Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 29

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 29', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 29', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 29". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 7, Edward III. (London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward III, File 29

Writ, 15 April, 5 Edward III.
DORSET and SOMERSET. Inq. held at Pudeletoun on Monday after the Ascension, 5 Edward III.
[DORSET.] La hide. Four virgates of land called ‘la Hide,’ held of the prior of Christ Church Twynham, by service of 14s. yearly, and suit at his court of Pideltoune every three weeks.
DORSET. Lovorde. Two virgates of land, held of Robert Martyn by service of fealty for all service.
SOMERSET. Compton Pauncefot. Four messuages and 40a. land, held of Reginald de Frome by service of fealty for all service.
His daughters, Isabel aged 16 years, Cicely aged 12 years, Margaret aged 8 years, and Joan aged 5 years, are his next heirs.
SUFFOLK. Inq. 17 May, 5 Edward III.
Brom. The manor (extent given), including 4s. 6d. rent of assize from certain tenants in Shelfhangre and Osmondeston, co. Norfolk, pertaining to the above manor, and the advowson of a moiety of the church, held, together with the manor of Erwarton and the advowson of the church of the same town, of the king in chief, by service of leading all the footmen of Norfolk and Suffolk to the king’s war of Wales, viz.—from the dyke (fossato) of St. Edmund’s outside Newmarket, wheresoever the king wills in the said war, taking 4d. from each of them for his expenses, for forty days, after which he and the said men shall remain at the king’s charges; 96a. arable and 8a. pasture, held of John de Shelton, knight, by service of a sixth part of a knight’s fee; 13a. arable, held of the prior of Thetford by service of 4s. 4d. yearly rent; and 5a. land held of John de Ho of Okcle by service of 10 1/2d. yearly rent.
Petristre and Dalingho. 30a. arable, 1a. meadow, and 10s. yearly rent, &c., held of Simon de Ferers by knight’s service, but the quantity of service is unknown at present.
Erwarton. The manor (extent given), including 3a. of alder, a little fishpond with a rabbit-warren, and the advowson of the church, held jointly with Joan his wife, by the enfeoffment of John Murieux, of the king in chief, by service of leading footmen as aforesaid, viz.—to themselves and the heirs of the same Bartholomew, by fine levied in the court of King Edward II, by the king’s licence; and 136a. arable, held jointly with the aforesaid Joan his wife, by charter to them and the heirs of the same Bartholomew, of Ralph son of William by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Horkestede. 72a. land, similarly held of William le Brutoun, by service of 3s. yearly rent, and suit at the said William’s court of Herkestede every three weeks.
Okcle. 40a. arable and 13s. 0 1/2d. yearly rent, &c., similarly held of the abbot of St. Edmund’s, by service of an eighth part of a knight’s fee.
Onhous. The manor with certain tenements in Debach and Freton, held with the aforesaid Joan his wife, as dower of the said Joan, of the inheritance of John le Caldecote, son of William de Caldecote her first husband, of divers lords by divers services at present unknown.
Heirs as above.
Extent or summary of the above manor of Brom, and of the above lands in Dorset and Somerset.
C. Edw. III. File 29. (1.)
Writ, 2 December, 5 Edward III.
DERBY [rectius NOTTINGHAM]. Inq. Wednesday after the Epiphany, 5 Edward III.
Brimesley. A capital messuage, lands, and rent (extent given), held of the king, as of the honour of Peverel, now in the king’s hand, by service of finding a man, a horse price 5s., and a sack with a prick (stimulo), at his own charges, for 40 days in the king’s army of Wales, whenever there shall be war there.
He held no lands, &c. on the day of his death of other lords in cos. Nottingham and Derby.
Geoffrey his son, aged 50 years and more, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 29. (2.)
Writ, 10 October, 5 Edward III. and duplicate.
CORNWALL. Inq. Friday before the Epiphany, 5 Edward III.
Rostranget. The manor (extent given), held of the king, as of the honour of the castle of Launceveton, for three knights’ fees.
Tremodreet. The manor (extent given), including a toll of tin, worth 20s. yearly, held of the king, as of the abovesaid honour, for three knights’ fees, and rendering 5s. yearly for a fine of tin.
Tregrean. The manor (extent given), held of the king as of the manor of Teuwyngton in socage, rendering 37s. 6d. yearly.
Reswyk hamlet. 40a. arable held of William Deviok in socage, rendering 7s. yearly.
Bodelwyt, Spernen and Restenyen. 60a. arable held in socage of Henry de la Pomerei, rendering 5s. yearly.
Trevarthek. 40a. arable held of Henry de Carvoyr in socage, rendering 4s. yearly.
Bodrigan. The manor (extent given), held of Joan, relict of Henry de Campo Arnulphi, knight, by service of three knights’ fees.
La Morek. 30a. arable, held of the bishop of Exeter in socage, by fealty.
Cruconner. 20a. arable and a mill, held of the heir of William de Launladeron in socage, by fealty.
Trethak. The hamlet (extent given), held of Edward de Monte Hermery, as of his manor of Launtien, by service of a knight’s fee.
Trellegodek. 30a. arable, held of John Larcedeakne in socage, rendering 3s. yearly.
Tredrym. The hamlet (extent given), held in socage of Henry de la Pomerei, rendering 1/2d. yearly.
Little Nauntien. The hamlet (extent given), held of the heir of William de Launladeron for a third part of a knight’s fee.
Trevilyn. 80a. arable, a small turbary, and a toll of tin, held in socage of Joan, relict of Henry de Campo Arnulphi.
Treworrek. 80a. arable, a corn mill, and a fulling mill, held of the aforesaid Joan in socage.
Loo. The borough, where there are 60 burgesses, rendering 100s. yearly rent, and 20s. pleas and perquisites, held of Nicholas Daunay by service of a quarter of a knight’s fee.
Carburra. 30a. arable, held of William Daubenaye in socage, by fealty.
Henry his son, aged 21 years and more, was his next heir, who died three weeks after his said father, so that he had no seisin in the inheritance aforesaid, nor did he know of his father’s death. William son of the aforesaid Otto, and brother of the said Henry, aged 20 years on the morrow of the feast of St. Giles last, is his next heir.
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c. 23 March, 6 Edward III.
CORNWALL. Extent made at St. Austel, 9 May, 6 Edward III.
Trelamm [ur?] A knight’s fee, held by Roger de Roskymmer.
Rosneython. A knight’s fee, held by Henry de Kelygren.
Lyshard. Two knights’ fees, held by John le Archer by suit of court.
Alba Landa. A knight’s fee, held by Osbert de Landa by suit of court; and a moiety of a fee, held by William Tregod by suit of court.
Gydawod (?) A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by John Trevylle by suit of court; and a moiety of a knight’s fee, held by William de Botriaux by homage.
Treleweren. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by Robert son of Reginald de Ferees.
Trembras. An eleventh part of a knight’s fee, held by John de Trembras by suit of court.
Tregebel. A fifteenth part of a knight’s fee, held by Richard le Flamek by suit of court.
Tresympel. An eleventh part of a knight’s fee, held by Richard le Hywys by suit of court.
Treworgy. A tenth part of a knight’s fee, held by John Dynam by suit of court.
Merchzanou. A tenth part of a fee, held by William de Sancta Menfreda.
Skewys. An eleventh part of a knight’s fee, held by John le Skewys by suit of court; and a fifteenth part of a fee, held by John de Polhorman.
Garon. A fifteenth part of a fee, held by John le Petyt by suit of court.
Roskrou. A fifteenth part of a fee, held by John de Kelygreu by suit of court.
Treyuthal. A fifteenth part of a fee, held by William de [Ros]kymmer by suit of court; a fifteenth part of a fee, held by Peter de Trewythenek by suit of court; a fifteenth part of a fee, held by Richard de Talkarn by suit of court; and a twentieth part of a fee, held by Richard de Trenerth by suit of court.
Kerclen. A tenth part of a fee, held by William Daungerous.
Bosvaylek (?). A tenth part of a fee, held by John de Arundel by suit of court.
Trevadlos. A twentieth part of a fee, held by Henry Trelodron by suit of court.
Trewonhan. A twentieth part of a fee, held by Richard de Bouder (?) by suit of court.
Trevaldos. A twentieth part of a fee, held by William Trevadlos by suit of court; and a fifth part of a fee, held by Thomas Trompel by suit of court.
Pengelly. A twentieth part of a fee, held by Ralph de Arondel.
Carwar[ra]. A twentieth part of a fee, held by Ralph Rouncyn by suit of court.
Tregene. A twentieth part of a fee, held by John de Polruden by suit of court; a twentieth part of a fee, held by Conata de Tregene by suit of court; a twentieth part of a fee, held by John de Kelygreu by suit of court; and a twentieth part of a fee, held by Alan de Carogan by suit of court.
Trevosen. A twentieth part of a fee, held by John de Goveyly by suit of court; a twentieth part of a fee, held by Robert Trevytky by suit of court; a thirtieth part of a fee, held by William de Tregonoys; and a thirtieth part of a fee, held by Richard de Trempusek.
Trempuseke. A thirtieth part of a fee, held by Thomas de Camhals; a thirtieth part of a fee, held by Michael de Penfos; a thirtieth part of a fee, held by Cerrardus de Penfos; a thirtieth part of a fee, held by Constantine de Fentennergh; a thirtieth part of a fee, held by Robert Cerrard by suit of court; and a knight’s fee, held by Henry de Pennarth by suit of court.
Gargoyd. A third part of a fee, held by John Arundel by suit of court; and a fifth part of a fee, held by Thomas Trevark (?) by suit of court.
Lamledyr. A thirtieth part of a fee, held by Philip de Rees by suit of court; and a thirtieth part of a fee, held by Croco Bollyng by suit of court.
Slemeke. A twentieth part of a fee, held by Herbert de Skevyok.
Carveynek. A thirtieth part of a fee, held by Richard de Carveynek.
Halgevenek. A twentieth part of a fee, held by the same Richard.
Treburek. A fifth part of a fee, held by Thomas de Trempel.
Trewolodyk. A twentieth part of a fee, held by Robert de Trevranon by suit of court; and a thirtieth part of a fee, held by Agnes de Trewelodyke.
Uthes. A thirtieth part of a fee, held by William le Revor (?) by suit of court.
Haofos. A thirtieth part of a fee, held by John Frances.
Treveythyn. A tenth part of a fee, held by Thomas de Treyver by homage.
Trewethelek. A twentieth part of a fee, held by Osbert Rouncyn.
Trevithyke. A twentieth part of a fee, held by Richard Maysek by suit of court.
Trevargh. A twentieth part of a fee, held by Nicholas de Trevarek; and a twentieth part of a fee, held by John Tregonan by suit of court.
Hudnou. A thirtieth part of a fee, held by Bartholomew Mechel.
Tregarrek. A knight’s fee, held by William Brondel.
Tregemere. A knight’s fee, held by Osbert Hamely by suit of court.
[Unspecified.] A twentieth part of a fee, held by John de Penstras.
Trefrauk. A thirtieth part of a fee, held by Peter Brondel.
Tremodret. A knight’s fee, held by Auger de Forsdone.
Rosmelyn. A thirtieth part of a fee, held by John Wysa.
Kelybygan. A thirtieth part of a fee, held by Henry the Clerk; and a thirtieth part of a fee, held by Philip le Heyr.
Carbur[ra]. A tenth part of a fee, held by William de Meriafeld by suit of court.
St. Martin by Loo. The advowson of the church, held by the said Otto of Nicholas Daune.
Dulo. The advowson of the church, held of Edward de Mohermer.
Pountestoke. The advowson of the church, held of William Ferers.
St. Endellion. A prebend in the church, held of the prior of Bodmin.
Lamorek. The presentation to the vicarage.
Glasoneye. The presentation to a chantry in the church of St. Thomas.
C. Edw. III. File 29. (3.)
Writ, 14 November, 5 Edward III.
CORNWALL. Inq. Friday before the Purification, 6 Edward III.
Pendrym. Parcel of the manor (extent given), held of Nicholas Daunay, knight, jointly with Isabel his wife, by knight’s service.
He held nothing of the king, in possession, on the day he died, and died three weeks after the death of Otto his father, whose next heir he was, of all the lands, &c., underwritten.
The said Otto held the manors of Rostranget, Tremodret, Tregrean, and Bodrigan, and lands, &c. in Reswyk, Boddulwyk, Spernen, Restenien, Trevarthek, Lamorek and Cruconner, the hamlets of Trethack, Tredrim, and Little Nauntien, and lands, &c. in Trellegodek, Trevilyn, Treworrek, and Carburra, and the borough of Loo (extents given) as in the preceding entry. The said Henry, aged 21 and more, was next heir of the said Otto but had no corporal seisin of the said inheritance, nor knew of the death of his father.
William, son of the said Otto and brother of the said Henry, aged 20 years on the morrow of St. Giles last, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 29. (4.)
Writ, 21 January, 5 Edward III.
HEREFORD. Inq. 8 March, 6 Edward III. (much defaced.)
Wyggemor. The castle and manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, with the adjacent hamlets, viz.—Leynthale Erles, Leynthale Starkes, Elleton, Boriton, Leyntwardyn, and a certain country in the marches of Wales called Mellenyth, and a commote called ‘Comot Duder’ (extents given), by service of two knights’ fees and a half, with other lands and tenements, which are members of the said manor, in other counties; including—
In the bailiwick of Soith Y neithan (?):—
Kentles. A castle &c. (extent given).
Lambader vaur. A third part of a mill.
Dolheowel. A moiety of a water-mill.
Dilenek. A water-mill.
In the bailiwick of Soith Ruill. A moiety of two water-mills, 58s. 2d. from bondmen, and 30s. for their works.
Lanyangel Redezeithan. A moiety of a water-mill.
Melynagh. Part of a water-mill.
Landeuwey. A moiety of a water-mill.
Lamanow. A water-mill.
Crukkadir. A moiety of a water-mill.
Peynand. A third part of a water-mill.
Brynckedich. A plot of land, and a custom called ‘Tolcestre.’ Toll of ‘Leyrwyte.’
Comot Duder. A moiety of a fulling mill, perquisites of court, &c.
Gilbert Talbot, the king’s justice in South Wales, occupies the tenements of Comot Duder as pertaining to the wardship of his bailiwick of South Wales, and does not permit the escheator to intrude therein.
Roger his son, aged 4 years, on the feast of the Purification last, is his next heir.
SALOP. Inq. 20 February, 6 Edward III.
Clebury Mortimer. The manor (extent given), including a park, a great wood called the ‘chase of Wyre,’ toll there with a fair at the feast of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist, and the bailiwick of the bedelry, held of the king in chief as member of the manor of Wygemor, co. Hereford, which is held of the king by service of two knights’ fees and a half.
Ernewode. The manor (extent given), including a park, held of the king in chief, being a member of the manor of Wiggemor.
Huggele. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, as member of the manor of Wiggemor.
La Boure by the manor of Arleye, co. Stafford. A carucate of land, 2a. meadow, a weir, a ferry, a wood, 20s. yearly rent of assize of free tenants &c., held of the king in chief as members of the manor of Cleobury, which is held of the king in chief by knight’s service.
Endorsed:—These inquisitions were first taken, and for certain causes challenged before the council, and afterwards the inquisitions sewn to these were taken, upon which Elizabeth late the wife of the said Edmund was dowered.
HEREFORD [and SALOP]. Inq. 1 July, 6 Edward III. (defective.)
HEREFORD. Wyggemore. The castle and [manor] (extent given), including a park, a wood called Durefold, a market and fair, and 6s. rent of a free tenant at Letton, held with the hamlets of Boriton, Elleton, Leynthal Starkes and Leynthal Erles, co. Hereford, and with the hamlet of Leyntwardyn, co. Salop, together with other lands, &c., in England and Wales, of the king in chief by a whole barony, doing service of two knights’ fees [in time of war] in Wales, and service of one knight in time of war in England.
Boryton. The hamlet (extent given), including a water-mill at Ailmestre and a wood called Boryngwode and Podlesmor.
Elleton. 32s. 10d. rents of free tenants.
Leynthale Starkes. [The hamlet] (extent given).
Leynthale Erles. [The hamlet] (extent given), including a park called Gatelith(?).
SALOP. Leyntwardyn. The hamlet (extent given), including a wood called Moktre.
[HEREFORD.] Pedwardyn. 5s. 10 1/2d. rent of assize of free tenants, 18d. yearly rent for an assart in Adferton and other rents of the other assarts, 26s. 8d. yearly rent for a mill at Legh, 13s. 4d. yearly from Sir Robert de Harle, lord of Brompton, two ploughs or 8d. found yearly by the lord of Aston for the winter sowing, one plough or 4d. found yearly by the township of Pecchefeld for one day at the winter sowing, or 4d., and four reapers in each year, for a day (?) in the autumn, or 4d.
Roger his son, aged 3 years, is his next heir.
SALOP. Inq. 6 July, 6 Edward III.
Cloebury Mortimer. The manor (extent given), includ ing toll of a market with a fair, a custom called ‘Stret Ward and Mootfee’ which ought to be levied from all the liberty of Cleobury, a park, a chase called ‘the chase of Wyre,’ and a bailiwick called bedelry, held of the king in chief, as of the escheat of Roger de Bedlehem, sometime earl of Salop, by service of being steward of the same earl of all his lands in the county of Salop, and warden of the castle of Brugges, (and) by service of a knight’s fee.
Ernewode. The manor (extent given), including a park, held of the king in chief as member of the said manor of Cloebury.
Huggele. The manor (extent given), held of the king in chief, as member of the said manor of Cloebury.
La Boure and La Crofte by Ernewode, co. Stafford. 60a. land, a meadow, a ferry, a weir, 20s. yearly rent of assize, and a wood, held as parcel of the manor of Arleye, which is held of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee.
Heir as above, aged 3 years on the feast of St. Martin last.
MARCHES OF WALES. Inq. 3 July, 6 Edward III. (defective.)
Mellenyth. The castle of Kentles, and the whole lordship of Mellenyth with a commote called Comot Duder, held of the king in chief, as member of the barony of Wyggemor.
Kentles. A castle and 80a. arable, divers plots of meadow within the lordship of Mellenyth, a water-mill at Kentles, and 26s. 8d. yearly rent from 20 burgesses there.
Veyleynok. A moiety of a water-mill.
Lambader. A third part of a mill.
Dohowel. A moiety of a water-mill.
Landeuwey. A moiety of a water-mill.
Lammannowe. A water-mill.
Lanpaderdyffeyth. A water-mill.
Crukadyr. A moiety of a water-mill.
Pennadh. A third part of a water-mill.
Whytton. A moiety of two water-mills.
Lanyangel Ytheyan. A moiety of a water-mill.
Welynvagh. A moiety of a water-mill.
Ileynok. 4l. 16s. yearly rent of assize of bondmen.
Soyth in Eythan. 60s. yearly rent of assize of bondmen, and 35s. 2d. from their works.
Soyth Ruyll. 60s. yearly rent of assize of bondmen, and 35s. 2d. from their works.
Soyth Uggore. 60s. yearly rent of assize of bondmen, and …… . from their works.
Comot Duder. A moiety of a fulling mill, toll and perquisites of court.
…… . his son, … . . Martin last, is his next heir.
Endorsed and afterwards these inquisitions were made by William Trussel, escheator … . ., according to the true value … . ., as he asserted.
Extent or summary of the above lands and tenements in Hereford, Salop and South Wales.
C. Edw. III. File 29. (5.)
388. JOHN DE MOHUN of Hamme.
Writ, 22 March, 5 Edward III,
DORSET. Inq. 17 April, 5 Edward III.
Hamme Mohun. The manor (extent given), held of the heir of John de Mohun of Donsterre, a minor and in the king’s wardship, by service of a knight’s fee; and a water-mill called ‘Bydemulle,’ held of [ (fn. 1) Bri]ce de Donyton and John le Toukere, by service of 1lb. of pepper yearly.
John de Mohun of Hamme, his son, aged 23 years, is his next heir.
C. Edw. III. File 29. (6.)
Petition to the king and council by Bartholomew de Burgherssch and Elizabeth his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of the said Theobald, showing that whereas the age of the said Elizabeth is proved, and they seek her pourparty of the said Theobald’s lands, &c., and they have shown the king that Thomas de Furnivall the son, and Joan his wife, eldest daughter and one of the heirs of the said Theobald, under colour of her pourparty occupy more than 300l. of land beyond the extent, and prayed that those lands might be again taken into the king’s hand, a fitting extent made, and a reasonable pourparty assigned to the said Bartholomew and Elizabeth, whereupon the said Thomas and Joan were warned to come and show cause, &c., but came not; they pray the king to re-extend the same, and cause to be delivered to the said Bartholomew and Elizabeth, who was under age at the time of that pourparty, and still is as in the king’s wardship, her reasonable pourparty. (French, undated.)
Endorsed ‘Reponat’ in Esc’ R. E. fil’ R. E. anno xiiij.’ It is agreed by the archbishop of Canterbury and others of the king’s council that the lands, &c. mentioned in the petition be again extended.
Petition by Henry de Ferreres to the king and council, showing that the said Theobald left four daughters and heirs, three of whom are of full age and married to Bartholomew de Borewash, Thomas de Fornival and William le Blount, and the fourth Isabel, who is under age, to himself; which three husbands and their wives, by the favour of the earl of March, and of the then chancellor, whose brother had married one of the said heirs, made the partition in such manner that the said Isabel will lose 150 marks of land if he agrees to it, to the king’s loss during her nonage; and praying that the said lands may be taken again into the king’s hand, and a new partition made. (French, undated.)
Endorsed:—As the said Henry’s wife is under age, the king will not do anything at present, but when the lady has proved her age, if the said Henry and his wife desire it, all shall be taken into the king’s hand, and a new pourparty made.
Memorandum by the said Henry and Isabel to the king’s chancellor, showing that the castle and manor of Alveton, co. Stafford, assigned to Thomas de Furnyval and Joan his wife, the castle of Ewaslacy in Wales, and the manor of Stoke, assigned to Bartholomew de Borewash and Elizabeth his wife, and the castle of Webbelle, co. Hereford, and the manor of La Hethe, co. Oxford, assigned to William le Blunt and Margaret his wife, were valued below their true worth; and that certain tenements in Lodelowe, co. Salop, and in Batterleye, Bekenhale, and Fenton, co. Stafford, remaining in the king’s hand by reason of the nonage of the said Isabel, were valued above their real value. (French, undated.)
Extent or summary of the above lands, &c., made at the suit of Henry de Ferariis, &c.
Partition of the inheritance of the said Theobald among his heirs, showing the pourparty of each.
Memorandum that this partition was made by Thomas de Furnyvall, Bartholomew de Burgherssh and William le Blount, in the presence of H[enry], bishop of Lincoln, the king’s chancellor, with the assent of Isabel, queen of England, the king’s mother, who has the wardship of the pourparty of the heir who is under age and in the king’s wardship.
Writ of scire facias to the sheriff of Hereford, on the petition of the said Henry and Isabel, who has now proved her age, to warn Thomas de Furnyvall and Joan his wife, elder daughter and an heir of Theobald de Verdon, Bartholomew de Burghersshe and Elizabeth his wife, another of the daughters and heirs, and William le Blount and Margery his wife, a third daughter and heir of the said Theobald, to be in the king’s chancery in three weeks of Easter next, to show cause why the lands of the said Theobald which they hold in the pourparties of the said Joan, Elizabeth and Margery, should not be resumed into the king’s hand, extended, and parted anew, 23 March, 5 Edward III.
Similar writ to the sheriff of Salop and Stafford, 23 March, 5 Edward III.
Writ of dedimus potestatem recipiendi attornatos to Henry de Hambury to receive the attorneys of the same parties, 27 March, 5 Edward III.
Commission to Thomas de Glaston and others to extend all the castles, manors, &c. of the said Theobald, excepting those assigned in dower to Elizabeth late the wife of the said Theobald, 8 July, 5 Edward III.
Endorsed:—The commissioners have extended all the lands &c. which belonged to Theobald de Verdon in co. Stafford … . . as appears by the extent annexed, and as to the residue in co. Hereford …… . . and the Marches of Wales, nothing is done at present because the sheriffs of the said counties have not returned the panels. And afterwards William Trussel, the escheator, was commanded to extend the castles, manors, and lands &c. of the said Theobald in cos. Hereford, Salop, Oxford, and Wales, except ……… . . so that the king should have the extents in his chancery on the morrow of St. Hilary next, when the heirs and partners of the said inheritance are to receive their pourparties.
STAFFORD. Extent, 15 September, 5 Edward III.
Alveton. The castle and manor, with a close in the outer bailly (?) (in forinseca ballia) in the said castle, and a dovehouse.
Wodehouse, a member of the said manor, (extent given), including a park, two water-mills from which 40s. are due yearly to the abbot of Crokesdene of ancient alms, a fishery, 10s. of free rent of assize at Cavereswalle, 10s. at Ipstanes, 10s. at Neuton, 7s. at Rounhale, 8s. 2d. at Onecote, 17d. at Consale, 4s. at Rudeheyt, 12s. 6d. at Pekston, 12d. at Ryggesley, 13s. 4d. at Caldon Graunge, 4s. yearly rent of assize at Lokwode, and 3/4lb. of pepper and 1/2lb. of cummin yearly rent at Alveton.
Wotton, a member of Alveton (extent given), including a park.
Stanton, a member of Alveton (extent given), including the pasture of Whytelege.
Farley, a member of Alveton. 118s. rent of assize, and divers pastures at Wrebesdon and Okwallemor.
Rommesovere, a member of the said manor. A moor and 20s. rent of assize including the rent of the prior of Calwich.
Bredeleye, a member of the said manor. 10l. rent of assize, with works of customary tenants.
Sponne, a member of the said manor. 40s. yearly rent of assize of free tenants.
Overcoten and Nethercoten, members of the said manor. A water-mill and 50s. yearly rent of assize of free tenants and others.
Denston, a member of the said manor. A meadow, 100s. and 6s. 8d. rent of assize of freemen and others, 1 quarter and 3 ‘strikes’ rent of assize called ‘Multercorn,’and 13 1/2d. yearly rent from a custom called ‘Stoh.’
Strongeshull, a member of the said manor. 33s. 4d. rent of assize, 4 quarters of corn yearly, and 10s from a custom called ‘Stoth.’
Shene, a member of the said manor. 39s. yearly rent of assize.
Wiston and Lyeshenese, members of the said manor. 43s. 7d. yearly rent of assize.
Balterdeleye, a member of the said manor. 10l. 10s. 10d. rent of assize.
Bolkenhale, a member of the said manor. 10l. 11s. 4d. rent of assize.
Bidulf, a member of the said manor. 21s. 8d. rent of assize, with a custom called ‘Stoth.’
Fenton, a member of the said manor. 8l. 3s. 1d. yearly rent of assize of freemen.
Crakemerss and Crehton. A knight’s fee, held by Walter de Verdon and Thomas de Barynton.
Crokesdene. An abbey which is of the advowson of the lord of Alveton.
Endorsed:—The escheator warned the said Thomas, Bartholomew, William and Henry, husbands of the four daughters of the said Theobald, to be present at the taking of the extents, but they did not come.
Writ to the escheator to extend the castles, manors, &c. of the said Theobald, excepting the dower of the abovesaid Elizabeth, 13 October, 5 Edward III.
OXFORD. Inq. 20 December, 5 Edward III.
La Hethe. The manor (extent given).
SALOP. Extent, Tuesday after St. Lucy the Virgin, 5 Edward III.
Lodelowe. A garden, 6a. land, 9l. 10s. yearly rent of assize, a moiety of 4 water-mills, toll of the town with a fair, pleas &c. of court, and the advowson of the church.
SALOP. Extent, Thursday before St. Thomas the Apostle, 5 Edward III.
Stoge. The manor (extent given), including 160a. land at Benhul, a park, a wood at Aldeleye and a fishpond.
Eton. The hamlet, held by William de Haselshawe, by service of half a knight’s fee.
Aluerton. The hamlet, held by the tenants of Aluerton by service of half a knight’s fee.
Bleccheleye. A quarter of a knight’s fee, held by Robert Corbet.
Morton. A quarter of a knight’s fee held by Robert le Say.
Stoge upon Tyrne. The advowson of the church.
HEREFORD and MARCHES OF WALES. Extent, 6 January, 5 Edward III. (defective.)
Webbeleye. The castle (extent given), including a park, toll of market and fair, and the office of catchpole.
MARCHES OF WALES. Ewias. The castle (extent given), including the agistment of the forests of Monemue and Wrenok, the farm of the serjeanty there, customs called ‘Leyrewyte,’ ‘tractus bonorum’,’ ‘Westwa,’ ‘Hornyeid,’ ‘Kelf,’ and ‘advocatio hominum,’ and toll of the market.
Knights’ fees:—
[HEREFORD.] Erdesleye, Letton and Brockesbury. Three knights’ fees, held by Richard de Baskervile as of the manor of Webbeleye.
Yaveshor. A knight’s fee, held by Philip de Clanevoue as of the said manor.
Hompton, Wakinton, Stretton, Lanton, and Lydecote. Three knights’ fees and a half, held by Richard de Hompton.
Weston. A moiety of a knight’s fee, held by Robert de Weston.
Almali, Leghton, Micheleschirche, …… . . he … . .
Staunfordffaucon, Staundon, Aclepichard, and Bishampton. Four knights’ fees and a half, held by Rees ap Howel; which Philip and Rees ap Howel and Joan Picharde [now hold?].
C. Edw. III. File 29. (7.)
Writ of certiorari to the escheator, 13 July, 5 Edward III. Whereas Gilbert, son and heir of the said Robert, whose homage the king has taken, has petitioned the king, showing that errors had occurred in the extent made at the suit of Eleanor late the wife of the said Robert for her dower, and that the lands near the castle of Prodhowe, without which it cannot be maintained, are assigned to the said Eleanor, and the bare body of the castle retained for two parts of the inheritance of the heir, and praying that the said lands, &c., may be resumed into the king’s hand and the said errors corrected; he is commanded to extend again the said lands, &c., in the presence of Roger Mauduyt who has married the same Eleanor, and of the said Eleanor.
Endorsed:—that he warned the said Roger and Eleanor to be present at the taking of this extent, and the said Roger was present.
NORTHUMBERLAND. Extent, Monday the feast of St. Oswald, 5 Edward III. (defaced.)
Prodhowe. The castle and manor with the town (extent given), including a park worth before the devastation of the Scots 10s. yearly, but now only 5s.
Hovyngeham. The manor (extent given), including a fishery in the water of Tyne, a common ‘torale,’ toll of a market and fair, and a several wood in Horsley pertaining to the lordship of the town of Horsley called ‘Horsleywode,’ which has always belonged and ought to belong to the said lordship and town. The said Robert de Umframvill did not die seised in his demesne as of fee of the town or lordship of Horsley, except of the aforesaid wood.
Hedley. 71s. 9d. yearly rent of freemen.
Derewenthopes, which is of the appurtenances of the said town of Hedley. 107s. 11d. yearly rents of divers freemen, a wood called ‘Derewenthopes,’ &c.
Whelpyngton. The manor (extent given).
Shiremondesden. The manor (extent given).
Alwenton. The manor (extent given).
Ingehou. The manor (extent given).
Barowesford. The manor (extent given).
Gilbert de Umfravill, father of the said Robert, gave divers tenements &c. in Ingehou and Barewesford to the said Robert his son and Lucy his wife, lately deceased, and the heirs of their bodies; which said Robert and Lucy had issue, Gilbert, who now survives, and after the said Lucy’s death the said Robert married Eleanor, whom Roger Mauduyt has now married. The said Robert died seised of the said tenements, in form aforesaid and not otherwise, so that the said Eleanor ought not, as the jury understand, to be dowered out of the said tenements or others in allowance of them.
Faudon. The manor (extent given).
King Edward I gave the said manor to Gilbert de Umfravill, to hold to himself and his heirs for ever, which manor came to the hands of the said king by the forfeiture of William de Douglas, father of James de Douglas, and after the said Gilbert’s death to the hands of the said Robert de Umframvill, late earl of Anegos, son and heir of the same Gilbert, and after the said Robert’s death the present king gave the said manor to James de Douglas and his heirs for ever, two years ago, Gilbert the said Robert’s son and heir being a minor and in the king’s wardship; which James gave it to Archibald his brother, and his heirs, who ought to hold it because it does not belong to the heir of the said Robert de Umframvill, by the said Robert’s death, but to the said Archibald of the gift of the said James as aforesaid, so that the said Eleanor ought not to be dowered from that manor, or from other lands elsewhere in allowance of the same manor.
Great Heton, Rouchestre, Little Herle, West Herle, Whelpyngton, Great Babyngton, Crokden, Caldewell, Calcherside, Prodhowe, Inghou, Est Bocland and Fulewell. Divers lands and tenements held by divers free tenants (names given), of the said Robert de Umframvill by homage and fealty and by service of rendering 64s. 4d. yearly, 20s. yearly for the ward of the castle of Prodhou, and by service of 6d. yearly, and 1lb. of cummin price 1 1/2d. yearly; as is contained more fully in the extent taken after the death of the said Robert.
Herbotel. The castle (extent given), including 6a. land called ‘Ramshalgh,’ and a borough in which are divers free tenants rendering 53s. 10d. yearly for the said borough, held with divers lands and tenements under-written, within the liberty of Redesdale, viz.—
Hoperesfeld by Herbotel. Certain plots of land.
Rodeshevede [or Rodeshed]. Divers plots of waste and wood held by tenants at will.
Herleside. Divers plots of moor in the hands of tenants at will.
Spithope. Divers plots of wood and moor in the hands of tenants at will.
Cotynshope. Divers plots of wood and waste in the hands of tenants at will.
Fulhope. Divers plots of moor, ‘erroneously called Suleshope,’ in the hands of tenants at will.
Kyngehope. Divers plots of wood, with 100a. land within the bounds of the said wood, ‘erroneously called Kynesope,’ in the hands of tenants at will.
Yerdhope. Divers plots of wood which are in common of all the towns adjacent.
Cokemore [or Koketmore]. Divers plots of moor and waste in the hands of tenants at will.
Mikelwanges. A messuage called Mikelwanges and 9a. land worth nothing for lack of tenants.
Little Cairewik. 12d. yearly rent of freemen, and a cottar rendering 3s. yearly.
Little Wodeburn. 24a. land in the hands of tenants at will.
Wulrich. 12a. land in the hands of tenants at will.
Helvesden. 18s. 2d. and 1lb. pepper yearly rent of freemen.
Kayrwik. 80a. land and 20a. meadow, in the hands of tenants at will; which Gilbert de Umframvill, deceased, gave to the said Robert de Umframvill, his son, and Lucy, the said Robert’s wife, lately deceased, and to the heirs of their bodies, which Robert and Lucy had a son, Gilbert, who survives; and after the death of the said Lucy, the same Robert married Eleanor, whom Roger Mauduyt has now married; and because the same Robert died seised in tail as aforesaid only, of the said tenants in Kayrwik, the said Eleanor ought not to be dowered from them or from others in allowance of them.
Le Leme. 6d. yearly rent of freemen.
Grenesonesfeld. A messuage and 30a. land and meadow with common of pasture, in the hands of tenants at will.
Hatherwik [or Hayherwyk]. 10s. 6d. and 1lb. pepper yearly rent of freemen.
Smalburn. A messuage and 30a. land and meadow with common of pasture.
Caldeton. 8d. yearly rent of freemen.
Troghwenn. 1 1/2lb. pepper yearly rent of freemen.
Blakhelme. 12d. and 1lb. pepper yearly rent of freemen.
Helvesden, Clenill, Bedelesden, Boroudon, Nedderton, Thyrnom, Angreham and Sharperston. Divers lands and tenements, held freely of the said Robert (names of tenants given), by homage and fealty, and by service of rendering 13s. yearly, and 30s. yearly for the ward of the castle of Alnewike; as is more fully contained in the extent taken after the death of the said Robert.
The said castle of Prodhowe cannot be fitly guarded and maintained in time of peace, from the lands, tenements and rents near the said castle, which were retained in the hands of the late King Edward II, for two parts of the aforesaid inheritance, unless lands or tenements near the said castle, besides the said two parts, to the yearly value of 54s. 8d. are assigned for its guard and support, from the lands and tenements now assigned in dower to the aforesaid Eleanor.
Extent or summary of the above lands and tenements, with the variations there given within square brackets.
Writ of scire facias to the sheriff of Northumberland to warn the aforesaid Roger Mauduyt and Eleanor his wife to be in the king’s chancery on the morrow of St. Martin next, to show cause why the lands and tenements which they hold as the said Eleanor’s dower, of the aforesaid inheritance, should not be resumed into the king’s hand, and a reasonable dower anew assigned to them, 8 October, 5 Edward III.
Endorsed by the sheriff, that he has warned the said Roger accordingly, with memorandum of the postponement of the matter until Monday after St. Gregory.
Transcript of a writ to the escheator, 10 July, 19 Edward II, to deliver the undermentioned lands and tenements to Eleanor late the wife of Robert de Umframvyll, earl of Anegos, which the king has assigned to her of the lands, &c., which by reason of the said Robert’s death are in the king’s hand, viz.—
NORTHUMBERLAND. Ovyngeham. Certain lands and tenements, with a fishery in the water of Tyne.
Derwenthopes. Certain lands and tenements.
Redesheved. 200a. waste and 200a. wood.
Spithope. 20a. wood and 200a. moor.
Mikelwanges. A messuage and 9a. land.
Little Wodeburne. Certain lands and tenements.
Wolrigge. 12a. land.
Shirmundesden. A third part of the profit of a water-mill.
Underwritten:—‘ista assignatio examinatur per rotulos Cancellar[ie].’
C. Edw. III. File 29. (8.)


  • 1. See Feudal Aids Vol. II. p. 46.