Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 62

Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 62', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I, ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 62', in Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Edited by J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024,

"Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 62". Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem: Volume 3, Edward I. Ed. J.E.E.S. Sharp, A.E. Stamp(London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024.

Long title
Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 62

Inquisitions Post Mortem, Edward I, File 62

Writ, 28 Nov., 20 Edw. I.
ESSEX. Inq. 29 Dec., 20 Edw. I.
Bradewelle. A manor (extent given), including pasture in the marsh, rents of 1/2lb. wax and 1lb. cummin yearly, and a fishery on the sea sands, held of the king in chief, of the honour of Hawle by the defence of a knight’s fee, and doing suit monthly at the court of the honour and paying 10s. yearly for the guard of the castle of Dover; which 10s. Henry Grapinel pays for him and his heirs for tenements in Lachyndon which were of the said Saer and his ancestors; and a windmill held jointly by the said Saer and Joan his wife of Richard de Gard by service of a clove gillyflower yearly.
Purle. The manor, viz.—a messuage held jointly as above of Edmund son of Thomas de Purle by service of a clove gillyflower yearly; and 100a. arable held by the said Saer of Lady Joan de Huntingfeld by service of 1/4 knight’s fee and suit every three weeks at the hundred of Daneseye.
Edmund his son, aged 18, is his next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 62. (1.)
Writ, 18 April, 20 Edw. I.
YORK. Inq. Tuesday before Whitsunday, 20 Edw. I.
[Colton.] 18a. land held of the king in chief, which used to render 8d. yearly to Sir Philip de Faucumberge; but on one occasion this 8d. was paid at the king’s exchequer at London by Gacius de Calvo Monte, father of the deceased, whereupon Philip de Faucumberge, lord of the fee, obtained a judgment from the king’s council awarding the said rent to him.
Colton. The manor, 6 bovates and 100a. of land, and 4l. 17s. 2d. rent, for which he rendered 1d. yearly to Sir Philip de Faucumberge and his heirs; 2 bovates of land held of William de Wilghby, rendering 1d. yearly; 1 bovate of land held of William son of Simon de Colton, rendering 1d. yearly; 1 bovate of land held of Jordan de Sandewathe, rendering 1d. yearly; and 4a. meadow, tenure unspecified.
Appelton. 10a. land and 4a. meadow, rendering 1d. only yearly to Sir Philip de Faucumberge.
Acastre Malebys. 2a. meadow, rendering 1d. yearly to Sir Richard de Malebys.
John his son, aged a year and a half, is his next heir.
YORK; WAPENTAKE OF BULMER. Inq. Wednesday before Whitsunday, 20 Edw. I.
Stoketon. 3 carucates of land held of Thomas de Normanvill for 1d. only yearly.
Heir as above.
Writ of scire facias to the escheator. Whereas John de Bella Aqua claims, by reason of the knights’ fees falling to him and Laderina sometime his wife, sister and co-heir of Peter de Brus, on the partition of the fees of the said Peter, to have the wardship of half a fee in Colton which Gacius de Chaumond held of the said John and Laderina, and the heir of the said Gacius asserts that the lands of the said half fee are held by serjeanty so that the said John cannot claim wardship; the parties are to be warned to appear before the king on the quinzaine of St. John the Baptist; 25 May, 20 Edw. I.
Writ, to the escheator, the previous inquisition being insufficient because it makes no mention by what service the said Gacius held of the king, 26 May, 20 Edw. I.
YORK. Inq. Friday the feast of the Translation of St. Martin the Bishop, 20 Edw. I.
Colton. 18a. land held of the king by no service, because the said 18a. descended to the king as escheat by the death of Leo a Jew, who held of Philip de Fauconberg for 8d. yearly; the manor with 6 bovates and 100a. of land with wood and meadow, and 10a. land and 6a. meadow in Apelton, held of Walter de Fauconberg for 3d. yearly; a toft and 2 bovates of land, held of William de Wylheby for 1d. yearly; a bovate of land held of Henry son of Richard de Colton for 1d. yearly; and a toft and a bovate of land held of Jordan de Sandwaht for 1d. yearly; for all services.
Acastre. 2a. meadow held of Sir Richard de Malebys for 1d. yearly for all service.
C. Edw. I. File 62. (2.)
Writ, 8 Feb. 20 Edw. I.
SOUTHAMPTON; ISLE OF WIGHT. Inq. Monday before St. Peter in Cathedra, 20 Edw. I.
Knythteton. The manor (extent given) held of Isabel countess of Albemarle by service of suit of court every three weeks.
Ralph de Gorges her son, aged 36 and more, is her next heir.
DORSET. Inq. made at Prior’s Lodres on Thursday the eve of St. Peter in Cathedra, 20 Edw. I.
Bradepole. The manor (extent given), with the foreign hundred of Beministre and the hundred of La Ridehoue pertaining to the same, held of the king in chief by service of 30s. yearly at the king’s exchequer by the hands of the sheriff in the name of serjeanty (sergenth’); and a mill whence 6s. 8d. are paid yearly at the exchequer in the name of serjeanty; for all which the said Helen ought to find a serjeant in the king’s army, when necessary, in the county in lineis armis for forty days at her own charges; and a tenement called la Yrde (extent given), held of Katherine Paynnel as socage, by service of 4s.
Ralph de Gorges, knight, aged 35, is her next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 62. (3.)
Writ (missing).
NORTHAMPTON. Inq. Monday the eve of St. Martin, 20 Edw. I.
Wardon. The manor (extent given) with perquisites of the hundred, held of the king in chief by service of 2 1/2 knights’ fees.
Braybroc. The manor (extent given) held of the abbot of Combe in chief and of the abbot of Pipewell by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Little Boudon. 27s. 9d. yearly rent held of the abbot of Pipewell rendering 1lb. pepper yearly.
Rowelle. 10l. yearly rent held of the earl of Gloucester in chief by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Ristone. 25s. yearly rent held of the heirs of William de Golddingham by service of 1/2lb. pepper and 1/2lb. cummin.
Desebur’. 13s. 8d. rents of assize of free tenants and 48s. rents of assize of customary tenants, held of Robert Basset by service of 1lb. cummin and 12d. in aid of the castle of Beuver.
Corby. A moiety of the town (extent given), with 12s. 3d. rent of free tenants in Carleton, held of the king in chief, rendering 5l. yearly at the king’s exchequer.
Welldon. 16s. yearly rent held of Richard Basset rendering a pair of gilt spurs at Easter.
Thomas Latimer her son, aged 22 and more, is her next heir.
C. Edw. I. File 62. (4.)
Writ, 5 Dec. 20 Edw. I.
[WARWICK.] Extent, 8 Jan. 20 Edw. I.
Tamworth. The castle &c. (extent given), including 3 mills and a several fishery, held of the king in chief by knight’s service, finding [3] knights at his own charges in (time of) war in Wales for forty days.
Joan de Morteyn aged 36, Joan the wife of Alexander de Fryvile aged 24, Maud the wife of Ralph le Botiler aged 30, and Joan Marmyun, aged 8 at the feast of the Annunciation, are his next heirs.
LINCOLN. Extent. Tuesday after the Epiphany, 20 Edw. I.
Scrivelby. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by barony; and it renders 56s. yearly to Robert Bigot and Isabel and Iseult his sisters, and 33s. to William Bigot and Maud his sister, for their lives.
Joan late the wife of William le Morteyn, daughter of the said Philip, Joan the wife of Alexander de Frivill, daughter of Mazera late the wife of Ralph de Croumbewell and daughter of the said Philip, and Maud the wife of Ralph le Boteler, daughter of the said Philip, all of full age, and Joan his daughter, aged 8 at the feast of the Annunciation last, are his next heirs.
LINCOLN. Inq. the day of the Circumcision, 20 Edw. I.
Lincoln city. A messuage held of the king by service of 2d. yearly for the farm of the city; and another messuage held of the church of St. Andrew, Wickeford, by service of 1/2 mark yearly for the fabric of the church; but the houses and buildings are thrown down.
Heir unknown.
LINCOLN. Extent made at Scrivelby on Tuesday after the Epiphany, 20 Edw. I.
Langeton. The manor a member of Scrivelby (extent given), held of the king in chief by barony.
Heirs as last above.
[WARWICK.] Extent, 9 Jan. 20 Edw. I.
Middeltone. The manor (extent given), including a park, 2 mills, a fishery, and 100a. wood and waste in the earl of Warwick’s chace of Sutton in which the whole countryside has common, held of the church of St. Edith, Tamworth, by service of 6s. 8d.
Heirs as first above.
HEREFORD. Inq. made at Bradeford on Monday after Christmas, 20 Edw. I.
Ferne. The manor (extent given), held, of the inheritance of Joan his wife, of Maud de Mortuo Mari of Maurdin for two suits of court yearly.
Lastris. The manor (extent given), held, of the inheritance of Joan his wife, of the honour of Kilpyc, and Kylpyc is held of the king in chief.
Joan de Mortayn, Maud le Botiler and Joan de Freyvile, are his next heirs, and of (full) age.
HEREFORD. Inq. Monday before Christmas, 20 Edw. I.
Bradeford. Part of the manor (extent given), held, of the inheritance of Joan his wife, of the king in chief, of the fee of Kilpec.
Joan de Morteyn, Maud la Botillere and Joan de Frivile, are his heirs, and of full age.
SALOP. Inq. Monday the morrow of St. Hilary, 20 Edw. I.
Purlebache. The manor (extent given), including the bailiwick of forester of Hockelyth, held of the king in chief by service of a knight’s fee.
Joan de Mortayne and Maud de Botyler his daughters, and Joan daughter of Ralph de Cromwelle and Maceria his wife, are his heirs, and the youngest of them is 30 years of age.
OXFORD. Extent. Wednesday after St. Matthias, 20 Edw. I.
Chakendon. The manor (extent given with names of tenants).
Stoke Marmyun. The manor (extent given with names of tenants).
Both held by John Marmiun of Philip Marmiun for a knight’s fee and scutage when it runs.
Writ [of certiorari] on the complaint of Robert Marmyun that the manors of Pyricroft and Glascote had been taken into the king’s hand on the death of Philip Marmyun, although only held by him for life of the said Robert and Isabel sometime his wife and the heirs of the said Isabel, by fine in the king’s court, 14 Dec. 20 Edw. I.
WARWICK. Inq. made at Tamworth, 8 Jan. 20 Edw. I.
The said Philip had the said manors of the king’s gift according to the dictum de Kenilworth.
Glascote. The manor is held in chief of Maud de Clynton who claimed the wardship against the said Philip, and it was thus agreed between them. She granted to him the wardship and marriage of Isabel daughter and heir of Giles son of Ralph, which marriage he gave to his son Robert Marmyun who married her; and when she came of age the said Robert and Isabel sought the two manors against the said Philip by a writ of mort dauncestor, who acknowledged their right, and they re-granted the same to him for life, rendering a rose yearly, with reversion to them and the heirs of the said Isabel.
Pyricrofte. The manor is held of the king in chief by service of finding coal (carbonem) and litter for the king’s chamber whenever he comes to Tamworth.
Writ of plenius certiorari de feodis, &c., 20 Jan., 20 Edw. I.
WORCESTER. Inq. Saturday before the Annunciation, 20 Edw. I.
Ccherleton. A messuage and 2 carucates of land, held by William de Hondeshacre by service of 1/2 knight’s fee of the lord of Oversley, who held of Philip Marmyun, and he of the bishop of Worcester by the same service.
WARWICK. Inq. 13 March, 20 Edw. I.
Dordon and part of Wauerton, held for 1 knight’s fee by Ralph de Crendon.
Fresel and Over Wytacre, held for 1 knight’s fee by Richard de Wytacre.
Fresel. 1/3 knight’s fee held by Richard Gregori.
Wauerton. 1/4 knight’s fee held by John de Longedon; and 1/5 knight’s fee held by William de Fou.
Wytacre and Drakenegge. 1 knight’s fee held by Robert Marmyun, whereof John de Manecestre held a fifth part by his mesne.
La Lee. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John de Landa.
Fellungel. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John de Hastyng.
LEICESTER. Inq. Wednesday after the Assumption, 20 Edw. I.
Langeton. 4 1/2 carucates of land, held for 1/2 knight’s fee by Thomas de Langeton of John de Langton, who held the same of the said Philip for 1/2 knight’s fee.
Wystonstowe and Flekeneye. The manor held for 1/2 knight’s fee by Hugh de Hastinggis of John de Hastingges.
Schakeleston. The manor, together with 11 virgates of land in Snarkeston, 4 virgates of land in Barton and 4 virgates of land in Cungeston, held for 1/2 knight’s fee by John de Schepeye and Walter Dawers of John de Hastingges.
Oddeston. The manor held for 1/2 knight’s fee by Elias de Oddeston and John Maunsel of John de Hastingges.
Sutton. The manor held for 1 knight’s fee by Gilbert de Houby of John de Hastingges.
Wystonstowe. The advowson of the church, held together with the tenements aforesaid by John de Hastingges of Philip Marmyon for 3 knights’ fees.
Staunton. 4 virgates of land held for 1/6 knight’s fee by John de Nevile of Simon Basset.
Staunton. The manor and the advowson of the church, held with the tenement abovesaid by Simon Basset for 1 knight’s fee and doing suit at the court of Tammeworth.
Scharneford. 8 virgates of land held for 1/6 knight’s fee by William de Esseby of William Maureward.
Schenesby. A carucate of land held for 1/5 knight’s fee by William de Scharneles of Nicholas de Charneles, who holds the same together with 4 virgates of land in Aymersthorp of William Maureward for 1/5 knight’s fee.
Frollesworth. 2 virgates of land held for 1/8 knight’s fee by William de Houtton of William Maureward.
Mousele. A carucate of land held for 1/10 knight’s fee by Robert son of Reginald de Mousele of William Maureward.
Someredeby. A carucate of land held by Nicholas de Segrave for two barbed arrows yearly of Robert de Poderinton and Jordan de Lyle, who hold the same, together with 2 other carucates there, for 1/4 knight’s fee of William Maureward; who held all the tenements aforesaid of Philip Marmyon for 1 knight’s fee and suit at the court of Tamworth.
Erburg. 3 carucates of land held for 1 knight’s fee by John de Stocton of Thomas Maulore, who holds of Nicholas de Segrave by the same service and suit at the court of Tamworth; and he held of Philip Marmyon by the service aforesaid.
STAFFORD. Inq. Thursday after St. Gregory, 20 Edw. I.
Tamworth. The advowson of the church in which are six prebends, whereof John de Teford has the deanery, and Master Robert de Pygford, Ralph de Hengham, Hugh de Cave, Master Nicholas, and Master Adam de Waltone, have the others.
[GLOUCESTER.] Inq. Thursday after the Annunciation, 20 Edw. I.
Quenton with Rodbroc. The manor is held of Sir Philip Marmiun by homage, and wardship and relief belong to him. The manor answers to the earl of Leicester for 1/2 fee when scutage runs.
[SUSSEX.] Inq. Sunday after St. Peter in Cathedra, 20 Edw. I.
Berewyke. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by service of 1 1/2 knight’s fee by John Marmion of the said Philip.
LINCOLN. Inq. Thursday before St. Gregory the Pope, 20 Edw. I.
Wintringham. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by John Marmeon of the said Philip by service of 3 knights’ fees.
Wolingham by Lincoln. A manor held for life by Emma late the wife of Ridel Pampeillon by service of 1 knight’s fee, of John Marmeon, who held of the said Philip by the same service.
Trikingham and Stowe. A messuage and 65a. land, held by Walter Surdevale by service of 1/4 knight’s fee of John Marmeon, who held of the said Philip by the same service.
Trikingham. 60a. land held by William a la Chapele of Pykeworth, William son of Hugh de Trikingham, and Hamund Surdevale, by service of 1/4 knight’s fee of Walter Surdevale, who holds of John Marmeon by the same service, and he held of the said Philip by the same service.
Kyseby. The manor held by Ralph Rydel by service of 1 knight’s fee of John Marmeon, who held of the said Philip by the same service.
Foulestowe. The manor held by Roger de Laceles by service of two parts of a knight’s fee; and 3 1/2 bovates of land and 20a. meadow, held by the abbot of Louth Park, the dean and chapter of Lincoln, the prior of Malton and the prior of Ormesby in frank almoin, of the fee of the said Philip.
Suth Langeton. A messuage and 2 carucates of land, held by Thomas de Faxeflete, heir of Peter del Holm, of the said Philip, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee, as member of the manor of Scryvelby.
Thathewell. The residue of certain lands &c. held by Master William de Luda, by the enfeoffment of Herbert Puterel who some time held them of the said Philip by service of 1/3 knight’s fee, doing the services accustomed, as member of the manor aforesaid.
Assignment of dower to Mary late the wife of Philip Marmiun of his lands and tenements (undated).
WARWICK. Middelton manor. The capital messuage with lands &c. (extent given), including the whole fishery of Thame, 89a. wood and waste in the chace of Sutton common to the countryside, and 44a. heath in the same chace.
LINCOLN. Wilkesby. A messuage, two parts of 54a. land, 3a. 3r. meadow, and 4s. 8 1/2d. rent.
Dalderby. A plot of land and 9s. 2d. rent.
Coningesby. 1 1/2a. 1r. meadow.
Assignment of dower to the said Mary of knight’s fees and advowsons (undated).
LINCOLN. Wintringham and Wolingham. 4 knights’ fees.
Trykingham and Stowe. 1/4 knight’s fee.
Trikingham. 1/4 knight’s fee.
Kyseby. 1 knight’s fee.
All held by John Marmyun.
Fulstowe. Two parts of a knight’s fee held by Roger de Lascelles.
LEICESTER. Shakeleston and Snarkeston. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John de Hastinges.
Odeston. 1/2 knight’s fee held by the same.
Langeton. 1/2 knight’s fee held by John de Langeton.
LINCOLN. Wilkesby. The third presentation to the church. At the first voidance Joan de Mortein eldest daughter and heir of the said Philip shall present, at the second Alexander de Fryvill and Joan his wife kinswoman and another heir, at the third the said Mary, at the fourth Ralph le Butiler and Maud his wife daughter and an heir of the said Philip, at the fifth Joan his youngest daughter, and at the sixth the said Mary in right of dower, and so successively.
[STAFFORD.] Tamworth. The presentations to the prebends held by Hugh de Cave and Master Michael de Ormesby in the church of Tamworth.
Assignment of the pourparty of Joan de Morteyn eldest daughter and one of the heirs of Philip Marmyun pf his lands and tenements.
LINCOLN. Lincoln city. A messuage.
Holtham. A toft and 2 1/2 bovates and a third part of half a bovate of land with meadow in Knychtesenge thereto pertaining.
Wodenderby. A third part of 3 1/2a. 1r. wood.
Conyngesby. 4 1/2a. 1r. and a third part of 1r. meadow.
WARWICK. Tamworth. The castle.
Middelton. 37 1/2a. in the park and 5s. 1 3/4d. rent from 3 free tenants.
Sutton. 52a. wood in the foreign wood and 22a. heath in the chace, common to the country-side.
C. Edw. I. File 62. (5.)
E. Enrolments &c. of Inq. No. 3 m. 1.
Writ (missing).
SUFFOLK. Inq. Thursday after St. Hilary, 20 Edw. I.
Kediton. A manor (extent given) held of Sir Robert son of Walter by service of 1/8 knight’s fee; 12a. land, 1a. meadow, 1a. pasture, and 2a. wood, held of Sir Robert de Wyleby rendering 5s. 6d. yearly; and a messuage and 3a. land held of Aubrey (Albricii) de Capeles rendering 5 3/4d. yearly.
Hugh his son, aged 36 and more, is his next heir.
SUFFOLK. Inq. Monday after the Epiphany, 20 Edw. I.
Grundesburg. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the church, held of the heirs of Gilbert Peche by service of a chaplet of rose (capell’ rose) yearly, including 9a. pasture which he held of William de Thistelden by service of 14d. yearly; from all which there ought to be paid 14d. yearly to divers lords, 29d. to the heirs of Gilbert Peche for the guard of the castle of Norwich, and 4d. for ‘Waytefe.’
Heir as above, aged 36.
SUFFOLK. Inq. Monday after the Epiphany, 20 Edw. I.
Great Belinng’. The manor (extent given) with the advowson of the church, held of the heirs of Gilbert Peche by service of a pair of gilt spurs, price 6d.
Heir as above, aged 36.
C. Edw. I. File 62. (6.)
Writ, 24 March, 20 Edw. I.
BUCKINGHAM. Extent. Monday ofter St. Ambrose, 20 Edw. I.
Hildesdon or Hyldesdon. The manor (extent given) held of the earl of Oxford by service of 1/2 knight’s fee; and 9s. are paid yearly for the king’s hidage.
He died on Thursday after St. Peter in Cathedra, 20 Edw. I. Hugh his son, aged 16 on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross next, is his next heir.
DORSET. Extent. 3 April, 20 Edw. I.
Iwerne Curteney. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by knight’s service, as pertaining to his barony of Ocamton co. Devon which he held of the king.
He held no other lands and no knight’s fees or advowsons of churches in the county.
Hugh his eldest son, aged 17 at the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross next, is his next heir.
SOMERSET. Friday after SS. Tiburtius and Valerian, 20 Edw. I.
Cruk. A moiety of the manor (extent given), including moieties of the water-mills of Taile, Donnyngesmille, Hywysch, Paddokeslake, and Combe, and of the mill of Burimille, rents called ‘hockzou’ at Whitsunday, Bathselver, and Scotmust (?), headmoney (capitagium garcionum), and a moiety of the issues of a fair at the feast of St. Bartholomew and of a market, held of the king in chief as annexed to the barony of Plumpton co. Devon, by knight’s service.
Heir as last above.
SOMERSET. Extent. Friday before SS. Tiburtius and Valerian, 20 Edw. I.
Hemyngton. The manor (extent given), including headmoney (capitagium garcionum), cherchsette, and pasture in the park and in Haywode and Filemede, held of the king in chief by knight’s service, as pertaining to the barony of Okhampton co Devon.
Heir as above.
DEVON.] Inq. taken at Eylesbear, 24 April, 20 Edw. I.
Hwympel. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by the service of the barony of Okhampton which pertains to the honour of Okhampton.
Heir as above.
[DEVON.] Inq. 24 April, 20 Edw. I.
Eylesbere. The manor (extent given) including 56s. 1/2d. rent from the township of ‘la Nywaton,’ and a fair, held of the king in chief by the service of the barony of Okhampton.
Heir as above.
DEVON. Inq. made at Exeter on Friday after St. George, 20 Edw. I.
(Unspecified.) Four corn mills and two fulling mills with rents thereto adjacent, held of the king in chief by the service of the barony of Okhampton. The whole is worth 27l. yearly, of which Henry de Ralegh receives a third part for life by the enfeoffment of the said Hugh.
Heir as above.
[DEVON.] Inq. Tuesday before the Invention of the Holy Cross, 20 Edw. I.
Colyton. The manor (extent given), including pasture &c. in the park, turbary in Radich, rents of 2lb. cummin and a clove gillyflower, 4s. rent from certain men of Raddych, a foreign hundred held in common with Sir Thomas de Saunford, a fair at the feast of St. Calixtus in common, and the borough of Colyton, and toll of the market, held of the heirs of Walter Dunstraunvill by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Heir as above.
[DEVON.] Inq. made at Colyton on Tuesday before the Invention of the Holy Cross, 20 Edw. I.
Mousbyr[y]. The manor (extent given), including a rent of 3lb. wax, held of the king in chief by the service of the barony of Okhamton.
Heir as above.
[DEVON.] Inq. Monday before St. George, 20 Edw. I.
Ken. The manor (extent given), including profits of coneys, held of the king in chief by the service of the barony of Okhamptone.
Heir as above.
[DEVON.] Inq. taken at Chulmelegh, 16 April, 20 Edw. I.
Chalvelegh. The manor (extent given) held of the king in chief by the service of the barony of Okhampton.
Heir as above.
[DEVON.] Inq. 16 April, 20 Edw. I.
Chulmelegh. The manor (extent given), including land at Great Wytedon, 2s. headmoney (de chevagio) at the hundred (court) of Michaelmas, 55s. 2d. rent of assize from the borough of Chulm[elegh], and a fair on the feast of St. Mary Magdalen with toll of the market, held of the king in chief by the service of the barony of Okhampton.
Heir as above.
[DEVON.] Inq. made at Sandford Curtenay, 15 April, 20 Edw. I.
Duwelton. The manor (extent given), including 20s. aid of customers at the hundred (court) of Michaelmas, held [of the king in chief] by service of 1/4 knight’s fee, and it pertains to the honour of Okhampton.
Heir as above.
[DEVON.] Inq. 15 April, 20 Edw. I.
Sandford Curtenay. The manor (extent given), including pasture in Wyghelegh, and 78s. 9d. aid of customers at the hundred (court) of Michaelmas, and 3s. 2d. headmoney at the same feast, held of the king in chief by the service of the barony of Okhampton.
Heir as above.
[DEVON.] Inq. Monday after St. Mark the Evangelist, 20 Edw. I.
Okhampton. The manor (extent given), including 50s. aid of customers at the hundred (court) of Michaelmas, headmoney, four water-mills, 7l. 5s. 1d. rent of assize from the borough of Okhampton, 18d. head money of the borough, and tolls of the fair on the feast of St. James the Apostle and of the market, held of the king in chief by doing the service of two knights in the army for the whole barony for forty days at his own charges.
Heir as above.
[BUCKINGHAM.] Extent. Saturday after St. Ambrose, 20 Edw. I.
Wottesdon. The manor (extent given), including a wood in the forest of Bernewode, and amends of bread and ale, held of the king in chief by homage only.
He died on Thursday after St. Peter in Cathedra, 20 Edw. I. Heir as above, aged 16 on the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross next.
BERKS. Inq. 8 April, 20 Edw. I.
Sutton and Hauekrig. The manor (full extent given), including pastures in le Estmede and le Wyke, held of the king in chief by homage.
Heir as above, aged 16 at the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross [last].
Writ of certiorari de feodis &c., 26 March, 20 Edw. I.
BERKS. Inq. 8 April, 20 Edw. I.
Sutton, 1/10 knight’s fee held by John de Cornevile by knight’s service.
Sutton. The advowson of a church pertaining to the manor.
SOMERSET. Inq. taken at Little Lopene, on Tuesday after St. Augustine, 20 Edw. I.
Vokklonde. 8 virgates of land held by William le Prouz, Nicholas de Sancto Vigore and Roger Voghel, by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Henelegh in the hundred of Cruk. 4 virgates of land held by John de Henelegh by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Cruk. 4 virgates of land held by Henry de Legh by the mesne of the heirs of Richard le Botiler of Wales by service of 1/4 knight’s fee; 4 virgates held by the heirs of Nel Gyan by service of 1/4 knight’s fee; and 4 virgates of land held by the heirs of John de Westovere by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Hautmoster in the manor of Hemyngton, held by William de (sic) Prouz by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Hemyngton. The advowson of the church belongs to the lord of the place.
BUCKINGHAM. Inq. as to knights’ fees and advowsons pertaining to the manor of Wottesdon made on Saturday after St. Ambrose, 20 Edw. I.
Wottesdon. The advowson of the church is in three portions, the presentation to each of which belongs to the lord of the manor.
Westcote. 1/5 knight’s fee held by Richard le Mount.
Wottesdon. 1/10 knight’s fee held by Richard Stehulle, Edmund Bernard, John the cook, Isabel Denkoc, Stephen son of Adam, and Richard de Waremodeston.
DEVON. Inq. taken at Exeter on Wednesday the feast of St. George, 20 Edw. I. (defaced.)
Bridstow. The manor held by Avice heir of James de Boullay by service of 5 knights’ fees.
Uppecote. 1/2 carucate of land held by Baldwin de Birham by service of 1/5 knight’s fee.
Teynton Dreu. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by John Daubernoun by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
La Bourlonde. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by Emma de Hywisshe by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
La Hoke. A messuage and 1/2 carucate of land, held by Nicholas de la Hoke by service of 1/5 knight’s fee.
Meledon. A messuage and a virgate of land, held by Michael de Meledon by service of 1/5 knight’s fee.
Bratton. The manor held by Matthew de Esse and Joan his wife by service of a knight’s fee.
Dunterton. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Andrew de Trollosk by service of a knight’s fee.
Yekesburn. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Roger de Melles by service of 4 knights’ fees.
Kelly and Brodwode. The manors with the advowsons of the churches, held by John de Kelly by service of 4 knights’ fees.
Belston. The manor held by Baldwin de Belston by service of a knight’s fee.
Parcham. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by the same Baldwin by service of 2 knights’ fees.
Brodenymet. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by Robert de Brodenymet by service of a knight’s fee.
Monekochampton, with the advowson of the church, held by Peter de la Mare (?) by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Ludecote. 18s. rent held by …… by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
S[prey]ton. The manor held by the heir of Patrick de Cadurcis by service of a knight’s fee.
Herpford. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by Walter Tauntefer by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Radeweye. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by Walter de Radeweye by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Wyghelegh. 2 marks rent held by Alfred Tauntefer by service of 1/20 knights’ fee.
Heaunton Sechehevile. The manor held by Henry son of Henry by service of a knight’s fee.
Wemmeworth. The manor held by William le Esspek by service of 3 knight’s fees.
Esse. The manor held by Alan de Esse by service of 2 1/3 knights’ fees.
Mausard, held by Richard le Flemang by service of a knight’s fee.
Snyddelegh. The manor held by Matthew de Furneaus by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Nymet Rolaund. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by William de Wolrinton by service of a knight’s fee.
La Yurde. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by Richard de la Yerde by service of a knight’s fee.
Rakenneford. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Stephen de Lond by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Frodeton. A messuage and a carucate of land with the advowson of the church, held by William le Moigne by service of a knight’s fee.
Chettescumbe. The manor held by the king in demesne by the demise of Thomas de Pyn, which was previously held of Hugh de Curtenay by service of two parts of a knight’s fee.
Hardeneslegh. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by Roger Cole by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Chenneston. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by William Chenne by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Cadebur[y]. A mark rent held by William de Cervinton by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Wyk. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by Walter de Wrey by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Shyrewelle and Langkars. The manors with the advowsons of the churches, held by Richard de Bello Monte by service of 4 knights’ fees.
Aufricumb. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by William de Chaumbernon by service of 4 knights’ fees.
Heanton and Charnys (?). The manors with the advowsons of the churches, held by John de Puncherdun by service of 4 knights’ fees.
Kentisbur[y] (?) with the advowson of the church, held by William le Lou by service of a knight’s fee.
Ashmanesworth, held by John de Columbariis by service of a knight’s fee.
Himledecote. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by William Cole by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
La Stone, Buneleg and Bailikeworth. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by William de la Stone by service of nearly 1/2 knight’s fee and 1/3 knight’s fee.
Littlehauntesford. A fourth part of a carucate of land, held by the same William by service of 1/10 knight’s fee.
Bonevileston. A messuage and 1/2 carucate of land, held by John de Bonevileston by service of 1/8 knight’s fee.
Gorlonde. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by William Fauvel by service of 1/8 knight’s fee.
Le Hosspital. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by John Atterashlegh by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Eston, held by Thomas Kallewey by service of 1/10 knight’s fee.
Filelegh. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Nicholas de Filelegh by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Estwik. The manor held by William Martel by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Teng. The manor held by John de Boyvill (?) and Joan (?) his wife and Ralph de Doune and Isabel his wife, by socage rendering 6d. yearly.
Thorr. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Guy de Briane by service of 7 knights’ fees.
Slapton. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by the same Guy by service of 2 knights’ fees.
Dydesham. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Joan daughter of John de Heanton by service of a knight’s fee.
Jouweton. The manor held by John de Umfreinvile and Alice his wife by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Dodesbrok. The manor held by Alan son of Ruwald by service of 5 knights’ fees.
Heanok, held by Henry de la Pomereye by service of a knight’s fee.
Shaplegh, held by Hugh le Prouz and …. his wife and Richard (?) le Prouz and Margaret his wife by service of a knight’s fee.
Ryshford, held by Constance de Rishford by service of a knight’s fee.
Haccumb and Clyfford. The manors held by Stephen de Haccumb by service of a knight’s fee.
Wollerigg. The manor held by John Tyrel by service of 2 knights’ fees.
Sutheton, held by John de Maundevile by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
Braunford. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Herbert de Pyn by service of a knight’s fee.
Hydon and Clyst. The manors with the advowson of the church of Hydon, held by Joyce (?) de Dynham and Margaret his wife by service of 6 1/2 knights’ fees.
Payhembur[y]. The manor held by John de Umfreynvile and Alice his wife by service of 2 knights’ fees.
Langeford. The manor held by Roger de Langeford by service of 1/2 (?) knight’s fee.
Holecumbe and Colewille. The manors held by Simon son of Roges by service of 5 knights’ fees.
Yetemeton. A messuage and 1/4 carucate of land, held by Robert le Poyer (?) by service of 1/8 knight’s fee.
Kentelesbear. The manor held by Matthew de Esse and Joan his wife by service of 3 knights’ fees.
Daledich. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by Robert Herizon (?) by service of 1/2 knight’s fee.
La Forde. A messuage and 1/2 carucate of land, held by Hawis Atteford by service of 1/8 knight’s fee.
Offewille. The manor with the advowson of the church, held by Juliana de Offewille and Jenovena her sister by service of a knight’s fee.
Stottecumbe. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by John le Veer by service of a knight’s fee.
Moneketon. The manor held by the heirs of William de Mohun by service of 1/2 (?) knight’s fee.
Estbraye. A messuage and a carucate of land, held by Augustine de Bathonia by service of 1/4 knight’s fee.
Stikelpathe. The advowson of the chapel.
Saunford. The advowson of the church.
Dughelton. The advowson of the church.
Chulmelegh. The advowson of the church, which is divided into six prebends.
Chalvelegh. The advowson of the church.
Ken. The advowson of the church and of a chapel.
Exeter. The advowson of the chapel of the castle, which is divided into three prebends called la Heghes, Cutt…. and Kerswille.
C. Edw. I. File 62. (7.)
Writ to the escheator to extend the knight’s fees and advowsons which were of the said Hugh, and cause her reasonable dower to be assigned to Eleanor late his wife, 16 May, 20 Edw. I.
Schedule of manors assigned to the abovesaid Eleanor on 22 May, 20 Edw. I.
BUCKINGHAM. Wottesdon.
DORSET. Iwern.
SOMERSET. Hemyngton.
DEVON. Musebir[y].
Which manors &c. render 24s. 11 1/2d. in excess of her dower.
Writ of certiorari to enquire concerning the lands &c. which the said Hugh held beyond the 400 marks of land which the king lately committed in wardship to William de Fenes until the lawful age of the heir, and beyond the dower of his wife, 6 June, 20 Edw. I.
Writ to the sheriff of Devon to take into the king’s hand a third part of four mills in Exeter, of which Hugh de Curtenay was seized, which by the neglect of the escheator has not yet been done, excepting the third part of the same which is assigned to the abovesaid Eleanor in dower, and to enquire the value, and who has received the issues from the death of the said Hugh, 17 Feb. 23 Edw. I.
[DEVON.] Inq. made at Exebrugg’ on Thursday the octave of St. Matthias the Apostle, 23 Edw. I.
Couwykestrete. A third part of two water-mills, excepting a third part thereof, worth 50s. 4 1/2d. yearly. Henry de Ralegh, knight, has received the issues from the said Hugh’s death until Sunday after the above feast.
DEVON. Extent. Monday before St. Gregory the Pope, 23 Edw. I.
Exeter. A third part of two water-mills and a fulling mill, excepting a third part thereof assigned to the said Eleanor in dower, worth 51s. 8 3/4d. yearly. Henry de Raleghe has received all the issues since the said Hugh’s death and for a long time before because the said Hugh gave the same to him for life.
E. Inq. p.m. File I. No. 22.
Writ of certiorari super vero valore, and of inquisition if it has not already been made, 9 Oct. 20 Edw. I.
Endorsed.—It is void because they are making inquisition by two writs under the great seal to be returned into the chancery.
E. Inq. p.m. File 1. No. 24.