Lynnies wer ernest with the King to have beged Bodwells forfeytur, who the King answerd, he wold not yet deale so hardly with his freind Frauncis." All is thought by their own friends to be cunning dealing between the King and Bothwell to serve their own purpose.
Whereas I moved your honour concerning a poor suit of a gunner's room, granted me by my Lord of Warwick in the Tower, of 8d per diem, and found you willing to further me, the suit being ordinary, I beseech you have me, a poor gunner of Berwick, in good memory. Mr. Mylles your servant hath my bill, which was proffered to him by Mr. Davison in my behalf more than 20 months ago yet rests unfinished. Berwick. Signed: William Fownde.
1½ pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
56. William Asheby to Walsingham. [April 24.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 399.
I received your honour's letters of the 17th instant on the 22nd, having that morning despatched letters to you of the King being at Aberdeen, where the E[arl] stayed till he came within 12 miles of it. Archibald Douglas, making this rebellion of less danger than your honour doth truly judge it to be, appeareth not so careful of the quiet of the whole isle as he ought to be: "the wourld here haith this opinion of him, that he thinkes it best fish[ing] when the water is troubled," and therefore the quiet and amity of these countries would not be so profitable to him as to have the King discontented, and this country a recept[acle] for foreign enemies. The neglecting of the King, who is so well disposed to prevent the danger if these confederates be not speedily suppressed, will discourage him and the well affected, and force them to a desperate course; a trifle now would succour him in this action; the quiet of this isle will [grow] when they find they cannot win that prince by force or fair promises.
The Master of Gray is not well liked in this court; most think that his coming will rather do hurt than good; they judge him of a turbulent spirit, and he will not forget his dishonour published by proclamation at his departure from Scotland. He and Mr. Archibald are so against the Chancellor as they can hardly be brought to run one course, unless they mean to undermine him and hereafter to take the advantage; "for in this country thei oft shake handes when thei are inclined to reveng: suche good effectes br[ing] forth there democraticall discipline in [the] church."
There is good hope of the King's constancy towards the Chancellor, whose virtues merit his favour, and the King is not "flexable to foresake."
The King's presence in the north should do great good, and cause many lords to forsake the confederate earls; many have surrendered; he offers pardon to all except such as laid the plot for the taking of the Master of Glamis. Bothwell remains at his house at Crichton, and sometimes comes to Leith and to his company at Dalkeith. He hath gathered what borderers he can, men without credit or honesty, and ready for any mischief. Edinburgh is in arms day and night: no councillors here, but the provost and burgesses stand on their guard, seeing the Earl so nigh, "so accompanied with rackeles and lewd pars[ons]." Now is the time for her majesty to continue her motherly care towards this young prince, in delivering his country from the thraldom of strangers and defending religion. She shall find him most grateful and pliant. Signed: W. Asheby.
3½ pp. Holograph. Indorsed by Burghley.
57. John Colvile to the Laird of Wemyss. [April 24.] Printed in Letters of . . . Colville, Ban. Club, p. 93.
"As I writ befor, we came heir the xviij. We haif ay remanit to this day upon hoip of the incumming of the erllis and of thair frendis. The most part of the barronis ar interit, and mony of thair frendis, and hes fund caution for keping of good ordour- under gret sowmes, and ar contentit to give plegis also. Bot the lords thair selfis, Baquhan, Baillye, [of] Arroll, Cluny, Achindoun and sum otheris ar obstinat and nocht lyck to inter. Tharfor this day we sett fordvart for demolising of thair houses. We mynd all nycht to be in Kintore, and fra that to Strabogy, Slains, Achindoun and sa furd."
"This journey is bayth costly and panfull to his majeste, bot the profeit wilbe common to boyth the realmes. I pray God his majeste may be sa respectit thair that he may be incouragit to go forvart in his holy intentioun. I think it salbe Witsunday befor we can cum southe. We heir that th' erll Bothvell hes amassit sum tuay or thre hundrethe brokin men, bot how sone he heris of the distres of his collegis heir I think he sall abstein. I pray God with my hart he may tak a courss to his awin honour and weill. His majeste is marvelusly sollicitit in the matter of Denmark, and except Monsieur de Lisle hest, I think thair salbe na recovery in the matter."
"His majeste langis for your lordschip's return."
Postscript—"I pray your lordschip despesthe Georg Wilsone, for we think long for him." Signed: Jo. Colvile.
1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
58. James Hudson to Walsingham. [April 26.]
I hear the King prevails without impediment, and that the Master of Glamis is sent to him and all other factious lords dispersed. Only Bothwell keeps his company, and that rather to "keip ther harts for anie other tyme then for anny great purpose he can doe now, unless he mean sum pryvat revenge of ane injure resavid of Leith at ther discharginge ther, wiche they shott when upon the steiple. Hear gave the tokin and the bell ronge, so that the alarm was hoatt awhyll, but provid falls." I "attend" your letters in this town, where I arrived on Thursday before noon. Signed: J. Hudson.
1 p. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed.
59. Answers to the Laird of Wemyss' Propositions. [April 26.] Printed in A Collection of State Papers . . . 1571 to 1596, ed. W. Murdin, 1759, p. 635.
"A summarie of that maie be awnswered to the propositions presented by the Lard of Weymes, Ambassadour for the King of Scotland, to hir majesty."
"Hir majestie hath soe small dowbt of the Kingis sinceritie towardes hir, as she findeth yt sumwhat strange that anie such question showld be made whether she doubteth of him or noe, spetiallie considering howe she hath in all times shewed hir self carefull of his estate."
"Answeare hath been made verie often that hir majestie hath suffred noe person to deale to preferre anie to the title nowe mentioned directlie or indirectlye, as yt hath appeared by hir severe dealinge against some that have presumed to deale thearein; and in like sort awnsweare hath been made to his Ambassadours that nothing was done nor meant to be done by hir majestie, or by anie that had authoritie to heare and judge his mothers cawse, to prejudice anie right that the King might claime as heire to his mother; which thinge hir majestie hath testefied under hir hand and seale to the Kinge. And yet for the Kinges better satisfaccion he maie have an instrument in writinge subscribed with the handes of such as weare commissioners both of hir Counsell and judges of the realme to verefie the same."
"It hath also been awnsweared hearetofore that such overtures as Mr. Ashbye the last sommer made unto the King weare onelie matters of his private conceite and not directed nor warranted theareto from hir majestie nor from anie of hir Counsell. Soe as uppoun the first knowledge theareof to some of hir Counsell before hir majestie was theareof informed, to avoide hir high displeisur, the knowledge of his doinge was kept from hir majestie for a good time, and he reprehended for the same, untill by his owne letters to hir majestie he confessed his offence and craved pardon, alledging that he had noe evill meaning thearein, but thowght to showe his goodwill to the Kinge in seekinge to please him with such overtures. And for proof that he had noe authoritye to use such speeches, hir majestie is sure he will take his oathe if yt be offred unto him."
"This also hath been often aunsweared to, particulerlie, that hir majesty hath thowght yt meete to forbeare the inquisicion of the title of thos landes of the Erle of Lennox, as a matter that might breade more offence even to the Kinge himself than hir majestie would like of. For howe theie that pretend title theareto for the Ladie Arbell, as sole dawghter to the Lord Charles the last erle, would temper themselves in stirringe questions for theire purpose that might prejudice sum greater matters, hir majestie hath great cawse to dowbt of, yea, she is verie certaine that such as favour the title of the Lady Arbell [Stuart] have offred to show hir title to be verie good by the lawes of the realme."
"Hir majestie is so carefull for justice to be done to all persons as nothinge can be required of hir for the satisfaccion of anie of the Kinges subjectes that doe or shall complaine of anie piracies, but in favour of the Kinge hir judge shall be straightlie charged to showe as much favour to any Scottisheman, being the Kinges good subject, as to anie of hir owne. And if anie dowbt shall be of the sinceritie of the ordinarie judge, the complainantes shall be allowed to have anie other competent judge to determine theire cawscs."
"Towching the reprisalles demanded by Colonell Steward against the Hollanders, hir majestie thinketh yet a verie untimelie matter to enter into that cowrse nowe, least yt might be thowght he showld in that accion favour to much the Kinge of Spaine, and soe perhaps procure himself more hurt than good thearebie."
"Hir majestie can devise noe better meanes then by hir owne example she hath and will showe to the Kinge what cowrse is meetest, that is, she doth provide to putt hir good subjectes in strength by land and by sea to withstand the common ennemie, and she doth bridle and suppresse all attemptes of evell subjectes. And if the Kinge shall in his owne realme followe hir example, as verie latelie—and almost to late—he hath begonne against certaine conspiratours, being of great countenaunce and connived ennemies with the Pope and the Spaniardes, she dowbteth not but both she and he shall keape theire crownes and kingdomes in peace, to the honour of God and glorie of themselves."
"For the last, concerning a request for hir majesties advise in the Kinges marriage. Truelie hir majestie hath, by hir own example in forbearinge marriage, showed thearebie how unmete she is to geve advise in matter of mariadge. But yet if the Kinge shall sincerelie in secrett sort lett hir majestie understand to what state and person he standes of himself most inclined, hir majestie will make him acquainted, also in secrett manner, what opinion she hath theareof."
2¼ pp. Indorsed.
60. Thomas Fowler to [Walsingham.] [April 27 and 28.]
The King came to this house of Strathbogie on the 26th, "for he was dryven to lye by the way at a poore village cawled Kintour." Huntly had caused all the country to be disfurnished of whatsoever might serve for victual or prey, and this his own house nothing left in it but woodwork and some feather beds, without furniture. Yet so soon as he knew the King was near with 100 pioneers to rase it, he sent messenger after messenger to offer himself to yield to the King's mercy, under condition to save his life and lands unattainted. The King would not listen unless he would yield himself without condition, so we proceeded to the house, where no company was able long to continue, for it is a barren country, "yet in the myddest of his strengthe that the Kinge must hold his army together."
The Council considered that Huntly might keep himself in the mountains longer than they were able to pursue him, for there was no following with an army; "and therefore thowght best to wyle him in by any way, kepinge the Kinge free." So it was given out to some about the King who would send Huntly word—for he was in the hills not four miles off —that the whole lords there would use all their credit to persuade the King to grant his requests, if he would enter to the King's mercy without condition, which the King of his honour could not yield to any beforehand. Then one he trusted much and followed the counsel of was promised favour for his own offence if he wrought his coming in. By this means, that night late, the captain traitor, like a good goose, came in, thinking to have come straight to his own house where the King was, and to have had his old entertainment; but he was met half a mile off with the Master of Glammis and Carmichael with 200 horse, and conveyed to a stout house hard by, of one of his servants, and there guarded strongly that night. Next day, being Sunday, he was sent away early to Aberdeen strongly accompanied. The King is exceeding glad at his taking, and will neither speak nor deal with him but as these lords and counsellors now about him shall advise. For the rest of his followers there are warrants, and companies sent out to apprehend them as they can be gotten.
Erroll is nobody of power, and the attempts of Bothwell, the want of victual, with evil weather here—for it is frost and snow as at Christmas —makes the King retire this night to Aberdeen, and so forward upon Bothwell with all his forces; and having put him to a point will call in question others that lies lurking by and hath been as far in the matter as the best. This will not be done hastily, and the hired men must be kept together till it be ended or he shall not be able to go through with it. They cry already for pay; but where is it?
I think it time that some should come with aid to this King and to get these traitors executed, without which I doubt they scant dare do it, or at least they will not agree together to do it, for some would have him die, some but banished, others, kept in prison. If he should be banished, he is ready to bring in the Spaniards as he meant to receive them. If kept in prison, he will ere long "be labored owt" by some or other. The Lord Hamilton is his uncle and is a noble gentleman, and none more forward in this service than he, and is of good religion. He speaks most honourably of the Queen's majesty, yet he takes unkindly that he never received any remembrance from her. Since his coming thence he assured me that a token worth a crown would have been esteemed by him more than a jewel of a thousand pound from any other prince. This man will not willingly consent to Huntly's death, and he bears a great sway in this country. If he stand with the rest it will be hard to get him executed, though the King consent, as I think he would if this Council wholly agree. Therefore all this circumstance tends that the said Lord Hamilton should be first a little kindly handled by some slight remembrance from her majesty, and then wrought by the ambassador that should come hither, who would be able to handle matters substancially, that he be not against this execution. Your honour's own credit is such with him that you may do much.
I trust Bothwell and others be brought to the same pass. Therefore is to be considered that the nobility here are so linked by blood or allied one with another, that if half of them were fast, unless in open show it appear that her majesty do back and maintain the King in his proceedings, there is no possibility that he dare deal with his nobility as he would and should. As it falls out it is better that Huntly was let slip before, for he has now made himself guilty of that which by anything passed before they here would never have found him, and the King is taught how to trust and finds himself exceedingly abused.
The Master of Gray's coming home is exceedingly misliked both by the King and Chancellor, and for that I know he cannot do her majesty nor this state any service here, all things going so well forward as they do, I wish he had not been suffered to come at this time; it will do no good, but hurt. The Chancellor hath heard of the credit the Master hath with the Queen, and he is not ignorant also of the inward greatness between Mr. Archibald and the Master. He finds little account made of him by her majesty. Indeed he knows the Master's state to be such as if he serve the Queen she must be at cost with him deeply and then what need to bring anew in credit and be at cost for an uncertainty, and will be at none for a certainty so proved and hath so well deserved as the other neither can nor will do; and a man debauched and of no good religion. It is written hither that the said Master hath brought the Queen to grant to the maintenance of the King's guard more than his former pension, which is taken in scorn that he should bring to pass that which no other yet could do. Indeed it were better to be granted to the King's ambassador, who comes for that purpose, than that the King should be made beholden to one that he loves not for any liberality of the Queen's.
Lord Gray, father to the Master, met the King in this journey, but being known to be a notorious papist his majesty would none of his company, therefore dismissed him and his. Part at Strathbogie and part at Aberdeen. Signed: T. Fowler.
4 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.
61. Thomas Fowler to William Asheby. [April 28.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 393.
The King came to this house of Strathbogie the 26th: he lay by the way at a poor village, the army not being able to march through. The whole country is void of victuals and goods, all carried to the hills. The King's coming with his pioneers and their tools and powder was known to Huntly, for he had enough in our company that sent to him daily, he hovering on the hills where we might see him and he us, but no pursuit could prevail if 20,000 men had been sent. He sent to the King one, and then another, to desire assurance for his life and lands, and he would come in and yield to the King's mercy; but his majesty threatened all destruction to him and his unless he would yield unconditionally. Yet the Council considered the barren country they were in, in the midst of his strength, and that it was impossible for the King to hold his army together for 3 days for want of victual; and when the houses were down and the King gone, the rebels would be as great as ever, Huntly being head, and the rest of no force except Bothwell "nor he neyther for nomber"; therefore it was resolved by any means to get him in hold, keeping the King free of any promise.
"The lordes promesed that if he wold cum in frely they wold there after be a meane al . . . (fn. 15) to the Kinge that he might be as good to him as his desy[re] was; and withall made a frend of his that was in daunger him selffe to worke his comminge in, and to trust to the Kinges marcy. So that by thes meanes the great capteyn of all this conspiracy and rebellion came in the same nyght sum what late, thinking to have come strayt to his owne house where the Kinge was, but he was met by the way with ij hundred horse [under] the conduct of the Master of Glames and Carmihell, [who] convoyed him to a towre of a servant of his owne: [and] there was strongly garded all the night, and the next [day] sent away with at least a thowsand horse to Haberd[ene]." The King went back thither that day; a great journey, but at Strathbogie we could get no food, and the vilest cold I ever came in. Many were glad that Huntly was taken, for the King's wilfulness was such to pursue them that half the company would have perished. That one night perished above 30 fair geldings, of frost.
I began my letter at Strathbogie, but now write from Aberdeen. "[The] Kinge wold neyther see Huntley nor speke with him, and he waxes sory at his hart that ever he cam in hand. If he had knowne that now he fyndes he wold . . . have combred us all or he had byn gotten." His majesty hath promised his Council to do nothing but by their advice. He will now pursue Bothwell with all his force; and good order is taken for Erroll and [other] counsellors of Huntly and him; and the like will be done for others. If one of some countenance would come, and bring with him pay for these poor soldiers, and give comfort to the [King] from her majesty, that both good and bad nobility might see she would stick to him and aid him against the undutiful, he may work good effects. You cannot believe what pain the King takes to proceed against them. "He hathe vowed to hunt [them] as well as ever his howndes hunted a hare," and [told] me yesterday that ere he had done with the matter none should think him of the Spanish faction or a papist. There is news here that Bothwell has 1200 horse, and has made sc[aling] ladders and other provision to besiege the Black Ness and take Maxwell: when he hears Huntly is prisoner, he will abate his pride.
The King was never so well affected to the Queen and England as now; he delights to do anything to please her. "When he doethe any thinge agaynst thes traytors, and when Huntley was taken he sayes to one, 'Thinke you not that this will be pleasynge to the Queene?' 'And,' saythe he, 'she shall see I will do my part so far as I may by any traveyll or moyen.'" He is ill content at the Master of Gray's coming. If he come here his countenance will be nothing. Would God they had sent the Chancellor half as much as the Master hath cost the Queen! He is a stout man and behaves himself wisely, so as the whole nobility bands with him in prosecuting this matter. If the Chancellor had not handled matters well this whole cause had been overthrown by division among ourselves. There have been three great quarrels between the principal noblemen since we marched: one between Hamilton and Angus, and the lie given: another between Sir William Keith and the bishop of Moray, [when] the Earl Marischal, Lord of Dingwall, Lord Awt . . . and their friends banded against the Douglases: another between the Earl of Mar and the Lord Hamilton.
The Chancellor stayed all extremity, so as they willingly run all one course. "The Lord Hamelton is a great stay and strengthe in this service, yet he wilbe lothe his nephue shold dye of this disseas." I hope to see your lordship shortly. Strathbogie and Aberdeen. Signed: T. Fowler.
Postscript—"[It] is wrytten to me that if Sir George Cary cum [he] is perswaded to deface and discredit me with this Kinge; at least if he can."
3 pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed by Burghley.
62. Thomas Fowler to [Burghley]. [April 30.] Cott. Calig., D. I., fol. 392.
I must visit you with my lines as often as I can get convoy. "Yesterday cam in before the Kyng and Cowncell divers great men of power that lye rownd abowt Huntleyes landes and Arroles, as Malco[m]tosshe, the Lard of Graunt, all the Forbosses and Dromondes, Frendrathe and others; and geven in theyre bandes and ostages—that be caryed with the Kinge—that they shall procecute and aprehend all traytors in this jornay confederat with Huntley; and hathe speci[all] names of pryncypall men set downe."
"The pryncypall howse of Arroll, cawled Slanes, a xvj myles from this towne, is furnished with a garryson and kept for the Kinge. Huntley is straytly kept, and therefore discontent, and makes meanes to be banyshed, and offers cawsyon of iiij noble men in great somes that he shall neyther deall with straunger to molest this cowntry nor religion in it, nor shall ever returne withowt lycence obteyned of the Kinge. He wold fayn be gon, and sum great ones of thes noble men wold have it graunted, as the Lord Hamelton for one, but it is now set down that he shalbe arayned and fownd gilty of treson. Thereafter they will take farder order, but if he get lowse by banishment I lyke it not, and dothe what I can to perswade the contrary."
"I pray your Lordship to hasten the comminge of suche a one hether as I hafe wrytten of before, and all shalbe well, for this nobyllite is afrayde to toche him in blud. For owght that I see th[ey] meane to arayne him and fynd him gilty, but to stay judgment: what that shold meane I know not well. I perceave sum of this party hathe assured him absol[utely] for his lyffe and landes, which they say they dyd to get him in. All wayes the Kinge is free of any condisyon with him."
"Yesterday allso was a petycyon presented [to the] Kinge and Cowncell to lysence the Master of Gray to cum in. The Kinge aunswered it, that at Edenbrowghe at a Generall Convencyon it was decreed that all pa[pists] shold avoyd the country, and that frome thence forthe not any Scotes man that was abrode in other cowntrey and knowne to be infected with papistry shold . . . (fn. 16) home nor enter this realme, before the Kirke . . . satysfyed of theyre sowndnes in religion and . . . . . intersessors for them: and the Master of Gray specyally named in this decre, which was proclaymed in all cittyes and burrowes of Scotland. Therefore he . . . not graunt the sayd Master his entraunce before th[at] order were performed, for he wold not breke so gr[eat] a purpose. So I perceave theyre wilbe sum stay [of] his cominge in."
Here is arrived Mr. James Hudson, who spoke with the King and Chancellor about the Master of Gray. The Chancellor being persuaded of her Majesty's liking of his coming, obtained licence for it, provided he satisfy the [Kirk] within 40 days. The Chancellor is resolved that if the Master keep a good course he will use co . . . densy. This day we remove to Dunottar, the Earl's house, and so to Stirling and Edinburgh. Aberdeen. Signed: T. Fowler.
Postscript—"It is geven owt here secretly by Bodwells frendes that notwithstondinge all this rule he makes, his hatred to Ingland in his unreverent speches of hir majeste, that there is an intercowrce of dealinge by letters betwen the Lord Chamberleyn and him: which the Chauncelour and others marvells at if it shold be true, but can hardly beleve it; and I perswade to scorne it as a device to shew his credit."
2 pp. Holograph. No flyleaf or address.
63. William Asheby to Burghley. [April 30.]
I received your last letter of the 25th April on the 29th. I am sorry your honour, through indisposition, is absent from court, but I am glad to understand of her majesty's gracious meaning to this prince, and your care in procuring the same with speed, for the better encouraging of his highness to suppress the insolent dealing of the confederate earls and papists of this nation. By my letters of the 22nd, 24th, and 27th you are informed what success the King hath hitherto had in his voyage and with what diligence he doth prosecute his northern rebels. Bothwell still continues with his lewd company about 5 or 6 miles from this city, expecting what success his confederates hath in the north. He half repents him of that he hath taken in hand, seeing the King prosecute this action so roundly, and being not a little moved especially against him, having been always so gracious a prince towards him, yet finds his dealing most dishonourable and ungrateful for the great favours received at his hands.
Such money as it shall please her majesty to send to the King at this present would be surest at Newcastle, for there is some danger betwixt Morpeth and Berwick to surprise it now that Bothwell is thus accompanied here in the south. It is suspected he watches for some such "cheet," having loose borderers for the purpose.
I look every hour for news from Fowler what the King hath done since his departure from Aberdeen towards Strathbogie and Slains, two chief houses of Huntly and Erroll which are rendered to the King; but whether they be rased I cannot hear as yet. Edinburgh. Signed: W. Asheby.
1½ pp. Holograph. Addressed. Indorsed by Burghley.
64. Restoration of the Master of Gray. [April]
A Memorial for Mr. James Hudson.
To let the Lord Chancellor and others of that realm of quality—known to be well affected to the amity of this crown—understand how well her majesty resteth satisfied with the Master of Gray's answer alleged in his defence, touching such informations as were given out against him, as one that sought the change of religion in that realm by bringing in strangers, and the dissolving of the amity between her majesty and the King his master: that he hath with great protestation answered her majesty that as he, by the late experience had in foreign parts, findeth nothing more dangerous for the King than to give ear to such overtures as have been and will be made unto him by the enemies of the Evangel, who seek but to use him as an instrument of their particular intended revenge against this crown, with intent also to work his ruin as a Christian King, so is he resolved to employ all the credit he hath with the King and the nobility of that realm in persuading them to keep good friendship with this crown, as the only thing that is to work the King's good, both for the present and the time to come: that her majesty, finding the said Gray to stand so well affected, doth greatly desire a good friendship between the Lord Chancellor and him, to the end they may the better concur in furtherance of the advancement of religion and good intelligence between both their majesties: that because her majesty is not ignorant that there are some within that realm that will labour by all means to nourish jealousy between them, a matter that cannot but endanger both the public and their particulars, therefore her majesty, for the preventing thereof, commanded me expressly to send you into Scotland to assure the Chancellor in her name that he shall find the Master most ready to join with him in all good friendship, whatsoever information either hath or shall be given to him to the contrary: that as the said Master hath protested unto her majesty that his meaning is to embrace effectually the said Chancellor's friendship, so hath he given like assurance unto me. And therefore being persuaded as I am that he will perform sincerely the same as he protesteth, I cannot but advise the said Chancellor to make proof thereof. And further you are to let the Lord Chancellor understand that it hath been advertised hither out of Scotland that his lordship should seek to make his peace with Lord Claud Hamilton, and should also procure unto him the King's favour; who, being known to be a deadly enemy to religion, and one that seeketh to draw foreign forces into that realm, not without vehement suspicion by their assistance to attain to the possession of that crown, "a matter that the wyser and better sorte here, that have seene of late his honorable and Crystyan coorse, held ther in furtheraunce of all good causes can in no sorte beleve," —the said Lord Claud . . . Unfinished.
3½ pp. Draft. Indorsed.