Index of Persons and Places: F

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'Index of Persons and Places: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I, ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: F', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Edited by J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: F". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp(London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Long title
Index of Persons and Places: F


Faber. See Smith.

Faddiley, Fadyle, Fadileg, Fadilegh, [in Acton parish], co. Chester, 280 (p. 178), 281, 376.

Fadileg, Fadilegh, co. Chester. See Faddiley.

Fadmoor, Fadmor, Fadynor [in Kirkby Moorside parish], co. York, 472 (p. 363).

Fadyle, co. Chester. See Faddiley.

Faintree, Fayntre [in Chetton parish], co. Salop, 87.

Fairfield, Feyrfeld [in Hope parish], co. Derby, 135.

Fairford, Fayreford, Feyreford, co. Glouc., inquisition made at, 371 (p. 235).
-, ……, manor, 371 (p. 236).

Fairstead, Fairstede, co. Essex, 423 (p. 308).

Fairwood, Farewode [in Tedburn parish], co. Devon, 604 (p. 475).

Fakenham, Little, Pakenham, co. Suff., 422 (p. 284).

Falede, co. Staff. See Fauld.

Falkingham, Folkingham, Folkyngham, co. Linc., manor, 192, 474.

Fambridge, Faumbrigg, co. Essex, inquisition made at, 453.
-, ……, North, Fanbregg, co. Essex, manor, 422 (pp. 282, 284).
-, ……, ……, advowson, 422 (p. 285).

Fanacurt, Phanacurt, Fanecourt, Fanencurt, Eustachia de, 253
-, ……, Geoffrey de, 371 (p. 248), 544 (p. 421).

Fardingston, Fardyngston, co. N’hamp. See Farthingstone.

Fareford, co. Linc. See Farforth.

Farewell, Richard, 405.

Farewode, co. Devon. See Fairwood.

Farforth, Fareford, Fayrforthe, co. Linc., 423 (pp. 317, 318).
-, ……, Maidenwell in, q.v.

Farleigh Hungerford, Ferlegh, co. Somers., 371 (p. 249).

Farley, Farnlegh, co. Surrey, 18 (p. 11).

Farman, William, 75 (p. 56).

Farndish, Farnedys, co. N’hamp., 423 (p. 296).

Farndon, East, Farndon by Bowden, co. N’hamp., 604 (p. 460).
-, ……, West, Westfarndon [in Woodford parish], co. N’hamp., 604 (p. 460).

Farnedys, co. N’hamp. See Farndish.

Farnham, co. Essex, 194 (p. 123).
-, ……, co. Suff., 604 (p. 478).
-, ……, Farneham, co. York, 341, 604 (p. 473).

Farnlegh, co. Surrey. See Farley.

Farrington Gurney, Ferinton, co. Somers., 371 (p. 249).

Farthingstone, Fardyngston, Fardingston, co. N’hamp., 369 (p. 233), 423 (p. 309).

Fashenesham, manor, 636.

Faucilun. See Faucyllon.

Fauconberg, Faucumberge, Faucunberg, Faukumberg, Fauucunberg, Faucoberg, Faucuberg, William de, 252.
-, ……, Henry de, brother of William, 252.
-, ……, John de, son of William, 252.
-, ……, Peter de, 252.
-, ……, Philip de, 26.
-, ……, Robert de, 252.
-, ……, Walter de, 26, 252, 284, 423 (p. 292).
-, ……, William son of William de, 252.

Fauconer, John le, knight, 149.

Faucyllun, Faucilun, John, 505.
-, ……, Robert de, 505.

Faudon, Robert de, 419.

Faukeshall, co. Surrey. See Vauxhall.

Faukumberg. See Fauconberg.

Fauld, Falede [in Hanbury parish], co. Staff., 423 (p. 301).
-, ……, manor, 423 (p. 314).

Faulkland, Vokklonde [in Hemington parish], co. Somers., 31 (p. 26).

Faumbrigg, co. Essex. See Fambridge.

Fauucunberg. See Fauconberg.

Fauvel, William, 31 (p. 28).

Faversham, co. Kent, abbot of, 22.

Fawe, co. Cornw. See Fowey.

Fawton, Fawinton, Fouington [in St. Neot parish], co. Cornw., 189, 604 (p. 476).

Faxeflete, Thomas de, 29 (p. 21).

Fayntre, co. Salop. See Faintree.

Fayreford, co. Glouc. See Fairford.

Fayrforthe, co. Linc. See Farforth.

Faytour, Thomas le, 368.

Fécamp, Fiscamp [Seine Inf., France], abbot of, 191, 249, 250.

Feetham, Fyton [in Reeth parish], co. York, vaccary, 474.

Feldhamme, co. Buck. See Ham.

Felkirk, co. York, Brierley in, q.v.

Felliscliff, Fellesclyve [in Hampsthwaite parish], co. York, 604 (p. 473).

Fellungel, co. Warw. See Fillongley.

Felmyngham, Richard de, 483.

Felsted, Felstede, co. Essex, 176.

Felton Butler [in Great Ness parish], co. Salop, 194 (p. 124).

Feltwell, Tettewell [i.e. South Hall manor], co. Norf., manor, 384.

Felvingham, William, 201.

Felyingg, co. N’humb., 461.

Fen Stanton, co. Hunt. See Stanton.

Fenby, Fenneby [in Ashby parish], co. Linc., 243.

Fenes, Fenis, Fenys, Isabel de, 226.
-, ……, William de, 32, 248.

Fenewyk, co. York. See Fenwick.

Fenne, co. Heref. See Venn.

Fenhoterhy, co. Devon. See Venn Offery.

Fenis. See Fenes.

Fenne, co. Devon, 604 (p. 475).

Fenneby, co. Linc. See Fenby.

Fennycumtone, co. Warw. See Compton.

Fennyesottone, co. Wilts. See Sutton.

Fenton [in Hayton parish], co. Cumb., 285 (p. 186).
-, …… [in Wooler parish], co. N’humb., 423 (p. 305).
-, …… [in Sturton parish], co. Nott., manor, 253.
-, …… [in Stoke on Trent parish], co. Staff., 423 (p. 290).

Fenton, Richard de, 623.
-, ……, ……, his son Stephen, 623.

Fenwick, Fenewyk [in Campsall parish], co. York, manor, 538.

Fenys. See Fenes.

Ferariis. See Ferrariis.

Ferham, co. Hants. See Vernham Dean.

Feriby, co. Linc. See Ferriby.

Ferie, co. Linc. See Ferry.

Feringeby, Feringby, co. York. See Ferrensby.

Ferinton, co. Somers. See Farrington.

Ferle, 371 (p. 250).

Ferlegh, co. Somers. See Farleigh.

Fermbaud, Frembaud, Nicholas, 371 (p. 234).
-, ……, ……, constable of Bristol Castle, 351.

Ferne, co. Heref. See Vern.

Fernilee, le Fernileye [in Hope parish], co. Derby, 135.

Ferrariis, Ferariis, Ferers, Ferrers, Ferars, Ferrars, John de, heir of Margaret de Ferrariis, countess of Derby, 154.
-, ……, William, son of William de, 149.
-, ……, Cecily de, 120.
-, ……, Eleanor mother of John de, 154.
-, ……, Hugh de, 423 (pp. 301, 303, 313, 314), 604 (p. 476).
-, ……, John de, 369 (pp. 232, 233), 423 (pp. 303, 308). 437.
-, ……, John de, son of Robert, 120.
-, ……, Reginald de, 604 (p. 477).
-, ……, Robert de, 67.
-, ……, Robert de, earl of Derby, 377.
-, ……, Thomas de, 423 (pp. 301, 314).
-, ……, William de, 363, 423 (p. 319).
-, ……, William de, and Anna his wife, 149.
-, ……, William de, earl of Derby, 423 (p. 308).
-, ……, William de, younger son of William earl of Derby, 423 (p. 308).
-, ……, the earl of, 120, 284, 425.
-, ……, countess of, 149.
-, ……, earldom of, 423 (pp. 283, 288).
-, ……, earldom of. See Derby.
-, ……, fee or honour of, 423 (pp. 317, 318).
-, ……, extent of the fee in the soke of Stapleford, 423 (pp. 296–7).
-, ……, knights fees of the fee, 423 (p. 296).

Ferre, Guy, 194 (p. 117), 459, 475 (p. 371), 604 (p. 478).

Ferrensby, Feringeby, Feringby [in Farnham parish], co. York, 604 (p. 473).

Ferrerby, Robert de, 371 (p. 248).

Ferrers. See Ferrariis.

Ferriby, Feriby, co. Linc., 474.
-, ……, North, co. York, Swanland in, q.v.

Ferry, Ferri [by Owston], in Axholme, co. Linc., 472 (pp. 357. 358).
-, ……, market and fair, 472 (p. 358).

Fersfield, Fersfeld, co. Norf., manor, 522.
-, ……, church, 522.

Feugers, Robert de, 190.

Feyrfeld, co. Derby. See Fairfield.

Feyreford, co. Glouc. See Fairford.

Fifhid, co. Essex. See Fyfield.

Fifhyde, co. Wilts. See Fifield.

Fifield, Fifhide, co. Oxford, 423 (p. 301).
-, …… Bavant, Fifhyde, Fyfhide, co. Wilts, 74, 603 (p. 455).

Filby, Filebi, co. Norf., manor, 378.

Filelegh, co. Devon. See Filleigh.

Filelegh, Nicholas de, 31 (p. 28).

Filemede, co. Somers., 31 (p. 24).

Filey, Fyvele, co. York, 476 (p. 373).

Filingham, co. Linc. See Fillingham.

Filleigh, Filelegh, co. Devon, manor and advowson, 31 (p. 28).

Fillingham, Filingham, co. Linc., 423 (p. 316 bis).

Fillol, Fyllol, Filol, John, 65 (p. 46), 194 (p. 119), 235, 411.
-, ……, Thomas, 272.

Fillongley, Fellungel, Fylongely, Filungle, co. Warw., 29 (p. 20), 423 (pp. 310, 320).

Filol. See Fillol.

Filungle, co. Warw. See Fillongley.

Finborough, Finebergh, Fynebergh, co. Suff., manor, 433.

Finchingfield, co. Essex, Ashwell in, q.v.

Finchley, Finchisleye, co. Midd., 405.

Findon, Fyndon, co. Sussex, inquisition made at, 462.

Finebergh, co. Suff. See Finborough.

Finedon, Thyngden, co. N’hamp., 65 (p. 48), 177, 194 (p. 119).

Fingrith, Fingr’ [the old name for Blackmore], co. Essex, 367 (p. 230).

Finigham, co. Suff. See Finningham.

Finmere, Fynemere [co. Oxford], 371 (p. 248).

Finningham, Finigham, co. Suff., 604 (p. 478).

Finningley, Finyngley, co. Nott., 472 (p. 361).

Finyngley, co. Nott. See Finningley.

Firle, East, Estfirle, co. Sussex, parish [now absorbed in West Firle?], 386.
-, ……, West, co. Sussex, Charlston in, q.v.

Firsby [with Saxby], Fryseby, co. Linc., 277, 369 (p. 232).

Fiscamp, abbot of. See Fécamp.

Fishley, Fyshele, Fissele, Fisshele, Fysshelee, co. Norf., 268.

Fishwick, Fyssewyk, Fixwyk [in Preston in Amounderness parish], co. Lanc., 423 (pp. 292, 315).

Fissake, Peter de, 604 (p. 477).
-, ……. Cf. Fisshaker.

Fisseburn, Thomas de, 397.

Fisshaker, Eleanor de, 431.
-, ……. Cf. Fissake.

Fissele, Fisshele, co. Norf. See Fishley.

Fitleton, co. Wilts. See Fittleton.

Fittleton, Fitleton, Fitleton, co. Wilts, 98, 632.
-, ……, Haxton in, q.v.

Fittleworth, Wotleworth, co. Sussex, 214.

Fixwyk, co. Lanc. See Fishwick.

Fiz Aer, Hugh le, 635 (p. 505).

Flasceby, co. York. See Flaxby.

Flaunden, Flaundene [in Hemelhempstead parish], co. Hertf., 604 (p. 485).

Flaunden, Thomas de, 604 (p. 485).

Flaxby, Flasceby, co. York, 472 (p. 361).

Flaxley, Flexle [co. Glouc.], abbot of, 371 (p. 249).

Fleccher. See Fletcher.

Flecchinges, co. Sussex. See Fletching.

Flecher. See Fletcher.

Fleckney, Flekeneye, co. Leic., 29 (p. 20).

Fledborough, Fletburgh, co. Nott., 620.

Fleet, Flete by Sandwich [in Ash parish], co. Kent, manor, 367 (p. 228).
-, ……, Flete, co. Linc., manor, 203, 423 (p. 316).

Fleetmarston, Fletemershton, Fletemerston, Fletmerston, co. Buck., 604 (pp. 466, 481).

Flekeneye, co. Leic. See Fleckney.

Fleming, Flemingge, Flemyng, Flemeinge, Flemming, Flemang, John le, 423 (p. 307).
-, ……, Michael, 423 (p. 293).
-, ……, Richard le, 31 (p. 27), 604 (pp. 475, 476).
-, ……, William le, 604 (p. 478).

Flemwrth, co. Suff. See Flimworth.

Flemyng. See Fleming.

Flessinges, co. Sussex. See Fletching.

Fletburgh, co. Nott. See Fledborough.

Fletcher, Fleccher, Flecher, Ralph le, 68, 139, 140.

Fletching, Flessinges, Flecchinges, co. Sussex, 386.

Flete, co. Kent. See Fleet.
-, ……, co. Linc. See Fleet.

Fletemershton, Fletemerston, co. Buck. See Fleetmarston.

Fletewyk. See Flittewyk.

Fletmerston, co. Buck. See Fleetmarston.

Flettewyk, co. Bedf. See Flitwick.

Fletwyck. See Flittewyk.

Flexle, co. Glouc. See Flaxley.

Flikesburgh, co. Linc. See Flixborough.

Flimworth, Flemwrth, Flinwrth [the site of Eye Low farm in Denham, co. Suff.], 604 (p. 477).

Flintham, Flyntham, co. Nott., 423 (p. 311), 456.

Flittewyk, co. Bedf. See Flitwick.

Flittewyk, Fletewyk, Fletwyck, David de, 344.
-, ……, David de, 307, 466.
-, ……, David de, son of David, 344.

Flitton, co. Bedf., hundred, 415 (p. 276).

Flitwick, Flittewyk, Flettewyk, co. Bedf., manor, 344.
-, ……, inquisition dated at, 336.

Flixborough, Flixeburgh, Flikesburgh, co. Linc., manor, 530.

Floketon, co. Suff. See Flowton.

Floore, Flore, co. N’hamp., 369 (p. 233).

Flore, co. N’hamp. See Floore.

Flori, Giles de, 194 (p. 121).

Flowton, Floketon, co. Suff., 475 (p. 372).

Floxton, Thomas de, 423 (p. 292).

Flyntham, co. Nott. See Flintham.

Fobbing, co. Essex, manor, 552 (p. 425).

Fokram, Richard, 423 (p. 307).

Fole, co. Staff. See Fowall.

Folebrok, co. Oxford. See Fulbrook.

Foleham, Michael de, 194 (p. 118).

Foleschanke, Ranulph, 65 (p. 48).

Foleshill, Folkeshull, co. Warw., 539.

Folestowe, co. Linc. See Fulstow.

Foletteby, co. Linc. See Fulletby.

Folevile, John de, 423 (p. 321).
-, ……, Ralph de, 423 (p. 310).

Foliot, Folyot, Jordan, 538.
-, ……, Richard, 538.
-, ……, Edmund, son of Richard, 437.
-, ……, Jordan, 369 (p. 232), 486.
-, ……, ……, and Margery his wife, 538.
-, ……, ……, his daughter Beatrice married to Simon de Steyngreve or Stengrave, 277, 369 (p. 232).
-, ……, ……, son of Richard, 538.
-, ……, Richard, 369 (p. 232), 437, 467 (p. 352), 472 (p. 362), 478.
-, ……, ……, son of Jordan, 277.
-, ……, ……, son of Jordan son of Richard, 538.
-, ……, Richard, prior of Bushmead, 154.

Folkeshull, co. Warw. See Foleshill.

Folkestone, Folkestane, Fulkestane, co. Kent, half hundred, 270.
-, ……, barony, 270.

Folketon Marsh, co. York, 423 (p. 292).

Folkingham, Folkyngham, co. Linc. See Falkingham.

Follifoot, Folifayt [in Spofforth parish], co. York, 119.

Folyot. See Foliot.

Fomizoun, Richard de, 532.

Fookesyate, co. Heref., 603 (p. 455).

Forcer, Henry le, 625.

Ford, la Forde [in Musbury parish], co. Devon, 31 (p. 28).
-, ……, Forde, co. Salop, manor, 536.

Forde, Adam atte, 485.

Fordham, co. Camb., 352.

Fordingbridge, Fordinggebrig, co. Hants, inquisition made at, 485.

Fordington, co. Dorset, manor, 604 (pp. 459, 474).

Fordlegh [Fordley in Middleton parish, co. Suff.?], 604 (p. 477).

Forest, Adam ate, 619.

Forest Hill, Forsthull, co. Oxford, 604 (pp. 467, 468, 479).
-, ……, prioress of (sic), 604 (p. 479).

Forester, Joice le, 603 (p. 455).

Forewod, co. Warw. See Forwood.

Forho, co. N’hamp. See Furtho.

Formark, Forniwerk, co. Derby, 423 (p. 300).

Formby, Forneby [in Walton on Hill parish], co. Lanc., 423 (p. 298).

Forncett, Forneset, co. Norf., 594.

Forneaux. See Furnellis.

Forneby, co. Lanc. See Formby.

Forneset, co. Norf. See Forncett.

Fornham [All Saints], co. Suff., 354, 492.

Forniwerk, co. Derby. See Formark.

Forshull, co. Devon. See Furzehill.
-, ……, co. Dorset, 604 (p. 459).

Forshull, David de, 604 (p. 475).
-, ……, John de, 604 (p. 475).

Forstebury, Fortesbury, John de, of Westgrafton, 216.
-, ……, Isabel de, wife of William de Valence, 216.
-, ……, Peter de, 216.

Forsthull, co. Oxford. See Forest Hill.

Fortesbury. See Forstebury.

Fortho, co. N’hamp. See Furtho.

Fortibus, Isabel de, countess of Albemarle, 156.
-, ……, Avelina de, wife of Edmund the king’s brother. See Edmund.
-, ……, Isabel de, countess of Albemarle, 6, 14, 19, 27, 49, 138, 309, 348, 394, 396, 561, 604 (p. 480 bis).
-, ……, ……, her heirs, 394.
-, ……, William de, the elder, 156 (p. 98).
-, ……, William de, earl of Albemarle, 156, 246, 433.
-, ……, William de, — — his wife. See above. See countess of Albemarle.

Forton [in Montford parish], co. Salop, 600.

Forwood, Forewode, co. Warw,, 364.

Fossard, William, 604 (p. 473).

Foss Dyke, Fossedyk, co. Linc., 360.

Foston, co. Leic., manor, 527.

Foston Bestayn [Fewston?], co. York, 604 (pp. 472, 473).
-, …… on the Wold, co. York, Brigham in, q.v.

Fou, William de, 29 (p. 20).

Fouington, co. Cornw. See Fawton.

Foulescote, co. Berks. See Fulscot.

Foulesthorp, Folestorp, co. Linc., 423 (pp. 317, 318).

Foulestowe, co. Linc. See Fulstow.

Fouleswyk, co. Wilts. See Wick.

Foulmere, co. Buck. See Fulmer.

Fountains, co. York, abbot of, 472 (p. 363).

Fowall [Fole in Church Leigh parish?], co. Staff., 132.

Fowall, Geoffrey de, 132.
-, ……, William de, 132.

Fowey, Fawe, river, co. Cornw., fishery in, 604 (p. 457).

Foxcote [in Ilmington parish], co. Warw., 423 (p. 320).

Foxearth, Foxherde [co. Essex], Weston in, 3.

Foxt, Foxwyst [in Ipstones parish], manor, 126.

Foy, co. Heref., Eaton in, q.v.

Fradley, Frodeley [in Alrewas parish], co. Staff., 248.

Fraisthorpe, Fraisthorp, Fraysthorp, co. York, 555 (p. 429).

Framesden, co. Suff. See Framsden.

Framigham, co. Suff. See Framlingham.

Framlingham Pigot, Framigham, co. Suff., 604 (p. 477).

Framlington, Framlinton [in Felton parish], co. N’humb., 91.

Framsden, Framesden, co. Suff., manor, 409.

Frank, le Fraunk, Gilbert, 71, 541 (p. 413).
-, ……, Gilbert le, of Burne, 639.

Frankeleyn, Fraunkeleyn, John son of Fulk le, of Thrup, 133.
-, ……, Juliana, sister of John le, 133.

Frankley, Frankeleye, co. Worc., manor, 444.

Franseis, William, 619.
-, ……. See Fraunceys.

Frant, co. Sussex, Bayham in, q.v.
-, ……, Eridge in, q.v.

Fraunceys, Henry, 423 (p. 310).
-, ……, John, 604 (p. 475).
-, ……, Richard, 149, 285 (p. 184).
-, ……, Robert, of Holton, 435.
-, ……, the heir of, 423 (p. 294).
-, ……. See Cordeboef; Franseis.

Fraunk. See Frank.

Fraunkeleyn. See Frankeleyn.

Fraxino, Henry de, 551.

Fraysthorp, co. York. See Fraisthorpe.

Freasley, Fresel, Freseleye [in Polesworth parish], co. Warw., 29 (p. 20), 279.

Freche, Thomas de la, 183.

Frechevill, Freschenville, Ralph de, 423 (pp. 303, 311).

Freckelton, Frekelton, co. Lanc., 423 (p. 315).

Freebridge, Freth, co. Norf., hundred, 476 (p. 373).

Freeby, Fretheby, co. Leic., 472 (p. 360).

Frekelton, co. Lanc. See Freckleton.

Frekelton, Adam de, 423 (p. 292).

Frelond, Hugh, 34.

Freman, Nicholas, 458.
-, ……, Robert le, of Weston, 154.
-, ……, Thomas, 362 (p. 220).
-, ……. Cf. Fromund.

Frembaud. See Fermbaud.

Fremington [in Reeth parish], co. York, 474.

Frene, Walter le, and Alice (la Seculere), his wife, 16.

Frense, co. Norf. See Frenze.

Frensham, co. Surrey, Pitfold in, q.v.

Frenze, Frense, co. Norf., 604 (p. 477).

Frere, Henry le, 621.
-, ……, ……, his son Michael, 621.
-, ……, John le, of Cosgrove, 151.

Freschenville. See Frechevill.

Fresel, Freseleye, co. Warw. See Freasley.

Fresengfeud, co. Suff. See Fressingfield.

Freshwater, Fressewater, co. Hants, I. of W., manor, 49.
-, ……, Compton in, q.v.

Fresingfeud, co. Suff. See Fressingfield.

Freskenede, Freshenede, Friskenede, Friskenade, Arnold de, 480.
-, ……, John, 441.
-, ……, Arnold de, 441.
-, ……, John de, 480.
-, ……, Simon de, 441, 480.
-, ……, William de, 441, 480.

Freskeneye, co. Linc. See Friskney.

Fressingfield, Fresingfeud, Fresingefeud, Fresengfeud, co. Suff., 604 (p. 477 bis).

Freston, co. Suff. See Friston.

Fretewell, Richard de, 604 (p. 468).

Freth, co. Norf. See Freebridge.

Fretheby, co. Leic. See Freeby.

Frethorne, Geoffrey de, of Childrey, 283 (p. 180).

Frettenham, Fretenham, co. Norf., 423 (p. 309).

Frevill, Freville, Richard de, 509.
-, ……, John de, son of Richard, 509.
-, ……. See Frivill.

Frewyk, Avice, 362 (p. 220).

Freyvile. See Frivill.

Fridaythorpe, Fridaythorp, Fridaithorp, co. York, 555 (pp. 428, 429).

Frie, John le, of Boxgrove, 566.

Frilford, Frylesforde [in Marcham parish], co. Berks, 423 (p. 307).

Frilsham, Frydlesham, co. Berks, manor and advowson, 423 (p. 307).

Fringford, Fyringford, co. Oxford, manor, 284.

Friskenade, Friskenede. See Freskenede.

Friskney, Freskeneye, co. Linc., 423 (pp. 317, 318).

Friston, Freston, co. Suff., church, 434.

Frith, North [in Hadlow], co. Kent, 371 (p. 239).
-, ……, South [in Tonbridge], co. Kent, 371 (p. 238).

Frithesden [in Berkhampstead parish], co. Hertf., 604 (p. 485).

Friton, co. York. See Fryton.

Frivill, Frivile, Freyvile, Fryvile, Fryevile, Joan (de Crombwell), wife of Alexander de, 29.
-, ……, ……, wife of Alexander de, daughter of Mazera daughter of Philip Marmion, 279.
-, ……. See Frevill.

Frodeleg, co. Staff. See Fradley.

Frodesley, Frodesleye, co. Salop, manor, 194 (pp. 124, 125).

Frodeton, co. Devon, 31 (p. 27).
-, ……, advowson, 31 (p. 27).

Frodingham, Frothingham, co. Linc., 604 (p. 472).
-, ……, advowson, 604 (p. 474).

Frodsham, Frodesham, co. Chester, manor, 220 (p. 145).

Frollesworth, co. Leic. See Frowlesworth.

Frome, co. Somers., inquisitions made at, 65 (p. 49), 386.
-, …… Whitwell, Whytewell [by Dorchester], co. Dorset, 604 (p. 459).

Fromund, Stephen, of Winchester, and Margery his wife, their son Edward, 243.
-, ……. Cf. Freman.

Frothingham, co. Linc. See Frodingham.

Frowlesworth, Frollesworth, co. Leic., 29 (p. 20), 423 (p. 318).

Froxefeld, Richard de, 550.

Froxfield, Vroxfeld, Froxfeld, co. Wilts, 430.

Frydlesham, co. Berks. See Frilsham.

Fryevile. See Frivill.

Frylesford, co. Berks. See Frilford.

Fryseby, co. Linc. See Firsby.

Fryton, Friton [in Hovingham parish], co. York, 472 (p. 363).

Fryvile, Fryville. See Frevill; Frivill.

Fuk, Sir Richard, 432.

Ful Sutton, co. York. See Sutton.

Fulberd, William, of Florence, 194 (p. 119).

Fulbourn, Fulburn, co. Camb., 65 (p. 48).

Fulbrook, Folebrok, co. Oxford, 604 (pp. 467, 479).

Fulewod, Foulwod, co. Cumb., 285 (p. 185 bis).

Fulk, Ralph son of, 194 (p. 118).

Fulkestane, co. Kent. See Folkestone.

Full Sutton, co. York. See Sutton.

Fulletby, Foletteby, co. Linc., 423 (p. 318).

Fulmer, Foulmere, co. Buck, 366.

Fulnescote, co. Berks. See Fulscot.

Fulscot, Foulescote, Fulnescote [in South Moreton parish], [co. Berks], 604 (pp. 466, 481).

Fulstow, Foulestowe, Folestowe, co. Linc., 29 (pp. 21, 22), 423 (pp. 317, 318).

Fulwich, co. Chester. See Wych.

Fulwood, Fulwode, co. Lanc., forest, 423 (pp. 292, 293).

Furmeryfeld, co. Cumb., 457.

Furnellis, Forneaus, Furneaus, Furnays, Furneux, Furneus, Thomas de, 508.
-, ……, Matthew de, 31 (p. 27).
-, ……, Richard de, 423 (p. 311).
-, ……, Simon de, 110.
-, ……, Thomas de, 437.

Furness, Furneys, co. Lanc., 423 (p. 293).
-, ……, abbot of, 261, 423 (pp. 293, 294 bis).
-, ……, serjeants of, 423 (p. 295).

Furneus, Furneux. See Furnellis.

Furnival, Furnyval, Furnivall, Furnyvaus, Gerard de, Maud his wife, afterwards wife of William de Bello Campo, 477 (p. 377).
-, ……, Thomas de, lord of Hallam shire, 477 (p. 377).
-, ……, Thomas de, his daughter Alice married to John de Verdon, 437.

Furno, Robert de, 193 (p. 115).
-, ……, William de, 193 (p. 115 bis).

Furnyval. See Furnival.

Furtho, Fortho, Forho, co. N’hamp., 423 (p. 309), 604 (p. 460).

Furzehill, Forshull [in Lynton parish], co. Devon, 604 (p. 475).

Fyfhide, co. Wilts. See Fifield.

Fyfhyde, Philip de, 423 (p. 307).

Fyfield, Fyfhyde, co. Berks, manor and advowson, 423 (p. 307).
-, ……, Fyfed, Fifhid, co. Essex, 194 (p. 118), 427.

Fyllol. See Fillol.

Fylongele, co. Warw. See Fillongley.

Fyndon, co. Sussex. See Findon.

Fynebergh, co. Suff. See Finborough.

Fynemere [co. Oxford]. See Finmere.

Fynemere, Robert de, 371 (p. 248).

Fynitres, John de, 623.

Fynton, John, 472 (p. 359).

Fyringford, co. Oxford. See Fringford.

Fyshele, co. Norf. See Fishley.

Fyssewyk, co. Lanc. See Fishwick.

Fysshelee, co. Norf. See Fishley.

Fyt, Richard del, 561.

Fyton, co. York. See Feetham.

Fyton, Fytoun, Edmund, 320.
-, ……, John, 320.

Fyvele, co. York. See Filey.