The Letters of William Freeman, London Merchant, 1678-1685.
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William Freeman, 'Freeman's Letters, 1679: nos 83-107', in The Letters of William Freeman, London Merchant, 1678-1685, ed. David Hancock (London, 2002), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].
William Freeman, 'Freeman's Letters, 1679: nos 83-107', in The Letters of William Freeman, London Merchant, 1678-1685. Edited by David Hancock (London, 2002), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,
William Freeman. "Freeman's Letters, 1679: nos 83-107". The Letters of William Freeman, London Merchant, 1678-1685. Ed. David Hancock (London, 2002), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.
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Freeman's Letters, 1679: nos 83-107
83. [p. 88] William Helme & Company [Nevis]
London, April 6, 1679
The above lines is a coppy of my last. Since which I have received yours by
Mr. Rivett with the 16 tunns of sugar by him, that have disposed of at 24s p.r
c.t, an indifferent good price. And although the freight is very lowe, viz. at 5£
p.r tunn, yet by the means of the extraordinary wastage (that is neere 20 p.r c.t)
and the smallness of the tunnage, it cleares but 10s 6d p.r c.t according to Inv.e.
The accompt being made up, by this you may judge what reason we have to
render our complaint that we have so often putt you in minde off and, unless
remedied futurely by your care in p.rventing those occations, we must resolve
to give off tradeing rather then continue it to our loss, as of necessety it must
be when freight rises high and suger sells at the price it doubtless will. I have
so often writt you to these p.rticulers that I am tyred to write the same thing still
over againe, & finde noe benefitt therby. Our sugars wast more by 5 p.r c.t
generally then any mans that comes, which [p. 89] whole busness or some part
thereof we here may advise you to shipp the major part of our sugars, if not all
in large hhds., to let them be well fitted and firmely hooped. If 12 hoopes will
not doe upon its hhds., put 14 or 16, and let them be well nayled. Be sure to
take the weight of your sugars carefully, and examine your weights to see they
be good and we will send staves and such as doe not hold out to make very
large butts, putt them to hhds. that soe our cask may hold out as good and as
large as other mens that we may have noe further cause of complaint. & Pray
send us as few pipes, tearces & barrells as possible you cann. & For what you
are forced to send us in such cask, let them be laden on board our owne shipps,
and not shipps that we take upon freight. But we rather desire none of them, if
possible it might be avoyded.
Another complaint I have to make in another kinde, that is, you neglect the giveing us frequent advises as oppertunityes offers, which is not only unpleaseing but pr.juditiall in the mannagement of our concernes. Heere being severall letters arrived of the 12th Feb., as we are informed, is 10 dayes after Capt. Lawrens came out. & We have not a line, neither before nor since, signifyeing what our concernes might be on board him, that we might make insurance accordingly. What this may be to our detriment we know not in case of miscarridge (which God forbidd). We have alsoe advise of the ketch Batchellor arrivall from Mountsarratt, but not a word from you, which would have been welcome news to us. Pray futurely be more dilligent in the mannagem.t of our concerns, and retreive your past neglects, and be carefull to hasten our returns, that soe we may continue the good oppinion we have hitherto had of you. Haveing in our last cargoes sent you noe French linens (that we judge will be very scarce by meanes of the prohibition), we have now by this shipp, Olive of London, Thomas Alland, Comd.r, sent you 4 bales canvis and two bales of dowles amounting to 138£ 04s 01d as p.r the inclosed Invoyse appeares. Bill of Ladeing for the same goes heerwith. Also wee suppose the ketch Batchellor will lade at M.tserratt. By which meanes we doubt not but you will have it full ladeing for the Abraham against her arrivall, and give her an imediat dispatch, and that you will lade considerably upon Lister for our accompts, besides what other oppertunityes you may have of ladeing for us. For we expect returns answearable to the supplyes wee have given you. ...
84. General William Stapleton [Montserrat]
London, April 8, 1679
The within lines is a coppy of my last, since which I have received yours of the
12th of February by which I p.rceive you conceive you cann make out a good
title to the negroes. And indeed I am somewhat startled at your writeing that
you have but 26 in your possession, & have seriously taken into consideration
your allegation to make out your title to them, and have compared them with
the depositions you sent me, viz. Capt. Pogsons & the seamens, by both which
I find you will not be able to prove that they were either in possession of the
French or Indians (as enemies), theire depositions makeing out the contrary.
However, because I would doe noething of my owne head, I went imediatly
and tooke good councell upon the heads of your letter. And supposeing that
you should make such proofes as you lay downe therein, yett all these proofes
being made good will not amount to a good title in law, as the counsells tell
me. And the evidences the two Dutchmen have given in heere will tak of any
proofs that you cann bring against them. Soe that it's the absolute oppinion of
Sir Richard Lloyd & another eminent counsell that it will be your advantage to
stand to the composition we have made. And should we now break of this you
must expect noe favor in
[p. 90] complaining herefore. As to the dyett of the prisoners, or the 60 negroes fallen off, it hath noe manner of relation to this concerne. But if you p.rsist in that, there must be complaint made p.rticulerly and proofs brought to bring it to a heareing. But to hope to have this delayde any longer upon that accompt when the 6 mo. is expired is but vaine. For I had upon the last heareing much adoe to gett that time granted, and that on no other accompt but upon giveing in 1,500£ securety to answer the vallew of the negroes. If you should be condemned when it came to a heareing, as you will find by the coppye of the order sent you by the Lords, this being the oppinion of the lawyers heere, where it will at last be determined, I thought good not to omitt this oppertunity of doeing it – Mr. Waltendunsk being suddenly bound for Holland. But however Collonell Bayer and myself have soe farr pr.vailed upon him that I am to pay him but half the money ready downe. & If it shall hapen that you cannot compass the number of 72 negroes, that wee have agreed to give him 675£ for, besides the 100£ already given the seamen, that for as many as shall fall short of that number, wee are to discount proportionably for. Soe that if any dead or soe disposed off that you cannot finde them out or recover the payment for them, that then you are to be allowed for them. But we have ingaged to him that you shall upon your honor render him a just accompt, and use the utmost of your indeavors to recover all that you can by any means finde are disposed of by yourself or any other p.rson whatsoever, and to take them or payment for the same, as you shall judge meete, as to the 26 in your hands and 22 in Sir James Russells hands. For that number is out of dispute. Hee hath summoned Sir Richard Haddock to appear in the behalfe of his unkle, who speaks very hardly of you for the misusidge of his unkle, and imputes it to be the only occasion of his death, though I know there is noe reason for it. (fn. 1)
Capt. Crisp hath this day taken his journey for Parris, where I doubt he will finde more difficulty in effecting the treaty than there might have been upon his first arrivall heer – the condition of the state of affaires in France being much altered, since the Peace with the Confederates. However, I hope his journy may prove successfull. It will meet with noe stopps in our Court, I am confident. I shall deliver the orriginall articles you sent to Mr. Secretary Coventry. Your letter to Mons.r Depeye I know not how to convey, hee being gone with his Royall Highnes who its believed will not returne into England againe. The other letter to Coll. Worden shall deliver.
I heerwith send you all the transactions in Parliment this pr.sent Sessions, soe that it wil be needless to repeate any of the passidges to you. The Lords will suddenly be brought upon their tryalls, & doubtless will be found guilty. I shall not trouble you further at pr.sent, only to lett you know that Jemy is very well, and sends ourself and Madam Stapleton his humble duty. Rand.l is also well. This, with my humble servis, is what at pr.sent offers from.
85. William Calhoun [St. Christopher]
London, April 9, 1679
This serves to advise of the receipt of your 16 hhds. sugar by the Hannah &
Elizabeth, Lott Gorden, Commander, as also your 40 hhds. by the Indevour,
James Rivett, Comander. That I have disposed off to Mr. John Fleet
[p. 91] at 22s 9d p.r c.t. Accompt of Sale for the same you sent, knowing the sugar prices very bad and likewise the cask for want of good hoopeing that put you to 36s extraordinary charges in hoopeing them. (fn. 2) But I conceive you have noe cost thereby. In regarde the weight of new hoopes, desire paye the charge and more. I found no cause of complaint of any shipp dammage, there being 5 p.r c.t less wastidge upon them than we generally finde upon any that seemes best conditioned. I hope I may kiss your hands this summer, according as you advise. Capt. Crisp went yesterday for Fraunce. Heere is no news worth your notice. ...
86. Robert Helme [Nevis]
[London, April 6, 1679]
Wee are now at the 6th Instant, and is cheefly to advise of the ketch Indeavor,
James Rivett, Comanders, arrivall, by whom have received the 15 butts of
sugar laden by yourself, as alsoe what laden by your brother, have sold at
24s p.r c.t, and although the freight is lowe and a good price, yet cleares not
above 10s 6d p.r c.t The reasons thereof I have given your brother W.m, which
please to peruse. And futurely endeavor to pr.vent the occasion. I have
received a letter from John Beddingfeild of the 30th January, adviseing of the
arrivall of the ketch Batchellor, but not a line from yourself, though severall
have letters of the 12th Feb.ry adviseing of Giles Lawrences departure 10
dayes before. (That is not yett arrived.) You cannot but imagine that wee
should be desirous to heare of the success of the ketch, and therfore admire you
have not given us a line relateing to it, neither what we have laden on G.
Lawrence, that would have been convenient for the makeing insuranse. Your
bro. is extreamely blameable not to give us the least advises of anything that
relates to our consernes, nor sending accompts that keeps us in the darke in
poynt of mannagement of our consernes.
Giles Lawrence not goeing for Leverpoole, we have been forced to buy 40 or 50 tunns suger and send about. & I pr.sume Mr. Alland hath hired a shipp at 3s p.r barrell to cary the 600 barrells of beefe designed for her. By which you may judge of our loss by not sending her (or Rivett, who would have gone had you moved itt to him) to that port.
You will receive an accompt from H. Alland whether hee warrants the beefe or not to the port, I mean as to goodness, we have left to his choice, either to abate us 40£ of the price agreed upon, or elce to warrant it. If he warrants it, then you must hand all barrels when landed. & For what proves defective, you must turne upon the hands of those he appoynts to receive it, which he must take upon his own account, and allow us the cost and charges of the same, which is agreeable to our contract with him.
If the ketch Batchelor succeeds well, we have a mind to try another trip that way. But if we doe, she shall discharge at Mountsarratt, & soe lade at Nevis or St. Kitts, where you may dispatch her in 3 or 4 dayes, haveing a ladeing ready and sloopes or botes to assist. But ther wil be time enough hereafter to discourse of. ...
87. [p. 92] Captain Nicholas Meade [Montserrat]
London, April 14, 1679
In my last I sent you an Accompt of Sales of your 2 hhds. of sugar p.r the Dilligence, William Miller, Comander, that nete prosseeds of the same being 11£
14s 05d. And by this shipp Olive, Thomas Askland, Comander, I have sent you
these things you desired, except the hoes, bills, nayls, convis, and capps. – The
hoes, bills, and nayles I omitted, by reason our ironware heer is very deare and
not good; for which reason I alwayes send for supply of my own occasions out
of Bristoll. Canvis by reason of the prohibition is soe extreame deare that I
believe you buy cheaper there and for the blew capps, I never saw any nor
know not where to buy them.
All other p.rticulers you have. The cost and charges of the same is 9£ 3s 3d as p.r the Invoyce herewith sent appears. For the ballance due to me being 19s 5d, I desire you to pay to my attorny Mr. William Fox, whose accompt I have made Dr for the same, it being soe inconsiderable that its not worth letting an acco.t stand open for.
Your goods is included in a Bill of Ladeing with some others sent Mr. Otto Curtis, and your sword is packt up in a trunke of goods of his, & your hatt in a box of hatts of his, which hatt has a superscription upon directed to yourself. I knew not how to send them otherwise. Your letter to your brother David I have not delivered. He, being a Roman Catholick, is out of towne; and where to send it I know not. ...
88. [p. 93] William Fox [Montserrat]
London, April 11, 1679
I writt you about 4 or 5 dayes since some uncoppied lines in answer to yours of
the 30th of January that was just then come to hand. I doubt not but you have
long since received those things you advised, for which I sent imeediatly after
the receipt of your former, all except the pendants or necklace, which I have
forborne to send in regarde you doe not mention what price you are willing to
bestow. That I desire you will not fayle to doe in your next & your comands
therein shal be readely answeared.
I observe what you write of Otto Curtis his demands which I think is far greater then the management of 1/2 a plant. can deserve, I would not have your exceed 3,000£ sugar. If he will not undertake it for that, I intreate you to take a little extraordinary care untill I can otherwise provide myself, and I shall be content to allow you what you shall think reasonable for your troubles, with hearty thankefullness.
I p.rceive by my coson John Beddingfeilds letter he intends for London this summer. & It's my advise to him to preseante his resolutions therein. & Upon his arrivall heer he shall not want any assistance, though I cannot excuse his remisseness in many things. Pray lett him bring with him my plantation accompts and a p.rfect of all things thereunto relating. Lett him take the trouble upon him, without giveing yourself any therein.
Sir, pray observe my former directions in relation to my plant. concernes. & I desire you will not lade off any of the sugar from theare on my account after the latter end of June untill the month of 7.b.r and on. & If possible you cann give me advise what shipps you lade upon before that I may make insurance if I see cause soe to doe. ...
89. [p. 94] General William Stapleton [Montserrat]
London, April 24, 1679
Honored Sir,
Since my last to you, heer hath hapened a suddein and unexpected change in
the government by His Majesty haveing dissolved his Privy Councill, & called
together a new one of which the Earle of Shaftsbury is Pr.sident, as you will
find by the inclosed. (fn. 3) This alteration will occasion a remove of most people in
offices and commands, as it's beleived by all people, a step being made
towards itt already. And those first struck att are such as had the Dukes favor,
of which it's verely thought not one man will continue in any office or
command whatsoever.
[p. 95] It's said Coll. Strode is already out of Dover Castle, Legge out of Portsmouth, the Comissioners out of the Navy, & Pepys will be removed, & many others which I have not now time to give you an accompt off. (fn. 4) The same change of government with you must be expected, though I hear not the least item of itt. Yett would advise you to settle all things relateing to your own concerns as much to your own advantage as possible you cann in order to itt. & You shall not fayle to have an accompt from time to time, as things move heer. I am this day to finish your business with Mr. Waltendunck for the negroes, & to pay him the half of 675£, as I have already writt you. Jemy is well too of the measells.
I had yesterday a letter from Jo. Crisp from Parris where he was newly arrived. & As he informes me, your treaty is coldly received there. Soe pr.sume it will not take effect. All people heer are under great jealousies of the Frenches pr.parations, feareing he looks this way. & Indeed, Ireland is in great danger, should he bend that way. Things move but slowly heer in order to navall preparations. Nor is it possible it should be otherwise untill the King is out of debt, as it is generally hoped the Parliment will putt him upon this new change. ...
90. Robert Helme [Nevis]
London, May 3, 1679
My Deare Freind,
This serves to advise you of the receipt of yors p.r Capt. Lawrence, as also of
the 21th of February, & likewise of Mr. Claytons arivall at Corke the 17th Past.
But noe letters by him yet come to hand. I am sorry the brandy proved not
according to expectation, which was not our fault, we haveing ordered the best.
It must needs be our great disadvantage in the sales, but cannot now be remedied. I finde Clayton proves a dilligent man, and therfore shall order him when
discharged to bring the ketch about in order to a second voyage the same way.
But wil order less liquor and what shal be better if possible, a quantity of linen
& some other thinges, but wil order M.tsarratt to be his port of discharge. & At
his first arrivall there, send up a sloope to bring down all his dry goods to Nevis
without putting them on shore at M.tsarratt. And once being landed they will
be secure, for the liquors to let lye on bord untill he is laden or neer lade, and
then, if you can gett the favor of the Customer of Liquors at M.tsarratt, to put
it on shore, and carry it down or what part you thinke convenient to Nevis after
the vessell is gone. You may doe as you judge most convenient, but, if you
happen to come off this yeare ( hitherto you have given me no certeinty
off), then be sure to leave necessary instructions with your brother for the
management of the concernes. ...
91. [p. 96] Richard Cleveland, Daniel Danvers
London, May 15, 1679 & Anthony Henthorne [Liverpool]
Wee have received yours of the 10th Instant and take notice of your complaint,
which we conceive to be grounded, inasmuch as our goods proves as other
mens doth, and as you conceive the abuse lies in our factor and partner
beyound the seas. As to that perticuler wee have had sufficient experience of
his care, industry, and integrity in all his actings which we have found by 8
yeares correspondency. In all which time noe men that hath been concerned in
that trade ever had greater or better p.rcells of sugars then we have had, takeing
one time with another, as we can make appeare by these we have sold to. Your
kinsman Mr. Fleete is one who the last yeare bought of us neer 10,000£ worth,
all unsight or seen before a caske landed, and alwayes gave us the top of the
markett price, and never had a word afterwards but our monys punctually paid,
as he would have done for this you have received. Had it come to this port and
100 tunns more, we might have had 24s p.r c.t for itt unsight or seen and our
mony downe upon the nayle for itt, as we had for all we had come to this port,
takeing itt with all faults as we sold itt, damnifyed or not, our contract runn. &
Truly wee are of oppinion yours cannot prove worse then what hath come to
this port this yeare, that hath been the worst trash that ever I saw, and you have
the same advantage there as those that buy heer on those tearmes however it
proves. But if it had happend to prove better then ordnary, wee must expect noe
consideration; nor cann you, if it prove worse. You have your bargaine and that
is all you cann expect from us. And we could heartily wish it had prooved as
much to your advantage as it hath done to your disadvantage. As to your
thoughts of haveing noe further trade with us, we are indiffernt in that poynt as
you. If you conceive you have any disadvantage therby, notwithstanding we
have according to our promise ordered you two shipps of sugar more this
yeare, yet if you judge you may be anywayes pr.judiced by haveing further
dealeings with us, we now leave you to your libertyes to acquitt yourselves of
s.d contract with us, if you thinke fitt. And we will stand to the hazzard of the
markett. And if they are not worth money with you, wee will bring them where
they are, for we finde noe such extraordnary advantage as to pin ourselves
upon your markett. Soe we desire your answear, if you thinke good to continue
your bargaine. However the goods prooves, we shall expect it accordingly as
the markett price governes heer, for we know our goods proves one time with
another as good as any mans. And you shall alwayes finde faire dealeings by
us. But to receive continuall complaints we doe not desire it, and also wish you
had noe cause for itt, and suppose you have not soe much as you seeme to have,
in regarde all other mens proves much after the same rate. But we have
alwayes had complaints, as in the first p.rcell Mr. Danvers very much
complayned of the quality, and Mr. Henthorne both by word of mouth and
letters owned them to be as good as ever he desired to worke. And should be
glad he could give the like character of these. I shall not [p. 97] trouble you
further than to intreate your assistance in procureing the ketch a freight or a
ladeing of corne on our own accompts, with the quickest dispatch you cann,
and to tell you that, if wee declyne our bargaine, that we shall be well satisfyed,
though we have bought two shipps on purpose to continue that trade. Soe we
referr it to your consideration and expect your answer which shal be satisfactory to us either way. ...
Wee know not what ship it is Mr. Henthorne means. But severall have arrived and none sold under 24s that I knowe of. And if I had 100 tuns now arrived in the River, could sell it all soe without seeing a caske of itt.
92. Henry Kirton & Thomas Deane [Madeira]
London, June 6, 1679
By the recomendation of our freinde Mr. John Cary we have pr.sumed to give
you the trouble of these lines in order to a further correspondency. If upon
receipt of this you are pleased to incourage us thereunto, wee have for some
yeares past usually laden off from your island from 300 to 500 pipes of wine
yearly and our correspondency hath been cheefly with Mr. Richard Pickford
and Company, and this last two yeares wee have dealt with Sen.r De Gamma
for 5 or 600 pipes, bought at a certeine price. But of late wee have not found
that satisfaction as formerly from our correspondent Pickford, supposeing hee
is rather inclynable to declyne business than covetuous of undertakeing itt. For
that & some other reasons, wee have resolved to enter into a new correspondency which may be with yourselves before any p.rsons, if you are pleased to
incourage us thereunto. And if you shall thinke fitt to imbrace our business, itts
our desires that you will by first convenienty send us an Invoice of such goods
(not exceeding the valew of 3 or 400£ sterl. at a time) as are most proper for
your markett and will vend to the best advantage. Wee limit you to that summe
because we have alwayes found that greater quantityes doth but clog the
markett & lye long upon hands, whereas by sending such small quantities
often, you may alwayes have sutable sortments of fresh and good goods that
turnes best to at the markett. And this advise wee desire you will give
us timely because we are willing to make a stock in your hands before we
ingage you to loade us of any wines. And wee shall likewise expect from you
(if you are pleased to undertake our business) that you will take the trouble of
retayleing out our goods as occation may require to our most & best advantage
and rendring us an therof. And whatever comodityes you shall advise
for shall bee dewly sent you, to such a valew as may bee suteable to what our
occations may require. And wee shall alwayes supply some part by creditts for
Lisboa as we have usually done, about a quarter part. And you shall have our
goods in your hands 6 months beforehand to dispose of to supply the rest. And
we shall alsoe expect that you will at all times lade us of the very best wines
the Islands affords and on as moderate tearmes, you haveing alwayes our
goods to goe to the market beforehand as you shall.
Now, our further requests to you is that you will on no tearmes make the least discovery to any p.rson whatsoever of what we have now intimated to you touching a correspondency, or that you have heared anything from us, in regarde itt may tend to our prejudice, for as much as we have now an depending with Mr. Pickford, & have foods or effects in his hands. And wee would issue our said accompt and release all things betwixt us and them before we would give the least intimation to him of a correspondency with any other p.rson. And therfore we injoyne you, whether you accept of our correspondency or not, not to give the least intimation of it to any p.rson whatever. ...
93. [p. 98] Robert Helme [Nevis]
London, June 6, 1679
Deare Freinde,
I have rec.d yours of the 15th and 24th March, adviseing of Terys arrivall, of
which we had noe doubt his long stay was occationed by his neglect, and not
by spending 6 weeks att Madera as hee pr.tends, for it was noe such thing.
We resolve to remove him when please God the ship arrives. Capt. Lawrence
ship we shall sell and after 4 yeares adventure of our money shall loose 100£,
I believe, out of our principall to our p.rticular. The ketch is comeing about
from Leverpoole and I doubt shall loose by her the whole advantage of the
voyage that wee promised ourselves would be great. Clayton was to blame in
adviseing me to buy her, since she proves soe defective. Wee will try another
trip that way for linen & liquor. Therfore, if you should come off, leave dew
and punctuall instructions with your brother about it. Whatever vessell we
send shall discharge att M.tsarratt and afterwards make a trip to New
England where would have you make provition for a ladeing of lumber or
horses or what you judg convenient.
Wee are now pr.pareing the best cargo of dry goods that ever went to Nevis. That we intend about 6 weeks hence, and resolve to conclude all our concernes in itt, except a little we may doe in wines. Pray spur up the young men to hasten us returns, which ought to be very great in respect of our adventures. All freinds heer are in expectation of seeing you this sumer, if possible you can issue your business. But pray fayle not to settle our plantation and all other things in a good forme before you come off, unless you intend over againe. ...
94. General William Stapleton [Montserrat]
London, June 6, 1679
This searves to advise of the receipt of severall of yours, as alsoe of the safe
arrivall of your Lady and children heer the last weeke who (blessed be God)
are all in good health. And you may assure yourself nothing in my power shal
be wanting to serve you or them. I have received a petition from Coll. Mathew
in your behalfe from the Councell & Assembly of St. Xtophers, which shall
keep by mee to make use off to your advantage as occation may require – at
pr.sent there being none. The late pr.rogation of the Parliment hath put a stop
to all things in that kinde. (fn. 5) Otherwise it was generally believed there would
have been a generall change of all men in comands or other imployments that
had the Dukes favor. Yet I doubt not that it would have reached you, if you
conforme in takeing the oathes that doubtless will be imposed through occation
of the mischeevous plott, that I am sure you nor noe good man will refuse upon
such an occation.
Sir, heerinclosed I send you a coppie of the contract I have made with Mr. Van Wachtendonck that I request your punctuall complyance with, and am confident upon dew consideration you will beleive it to be to your advantage. I assure you there was nothing wanting in my power to have brought him to lower tearmes, but could not. Yet the man hath expresst a great civillity for you in returne of your kindness to their nation. & Had it not been for that, I am confident would not have accepted those tearmes.
I shall this week receive the remainder of your last years pay which I could not obteine sooner. ...
95. Nicholas Lee [Nantes]
London, June 6, 1679
I have received yours of the 27th Past, and esteeme myself highly obliged
for your kind and ample answear, which is to my great satisfaction and I
doubt to your great trouble. And in awnswer thereunto, Sir, I now request
you to prepare about twenty tunns of caske of English make (or like to
them), provided that you cann gett them made as cheap and as substantiall in
all respects as if they were made after your usuall manner, which [p. 99] lett
be as followeth, viz. about 150 small cask each to contein about 10 English
gallons, 40 barrells or halfe hhds. that each about 30 gallons, and lett the
remainder bee cask about 70 or 80 gallons each made after the forme of our
London beere punch. But in case you cannot gett caske made after this
manner, then lett there be the aforesaid quantity of small caske and the rest
in French hhds. and halfe hhds., a proportion of each as above. And for the
butts or pipes you purchase with the brandy, I doubt not but you may dispose
of them to a very small loss. And lett me request you that there may be
spetiall care taken that you may have substantiall thike caske and also that
they may be very well seasoned that the liquor may receive no prejudice
therby. For the last year I had a p.rcell from St. Martins that had all a very ill
tange at the farewell that spoylt the sale of the whole, which am apt to
impute to the caske, it being soe drawen off. And pray take a spetiall care for
prevention of anything that may happen in the like kinde. Itt may be two
moneths time before I shall ship itt. And therfore you will have time enough
to pr.pare the caske and to buy in the brandy as oppertunityes offer. And if
you conceive it may be cheaper, you may suspend the buying it a month or
two longer, or at least until you heer further from mee. And whenever you
buy, pray please to purchase of the very best. I had also designed to have
sent orders for Mourlix and St. Malo to buy a p.rcell of linnen cloth to be
sent from thence to Nants, to yourself, to be laden on board the same vessell
that I shall order to take in the brandy. But findeing by your advise that
canvis may be bought as cheap at Nants, I resolve to leave the mannagement
of the whole concerne to yourself to negotiate which you may take time to
doe this 2 moneths. And buy all things at your leasure. And please to order
the dowles from Mourlix wher I suppose itt may be purchased on the easiest
tearmes. But I conceive you may transport itt by sea from thence to St. Malo
and soe to Nants much cheaper then by land carridge, haveing time enough
to doe itt. And whosoever you order to buy itt pray take care it may be one
that will be carefull to purchase it on the best tearmes & that the sorts may
be such as I shall herwith send you directions for. And leet the bales bee
large, 6 or 9 peeres in a bale to save wrappers, because I intend to unpack
them at Nants and to have them putt up in trunks, which I will send by the
vessell for that purpose. I will suddenly send you a bill for one thousand
crownes or two that I would have done by this post but could not gett one to
my content & will take care to remitt you more as the affaire shall require,
that soe you may purchase all things at the best rates, which I noewayes
doubt off, in regarde you have soe long time. What silks I shall have occation for are soe inconsiderable that I shall onely trouble you to buy a small
p.rcell of allemodes of the lowest sort, and some avinions – a small p.rcell to
soape is cheaper heer. (fn. 6) ...
Heer followes an accompt of what I desire may be bought. About 6,000 @ of vitree canviss, the most part from 7/ to 8/6 p.r @ and some part of it from 8/ to 9/6 but not to much. (fn. 7) – About 1,000 @ of the best p.r extras from 10/ to 10/ 6 p.r c.t – About 1,000 @ of the first best and second best sort of nayalls & peeces course 3/4 dowles – 20 peeces 3/4 dowles of a midling sort – not the very finest nor coursest sort – 9 peeces 3/4 dowles very fine – 9 peeces 2/3 dowles a midling sort – about 400 @ of avinions. (fn. 8) The cullers a carnation or pinke colour, lemon, sky, green, philemon & a mixt cloth collour or two or if it bee 500 @ – About 300 @ of black allemode about 38s or 40s price p.r @ – 40 reames of rolld paper which I suppose to be of good sort of paper to write letters or for any other ordnary use, but if not lett there be 40 reames more of the foolescap than is heer undermentioned. 40 reames of foolescap – 20 reames of post paper – 6 doz. of codebeggs about 30£ p.r dozen – 2 doz. ditto about 40 or 45£ p.r dozen. (fn. 9) – If you buy 1,000 or 1,500 @ of the vitree canvis more than I have lett downe above, it matters not....
96. [p. 100] Nicholas Lee [Nantes]
[London,] June 10, 1679
... And doe againe desire your p.rticuler care of the cask that they may be very
good and well seasoned, for am really of beliefe my brandy the last year was
spoylt by the caske by drawing itt into new caske. And if you judge any
pr.judice may happen to itt by that meanes, had rather have itt in the same
caske you buy it in. But that I shall referr to your discretion. Only am doubtfull
the vessell I intend to send for it is soe small that her hatches will not lett down
butts into her hold.
Sir, I omitted in my last to order 9 ps. of lockrams of a midling sort, or elce its omitted in the coppye. I alsoe desire you to buy 50 ps. of kentings, wherof lett none be very course. (fn. 10) & If you can gett 40 doz. of kid gloves from Paris well sented, halfe for men and half for woemen, the mens all cullered, the woemens lett bee 1/3 white. This is the needfull at pr.sent from –
Sir, if you have not bought the avinions, pray forbear buying any, but buy the allemodes as directed.
97. Daniel Danvers [Liverpool]
London, June 24, 1679
This serves to advise you that, by late advice I have had from Nevis, itt may
bee pr.sumed the shipp Abraham hath been now a mo. or 5 weeks att sea, soe
may be well onward of her voyage and may be reasonably expected about a
fortnight hence. I have heerwith sent an order to the Master to deliver her
whole ladeing to yourself and Mr. Henthorne, who pr.mised mee to order a
man that shold honestly take the weights betwixt us, which I also relye upon
you to doe justice in that p.rticular. And pray lett there be care taken that every
p.rticuler marke may be taken distinctly by itt self with the numbers that there
may not bee that confusion as when shee last arrived that I could hardly
seperate one from the other. There will be 15 tunns of my own plant. sugar
which markes will bee as I suppose WF & HF, that is my owne p.rticuler
goods. I never sold any of my plant. sugars for less heer than 12d p.r c.t
beyound the common markett price. For this I now leave itt to you & Mr.
Henthorn to give me as much as in your conscience you judge. They deserve
more then the rest in p.rcells, as I told Mr. Henthorne when he was in towne,
who pr.mised mee he would doe me all justice in that poynt. If when the ship
arrives you finde any damadge, you must make the Master make an allowance
for itt out of their wages. Also I would desire you not to pay the Master about
100£ before I have his accompt & you have my p.rticuler order for soe doeing.
I hope this will proove a good p.rcell of sugar, it being a good season, but hitherto noe good hath come to London. For the price, if you please, Mr. Fleet shall
settle betwixt us, being the most pr.per p.rson I know. Pray lett me receive your
answear. About 3 mo. hence, I have another vessell, if please God she comes
well, wil be with you. ...
98. [p. 101] Nicholas Lee [Nantes]
[London, June 24, 1679]
Itts now the 24th Instant, & this day I have rec.d yours of the 14/24th, whereby
I p.rceive you had not my directions soe plaine as you desired by meanes of the
breaking of the seale in openinge my letter. Wherefore have now sent you the
copies of both my former. & If James tooke the sorts, its for want of judgm.t
on the comidity. For I have been informed that all cloth of those arts. goes
under the denomination of vitree canvis – though here we distinguish them by
the sev.ll names. & I also had an advice from St. Malo that vitree canvis might
be bought from 6p p.r @ to 9p p.r @. Soe that I did conceive that from 7p to
8p p.r @ to be the midling sort, which I have usualy bought here by the name
of paretrees & pantosens. That I judge to be the same sort of cloth that you call
foageres, which is a faire cloth to the eye, but I judge not soe servisable. (fn. 11)
However, thats the sort I would have cheifely of. But as neere as you can,
would have both the selvidges good, which often times prooves very deceitful,
one much worse then the other. (fn. 12) Its designed for the West Indies, & would
have good servisable cloth proper for that use. & Soe refer it to you. But that
price from 7p to 8p I judge would be salable anough for my purpose. I shall say
noe more but refer it to yourselfe. I intended to have sent you another bill for
1,000 crownes p.r this post, but haveing omitted it shall doe it within upon 2 or
3, which I hope may answer your occation. ...
99. Nicholas Lee [Nantes]
London, June 30, 1679
This day I received yours adviseing of the receipt of the bill of 1,000 crownes
sent you. I intended to have sent you another this post for 1,000 crownes more,
but haveing omitted it, itt will now be a weeke or fortnight before I shall send
any more, findeing there will be no urgent occation. I hope mine of the 24th,
wherein I advised you more p.rticularly of the sorts of canvis fitt for my
purpose, may come timely to hand which is the greatest part from 7p to 8p p.r
@ that I was informed went by the name of vitree in France, but heer wee
called them paretrees, which might occation a mistake. But in my last I gave
you an accompt what use they are for, & would have a good sort of cloth fitt
for that purpose, being for the West Indies, which you may best judge off. That
soe the cloth. As to the caske, I think it may doe well to forbeare buying them
unless the small caske of about 10 or 12 gall.s. For if possible the vessell can
take itt in butts, I had rather have them than any other caske. Which I cannot
resolve untill shee arrives. That I have expected dayly out of the West Country
this fortnight, but is not yett come upp. ...
100. [p. 102] Nicholas Lee [Nantes]
London, July 10, 1679
I have received both yours of the 8th & 11th Instant, the first adviseing of your
buyng of 15 ps. of allamode, and 5 ps. lutestring, which I am content with,
provided the allamodes doe not contain above 3 or 400 @. (fn. 13) If they should
contain more, such a quantity will never finde vent where I send them. The
5 ps. lutestring, since you have bought them, I am content to have them. As for
the gloves, if not to be had, itt matters not. I take notice you have bought up
most of the goods. And for the remainder you may take your time in buying,
for I beleive itt may bee 2 moneths yett before I shall shipp them. The vessell
that I intended to have sent to take them in proves insufficient, soe that am now
seeking one to buy one for that purpose.
Heerwith I send you bill for one thousand crownes more, payable to yourselfe or order, and shall take order to remitt you the rest in dew season.
I have noething to add but referr all to your prudent mannadgement in buying such comodities as may befitt for the use I designe them, as I have already given you to understand. ...
101. [p. 103] Colonel Abednego Mathew [St. Christopher]
London, July 18, 1679
I have rec.d both yours by the Golden Lyon, & of the 1st of April. The petition
I shall make use off as occation requires. At pr.sent there is none. The Generall
stands well in the favor of His Majestye & His Councell, & I hope will continue
soe. I hope you have received your cases, planks, and all other things you gave
order for in your former before this. The cases I last sent are the largest sort that
is made & you cann have noe larger; & indeed, I believe the lesser would have
been as servissable. Hereinclosed you have a Bill of Ladeing for your 2 stills
with heads and wormes according to directions, as also an Invoice of their cost,
being laden on bord this ship Providence, John Estes, Master.
Heerinclosed I send you your accompt wherin you will find you are made D.r for sixty pounds p.d your sonn that I hope you will not disallow of. (fn. 14) He is now in town, & a very hopefull young gentleman, & Ens. to a Foote Comp. in the Duke of Monmouth's regiment, and doubtless if there be any action will advance his fortunes. The regiment he is in is ordered for Tangeir, & indeed I have rather advised him to quit his imployment then to pr.ceed with them, for there he can hope for noe advancement. Which I am sure oppertunities will offer if he be neerer at hand. I pr.sume he will have a further occation for money, and you will doe very well to send mee orders what you desire he may be supplyed with. Indeed, I should not have p.d him soe much had not Mr. Crisp given me his assurance that you would allow of itt, though to the vallew of 30 or 40£ I should not have scrupled. But I really think your money is well applyed.
Your pay is all rec.d except this last yeare that is now just dew, for which I am getting a warrant. Your arears in Sir Tobias Bridges regim.t I despayr ever of getting. You may be confident my indeavors shall not be wanting in that or anything elce to serve you.
Heer is noething of news but the dissolution of the Parlim.t for which a Proclamation came out Monday Last, and a new one to be called in October Next. (fn. 15) The people are generally dissatisfyed at itt, though I hope without reason. I have noething further to trouble you with but my serviss to yourself and Lady, and to lett you know. Sir Francis Morton was buried the last week. (fn. 16) ...
102. Colonel Edmund Stapleton [Montserrat]
London, July 18, 1679
Deare Brother,
I have received yours of the 30th March and give you thanks for the trouble
you have taken with Mr. Bramley in my concerne, and, although the difference is not great, yet I will as soon give away my whole interest in the plant.
as be defrauded of soe just a right. & Indeed, I find by his pr.ceedings, if I
should allow of them, I shall have only a titular right to the plant. & he will
have the substance of it, for I have sent over money & other necessaryes for
the plant. to defray my half part of itts charge, and to pay the debts. But I
understand notwithstanding that he hath p.d all the debts in sugar and my
goods and money lyes by. Soe that if I have not the benefitt of paying my
own debts & supplying my own part, I have noe right to the plantation. I
cannot imagin wherin Mr. Bramleys creditt was concerned in payment of my
half part. Besides if he bought the goods on his own creditt, it's well known
to everybody that noe man can refuse to receive his payment in money, as I
have often had experience off dureing my being there. And since that I have
advise from William Helmes, that tenn barrells of beef which I sent on
purpose out of Ireland to supply my part of the plant. wil not be received, Mr.
Bramley aleadgeing hee is supplyed before, altho. I had given advise of itt 2
mo. before. Soe that he buyes what pleases him, and I cannot supply my
owne p.t and the goods that I send out purposely for that use lyes by
[p. 104] If this be reason, I referr it to any man to judge of. For my part, I did not care if the plant. were sunk in the sea with the sugar that comes from it. I am more perplexed with the abuses that are put upon mee then ever the produce will doe me good. Wherfore I once more intreat your favor in seeing justice may be done mee, for I find Mr. Bramley will doe what he pleases now I am at this distance, unless you are pleased to give my interest a little more favor & countenance then ordinary. I would freely leave the sole mannagement of itt to himself provided he will render me an accompt every 6 mo. upon oath if therunto required, and will put in a stock equally with me to supply itt at the best hand according to Articles. & I am sure noe honest man will refuse such a proposall as this, which cannot but be to his advantage as well as mine, if he means honestly. I am ashamed to heape soe many troubles upon you and Mr. Fox as I doe.
I heartily thanke you for the bords you have pr.vided for mee. For that and all other obligations I must remaine your debt.r. Our old freind Jemy is maryed to a rich widdow worth the best part of tenn thousand pounds. (fn. 17) He resolves to see you speedily, as he tells me. Here is no news but the dissolution of the Parliment for which a Proclamation was out on Monday Last, and a new one will be called in October Next. God send it may be such a one as may serve the King & His people honestly, & then all will doe well. ...
103. [p. 106] Mr. Doe [Paris]
London, July 17, 1679
By the last post I gave answer to yours of the 2nd Instant. Since which I have
discoursed my freind Mr. Crisp who hath incouraged me to give you this
further trouble. That I blush to doe being soe much a stranger yet hope your
goodness will pardon my pr.sumption. & Since your generosity hath been such
to my brother, I shal now take the freedome and liberty with you to give you a
breif accompt to what intent I have sent him thither. Which indeed was cheefly
to attaine to the speakeing and understanding of the language. And haveing the
oppertunity of soe good a freind as Mr. Crisp as to accompany him, I tooke the
less care to pr.vide a bording for him there, supposeing by his assistance he
might place himself better then I could at a distance. Yett, I sent him not
without the recamendation of a very worthy p.rson heer to his freind in Paris
who had an order att large to supply him with all things needful & necessary
for his meintenance without the least limitation, supposeing he would have had
soe much discretion as to have pr.vided for himself with moderation. But
contrary to this recomendation, he hath not made the least use of the creditt I
gave him, but hath exposed himself, & my creditt also. And had he not had the
good fortune to have fallen into the hands of [p. 107] soe worthy and honorable
a p.rson as I finde yourself to be it might have been much worse with him,
though I am apt to thinke (and I fear have cause soe to doe) that he doth not
apply himselfe to the intent I sent him for, but rather to debauchery. His
expences have been large considering the shortness of time, which is now little
more then 3 moneths, in which time according to the calculation I make hee
hath spent 100£. & Although I know his expences at first are larger then ordinary, yett he need not to have exceeded soe much, for he well knows I exhorted
him to good husbandry, and pr.mised myself that he would not exceed above
half that charge, as I know he had noe need to doe, though at his first arrivall
there might be some occation more then ordinary. But, Sir, since you have
been soe kind to him a stranger & me a greater one, I now most humbly request
you to continue the same favor & kindness to him (which to me is noe less, and
shall forever be acknowledged whenever oppertunity serves) as to give him ...
a little of your good advice & instructions, which I hope may worke upon him,
and keep him to the learning of the language & such other accomplysments as
the Accademy affords and his genious leads him to. And for what necessary
charges hee shall be att on that accompt, I shall freely allow off. And if I might
take the liberty and freedom with you to request your advise what allowance
would be suteable for his meintenance to keep him in a good genteel equipage,
as becomes a gentleman, I shall take itt as a singular favor. And, if I may be soe
bold, would make it my further request to your good self to discharge his
bordeing of at the Accademy, and to let him have supplyes spareingly from
time to time, as you shall judge convenient. And what you shall thinke fitt to
be done, I shall allow off with all thankfulness and assurance that whenever it
may be in my power, I shall esteem your commands as a great favor. In the
interim, I have pr.sumed to give you the trouble of a bill of 300 crownes, to
defray such charges as my brother may have occation for. And if you please to
give me notice when it may be necessary to give you a further supply, I shall
take care to doe itt. ...
Sir, I have writt my brother that I have desired you to pay him 50£ a yeare for his clothing & expenses quarterly, and to defray all the charges of the Accademy besides, which I thinke a suteable allowance for a young man. But if you judge that he cannot live handsomely upon that, pray favor me with your advice. Here it would be esteemed a large allowance and I judge Parris not much more expensive than London, to men that are good husbands. & This favor I should beg of you to discharge. If the trouble be not to great, I humbly request a line in answer, wherin you will add to your former favors. ...
104. General William Stapleton [Montserrat]
London, July 15, 1679
In my last I gave you an acco.t of your Ladys safe arivall & of her own & childrens good health. As blessed be God they still continue, except your sonn
W.m who hath had the smallpox; and now the worst is over with him. I hope
your Lady will have some injoyment of herself which hitherto she hath had
little off, by reason of the childs indisposition & her tenderness of him. I have
received severall of yours since her arrivall and, if I omitt the answering of any
p.rticulars contained in them, it's for want of a memory. But however I shall
indever itt as fully as I cann. As to the pr.posall you made to the Lords for all
shipps to carry armes, they approve well of itt, if it could be donn. But they
cannot lay any such imposition upon those that are traders, soe that the Islands
cannot be supplyed that way. Nor doe I beleive they can expect itt any other
way then by makeing pr.vition for themselves. The Articles made between you
& the French are now in a faire way of being ratifyed, His Majestye haveing
[p. 108] condescended that Barbados and Jamaica shall be comprehended in them also. Soe that the French cannot object anything now. Capt. Crisp hath of late been very active in the effecting of itt, & I hope at last will accomplish his end therin. I have received the accompt of disbursements for the Dutch prisoners, which I could wish you had sent sooner, though I doubt not it's allowance or good part of itt out of the moeity of the payment for the negroes which remaines yett in my hands, as you will finde by the inclosed instrument, which is a coppy of my contract with the Dutch ajent. That is as much in your favor as possible we could p.rswade him too. He is now in Holland soe that noething cann be don in itt untill he returne, which is expected about a moneth hence, till which time I referr you for a further accompt of the business. I have discoursed Coll. Thornbery about Parham plant. who manadges the interest of the late deceased Lord on the behalf of his Lady that is now heer in London, and hath the sole interest in herself by a contract betwixt her & the pr.sent Lord Willoughby. (fn. 18) But she putts a farr greater vallew upon that estate then you esteem it att and, by what I can understand by Coll. Thornebery, would not take three times the mony you pr.pose to give or that you imagin it might be bought for. Soe that I conceive it will not be for you or me to meddle with.
I have discoursed Capt. Smith & p.d him 100£ in part of the 200£ for the land you bought of him. (fn. 19) His other 100£ I keepe untill he gives a further conveyance of it to you, which I have given the best directions I cann for the drawing of. And if it be not soe ample as you would have itt, you must blame yourself for not giveing mee more p.rticuler directions. I discourst your Lady about itt, but she can give noe other directions than I have. Shall show her the ruff draught of the deed, and take her advice before I goe through with itt, though I question whether Capt. Smith will give such covenants as we shall require from him, because he seems rather inclynable to keep itt than to part with itt. I believe hee surely sold you his owne title to itt, and left the conveyance he had from his brother Reade with you, and that he cann make you noe other title then that conveyance gives him.
I p.d Capt. Hare 16£, viz.t 10£ for Jemy and black Franks passadge & 6£ as a gratuity for himself for a peece of plate. For the negro boyes passadge the owners took noething. If you thinke fitt to order Capt. Hare anything more, I shall pay itt, but I think it's well enough.
I am sorry Mr. Rowland doth not answer expectations. He was recomended to mee as a man very capable, and I could gett none on more moderate tearmes, though I treated severall. For men of theire pr.f.sion cannot want imployments heere if they are industrious, and the worst of them can make as good wages as you give him by goinge to sea. I could not light of one that would speak of less then 40£ a year, though I was very loth to give what I did.
I have received all your pay except for this yeare that is just now upp, and only waite your order for the disposition of itt. Your money I had put out is all p.d in except the 500£ in Mr. Skutts hands, and as yet I cannot find any conveniency of placeing it out. I intended to have sent you an acco.t, but time at pr.sent will not p.rmitt. I shall in a short time doe itt.
[p. 109] I have receivd a petition from Coll. Mathew, subscribed by the Governor, Councell, and Assembly of St. Christophers, in your behalf which I shall make use off as occation requires. That I finde none for at pr.sent but that you stand as well in the favor of His Majestye & His Councell as ever, & I doubt not but the neck of all Wheelers designes are broke. Now the Treasurer is out. I have noething of news, but the dissolution of the Parliment for which Proclamation issued out on Monday Last and it's said a new one wil be called in October Next. Not a worde spoke of the Dukes returneing into England.
About 3 weeks since was great likelyhood of a rebellion in Scotland, there being about 11,000 rebells in a body, which the Duke of Monmouth gave battle to and quite routed, kild and took prisoners to the number off betwixt two & three thousand men. (fn. 20) & Now all things is quiett in that kingdome againe, which was much to be feared on the contrary. Heerwith I send you 100 skins of parchment which are put up in a trunk of Mr. Helmes. James Cotter is married to a very rich widdow, and as he tells mee resolves to see you in a very little time. His tenants deale very ill with him. ...
105. General William Stapleton [Montserrat]
[London, n.d.]
I omitted to advise you that I have heerwith sent an Accompt of Sales of your
six tunns of sugar that proved very ordinary and through neglect of your
servant was sold with another p.rsons p.r mistake. The thinge was this. Itt was
marked in the Bill of Loading WS, and, when the ship was discharged, there
was none found of that marke but W, being another p.rsons marke who had
sugar abord the same ship & had sold them to a refinor when landed. The
refinor took all of that marke as they came up and soe had yours with the other
p.rcell. And untill the ship was quite discharged, neither he nor I knew itt. But
findeing none of the other marke, this must of necessity be yours. & I was
constrained to take the price the other had sold att, though I could have made a
small matter more of itt, and had some trouble to distinguish yours from the
other. Pray futurely let there bee noe such mistake.
106. Captain Daniel Robinson [Commander of the Richard of London]
London, July 20, 1679
Mr. John Stone haveing finished the contract made by yourself and him with
mee for all yor freight and comission negroes, and I haveing accordingly p.d
him the 100£ according to contract, I doe now heerwith order and desire you to
deliver to Mr. Henery Carpenter & Mr. Rob.t Helmes, agents to the Royall
Comp., all such negroes as of right doe belong to yourself and the owners of
your shipp (and consequently to me by virtue of s.d contract) either upon
accompt of freight or your owne comissions, to whom I have given necessary
orders to make you dew and punctuall payment according to contract. And for
the residew to draw their Bills of Exchange upon mee. & For their better regulation of their concerne, I have sent them a coppie of the contract for their more
punctuall p.rformance. ...
107. [p. 110] Henry Carpenter & Robert Helme [Nevis]
London, July 20, 1679
This serves to advise you that I have p.d your Bill of Exchange of 178£ 15s to
Capt. John Elliott though without advise which I had not a little admire att in
regarde I have receivd letters from you both since. But not a word mentiond
therin of any such bill charged upon mee, though Mr. Helmes adviseth of a bill
of 116£ charged upon mee for negros bought of the same p.rson for our joynt
acco.t. This is a great oversight in you, & indeed I should not have p.d the Bill
had not the Master given me very good satisfaction for what it was, and
shewed me your acco.ts under both your hands wherin the same is charged.
Pray futurely make not such omittions, for if any damage should happen
thereby, you must charge yourselves & not mee.
Heerinclosed I send you an accompt of the pr.ceeds of what hath come to my hands on of comission and comission negros. The ballance of said acco.t in my hands is 134£, as will appear by said accompt. Whether the acco.t be in halves or thirds, I refer to yourselves to determine. But I alwayes expected that all negroes bought, or what other advantages did accrue therby, dureing myself being there & since, had been in equall thirds, knowing Mr. Helmes had an equall share with us in the trouble. And if soe, then all commiss. charged by mee, upon the Acco.ts of Sales of sugar, ought & shal be taken off. But if Mr. Carpenter allows them not to be wanted in 1/3ds, but in 1/2, which I refer wholly to your consideration, then it must stand good as a charge. As also a further allowance must be made for comission of goods sent out & bills p.d, as of right belongs, for I shall have noe advantage. But Mr. Helmes his acting this, I thought fitt to lett you know that there may be a right settelment of thinges before Mr. Helmes comes off and all accompts may be made up & adjusted, & that the ballance dew which may be shipt or adjusted, and assignations made of such debts may pr.perly belong to our acco.tts by reason upon Mr. Helmes comeing off the island, and his arrivall heer, & dischargeing himself of his & trust to the Royall Company. I resolve to acquitt myself of the imployment (though I p.rsume Mr. Helmes may continue itt) being intended to withdraw myself from all further trade. – And whatever you & Mr. Robert Helme shall agree upon in this affaire shall be allowed of by me. – I have also heerwith sent Mr. Henery Carpenters p.rticuler acco.t, wherin the ballance dew to me is 613£ 11s 10d.
[p. 111] But you must please to note I have not brought to accompt your bill of 100£ p.d Mr. Tho. Bartlett nor 100£ 0s more lent Mr. Crisp upon a letter of creditt you gave him. Both which ought to be brought to accompt. But supposeing they will make pr.vition to discharge the same themselves, I have omitted the chargeing of itt in this acco.t. Herewith you will also receive the Acco.t of Sales of all the severall p.rcells of sugar which I have received upon acco.t of comission negroes.
Gent., What I have further to add is that the ship Richard of London, Daniell Robbinson, Comander, being freighted by the Royall Comp. for New Callebar & from thence to Nevis, the Master & owners of said ship proposing to me to sell all their freight & comission negroes, I have bought the same & have heerwith sent a coppy of our contract, and also an order to the Master to deliver them to yourselves (they being bought for accompt of you both & myself in equall thirds). You will see by the contract on what tearmes I have bought them, & that I have p.d 100£ in full payment for 11 of the negroes here, we running the adventure of the seas to Nevis. And I have charged each of your acco.ts with 1/3 p.t of the said sume, not doubteing but the contract wil be to your likeing, which I need not trouble you further with the p.rticulers of in regarde you have its coppy to p.ruse. ...