
Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 2007.

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'Index', in Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827, ed. Deirdre Palk (London, 2007), British History Online [accessed 21 February 2025].

'Index', in Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827. Edited by Deirdre Palk (London, 2007), British History Online, accessed February 21, 2025,

"Index". Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827. Ed. Deirdre Palk (London, 2007), British History Online. Web. 21 February 2025.


Names in bold are those of prisoner letter-writers involved in forged note activities; more details on these individuals are to be found in the index of prisoner/writers.

The designation 'utterer', 'seller', 'possessor', 'forger' is to be understood as 'person accused or convicted of uttering, selling etc. forged Bank notes'.

Arabic numbers refer to letters; references to the introduction are in roman numerals.


Abell, Edward, prisoner, seller, 147, 622

Abercromby, Sir Ralph, 602

Abingdon, 5th earl of, see Bertie

-, ..., 70
-, ..., Mr (same?), witness, 124

Acton, John, partner in Freshfields, 2

-, Ann, 44
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 440

-, Henry, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, see home secretary
-, William, 1

Adkins, (or Atkins) ..., Mr, of Bow Street public office, 595, 726

age (old age of prisoners), 51, 52, 54, 146, 202, 208, 430–1, 486, 514, 603–5, 651, 697, 754, 766

Agnew, Ann, offender (unspecified), 692, 714

Aikens, ..., 674

alehouses, see London, public houses in

-, Josiah, prisoner, forger, 661; his wife
-, Mary Ann, prisoner, utterer, 235
-, William (or Thomas), prisoner, utterer, 651, 654

America, 86, 87

Amory and Coles, solicitors to the royal mint, 568

Anderson, William, highways surveyor, 375

Andover, Hants, 185

-, Levi, counterfeiter (tokens), 180
-, Richard, offender (unspecified), 106

Angers, J., debtor, 20

Anntwistle (or Entwistle), Ann, prisoner, utterer, 169–70

Antony, ..., Mr, of Bow Street public office, 575–6, 596

-, J., bakehouse operator, King's Bench prison, 502
-, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 533

Archer, Thomas, magistrates' clerk and/or keeper of gaol, Chelmsford, 577, 730

archives, Bank of England, vii, xi–xiii;
-, Freshfields papers in, xi–xii, xxiii–xxiv

armed services:
-, French army in Egypt, 602;
-, naval personnel, 244, 513;
-, prisoners wish to volunteer for, 578, 580, 594, 609, 624;
-, refusal to serve in 'condemned' regiment, 606–7;
-, see also regiments and companies

-, James, debtor, 340
-, Joseph (or John), prisoner, utterer, 340, 702

-, ..., Mr, of Plymouth Dock, seller, 349
-, John, keeper of Clerkenwell prison, 561
-, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 441–2

arraignments, papers for, xxiv

arrest warrants, xxiv, 20–1

Ashbourne, Derbys., 202

-, Esther, prisoner, seller, 235
-, Thomas, seller, 347

Ashton, James, prisoner, utterer, 626, 627

Ashwell, Sarah, prisoner, seller, 628, 636

Ashworth, John, prisoner, seller, 689

Astell, (or Esden), Lydia, prisoner, utterer, 398

-, (or Adkins)..., Mr, of Bow Street public office, 595, 726
-, Thomas, utterer, 709
-, William, keeper of Coldbath Fields prison, 152, 385

Atkinson, J., official at Newgate gaol, 162

Austin, David, prisoner, utterer, 439

Aveling, Thomas Butts, manager of Truman's brewery, 524


Bacon, James, magistrate, Clerkenwell, 513

-, ..., Mr, of Stockport, 64–5
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 574, 593

-, Thomas, die-sinker, 222
-, William, jr, die-sinker, 222
-, William, sr, die-sinker, 222, 697

-, Ann, prisoner, utterer, 177
-, Joseph, see Boutell, Simon
-, Samuel, 314

Baker, ..., 307, 575, 581

Ball, Joseph, bankrupt, 569

Bamber, John, prisoner, utterer, 241

-, Edward, thief, 657, 704
-, Elizabeth, prisoner, seller, 449, 720
-, Rebecca, prisoner, seller, 449, 720

Bamford Healy Plant, Lancs., 527

Bampton, ..., 347

Banbury, Oxon., 716

Banister, William, prisoner, possessor, and his wife Nancy, 64–8, 87

Bank investigators/inspectors: ix, xiii, xx, xxii, xxiv;
-, investigators' office receipt, 84;
-, unnamed investigators, 351, 544, 669;
-, see also Bliss, Thomas; Christmas, Charles; Freeman, ...; Glover, Thomas; Lee(s), John; Procter, Charles; Warwick, John

Bank of England:
-, benevolence to prisoners, and families vii, viii, xix, xxi–xxiii;
-, chief cashiers of, xiii;
-, debtors to, xii;
-, issue of low value paper money, ix;
-, governors and directors, vii;

see also Dorrien, George; Harman, Jeremiah; Maitland, Ebenezer; Manning, William; Mellish, William; Smith, Henry;
-, governors' and directors' evangelical and charitable sympathies, xv;
-, lawyers acting for, ix, x, xii, xiv, xx, xxiv;
-, police acting for, x, xiv, xx;
-, prisoners' letters addressed to, xiii, xxiv;
-, prosecution policy and strategy, viii, ix, x; cost of, viii, ix, x; criticism of, x, xxii; rewards for assistance in, xx;
-, and 'restriction' period, viii, ix;
-, silver coins and tokens, viii, x

Bank of England Committee for Law Suits, x–xi, xxiv;
-, handling of prisoners' letters, xi;
-, minutes of, x, xx

-, Biddulph and Cox bank, 717;
-, Hull bank, 581;
-, Leeds bank, 581;
-, Norwich bank, 565;
-, Pontefract bank, 581;
-, Southampton bank, 765

Banks, John, prisoner, 243

Bannister, Moses, prisoner, utterer, 494

Barnard, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 191

Barnes, George, prisoner, seller, 111, 149

Barresley, Joseph, bankrupt, 643

Barrett, Thomas, deputy constable of (Little) Bolton, 196, 735

Barter, ..., 581

Bartram, James, utterer, 114

Bath, Som., 402–3, 595–6, 599

-, James, and his wife Mary, 734

Bear, ..., Mr, employer of prisoner's husband, 269

Beavitt, (alias Beverton, alias Gager), Mary, prisoner, utterer, 164, 208, 210, 235

-, Joseph, head turnkey at Coldbath Fields prison, 152
-, Joseph, home office, 47, 114, 210, 652

Beckwith, Francis, partner at Freshfields, xiv

Bedford, Beds., 92–3, 669, 708

Belcher, William, prisoner, utterer, 322

Belfast, Ireland, 701

Bellerophon prison ship, see hulks

-, John, prisoner, possessor, 663
-, Matthew, prisoner, possessor, 63

Bellairs, John, prisoner, utterer, 69, 88–91

Bellars, (alias Davis) Amelia, prisoner, possessor, 76–8, 81

Benham, William, prisoner, utterer, 373

-, Henry Grey, M.P. for Shrewsbury, 660
-, James, jr, prisoner, 732
-, Richard, prisoner, utterer, 314

Bentham, W., solicitor, Sheerness, 739–40

Bentley, James, 743–4

Beresford, ..., 513

Berry, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 453

Bertie, Montagu, 5th earl of Abingdon, 157

Best (alias Davis), Mary, prisoner, forger, 629, 636

Bethel, James, 581

Bevan, Esther, prisoner, utterer, 356

Beverton, Mary, see Beavitt, Mary

Biddulph, Rachael, acquitted of uttering, 501

Biggleswade, Beds., 708

Biggs, John, prisoner, utterer, 598–9

Bingham, Notts., 273

Birch, T., counterfeiter, 160

Birmingham, ix, 57, 106, 112, 114, 152, 222, 233, 246, 347–8, 370, 386, 451–2, 573–4, 576, 581, 595–6, 600, 664, 672, 674, 677, 701, 749, 767;
-, high bailiff of, 201

Birnie, Sir Richard, magistrate, Bow Street, 524

'Black Harry', 564

Blackstone, Mary Ann, wife of prisoner William, 235, 236

Blake, Susanna, prisoner, utterer, 185–6

Blaker, George, prisoner, utterer, 215, 675–8; his wife Grace, prisoner, utterer, 262–4, 675–9

Blandford, Dorset, 410

Bliss, Thomas, Bank investigator, 38, 43–4, 53–4, 59

Blyth, Mr, clerk to Portsmouth town clerk, 752

Bodmin, Cornw., 718, 729

Bogg, Robert, utterer, 617

Bolton, (Little), Lancs., 169

Booth, William, forger, 348, 634; his wife, 634

Boreham, John, utterer, 648–9

Boreman, daughters of late Mr and Mrs, 524

Borough compter, see prisons, in London

Borrows (alias Emery) John, prisoner, utterer, 181; his wife Ann, 181

Bosanquet, Mr Serjeant, 380; his wife Lady Bosanquet, 380

Boston, Lincs., 725

Boucher, Charles, keeper of Devon county gaol, 732

Boulogne, France, 736

Boutell, Simon (alias Bailey, Joseph), prisoner, forger, 48, 592–3

Bowden, John, director and governor of Bank of England, 51

Bowers, Thomas, official at Newgate gaol, 372

Boyd, James McLean, prisoner, seller, 672–3

Box (or Bose), Dr, infirmary keeper at Newgate gaol, 318, 420, 424

Bradbery, William, seller, 596

Bradney, Mary, prisoner, seller, 449, 452, 720

Braham (or Abraham), ..., 70

Bramwell, Martha, thief, xvi, 175–7, 183

Branch, Joseph (or Josiah), utterer, 744

Branley, John, prisoner, utterer, 375–6

Brecon, Wales, 721

Briant, Stephen, witness, 693

Bricker, Richard, butcher, tything man, 605

Brics (?) family, 347

-, Jane, prisoner, seller, 532
-, Joseph, prisoner, utterer, 578

Bridgemen, George, friend of prisoner, 30

Bridle, ..., Mr, keeper of Ilchester gaol, 400, 749, 757

Bridewell ('New'), see prisons, in London

Bristol, 337, 400, 402–3, 599, 632, 695, 757

Brock, Thomas, counterfeiter, 214

Bromley, E. J., ship's surgeon, 449–50

-, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 404–8, 418, 438, 453
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 248

-, ..., 386
-, Benjamin, prisoner, utterer, 240–2
-, (alias Conner), Catherine, prisoner, utterer, 296–8, 324; her sister Emma (alias Kemble, Louisa), prisoner, utterer, 296–8, 324
-, Eliza (alias Palmer, Margaret or Mary), offender (unspecified), widow of James, executed forger, 642
-, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 483, 507
-, Elizabeth (another), 45
-, James, executed for forgery, 642
-, Jane, prisoner, utterer, 218–20, 263–4
-, Mark, prisoner, utterer, and his wife Maria, 656
-, William Henry, keeper of Newgate, 54, 293–4, 307, 315, 353–4, 366, 368, 371, 393,410–11,413,417,421,425–7,431, 436, 438, 460, 462–3, 466, 481, 504, 535, 552, 566, 705

Brown Owen, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 387–90

Bryant, Stephen, horse agent, 693

Buckingham, 2nd marquess of, see Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville

Buckland, Mr, attorney, 217

-, J., offender (unspecified), 587
-, William, seller, 753

Buncal, Robert, see George, Robert

Bult, William (or Ebenezer), prisoner, utterer, 498

Bunton, John, prisoner, 722

Burbidge (alias Johnson), Richard, prisoner, utterer, 531

Burden, J.A.H., debtor, 174

Burgin, ..., Mr, ginger bread maker, 109

-, ..., Mr, prisoner's landlord, 557
-, ..., Mr, shoemaker, 759
-, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 584–5

Burr, Horn, Burr, solicitors, Maidstone, 760

Burton (alias Champion), Jemima, prisoner, possessor, xvi, 532, 756–7

Bury St Edmunds, Suff., 753

Bush, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 419–21

Butler, James, prisoner, utterer, 373

Byrne (?Burn), ..., seller, 307


Cadman, Josiah, prisoner, utterer, 513; his wife Sarah (alias Smith, Ann), utterer, 513

Callaway, ..., Mr, town clerk of Portsmouth, 687, 703, 705, 742–3, 751–2

Cannings, James, keeper of Devizes gaol, 722

-, Henry, seller, 491, 493
-, John Henry, home office clerk for criminal business/inspector of hulks, 177, 226, 334, 370, 398, 513, 696–7, 704, 724, 753; clerk to, 728

Captivity prison ship, see hulks

Carless, J., warehouseman, 120

Carlisle, Cumb., 268, 334–5

Carmarthen, Wales, 717

Carnegy, Charles, prisoner, utterer, 560

Carr, John, debtor, 644–5

-, Jane, prisoner, seller, 514, 516, 533
-, John, prisoner, utterer, and his brother Thomas, 381
-, John (Sir) of Portsmouth, 570–1
-, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 465–7, 508, 540–2

Cartwright, Mr, gaoler at Shrewsbury gaol, 660

Cashman, George, seller, 738

Catapodi, Peter, promissory note forger, 3

Chamberlain, William, prisoner, utterer, 216; his wife Elizabeth (alias Stubbs), prisoner, utterer, 211, 216, 323

Chambers, ...Judge, 601

Chambre, Sir Allan, judge (same?), 651

Champion, Jemima, see Burton, Jemima

Chandler, Phoebe, utterer, 632

Chapman, William, debtor, 280

Chapple, ..., Mr, gaoler at Bodmin gaol, 729

charity and charitable payments, xxiii;
-, gratitude for, xxii, xxiii
-, regarded as 'due', xxii, xxiii
-, see also Bank of England, benevolence to prisoners and families

Charlesworth, James, counterfeiter, 150

Charlton, Mary, offender (unspecified), 17

Chave, John, prisoner, utterer, 616–7

Chedlow, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 634, 636

Chelmsford, Essex, 577, 730, 758

Cheltenham, Glos., 402

Cheshire, 62, 334

Chester, 49, 334;

-, mothers and widowers forced to leave children behind, 34, 55, 71, 103, 188, 195, 269, 398, 451–2, 461, 630–3, 691, 701,711;
-, mothers taking children on transportation ships, 71, 76–7, 117–18, 130, 143–4, 185–6, 189, 193, 195, 209, 318, 402, 406–8, 451, 636–7, 639;
-, see also death of child of prisoner; ill-health of prisoners' children

Chrisford, William, prisoner, utterer, 110–11; his wife, 110

Christmas, Charles, Bank investigator, 92, 309, 357, 409, 492, 514, 522, 524, 528–9, 576

churchwarden, 375, 605

Clapham sect, Bank directors' and Freshfields partners' connections with, xv

Clark, John, prisoner, utterer, 747

Clarke, Charlotte, petitioner, 155

Clarkson, James, prisoner, forger, 47, 72

Claughton, Thomas, debtor, 568

Cleaver, ..., Mr, sheriff, Jedburgh, 63

clergymen, 25, 483, 605, 660

Clerkenwell prison, see prisons, in London

Clinton, Benjamin, prisoner (unspecified offence), 27

-, change of required, 1;
-, lack of, 118, 234, 284–6, 298, 326, 373, 400–1, 409, 414, 424, 433, 436, 451, 457, 467–8, 472, 478, 480, 510, 512, 514–16, 529, 537, 542, 547, 551, 631–3, 741;
-, lost or stolen, 31, 91, 198;
-, pawned/pledged, vii, xix, 38, 43, 54, 73, 76, 79, 91, 99, 117, 139, 163, 206–7, 237, 242, 259, 262, 266, 287, 315, 318–20, 356, 360, 377, 400–1, 404–6, 411, 413, 420, 431, 452, 455, 457, 463–4, 467–8, 475, 480–1, 496, 511, 516, 522, 537, 542, 547, 549, 551, 553–4, 567, 640, 741;
-, redeem from pledge, xxi, 76, 80–1, 91, 117, 264, 421, 464, 543, 567, 656

Clowes, Sarah, prisoner, possessor, 343, 453, 456

Clowsley, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 471

Coal, Thomas, see Cole, Thomas

Coat(e)s, John Paulin (Pullein), debtor, 397, 503

Coe, James, prisoner, suspected utterer, and his father, Thomas, 22

Coldbath Fields prison, see prisons, in London

Cole, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 730

Coles, W., debtor, 710

Collins, Mary, see Pimblott, Mary

common sergeant of London, 300

Connell, William, prisoner (unpaid fine), 525

-, Catherine, see Brown, Catherine
-, Emma, see Kemble, Louisa

Connolly, ..., Mrs, wife of a prisoner, 372

convict ships, see ships, transport

-, ..., Mr, prisoner's bail, 300
-, Charles, offender (unspecified), 85
-, Charles, prisoner, utterer, 129, 145–6

Coote, Thomas, see Coutts, Thomas

Corigan, ..., Mr, prisoner's friend, 531

Cork, Ireland, 701

counterfeit coins (silver tokens and dollars), ix, 83, 147, 150, 160, 180, 210, 222, 227, 349, 574, 581, 596, 600, 716, 731

counterfeiters, ix


assize courts: Bristol, 695; Carlisle, 268; Chester, 49; Derby, 199, 202; Devon, 349; Durham, 268, 461; Essex, 565; Glamorgan, 748; Gloucester, 196, 274; Hertford, 60; Kent (Maidstone), 529; Lancaster, 630–1, 633, 651, 653, 658, 661, 663–5, 706, 712, 754; Newcastle, 63; Norwich, 602; Nottingham, 268, 273; Shrewsbury, 660; Southampton, 765; Stafford, 661; Surrey, 182, 742, (at Guildford), 394 (at Kingston), 200; Warwick, 201, 449, 451–2, 576, 618, 668, 720, 752; Winchester, 268–9; York, 694;

magistrates' courts in London: Bow Street, 2, 231; Hatton Garden, 561; Queen Square, 393; Worship Street, 160, 244–5;

magistrates' courts outside London: New Bayley (later New Bailey), Salford, 527;

Old Bailey Sessions court, vii, ix, 73, 100, 104, 135, 155, 175, 214, 224, 239, 247, 303, 316, 353, 355, 368, 378–9, 417, 433, 447–8, 504, 519, 535–6, 562, 604, 619, 648, 650, 656, 661, 674, 738, 742;

quarter sessions: Mdx (at Hicks Hall) 124, 300, 563;

sheriff court: Jedburgh, Scotland 63

Courtney, Susannah, prisoner, utterer, 237, 249, 276

Cousins, ..., Mr, prisoner's landlord, 409

Coutts, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 313

Coventry, Warws., 731

Coventry, ..., Mrs, 418

Cowing, James, debtor, 415

Crampton, Hannah, prisoner, utterer, 275; her husband William, prisoner, utterer, 694

Crawley, David, prisoner, utterer, 370, 741

Cribb, Thomas, horse stealer, 577

Criss, Susannah, 575

Croft, Mary Anne, prisoner, utterer, 366

Crosby, Robert, clergyman of Hoxton Square, 483

Crowder, Charles, seller, 743

Croydon, Surr., 59

Cunningham, David, prisoner, 750

Curran, Edward, offender (unspecified), 587

Currey, Thomas, prisoner, seller, 712

-, ..., keeper of Maidstone gaol, 671
-, William, prisoner, utterer, 212–3


-, ..., Mrs, tried for assault, 124
-, Henry, prisoner, utterer, 129, 152–3; his wife Ann, xxi, 153
-, Samuel, see Dell, Samuel
-, Thomas, barber on hospital ship, 726

Dardis, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 614–5

-, Henry, seller, 428, 743–4
-, John, seller, 494, 743–4
-, Mary Ann, see Griffiths, Mary Ann

Davenport, Sedley, official at Newgate gaol, 149

-, Maria, widow of executed forger, Daniel, xx
-, Prudence, prisoner, utterer, 532
-, (alias Young), William, prisoner, utterer, 384

-, ..., 386
-, ..., guard for transportees, 488
-, Amelia, see Bellairs, Amelia
-, John, base dollar utterer, 83
-, John, prisoner, utterer (Dorchester), 593
-, John, prisoner, utterer (London), 620–25; his wife Ann, 623; his brother Thomas, 621
-, Joseph, prisoner, utterer, 386
-, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 268
-, Mary, see Best, Mary
-, Sarah (alias Long), prisoner, utterer, 73
-, W.C. (Capt.), debtor, 23

Dawson, George, clerk at Surrey county gaol, 456

Day, Harriet, see Treemer, Harriet

Deal, Kent, 687

Deal, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 422

death of child of prisoner, 175, 254–5, 261, 399, 401

death penalty for Bank note forgery and uttering, ix, xi, xx;
-, compared with other property crimes, xi
-, control of through plea-bargain system, x
-, prisoners awaiting xi, xx, 131–4, 300, 305, 365, 440, 446, 512, 522–4, 672, 673, 689, 712, 747, 754;
-, respite from, xi

debtors and bankrupts at Bank's suit, xii, xxiv see also under individual's name

Dell (or Dale), Samuel, prisoner, utterer, and his wife, 374

Denham, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 538, 550–3, 555–6

Dent, Edward, seller, 314

Deptford, Kent, ix, 118, 169, 171, 184–95, 205–7, 235–6, 268, 273, 275–6, 332–9, 628–35

Derby, 202

Devizes, Wilts., 605, 716, 722

Dewhurst, Elizabeth, prisoner, seller, 633

-, Anne, prisoner, seller, 449, 451
-, Benjamin (alias Oliver), prisoner, possessor; his wife Ann and his mother Sarah, 664
-, G., vicar of Wem, 660

Die (or Dye), William, 306–7, 374

Dittman, John, debtor, 279

Dixon, Thomas, transported utterer, and his wife Charlotte, 193

Docker, Elizabeth (or Sarah), prisoner, seller, 335

-, Hannah, prisoner, possessor, 235
-, Samuel, attorney to Bank of England, xiv

Dorrien, George, governor of Bank of England, 118

Dowding, William, keeper of Fisherton gaol, Salisbury, 721

-, (alias Ward), Clarissa, prisoner, utterer, 310, 367, 438, 453; George and William, her brothers, prisoners, utterers, 373
-, James, prisoner, utterer, 495

-, Ann, prisoner, utterer, 188
-, John, utterer, base dollars, 83

Downs, the, off Deal, Kent, 664–5, 668

Doyle, William, prisoner, possessor, 665

Dry, Jabis, 575, 596

Dublin, Ireland, 49, 575, 701

-, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 50–1
-, Thomas, offender (unspecified), 733

Duncan, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 235

Duncan prison ship, see hulks

-, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 235
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 274

Durham (city), 268

Durham, ..., prisoner, 402

Dye, Henry, prisoner, utterer, 661; his brother Robert, prisoner, utterer, 661


Eames, Sir John, magistrate, Surr., 383

East India Company, xv, 674

Eaststaff, George, keeper of Reading county gaol, 719

Eastwaite (or Erstwaite), Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 230, 661

Eastwood, John, prisoner, utterer, 592–3

Edinburgh, Scotland, 701

Edgcumbe, Parson, offender (unspecified), 15

Edmunds, ..., Mr, friend of prisoner, 216

-, ..., 386
-, James, offender (unspecified), 62

Egan, Edward, burglar, 247

Elliott, ..., Mr, shopman, 245

-, ..., forger, 728
-, (alias Latkow), John (or George), prisoner, utterer, 517

Emery, John, see Borrows, John

-, George, utterer, 595
-, William, utterer, 595

England, Mary, prisoner, utterer, vii, viii, 163, 184, 189; her husband James, vii

Enies and Barnard, Messrs, goldsmiths, 381

Entwistle, Ann, see Anntwistle, Ann

Ernshaw, ..., 581

Erstwaite, Thomas, see Eastwaite, Thomas

Esden, Lydia, see Astell, Lydia

-, Ann, prisoner, utterer, 235
-, Sarah, see Whiley, Sarah
-, Simon (or Samuel), prisoner, utterer, 557, 759
-, Thomas, keeper of Bristol bridewell, 695

Exeter, Devon, 192, 349, 580

Eyre, William, debtor, 395

Eyreson, Hannah and John, see Hearson


Falmouth, Cornw., 34, 45

Fane, Sir Henry, 157

Farmilo, Susan, prisoner, utterer, 423

Farney, George, informer, 700, 726

Fear, John, prisoner, utterer, 738–9, 740; his wife Ann, 738

Fell, Anne and Charles, petitioners, and Sarah, their daughter, acquitted of uttering, 155

Fenn, ..., Mr, M.P., see Fane

Fenwick, Alexander, keeper of debtors' prison (unspecified), 10

Ferguson, ..., utterer, 728

Fidler (alias Sparrow), Charles, utterer, 563–4

-, Frederick, utterer, and Elizabeth his wife, 225–6
-, William, utterer, 662

Flamston, Elizabeth, see Sly, Elizabeth

'Fleet notes', 108

Fleet prison, see prisons, in London

Fleming, Ann, see Harris, Ann

Forde, Brownlow, ordinary of Newgate, 25

Forbes, Jonathan, prisoner, utterer, 589, 593

forged notes:
-, continued selling in prison, viii, xix;
-, note circulation networks, ix;
-, possession of as 'lesser offence', vii, x, xii;
-, price of, 106, 347, 384, 446, 496, 708, 753

forgery, as capital offence, see death penalty for Bank note forgery and uttering;
-, of other financial documents, 3, 11, 302

-, (alias Haynes), Ann, prisoner, utterer, 35–9, 45
-, Thomas, prisoner, forger, 131–4, 149

Foster, W., 575, 596

Foy, John, police officer, 164, 374, 562, 670

France, viii, 690

France, Richard, prisoner, possessor, 601

Francis, William, executed for forgery, 590

Franklin, Maria, 12

Franks, Joseph, prisoner, utterer, 766

Frankling, ..., Mr, attorney, 671

-, Harriet, see Treemer, Harriet
-, ..., Mr, Bank investigator, 393

Freshfield, James, William, partner at Freshfields, xiv, xv

Freshfields, solicitors to Bank of England, vii, ix, x–xi, xiii–xv, xxiii, xxiv, and passim;
-, archives, see archives, Bank of England, Freshfields papers at
-, chief clerks at, xv;
-, see also Maynard, Joseph; Rooker J.; Suter, ...; Westwood, James;
-, offices of, xii, xiv, xv, xxi;
-, partners in, see Acton, John; Beckwith Francis; Freshfield, James William; Kaye, Charles; Kaye, Joseph; Maynard, Joseph Cam; Winter, John sr; Winter, John jr

Friend, Charles, 110

Frier, John, 759

Fryer, George, seller/housebreaker, 763

-, ..., 590
-, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 392

Furman, William, offender (unspecified), 725


Gager, Mary, see Beavitt, Mary

Games, Charles (alias Garner, George), prisoner, utterer, 158; his wife and children, xx

Gammon, ..., Mr, constable, Chiswick, 217, 248

gaol allowance, vii, xix, 145–6, 165, 183, 216, 238, 241, 248, 256, 259, 309, 319, 321, 377, 394, 405, 414, 430–1, 432, 434, 455, 457, 463, 465, 468, 475–6, 507, 516, 521, 543–4, 552, 628, 679, 720

gaols, see prisons, in London; prisons outside London

Gardener, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 267, 680; her husband, 680

Gardner, James, seller, 759

Garing, Michael, see Gearing, Michael

Garner, George, see Games, Charles

Gearing, Michael, prisoner, possessor, 603–4

George (alias Buncal), Robert, prisoner, utterer, 92–3

Gerain, Michael, see Gearing, Michael

-, J., clerk in Lincoln's Inn, 380
-, Vickery, Sir, attorney general, 695

-, Hannah, prisoner, utterer, 317, 319, 377, 424–7, 438, 453
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 602
-, Samuel, prisoner, seller, 674; his wife Mary, xxi, 674

Giles, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 656, 661

Gillis, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 326

Giltspur Street compter, see prisons, in London

Glasgow, 701

Gloucester, 196, 274, 658

-, Mary, see Walker, Mary
-, Thomas, Bank investigator, 101, 166, 167, 185, 194, 206, 207, 362, 401, 463, 465, 476, 477, 479, 481, 482, 485, 514, 539, 540, 542, 545, 549, 551, 555, 559, 659, 713, 760

Goodenough, ..., Mr, petitioner for prisoner, 58

Gorman, Catherine, prisoner, utterer, 343, 453, 455–6

Gosport Harbour, see Portsmouth, as station for hulks

-, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 539
-, Jane, prisoner, utterer, and her husband Steven, 559

-, ..., circuit judge, 157
-, ..., magistrate, Bow Street, 578, 591

-, ..., Mr, shoemaker, 232
-, William, offender (assault), 346

Grasby, William, shoemaker, 229

Gravesend, Kent, xii, 90–1, 129, 450–3

-, Hannah, prisoner, utterer, 366
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 572
-, John (2), prisoner, 410

Greenock, Scotland, 701

Greenslade, Isaac, prisoner, utterer, 217, 248

Greenwich, Kent, 760

Greetham, Moses, jr, solicitor, Portsmouth, 30, 205

Gregg, John, prisoner, utterer, 752

Gregory, Henrietta, prisoner, utterer, 115–18

-, Frances, prisoner, utterer, 512, 533
-, ..., Mrs, matron at Newgate gaol, 482
-, Robert, prisoner, utterer, 694
-, Thomas, head nurse on hospital ship, 726

Griffin, George, keeper of Bath gaol, 595

Griffith, E., chaplain of Shrewsbury goal, 660

-, ..., (Griffes), Mr, 233
-, (alias Dart), Mary Ann, prisoner, possessor, 428

Grigg, John, prisoner, utterer, 241

Grime, James (sr), prisoner, utterer, and James (jr) his son, prisoner, utterer, 735

Grosvenor, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 443

Guernsey, 690

Guildford, Surr., 457

Gulley, Thomas, prisoner, seller, 575–6, 590–1, 593; his wife Martha, utterer, 590

Gust (alias Sulbrook),..., 563


Haines, Amelia, see Hines, Amelia

-, Jim, transportee, 402
-, Samuel, prisoner, utterer, 234

-, ..., 596
-, Anne, prisoner, utterer, 366
-, Oman, false bank trader, 350

Halliwell, Antony, prisoner, utterer, 662; his wife Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 235

Hammill, Isabella, prisoner, seller, 532

Hancox, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 450, 453

Handsworth, Warws., 347, 733,

Harby, Moses, offender (unspecified), 24

Hardacre, Catherine, prisoner, seller, 333–4, 713

Hardy, ..., Mr, official at Newgate gaol, 145, 178, 226, 317, 319, 406

Harland, Edward, prisoner, forger, 179; his widow, xxi

Harman, Jeremiah, governor of Bank of England, 284

Harmer, J., solicitor, 341

Harper, Mr, at Bank of England, 131, 132

Harriot, Mr Thames police officer, 181

-, (alias Fleming) Ann, prisoner, utterer, 652
-, Henry, prisoner, utterer, 546
-, Robert, thief, 223

-, ..., Mr, pawnbroker, 496
-, Charlotte, prisoner, utterer, 238
-, William, prisoner, 241

Hartned, Mary, see Hartnell, Mary

Hartnell (alias Read, alias Wilson), Mary, prisoner, utterer, 318, 429, 438, 453

Harvey, William, prisoner, utterer, 244–5

Harwood, Isack, seller, 273

Hase, Henry, chief cashier, Bank of England, 198, 268, 357, 627, 648, 662, 734

Hatfield, Amelia, prisoner, utterer, 176, 177

Hatton, John, prisoner, possessor, 582–3

Hawkesbury, Lord, see Jenkinson

Haynes, Ann, see Foss, Ann

Hayselden (or Hazelton), Elizabeth, prisoner, possessor, 210, 235

Healy, Betty, prisoner, seller, 333–4, 713

Hearn, John, prisoner, utterer, 373

Hearson (or Eyreson), Hannah, prisoner, utterer, 104–5, 141, 143, 627, 635; her husband John, prisoner, utterer, 103–4, 626, 627

Heath, ...Judge (Norwich), 602

Hebb, ..., Mr, tobacconist, 762

Henderson, ..., sheriff, Jedburgh, Scotland, 63

Henningham, William, prisoner, utterer, 107, 608; his wife, xx

Henshaw, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 236

Herbert, Rachel, prisoner, utterer, 545

Hertford, 191, 642

Hewster, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 486–7, 542, 543

Heylin, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 453

Hickson, James, offender (unspecified), 588

Higgins, John, governor of Lancaster castle, 672–3, 689, 699, 712

-, John, prisoner, possessor, 303–4, 373
-, William, prisoner, utterer, 562

Hilton, Catherine, prisoner, utterer, 532

Hindon, ..., Mr, spunging house keeper, 21

Hines, Amelia, prisoner, seller, 449, 720

Hinshaw family, 596

Hitchen, William, offender (unspecified), 82

Hitchens, Frances, prisoner, seller, 720

Hoad, ..., thief, 319

Hobhouse, Henry, home office, permanent under secretary of state, 728, 738

Hoby, ..., Mr, shoemaker, 759

Hodge, William, counterfeiter, 718, 729

Hodges, Joseph, prisoner, utterer, 59

Hogan, Lydia, prisoner, utterer, 364, 519–21

Holland, William, prisoner, 161

Hollins, John, offender (unspecified), 570–1

Holman, James, prisoner, utterer, 528–9, 760–2

Holmes, Sarah, see Howell, Sarah

Holt, Cornelius, seller, 44

Holyland, ..., Mr, Bow Street officer, 757

home (secretary's) office, xii, xxiv, 89, 178, 608;
-, see also Beckett, Joseph, Capper, John Henry; Hobhouse, Henry, White, Thomas

home secretary, xxi, xxii;
-, Lord Sidmouth, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, 103, 110, 114, 120, 158, 221, 236, 246, 270, 307, 513, 527, 651–2, 656, 664, 668, 698–9, 715, 720, 723, 727–8, 738, 744, 757;
-, see also Jenkinson, Robert Banks, Lord Hawkesbury (later 2nd earl of Liverpool); Ryder, Sir Richard

Hooper, R., thief, 224

Hope, Mr, 701

Hopgood, John, prisoner, utterer and his wife Mary, 156

Hopkins, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 271

Horne, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 398

Horneman, H. F., debtor, 277

Horsemonger Lane gaol, see prisons, London

Horsham, Surr., 733

House, Francis, 590

Howard, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 485, 552, 556, 751; her husband William, prisoner, possessor, 556, 751

-, ..., 575
-, (alias Roberts, alias Holmes), Sarah, prisoner, utterer, vii, xv, 256–61, 265, 330–1

Howes, Robert, offender (unspecified) 696

Huddersfield, xv

Hudson, J.E., keeper of Chester castle gaol, 764

-, Martha, prisoner, seller, 631
-, Michael (or William), prisoner, utterer, 578
-, Peter, prisoner, seller, 673

Hulbert, Samuel, prisoner, utterer, 592–3

hulks (prison ships): xi, xiii, xviii, xix
-, Bellerophon, 666, 668–9, 681–3, 698–701, 723–4, 727;
-, corporal punishment and hard labour on, xi
-, Captivity, 589–94, 598–9, 648–50, 657–8, 667, 695;
-, description of life on, 64, 87;
-, Duncan, 767;
-, Justitia, 196–203, 273–4, 348–9, 527–9;
-, Laurel, 618, 622, 624–5, 703;
-, Leviathan, 556, 704–5, 742–6, 751–2, 759;
-, Portland, 587–8, 600–1, 614–17, 651, 654–6, 697;
-, Prudentia, 59–60, 62–3;
-, request for removal to, 766;
-, Retribution, xvi, 48, 64–6, 68–9, 86–9, 91–3, 97–8, 101–4, 106, 110, 113, 127, 156–9, 234, 436, 662, 664, 684, 694, 702, 737–8, 740–1;
-, Royal Admiral, 61;
-, unnamed, 213, 656;
-, Zealand, 602–3, 606–11, 646

Humphreys, ..., Mr, attorney, 240

Hunt, Edward, keeper of Portsmouth gaol, 750

Hyland (or Ireland), Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 377, 412


Idswell, ..., stamp forger and his wife, 2

-, of prisoners, 51–2, 54, 65, 94–5, 175, 208, 211, 233, 269, 318, 321, 330, 334, 336, 360, 362, 366, 386, 388, 399, 401, 402, 413, 420, 424, 428, 430–1, 477, 479, 486, 507, 509, 520–1, 539, 556, 572, 589, 592, 601, 637, 651, 697, 751, 759, 766;
-, of prisoner's spouse, 46, 115, 125–7, 129, 330, 485, 552, 556;
-, of prisoner's children, 118, 123, 175, 177, 190, 254, 260–1, 362, 364, 391, 401, 499, 521; see also death of child of prisoner

informants to Bank, xii, xviii, xx; see also under name of individual

Ireland, 152, 575–6, 596, 701

Ireland, Sarah, see Hyland, Sarah

Isaacs, Jacob, utterer, 181


-, John (alias Tarbox, Joseph), prisoner, utterer, 742–6
-, Sir John, M.P., 727
-, Samuel, utterer, 658

-, Haffey of Middlesex Street, 596
-, ... (Jacakeps), 677

James, John, prisoner, utterer, and his wife Ann, 246

Janson, ..., Mr, spunging house keeper, 21

Jasper, William, prisoner, utterer, 378

Jedburgh, Scotland, 63

Jelly, James, prisoner, seller, and his wife, 723–4

Jenkins, George, prisoner, utterer, 581

-, Mary Ann, prisoner, forger, 43–5
-, Robert Banks, Lord Hawkesbury (later 2nd earl of Liverpool), 45, 46, 590

-, Joseph, possessor, 701
-, Joseph (same?), prisoner, possessor, 618

Jervis, William, prisoner, utterer, 534

-, Phillis, prisoner, utterer, 537
-, Samuel, prisoner, 732

-, Benjamin, offender (unspecified), 221, 228
-, Edward, keeper of Norwich castle gaol, 763
-, Hannah, prisoner, utterer, 207
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 592–3
-, J.A., attorney, 765
-, Richard, see Burbidge, Richard
-, Robert, prisoner, utterer, 111
-, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 514–5, 533

Jonas, ... ('a Jew'), forger, 2

-, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 135–8, 140, 148, 636, 638
-, Humphrey, keeper of Ruthin gaol, 572
-, James, prisoner, utterer, 702
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 444
-, J. W., petitioner for prisoner, 418
-, Laurence, forger, and his widow, 2
-, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 549
-, Richard, prisoner, possessor, 592–3

Jorgensen, Jorgen, debtor, 168

judges, the twelve, 400, 451

jury, grand, 393, 465

Justitia prison ship, see hulks


Kain (or Kaine, Kane, Kean, Keen), Catherine, prisoner, utterer, 171

-, Charles, partner, Freshfields, xiv, 717
-, Joseph, partner, Freshfields, xiv, xv, 11, 51, 118, 134, 188–9, 195, 197, 275, 309, 383, 553, 575–6, 596, 628, 711
-, Thomas, witness, 589

-, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 401
-, Mary Ann, utterer, 536

Kemble, Louisa, (alias Conner, Emma), prisoner, utterer, 296–8, 324; Catherine her sister, 296–8, 324

Kent, 716

Kent,..., 527

-, ..., 581
-, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 666

-, ..., seller, 240
-, George, prisoner, utterer, 558
-, James, 716
-, John, see Williams, James
-, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 393
-, Robert, 575, 596

King's Bench prison, see prisons, in London

Kingswood, Surr., 721

-, ..., Mr, Newgate gaol official (?), 29
-, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 379

Kirkman,..., 581

Knotts, Mrs, friend of prisoner, 725

Koops, Matthias, debtor, 2


Ladlow, Mr, shoemaker, 759

Lamb, Michael, 'Fleet note' handler, 108

Lambert, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 548

Lancashire, ix, 527, 568, 581

Lancaster castle gaol, see prisons, outside London

Lane, Timothy, prisoner, utterer, 351

Langley, Thomas, executed for forgery, 157

Langstone Harbour, see Portsmouth, as station for hulks

Later, Charles, utterer, 529

Latkow, John (or George), see Ellis, John

Laurel prison ship, see hulks

-, Archibald, clerk to Portsmouth town clerk, 687, 744
-, James, prisoner, utterer, 327

Layshaw, Ann (alias Wardle, Sarah), prisoner, utterer, 565

Leagh (or Leigh), W., prisoner on hulk, 662

Lawrence, Thomas, utterer, 677

Lazarus, Eleazar, prisoner, possessor, 199

Leach, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 94–5

Le Breton, Thomas, governor of Cardiff gaol, 748

Lee(s), John, Bank investigator, 101, 103, 149, 562, 649

Leeds, Yorks., 633

-, ..., utterer, 728
-, Catherine, prisoner, utterer, 400

Lenny, Mary, prisoner, forger, xvi, 268–9

Leonard, Susannah, prisoner, utterer, 409

'lesser offence', see forged notes, possession of

Lester, Samuel, possessor, 753

-, appearance and form of, xii, xiii
-, delivery by hand to Freshfields' offices, xii
-, female involvement in writing, xv
-, females able to write, xvi
-, gendered nature of requests in, xvii
-, multi-writers, xv
-, objectives of writers, xv–xix
-, 'oral writing' in, xiii
-, postal delivery of, xiii
-, requesting pecuniary relief, xvii–xviii, xix, xxi
-, responses to, viii, xx–xxiii
-, use of scribes to write, xiii, xvi

Leviathan prison ship, see hulks

Levy, Lazarus, thief, 705

Lincoln, 273

Litchfield, Staffs., 334

Liverpool, 2nd earl of, see Jenkinson

Liverpool, Lancs., 49, 181, 672, 701

-, James, prisoner, 182
-, Jecks, see Lomas John
-, John, solicitor, Stockport, 64–7, 87, 582–3, 764

Lockyer, Mr, shopkeeper, 244–5

Lomas, John, (alias Lloyd, Jecks), prisoner, utterer, 522–4; his wife, 524

London, places in:
-, Albany (New) Road (Old Kent Road) 348; Albany Yard (Old Kent Road), 501; Ave Maria Lane, 381; Basinghall Street, 1; Berkeley Square, 606; Blackhorse Yard (Aldersgate Street), 708; Blackwall, 97; Bloomsbury Square, 568; Borough, 387, 688, 762; Bryanston Square, 734; Camberwell, 150, 534; Carlisle Place (Borough), 387; Charles Street, Drury Lane, 491, 493; Chiswick, 248; Church Lane (St George East), 623; City Road, 155; Covent Garden Market, 740; Coventry Street, 759; Crooked Lane (Cannon Street), 274; Chapel Street, 759; Dog Lane (Row?), Mile End, 522; Drury Lane, 753; Duke Street (Bloomsbury), 240; Eagle Street (Holborn), 300; East Smithfield, 688; Essex Street (Strand), 150; Fann Street, 494, 743; Fleet Lane, 167; Fore Street, Lambeth, 22; Fore Street (London Wall?), 204; French Alley (Hatfield Street), 708; Friar Street (Blackfriars Road), 496; George Street, Blackfriars Road, 232; George Yard (Whitechapel), 91; Golden Lane, 160, Gracechurch Street, 407, 553; Hammersmith, 248; Hatfield Street (Goswell Street), 708; Hatton Garden, 341, 561; Holborn, 70, 245; Holborn Hill, xii; Howland Street, 245; Hoxton, 483; Islington, 155; KentishTown, 496; Kings Street, 615; Leigh Street, 300; Limehouse, 102; Lincoln's Inn (New Square), 671; Little St Thomas Apostle Street, 526; Long Alley (Moorfields), 231; Long Acre, xii; Marylebone New Road, 759;Middlesex Street, 596; Montagu Place, 380; Mount Street, 759; New Bank Buildings, xiv; Nightingale Lane, Tower Hill, 2; Noble Street, 494; Norfolk Street (Strand), 87; Old Pye Street, 399; Old Street, 109; 13; Oxford Road (Street) 759; Parliament Street, 568; Pear Tree Street (Goswell Road), 743; Piccadilly, 759; Prujean (Prugean) Square (Court), 621; Ratcliff, 375; Saffron Hill, 318; St Bartholemew's Hospital, 479–80, 505, St James's Street, 759; St John Square, 132; St Margaret's Hill, Borough, 762; St Swithun's Lane, xiv; St Thomas's Hospital, 708; Shoreditch, ix; Smithfield, 546, 708; Smiths Court (Holborn?), 143; Somerset Street, Aldgate, 200; South Audley Street, 365; Stepney, 375; Thayre Street, 589; TokenhouseYard, xiv; Tottenham Court Road, 245; Tower Street (Westminster), 153; Vine Street, 536, 564, 759; Wardour Street, 759; Whitecross Street; 130; Wood Street (Cheapside), 260; Wych Street, 20

London, public houses (alehouses) in:
-, Admiral Benbow, Golden Lane, 160; Ball, Long Alley, Moorfields, 231; Brewer, Friar Street, Blackfriars Road, 496; Coach and Horses, Drury Lane, 753; Coach and Horses, Fann Street, 494, 743; Crown and Sceptre, Golden Lane, 357; Golden Lion, Fore Street(London Wall?), 204; Greyhound, (unlocated), 708; Man in the Moon, Noble Street, 494; Robin Hood (unlocated), 215; Ship, Whitecross Street, 130

London, prisons, see prisons

Long, Sarah, see Davis, Sarah

Longman, Samuel, prisoner, possessor, 492

Lord, Ann, prisoner, seller, 333–4, 715

Low, John Vesey, prisoner, 154

Lowe,..., 701

Lowes, Jonathan, 677

Lucas, Martha, prisoner, utterer, 479–80, 505, 533

Lymington, Hants, 750


Macarthy, Ann, prisoner, utterer, 28–31, 45

McBride, Elizabeth, prisoner, possessor, 481–2

McCann (alias Murphy), John, prisoner, seller, 653

McCarthy, Johanna, pri0

soner, utterer, 337, 695

-, John, prisoner's landlord, 615
-, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 453

McDermot, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 365

McKenna, R. B., solicitor of Cannon Street, London, 274

Macklanine (?), Thomas, 215

McLaud, Samuel, seller, 384

McMahon, Hugh, prisoner, possessor, 691, 701, 711

Mcnortore,..., Mr, shoemaker, 606

McNoughtion,..., Mr, shoemaker (same?), 759

Macquarie, Lachlan, governor of New South Wales, 307, 667

McQuinn, Charles, 596

Maddocks, Benjamin, prisoner, utterer, 592–3

Maidenhead, Berks., 734

Maidstone, Kent, 670–1, 693, 760–2

Maitland, Ebenezer, director of Bank of England, 51–2

Man, Alexander, debtor, 280

Manchester, 527, 581–2, 631, 672, 723; magistrates in, 581

Manners, Henry, prisoner (Devizes), 722

Manning, William, director and governor of Bank of England, 103, 116

Mannings,..., Mr, solicitor, Clements Inn, 300

Marr, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 363

-, ..., 400, 575
-, ..., Mrs, mother of prisoner, 402

Marshalsea prison, see prisons, in London

Marshall, J., prisoner, utterer, and his wife, 1–2

Martin, Catherine, prisoner, utterer, 362, 499

Mason, George, 744

Mather, Solomon, prisoner, utterer, 735

Matt, John, witness, 132

-, Joseph, at Freshfields, 517, 522–3, 566
-, Joseph Cam, (same?), partner at Freshfields, xiv

Mayner, Samuel, prisoner, utterer, 5–6; A. his wife, 6

Mazagora, Mary, prisoner, seller, 205

Mellish, William, governor of Bank of England, M.P. for Mdx, 526

Menzies, W., offender (unspecified), 227

Meredith, William, executed for forgery, 590

Miares, Clementina, prisoner, utterer, 532

Middleton, Lancs., 527

Middleton, William, prisoner, utterer, 98, 102

Miles, Henry, 581

Millbank penitentiary, see prisons, in London

-, ..., 581
-, Elizabeth, prisoner, possessor, 394
-, John, police officer, Liverpool, 672

Mills, Eli, solicitor, 765

Millson, Edward, book keeper, discharged prisoner, 151

Milne, Oswell, of New Bayley, Salford, 527, 672

mint, the royal, 214, 596, 729;
-, solicitors to, 568, 726, 729

Mitchell, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 453

Montagu, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 532

-, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 453
-, Henry, offender, (unspecified), 647, 659
-, James, prisoner, utterer, 361
-, John, prisoner, possessor, 727

Morgan, David, keeper of Carmarthen borough gaol, 717

Morpeth, Northumb., 63

-, Benjamin, prisoner (unspecified), 229
-, Elizabeth, prisoner, 99, 231, 627
-, Frances, prisoner, 350
-, George, prisoner, seller, 668–9, 674; his wife Elizabeth, 669
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 306–7
-, (alias Tongue), William, prisoner, utterer, 527

Moxham, James, prisoner, utterer, 737

-, Archibald, 65, 68
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 448
-, John, see McCann, John


Nadin, Joseph, deputy constable of Manchester, 581, 588, 657, 672, 747

-, ..., Mr, friend of prisoner, 91
-, ..., (alias Williams), 563

navy, see armed services

Neilde, John, prisoner, utterer, 666

Newchurch, Lancs., 715

Newgate gaol, see prisons, in London

-, Abraham, chief cashier, Bank of England, 580
-, (or Newman), Isaac, prisoner, utterer, 609–10, 613

-, ..., horse dealer, 693
-, ..., keeper of Newgate gaol, 117, 143–4, 148
-, Charlotte, prisoner, utterer, xx, 305
-, Isaac, see Newland, Isaac
-, Samuel (or Thomas), prisoner, utterer, 240–2

Newmarket, Suff., 93

Noble, Ann, prisoner, seller, 192

Norman, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 333–4

North Bradley, Wilts., vicar of, 605

Northfleet, Kent, 111, 170

Norwich, 763

Nottingham, 268, 273

Nunn, ..., Mr, tailor, 589


occupations, professions and trades:
-, attorney, 1, 202, 240, 671, 765; baker, pastry cook, 109, 580, 594; baker, ginger breadmaker, 109; banker, 350, 717; barber, 726; book keeper, 151; brewery manager, 524; butcher, 22, 599, 605; carpenter, 60, 664; clergymen, 25, 483, 605, 660; clerk, 380, 687, 744, 752; coachman, 546; cooper, 347, 501; die-sinker, 222; engraver, 3, 152, 600; farmer, 660, 689; goldsmith, 381; hawker, 691, 701, 711; highways surveyor, 375; hop and corn merchant, 396; horse dealer, 110, 693, 716; inn keeper, 687; japanner, 43–5; landlady/ landlord, 55, 160, 240, 375, 409, 615; lawyer, 151; linen draper, 22; lodging house keeper, 269; navy agent, 244–5; nurse, 726; paper maker, 152; pawnbroker, 496; pin maker, 18; printer, 131–4, 152; printer's overlooker, 150; rent collector, 375; rope maker, 347; saddle and harness maker, 496; sailor, 325, 373, 443, (royal marine) 513; school teacher, 200, 269; servant, 139–40, 256, 269, 352, 380, 734; shoe/bootmaker, 229, 557, 606–7, 759; shopkeeper, 244, 245; shop man, 22, 70, 244, 245; soldier, 444, 602, 702; solicitor, 30, 34, 45, 64–7, 87, 197, 205, 274, 300, 341, 407, 568, 573, 575, 582–3, 590, 595, 598–9, 605, 659, 710, 726, 729 739, 749, 765; tailor, 589; tobacconist, 762; tradesman, 483, 496; upholsterer, 300; warehouseman, 120; weaver (engine weaver), 674; wool merchant, xv

O'Connor, Dennis, counterfeiter, 611, 646

Old, David, debtor, 18

-, Barbara, prisoner, utterer, 268
-, Benjamin, see Dicken, Benjamin

Orton, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 450, 709

Oseland, John, offender (unspecified), 703

Outridge, John, prisoner, utterer, 708

Owen, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 357–8; his wife Elizabeth, 358

Owens, John, prisoner, seller, 312

overseer of poor, 375, 605

Overton, ..., 494


Palethorpe, Joseph, debtor, 84

Paley, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 475–7, 506, 533

-, ..., Mr, friend of prisoner, 347
-, ..., prisoner, 622
-, Margaret (or Mary), (alias Brown, Eliza), offender (unspecified), 642

Parr, ..., 300

Pascoe, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 533

Pasmore, John, offender (unspecified), 571

Patrick, Benjamin, forger, 575–6, 701, 733

Paul, Ann, prisoner, utterer, 188

Pauls, ..., Mr, 701

Payce, George, offender (unspecified), 109

Peacock, Jack, 740

Pearson (alias Wright), Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 159, 165, 183–4, 187; her husband John, prisoner, utterer, 159

Pedley, Martha, prisoner, utterer, 628, 636–7

Pendleton, Mary (or Martha), prisoner, utterer, 317, 320, 377, 460

Pendray, William, prisoner, utterer, 349

Penrose, William, treasury official, 570

Percy, Peter, of Bow Street magistrates' court, 386

Peterborough, 660

Peters (alias Walker), William, prisoner, possessor, 586

-, George, seller, 749
-, William, prisoner, informer, 575–6, 591, 596

Pierce, Hugh, prisoner, utterer, 600

Pilcher (or Pitcher), Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 55

Pilkington, Anne, prisoner, utterer, 326

Pimblott (alias Collins), Mary, prisoner, seller, 532

Pinehard, John, solicitor, 605

Pitcher, Sarah, see Pilcher, Sarah

Platt, Mary Ann, prisoner, utterer, 536

plea-bargain system, vii, ix, x;
-, refusal of offer of plea-bargain, viii, xxii;
-, requests for, xii
-, gratitude for, xxiii

Plymouth, as station for hulks, xix

Plymouth Dock, 349

Pole, Charles, governor of Bank of England, 759

Polley, Hannah, prisoner, seller, 369, 413, 430–1

Porter, Thomas, prisoner, possessor, 166, 402, 445, 740

Portland prison ship, see hulks

Portsea, Hants, 244, 696

Portsmouth, Hants, xix, 30–31, 49, 90, 205, 213, 570, 578–9, 613, 619, 625–7, 636–8, 641–2, 653, 661, 687–8, 705, 746, 750, 765;
-, as station for hulks, 556, 587–94, 598–601, 614–18, 622, 624, 648–51, 654–8, 667, 696, 697, 703–5, 742–5, 759;
-, town clerk of, see Callaway

Potter, Humphrey, remanded for burglary, 14

Poulett, ..., chaplain of Shrewsbury gaol, 660

Poultry compter, see prisons, in London

Pownall, John, lawyer, Staples Inn, 151

pregnancy and childbirth, 99, 102, 200, 239, 244, 250–3, 257–9, 375, 433, 484, 537, 554

Prescott, Charles, magistrate, Lancs., 87, 583

-, George, prisoner, utterer, 446
-, John, petitioner for prisoner, 132–3

Prichard, Benjamin, prisoner, possessor, 233

-, Ann, prisoner, utterer, 542, 543
-, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 46, 52
-, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 532

Prince Regent, the, xx, xxii, 132, 212, 214, 221, 375, 660, 712, 738

Pringle, Sophia, forger, power of attorney, 11

prisons, in London:
-, Borough compter, 382–3, 500;
-, Bridewell (New), 16;
-, Clerkenwell prison, 1–3, 13, 108, 151, 155, 160, 384, 560–1;
-, Coldbath Fields prison, 12, 56–7, 109, 152, 180–1, 228–9, 341, 385, 397, 459, 522–5, 622, 681, 688;
-, Fleet prison, 2, 84, 168, 568;
-, Giltspur Street compter, 26 (New compter), 49, 172, 346, 351, 386, 519–21, 537;
-, Horsemonger Lane gaol, 14, 17, 58, 96, 150, 182, 233, 272, 342–5, 384, 387–94, 414, 455–7, 501, 518, 534, 558–9, 688;
-, King's Bench prison, 8, 19, 23, 173–4, 279, 340, 395–6, 415–16, 488, 502–3, 526;
-, Marshalsea prison, 85, 161;
-, Millbank penitentiary, 270–1, 321, 528, 714–5;
-, Newgate gaol, vii, xv–xvi, xxii, 2, 11, 25, 28–30, 32–33, 35–47, 50–5, 70–83, 94–5, 99–100, 105, 107, 112, 115–17, 120–1, 125, 131–49, 159, 162–6, 175–9, 183, 208–20, 223–4, 226–7, 237–67, 270–1, 278, 281–329, 333, 335, 337, 352–80, 401, 404–48, 454, 460, 462–97, 499, 504–17, 530–1, 535, 537–57, 561–7, 608, 614, 620–2, 625, 627, 639–40, 675–80, 700, 705, 741, 751;
-, conditions in, xviii–xix;
-, fees in, xix;
-, keeper of, xix, xxii; see also Newman, Mr; Brown, William Henry;
-, Poultry compter, 9, 18, 27;
-, Tothill Fields prison; 4–5, 7, 397
-, Whitecross Street prison, 244, 277–8, 280, 458;
-, Wood Street compter, 15, 24

prisons, outside London:
-, Ashbourne, 202; Bath, 595; Bedford county, 708; Birmingham, 573; Bodmin, 718, 729; Boulogne (France), 736; Bristol bridewell, 695; Bristol Newgate, 337; Carmarthen borough, 717; Chelmsford, 577, 730, 758; Cardiff, 748; Chester castle, 49, 764; Coventry, 731; Devizes, 605, 716, 722; Devon county, 732, Exeter, 192, 580, Fisherton, Salisbury, 612, 721; Gloucester city, 658; Gloucester county, 274; Hertford, 191; Horsham, 733; Ilchester castle, 400, 749, 756–7; Lancaster castle, 188, 195, 334, 581–3, 643, 662, 672–3, 689, 691–2, 699, 711–15, 735, 747, 754; Leicester, 709; Maidenhead, 734; Maidstone, 670–1, 693, 760–2; Morpeth, 63; Salford, New Bayley, 527; Norwich castle, 763; Norwich county, 763; Nottingham, 268, 273; Oxford castle, 710; Portsmouth, 750; Reading county, 719; Ruthin, 572; Shrewsbury, 660; Stafford, 350, 574, 647, 659; Warwick castle, 82, 449, 569, 575–6, 591, 596; Warwick county, 720; Winchester, 269, 716, 722, 765–6; Worcester, 652; York castle 644–5

prison system, xix

prison, work in, xviii, 366, 457

Pritchard, ..., Mr, printer's overlooker, 150

Procter, Charles, Bank investigator, 539, 552

Prosser, ..., Mr, shopkeeper, 244

Prudentia prison ship, see hulks

Pryor, Elizabeth, 553; her husband, Nathaniel (or Matthew), 407

public houses (alehouses), see London, public houses in

Pullen, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 54


Quin, James, prisoner, utterer, 663

Quinn, Catherine, prisoner, seller, 532


-, Richard, prisoner, utterer, 301, 373
-, William, prisoner, utterer, 592

radicals/reformers of Middleton, 527

Radmore, William, seller, 349

-, (alias Spence), utterer, 245
-, Mary, see Hartnell, Mary

Reading, Berks., 113, 496, 719

Reading, David, prisoner (unspecified), 229

recorder of London, 104, 684

'Red Bill's' woman, 613

Redding (or Reading, or Reeding), Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 511, 533

Redford, Mary, prosecution witness, 595

Redgrave, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 391

-, ..., police officer (London), 675–6
-, Mary Ann, prisoner, utterer, 311, 412, 438, 453

regiments and companies:

18th Hussars, 444; Cambridgeshire Militia (58th regiment of Foot), 602; HM African Corps, 578

'restriction', period of, viii, xxi

Retribution prison ship, see hulks

Rhodes, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 360, 432

'Richmond's party', 107

Ridpath, J. C. P., solicitor, Bath, 595, 598–9

-, John, die sinker, 222
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 321, 373

Rimes, John, prisoner, 579

-, Mary, utterer, 148
-, Robert, thief, 239
-, Sarah, see Howell, Sarah
-, Thomas, prisoner, seller, 653

-, ..., 756
-, George, 668
-, George, prisoner, 243
-, John, prisoner on hulk, 662
-, Mary (alias Singleton), prisoner, utterer, 467, 469, 470
-, Savile, offender (unspecified), 13

Rodgers (or Rogers), Henry, prisoner, utterer, 626, 627
-, Rooke,..., Mr, partner of Danish consul, 277

Roe, H. Mrs, prisoner, 26

Rogers, John, prisoner, utterer, 373

Rooker, J., clerk at Freshfields, 354–5, 409, 422, 474, 494

Ross, ..., 513

Royal Admiral prison ship, see hulks

Royal Exchange Assurance, xv

Roydhouse, William, debtor, 10

Ruff, ..., Mr, Bow Street police officer, 616, 752

Rummer, Ann, utterer on Norwich bank, 565

Rushton, Thomas, prisoner, possessor, 49

-, Edward, debtor, 396
-, George, prisoner, utterer, 111
-, Henry, prisoner, utterer, 157
-, Joseph, debtor, 172

Ryder, Sir Richard, home secretary, 77, 598


Salmon, ..., Mr, Bow Street police officer, 719

Sammon, Bib, 740

Sanderson, J. of Brick Lane, London, 597

Saunders, Ellen, prisoner, utterer, 453

Savage, ..., and family, 347

Sayers, John, prisoner, utterer, 344

Schrouder, John, debtor, 167

Scotland, 152, 596

Scott, Joseph, prisoner, utterer, 198

Scrubbs, William, friend of prisoner, 536

Scutts, J.H., cooper, 347, 501

Seath, James, 759

secretary of state for home office/home department, see home secretary

Sellars, (alias Wilson), Margaret, prisoner, utterer, 268

Seymour, George, prisoner, utterer, 496–7

Shanton, ..., Mr, 701

Sharp, Thomas, debtor, 173

Sharpe, David, prisoner, utterer, 447

Sharpies, William, prisoner, utterer, 658

-, ..., Mr, police officer in London, 371
-, ..., Mr, solicitor, 274
-, William, prisoner, utterer, 706

Shearer, Charles, commission agent, debtor, 526

Sheerness, Kent, as station for hulks, 159, 234, 602–4, 606–11, 662, 664–6, 668–9, 681–6, 694, 698–702, 706–7, 723–4, 727, 737–41, 767

Sherwood, William, horse stealer, 721


captains/masters of hulks; Blackman (Portland), 587, 601; Briant (Leviathan), 753; Mears (Retribution), 664; Owen, S. (Portland and Bellerophon), 655, 699; Smith (Justitita), 274; Steadman (Leviathan), 704;

captains of transport ships; Boulay (Indian), 90; Boyce (William Pitt), 30–1, 34, 45; Brown (Morley), 686; Ellerby (John Barry), 746; Osten (Elizabeth), 663; Shore (Fortune), 579; Walker (Fortune), 613; un-named transport ship captains, 89, 190, 651, 728;

hospital ships: Batavia, 706–7, 726; Discovery, 604; Savage, 114; un-named, 129;

naval ships, HMS Censor, 513;

ships (prison), see hulks;

ship's surgeon, Bromley, E.J. (Lord Wellington), 449–50;


transport ships: Admiral Gambier, 592; Baring, 653; Broxbournbury, 118, 169–71; Earl Spencer, 626–7; Elizabeth, 663; Fame, 661; Fortune, 570–1, 578–9, 613; Friendship, 268, 273, 275–6; General Hewitt, 111, 619; Granada, 739; Indian, 90–1; Janus, 398; John Barry, 746; Lord Melville, 235–6; Lord Wellington, xvi, 449–54, 461; Malabar, 529; Maria, 332–9; Mary Ann, 205–7, 532–3, 565; Morley, 664–6, 685–8; Northampton, vii, xvi, 184–95; Sidney Cove, 585; Sir William Bensley, 661–2; Somersetshire, 129, 152; Surrey, 625; Wanstead, 628–38, 641–2; William Pitt, 30–1, 34, 45;

transport ships for females, 553

Shone, Hannah, prisoner, utterer, 660

Shrewsbury, 660

Shrubsole, W., governor of Oxford castle gaol, 710

Sidmouth, Viscount, see home secretary

Silvester, Sir John, recorder of London, 104

Simcox, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 347–8, 501

Simpson, Thomas, forger, 272

Sinclair, Alexander, offender (unspecified), 736

Singleton, Mary, see Robinson, Mary

Siston, Som., 599

Skipper, John, under sheriff of Norfolk, 763

Skelton, Harriet, prisoner, utterer, 300

Sladen, Rachel, prisoner, utterer, 195

-, Bridget (or Elizabeth), prisoner, utterer, 530, 552, 555
-, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, and ?his wife Elizabeth (alias Morris), 99, 231, 627

Sly, Elizabeth (formerly Flamston), prisoner, possessor, and her husband John, prisoner, forger, 56–7, 70

Small, Archibald, prisoner, possessor, 661

-, ..., 513
-, ..., and female companion, 528
-, ..., Mr, prisoner's employer, 260
-, Ann, see Cadman, Sarah
-, Elizabeth (or Harriet), prisoner, utterer, (Putney), 345, 453, 456
-, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer (London), 478, 533
-, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, (London, another), 509, 533
-, George, (alias Tyler), Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 204
-, George, keeper of Tothill Fields prison, 4–7
-, Henry, debtor, 690
-, Henry, director of Bank of England, 118
-, Jane, prisoner, utterer, 137, 139–40, 636, 638
-, John, prisoner, utterer (Sussex), 97, 101
-, John, prisoner, utterer (Nottingham), 273
-, John, prisoner, utterer (London), 563–4
-, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 453, 461
-, Mary Ann, prisoner, utterer, 472–4, 547
-, Miss ... (Birmingham), seller, 347
-, Mrs ... (Birmingham), seller, 747
-, Philip, 693, 708
-, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 325, 373
-, Thomas, prisoner, utterer (another), 648–650
-, Thomas, tap room operator, King's Bench prison, 488
-, William, secretary, Bank of England Committee for Law Suits, 51–2, 118, 367, 422, 468, 474

Solihull, Warws., 347

Spears (or Spires), Margaret, prisoner, utterer, xv, xvii, 232, 250–5, 261, 289–95, 330–1; her brother, 232

Spencer, Sir George John Spencer, 2nd Earl, 157

Spink, Mrs, friend of prisoner, 232

Spithead, see Portsmouth, as station for hulks

Spunden, William, debtor's partner, 279

spunging houses, 20, 167

Spurrier, William, solicitor, Birmingham, 197, 573, 575, 590, 659, 749

Spurrier and Ingelby, solicitors, 749

Stafford, 347, 350, 574, 634, 647, 659

Staffordshire, 573

Stalard, ..., 656

Stalker, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 533

Stamford, Edward, petitioner for prisoner, 518

Stanton, Salop, 660

Startin, Sarah, prisoner, seller, 628, 636

Steel, Mary, prisoner, seller, 453, 454

Stevens, (or Stevenson), William, prisoner, seller, 347, 500

Stevenson, Maria, prisoner, utterer, 532

-, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 514, 533
-, William, prisoner, utterer (London), 606–7
-, William, prisoner, seller (Liverpool), 712

Stilbee, James, acquitted of uttering, 765

Stiles, Ann, prisoner, utterer, 235

Stockport, Cheshire, 64, 68

Stone, William, prisoner, utterer, 54, 58

-, (or Storrey or Story), Ann, prisoner, utterer, xiv, 281–8
-, (or Story) John, prisoner, utterer, 355

Stott, Elizabeth (Betty), prisoner, seller, 333, 713

Strickland, James, debtor, 53

Stubbs, Elizabeth, see Chamberlain, Elizabeth

Sturgess,..., 494

Styles, William, informer, 767

Summers, ..., 590

Sumner, John, keeper of Birmingham gaol, 573

Suter (or Shooter or Shuter or Souter), ..., Mr, clerk at Freshfields, 31, 70, 74, 80–1, 443, 585

Suthmier, Frederick, debtor, 416

Swain, Mary, forger of navy transfers, 302

Swarbrick, Thomas, prisoner, possessor, 86

Tarbox, Joseph, see Jackson, John

Tatnall, Mr, gaol official, Warwick, 596, 720

Taunton, Henry, solicitor at Oxford, 710

-, John, seller, 110, 622, 708
-, Susannah, seller, 633, 708

-, Edward, prisoner, utterer, 200
-, Thomas, school master, 200

-, Ann, prisoner, utterer, 209, 210
-, Catherine, prisoner, utterer, 510, 533
-, Charles, 581
-, Cornell (or Collen), ?police office, Manchester, 527
-, Jane, prisoner, utterer, 336
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 666

tea and sugar, as necessities, xxi, 28, 34, 38, 191, 218, 232, 463, 481, 637

Teague, Mr, official at Newgate gaol, 537

Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, Richard, 2nd marquess of Buckingham (later 1st duke of Buckingham and Chandos), 440

Thames, river, as station for hulks, xiii, xix, 60

Thatcher, Martha, prisoner, utterer, 265–6

Thomas, Hosanna (or Rosanna), prisoner, utterer, 336

Thompson, Louisa, prisoner, possessor, 532

Thomson, ..., (in spunging house), 21

-, Charlotte, prisoner, utterer, 533
-, Louisa, prisoner, possessor, 463–4, 481

Thornley, ..., acquitted of forgery, 757

Thorp, Edward, offender (unspecified), 341

-, Eleanor, prisoner, utterer, 630
-, George, prisoner, utterer, 488

Tippett, James, solicitor, Falmouth, 34, 45; his son, 45

Tomlinson, Eleanor, prisoner, utterer, 639–41

Tongue, William, see Morris, William

Tool, Mrs, friend of prisoner, 231

Tothill Fields prison, see prisons, in London

-, D., bankrupt, 612
-, John, prisoner, possessor, 593

transportation: as secondary punishment, ix, x, xi, xxiv;
-, Bank policy on payments on embarkation, xxi;
-, requests for immediate, 45, 177, 651;
-, return from, 71;
-, wait for ships, ix, xii;
-, see also ships, transport

Treemer, (or Freeman) (alias Day), Harriett, prisoner, utterer, ix, xii

Trindle, Elizabeth, utterer on Norwich bank, 565

Truman, ..., 112

Truman's brewery, Spitalfields, 524

Turnbull, William, prisoner, utterer, and his sister Rebecca, 380

-, ..., Mr, linen draper, 22
-, Esther, prisoner, forger, 235
-, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 338–9
-, Thomas, 314

turnkeys, as letter scribes, xiii, xvi

Twine, Richard, prisoner, utterer, 342

-, Thomas, see Smith, George
-, William, highways surveyor, 375


Upcroft, John, escaped prisoner, 763

Usher, Betsy, acquitted of uttering, 501


-, George, prisoner, utterer, 371
-, J., high constable of Bray, Berks., 734

Vernon and Franklin, solicitors to the royal mint, 726, 730

Vickers, J., housebreaker, 489

Voss, ..., 482


Waddle, Letitia, see Wardle, Leititia

Wade (alias Whitaker), Abraham, prisoner, utterer, 754

Waldon, Henry, prisoner (Winchester), 757

Wales, 152

Wales, John, discharged prisoner, 728

-, James, prisoner, utterer, 698
-, John, debtor, 19
-, Richard, prisoner, utterer, 112, 120–1, 125, 127, 149; his wife Mary (alias Glover), 119, 122–4, 126, 128–30, 149, 190
-, Sarah, debtor, 8
-, William, see Peters, William

Wallis, J. M., offender (unspecified), 671

Waples, Robert, prisoner, utterer, 681–8

-, Clarissa, see Downes, Clarissa
-, ..., constable of Chester castle, 49
-, John, prisoner, utterer, 299, 300
-, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 359, 433–5

-, (or Waddle), Letitia, prisoner, utterer, 453, 454
-, Sarah, see Layshaw, Ann

Wardlow, Robert, prisoner, seller, 712

Ware (or Weare), Elizabeth, prisoner, 40–2, 45, 71, 74–5, 79–81; her husband
-, Thomas, 71

Warrington, Lancs., 630

Warwick, 335, 525, 628, 720

Warwick castle, see prisons outside London

Warwick, John, ?Bank investigator, 392

Warwickshire, 573; 720

Watkins, Margaret, prisoner, utterer, 332

-, Cathrine, prisoner, utterer, 100, 142, 144, 627, 636; her husband, see Wise, Isaac
-, Holland, magistrate, Lancs., 583
-, Mary, prisoner, utterer, 178, 206–7; Sarah her mother, prisoner, utterer, 178, 184, 194
-, Thomas, prisoner, possessor, 373

Weare, Elizabeth, see Ware, Elizabeth

-, Eliza, transportee, unspecified offence, 565
-, William, prisoner, utterer, 196

Webster, Elizabeth, prisoner, utterer, 509, 533

Weller, William, seller, 736

-, Cathrine, freed prisoner, utterer, 399
-, Olds, 740

Wem, Salop, 660

Westbrook, Mrs, landlady, 240

Westcoat, Richard, prisoner, possessor, 580, 593–4; his wife Jane, utterer, 580

West India Dock company, 562

Westwood, James, clerk at Freshfields, 129, 133, 188, 196, 216, 226, 228, 240, 305, 310, 321, 341, 607–9, 613, 615, 622, 624, 627, 674, 681, 687

Wheeles, James, 613

-, ..., Mr, 44
-, Sarah (alias Evans), prisoner, utterer, 32–4, 36, 45

Whiston, James, keeper of Ashbourne gaol, 202

Whitaker, Abraham, see Wade, Abraham

Whitby, Francis, prisoner, utterer, 382

-, Isaac, prisoner, utterer, 716, 722
-, Thomas, home office official, 114

Whitecross Street prison, see prisons, in London

-, ..., Mr, victim of forgery, 601
-, John, prisoner, seller, 699

Whiteley, Hannah, prisoner, utterer, 532

Wicks, William, offender (unspecified), 96

wife/family to accompany transported prisoner, applications and permissions for, 97–8, 106, 110, 117–18, 130, 144, 153, 156, 158, 200, 205, 208, 226, 236, 246, 306–7, 370, 591, 606, 608, 656, 664, 668–9, 674, 680, 698–9, 723–4, 727, 743–4

Wilberforce, William, Sir, family of, xv

Wild, Betty, prisoner, utterer, 333–4

Wilkes, Maria, prisoner, utterer, 316, 317, 352, 377, 436, 438, 453; her husband William, prisoner, utterer, 352, 436

Wilkins, William, prisoner, utterer, 197, 201

Wilkinson, John, prisoner, utterer, 518

Willans, ..., 581

Willey, ..., Mr, attorney, 1

Willcock, Alice, prisoner, seller, 333–4, 713

-, ..., 307
-, ..., sheriff of London, 546
-, Ann, prisoner, utterer, 532
-, James (alias King, John), 111, 113
-, Jane, prisoner, utterer, xv, 308–9, 319–20, 377, 404–6, 408, 412, 424, 429, 433, 437–8, 451–3
-, Maria, prisoner, utterer, 366
-, Maria, prisoner, utterer (another), 566–7

-, Jane (or Jean), prisoner, utterer, 394, 414, 453, 457
-, John Ivy, prisoner, utterer, 202–3
-, Margaret, see Sellars, Margaret
-, Mary, see Hartnell, Mary
-, Susannah, prisoner, utterer, 315

Wilson Wright, Mary, prisoner, seller, 532

-, high sheriff of, 605;
-, magistrates of, 605

Winchester, Hants, 185, 268–9, 716, 722; 765–6

Windle, James, discharged prisoner, 605

Windsor, ..., Mr, victim of forgery, 22

Wingfield (or Winfield), Elizabeth, prisoner, seller, 411, 438, 453

Winter and Keys, solicitors, 38

Winter, John, sr, and his son John, jr, partners in Freshfields, xiv

Wise, Isaac, prisoner, utterer, 619; Cathrine his wife, see Watson, Cathrine

Wolstencraft, William, prisoner, utterer, 707

-, ... Baron Knight, judge, 600
-, ... Lord Chief Baron (same?), 664
-, John, prisoner, possessor, 60
-, Robert, prisoner, utterer, 758
-, Thomas?, 622

Woodbridge, (?Suff.), 575

Woodbury (or Woodberry), William, prisoner, utterer, 490; his wife Sophia, prisoner, utterer, 491

Woodhead, William, prisoner, utterer, 493

Wood Street compter, see prisons, in London

Woolwich, Kent, xii, 398, 449, 454, 461, 532–3, 565;
-, as station for hulks, 48, 59–66, 68–9, 86–9, 91–3, 97–8, 101–4, 106, 110, 113, 127, 156–8, 196–203, 273–4, 348–9, 527–9, 656

Worcester, 336, 652, 701

work/employment, in prison, xvii, 366, 457

Wren, James, debtor, 458

Wrigglesworth and Thorpe, 702

-, Elizabeth, see Pearson, Elizabeth
-, Sarah, prisoner, utterer, 484, 551, 554, 555


Yates, John, counterfeiter, 731

York, 527, 644–5

York, Prince Frederick Augustus, duke of, 606

York, Mary Ann, prisoner, utterer, 270, 328–9

Yorkshire, 596

'Yorkshire Jack', 759

-, George, prisoner, utterer, 667
-, Mary, prisoner, possessor, 334–5
-, Thomas, prisoner, utterer, 61
-, William, see Davis, William


Zealand prison ship, see hulks