Index of Persons and Places: K

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1910.

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J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp, 'Index of Persons and Places: K', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II( London, 1910), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

J E E S Sharp, A E Stamp. "Index of Persons and Places: K". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 6, Edward II. (London, 1910), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.


Kaermerdin, Kaermerdyn. See Carmarthen.

Kailesthorp, co Linc. See Calcethorpe

Kailly. See Cailly.

Kamays. See Camoys.

Kameros, co. Pemb. See Camrose.

Kanewyk, co. Linc. See Canwick.

Kannock, Kanok, co. Staff. See Cannock.

Kardoile, William de, 735.

Karindon, Robert de, 710 (p. 449).

Karleton [co. Camb.]. See Carlton.
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Carlton.

Karliolo. See Carliolo.

Karlton, co. Bedf. See Carlton.

Kary, Walter de, 486 (p. 286).

Kastelrigg, co. Cumb. See Castlerigg.

Katremeyns, John, of Tril, 329.

Kattefeld, co. Norf. See Catfield.

Kaumpese, co. Suff. See Campsey.

Kaynel. See Keynel.

Kaynes, William de, 591.

Kayngnel. See Keynell.

Kaysho, co. Bedf. See Keysoe.

Keal, East, Estrekele, co. Linc., 60 (p. 49).
-, ……, West, Westrekele, co. Linc., 60 (p. 49).
-, ……, East and West Kele, co. Linc., 60 (p. 50).

Kearsney, la Kerseneye [in River parish], co. Kent, 511.

Keddington, Kedington, co. Linc., 60 (pp. 48, 50).
-, ……, Kediton [co. Suff.], 240.

Kedington, co. Linc. See Keddington.

Kediton [co. Suff.]. See Keddington.

Keent river. See Kent.

Keeston, Ketyngyston [in Camrose parish, co. Pemb.], 518 (p. 337).

Keevil, Cuvele, co. Wilts, manor, 752.
-, ……, list of fees held of, 752.

Kegworth, Keggeworth, Kegworth, co. Leic., 699 (p. 430), 700 (pp. 433, 434).
-, ……, advowson, 699 (p. 430), 700 (p. 434).
-, ……, manor, 316.
-, ……, market, 316.

Keighley, co. York, Oakworth and Newsholme in, 175 (p. 101).

Keilder, co. N’humb. See Kielder.

Keilesthorp, co. Linc. See Calcethorpe.

Keisley, Kescliff, Kesclif [in Dufton parish], co. Westm., 51 (p. 27), 515 (p. 306).

Kekyngwyke, co. Worc. See Kenswick.

Kekyngwyke, Hekyngwyk, John de, 11.
-, ……, John de, son of John, 11.

Keldholme [in Kirkby Moorside parish], co. York, nuns of, 14.

Kele, co. Linc. See Keal.

Kelingholm, co. Linc. See Killingholme.

Kelitha [co. Monm.]. See Cillwch.

Kelk, William de, 50 (p. 25).

Kellaw, Peter de, 515 (p. 306).

Kelleseye, co. Linc. See Kelsey.

Kellevedon, co. Essex. See Kelvedon.

Kellevedon, John de, 210 (p. 129).

Kellingnon [Killiganoon in Feock?], co. Cornw., 606.

Kelling, Kellingg, Kellyng, co. Norf., 518 (p. 330), 612 (p. 392).
-, ……, advowson, 612 (p. 392).

Kelsey, North, Kelleseye Northkelleseye, co. Linc., 410, 456.

Kelvedon, Kelleveden, co. Essex, manor, 47.

Kembeston, co. Bedf. See Kempston.

Kemesynge, co. Kent. See Kemsing.

Kemeys, Kemmeys, co. Pembroke. See Camaes.

Kempe, Roger, 518 (p. 333).

Kempele, co. Heref. See Kempley, co. Glouc. (?).

Kempley, Kempele [co. Glouc.?], 54 (p. 38).
-, ……, Kempeleye, co. Glouc., manor, 517 (p. 310).

Kempsford, Kilmerisford [co. Glouc.], manor, 710 (p. 448).

Kempston, Kembeston, co. Bedf., manor, 612 (p. 386).

Kemsing, Kemesynge, co. Kent, 518 (p. 320).

Kenchester, Cursottre, Chilchestre [co. Heref.], 518 (pp. 328, 335).

Kendal, Kirkeby in Kendale, Kirkeby, co. Westm., 407.
-, ……, burgages, &c., in, 503.
-, ……, Trinity church, 711.
-, ……, castle guard, 497.

Kendal, Kendale, co. Westm., the manors, &c., of a moiety of the barony, 503.

Kendale, Robert de, 517 (p. 313), 518 (p. 332), 754.

Kenebell [co. Buck.]. See Kimble.

Kenet [co. Camb.]. See Kennet.

Keneyt [co. Camb.]. See Kennet.

Kenilworth, Kenellewrthe, Kyneliwurth, co. Warw., 748 (p. 470).
-, ……, prior, &c., of, 54 (p. 36).

Kennet, Kenet, Keneyt [co. Camb.], 518 (pp. 331, 334), 759 (p. 483).

Kenston, Robert de, 507.

Kenstone, Kentesden [in Hodnet parish], co. Salop, 56 (p. 42).

Kenswick, Kekyngwyke, co. Worc., 11.
-, ……, advowson of chapel, 11.

Kent, Edmund earl of, 410, 486 (p. 285), 739.

Kent, Keent, river, co. Westm., 503.

Kentchurch, co. Heref., Llanhaithog in, q.v.

Kenteford, co. Suff. See Kentford.

Kentesden, co. Salop. See Kenstone.

Kentewelle, co. Suff. See Kentwell.

Kentford, Kenteford [in Gazeley parish, co. Suff.], 518 (pp. 331, 334), 759 (p 483).

Kenthlumuth [Fishguard?], co. Pemb., 710 (p. 449).

Kenthlyth, co. Merioneth, land of, 256.

Kentisbeare, co. Devon, Sainthill in, q.v.

Kentisbury, co. Devon, Patehole and Breadwick in, 710 (p. 450).

Kenton, Kenyngton, co. Suff., manor, 504 (p. 296).

Kenton, Neal (Nigel) de, 59.

Kentwell, Kentewelle [in Long Melford parish], co. Suff., 759 (p. 481).
-, ……, manor, 518 (pp. 317, 331, 335).

Kenyngton, co. Suff. See Kenton.

Kenyngton, Nigel de, 504 (p. 296).

Kerbrok, co. Norf. See Carbrooke.

Kerby [Kereby in Kirkby Overblow parish?], co. York, 628.

Kerchell, co. Dorset. See Critchell.

Kerdington, co. Bedf. See Cardington.

Kerdeston. See Kerdiston.

Kerdiston, co. Norf. 352, 518 (p. 330).
-, ……, manor, 324.

Kerdiston, Kerdeston, Roger de, 109, 518 (p. 333 bis).
-, ……, William de, 61 (p. 51).

Kerdyngton, co. Bedf. See Cardington.

Kerebrock, co. Norf. See Carbrooke.

Kereby, Kerebi, co. Leic. See Kirby.
-, ……, co. York. See Kerby.

Kereseye, Joan wife of Richard, 517 (p. 313).

Kermerdyn. See Carmarthen.

Kerneford, Kernesforde, co. Lanc. See Carnforth.

Kernetby, co. York. See Carnaby.

Kersebrok, John de, 518 (p. 318).

Kerseneye, co. Kent. See Kearsney.

Kesclif, Kescliff, co. Westm. See Keisley.

Ketelistone [co. Norf.], See Kettlestone.

Ketelwell, co. York. See Kettlewell.

Keteman, William, 177 (p. 105).

Keten [co. Rutland]. See Ketton.

Kethlihavelok, co. Pemb., 518 (p. 336).

Keting, James, 275 (p. 162).
-, …… Cf. Ketyng.

Keton, co. Rutland. See Ketton.

Ketteringham, Ketringham, co. Norf., manor, 177 (p. 104).

Kettlestone, Ketelistone [co, Norf.], 518 (p. 330).

Kettlewell, Ketelwell, co. York, Starbotton in, q.v.
-, ……, lord of. See Grey.

Ketton, Keten, Keton [co. Rutland], manor, 322 (p. 188).
-, ……, manors in, 388.

Ketyng, Adam, 518 (pp. 325, 327, 340).
-, …… Cf. Keting.

Ketyngyston [co. Pemb.]. See Keeston.

Keu, Henry le, of Brampton, 648.
-, ……, Anketine le, 735.
-, ……, John le, 579.
-, ……, William le, 335.

Kevingelonarth, Kevengelenarth, in the commote of Hyrvryn, co. Carmarthen, forest, 56.

Keynel, Keynell, Kaynel, Kayngnel, William, 752.
-, ……, William, of Yatton Keynell, 103.

Keynesham [co. Somers.]. See Keynsham.

Keynsham, Keynesham [co. Somers.], abbot of, 193, 275 (p. 162).

Keysoe, Kaysho, co. Bedf., manor, 533.

Kibworth Beauchamp, Kybbeworth, Kibbeworth, co. Leic., 82, 692.

Kidderminster, Kydermunstre, co. Worc., 691.

Kidlington, Cudelinton, Cudelington, co. Oxford, 124.

Kielder, Keilder [in Falstone parish], co. N’humb., 697.

Kilburn, Kyleburn [co. Midd.], prioress of, 428 (pp. 256, 258).

Kildwick, co. York, Cowling and Farnhill in, 175 (p. 101).

Kilgerran, Kylgerran, Kilgarran [co. Pemb.], castle, 612 (p. 388).
-, ……, advowson, 612 (p. 388).

Kilham, Kylnom [in Kirknewton parish], co. N’humb., 489.
-, ……, Killum, co. York, 223 (p. 133).
-, ……, ……, manor, 759 (p. 480).

Kilkemoran, co. Pemb., 518 (p. 336).

Killingholme, Kelingholm, co. Linc., 277.

Killington, Kynewalton [in Martinhoe parish], co. Devon, 710 (p. 450).

Killingworth, Killingworthe, Killyngworth, Kyllyngworth [in Long Benton parish], co. N’humb., 50 (p. 22), 51 (pp. 27, 31), 515 (p. 306).

Killum, co. York. See Kilham.

Killyng, co. York. See Nunkeeling.

Killyngworth, co. N’humb. See Killingworth.

Kilmerisford [co. Glouc.]. See Kempsford.

Kilmersdon, Kynemeresden, co. Somers., manor, 262.

Kilmington, Kylmyngton, co. Devon, 710 (p. 448).

Kilnwick, co. York, Beswick in, q.v.

Kiltionnen [co. Glamorgan], 358 (p. 216).

Kilton. Kylton [in Brotton parish], co. York, manor, 407.

Kiltynleanch [co. Glamorgan], 358 (p. 216).

Kilverstone, Kilverdiston, Kilvereston, Kylverstoun, co. Norf., 61 (p. 52), 518 (p. 332), 759 (p. 482).

Kimberworth, Kymberworth [in Rotherham parish], co. York, manor, 312.

Kimble, Great, Kenebell [co. Buck.], 518 (p. 328).

Kimworthy, Kymworthe [in Bradworthy parish], co. Devon, 710 (p. 450).

Kineton, Kyngton, Great Kintton, Little Kintton, co. Warw., manor, 699 (p. 429), 700 (p. 433).

Kingerby, Kynyerdby, co. Linc., 343.

Kings Worthy, Kyngeswordy, co. Hants., manor, 328 (p. 193).

Kingsbarns, Kyngesberne [in Upper Beeding, &c.], co. Sussex, manor, 702.

Kingsbury, co. Warw., Drakenage in, q.v.

Kingscliffe, Clyve, co. N’hamp., forest, 322 (p. 186).

Kingsdown, Kyngesdon, Kyngesdoune, co. Kent, manor, 442.

Kingshaugh, Kyngeshagh [in Darlton parish], co. Nott., manor, 553.

Kingsland, co. Heref., Street in, q.v.

Kingsley, Kynggesleye, Kynggesleghe, co. Staff., advowson, 76.

Kingston, Kyngeston, co. Camb., 573.
-, ……, Kyngeston, co. Devon, manor, 710 (p. 447).
-, …… Lacy, Kyngeston [in Wimborne Minster parish], co. Dorset, manor, 371.
-, ……, Kyngeston, co. Kent, manor, 759 (pp. 479, 480).
-, …… on Soar, Kynston, co. Nott., 347, 450, 507, 700 (p. 431).
-, ……, Kyngeston, co. Surrey, 208.
-, ……, Kyngeston [in Chesterton parish], co. Warw., 45, 428 (p. 257).
-, …… Deverill, Kyngeston Deverel, co. Wilts, 205.
-, …… on Hull, Kyngeston, co. York, 130 (p. 83).

Kingswinford, Swyneford, New Swyneford, co. Staff., manor, 428 (pp. 255, 259).
-, ……, Kynggesswynford, co. Staff., advowson, 428 (p. 258).

Kingswood, Kyngeswode, co. Glouc., chace, 496.

Kingthorpe, Kynthorp [in Pickering parish], co. York, 379.

Kington, Kyngton [in Claverdon parish], co. Warw., 250.
-, ……, West, Westkyngton, Westkynkton, co. Wilts, manor, 276, 413.

Kinnaston, John de, 597.

Kinnersley, Kynardesleye, co. Heref., 718.

Kinniside, Kynisheved [in St. Bees parish], co. Cumb., 331 (p. 198).

Kintbury, co. Berks., Balsdon in, q.v.

Kinver, Kynefare, co. Staff., forest, 428 (p. 255).
-, ……, Kynefar, co. Staff., Dunsley in, 653.

Kirby, Kerebi, Kereby, co. Leic., 304.
-, …… Bellars, Kyrkeby upon Wretheke Kirkeby, co. Leic., 700 (p. 433),
-, ……, ……, manor, 708 (p. 443).
-, ……, ……, warden of St. Peter’s chapel, 708 (pp. 443, 444).
-, ……, Monks, Kirkeby Monachorum [co. Warw. and Leic.], 708 (p. 443).
-, ……, Monks, co. Warw., Pailton in, q.v.

Grindalythe, Kirkeby in Crendal, co. York, 7.
-, ……, Knowle, Kirkeby under Knowle, co. York, manor, 425.
-, …… Wiske, co. York, Newby Wiske in, q.v.

Kirk Whelpington, co. N’humb. See Whelpington.

Kirkby, Kirkeby, co. Linc., 61 (p. 50).
-, …… on Bain, Kirkeby by Beyn, co. Linc., 60 (pp. 48, 49).
-, ……, East, Kirkeby by Bolingbroke Kirkeby, co. Linc., 60 (p. 49).
-, ……, ……, advowson, 60 (p. 50).
-, …… in Ashfield, Kirkeby in Asshefeld, Kyrkeby in Asshefeld, co. Nott., manor, 417.
-, ……, ……, St. Mary’s church, 417.
-, ……, ……, advowson, 417.
-, …… Thore, Kirkebythore, Kyrkebythore, Kyrbythore, co. Westm., 378 (pp. 223, 224).
-, …… Malzeard, Kirkeby Malasart, co. York, 628.
-, ……, ……, manor, 463.
-, …… Moorside, co. York., Keldholme in, q.v.
-, …… Overblow, co. York, Sicklinghall in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Wood Hall in, q.v.
-, ……, South, co. York, Elmsall in, q.v.
-, …… Wharfe, Kirkeby, co. York, 175 (p. 101).
-, …… ……, Ulleskelf in, q.v.

Kirkeby, co. Leic. See Kirby.
-, ……, co. Nott. See Kirkby.
-, ……, in Kendale, co. Westm. See Kendal.
-, ……, co. York. See Kirby, Kirkby.
-, …… in Crendal, co. York. See Kirby Grindalythe.
-, …… Monachorum. See Kirby.

Kirkeby, Kyrkeby, Andrew de, 438.
-, ……, Andrew de, 339.
-, ……, John de, 395.
-, ……, Richard de, 330 (p. 197).
-, ……, Roger de, 564.
-, ……, William de, 438.

Kirkebythore, John de, 331 (p. 200).
-, ……, Thomas de, 634.

Kirkelevington, co. Cumb. See Kirklinton.

Kirkelawe, co. N’humb. See Kirkley.

Kirkeos’, John de, 51 (p. 28).

Kirkesanton, co. Cumb. See Kirksanton.

Kirkested, co. Linc. See Kirkstead.

Kirkethwait in Inglewood Forest, co. Cumb., 155.

Kirkham. See Kirkton; Kyrkham.

Kirkley, Criklawe, Kirkelawe, Kreklaw [in Ponteland parish], co. N’humb., manor, 339, 633, 733.

Kirklevyngton, co. York. See Leavington.

Kirklinton, Kirkelevington, co. Cumb., 279.

Kirksanton, Kirkesanton [in Whicham parish], co. Cumb., manor, 220.

Kirkstead, Kirkestead, co. Linc., the site of the abbey, 60 (p. 50).

Kirkton, Kirkham, William, 51 (p. 29).

Kirton in Holland, Kyrkton, co. Linc., 277.

Kiveton, Kyveton [in Wales parish], co. York, 322 (p. 188).

Knaith, Knaythe, co. Linc., 63.

Knapthorpe, Knapthorp [in Caunton parish], co. Nott., manor, 351.

Knaptoft, Knapetoft, co. Leic., court at, 82.

Knapton, Cnapeton, co. Norf., 518 (p. 330).
-, …… [in the Ainsty], co. York, manor, 330 (p. 197).

Knar, Knarre [in Knaresdale parish], co. N’humb., 693.

Knaresborough, Knaresburgh, co. York, manor, 389.
-, …… forest, Beckwithshaw in, 389.
-, ……, honour of the castle, 576.

Knaresdale, co. N’humb., manor, 693.

Knaythe, co. Linc. See Knaith.

Kneeton, Kneveton, co. Nott., 750.

Knepp, Kneppe [in Shipley parish], co. Sussex, manor, 701.

Kneveton, co. Nott. See Kneeton.

Knighton, West, Knygheton, co. Dorset, manor, 540.
-, ……, Knyghttone Paynel, Knyghteton,

Knythteton [in Figheldean parish], co. Wilts, manor, 46, 184 (pp. 111, 112).

Knock, Knok, Knoke [in Long Marton parish], co. Westm., mill of, 515 (p. 303).
-, ……, John de Boyville of, 363.

Knockyn, Knokyn, co. Salop, 113.
-, ……, Lestrange of, q.v.

Knoke [co. Westm.]. See Knock.

Knokyn, co. Salop. See Knockyn.

Knokyn, de Knokyn, John, 248.
-, ……, John, his daughters Margaret and Mabel, 248.

Knoll, co. York, manor, 629.

Knoll, Knolle, Beatrice wife of Rayner de, 629.
-, ……, Elias de, 629.
-, ……, Elias or William, son of Richard de, 629.
-, ……, Robert de, 629.
-, ……, William de, 629.

Knolle [in Horton parish], co. Dorset, 90.
-, ……, co. Somers. See Knowle.

Knolle. See Knoll.

Knolton, co. Dorset. See Knowlton.

Knouselegh, co. Lanc. See Knowsley.

Knoville, Knovil, Knovill, John de, 16, 213.
-, ……, Alice wife of John de, 16.
-, ……, Gilbert de, 16.
-, ……, Gilbert de (father of John), 16.
-, ……, John de, Cecily, Eleanor and Amy, daughters of, 16.

Knowle, Cnolle, Knolle [in Shepton Montague parish], co. Somers., manor, 238 (p. 142), 319.

Knowlton, Knolton, co. Dorset, hundred, 285.

Knowsley, Knouselegh [in Huyton parish], co. Lanc., manor, 608.

Knythtebregge, Simon de, 598.

Knygheton, co. Dorset. See Knighton.

Knyghteton, co. Wilts. See Knighton.

Knythteton, co. Wilts. See Knighton.

Knyhttone Paynel, co. Wilts. See Knighton.

Knyvet, John, 192.

Koc, Stephen, 200.

Kokefeld, Joan de, 391.

Korkikel, William de, 331 (p. 200).

Kriketot. See Criquetot.

Kusop, co. Heref. See Cusop.

Kuttenore, co. Devon, 710 (p. 450).

Kybbeworth, co. Leic. See Kibworth Beauchamp.

Kydermunstre, co. Worc. See Kidderminster.

Kygheley, Richard de, 175 (p. 101).

Kyleburn [co. Midd.]. See Kilburn.

Kylgerran [co. Pemb.]. See Kilgerran.

Kyllyngworth, co. N’humb. See Killingworth.

Kylmaynlloed [co. Carmarthen], See Cilymaenllwyd.

Kylmyngton, co. Devon. See Kilmington.

Kylnom, co. N’humb. See Kilham.

Kylryngton, John de, 62.

Kylton, co. York. See Kilton.

Kylverstoun, co. Norf. See Kilverstone.

Kymberworth, co. York. See Kimberworth.

Kyme, co. Linc., manor, 423.
-, ……, South, Southkyme, co. Linc., 423.

Kyme, Philip de, 423.
-, ……, Philip de, 60 (p. 47 bis), 109, 274, 397, 607 (p. 379).
-, ……, William de, 333, 423, 517 (p. 314), 607 (p. 379), 721.

Kymere [Keymer?], co. Sussex, 518 (p. 321).

Kymworthe, co. Devon. See Kimworthy.

Kynardeseye, John de, 37, 56 (p. 42).

Kynardesleye, Richard de, 718.
-, ……, John de, 718.

Kynefar, Kynefare, co. Staff. See Kinver.

Kyneliwurth, co. Warw. See Kenilworth.

Kynemeresden, co. Somers. See Kilmersdon.

Kynervan, Margaret, 742.

Kyneshope, co. N’humb., 607 (p. 380).

Kynewalton, co. Devon. See Killington.

Kyng, le Kyng, William, of Ashfield, 211.
-, ……, Adam, 211.
-, ……, Nicholas, 211.
-, ……, Walter, 48 (p. 21).

Kyngesberne, co. Sussex. See Kingsbarns.

Kyngesbiry, Adam de, 410.

Kyngescote, co. Glouc. See Kingscote.

Kyngescote, Nigel de, 659.
-, ……, William de, 659.

Kyngesdon, Kyngesdoune, co. Kent. See Kingsdown.

Kyngesdoune, co. Pemb., 518 (p. 323).

Kyngeshagh, co. Nott. See Kingshaugh.

Kyngesland, co. Sussex, 704.

Kyngesneuton, co. Warw. See Newton.

Kyngesnorton, co. Worc. Se Norton.

Kyngespewene, co. Heref. See Pyon.

Kyngessalkeld, co. Cumb. See Salkeld.

Kyngeston, co. Camb. See Kingston.
-, ……, co. Devon. See Kingston.
-, ……, co. Dorset. See Kingston Lacy.
-, ……, co. Kent. See Kingston.
-, ……, co. Surrey. See Kingston.
-, ……, co. Warw. See Kingston.
-, …… Deverel, co. Wilts. See Kingston.
-, ……, co. York. See Kingston.

Kyngeston, Nicholas de, 426.
-, ……, Anastasia wife of Nicholas de, 426.
-, ……, John de, 426.

Kyngeswode, co. Glouc. See Kingswood.
-, ……, co. Pemb., 518 (p. 323).

Kyngeswordy, co. Hants. See Kings Worthy.

Kynggesleye, Kynggeslegh, co. Staff. See Kingsley.

Kynggesswynford, co. Staff. See Kingswinford.

Kyngton, co. Warw. See Kineton; Kington.

Kynisheved, co. Cumb. See Kinniside.

Kynmarleye, Stephen de, and Joan (Martel) his wife, 243.

Kynston, co. Nott. See Kingston.

Kynthorp, co. York. See Kingthorpe.

Kynthorp, Alan de, 515 (p. 305).

Kyntton, Richard de, 699 (p. 429).

Kynyerdby, co. Linc. See Kingerby.

Kyrbythore, co. Westm. See Kirkby.

Kyrkebergh, Kurkebergh, co. Westm., 378 (pp. 223, 224).

Kyrkeby, co. Leic. See Kirby.

Kyrkeby. See Kirkeby.

Kyrkebythore, co. Westm. See Kirkeby Thore.

Kyrkestaynlay, co. York. See Stainley.

Kyrkham, Nicholas de, 62.
-, …… Cf. Kirkton.

Kyrkton, co. Linc. See Kirton.

Kyryel, Nicholas, 328 (p. 193).

Kyveton, co. York. See Kiveton.