House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 19 October 1831

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 19 October 1831', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 19 October 1831', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 19 October 1831". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

Die Mercurii, 19° Octobris 1831.

DOMINI tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Dux Sussex.
Ds. Brougham & Vaux, Cancellarius.
Epus. Cicestrien.
Ds. Howard of Effingham.
Ds. Stafford.
Ds. Colville of Culross.
Ds. Napier.
Ds. Belhaven & Stenton.
Ds. Ducie.
Ds. Sundridge & Hamilton.
Ds. Foley.
Ds. Montagu.
Ds. Suffield.
Ds. Douglas of Douglas.
Ds. Lyttelton.
Ds. Mendip.
Ds. Yarborough.
Ds. Farnham.
Ds. Wharncliffe.
Ds. Tenterden.
Ds. Melros.
Ds. Skelmersdale.
Ds. Fingall.
Ds. Sefton.
Ds. Clements.
Ds. Dover.
Ds. Kenlis.
Ds. Chaworth.
Ds. Dinorben.
Dux Richmond.
Dux Beaufort.
March. Westmeath.
March. Bristol.
March. Cleveland.
March. Westminster.
Comes Carlisle.
Comes Doncaster.
Comes Shaftesbury.
Comes Coventry.
Comes Dartmouth.
Comes Hardwicke.
Comes Ilchester.
Comes Charlemont.
Comes Gosford.
Comes Grey.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Falmouth.
Comes Munster.
Comes Burlington.
Comes Camperdown.
Vicecom. Leinster.
Vicecom. Hood.
Vicecom. Melville.
Vicecom. Goderich.
Ds. Wellesley, Senescallus.
Ds. Melbourne, Unus Primariorum Secretariorum.

The Earl of Shaftesbury sat Speaker by virtue of a former Commission.


The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed by The Lord Chancellor.

Crown Land Inclosure Bill read 2a:

Hodie 2a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act to enable Churchwardens and Overseers to inclose Land belonging to the Crown, for the Benefit of poor Persons residing in the Parish in which such Crown Land is situated."

The King's Consent signified:

The Duke of Richmond acquainted the House, "That His Majesty, having been informed of the Contents of the last-mentioned Bill, was pleased to consent (as far as His Majesty's Interest is concerned) that their Lordships may proceed therein as they shall think fit."

Standing Orders 26 & 155 dispensed with, & Bill passed:

Then the House (according to Order) proceeded to take into Consideration the Standing Orders No. 26 and No. 155, relative to Bills not being read or proceeded in Twice the same Day, in order to their being dispensed with upon the last-mentioned Bill.

And Consideration being had thereof accordingly;

Ordered, That the said Standing Orders be dispensed with upon the said Bill.

Ordered, That the said Bill be committed to a Committee of the Whole House.

Ordered, That the House be put into a Committee upon the said Bill instanter.

The House was accordingly adjourned during Pleasure, and put into a Committee upon the said Bill.

After some Time, the House was resumed:

And The Earl of Shaftesbury reported from the Committee, "That they had gone through the Bill, and directed him to report the same to the House, without any Amendment."

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act to enable Churchwardens and Overseers to inclose Land belonging to the Crown, for the Benefit of poor Persons residing in the Parish in which such Crown Land is situated."

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H.C. that the Lords have agreed to it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Giffin Wilson and Mr. Roupell;

To acquaint them, That the Lords have agreed to the said Bill, without any Amendment.

Price of Coals, Return of, Ordered.

Ordered, That there be laid before this House, "A Return of the Prices per London Chaldron of Sea-borne Coals, at the Coal Exchange in London, upon each Market Day from the 1st of February to the 17th of October 1831; distinguishing the different Sorts of Coal."

Vestries Bill:

The Order of the Day being read for the Third Reading of the Bill, intituled, "An Act for the better Regulation of Vestries; and for the Appointment of Auditors of Accounts, in certain Parishes of England and Wales;" and for the Lords to be summoned;

The said Bill was accordingly read the Third Time.

Then it was moved, in the Amendment made to the said Bill in Press 2, Line 2, to leave out ("Fourteenth") and insert ("First")

The same was agreed to, and Ordered accordingly.

Then the following Amendments were made to the said Bill:

Pr. 3. L. 10. After ("Sunday") insert ("in the Month of March")

L. 23. After ("which") insert ("Votes shall be received on Three successive Days, commencing at Eight of the Clock in the Forenoon and ending at Four of the Clock in the Afternoon of each Day, and the said")

Then it was moved, in the Amendment made by the Committee to the said Bill in Press 3, Line 25, in Lines 10 and 11 of the said Amendment, to leave out ("or before")

The same was agreed to, and Ordered accordingly.

Then it was moved, in Line 11 of the said Amendment, after ("next") to insert ("and the Two following Days")

The same was agreed to, and Ordered accordingly.

Then it was moved to disagree to the Amendment made on Report to the said Bill in Press 6, Line 4.

The same was agreed to, and Ordered accordingly.

Then the following Amendments were made to the said Bill:

Pr. 6. L. 4. Leave out ("Two") and insert ("Three")

Pr. 12. L. 3. Leave out ("March") and insert ("May")

Then it was moved, "That the following Amendments be made to the Clause added on Report to the said Bill, in Press 25, Line 24:

"L. 3. After ("any") insert ("Parish not being within or being Part of any")

"L. 4. Leave out ("wherein") and insert ("in which Parish")

The same were agreed to, and Ordered accordingly.

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill, with the Amendments, shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H.C. with Amendments to it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by the former Messengers;

To return the said Bill, and acquaint them, That the Lords have agreed to the same, with several Amendments, to which their Lordships desire their Concurrence.

Bankruptcy Court Bill.

The House (according to Order) proceeded to take into Consideration the Amendments made by the Commons to the Bill, intituled, "An Act to establish a Court in Bankruptcy."

And the said Amendments, being read Three Times by the Clerk, were agreed to by the House.

And, A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by the former Messengers, to acquaint them therewith.

Court of Exchequer, (Scotland,) Account of Business in, Ordered.

Ordered, That there be laid before this House, "An Account of the Number of Causes in the Court of Exchequer in Scotland, distinguishing undefended Causes, Causes tried, defended Causes tried, and Causes compromised without any Trial, for the last Twenty Years, distinguishing each Year."

Galway Elective Franchise, Petition from Moycullen for Extension of.

Upon reading the Petition of the Roman Catholic Inhabitants of the Parish of Moycullen, in the County of Galway, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying, "That their Lordships will be graciously pleased to equalize Civil Rights in Galway, by extending to the Roman Catholic Mercantile and Trading Classes the Elective Franchise in as full and ample a Manner as the same is now enjoyed by Protestants:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Reform (England) Bill, Petitions from Ulverston & Ringmer in favor of.

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of Ulverston, and the Neighbourhood, in the County of Lancaster, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of a Bill lately depending in this House, intituled, "An Act to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales;" and praying their Lordships, That, by speedily passing the same into a Law, they will carry into Effect not only the ardent Wishes of all Classes of People in the United Kingdom, but also of a very large Majority of the present House of Commons; and by so doing secure to the Petitioners a real Representative Commons House of Parliament, and the Destruction of that corrupting and demoralizing Elective System now under Consideration by their Lordships:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Hundred of Ringmer, in the County of Sussex, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships, "That a Measure so well calculated to conciliate the Affections of the People and to promote the Public Welfare may speedily receive from their Lordships that Sanction which is necessary to its becoming a Law:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Population, Papers respecting, delivered.

The Duke of Richmond (in the Absence of The Lord Melbourne, One of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State,) laid before the House, pursuant to an Address to His Majesty of Wednesday the 5th of this instant October,

"Comparative Account of the Population of Great Britain, in the Years 1801, 1811, 1821 and 1831; with the Annual Value of Real Property in the Year 1815:"

And also, "A Statement of the Progress in the Enquiry regarding the Occupations of Families and Persons, and the Duration of Life, as required by the Population Act of 1830."

And the Title thereof being read by the Clerk;

Ordered, That the said Papers do lie on the Table.

Ordered, That the said Papers be printed.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Jovis, vicesimum diem instantis Octobris, horâ undecimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.