
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1912.

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'Iver', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South( London, 1912), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/bucks/vol1/pp219-222 [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Iver', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South( London, 1912), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/bucks/vol1/pp219-222.

"Iver". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in Buckinghamshire, Volume 1, South. (London, 1912), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/rchme/bucks/vol1/pp219-222.

In this section

63. IVER.

(O.S. 6 in. (a)liii. S.E. (b)liv. S.W. (c)lvi. N.E.)


b(1). Parish Church of St. Peter, stands at the E. end of the village. It is built of flint, with some pudding-stone; the E. angles of the nave have quoins of Roman brick, and the other dressings are of stone. The roofs are covered with lead. The N. wall, with part of a window, and the E. angles of the Nave are of pre-Conquest date; the W. tower was built in the 12th century, and c. 1170 the North Aisle was added, two arches being pierced through the N. wall of the nave; in the 13th century the Chancel was re-built on a larger scale, the South Aisle was added and the Tower was also re-built, except the bases of the walls; in the second half of the 15th century the walls of the chancel were raised, the aisles re-built, except the W. wall of the N. aisle, the arches of the S. arcade re-cut, and the clearstorey was built, an extra stage added to the tower, and the chancel, nave, and aisles were re-roofed. The building was restored in 1848, and in 1896–8 the North Vestry and an iron staircase to the bell-chamber were added.

The church is especially interesting on account of the pre-Conquest remains. Among the fittings, the 12th-century font (see Plate, p. xxvii.), the 13th-century sedilia and piscina (see Plate, p. xxiv.), and the remains of the 15th-century rood-screen are notable.

Architectural Description—The Chancel (46 ft. by 19½ ft.) has an E. window of five lights with tracery in a four-centred head, all modern, except the jambs inside, which are partly of the 15th century. In the N. wall are two 13th-century lancet windows; the eastern is blocked, and the external stonework of the other has been restored; between them, opening into the vestry, is a doorway with chamfered jambs and a pointed head, possibly of the 13th century and originally the priest's doorway in the S. wall; at the W. end of the N. wall is a 14th-century window of two trefoiled ogee lights and tracery under a two-centred head with a moulded external label. In the S. wall is a window of two cinque-foiled lights and tracery under a square head, all modern, except the inner jambs and rear arch, which are of the 15th century; the priest's doorway is modern; W. of it is a 13th-century lancet with rebated and chamfered outer jambs and head; the external stonework may be original, or restored at a later date and badly decayed; near the W. end of the wall is a window of two lights with tracery of 14th-century design, but only the splays and rear-arch are old. The 13th-century chancel arch is two-centred, of two moulded orders, with a label on each side, that on the W. having foliated stops; the jambs are modern. The Nave (50 ft. by 21 ft.) has, in the N. wall, two semi-circular arches of c. 1170, and of one square order, with a chamfered label on each side; the semi-circular responds have scalloped capitals and modern bases; over the E. side of the eastern arch is part of a pre-Conquest window, with double splayed jambs and semi-circular head; it shows on both sides of the wall, and is of roughly-axed hard limestone, which, on the S. side, has a red tinge, apparently caused by fire. The S. arcade is of three bays; the circular columns are of the 13th century, with modern bases and capitals; the two-centred arches have 15th-century mouldings, but originally were of one plain order, probably chamfered, with labels which are now cut off flush with the wall. In the E. respond is a 15th-century staircase to the former rood-loft; the doorway opening into the staircase on the S. side of the respond has rebated and chamfered jambs and four-centred head; the opening on the N. side has chamfered jambs and pointed head. The clearstorey has, on each side, three windows of late 15th-century date, each of two cinque-foiled lights under a square head. The North Aisle (44 ft. by 11 ft.) has one window in the E. wall and two windows in the N. wall, of late 15th-century date, each of three cinque-foiled lights under a segmental head and a moulded external label; much of the external stonework is covered with Roman cement; the N. doorway, also of late 15th-century date, has moulded jambs and two-centred head, with a moulded external label. In the W. wall is a small window with a semi-circular head; the external stonework is modern, the internal splays are of the 12th century, but restored. The South Aisle (51 ft. by 11½ ft.) has an E. window and two S. windows similar to those in the N. aisle. The S. doorway has moulded jambs and two-centred head, of late 15th-century date, but much restored. In the W. wall is a 13th-century lancet window, re-set and with modern external stonework. The West Tower (17 ft. square) is of three stages, the two lower stages undivided externally; the embattled parapet is modern. The base of the walls is thicker than the upper part and is of the 12th century. The 13th-century tower arch is of two chamfered orders, continued in the jambs, which rest on modern bases; on the E. side is a label with foliated stops. The W. doorway, of late 15th-century date, has heavily moulded jambs and two-centred arch under a square outer moulding and label; in the mouldings are two grotesque heads and the remains of leaf ornament, and in the spandrels are plain shields supported by angels. The W. window, of three cinque-foiled lights and tracery, is of the 15th century, but much restored. The N. and S. walls of the ground stage have each a 13th-century lancet window, entirely restored externally, and low down in the S. wall, outside, are traces of a semi-circular arch, which may have been only a barrow hole, but has a fragment of a chamfered abacus. The second stage has a lancet window in the E. wall and another in the W. wall, both modern, except the inner jambs, which are probably of 12th-century stone, re-used. The bell-chamber has, in each wall, a late 15th-century window of two cinque-foiled lights under a three-centred head and an external label; the stonework is covered externally with Roman cement; the jambs inside and parts of the rear arches are of thin bricks. The flat-pitched Roofs of the chancel, nave and aisles are of late 15th-century date, and have large moulded beams, purlins and wall-plates. The roof of the nave has curved brackets resting on stone corbels,; only the S.E. corbel appears to be original. The roofs of the aisles have brackets to the alternate beams, and carved corbels.

Iver, Parish Church of St. Peter

Fittings—Bells: modern, bell-frame, old. Bracket: on E. wall of N. aisle, small, of stone, carved with a rose, late 15th-century. Brasses: In the chancel—N. side, in slab of Purbeck marble, formerly the top of an altar tomb, (1) of Richard Blount, 1508, and Elizabeth, his wife, daughter of William Forde, figures of man in armour, woman in pedimental head-dress, three sons and three daughters, four scrolls with prayers, four shields of arms, marginal inscription in Latin, black-letter, imperfect; S. side, (2) to Joan, wife of Henry Moncke, of 'Ivor', 1601, and their three sons, inscription and five shields with arms. In nave—central gangway, (3) to Raufe Awbrey, 'late chief clerk of the kitchen to Prince Arthur', late 15th-century. Doors: in S. doorway, of oak battens on square frame, with strap-hinges, and original escutcheon: in W. doorway, similar, double: in second stage of tower, at foot of stairs, of oak battens, with strap-hinges; all late 15th or early 16th-century. Font: of Purbeck marble, square bowl, tapering sides with grooved lines, zig-zag between two horizontal lines, circular basin, spandrels fluted concentrically with basin, circular stem, four small circular shafts at angles, 12th-century, capitals and bases of shafts, modern. Monuments and Floor-slabs. Monuments: In chancel—on N. side, (1) to Mary, wife of Sir William Salter, knight, 'one of his Majestie's carvers in ordinary', daughter of Thomas Sherland of Welshall, 1631, half-figure, with cherub on each side, under semi-circular arch and broken pediment with achievement of arms over it, base flanked by Doric columns; on base, in relief, kneeling figures of two sons and three daughters; figures of lady and cherubs in white marble, rest of monument in Totternhoe stone; (2) mural tablet to Elizabeth, wife of Edward Kedermister, grand-daughter of Edmund Waller, 1659; (3) mural tablet to Sir Edward Salter, 1648. In nave—on N. wall, E. end, (4) tablet to Mary, daughter of Edward Blount, 1681, and to her father, 1685; (5) tablet to Elizabeth, wife of Robert Bowyer, 1667, to Henry, their third son, 1675, to William Truelove, husband of Mary, their eldest daughter (see below), 1677, to Martha Bowyer, another daughter, 1681, and to Mary Truelove, who erected the tablet, d. 1684, arms over tablet. In S. aisle—on S. wall, (6) of John King, 1604, small kneeling figure between two obelisks, inscription recording violent death; under it representation, in low relief, of two trees and two hands joined together, with two shields suspended from them; (7) of Anna, wife of Robert Melinge, and sister of John King, 1610, kneeling figure, hands missing, inscription almost illegible, achievement of arms. In churchyard—on S. side, (8) tombstone to Thomas Spurling, 1658. Floor-slabs: In chancel—near S. door, (1) to Sir Edward Salter, knight, 'carver in ordinary to King Charles', date obliterated; in front of communion table, (2) to Bryan Salter, 1663; in centre, (3) to Barbara, the mother of Jane, wife of Thomas Beringer, 1663, and to Jane the daughter, 1681, with arms; (4) to Nicholas Grice and Elizabeth, his wife, 1679, with arms, (5) to Alice, wife first of Charles Harvie, of London, fishmonger, and afterwards of Richard Cutt, 'merchant adventurer and goldsmith', of London, daughter of Ralph Houghton, 1634, with arms; on N. side, (6) slab covering vault of Edmund Leigh, 1674. In S. aisle—(7) slab covering vault of Valence Grice, 1688. Painting: on arches and capitals of N. arcade, remains, much restored. Piscinæ (see also Recess): in the chancel, double, with trefoiled two-centred arches, richly moulded, small shafts, moulded and foliated capitals and moulded bases, 13th-century, round basins possibly modern: in N. side of E. respond of N. arcade, with trefoiled square head, 15th-century, no basin. Pulpit: hexagonal, with raised bolection-moulded panels, on each side cherub's head and a swag, moulded top and base, late 17th-century, originally a three-decker; stairs and balusters original; now in vestry—sounding-board, hexagonal, and panelled standard with enriched scrolls. Recess: in S. aisle, with semi-circular head, possibly for piscina, late 15th-century, sill apparently old. Screen: against S. wall of S. aisle, half bay of rood-screen, lower part with close panels and tracery, moulded and embattled rail, upper part with four cinque-foiled ogee openings and tracery, shaft, formerly supporting vaulted loft, with moulded capital and base, 15th-century. Sedilia: in chancel, in range with piscina, three stepped seats separated by detached shafts with moulded capitals and bases, easternmost seat with trefoiled head, others with pointed heads, all richly moulded, label continued over piscina, 13th-century, W. respond and capitals of shafts modern. Tiles: in floor of chancel, with fleur-de-lis and circular designs, mediæval, worn. Miscellanea: in W. tower, near font, fragment of altar tomb, square, with lozenge-shaped panel, enclosing quatrefoil with shield, plain spandrels, of stone, reddened apparently by fire: in angle of tower and S. aisle, outside, stone coffin.

Condition—Generally good; stonework of 14th-century window in N. wall and 13th-century lancet window in S. wall of chancel, badly decayed; the 15th-century windows in aisles and bell-chamber damaged by restoration with Roman cement.


a(2). Homestead Moat, at Shreding Green Farm, ¾ mile W. of the church.

c(3). Parsonage Farm, house, two barns, and moat, 1½ miles W.S.W. of the church. The House is of two storeys and an attic, built of red brick with glazed black headers. The roofs are tiled. The plan is rectangular, facing N.; the southern half is of late 16th or early 17th-century date, re-cased when the northern half was built, late in the 17th century; on the S.E. is a modern addition. On the N. front the mullioned and transomed windows are of late 17th-century date, and there is a similar window at the back. The E. and W. ends of the house have each two gables, and the chimney stack of the older block is of thin bricks. Interior:—In the older block the wide fireplaces are filled in, but an old oak beam remains in one of them; in the hall and kitchen are rough oak ceiling-beams; the room above the kitchen shows the original timber-framing in the E. wall, and there is a little early 17th-century panelling in another room on the first floor. The roof has heavy tie-beams, and queenpost trusses; the rafters are exposed. In the newer block the staircase, of late 17th-century character, is of deal, with moulded hand-rails, turned balusters, and plain square newels with ball heads.

The two large Barns are of the same date as the older part of the house, one of them is partly timber-framed, with brick filling, but one wall is entirely of thin bricks and the front is modern; the roof has large trusses and is tiled, with an elaborate weather-vane at one end. The second Barn is similar to the other, but is weather-boarded.

The Moat encloses the house and garden.

Condition—Of all the buildings, good; of moat, except N. arm, good, recently drained.

a(4-5). Houses, two, on the N. side of the main road, about 200 yards W. of the church, are each of two storeys, built probably early in the 17th century, of brick and timber, the upper storey whitewashed, the lower storey filled in with modern brick. The roofs are tiled. The eastern house is divided into three cottages, with shops; the S. end is gabled, the N. end half-hipped; the central chimney stack is original. The western house, now two cottages, is lower than the other; the N. end is gabled and weather-boarded; the chimney stack is original. There is a low modern addition at the back of each building, and both houses have old chamfered beams in the ceilings.


a(6). The Swan Hotel, stands at the corner of the main road, N.W. of the church. It was built in the 16th century, and is of two storeys, timber-framed with plaster filling; the roof is tiled. On the W. front the overhanging upper storey is supported on a moulded bressumer and is gabled at the S. end; the lower storey is of modern brick: the S. side has a similar moulded bressumer; the lower storey, of modern brick, has been built out level with the upper storey, which is timber-framed with curved braces. There are stop-chamfered beams in the ceilings.


a(7–11). Cottages, five, about ¼ mile W. of the church, in small by-roads, branching from the S. side of the main road, are each of two storeys, built of brick, or brick and timber; the roofs are tiled. The cottage nearest to the church was built late in the 17th century, and the front is of 18th-century brick; the large central chimney stack has been restored at the top. Two adjoining cottages, nearer the main road, are of red and blue bricks of late 17th-century date, and have an original chimney stack. The two small adjoining cottages, furthest from the church, were built in the 17th century of red and blue bricks, with some timber; at the S. end is a projecting chimney stack of thin bricks, with a square shaft.

Condition—Of first cottage, bad; of the others, fairly good.

(12). Love Green Farm, ¾ mile N.W. of the church, is of two storeys, built late in the 17th century, of brick and timber, with modern restorations and additions. The roofs are tiled. On the S. front the lower storey is partly filled in with modern bricks; the E. end is weather-boarded; the W. end has some old timber-framing, but the brickwork is modern; the back is almost entirely modern. The central chimney stack is of 17th-century brick. There are original beams in some of the ceilings.

Condition—Fairly good.

Kimble, Great and Little, see Great and Little Kimble.