House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 22 September 1831

Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, [n.d.].

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'House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 22 September 1831', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831( London, [n.d.]), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 22 September 1831', in Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831( London, [n.d.]), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"House of Lords Journal Volume 63: 22 September 1831". Journal of the House of Lords: Volume 63, 1830-1831. (London, [n.d.]), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.


In this section

Die Jovis, 22 °Septembris 1831.

DOMINI tam Spirituales quam Temporales præsentes fuerunt:

Dux Cumberland.
Archiep. Cantuar.
Ds. Brougham
& Vaux,
Epus. Londinen.
Epus. Bath. et Well.
Epus. Bristol.
Epus. Corcagen, &c.
Ds. Saye & Sele.
Ds. Arundell of Wardour.
Ds. Teynham.
Ds. Stafford.
Ds. Colville of Culross.
Ds. Napier.
Ds. Monson.
Ds. Boston.
Ds. Holland.
Ds. Ducie.
Ds. Foley.
Ds. Montagu.
Ds. Suffield.
Ds. Kenyon.
Ds. Douglas of Douglas.
Ds. Auckland.
Ds. Mendip.
Ds. Lilford.
Ds. Carbery.
Ds. Farnham.
Ds. Dunalley.
Ds. Redesdale.
Ds. Ellenborough.
Ds. Barham.
Ds. Lynedoch.
Ds. Meldrum.
Ds. Bexley.
Ds. Somerhill.
Ds. Wharncliffe.
Ds. Feversham.
Ds. Seaford.
Ds. Lyndhurst.
Ds. Fife.
Ds. Tenterden.
Ds. Plunket.
Ds. Melros.
Ds. Cowley.
Ds. Clanwilliam.
Ds. Skelmersdale.
Ds. Wallace.
Ds. Wynford.
Ds. Fingall.
Ds. Sefton.
Ds. Clements.
Ds. Rossie.
Ds. Dover.
Ds. Howden.
Ds. Panmure.
Ds. Templemore.
March. Lansdowne, Præses.
Dux Richmond.
Dux Grafton.
Dux Wellington.
March. Winchester.
March. Salisbury.
March. Thomond.
March. Westmeath.
Comes Westmorland.
Comes Thanet.
Comes Essex.
Comes Carlisle.
Comes Doncaster.
Comes Shaftesbury.
Comes Jersey.
Comes Selkirk.
Comes Dartmouth.
Comes Tankerville.
Comes Graham.
Comes Guilford.
Comes Bathurst.
Comes Clarendon.
Comes Beverley.
Comes Mansfield.
Comes Carnarvon.
Comes Charlemont.
Comes Wicklow.
Comes Caledon.
Comes Rosslyn.
Comes Gosford.
Comes Charleville.
Comes Orford.
Comes Grey.
Comes Harrowby.
Comes Mulgrave.
Comes Morley.
Comes Bradford.
Comes Eldon.
Comes Falmouth.
Comes Vane.
Comes Munster.
Comes Camperdown.
Vicecom. Leinster.
Vicecom. Hood.
Vicecom. Gordon.
Vicecom. Goderich.
Ds. Melbourne, Unus Primariorum
Ds. Dacre.
Ds. Stourton.
Ds. Howard of Effingham.


Mackenzie v. Rose.

The Answer of Hugh Rose Esquire, of Glastullich, to the Petition and Appeal of Murdo Mackenzie Esquire, of Ardross, was this Day brought in.

Gillon v. Mackinlay et al:

After hearing Counsel for the Appellant this Day upon the Petition and Appeal of William Downe Gillon Esquire, of Wallhouse, in the County of Linlithgow; complaining of an Interlocutor of the Lord Ordinary in Scotland, of the 12th November 1829; and also of an Interlocutor of the Lords of Session there, of the Second Division, of the 30th November 1830; and praying, "That the same might be reversed, varied or altered, or that the Appellant might have such Relief in the Premises, as to this House, in their Lordships great Wisdom, should seem meet;" as also upon the Answer of Archibald Mackinlay, Merchant in Edinburgh, Robert Ogilvy, Merchant in Leith, and others, for themselves, and also as Commissioners for winding up the Affairs of the late Edinburgh and Leith Shipping Company, put in to the said Appeal; and Counsel appearing for the Respondents in the said Appeal; the Counsel were directed to withdraw:

Interlocutors Affirmed, with Costs.

Ordered and Adjudged, by the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled, That the said Petition and Appeal be, and is hereby dismissed this House, and that the Interlocutors therein complained of, be, and the same are hereby Affirmed: And it is further Ordered, That the Appellant do pay or cause to be paid to the said Respondents the Sum of One hundred and fifty Pounds, for their Costs in respect of the said Appeal.

Sir S. Stirling & Pearson v. Kelly et al. et e con.

After hearing Counsel, in Part, in the Cause wherein Sir Samuel Stirling Baronet and Alexander Pearson are Appellants, and Mrs. Marian Kelly or M'Kenzie, and others, are Respondents, et e contra:

It is Ordered, That the further Hearing of the said Cause be put off 'till To-morrow.

Bills passed by Commission.

The Lord Chancellor acquainted the House, "That His Majesty had been pleased to issue a Commission to several Lords therein named, for declaring His Royal Assent to several Acts agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament."

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed.

Then Three of the Lords Commissioners, being in their Robes, and seated on a Form placed between the Throne and the Woolsack, The Lord Chancellor in the Middle, with The Duke of Richmond on his Right Hand, and The Earl of Shaftesbury on his Left; commanded the Yeoman Usher of the Black Rod to signify to the Commons, "The Lords Commissioners desire their immediate Attendance in this House, to hear the Commission read."

Who being come, with their Speaker;

The Lord Chancellor said,

"My Lords, and Gentlemen of the House of Commons,

"His Majesty, not thinking fit to be personally present here at this Time, has been pleased to cause a Commission to be issued under the Great Seal, and thereby given His Royal Assent to divers Acts which have been agreed upon by both Houses of Parliament, the Titles whereof are particularly mentioned; and by the said Commission hath commanded us to declare and notify His Royal Assent to the said several Acts, in the Presence of you the Lords and Commons assembled for that Purpose: Which Commission you will now hear read."

Then the said Commission was read by the Clerk as follows; (viz t.)


"William the Fourth, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith; To Our right trusty and right well-beloved the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and to Our trusty and well-beloved the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses, and the Commissioners for Shires and Burghs of the House of Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, Greeting: Whereas in Our said Parliament divers and sundry Acts have been agreed and accorded on by you Our loving Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this Our present Parliament assembled, and endorsed by you as hath been accustomed, the Titles and Names of which Acts hereafter do particularly ensue; (that is to say,) "An Act to amend an Act of the Fifty-second Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, respecting the Audit of the Public Accounts of Ireland; and to appoint the Number of Commissioners competent to grant Quietus to Public Accountants under an Act passed in the Fifty-sixth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, for consolidating the Public Revenues of Great Britain and Ireland:" "An Act to amend several Acts passed for authorizing the Issue of Exchequer Bills and the Advance of Money for carrying on Public Works and Fisheries, and Employment of the Poor; and to authorize a further Issue of Exchequer Bills of the Purposes of the said Acts:" "An Act to amend an Act of the Fourteenth Year of His Majesty King George the Third, for establishing a Fund towards defraying the Charges of the Administration of Justice and Support of the Civil Government within the Province of Quebec, in America:" "An Act to amend the Laws relating to Hackney Carriages, and to Waggons, Carts and Drays, used in the Metropolis; and to place the Collection of the Duties on Hackney Carriages and on Hawkers and Pedlars in England under the Commissioners of Stamps:" "An Act to explain and amend Two Acts of the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-eighth Years of His Majesty King George the Third, so far as the same relate to Double Assessments of the Land Tax:" "An Act to amend the Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in England, so far as they relate to certain Exemptions from Toll:" "An Act to enable the Treasurer of the County of Clare to issue his Warrants for the levying of the Presentments made at the Spring Assizes of the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty-one:" "An Act for more effectually improving the Road from the Pondyards, in the County of Hertford, to the Town of Chipping Barnet, in the same County:" "An Act for vesting in Trustees a legal Estate, which on the Death of Joseph Crewe escheated to His Majesty and The Lord Bishop of Bangor, in an Undivided Third Part of certain Hereditaments in the County of Denbigh, in order to effect a Partition directed by the Court of Chancery:" "An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Hugh Kinnaird Esquire with Ann his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Purposes:" "An Act for naturalizing Herman Hinrich Flathmann." And albeit the said Acts by you Our said Subjects, the Lords and Commons in this Our present Parliament assembled, are fully agreed and consented unto, yet nevertheless the same are not of Force and Effect in the Law without Our Royal Assent given and put to the said Acts; And for as much as for divers Causes and Considerations We cannot conveniently at this Time be present in Our Royal Person in the Higher House of Our said Parliament, being the accustomed Place for giving Our Royal Assent to such Acts as have been agreed upon by you Our said Subjects, the Lords and Commons, We have therefore caused these Our Letters Patent to be made, and have signed the same, and by the same do give and put Our Royal Assent to the said Acts, and to all Articles, Clauses and Provisions therein contained, and have fully agreed and assented to the said Acts; Willing that the said Acts, and every Article, Clause, Sentence and Provision therein contained, from henceforth shall be of the same Strength, Force and Effect, as if We had been personally present in the said Higher House, and had openly and publicly, in the Presence of you all, assented to the same: And We do by these Presents declare and notify the same Our Royal Assent, as well to you the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons aforesaid, as to all others whom it may concern; Commanding also by these Presents Our well-beloved and faithful Councillor Henry Lord Brougham and Vaux, Our Chancellor of that Part of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Great Britain, to seal these Our Letters Patent with Our Great Seal of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; and also commanding Our most dear Brothers and faithful Councillors Ernest Duke of Cumberland, Augustus Duke of Sussex, Adolphus Duke of Cambridge; Our most dear Cousin and faithful Councillor William Frederick Duke of Gloucester; The Most Reverend Father in God and Our faithful Councillor William Archbishop of Canterbury, Primate and Metropolitan of all England; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillor Henry Lord Brougham and Vaux, Chancellor of that Part of Our United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Great Britain; Our most dear Cousin and Councillor Henry Marquess of Lansdowne, President of Our Council; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillor John George Lord Durham, Keeper of Our Privy Seal; Our most dear Cousins and Councillors William Spencer Duke of Devonshire, Chamberlain of Our Household; Charles Duke of Richmond, George William Frederick Duke of Leeds, William Henry Duke of Portland, Arthur Duke of Wellington, Richard Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Marquess Wellesley, Steward of Our Household; Charles Marquess of Winchester, John Jeffreys Marquess Camden, Henry William Marquess of Anglesey, John Earl of Westmorland, George Earl of Carlisle, Cropley Ashley Earl of Shaftesbury, George Earl of Aberdeen, William Earl Fitzwilliam, George John Earl Spencer, John Earl of Chatham, Henry Earl Bathurst, Charles Earl Grey, John Earl of Eldon, John William Earl of Dudley, William Viscount Melbourne, Robert Viscount Melville, Henry Viscount Sidmouth, Frederick John Viscount Goderich; Our well-beloved and faithful Councillors Henry Richard Lord Holland, William Wyndham Lord Grenville, Edward Lord Ellenborough, Nicholas Lord Bexley, John Singleton Lord Lyndhurst and Charles Lord Tenterden, or any Three or more of them, to declare and notify this Our Royal Assent in Our Absence in the said Higher House, in the Presence of you, the said Lords and Commons of Our Parliament, there to be assembled for that Purpose; and the Clerk of Our Parliaments to endorse the said Acts with such Terms and Words, in Our Name, as is requisite, and hath been accustomed for the same, and also to enrol these Our Letters Patent, and the said Acts, in the Parliament Roll; and these Our Letters Patent shall be to every of them a sufficient Warrant in that Behalf: And finally, We do declare and will, that after this Our Royal Assent given and passed by these Presents, and declared and notified as is aforesaid, then and immediately the said Acts shall be taken, accepted and admitted good, sufficient and perfect Acts of Parliament and Laws, to all Intents, Constructions and Purposes, and to be put in due Execution accordingly, the Continuance or Dissolution of this Our Parliament, or any other Use, Custom, Thing or Things to the contrary thereof notwithstanding. In Witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent.

"Witness Ourself at Westminster, the Twenty-second Day of September, in the Second Year of Our Reign.

"By the King Himself, signed with His own Hand.


Then The Lord Chancellor said,

"In obedience to His Majesty's Commands, and by virtue of the Commission which has been now read, We do declare and notify to you, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in Parliament assembled, that His Majesty hath given His Royal Assent to the several Acts in the Commission mentioned; and the Clerks are required to pass the same in the usual Form and Words."

Then the Deputy Clerk of the Crown, at the Table, read the Titles of the Bills to be passed, severally, as follow; (viz t.)

1. "An Act to amend an Act of the Fifty-second Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, respecting the Audit of the Public Accounts of Ireland; and to appoint the Number of Commissioners competent to grant Quietus to Public Accountants under an Act passed in the Fifty-sixth Year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third, for consolidating the Public Revenues of Great Britain and Ireland."

2. "An Act to amend several Acts passed for authorizing the Issue of Exchequer Bills and the Advance of Money for carrying on Public Works and Fisheries, and Employment of the Poor; and to authorize a further Issue of Exchequer Bills for the Purposes of the said Acts."

3. "An Act to amend an Act of the Fourteenth Year of His Majesty King George the Third, for establishing a Fund towards defraying the Charges of the Administration of Justice and Support of the Civil Government within the Province of Quebec, in America."

4. "An Act to amend the Laws relating to Hackney Carriages, and to Waggons, Carts and Drays, used in the Metropolis; and to place the Collection of the Duties on Hackney Carriages and on Hawkers and Pedlars in England under the Commissioners of Stamps."

5. "An Act to explain and amend Two Acts of the Thirty-fourth and Thirty-eighth Years of His Majesty King George the Third, so far as the same relate to Double Assessments of the Land Tax."

6. "An Act to amend the Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in England, so far as they relate to certain Exemptions from Toll."

7. "An Act to enable the Treasurer of the County of Clare to issue his Warrants for the levying of the Presentments made at the Spring Assizes of the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty-one."

8. "An Act for more effectually improving the Road from the Pondyards, in the County of Hertford, to the Town of Chipping Barnet, in the same County."

To these Bills the Royal Assent was pronounced, severally, by the Clerk Assistant, in these Words; (viz t.)

"Le Roy le veult."

9. "An Act for vesting in Trustees a legal Estate, which on the Death of Joseph Crewe escheated to His Majesty and The Lord Bishop of Bangor, in an Undivided Third Part of certain Hereditaments in the County of Denbigh, in order to effect a Partition directed by the Court of Chancery."

10. "An Act to dissolve the Marriage of Hugh Kinnaird Esquire with Ann his now Wife, and to enable him to marry again; and for other Puposes."

11. "An Act for naturalizing Herman Hinrich Flathmann."

To these Bills the Royal Assent was pronounced, severally, by the Clerk Assistant, in these Words; (viz t.)

"Soit fait comme il est desiré."

Then the Commons withdrew.

The House was adjourned during Pleasure.

The House was resumed.

Elective Franchise, Petition of Freemen of Sandwich resident in Margate respecting.

Upon reading the Petition of the Freemen of Sandwich resident in Margate, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying their Lordships, "That the same Indulgence may be granted to them which has been extended to other Places, and that the resident Freemen of the Towns of Ramsgate and Margate may be continued the Privilege of voting in Perpetuity at the Sandwich Elections: That if the Privilege of voting in Perpetuity be denied them, that the Petitioners, being the resident Freemen of Margate and Ramsgate, may have continued to them the Right of voting at the Sandwich Elections during the Term of their natural Lives:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Reform of Parliament, Petition from Navan in favor of.

Upon reading the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of Navan, in the County of Meath, whose Names are thereunto subscribed; praying their Lordships "to pass the Measure for amending the Representation of the People in Parliament:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

London, &c. Coal Bill referred to a Select Comee under Standing Order 198.

Ordered, That the Bill, intituled, "An Act for regulating the Vend and Delivery of Coals in the Cities of London and Westminster, and in certain Parts of the Counties of Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Essex, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire," be referred to a Select Committee to enquire into the Expediency or Inexpediency of the Regulations therein contained, pursuant to the Standing Order No. 198; and to report to the House.

The Lords following were named of the said Committee:

L. Melbourne.
L. Auckland.
L. Ellenborough.
L. Wharncliffe.
L. President.
L. Privy Seal.
D. Northumberland.
D. Wellington.
E. Elgin.
E. Bathurst.
E. Rosslyn.
E. Grey.
E. Eldon.
E. Vane.
E. Dudley.

Their Lordships, or any Five of them, to meet Tomorrow, at Twelve o'Clock at Noon, in the Prince's Lodgings, near the House of Peers; and to adjourn as they please.

Reform (England) Bill.

A Message was brought from the House of Commons, by Lord John Russell and others;

With a Bill, intituled, "An Act to amend the Representation of the People in England and Wales;" to which they desire the Concurrence of this House.

The said Bill was read the First Time.

Ordered, That the said Bill be printed.

Lords summoned.

Ordered, That all the Lords be summoned to attend the Service of the House on Monday the 3d of October next.

Waterloo Bridge New Street Bill:

Hodie 3a vice lecta est Billa, intituled, "An Act to authorize and empower the Commissioners appointed by an Act of the Seventh Year of His late Majesty King George the Fourth, for extending to Charing Cross, the Strand and Places adjacent, the Powers of an Act for making a more convenient Communication from Mary-le-bone Park, to make and form a New Street from the Strand to Charles Street, Covent Garden, and to widen the North End of Bow Street into Long Acre; and for other Purposes."

Then the following Amendment was made to the said Bill:

Pr. 3. L. 1. After ("of") insert ("Saint Mary-leStrand")

The Question was put, "Whether this Bill, with the Amendment, shall pass?"

It was resolved in the Affirmative.

Message to H.C. with an Amendment to it.

A Message was sent to the House of Commons, by Sir Giffin Wilson and Mr. Roupell;

To return the said Bill, and acquaint them, That the Lords have agreed to the same, with One Amendment, to which their Lordships desire their Concurrence.

Surplus Ways and Means Bill reported:

The House (according to Order) was adjourned during Pleasure, and put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act to apply the Surplus of Ways and Means, and a Sum out of the Consolidated Fund, to the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and thirty-one."

After some Time, the House was resumed:

And The Earl of Shaftesbury reported from the Committee, "That they had gone through the Bill, and directed him to report the same to the House, without any Amendment."

Order for 3a.

Ordered, That the said Bill be read the Third Time To-morrow.

Bankruptcy Court Bill.

The Order of the Day being read for the House to be put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act to establish a Court in Bankruptcy;" and for the Lords to be summoned;

The House was accordingly adjourned during Pleasure, and put into a Committee upon the said Bill.

After some Time, the House was resumed.

Ordered, That the House be again put into a Committee upon the said Bill To-morrow; and that the Lords be summoned.

Prescription Bill:

The Order of the Day being read for the House to be put into a Committee upon the Bill, intituled, "An Act for shortening the Time of Prescription in certain Cases;" and for the Lords to be summoned;

The House was accordingly adjourned during Pleasure, and put into a Committee upon the said Bill.

After some Time, the House was resumed:

And The Earl of Shaftesbury reported from the Committee, "That they had gone through the Bill, and made some Amendments thereto, which he was ready to report, when the House will please to receive the same."

Ordered, That the said Report be received To-morrow.

The King's Consent signified to it.

The Lord Holland acquainted the House, "That His Majesty, having been informed of the Contents of the last-mentioned Bill, was pleased to consent (as far as His Majesty's Interest is concerned) that their Lordships may proceed therein as they shall think fit."

Tweddal & Goudie v. Fleming et al. Appellants Petition for Time for their Case, referred to Appeal Comee.

Upon reading the Petition of Jane Tweddal and Adam Goudie, Appellants in a Cause depending in this House, to which Doctor John Barrie Fleming, and others, are Respondents; praying their Lordships "to allow them Eight Weeks further Time to lodge their Case, or such other Period as to their Lordships may seem meet and reasonable:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the Committee appointed to consider of the Causes in which Prints of the Appellants and Respondents Cases, now depending in this House in Matters of Appeals and Writs of Error, have not been delivered, pursuant to the Standing Orders of this House.

Tweddal & Goudie v. Fleming, Appellants Petition for Time for their Case, referred to Appeal Comee.

Upon reading the Petition of Jane Tweddal and Adam Goudie, Appellants in a Cause depending in this House, to which Doctor John Barrie Fleming is Respondent; praying their Lordships "to allow them Eight Weeks further Time to lodge their Case, or such other Period as to their Lordships may seem meet and reasonable:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the last-mentioned Committee.

Mackenzie v. Rose, Respondent's Petition to lodge his Case, referred to Appeal Comee.

Upon reading the Petition of Hugh Rose Esquire, Respondent in a Cause depending in this House, to which Murdo Mackenzie Esquire is Appellant; praying, "That their Lordships may be pleased to give Directions that his Case may be received:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition be referred to the last-mentioned Committee.

Papers relative to the Slave Trade, delivered.

The Earl Grey (by His Majesty's Command) presented to the House,

"Papers relating to the Slave Trade, 1830, in Two Classes:-

"Class A. Correspondence with the British Commissioners:-

"Class B. Correspondence with Foreign Powers;" with Lists thereof.

Which Lists were read by the Clerk as follow; (viz t.)

"Class A.

"SIERRA LEONE. (General.)
No. Date & Receipt. Subject.
1. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 20, 1829
R. Jan. 27,1830
Detention, of "La Laure," French Schooner.
2. William Smith, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Nov. 3, 1829
R. Jan. 27, 1830
Appointment of Mr. Samuel Bid-well.
3. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 5, -
R. March 7, -
Vessels adjudicated in 1829.
One Enclosure.
4. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 5, -
R. March 7, -
Slaves registered, as emancipated, July 5,1829, to January 5,1830.
One Enclosure.
5. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 23, -
R. March 7, -
Detention of "La Louise," - released by her Captor.
6. William Smith, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. March 22, -
R. June 3, -
Application for conditional Leave of Absence.
7. William Smith, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 27, -
R. June 15, -
Mr. Lewis sworn in as Registrar.
8. The Earl of Aberdeen to William Smith, Esq. D July 2, 1830 Conditional Leave of Absence granted.
9. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. June 15, -
R. Aug. 17, -
Report on Slave-trade near Sierra Leone.
10. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. Aug. 31, - To inform H. M's Cruizers of the Movements of Slave-vessels.
11. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 5, -
R. Sept. 24, -
Slaves registered, as emancipated, January to July 1830.
One Enclosure.
12. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 13, -
R. Oct. 10, -
Seizure of the "Nossa Senhora da Guia," at Sierra Leone.
13. Sir George Shee to H. M's Commrs D. Dec. 9, - Mortality on board Prizes on their way to Sierra Leone.
One Enclosure.
14. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberbeen D. Sept. 21, -
R. Dec. 16, -
Report on Slave-trade near Sierra Leone.
15. Viscount Palmerston to H. M's Commrs D. Dec. 23, - Instructions to H. M's Cruizers.
One Enclosure.
16. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 18, -
R. Dec. 27, -
Report on Slave-trade near Sierra Leone.
One Enclosure.
17. Viscount Palmerston to H M's Commrs D. Dec. 31, - Slave-trade near Sierra Leone.
18. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Nov. 21, 1829
R. March 4, 1830
"Octavio" condemned.
One Enclosure.
19. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Nov. 28, 1829
R. March 4, 1830
"Cristina" condemned.
One Enclosure.
20. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 5, -
R. March 7, -
Abstract of Proceedings, 1829.
One Enclosure.
21. H. M's Commrs to John Backhouse, Esq. D. Jan. 5, -
R. March 7, -
Cases adjudicated, Half Year to January 5,1831.
One Enclosure.
22. William Smith, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 3, -
R. June 3, -
"Maria de la Conception" captured.
23. William Smith, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 8, -
R. June 3, -
"Manzanares" captured.
24. William Smith, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 15, -
R. June. 15, -
Slaves of the "Maria de la Conception" and "Manzanares."
Two Enclosures.
25. William Smith, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 26, -
R. June 15, -
"Altimara" captured.
26. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 12, -
R. July 19, -
"Maria de la Conception" condemned.
One Enclosure.
27. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 12, - "Manzanares" condemned.
R. July 19, -
One Enclosure.
28. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 12, -
R. July 19, -
"Altimara" condemned.
One Enclosure.
29. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May. 29, -
R. Aug. 6, -
"Loreto," or "Corunera," condemned.
One Enclosure.
30. H. M's Commrs to John Backhouse, Esq. D. July 5, -
R. Sept. 24, -
Cases adjudicated, Half Year to July 5, 1830.
One Enclosure.
31. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Aug. 31, -
R. Nov. 14, -
"Santiago," or "Polasqui," condemned.
One Enclosure.
32. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 18, -
R Dec. 27, -
"Atafa Primo" released.
Three Enclosures.
33. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 18, -
R. Dec. 27, -
"Veloz Passagera" condemned.
One Enclosure.
34. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 30, -
R. Dec. 27, -
"Nueva Isabelita," or "Numero Uno," condemned.
Two Enclosures.
35. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 30, -
R. Dec. 27, -
"Pajarito" released by her Captor; Slaves emancipated by her Owner.
One Enclosure.
"SIERRA LEONE. (Brazil.)
36. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 10, 1829
R. Jan. 27,1830
"Santa Jago" condemned.
One Enclosure.
37. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. Feb. 28, - Period of the Abolition of Brazilian Slave-trade.
38. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 5, -
R. March 7, -
Abstract of Proceedings, 1829.
One Enclosure.
39. H. M's Commrs to John Backhouse, Esq. D. Jan. 5, -
R. March 7, -
Cases adjudicated, Half-year to January 5,1830.
One Enclosure.
40. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 29, -
R. April 16, -
Abolition of Brazilian Slave-trade.
41. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 29, -
R. April 16, -
Hypothetical Case of Brazilian Slave-trade.
42. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 8, -
R. April 26, -
"Emilia" condemned.
One Enclosure.
43. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 20, -
R. April 26, -
"Tentadora" condemned.
Two Enclosures.
44. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. March 20, -
R. May 17, -
Acknowledgment of Approval of Conduct in the Case of M. de Paiva's Protest.
45. William Smith, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 6. -
R. June 3, -
"Nova Resolucao" captured.
46. William Smith, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 15, -
R. June 15, -
"Nova Resolucao" Slaves landed.
47. William Smith, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 15, -
R. June 17, -
Manner in which Brazilians may still carry on the Slave-trade.
48. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 4, -
R. June 29, -
"Emilia" (Brigantine) condemned.
One Enclosure.
49. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 5, -
R. June 29, -
"Nao Lendia" condemned.
One Enclosure.
50. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 15, -
R. July 19, -
"Nossa Senhora da Guia" condemned.
One Enclosure.
51. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 15, -
R. July 19, -
"Primeira Rosalia" condemned.
One Enclosure.
52. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 15, 1830
R. July 19, -
"Umbelina" condemned. - Mortality on board Prizes on the Way to Sierra Leone.
Two Enclosures.
53. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 15, -
R. July 19, -
"Nova Resolucao" condemned:
One Enclosure.
54. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 27, -
R. Aug. 6, -
"Ismenia." - Presence of the Captor demanded by the Brazilian Commissary Judge.
55. H. M's Commrs to John Backhouse, Esq. D. July. 5, -
R. Sept. 24, -
Cases adjudicated, Half-year to July 5, 1830.
One Enclosure.
56. Viscount Palmerston to H. M's Commrs D. Dec. 10, - "Voador." - M. Mattos Complaint, and the Answer thereto.
Two Enclosures.
"SIERRA LEONE (Portugal.)
57. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 5, 1830
R. March 7, -
Cases adjudicated 1829.
One Enclosure.
58. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. June 14, -
R. Aug. 17, -
Importation of Slaves, Cape de Verdes.
One Enclosure.
"SIERRA LEONE. (Netherlands.)
59. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 5, 1830
R. March 7, -
Abstract of Proceedings, 1829.
One Enclosure.
60. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. April 7, - "Jules" and "Jeune Eugenie." Approval.
61. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept. 16, -
R. Nov. 14, -
"Jules" and "Jeune Eugenie." Acknowledgment.
62. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Nov. 28, 1829
R. Jan. 29, 1830
British Subjects serving in Slave vessels.
Three Enclosures.
63. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Nov. 30, 1829
R. March 9, 1830
Departure of "Iberia." Arrival of the "Ligera," "Amistad Habanera," "Ricardo," and "Almirante."
64. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Dec. 2, 1829
R. March 9, 1830
"Gallito" condemned.
Five Enclosures.
65. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Dec. 30, 1829
R. March 9, 1830
"William Gardner" and "Urraca" sailed. "Nueva Amalia" and "Maria" arrived.
Five Enclosures.
66. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Dec. 31, 1829
R. March 9, 1830
"Assumpcion" and "Ligera" sailed.
67. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Dec. 31, 1829
R. March 9, 1830
Slaves registered as emancipated, 1829.
One Enclosure.
68. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 1, -
R. March 9, -
Number of Despatches, 1829.
69. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 1, -
R. March 9, -
Cases adjudicated, Half-year to January 1, 1830.
One Enclosure.
70. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 1, -
R. March 9, -
Report on Slave-trade.
Three Enclosures.
71. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 13, -
R. March 9, -
"Nueva Amalia" and "Pantica" arrived. "Maria" sailed.
One Enclosure.
72. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 30, -
R. March 9, -
"Herculina," "Aerostatica," and "Marenerito," arrived.
One Enclosure.
73. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. April 24, - Additional Article to the Treaty with Spain refused.
74. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 20, -
R. April 26, -
"Aguila," "Prueba," and "Primeira," arrived.
75. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 24, -
R. April 26, -
British Subjects engaged in Slavetrade.
76. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. March 2, -
R. May 1, -
"Aerostatica," Barbarila," and "Pajarito," sailed. "Planeta," "Segun el tiempo," "Marinero," and "Potosi," arrived.
77. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to John Backhouse, Esq. D. March 4, -
R. May 1, -
British subjects on board the "Midas."
One Enclosure.
78. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. March 17, -
R. May 1, -
"Pajarito," "Marinerito," and "Asturiana," sailed, "Tentativa" and "Segunda Gallega" arrived.
One Enclosure.
79. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. May, 7, - British Subjects, on board the "Midas."
Three Enclosures.
80. W.S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 6, -
R. May 27, -
"Rapido," Manuelito," and "Gallega," arrived "Rapido" and "Segunda Gallega" sailed.
81. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. June, 28, - British Subjects on board the "Midas."
Two Enclosures.
82. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 22, -
R. June. 29, -
"Manzanares" and "Gallega" arrived. "Bella Juliana" sailed.
83. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 23, -
R. June 29. -
"Santa Rosa."
Five Enclosures.
84. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 6. -
R. June, 29, -
"Santiago" captured.
Five Enclosures.
85. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to John Backhouse, Esq. D. May 10, -
R. July 1, -
Presence of the Captor at the Adjudication of his Prize.
One Enclosure.
86. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 22,-
R. June 29, -
"Santiago" condemned.
Three Enclosures.
87. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. July 19, - "Santiago." Crews of Prizes.
88. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 28, -
R. Aug. 1, -
"Primeira Gallega" sailed. "Catalana" arrived.
89. W.S. Macleay. Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. June 16,-
R. Aug. 1, -
"Almirante," "Manuelita," and "Pantica," sailed. "Andromaca" arrived.
90. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. Aug. 18,- "Santa Rosa."
91. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. Aug. 31, - To communicate Information respecting Slavers to H. M's Cruizers.
92. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. June 29, -
R. Sept. 14, -
"Emilio," alias "Cæsar," condemned.
Four Enclosures.
93. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 1, 1830
R. Sept. 14, -
Cases adjudicated, January to June 1830.
One Enclosure.
94. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 2, -
R. Sept. 14, -
British Subjects on board the "Emilio."
Two Enclosures.
95. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 3, -
R. Sept. 14, -
"Prueba" sailed. "Amistad Habanera," "Asumpcion," "Iberia," and "Urraca," arrived.
96. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 17, -
R. Sept. 14, -
Remarks on the Refusal of Spain to accede to the additional Article.
One Enclosure.
97. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 19, -
R. Sept. 14, -
"Indagadora," "Negrito," and "Servando," alias "Gallo," arrived. "Dos Amigos" and "Lyon" sailed.
98. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 31, -
R.Sept. 14, -
"Barbarita" arrived "Andromaca," "Urraca," Joven Maria," "Amistad Habenera," and "Indagadora," sailed.
99. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Aug. 20, -
R. Sept. 27, -
Three Enclosures.
100. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. Oct. 11, - British Subjects on board the "St. Jago" and "Midas."
One Enclosure.
101. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept. 13, -
R. Nov. 10, -
British Subjects engaged in Slave-Trade, Acknowledgment.
102. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept. 18, -
R. Nov. 10, -
"Indagadora" sailed. "Ligera," alias "Intrepida," arrived.
103. Viscount Palmerston to H. M's Commrs D. Nov. 29, - British Subjects on board the "Emilio" and "Midas."
Three Enclosures.
104. Viscount Palmerston to H. M's Commrs D. Nov. 30, - British Subjects on board the "Midas."
One Enclosure.
105. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 13, -
R. Dec. 16, -
Departure of "Negrito," "Corunes," and "Montezuma," formerly "Nueva Diana," alias "Fama de Cadiz." Arrival of the "Vingador."
106. W. S. Macleay, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Nov. 2, -
R. Dec. 16, -
"Marinerito" and "Segunda Gallega" arrived.
107. Viscount Palmerston to H. M's Commrs D. Dec. 23, - Instructions to Cruizers.
108. Viscount Palmerston to H. M's Commrs D. Dec. 24, - Additional Article to the Treaty with Spain.
109. Viscount Palmerston to H. M's Commrs D. Dec. 28, - British Subjects on board the "Emilio."
One Enclosure.
110. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 2, 1830
R. March 23, -
No Cases adjudicated, July to December 1829.
111. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 12, -
R. April 22, -
Extension of Time to Brazilian Slave-traders.
112. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. Aug. 31, - To communicate Information respecting Slave-vessels to H. M's Cruizers.
113. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 7, -
R. Sept. 15, -
No Cases adjudicated, January to July 1830.
114. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept, 25, -
R. Dec. 5, -
"Eliza" and "Felix Marianna" or "Africano Oriental."
One Enclosure.
115. Viscount Palmerston to H. M's Commrs D. Dec. 23, - Instructions to Cruizers.
116. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. M's Commrs D. June 28, 1830 Treatment of emancipated Slaves.
117. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 7, -
R. Sept. 13, -
Inactivity of Dutch Cruizers.
One Enclosure.
118. H. M's Commrs to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept. 14, -
R. Nov. 26, -
Treatment of emancipated Slaves.

"Class B.

1. G. Bosanquet, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Dec. 28, 1829
R. Jan. 13, 1830
"Elena," or "La Paz.'
One Enclosure.
2. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. U. Addington, Esq. D. April 6, - Slave-trade at the Havana.
One Enclosure.
3. H. U. Addington Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. March 8, -
R. April 8, -
Royal Order against Slave-trade.
Two Enclosures.
4. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. U. Addington, Esq. D. April 23, - Grant in the West Indies of National Character to Vessels destined for Slave-trade.
Three Enclosures.
5. H. U. Addington, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 10, -
R. May 20, -
Slave-trade at the Havana.
Two Enclosures.
6. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. U. Addington, Esq. D. June 29, - Proposed Additional Article to the Treaty with Spain of 1817.
Three Enclosures.
7. H. U. Addington, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 31, -
R. Aug. 25, -
Proposed Additional Article to the Treaty.
8. The Earl of Aberdeen to The Chevalier de Zea Bermudez D. Oct. 28, - Recognition of the Right of Spain to the Island of Fernando Po.
9. The Chevalier de Zea Bermudez to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 30, -
R. Oct. 30, -
Consent of Spain to the Removal of the Mixed Commission from Sierra Leone to Femando Po.
10. Viscount Palmerston to H. U. Addington, Esq. D. Dec. 24, - Additional Article to the Treaty.
Three Enclosures.
11. H. U. Addington, Esq. to Viscount Palmerston D. Dec. 12, -
R. Dec. 27, -
Slave-trade at the Havana.
Two Enclosures.
12. Arthur Aston, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Nov. 28, 1829
R. Feb. 7, 1830
Termination of the Slave-trade of Brazil.
One Enclosure.
13. The Chevalier de Mattos to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 3, -
R. April 6, -
"Tres Amigos."
14. The Chevalier de Mattos to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 6, -
R April 6, -
"Bahia," "Carlota," "Trajano," and "Independencia."
15. Arthur Aston, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 19, -
R. April 29, -
Period of the Abolition of Brazilian Slave-trade.
Two Enclosures.
16. The Chevalier de Mattos to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 17, -
R. May 18, -
"Tentadora," "Eclipse," and "Venturoso."
17. The Chevalier de Mattos to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 17, -
R. May 19, -
18. The Chevalier de Mattos to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 18, -
R. May 18, -
19. The Chevalier de Mattos to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 18, -
R. May 19, -
20. Arthur Aston, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. March 27, -
R. June 14, -
Introduction of Slaves as Domestics.
21. Arthur Aston, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. March 27, -
R. June 14, -
Fitting out of Vessels at Bahia for Slave-trade.
Four Enclosures.
22. Arthur Aston, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 5, -
R. July 6, -
Slave-trade at Bahia.
One Enclosure.
23. The Chevalier de Mattos to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept. 4, -
R. Sept. 6, -
"Dez de Fevreiro."
24. The Chevalier de Mattos to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept. 4, -
R. Sept. 6, -
"San Joao Voador."
25. The Chevalier de Mattos to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept. 4, -
R. Sept. 6, -
"Minerva," "Cerquiera, and "Creola."
26. The Chevalier de Mattos to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 2, -
R. Oct. 2, -
"Principe de Guine."
27. The Chevalier de Mattos to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 4, -
R. Oct. 4, -
Proposed Dissolution of the British and Brazilian Courts of Mixed Commission.
28. The Earl of Aberdeen to Arthur Aston, Esq. D. Oct. 31, - Slave-trade at Maranham.
29. Arthur Aston, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Aug. 31, -
R. Nov. 2, -
"Lourenço Marques."
Four Enclosures.
30. Arthur Aston, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept. 14, -
R. Nov. 15, -
Arrival of Two Vessels with Slaves.
Four Enclosures.
31. Viscount Palmerston to Arthur Aston, Esq. D. Dec. 10, - "Lourenço Marques."
32. Viscount Palmerston to The Chevalier de Mattos D. Dec. 10, - "Tres Amigos."
33. Viscount Palmerston to The Chevalier de Mattos D. Dec. 10, - "Heroina," "Tentadora,' "Eclipse," and "Venturoso."
34. Viscount Palmerston to The Chevalier de Mattos D. Dec. 10, - "Esperanza."
35. Viscount Palmerston to The Chevalier de Mattos D. Dec. 10, - "Voador."
36. Viscount Palmerston to The Chevalier de Mattos D. Dec. 10, - "Vencedora."
37. Viscount Palmerston to The Chevalier de Mattos D. Dec. 10, - "Dez de Fevreiro."
38. Viscount Palmerston to The Chevalier de Mattos D. Dec. 10, - "San Joao Voador."
39. Viscount Palmerston to The Chevalier de Mattos D. Dec. 10, - "Minerva," "Cerqueira, and "Creola."
40. Viscount Palmerston to The Chevalier de Mattos D. Dec. 10, - Dissolution of the Commissions.
41. Arthur Aston, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 9, -
R. Dec. 16, -
Six Enclosures.
42. Arthur Aston, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 13, -
R. Dec. 16, -
Brazilian Slave-trade under Buenos Ayrean Colours.
Two Enclosures.
43. Viscount Palmerston to The Chevalier de Mattos D. Dec. 22, - "Carlota," "Trajano," "Bahia," and "Independencia."
44. Viscount Palmerston to The Chevalier de Mattos D. Dec. 28, - "Principe de Guine."
"BRAZIL. (Consular.)-Rio de Janeiro.
45. W. Pennell, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 25, 1830
R. March 24, -
Importation of Slaves at Rio de Janeiro -July to Dec. 1829.
One Enclosure.
46. W. Pennell, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 6, -
R. June 14, -
Penalties on the Conveyance of Slaves.
Four Enclosures.
47. W. Pennell, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 20, -
R. July 6, -
Arrival and Price of Slaves.
48. The Earl of Aberdeen to W. Pennell, Esq. D. Aug. 31, - Penalties on the Conveyance of Slaves.
Two Enclosures.
49. W. Pennell, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 15, -
R. Sept. 27, -
Slaves imported into Rio de Janeiro, -January to July 1830.
One Enclosure.
50. W. Pennell, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 15, -
R. Dec. 16, -
Feeling against Slave-trade at Rio de Janeiro.
"BRAZIL. (Consular.)-Bahia.
51. Mr. Acting Consul Weiss to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 25, 1830
R. April 22, -
Fourteen Enclosures.
52. Mr. Acting Consul Weiss to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 6, -
R. April 22, -
Slaves imported into Bahia.-July to December 1829.
One Enclosure.
53. Mr. Acting Consul Weiss to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 8,1830
R. April 22, -
Vessels licensed for the African Trade, fitting out for the Slavetrade.
Eleven Enclosures.
54. Mr. Acting Consul Weiss to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 8, -
R. April 22, -
Two Enclosures.
55. Mr. Acting Consul Weiss to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 25, -
R. April 22, -
Continuation of the Slave-trade at Bahia.
56. The Earl of Aberdeen to Mr. Acting Consul Weiss D. May 4, - Approbation.
57. Mr. Acting Consul Weiss to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 17, -
R. July 6, -
Report on Slave-trade at Bahia.
58. Mr. Consul Parkinson to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 22, -
R. Sept. 15, -
Two Enclosures.
59. Mr. Consul Parkinson to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept. 25, - "Almirante."
Twelve Enclosures.
60. Mr. Consul Parkinson to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept. 26, -
R. Nov. 30, -
"Carlotta" and "Constituiçao."
61. Mr. Consul Parkinson to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 4, -
R. Nov. 30, -
"Felicidade," or "Joven Maria."
Two Enclosures.
62. Mr. Consul Parkinson to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Oct. 13, -
R. Dec. 16, -
Slaves imported into Bahia. - January to June 1830.
One Enclosure.
"BRAZIL. (Consular.)-Pernambuco.
63. Mr. Consul Parkinson to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 20, 1830
R. March 22, -
Importation of Slaves as Colonists.
64. Mr. Consul Parkinson to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 13, -
R. April 22, -
Slaves imported into Pernambuco. -July to Dec. 1829.
One Enclosure.
65. Mr. Consul Cowper to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 31, -
R. Sept. 15, -
Slaves imported into Pernambuco. -January to July.1830.
One Enclosure.
"BRAZIL. (Consular.)-Maranham.
66. Mr. Deputy Consul Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Jan. 22, 1830
R. March 22, -
Slaves imported into Maranham. -July to December 1829.
One Enclosure.
67. Mr. Deputy Consul Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 19, -
R. April 27, -
"Voadora" and "Uniao."
Two Enclosures.
68. Mr. Deputy Consul Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. March 6, -
R. April 27, -
"Voadora," "Uniao," "Conceiçao," "Harmonia," and "Maria."
Three Enclosures.
69. Mr. Deputy Consul Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. March 8, -
R. April 30, -
"Conceiçao" and "Uniao."
One Enclosure.
70. Mr. Deputy Consul Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 5, -
R. May 27, -
Illegal Introduction of Slaves.
Four Enclosures.
71. Mr. Deputy Consul Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 1, -
R. June 14, -
One Enclosure.
72. Mr. Deputy Consul Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. July 3, -
R. Aug. 20, -
Slaves imported into Maranham. -January to June 1830. - "Prudencia," "Uniao," and "Flora."
One Enclosure.
73. Mr. Deputy Consul Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Aug. 16, -
R. Sept. 28, -
"Prudencia," "Uniao," and "Flora."
Four Enclosures.
74. Mr. Deputy Consul Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Aug. 31, -
R. Oct. 22, -
"Prudencia" and "Uniao."
One Enclosure.
"BRAZIL. (Consular.)-Pará.
75. Mr. Vice Consul J. Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Nov. 10, 1829
R. Feb. 12, 1830
Slaves imported into Pará. - January to June 1829.
One Enclosure.
76. Mr. Vice Consul J. Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Feb. 15, -
R. April 6, -
Slaves imported into Pará.-July to December 1829.
One Enclosure.
77. Mr. Vice Consul J. Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. June 22, -
R. Aug. 20, -
Five Enclosures.
78. Mr. Vice Consul J. Hesketh to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Aug. 14, -
R. Sept. 28, -
Slaves imported into Pará. - January to June 1830.
One Enclosure.
79. Mr. Consul Goodwin to J. Bidwell, Esq. D. Aug. 1, 1829
R. Feb. 6, 1830
Arrival of a Slaver from Havana.
80. Mr. Consul Goodwin to J. Bidwell, Esq. D. Feb. 4, -
R. May. 27, -
"Vingador," "Primeira Gallega," and "Barbarina."
81. Mr. Consul Goodwin to J. Bidwell, Esq. D. Feb. 6, -
R. May 21, -
Abduction of a Slave from St. Jago.
One Enclosure.
82. Mr. Consul Goodwin to J. Bidwell, Esq. D. Feb. 27, -
R. May 27, -
83. Mr. Consul Goodwin to J. Bidwell, Esq. D. March 22, -
R. May 27, -
Mr. Martins, of Boavista, empowered to import Slaves.
84. Lord Dunglas to Mr. Consul Goodwin D. Aug. 25, - Abduction of a Slave from St. Jago.
Two Enclosures.
85. Mr. Consul Goodwin to J. Bidwell, Esq. D. Sept. 2, 1830
R. Sept. 3, -
Abduction of a Slave. Acknowledgment.
86. Lord Dunglas to Mr. Consul Goodwin D. Oct. 22, - Mr. Martins, of Boavista, empowered to import Slaves.
87. The Earl of Aberdeen to Sir Charles Bagot D. April 23, - Grant in the West Indies of a National Character to Vessels intended for the Slave-trade.
88. Sir Charles Bagot to The Earl of Aberdeen D. April 30, -
R. May 3, -
89. Sir Charles Bagot to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Aug. 21, -
R. Aug. 30, -
Slave-trade at Dutch Accra.
Five Enclosures.
90. Viscount Palmerston to Sir Charles Bagot D. Dec. 10, - Inactivity of the Dutch Cruizers at Surinam.
One Enclosure.
91. Sir Charles Bagot to Viscount Palmerston D. Dec. 23, -
R. Dec. 28, -
Inactivity of the Dutch Cruizers at Surinam.
92. Lord Stuart de Rothesay to The Earl of Aberdeen D. March 1, 1830
R. March 4, -
Slave-trade at Martinique.
One Enclosure.
93. The Earl of Aberdeen to Lord Stuart de Rothesay D. April 23, - Grant in the West India Islands of a National Character to Vessels intended for Slave-trade.
94. The Earl of Aberdeen to Lord Stuart de Rothesay D. April 30, - French Vessels on the Coast of Africa.
One Enclosure.
95. Lord Stuart de Rothesay to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 21, -
R. May 24, -
French Vessels on the Coast of Africa.
Two Enclosures.
96. Due de Laval Montmorency to The Earl of Aberdeen D. June 4, -
R. June 4, -
"La Laure" and "La Louise."
97. Lord Stuart de Rothesay to The Earl of Aberdeen D. June 18, -
R. June 21, -
Slave-trade, West Indies and Coast of Africa.
Two Enclosures.
98. The Earl of Aberdeen to The Duc de Laval Montmorency D. July 6, - "La Laure" and "La Louise."
99. Lord Stuart de Rothesay to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Aug. 2, - "Alcide" and "Pierre" fitting out at Nantes.
Two Enclosures.
100. Lord Stuart de Rothesay to The Earl of Aberdeen D. Sept. 27, -
R. Sept. 30, -
Proposed Law making Slave-trade Piracy.
One Enclosure.
101. Lord Stuart de Rothesay to Viscount Palmerston D. Nov. 26, -
R. Nov. 29, -
Edmé Baury condemned for Slave-trading.
One Enclosure.
102. Lord Stuart de Rothesay to Viscount Palmerston D. Dec. 17, -
R. Dec. 27, -
Projet of Law against the Slave-trade.
One Enclosure.
103. The Earl of Aberdeen to H. W. W. Wynn, Esq. D. April 23, 1830 Grant for the West India Islands of a National Character to Vessels intended for the Slave-trade.
104. H. W. W. Wynn, Esq. to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 25, -
R. June 3, -
Grant in the West India Islands of a National Character to Vessels intended for the Slave-trade.
One Enclosure.
105. The Earl of Aberdeen to Lord Bloomfield D. April 23, 1830 Grant in the West Indies of a National Character to Vessels intended for the Slave-trade.
106. Lord Bloomfield to The Earl of Aberdeen D. May 14, -
R. May 27, -
Grant in the West Indies of a National Character to Vessels intended for the Slave-trade.
107. Lord Bloomfield to the Earl of Aberdeen D. June 25, -
R. July 8, -
St. Bartholomew's.
One Enclosure.
108. Colonel Campbell to The Earl of berdeen D. Dec. 2, 1829
R. Feb. 11, 1830
Article, in the Treaty between Columbia and Peru, against the Slave-trade.
One Enclosure.

Ordered, That the said Papers do lie on the Table.

Wine Duties Bill.

Ordered, That the Bill, intituled, "An Act to equalize the Duties on Wine," be read a Second Time on Tuesday next; and that the Lords be summoned.

Plurality of Benefices Bill.

Ordered, That the Bill, intituled, "An Act to restrain and regulate the holding of Plurality of Dignities and Benefices by Spiritual Persons," be read the Third Time on Monday next; and that the Lords be summoned.

Special Constables Bill presented.

The Lord Melbourne presented to the House a Bill, intituled, "An Act for amending the Laws relative to the Appointment of Special Constables, and for the better Preservation of the Peace."

The said Bill was read the First Time.

Ordered, That the said Bill be printed.

Lords summoned.

Ordered, That all the Lords be summoned to attend the Service of the House on Monday next.

Warrington, &c. Railway Bill, Petition from Warrington in favor of:

Upon reading the Petition of the Land Owners, Merchants, Manufacturers and other Inhabitants of the Town of Warrington, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, whose Names are thereunto subscribed, taking notice of a Bill depending in this House, intituled, "An Act to enable the Company of Proprietors of the Warrington and Newton Railway to extend the said Railway from the Termination thereof at Bank Quay, in the Parish of Warrington, in the County Palatine of Lancaster, to Norton, in the County Palatine of Chester;" and praying their Lordships, "That the same may be passed into a Law, subject to such Regulations as to their Lordships shall seem meet:"

It is Ordered, That the said Petition do lie on the Table.

Petition of Shareholders in the Company, that the Comee may proceed:

Upon reading the Petition of the several Persons whose Names are thereunto subscribed, being Shareholders in the Warrington and Newton Railway Company, and Directors thereof, and as such acting on behalf of the said Company in promoting the last-mentioned Bill; praying their Lordships, "That the Committee to whom the said Bill stands committed be instructed to proceed in the Consideration of the Clauses of the same; or that, if necessary, the Bill may be reported, and re-committed with such Directions as in their Lordships Judgment may seem right; and that their Lordships will take such Measures with the Parties who have signed the Petitions against the Bill as their Lordships may deem meet:"

To be considered.

It is Ordered, That the said Petition be taken into Consideration on Monday next.

Comee on the Library, Instruction to:

Ordered, That it be an Instruction to the Select Committee appointed to consider of some Additions to be made to the Library of this House, and of other Matters relating thereto, to consider whether any and what additional Accommodation can be provided for the Number of Peers who may attend this House during the Remainder of the Session.

M. of Salisbury added to.

Ordered, That The Marquess of Salisbury be added to the last-mentioned Committee.

Beer Act Amendment Bill.

The Order of the Day being read for receiving the Report of the Amendments made by the Committee of the Whole House to the Bill, intituled, "An Act to amend an Act passed in the First Year of His present Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Act to permit the general Sale of Beer and Cyder by Retail in England;" and for the Lords to be summoned;

Ordered, That the said Report be received To-morrow; and that the Lords be summoned.

Robb v. Forrest.

Counsel (according to Order) were called in to be heard in the Cause wherein Donald Robb is Appellant, and James Forrest is Respondent:

And One Counsel appearing for the Appellant, (none appearing for the Respondent,) he was heard to state and argue the Case on Behalf of the Appellant.

The Counsel was directed to withdraw.

Ordered, That the further Consideration of the said Cause be put off sine Die.

Brodie v. Sinclair.

Counsel (according to Order) were called in to be heard in the Cause wherein George Brodie is Appellant, and William Sinclair Esquire is Respondent:

And One Counsel appearing for the Appellant, (none appearing for the Respondent,) he was heard to state and argue the Case on behalf of the Appellant.

The Counsel was directed to withdraw.

Ordered, That the further Consideration of the said Cause be put off 'till To-morrow.

J. & E, Kibble v. Stevenson et al.

Ordered, That the Cause wherein Janet and Elizabeth Kibble are Appellants, and James Stevenson, and others, are Respondents, be heard by Counsel at the Bar To-morrow.

Officers of State for Scotland v. E. of Haddington.

Ordered, That the Cause wherein His Majesty's Officers of State for Scotland are Appellants, and Thomas Earl of Haddington is Respondent, be heard by Counsel at the Bar To-morrow.


Dominus Cancellarius declaravit præsens Parliamentum continuandum esse usque ad et in diem Veneris, vicesimum tertium diem instantis Septembris, horâ decimâ Auroræ, Dominis sic decernentibus.