Holme Lacy

An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 1, South west. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1931.

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'Holme Lacy', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 1, South west( London, 1931), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/heref/vol1/pp144-152 [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Holme Lacy', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 1, South west( London, 1931), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/heref/vol1/pp144-152.

"Holme Lacy". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Herefordshire, Volume 1, South west. (London, 1931), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/heref/vol1/pp144-152.

In this section

35 HOLME LACY (E.b.).

(O.S. 6 in. (a)XL, N.W., (b)XL, S.W.)

Holme Lacy is a parish on the right bank of the River Wye, 5 m. S.E. of Hereford. The principal monuments are the church and Holme Lacy House.


b(1). Parish Church of St. Cuthbert stands on the low-lying ground within a loop of the River Wye on the E. side of the parish. The walls are of rubble with the exception of those to the W. tower which are of sandstone ashlar; the rubble to the walls at the W. end of the S. aisle is in regularly coursed squared blocks, and the E. and N. walls of the main building together with those of the S. porch retain externally portions of a thin coating of plaster; the roofs are tiled. The South Chapel and the E. end of the South Aisle are the earliest parts of the existing building and date from the second half of the 13th century. A great rebuilding took place about the middle of the first half of the 14th century, and to this period belong the Chancel, the Nave with its arcade, and the South Aisle, but the lower part of the N. wall of the nave is probably of earlier date having been retained when the nave was re-built. The West Tower was added late in the 14th century, and the North Transept and South Porch are additions of probably late 16th or early 17th-century date. During extensive modern alterations, which were completed in 1924, the roof was repaired, the nave arcade was underpinned and pulled over to a vertical position, and a pier was inserted in the former easternmost bay of the nave arcade dividing the bay into two.

Holme Lacy, the Parish Church of St Cuthbert

The building is not without architectural interest, and among the fittings the 16th-century altar tomb, the two 17th-century marble monuments, the Renaissance font and the 15th-century stalls are noteworthy.

Architectural Description—The Chancel (21½ ft. by 19 ft.) has a slightly restored late 14th-century E. window of three cinque-foiled lights with vertical tracery in a two-centred head. In the N. wall are two 14th-century windows each of two trefoiled ogee lights; the eastern one is blocked internally and covered by a 17th-century monument, and the western one has a chamfered segmental-pointed rear-arch. In the S. wall is an arcade of c. 1280 opening into the S. chapel (Plate 7); it is of two bays with two-centred arches of two chamfered orders and a central quatre-foiled pier with moulded capitals and much mutilated moulded base; the E. respond has a triple shafted corbel with a moulded capital and tapering ends, and the W. respond is square, being the E. face of the first pier of the nave-arcade which is a continuation of the chancel-arcade; at the springing is an impost-moulding. There is no structural division between the chancel and the nave.

The South Chapel (22 ft. by 16½ ft.) has an E. window of the same date as the chancel-arcade and is of two trefoiled lights with a trefoil in a two-centred head, in plate-tracery. In the S. wall are two windows; the easternmost is of two plain pointed lights with an open spandrel in a two-centred head, of late 13th-century date but restored; the western window is an original 13th-century lancet with an external rebate. There is no structural division between the S. chapel and S. aisle.

The Nave (68¼ ft. by 18½ ft.) has at the E. end of the N. wall a semi-elliptical arch of two chamfered orders; the outer order is continuous and the inner order is carried on semi-octagonal moulded corbels; it is probably of 16th-century date; further W. are three windows; the two easternmost are of 14th-century date and are each of two trefoiled ogee lights and similar to those in the N. wall of the chancel; the westernmost window is of the same design but modern; in the roof above it is a modern dormer-window; below the middle window are the jambs (lower part only) of an earlier N. doorway. The S. arcade of the nave is of six bays with arches of two chamfered orders, the inner two-centred and dying on to the piers or responds, and the outer segmental pointed and continuous; the piers are all square on plan with stop-chamfered angles; the first or easternmost pier is modern and the former single arch has been transformed into two; at the W. end of the arcade the westernmost arch dies on to the end wall of the building.

The North Transept (18 ft. by 16 ft.) has a modern window in the N. wall and a modern doorway in the W. wall.

The South Aisle (17 ft. wide) has in the S. wall three windows. The easternmost is of c. 1340 and of two trefoiled ogee lights with traceried spandrels in a square head; the second is a small lancet similar to that in the S. chapel; the westernmost is of early to mid 14th-century date and of two trefoiled ogee lights; the S. doorway is of c. 1340 and with jambs of two moulded orders and a two-centred head. In the W. wall is a window of c. 1340 of two trefoiled ogee lights with a quatrefoil in a two-centred head with a moulded label; the mullion is modern.

The West Tower (13 ft. by 12½ ft.) is of late 14th-century date and externally is in two stages with a moulded plinth and western diagonal buttresses, each in three stages stopping at the level of the belfry; the parapet is plain and has on the moulded string-course below it two plain spouts on each wall. The ground stage has in the E. wall a large doorway with jambs and two-centred arch of three chamfered orders. In the W. wall is a narrow inserted doorway with chamfered jambs and four-centred head, which is cut out of a single stone forming the sill of a small window above; this is of the same width as the doorway and has chamfered jambs and a four-centred head; the upper storey of the ground stage has in the W. wall a square-headed window. In each wall of the bell-chamber is an original window of two trefoiled lights.

The South Porch is probably of early 17th-century date. The S. wall is gabled and has a moulded coping with shaped kneelers at the base and a ball-finial on a square base surmounting the apex. The outer archway is similar to the S. doorway.

The Roofs of the chancel and nave are continuous as are also those over the S. chapel and S. aisle; they are of barrel form and plastered.

Fittings—Bells: eight, 4th to 8th by Abraham Rudhall, 1709, the gift of James, Viscount Scudamore. Brass-Indent: under easternmost arch of chancel-arcade, mostly covered by later altar tomb, with marginal border and quatrefoils at angles. Churchyard Cross: with square base with splayed top and lower part of octagonal shaft on two modern steps, mediæval. Coffin Lids: in chancel—re-used as sill of N. window, three fragments with parts of carved cross-heads, late 13th or early 14th-century. In S. chapel—in floor, with ornamental head to cross, within circle carved with conventional design and fleur-de-lis, ornamental circular design on shaft flanked by a chalice and a book, 14th-century, re-used as floor-slab and with superimposed 17th-century inscription (see Floor Slabs (2)). In nave—re-used in sill of middle window in N. wall, part of slab similar to those in N. window of chancel; re-used in sill of westernmost window, part of slab with cusped head of cross. Communion Table: with four massive turned legs in form of Tuscan columns and simple moulded top and bottom rails, early 17th-century, worm-eaten in parts. Door: to S. porch, constructed of two thicknesses of oak planks, nail-studded and clinched together, with two-centred head and wicket door with three-centred head in middle; hung on two large strap-hinges with the upper one curved over and following outline of head of wicket, probably 17th-century. Font: (Plate 39) with circular bowl carved with acanthus leaves and four cherub-heads with outspread wings, circular shaft carved with drapery and four rosettes, and moulded base, second half 17th-century. Funeral Helm: in chancel, supported on old iron bracket on S. wall, surmounted by a crest of a fleur-de-lis coming out of a leopard's head, possibly 16th-century. Glass: in chancel—in N. window, various fragments including in E. light, roundel with bearded head wearing liripipe hood, two female heads, portion of a larger head, sheep feeding, pieces with the word "anima"; in W. light, a head of Christ with crown and cruciform nimbus, part of upper part of body robed and with dislocated hand raised in benediction, also orb and cross, pieces of tabernacle work, etc.; both lights have numerous crowned initials, letters I. and P., 15th-century. Monuments and Floor-slabs: Monuments: in chancel—under easternmost arch of arcade—(1) of John Scudamor [1571] and Sibell [Vaughan of Hargest] his wife, altar-tomb (Plate 45) of c. 1550, with recumbent effigies in alabaster (Plate 52); man in early to mid 16th-century armour with head resting on helm with mantling and crest of a bear's paw, feet resting on lion, sword at left side and two gauntlets on right of right leg, hands in prayer and two chains round neck; woman in costume of period, wearing pedimental head-dress with head resting on cushion, dressed in long gown and hands in prayer and clasping gloves; the noses of both figures and also the fingers restored. Substructure with moulded base and capping and panelled sides with top members of capping inscribed in black letter; E. end of monument with enriched pilasters at either end enclosing panel with two painted shields-of-arms; W. end similar but panel carved with shield-of-arms supported by two angels in alabaster with helm and crest and mantling above; N. and S. sides each with enriched pilasters at ends and divided into three bays by ornamental balusters flanking shields-of-arms; against N. wall, at E. end, (2) of James, son of first Viscount Scudamore, 1668, large monument (Plate 161) of white and grey veined marble erected by his widow, with male effigy in Roman costume reclining on long pedestal with gadrooned top and front carved with inscribed cartouche and cherub-heads; figure and pedestal set in recess with carved curtains and two cherubs holding a wreath and set on panelled base supporting enriched flanking pilasters surmounted by entablature with coved cornice, two flanking urns and cartouche of arms; at sides of pilasters large enriched scrolls; (3) adjoining (2) on W. side, to Jane, wife of James Scudamore, and eldest daughter of Richard Bennet, 1699–1700, elaborate mural monument (Plate 162) of marble with upper part designed in form of architectural composition with seated cherubs at sides and surmounted by three flaming urns, the whole set on a gadrooned cornice above a draped inscription-panel with cherub-heads and cartouche of arms. In churchyard—on S. side of chancel, (4) to William Shaphard, 1695, headstone with simple scroll-top and leaf border; (5) to Anne Stephens, 1707, headstone carved with scrolls, hourglass and leaves; (6) to John Shepherd, 1690, Anne his wife, 1709, and Thomas Shepherd, 1674, headstone with simple scroll-top with drapery at sides; (7) to John, 1660–61, Anne, 1679, and Humphrey, 1670, children of John and Anne Pitt, triple headstone with plain scrolls at head of each panel; (8) to Margery, wife of John Adams, senior, 1699, headstone with scroll-top; (9) to John Spencer, 1711, headstone with simple scroll-top and carved border; against churchyard wall; (10) to Ann, wife of Thomas Phillips, 1709, headstone with scroll-top and carved border; (11) to William (?) son of Rd. [Simons], 1708, and Richard Simons, senior, 1708, twin headstones with scroll-top and drapery at sides; on N. side of churchyard, by vestry door, (12) to Edward Simons, senior, 1711, headstone with carved border; (13) to Rebekah, wife of John Davis, 1711, headstone with scroll-top, cherub-head and carved border; (14) to Mary, wife of John Adams (?) Junior, 1699, headstone with carved and shaped top; (15) to Margery, wife of William Simones, 1668, headstone with simple scroll-top. Floor-slabs: in chancel (1) to John Scudamore, 1713. In S. chapel, (2) cut on mediæval coffin-slab (see Coffin Lids) to Thomas Manfey, vicar, 1643; (3) to Thomas Martin, vicar, 1711, (4) to Henry Smith, vicar, 1669–70, Elenor his daughter, 1698. In nave, (5) to Thomas Rogers, 1673–4, and Mary his daughter, 1707–8, (6) to Anne Chinn, Junior, 1712, with ornamental corners and head; (7) to Thomas Mathews, 1704, with plain incised line border and scrolls at top; (8) to Elizabeth (Sampson), wife of John Hereford, 1712, with incised lines as border and scrolls at top; (9) to Mary daughter of William Smith, 1704, and William Smith, 1737, with incised scrolls at top and small rosette at S. corner; fourth corner broken off and fragment of slab inserted recording burials of two persons of 1709 and 1711–12 respectively. In N. aisle, loose fragment of headstone, now on sill of N.W. nave-window, with date 1678. Panelling: in chancel —against E. wall, moulded and with panels in three heights, early 17th-century with later capping. Piscinæ: in chancel—with square jambs, shouldered head and projecting rectangular drain, 13th-century. In S. chapel—with trefoiled head and octofoiled drain, with slightly projecting chamfered shelf, 13th-century. Plate: includes an Elizabethan cup and cover-paten, both without date-letters, but knob on stem of cup inscribed with date 1576. Seating: in S. chapel— under S.E. window, stone seat. In nave—26 framed benches with open backs, moulded top trails, square and shaped arms at ends and short Tuscan columns as legs; many repaired and some altered with backs made to slope; panelling in front of easternmost benches similar to that in chancel but with carved arabesque work in top panels, cut and rearranged, 17th-century. Stalls: in chancel—two on N. side and three on S. side (Plate 64), with shaped dividing pieces, moulded in front and with much worn carved angels holding shields as elbow rests; misericordes with moulded seats terminating in carved leaves flanking carved undersides as follows—on N. side, (a) a grotesque head; (b) a dog; on S. side, (c) man in short tunic and high top boots (partly damaged), (d) a defaced horned demon, (e) a bird, 15th-century, considerably repaired with introduction of much new material.

Condition—Good generally, but with cracks in N. wall of chancel and S. of W. tower between main wall and buttresses.


Holme Lacy, Plan of Ground Floor

b(2). Holme Lacy House (Plate 163), orangery and outbuildings stand in the N.E. corner of a large park in the middle of the parish with formal gardens to the S. and W. of the house which are noteworthy for the fine old yew hedges which border the walks. The house is of two storeys with cellars and attics; the walls are of sandstone ashlar with Bathstone dressings; the roofs are covered with slates. The house is a large mansion of late 17th-century date, but probably incorporates portions of an earlier house which formerly stood on the site. Though it is said that the rebuilding was conceived by the first Viscount Scudamore, there is little evidence that much was done in his time; his grandson John, the second Viscount, 1650–97, appears to have been responsible for the work. He married Frances, only daughter of John Cecil, fourth Earl of Exeter, c. 1672, and as the arms of Cecil and Scudamore are carved on the external stonework and are incorporated in the internal plaster decoration, the new building may be approximately assigned to the last quarter of the 17th century, but its general appearance is of much later character. It consists of a main central block with cross-wings at the N. and S. ends with the northern wing extending further westward than the southernmost wing; the ends of both the cross-wings project outwards on their respective fronts and there are slightly projecting central features on the fronts of both cross-wings and on the E. front of the central block. It is said that "the approach to the house was from the S.W. through a lofty arch which led into a quadrangle occupied by the Steward's house, stables and kennels" but that when the property devolved to Sir Ewin Scudamore Stanhope in 1820 "the mansion was greatly altered; stone balustrades concealed the original character of the roof and a classical portico on the north side . . . was added." The main entrance to the house is now through this portico and the buildings round the former "quadrangle" have been mostly re-built. Early in the present century the interior of the house was largely stripped of the fine late 17th-century woodcarvings which formerly decorated the walls of the principal rooms. The building was, however, thoroughly restored when it came into the possession of the late Sir Robert Lucas-Tooth. He repaired the whole of the roof, added a large ball-room on the W. side of the central block, inserted a new main staircase, built a new service wing behind the ball-room and staircase and remodelled the interior of the W. end of the N. cross-wing.

The house is an interesting example of a large mansion of the period, and though the interior has suffered by the removal of the old carved woodwork and staircase it retains its late 17th-century plaster ceilings which are noteworthy.

The N., S. and E. Elevations are symmetrically designed and have a slightly projecting plinth below the sills of the ground-floor windows, and at the eaves, a continuous entablature; the cornice is surmounted by a balustrade. The windows, except where otherwise described, are square-headed with moulded sills supported on small shaped brackets and are surrounded by moulded architraves; the windows to the ground-floor are surmounted by plain friezes and moulded cornices, and the middle window to the projecting end blocks on each floor have pediments; all the architraves to the first-floor windows are eared at the head. The roofs are hipped. The N. Elevation or entrance-front has the small central projecting block covered by the porch which was added in 1820, and is approached by a short flight of steps; above the main cornice to the central projection in place of the balustrade is an attic with an achievement-of-arms of Scudamore-Stanhope with supporters of the same date as the porch. In place of the middle windows to the ground-floor of the E. projecting wing is a doorway with a pedimental head; it is approached by a small flight of steps. The E. Elevation has in the middle of the central block a slightly projecting feature, surmounted by a pediment, with, in the tympanum, a cartouche of the arms of Scudamore impaling Cecil surmounted by a coronet. The three ground-floor windows in this projecting feature are round-headed with the architraves to the middle window carried down to the ground-level, the window giving access to the garden. The S. Elevation is practically uniform in design with the E. elevation; in the tympanum of the pediment to the central feature is a cartouche of the Scudamore arms surmounted by a coronet and the central ground-floor window, which has the architraves carried down to the ground-level, has a curved pediment supported on console-brackets. The W. front is mainly covered by later work. The chimney-stacks on the principal fronts have been wholly restored in modern stone. Some of the windows, especially in the return sides of the projecting end blocks, and the three upper windows in the central feature on the E. front, are blocked, having been built only to preserve the symmetry of the elevations. The chimney-stacks, seen only from the roof of the building, on the W. wall of the original central block, are of narrow bricks.

The Interior of the house was restored early in the present century; the new work has been carried out in character with the style of the older work and in many cases it is now difficult to distinguish between them. Many of the panelled doors, moulded architraves, etc., are contemporary with the building, but others are modern and have had figures and cornices added to the architraves during the modern alterations. On the ground-floor the Library has an original moulded cornice with an acanthus-leaf enriched cove; the fire-place has a bolection-moulded surround. The Billiard Room has been altered and has the walls lined for about two-thirds their height with 17th-century panelling. In the central block the Saloon is higher than the adjoining rooms, and occupies the two storeys of the building. It has a moulded skirting, dado-rail and cornice ornamented with acanthus-leaf and egg-and-dart enrichment; the walls are panelled with applied mouldings surrounding the panels. The elaborate plaster ceiling (Plate 164) surmounts a high plaster cove enriched with cartouches-of-arms of Scudamore and Cecil and Scudamore crests, all of which are surrounded by branches of oak and laurel-leaves; above the cove are free-hanging festoons of leaves, fruit and flowers; within the rectangle enclosed by these festoons are three main panels, a large one in the middle and smaller ones at either end, all with segmental ends and enriched with bands of laurel and acanthus-leaves, etc., within the middle part is a large rosette, and in the end panels cartouches with coronets and branches; the smaller spandrel-panels have laurel-leaf borders enclosing naturalistic branches of leaves. The N. Ante-room is lined throughout with late 17th-century oak panelling with moulded dado-rail and cornice carved with acanthus-leaves. The black marble fireplace is surmounted by modern wood carving. The elaborate plaster ceiling (Plate 31) has the main mouldings enriched with laurel-leaves and the square enclosing the central panels has free-hanging swags of fruit, flowers and leaves; semi-circular panels in the middle of each of the sides of the borders have shields of the arms of Scudamore, each surmounted by a coronet and flanked by palm-leaves; in the angle-panels are vases of flowers and naturalistic oak and laurel-leaves; a central rosette in the middle of the ceiling has a surround of laurel-leaves as have also the surrounding angle-panels. The S. Ante-room has a moulded skirting, dado-rail and coved cornice enriched with acanthus-leaves; the walls are panelled with applied mouldings. The enriched plaster ceiling (Plate 31) has a central octagonal panel with enriched mouldings and swags of fruit, flowers and leaves; in the centre of the ceiling is an acanthus-leaf rosette and the angle-panels formed by the octagon have laurel and acanthus-leaf enrichment to the mouldings and contain elaborate cartouches incorporating grotesque masks in the design. The Sitting Room at the E. end of the S. wing is panelled in two heights and has a moulded skirting, dado-rail and cornice with acanthus-leaf enrichment. The ceiling (Plate 31) has a plaster cove, with swags in the corner and the middle of each side, and central oval panel of leaves and flowers on the sides of which are segmental panels each enclosing a shell and scrolls and angle-panels enclosing branches of oak-leaves. The School Room has a panelled dado to the S. and E. walls, and the N.W. walls are lined with panelling in two heights. The fireplace has a bolection-moulded surround and above is an oval plaster panel. The ceiling (Plate 31) has a central rectangular panel with enriched mouldings, and the border has angle-panels enriched with foliated scrolls and wreaths of flowers, and foliage in the middle of each side. The Drawing Room was, until the beginning of the present century, two rooms, the dividing wall having been removed and pillars inserted shortly before the larger alterations and additions were made. At either end of the room is a fireplace of marble, with bolection-moulded surrounds. Both ends of the room have decorated plaster ceilings. The ceiling at the E. end has a central oval panel with enriched mouldings and a garland of swags of leaves and flowers, and in the spandrels are vases of naturalistic leaves and flowers. The ceiling at the W. end of the room rises off a plaster cove decorated with shells and branches of oak in the angles and palm-branches issuing through coronets in the middle of each side; the ceiling has a border of foliated scrolls and a central oval panel of leaves and flowers.

The Business Room has an enriched plaster ceiling with shaped angle-panels to the border, each containing a cartouche with palm and oak branches and a coronet and in the middle of each side a circular laurel-wreath. The late 17th-century staircase at the E. end of the S. wing rises from the ground-floor to the attics; it has turned balusters, moulded strings and handrail, and square newels with ball-finials; at the head of the staircase, opening into the attics, are two late 17th-century two-panelled doors.

On the 1st floor one bedroom in the S. wing has an enriched plaster ceiling with a central quatre-foiled panel and an enriched border with circular panels with scrolls in the spandrels of the quatrefoil; the cornice has acanthus-leaf enrichment.

The Attics have, in the roof over the S. wing, against the chimney-stack, a 17th-century chimney-piece which is now blocked. It is of plaster with a moulded surround, a frieze of conventional laurel-leaves with acanthus-leaf brackets at either end and a moulded cornice; the overmantel has a console-bracket at either end, supporting a narrow moulded cornice and between the brackets, in low relief, is a hunting-scene with a small man with hunting-horn, three hounds, a stag, a small building with a tower, trees, clouds, birds, etc.; the upper part of the overmantel, above the cornice, has been broken off.

The Orangery stands to the W. of the S. end of the house. It is of brick with a stone base, quoins and dressings; it has a hipped roof covered with slates. The front is in five bays with large round-headed windows with moulded architraves and plain keystones; the central window is approached by a short flight of steps. Above the moulded cornice is a brick parapet surmounted by spherical vases. The end walls are each in two bays with a round-headed window in the southernmost bay. The interior is divided into two by a central longitudinal wall, the orangery itself occupying the S. side of the building. The walls to the orangery are plastered and have alternate round and square-headed panels; above is a moulded cornice and the ceiling is plastered.

Condition—Of house, good.

b(3). The Vicarage, 100 yards S.S.W. of the church, is of three storeys with attics. The walls are of brick on a stone base, and have stone dressings to the original windows; the main roofs are covered with modern slates and the roofs to the adjoining additions are pan-tiled. The house was built in the first half of the 17th century on a rectangular plan with a projecting porch in the middle of the E. front and with the back half of the building two storeys lower than the front. Late in the 17th century an addition of one storey with attics was built on the S. side of the house, and this addition was further extended towards the S. either late in the 17th or early in the 18th century. The additions appear to have been of timber-framed construction but refaced with brick at a later date. A modern kitchen-scullery has been added adjoining the main house and W. of the 17th-century extension, and a modern bay-window has been built on the W. front of the original house. The original building is raised on a stone plinth or base with a moulded top, the ground-floor being a few feet above the ground-level owing to the site being liable to floods. Continuous plain brick bands mark the levels of the first and second floors. In the middle of the Front or E. Elevation the projecting porch is carried up the full height of the building and is gabled; the front is symmetrically designed, but all the windows are modern though probably replacing former windows; the doorway is also later; in the roof on either side of the porch-projection is a gabled dormer-window formed by the carrying up of the main front wall. The W. or Back Elevation is also symmetrically designed; it is of one storey with gabled attics at either end; the roof is carried from the eaves in the middle of the front in one long slope up to the ridge of the main roof of the house. On the N. end of the front is a modern bay-window; in each of the gables is an original two-light window with stone mullions. Rising through the roof from the middle of the house are two tall chimney-stacks; both are original and are T-shaped on plan with projecting angle-ribs on the outer faces. The N. Elevation has a gabled E. end, of three storeys with attics; the wall in the middle of the W. end of the front is carried up above the eaves-level in a gable in which is a blocked original window; there are other blocked windows in the front and one original two-light window to the second floor. The S. Elevation was generally similar to the N. front, but has been partly covered by the later additions; there is an original two-light window in the gable at the W. end of the front, but other original windows, though still existing, are blocked.

Inside the building, most of the rooms in the original house have exposed chamfered beams in the ceilings. On the first floor the two front bedrooms each have an original fireplace with stop-chamfered stone jambs; both fireplaces have later heads. On the second floor are two similar fireplaces to the front bedrooms; one of these fireplaces retains the original four-centred head; both of these bedrooms have an early 18th-century twopanelled door. The staircase from the first to the second floor has its original newels and steps, and part of the old string remains. At the top of the stairs from the second floor to the attics is an original newel with a shaped top, and at the foot of the stair is an old plank door hung on two strap-hinges. In the roof in the S. addition is an exposed collar-beam truss with shaped braces between the principal rafters and the collars.


Monuments (4–14):

The following monuments, unless otherwise described, are of the 17th century and of two storeys, timber-framed with plaster and brick infilling; the roofs are covered with thatch, modern slate or tiles. Some of the buildings have original chimney-stacks and exposed beams in the ceiling.

Condition—Good, unless otherwise noted.

a(4). Shipley, farmhouse, now two tenements, about ¾ m. N.W. of the church, is built on a rectangular plan with an addition, probably of the 18th century, at the N. end. A modern addition has been built along the back of the house and there are modern sheds at either end. An old chimney-stack at the S. end of the house has a stone base; the top has been re-built.

b(5). Two cottages on S. side of road, 60 yards E. of the cross-roads about 1¼ m. N.W. of the church. It is possible that the easternmost of the cottages is of earlier origin than the 17th century, having been considerably altered at that date when the second cottage was added.

b(6). Cottage, 120 yards W. of (5), has been much altered, partly re-built and re-roofed; at the S. end is a modern weather-boarded addition.

b(7). Cottage, now two tenements, 50 yards W. of (6), was probably built at two different dates. It is gabled at either end and the roof to the western half has been raised; the building is now under one main roof; it has modern additions on the S. side.

b(8). Cottage, 230 yards W.S.W. of (7), has low modern additions at the back and at the E. end.

b(9). Primrose Bank, house, 150 yards N.W. of (8), was built as a cottage but has been much altered and added to in modern times. The E. side of the original building has been refronted in brick and the roof has been raised. The S. wall is of stone.

b(10). Widow's Wood Cottage, on N.W. side of the road, ¾ m. S.W. of (9), has low modern additions at the N. end and at the back.

b(11). Farmhouse, on S.E. side of the road 260 yards S.W. of (10), is of an irregular T-shaped plan with the cross-wing at the N.W. end. The S.E. end is probably slightly earlier in date than the N.W. end; a modern lean-to addition has been built at the S.E. end, and the house has been converted into two tenements. Part of the building has been refronted in brick.

b(12). Ramsden Buildings, two cottages, 720 yards W.S.W. of (11); both have modern additions.

b(13). Billingsley Farm, farmhouse, 1180 yards S.S.E. of (12), is of two storeys with cellar. The walls are mainly of stone; some are timber-framed with brick infilling, and some have been refronted with brick. It has been considerably altered.

b(14). Canondale, farmhouse, 660 yards S.W. of (13), is built partly of stone and partly of timber-framing with brick infilling. The older part of the building is T-shaped on plan with the cross-wing at the S. end. A later extension has been made to the W. end of the cross-wing and modern additions have been built on the W. side and on the N. end of the N. wing; the building has been much altered. The E. end of the cross-wing is of one storey only; the N. wing of the old part of the house has timber-framed and brick walls with heavy constructional timbers.