House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 5 October 1831

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 5 October 1831', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 5 October 1831', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 5 October 1831". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

Die Mercurii, 5 °Octobris 1831.

DOMINI tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Dux Cumberland.
Dux Sussex.
Dux Gloucester.
Archiep. Cantuar.
Ds. Brougham
& Vaux,
Epus. Winton.
Epus. Sarum.
Epus. Bath. et Well.
Epus. Lich. et Cov.
Epus. Lincoln.
Epus. Bristol.
Epus. roffen.
Epus. Landaven.
Epus. Oxon.
Epus. Glocestr.
Epus. Exon.
Epus. Cicestrien.
Ds. Wellesley, Senescallus.
Ds. Melbourne, Unus Primariorum
Ds. De ros.
Ds. De Clifford.
Ds. Audley.
Ds. Willoughby de Eresby.
Ds. Dacre.
Ds. Stourton.
Ds. Howard of Effingham.
Ds. Howard de Walden.
Ds. Petre.
Ds. Saye & Sele.
Ds. Arundell of Wardour.
Ds. Clifton.
Ds. Dormer.
Ds. Teynham.
Ds. Stafford.
Ds. Byron.
Ds. Gower.
Ds. Forbes.
Ds. Saltoun.
Ds. Colville of Culross.
Ds. Napier.
Ds. Belhaven & Stenton.
Ds. Boyle.
Ds. King.
Ds. Monson.
Ds. MontfortDs. Grantham.
Ds. Boston.
Ds. Holland.
Ds. Ducie.
Ds. Sundridge & Hamilton.
Ds. Foley.
Ds. Dynevor.
Ds. Walsingham.
Ds. Southampton.
Ds. rodney.
Ds. Carteret.
Ds. Sherborne.
Ds. Montagu.
Ds. Suffield.
Ds. Kenyon.
Ds. Braybrooke.
Ds. Maryborough.
Ds. ravensworth.
Ds. Delamere.
Ds. Forester.
Ds. Bexley.
Ds. Somerhill.
Ds. Farnborough.
Ds. Wharncliffe.
Ds. Feversham.
Ds. Seaford.
Ds. Lyndhurst.
Ds. Fife.
Ds. Tenterden.
Ds. Plunket.
Ds. Melros.
Ds. Cowley.
Ds. Stuart de rothesay.
Ds. rosebery.
Ds. Clanwilliam.
Ds. Skelmersdale.
Ds. Wallace.
Ds. Wynford.
Ds. Kilmarnock.
Ds. Fingall.
Ds. Sefton.
Ds. rossie.
Ds. Dover.
Ds. Kenlis.
Ds. Chaworth.
Ds. Ludlow.
Ds. Howden.
Ds. Panmure.
Ds. Oakley.
Ds. Poltimore.
Ds. Wenlock.
Ds. Mostyn.
Ds. Segrave.
Ds. Templemore.
Ds. Dinorben.
Ds. Cloncurry.
Ds. De Saumarez.
March. Lansdowne, Præses.
Dux Norfolk, Marescallus.
Dux Devonshire, Camerarius.
Dux richmond.
Dux Grafton.
Dux Beaufort.
Dux St. Albans.
Dux Leeds.
Dux rutland.
Dux Brandon.
Dux Manchester.
Dux Dorset.
Dux Newcastle.
Dux Wellington.
Dux Buckingham & Chandos.
March. Winchester.
March. Queensberry.
March. Salisbury.
March. Bath.
March. Hertford.
March. Bute.
March. Thomond.
March. Exeter.
March. Northampton.
March. Camden.
March. Cholmondeley.
March. Hastings.
March. Ailesbury.
March. Westmeath.
March. Bristol.
March. Cleveland.
March. Westminster.
Comes Suffolk & Berkshire.
Comes Denbigh.
Comes Westmorland.
Comes Winchilsea & Nottingham.
Comes Thanet.
Comes Essex.
Comes Carlisle.
Comes Doncaster.
Comes Shaftesbury.
Comes Abingdon.
Comes Plymouth.
Comes Albemarle.
Comes Coventry.
Comes Jersey.
Comes Poulett.
Comes Morton.
Comes Home.
Comes Selkirk.
Comes Oxford & Mortimer.
Comes Dartmouth.
Comes Tankerville.
Comes Aylesford.
Comes Cowper.
Comes Pomfret.
Comes Waldegrave.
Comes Brooke & Warwick.
Comes Guilford.
Comes Ilchester.
Comes De Lawarr.
Comes radnor.
Comes Bathurst.
Comes Clarendon.
Comes Norwich.
Comes Talbot.
Comes Digby.
Comes Beverley.
Comes Mansfield.
Comes Carnarvon.
Comes Liverpool.
Comes Charlemont.
Comes Mount Cashel.
Comes Long ford.
Comes Mayo.
Comes Enniskillen.
Comes Wicklow.
Comes Caledon.
Comes rosslyn.
Comes Craven.
Comes Onslow.
Comes romney.
Comes Chichester.
Comes Wilton.
Comes Limerick.
Comes Powis.
Comes Gosford.
Comes Manvers.
Comes Grey.
Comes Lonsdale.
Comes Harrowby.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Harewood.
Comes Minto.
Comes Brownlow.
Comes St. Germans.
Comes Morley.
Comes Bradford.
Comes Beauchamp.
Comes Glengall.
Comes Eldon.
Comes Falmouth.
Comes Howe.
Comes Vane.
Comes Amherst.
Comes Dudley.
Comes Cawdor.
Comes Munster.
Comes Camperdown.
Comes Lichfield.
Vicecom. Hereford.
Vicecom. Falkland.
Vicecom. Arbuthnott.
Vicecom. Bolingbroke & St. John.
Vicecom. Leinster.
Vicecom. Maynard.
Vicecom. Sydney.
Vicecom. Hood.
Vicecom. Doneraile.
Vicecom. Melville.
Vicecom. Sidmouth.
Vicecom. Lorton.
Vicecom. Gordon.
Vicecom. Granville.
Vicecom. Beresford.
Vicecom. Combermere.
Vicecom. Goderich.


The Earl of Shaftesbury sat Speaker by virtue of a former Commission.

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed by The Lord Chancellor.

Bills passed by Commission.

The Lord Chancellor acquainted the House, "That His Majesty had been pleased to issue a Commission to several Lords therein named, for declaring His royal Assent to several Acts agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament."

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed.

Then Three of the Lords Commissioners, being in their robes, and seated on a Form placed between the Throne and the Woolsack, The Lord Chancellor in the Middle, with The Earl of Shaftesbury on his right Hand, and The Lord Holland on his Left; commanded the Yeoman Usher of the Black rod to signify to the Commons, "The Lords Commissioners desire their immediate Attendance in this House, to hear the Commission read."

Who being come, with their Speaker;

The Lord Chancellor said,

"My Lords, and Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

"His Majesty, not thinking fit to be personally present here at this Time, has been pleased to cause a Commission to be issued under the Great Seal, and thereby given His royal Assent to divers Acts which have been agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament, the Titles whereof are particularly mentioned; and by the said Commission hath commanded us to declare and notify His royal Assent to the said several Acts, in the Presence of you the Lords and Commons assembled for that Purpose: Which Commission you will now hear read."

Then the said Commission was read by the Clerk as follows; (viz t.)


"William the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith; To Our right trusty and right well-beloved the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and to Our trusty and well-beloved the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, and the Commissioners for Shires and Burghs of the House of Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, Greeting: Whereas in Our said Parliament divers and sundry Acts have been agreed and accorded on by you Our loving Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this Our present Parliament assembled, and endorsed by you as hath been accustomed, the Titles and Names of which Acts hereafter do particularly ensue; (that is to say) "An Act to equalize the Duties on Wine:" "An Act to improve the Administration of Justice in Ireland:" "An Act to amend the Laws in England relative to Game:" "An Act for regulating the Vend and Delivery of Coals in the Cities of London and Westminster, and in certain Parts of the Counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Essex, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire:" "An Act for effectuating a Partition of Estates belonging to The Most Honorable John Crichton Stuar t Marquess of Bute and Earl of Dumfries and The Most Honorable Maria Marchioness of Bute and Countess of Dumfries, and their Trustees, and to The right Honorable Lady Susan North and to The right Honorable Lady Georgina North; and for other Purposes." And albeit the said Acts by you Our said Subjects, the Lords and Commons in this Our present Parliament assembled, are fully agreed and consented unto, yet nevertheless the same are not of Force and Effect in the Law without Our royal Assent given and put to the said Acts; And for as much as for divers Causes and Considerations We cannot conveniently at this Time be present in Our royal Person in the Higher House of Our said Parliament, being the accustomed Place for giving Our royal Assent to such Acts as have been agreed upon by you Our said Subjects, the Lords and Commons, We have therefore caused these Our Letters Patent to be made, and have signed the same, and by the same do give and put Our royal Assent to the said Acts, and to all Articles, Clauses and Provisions therein contained, and have fully agreed and assented to the said Acts; Willing that the said Acts, and every Article, Clause, Sentence and Provision therein contained, from henceforth shall be of the same Strength, Force and Effect, as if We had been personally present in the said Higher House, and had openly and publicly, in the Presence of you all, assented to the same: And We do by these Presents declare and notify the same Our royal Assent, as well to you the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons aforesaid, as to all others whom it may concern; Commanding also by these Presents Our well-beloved and faithful Councillor Henry Lord Brougham and Vaux, Our Chancellor of that Part of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Great Britain, to seal these Our Letters Patent with Our Great Seal of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; and also commanding Our most dear Brothers and faithful Councillors Ernes t Duke of Cumberland, Augustus Duke of Sussex, Adolphus Duke of Cambridge; Our most dear Cousin and faithful Councillor William Frederick Duke of Gloucester; The Most reverend Father in God and Our faithful Councillor William Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate and Metropolitan of all England; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillor Henry Lord Brougham and Vaux, Chancellor of that Part of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Great Britain; Our most dear Cousin and Councillor Henry Marquess of Lansdowne, President of Our Council; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillor John George Lord Durham, Keeper of Our Privy Seal; Our most dear Cousins and Councillors William Spencer Duke of Devonshire, Chamberlain of Our Household; Charles Duke of richmond, George William Frederick Duke of Leeds, William Henry Duke of Portland, Arthur Duke of Wellington, richard Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, richard Marquess Wellesley, Steward of Our Household; Charles Marquess of Winchester, John Jeffreys Marquess Camden, Henry William Marquess of Anglesey, John Earl of Westmorland, George Earl of Carlisle, Cropley Ashley Earl of Shaftesbury, George Earl of Aberdeen, William Earl Fitzwilliam, George John Earl Spencer, John Earl of Chatham, Henry Earl Bathurst, Charles Earl Grey, John Earl of Eldon, John William Earl of Dudley, William Viscount Melbourne, rober t Viscount Melville, Henry Viscount Sidmouth, Frederick John Viscount Goderich; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillors Henry richard Lord Holland, William Wyndham Lord Grenville, Edward Lord Ellenborough, Nicholas Lord Bexley, John Singleton Lord Lyndhurs t and Charles Lord Tenterden, or any Three or more of them, to declare and notify this Our royal Assent in Our Absence in the said Higher House, in the Presence of you, the said Lords and Commons of Our Parliament, there to be assembled for that Purpose; and the Clerk of Our Parliaments to endorse the said Acts with such Terms and Words, in Our Name, as is requisite, and hath been accustomed for the same, and also to enrol these Our Letters Patent, and the said Acts, in the Parliament roll; and these Our Letters Patent shall be to every of them a sufficient Warrant in that Behalf: And finally, We do declare and will, that after this Our royal Assent given and passed by these Presents, and declared and notified as is aforesaid, then and immediately the said Acts shall be taken, accepted and admitted good, sufficient and perfect Acts of Parliament and Laws, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes, and to be put in due Execution accordingly, the Continuance or Dissolution of this Our Parliament or any other Use, Custom, Thing or Things to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. In Witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent.

"Witness Ourself at Westminster, the Fifth Day of October, in the Second Year of Our reign.

"By the King Himself, signed with His own Hand.


Then The Lord Chancellor said,

"In obedience to His Majesty's Commands, and by virtue of the Commission which has been now read, We do declare and notify to you, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament assembled, that His Majesty hath given His royal Assent to the several Acts in the Commission mentioned; and the Clerks are required to pass the same in the usual Form and Words."

Then the Deputy Clerk of the Crown, at the Table, read the Titles of the Bills to be passed, severally, as follow; (viz t.)

1. "An Act to equalize the Duties on Wine."

2. "An Act to improve the Administration of Justice in Ireland."

3. "An Act to amend the Laws in England relative to Game."

4. "An Act for regulating the Vend and Delivery of Coals in the Cities of London and Westminster, and in certain Parts of the Counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Essex, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire."

To these Bills the royal Assent was pronounced, severally, by the Clerk Assistant, in these Words; (viz t.)

"Le roy le veult. "

5. "An Act for effectuating a Partition of Estates belonging to The Most Honorable John Crichton Stuart Marquess of Bute and Earl of Dumfries and The Most Honorable Maria Marchioness of Bute and Countess of Dumfries, and their Trustees, and to The right Honorable Lady Susan North and to The right Honorable Lady Georgina North; and for other Purposes."

To this Bill the royal Assent was pronounced, by the Clerk Assistant, in these Words; (viz t.)

"Soit fait comme il est desire."

Then the Commons withdrew.

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed.

Cotton Factories Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir John Cam Hobhouse and others;

With a Bill, intituled, "An Act to repeal the Laws relating to Apprentices and other young Persons employed in Cotton Factories and in Cotton Mills, and to make further Provisions in lieu thereof;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

The said Bill was read the First Time.

Ordered, That the said Bill be printed.

Augmentation of Benefices Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Sir John Cam Hobhouse and others;

To return the Bill, intituled, "An Act to extend the Provisions of an Act passed in the Twenty-ninth Year of the reign of His Majesty King Charles the Second, intituled, "An Act for confirming and perpetuating Augmentations made by Ecclesiastical Persons to small Vicarages and Curacies;" and for other Purposes;" and to acquaint this House, That they have agreed to the same, with several Amendments, to which they desire their Lordships Concurrence.

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed by The Lord Tenterden, who sat Speaker by virtue of a former Commission.

reform (England) Bill, Petitions in favor of: Ward of Castle Baynard, London:

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants and rate Payers of the Ward of Castle Baynard, in the City of London, assembled at a Public Meeting, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of a Bill depending in this House, intituled, "An Act to amend the representation of the People in England and Wales;" and praying their Lordships "to concur with the Commons House of Parliament in the Support and Completion of the memorable Improvement of our National regulations, and by passing the said Bill into a Law ensure to their Lordships the unceasing Gratitude of their Fellow Subjects, and to the Country the Consolidation and Perfection of the Liberties of all Classes of the Community:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Order of Odd Fellows, Nottingham:

A Petition of the Grand Master, Officers and Members of the Thirty-seven Lodges in the Nottingham ancient Imperial United Order of Odd Fellows, assembled in General Meeting, was presented and read; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to pass the same with as little Delay as is consistent with a due Deliberation, in order to its becoming a Law of the Land, the Petitioners being convinced that it will tend in a very material Degree to add Stability to the Throne, Dignity to this House, and confirm to the People a more ample Measure of that Political Freedom which has ever been the Boast of the British Empire."

Ordered, That the said Petition be received as the Petition of Lord rancliffe, Grand Master, and of the several other Persons only who have signed it.

Market Harborough:

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of Market Harborough, in the County of Leicester, and its Vicinity, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town and Borough of Harwich, in the County of Essex, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitant Householders and Parishioners of the Town of Greenwich, in the County of Kent, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

Hanley & Shelton:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of Hanley and Shelton, in the Staffordshire Potteries, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

Sandall Magna:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Sandall Magna, in the County of York, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Portmak, County of Kinross, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

Eastwood, &c:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Freeholders, Copyholders and other Inhabitants of Eastwood, Hay, Highclere, Burghclere, Newtown, Echingswell and Sidmonton, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Borough of Marlborough, in the County of Wilts, and its Vicinity, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Gentry, Clergy, Freeholders and others of the Town of Ardnaree, in the County of Sligo, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

Grange Gorman:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Manor of Grange Gorman, in the County of Dublin, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town and Borough of Ipswich, in the County of Suffolk, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Tippermuir, in the County of Perth, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town and Parish of Crieff, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


And also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Village and Parish of Comrie, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and severally praying their Lordships, "That the same may pass into a Law:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petitions do lie on the Table.

High Constables, Perth:

Upon reading the Petition of the Society of High Constables of the City of Perth; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to avert the apprehended Danger, and at the same Time promote the Happiness and Prosperity of the Empire, by speedily passing the said Bill into a Law, ample and without Mutilation, as it has emanated from the collective Wisdom of a liberal Ministry, and approved by an overwhelming and enlightened Majority of the House of Commons:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petitions do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of Dudley, in the County of Worcester, and its Neighbourhood, in Public Meeting assembled, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to avert the Discontent and Exasperation which must be fearfully apprehended from a refusal to accede to the just Wishes of the People so unequivocally expressed by their Constitutional representatives; and that their Lordships will complete the salutary Change which the Progress of Events imperatively requires, by speedily passing the said Bill into a Law:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


A Petition of the Gentlemen, Clergy, Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the County of Monmouth, assembled at a County Meeting, was presented and read; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships, "That the same may be speedily passed into a Law; and that their Lordships will seriously reflect on the fatal Consequences that may result from a Disregard to the rights of the People so strenuously and unanimously expressed in their Petitions for a reform in the Commons House of Parliament."

Ordered, That the said Petition be received as the Petition of "William Hollis, Sheriff," who only has signed it.


Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitant Householders of the Town of Cambridge, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to give their Sanction to the same, so that it may be passed with as little Delay as possible, and without any Alteration of its Principle, and by becoming a Law remove the Apprehensions and conciliate to their Lordships the Affections of a free, contented and generous People:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Township of Butterworth, in the Parish of rochdale and County of Lancaster, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships, "That the same may meet with their Approval, and may be passed without Delay, as a Security against the Occurrence of tremendous Public Evils, and as the Means of obtaining a valuable National Good:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Clonakilty, in the County of Cork, in Ireland, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships, "That, to prevent Tumult, Bloodshed and revolution, and to preserve the Government as by Law established, their Lordships will be pleased to pass the said Bill:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Freemen of Maldon resident in London:

Upon reading the Petition of the Freemen of Maldon resident in London and its Vicinity, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying, "That their Lordships will be pleased to pass that great Measure into a Law, and in so doing they will have performed their Part towards renovating that Assembly, the Utility and Independence of which the Corruption of Time and the Selfishness of Men had nearly destroyed:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Bicester Market End.

Upon reading the Petition of the Freeholders, Householders and Inhabitants of the Township of Bicester Market End, in the County of Oxford, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying their Lordships, "That the Bill sanctioned by His Majesty, and introduced to their Lordships House by His Ministers, may pass this House; the passing of which Bill into a Law will give Stability to the Throne, Tranquillity to the Empire, Satisfaction to the People, and consequently must prove highly beneficial and advantageous to the Country:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

reform (England) Bill, Petition from Cromarty that the Counties of Cromarty & Nairn may continue to return a Member jointly.

Upon reading the Petition of the Freeholders, Commissioners of Supply, Justices of Peace, and other Heritors of the County of Cromarty, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships, "That the Counties of Cromarty and Nairn be continued to be entitled to return a Member jointly, as is proposed to be done with Clackmannan and Kinross, or that the Counties of ross and Cromarty shall jointly send Two Members to Parliament, or that the Eleven Parishes contiguous to the Town and Parish of Cromarty shall be, for the Purposes of this Act, declared to be the County of Cromarty, and the Three Parishes to the West of Dingwall be declared a Part of the County of ross, for the Purpose of returning Members to Parliament; and farther, that the Three Burghs in the County of ross, the Town of Cromarty, and Town of Stornoway, in the Island of Lewis, shall jointly send One Member to Parliament:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

reform (England) Bill, Petition of Mayor, &c. of Launceston to be heard in defence of their Chartered rights.

Upon reading the Petition of The Mayor, Deputy recorder, Aldermen and Freemen of the Borough of Dunheved otherwise Launceston, in the County of Cornwall, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying, "That their Lordships will not condemn them unheard, but will deal justly with them, and allow their Chartered rights to be enquired into, defended and maintained, before this House, by Counsel:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

reform (England) Bill, Petitions from Bradford & Isle of Thanet against.

Upon reading the Petition of the Gentry, Bankers, Merchants, Tradesmen and other Inhabitants of the Town of Bradford, in the County of York, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to exercise their inalienable right to act as a deliberative Assembly, and, unaffected by popular or interested Clamour, proceed to modify or reject the Bill, as may seem best to their Lordships:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Isle of Thanet, in the County of Kent, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying, "That their Lordships will exercise, in the Consideration of it, their undoubted rights, either in rejecting it entirely, or introducing into it such Amendments as shall render it agreeable to the Spirit of our old and venerated Institutions, and safe and equitable in its general results:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed by The Lord Chancellor.

reform (England) Bill, Petitions in favor of: Desborough & Burnham: Tipton:

Upon reading the Petition of the Freeholders and Householders within and adjoining to the Hundreds of Desborough and Burnham, in the County of Bucks, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Freeholders and other Inhabitants of the Parish of Tipton, in the County of Stafford, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Holbeach and its Neighbourhood, in the County of Lincoln, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Gedney and its Neighbourhood, in the County of Lincoln, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Township of rastrick, in the West riding of the County of York, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Tenantry and other Inhabitants of the Parish of Tintry, County of Aberdeen, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the City and Suburbs of Winchester, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Magistrates, Councillors, Burgesses and other Inhabitants of the Burgh of Airdrie and its Vicinity, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

Ward of Cordwainers, London:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Ward of Cordwainers, in the City of London, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Wednesbury, in the County of Stafford, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

Incorporated Trades, Ayr:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Convener and Deacons of the Incorporated Trades of the royal Burgh of Ayr, Scotland, for themselves and the Incorporations they represent, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

Magistrates, &c. Culross:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Magistrates and Town Council of the royal Burgh of Culross, in Scotland, under their Common Seal:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Freeholders and Householders of the County of Flint, adopted at a Meeting duly convened by the High Sheriff:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitant Householders, Freeholders, and Leaseholders of the Parish of Saint Luke, Chelsea, in the County of Middlesex, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

Bond St. Westminster:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitant Bond Street, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Flee t and its Neighbourhood, in the County of Lincoln, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:

Sutton St. James:

Also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Hamlet of Sutton Saint James and its Neighbourhood, in the County of Lincoln, whose Names are thereunto subscribed:


And also, Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Whaplode and its Neighbourhood, in the County of Lincoln, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of a Bill depending in this House, intituled, "An Act to amend the representation of the People in England and Wales;" and severally praying their Lordships, "That the same may pass into a Law:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petitions do lie on the Table.

Kensington & Brompton:

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Saint Mary Abbots, Kensington, and the District of the Holy Trinity, Brompton, and its Vicinity, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to preserve the Tranquillity of the United Kingdom, the Security of Property, and the Attachment of the People, by giving their Assent to the said Bill:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Isle of Wight:

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Isle of Wight, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying, "That their Lordships will give their Assent to a Measure which the Petitioners deem so essential to the Peace and Prosperity of the Empire:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town of Chard and its Vicinity, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to avert from the Country the Danger threatened by the rejection of the same, and to secure to the Country the Blessings all are so anxious to enjoy, and which the Petitioners believe can only be obtained by their Lordships passing the said Bill into a Law:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

West Ham:

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of West Ham, in the County of Essex, convened in General Meeting, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to pass the same without Alteration of its Spirit, and with as little Delay as possible, thereby securing to the People of this United Empire a virtuous representation, with its inseparable Concomitants, Order, Harmony and Prosperity; and entailing upon their Lordships and upon this House, in Perpetuity, the Gratitude and respect of a great and confiding Country:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Political Union, Leamington:

Upon reading the Petition of the Members of the Political Union and other learned and scientific Inhabitants of the Parish of Leamington, in the County of Warwick, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships, "That it may speedily be passed, so that the Petitioners may no longer have to regret, that although they are industrious, scientific and learned, yet are they not only unrepresented but misrepresented:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Darlaston, in the County of Stafford, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "speedily to pass the same into a Law, and thereby avert the possibility of Discontent and Exasperation, which the Petitioners fear will paralyze Commerce, deprive the Labouring Population of Employment, and fatally endanger Public Credit:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Magistrates, &c. of Ayr:

Upon reading the Petition of The Provost, Magistrates and Town Council of the royal Burgh of Ayr, Scotland, under their Common Seal; taking notice of the lastmentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to pass the same, and thereby secure the Tranquillity and Gratitude of the United Kingdom:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Ward of Aldgate.

Upon reading the Petition of the Alderman, Common Councilmen and Inhabitants of the Ward of Aldgate, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships, "That, without any unnecessary Delay, they will give their high Sanction to the same, in order that it may ultimately become the Law of the Land; the Petitioners being firmly convinced that no other Measure can give Tranquillity and Happiness to the Country, preserve the Advantages of social Order, re-establish the ancient and invaluable Institutions of the Country, among which the Petitioners number this House, and, above all, the Throne of our illustrious and patriotic Monarch, upon a firm and solid Basis:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

reform (England) Bill, Petitions against: Worcester:

Upon reading the Petition of The Mayor, Aldermen, Citizens and other Inhabitants of Worcester and its Vicinity, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying, "That their Lordships will not allow the same in its present State to pass into a Law:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Electors of the Borough of Minehead, in the County of Somerset, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying, "That the same may not be passed into a Law as now framed; but that the Petitioners, together with others in similar Situations, may be permitted to retain at least such a Portion of their Franchise as that their Interests may as it is most humbly submitted to their Lordships they ought to be fairly represented:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.


Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Town and Borough of Ipswich, in the County of Suffolk, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying their Lordships "to give the proposed Measure their most serious Consideration, and to make such Alterations therein as will, in their Judgment, most effectually tend to preserve inviolate the undoubted Prerogative of the Crown, the Constitutional Privileges of this House, and the just rights and Liberties of the People:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Merchants, &c. of London.

Upon reading the Petition of the Merchants, Bankers, Traders and others of the City of London, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; taking notice of the last-mentioned Bill, and praying, "That their Lordships, by rising above all Intimidation, will exercise their undoubted Constitutional right, and by refusing their Concurrence to the same, rescue our glorious Constitution from the Danger with which it is threatened:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Galway Elective Franchise, Petitions of Justices, & Catholic Free Burgesses, Galway, for Extension of.

Upon reading the Petition of the resident Justices of the Peace for Galway, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying, "That their Lordships will be graciously pleased to equalize Civil rights in Galway, by extending to the roman Catholic Mercantile and Trading Classes the Elective Franchise, in as full and ample a Manner as the same is now enjoyed by Protestants:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Upon reading the Petition of the resident roman Catholic Free Burgesses of the Corporation of Galway, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying, "That their Lordships will be pleased to place the roman Catholic Mercantile and Trading Classes on an equal Footing with Protestants, in regard to the Elective Franchise, as at present exercised by them in Galway:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Charities Bill:

The Order of the Day being read for the Third reading of the Bill, intituled, "An Act for appointing Commissioners to continue the Enquiries concerning Charities in England and Wales for Two Years, and from thence to the End of the then next Session of Parliament;"

The said Bill was accordingly read the Third Time.

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H.C. that the Lords have agreed to it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Mr. Trower and Mr. roupell;

To acquaint them, That the Lords have agreed to the said Bill, without any Amendment.

Fees in Courts of Common Law Bill.

The Order of the Day being read for the Third reading of the Bill, intituled, "An Act to explain and amend an Act for regulating the receipt and future Appropriation of Fees and Emoluments receivable by Officers of the Superior Courts of Common Law;"

Ordered, That the said Bill be read the Third Time To-morrow.

Baking Trade (Ireland) Bill.

Ordered, That the Bill, intituled, "An Act to regulate the Baking Trade in Ireland," be re-committed to a Committee of the Whole House To-morrow; and that the Lords be summoned.

Public Works (Ireland) Bill.

The Order of the Day being read for the House to be put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act for the Extension and Promotion of Public Works in Ireland;"

Ordered, That the House be put into a Committee upon the said Bill To-morrow.

Population, Address for Papers respecting.

Ordered, That an humble Address be presented to His Majesty, to request that His Majesty will be graciously pleased to order that there be laid before this House, "A comparative Account of the Population of Great Britain, in the Years 1801, 1811, 1821 and 1831, with the Annual Value of real Property in the Year 1815; also a Statement of Progress in the Enquiry regarding the Occupations of Families and Persons, and the Duration of Life, as required by the Population Act of 1830."

Ordered, That the said Address be presented to His Majesty by the Lords with White Staves.

Portugal, Papers respecting, delivered.

The Earl Grey (by His Majesty's Command) presented to the House, "Papers relative to the Affairs of Portugal; (in Two Classes) 1828 - 1831;" together with Lists thereof.

Which Lists were read by the Clerk as follow; (viz t.)

"Class A.
"Correspondence with J. r. Matthews Esq., 1828-1829.
"List of Papers.
1. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas Lisbon, 11 July 1828.
2. Lord Dunglas to J. r. Matthews, Foreign Office, 16 July -
3. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 19 July -
4. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon. 21 July -
5. The Earl of Aberdeen to J. r. Matthews, Esq. Foreign Office, 23 July -
6. Lord Dunglas to J. r. Matthews, Esq. Foreign Office, 30 July -
7. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen, Lisbon, 9 August 1828.
8. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 19 August -
9. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 23 August -
10. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 30 August -
11. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 6 Sept. -
12. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 8 Sept. -
13. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 20 Sept. -
14. John Backhouse, Esq. to J. r. Matthews, Esq. Foreign Office, 24 Sept. -
15. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 27 Sept. -
16. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 27 Sept. -
17. Lord Dunglas to J. r. Matthews, Esq. Foreign Office, 1 October -
18. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 4 October -
19. Lord Dunglas to J. r. Matthews, Esq. Foreign Office, 8 October -
20. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 11 October -
21. Lord Dunglas to J. r. Matthews, Esq. Foreign Office, 15 October -
22. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 18 October -
23. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 25 October -
24. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 25 October -
25. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 31 October -
26. The Earl of Aberdeen to J. r. Matthews, Esq. Foreign Office, 5 Nov. -
27. Lord Dunglas to J. r. Matthews, Esq. Foreign Office, 5 Nov. -
28. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 8 Nov. -
29. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 8 Nov. -
30. The Earl of Aberdeen to J. r. Matthews, Esq. Foreign Office, 15 Nov. -
31. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 15 Nov. -
32. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 15 Nov. -
33. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 22 Nov. -
34. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 29 Nov. -
35. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen, Lisbon, 29 Nov. -
36. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 29 Nov. -
37. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 6 Dec. -
38. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 6 Dec. -
39. The Earl of Aberdeen to J. r. Matthews, Esq. Foreign Office, 10 Dec. -
40. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 13 Dec. -
41. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 13 Dec. -
42. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 20 Dec. -
43. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen, Lisbon, 22 Dec. -
44. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 31 Dec. -
45. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 31 Dec. -
46. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 31 Dec. -
47. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen, Lisbon, 1 January 1829.
48. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 5 January -
49. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 5 January -
50. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 10 January -
51. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 24 January -
52. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 24 January -
53. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 24 January -
54. Lord Dunglas to J. r. Matthews, Esq. Foreign Office, 5 February -
55. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 7 February -
56. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 7 February -
57. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 7 February -
58. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 14 February -
59. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 14 February -
60. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 21 February -
61. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 21 February -
62. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 21 February -
63. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 24 February -
64. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 2 March -
65. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 7 March -
66. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 26 March -
67. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 21 April -
68. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 25 April -
69. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 23 May -
70. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 30 May -
71. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 6 July -
72. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 18 July -
73. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen, Lisbon, 25 July -
74. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 25 July -
75. J. r. Matthews, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 1 October -
"Correspondence with C. A. Mackenzie Esq. 1829-1830.
"List of Papers.
1. The Earl of Aberdeen to C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. Foreign Office, 28 August 1829.
2. Lord Dunglas to C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. Foreign Office, 18 November -
3. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 20 November -
4. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 5 December -
5. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 12 December -
6. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen, Lisbon, 12 June 1830.
7. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 26 June -
8. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 10 July -
9. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 24 July -
10. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 31 July -
11. The Earl of Aberdeen to C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. Foreign Office, 3 August -
12. Lord Dunglas to C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. Foreign Office, 4 August -
13. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 7 August -
14. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 11 August -
15. Lord Dunglas to C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. Foreign Office, 18 August -
16. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen, Lisbon, 19 August -
17. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 25 August -
18. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 26 August -
19. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 28 August -
20. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 4 September 1830.
21. John Backhouse, Esq. to C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. Foreign Office, 8 September -
22. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to John Backhouse, Esq. Lisbon, 11 September -
23. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 18 September -
24. John Backhouse, Esq. to C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. Foreign Office, 22 September -
25. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 25 September -
26. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 8 October -
27. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 8 October -
28. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 23 October -
29. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 30 October -
30. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 20 November -
31. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 25 November -
32. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Lord Dunglas, Lisbon, 1 December -
33. Sir George Shee to C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. Foreign Office, 7 December -
34. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to John Backhouse, Esq. Lisbon, 11 December -
35. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 11 December -
36. C. A. Mackenzie, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 23 December -
37. J. Meagher, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 31 December -
"Correspondence with r. B. Hoppner Esq.-1831.
"List of Papers.
1. Viscount Palmerston to r. B. Hoppner, Esq. Foreign Office, 14 January 1831.
2. Viscount Palmerston to r. B. Hoppner, Esq. Foreign Office, 14 January -
3. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 15 January -
4. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 15 January -
5. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 27 January, -
6. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 4 February -
7. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 11 February -
8. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 11 February -
9. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 12 February -
10. Viscount Palmerston to r. B. Hoppner, Esq. Foreign Office, 16 February -
11. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 19 February -
12. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 21 February -
13. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 24 February -
14. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 26 February -
15. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 26 February -
16. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 5 March -
17. Viscount Palmerston to r. B. Hoppner, Esq. Foreign Office, 7 March -
18. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 10 March -
19. Sir George Shee to r. B. Hoppner, Esq. Foreign Office, 16 March -
20. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 19 March -
21. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 19 March -
22. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 25 March -
23. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 25 March -
24. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 26 March -
25. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 26 March -
26. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 1 April -
27. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 2 April -
28. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 9 April -
29. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 15 April -
30. Viscount Palmerston to r. B. Hoppner, Esq. Foreign Office, 15 April -
31. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 16 April -
32. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 16 April -
33. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 21 April -
34. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 23 April -
35. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 23 April -
36. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 30 April -
37. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 4 May -
38. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 7 May -
39. B. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 7 May -
40. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 14 May -
41. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 14 May -
42. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 18 May -
43. Viscount Palmerston to r. B. Hoppner, Esq. Foreign Office, 19 May -
44. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 18 June -
45. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 23 July -
46. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 6 August -
47. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 13 August -
48. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 20 August -
49. Viscount Palmerston to r. B. Hoppner, Esq. Foreign Office, 25 August -
"Class B.
"Correspondence relative to the French Demands.
"List of Papers.
1. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 4 February 1831.
2. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 11 February -
3. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 26 February -
4. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 5 March -
5. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 12 March -
6. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 19 March -
7. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 25 March -
8. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 2 April -
9. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 2 April -
10. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 9 April -
11. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 9 April -
12. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 11 April -
13. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 16 April -
14. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 23 April -
15. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 23 April -
16. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 30 April 1831.
17. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 14 May -
18. Viscount Granville to Viscount Palmerston, Paris, 20 May -
19. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, London, 21 May -
20. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, London, 24 May -
21. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, London, 28 May -
22. Viscount d'Asseca to Viscount Palmerston, London, 1 June -
23. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 4 June -
24. Viscount d'Asseca to Viscount Palmerston, London, 7 June -
25. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 10 June -
26. Viscount Granville to Viscount Palmerston, Paris, 13 June -
27. Viscount Palmerston to r. B. Hoppner, Esq. Foreign Office, 17 June -
28. Viscount Palmerston to H. Hamilton, Esq. Foreign Office, 17 June -
29. Viscount Palmerston to Viscount d'Asseca, Foreign Office, 18 June -
30. Hamilton Hamilton, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Paris, 20 June -
31. Viscount d'Asseca to Viscount Palmerston, London, 23 June -
32. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 25 June -
33. Viscount d'Asseca to Viscount Palmerston, London, 28 June -
34. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 2 July -
35. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 2 July -
36. Viscount d'Asseca to Viscount Palmerston, London, 9 July -
37. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 9 July -
38. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 10 July -
39. Viscount Palmerston to Viscount d'Asseca, Foreign Office, 11 July -
40. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 12 July -
41. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 16 July -
42. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 16 July -
43. Viscount d'Asseca to Viscount Palmerston, London, 21 July -
44. Viscount Granville to Viscount Palmerston, Paris, 22 July -
45. Viscount d'Asseca to Viscount Palmerston, London, 23 July -
46. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 23 July -
47. Viscount Granville to Viscount Palmerston Paris, 23 July -
48. Viscount Granville to Viscount Palmerston Paris, 25 July -
49. Viscount Palmerston to Viscount d'Asseca Foreign Office, 26 July -
50. Viscount Granville to Viscount Palmerston Paris, 28 July -
51. Viscount Palmerston to Viscount Granville, Foreign Office, 29 July -
52. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 30 July -
53. Viscount Granville to Viscount Palmerston, Paris, 31 July -
54. Viscount d'Asseca to Viscount Palmerston, London, 1 August -
55. Viscount Granville to Viscount Palmerston, Paris, 1 August -
56. The King's Advocate to Viscount Palmerston Doctors Commons, 9 August -
57. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 13 August -
58. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston, Lisbon, 13 August -
59. r. B. Hoppner, Esq. to Sir George Shee, Lisbon, 20 August -
60. Viscount d'Asseca to Viscount Palmerston, London, 23 August -
61. Viscount Palmerston to Viscount Granville Foreign Office, 24 August -
62. Viscount Palmerston to Viscount d'Asseca, Foreign Office, 25 August -
63. Viscount d'Asseca to Viscount Palmerston, London, 27 August -
64. Viscount Granville to Viscount Palmerston, Paris, 27 August, -

Ordered, That the said Papers do lie on the Table.

reform (England) Bill, Debate on 2d reading resumed:

The Order of the Day being read for resuming the adjourned Debate on the Motion made on Monday last, "That the Bill, intituled, "An Act to amend the representation of the People in England and Wales," be now read a Second Time;" and on the proposed Amendment, to leave out ("now") and insert ("this Day Six Months"); and for the Lords to be summoned;

The Debate was accordingly resumed.

After long Debate,

Debate further adjourned.

Ordered, That the further Debate on the said Motion and Amendment be adjourned 'till To-morrow; and that the Lords be summoned.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Jovis, sextum diem instantis Octobris, horâ undecimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.