Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 121

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 121', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III(London, 1921), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 121', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III(London, 1921), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

A. E. Stamp, E. Salisbury, E. G. Atkinson, J. J. O'Reilly. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 121". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 10, Edward III. (London, 1921), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 121

62. HENRY RUSSELL of Salisbury (Nova Sar’).
Writ, 12 July, 27 Edward III.
DORSET. Inq. taken at Dorchestre, Thursday before St. Bartholomew, 27 Edward III.
He held no lands &c. in the bailiwick.
The day of his death the jury know not, because he did not die within the county. Henry, son of Henry Flemmyg, his nephew, aged 26 years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (1.)
Writ to the escheator to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Constance, 15 April, 27 Edward III.
YORK; LIBERTY OF HOLDERNESS. Inq. taken at Hedon, Thursday, 16 May, 27 Edward III.
Ulram. Ten tofts and ten bovates of land held of the king in chief as of the crown by service of a fortieth part of a knight’s fee and by rendering to the prior and convent of Bridelyngton 15s. yearly; two bovates of land in demesne and one in service, held of Margery, late the wife of William de Ros of Hamelak, by knight’s service and by rendering 2s. 6d. yearly. The bovate in service is held by the abbot and convent of Thornton in frank almoin; three bovates of land held of her by free tenants by service of 3s. 9d. yearly, held of William de Greystok by knight’s service.
She died on 20 May, 23 Edward III. Richard de Shulton, knight, her son, aged 50 years and more, is her heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (2.)
Writ to Henry, duke of Lancaster, or his deputy, to enquire as to the lands and heir of the said Robert, who held by knight’s service of the priory of Lancaster, which is in the king’s hand by reason of the war between the king and his adversaries of France. 8 February, 27 Edward III.
Endorsed by the said duke that he sends the inquisition taken by Henry de Yoxhale, his escheator, under the duchy seal.
LANCASHIRE. Inq. taken at Preston, Saturday, the eve of St. Matthias, 27 Edward III.
Pulton in Amondernesse. A messuage, 40a. arable, 5a. meadow and 15a. pasture held by knight’s service of the priory of Lancaster by rendering yearly 2s. 10 1/2d.
He held no other lands &c.
He died on Monday before the Nativity of the Virgin, 23 Edward III. Nicholas, son of Philip, son of the deceased, aged 15 years, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (3.)
Writ, 21 J[une], 27 Edward III.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Apethorp, Tuesday after SS. Peter and Paul, 27 Edward III.
Apethorp. A yearly rent of 39l. 19s. 3d. of the farm of the town, which the king gave to the said Robert by his charter. He held the said rent by fealty.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
He died on Wednesday before St. Botulph last. John de Dalton, knight, his son, aged 30 years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (4.)
Writ to enquire as to the land and heir of Thomas Wychard, 20 November, 27 Edward III.
LEICESTER. Inq. taken at Boseworth, 4 March, 28 Edward III.
Conyngeston. A messuage and two virgates of land held of the king in chief, by service of saying five times daily le Paternoster and Ave Maria for the souls of the king’s progenitors, sometime kings of England, and of all faithful departed.
He died in the pestilence now past, about St. Peter’s Chains, 23 Edward III. John Wychard, his son, aged ten years and more at Christmas last, is his heir. Edmund de Appelby is grandfather of the said John and next friend on his late mother’s side, to whom the said tenements cannot (non debent) descend by inheritance.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (5.)
Writ to enquire as to the land and heir of Roger Forester, 8 July, 27 Edward III.
HEREFORD. Inq. taken in the castle of Hereford, Saturday, the feast of St. Bartholomew, 27 Edward III.
Maurdyn. Twelve acres arable and 2a. meadow held of the king in chief, by serjeanty of conducting the king’s treasure from the castle of Hereford to London; a messuage and 100a. arable held of the lord of Maurdyn by service of 10s. yearly; 20a. arable held of Roger Chaundos by service of 2s. yearly.
He died two years ago, on what day the jury know not. John le Forester, his son, aged 15 years, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (6.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 96.
Writ, 18 June, 27 Edward III.
SOUTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Suthewyk, Thursday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 27 Edward III.
Wykham. The manor, with the advowson of the church, held of John de Sancto Philiberto, as of the barony of John de Sancto Johanne, by knight’s service.
He died on Wednesday after St. Barnabas last. John his son, aged 17 years on Saturday after St. Barnabas last, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (7.)
69. RALPH DE KIRKETON of Asthorp.
Writ, 28 January, 27 Edward III.
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Lincoln, Monday after St. Nicholas, 27 Edward III.
Asthorp. The manor held by knight’s service of John de Well, son and heir of Adam de Well, a minor in the king’s wardship.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
He died on Tuesday after St. Matthew, 15 Edward III. Thomas de Asthorp, his son, aged 38 years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (8.
Writ to enquire as to the land and heir of Thomas de Heriz, 9 July, 27 Edward III.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Nottingham, 8 August, 27 Edward III.
Gonaldeston. The manor held of the king in chief as of the honour of Peverel by service of half a knight’s fee.
He held nothing of other lords.
He died in 17 Edward III, but on what day the jury know not, because he died beyond sea. Elizabeth his daughter, aged 15 years on the feast of St. Dunstan, 27 Edward III, is his heir; she is married to John son of John de Dryeby, and they have no issue.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (9.)
Writ, 12 July, 27 Edward III.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Nottingham, Monday after St. Peter’s Chains, 27 Edward III.
Estbriggeford. He was seised of a moiety of the manor and in his lifetime gave it to John de Loudham, knight, Richard de Pensax, William Randold of West Athelyngton, chaplain, William de Romleye, chaplain, and John de Hale, on Thursday, the eve of SS. Simon and Jude, 25 Edward III. It is held of the lady Philippa, queen of England, as of the honour of Tykhull, by service of a moiety of a knight’s fee.
He died on Wednesday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 25 Edward III. Alice his daughter, aged 8 years, is his heir.
Writ, 12 July, 27 Edward III.
LINCOLN. Inq. taken at Lincoln, Monday after the feast of St. Michael, 27 Edward III.
He was seised of no lands &c. in the county because, long before his death, he by his charter gave them all to John de Loudam, knight, Richard de Pensax, William Randolf of West Alyngton, chaplain, William de Romeley, chaplain, and John de Hale.
On what day he died the jury know not at present, because he died in the parts beyond seas. Heir as above, aged 7 years and more.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (10.)
Writ to enquire as to the lands and heir of Oliver de Dynham, 18 October, 27 Edward III.
DEVON. Inq. taken at Exeter, Monday after St. Gregory the Pope, 28 Edward III.
(Unspecified.) A messuage and 12a. land called Iryschlond held of the king in chief as of the crown by service of a fiftieth part of a knight’s fee; 2a. wood held of him by Thomas Gambon by service and a rent of 1d. yearly or a pair of gloves, and held by Oliver by knight’s service of the honour of Gloucester.
He died on 27 May, 25 Edward III. Margaret, aged 6 years, Ellen, aged 4 years, and Joan, aged 3 years and more, his daughters, are his heirs.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (11.)
Writ, 10 September, 27 Edward III.
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. taken at Kyngesbernewelle, Thursday after the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, 27 Edward III.
Kyngesbernewelle. The manor (extent given), whereof he was enfeoffed jointly with Margaret his wife by the king’s charter of licence and by fine levied in the king’s court, to hold to them and the heirs of the said John. The said manor is held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
He died on Monday after the Nativity of St. Mary last. Thomas his son, aged 5 years on the feast of St. Laurence last, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (12.)
Writ, 1 November, 27 Edward III.
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Aungre, Monday after the Conversion of St. Paul, 28 Edward III.
Staunford Ryvers. A tenement called ‘Tracy’ held of the earl of Stafford by service of a pair of spurs or 6d. and by rent of 1lb. pepper yearly at the earl’s manor of Stanford Ryvers.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
He died on Friday before All Saints last. Hugh Tracy, chaplain, his kinsman, aged 30 years and more, is his heir.
Writ, 1 November, 27 Edward III.
KENT. Inq., Friday after St. Nicholas, 27 Edward III.
Newenton by Middelton. The manor of Tracy held of the king in chief by service of finding, in conjunction with the manor of Lucy in the same town, a man and a horse with a sack and a skewer (preno), viz. each (alterum) of them a moiety of the said service, to carry the king’s scullery (squillariam) to Wales for his war as often as and when it shall happen.
Middelton. Seven acres of land held of Philippa, queen of England, of her manor of Middelton, by service of 4s.1d. yearly.
Date of death as above. Heir as above, aged 35 years.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (13.)
Writ, 13 November, 27 Edward III.
YORK; LIBERTY OF HOLDERNESS. Inq. taken at Holaym, Thursday, 18 December, 27 Edward III.
Holeym. The manor (extent given), held jointly with Margaret his wife, who survives, to them and the heirs of their bodies of the king in chief as of the honour of Aumale, which is in the king’s hand, by homage only.
He died on Tuesday, 5 November last. William his son, aged 10 years on 3 October last, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (14.)
Writ, 2 May, 27 Edward III.
ESSEX. Inq. taken at Leyre del Hay, Friday the morrow of the Ascension, 27 Edward III.
Leyre del Hay. A wood called ‘Chestwode’ containing 40a. by estimation, held of the king as of the honour of Boulogne, as parcel of the manor of Leyre del Hay, which is held of the king as of the said honour by knight’s service. Agnes, late the wife of John de Nanton, son of the deceased, holds for life, besides the said wood, the advowson of the church, as of the inheritance of Edward son and heir of the said John. The said wood belongs to the said Edward as heir.
He died on Monday after Easter day last. The said Edward is 6 years of age and more.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (15.)
Writ after the death of Joan, one of the daughters and heirs of John, son of John de Wolverton, the lands of whose heirs are in the king’s hand by reason of the minority of some of them. 20 June, 27 Edward III.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. taken at Neuport Paynel, Tuesday after the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, 27 Edward III.
Padebury and Chalfhunte. The manors are of the inheritance of the said Joan and of the other heirs and came into the king’s hands by the death of the said John son of John, and are still there. The said manors are held of the king in chief by homage.
She died on 18 July, 23 Edward III. Hugh Wake, knight, married the said Joan, and their son John, aged 17 years and more, is her heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (16.)
Writ after the death of John de Frethorn, who held by knight’s service of the heir of William de Botreaux, a minor in the king’s wardship. 28 May, 27 Edward III.
BERKS. Inq. taken at Wanetyng, 7 June, 27 Edward III.
Chelreye. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the church, held jointly with Elizabeth his wife, who survives, by fine levied in the king’s court, of the gift of William de Cotes, chaplain, to them and the heirs of their bodies, with remainder to the right heirs of the said John. The said manor, with the manor of Frethorn, co. Gloucester, is held of the heir of William de Botreaux by service of half a knight’s fee.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
He died on 20 May last. Elizabeth his wife is not pregnant, as the jury understand, so that Walter, his brother, aged 18 years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (17.)
Writ, 28 January, 27 Edward III.
NOTTINGHAM. Inq. taken at Carleton in Lyndrik, Thursday after the Ascension, 27 Edward III.
Carleton in Lyndrik. One William de Fourneux held a rent of 10l. of the king in chief in socage, as of the ancient demesne of the crown, rendering 6d. yearly at his Exchequer by the hands of the sheriff of Nottingham. This William died and the said rent descended to Sibyl and Joan, his sisters and heirs, so that a moiety descended to the said Joan as her pourparty. She outlived the said William by a month, and was married to Henry son of Henry de Ravenswath, now deceased, and they had issue Henry, their son and heir, who survives, and is 15 years of age and married. After the death of Joan her right accrued to the said Henry, son of Henry de Raveneswath, her husband, for life, by the law of England.
He died on Wednesday before the Nativity of St. Mary last.
This moiety is now worth only 60s., because the rent issued from messuages and cottages and land which lies sterile and cannot be let, and most of the messuages and cottages are in a ruinous condition, broken and worthless (adnullata).
C. Edw. III. File 121. (18.)
Writ, 12 February, 27 Edward III.
CUMBERLAND. Inq. taken at Penreth, Monday the feast of St. John before the Latin Gate, 27 Edward III.
Inglewodde. A messuage and 20a. land held as of purpresture made within the king’s forest, rendering yearly at the exchequer of Carlisle 11s. 2d.
He holds (sic) no other lands &c.
He died on Tuesday after St. Michael, 24 Edward III. John, son of William de Dolphanbye, brother of Thomas, of full age, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (19.)
Writ, 30 March, 27 Edward III.
OXFORD. Inq. taken at Oxford, 5 April, 27 Edward III.
He held no lands &c. in the county.
Date of death and heir not known.
BERKS. Inq. taken at Abyndon, 5 April, 27 Edward III.
He held no lands &c. in the county.
Date of death and heir not known.
Writ, 30 March, 27 Edward III.
SURREY. Inq. taken at Lagham, 4 May, 27 Edward III.
Lageham. The manor.
Wolkenesstede. Tenements called ‘Meredenne,’ all held for life by Katherine, mother of the said Roger, of the gift of John de Codyntone, chaplain, the reversions of which belonged to the said Roger. The manor of Lageham is held of the heir of John de Warblyntone, as of the manor of Tanrugg, by service of a pair of gilt spurs or 6d. yearly. The tenements of Meredenne are held of the king in chief as of the honour of Boulogne, which is in the king’s hand, by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
He held no other lands &c. in the county.
He died on 28 March last, as they understand. Peter de Sancto Johanne, his kinsman, aged 40 (fn. 1) years and more, is his heir.
C. Edw. III. File 121. (20.)


  • 1. xl. written over an erasure. On the dorse of the Close Roll for 11 Henry VI, m. 4d., is the enrolment of proceedings of an enquiry as to this erasure, from which it appears that xl., the original number, was erased surreptitiously and re-written in order to throw doubt on its authenticity.