
An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1925.

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'Chelsea', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London( London, 1925), British History Online [accessed 7 October 2024].

'Chelsea', in An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London( London, 1925), British History Online, accessed October 7, 2024,

"Chelsea". An Inventory of the Historical Monuments in London, Volume 2, West London. (London, 1925), , British History Online. Web. 7 October 2024.

In this section


(O.S. 6 in. London Sheets (a)N. and (b)O.)

The borough of Chelsea is conterminous with the civil parish except that a detached portion of the latter is now included in the borough of Paddington. The principal monuments are the church, the Royal Hospital and Lindsey House.


a(1). Parish Church of All Saints (Plates 12 –20) stands on the E. side of Church Street at its junction with the Embankment. The walls of the chancel and N. chapel are of plastered rubble and flint, but the rest of the building is of brick; the dressings are of Portland and other stone and of brick; the roofs are covered with slates and tiles. The Chancel, the E. half of which is deflected towards the N., is probably of the 13th century. The North Chapel was added early in the 14th century. About 1528, the South Chapel, perhaps of 13th-century origin, was rebuilt. In 1669 and the succeeding years the Nave, West Tower and the arches between the nave and the chancel and chapels were rebuilt. The church was restored at several dates in the 19th and 20th centuries and the North Vestry is modern.

Chelsea, The Parish Church of All Saints.

The early Renaissance details of the S. chapel are interesting, and among the fittings several of the monuments and the font are noteworthy.

Architectural Description—The Chancel (36½ ft. by 18½ ft.), was lowered late in the 17th century. The E. window is modern except for the splays, which are probably the outer splays of a triplet of 13th-century lancets, altered in the 15th century; the head was cut down when the roof was lowered. In the N. wall is an opening into the N. chapel which replaced a former arcade or arch in 1784; the semi-octagonal E. respond is probably of the 14th century and has a re-cut moulded capital; at the back of the respond is a squint with a square head. In the S. wall is a two-centred arch of two chamfered orders probably of the 13th century and subsequently altered; the octagonal responds have early Renaissance capitals (Plates 14, 15) of free Composite type, with human and cherub-heads, the date 1528, an achievement of the quartered arms of Sir Thomas More, processional cross, font or holy-water stoup, tapers, crossed candlesticks, holy-water pail and sprinkler and book with clasps; further E. is a restored 15th-century window of two cinquefoiled lights in a square head with a moulded label; below it is a square-headed doorway with a modern label. The late 17th-century chancel-arch is round with a moulded archivolt and a key-stone carved with a cherub-head; it springs from square piers with moulded cornices.

The North Chapel (25 ft. by 14½ ft.) has a 14th-century E. window with a modern frame. In the N. wall are three windows, the eastern now blocked, but of early 14th-century date and of two trefoiled ogee lights with a quatrefoil in a two-centred head with a moulded label and damaged stops carved with figures; the middle window is probably of the same date, but only the outer arch of the head remains, with a moulded label, repaired in cement, head-stops and a segmental-pointed rear-arch; the western window is of late 14th-century date and of two cinquefoiled lights with a quatrefoil in a two-centred head with a moulded label and stops similar to those of the eastern window; below it is a blocked 14th-century doorway with a segmental-pointed rear-arch; below the middle window is an early 17th-century doorway with a round head of brick. The W. arch is similar to the chancel-arch but of elliptical form.

The South Chapel (22 ft. by 14 ft.) is probably of early 16th-century date, but has been refaced with 17th-century or later brickwork. The E. window and the two windows in the S. wall have early 16th-century splays and rear-arches, but have been fitted with late 17th-century round-headed windows. The W. arch is similar to the W. arch of the N. chapel.

The Nave (37½ ft. by 53 ft.) is of late 17th-century date and occupies the site of the former nave and aisles. In the E. wall, above the arches, are two round windows. In the N. wall are three windows, the eastern and western round-headed and the middle one round; all have moulded architraves and plain key and impost-blocks; below the round window is a round-headed doorway, similarly treated, but with the lower part blocked and the upper part glazed as a window; E. of the doorway is a recess or blocked doorway with a reset two-centred arch of stone, of uncertain date. In the S. wall are windows and doorway similar to those in the N. wall, except that the doorway is flanked externally by brick pilasters supporting a cornice. The W. wall has on either side of the tower a round-headed window similar to those in the N. wall but with the lower parts blocked. The walls of the nave are finished externally with a deep plaster cove under the eaves.

The West Tower (12 ft. by 13 ft.) is of late 17th-century date and of brick; it is of five stages (Plate 16) divided by string-courses and is finished with a plain parapet. The tower-arch is two-centred; the lower part is closed by a modern screen, the upper part opens on to the gallery. The W. doorway has a round head and plain key and impost-blocks. The second stage has a plain square-headed window in the N., S. and W. walls. The third stage, now a museum, has in the S. wall a round blocked window with a moulded architrave; in the W. wall is a window of two round-headed lights in a round-headed outer order with plain imposts and key-block. The fourth stage has in the E., S. and W. walls a modern clock-face; in the N. wall is a round window with a moulded architrave. The bell-chamber has in each wall a window of two pointed lights in a round-headed outer order with plain pilasters, key and impost-blocks. N. and S. of the tower are later annexes containing wooden staircases to the gallery; they have plain doorways and windows with solid frames.

The Roof of the chancel is probably of late 17th-century date, with arched principals below the collar. The low-pitched roof of the S. chapel is probably of early 16th-century date, with moulded purlins; the richly moulded middle tie-beam is of early 14th-century date, reused, and supports later uprights. The nave has a flat ceiling with a deep cove against the walls; at intervals, round the upper mouldings of the cove, are cherub-heads.

Fittings—Bells: two, one on brackets in ground-stage of tower, dated 1679. Books: In nave—chained copies of Fox's Book of Martyrs, 1684 (two vols. only), and Homilies of 1683. "Vinegar" Bible of 1717 and Prayer-book of 1723. Brasses and Indents. Brasses: In S. chapel—on N. wall, of [Sir Arthur Gorges, 1625], rectangular plate, with kneeling figures of man in armour, and wife, six sons and five daughters, second plate with achievement-of-arms. See also Monument (15). Indents: In chancel—(1) of priest and inscription-plate, 15th-century; (2) of man in armour, and wife, scrolls, inscription-plate and four shields, much worn, late 15th-century; (3) partly hidden by altar-step. See also Monument (2). Chest: In vestry—plain, with six locks, 17th-century. Communion Table and Rails. Table: with moulded top, six turned and twisted legs and plain rails, late 17th-century. Rails: with quadrant angles, turned and twisted balusters, moulded rail and sill, late 17th-century. Doors: In N. chapel—in N. doorway, of battens with strap-hinges, late 17th-century. In gallery —in doorway to N. annexe of tower, of two moulded panels, late 17th-century. In W. tower—in W. doorway, with round head, late 17th-century. Font: (Plate 15) of 1673, (see entry in Register) white marble with baluster stem, octagonal reeded bowl with moulded rim, ogee-shaped oak cover with enriched mouldings and ribs, same date as font. Funeral-helm: In S. chapel—on E. wall, armet of c. 1530 with added beaver and gorget piece and Dacre crest. Glass: In N. chapel—in middle window in N. wall, fragments of tabernacle work, borders and diapering, incorporated in modern work, late 14th-century. In S. chapel—refixed in S.E. window, figure of deacon (head modern), shafts of canopy, foliated border and diapered background, early 14th-century, found in N.E. window in N. chapel. Image: On S. pier of chancel arch—oak figure of St. Luke, late 17th-century, formerly on sounding-board of pulpit. Monuments and Floor-slabs. Monuments: In chancel—on N. wall, (1) of Thomas Hungerford, 1581, and Ursula (Sands), his wife, wall-monument with two arched bays divided and flanked by Corinthian columns, kneeling figures of man and wife, two sons and one daughter, three shields-of-arms; (2) to Edmond, first Lord Bray, 1539, and John, Lord Bray, 1557, his son, plain altar-tomb with moulded slab, sunk for brass fillet; indents of figure, inscription-plate and two shields; slab cut down and altered; two lozenge-shaped panels in front with cusping and bosses for fixing former brass shields, and one at E. end, recess and inscription modern; (3) to Adam Littleton, S.T.P., 1694, rector of Chelsea and canon of Westminster, plain marble tablet with broken pediment and flaming urn. On S. wall, (4) to Elizabeth (Mayerne), wife of Pierre de Caumont, Marquis de Cugnac, 1653, tablet with side pilasters, and apron with cherub-head and scroll, cornice missing; (5) to Sir Thomas More, plain altar-tomb (erected 1532) recessed in wall and supporting a canopy flanked by octagonal shafts and having a four-centred head with carved spandrels and a moulded cornice, surmounted by a cresting of Tudor flowers, three shields-of-arms on cornice—(a) a cheveron engrailed between three moor-cocks for More quartering a cheveron between three unicorns' heads razed with three roundels on the cheveron, the whole impaling ermine a fesse checky, crest a moor's head; (b) the quartered coat of (a) impaling a fesse between three galloping colts for Colte (c) the impaled coat of (a); two shields in spandrels—(d) More, (e) the impaled coat of (b); soffit of canopy with double row of cusped panels, monument restored in 1833 and inscription renewed. Under arch between chancel and N. Chapel—(6) to Richard Gervoise, 1563, freestone monument in form of a triumphal arch with panelled piers supporting carved pilasters and semi-circular arch, with shields-of-arms in spandrels, entablature with fluted and carved frieze, cartouche-of-arms and two crests, on inner faces of piers an achievement-of-arms and an inscribed panel, monument reset in the 18th century and figure or altar-tomb perhaps missing. On N. pier of chancel-arch—(7) to Baldwin Hamey, M.D., 1676, black marble tablet with shield-of-arms; (8) to Ralph Palmer, 1715, and Alice, his wife, 1708, black marble tablet with two shields-of-arms; (7) and (8) both recently restored. In N. chapel —on E. wall, (9) to Sir John Lawrence, Bart., 1638, black and white marble tablet with enriched border, Corinthian side columns, segmental pediment, achievement and two shields-of-arms. On N. wall, (10) of Thomas Laurence [1593], wall-monument (Plate 60) generally similar to (1), with kneeling figures of man and wife, three sons and six daughters, achievement and three shields-of-arms; (11) of Sara (Laurence), wife of Richard Colvile, 1631, alabaster and marble monument, (Plate 60) consisting of round-headed recess flanked by Doric columns and surmounted by cornice and pediment with three shields-of-arms, in recess three-quarter figure of woman in shroud; apron below representing a broken coffin with inscription and shield-of-arms. In S. chapel— against E. wall, (12) of Sir Robert Stanley, K.B., 1632, shaped marble sarcophagus supporting three pedestals with urns and two standing female figures, one holding a banner-of-arms and one a coronet and a shield with a badge upon it; on pedestals three busts, in relief, of man and his two children, Fardinand and Henrite Maria; on side faces, cartouches and shields-of-arms, another cartouche on face of middle urn; (13) to Catherine (Dudley), wife of Henry Hastings, Earl of Huntington, 1620, plain marble tablet. On N.W. pier of chapel—(14) to Arthur Gorges, 1668, and Mary (Banning), his wife, black marble slabs formerly part of altar-tomb in S. chapel, top slab with achievement-of-arms, in pavement. Against S. wall—(15) of Jane (Guyldeford), wife of John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, 1555, recess (Plate 15) flanked by Purbeck marble enriched shafts supporting a flat canopy with carved soffit in the form of fan-tracery, cusped and panelled ends, back divided into three bays by broken buttresses and having alabaster inscribed tablet and brass of lady kneeling, with heraldic mantle and five daughters, gartered shield-of-arms, a second shield-of-arms and two scrolls with names of children, all of brass, indents of group of husband and sons and a third shield, at base of monument two cusped panels with blank shields, tomb and front of canopy missing; (16) to Sir William Milman, 1713, shaped marble tablet with scroll-work, cherubheads and achievement-of-arms. In nave—on N. wall, (17) to James Buck, 1680, and Elizabeth (Rogers), his wife, 1674, marble tablet with side pilasters, segmental pediment and cartouche-of-arms; (18) to Charles Cheyne, Viscount Newhaven, 1698, Jane (Cavendish), his first wife, 1669, and Catherine, their daughter, marble monument (Plate 20) by Paolo Bernini (1672), consisting of shaped sarcophagus with reclining effigy of Jane Cheyne in oval recess flanked by Corinthian columns on a panelled plinth and supporting an entablature and segmental pediment with urns, etc., enclosure (Plate 109) of iron railings in front; (19) to Richford Guilford, 1680, and Abigail (Wood) and Elizabeth (Friend), his wives, shaped marble tablet, erected 1709, with foliage scrolls, etc. Against S. wall—(20) of Gregory, Lord Dacre, 1594, and Anne (Sackville), his wife, 1595, (Plate 18) alabaster and coloured marble altar-tomb with recumbent effigies (Plate 19) of man in armour and wife, with an arched recess at back enriched with strapwork, etc., and flanked by Corinthian columns supporting an entablature and attic with obelisks, two shields-of-arms and a centre-piece with an achievement-of-arms; in front of monument and to the W. small altar-tomb with effigy of daughter; enclosure (Plate 109) of wrought-iron strikes with fleur-de-lis standards. In tower— on N. wall, (21) to Thomas Hill, 1713, and Hester, his wife, 1699, marble tablet (Plate 15) with side pilasters, broken pediment and vase; (22) to William Clarkson, 1712, and Theodosia, 1704, Abrahall, 1708, and Gilbert, 1710, his children, marble tablet with broken pediment. In churchyard—on S. wall of nave, (23) to Susannah (Clifford), wife of Dr. Edward Chamberlayne, 1703, tablet with shaped head and lozenge-of-arms; (24) to Ann (Chamberlayne), wife of John Spragg, 1691, tablet with pediment; (25) to Edward Chamberlayne, 1698, tablet over S. doorway; (26) to Peregrine Clifford Chamberlayne, 1691, tablet with pediment; (27) to Edward Chamberlayne, 1703, tablet with shaped head and two shields-of-arms; N.E. of N. chapel, (28) to Christopher Cratford, 1702, table-tomb; against N. wall of churchyard, (29) to Robert Woodcock, 1710, tablet with scrolls and segmental pediment; (30) to John Pennant, 1709, tablet with scrolls, entablature and shield-of-arms; stone slab to same, below. Floor-slabs: In chancel—(1) to Dr. Baldwin Hamey, 1676. In nave—(2) to Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Franklin, 1698; (3) to Richard …, 1695. In N. chapel—(4) to Grisel, widow of Sir John Laurence, 1675; (5) to Henry Laurence, 1661; (6) to Frances, daughter of Sir John Laurence, 1685. In nave—(7) to Sir William Milman, 1713, with cartouche-of-arms; (8) to Sarah, wife of Bryan Wade, 1710; (9) to infant children of [John] Roberts, Lord Truro, late 17th-century. Niche: In N. chapel—in E. wall, with moulded jambs and cinquefoiled head, (Plate 60) late 14th-century. Piscina: In chancel—with chamfered E. jamb and four-centred head, groove for shelf, 15th-century, W. part cut away. Plate: now at St. Luke's Parish Church, includes two flagons of 1680 given in 1681; paten of 1624; paten of 1676, dated 1675, and spoon of 1698, given in 1797. Pulpit: (Plate 5) of oak, hexagonal with raised panels and enriched mouldings, festoons of foliage and fruit, trumpet stem, partly restored, late 17th-century. Recess: In chancel— in E. wall, with chamfered jambs, splayed cheeks and two-centred head, probably 13th-century window-head, reused. Seating: In N. chapel— pews, one made up of early 17th-century panelling, one incorporating plain 17th-century panelling and one incorporating late 17th-century carved panels. Staircase: In N. annexe of tower—with turned and twisted balusters, moulded strings and rail and square newels with ball-terminals, late 17th-century. Sundial: On S. face of tower—with inscription and date, "Ut vita finis ita 1692." Weather-vane: of enriched wrought-iron, surmounted by a crown, erected in 1704. Miscellanea: In chancel—small cabinet of marquetry work, early 18th-century, used as prayer-desk. In gallery—fluted pilasters of oak supporting a wall-post oarved with cherub-head and wings, late 17th-century.



b(2). Royal Hospital, 1,200 yards E.N.E. of All Saints Church, is partly of three and partly of one storey, with attics and cellars; the walls are of brick with dressings of Portland stone and rubbed brick; the roofs are covered with slates. The Hospital was founded by Charles II, the foundation-stone being laid in 1682 and the building completed in 1690. The architect was Sir Christopher Wren. The structure has been repaired on various occasions, the roofs being renewed about 1758. Part of the N. pavilion was destroyed in an air-raid in 1918 and subsequently rebuilt.

The building is of great interest as an example of collegiate architecture and also as a work of Sir Christopher Wren. The fittings of the chapel are also noteworthy.

The buildings consist of ranges of building on three sides of a central courtyard open towards the river on the S.E. To the N.E. and S.E. of this block are two pavilions, four in all, connected with the main ranges by low annexes. The N.W. Front (Plate 23) has a central portico and projecting wings at the angles; the portico has four attached Doric columns of stone, with wooden entablature and pediment rising above the general line of the eaves; the ranges on either side, containing the hall and chapel, have tall round-headed windows with sunk panels above and below them. The projecting wings have rusticated angles, three tiers of plain square-headed windows and pedimented dormer-windows in the roof; the main wood cornice at the eaves-level is continuous round the building. The S.E. side of the hall and chapel block (Plate 22) is generally similar to the N.W. side, but here the portico projects on free columns and from it open loggias extend along the front of the building; these loggias have coupled Doric columns supporting an entablature. Over the middle of this range rises an octagonal cupola with pedimented windows in the main faces and free Corinthian columns on the other faces with projecting entablature supporting balls, above this level is a low attic with a domed lead-covered roof supporting a ball and weather-vane. The side wings (Plate 24) of the main courtyard are generally similar to the side wings of the N.W. front which form their termination in that direction. Near the S.E. end of these ranges are cross-corridors having doorways (Plate99) at either end flanked by Doric columns supporting a cornice and balustraded parapet or attic. The four pavilions are of uniform design; they are of one storey with attics, hipped roofs with modillioned eaves-cornice and pedimented dormer-windows. Each pavilion has a projecting bay in the middle of each side, two storeys high and finished with a pediment. The angles of each building are rusticated and the doorways have architraves and cornices. The original chimneys throughout the building have plain panelled stacks finished with cornices; most of them have been much restored or rebuilt.

Interior—The Chapel (113 ft. by 38½ ft.) forms the N.E. part of the main N.W. range. It is of seven bays with a semi-circular apse (Plate 26); the bays are divided by panelled pilasters with enriched plaster capitals. The semi-circular ceiling is arched over the side windows and is divided into panels by enriched mouldings with rosettes at the intersections of the cross-beams; above each pilaster is a moulded cartouche and the lowest range of panels on each side is filled with moulded foliage. The apse has a half-dome of plaster.

Fittings—All of late 17th-century date unless otherwise stated. Book: Prayer-book of 1687 presented by James II. Chairs: two with turned and twisted uprights, rails and back legs, carved arms, back and front legs, late 17th or early 18th-century. Communion Rails: (Plate 1) with quadrant angles, turned and twisted balusters, double gates with pierced carving, carved and moulded rail and panelled standards. Doors: In S.E. doorway—of two folds with bolection-moulded panels; other doors forming part of panelling. Gallery: across S.W. end— resting on eight fluted Corinthian columns and two half columns, on panelled pedestals, projection in middle with quadrants at sides, panelled soffits, panelled gallery-front with pilasters continuing the vertical lines of the columns and moulded and carved capping. Lectern: modern, but incorporating some old woodwork. Organ-case: of oak and of two stages, the lower with Corinthian pilasters flanking the opening and supporting a moulded and carved entablature, upper stage enclosing pipes and rising in three towers on corbels carved with acanthus or cherub-heads (Plate 68), towers semi-circular on plan and finished with pierced carving and cornices. Painting: In apse, entirely covering the plaster semi-dome, large painting of the Resurrection, by Sebastiano Ricci, temp. Queen Anne. Panelling: On side walls and rising to level of window-sills, divided into bays by panelled pilasters with cherub-heads at top and finished with a moulded and enriched cornice. At S.W. end, moulded panelling above and below the gallery, the former incorporating two doorways with moulded architraves and panelled doors. Plate: (Plate 27) includes four cups of 1688, four patens of same period with royal arms and initials I.R., large and two smaller flagons of 1688, all with the same arms and initials, large paten of 1687, alms-dish of 1687 with arms and initials as on flagons, pair of pricket candlesticks with crown and initials I.R., all silver gilt, also a straining-spoon of c. 1700. Pulpit: square, with panelled sides, and resting on Doric columns with pedestals, much repaired. Reredos: centre-piece with rectangular inlaid panel having a star and the sacred initials, and flanked by coupled and fluted Corinthian columns supporting an enriched entablature and a segmental pediment with cherub-heads in the tympanum; flanking centre-piece, at sides of apse enriched panelling (Plate 1) divided into bays by coupled Corinthian pilasters supporting an entablature, panelled attic and carved vases; at head of each bay carved swags; incorporated in panelling, two doorways with pediments. Seating: At sides and S.W. end, box-pews or stalls with moulded capping and in gallery three pews with panelled backs.

The Great Hall (115 ft. by 38 ft.) has a flat plaster ceiling coved at the sides (Plate 28). The walls below the level of the window-sills are lined with panelling finished with a moulded cornice; at the N.E. end is a gallery resting on carved brackets and having a panelled front and a carved cartouche of the arms of Charles II. At the S.W. end is a large square panel with a frame of oak leaves and the wall above has a painting by Andrew Verrio of Charles II on horseback with various allegorical figures and the inscription "Carolo Secundo Regi Optimo Hujus Hospitii Fundatori Domino Suo Clementissimo Ricardus Jones Comes de Ranelagh Hanc Tabulam posuit"; at sides, small wings painted with trophies-of-arms.

Between the chapel and the hall is an octagonal vestibule rising to the full height of the building and covered by a dome and lantern. At the angles of the building are Doric pilasters supporting an entablature; the metopes are enriched with military emblems alternating with the crowned initials I.R. The dome is octagonal and has panelled bands at the angles and a large panel with enriched mouldings in each side. Between the dome and the lantern is a deep coved cornice. Beneath the chapel and hall are basements roofed with quadripartite brick vaults resting on square piers with moulded imposts.

The two main ranges N.E. and S.W. of the courtyard are occupied by the cubicles of the pensioners; they are formed of panelled wainscotting (Plate 30) divided by plain pilasters and finished with an entablature. The outer walls are also panelled and the staircases (Plate 89) have symmetrically-turned balusters and square standards or newels. The doors and doorways (Plate 89) are mainly original, the latter having moulded architraves and panelled linings.

The Governor's House is at the end of the N.E. wing. The state room or parlour (Plates 29, 9) has panelled walls with a modillioned cornice below a deep panelled frieze; the overmantel has carved trophies-of-arms, etc., and the initials I.R. The plaster ceiling has an enriched coved cornice and a large oval panel surrounded by smaller panels enriched with the royal Stuart arms, initials I.R., banners, military emblems, etc. Other rooms have original panelling, doors, etc., and the staircase has original turned balusters. The corresponding portion of the S.W. wing forms the Lieut.-Governor's House and contains some rooms with original panelling, doors, etc.; the staircase is modern.

In the Lieut. Governor's house is a lead cistern with the royal arms and the monogram of William and Mary.

The four pavilions contain panelling, doors, etc., similar to those in the other parts of the building, and original staircases with turned balusters and square newels.

Some of the buildings have basements with plain groined vaulting in brick.

In the middle of the main courtyard is a bronze statue (Plate 227) of Charles II in Roman costume, said to be by Grinling Gibbons. In various parts of the grounds and building are lead cisterns, (a) with figures, including Faith, Hope, and Charity, dated 1700; (b) of triangular plan (Plate 91), with figures, swags, etc., dated 1700; (c) with royal arms, cypher, and date 1694; (d) with cypher, wreath, and date 1695. In the N.E. and S.W. courtyards are wrought iron lamp - standards (Plate 109) of two stages, square below and round above and in the form of a column.

The Pensioners' Library is a detached building S.W. of the main front block. It is of one storey with rusticated angles and a modillioned eaves-cornice, much restored. The windows have each a solid frame, mullion and transom. Inside the building the walls are panelled to the full height.

Placed axially to the N.W. of the main block are the main entrance gates (Plate 30) with four stone piers with moulded bases and caps finished with trophies-of-arms. The two lodges are similar in general character to the Pensioners' Library. S.E. of the two S.E. pavilions are pairs of original gatepiers with moulded bases, caps and ball-terminals. The terrace on the S.E. side of the main courtyard has a stone balustrade with a pair of large piers in the middle.

The Graveyard, N.E. of the main block, contains the following—Monuments: (1) to Isaac Garnier, 1711, table-tomb with achievement-of-arms; (2) to Daniel Garnier, 1699, flat slab; (3) to … Lefort, 1694; (4) to James Ford, 1698, flat stone; (5) to Theophilus Cesill, 1695, flat stone with defaced shield-of-arms; (6) to Sir Thomas Ogle, 1702, table-tomb erected 1749; (7) to Simon Box, 1692, the first buried in graveyard, low table-tomb; (8) to Katherine and Laughland, 1714, children of Laughland Mackintosh, head-stone; (9) to John Andrews, 1714, flat stone; (10) to John Ramsey, 1696, flat stone; (11) to Cap. Thomas Dawgs, 1701, and Ann, his third wife, flat stone; (12) to William Poulton, 1705, and John Poulton, 1709, flat stone; (13) to Charles, 1699, Margaret, 1705, and Mary, 1706, children of Edward Sopps, also to Edward Sopps, 1714, head-stone; (14) to William Lewis, 1706, headstone; also others with inscriptions defaced.


b(3). Chelsea Hospital Infirmary, formerly Walpole House, on the S.E. side of Royal Hospital Road, is of two storeys with a basement; the walls are of brick and stone. A house was built on the site soon after 1690, which was added to by Sir Robert Walpole about 1722. In 1810 the present Infirmary was built, from the designs of Sir John Soane, who incorporated as much of the old house as was possible. The 17th-century brickwork in the basement is now all that can be assigned to the original building, but there are small portions of woodwork and joinery of c. 1700.


b(4). Gough House, now the Victoria Hospital for Children, on the N.E. side of Tite Street, 70 yards S.E. of Royal Hospital Road, is of three storeys with a basement. It was built, probably in the year 1707, for John, Earl of Carbery, and preserved practically intact till 1866, when it was converted into a hospital. In 1898 it was enlarged by the addition of another block, the original cornice was removed and the old building raised by another storey. The N.W. front has a projecting wing at either end and most of the walling on all fronts is original, but the inside of the building has been much altered and none of its early 18th-century features remain.

Condition—Good, much altered.

a(5). The Physic Garden, between Royal Hospital Road, the Embankment and Swan Walk, formerly the Botanic Garden of the Apothecaries Company. The land was leased to the Society of Apothecaries in 1673. With the exception of a small portion of old walling on the E. side all the buildings are modern. A stone tablet in the wall by the gate into Swan Lane is inscribed "Hortus Botanicus Societatis Pharmaceuticae Lond. 1686." In the garden is a lead cistern, panelled on two sides, with the initials W.W. between two groups of leaves and the date 1676 divided by a rose.

Monuments (6–16).

The following monuments, unless otherwise described, are of late 17th or early 18th-century date and of three storeys with basement and attics; the walls are of brick and the roofs are covered with slates or tiles.

Condition—Good, unless noted.

Cheyne Walk

a(6). House, Nos. 43 to 45, now tenements and shops, and garden-wall formerly part of Shrewsbury House, 160 yards E.N.E. of the parish church. The W. wing of the building is of two, the E. wing of three, storeys; both have attics; the walls are of plastered brick and the roofs are tiled. The W. wing is of mid 17th-century date, the E. portion, which is recessed back from the roadway, of the 18th century, though probably incorporating older work; the major part of Shrewsbury House was demolished in 1813. The W. wing is gabled on both the street front and at the back and has in the latter two square-headed windows with original wood frames transoms and mullions. Inside the building Nos. 43 and 44 contain remains of an 18th-century staircase, some panelling and a carved chimney-piece on the second floor. One room in the W. wing has two walls lined with 17th-century strapwork-panelling in three heights, the top and bottom panels being in the form of arches and the middle elliptical; the two doorways each have eared architraves and pulvinated frieze with a square moulded panel in the middle.

The E. and W. boundary walls to the garden in the rear of the buildings are of Tudor brickwork.

Condition—Of house, poor, brickwork sound, but woodwork in bad state of repair.

a(7). Houses, Nos. 46 to 48, adjoining (6) on the W. were formerly three houses, but the two westernmost have been converted into one. They were built about 1711, but have been much altered. On the back of the buildings are three projecting 'powder closets,' two of which retain their original wood cornices at the eaves and have old hipped roofs. In the fanlight over the front door of No. 46 is an original wrought-iron grille. Inside the building, in the Hall, is an archway with carved Ionic capitals, and three of the upper-floor rooms have 18th-century chimney-pieces, and some of the rooms are lined with plain panelling and retain their original wood cornices.

a(8). Cheyne Hospital, Nos. 62 and 63, two houses immediately E. of the parish churchyard are the only two houses remaining of a terrace of five, first called Church Row and afterwards Prospect Place. They were built c. 1687 by Sir Thomas Lawrence, but have been much altered both internally and externally at subsequent dates; an early 19th-century balcony has been added to the front of No. 63, and the ground-floor has been entirely rebuilt. The front walls are covered with plaster and have a plain parapet, probably an addition; the dormers have been rebuilt.

a(9). Tablet of stone on house No. 77 at E. corner of Danvers Street and Cheyne Walk, inscribed: "This is Danvers Street begun in ye year 1696 by Benjamin Staltwood."

a(10). Crosby Hall, at W. corner of Danvers Street and Cheyne Walk, 100 yards W. of the parish church. The original building of Crosby Place, Bishopsgate, dating from 1466, was destroyed in 1908, but much of the stonework, with the oriel and roof, were preserved and re-erected here 1909–10.

The Hall (69 ft. by 27 ft.) has a semi-octagonal oriel projecting on the W. side; it has three tiers of transomed cinquefoiled lights under four-centred heads; the stone vaulted roof has a central boss carved with the helm and crest of Sir John Crosby. The remaining windows in the side walls are each of two cinquefoiled lights under a four-centred head with moulded jambs, shafted splays and moulded rear-arches; though most of the stonework is original the windows have all been restored. N. of the oriel is a doorway with moulded jambs and a four-centred arch, and in the E. wall a stone fireplace with shafted jambs and a low four-centred arch under a square head with foliated spandrels. The 15th-century roof of eight bays is supported by new constructional timbers, which are concealed above it; it has moulded main timbers, enriched with carved bosses of conventional leaves and is in the form of a four-centred vault with the trusses springing from carved stone corbels and each having three octagonal pendants, one at the ridge and one midway between ridge and wall-plate; the pendants have traceried and embattled terminals, off which spring four-way trusses with traceried spandrels, forming four-centred arches below the principal rafters and main purlins; the common rafters are hollow-chamfered and there is a frieze of quatrefoiled panels with an embattled cornice at the plate level; in the spaces between the window-heads and the frieze are traceried spandrels; in the middle of the fifth bay from the N. is the original louvre-opening, but the lantern and dormers are modern. A small piece of walling to the N. of the oriel has two old doorways with moulded jambs and two-centred heads; they are connected by a narrow passage in the thickness of the wall.

a(11). Lindsey House (Plate 31), 150 yds. W. of (10), now Nos. 95 to 100, was apparently rebuilt in 1674 (the date over the porch of No. 100, which has either been re-cut or possibly copied from the original date-stone), by the third Earl of Lindsey upon the site of an earlier building of 1639, portions of which it probably incorporates. It was altered by Count Zinzendorf in 1752 and again in 1775 when it was divided into separate tenements, and minor alterations have been made in more recent years including the renewal of window-frames and the addition of the porch and covered way to No. 100. The house is of three storeys with attics; the walls are of plastered brick and the roofs are tiled. The original internal arrangement has been completely lost by the alterations of 1775. The two end bays project in front and the central bay projects slightly at both front and back; at either end was a lower wing of less depth than the main building, but that on the W. is now incorporated in the adjoining buildings. The front to the street is symmetrical and has rusticated quoins, a projecting plinth, projecting bands at the floor levels and a wooden eaves-cornice. The end wings originally had two windows to each floor, the central block three, with the principal entrance door in the middle on the ground-floor, and the intermediate spaces three windows in their width; the roofs were hipped and had a row of dormers and the central projection was crowned with a pediment. The middle windows in the intermediate spaces were closed and round-headed recesses inserted in their place on the first floor by Count Zinzendorf, who apparently altered the roof to its present Mansard form and built the existing segmental-headed dormers in place of those which previously existed; a balustrade was fixed in front of the flatter part of the roof. In the alterations of 1775 the pediment over the central block was demolished, the balustrade to the roof taken down and doors inserted in the different buildings. Inside the building is a considerable amount of late 17th-century work refixed, including two fireplaces with marble surrounds on the first floors of No. 99 and 100. The kitchen to No. 99 is lined with bolection-moulded panelling of late 17th-century date, a back room on the first floor is panelled and has a moulded dado and cornice, the attics have plain panelling and portions of Elizabethan panelling are refixed in various places.

Cheyne Row. E. side

a(12). Terrace (Plate 31) of ten houses, Nos. 16 to 34, 70 yards N. of Cheyne Walk, was built in 1708; several of the houses have modern additions at the back. No. 28 has been entirely rebuilt, Nos. 20 and 22 have stone dressings and the roofs of all, with the exception of the two southernmost and that to the house at the N. end, have been raised; Nos. 16, 18, 26 and 34 retain original modillioned cornices at the eaves. There are projecting bands at the first and second-floor levels and the windows retain their original sashes. Where the fronts have been unaltered, in line with and between the windows of the respective houses are narrow square-headed recesses. A tablet in the S. wall of No. 16 is inscribed: "This is Cheyne Row 1708"; No. 32 has an original doorway with a shell-hood carried on carved brackets, and there are carved brackets over the doorways to No. 18 and 30. The larger part of the iron railing in front of the houses is contemporary with the building. Inside, the houses follow a common plan, being divided on each floor by a cross-wall into two rooms with a staircase at the back on the S. side and a projecting 'powder-closet' on the N. Many of the rooms retain their original panelling, doors, fireplaces and staircases; the latter vary slightly in design but generally have moulded strings and handrails and twisted balusters and newels, though in some cases the steps have carved brackets below the ends of the treads.

Church Street. E. side

a(13). Petyt School, adjoining the old churchyard on the N., was re-erected in 1890 on the design of the original building, and has rebuilt in the W. wall an early 18th-century stone tablet with an inscription in Roman capitals recording the erection of the original school in 1705 at the expense and endowment of William Petyt, and the accommodation which included a parish Vestry Room, a schoolroom and upper rooms for the lodgings for a schoolmaster.

a(14). House, No. 16, has been rebuilt, but has refixed on the street front a cast-iron fire-back which was dug up in the garden. It has a moulded rim and in the middle of the panel is represented a cock swallowing a snake, with a second snake below; above the cock is the date 1652.

W. side

a(15). Workshops and Tenements, Nos. 9, 11, 13, 15, 29 and 31, are of three storeys with basements In the S. wall of No. 9 is a stone inscribed in Roman capitals "This is Church Lane, Ine ye … Yeare of Charles the Seconds reigne, M. … 1668." They have been much altered and added to. No. 13 has on the front a projecting brick band at the second-floor level and some of the buildings retain old box-frames to the windows. Inside the buildings No. 11 has between the front room and the staircase an opening flanked by fluted Doric pilasters with entablature and panelled soffit. Some of the rooms are lined with plain panelling, and most of the houses have original staircases with turned balusters and moulded strings and handrails, though in some cases these are of early 18th-century character.


a(16). Stanley House (St. Mark's College), on the N. side of King's Road, 1,100 yards W. of the Parish Church, is of two storeys with attics. It was rebuilt in 1691 and left unfinished for some years and is an excellent example of the period. It is practically square on plan, with a hipped roof, and has plain pilasters at the angles and plain bands at the first-floor level and below the modillioned eaves-cornice; each front is in five bays with flat-headed windows; the middle bay on the main front has on the ground-floor an entrance doorway with a simple moulded architrave and the window in the corresponding bay at the back has a similar architrave and cornice carried on curved brackets, both fronts have three dormers in the roof with straight or segmental pediments. Inside the building, between the entrance hall and the principal room on the ground-floor, is a round-headed archway with moulded archivolt and imposts, carved key-block and soffit with octagonal panels; it is flanked on the hall side by fluted Ionic columns with carved capitals supporting an entablature with a moulded cornice and broken pediment. Many of the rooms are lined with simple panelling with moulded dado-rails and cornices, and the main staircase has a moulded handrail and turned balusters.

a(17). Walls on E. and S. sides of the Moravian Burial Ground, between Beaufort Street and Milman's Street, are of Tudor brickwork. The N. wall of the Chapel on the N. side of the Burial Ground is also of Tudor brickwork and retains six of its original buttresses, but the whole is now plastered over both internally and externally.