Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827. Originally published by London Record Society, London, 2007.
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'Letters, nos 401-500', in Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827, ed. Deirdre Palk (London, 2007), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
'Letters, nos 401-500', in Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827. Edited by Deirdre Palk (London, 2007), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
"Letters, nos 401-500". Prisoners' Letters to the Bank of England, 1781-1827. Ed. Deirdre Palk (London, 2007), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
Letters, nos 401-500
401. [F25/6/43a & b] Mary Kelly, Newgate, 22 February 1820
Gentlemen Pardon the liberty I have taken in writing to you soliciting your relief from you has I am in absolute Distress having no freind to render me any assistance my Mother being extremely poor and also being oblidged to pledge my Cloaths for subsistance and to Bury my Child while under examination therefore I am in that Distressed state respecting nessaries the Jail does not afford and Cloathing that I have not a change of apparrel and my health being greatly impaird by the long time I was under examination and having to attend to a sick Child therefore I hope you will think me an object worthy your consideration by complying with my request you will confer a lasting obligation on your Humble Sert Mary Kelly
Attached: note from Thomas Glover, Bank investigator, 24 Feb. 1820, confirming all that Kelly says, adding that her mother is in workhouse. His note annotated: £2 to redeem her clothes.
[BECLS: 1 Mar. 1820, records this and award of 5s. a week while in prison].
402. [F25/6/45a] 'H.C.' (female), 'London', 26 July 1819, to her mother, Mrs Marsh, 18 Claverton Street, Witcomb, Bath
Dr Mother I Received your Letter and am Glad to hear you are all well I am but very Indifferent the Poor Children are all Tolerable well thank God – I am Very happy to hear Poor Peggy is Comfortable and has got a good Husband I hope God will give them both a Blessing – I am Surprised at your not Mentioning any Thing about Kitty or Mary dont omit it in your next and Let Me know if Mary is Married and Let me know all the Pirticulars of Every thing – you need not be Uneasy about the things in the bed they are all Safe they are only Put down in the Ticket that way for Shortness. Tom Porter [166, 445, 740] and his woman are both don for fourteen Years And Expect to Sail for the Bay In Course of 5 or 6 weeks at farthest there is a womans Ship going and God Only Knows but it may be My Fate to go if it should I Must Resign Myself to the will of the Allmighty God who I hope will Protect Me by Sea as well as by Land but I have One Great Consolation That is that I can take My Children with me John Now does what he can for Me and Says if I go he will com up to Bristol and Sell his share of The Property coming to him and go with me I hear Jim Hall is doing very well There Durham is Married to a Settlers Daughter and does well also I can give No answer about sending Mary to you Until I find how things will turn out with Me Should I Remain here I will send her to you if not She must go with Me She is grown a Fine Stout girl. Poor Little Margaret is Sent out 5 Miles in the Country with Som More Little Children to Nurse – Poor John and Mary is both together In the House I have the Youngest with Me I Mean to Send a Petition to the Secretary of State but God only Knows what Effect it May have however I will be able to Let you know More In My Next Let me hear from you As Soon as Possible and if it Should be In your Power to Send me a Trifle (but don't Distress yourself) you may Send it to Smiths John Still Lodges with them it wont do to send it me Everything is Opend here If you could Send Me a bit of Muslin to make a cap or two I should be thankful for it – Keep My Unhappy Situation as Secret as Possible and dont Say anything about it to Carpenter John has now got Nothing to do his Business Is all over Untill Christmass again John and the Children Joins in In Love with Me to ye all and May God Bless and Protect ye all are the constant Prayers of Your Unhappy and Dutiful Daughter – till Death H... C...r
P.S. Dont Omit writing to Me as Soon as Possible and Let Me Know all you can and Direct as before then John will get it and bring it to me it was a Travelling woman told Me She saw Peggy at Cheltenham
On front Margaret Marsh is written below address, together with three other attempts at writing Margaret. [Unable to trace writer; may be false initials].
403. [F25/6/45b] 'H.C.' (female), 'London', 22 August 1819, to her friends at 18 Claverton Street, Witcomb, Bath
My Dr Freinds I Now Embrace this oppertunity of Writing to you In consequence of not having an answer to my Last Letter and am very Uneasy at Not hearing from you I hope all is well with you and Let Me beg of You to answer this as soon as it come to Hand I have Not Heard anything as yet Respecting a Mitigation of My Sentance but there are Mitigations Expected down Every Day and Likewise orders for those that are to go to Botany Bay but I Trust in god it will Not be My Fate to be sent away – tell Kitty Leeson is In London John often sees Him he says he has been to Sea and Wanted to Know Where ye are as he should Like to See Kitty More, but John did not tell him where ye Lived – I expect John will be Obligated to go to Bristol in the course of a Few Days to See If his Father will assist him for he has nothing to do here and of Course he cant Live on the Air he will Call on ye In His way to Bristol dont Omit Writing by Return of Post And Let Me Know all Pirticulors Should I be mitigated I may be sent away to another Prison from here I have No More to add but hope ye are all In good Health and Conclude with My Love and Sincere Wishes for your Welfare and Remain Yours Affectionately H.. Cr
404. [F25/7/25] Elizabeth Brooks, Newgate, 13 January 1819
Honorable Gentlemen Pardon the Presumption of my thus Addressing you but Embolden by your well known Benevolence and Goodness of Hearts to those who Unfortunately have brought themselves under the Just laws of their Country by a violation of them being thro the Mercy of God and the Royal Clemency Spared to once more throw Myselfe on your kind Consideration in imploring your Charity to be in some degree Extended to Myselfe and 5 Helpless Children who has no other Friend to look to for Protection or Support having since My long Confinement parted with every Article of wearing Apparel and every necessary In my Possession to suport Myselfe and them and now reduced to the Greatest Penury Expecting to leave my Native Country for ever without A hope of returning In hope Honorable Gentlemen you will take the Destitute Situation of My Distressed Children into your Consideration and Grant whatever Relief your Goodness and Charity may think Most fit and your humble Petitioner will be ever in Gratitude Bound to Pray For the Charitable Hand that would be extended to Relieve the Distress of an Helpless Family, I beg leave to Subscribe Myselfe with Humble Respect Honorable Gentlemen your very Humble and Distressed Servant Elizabeth Brooks [written in the hand of Jane Williams]
405. [F25/7/26] Elizabeth Brooks, Newgate, 27 January 1819
Honored gentlemen I hope the Liberty I take in Addressing you will be Pardoned but venturing to entreat your Charity to be in some Degree extended towards me as having got 5 Children who look to me for Support which I am unable to give them thro my long Confinement if Worthy Gentlemen you Should think me Deserving of your Charity as I have been obliged to part with every necessary I have had to Support Myself and them and Should it be my Fate to leave my native Country I have not got any thing but what is in Pawn to keep me nor any thing but the Goal allowance the truth of this can be ascertained by enquiring at the Prison Should I be Deemed Worthy of your Notice Honored Gentlemen entreating you to take this my Distressed Case into your Consideration and hoping you will be induced to extend a little of your Goodness to Myself and Children which would be most Thankfully and Gratefully accepted by your very Humble and Distressed Servant Elizabeth Brooks [written in the hand of Jane Williams]
406. [F25/7/1] Elizabeth Brooks, Newgate, 1 February 1819
Honorable Gentlemen I once more take liberty of addressing myselfe to you entreating a little of your Charity to be extended towards me as I am very much distressed myselfe and 5 Children which I have now got the Grant of them to accompany me to a Foreign Country 2 of them are at a Factory and I expect every Day to have them in town on purpose to be the companions of my voyage 2 of them are in London Friendless and unprotected altho I never had them in the Prison but since my long confinement which is now nearly 9 months I have parted all my Cloaths to Support them and is reduced to the Greatest Penury without a Friend to assist Me the 5th is in the Country and will not be any trouble to me as a Friend has taken her to provide for her and when my other 2 comes the will literally speaking be without Cloaths or anything that is necessary for them the 2 that is in London can be seen at any time one of them is the bearer of this Honorable Gentlemen I take the Liberty of enclosing the Letters that come from my Children as a testimony of the truth of what I assert and Should you be induced to grant me a little of that Charity that has been so mercifully extended to my Fellow Prisoners who has stood in the same Situation of my Selfe Mr Hardy at the Prison can testify the truth of what I Say and your Humble Petitioner will be ever bound in Gratitude to Pray Elizabeth Brooks
Honorable Gentlemen should you be induced to read my Letters if you would have the goodness to return them it would oblige yr humble Servant and Prisoner [written in the hand of Jane Williams]
[BECLS: 5 Feb. 1819 agreed £5 but only when she sailed].
407. [F25/7/3–4] Elizabeth Brooks, Newgate, 8 February 1819
Gentlemen I am under the Nesesity of Appealing To your Well known Humanity and Feelings Humbly Hoping you will attend to The Humble Supplication of an unfortunate prisoner Eliz Brooks who was convicted of uttering a Forged Bank note Value one Pound in Last September and I am Now under sentance of Transporting for Life and of course Expect shortly To Leave My Native Country for Ever – and Having Obttaind Permission of His Majesty Government To Take My Four unfortunate children The Bearer who is one I Humbley crave your assistance To Enable to get My Two Children up From The Country so That I May Quit My Native Land Not Destitute and Pennyless Leaving Gentleman To your well know Generosity I shall Ever be in Duty Bound to Pray Elizabeth Brooks
Attached: copy letter, 13 Feb. 1819, from Bank solicitors to Nathaniel Pryor, 20, Gracechurch Street [whom they call Matthew Pryor, a Quaker] who forwarded Brooks' letter stating Bank governor and directors had authorised £5 on embarkation.
408. [F25/7/2] Elizabeth Brooks, Newgate, 18 February 1819
Honored Sir I take the Liberty of Sending My Daughter the bearer of this Hoping you will have the Goodness to let her know the Result of the Honorable Gentlemen in regard of my Distressed Situation and to have the Goodness to give her the Papers Relative to my Children as they are of the utmost Importance to me in regard of Sending for them to accompany me in my Distressing voyage from my Native Country if Honored Sir you would have the Goodness to add this favor to the many received hoping they will be induced in their Great Clemency and Charity and thro your Great kindness to in some Degree Relieve my present Distressed State and Honored Sir I Shall be ever in Duty Bound to Pray Elizabeth Brooks [written in the hand of Jane Williams]
Annotated on front: Opened by Mr Rooker but not for him
409. [F25/7/5–6] Susannah Leonard, Newgate, 17 February 1819
Honeard Sir Excuse me for trublin you my Prisent Situation Is in the greatist Distress I am Left Distute and No frind to Come Neir me to Bring me Lest Relife I have a pour Child In the Work House allmost Naked and Not a show apon Hiss Feat to Kipe Him from the Cold Honeard Sir I Hope you take my unhapy Case In to your Humane Consideration to Let me Have my Litle things as I am Naked When I sent a parson affter them Mr Cousins my Land Lord said that Mr Rooker [Bank solicitors' clerk] Ordared now wone to Have them Honerd Sir Would you Be so Good to Order the Sherif Officer to Dispose of them to Relive me and My Pour Fatherliss Child Honeard Sir I shall In Duty Bound Evear pray Susina Leanord
Annnotated: underlining of above words and marking with x, enquiry to be made respectg the Contents of this lter; and: Mr Rooker never gave any directions whatever respecting any property belonging to the Prisoner
Attached: report from Charles Christmas, Bank investigator, stating that landlord detained Leonard's furniture until balance of half a year's rent, £5 11s., was paid.
[BECLS: 25 Feb. 1819, Bank would not interfere].
410. [F25/7/7–10] W. H. Brown, keeper of Newgate, 11 February 1819, forwards request from prisoner on hulk, John Green of Blandford, tried in 1818, sentenced to fourteen yrs trspn, for return of £4 taken from him at time of arrest. Bank solicitors reply that they used £1 to pay an informer on Green; they return remaining £3.
411. [F25/7/11] Elizabeth Wingfield, Newgate, 5 February 1819
Sir I hope you will Pardon my liberty but being Verry Much distressed since my Unhappy Confinement both me and My Child, Sir I am Confined since May last and I have Pawned all my Cloaths to support my Fatherless Child as I was Obliged to Send him Out of the Prison through his health being Verry bad Sir I Expect to leave My Country before long and I hope you will take my distress into your humane Consideration and bestow on me and my Child a little of your benevolent Charity, to Enable me to Get my Cloaths before I leave My Country Sir as a proof of my Distress Inclosed you will see my Dublicates of my Cloaths Sir by you takeing My distress into your human Consideration your Humble Petioner will be Ever Bound to Pray Elizabeth Winfield
[BECLS: 5 Feb. 1819, £2 to be sent to keeper of Newgate for her].
412. [F25/7/12] Jane Williams, Mary Ann Reed, Sarah Hyland, Newgate, 1 February 1819
Honored Gentlemen We beg leave to address you in an Humble and thankful manner for the many Favors recd from you but particularly for the allowance you were kind enough to make us in the Distressed State we were in and enable us to leave our native Country with some degre of Decency and Hoping Kind Gentlemen that we have not in any manner Cancelled the Charity you were so Good as to bestow us as having a Months Money Due to us on Saturday the 23d of January out of which we recd 1 weeks pay on Teusday the 26th of January which left 3 weeks Due and on Saturday the 30th received 1 weeks more in hope that our Situation will meet your Compassion and we allowed to have what you so kindly and Benevolently said we should have and in hope you will Pardon our troubling you so often but writing before and receiving no answer we took the Liberty of addressing you again we beg leave to Subscribe ourselves Honorable Gentlemen your most Obliged and Grateful Servants, Mary Ann Reed, Jane Williams, Sarah Hyland [written in Jane Williams' hand].
413. [F25/7/13] Hannah Polley, Newgate, 1 February 1819
Sir I hope you will pardon my liberty being Verry Much Distressed Since My unhappy Confinement obliges me to Petion your Worthy Gentlemen for the Smallest Relief the think proper to bestow on me Sir I am 54 years of age and had verry Bad health since my confinement obliged me to Pawn my Cloaths, and have no Means of Releasing them if your benevolent Charity is not Extended on me, as I Expect to leave my Country in a short time and have no Person to Relieve me but an Aged Husband in Great distress
Sir I am Confined Since May and was obliged to send my Cloaths to Pawn by Various Persons Occations them not to be in my Own name Sir as a proof of My Distress Enclosed you will find my Dublicates Sir I Trust you will not Consider me Entruding by Calling your Worthy attention to Peruse my Distress but Relying on your Humane Consideration gives me a hope of a little of your Benevolent Charity to Relieve my Great distress Sir I Remain your Most Obedient Humble Petioner Hanah Polly
[BECLS: 2 Feb. 1819, agreed to send £2 for her via keeper of Newgate].
414. [F25/7/14] Jean Wilson, Horsemonger Lane gaol, 8 February 1819 Honoured Sir I again take the liberty of writing to you, which I hope you will pardon, as I think my last letter has escaped your memory, I would not be so troblesome to you, if I was not in the gratest destress for, Cloaths, and other Necessarys – having no one for to come to bring me any thing, and being so long in prison, In my letter to you last month I informed you all perticulars of my situation, and destress, which I hope you will have the goodness to take into consideration, and grant me a little aid, as it is 6 months since I had my Triel, and I had been 3 months in prison privious to it – and during all the time had nothing but the Jaol alowance,
I was tried at Augest assises, and pleaded guilty for uttring a Forged Bank of Ingland Note and got sentance of 14 years transportation passed on me, I again mention those circomstances in case you may have forgot what I had wrote you befor, and I begg you will have the goodness to do something for me in my destress, as I have no one for to do any thing for me trusting in your goodness I begg leave for to subscribe myself Honoured Sir your ever Oblidged and gratefull Servant Jean Wilson
415. [F25/7/15–18] Correspondence, March 1819, involving James Cowing, of Cowing and Sons, debtor, King's Bench prison. He owes Bank £500, says his furniture and effects are being sold and asks Bank to accept 3s. 6d. in the £. Bank reply they will do so if his other creditors do likewise.
416. [F25/7/19–20] Frederick Suthmier, debtor, King's Bench prison, 18 May 1819, offers Bank £247 10s. in payment of debt of £2,100; Bank refuse.
417. [F25/7/21–4] Bank lists of prisoners for 13 January, 21 April, 26 May, 7 July and 15 & 17 September 1819 to W. H. Brown, keeper of Newgate, detailing prisoners to be arraigned at OB, asking him to inform them.
418. [F25/7/27] J. W. Jones, on behalf of Elizabeth Brooks in Newgate, 27 April 1819. Jones restates all that Brooks has said about her distress in 404–8 asking Bank to let her have whatever relief they think proper and to pay some debts incurred to Mrs Coventry and others. [BECLS: 28 Apr. 1819, decision of 5 Feb. 1819 stands; they will pay £5 when she sails].
419. [F25/7/28] Elizabeth Bush, Newgate, 21 April 1819
Bush requests permission to plead guilty to lesser offence. Bank took decision 5 Mar. 1819.
420. [F25/7/29] Elizabeth Bush, Newgate, 3 June 1819
Elizabeth Bush Prisoner being very much distressed and obliged to part with her Cloaths having no friends to assist her humbly hopes that the Governor will take her distressing case into consideration and kindly bestow a triffle from his Humane Charity. Elizabeth Bush is at this time ill and under the care of Mr Bose in his Infirmary
421. [F25/7/30–1] Elizabeth Bush, Newgate, 17 June 1819
Sir Once More I Emplore you to take My wretched Situation into your Consideration and bestow on me a little of your Charity, to Enable me to Release My Cloaths as Mr Brown Informed me I would be leaving my Country in a Short time Sir as a proof of My Distress I take the liberty of Inclosing my Dublicates hoping you will be so kind as to bestow on me a little of your kind Charity to Release them and by so doing your Humble Petioner will Ever Pray Elizabeth Bush
Attached: copy note, 17 June 1819, from Bank solicitors saying that directors of Bank decline to accede to her request; her duplicates returned.
422. [F25/7/32] Mary Deal, Newgate, 25 August 1819
Sir I hope you will Pardon my Liberty being verry Much distressed Emboldens me to Solicit your kind Enterference with the Humane Gentlemen of the Bank, to take my Distress into their Consideration and bestow on me a little of their Benevolent Charity and by so doing your Humble Petioner will Ever Pray Mary Deal
Annotated by BECLS secretary: To pay her Two Pounds; and by J. Rooker, pd 11 Sepr 1819
423. [F25/7/33] Susan Farmilo, Newgate, 8 March 1819
Honered Gentle men pleas to Exchuse me for taken the liberty of writing to you sin as i have had mercy extended on me to a degree [resp. from execution to life trspn] Sir i have been so bold as to ask you if you pleas to Extend your Goodness on me as to releve my Distress for i am goin out of my Contry for my life without money Close or afrend Sir i am in great
Distress in Deed inever troubled with aletter before and iam sorry to Do so now but Distress Drives me to it Honered Sir as you have Extended your marcy on my fellow prisnors ihope and trust you will on me apoor prisnor as i am and have no frend sence i have been in prason seven months hear and my frends for saken me Honered Sir ihope you will Exchuse me for senden by the post for i have no frends to send it by Honered Sir i make no Demand but ihope and trust you will releve me if it is but Ever such atrifle for we are goin soon to my sorrow Sussan Farmilo
[BECLS: 10 Mar. 1819, request rejected].
424. [F25/7/34] Hannah Gilbert, Newgate, 7 January 1819
Honored Sir I once more attempt to address you by begging of you to take my Distressed Case into your kind Consideration having been very ill as Dr Box can testify and having no friend whatever to assist me being entirely without Cloaths having parted with them to support myselfe and as the time approaches when I expect to leave my native Country I beg a little of your Charity to be extended towards me as it has been so Benevolently granted to my Fellow Prisoners and Honored Sir you will be ever Entitled to the Prayers of your very much Distressed and Humble Servant and Prisoner Hannah Gilbert [written in the hand of Jane Williams]
425. [F25/7/35] Hannah Gilbert, Newgate, 13 January 1819
Much Honerd Sir I ham Sory to troble You But my present Situration and my Distress once more beg for reliefe for Kind Gentleman I at the present time ham in the graitest of Distress for I have lost the only friend I had wich was my poor Aged broken harted Mother Wich now lay Dead and is left behind hur 3 Orphin unprovided for the Oldest is but 15th Years of age kind Sir if you will take my present Distress in Consideration I Shall think myself in Ever Duty Bound to pray Your most Obedent And Humble Servent Hannah Gilbert
[BECLS: 14 Jan. 1819, agreed to send £2 to keeper of Newgate, for her relief].
426. [F25/7/36] Hannah Gilbert, Newgate, 18 April 1819
Much Honourd Sir I Most humbly beg Pardon for intruding But having no Mother nor Father nor any Person to Look up to for the least Suport and ham intirly Depending upon your goodness in wich I hope you will Extend to wards me I have giveing to hunderstand that thare was left in Mr Browns Charg £2 Pounds and if So I never Recevd But one I have several times ask Mr Brown for the Other triful but he Sas that he as no more for he was Paid no more for me I must once more beg You will take my Distress in Consideration and Releve me with A triful or Interseid with Mr Brown for the Other triful And by so Doing I Shall think myself in Ever Duty Bound to Pray Your Most Obedent and Humble Servent Hannah Gilbert
427. [F25/7/37] Hannah Gilbert, Newgate, undated May 1819
Hond Gentleman I receved One pound Out of the 2 pounds You was so good & Benovlent to send for Me which I return You My Most Humble and Sincer thanks for the same I having no Relations nor frinds to releve Me but your kind Benovelance thairfore Gentleman I throw Myselfe at Your feet in hopes You will Commiserat My Case and give an Order to Mr Brown to remitt to Me the Other 1 Pound as it will be the Means of Elivating My present Destress
I Am Hond Gentleman with due Respects Your Most Obd Huml Sert Hanh Gilbert
P. S. Newgate Prison
428. [F25/7/38] Mary Ann Griffiths, Newgate, 7 July 1819
Sir I Humbly hope you Will pardon the Liberty I have taken but bean Confind in the Sick Ward for this month past and not one frend to give me the Smalest Trifell I hope you Will Conseder my unhappy Case I Would not Troubel you Only my present Illness and the smalest trifell Will be thankfuly Receved by your Humble Prisoner Maryann Griffis Annotated: Mary Ann Griffiths convicted with Henry Dart
[BECLS: 14 July 1819, agreed to send her £2].
429. [F25/7/39] Mary Hartnell, Newgate, 6 January 1819
Honored Sir Pardon the Liberty of my thus intruding on you begging of you to take into your kind Consideration my Distressed Situation and hopes you will have the Goodness to lay my Petition before the Honorable Governor and Company of the Bank and hoping thro your kind interest to have a little of their Charity extended towards myselfe and Children we being in a most Distressed state and humbly hoping the Liberty will be excused I beg leave to Subscribe myselfe with every Respect your very Humble Servant and Prisoner Mary Hartnell [written in the hand of Jane Williams]
[BECLS: I Jan. 1819, granted her 7s. 6d. a week].
430. [F25/7/40] Hannah Polley, Newgate, 7 June 1819
Sir, I humbly hope that you will kindly take my distressing situation into your consideration being an aged [54 yrs old] Woman and my Husband at this time in the Poor-House therefore I have no friend whatever to assist me.
I am in a bad state of Health and greatly in want of more support that the Jail allowance I have been in confinement now almost thirteen Months and therefore hope you will bestow a trifle from you Benevolent Charity and I shall be ever bound to pray for you Hannah Polley
[BECLS: 9 June 1819, request refused].
431. [F25/7/41–2] Hannah Polley, Newgate, 16 June 1819
Sir I hope you will be pleased to pardon my Entrusion but being verry much Distressed I having no friends able to Render me any Relief lying these 14 months in a Gloommy Weary Prison having no support in my old age of 54 but my Goal Allowance, only the two pounds the humane Gentlemen Remited, Sir I Expect to leave me Country in the Month of July as there is a ship taken up for us Convicts I have Pawned the best part of my Cloaths to Get me a little Nourishment as I have Never been well since my Confinement Sir if you would be Pleased to Refer to Mr Brown he will Inform you of my Illness since here and also my having no friends Sir Once more I Emplore you to take my Distress into your Humane Consideration and bestow on me a little of your Benevolent Charity and by so doing your Humble Petioner will Ever Pray Hannah Polly
Attached: copy letter from Bank solicitors, same date, stating Bank directors decline to accede to her request.
432. [F25/7/43] Elizabeth Rhodes, Newgate, 29 July 1819
Honred Sir I Humbly hope you Will pardon the Liberty I have taken Having None friend to Give me the Smalest Trifel and nothing but the Goal allowance I hope you Will take my Case into Consideration and be pleased to allow me a Small Trifell from your Benevolent Charity Witch Will be most Gratefuly Received from your Very Humble prisoner Elizabeth Rose
433. [F25/7/44] Sarah Ward, Newgate, 12 January 1819
Honorable Gentlemen Embolden to Address you by the Great mercy Extended to Me in my Life being Graciously Spared I now venture to throw Myselfe on your Benevolent and Humane Consideration being in a most Destitute Situation with 4 Small Children and nearly going to Bed of a fifth which renders my unfortunate Condition much worse being obliged to part with every necessary I had to support myselfe and Infants who has no other Friend to look up to for Support and Protection Honorable Gentlemen I take the Liberty of asking your Charity to be Extended to me in some Degree as your Great Wisdom and Humanity may seem meet. Should it be my Fate to leave my Country for ever I am entirely devoid of Cloaths or common Necessaries to be obligated to Undertake such a Voyage Entreating your kind Consideration on this My Distressed state and hoping you will Pardon the liberty of my thus troubling you and begs leave to Subscribe Myselfe with Humble Respect your very Humble Servant and Prisoner Sarah Ward [written in the hand of Jane Williams]
Annotated: She was Convicted at the Septr Sessns at the Old Bailey for utterg forged Notes
[BECLS: 14 Jan. 1819, awarded her 10s. 6d. a week].
434. [F25/7/45] Sarah Ward, Newgate, 10 June 1819
Sarah Ward hops that the Govenor Will Consider her Destrsing Case having fore Children and Nothing but Gaol allowance and not a frend to assist her Watever She therefore Relies upon his Goodness in Continueing her the allowance as he as so Kindey Don During her Stay in Newgate as will bee most thankfuly Recevd by your Very Grateful and Humbel Servant Sarah Ward
435. [F25/7/46] Sarah Ward, Newgate, 15 August 1819
Hond Gentleman In Consequence of Not Reiceving The Charity you so Humanely Extended towards Me Hitherto I have taken The Liberty of again Soliciting for a continuance of the Same And Trust My Present Distress (And Not having Any Friend whatever to Render Me the Smallest assistance) will be a Sufficient Excuse for the Liberty I have taken in troubling The Honble Gentlemen of the Bank And beg Leave to Subscribe Myself With the Most Profound Respect and diffidence Your Most Hble and Obdt Servant Sarah Ward
436. [F25/7/47] Maria Wilkes, Newgate, 13 January 1819
Sir I trust you will Pardon My Intrusion being in Great Distress since my unhappy Confinement as I have no frends but an aged Mother that cannot Render me any Relief since I was bereft of My Husband by his being sent on board the Retribition where he suffered Great hardship Since his absence I have Parted all my Cloaths and have Not anything but my Goal allowance Sir if you would be so kind as to Present My Letters to the Gentlemen it would be doing a Great Charity as I Expect to be Leaving my Country in a short time, and have all my Cloaths in pledge Sir if you would Refer to the keepers they can sertify My Distress Sir let me once More Entreat you to Consider my Great Distress and bestow on me a little of your benevolent Charity by so doing your Humble Petioner will Ever Pray Maria Wilkes
[BECLS: 14 Jan. 1819, agree to send £2 for her to keeper of Newgate].
437. [F25/7/49] Anonymous 'Bank Prisoners in Newgate', 26 April 1819 Honorable Gentlemen We For the Last time beg leave to Address you and returns you Our Sincere Thanks for the Charity extended towards us which has been the Means of our Supporting Ourselves During our long and tedious Confinement and Farther Entreating your Charity to be Extended towards Us on our leaving our Native Country for Ever So that We May be Enabled to Go with Some Degree of Comfort During our long and perilous Voyage as we are Ordered for Embarkation on Wednesday or Thursday Morning
Honorable Gentlemen We beg leave to Subscribe Ourselves with Humble Respect your Obliged and Humble Servants and Prisoners
The Bank Prisoners In Newgate [in Jane Williams' hand; Bank solicitor annotates it as coming from female prisoners].
438. [F25/7/48] Jane Williams, Mary Ann Reed, Hannah Gilbert, Maria Wilkes, Clarissa Downes, Mary Hartnell, Elizabeth Brooks, Elizabeth Winfield, Newgate, 3 May 1819
Honored Gentlemen We Humby Entreat your Pardon For thus Importuning you in Regard of your Extending your Charity towards us On leaving our Native Country as having Contracted a Few Debts which we Depending on your Goodness to Repay by Allowing us the Usual Stipend which you have so Charitably hitherto Done Honored Gentlemen We beg Leave to Subscribe Ourselves with Humble Respect your very Humble Servants and Prisoners
[in Jane Williams' hand; she and Clarissa Downes sign their names, others sign by mark].
Annotated by Brown, keeper of Newgate: The Above will in a day or two be sent to the Ship now lying at Woolwich
[BECLS: 5 May 1819, award them all £5].
439. [F25/7/50] David Austin, Newgate, 24 July 1819
Gentlemen, Having Pleaded Guilty to your Indictment and expecting to leave this place in a few days I beg leave to Inform you that my Friends were very Respectable but reduced by various Misfortunes and I can assure you it was necessity only that Induced me to the act that brought me into this painful situation – which compels Me to solicit the Kindness, which I understand you have frequently Bestowed on Many in My Situation, a small amount would assist me to many necessarys for My Voyage, which I am now destitute of. Your Bounty will confer an Infinite obligation on your very Humble Servant David Austin
[BECLS: 27 July 1819, refused].
440. [F25/7/51–2] John Adams, Newgate, about 10 March, 1819
Gentlemen, John Adams, convicted in January Sessions last, for uttering Forged notes, feeling the awful situation in which he stands most humbly implores your interference in his unfortunate case, deeply impressd with a sense of his error and also admitting the Justice of his sentence, he begs for the sake of A Wife and aged Father & Mother, that the part which affects his life will be taken into their merciful consideration. At the same time he begs to inform the Governor & Directors should they feel disposed for information by what means the said notes came into his possession he is ready and willing to make a full disclosure of the parties from whom they were obtained, feeling sensible that such discovery will not only meet the ends of Justice but tend in a great measure to prevent the frequent recurrence of cases similar to his one, that of the Young & unwary being led into the commission of crime by old and hardend offenders who reap great benefits by those who imprudently become their victims.
Gentlemen, for Mercys sake consider banishment for life, a sufficient punishment it is that he asks, thereby taking off the dreadful part of his sentence (Death) buryed with a hope that mercy will be extended to his earnest solicitations humbly craves their interference and your Petioner will be in Duty Bound to pray (John Adams)
He writes on front of letter: at the suggestion of His Grace the Marquis of Buckingham
[Attached: copy letter from Bank solicitors, 11 Mar. 1819: request rejected, consistent with Bank's duty to public; Adams was executed].
441. [F25/7/53] Thomas Arnold, Newgate, undated end March 1819 Requests permission to plead to lesser offence, stating he used to earn a respectable living until illness forced him out of employment; he can get many reputable tradesmen to speak for his good character. Bank made decision 24 Mar. 1819.
442. [F25/7/54] Thomas Arnold, Newgate, 29 April 1819, formal petition That your Petitioner was indicted at the present Sessions for uttering Forged Notes, but being allowed the privilege of pleading guilty to the minor offence, received sentence of Fourteen Years transportation.
That your Petitioner having been informed that in many cases you have extended your benevolence towards those unfortunate persons who by offending in a similar manner have incurred the awful sentence of the Law. That your Petitioner most humbly begs to assure you that his friends are so situated as not to be able to render him the smallest assistance, he therefore most humbly hopes that you will not think him altogether unworthy of your notice, but that you will be pleased to allow him such pecuniary assistance as you may consider proper for to procure him a few necessary articles to subsist on during his long and tedious voyage from his native Country.
Your Petitioner therefore most humbly Prays you to allow him the same Sum as you have before granted to Convicts in his unhappy situation. And your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever Pray &c
[BECLS: 5 May 1819, request rejected].
443. [F25/7/55] Thomas Grosvenor, Newgate, 27 January 1819
Most Honr Sirs Permit me most Gratefully to return my Bounding thanks for the Lenity shewn me in suffering me to plead Guilty to the minor part of my lamented Offence being now fully evinced of such a Mark of important favour, and if I am not too far trespassing on Your Benevolent considerations implore such little aid the Necessity of my forlorn Condition may in Your great Goodness seem Meet I beg also most humbly to state that I am Destitute of any friends and terrible for me by this Dreadful Event have lost my Pension being the reward I met for the services I rendered to my Country by Sea, these I supplicate may Opperate in my favour by your feeling Considerations of me and humbly pray I may receive such relief as has in similar Cases Distinguish'd your Laudable and Charitable Purpose
I am Most Honr Sirs your Most Obedn huble & unfortunate Servt Thomas Grovener
Addressed to: The Cashier or Governors and Mr Suter at Bank solicitors
[BECLS: 28 Jan. 1819, request rejected].
444. [F25/7/56] John Jones, Newgate, 29 January 1819
Honord Sir Deeply impress'd with a sense of your great mercy in allowing me to plead Guilty to the minor part of my lamented Offence, I am now most humbly imploring the benevolent consideration of your respectable body to further compassionate my forlorn condition and your accustom'd and usual relief to the unfortunate Delinquent look upon me as one not wholly unworthy of your charitable succor and relief, I am Sir the unfortunate Young Man of the name of John Jones late a Soldier in the 18 Hussars and until this first and unhappy event bore in my regiment and I trust the World, an irreproachable Character I beg to remind the Benevolence of your Considerations that only the Two one Pounds could appear against me, which assurdly was the whole of my Dread concern, suffer me the to implore of you such relief, being truly Distressed without a friend, Dependant only on the scanty allowance of the Gaol for my support such a Mark of your humanity will be most gratefully felt by, Honord Sir Your most Obdt Huble & unfortunate Servt John Jones
[BECLS: 2 Feb. 1819, request rejected].
445. [F25/7/57] Thomas Porter, Newgate, 10 June 1819
Gentleman I Was Convicted Last Sessions for having 3 one Pound Notes in my Prossesson and if you Think Proper to Wait on me as Soon as you Can I Shall be Able to Give you Such Information as You Will be Satisfied With Respecting Some Forged Notes Thomas Porter
446. [F25/7/58–9] George Price, Newgate, 7 May 1819
Gentleman I take the liberty of writing to you most humbly craving your attention in the distressing Situation that I am now placed in, begging of you, Gentlemen, to Spare my life as I was totally Drawn into the Snare by those People whom sell and have them from the Maker and those people Employed me to pass them for them which I received 7 Shillings in the Pound for my Trouble Now Gentleman if you will be so kind as to Save my life I will give you up the People that I had them from and all the information that lays in my power Now Gentleman I hope and trust that you will take my Distressed Situation with your most kind Consideration and Spare My Life and I shall be ever Bound in Duty to Pray for your kindness
I Remain your most Humble and Obediant Servant George Price
Attached: copy letter, same date, from Bank solicitors stating that Bank cannot interfere.
447. [F25/8/1] David Sharpe, Newgate, 25 June 1819, formal petition
That your Petitioner was Convicted at the last Old Bailey Sessions of having a forged Note, purporting to be of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and was sentenced to be transported Fourteen years for the same. That your Petitioner having been informed that in many instances you have made an allowance of a small sum of money to such as were considered not altogether unworthy of it, prior to their leaving their Native Land in order to furnish themselves with a few articles necessary to take during so Long a Voyage, most humbly begs Leave to inform you that his friends are utterly incapable of rendering him the smallest pecuniary assistance this compels him to solicit your benevolence not only in consideration of his distressed situation but also on account of his having become a dupe to more artful and designing men who made him subservient to their advantage.
Your Petitioner therefore most humbly Prays you to grant him the same allowance given to others in a similar unfortunate situation And Your Petitioner as in duty bound will ever Pray &c David Sharp
448. [F25/8/2] John Murphy, Newgate, undated in May 1819, formal petition
That your petitioner was Convicted at the present Old Bayley Sessions for uttering Forged Notes being well aware of his offending the laws of his Country Craves most humbly that you will take his distressed Curcumstances in your merciful Consederation being greatly Distressed and having no means of relief Excepting your Benevolence Charity which you usually bestow on prisoners in A Similar Situation having along Tedious Voyage to encounter and your petitioner will as in duty bound for ever pray John Murphy
449. [F25/8/3] Elizabeth Bamford, Rebecca Bamford, Mary Bradney, Amelia Hines, Ann Dicken, Lord Wellington transport ship, Woolwich, 21 May 1819, formal petition
That Your Petitioners are on the Eve of going out to New South Wales, in the Lord Wellington Convict Ship, that they were Convicted at Warwick Assizes in April 1818 and Pleaded Guilty to the Minor Offence of having Forged Notes in their possession for Sale – that your poor Petitioning Prisoners were seventeen Months in Warwick Jail and utterly destitute not having one farthing in the World – under their deplorable Circumstances they Humbly hope the Govr and Company of the Bank of England will take their Case into Consideration and Order them to be paid the five Pounds Each as they have been good Enough to pay some of their fellow Prisoners under similar Circumstances – and Your Petitioners will be in Duty ever bound to Pray.
Letter penned by E. J. Bromley, ship's surgeon and superintendent who annotates it to certify that all have behaved with propriety since being on board, and all are in extreme poverty.
[BECLS: 19 May 1819, considered payments to prisoners on Lord Wellington; refused all the above since they were very notorious whole sale dealers and vendors of forged notes, and unworthy of the liberality of the Bank.]
450. [F25/8/4] Sarah Orton, Lord Wellington transport ship, Gravesend, 26 May 1819, formal petition
That your Petitioner pleaded Guilty to the Minor Offence and was sentenced to transportation for Life (fn. 1) and Humbly hopes that the worshipful Govr and Company of the Bank of England will take her Case into consideration and allow her the same Privileges granted to Elizth Hancox a fellow prisoner Convicted under the same circumstances for which your Petitioner will be ever bound to pray, the mark of Sarah Orton
Penned by E. J. Bromley, ship's surgeon and superintendent, annotated to certify that facts cited are true.
[BECLS: 19 May 1819, refused money as 'notorious' wholesale dealer.]
451. [F25/8/5] Ann Dicken, Lord Wellington transport ship, Gravesend, 25 May 1819
Honored Gentlemen Embolden to Address you by the Mercy Extended to Me From your Hands and Now Leaving My Country For a Long term of years and Reduced to the greatest Penury thro A Long Confinement being Convicted at the Warwick Assizes of March 1818 and Got the Awful Sentence of Death passed on Me when Being Conditionally Pardoned to Be tried in August the same year and Being Sentenced to Transportation For 14 Years (fn. 2) with an Infant Child not 7 Years Old who looks up to Me For Support and Protection Which I am now Unable to Give Her Not only thro My long Confinement but by being Deprived of Her Father these 3 Years Having left 4 at Birmingham being Unable to taken them with Me thro Want of Clothing or Friends to Assist Me In Hope Honored Gentlemen you will take My Distressed Case Into your Consideration and Extend your Charity to Me in Some Degree as you Have to Most of My Fellow Prisoners Who have Unfortunately Committed the Same Crime Which Had Brought us to the Unhappy Situation in Which We are placed and Should this Humble Request be Complied with your Humble Petitioner Would Be Ever Bound to Pray. Ann Dicken [written in the hand of Jane Williams]
452. [F25/8/6] Mary Bradney, Lord Wellington transport ship, Gravesend, 25 May 1819
Honored Gentlemen In Hope you will pardon My thus venturing to Address you But Being in the Greatest Distress thro a Long And tedious Confinement of 18 Months Being Convicted At the Warwick Assizes in March 1818 During which Period I have Suffered the Greatest Want Having being Obliged to part with all My Wearing Apparel to Support My Selfe and Infant Child Not 3 years Old and Which I Am Obligated to Leave Behind (Altho Having an Order to take Her With Me) For Want of Means to Bring Her to Town She being Left to the Care of A Friend at Birmingham And Being Deprived of Any Assistance From Her Father Who Has been Gone to New South Wales these 2 Years and Being in Hope of Going Free When I unfortunately Got into the Situation In Which I am now Placed Honored Gentlemen
In Hope you Will take My Unfortunate Case Into your Kind Consideration and Extend your Charity towards Me In Some Degree as you Have So Mercifully Done towards the Remainder of My Fellow Prisoners Who With Myselfe Committed the Same Crime and Also Pleaded Guilty to the Offence And your Humble Petitioner Will Be ever Bound to Pray. Mary Ann Bradney [written in the hand of Jane Williams]
453. [F25/8/7–8] Two lists of money in units of £5 paid (£70 and £40) to convicts on Lord Wellington transport ship, 19 & 21 May 1819, with signatures for receipt for: Jane Williams, Clarissa Downes, Jean Wilson, Elizabeth Moore, Elizabeth Mitchell, Elizabeth Jane Hancox; and marks for: Mary Ann Reed, Hannah Gilbert, Maria Wilkes, Mary Hartnell, Elizabeth Brooks, Elizabeth Wingfield, Elizabeth Smith, Sarah Clowes, Catharine Gorman, Mary Steel, Letitia Wardle, Mary Smith, Elizabeth Berry, Mary McCormick, Mary Heylin, Ellen Saunders.
454. [F25/8/9] Mary Steel and Letitia Wardle, Lord Wellington transport ship, Woolwich Harbour, 5 May 1819
To Solisseter and gentlemen of the Bank of England We petitioners Mary Steel and Letitea Waddle are convicts who got our time and sentance for Bank of England Notes forged haveing pleaded Guiltey to our Crime we are informed by some of the Newgate prisoners that the prisoners who get there time upon this offence by applying to the Bank will reseave the Sum of £5 pound as some of them have reseaved the same we hope if it be given to one it will to all as we stand greatly in need of it at this pressent time there is several prisoners here wich have reseaved 5/s pr week since the time they was convicted but we have Never reseaved the vallue of one halfpeney we was tried last March but one wich is Now 13 months Since wich is a Long time to be in confinement without any assistance we therefore Humble beg your pardon for the Liberty we have taken in trubling you with thees few Lines and beg for answer we Humbly beg Leave to subscribe our Selves your most obedeiant Servants Mary Steel Letetia Waddle
455. [F25/8/10–11] Catherine Gorman, Horsemonger Lane gaol, 19 April 1819
Honered Sir I humbeley Beg your parden for takeing this Lebertey of trubeling you But I am verey mutch destrest throue my Long Confinement I have Been Confind Ever sence the 12 of agest have not got one frind to Asest me I have Been obleged To part with all my Close I have Nothing Left me know But the Bare Jale Alounes to Live on sir the smolest Relefe of your kindness will Be gratefuly Reseved By your Humbel sarvent Cathrine Gorman
Attached note: Catharine Gorman, now a Prisoner in Horsemonger Lane Goal. It is uncertain when she leaves, it may be in a fortnight or three weeks has conducted herself very well while in prison, is very poor, has no children, nor does she appear to have any friends. 24th April 1819. This note annotated: To enquire respect of her & report thereon, and: Sent Catherine Gorman £2 – 30th April 1819 by order of Law Committee.
456. [F25/8/12] Elizabeth Smith, Sarah Clowes and Catherine Gorman, Horsemonger Lane gaol, 4 May 1819, formal petition
That your Petitioners are deeply impressed with unfeigned gratitude for the mercy shewn them in the late proceedings so justly brought against them. And being in extreme indigence humbly Solicit Your Honours will in your humanity condescend to allow Your petitioners such subsistence during their Continuation in this Gaol as in Your Wisdom may seem meet And Your Petitioners as in grateful duty bound Will ever Pray &c &c [each signs by mark, witnessed by G. Dawson, clerk of county gaol, Surr.].
457. [F25/8/13] Jean Wilson, Horsemonger Lane gaol, 20 January 1819 Honoured Sir I am taking the liberty of writing you which I hope you will pardon me for – as I am very much Destressed, having no friend to asist me, or to look to me, I beg leve to inform you of my Destressed situation which I trust you will take into consideration. I was Tried at the last Augest assizes for uttring Forged Bank of Ingeland Notes, at Gilford, – for which I pleaded guilty, and receved sintance, for forteen years transportation, I have been here since that time at Hard labour in the Bridewall Side and have had nothing but the Jaol alowance for to subsist on Bread and Water, and scarsly any Cloathing, as I had been under the Necessity of making away with my Cloaths for to suport myself with, privious to my Triel, and since then I have not had it in my power for to redeem any of them, as I have no friend to do any thing for me, or to give me a singel Sixpence – So that I am in very grate want, of Necessary Cloathing, as I am all in rags, also of something towards geting me a little more vituals as the Jaol alowance is not sufisent for to suport any one without something else – and I have been so long without any other suport ever since the 6 of Augest last, so I hope you will have the goodness as look into my Situation, and do something for me –
Honoured Sir I begg for to recomend myself to your generosity and goodness having no one for to speak for me, I trust you will not dispise my humbal petiation, but if you think proper aid and aleviate the Destresses of a poor femeal prisner who is now suffering for her faults and waiting for to leve her Native Country for the long periad of forteen years, at the early age of 19 years as I have only atined that age – If this humbel letter will obtain your notice and you take the troble of ansering it, you will obtain the constant prayers of a poor destressed transport. If I have wrote you any thing amiss I hope you will forgive it, and atribute it to my Igeronance, trusting on your goodness I beg leve for to subscribe myself Honoured Sir your ever Humbel and Obedt Transport Jean Wilson
[BECLS: 21 Jan. 1819, order £2 to be made to jailer for her benefit.]
458. [F25/8/14] James Wren, White Cross Street debtors' prison, 29 March 1819
Asks for someone from Bank to call on him as he has information to give and has already given Bank useful information.
459. [F25/8/15] List, undated in January 1819, of 192 prisoners committed to Coldbath Fields prison during 1818 for uttering and possession forged Bank notes.
460. [F25/8/16] Mary Pendleton, Newgate, 28 January 1819, formal petition
That Your Petitioner Mary Pendelton was found gulty of parsing forge Bank Notes and sentance for Foreteen years Transportation in September Sessions Eaghteen Hundred and Eaghteen Your Petitioner thairfore throws hirself at Your Honorable Gentleman feet in hopes You Honorable Gentleman will Commiserat hir Case and grant hir that Allowance Your Honorable Gentlman as Alloted to the Other Prisioners in the like Extrumety which will be the Means of Elevating hir Present Distress – as Your Petitioner as got now frinds to Releve hir Except An Unhappy Mother
And Your Petitioner in duty bound will pray
[BECLS: 28 Jan. 1819, £2 to be paid to keeper of Newgate for her use.]
461. [F25/8/17] Mary Smith, Lord Wellington transport ship, Woolwich, 7 May 1819
Honeard Gentleman pardin the Liberty of adr's'n you I am a pour Widow and Left 4 Helples Childern Behind now I am sent out of my Cuntiary for 14 Eyrs for Having In my peshin Bank of England Forged Notes and Never Having Had aney Relife for this Nine Manths I wass tried In July a Sizes at Durham In the County of Bishipbridg Hoping Honeard Gentleman You Extend your Charity By Givin me a trifle as I am In the Greatest Distress a Gown out of my Cuntiary With out one Shilling
Honeard Gentleman I Shall In Duty Bound Evear pray Mary Smith
[BECLS: 12 May 1819, ordered £5 for her on sailing.]
462. [F25/8/18–24] Letters from Bank solicitors to W. H. Brown, keeper of Newgate, 12, 14 & 18 April 1820, 28 June 1821, 18 May 1822, 12 September 1823, 25 October 1824, listing prisoners to be brought up for trial for Bank offences, asking him to give them notice.
463. [F25/8/25] Louisa Thorn, Newgate, 17 May 1820
Gentlemen Pardon the liberty I have taken in writing to you humbly soliciting you to relieve my distresses for I was under the Painful nessity of pledging my Cloaths in consequence of being 9 weeks in confinement before my trial and has not having a friend on Earth to render me any assistance if any one of the gentlemen will condescend to come to Newgate to make enquiry he will find what I have here stated is honestly true for I have now in my Possession 30 Dublicates of my apparel for I had no other means of providing my Tea and Sugar which is my chief support my health not admiting of me eating the Jail allowance I therefore intrust you gentlemen to take my case into your consideration and afford me some relief be it ever so trifling it would be truly acceptable and your Humble Petitioner will be in duty bound to pray for you to the latest period of her existance your very Humble Servant Lousa Thorn
[BECLS: 24 May 1819, hear evidence from investigator, Glover, that Brown, keeper of Newgate, thinks she is not a fit object for relief; request refused.]
464. [F25/8/26] Louisa Thorn, Newgate, 14 July 1820
Hond Sir I Humbly beg Pardon for Troubling you As I Am At Present in very great Distress Otherwise I would not have taken the Liberty of
Soliciting you and hope you will be Pleased to Recommend My Case to the Honble Gentlemen of the Bank Who I trust will be Disposed of their Known goodness and Humanity to be Extend a Little of that Charity they have been Known to Allow Others in A Similar Situation – I am Quite Destitute having No Friend Whatever to Render me the Smallest assistance And Every Article of Apparal I Possest is in Pledge – I Would be truly gratefull were it ever so Small a Trifle the Honble Gentlemen of the Bank would be Pleased to Bestow Upon Me And trust it will Not be deny'd As I Am to be Banished from My Country And have No Other Dependance to Procure a few Necessary Articles Preparatory to My Voyage And Redeem My Cloaths &c And as in duty Bound Will ever Pray Your Most Hbe Petitioner Luisa Thorn
Annotated: Has been in prison since February last – no child [BECLS: 18 July 1820, again reject request.]
465. [F25/8/27–8] Sarah Carter, Newgate, 13 July 1820
Honorard Sir, I hope you will Pardon the Great Liberty I have taken in Writing these few Lines to you for to State my truly and unhappy Case of Confinement in this Prison I am Sir without one frind in the world for to assist me and without a father and Mother therefore I hope kind Sir that you Will take it in to your Consideration as I have not any thing But what I stand upright in I hope Sir that you Will Render me a Little assistence as I have not so much as one frind in the World for to Helpe or assist me as Such Sir I have been in Prison 2 months having nothing but what the Geol Allows me and your Petitioner Will in Duty Bound Ever to Pray Sarah Carter
Annotated by BECLS secretary: Sarah Carter was ordd to be prosecuted in Apl Sessions, but the Bill was thrown out by the Grand Jury. She was again apprehended & Ordd to be prosecuted 7 June; in another hand: No Child BECLS: 19 July 1820, again refused.]
466. [F25/8/29] Sarah Carter, Newgate, 5 October 1820
Honoured Sir pardon this Great Liberty I take in Addressing theas feaw lines to you but I Dont know when I May be Called to leave my Country I have no Friends whatever to assist me and am Entirely Destitute of Evry Common Necesarry it is Entire Necesity that Compels me to trouble you but if you will have the Goodness to Assist me with a trifle if Ever So Small and I will be In Duty bound Ever to pray Sarah Carter
[BECLS: 11 Oct. 1820, hear that Brown, keeper of Newgate says her statement false; request again rejected.]
467. [F25/8/30] Sarah Carter, Newgate, 25 October 1820
Honoured Sir I hope and trust you will Pardon the Libberty I take In writeing to you but Extreme Distress tempts me to solicit your kind Atention I have been in Confinment these Six Months I have not one Freind in the world to render me the smallest assistance I am Doomed to Leave my Country for fourteen years I hope you will take Compassion on my Miserable Situation and send me a Little Money If you are kind Enough to grant me my Request I shall be In Duty bound to Pray for you my Cloths are all gone I know not what to Do from your Most humble Servant Sarah Carter Annotated: See Ltr fm Mary Robinson 15th April 1820; and in pencil: petition 19 July rejected
Attached: note dating from Nov. 1820: Sarah Carter, Hart. Treemer [her name inserted in another hand] & Mary Robinson are both friendless, they sometimes earn 6d to 1/ per Week but the Women being numerous they cannot all get Employ. T. Glover 1 Nov. See minute Law Commee 1 Nov/ 20
468. [F25/8/31] Harriet Treemer, Newgate, 14 July 1820
Honord Sir I hope that you Will not be offended at the Liberty I have taken in Sending these few Lines to you as Sir I am Placed in the aukward Situation and having no frinds to assist me but an aged and infirm Mother as it being out of her Power for to Render me any assistence what Ever I have taken the Liberty for to write these few Lines to you hoping kind Sir that you will take it in to your Consideration and Render me a Little of your assistence if it be Ever so Trifling as I have no Cloaths and Expects for to Leave my native Country for 14 years and having nothing but the Geol Allowance as Such Sir your Petitioner Will in duty Bound Ever to Pray Harritt Treemer
Annotated by BECLS secretary: Hart Treemer alias Day – was discharged pr Order of the Court 15 March but again apprendd and ordered to be prosd 7 June; another hand added: No Child.
[BECLS: 19 July 1820, request refused.]
469. [F25/8/32] Harriet Treemer, Newgate, 30 October 1820
Honoured Sir reliing on your gennerosity to Pardon me for Persuming to the Libberty of addressing you requesting you will take compassion on my unhappy situation haveing no freind in the world am temped to solicit your kind favours I have been In Confinment this six Months without the Comforts of Life and am Doomed to Leave my Country for fourteen years my fate Is hard Indeed Beleive me Sir I cannot Describe my sufferings I hope and trust you will grant me some releif I shall be ever gratefull for the smallest sum and shall be Ever bound to Pray for you Your Most humble obedient Servant Harriett Treemer
Annotated: See a Lr from Mary Robinson 15th Oct. 1820
[BECLS: 1 Nov. 1820, refused request.]
470. [F25/8/33] Mary Robinson, Newgate, 15 October 1820
Honoured Sir I hope and trust you will Pardon the Libberty I take in writeing to you but Extreme Distress tempts me to solicit your favour I have been In Confinment Ever since february without A Freind to Assist me with the smalest thing It Is totally out of my Father and Mothers Power to Assist me I am Doomed to Leave my Country for fourteen years If you will have the goodness to take Compassion on me and releive me with the smallest triffle I shall for Ever Pray for you your Most humble Servant Mary Robinson
[BECLS: 1 Nov. 1820, refused request.]
471. [F25/8/34] Elizabeth Clowsley, Newgate, 25 July 1820
Honnoured Sir I hope you will Pardon the Libberty I take In writeing to you but Extreme Distress Oblidgees me to solicit your Atention I have been Confined In this Dreary Prisson without Money or Freinds I hope Sir you will take My unhappy Case Into Consideration and send me A trifle of Money I am Doomed to Leave My Country for fourteen years I have been In Confinement Ever Since the third of March without the Comforts of Life witch Is very hard belive me Sir the smalest sum will be Most gratefully Receivd by your Most humble Servant Elizebth Clowsley
472. [F25/8/35] Mary Ann Smith, Newgate, 11 July 1820
Honnored Sir I take the Libberty of writeing to you hopeing you will send me A Little Money Belive me Sir I am In the greatest Distress I have not A Freind In the World to relive me I Must Leave My Country In A Short time and I know not what to do unless your goodness relives me I have no Cloths nor Money I have been in Prisson this six Months my sufferings Is More than I Can describe I hope Sir you will take Pitty on A Poor Distrest girl from your most humble Servant Mary Ann Smith
Annotated: a pound Note to be given.
473. [F25/8/37] Mary Ann Smith, Newgate, 10 October 1820
Honnored Sir I hope you will Pardon the Libberty I take in writeing to you but Extrem Distress oblidges me to solicit your favour I am greatly oblidged to you for the Pound Note you was so kind to send me I hope and trust you will once More take Compassion on my unhappy Situation and releive me to Describe my Destress I Cannot I have been In Confinment this seven Months and I have not one Freind In the world to releive me Could you send me A trifle of Money I shall Ever be In Duty bound to Pray for you
Your Most humble Servant Maryann Smith
I hear the Ship Is not goin this six Months I know not what I shall do
474. [F25/8/36] Mary Ann Smith, Newgate, 18 October 1820
Almost identical letter to 473. Annotated by BECLS secretary: Mr Smith begs to refer Mr Rooker to the Minutes of the 18th instant. Not complied with. [Minute referred to gives Mary Ann Smith as Mary Ann Carter.]
475. [F25/8/38] Sarah Paley, Newgate, 12 May 1820
Hond Sir I hope My Present Distress Will Plead A Sufficient Excuse for the Liberty I Now take In Soliciting Your Humane Interference In My behalf with the Honble Gentleman of the Bank who I trust Will be Pleased to take My Poverty Into Consideration As I Am Quite Destitute And have got A Child to Provide for without any means Whatever but the Allowance of the Prison And Every Article of Wearing Apparal I Possest being in Pledge And Must Remain so Unless kindly assisted by the Honble Gentlemen of the Bank who I Pray will be Pleased to Allow Me A Little of that Charity They have been known Humanely to Extend to Others in A Like Situation
As that will be the Only Means of Alleviateing the Dire Distress of Your Most Hle and Unhappy Svt Sarah Paley
476. [F25/8/39] Sarah Paley, Newgate, 5 June 1820
Hond Sir I Humbly beg Pardon for this Intrusion as Necessity has compelled Me to trouble you A Second time. Humbly hoping you will be Pleased to Exert your Influence In My Behalf with the Honble Gentlemen of the Bank That they May be Pleased In Consideration of My Extreme Distress to Extend a Little of Their Charity to Assist Myself And Child with As I Am in Very great want – having No Friend to render Us the Least Assistance and Totally depending on the allowance of the Prison were it Ever so Trifling the Honble Gentlemen of the Bank would be Pleased to Bestow it would be Most gratefully received by Your most Humble and Unhappy svt Sarah Paley
[BECLS: 5 July 1820, record that investigator, Glover, found her in great distress, but without a child; request rejected since £5 already authorised for embarkation.]
477. [F25/8/40] Sarah Paley, Newgate, 13 July 1820
Similar letter to 475 & 476. [BECLS: same date records that further report received from Glover; she was granted 5s. a week since she was not to sail as she was too unwell to leave.]
478. [F25/8/41] Elizabeth Smith, Newgate, 15 July 1820
Honnourd Sir I hope you will pardon the Libberty I take In writeing to you but extreme Distress oblidgees me to solicit your Atention I have been Confineed I this Prisson Many Miels from my home this six Months without Money or Freinds I know not what to do unless you have the goodness to Assist me I am Sentancet to Leave my Country for fourteen years and have no Cloths I am Almost out of my Mind not one Freind to bring me the smalest trifle belive me I Cannot Describe my sufferings to be Shut up In A Prisson without the Comforts of Life I hope Sir you will send me A Little Money and I shall be ever bound to Pray for you from your Most humble Servant Elizabeth Smith
Annotated: has been in Prison since Feby last; and in different hand: was in Custody a short time before & discharged
479. [F25/8/42–3] Martha Lucas, Newgate, 29 September 1820
Sir I hope you will pardon the Liberty I Presume, in Soliciting your kind Enterference in behalf of me who is verry Much distressed, in Consequence of My Mother being in betholnoly [St Bartholemew's] hospital for Some time and my Dear Child is in Great Distress, as my Mother Supported her Since my Confinement, and now through her Illness my Poor Child is Deprived of her last friend to give her Bread Sir I hope you will be so kind as to take my Distressing Case in to your humane Consideration and bestow on me a little of your Benevolent Charity and by So doing your Humble Petioner will Ever Pray Martha Lucass
Attached: note from Bank investigator: Martha Lucas is as she represents in a distressed situation. T.Glover 2 Octr.
[BECLS: 4 Oct. 1820, records she was in delicate state of health; 5s. a week granted.]
480. [F25/8/44] Martha Lucas, Newgate, 5 October 1820
Sir being verry Much distressed Obliges me once more to Solicit you to be so kind as to bestow on me a little of your Benevolent charity as my Poor Child is in great distress throug my Mother being in Ospitol whom supported her sinse my Confinement, which is Eleven Months Sir I have parted with all my Cloaths, to support myself and Child Since my Mothers Affliction as I have not the least assistance from any Other Person but her Sir as a proof of my Distress Inclosed you will find my Dublicates which I was obliged to pledge to sirport my Child Sir I hope you will Consider my distress and your Humble Petioner will Ever pray Martha Lucass
481. [F25/8/45 & 47] Elizabeth McBride, Newgate, 17 May 1820
Gentlemen Pardon the liberty I have taken in writing to you humbly soliciting you to afford me a temporary relief for I am in absolute distress or I would not have dared to trouble you I was a long time in confinement before trial and having no friends to assist me I was oblidged to sell and Pledge my Cloaths to procure me necessaries so that I have not a change of apparel neither will the Ladies allow me any more in such a case as mine even be they ever so distressed a course garb while I have them washed, I have on, I have not had assistance from any one whatever since I have been in confinement I therefore intreat you to take my case into your consideration and hope and trust you will afford me relief be it ever so trifling it will be truly acceptable for I have a long time to remain in confinement before I leave my own Country and in a short time my health will be greatly impaired not having tea and Sugar which would be my chief support so that if you Gentlemen refuse me relief I shall be a wretched operation by the time the Ship goes I therefore most earnestly beg of you to relieve my distress and your Humble Petitioner will be ever grateful for your Friendship your Humble Servant Elizth McBride
Attached: note from Bank investigator: Mr Brown of Newgate dont think these prisoners [linked with Louisa Thorn's request 464] are proper objects for relief. T. Glover 24 May 1820.
482. [F25/8/46] Mrs Grey, matron of Newgate gaol, on behalf of Elizabeth McBride, 12 July 1820, to Thomas Glover, Bank investigator
Sir I am sorry I omitted when I saw you in the morning to mension Elizh Mc Brides Case to you – But thank you to present it to the Board as she have no freind on Earth to do any thing for her – she is a very Deserving quiet young woman & I believe did not know any thing of the notes till she was unfortunately drawn into them by Voss that suffered here If sir you will have the goodness to think of her she will Ever pray If you will Confer a favour on My self Most Respectfully M. Grey, Matron
Annotated: Has been in prison Since beginning of February last – no child & not known before apprehended
483. [F25/8/48–9] The Revd Robert Crosby, Hoxton Square on behalf of Elizabeth Brown, prisoner in Newgate, 24 October 1820
My dear Sir, In the Case of Elizabeth Brown now in Newgate under Sentence of transportation, at the Instance of the Bank of England, I feel considerable interest. Her father is a respectable tradesman in this Parish: She lived some years in a place of respectable Service in Hoxton: Her Husband is very affectionately disposed towards her & She has Two Infant Children. Knowing well your feelings in such a Case, I have presumed to solicit your consideration to it. I have little hope, that She can be suffered to remain in this country with her husband and children. If that is impossible, may She not prevail on Government thro' the intercession of the Bank, to send out her husband & children with her to New South Wales? It would be a shocking thing in a moral point of view to separate her from her husband and to send her into a Country, where She would probably form connections, the remembrance of which would be grievous unto her as long as she has existence.
I am by no means desirous of advocating her case beyond what to me seems rational. She is a Modest woman & well behaved. She has also imbibed principles of piety and is very Anxious in regard to the future welfare of her Children.
If, for such a delinquent any favor could be found, I should feel peculiarly grateful. And I am fully persuaded that upon her Kindness would not be idly squandered.
With many thanks for your past acts of kindness to me I humbly requesting you to forgive this attempt to Serve thro' your interest a poor unfortunate fellow Creature, labouring under peculiar circumstances and feelings, I have the honor to remain, with sincere respect, My Dear Sir, Your faithful Servant Robert Crosby
Attached: statement from Elizabeth Brown to Revd Crosby, 25 Oct. 1820, admitting she was not innocent of crime, but committed it through need, having been ill for four months beforehand.
484. [F25/8/50] Sarah Wright, Newgate, 19 October 1820
Most Respectful Sir, My Present Unhappy Situation Urges Me to solicit a Favour which Necessity I Trust will Plead An Excuse for. I beg Leave to State I am A Bank Prisoner And Am at Present Confin'd in Childbed And being Without Friends And Money Am In Consequence of That Depriv'd of The Means of Procuring those Necessaries so Requisite for People in My Weak Situation – I Therefore Humbly hope the Honble Gentlemen of the Bank will be Pleased to take My Case into consideration And be dispos'd to Assist me With A Little of That Charity they have been known Humanely to Extend to Others in A Like Situation And as in duty Bound will Ever Pray Sarah Wright
[BECLS: 25 Oct. 1819, grant payment of £2].
485. [F25/8/51] Mary Howard, Newgate, 14 September 1820
Hond I hope you will excuse me Troubling you with this as I am in the Greatest Distress possible in my Situation which is Extremely Distressing I hope you will have compassion for Gods sake on me and my Husband who is a Lame Afflicted Creature and I have had him on my Hands this 5 Years I hope you will hold out some [illegible word] or give your word you will use your Influence which I Know is great to get our Sentence Lessend If we plead Guilty and you will find it most Gratefully Acknowledge as we both will inform as all we know –
I informd Mr Glover that I would see the Person I had them from which I took them entirely for Distress and not before I had been pressd Hundreds of Times we have heard a Great Deal about all A Certain Set of Peoples Affairs who are the Real Instigators of this Infamous transactions & have had me entirely to it
I humbly pray you will call on me and if you will Assist us to get our Liberty in a Little time we will inform you how to find them all out without much Trouble in hope you will not be Offended I am Hond Sirs Yr Most Obt Sert M Howard
486. [F25/8/52] Sarah Hewster, Newgate, 17 July 1820
Honnoured Sir I hope you will Pardon the Libberty I take In writeing to you but Extreme Distress oblidges me to solicit your Attention I have been Confined In this Prisson this two Months without Money or Freinds and am Extremly Ill I am Doomed to Leave my Country for fourteen years Belive me Sir It is More than I can bear my health Is Declineing Every Day for want of the Comforts of Life I hope Sir you will have the goodness to send me a trifle of Money I shall be ever bound to Pray for you
Your Most humble Servant M Huster
Annotated: Hewster apprehended about 12 Months since & comd for trial a Memorial recd & she was not prosecuted she is near 70 Yrs of age a very old dealer
[BECLS: 19 July 1820, request refused.]
487. [F25/8/53] Sarah Hewster, Newgate, 12 August 1820
Almost identical letter to 486.
488. [F25/8/54] George Thorpe, Newgate, 11 July 1820, to Thomas Smith, tap room, Kings Bench prison
Hond Sir, I took the liberty of addressing a letter in Answer to one you was so Kind as to send me
Mr Davis [prison officer accompanying transportees] has informed me that I may expect to go away in a night or two and that if you wish to see me I had better acquaint you of the circumstance as you was so kind as to mention in your letter you would wish to see me before I go. I think if you was to see Mr Davis it would be of service to me has he goes down with us – Hoping you and your father and all the family are in good health
I remain Hond Sir Your obedient humble Sert George Thorpe
Annotated: in Bank investigator's hand, with names, and some part addresses.
489. [F25/8/55] J. Vickers, Newgate, 15 July 1820, sentenced for housebreaking, offers Bank information on Bank note forgers.
490. [F25/8/56] William Thomas Woodberry, Newgate, undated April 1820
Formal petition to plead to lesser offence. BECLS took decision 29 Mar. 1820.
491. [F25/8/57] Sophia Woodberry, Newgate, undated in April 1820
The Humble Petion Of Sophia Matilda Woodberry Prayeth that the Honourable Directors and Governors of the Bank of England will have Mercy on their Humble Petioner now A Prisoner in Newgate and Permit her to plead Guilty to the Minor Offence your Petioner had not left her Fathers house but one month when she was Apprehended and it being her first Offence your Humble Petioner Implores Forgiveness of the Honourable Gentlemen and hopes that they will listen to their Poor Prisoners Petion your Petioner was Over persuaded to do it not thinking of the Dainger it would plunge her and her whole Family into She thinks it her Duty to Inform the Honourable Genn that the Notes was bought of Henry Capper 4 Charles Street Drury Lane Your Humble Petioner as in Duty Bound will ever Pray
[BECLS: took decision 15 Mar. 1820.]
492. [F25/8/58] Samuel Longman, Newgate, 7 April 1820, to Charles Christmas, Bank investigator
Sir, I Beg Leave to take Liberty of writing to you concerning beening confind here for the Bank Buisness there fore if you would have the Goodness to come In to Me and Give it to me from under your hand Not to Prosecute I will tell you where the Man Lives and his decripson and Been an old Sail Master in the trade and has sold them to me and Brought in to this trouble
I am your humble Sert Samuel Longman
493. [F25/8/59] William Woodhead, Newgate, undated in April 1820, formal petition
That the Honourable the Governor and Directors of the Bank of England will have mercy on their Humble Petitioner now A Prisoner in Newgate on A charge of passing A forged note and Permit him to plead guilty to the minor offence Your Petitioner haveing neither Father nor Mother liveing and being A long while out of Employment was betrayed into the offence not knowing the consequence and haveing previous borne a good character and being his first offence your Humble Petitioner implores forgiveness of the Honourable Governor and Directors of the Bank of England, and thinks it his duty to inform that the Note was bought of Henry Capper 4 Charles
Street Drury Lane, and hopes they will hear the prayer of their Humble Petitioner William Woodhead
[BECLS: 29 Mar. 1820, had decided on lesser charge.]
494. [F25/8/60] Moses Bannister, Newgate, 16 October 1820
Mr Rooker Sir, I Hope you will Excuse the liberty I Have taken in adressing you – but my Reasons are to aquaint you were we use to get the nots from – Sturgess & Overton & me use to by them of a man of the name of John dart [sentenced to fourteen yrs trspn, OB, May 1821] at the man in the moon noble St Goswell St but is now moved to the Coach & Horses Fann St Goswell St were he is still selling them to Explain to you in whate way Sturgess Pland it with the offiscers to apurehend me will be unnesacerey as I Should soppose you are or soon will be aquaintend with as you have Sturgess allreddey in Custedey and I should soppose you will overton befor Long – but above all I Hope you will not suffer the seller of them to go unpunishd – that is the Case of so miny Poor famaleys Comming to distinction – I Hope Sir you will Teake my Case into your Humain Concideraiton & grant me that Relife you seme best fit for belive me sir I never should Have Pasd another note if I Had not been drawn into and my Praiears and that of my unfortunent wife and famaly will be Ever Liftend up for your welfare and Prosperty Pray Sir Look over my Case and be as Lining as you Can towards me and if you whant Eney information that is in my Power to Give I Ham quite Readey to Communecoat it to Eney Person you may think Proper to Send
I Remain sir your Humble Srt Moses Bannister
Plese sir Excuse the writing
495. [F25/8/61] James Downes, Newgate, 19 June 1820
Sir, As I have been made the fool of a designing party and been, innocently on my part drawn into this dreadful situation, I am therefore fully determin'd for my own sake and for the happiness of my wife and family, (provided I can obtain my discharge) to inform you of a Man that has pass'd several bad Notes, as well as where they were pass'd together with the person they were had of, should you Sir think this worth your attention you will find that I have been the dupe of these peaple and that I have a claim to be exonerated from the base treatment I have experienced, I am Sir With great respect Your very Obedt Servt James Downes
496. [F25/8/62–3] George Seymour, Newgate, 12 June 1820
Honoured Sirs, I the undersigned have unfortunately rendered myself amenable to the laws of my country, having been sentenced to 14 years transportation for having had forged Bank of England notes in my possession, & Notwithstanding this I can solemnly assure you honoured Sirs, that I was drawn into the Commission of the Crime by some of those harpies who go about to ensnare the unwary, and had I not accidentally met with them I should certainly never have contemplated any offence of the kind. These men frequent a house named the Brewer in Friar Street, Blackfriars Road, where all sorts of bad characters resort every day. All I ever had in my possession was 8 notes, which I received at three different times. I paid 6 Shillings for each. There are to my knowledge 6 of those wretches that go about and entangle young men whose character yet stands good in the world. I have no doubt that the 8 notes formerly in my possession will in due course come to the Bank as my right name was endorsed on all except those given to Mr Harrison the Pawnbroker, on which the same name was written as appeared on the Duplicates of things which I had pledged with him. Many unfortunate and respectably connected young men are sent out of the country and brought to disgrace and ruin through those wicked men. I maintained myself long creditably and in Kentish Town I carried on the business of a saddle and harness maker, where I am sure the inhabitants will give me a good character for honesty and industry, though unfortunately losses in trade, not owning to negligence, compelled me to give up all to my creditors.
My father is a respectable tradesman in Reading in Berkshire where he has carried on a business for thirty years and stands in high credit, and I have also 10 brothers and sisters, most of them in trade and creditably married. I therefore hope, honoured Sirs, you will take my case into consideration and interest yourselves to procure me some mitigation of punishment. I shall feel particularly grateful, and afford you such other assistance as you may think proper to call for. We expect to go hence daily and therefore an early answer will very much oblige me.
I have the honour to be, honoured Sirs, with the most perfect respect, Your most obedient and most humble Servant, George Seymour
Attached: copy note 15 June 1820, from Bank solicitors stating that governors & directors considered application but cannot interfere.
497. [F25/8/64–5] George Seymour, Newgate, 14 July 1820
Gentlemen, Deeply impress'd as I am with a sense of my Guilt and humbly penitent for the crime I have committed – I venture and I hope with confidence to lay before you the truly distressing situation in which I am at present unfortunately placed. Conscious as I am that I am making this appeal to the Humanity of men – whose generosity has been eulogised by a far better pen than mine – from those who have experienc'd your kindness – from those who have witness'd your benevolence. Destitute as I shall be for want of some working Implements in going over to the place of my Destination – I should feel truly and very sincerely obliged if you would assist me with a small supply of Cash to furnish myself with them a boon which I believe has been granted by you in several instances – and I trust by a strict adherence to the principles of Honor and Integrity I may yet be able to retrieve that Character I once possess'd and become a useful Member of Society – In the sincere hope this application will not be in vain permit me to remain with every sentiment of respect and esteem.
Gentn Your truly obliged & very hble sevt George Seymour
Attached: covering letter, same date, from Seymour requesting his letter be put before governor & directors.
498. [F25/8/66] Ebenezer Bult, un-named prison, 10 April 1820 Petition to plead to lesser offence. Decision taken 5 Apr. 1820.
499. [F25/8/67] Catherine Martin, Newgate, 14 April 1820
Honered Sir i hope you will parden the liberty i have taken of writing to you but i have a Child very eavy aflected and i shall be very thankful if you wold let me have the fortnight mony as i do expect to go away on monday or tuesday so i remain your humble servant Catherine Martin
500. [F25/8/68] William Stevens, Borough Compter, 7 April 1820
Sir I would be very Much obliged to You if time permits you to Come to the Borough Compter Mill Lane Tooley Street Southwark as I am Very much Desirous of seeing you Tomorrow being 8th of the above date And you will Much oblidge Your Humble Servant William Steevins