Index of Persons and Places: C

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'Index of Persons and Places: C', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I, ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Index of Persons and Places: C', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Edited by J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Index of Persons and Places: C". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp(London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Long title
Index of Persons and Places: C


Caberg, co. Weston. See Kaber.

Caberg, Alan de, 70.

Cadbury, Cadebury [in Chulmleigh parish], co. Devon, 31 (p. 27).
-, ……, Cadebury, co. Somers, manor, 283 (p. 181).

Cadeby, Cateby, co. Leic., 423 (p. 319).
-, ……, Cateby [in Wyham parish], co. Linc., 445.
-, ……, ……, William le Lung of, 243.

Cadelegh, co. Devon. See Cadleigh.

Cadewell, co. Oxford. See Cadwell.

Cadleigh, Little Cadelegh, co. Devon, 604 (p. 475).

Cadurcis, Chaworth, Patrick de, 31 (p. 27), 215, 371 (p. 248), 425.
-, ……, ……, Isabel his wife, 425.
-, ……, Payn de, 425.
-, ……, Thomas de, 423 (p. 319).

Cadwell, Cadewell [in Brightwell Baldwin parish], co. Oxford, 604 (p. 465).

Caen [Calvados, France], abbess of, 34.

Caer Caradoc, Cayrcradok in Irchenefeld [in Sellach parish], co. Heref., 34.

Caerau, Caru [co. Glamorgan], inquisition made at, 371 (p. 243,

Caergriffith, Kaergriff [co. Glamorgan], forest, 371 (p. 246).

Caerleon, Kaerlyoun [co. Monm.], castle, market, fair, &c., 371 (p. 244).

Caerphilly, Kaerfilly, Kerphilli, co. Glamorgan, castle, &c., 371 (p. 244).
-, ……, Robert, constable of, 371 (p. 244).

Caistor, Castre, co. Linc., inquisition made at, 139, 192.
-, …… by Norwich, Childrekastell by Norwic, co. Norf., inquisition made at, 513.
-, …… by Yarmouth, Castre, co. Norf., manor, 226.

Calbourne, Caulburn, Kauleborne, co. Hants., I. of W., manor, 14, 531.

Calcethorpe, Kaylstorp, co. Linc., 445.

Calcutt, Caldecote [in Grandborough parish], co. Warw., 593.

Caldebek, Thomas de, 405.

Caldecote [Calcott in Tylehurst?], co. Berks., 423 (p. 307).
-, ……, co. Buck., 423 (p. 288).
-, ……, co. Camb., 417.
-, ……. See Caldicot [co. Monm.].
-, ……, co. Warw. See Calcutt.

Caldecotes [now called Cargo Fleet or Cleveland Port, in Ormesby parish], co. York, N.R., 233.

Caldecott, Caldecote, Coldecot [in Chelveston parish], co. N’hamp., 423 (p. 296 bis).

Caldelowe, co. Derby. See Callow.

Caldeneuton, co. York. See Newton Kyme.

Calder, Caudre, co. Cumb., abbot of, 597 (p. 449).

Caldestreme. See Coldstream.

Caldewell, co. Heref. See Coldwell.

Caldewelle, Simon, of Laxton, 620.

Caldicot, Caldecote [now co. Monm.], castle, &c., 552 (p. 426).

Caldingelby, co. York. See Ingleby.

Caldwell, Caldewell, co. Bedf., prior of, 336.

Calestone, Caleston, co. Wilts. See Calstone.

Calf, Abraham, 209 (pp. 136, 138).

Calfonte St. Peter, co. Buck. See Chalfont.

Calixston. See Calston.

Callelond, Kallilonde [in Southill parish, co. Cornw.], 604 (p. 477).

Callerton, Black, Blaccalverdon [in Newburn parish], co. N’humb. 419.
-, ……, High, Great Calverdon [in Ponteland parish], co. N’humb., 362 (p. 220).

Callingwood [in Tatenhill parish], co. Staff., 423 (p. 314).

Callistoke, co. Cornw. See Calstock.

Callow, Caldelowe [in Wirksworth parish], co. Derby, 423 (p. 291).

Calne, co. Wilts., inquisition made at, 552 (p. 425).
-, ……, Quemerford in, q.v.
-, ……, Stock in, q.v.
-, ……, hundred and borough, 539.
-, ……, bedelry of the hundred, 159.

Calne, Herbert de, 232.
-, ……, Baldwin de, 232.
-, ……, Galiena, wife of Herbert de, 232.
-, ……, Herbert de, son of Herbert, 232.

Calstock, Callistoke, Kellestok, co. Cornw., manor, 604 (p. 458).
-, ……, advowson, 604 (p. 477).

Calston, Caliston, Calestone, Calixston, Roger de, 12.
-, ……, Roger de, 65 (p. 44).
-, ……, Roger de, son of Roger, 12, 194 (p 120).

Calstone Wellington, Calestone, Caleston, Calston, co. Wilts, 12.
-, ……, manor, 539.

Calthorp, co. Linc. See Cawthorpe.

Caltoft, Agnes wife of John de, 102.

Calverdon, co. N’humb. See Callerton.

Calverleigh, Calwodelegh, co. Devon, 371 (p. 250).

Calverley, co. York, Idle in, q.v.

Calvet, Ralph, 371 (p. 249).

Calveton, co. York. See Cawton.

Calvo Monte, Chaumond, Chamond, Gacius de, 26.
-, ……, Gacius de, father of Gacius, 26.
-, ……, John de, son of Gacius, 26.

Calwodeg, Miles de, 371 (p. 250).

Calwodelegh, co. Devon. See Calverleigh.

Caly, William de, 365 (p. 226).
-, ……. Cf. Caylli.

Camberleyn. See Chamberlain.

Camberwell, Caumerewelle, Cambrevelle, Camerwell, Camerwelle, co. Surrey, 65 (p. 47), 371 (p. 237), 402.

Cambon, John, 199.

Cambrevelle, co. Surrey. See Camberwell.

Cambridge, Cantebregg, co. Camb., 207 (p. 133).
-, ……, inquisitions made at, 433, 509.

Camel, Queen, Cammel, King’s Camel [co. Somers.], 390.
-, ……, honour, 390, 407 (p. 270).

Camelford, co. Cornw., borough, 604 (p. 457).
-, ……, fair, 604 (p. 457).

Camelton, co. Bedf. See Campton.

Camera, William de, 193 (p. 115).
-, ……. Cf. Chaumbre.

Camerford, co. Wilts. See Quemerford.

Camerington, William de, 193 (p. 115).

Camerwelle, Camerwell, co. Surrey. See Camberwell.

Cameys, John de, 38.

Cammel. See Camel.

Campania. See Champagne.

Campania, Champayne, Peter de, 360.
-, ……, Peter de, 423 (p. 288).
-, ……, ……, his daughters Isabel and Mary, 360.
-, ……, Peter de (father of Peter) and Margery (Pygot) his wife, 360.
-, ……, Robert de, 423 (p. 319).

Campden, Chipping, Campeden, Caumpedene, co. Glouc., manor, 247.
-, ……, manor and borough, 371 (p. 236).

Campo Arnulphi, Chambernon, Chambernoun, Chaumbernon, Chaumbernoun, Henry de, 371 (p. 250), 431.
-, ……, William de, 31 (p. 27), 371 (p. 248), 604, (p. 476 bis).
-, ……, ……, knight, 431.

Camps, Great, Campes, co. Camb., manor, 367 (p. 229).

Campsall, co. York, Norton and Fenwick in, 538.

Campton, Kamelton, Camelton, co. Bedf., manor, 433.

Camsyd, Roger de, 422 (p. 284).

Camsyde, co. Essex. See Tillingham.

Camvile, Caunvyle, Canvill, Caumvile, Caunwile, Geoffrey de, 174, 423 (pp. 301, 314).
-, ……, Thomas de, 116, 117, 524.
-, ……, parceners of lands of, 472 (p. 360).

Candlesby, Candelesby, co. Linc., manor, 476 (p. 372).

Cane, William, 604 (p. 481).

Caneham, co. Suff. See Cavenham.

Canewdon, Canwedone, co. Essex, a manor, 579.

Canfield, Great, Canefelde ad Castrum, co. Essex, manor, 367 (pp. 229, 230).

Cank [co. Staff.]. See Cannock.

Cannington, co. Somers., Combwich in, q.v.

Cannock, Cannok, Canok, Canoc, Cank, co. Staff., 331.
-, ……, forest, Cheslyn in, 331.
-, ……, steward of the forest, 248.
-, ……, bailiwick of forest of, 136, 137.
-, ……, forest, serjeanty of being keeper of, 593.

Canok, Canoc, co. Staff. See Cannock.

Canonteign, Canonteyng [in Christow parish], co. Devon, 371 (p. 251).

Cantebregg, co. Camb. See Cambridge.

Cantebrigia, John de, 506.

Cantelhop, Cantelop, co. Salop. See Cantlop.

Canterbury, court at, 88.
-, ……, inquisition made at, 88, 124.
-, ……, justices in eyre at, 487.
-, ……, pilgrimage to St. Thomas, 618.
-, ……, burgages in, 528.
-, ……, aldermanry of Westgate in, 528.

Canterbury, archbishop of, 13, 75, 118, 191, 371 (p. 238), 414, 470, 547, 555 (p. 428).

Canterbury, St. Augustine’s, abbot of, 65 (p. 49), 194 (p. 120).

Canterbury, prior of, prior of Christchurch, 103, 104, 122, 185, 194 (p. 118), 414, 453.

Cantilupo, Cauntilo, Alice de, 423 (p. 317).
-, ……, Eustachia de, wife of William de Ros, 95.
-, ……, Maud de, 371 (p. 249).

Cantley, Cauntele, co. Norf., manor, 226.

Cantlop, Cantelop, Cantelhope [in Berrington parish], co. Salop, 65 (p. 50), 194 (p. 122).

Cantock, Cantok, Thomas, chancellor of Irealnd, 288, 436, 649.

Cantok, Margaret, 400.

Cantressely, Crantessely. See Selef.

Canvill. See Camvile.

Canwedone, co. Essex. See Canewdon.

Capel St. Andrew, co. Suff., Tangham in, q.v.

Capeles, Aubrey de, 30.

Capeleyn, Thomas of Norbiton, 518.

Capella, La Chapele, John de, 118.
-, ……, Roger de, 541 (p. 414).
-, ……. See Chapele.

Capeycore, Stephen de, 371 (p. 245).

Car Colston, Kercolston, co. Nott., 456.

Carbinhou, Roger de, 604 (p. 476).
-, ……. Cf. Carmino.

Carbrok, Richard de, 96.

Cardeston, co. Salop, 635 (p. 504).

Cardiff, Kaerdif [co. Glamorgan] 154.
-, ……, borough, castle and fair, 371 (p. 245).
-, ……, inquisition made at, 371 (p. 243).

Cardinham, Cardinam, co. Cornw., 532, 604 (p. 476).

Cardvill, Cardvil, Henry de, 423 (p. 312).
-, ……, Robert de, 423 (p. 304).

Caresbrok [co. Hants]. See Carisbrooke.

Carethorp, Caretorp, co. York. See Caythorpe.

Caretorp, Carethorp. See Carthorp.

Cargo Fleet, co. York. See Caldecotes.

Cargol, Gargawel [in Newlyn parish], co. Cornw., manor, 523.

Carisbrooke, Carsbrock in the Isle, Carsbroc, Caresbrok, Carsbroke, co. Hants, 404.
-, ……, castle, 138, 254, 574.

Carkeel, Karkila [in St. Stephen’s by Saltash, co. Cornw.], 604 (p. 476).

Carlaton, Robert de, knight, 128.

Carlatton, Karlaton, co. Cumb., manor, 83.

Carleman, tenement of, co. Kent, 636.

Carlemor, co. York. See Carlesmoor.

Carlesmoor, Carlemor [in Kirkby Malzeard parish], co. York, 472 (p. 362).

Carleton, co. Linc. See Carlton.
-, ……, co. Norf. See Carlton.
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Carlton.
-, ……, co. Nott. See Carlton.
-, ……, manor in Bramford, co. Suff., 475 (p. 371).
-, ……, co. York. See Carlton.

Carleton, Walter de, 472 (p. 362).
-, ……, William de, writ to, 457.

Carliolo, Karliolo, Thomas de, 458.
-, ……, William de, 93.

Carlisle, co. Cumb., 73, 559, 597 (p. 449).
-, ……, a burgage in, 93.
-, ……, Botcher Street in the suburb, 227.
-, …… Castle, cornage paid at, 93.
-, ……, exchequer at, 230, 285 (pp. 183, 184), 559.
-, ……, inquisitions made at, 56, 158, 447, 583, 594, 618.

Carlisle, bishop of, 230, 476 (p. 373).
-, ……, Ralph, bishop of. See Ireton.

Carlisle, prior of, 227.
-, ……, St. Mary’s, prior of, 597 (p. 449).

Carlton, Karleton, co. Linc., 530.
-, ……, South, Carleton, co. Linc., 360.
-, …… Rode, Carleton, co. Norf., 476 (p. 373).
-, ……, Carleton, co. N’hamp., 28.
-, ……, East, Carleton, co. N’hamp., 604 (p. 460).
-, ……, Carleton on Trent, co. Nott., 424.
-, …… in Cleveland, Carleton, co. York., 555 (p. 430).
-, …… Miniott, Carleton, co. York., 472 (p. 362).

Carmino, Carminou, John de, 604 (p. 477).
-, ……, Roger de, 604 (p. 458).
-, ……. Cf. Carbinhou.

Carnanton, Carnan [in Mawgan parish], co. Cornw., 604 (p. 476).

Caron, Carun, Carron, Martin de, 294.
-, ……, Roger de, 294.
-, ……. Cf. Karon.

Carpenter, Reginald le, 351.
-, ……, William, 472 (p. 359).

Carreu, John de and Eleanor (de Mohun) his wife, 415, 431.

Carrick, Carrig, Carrygge, Karrig, Maud de, 285 (p. 185).
-, ……, Maud and Emma, daughters of Juliana de, 563.

Carron. See Caron.

Carsbroke, Carsbroc [co. Hants]. See Carisbrooke.

Carsewell, co. Berks. See Carswell.
-, ……, co. Oxford. See Caswell.

Carsington, Kersington, co. Derby, 423 (p. 291).

Carswell, Carsewell, [in Buckland parish], co. Berks, 604 (pp. 466, 482).
-, ……, Kerswille [in Kenn parish], co. Devon, prebend in the chapel of Exeter Castle, 31 (p. 29).

Carswell, co. Oxford. See Caswell.

Carter, Roger, 368.

Carthorp, Caretorp, Carethorpe, William de, 321.
-, ……, John de, 321.
-, ……, William de, and Margery his wife, 321.

Cartington, Kertinton [in Rothbury parish], co. N’humb., 423 (p. 305).

Cartmell, Kertemel, co. Lanc., Serjeants in, 423 (p. 295).

Carwinley, Carwyndelowe, [in Kirkandrews on Esk parish] co. Cumb., 597 (p. 449).

Carun. See Caron.

Cary, Castle, co. Somers, inquisition made at, 65 (p. 49).
-, ……, barony, 65 (p. 49).

Cassington, Karsington, Karsinton, co. Oxford, 604 (pp. 468, 479).
-, ……, Worton in, q.v.

Castel Acre, co. Norf. See Castle Acre.

Castelkeyrok, co. Cumb. See Castle Carrock.

Castelkeyrok, Robert de, 285 (p. 186).

Castellevynton, co. York. See Leavington.

Castello, Hugh de, 587.

Castelrising, co. Norf. See Rising.

Castern, Casterne [in Ilam parish], co. Staff., 126.

Casterton, co. Rutland, manor, 533.
-, ……, Little, Castreton, co. Rutland, 466, 604 (p. 462).

Casterton, Castirton, Richard de, 423 (pp. 297, 310).

Castle Acre, Castelacre, co. Norf., 371 (p. 242), 538.

Castle Carrock, Castelkeyrok, co. Cumb., 285 (p. 186).

Castle Rising. See Rising.

Castre, co. Linc. See Caistor.
-, ……, co. Norf. See Caistor.

Castreton, co. Rutland. See Casterton.

Castune, Robert de, 417.

Caswell, Carswell, Carsewell [in Witney parish], co. Oxford, 604 (p. 468 bis).

Cateby, co. Leic. See Cadeby.
-, ……, co. Linc. See Cadeby.

Cateby, William de, 112.

Categrave, co. Suff. See Gedgrave.

Caterham, co. Surrey, 636.

Catewy, William, 604 (p. 479).

Catfoss, Catfosse [in Sigglesthorne parish], co. York, 252.

Cathale, co. York. See Cattal.

Catherton, co. York. See Catterton.

Catherton, Alan de, 472 (p. 361).

Catley, Catteley by Upleadon [in Bosbury parish], co. Heref., 340.

Catmere, co. Berks, 423 (p. 307).

Caton [in Lancaster parish], co. Lanc., 423 (p. 293).

Caton, John de, 423 (p. 293).
-, ……, Nicholas de, 53.

Cattal, Little Cathale [in Hunsingore and Whixley], co. York., 604 (p. 473).

Cattedale, Catdale, co. Linc., 423 (pp. 317, 318).

Catteley, co. Heref. See Catley.

Catterlen, Katrelenn [in Newton Rigny parish], co. Cumb., 285 (p. 186).

Catterton, Catherton [in Tadcaster parish], co. York, 623.

Cattesclyve, Henry de, 541 (p. 414).

Catteshall, Catteshull [by Godalming], co. Surrey, manor, 22, 636.

Cattesham, co. Suff. See Chattisham.

Catteshill, co. Suff., inquisition made at, 365 (p. 225).

Catteworth, Geoffrey de, and Alice his wife, 429.

Cattheworthe, co. Hunt. See Catworth.

Catthorpe, Thorp by Littleburn, co. Leic., 423 (p. 319).

Catton [in Croxhall parish], co. Derby, 423 (p. 303).
-, ……, manor, 423 (p. 313).

Catton, Robert de, 226.

Catworth, Great, Cattheworthe, co. Hunt., advowson, 42.

Caudre, co. Cumb. See Calder.

Caulburn, co. Hants. See Calbourne.

Caumerewelle, co. Surrey. See Camberwell.

Caumpedene, co. Glouc. See Campden.

Caumvile. See Camvile.

Caundle, Purse, Purscaundel, co. Dorset, 111.

Cauntele, co. Norf. See Cantley.

Cauntilo. See Cantilupo.

Caunvyle, Caunvile. See Camvile.

Caupland. See Coupland.

Caurs, co. Salop. See Cause.

Cause, Caurs, Caus [in Westbury parish], co. Salop, castle and manor, 600.
-, ……, lord of. See Corbet.

Cave, South, Suthcave, co. York., 472 (p. 362).

Cave, Alexander de, 321.
-, ……, Hugh de, 29 (pp. 21, 22).

Cavenham, Caneham, co. Suff., 371 (p. 242).

Caversham, Caveresham, co. Oxford, manor, 371 (p. 235).

Cawthorpe, Little, Calthorp, co. Linc., 423 (p. 317 bis).

Cawton, Calveton [in Gilling parish], co. York, 472 (p. 363).

Caxton, Kaxston, co. Camb., manor, 509.

Cayesho, co. Bedf. See Keysoe.

Caylli, Cayle, Adam de, 65 (p. 47), 194 (p. 119).
-, ……. Cf. Caly.

Cayrcradock, co. Heref. See Caer Caradoc.

Caysho, co. Bedf. See Keysoe.

Caythorpe, Carethorp, Caretorp [in Rudston parish], co. York, E.R., 321.

Ccherleton, co. Worc. See Charlton.

Cefton, co. Lanc. See Sefton.

Celedon, co. Derby. See Sheldon.

Celereye, co. Berks. See Childrey.

Cerceden, Cercedene, co. Oxford. See Sarsden.

Cerd, Cerde, co. Somers. See Chard.

Cerf, William le, 623.

Cerne, Cern, co. Dorset, abbot of, 541 (p. 414).

Cerne, Henry de, 347.
-, ……, John de, son of Henry, 347.

Cernecote, co. Wilts. See Shorncote.

Cernes, Nicholas de, of Tempsford, 199.

Certese, Certeseye [co. Surrey]. See Chertsey.

Cervinton, William de, 31 (p. 27).

Cesham, co. Buck. See Chesham.

Cestre, co. N’hamp. See Chester.

Cestresham [co. Buck.]. See Chesham.

Cestreton, Cestretone, co. Warw. See Chesterton.

Cestria, Peter de, 475 (pp. 369, 370).

Ceterton, co. Oxford. See Chesterton.

Chackmore, Chakemor, co. Buck., 604 (p. 479).

Chacombe, Chaucumbe, co. Leic., prior of, 604 (p. 474).

Chacundalby, co. Leic. See Dalby.

Chaddenwicke, Chadenwick [in Mere parish], co. Wilts, 604 (p. 459).

Chaddesden, co. Derby, 423 (pp. 304, 312, 313).

Chaddesden, William de, William le Herbejour, 423 (pp. 304, 312).
-, ……. See Chadesdene.

Chadelinton, co. Oxford. See Chadlington.

Chadesdene, Amice de, 524.
-, ……. See Chaddesden.

Chadleswik, co. Warw. See Chadwick.

Chadlington, Chadelinton, co. Oxford, hundred, 371 (p. 235).

Chadwick, Chadleswik [in Temple Balsall parish], co. Warw., 472 (p. 360).

Chaffcombe, Chafcom, co. Somers., 173.
-, ……, advowson, 173.

Chaggely, co. Wilts. See Chedgelow.

Chaham, Geoffrey de, 175.

Chakemor, co. Buck. See Chackmore.

Chakendon, Chakenden, co. Oxford, See Checkendon.

Chakkeleye, co. Chester. See Checkley.

Chaldon, West, Chauedon Boys, co. Dorset, 541 (p. 413).
-, ……, Chalfdone, Chalvedon, co. Surrey, manor, 462.

Chalfont St. Peter, Calfonte St. Peter, co. Buck., 423 (p. 307).

Chalgrove, Chalgrave, co. Oxford, 604 (pp. 466, 467, 480 bis).
-, ……, advowson, 604 (p. 482).

Chalk, Westchalke, co. Kent., manor, 602.
-, ……, Chalke, co. Wilts, 19.

Chalvedon, co. Sussex. See Chaldon.

Chalvelegh, co. Devon. See Chawleigh.

Chamberlain, le Chaumbreleyn, le Chaumberleng, Camberleyn, le Chamberlein, le Chaumberleyn, Peter, 87.
-, ……, Henry son of Walter, 110.
-, ……, Joan (de Gatesden) wife of Richard, 20.
-, ……, Peter, Isabel his wife, 87.
-, ……, ……, Richard their son, 87.
-, ……, Richard, 437.
-, ……, Walter, 109, 110.
-, ……, William, 371 (p. 250).
-, ……, William, of Froxfield, 430.

Chambernoun. See Campo Arnulphi.

Champagne, Campania, queen (rectius countess) of, 423 (p. 288).

Chamond. See Calvo Monte.

Champayne. See Campania.

Champion, le Champein, park, co. Derby, 423 (p. 300).

Chandos, Chaundos, Chaundoys, Henry de, knight, 627.
-, ……, John de, 423 (p. 312).
-, ……, William le, 423 (pp. 301, 314).

Chandut, Ralph, 541 (p. 414).
-, ……. Cf. Cheyndut.

Chanseye, John de, 604 (p. 481).

Chanu, William, 510.

Chapele, Williom a la, of Pickworth, 29 (p. 21).
-, ……. See Capella.

Chaplain, Richard, 520.

Chard, Cerde, Cerd, co. Somers., inquisitions made at, 89, 173.

Chardesleye, co. Buck. See Chearsley.

Chark [in Titchfield parish], co. Hants, 84.

Charlbury, co. Oxford, Walcot in, q.v.

Charlcotte, Cherlecote [in Aston Botterell parish], co. Salop, 629.

Charles, Charnys, co. Devon, manor and advowson, 31 (p. 27).

Charleton, Cherleton, co. Devon, 598.

Charlston, Cherlackeston [in West Firle parish], co. Sussex, 386.

Charlton, Cherleton, Terleton [in King’s Sutton and Newbottle], co. N’hamp., 423 (p. 309), 604 (p. 460).
-, …… Horethorne, Cherleton Canoyle, co. Somers., inquisition made at, 400.
-, …… Mackrell, Cherleton Makerel, co. Somers., 215.
-, ……, ……, advowson, 215.
-, …… Musgrave, Cherleton Muscegros, co. Somers., manor, 407 (p. 270).
-, …… Ccherleton [in Cropthorn parish], co. Worc., 29 (p. 20).

Charneles, Scharneles, Charnelis, George de, 423 (pp. 307, 310, 319, 320).
-, ……, Nicholas de, 29 (p. 20).
-, ……, William de, 29 (p. 20), 423 (pp. 297, 310).

Charnys, co. Devon. See Charles.

Chart [Sutton], co. Kent, manor, 414.

Charterey, Nicholas de, 433.

Chartris, Alan de, 154.

Charwelton, Tharwylton, co. N’hamp., 423 (p. 309), 604 (p. 460).

Chastiloun, Henry de, 604 (p. 479).
-, ……, Malcolm de, 604 (p. 467).

Chatecombe, co. Wilts, 604 (p. 459).

Chatesham, co. Suff. See Chattisham.

Chatham, co. Kent, Shawsted and Walderslade in, 414.

Chattisham, Chatesham, Cattesham, co. Suff., 604 (p. 478 bis).
-, ……, inquisition made at, 423 (p. 308).

Chaucumbe, co. Leic. See Chacombe.

Chaucy, John, 166.
-, ……. Cf. Chauncy.

Chauedon Boys, co. Dorset. See Chaldon.

Chaulden, Hugh de, 202.

Chaumberleyn. See Chamberlain.

Chaumbernon, Chaumbernoun. See Campo Arnulphi.

Chaumbre, Robert de la, of Floore, 369 (p. 233).
-, ……. Cf. Camera.

Chaumbreleyn, Chaumberleng. See Chamberlain.

Chaumond. See Calvo Monte.

Chauncels, Hugh de, 369 (p. 232).

Chauncewich wood, co. York, 476 (p. 374).

Chauncy, Philip, 375.
-, ……. Cf. Chaucy; Chanseye.

Chaundos, Chaundoys. See Chandos.

Chaureth, co. Essex. See Chawreth.

Chauri, William le, 415 (p. 276).

Chauton, co. Hants. See Chawton.

Chawleigh, Chalvelegh, co. Devon, manor, 31 (p. 25).
-, ……, advowson, 31 (p. 29).
-, ……, Chenson in, q.v.

Chaworth. See Cadurcis.

Chawreth, Chaureth, Churethe [now absorbed in Croxted], co. Essex, manor, 207 (pp. 133, 134).

Chawton, Chauton, co. Hants, inquisition made at, 616.

Cheadle, Chedle, co. Chester, manor, 157.

Chearsley, Chardesleye, co. Buck., 362 (p. 221).

Chebsey, Chebbeseie, Chebeseye, co. Staff., manor, 423 (pp. 300, 314).

Chebyngnorton, co. Oxford. See Norton.

Checkendon, Chakenden, Chakendon, co. Oxford, 604 (p. 465).
-, ……, manor, 29 (p. 19).

Checkley, Chakkeleye [in Wybunbury parish], co. Chester, 536.
-, ……, Checckeleg, co. Staff., parson of the church of, 132.

Chedburgh, Chetebery, co. Suff., manor, 298.

Cheddeworthe, co. Glouc. See Chedworth.

Cheddleton, Chetilton, Chetelton [co. Staff.], the lord of, 126, 194 (p. 122).

Cheddre, John de, 351.

Chedglow, Cheggele (co. Glouc.), Chaggely [in Crudwell parish, co. Wilts], 604 (pp. 466, 482).

Chediston, Chetestan, co. Suff., 365 (p. 226).

Chedle, co. Chester. See Cheadle.

Chedle, Geoffrey de, 157.
-, ……, Geoffrey de, son of Geoffrey, 157.

Chedwod, Lucy de, 423 (p. 309).

Chedworth, Cheddeworthe, co. Glouc., manor, 477 (p. 375).

Chegenhale Zoyn, co. Essex. See Chignall St. James.

Cheggele, co. Glouc. See Chedglow.

Cheindut. See Cheyndut.

Cheiny. See Cheney.

Cheles, Chelles, Roger de, 155.
-, ……, Robert de, son of Roger, 155.

Chelesham, Chellisham, Richard de, 121.

Cheleton, co. Somers. See Chillington.

Cheleworth, co. Somers. See Chelwood.
-, ……, Chelesworth, co. Wilts. See Chelworth.

Cheleworth, William de, 603 (p. 456).

Chelles. See Cheles.

Chellisham, co. Surrey. See Chelsham.

Chellisham. See Chelesham.

Chelmondeston, co. Chester. See Cholmondstone.

Chelmsford, Chelmersford, Chelmerford, Chelmereford, co. Essex, 194 (p. 118).
-, ……, inquisitions made at, 194 (p. 123), 423 (p. 308), 459, 500.

Chelmundeston, co. Chester. See Cholmondestone.

Chelreye, co. Berks. See Childrey.

Chelsham, Chellisham, co. Surrey, 121.

Chelsing, Chelsen [in Bengeo parish], co. Hertf., 369 (p. 232).

Chelveston, Chelviston, co. N’hamp., 423 (p. 296 bis).

Chelviston, co. N’hamp. See Chelveston.

Chelwood, Cheleworth, co. Somers., manor, 603 (p. 454).
-, ……, East, Estcheleworth, co. Somers., manor, 603 (p. 456).

Chelworth, Chelleworth, Cheleworth, Chelesworth, Great Chylewerth [in Cricklade St. Sampson’s parish, co. Wilts], 373, 599.
-, ……, manor, 339.

Chenercourt. See Chevircurt.

Cheney Longville, Longefeld [in Wistanstow parish], co. Salop, 65 (p. 51), 194 (p. 122).

Cheney, Cheny, Cheyny, Cheiny, Cheynni, Alexander de, 335.
-, ……, Alexander de, 335.
-, ……, ……, and Agnes his wife, 335.
-, ……, Nicholas de, 190, 541 (p. 414), 605 (p. 456).
-, ……. Cf. Chenne.

Chenies, co. Buck. Latimers in, q.v.

Chenne, William, 31 (p. 27).
-, ……. Cf. Cheney.

Chenneston, co. Devon. See Chenson.

Chenson, Chenneston [in Chawleigh parish], co. Devon, 31 (p. 27).

Chepsted, co. Surrey. See Chipstead.

Chepstow, Strogul, Strugoyl, Strogoil [co. Monm.], 492.
-, ……, service of being constable of, 404.

Chepyng Norton, co. Oxford. See Norton.

Cherchehull, Cherchull, Cherchulle, co. Oxford. See Churchill.

Cherebery, co. Salop. See Chirbury.

Cherhill, Chyriel, Chiryell, Churiel, co. Wilts, 422 (pp. 282, 284).
-, ……, manor, 422 (p. 287).

Cheriton Bishop, co. Devon, Lampford in, q.v.
-, …… Fitzpayne, Churyton, co. Devon, 519.

Cherlackeston, co. Sussex. See Charlston.

Cherlecote, co. Salop. See Charlcotte.

Cherleton, co. Chester. See Chorlton.
-, ……, co. Devon. See Charleton.
-, ……, co. N’hamp. See Charlton.
-, ……, co. Somers. See Charlton.

Cherlton, co. Chester. See Chorlton.

Cherne, Hugh, 366.

Cherrington, Chiriton, Chirinton, co. Glouc., 34, 604 (pp. 466, 467, 481).

Cherry Willingham, co. Linc. See Willingham.

Chertsey, Certese, Certeseye, co. Surrey, abbot of, 22, 106, 274, 534.

Cheseburi, co. Salop. See Chirbury.

Cheseby, co. Linc. See Clixby.

Cheselborn forde, co. Dorset. See Chesilborne.

Chesham, Cestresham, Cesham, co. Buck., 367 (p. 229).
-, ……, market, 367 (p. 229).
-, ……, inquisition made at, 604 (p. 487).

Chesilborne, Little, Cheselborn forde, co. Dorset, 541 (p. 414).

Cheslyn Hay, Chistlin, in Cannock forest, co. Staff., 331.

Chessington, Chissenden, Chussynden, Chussendene, co. Surrey, 604 (pp. 466, 481).

Chester, 8, 194 (p. 122).
-, ……, exchequer of, 8, 280 (p. 177).
-, ……, burgages in, 408, 409.
-, ……, rents in, 510, 536.

Chester, bishop of. See Coventry and Lichfield.
-, ……, abbot of, 244.
-, ……, St. John’s, prior of, 423 (p. 299).
-, ……, St. John’s Church, William de Beychull, dean of, 220.
-, ……, constable of, 474.
-, ……, earl of, 297.
-, ……, Ranulf, earl of. See Blundeville.
-, ……, honour of, 120.
-, ……, justice of. See Grey.

Chester county, custom of, as regards wardship, 194 (p. 129).
-, …… ……, the serjeanty of the peace of, 280 (p. 177), 281, 376.
-, …… ……, stewardship in fee, 408, 409.

Chester, Cestre [in Irchester parish], co. N’hamp., 423 (p. 296).

Chesterfield, Chesterfeld, Cestrfoul, co. Derby, inquisition made at, 252, 535.

Chesterton, Cestreton, Cesterton, co. Oxford, manor and advowson, 604 (pp. 484, 487, 488).
-, ……, Cestreton, Cestretone, co. Warw., 137.
-, ……, ……, manor, 593.

Chetebery, co. Suff. See Chedburgh.

Chetelhamptone, co. Devon. See Chittlehampton.

Chetelton, co. Staff. See Cheddleton.

Cheteston, co. Suff. See Chediston.

Chetewynd, Chetewynde, John de, 116, 635.

Chetilton [co. Staff.]. See Cheddleton.

Chetiton, co. Salop. See Chetton.

Chettiscombe, Chettescumbe [in Tiverton parish], co. Devon, manor, 31 (p. 27).

Chetton, Chetiton, co. Salop, advowson, 194 (p. 124).
-, ……, Faintree in, q.v.

Chetton, co. Worc., 371 (p. 249).

Cheveninge, Adam de, knight, 619.

Cheverel, Great, Cheveverel, Chyverel, co. Wilts, 194 (p. 120).
-, ……, manor, 65 (p. 45).
-, ……, advowson, 194 (p. 123).

Chevington, West, Chivyngton, Chyvynton, Chyvington [in Warkworth parish], co. N’humb., 386, 461, 584.
-, ……, Chivinton, co. N’humb., forest, 461.

Chevircurt, Chivercurte, Chenercourt, Robert de, 446.
-, ……, John, 472 (p. 360).
-, ……, John de, son of Robert, 446.

Chew, Chyw, co. Somers., inquisition made at, 65 (p. 49).

Chewstoke, Bychenestok, co. Somers, 371 (p. 249).

Cheyndut, Cheindut, William, 604 (p. 460).
-, ……. Cf. Chandut.
-, ……, barony, 604 (p. 460).

Cheyny, Cheynni. See Cheney.

Chichester, Cycestre, co. Sussex, city, 604 (p. 462).
-, ……, inquisition made at, 337.
-, ……, Port Field by, 224.

Chickerell, West, West Chikerell, co. Dorset, 152.

Chickering, Chikeringg [in Wingfield parish], co. Suff., 604 (pp. 477, 478 ter).

Chickney, Chigeneye, co. Essex, manor, 513.

Chigeneye, co. Essex. See Chickney.

Chigewell, Richard de, 619.

Chignall St. James, Chegenhale Zoyn, co. Essex, 194 (p. 123).

Chigwell, co. Essex, Wolston in, q.v.

Chikeringg, co. Suff. See Chickering.

Childefrome, co. Dorset. See Chilfroom.

Childerhaneleye, co. Worc. See Hanley.

Childhacford, co. Dorset. See Okeford.

Childhampton, co. Wilts. See Chilhampton.

Childrekastell by Norwic, co. Norf. See Caister.

Childrey, Chelreye, Celereye, co. Berks, 404.
-, ……, Geoffrey de Frethorne of, 283.

Chileham, co. Kent. See Chilham.

Chilfroom, Childefrome, co. Dorset, Roger de Bosco of, 484.

Chilham, Chileham, co. Kent, 460.

Chilhampton, Childhampton [in Great Newton parish], co. Wilts, 12.

Chilinton, Chilington, co. Staff. See Chillington.

Chillington, Cheleton, co. Somers., manor, 23, 189.
-, ……, Chilinton, Chilington [in Breewood parish], co. Staff., 422 (pp. 285, 287).

Chillingwode, Roger de, 138.

Chiltern, Ciltre, co. Oxford, hundred of, 604 (p. 464).

Chiltington, Chiltyngetone, co. Sussex, manor, 75 (pp. 56, 57).

Chilton by Sudbury, Chilton by Subiri, co. Suff., 604 (p. 477).
-, …… Foliat, co. Wilts, 604 (pp. 466, 480).

Chilworth, Chuleworth [in Milton parish], co. Oxford, 604 (pp. 468, 479).

Chinnor, Chynnore, co. Oxford, 604 (p. 465).

Chinting, Chintinghes [in Seaford parish], co. Sussex, 498.

Chippenham, co. Buck. See Cippenham.
-, ……, Chyppeham, Chippeham, co. Wilts, inquisition made at, 159.
-, ……, ……, foreign hundred, 591.

Chipping Norton, co. Oxford. See Norton.

Chipstead, Chepstede, Chepsted, co. Surrey, 106, 371 (p. 238).
-, ……, advowson, 371 (p. 238).

Chirbury, Cherebery, Chyrbyry, Chirebury, co. Salop, 361.
-, ……, inquisition made at, 560, 631.
-, ……, hundred, 361.

Chirbury, Cheseburi [in Weston under Redcastle parish], co. Salop, 536.

Chirchull, co. Oxford. See Churchill.

Chirebury, co. Salop. See Chirbury.

Chirinton, Chiriton, co. Glouc. See Cherrington.

Chiryell, co. Wilts. See Cherhill.

Chiselden, Chyseldon, Richard de, writs to, 604 (pp. 485 486).

Chissenden, co. Surrey. See Chessington.

Chistelet, tenement of, co. Kent, 636.

Chistlin, co. Staff. See Cheslyn.

Chittlehampton, Chetelhamptone, Chytelhamton, Chitelhmton, co. Devon, 371 (p. 251 bis).
-, ……, manor, 371 (p. 234).

Chivercurte. See Chevircurt.

Chivinton, co. N’humb. See Chevington.

Cholmondestone, Chelmundeston, Chelmondeston [in Acton parish], co. Chester, 296.
-, ……, manor, 180, 181.

Chorlton, Cherlton, Cherleton [in Malpas parish], co. Chester, 281, 376.

Chrishall, Cristeshale, co. Essex, 366.
-, ……, Crawley in, q.v.

Christchurch, Cristechirche Twynham, Crystescherch, co. Hants, manor, 49.
-, ……, barony, 156 (p. 98), 485.
-, ……, prior of, 541 (p. 414).
-, ……, bedelry of the hundred, 571.

Christiana, Walter son of, 618.

Christow, co. Devon, Canonteign in, q.v.

Chuleworth, co. Oxford. See Chilworth.

Chulmleigh, Chulmelegh, Chulmele, co. Devon, manor, 31 (p. 25), 32.
-, ……, market at, 31 (p. 25).
-, ……, advowson, 31 (p. 29).

Chunekesdich, co. Dorset. See Coombs Ditch.

Churchehull, co. Oxford. See Churchill.

Churchill, Cherchull, Cherchulle, Churchehull, Churchull, Chirchull, Cherchehull, co. Oxford, 423 (p. 300).
-, ……, manor, 473.
-, ……, Mulneham in, 473.

Churchull, co. Oxford. See Churchill.

Churde, co. Buck., 604 (p. 481).

Churethe, co. Essex. See Chawreth.

Churiel, co. Wilts. See Cherhill.

Churyton, co. Devon. See Cheriton.

Chussendene, Chussyndene, co. Surrey. See Chessington.

Chyldrin, John atte, 487.

Chylewerth, co. Wilts. See Chelworth.

Chynnore, co. Oxford. See Chinnor.

Chyppeham, co. Wilts. See Chippenham.

Chyrbyry, co. Salop. See Chirbury.

Chyriel, co. Wilts. See Cherhill.

Chyseldon. See Chiselden.

Chytelhamton, co. Devon. See Chittlehampton.

Chyverel, co. Wilts. See Cheverell.

Chyvington, Chyvynton, co. N’humb. See Chevington.

Chyw, co. Somers. See Chew.

Cilfigan, Gulfengyn [co. Monm.], 371 (p. 247).

Cilmeityn, Kylmaytin, [in Eglwys Rhos, co. Carnarvon], 546.

Ciltre. See Chiltern.

Cilycwm, Keleseyn [co. Carmarthen], writ dated at, 248.

Cintleberwe, co. Buck. See Singleborough.

Cippenham, Chippenham [in Burnham parish], co. Buck., manor, 604 (pp. 463, 464).

Cire, Adam, 618.
-, ……, ……, his son William, 618.

Cirencester, Cyrencester, Cyrenc, co. Glouc., inquisitions made at, 477 (p. 375).
-, ……, abbot of, 369 (p. 232).

Claghton, co. Lanc. See Claughton.

Clanefeld, co. Hants. See Clanville.

Clanfield, Clanefeld, co. Oxford, 604 (pp. 468, 479).

Clanville, Clanefeld [in Weyhill parish], co. Hants, 89.

Clapcot, Clopcot, Clopcote [in Allhallows, Wallingford], co. Berks, 604 (pp. 465, 466, 467, 480).

Clapham, Clopham, co. Bedf., 604 (pp. 466, 467, 480, 481).
-, ……, co. York, Austwick in, q.v.

Clapton in Gordans, Clopton in Byssupworth, co. Somers., 371 (p. 249).

Clarborough, Claverburg, co. Nott., 368, 423 (p. 311).

Clare. co. Suff., manor, castle, market and fair, 371 (p. 241).
-, ……, great court of the honour held at, 371 (p. 241).

Clare, honour or fee, 207 (p. 131), 371 (p. 238), 422 (p. 283), 515.

Clare, Gilbert de, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, 371.
-, ……, Thomas de, 609.
-, ……, Bevis de, 371 (p. 247).
-, ……, Gilbert de, earl of Gloucester and Hertford, 38, 54, 106, 156 (p. 98), 207 (p. 134), 482, 539, 544 (pp. 418, 421), 613.
-, ……, ……, Joan his wife, 54, 365 (p. 277), 371 (pp. 235, 236), 384, 391, 402, 404, 407 (p. 269), 414, 482, 539, 544 (p. 421).
-, ……, Gilbert de, son of Gilbert, 371.
-, ……, Richard de, earl of Gloucester, 156 (p. 98).
-, ……, Thomas de, 507.
-, ……, ……, Juliana, wife of, 371 (p. 240).

Clarendon, Claryndon [co. Wilts], bailiff of, 388.
-, ……, forest, bailiff of, 442.

Claret [in Ashen parish], co. Essex, manor, 371 (p. 237).

Clareton, Clarton [in Allerton Mauleverer parish], co. York, 472 (p. 363).

Clarewood, Claverworth [in Corbridge parish], co. N’humb. manor, 514.

Clarton, co. York. See Clareton.

Claryndon, co. Wilts. See Clarendon.

Clatford, co. Hants., 371 (p. 235).

Claudus, Peter, 351.

Claughton, Claghton in Lonsdale, co. Lanc., 423 (p. 293).

Claughton, Clahgton [in Garstang parish], co. Lanc., 423 (p. 292).

Claughton, William de, 423 (p. 293).

Claverburg, co. Nott. See Clarborough.

Claverham [in Yatton parish], co. Somers, 371 (p. 249).

Claverley, co. Salop, manor, 565.

Claverworth, co. N’humb. See Clarewood.

Clavile, Claville, John de, 404, 413.
-, ……, Roger de, 371 (p. 250).

Clawson, Long, Claxton, co. Leic., 307.

Claxthorpe, Clakesthorp, co. Norf.?, 604 (p. 478).

Claxton, co. Leic. See Clawson.

Claybrook, co. Leic., Ullesthorpe in, q.v.

Claydon, Botolph, Bottecleydon [in East Claydon parish], co. Buck., 422 (p. 287), 604 (pp. 466, 481).
-, ……, ……, manor, 422 (p. 285).
-, ……, Steeple, Clayndon, Cleydon. Clydon, co. Buck., manor, 422 (pp. 283, 284).
-, ……, Cleydon, co. Suff., 423 (p. 308), 604 (p. 478).
-, ……, ……, advowson, 423 (p. 308).

Clayndon, co. Buck. See Claydon.

Clayton [in Stoke on Trent parish, co. Staff.], 423 (p. 289).

Clee, co. Linc., Weelsby in, q.v.

Clen, Ralph de, 604 (p. 458).

Cleobury, North, Northclebury, co. Salop, 629.

Clerbek, Henry de, 352.
-, ……, Joan, Elizabeth and Alice, daughters of Robert de, 352.
-, ……, Robert de, 352.

Clere, Robert de, 276.

Clerk, Alan le, of Autby, 243.
-, ……, Henry le, of Wallingford, 604 (p. 484).
-, ……, John, 362 (p. 220).
-, ……, Robert, 423 (p. 296).
-, ……, Roger the, 415 (p. 276).
-, ……, Roger le, 423 (p. 310).
-, ……, William the, 259.

Clermound, Hugh, 604 (p. 480).

Cleseby, Hasculph de, keeper of the lands of John de Britannia, earl of Richmond, 310.

Cleter, Richard de, 479.

Clevancy, Clyve Wancy [in Hillmarton, co. Wilts], 603 (p. 455).

Clevedon, Cliftdon, co. Somers., 371 (p. 248).

Cleveland Port, co. York. See Caldecotes.

Cleydon, co. Buck. See Claydon.
-, ……, co. Suff. See Claydon.

Cliburn, Clyburne, co. Westm., 70 (pp. 53, 54 bis).

Clicker Tor, Mons de Cliker [in Menheniot parish], co. Corw., 604 (p. 458).

Clifford, Clyfford [in Dunsford parish], co. Devon, manor, 31 (p. 28).
-, ……, co. Heref., castle, &c., and borough, 544 (p. 420).
-, ……, [co. Heref.], 511.

Clifford, Clyfford, Clifforde, Isabel de, daughter of Robert de Veteri Ponte, 70.
-, ……, Isabel de, 21.
-, ……, Reginald de, 576, 604 (p. 475).
-, ……, Robert de, 70 (p. 54), 399, 507, 604 (p. 486).
-, ……, Robert de, son of Isabel, daughter of Isabel de Veteri Ponte, 422.
-, ……, heirs of, 544 (p. 419).

Cliftdon, co. Somers. See Clevedon.

Clifton, Great [in Workington parish], co. Cumb., 561.
-, ……, Little [in Workington parish], co. Cumb., 561.
-, ……, co. Glouc., 371 (p. 249).
-, ……, North [co. Nott.] (in a Lincolnshire inquisition), 360.
-, …… Campville, co. Staff., 423 (pp. 300, 314).
-, ……, ……, Harlaston in, q.v.
-, ……, Clyfton, co. Westm., 70.
-, …… Ellesworth, Clyfton Ellesworth, co. York, 604 (pp. 472, 473).
-, …… upon Ure, co. York, 476 (p. 374).

Clifton, Clyfton, Benedict de, 561.
-, ……, Gilbert de, 476 (p. 374).
-, ……, Ignatius de, 371 (p. 249).
-, ……, William de, 423 (p. 292).

Cliker, Mons de. See Clicker Tor.

Clington, John de, 347.

Clint, Clynt [in Ripley parish], co. York, 604 (p. 473).

Clinton, Clynton, John de, 472 (p. 360).
-, ……, John de, the younger, 287.
-, ……, John de, nephew of John, 472 (p. 360).

Clipsham, Kylpesham, co. Rutland, 604 (p. 474).

Clisseby, co. Linc., See Clixby.

Clist, co. Devon. See Clyst.

Clist, Broad, co. Devon, Hayes in, q.v.

Clist Fomeson, Clist Fomizoun, co. Devon. See Sowton.

Clive, John son of Peter de la, 616.

Clixby, Clisseby, Cheseby, co. Linc., 421, 463, 604 (p. 486).

Clofely, co. Devon. See Clovelly.

Clonasse, Madoc de, 436.

Clone, co. Salop. See Clun.

Clopcote, co. Berks. See Clapcot.

Clopham, co. Bedf. See Clapham.

Clopsy, Thomas, 635 (p. 505).

Clopton, co. Somers. See Clapton.
-, ……, co. Suff., 423 (p. 308).
-, ……, ……, manor, 156 (p. 98).

Clopton, Walter de, 405.

Clotley or Cluddley, Clotleye [in Wrockwardine parish, one place but marked as two in the ordnance map], co. Salop, 328.

Clotton Horfield [in Tarwin parish], co. Chester, 380.

Clotton, Petronilla wife of Robert de, 380.
-, ……, William de, 380.
-, ……. Cf. Clutton.

Clovelly, Clofely, co. Devon, 371 (p. 250).

Cluddley, co. Salop. See Clotley.

Clumber, Clumbyr, co. Nott., 368.

Clun, Clone, Clune, co. Salop, lord of, 291.
-, ……, writ dated at, 250.

Clutton, Roger de, 280 (p. 178).
-, ……. Cf. Clotton.

Clyburne, co. Westm. See Cliburn.

Clydon, co. Buck. See Claydon.

Clyfford, co. Devon. See Clifford.

Clyfford. See Clifford.

Clyftdon, Matthew de, 371 (p. 248).

Clyfton, co. Westm. See Clifton.

Clyfton. See Clifton.

Clymmeslond, co. Cornw., manor, See Stokeclimsland.

Clympefeld, Robert de, 214.

Clynt, co. York. See Clint.

Clynton. See Clinton.

Clyst, co. Devon. See Sowton.
-, ……, Bishop’s, Clist, co. Devon, inquisition made at, 532.
-, …… Hydon, Hydon and Clyst, co. Devon, manors, 31 (p. 28).
-, ……, ……, advowson of Hydon, 31 (p. 28).
-, ……. See Clist.

Clyve, co. N’hamp. See Kingscliffe.
-, …… Wancy, co. Wilts. See Clevancy.

Cnabbewlle, co. Wilts. See Avils.

Cnapton, co. York. See Knapton.

Cnapton, Michael de, 623.

Cnebur [co. Berks]. See Enborne.

Cnoston, co. N’hamp. See Knuston.

Cnottinge, co. Bedf. See Knotting.

Cnotton, co. Staff. See Knutton.

Cnotton, Robert de, 423 (p. 290).

Cnowel, co. Wilts. See Zeals Knowle.

Coalsworthy, Kauleswrthy [in Ilsington parish], co. Devon, 532.

Coates, Cotes, co. Linc., 68, 139.
-, ……, Little, Cotes, co. Linc., 68.
-, ……, North, Noth Cotes, co. Linc., 192, 243.

Coatham, East, Coton [near Redcar], co. York, 623.

Cobbe Wympel, co. Devon. See Cobden.

Cobbele, co. Derby. See Cubley.

Cobden or Cobb Whimple, Cobbe Wympel [in Whimple parish], co. Devon, 604 (p. 475).

Cobeham, co. Kent. See Cobham.

Cobeham, John de, 602.
-, ……, Henry de, 602.
-, ……, ……, and Margaret (Baynard) his wife, 272.
-, ……, John de, 335, 598.

Cobelinton, co. Buck. See Cublington.

Cobham, Cobeham, co. Kent, manor, 602.

Cock, Thomas, 139.

Cockelborough, Kokkelbergh, Cokkebergh, Cockelbergh [by Chippenham], co. Wilts, 604 (p. 466).

Cockerington, Cokerington, co. Linc., 265.

Cockerham, Kokirham, the keeper of, 423 (p. 295).

Cockermouth, Cokermue, Cokermuth, Cokirmuth, Cokirmu, co. Cumb., 561.
-, ……, castle, 348.
-, ……, manor, 457.
-, ……, lands of, 457.

Cockersand, Cokersand, Kokirsaund, co. Lanc., abbot of, 423 (pp. 292, 295).

Cockfield, Cokefeud, Cokefeld, co. Suff., manor, 367 (p. 230).

Cocking, Cockinge, co. Sussex, manor 75 (p. 57).

Cockthorpe, Cokethorpe, Cokthrope [near Yelford], co. Oxford, 96.

Coddenham, Codenham, co. Suff., 475 (p. 371).

Coddington, Codington by Balderton, co. Nott., 141 (p. 89).

Codeham, co. Kent. See Cudham.

Codeham, John de, 214.

Coderstok, co. N’hamp. See Cotterstock.

Codford, co. Wilts, Ashton Giffard in, q.v.

Codham, co. Kent. See Cudham.

Codstede, Cotsted, William de, 528.
-, ……, William de, son of William, 528.

Coedcwnwr, Coitkoner [in Langeview parish, co. Monm.], 371 (p. 246).

Coedgarth, Coitgarth [co. Monm.], 371 (p. 247).

Coedkernew, Cotkneu [co. Monm.], 371 (p. 248).

Coer de Boef. See Cordeboef.

Cogan [co. Monm.], 371 (p. 248).

Cogan, John de, 603 (p. 454).

Cogesale. See Coggeshale.

Coggeshale, Cogesale, John de, 323.
-, ……, John de, son of John, 323.

Coitgarth [co. Monm.]. See Coedgarth.

Coitkoner [co. Monm.]. See Coedcwnwr.

Cokefeld, Kokefeud, Robert de, 384.
-, ……, Joan daughter of Adam de, 384.
-, ……, Robert de, 423 (p. 308).

Cokefeud, Cokefeld, co. Suff. See Cockfield.

Cokenay, co. Nott. See Cuckney.

Cokerel, Richard, 622.

Cokerington, co. Linc. See Cockerington.

Cokermue, Cokermuth, co. Cumb. See Cockermouth.

Cokersand, co. Lanc. See Cockersand.

Coket. See Coquet.

Cokham, co. Berks. See Cookham.

Cokirmuth, Cokirmu, co. Cumb. See Cockermouth.

Cokkelbergh, co. Wilts. See Cockelborough.

Cokthorpe, co. Oxford. See Cockthorpe.

Colby, Colleby [in Appleby St. Laurence parish], co. Westm., 70 (p. 53, 54).

Colchester, Colecestre, co. Essex, inquisition made at, 533.

Colcutt, Colkote [near Cricklade], co. Wilts, 604 (p. 468).

Cold Eaton, co. Derby. See Eaton.

Coldebroc, ward of Duffield forest, co. Derby, 423 (p. 300).

Coldecot, co. N’hamp. See Caldecott.

Colden, Coldon, co. York, 209 (pp. 136, 137).
-, ……, advowson of chapel, 209 (p. 136).

Coldon, Little, co. York, 428.

Coldoverton, co. Leic. See Overton.

Coldridge, co. Devon, Birch in, q.v.

Coldstream, Caldestreme [co. Berwick], nuns of, 423 (p. 305).

Coldwell, Caldewell [in Kingstone parish], co. Heref., 603 (p. 455).

Cole, Hugh, 604 (p. 459).
-, ……, Roger, 31 (p. 27).
-, ……, William, 31 (p. 27).

Colecestre, co. Essex. See Colchester.

Coleham, co. Midd. See Colham.

Coleman, Robert, 429.

Colesdon, co. Surrey. See Coulsdon.

Colesele, Mabel de, 283 (p. 181).

Coleshulle, Richard de, 359.
-, ……, Elias de, 359, 494.
-, ……, ……, Robert son of, 494.
-, ……, Richard de, 494.
-, ……, Richard de, knight, 494.

Colesle, Culeslegh [in Alderton], co. Suff., 604 (p. 477).
-, ……, manor, 207 (p. 133).

Colevile, Colevill, Colevil, Henry son of Philip de, 370.
-, ……, Emma wife of Henry de, 370.
-, ……, Thomas de, 366, 472 (p. 357).
-, ……, William de, 555 (p. 429).

Colewell, co. N’humb. See Colwell.

Colewille, co. Devon. See Colwell.

Coleworth, co. N’hamp. See Culworth.

Colham, Coleham [in Hillingdon parish], co. Midd., 604 (pp. 466, 482).

Colhugh, Coytlou [co. Glamorgan], 371 (p. 246).

Colintre, co. N’hamp. See Collingtree.

Colintre, Hervey de, 369 (p. 233).

Colkesby, co. Linc., 423 (p. 318).

Colkirk, Colkirke, Colkyrk, co. Norf., manor and advowson, 355.

Colkote, co. Wilts. See Colcutt.

Colleby, co. Westm. See Colby.

Collingbourne Ducis, Colynggeburn Earl’s, Colynggeborn, Colyngeburn, co. Wilts, 216.
-, ……, manor, 423 (p. 288).

Collingtree, Colintre, co. N’hamp., 369 (p. 233).

Collumpton, co. Devon, Aller Peverel in, q.v.
-, ……, Langford in, q.v.

Colminton, Colmyton, co. Salop. See Culmington.

Colne, Colum, co. Essex, prior of, 236, 411.

Colsterworth, Colsteworth, co. Linc., 604 (p. 469).

Colton, co. Suff., 604 (p. 477).
-, …… [in Bolton Percy parish], co. York, 26, 623.
-, …… [in Hovingham parish], co. York, 472 (p. 363).

Colton, Henry de, 623.
-, ……, Henry son of Richard de, 26.
-, ……, William son of Simon de, 26.

Colum, co. Essex. See Colne.

Columbariis, John de, 31 (p. 27).
-, ……, Matthew de, 12.

Colwell, Colewille [in Offwell parish], co. Devon, 31 (p. 28).
-, ……, Colewell [in Chollerton parish], co. N’humb., manor, 397.

Coly, Henry, 214.

Colyngeburn, Colynggeburn, Colynggeborn, co. Wilts. See Collingbourne.

Colyton, co. Devon, manor, 31 (p. 24), 32.
-, ……, market and fair at, 31 (p. 24).
-, ……, Whitford in, q.v.

Comb, co. Devon. See Coomb.

Combe [in Awliscombe parish?], co. Devon, 604 (p. 475).
-, …… Fishacre [in Ipplepen parish, co. Devon], 604 (p. 477).
-, …… Lancey, Combe Launceles [in Sandford parish], co. Devon, 604 (p. 475).
-, …… Pyne, Combe, co. Devon, 263.
-, …… in Teynhead, co. Devon, Rocombe in, q.v.
-, ……, ……, Netherton and Buckland, baron in, 604 (p. 475).
-, …… Kaynis, co. Dorset. See Coombe.
-, …… [in Crewkerne parish], co. Somers., 31 (p. 23).
-, …… St. Nicholas, Cumbe, co. Somers, Philip, lord of, 89.
-, ……, co. Surrey. See Coombe,
-, …… [co. Warw.], abbot of, 28, 116, 423 (pp. 310, 320), 472 (p. 360).
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Coombe Bissett.
-, ……, Cumb [in Enford parish], co. Wilts, 98, 632.

Combe, Cumbe, Comb, Richard de, 98.
-, ……, Simon de, 632.
-, ……, Thomas de, 606.
-, ……, Hugh de, 214.
-, ……, John de, 632.
-, ……, John de, son of Thomas, 606.
-, ……, Richard de, son of Richard, 98.
-, ……, Richard de, son of Simon, 632.
-, ……, Simon de, 98, 423 (p. 307).
-, ……, ……, Alice his wife, 632.
-, ……, William de, 194 (p. 120).

Comberton, Great, Cumbrynton, co. Worc., manor, 477 (p. 376).

Combes, co. Chester. See Coombs.

Combridge, Combrugg [in Rocester parish], co. Staff., 423 (pp. 300, 314).

Combs, Combes, co. Suff., Watesford in, 75 (p. 57).

Combwich, Comwych [in Cannington parish], co. Somers., manor, 603 (p. 456).

Compton [Beauchamp?], co. Berks, 423 (p. 307).

Compton, West, Westcumton [in Compton parish], co. Berks, manor, 65 (p. 45).
-, ……, ……, hundred, 65 (p. 45).
-, …… Valence, Cumpton Pundelarche, co. Dorset, manor and barton, 362 (p. 221).
-, ……, Cumpton [in Freshwater parish], co. Hants, I. of W., manor, 318.
-, …… Dando, Compton Dauno, co. Somers., manor, 65 (p. 49), 194 (p. 120).
-, ……, ……, La Wyke in, 194 (p. 120).
-, …… Durville, Cumpton Durrevile [in South Petherton parish], co. Somers., 356.
-, ……, Fenny, Fennycumtone, co. Warw., 423 (pp. 310, 320).
-, …… Verney, Compton Murdak, Compton, co. Warw., manor, 452.
-, ……, Cumpton [in Enford parish], co. Wilts, 98, 423 (p. 307), 632.
-, …… Basset, Cumpton, co. Wilts, 614 (p. 482).

Compton, Comptone, Cumpton, Cumbpton, Odo de, 318.
-, ……, Adam de, son of Odo, 318.
-, ……, Odo de, 14.

Comwych, co. Somers. See Combwich.

Comyn, Comin, John, earl of Buchan, 45, 116, 367, 539.

Condesle, co. Staff. See Coundisle.

Condover, Conedovre, Conedovere, co. Salop, manor, 65 (p. 50), 194 (p. 121), 587.

Condy, Andrew, 253.

Conede, co. Salop. See Cound.

Conedovre, Conedovere, co. Salop. See Condover.

Conestable. See Constable.

Conewer, Robert le, 371 (p. 242).
-, ……, ……, Margaret his sister, 371 (p. 242).

Conewey. See Conway.

Coneythorpe, Conyngesthorp [in Goldsborough parish], co. York, 604 (p. 473).

Congerstone, Cungeston, co. Leic., 29 (p. 20).

Coningsby, Coningesby, Conyngesby, co. Linc., 29 (p. 22 bis).

Conington, Conyngton, co. Hunt., 604 (pp. 461, 474).

Conisholme, Conyngesholm, Conyngsholm, co. Linc., 423 (pp. 317, 318).

Coniston, Conningeston [in Swine parish], co. York, 6.

Conningeston, co. York. See Coniston.

Conquest, John, 451.
-, ……, John, son of John, 451.

Constable, Conestable, Simon le, 193.
-, ……, Robert le, 472 (p. 364).
-, ……, ……, son of Simon, 193.
-, ……, Simon the, 256.

Contedene ferry, co. Derby, 423 (p. 300).

Convers, Hugh le, of Winchester, 492.

Conway, Conewey, Aberconewey, [co. Carnarvon], 546.
-, ……, writ dated at, 252.

Conyngesby, co. Linc. See Coningsby.

Conyngesthorp, co. York. See Coneythorpe.

Conyngton, co. Hunt. See Conington.

Cook, Adam, of Coton, 423 (p. 314).
-, ……, Henry, 423 (pp. 301, 314).
-, ……, Henry, the younger, 423 (p. 314).
-, ……, John, 218.
-, ……, John the, 31 (p. 26).
-, ……, Walter, 423 (p. 314).
-, ……. Cf. Koc, Keu, Kok.

Cookham and Bray, Cokham and Bray, co. Berks, hundred, 329.

Coole, Couuel, Coule [near Audlem], co. Chester, wood, 194 (p. 122), 280 (p. 177).

Cooling, Coulyngge, co. Kent, manor, 602.

Coomb, Comb [in Puddington parish], co. Devon, 604 (p. 474).
-, ……, Keynes, Comb Kaynis, Cumbe Kaynis, co. Dorset, manor, 540.
-, ……, Coumbe [in Cuddesden parish], co. Oxford, 604 (pp. 468, 479).
-, ……, la Combe, co. Surrey, 518.
-, …… Bissett, Combe, co. Wilts, 592.

Coombs, Combes, hay in Macclesfield forest, co. Chester, 157.

Coombs Ditch, Cunkesdik, Chunekesdich, Cunekesdych, co. Dorset, hundred, 371 (p. 240), 609.

Copeland, Coupeland, Coupland, co. Cumb., 285 (pp. 183, 184), 561.

Copenhale, co. Chester. See Coppenhall.

Copon, Juliana de, 419.

Coppefold, co. Essex. See Coptfold.

Coppenhall, Copenhale, co. Chester, manor, 65 (p. 48).
-, ……, Monks, Copenale, Copenhale, Monkis Copinhal, co. Chester, 194 (p. 125).
-, ……, ……, manor, 194 (p. 123).
-, ……, co. Staff., Hide in, q.v.

Coptfold, Coppefold [in Margaretting parish], co. Essex, manor, 579.

Copthorne, Coppthorne, co. Surrey, hundred, 107, 108.

Coquet, river, Coket, co. N’humb.

Corbet, Corebet, Peter, of Cause, 600.
-, ……, Robert, of Moreton Corbet, 635.
-, ……, Thomas, of Tasley, 582.
-, ……, Peter, 65 (p. 50), 523, 587, 598, 635.
-, ……, ……, Lord of Cause, 194 (p. 121).
-, ……, Peter, son of Peter, 600.
-, ……, ……, and Beatrice his wife, 600.
-, ……, Robert, of Moreton, Maud his wife, 635.
-, ……, Roger, 371 (p. 250).
-, ……, Roger of Tasley, 582.
-, ……, Thomas (son of Peter) and Joan (Plukenet) his wife, 600.
-, ……, Thomas, son of Robert, of Moreton, 635.

Corbridge, Corbrygg, Corbrygge, co. N’humb., inquisition made at, 490, 514.

Corby, Korkeby [in Wetherall parish], co. Cumb., 285 (p. 185).
-, ……, Coreby, co. Linc., inquisition made at, 55.
-, ……, co. N’hamp., 28.

Corcon. See Curson.

Cordiboef, Cordebuef, Coer de Boef, Quer de Beof, John, 554.
-, ……, John son of John, 434.
-, ……, Agnes, 554.
-, ……, John, 604 (p. 478 bis).
-, ……, John, or John Fraunceys, 434.

Corebet. See Corbet.

Coreburn, co. Staff. See Curborough.

Coreby, co. Linc. See Corby.

Corfham, co. Salop. See Cortham.

Corfton [in Diddlebury parish], co. Salop, 65 (p. 51), 194 (p. 122).

Corhampton, Corhamtone, co. Hants, 371 (p. 235).

Cork, bishop of, 131.

Cormeilles, Cornmayles [Eure, France], abbot of, 477 (p. 376).

Cornerth, Richard de, 207 (p. 132).

Cornevile, John de, 31 (p. 25).

Cornmayles, abbot of. See Cormeilles.

Cornubia, Edmund son of Richard de, 604 (pp. 479, 482, 483, 486, 487, 488).
-, ……, Geoffrey son of Richard de, 604 (pp. 482, 487).
-, ……, Joan wife of Richard de, 604 (pp. 483, 486).
-, ……, Walter de, 604 (pp. 483, 488).

Cornwall, earl of, 34, 35, 67, 156 (p. 98), 189, 194 (p. 116), 267, 276, 307, 422 (p. 282), 554, 578.
-, ……, ……. See Edmund; Richard.
-, ……, earls of, usurpation by, 371 (p. 251).
-, ……, earldom, fees pertaining to, 604 (pp. 475 et seq.).

Cornworthy, co. Devon, manor, 539.

Corringham, co. Linc., wapentake, 604 (p. 471).

Corringham, co. Linc., Yawthorpe in, q.v.
-, ……, Great, Coringham, co. Linc., 604 (p. 471).
-, ……, Little, co. Linc., 604 (p. 471).

Corry, Walter de, son of Agnes daughter of Richard de Levington, 583.

Corscombe, Corscum, co. Dorset, Richard de Ketelbergh of, 484.

Corsham, Cosham, co. Wilts, manor, 604 (p. 459).

Corsun. See Curson.

Cortemaunche. See Curtemanch.

Cortenay. See Courtenay.

Corteys, William, 194 (p. 117).

Cortham, Corfham [in Diddlebury parish], co. Salop, castle, 544 (pp. 418, 419).

Cosford, co. Suff., hundred, 433.

Cosgrove, Couesgrave, Cousgrave, co. N’hamp., 151, 423 (p. 309), 604 (p. 460).

Cosham [in Widley parish], co. Hants, inquisition made at, 138.

Cosham, co. Wilts. See Corsham.

Cosin, Walter, 283 (p. 180).
-, ……. Cf. Cousyn.

Costed, co. Kent. See Cowsted.

Costessey, Costeseie, co. Norf., 342.

Coston, co. Leic., 423 (pp. 297, 310).
-, ……, church, 423 (p. 297).

Costyn, John, 475 (p. 372).

Cotegrave, co. Nott. See Cotgrave.

Cotele, Richard, 371 (p. 247).

Cotenham, co. Camb. See Cottenham.

Cotes [in Prestwold parish], co. Leic., 297.
-, ……, co. Linc. See Coates.
-, ……, co. Warw. See Coton.

Cotes, John, 193 (p. 115).

Cotesmore, co. Rutland. See Cottesmore.

Cotgrave, Cotegrave, co. Nott., 423 (p. 311).

Cotherstok, co. N’hamp. See Cotterstock.

Cotknew [co. Monm.]. See Coedkernew.

Cotom. See Cotum.

Coton [in Lullington parish], co. Derby, 297.
-, …… [in Hanbury parish], co. Staff., 423 (p. 314).
-, ……, Cotes [in Kingsbury parish], co. Warw., 286.
-, ……, co. York. See Coatham.

Cotsted, co. Kent. See Cowsted.

Cotsted. See Codstede.

Cottenham, Cotenham, co. Camb., 109, 110.
-, ……, manor, 433.

Cotterstock, Coderstok, Cotherstok, Coyerstok, co. N’hamp., 371 (p. 241), 468.

Cottesmore, Cottesmor, Cotesmore, co. Rutland, 477 (p. 377), 604 (p. 462).

Cotton, Cotes [in Ringstead parish], co. N’hamp., manor, 20.
-, ……, co. Suff., 604 (p. 478).

Cotum, Cotom, Ralph de, 490.
-, ……, Stephen de, 604 (p. 470).

Coubrigg [co. Glamorgan]. See Cowbridge.

Coudre, Peter de, 604 (p. 480).

Couelesfeld, co. Wilts. See Cowsfield.

Couert, Roger de, 106.

Couesgrave, co. N’hamp. See Cosgrove.

Coule, co. Chester. See Coole.

Coulesfeld, co. Wilts. See Cowsfield.

Coulingg, co. Suff. See Cowling.

Coulsdon, Colesdon, Culesdon, co. Surrey, 22, 106.
-, ……, Hooley in, q.v.

Coulyngge, co. Kent. See Cooling.

Coumbe, co. Oxford. See Coombe.

Coumbere, John, 604 (p. 467 bis).

Cound, Conede, co. Salop, inquisition made at, 587.
-, ……, advowson, 194 (p. 124),
-, ……, manor, 194 (pp. 121, 124).

Coundale, Ralph de, 70.

Coundisle, Condesle [co. Staff.], 423 (pp. 301, 314).

Countesthorpe, Cuntasthorp, co. Leic., 423 (p. 319).

Coupland, co. Cumb. See Copeland.

Coupland, Caupland, Richard de, 449.
-, ……, Alan de, 285 (p. 184).
-, ……, ……, son of Richard, 449.

Courcy, Cursy, John de, 131.
-, ……, John de, son of John, 131.

Courcys, le, co. Derby, 135.

Court Sart [Llys-sarth], Lassarte [co. Glamorgan], 371 (p. 245).

Courtenay, Curteny, Curtenay, Curteney, Curteye, Curteneye, Cortenay, Hugh de, 31, 32.
-, ……, Hugh de, 34, 65 (p. 48), 187, 231, 238, 263, 394, 519.
-, ……, ……, dower of Eleanor wife of, 32.
-, ……, ……, son of Hugh, 31, 156.
-, ……, Richard, his daughter Helen de Lofsome, 144.

Courugge [co. Bedf.]. See Cowridge.

Cousgrave, co. N’hamp. See Cosgrove.

Cousyn, Roger, of Marston, 604 (p. 469).
-, ……. Cf. Cosin.

Couton, co. York. See Cowton.

Couuel, co. Chester. See Coole.

Couwykestrete, co. Devon. See Exeter.

Coven, Covene [in Brewood parish], co. Staff., manor, 65 (p. 46).

Coveney, co. Camb., manor, 433.

Coventry, Covyntre, Covintre, co. Warw., 409.
-, ……, inquisitions made at, 45, 137, 472 (p. 359).

Coventry, prior of, 409.

Coventry and Lichfield, bishop of, bishop of Chester, 331, 392.
-, ……, ……, treasurer, 611.
-, ……, ……, Roger bishop of. See Lungespee.
-, ……, ……, Walter bishop of. See Langston.

Covert, Roger de, 462.
-, ……, John de, son of Roger, 462.

Covintre, co. Warw. See Coventry.

Cowarne, Little, Cowarn, co. Heref., 295.

Cowbridge, Coubrigg [co. Glamorgan], borough, market and fair, 371 (p. 245).

Cowesby, co. Linc. See Goulsby.

Cowling, Coulingg, co. Suff., manor and advowson of church and chapel of St. Margaret, 405.

Cowridge End, Courugge [in Luton parish, co. Bedf.], 415 (p. 276).

Cowsfield, Couelesfeld, Coulesfeld, Cuuelesfeld [in White parish], co. Wilts, 19, 274, 388.

Cowsted, Costed, Cotsted [in Stockbury parish], co. Kent, manor, 528.

Cowton, Couton [in Gilling parish], co. York, 320.

Coyerstok, co. N’hamp. See Cotterstock.

Coyners, John de, son of Scolacia, daughter of Ralph de Cotun, 490.

Coytlou [co. Glamorgan]. See Colhugh.

Crackenthorpe, Crakanthorpp [in Appleby St. Michael parish], co. Westm., 70 (p. 54).

Cracoe, Crakehou, Crakehowe [in Burnsall parish], co. York, W.R., 261.

Craft, co. Leic. See Croft.

Crafton, Crofton [in Wing parish], co. Buck., 18.

Crak, William, 472 (p. 359).

Crakanthorpp, co. Westm. See Crackenthorpe.

Crakehale, Wymer de, 476 (p. 374).

Crakehall, Crakehale [in Bedale parish], co. York, manor, 476 (p. 374).

Crakehou, Crakehowe, co. York. See Cracoe.

Crakemarsh, Crakemerx, Crakemers, [in Uttoxeter parish], co. Staff., 423 (pp. 300, 314).

Crakepote vaccary, co. York, 474.

Cramlington, co. N’humb., 458, 581.

Crammavile, Cramavill, Cramanvil, Crammavyle, Henry de, 459.
-, ……, Henry de, 352.
-, ……, ……, Joan his wife, 459.
-, ……, ……, his sister Ela, 459.

Cranborne, Craneborne, co. Dorset, manor, 371 (p. 240).
-, ……, chace, honour and hundred, 404.

Crane, La Grane [in Camborne parish], co. Cornw., 604 (p. 476).

Craneborne, co. Dorset. See Cranborne.

Craneford, co. Suff. See Cransford.

Craneslegh, co. Suff. See Cranley.

Cranewell, co. Linc. See Cranwell.

Cranley, Craneslegh, Cranle [in Eye parish], co. Suff., 604 (p. 478).
-, ……, Cranlegh, Granele, co. Surrey, advowson, 422 (pp. 286, 287).
-, ……, ……, Vachery in, q.v.

Cranoe, Cravenhou, co. Leic., 423 (p. 319).

Cransford, Craneford, co. Suff., 604 (p. 477).

Cranwell, Crendewell Wodehame [in Waddesdon parish], co. Buck., 604 (p. 481).
-, ……, Cranewell, co. Linc., 209 (p. 135).

Craster, Craucester [in Embleton parish], co. N’humb., 423 (p. 305).

Cratfield, Cratfeld, co. Suff., 365 (p. 226).

Crathorne, Crathorn, co. York, 233.

Craucester, co. N’humb. See Craster.

Craucester, Craucestre, Richard de, 423 (pp. 305, 315).

Craucumbe, John de, writ to, 474 (p. 368).

Craunford, Nicholas de, 423 (p. 309).

Cravenhou, co. Leic. See Cranoe.

Crawehurst, co. Surrey. See Crowhurst.

Crawelle, co. Oxford. See Crowell.

Crawley Bury, Crowele [in Chrishall parish], co. Essex, 366.

Craye, Simon de, 184.

Crayhou, Kraychou, Craykehogh, co. York, triding or riding of, 325, 472 (p. 357), 476 (p. 373).

Craystock. See Greystoke.

Creake, South, Suthcrek, co. Norf., 39.

Credan [co. Glamorgan]. See Melin Crythan.

Crediton, Cryditon, co. Devon, manor, 599.
-, ……, Yeoton in, q.v.

Creech, Crych [in Church Knowle parish], co. Dorset, 541 (p. 413).

Creeting, co. Suff., prior of, 475 (p. 371).
-, …… All Saints, Creting, co. Suff., 475.
-, …… St. Peter, Cretingg, co. Suff., 604 (pp. 477, 478 bis).

Crek, co. N’hamp. See Crick.

Crendewell, co. Buck. See Cranwell.

Crendon, Long, co. Buck., manor, 407.

Crendon, Ralph de, 29 (p. 20).

Creppinges, Crepinges, Creppingges, John de, 472 (p. 357 bis), 624.

Crescene, Thomas de la, 472 (p. 363).

Crescy, Roger, of East Markham, 620.
-, ……. Cf. Cressy.

Cressewall, Henry de, knight, 202.

Cressewell, co. Staff. See Cresswell.

Cressewelle, Roger de, 604 (p. 483).

Cressingham, Hugh de, 405.

Cresswell, Cressewell, co. Staff., 423 (p. 301).

Cressy, Roger de, 474 (p. 368).
-, ……. Cf. Crescy.

Creting, co. Suff. See Creeting.

Creting, Cretingges, Cretyngge, Cretingk, Cretinge, Adam de, 354, 492.
-, ……, Adam de, 506, 620.
-, ……, ……, and Nichola his wife, 492.
-, ……, John de, 354.
-, ……, ……, son of Adam, 492.
-, ……, Thomas de, 354.

Cretingg, co. Suff. See Creeting.

Creuleton, Creulton, co. N’hamp. See Croughton.

Creveker, Hamo de, and Maud (de Averenchis) his wife, 412.
-, ……, ……, their son William, 412.
-, ……, ……, their daughters Agnes, Iseult and Eleanor, 412.

Crevequer, Crevquer, barony, 414, 585.

Crevequer, co. Hants. See Cruker.

Crewe, Crue, Cruwe, co. Chester, 180, 181, 296.

Crewkerne, Cruk, co. Somers., 31 (p. 26), 65 (p. 48).
-, ……, manor, 31 (p. 23).
-, ……, fair and market at, 31 (p. 24).

Creyk, co. N’hamp. See Crick.

Crick, Creyk, Crek, co. N’hamp., 472 (p. 358 bis).
-, ……, inquisition made at, 638.

Cricklade, co. Wilts. Chelworth in, q.v.

Criketot, Criketoft, Cryketot, William de, 537.
-, ……, William de, son of William, 537.

Crimplesham, co. Norf., 371 (p. 243).

Crin, William, 627.
-, ……, ……, his daughter Helen, 627.

Crinant, Croynaunt [co. Glamorgan], 371 (p. 245).

Crioll, Criolis, Bertram de, 270.
-, ……, Eleanor, wife of Bertram de, 270.

Crispin, Crispyn, Gilbert, of Barton, 610.
-, ……, Alice, daughter of Gilbert, 610.

Cristeshale, co. Essex. See Chrishall.

Croft, Craft, co. Leic., 423 (p. 319 bis).

Croft, Roger de, 423 (p. 293).

Crofte, Denis de, 407 (p. 269).
-, ……, Stephen de, 487.

Crofton, co. Buck. See Crafton.
-, …… [in Great Bedwin parish], co. Wilts, 576.

Croglin, Crogelyn, co. Cumb., 285 (p. 185).

Crohum, co. York. See Croom.

Crok, Richard, 604 (p. 480).

Crokedayke, Crokedaik, Adam de, 597 (p. 449).
-, ……, John son of Adam de, 597 (p. 449).

Crokeston, co. Linc. See Croxton.

Crombury, Crongebyri [in Hadlow parish], co. Kent, 103.

Cromewelle. See Cromwell.

Cromford, Crumford [in Wirksworth parish], co. Derby, 423 (p. 291).

Crommeclive, co. N’humb. See Cronkley.

Cromwell, Crumwelle, Crumwell, co. Nott., 472 (p. 361), 517.
-, ……, advowson, 517.

Cromwell, Crumwell, Cromewelle, Crombwell, Croumbewell, Ralph de, 517.
-, ……, John de, and Denise his wife, 604 (p. 456).
-, ……, Mazera (Marmion) wife of Ralph de, 29.
-, ……, Ralph de, son of Ralph, 517.

Crongebyri, co. Kent. See Crombury.

Cronkley, Crummeclive, Crumcliff [in Bywell St. Peter parish], co. N’humb., manor, 490.

Cronoc, Jordan, 75 (p. 56).

Croom, Crohum [in Sledmere parish], co. York, 336.

Cropeston, co. Leic. See Cropston.

Crophill, co. Nott. See Cropwell.

Cropston, Cropeston [in Thurcaston parish], co. Leic., 539.

Cropthale, co. Lanc. See Croxstath.

Copthorn, co. Worc., Charlton in, q.v.

Cropton, co. Derby. See Scropton.

Cropwell Butler, Crophill, co. Nott., 423 (p. 311).

Crosby, Great, Crosseby [in Sephton parish], co. Lanc., 423 (pp. 298, 306).
-, …… Garrett, Crosby Gerad, Crossebygerad, co. Westm., 21, 70.

Crosseby, co. Lanc. See Crosby.

Crossebygerad, co. Westm. See Crosby.

Croude, co. Devon, 413.

Croudecote, co. Derby. See Crowdecote.

Croughton, Crouleton, Creuleton, Creulton, co. N’hamp., 423 (p. 319), 604 (pp. 466, 481).
-, ……, manor and advowson, 67.

Crouleton, co. N’hamp. See Croughton.

Croumbewell. See Cromwell.

Croun, Maurice de, 65 (p. 47).

Crowdecote, Croudecote [in Hartington parish], co. Derby, 423 (p. 306).
-, ……, manor, 423 (p. 300).

Crowele, co. Essex. See Crawley.

Crowell, Crouwell, Crawelle, co. Oxford, 604 (p. 465).
-, ……, manor, 267.

Crowhurst, Crawehurst, co. Surrey, 18.

Croxall, Croxhall, Croxhale, co. Derby, 423 (pp. 303, 313).

Croxstath, Cropthale, co. Lanc., wood, 423 (pp. 298, 306).

Croxton, co. Leic., abbot of, 423 (p. 310), 491.
-, ……, co. Linc., 423 (p. 316).
-, ……, Crokeston by Newshus, co. Linc., 112.

Croydon, Croyndon, co. Surrey, inquisition made at, 18.

Croynaunt [co. Glamorgan]. See Crinant.

Croyndon, co. Surrey. See Croydon.

Croys Roys. See Royston.

Croyz. See Cruce.

Crubbe, Robert, 621.

Cruce, la Croyz, Geoffrey de, 107, 371 (p. 248).
-, ……, Henry de, 623.
-, ……. Cf. Cruys; Crues.

Cruchefeld, Robert, of Bray, and Christiana his wife, 432.

Crudwell, co. Wilts, Chedgelow in, q.v.

Crue, co. Chester. See Crewe.

Crue. See Cruwe.

Crues, Robert de, knight, 431.
-, ……. Cf. Cruce: Cruys.

Cruk, co. Somers. See Crewkerne.

Cruker, Crevequer [co. Hants], writ dated at, 194 (p. 116).

Cruket, Kruket, Joan de, 541 (pp. 413, 414).

Crumford, co. Derby. See Cromford.

Crummeclive, Crumcliff, co. N’humb. See Cronkley.

Crump, Joan daughter of Philip le, of Petton, 635 (p. 506).

Crumwell, co. Nott. See Cromwell.

Crumwell. See Cromwell.

Crumwelle, co. Nott. See Cromwell.

Crupet, William, 371 (p. 248).

Cruwe, co. Chester. See Crewe.

Cruwe, Crue, Eleanor de, daughter of Thomas, 296.
-, ……, Thomas de, 180, 181.
-, ……, Avice de, 296.
-, ……, Joan de, 296.
-, ……, Sibyl de, 181.
-, ……, Thomas de, his daughters Joan, Amice or Avice, and Eleanor, 180, 181.

Cruwys Morchard, Cruwes Morchard, co. Devon, 604 (p. 474).

Crux Dubenel, inquisition made at, 442.

Cruys, Robert de, of Nalle, 48.
-, ……, Helen wife of Robert de, 48.
-, ……. Cf. Cruce; Crues.

Crych, co. Dorset. See Creech.

Cryditon, co. Devon. See Crediton.

Cryketot. See Criketot.

Crynton, co. Salop, 587.

Crystescherch, co. Hants. See Christchurch.

Cublesdone, co. Staff. See Kibblestone.

Cubley, Cobbele, Cobbeleye, co. Derby, 423 (pp. 302, 311).
-, ……, advowson, 423 (p. 311).

Cublington, Cobelinton, co. Buck., 64.

Cuckney, Cukenay, Cokeney, co. Nott., 252.

Cuddeford, co. Devon. See Godford.

Cuddesden, co. Oxford, Coombe in, q.v.

Cuddington, Cudington [in Malpas parish], co. Chester, 280 (p. 177).

Cudeford, co. Surrey. See Cudworth.

Cudelinton, co. Oxford. See Kidlington.

Cudham, Codham, Codeham, co. Kent, manor, 271.

Cudington, co. Chester. See Cuddington.

Cudworth, Cudeford [in Newdigate parish], co. Surrey, manor, 534.

Cugeho, William de, 423 (p. 296).

Cukenay, co. Nott. See Cuckney.

Culesdon, co. Surrey. See Coulsdon.

Culeslegh, co. Suff. See Colesle.

Culfo, co. Suff. See Culpho.

Culmington, Colminton, Colmyton, co. Salop, 544 (p. 419).

Culpek, co. Heref. See Kilpeck.

Culpho, Culfo, co. Suff., 423 (p. 308).

Culwen, Patrick de, 597 (p. 449).

Culworth, Coleworth, co. N’hamp., 366.

Culy, Hugh de, 116.

Cumb, co. Wilts. See Combe.

Cumbe. See Combe.

Cumbe Kaynis, co. Dorset. See Coombe.

Cumbe, co. Somers. See Combe.

Cumbpton. See Compton.

Cumbresdall, co. Cumb. See Cummersdale.

Cumbrynton, co. Worc. See Comberton.

Cummersdale, Cumbresdall [by Carlisle], co. Cumb., 93.

Cumpton, co. Dorset. See Compton.
-, ……, co. Hants. See Compton.
-, …… Durrevile, co. Somers. See Compton.
-, ……, co. Wilts. See Compton.

Cumpton. See Compton.

Cumwhinton, Cumquitington, Cumquitigton, co. Cumb., 285 (p. 184).

Cuncarvan [co. Monm.]. See Cwmcarvan.

Cundy, Adam, 368.
-, ……, John, 350.
-, ……, Robert, 478.

Cungeston, co. Leic. See Congerstone.

Cunkesdik, Cunekesdych, co. Dorset, See Coombs Ditch.

Cuntasthorp, co. Leic. See Countesthorpe.

Curborough, Little Coreburn [near Lichfield], co. Staff., 392.

Cure, co. Worc. See Kyre.

Curru, Adam de, 423 (p. 302).

Curscon. See Curson.

Curson, Corsun, Corçon, Curscon, Ralph de, 423 (p. 313).
-, ……, Richard de, 423 (pp. 303 bis, 304, 313).
-, ……, Stephen de, 423 (pp. 301, 307, 314).

Cursy. See Courcy.

Curtemanch, Cortemaunche, Robert, 423 (pp. 304, 313).

Curtenay, Curteneye, Curteney, Curteye. See Courtenay.

Curtton, co. Staff. See Knutton.

Curtys, fee of, 394.

Cuttewlf, William, 472 (p. 359).

Cutton [in Poltimore parish], co. Devon, prebend in the chapel of Exeter Castle. 31 (p. 29).

Cuuelesfeld, co. Wilts. See Cowsfield.

Cuxham, co. Oxford, 604 (p. 466).

Cwmcarvan, Cuncarvan [co. Monm.], 371 (p. 246).

Cycestre, co. Sussex. See Chichester.

Cycestria, Richard de, 321.

Cylencestre, Cylecestre, John de, 401.
-, ……, Thomas de, 401.
-, ……, William de, 400.

Cyrenc, co. Glouc. See Cirencester.