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'Modern Britain and Ireland - awarded 1990-1999', in History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].
'Modern Britain and Ireland - awarded 1990-1999', in History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,
"Modern Britain and Ireland - awarded 1990-1999". History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. , British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.
In this section
Accounting, costing and financial control systems in the N.E. England shipbuilding industry, 1818-1918. McLean, Thomas
M.Phil., Edinburgh.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
A comparative study of the administrative responses made by the L.E.A.s of three Lancashire County boroughs [Bolton, Oldham and Salford] to legislation at the beginning of the 20th century. Collinge, J.
Ph.D., Manchester.
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Agrarian reform on the Airlie estates in Angus and Strathmore, 1760-1850. Clapham, P.
M.Phil., Strathclyde. Supervised by Devine, T.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Agriculture and environment in the Wessex chalklands: the Rawlences, farmers and land agents, c.1810-1901. Dillon, P.J.
Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Havinden, M.A.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
A history of Omani-British relations, with special reference to the period 1888- 1920. Al-Mousawi, H.B.-A.-S.Y.H.
Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Gillard, D.R.; Robbins, K.G.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
A history of the Linen Hall Library, 1788-1989. Killen, J.
M.A., Belfast. Supervised by Stewart, A.T.Q.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
An economic history of the London and North-Eastern Railway. Hughes, G.J.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Barker, T.C.
Categories: Great Britain and Ireland; 19th Century; 20th Century
Anglicanism in Tunstall, 1832-1982, with special reference to Christ Church. Llewellyn, J.G.
M.A., Keele. Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Anglo-Greek relations, 1920-2. Karvounarakis, T.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Langhorne, R.T.B.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Anglo-Siamese economic relations: British trade, capital and enterprise in Siam, 1856-1914. Wannamethee, P.S.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Jones, G.G.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Anti-semitic journalism and authorship in Britain, 1914-21. Beeston, D.
Ph.D., Loughborough. Supervised by Wrigley, C.J.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Anti-semitism and responses to it in the West of Scotland, 1880-1939. Maitles, H.
M.Phil., Strathclyde. Supervised by Fraser, W.H.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A patriot press: national politics and the London press in the War of Austrian Succession, 1740-8. Harris, R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Langford, P.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
A peculiar tramping people? Irish and long-distance British migrants in a northern English manufacturing town: Keighley, 1841-81. Schofield, R.A.
Ph.D., Open University.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Aristocratic indebtedness: the Anson estates in Staffordshire, 1818-80. Sambrook, Pamela A.
Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Vincent, D.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Art therapists, 1940-82: becoming a profession. Waller, D.E.
D.Phil., Sussex.
Categories: 20th Century
Aspects of illegitimacy in Victorian Dumfriesshire. Paddock, R.J.M.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Moodie, Elspeth M.; Anderson, Michael
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Aspects of solidarity between middle-class and working-class women, 1830-1903. Wilson, Karen M.
Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Vincent, D.M.
Categories: Social history; 19th Century; Gender and Women; 20th Century
A study of an ancient Staffordshire gentry family - the family of Ralph Sneyd Esq. (1723-93), of Keele, Staffordshire - with a survey of its pre-history. Burgess, Sandra A.
M.A., Keele. Supervised by McInnes, A.J.D.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
A study of place: the N. Lincolnshire wolds, 1831-81. Rawding, C.K.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Short, B.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Attitudes of the English people to priests and priesthood, 1500-53. Marshall, P.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Brigden, Susan E.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Barnsley, the anatomy of a Yorkshire market town and its neighbourhood, c.1660-1760. Elliott, B.
M.Phil., Sheffield. Supervised by Hey, D.G.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Bishop, clergy and people: John Kaye and the diocese of Lincoln, 1827-53. Knight, Frances M.R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Thompson, D.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Bishop Hugh MacDonald, 1699-1773: first vicar apostolic of the Highland District in his religious and social context. Dorrian, G.M.
M.Phil., Strathclyde. Supervised by Devine, T.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Boulton and Fothergill silver. Quickenden, K.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Boynton, L.O.J.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Britain and regional co-operation in S.E. Asia, 1945-9. Remme, T.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Sked, A.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British armoury practice: technical change and small arms manufacture, 1850- 1939. Duff, C.M.
M.Sc., Manchester.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
British economic and social history during the inter-war years, with particular reference to the problem of unemployment. Glynn, S.
Ph.D., Kent.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
British interests in the Falkland Islands: economic development, the Falkland lobby and the sovereignty dispute, 1945-89. Ellerby, C.R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Darwin, J.G.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British policies towards Thailand, 1929-42. Aldrich, R.J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Low, D.A.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British policy towards Palestine issue, 1948-51. Rashid, H.M.I.
Ph.D., Exeter.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British politics and the elementary education question, 1850-70. Chilcott, P.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthew, H.C.G.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
British-Saudi relations, 1922-32. Al-Saud, K.B.T.
M.Phil., Exeter.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British submarine policy, 1853-1918. Dash, M.W.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Till, G.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Broken places: a geography of the 1926 coalmining dispute. Sunley, P.J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Martin, R.L.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Building an identity: two noblewomen in England [Elizabeth Cooke and Anne Clifford], 1566-1666. Gladstone, H.C.
Ph.D., Open University.
Categories: Gender and Women; 16th-17th Century
Building control: its development and application, 1840-1936. Ley, A.J.
M.Phil., Open University.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Urban history; Social history
Children's reward books in nonconformist Sunday Schools, 1870-1914: occurrence, nature and purpose. Entwistle, Dorothy M.
Ph.D., Lancaster. Supervised by Evans, E.J.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Civil liberties in Britain during the Cold War. Mahoney, Joan
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Ewing, K.D.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Colonel Younghusband's mission to Lhasa, 1904: parliament, the British government and the 'forward policy' in Tibet. Hull, A.M.A.
M.A., Durham. Supervised by Sweet, D.W.
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
Competition, quality and survival: B.B.C. television, 1936-90. Riera, F.G.
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Conflict in an industrial union: the National Union of Railwaymen, 1919-24, and the reasons for the emergence of the Union of Railway Signalmen. Maddock, B.
M.A., Warwick.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Continuity in the English army, 1658-68. Riley, J.P.
M.A., Leeds. Supervised by Childs, J.C.R.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Coping with a mass electorate: a study in the evolution of constituency electioneering in Britain, with special emphasis on the period which followed the Reform Acts of 1884 and 1918. Swaddle, K.M.O.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Butler, D.E.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Culture and education in Ireland, 1920-60. Farren, S.N.
D.Phil., Ulster. Supervised by Austin, R.
Categories: 20th Century
Deal and the Deal boatmen, c.1840-c.1880. Bower, Jacqueline M.
Ph.D., Kent. Supervised by Whyman, J.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Defending the county? The reorganization of local government in England and Wales, 1935-50. Owen, J.R.
Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Lowe, R.; Lee, J.M.
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Defiance, insurrection and revolt in the British disciplined services, 1900-39. Young, R.M.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Portsmouth Polytechnic)). Supervised by Fisera, V.C.; Holmes, C.; Lunn, K.J.
Categories: Administrative history; Military and naval history; 20th Century
Development of the practice and theology of the South London Industrial Mission. Torry, M.N.A.
Ph.D., London.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Diplomatic relations between William III and Victor Amadeus II of Savoy, 1690- 6. Storrs, C.D.
Ph.D., London.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Dressmaking in the inter-war period. Griffiths, Lynn
M.A., Royal College of Art. Supervised by Sparke, Penelope
Categories: 20th Century
Dunkeld and the Reformation. Yellowlees, M.J.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Lynch, M.
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Economic change in the U.K. food manufacturing industry, 1919-39, with special reference to convenience foods. Ward, A.V.
Ph.D., Reading.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Education in the diocese of Peterborough in the century following the 'Glorious Revolution', 1688. Shearing, D.K.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Gordon, P.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Education
Edward Maltby: his episcopal superintendence and views as bishop of Durham, 1836-56. Fowler, Helen C.
M.A., Durham. Supervised by Heesom, A.J.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Electoral politics in Bristol, 1885-1914. Neathey, M.C.
M.Phil., Wales. Supervised by Smith, M.S.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Elementary schooling, 1860-1902: the development of elementary education in Church of England schools in the Ploughly hundred, Oxfordshire. Dew, Barbara
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. Supervised by Cunningham, P.J.; Lowe, R.A.
Categories: Education; 18th-19th Century
English funeral sermons, 1560-1640: the relationship between gender and death, dying and the after-life. L. McIntosh, Jeri
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Heal, Felicity M.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
English scientific societies of the 18th and early 19th centuries. Averley, Gwendoline
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Teesside Polytechnic)). Supervised by Knight, D.M.; Sinclair, S.B.
Categories: Science and technology; 18th-19th Century
Evangelical seceders from the Church of England, c.1800-1850. Carter, G.L.
M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Walsh, J.D.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Evangelicals in York: the public activities of a group of leading churchmen, c.1771-1865. Cumming, Sandra L.
M.Phil., York. Supervised by Royle, E.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Fact, fiction and fantasy: British documentary, 1929-45. Lofting, Claire
M.A., Royal College of Art. Supervised by Frayling, C.
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Families and their property in early modern England: a study of four communities on the Yorkshire Ouse, 1660-1760. Riley, M.D.
D.Phil., York. Supervised by Sharpe, J.A.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Female criminality, 1780-1830. Short, Rachel M.
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Innes, Joanna M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Forecastle and quarterdeck: protest, discipline and mutiny in the Royal Navy, 1793-1814. Neale, J.
Ph.D., Warwick.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Foreign policy and propaganda in the 'progressive' press, 1936-45. Gilbert, M.F.
Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff).
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Formation and development of middle-class urban culture and politics: Sheffield 1825-80. White, A.P.
Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Wolff, Janet A.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Urban history; Social history
Gender and authority in 16th-century England: the debate about John Knox's First Blast of the Trumpet against the Monstrous Regiment of Women. Shephard, Amanda
Ph.D., Lancaster. Supervised by Beier, A.L.
Categories: Gender and Women; Social history; 16th Century
Glasgow Citizens' Theatre, 1957-69: the middle years. Paterson, A.M.
Ph.D., Strathclyde.
Categories: 20th Century
Glasgow's tobacco lords: an examination of wealth creators in the 18th century. Peters, Carolyn M.
Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by McCaffrey, J.F.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Herbert Minton: pottery manufacturer, entrepreneur and philanthropist, 1793- 1858. Booth, Pauline R.
M.A., Keele. Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Holborn and St. Pancras South Labour party, 1947-63: an analysis of one constituency Labour party and the post-war consensus. Mathieson, D.C.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Huddersfield Polytechnic)). Supervised by Wright, D.G.; Evans, B.J.
Categories: Education; 20th Century
Ideology, art and industry: the Curwen Press, 1920-30. Hackney, Fiona
M.A., Royal College of Art. Supervised by Naylor, Gillian
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Industrial conflict in the development of technical education in England, 1850- 1910, with special reference to the mechanical engineering industry. Cronin, B.P.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Middlesex Polytechnic))
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Industrial relationships and nationalization in the S. Wales coalmining industry. Zweiniger-Bargielowska, Ina-Maria
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Supple, B.E.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Infant mortality in Wigan, 1900-14. Crompton, D.
M.Sc., Manchester. Supervised by Pickstone, J.V.
Categories: 20th Century
In pursuit of peace: Bertrand Russell's political ideals and the problem of war. Hayhurst, S.P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Giddens, A.
Categories: 20th Century
Irish and Jewish women's experiences of childbirth and infant care in EastLondon, 1870-1939: the response of host society and immigration communities tomedical welfare needs. Marks, Lara V.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Loudon, I.S.; Summers, Anne R.
Categories: Medicine; Social history; 19th Century; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Jeremy Bentham's Panopticon Prison. Semple, Janet E.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Beattie, A.J.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Jewish immigrant charities and self-help organizations in Manchester, c.1900-1930. Liedtke, R.
M.A., Warwick.
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
John Foxe and the defence of the Church of England under Elizabeth I. Facey, Jane M.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lake, P.G.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
John Henry Lorimer, Scottish artist, 1856-1936, a critical biography. Fenoulhet, May C.
M.Litt., Edinburgh.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
John Pullar and Sons, Ltd.: dyers and cleaners, Perth. Harding, A.W.
M.Sc., Strathclyde. Supervised by Treble, J.H.; Cummings, A.J.G.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Justices and administration: the political development of Sussex, 1660-1714. Le Fevre, P.J.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Brighton Polytechnic)). Supervised by Horn, J.P.P.; Lamont, W.M.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Labour politics in Coventry, 1890-1914. Strack, B.
M.A., Warwick.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Landownership and rural development in theory and practice: case studies fromthe northern Pennines in the 19th and 20th centuries. Wilson, O.J.
Ph.D., Durham.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Leisure policies for war workers, 1939-45, with special reference to Coventry. Ichihashi, H.
M.A., Warwick.
Categories: 20th Century
Lord Davies and the New Commonwealth Society, 1932-44. Bauernfeind, N.D.
M.Phil., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Steeds, D.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Lydia Becker: her work for women. Parker, .E.
Ph.D., Manchester.
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
Manchester loyalism, 1792-8. Strange, N.E.J.
M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by O'Gorman, F.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
Medical attitudes to the sexual disorders of the 'normal' male in Britain, 1900-50. Hall, Lesley A.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bynum, W.F.
Categories: 20th Century
Middle-class realignment and party politics in Norwich, 1900-32. Doyle, B.M.
Ph.D., East Anglia. Supervised by Charmley, J.D.; Searle, G.R.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Ministerial training in London, 1830-90: a comparative study. Nicholls, M.K.
M.Phil., London. Supervised by Hall, S.G.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Nathaniel Bacon: an Elizabethan squire, his family and household and their impact upon the local community. Taylor, Jill
Ph.D., East Anglia. Supervised by Smith, V.F.G. Morgan and A. Hassell
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Norfolk agriculture, 1914-72. Douet, A.
Ph.D., East Anglia. Supervised by Wilson, R.G.
Categories: Agriculture; Economic history; 20th Century
Ordering the land: the 'preservation' of the English countryside, 1918-39. Matless, D.S.
M.Phil., Nottingham. Supervised by Daniels, S.J.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Parliamentary representation and general elections in Cheltenham Spa between1832 and 1848: a study of a pocket borough. Courtenay, .H.
M.Phil., Open University.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Patriotism, progress and the Victorian jubilees. Steer, D.R.
M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Joyce, P.J.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Philanthropy in Preston: the changing face of charity in a 19th-century provincial town. Whittle, Margaret M.
Ph.D., Lancaster. Supervised by Walton, J.K.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Photography at the Manchester Art Treasures Exhibition, 1857. Treherne, A.
M.Phil., Leicester. Supervised by Yarrington, Alison W.; Brock, W.H.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
Political, religious and social aspects of Stroud parliamentary borough, 1830-52. Walmsley, .M.
M.Litt., Bristol. Supervised by Vincent, J.R.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Politics and opinion during the Exclusion Crisis, 1678-81. Knights, M.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Worden, A.B.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Politics, dissent and Quakerism in York, 1640-1700. Scott, D.A.
D.Phil., York. Supervised by Cross, M. Claire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Private schools in Bognor Regis and district, 1830-1960. Lee, Judith M.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((West Sussex Institute)). Supervised by Brighton, T.; Lockhouse, M.; Foster, A.W.
Categories: Education; 18th-19th Century
Problems of social democracy: the development of Labour party strategy towards state pension provision, 1955-75. Fawcett, Helen
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Halsey, A.H.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Propaganda and policy: the presentation of the strategic air offensive in the Britishmass media, 1939-45. Assersohn, Fiona J.
M.A., Leeds. Supervised by Taylor, P.M.
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Property ownership and the development of capitalism, 1840-1980: a case study of a Suffolk parish. Barlow, J.G.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Drewett, J.R.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Public control of the British bus industry: the origins and effects of legislation in the 1930s and 1940s. Mulley, Corinne A.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Barker, T.C.
Categories: 20th Century
Pulmonary tuberculosis in England and Wales, 1851-1910. Cronje, Gillian C.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hunt, E.H.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Radicals and the Republic: socialist Republicanism in the Irish Free State, 1925- 37. English, R.L.
Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Townshend, C.J.N.
Categories: 20th Century
Reginald Pole and the legations of 1537 and 1539: diplomatic and polemical responses to the break with Rome. Hollger, C.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Loach, S. Jennifer
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Reserved seats: a study of the decline of a convention in the Church of England. Meacham, J.D.
M.Phil., Open University.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Revealed women: widows and spinsters in 17th-century Reading. Fellgett, J. Mary
M.Phil., Reading. Supervised by Houlbrooke, R.A.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history; Gender and Women
Richard Pynson, king's printer (1506-29): printing and propaganda in early Tudor England. Neville, Pamela A.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Trapp, J.B.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Riot and its control in Liverpool, 1815-60. Bryson, C. Anne
M.Phil., Open University. Supervised by Belchem, J.C.; Emsley, C.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Royal Navy chaplains, 1812-61. Davies, L.
M.Phil., Birmingham. Supervised by Bourne, J.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Samuel Patrick Close: architect (1842-1925). McGuinness, A.E.
M.A., Belfast.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
School inspection as a mode of social control in S.E. Wales, 1839-1907. Enoch, D.G.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((West Glamorgan Institute)). Supervised by Ellis, P.D.; McCarry, T.J.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Scottish migration and emigration, 1861-1911. Brock, Jeanette M.
Ph.D., Strathclyde. Supervised by Devine, T.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Sir Roger Townshend and his family: a study of gentry life in early 17th-century Norfolk. J. Campbell, Linda
Ph.D., East Anglia. Supervised by Smith, A. Hassell
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Sport and regional pride: Association Football and the North East of England, 1919-61. Hutchins, P.G.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Lowerson, J.R.
Categories: 20th Century
Sunset over the Red Ensign: the decline of British deep-sea shipping, 1945-89. Shore, P.
Ph.D., Kent. Supervised by Smith, C.W.
Categories: 20th Century
Technology and municipal decision-making: sanitary systems in Manchester, 1868-1910. Wilson, A.
Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Pickstone, J.V.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The Addington ministry and the interaction of foreign policy and domestic politics, 1800-4. Fedorak, C.J.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Bourne, K.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The architectural development of Royal Leamington Spa, 1800-c.1840. Cave-Brown-Cave, L.F.
M.Phil., Warwick.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The Bank of England and South Africa's gold, 1886-1926. Ally, R.T.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Lonsdale, J.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
'The bruised reed' (Is. 42:3): a study of the Catholic remnant in England, 1558- 1603, with special reference to Gloucestershire. Moore, F.A.
M.Phil., London. Supervised by Walker, F.X.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The burgh of Elgin in early modern times. Thomas, Jane E.
M.Litt., Aberdeen. Supervised by Simpson, G.G.
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Catholic Apostolic Church: its history, ecclesiology, liturgy and eschatology. Flegg, C.G.
Ph.D., Open University.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Church of England, the state and politics, 1945-83. Dorsett, M.R.
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by McLeod, D.H.
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The civic elite of Sandwich, Kent, 1568-1640. Ollerenshaw, Z.
M.Phil., Kent.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The clearing banks and the finance of British industry, 1930-59. Ross, D.M.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Baines, D.E.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The community of Bath and Somerset and the Great Civil War. Wroughton, J.P.
Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Hutton, R.E.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The Crown, the peerage and high politics, 1689-1760. Backhouse, D.J.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Miller, J.L.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The decline of handloom weaving in 19th-century Lancashire. Timmins, J.G.
Ph.D., Lancaster. Supervised by Westall, O.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The development of legislation on infant life protection in England and Wales between 1860 and 1910. Rachman, Rose W.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Abel-Smith, B.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The development of musical education in the public schools from 1840 to the present day. Green, W.J.C.
M.A., Durham.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The development of the Catholic community in the Western Province (Roman Catholic dioceses of Glasgow, Motherwell and Paisley), 1878-1962. McHugh, Mary
Ph.D., Strathclyde. Supervised by Treble, J.H.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of the poor law local acts, 1696-1833, with particular reference to the incorporated hundreds of East Anglia. Shaw, J.
Ph.D., East Anglia. Supervised by Wilson, R.G.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
The development of the Wythenshawe estate, Manchester: concept to incorporation, 1919-31. Brady, K.M.
M.Sc., Salford.
Categories: 20th Century
The differing economic development of Pudsey, Calverley, Farsley and Stanningley between the late 17th and early 19th centuries. Strong, R.R.
M.Phil., Leeds.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history; Economic history
The diocesan revival in the Church of England, c.1825-1865. Burns, R.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hinchliff, P.B.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The early development of British guided weapons. Twigge, S.R.
Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Gummett, P.J.
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The early history of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, 1814-50. Crook, Denise A.
Ph.D., Open University. Supervised by Beck, R.B.; Russell, C.A.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
The early history of the telephone in England, 1877-1911. Feuerstein, Raymond J.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Yeo, C.S.
Chronological coverage: 1877–1911
Index terms: Telephone service
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The economic and social status of Protestant sectarians in Huntingdonshire,Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire, 1650-1725. Stevenson, W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Spufford, H. Margaret
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The electoral strategy and tactics of the British Liberal party, 1945-70. Joyce, N.P.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Beattie, A.J.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The establishment of Northern Ireland, 1920-5. Follis, B.A.
Ph.D., Belfast. Supervised by Stewart, A.T.Q.
Categories: 20th Century
The formulation and consequences of the Republic of Ireland Act, 1948-9. McCabe, James I.M.
Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
Chronological coverage: 1948–1949
Index terms: Republic of Ireland Act (1948); Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
The general election of 1722 in England, with particular reference to five northern counties. Smith, B.J.
M.A., Leeds. Supervised by Speck, W.A.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The growth and development of Reform Judaism in Manchester, 1940-85. Kramer-Mannion, M.
Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Rose, M.E.
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The growth and development of Sheffield's industrial structure, 1880-1930. Lewis, M.J.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Sheffield City Polytechnic)). Supervised by Le Roux, A.A.; Baxendale, J.D.; Lloyd-Jones, R.
Categories: Economic history; 18th-19th Century
The growth of the Chartered Institute of Transport, since 1919. Woolley, Susan E.
M.Phil., London. Supervised by Barker, T.C.
Categories: 20th Century
The history and development of B.B.C. public service broadcasting in Scotland, 1952-80. McDowell, W.H.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by McCrone, D.; Simpson, J.M.
Categories: 20th Century
The house of lords and the Godolphin ministry, 1702-10. Matsuzono, Shin
Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Speck, W.A.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The image and realities of opium use in the later 19th and first half of the 20th centuries, with special reference to the working classes of Lancashire and Cheshire. Crane, Bettina S.
Ph.D., Kent. Supervised by Cunningham, H.St.C.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The land, family and domestic following of William Cecil, Lord Burghley, c.1550-1598. Morrison, G.R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Williams, P.H.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The life and theological thought of John Hooper, bishop of Gloucester and Worcester, 1551-3. Newcombe, D.G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Elton, G.R.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The life and work of James Fraser, 1818-85, second bishop of Manchester. Davies, E.A.
Ph.D., Manchester.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The life and work of Peter Buchan, 1790-1854. Spring, I.S.G.
Ph.D., Edinburgh.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The machine tool industry in Coventry, 1887-1939. Brittain, R.R.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Coventry Polytechnic)). Supervised by Henderson, I.; Furley, O.W.; Donnelly, T.
Categories: Economic history; 18th-19th Century
The marital fertility of Edinburgh professionals in the later 19th century. Kemmer, Deborah J.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Moodie, Elspeth M.; Anderson, M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The meaning of the Catholic question, 1750-90: religious aspects of the Irish ancien regime. Leighton, D.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Bradshaw, B.I.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The 'middling sort' in provincial England: politics and social relations in Colchester, 1730-1800. D'Cruze, Shani L.
Ph.D., Essex. Supervised by Crossick, G.J.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
The mines of Minera: a study of a lead-mining community, c.1845-1914. Smith, B. Gillian
M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Phillips, C.B.; Rose, M.E.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The municipal administration of Glasgow, 1833-1912: public service and theScottish civic identity. Sweeney, Irene E.
Ph.D., Strathclyde. Supervised by Fraser, W.H.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The National Guard (Blueshirts) and August 1933. Cronin, M.J.
M.A., Kent. Supervised by Crampton, R.J.
Categories: 20th Century
The navvies' union and the building of the Manchester Ship Canal, 1890-92. Francis, A.
M.A., Warwick.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The newspaper press in the town of Reading, 1855-1990. Watts, A.T.
Ph.D., Stirling.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
The Norwich Dutch and Walloon Strangers' Book of Orders, 1564-1643. Rickwood, D.L.
M.Phil., East Anglia. Supervised by Smith, A. Hassell
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Theological education and ministerial training for the ordained ministry of theChurch of England, 1800-50. Park, T.
Ph.D., Open University.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The origins and influence of religious denominations in Bradford, 1660-1890. Day, M.G.
Ph.D., Bradford.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The political career of Edward Sackville, 4th earl of Dorset, 1590-1652. Smith, D.L.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Morrill, J.S.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The political economy of strategic and structural change in the Calico Printers' Association, 1899-1973. Pitt, S.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Stopford, J.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
'The process of civilization': the acquisition and arrangement of the sculpture collections of the British Museum, 1802-60. Jenkins, I.D.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Crook, J.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The raising, training and service record of the Hull Pals Battalions of the East Yorkshire Regiment, Sept. 1914 - March 1919. Barnes, B.S.
M.Phil., Hull.
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The Reformation in the Lake counties, 1500-71. Clark, Margaret A.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Trinity College, Bristol)). Supervised by Fenwick, J.R.K.; MacCulloch, D.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The rehabilitation of the Highlander, 1745-1830: changing visions of Gaeldom. Clyde, R.D.
Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Macinnes, A.I.; Cowan, I.B.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The revival of Republican theory in the modern British Left, 1956-68. Foote, G.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pulzer, P.G.J.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The rise and fall of Parkgate, passenger port for Ireland, 1686-1815. Place, G.W.
Ph.D., Liverpool.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
The rise of suburban Exeter and the naming of its streets and houses, c.1801- 1907. Miles, Joyce C.
Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by Fox, H.S.A.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Urban history; Social history
The Rochdale canal, 1791-4: a case study in route selection. Roydes, D.A.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Manchester Polytechnic)). Supervised by Gibbs, D.; Anderson, G.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The role and influence of professional associations in the development of social work as an occupation, 1900-90. Sackville, A.D.
Ph.D., Manchester.
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The role of British North America in Anglo-American relations, 1848-54. Ingham, J.B.
Ph.D., Durham. Supervised by Ratcliffe, D.J.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The salience of economics in the formulation of United Kingdom foreign policy: the Persian Gulf, 1945-55. Wieschhoff, K.H.
Ph.D., Essex.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The Salisbury Journal, 1729-85: a study of a provincial newspaper. Ferdinand, Christine Y.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by McKenzie, D.F.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
The Salvation Army in England, 1865-1900. Horridge, G.K.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Floud, R.C.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The selection of chief constables in England and Wales, 1835-1985. Wall, D.S.
M.Phil., York.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The social and economic position of women in 19th-century Anglesey. Williams, Sydna Ann
M.Phil., Wales (Bangor). Supervised by Griffith, W.P.
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
The social thought of the Christian Social Union, 1889-1914. Eckbert, A.A.
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Garnett, E. Jane
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The Stockport Sunday school, 1784-1900. Evans, D.R.
M.Phil., Manchester.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The strategic concept of area bombing: World War II and the beginnings of the Cold War. Powell, O.T.
M.A., Keele. Supervised by Jones, T.A.
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The survival of the British Liberal party, 1932-59. Baines, M.I.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hart, M.W.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The Tichborne claimant and the people: investigations into popular culture, 1867- 86. McWilliam, R.A.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Yeo, J.F.C. Harrison and C.S.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The tory and Anglican gap in Welsh historiographical perceptions: the case ofCarmarthenshire, 1832-c.1886. Cragoe, M.F.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Prest, J.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The travel journal of Sir John Percival, Bart.: or 'A Journey thro' Severall Countys of England, in 1701'. Phillips, Dorothy
M.Phil., Lancaster. Supervised by Holmes, G.S.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The triumph of faith: Primitive Methodism and the labouring people in the N. Midlands, 1812-62. Johnson, W.J.
Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Y.M.C.A. and the search for a constructive Conservatism in Britain, 1924-9. Gatland, P.G.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Ramsden, J.A.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Thomas de Quincey and the early history of aestheticism and decadence. North, J.R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Shrimpton, N.G.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Thomas Hare and the Victorian proportional representation movement, 1857-88. Parsons, F.D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pelling, H.M.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Thomas White (1739-1811): 18th-century landscape designer and arboriculturist. Turnbull, Deborah K.M.
Ph.D., Hull. Supervised by Neave, D.R.J.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Tithe, tithe commutation and agricultural improvement: a case study of Dorset, 1700-1850. Gambier, Jennifer R.
Ph.D., Exeter. Supervised by Havinden, M.A. ; Kain, R.J.P.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Towards convertibility: the sterling policy of the Conservative governments, 1951-8. Procter, S.J.
Ph.D., Bristol.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Trade unionism and collective bargaining at two British motorcycle factories: a study of B.S.A./Small Heath and Triumph/Meriden, 1951-73. Koerner, S.
M.A., Warwick. Supervised by Tiratsoo, N.; Mason, A.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Treatment and care of disabled soldiers in two world wars. Donnelly, J.
B.Phil., Open University. Supervised by Englander, D.
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Tredegar and Aneurin Bevan: a society and its political articulation, 1890-1929. Demont, Susan E.
Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff). Supervised by Smith, D.B.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Ultramontane perspectives on papal infallibility: the case of William George Ward. Ryan, M.G.
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Rowell, D.G.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Unemployment in Norwich during the 1930s. Cunningham, P.A.
Ph.D., East Anglia. Supervised by Miller, M.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Village life in the Vale of Belvoir: social and economic change, 1851-81. Bosworth, P. Anne
Ph.D., Loughborough. Supervised by Keil, I.J.E.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Water power and water supply: public health as a cause of the decline of waterpower. Clark, Sylvia
Ph.D., Open University. Supervised by Coley, N.G.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Who are the subalternists? A study of the Dundee millworkers, 1850-85. Bull, Catherine H.
M.Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Whatley, C.A.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Women and marriage breakdown in England, 1832-57. Nevill, Marjorie
Ph.D., Essex. Supervised by Jordanova, Ludmilla J.
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
Women's surreptitious vocations: policies and women policy-makers in English adult education, 1910-75. Hughes, Constance M.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((Polytechnic of the South Bank)). Supervised by David, M.; Acker, S.
Categories: Education; Gender and Women; 20th Century
A case study of the relationship between school education and industrial society: Glamorgan, 1833-1944. Hughes, Colin P.F.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Educ.). Supervised by Jones, G.E.
Chronological coverage: 1833–1944
Index terms: Glamorgan; Wales; Education (19th-20th cent.); Schools; Industrial society
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Access to and development of secondary and technical education in Brighton in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Stainwright, D.A.
D.Phil., Sussex.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Technical education; Secondary education; Education (19th-20th cent.); Brighton, Suss.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
A.C. Headlam: his place in the tradition and development of the church. Jefferies, Philip J.
M.A., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, S.W.
Chronological coverage: 1889–1947
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
A community study of 16th-century Stratford-upon-Avon. Jones, Jeanne E.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Ives, E.W.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Admiral Duncan and the North Sea Fleet, March 1795 - Sept. 1796. Seymour, David
M.Phil., East Anglia. (Eng. & Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Hill, B.W.; Jones, J.R.
Chronological coverage: 1795–1796
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Agricultural change in the Yorkshire Dales, 1956-87. Lockyer, Susan E.
M.Phil., Sheffield.
Chronological coverage: 1956–1987
Index terms: Agriculture; Yorkshire; Yorkshire Dales
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Agweddau ar syniadau cymdeithasol yr oes a'r farn gyhoeddus ym Mon rhwng y ddau ryfel byd. (Aspects of social thought and public opinion in Anglesey in the inter-war period.). Job, Aled G.
M.Phil., Wales. (Bangor Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Griffith, W.P.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Public opinion; Wales; Anglesey; Social reform
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
A maritime history of the ports of Bideford and Barnstaple, 1786-1841. Nix, Michael C.H.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, H.S.A.
Chronological coverage: 1786–1841
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
An edition of the letters (1621-5) of the Reverend Joseph Mead to Sir Martin Stuteville of Suffolk in Brit. Libr., MS. Harleian 389. Wedgbury, D.M.
Ph.D., Leicester.
Chronological coverage: 1621–1625
Index terms: Mead, Joseph (1586-1638); Stuteville, Sir Martin (1569-1631); Suffolk
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Anglo-Egyptian relations, 1947-54. Al-Hail, Jassim A.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Chamberlain, Muriel E.
Chronological coverage: 1947–1954
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Archbishop George Abbot: a study in ecclesiastical statesmanship. Holland, Susan M.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Lockyer, R.W.; Lake, P.G.
Chronological coverage: 1611–1633
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Arthur Markham (1866-1916): coal owner and Liberal member of parliament for Mansfield, 1900-16. Lumb, Elizabeth E.
M.Phil., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Sutcliffe, A.R.
Chronological coverage: 1886–1916
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Aspects of Quakerism in Leeds and Bradford: Brighouse monthly meeting, 1836-1905. Ellison, Mark A.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Steele, E.D.
Chronological coverage: 1836–1905
Index terms: Bradford, W.R. Yorks.; Leeds, W.R. Yorks.; Society of Friends; Quakers, Quakerism; Brighouse, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
A spiritual pilgrimage: a biographical study of R.J. Campbell. David, Jacqueline
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, S.W.
Chronological coverage: 1895–1956
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
A study of factors contributing to the development of a uniform system of pharmacy education. Burt, David G.
M.Phil., Wales. (Cardiff Educ.)
Chronological coverage: 1857–1878
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain; Pharmacy education
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
A study of the middle-rank administrators in the government of King James VI of Scotland, 1580-1603. Zulager, Ried R.
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Simpson, G.G.
Chronological coverage: 1580–1603
Categories: 16th-17th Century
A town like Nelson: the social implications of technical change in a Lancashire mill town. Ross, P.
D.Phil., Sussex.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1970
Index terms: Textile industry; Textile mills; Nelson, Lancs.
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
`A world unto themselves'?: squatter settlement in Herefordshire, 1780-1880. Moir, James M.G.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Phythian-Adams, C.V.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1880
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Bedlam revisited: a history of Bethlem Hospital, c.1634-1770. Andrews, Jonathan
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, R.S.
Chronological coverage: 1634–1770
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Britain and the Peking government, 1926-8. Tang, Chi-Hua
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Nish, I.H.
Chronological coverage: 1926–1928
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
British casualties on the Western Front, 1914-18, and their influence on the military conduct of the Second World War. Whittle, E.Y.
Ph.D., Leicester.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: World War I; Western Front (1914-18); World War II
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
British policy towards Israel and the Arab-Israeli dispute, 1951-4. Tenembaum, Yoav J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Peele, Gillian R.
Chronological coverage: 1951–1954
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
Canal boat people, 1840-1970. Freer, Wendy J.
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Chapman, S.D.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1970
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Chartism and Liberalism: popular politics in Leicestershire, 1842-74. Little, Alan D.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Prothero, I.J.
Chronological coverage: 1842–1874
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Christians and religious pluralism, c.1830-1914: changing attitudes to other faiths. Supple, Paul C.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Hinchcliff, P.B.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1914
Index terms: Pluralism, religious
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Christian Science: an American religion in Britain, 1895-1930. Gartrell-Mills, Claire F.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wilson, B.R.
Chronological coverage: 1895–1930
Index terms: Christian Science
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Civil war, Interregnum and Restoration in Gloucestershire, 1640-72. Warmington, Andrew R.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1640–1672
Index terms: Gloucestershire; Interregnum (1649-60); Civil War (1642-60); Restoration (1660)
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Communism in the professions: the organization of the British Communist party among professional workers, 1933-56. Parsons, Steven R.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Harrison, R.J.; Hinton, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1933–1956
Index terms: Professional workers; Communist party; Communists, Communism
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Conceptions of `The State' in British political thought, 1880-1914. Meadowcroft, James R.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Freeden, M.S.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century
Credit, market relations and debt litigation in late 17th-century England, with special reference to King's Lynn. Muldrew, J. Craig
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, K.E.
Chronological coverage: 1680–1700
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
Dearth, death and disease: an analysis of mortality crises in five Lagan Valley parishes, 1700-1850. Worthington, Patricia A.
M.A., Belfast. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Clarkson, L.A.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1850
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Debates on witchcraft in England, c.1650-1736. Bostridge, Ian C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, Keith
Chronological coverage: 1650–1736
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Democratic Rhondda: politics and society, 1885-1951. Williams, Christopher M.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Smith, D.B.
Chronological coverage: 1885–1951
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Discipline, government and law: the response to crime, poverty and prostitution in 19th-century Portsmouth. Ogborn, Miles J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.). Supervised by Billinge, M.D.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Discrimination in the labour market: Jewish women in the tailoring industry in the late 19th century. Sandler, Olivia
M.A., Leeds. (Econ. Stud.). Supervised by Bowers, J.K.; Bowden, Susan M.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1900
Categories: Gender and Women; 19th Century; Economic history; 20th Century
Dr. Thomas Jones, C.H. and his views on adult and university education in Wales. Gregson, Andrew R.
M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.). Supervised by Ellis, E.L.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1955
Index terms: University education; Education; Jones, Thomas (1870-1955); Adult education; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Dr. William Clifford, third bishop of Clifton (1857-93): his influence at the First Vatican Council and on the English Catholic Church. Harding, John A.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Eccles. Hist.). Supervised by Champ, Judith F.
Chronological coverage: 1857–1893
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Early modern conceptions of `cleanliness' and `dirt' as reflected in the environmental regulation of London, c.1530-c.1700. Jenner, Mark S.R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Thomas, Keith
Chronological coverage: 1530–1700
Index terms: Cleanliness; Environmental regulations; London
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
East End Jews in politics, 1918-39: a study in class and ethnicity. Smith, Elaine R.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Newman, A.N.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Economic aspects of the provision and development of water supply in 19th-century Britain. Cavalcanti, Jose C.S.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, C.M.; Millward, R.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Water supply
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Eden, the Foreign Office and the war in Indo-China, 1951-4. Ruane, Kevin J.
Ph.D., Kent.
Chronological coverage: 1951–1954
Index terms: Eden, Anthony (1897-1977), earl of Avon, prime minister; Foreign Office; Indochina
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Education, industry and the community: Jarrow Secondary School, 1911-44. Davis, S.
M.Ed., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1911–1944
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Secondary schools; Jarrow, co. Dur., Secondary School; Schools
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Enclosure, land ownership and social change in a farming community in the Vale of York: Haxby, 1771-1811. Smith, F. Thomas
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Sheils, W.J.
Chronological coverage: 1771–1811
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
English and Welsh priests, 1801-1914. Fitzgerald-Lombard, Michael C.
M.Phil., London. (K.C. Eccles. Hist.). Supervised by Champ, Judith F.
Chronological coverage: 1801–1914
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
English tin-glazed tea-ware: its origins and development, 1650-1800. MacFarlane, Margaret C.
M.Phil., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Sweetman, J.E.
Chronological coverage: 1650–1800
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
Evelyn Waugh and conversion to Roman Catholicism among English writers between 1890 and 1945. Robert-Nicoud, Elie-Louis
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Griffiths, E.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1945
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Experience into identity: the writings of British conscript soldiers, 1916-18. Bet-El, Ilana R.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, M.J.
Chronological coverage: 1916–1918
Categories: 20th Century
Family, household, kinship and inheritance in Shrewsbury, 1650-1750. Hindson, James C.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Geog.). Supervised by Dodgshorn, R.A.
Chronological coverage: 1650–1750
Index terms: Demography; Shrewsbury, Salop.; Families
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Foreign government loan issues on the London capital market, 1870-1913, with special reference to Japan. Suzuki, Toshio
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Barker, T.C.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1913
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century; 20th Century
From 'laissez-faire' to `homes fit for heroes': housing in Dundee, 1868-1919. Young, J.K.
Ph.D., St. Andrews.
Chronological coverage: 1868–1919
Index terms: Scotland; Dundee, Angus; Housing policy
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Government as patron: the patronage of the visual arts by the British government, 1939-45, with particular reference to the Artists' Advisory Committee of the Ministry of Information. Waddams, Keith A.
M.Phil., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Roots, I.A.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Gradus ad Parnassum: the pianoforte in London, 1770-1820. de Val, Dorothy J.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Music). Supervised by Trowell, B.L.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1820
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Grave of a dozen schemes: the British search for a naval strategy for the war against Japan, 1943-4. Willmott, Hedley P.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Till, G.
Chronological coverage: 1943–1944
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
G.S. Fraser: a biography. Hopewell, J.
Ph.D., Nottingham.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1980
Index terms: Fraser, George Sutherland (1915-80)
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Health and the stars: astrology and medicine in the late 16th and 17th centuries. Neave, Ruth
M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Molland, A.G.
Chronological coverage: 1579–1700
Index terms: Health; Astrology; Medicine
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
Heart-work: emotion, empowerment and authority in Covenanting times. Yeoman, Louise A.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Smout, T.C.
Chronological coverage: 1638–1688
Index terms: Scotland; Covenanters
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Henry Ireton, the Mosaic Law, and morality in English civil politics, Apr. 1646 - May 1649. Dean, Jonathan L.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1646–1649
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Hobbes, metaphor and political thought. Willson-Quayle, James M.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Govt.). Supervised by Orr, R.R.
Chronological coverage: 1640–1679
Categories: 17th Century
Indoor domestic servants under the age of fifteen in England and Wales, 1850-1914. Seymour, Claire
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Information circulation and the transfer of money capital in England and Wales, 1780-1840: an historical geography of banking in the Industrial Revolution. Black, Ian S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.). Supervised by Baker, A.R.H.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1840
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
In peace and war: industrial relations in the N. Staffordshire coalfield, 1907-20. Newman, Melvin D.
M.A., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1907–1920
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Insolvency and reform of English bankruptcy law, 1831-1914. Lester, Vernon M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Feinstein, C.H.
Chronological coverage: 1831–1914
Categories: 19th Century
John Bennet, 1714-59: his life and theology. Valentine, Simon R.
Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor)
Chronological coverage: 1734–1759
Index terms: Evangelical Revival; Methodists, Methodism; Bennet, John (1714-59)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Joseph Booth, 1892-1919: an evaluation of his life, thought and influence on religion and politics, with particular reference to British Central Africa (Malawi) and South Africa. Kavaloh, Brighton G.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1902–1919
Categories: 20th Century
Labour and the bomb: an examination of the Labour party's policy-making processes, 1945-84. Rowley, D.W.
Ph.D., East Anglia.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1984
Index terms: Bomb, atomic/hydrogen; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Land ownership in mid 19th-century Staffordshire. Bell, David J.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Staffordshire Poly.)
Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
Index terms: Land ownership; Staffordshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Laurence Binyon: a critical biography. Hatcher, John T.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Weaver, M.L.H.L.
Chronological coverage: 1889–1943
Index terms: Binyon, Laurence (1869-1943); Poets, Poetry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Learning for life: educational provision at Cadbury, 1831-1981. Bull, H.W.
Ph.D., Aston.
Chronological coverage: 1831–1981
Index terms: Cadbury, cocoa manufacturers; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Liberating learning: libertarian education and schooling in Britain, 1890-1900. Shotton, J.R.
M.Phil., York.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1900
Index terms: Libertarian education; Education (19th-20th cent.); Schools
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Local government and politics in Devon and Cornwall, 1509-49, with special reference to the south-western rebellion of 1549. Speight, Helen M.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Kitch, M.J.
Chronological coverage: 1509–1549
Index terms: Rebellion, south-western (1549); Devon; Cornwall
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Local government, law and order in a pre-Reform Kentish parish: Farningham, 1790-1834. Black, Shirley M.B.
Ph.D., Kent. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Keith-Lucas, B.; Whyman, J.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1834
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
Matthew Luscombe, 1776-1846: missionary bishop in Europe of the Scottish Episcopal Church. Luscombe, Lawrence E.
M.Phil., Dundee. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Machin, G.I.T.
Chronological coverage: 1796–1846
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Mid 19th-century voting behaviour in Leicester: influences of social class and political generation. Hunting, J.E.
B.Phil., Open University.
Chronological coverage: 1845–1855
Index terms: Voting behaviour; Leicester; Elections
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Names and naming patterns in England, 1538-1700. Smith-Bannister, Scott
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, Keith
Chronological coverage: 1538–1700
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
`Near popery yet no popery': theological debate in Cambridge, 1590-1644. Hoyle, David M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Div.). Supervised by Duffy, E.
Chronological coverage: 1590–1644
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
New-born child murder: a study of suspicion, evidence and proof in 18th-century England. Jackson, Mark A.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Phil.)
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Murder; Infanticide; New-born child murder; Children; Infants
Categories: 18th Century
Norman Gratton and his Derbyshire, 1889-1982: a study of Derbyshire life. Wilshaw, Muriel
M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Binfield, J.C.G.
Chronological coverage: 1909–1982
Index terms: Gratton, Norman (1889-1982); Derbyshire
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Outdoor relief and methodological charity: aspects of provincial relationships and disharmonies, 1870-90. Humphreys, Robert
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, P.A.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1890
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Parish and gathered church: a comparison of Evangelical Protestantism in S. Yorkshire and Cambridgeshire, 1789-1914. Booth, Michael A.
M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Binfield, J.C.G.
Chronological coverage: 1789–1914
Index terms: Protestants, Protestantism; Yorkshire; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Cambridgeshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Parish constables: a study of administration and peace-keeping, Middlesex, 1603-25. Price, Lynda A.
Ph.D., London. (Bedford Hist.). Supervised by Du Boulay, F.R.H.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1625
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Party life: an examination of the branch life of the Communist party of Great Britain between the Wars. Gabbidon, C. Michelle
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Lowerson, J.R.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Pastors and polemicists: the character of popular Anglicanism in S.E. Lancashire, 1847-1914. Ford, Christopher S.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Theol.). Supervised by Hastings, Adrian
Chronological coverage: 1847–1914
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Patterns and impacts of `free trade' between unequal partners: a study of China's trade with Britain, 1861-1913. Wang, Jerry L.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Kennedy, W.P.
Chronological coverage: 1861–1913
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century; 20th Century
PAX: the history of a Catholic peace society in Britain, 1936-71. Flessati, V.
Ph.D., Bradford.
Chronological coverage: 1936–1971
Index terms: Peace movement; Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; PAX society
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Perceptions of the poor in England, 1660-1770. Lloyd, Sarah V.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Slack, P.A.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1770
Index terms: Poverty
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Philanthropy and the crippled child: the Band of Kindness and the Crippled Children's Help Society in Manchester and Salford, 1882-1948. Mohr, Peter D.
M.Sc., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Pickstone, J.V.
Chronological coverage: 1882–1948
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Photography and printmaking, 1840-60. Bloore, C.
Ph.D., Reading.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
Index terms: Printmaking; Photography
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Politics and religion in Beverley in the 16th century. Lamburn, David J.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Cross, M. Claire
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Politics and the people: a study in English political culture and communication, 1808-68. Vernon, N. James
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Joyce, P.J.; O'Gorman, F.
Chronological coverage: 1808–1868
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Politics in Devon and Cornwall, 1900-31. Dawson, Anthony M.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Govt.). Supervised by Nossiter, T.J.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1931
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Productivity growth and structural change in the U.K. economy and food system, 1954-84. McDonald, J.R.S.
Ph.D., Nottingham.
Chronological coverage: 1954–1984
Index terms: Productivity; Food system
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Puritanism and civic life in York, Newcastle, Hull, Beverley and Leeds, 1590-1640. Murray, Kimberley D.
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.)
Chronological coverage: 1590–1640
Index terms: Hull, E.R. Yorks.; Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumb.; York; Puritanism; Beverley, E.R. Yorks.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Reconstructing the Black past: Blacks in Britain [1780-1830]. Myers, Norma
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Tadman, M.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1830
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Religious provision and practice in some mainly rural poor law districts of the lowland Marches, 1815-1914. Burrows, Howard
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Wolverhampton Poly.). Supervised by Wanklyn, M.D.G.; Trinder, B.S.; Leese, R.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1914
Index terms: Marches; Religious provision; Poor law
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Revolutionary Socialism to radical patriotism: the British Labour Left, 1931-45. Spalding, Roger H.
M.Phil., East Anglia. (Eng. & Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Searle, G.R.
Chronological coverage: 1931–1945
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Royal Air Force assistance to the Soviet Union, June 1941 - June 1942. Titley, P.J.
M.A., Kent.
Chronological coverage: 1941–1942
Index terms: Royal Air Force; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; World War II
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Rural education in N. Derbyshire, 1870-1920. Jones, C.A.
Ph.D., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1920
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Derbyshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Rural society in 19th-century Suffolk, with special reference to landownership and occupancy, 1800-65. Harrison, Stephen L.
M.Phil., Hull. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Turner, M.E.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1865
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Sectarianism in the north west of England, with reference to class relationships in the City of Liverpool, 1846-1914. Ingram, Philip
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Lancs. Poly.). Supervised by Walton, J.K.; King, Christine E.
Chronological coverage: 1846–1914
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Seiadau'r Methodistiad yn ne-orllewin Cymru, 1737-50. (Methodist societies in S.W. Wales, 1737-50.). Mant-White, Eryn D.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Jenkins, G.H.
Chronological coverage: 1737–1750
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Serious religion and the improvement of public manners: the scope and limitations of Evangelicalism in Hull, 1770-1914. Stubley, Peter D.
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, S.W.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1914
Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Hull, E.R. Yorks.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Sex and sexuality, 1890-1930: a reconsideration. Swords, N.M.J.
M.A., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1930
Index terms: Sex, Sexuality
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Ship money during the personal rule of Charles I: politics, ideology and the law, 1634-40. Gill, Alison A.M.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Greengrass, M.
Chronological coverage: 1634–1640
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Sir Joseph Williamson and the development of the government intelligence system in Restoration England, 1660-80. Marshall, J. Alan
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, J.S.; Holmes, G.S.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1680
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Sir Matthew Hale (1609-76). Cromartie, Alan D.T.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Tuck, R.F.
Chronological coverage: 1629–1676
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Sir Robert Walpole's newspapers, 1722-42: propaganda and politics in the age of whig supremacy. Targett, Simon
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Goldie, M.A.
Chronological coverage: 1722–1742
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Social and economic changes in the Vale of Clwyd during the railway era. Fletcher, Allan
M.Phil., Wales. (Bangor Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Griffith, W.P.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1900
Index terms: Railways; Clwyd, Vale of
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Social and labour relations at Pullars of Perth, 1882-1924. Davies, John McG.
Ph.D., Dundee. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Whatley, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1882–1924
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Socialist theory and Labour politics in Belfast, 1920-39. Craig, Colin W.
D.Phil., Ulster. (Hist.). Supervised by Fraser, T.G.; Lemon, M.C.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1939
Index terms: Socialists, Socialism; Ireland; Belfast; Labour politics
Categories: 20th Century
Socio-economic factors and the schooling of working-class children aged seven and under in seven areas of N. London, 1800-51. Browne, Naima
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, R.E.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1851
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Stanley Baldwin and the ideology of the Conservative response to socialism, 1918-31. Jarvis, David A.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Constantine, S.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1931
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Structure, conduct, performance: Lancashire spinning mills, c.1945-c.1960. Higgins, David M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Econ.). Supervised by Trebilcock, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Structures of accommodation: the intellectual roots of social stability in mid 19th-century Manchester, 1832-67. Hewitt, Martin
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, Lord
Chronological coverage: 1832–1867
Index terms: Manchester,
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Urban history; Social history
Textile manufactures in Norwich and Norfolk, 1550-1622. Martin, Luc N.D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Outhwaite, R.B.
Chronological coverage: 1550–1622
Categories: 16th Century
The 19th-century Bristol printing trade and the role of the Bristol Typographical Society. Bateman, Donald
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Bristol Poly.). Supervised by Channon, G.; Hannam, June B.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The 19th-century British Jesuits, with special reference to their relations with the vicars apostolic and the bishops. L'Estrange, Peter J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Rowell, D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The administration and organization of the London cab trade from the late 18th century to the First World War. May, Trevor F.
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Hist. Res.). Supervised by Thompson, F.M.L.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1914
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The administration of the poor law in Lanarkshire, 1845-94. Groves, William W.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by McCaffrey, J.F.
Chronological coverage: 1845–1894
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Anglican Church in the period of the Cold War, 1945-55. Kirby, Dianne
Ph.D., Hull. (Amer. Stud.). Supervised by Billington, L.; Saville, J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1955
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
`The bright shininge sparke': the political career of Robert Devereux, 2nd earl of Essex, c.1585-c.1597. Hammer, Paul E.J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Elton, Geoffrey
Chronological coverage: 1585–1597
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The British Archaeological Association: its foundation and split. Wetherall, D.M.
M.A., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1843–1845
Index terms: British Archaeological Association; Archaeology
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
The British commercial community in Shanghai and British policy in China, 1925-31. Radtke, Robert W.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Tsang, S.; Darwin, J.G.
Chronological coverage: 1925–1931
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The British Communist party and the trade unions, 1933-45: the dilemmas of revolutionary pragmatism. Fishman, Nina
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Zeitlin, J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1933–1945
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The British documentary movement and the 1945-51 Labour governments. Hogenkamp, Albert P.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Westminster Coll., Oxford). Supervised by Stead, P.P.; Short, K.R.M.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1951
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The career of Lord Barrington, administrator and servant (1717-93). Jones, Dylan E.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, P.D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1737–1793
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The career of Maitland of Lethington, c.1526-1573. Loughlin, Mark
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Lynch, M.
Chronological coverage: 1546–1573
Index terms: Maitland, William (c.1526-1573), of Lethington
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The causes and processes of rural-urban migration in 19th and early 20th-century India: the case of Ratnagiri district. Yamin, Gillian M.
Ph.D., Salford. (Econ.). Supervised by Simmons, C.P.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1920
Index terms: Ratnagiri, India; Migration, in India; India
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The changing use of land in Congleton during the period of its industrialization, 1750-1870. Smith, Margaret
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, C.B.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1870
Index terms: Industrialization; Congleton, Ches.; Land use
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The changing use of land in the Weald region of Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 1919-39. Lockwood, Carol A.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Howkins, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The charitable relationship: parents, children and the Waifs and Strays Society. Ward, H.
Ph.D., Bristol.
Chronological coverage: 1887–1894
Index terms: Charitable organizations; Waifs and Strays Society; Children
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The church and local society in the diocese of Ely, c.1630-1730. Cross, Michael
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, K.E.
Chronological coverage: 1630–1730
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The contribution of Cambridge and the Ecclesiological (late Cambridge Camden) Society to the revival of Anglican choral worship, 1839-62. Adelmann, Dale L.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Bowers, R.D.
Chronological coverage: 1839–1862
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The contribution of the All-India Muslim Educational Conference to the educational and cultural development of Indian Muslims, 1886-1947. Khan, Abdul R.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Robinson, F.C.R.
Chronological coverage: 1886–1947
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The control of inflation in the managed economy: Britain, 1945-53. Rollings, Neil
Ph.D., Bristol. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Peden, G.C.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1953
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The corporation and the country: Great Yarmouth, 1660-1722. Gauci, Peregrine L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1720
Index terms: Local government; Towns; Yarmouth, Great, Norf.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The day T.B. schools, 1910-39: a study of the medical and educational influences which shaped their course. Fox, Jean E.
Ph.D., London. (King's Educ.). Supervised by Mansell, A.L.
Chronological coverage: 1910–1939
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The dealers and collectors of Glasgow: a social history. Grieve, F.C.
M.Litt., St. Andrews.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1900
Index terms: Glasgow; Scotland; Art dealers and collectors; Art collections
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The determination of inventive activity: the case of patenting, 1950-86. Bladen-Hovell, C.A.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Poly. of Central London)
Chronological coverage: 1950–1986
Index terms: Patenting
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The development of music education in the West Riding of Yorkshire Education Authority, 1935-74. Mann, Paul O.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Educ.). Supervised by Gosden, P.H.J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1974
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The development of the physics profession linked to the education and training of physicists to 1939. Ebison, M.G.
Ph.D., Salford.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1939
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Professions; Physicists
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The devil in the vineyard: the role of seminary priests in the introduction of continental witchlore to England. Karle, Warren J.
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Bossy, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1574–1603
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The differing economic development of Pudsey, Calverley, Farsley and Stanningley between the late 17th and the early 19th centuries. Strong, Ruth R.
M.Phil., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Unwin, R.W.; Forster, G.C.F.
Chronological coverage: 1680–1820
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history; Economic history
The diocese of Exeter, 1519-1641: a study of church government in the age of the Reformation. Vage, Jonathan A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1519–1641
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The early scientific career of Sir Henry Dale F.R.S., 1875-1968. Tansey, Elizabeth M.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Bynum, W.F.
Chronological coverage: 1904–1968
Categories: 20th Century
The economic and social development of inter-war out-county municipal housing estates, with special reference to the London County Council's Becontree and Dagenham estate. Olechnowicz, Andrzej J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Waller, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Becontree, Essex; Dagenham, Essex; Housing; Municipal housing estates; London County Council
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The electrification of rural England and Wales. Newman, Leslie
M.Phil., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Collins, E.J.T.
Chronological coverage: 1925–1965
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The evolution of Puritan mentality in an Essex cloth town: Dedham and the Stour valley, 1560-1640. Pennie, Alan R.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Greengrass, M.
Chronological coverage: 1560–1640
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The formation and development of the rabbinical court of the British Reform Congregation, 1935-70. Romain, Jonathan A.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Newman, A.N.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1970
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The Free Church army chaplain, 1830-1930. Thompson, John H.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Binfield, J.C.G.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1930
Index terms: Free Churches; Army chaplains; Army
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The growth of Evangelicalism in the Church of Scotland, 1793-1843. Currie, D.A.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1793–1843
Index terms: Church of Scotland; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The housing market in Islington, 1919-39. Hinchcliffe, Tanis F.M.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, M.J.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The influence of Continental divines on the making of the English religious settlement, c.1547-1590: a reassessment of Heinrich Bullinger's contribution. Horie, Hirofumi
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Elton, Geoffrey
Chronological coverage: 1547–1590
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The influence of Dr. Alexander Adam, rector of the High School of Edinburgh, upon education, culture and political opinion in Scotland and the United Kingdom during the Enlightenment. Murray, A.J.
Ph.D., Open University.
Chronological coverage: 1768–1809
Index terms: Edinburgh, High School; Scotland; Enlightenment; Adam, Alexander (1741-1809); Education (16th-18th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The influence of syndicalism and of industrial unionism on the S. Wales coalfield, 1898-1921: a study in ideology and practice. Davies, David K.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Smith, D.B.
Chronological coverage: 1898–1921
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The Isle of Man in the Stuart age. Dickinson, John R.
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Kermode, Jennifer I.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1714
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The justice of the peace and county government in the East Riding of Yorkshire, 1782-1836. Balchin, Andrew T.
Ph.D., Hull. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Reid, D.A.
Chronological coverage: 1782–1836
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
The Lancashire Presbyterian ministers, 1640-62. Meikle, Alistair D.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Hughes, Ann L.
Chronological coverage: 1640–1662
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The language of the unheard: civil disorder in Staffordshire, 1640-1842. Pointon, Timothy J.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Parry, C.H.T.
Chronological coverage: 1640–1842
Index terms: Staffordshire; Civil disorder
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The Liberal middle classes and politics in three provincial towns: Newcastle, Bristol and York, c.1812-1841. Brett, Peter
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Heesom, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1812–1841
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The Liberal party in Cornwall, 1918-39. Tregidga, Garry H.
M.Phil., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Thorpe, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The life and work of John Hall Gladstone (1827-1902), with particular reference to his contribution to elementary science education at the London School Board. Coleman, Dena
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Educ.). Supervised by Mansell, A.L.
Chronological coverage: 1847–1902
Index terms: Elementary education; Education; Gladstone, John Hall (1827-1902); Science-education; London School Board
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The life and work of the Reverend Benjamin Godwin: a Baptist response to the Oxford Movement. Hancock, N.P.
M.Phil., Nottingham.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1871
Index terms: Godwin, Benjamin (1785-1871); Baptists; Oxford Movement
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The life and works of William and Philip Hayes. Heighes, Simon J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Music). Supervised by Johnstone, H.D.
Chronological coverage: 1726–1797
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
The life of Sir Wilfrid Spender, 1876-1960. Maxwell, Ian
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harkness, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1896–1960
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The making of a middle-class liberalism in Manchester, c.1815-1832: a study in politics and the press. Turner, Michael J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Macintyre, A.D.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1832
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The management of political change: British colonial policy towards Singapore, 1942-54. Pullé, James H.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Stockwell, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1942–1954
Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Singapore; Singapore
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The Matrimonial Causes Act 1937: a watershed in divorce law reform. Redmayne, S.A.
LL.M., Bristol.
Chronological coverage: 1937–1937
Index terms: Marriage; Matrimonial Causes Act 1937; Divorce
Categories: 20th Century
The mining, quarrying and allied industries of the Cleehill region from the 1800s to 1930. Hewitt, Peter B.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Wolverhampton Poly.). Supervised by Wanklyn, Malcolm D.G.; Leese, R.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1930
Index terms: Cleehill, Salop; Quarrying; Miners, Mining
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The National Union of Elementary Teachers, 1870-82. Phillips, Trevor R.
M.Phil., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, R.E.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1882
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The navy under Charles I, 1625-40. Thrush, Andrew D.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Russell, C.S.R.
Chronological coverage: 1625–1640
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The origins and development of Paisley College of Technology, 1895-1980, with an analysis of its relationship with industry and commerce in the West of Scotland. Graham, David S.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Paisley Coll.). Supervised by Adams, J.; Foster, J.
Chronological coverage: 1895–1980
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The origins and development of Scottish nationalism, c.1919-c.1945. Finlay, Richard J.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Simpson, J.M.; Ferguson, W.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1945
Categories: 20th Century
The paradise of every nuisance: the development of municipal public health services in St. Helens, 1868-1914. Hawes, Richard A.
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Hennock, E.P.
Chronological coverage: 1868–1914
Index terms: Urban development; St. Helens, Lancs.; Public health
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The `peace arsenal' scheme: the campaign for non-munitions work at the Royal Ordnance factory, Woolwich, after the First World War. Weinbren, Daniel J.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Thames Poly.). Supervised by Ryan, Joan A.; Lindop, F.J.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The philosophy of Irish Toryism, 1833-52: a study of reactions to liberal-reformism in Ireland in the generation between the First Reform Act and the Famine, with special reference to expressions of national feeling among the Protestant ascendancy. Spence, Joseph A.F.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Foster, R.F. (Roy)
Chronological coverage: 1833–1852
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The picturesque and landscape appreciation: the development of tourism in the Yorkshire Dales and co. Durham, 1750-1860. Rudd, M.D.C.
M.A., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1860
Index terms: Durham, county; Yorkshire Dales; Tourism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The Polish community in Scotland. Kernberg, T.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Wallace, W.V.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1990
Categories: 20th Century
The political and historical work of Hilaire Belloc. Wharton, Patricia M.
M.Phil., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, P.
Chronological coverage: 1906–1953
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The political ideas of William Hazlitt (1778-1830). Garnett, M.A.
Ph.D., Durham. (Pol.)
Chronological coverage: 1798–1830
Index terms: Hazlitt, William (1778-1830); Political thought
Categories: 19th Century
The political ideas of William Hazlitt. Garnett, Mark
Ph.D., Durham. (Pol.). Supervised by Tudor, H.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1830
Categories: 19th Century
The poor law in Ireland, 1838-52: the Ballymoney and Magherafelt Unions. Getty, David I.
D.Phil., Ulster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1838–1852
Index terms: Ballymoney, co. Antrim; Poverty; Poor law; Ireland; Magherafelt, co. Londonderry
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The practices of food circulation in and to the three towns of Plymouth, Devonport and Stonehouse, 1800-c.1870. Phillips, Martin P.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Geog.). Supervised by Shaw, G.; Kain, R.J.P.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1870
Index terms: Devonport, Devon; Plymouth, Devon; Food circulation; Stonehouse, Devon; Trade
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The professions in 19th-century Merseyside. Campbell, Joy
M.Phil., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Kermode, Jennifer I.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The provision and practice of sacred music at Cambridge colleges and selected cathedrals, c.1547-c.1646: a comparative study of the archival evidence. Payne, Ian C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Music). Supervised by Bowers, R.D.
Chronological coverage: 1547–1646
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
The relationship of the Home Office and the Ministry of Labour with the Treasury establishment division, 1919-46: an evaluation of contrasting needs. Price, Norman G.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Govt.). Supervised by Jones, G.W.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1946
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
`The right place of music in education': a history of musical education in England, 1872-1928, with special reference to the role of H.M.I. Cox, G.S.A.
Ph.D., Reading.
Chronological coverage: 1872–1928
Index terms: Her/His Majesty's Inspectors; Music education; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The role of women in the education of the working class, 1870-1904. Martin, Jane
Ph.D., Open University.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1904
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Working class; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; 19th Century; Education; 20th Century
The role of women on the Manchester City Council, 1907-45. Maini, Gurpreet K.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, M.E.
Chronological coverage: 1907–1945
Categories: Gender and Women; Education; 20th Century
The Royal Air Force and British nuclear strategy, 1945-59. Ball, Simon J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1959
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The Scottish National Players: in the nature of an experiment, 1913-34. Marshalsay, Karen
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
Chronological coverage: 1913–1934
Index terms: Theatre; Scottish National Players; Scotland; Leisure
Categories: 20th Century
The Scottish timber trade, 1680-1800. Thomson, Alan
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Smout, T.C.
Chronological coverage: 1680–1800
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
The search for a social philosophy: the idealists of late Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Den Otter, Sandra M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Jose F.
Chronological coverage: 1877–1910
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Economic history
The separation of work and home? The case of the Lancashire textiles, 1825-65. Evans, Clare L.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, M.E.; Joyce, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1825–1865
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The situation of women in 17th-century Fife, as illustrated by the records of the church courts. Belof, Margaret M.
M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Houston, R.A.; Smout, T.C.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 16th-17th Century
The social and political development of Keighley, with special reference to the response of the Liberal party to the rise of Labour, 1885-1914. James, David
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Huddersfield Poly.). Supervised by Wright, D.G.; Stevenson, J.; Laybourn, K.
Chronological coverage: 1885–1914
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The social, economic and geographical aspects of rural tradesmen in Scotland, with specific references to lowland Scotland, c.1750-1950. Young, Craig
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Soc. Sc.)
Chronological coverage: 1750–1950
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Somerset and Lothian miners, 1919-47: changing attitudes to pit work in the 20th century. Bonsall, Penny
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Rogers, T.; Mason, A.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1947
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The structure, organization and location of fixed-shop retailing in Wolverhampton, 1870-1914. Jones, John
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Wolverhampton Poly.). Supervised by Leese, R.; Benson, J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The textile industry in Leigh, 1760-1860. Rydings, Anthony D.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Farrie, D.A.
Chronological coverage: 1760–1860
Index terms: Leigh, Lancs.; Textile industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The thought and polemic of Gilbert Burnet, c.1673-1705. Greig, Martin R.E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1673–1705
Categories: 17th Century
The treatment of poverty in Nantwich and Crewe, 1730-1914. Edwards, Faye
M.A., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1730–1914
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The village of Stock, Essex, 1550-1610: a social and economic survey. Robey, Ann C.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Bridbury, A.R.
Chronological coverage: 1550–1610
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Mission in Assam, 1930-50, with special reference to missionary attitudes to local society, customs and religion. Williams, Nerys W.
Ph.D. (Ext.), London. (Ext.)
Chronological coverage: 1930–1950
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The Welsh soldier in the First World War. Phillips, Gervase
M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.). Supervised by Hopkin, D.R.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: Wales; World War I (1914-18); Soldiers
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Three hundred thousand houses a year: an analysis of the origins and development of Conservative housing policy, 1951-3. Richards, S.
M.Sc., Salford.
Chronological coverage: 1951–1953
Index terms: Housing policy; Conservative party
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Tuberculosis in Scotland, 1870-1960. MacFarlane, Neil
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Crowther, M. Anne
Chronological coverage: 1870–1960
Categories: 18th-19th Century
T.W. Russell: temperance orator, militant unionist missionary, radical land reformer and political pragmatist. McKeown, Paschal A.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Stewart, A.T.Q.; Bew, P.A.E.
Chronological coverage: 1861–1920
Categories: 18th-19th Century
University teaching as a profession for women in Oxford, Cambridge and London, 1870-1930. Perrone, Fernanda H.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howarth, Janet H.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1930
Categories: Gender and Women; 19th Century; Education; 20th Century
Warwickshire Baptists, 1851-1921. Taylor, Leonard C.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D.H.
Chronological coverage: 1851–1921
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Wellington, Ireland and the Catholic question, 1807-27. Piggott, Karen A.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Feuchtwanger, E.J.
Chronological coverage: 1807–1827
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Willington: a study of the industrialization of a Durham mining village, 1840-1914. Quinn, Vanessa
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Lomas, R.A.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1914
Index terms: Durham, county; Willington, co. Dur.; Miners, Mining
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Women and crime in 19th-century Pembrokeshire. Philpin, Audrey M.
M.Phil. (Ext.), Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Jone, D.J.V.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Crime; Pembrokeshire; Women
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
Women and Labour politics in Britain, 1893-1932. Collins, Clare L.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Jane E.
Chronological coverage: 1893–1932
Categories: Political history; 19th Century; 20th Century; Gender and Women
Women artists in Britain between the two World Wars. Deepwell, Catherine N.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck)
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Artists, Art; Women; Women artists
Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; 20th Century
Women magistrates, ministers and municipal councillors in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1918-39. Dunkley, Sylvia J.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Stevenson, J.; Binfield, J.C.G.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Ministers of religion; Magistrates; Municipal councillors; Women; Yorkshire
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Women of the local elite in Lancashire, 1750-c.1825. Vickery, Amanda J.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Corfield, Penelope J.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1825
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
Working-class political integration and the Conservative party: a study of class relations and party political development in the North West, 1800-70. Walsh, David
Ph.D., Salford. (Pol. & Hist.). Supervised by Garrard, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1870
Index terms: Working class; Class relations; Party politics; Conservative party
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Working-class structure and working-class politics in Britain, 1750-1939. Charlton, John D.
Ph.D., Leeds.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1939
Index terms: Working class
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Yorkshire politics, 1658-88. Keen, Cheryl M.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Greengrass, M.
Chronological coverage: 1658–1688
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
A business history of the Gramophone Company Ltd., 1897-1918. Martland, Stephen P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Supple, B.E.
Chronological coverage: 1897–1918
Index terms: Gramophone Company Ltd.; Business
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
A critical investigation into Nonconformity and social reform in Swansea, 1851-1914. Cook, Lorainne A.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Swansea Inst.). Supervised by McCarry, T.J.; Horlock, D.; Reid, K.C.
Chronological coverage: 1851–1914
Index terms: Social reform; Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Swansea; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
After the workhouse: the development of hospital services for the elderly chronic sick, 1930-74, with particular reference to the former public assistance institutions in E. Sussex. Gaston, Harry
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Yeo, Eileen M.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1974
Index terms: Sussex; Hospitals; Elderly people; Workhouses
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
A history of Gravesend, 1630-1780. Shepherd, Lloyd T.
M.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Brooks, C.
Chronological coverage: 1630–1780
Index terms: Gravesend, Kent
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
A.J. Balfour and British foreign policy: the international thought of a Conservative statesman. Tomes, Jason H.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Waller, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1902–1905
Index terms: Conservative party; Balfour, Arthur James (1848-1930), 1st earl of Balfour; Foreign policy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
A.J. Balfour and education, 1896-1911. Gibson, Robert S.
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Educ.). Supervised by Betts, R.S.
Chronological coverage: 1896–1911
Index terms: Balfour, Arthur James (1848-1930), 1st earl of Balfour; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
A lawyer's political apprenticeship: the early career of John Scott, Lord Eldon, 1751-99. Melikan, Rose A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Law). Supervised by Jones, G.S.
Chronological coverage: 1777–1799
Index terms: Scott, John (1751-1838), 1st earl of Eldon; Lawyers, Law
Categories: 18th Century
Alexander Dalrymple (1737-1808), hydrographer to the East India Company and to the Admiralty, as publisher: a catalogue of books and charts. Cook, Andrew S.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Lenman, B.P.
Chronological coverage: 1757–1808
Index terms: East India Company; Dalrymple, Alexander (1737-1808); Admiralty
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Alexander Forbes of Brechin (1817-75): the first Tractarian bishop. Strong, Rowan G.W.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1848–1875
Index terms: Episcopal Church of Scotland; Tractarians; Brechin, Angus; Scotland; Forbes, Alexander (1817-85), bishop
Categories: 18th-19th Century
All roads leading to York: a comparative study of turnpike development, 1745-1881. Taylor, W.B.
M.Phil., York.
Chronological coverage: 1745–1881
Index terms: York; Turnpike roads; Roads
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
An atlas of religious worship in England and Wales: an analysis of the 1851 census of religious worship. Ell, Paul N.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Ingram, D.R.; Slater, T.R.
Chronological coverage: 1851–1851
Index terms: Census (1851); Worship, religious; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Anglican alternatives to industrial capitalism: a study of Anglican socialism, 1877-1914. Duffy, Siobhan C.
M.Phil., Wales. (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Sherrington, E.J.
Chronological coverage: 1877–1914
Index terms: Industrial capitalism; Socialism; Church of England; Capitalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Anglo-Russian diplomatic relations, 1580-1696. Unkovskaya, Maria V.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Willetts, H.T.; Barnard, T.C.
Chronological coverage: 1580–1696
Index terms: Diplomatic relations, with Russia; Russia
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
An investigation into the perceptions and attitudes to environmental and social conditions affecting the policies of administrative authorities in a part of North London, 1855-75. Connell, Billie
M.Phil., North London. (Hist.). Supervised by Brandon, P.F.; Wareing, J.
Chronological coverage: 1855–1875
Index terms: London, north; Local government, Local administration; Environment
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Anti-socialism in British politics, c.1900-1923: the emergence of a counter-ideology. Peters, James N.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Freeden, M.S.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1923
Index terms: Socialism; Anti-socialism
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
A pattern of local government growth: Sheffield and its building regulations, 1840-1914. Neeves, A. Rebecca
Ph.D., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Sutcliffe, A.R.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1914
Index terms: Building regulations; Local administration, Local government; Sheffield, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Approaches to the study of religious conformity in late Elizabethan and early Stuart England, with special reference to Cheshire and the diocese of Lincoln. Maltby, Judith D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Spufford, H. Margaret
Chronological coverage: 1580–1625
Index terms: Religious conformity; Cheshire; Lincoln, diocese,
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Architectural practice for speculative building in late 17th-century London. McKellar, Elizabeth
Ph.D., Royal College of Art. Supervised by Saumarez-Smith, C.R.; Styles, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1680–1700
Index terms: Building, speculative; London
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
A socio-historical analysis of the development of cricket in England since 1800. Williams, G.A.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Sheffield City Poly.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1990
Index terms: Sport; Leisure; Cricket
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Cultural history
Aspects of Birmingham community power c.1900: a study of decision-making. Jones, Lewis W.
M.Phil., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Hunt, E.H.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1900
Index terms: Decision-making; Birmingham
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Aspects of Cromwell's foreign policy, 1653-8. Venning, Timothy M.H.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Roseveare, H.G.
Chronological coverage: 1653–1658
Index terms: Cromwell, Oliver (1599-1658); Foreign policy
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Aspects of episcopal authority in the Church of England, 1928-81, with special reference to the ecumenical dialogue. Parker, P. Margaret
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Theol.). Supervised by Champ, Judith F.
Chronological coverage: 1928–1981
Index terms: Episcopal authority; Church of England; Bishops
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Aspects of the history and structure of the Leicestershire constabulary. Jones, David M.
M.Phil., Loughborough. (Econ.). Supervised by Keil, I.J.E.
Chronological coverage: 1839–1890
Index terms: Leicestershire; Police
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
A study of the Fife and Kinross district asylum, 1866-99. Doody, Gillian A.
M.Phil., Edinburgh.
Chronological coverage: 1866–1899
Index terms: Asylums; Mental health; Fife and Kinross district asylum; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A study of women's occupations in Devon, 1851-1911. Moore, Laura S.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Coleman, B.I.
Chronological coverage: 1851–1911
Index terms: Women; Devon
Categories: Social history; 19th Century; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Bishop Hensley Henson and the post-war social problem, 1918-26. Van Dyke, Patricia
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, P.A.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1926
Index terms: Henson, Herbert Hensley (1863-1947), bishop
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Britain's Taiwan policy, 1949-58. Wang, Hao
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Foot, R.; Ceadel, M.E.
Chronological coverage: 1949–1958
Index terms: Foreign policy; Taiwan
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British cemetery companies, 1820-55. Rugg, Julie J.
Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Bebbington, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1820–1855
Index terms: Cemetery companies
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
British immigration control procedures and Jewish refugees, 1933-42. London, Louise A.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Pol.). Supervised by Peden, G.C.; Young, K.
Chronological coverage: 1933–1942
Index terms: Jewish refugees; Immigration control
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
British maritime strategy and operations in the western Channel and south-western approaches, 1939-45. Skinner, Ian W.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Duffy, M.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Channel, English; World War II (1939-45); Maritime strategy
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
British military strategy on the Western Front: independence or alliance, 1904-18. Philpott, William J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Le May, G.H.L.
Chronological coverage: 1904–1918
Index terms: Military strategy; World War I (1914-18)
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
British politics and the Irish land question, 1843-50. Gray, Peter H.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hilton, A.J.B.
Chronological coverage: 1843–1850
Index terms: Land question, in Ireland; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Butler and his Budgets: a study in economic policy-making in Britain, 1951-5. Gibbon, Henry R.G.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Cairncross, Alec
Chronological coverage: 1951–1955
Index terms: Budgets; Butler, Richard Austen (1902-82), Lord Butler; Economic policy-making
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Calvin and the consolidation of the Genevan Reformation. Naphy, William
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Pettegree, A.D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1541–1564
Index terms: Calvin, John (1509-64); Geneva, Switzerland; Reformation
Categories: 16th Century
Capital investment in a regional economy: some aspects of the sources and employment of capital in N. Somerset, 1750-1830. Buchanan, Brenda J.
Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
Chronological coverage: 1750–1830
Index terms: Capital investment; Somerset
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Carlyle's idea of the people. Fang, Jyh-chang
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Burrow, J.W.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1881
Index terms: Political thought; Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881); People, idea of
Categories: 19th Century
Central government's role in British reconstruction planning, 1940-60. Marmaras, Manolis
Ph.D., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Sutcliffe, A.R.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1960
Index terms: Reconstruction, post-1945
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Charles Simeon and the Evangelical Anglican missionary movement: a study in voluntaryism and Church-mission tensions. Bennett, John C.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Christianity in non-W. world). Supervised by Ross, A.C.; Walls, A.F.
Chronological coverage: 1788–1833
Index terms: Missions, Christian; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Simeon, Charles (1759-1833); Church of England
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Chartism and the churches. Herbert, David
M.Phil., Manchester. (Eccles. Hist.). Supervised by Rack, H.D.
Chronological coverage: 1836–1850
Index terms: Chartists, Chartism; Churches
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Cholera in the large towns of the West and East Ridings, 1848-93. Sigsworth, Michael
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Sheffield City Poly.). Supervised by Salt, J.; Worboys, M.R.
Chronological coverage: 1848–1893
Index terms: Yorkshire, West Riding; Cholera; Yorkshire, East Riding; Public health; Towns
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Church monuments in Britain, c.1560-c.1660. White, Adam C.F.
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Newman, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1560–1660
Index terms: Church monuments; Monuments; Sculpture
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Class versus culture: continuity and change in early industrial England, 1780-1840. Jones, Peter D.
M.A., Lancaster.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1840
Index terms: Industrial revolution; Class
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Competition and collusion in the British railway track fittings industry: the case of the Anderston Foundry [Glasgow and Teesside], 1800-1960. Hargrave, James
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Michie, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1960
Index terms: Anderston Foundry, Glasgow & Teesside; Railways; Railway track fittings industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Concepts of the family in five 18th-century texts. Tadmor, Naomi
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, K.E.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Family
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Conservative party politics and British colonial policy in Africa, 1951-64. Murphy, Philip V.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Kirk-Greene, A.H.M.
Chronological coverage: 1951–1964
Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration; Conservative party
Categories: Africa; 20th Century
Consolidation and codification of English law in the age of Peel and Brougham. Lettow, Renee B.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, W.E.S.
Chronological coverage: 1827–1867
Index terms: Peel, Sir Robert (1788-1850); Brougham, Henry (1778-1868), 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux; Law, codification of
Categories: 19th Century
Continuity and change in citizenship education in England in the 20th century. Wong, Yuk Yong J.
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Educ.). Supervised by Marsden, W.E.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
Index terms: Citizenship education; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Cricket and society in Bolton between the Wars. Williams, John A.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Constantine, S.; Walton, J.K.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Leisure; Cricket; Bolton, Lancs.; Sport
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Cross-cultural conflict analysis: the `reality' of British victory in the Second Anglo-Maratha War, 1803-5. Cooper, Randolf G.S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, G.
Chronological coverage: 1803–1805
Index terms: Marathas; Anglo-Maratha War (1803-5); India
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century
Crown patronage and local administration in Berkshire, Dorset, Hampshire, Oxfordshire, Somerset and Wiltshire, 1485-1509. Luckett, Dominic A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harriss, G.L.
Chronological coverage: 1485–1509
Index terms: Patronage; Berkshire; Local administration, Local government; Dorset; Hampshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Developments in vocational, especially technical, education in S. Staffordshire and their relationship to industrial needs, 1830-90. Ashcroft, Jefny
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Educ.). Supervised by Lowe, R.A.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1890
Index terms: Education; Vocational education; Technical education; Staffordshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Divisions within the Devonshire `county community', 1600-46. Stoyle, Mark J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Aylmer, G.E.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1646
Index terms: County community; Devon
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
`Dowding should go': changes in leadership, strategy and tactics in Bomber Command during the Battle of Britain. Ray, John P.
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Hurstfield, J.G.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1940
Index terms: Bomber Command; World War II; Dowding, Hugh C.T. (1882-1970), 1st Baron Dowding; Battle of Britain (1940)
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Electoral politics in mid 19th-century Lancashire. Manai, M. Adel
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Winstanley, M.J.; Evans, E.J.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
Index terms: Elections, parliamentary; Lancashire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Enclosure and improvement: an investigation into the motives for parliamentary enclosure. Brown, David G.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Wolverhampton Poly.). Supervised by Wanklyn, M.D.G.; Raybould, T.J.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1870
Index terms: Parliament; Enclosure
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Engineering science in Glasgow: W.J.M. Rankine and the motive power of air. Marsden, Ben
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Smith, C.W.
Chronological coverage: 1855–1872
Index terms: Engineering; Science; Rankine, William John Macquorn (1820-72); Glasgow; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Engineer officer education in the Royal Navy, 1902-26: status, expertise and technological change. Nicholas, A.N.
M.Sc., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1902–1926
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Engineer officers, in the Royal Navy; Navy
Categories: 20th Century; Education
English Catholic devotion, 1850-1914. Heimann, Mary E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Garnett, E. Jane
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Devotion, religious
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
English military theory and the military revolution of the 16th century. Eltis, David A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Williams, P.H.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Military theory
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
English naval strategy during the Anglo-Scottish wars of the 1540s. Clark, Susan
M.Phil., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Adams, S.L.
Chronological coverage: 1540–1550
Index terms: Scotland; Navy; Naval strategy
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Entrepreneurial decline and the end of empire: British business in India, 1919-49. Misra, Anna-Maria
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Tomlinson, D.R.; Raychaudhuri, T.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1949
Index terms: India; Business, British, in India; British empire
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
Entry to the metropolitan labour market in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Gray, David W.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Geog.). Supervised by Southall, H.R.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1910
Index terms: Employment; Labour market; London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
European volunteer workers in Bradford since the Second World War. Lodge, Donna
M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, C.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
Index terms: European workers, in Britain; Bradford, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Evangelical Calvinism among 18th-century British Baptists, with particular reference to Bernard Foskett, Hugh and Caleb Evans and the Bristol Baptist Academy, 1690-1791. Hayden, Roger
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1690–1791
Index terms: Bristol Baptist Academy; Foskett, Bernard (d. 1758); Baptists; Evans, Hugh (1712-81); Evans, Caleb (1737-91)
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Evangelicalism and the socialist revival: a study of religion, community and culture in 19th-century Airdrie. McCabe, Michael A.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Airdrie, Lanarks.; Scotland; Evangelicalism; Socialists, Socialism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Female prostitution in London, 1730-1830. Henderson, Anthony R.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Corfield, Penelope J.
Chronological coverage: 1730–1830
Index terms: Prostitution; London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Financial institutions and the British property investment market, 1850-1980. Scott, Peter M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Feinstein, C.H.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1980
Index terms: Financial institutions; Property investment market
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century
France in British foreign policy: the search for European settlement, March 1936-June 1937. Thomas, Martin C.R.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Parker, R.A.C.
Chronological coverage: 1936–1937
Index terms: Foreign policy; France
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Friends in York: the dynamics of Quaker revival, 1780-1860. Wright, Sheila
M.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Rendall, Jane L.; Royle, E.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1860
Index terms: Quakers, Quakerism; York
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
From danger to scandal. Debating sexuality in Victorian England: the Contagious Diseases Acts (1864-9) and the morbid imagery of Victorian society. Taithe, Bertrand O.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Joyce, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1864–1869
Index terms: Contagious Diseases Acts (1864-9); Sexuality
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
From Taunton to Bryce: the development of secondary education in the Manchester area, 1865-95. Springett, M.I.
M.Phil., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1865–1895
Index terms: Taunton commission (1864-7); Secondary education; Manchester, Lancs.; Education (19th-20th cent.); Bryce commission (1894-5)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Geographical mobility in Angus, c.1780-c.1830: modernization and motivation. Ingram, Jennifer A.
Ph.D., St. Andrews.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1830
Index terms: Angus; Mobility, geographical; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
`Girls into demons': 19th-century representations of English working-class women employed in agriculture. Sayer, Karen A.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Howkins, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Agriculture; Women; Working class
Categories: Gender and Women; Economic history; Agriculture; 18th-19th Century
Growth, stagnation and crisis: the demography of York, 1561-1700. Galley, Christopher
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Woods, R.I,; Woodward, J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1561–1700
Index terms: York; Population; Demography; Urban development, Urban growth
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
Gwleidyddiaeth a chymdeithas yng Nghymru, 1900-31. (Politics and society in Wales, 1900-31.). Jones, Elen L.
M.A., Wales. (Aberystwyth Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Davies, J.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1931
Index terms: Wales
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Harold Macmillan and the search for a summit with the U.S.S.R., 1958-60. Aldous, Richard J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1958–1960
Index terms: Foreign policy; Cold War; Macmillan, Harold (1894-1986), 1st earl of Stockton; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Henry Page Croft (1st Baron Croft), 1881-1947: the Empire and the Conservative party. Reece, Jason
M.Phil., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrigley, C.J.
Chronological coverage: 1901–1947
Index terms: Empire, British; Croft, Henry Page (1881-1947), 1st Baron Croft; Conservative party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Housing tenure and social structure: the impact of inter-war housing change on Carlisle, 1917-39. Turnbull, Jean
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Constantine, S.; Pooley, C.G.
Chronological coverage: 1917–1939
Index terms: Carlisle, Cumb.; Housing; Housing policy
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
How Bulgaria was lost: relations between Great Britain and Bulgaria, 1938-41. Schofield, Paul D.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Bridge, F.R.
Chronological coverage: 1938–1941
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Bulgaria; Bulgaria, and Britain
Categories: Europe; 20th Century
Industrialization and the religious life of Bolton, 1830-1914. Else, W.J.
M.Phil., Salford. (Pol. & Hist.). Supervised by Fielding, S.J.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1914
Index terms: Religious life; Bolton, Lancs.; Industrialization
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Industrial rationalization in inter-war Britain. Greaves, Julian
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Garside, W.R.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Industrial rationalization
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Industry, education and the state: the development of British elites' perception of the question of trained manpower, 1918-44. Lee, Nae-Joo
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Middlemas, R.K.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1944
Index terms: Scientific education; Technical education; Education
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Inland transport and distribution in the hinterland of King's Lynn, 1760-1840. Wood, Fiona J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Mathias, P.
Chronological coverage: 1760–1840
Index terms: Distribution; Transport; King's Lynn, Norf.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Irishman or English soldier? The case of a Waterford man enlisting in the 16th (Irish) Division in 1915. Dooley, Thomas P.
M.Phil., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Foster, R.F.
Chronological coverage: 1915–1918
Index terms: World War I; Army; Waterford, co. Waterford; Ireland; Soldiers
Categories: 20th Century
James Fergusson: architectural philosopher, critic and historian. Primiano, John P.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Crook, J.M.
Chronological coverage: 1828–1886
Index terms: Fergusson, James (1808-86); Architecture
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
J.J. Gurney, 1788-1847, a study in Evangelical Quaker biography. Bright, Simon
M.A., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1808–1847
Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Gurney, J.J. (1788-1847); Quakers, Quakerism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Landownership and rural society in Kesteven, c.1820-1850. Bennett, Stewart A.G.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Nottingham Poly.). Supervised by Hill, J.; Holderness, B.A.; Griffin, C.P.
Chronological coverage: 1820–1850
Index terms: Landownership; Kesteven, Lincs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Languages of sacrifice and suffering in England in the First World War. Stryker, Laurinda S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Winter, J.M.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: World War I (1914-18)
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Local authority improvement in housing and health in Shetland, c.1900-50. Steele, William
M.Phil., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Brown, C.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1950
Index terms: Housing; Scotland; Shetland Islands; Public health
Categories: 20th Century
Local government in the borough of Denbigh, 1835-82. Pritchard, John W.
M.Phil., Wales. (Bangor Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Griffith, W.P.
Chronological coverage: 1835–1882
Index terms: Local administration, Local government; Denbigh; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Marion Richardson and the New Education Movement, 1902-44. Holdsworth, Bruce C.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Birmingham Poly. and Bretton Hall Coll. of H.E.). Supervised by Steveni, M.; Swift, J.
Chronological coverage: 1902–1944
Index terms: Richardson, Marion (d. 1947); Education (19th-20th cent.); New Education Movement; Art education
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Martha and Mary: a study of Elizabeth Prout (1820-64) in the context of the Passionist mission to the working classes of the Manchester area. Hamer, Edna
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, M.E.
Chronological coverage: 1852–1864
Index terms: Working class; Passionists; Prout, Elizabeth (1820-64); Manchester, Lancs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Methodism and its critics in 18th-century Bath. Crowe, I.
M.Litt., Bristol.
Chronological coverage: 1740–1800
Index terms: Methodists, Methodism; Bath, Som.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Microscope optics and J.J. Lister's influence on the development of the achromatic objective, 1750-1850. Deiman, Johannus C.
Ph.D., London. (Imperial Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Turner, G.L.E.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1850
Index terms: Lister, Joseph Jackson (1786-1869); Microscope; Optics
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Mid 19th-century population changes in a developing east coast port: Grimsby, 1841-61. Gerrish, Margaret M.
Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Ambler, R.W.
Chronological coverage: 1841–1861
Index terms: Demography; Population; Grimsby, Lincs.; Ports
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Urban history; Social history
Mind and its disease in Enlightenment British medicine. Suzuki, Akihito
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Porter, R.S.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1800
Index terms: Enlightenment; Mind, diseases of; Psychiatry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Modes of political expression and working-class radicalism, 1848-74: the London and Manchester examples. Taylor, Anthony D.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Prothero, I.J.
Chronological coverage: 1848–1874
Index terms: Working class; Radicals, Radicalism; Manchester
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Moravian education at Fulneck schools, Yorkshire, in the 18th and 19th centuries. Bulmore, B.M.
Ph.D., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1740–1900
Index terms: Education (16th-18th cent.); Education (19th-20th cent.); Fulneck, W.R. Yorks.; Moravian Brethren; Schools
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Municipal enterprise: the growth and development of Manchester Airport, c.1910-1978. Williams, Vivian M.
Ph.D., Salford. (Econ.). Supervised by Simmons, C.P.
Chronological coverage: 1910–1978
Index terms: Air transport; Manchester, airport; Transport
Categories: 20th Century
Natural rights and liberty: a critical examination of some late 18th-century debates in English political thought. Molivas, Grigorios
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Rosen, F.
Chronological coverage: 1779–1800
Index terms: Political thought; Natural rights
Categories: 18th Century
Newspapers and nationalism: the social and political influence of the Irish provincial press, 1850-92. Legg, Marie-Louise
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Foster, R.F.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1892
Index terms: Press, newspaper; Nationalism; Newspapers; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Niche products in the British motor industry: a history of M.G. and Triumph sports cars, 1945-81. Whisler, Timothy R.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Hannah, L.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1981
Index terms: Triumph sports cars; M.G. sports cars; Motor industry
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Nineteenth-century farm women in Northumberland and Cumbria: the neglected workforce. Gielgud, V. Judy
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Howkins, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Farm women; Women; Cumbria; Northumbria; Agriculture
Categories: Gender and Women; Economic history; Agriculture; 18th-19th Century
Norman and Smithson, Hull millwrights. Gregory, Roy
M.Phil., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, M.J.T.
Chronological coverage: 1710–1800
Index terms: Millwrights; Norman and Smithson, millwrights; Hull, E.R. Yorks.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
N. Westmorland, 1841-81: aspects of its historical geography. Shepherd, Margaret E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.). Supervised by Billinge, M.D.
Chronological coverage: 1842–1881
Index terms: Westmorland
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Occupational and social mobility in England, 1839-1914. Miles, Andrew G.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1839–1914
Index terms: Mobility, occupational and social
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
`One for the money, two for the show': youth, consumerism and hegemony in Britain, 1945-70, with particular reference to a south-eastern coastal town [Brighton]. Osgerby, William J.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Howkins, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1970
Index terms: Brighton, Suss.; Youth; Consumerism
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Passion without perception: nonconformity and politics from 1893 to 1914. Hancock, William C.R.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Pol.). Supervised by Pimlott, B.J.
Chronological coverage: 1893–1914
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Patronage and literature: the women of the Russell family, 1520-1617. Clarke, C.M.
Ph.D., Reading.
Chronological coverage: 1520–1617
Index terms: Patronage, literary; Women; Russell family; Literature
Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; 16th-17th Century
Peaceful coexistence and Anglo-Chinese relations: the British government's policy towards China, July 1953-July 1954. Su, Lumin
M.Litt., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Foot, R.
Chronological coverage: 1953–1954
Index terms: China, and Britain; Foreign relations, with China; People's Republic of China; Foreign policy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Pettyfogging to respectability: the development of the solicitors' profession in the Manchester area, 1800-1914. Parrott, Vivienne
Ph.D., Salford. (Pol. & Hist.). Supervised by Garrard, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1914
Index terms: Manchester, Lancs.; Professions; Solicitors
Categories: 19th Century
Philosophers and artisans: the relationship between men of science and instrument-makers in London, 1820-60. Ginn, William T.
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Smith, C.W.
Chronological coverage: 1820–1860
Index terms: London; Instrument-makers; Science
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Popular politics and labour-capital relations in Bolton, 1825-50. Taylor, Peter F.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Winstanley, M.J.; Walton, J.K.
Chronological coverage: 1825–1850
Index terms: Industrial relations; Bolton, Lancs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Power elites and the British Union of Fascists, 1932-40. Leighton, Joan
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Lowe, P.C.
Chronological coverage: 1932–1940
Index terms: British Union of Fascists; Fascists, Fascism
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Pre-industrial trade on the River Severn: a computer-aided study of the Gloucester port books, c.1640-c.1770. Wakelin, Alexander P.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Wolverhampton Poly.). Supervised by Cox, J.J.; Wanklyn, Malcolm D.G.; Cox, N.C.
Chronological coverage: 1640–1770
Index terms: Gloucester; Trade; Severn, river; Port books
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
Presbyterians from radicalism and rebellion to unionism and loyalism: the transformation in the political complexion of Ulster. Carson, G.
Ph.D., Belfast.
Chronological coverage: 1798–1916
Index terms: Presbyterians, Presbyterianism; Ireland; Ulster
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Problems of urban growth and public health, and the development of local government institutions in Tunstall in the 19th century. Haworth, Catherine
M.A., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Tunstall, Staffs.; Urban growth; Public health; Local government
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Public libraries, leisure and the provision of fiction between 1850 and 1914. Snape, R.A.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Manchester Poly.)
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Libraries, public; Leisure
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Public policy in the Scottish Highlands: government, politics and the land issue, 1886-1920s. Cameron, Ewen A.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Macinnes, A.I.
Chronological coverage: 1886–1930
Index terms: Land issue, in Scotland; Scotland; Highlands, Scottish
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Reformation, politics and polemics in 16th-century E. Anglian market towns. Craig, John S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collinson, P.
Chronological coverage: 1530–1600
Index terms: Market towns; East Anglia; Reformation
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Relations between Great Britain and Jordan, 1946-51. Pundik, Ron
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Near & Mid. E.)
Chronological coverage: 1946–1951
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Jordan; Jordan, and Britain
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Religion and politics in Coventry and Warwickshire during the reign of James II. Lowe, Christopher
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Clifton, R.
Chronological coverage: 1685–1689
Index terms: James II (1633-1701), king; Coventry, Warwicks.; Warwickshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Religion and society in the parish of Halifax, c.1740-1914. Hargreaves, John A.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Huddersfield Poly.). Supervised by Binfield, J.C.G.; Laybourn, K.; Wright, D.G.; Royle, E.
Chronological coverage: 1740–1914
Index terms: Halifax, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Religion, government and society in early modern Westminster, c.1525-1625. Merritt, Julia F.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Barron, Caroline M.
Chronological coverage: 1525–1625
Index terms: Westminster, Middx.; Local government
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Reportage in the 1930s. Williams, Keith B.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Cunningham, V.D.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1940
Index terms: Reportage
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Restoring the Reformation: British Evangelicalism and the `Reveil' at Geneva, 1816-49. Stewart, Kenneth J.J.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1816–1849
Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Switzerland; Geneva
Categories: Europe; 19th Century
Richard Sibbes and the `Truly Evangelicall Church of England': a study in Reformed divinity and early Stuart conformity. Dever, Mark E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Div.). Supervised by Duffy, E.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1625
Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Church of England; Sibbes, Richard (1577-1635)
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Roman Catholics, Christian Democracy and the British labour movement, 1910-60. Keating, Joan
Ph.D., Manchester. (Govt.). Supervised by Howell, D.
Chronological coverage: 1910–1960
Index terms: Christian Democracy; Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic church; Labour ovement
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
School reorganization and closure in the N. Yorkshire Pennines, 1918-39. Hughes, Peter S.
M.Phil., Bristol. (Educ.). Supervised by Low-Beer, Ann
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Schools; Yorkshire; Education (19th-20th cent.); Pennines
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Science and discovery in the Admiralty voyages to the Arctic regions in search of a North-West passage (1815-25). Bravo, Michael T.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Jardine, N.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1825
Index terms: North-West passage; Admiralty; Discovery, voyages of; Arctic
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Seamen on the Clyde, 1880-1914: work and industrial relations in the Clyde shipping industry. Paterson, Hugh T.
M.Phil., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Fraser, W.H.; McIvor, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Clyde, river; Scotland; Shipping industry; Industrial relations
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Seasonality and early modern towns: the timing of baptisms, marriages and burials in England, 1560-1750, with particular reference to towns. Greatorex, Irene
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Thames Poly.). Supervised by Stigant, E.P.; Zell, M.L.
Chronological coverage: 1560–1750
Index terms: Marriages; Baptisms; Towns; Seasonality; Demography
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century; 18th Century
Secondary education in Manchester, 1867-1901. Springett, M. Isobel
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, M.E.
Chronological coverage: 1867–1902
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Secondary education; Manchester
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Secular clergy in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield in the early 16th century. Cooper, Timothy N.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Swanson, R.N.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1535
Index terms: Clergy; Coventry and Lichfield, diocese; Church, from 16th cent.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Sir David Lindsay of the Mount: political and religious culture in Renaissance Scotland. Edington, Carol
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Mason, R.A.
Chronological coverage: 1510–1555
Index terms: Scotland; Lindsay, Sir David (1490-1555); Renaissance
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Sir Hugh Cholmley of Whitby, 1600-57: his life and works. Binns, Jack
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Forster, G.C.F.
Chronological coverage: 1620–1657
Index terms: Whitby, N.R. Yorks.; Cholmley, Sir Hugh (1600-57); Civil War (1642-60)
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Socialist propaganda in Britain, 1880-1914. Wright, Martin K.
M.Phil., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.). Supervised by Fairclough, A.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Socialists, Socialism; Propaganda
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Social structure and political allegiance in Westminster, 1774-1820. Green, Edmund M.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Corfield, Penelope J.
Chronological coverage: 1774–1820
Index terms: Social structure; Political allegiance; Westminster, Mdx.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Some aspects of the social history of youth in early modern England, with particular reference to the period c.1560-c.1640. Griffiths, Paul D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, K.E.
Chronological coverage: 1560–1640
Index terms: Youth
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
Stephen Neill: a traditional communicator in an age of revolution. Mitchell, Jolyon P.
M.A., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, S.W.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1984
Index terms: Neill, Stephen (1900-84), bishop; Church of England
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Stimulus and response: an investigation into changes in the furniture industry, 1880-1920. Edwards, Clive D.
Ph.D., Royal College of Art. Supervised by Naylor, Gillian
Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
Index terms: Furniture industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Stott & Sons: architects of the Lancashire cotton mill. Holden, R.N.
M.Phil., Exeter.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Stott & Sons, architects, Oldham; Lancashire; Cotton mills; Architects, Architecture
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
Strawopolis: the transformation of Luton, 1840-76. Bunker, Stephen T.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, M.J.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1876
Index terms: Luton, Beds.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Strict-communion organizations amongst the Baptists in Victorian England. Breed, Geoffrey R.
M.A., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1901
Index terms: Strict-communion organizations; Baptists
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Studies of the development of the turnpike roads and their associated engineering infrastructure in N.E. Scotland, 1780-1880. Day, Thomas
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Payne, P.L.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1880
Index terms: Scotland; Transport; Turnpike roads; Roads
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Surgeon `turned' physician: the careers and writings of Daniel Turner (1667-1741). Wilson, Philip K.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Lawrence, C.J.
Chronological coverage: 1687–1741
Index terms: Medicine; Turner, Daniel (1667-1741); Surgery
Categories: 18th Century
Technical education and the economy of the West of Scotland since 1870. Forrester, Leslie L.
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Butt, J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1990
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Technical education; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Technical education for the printing industry, 1880-1914. Henry, Michael
M.Phil., Leeds. (Educ.). Supervised by Jenkins, E.W.; Sharp, P.R.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Technical education; Printing industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The 1905 Kinsley evictions: a study of a Yorkshire coalmining community. Chaplin, Helen L.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Cecil, H.P.; Goodway, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1905–1905
Index terms: Coal miners, Coalmining; Yorkshire; Kinsley, W.R. Yorks.; Industrial relations
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The 1929 Local Government Act: the formulation and implementation of the poor law (health care) and exchequer grant reforms for England and Wales (outside London). Bradbury, Jonathan P.
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Lowe, R.
Chronological coverage: 1929–1939
Index terms: Local Government Act (1929)
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The 4th Earl Grey and imperial federation: British politics and the Empire, 1880-1917. Lyon, Neil B.
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, P.A.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1917
Index terms: Imperial federation; Grey, Albert Henry George (1851-1917), 4th Earl Grey; British empire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The archbishop of Canterbury in politics, 1919-39: selected case studies. Bennett, Bruce S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Canterbury, archbishop of; Church of England
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The army in Colchester and its influence on the social, economic and political development of the town, 1854-1914. Robertson, Angus
Ph.D., Essex. (Soc.). Supervised by Brown, A.; Thompson, P.R.
Chronological coverage: 1854–1914
Index terms: Colchester, Essex; Army
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The B.B.C., British morale and the Home Front war effort, 1939-45. Nicholas, Sian H.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, Lord
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); British Broadcasting Corporation; Home Front war effort
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The Bowes of Streatlam, co. Durham: a study of the politics and religion of a 16th-century northern gentry family. Newman, Christine M.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Cross, M. Claire
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Families; Streatlam, co. Dur.; Bowes family
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The brewing trade in N.E. England, 1869-1939. Bennison, Brian R.
Ph.D., Newcastle. (Econ.)
Chronological coverage: 1869–1939
Index terms: Brewing trade
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The British government's China policy, 1945-50. Feng, Zhong-ping
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Henig, Ruth B.; Gooch, J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1950
Index terms: Foreign policy; China
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The British Labour party, British politics and Ireland, 1886-1924. McCarrick, Billy
D.Phil., Ulster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1886–1924
Index terms: Home rule; Labour party; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The British Mines Inspectorate, 1851-1914: its development and effectiveness, with particular reference to colliery explosions. Job, Barry
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1851–1914
Index terms: Miners, Mining; Colliery explosions; Coal industry, Coal mines, Coalfields; British Mines Inspectorate
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The British Union of Fascists in East London and S.W. Essex, 1933-40: a study of the district branches, their memberships and the local context of branch recruitment. Linehan, Thomas P.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Alderman, G.
Chronological coverage: 1933–1940
Index terms: British Union of Fascists; London; Fascists, Fascism; Essex
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The British working-class movement and the Irish national question, 1916-21. Bell, Geoffrey
Ph.D., Leeds. (Pol.)
Chronological coverage: 1916–1921
Index terms: Working class; Ireland; Working-class movement; Irish national question
Categories: 20th Century
The cabinet, Admiralty and the perceptions governing the formation of British naval policy, 1909, 1921-2, 1927-36. O'Brien, Phillips P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Steiner, Zara S.
Chronological coverage: 1909–1936
Index terms: Admiralty; Cabinet; Navy
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The campaign for democratic socialism, 1960-64. Brivati, Brian L.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Ramsden, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1964
Index terms: Socialism, Socialists
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The career of F.B. Meyer, 1847-1929. Randall, I.M.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (London Bible College)
Chronological coverage: 1867–1929
Index terms: Meyer, Frederick Brotherton (1847-1929); Baptists
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Catholic Church and the foundation of the Northern Irish state, 1912-30. Harris, Mary N.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Lawlor, Sheila M.M.
Chronological coverage: 1912–1930
Index terms: Ireland; Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic church; Northern Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
The changing face of philanthropy in 18th-century Warwickshire. Allen, Lucy
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lane, J.; Clifton, R.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Philanthropy; Warwickshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Jones, Harriet O. Warner
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Sked, A.
Chronological coverage: 1942–1955
Index terms: Welfare state; Conservative party
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The countess of Huntingdon and her Connexion in the 18th century. Harding, A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Walsh, J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1748–1791
Index terms: Huntingdon, countess of, see Hastings,; Hastings, Selina (1707-91), countess of Huntingdon; Countess of Huntingdon's Connexion
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The crisis in the Labour party, 1974-81, and the origins of the 1981 schism. Daly, Gerard J.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Pol.). Supervised by Pimlott, B.J.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1981
Index terms: Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The debate over rearmament in the North East of England, 1931-5. Carroll, Anthony J.
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Olde, Anne W.
Chronological coverage: 1931–1935
Index terms: Rearmament
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The development of art and design education in the United Kingdom in the 19th century. Bird, Edward
Ph.D., Loughborough.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Design education; Art education
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The development of British counter-insurgency policies and doctrine, 1945-52. Jones, Timothy L.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Dockrill, M.L.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1952
Index terms: Counter-insurgency
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The development of pre-industrial Lowestoft, 1560-1730. Butcher, David R.
M.Phil., East Anglia. (E. Angl. Stud.). Supervised by Smith, A. Hassell
Chronological coverage: 1560–1730
Index terms: Lowestoft, Suff.; Urban development
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The development of R.A.F. Coastal Command: trade defence, strategy and policy, and doctrine, 1919-45. Buckley, John D.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Gooch, J.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Royal Air Force Coastal Command; Defence
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The development of residential care for elderly people, 1890-1939. Martin, Moira
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Lowe, R.; Smith, R.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1939
Index terms: Residential care; Elderly people
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The development of social security in Ireland (before and after independence), 1838-1989. Cook, Geoffrey S.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc. Admin.). Supervised by Abel-Smith, Brian
Chronological coverage: 1838–1989
Index terms: Social security; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of trade unionism among bank employees in Britain since 1930. Nakano, Satoshi
Ph.D., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Mason, A.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1990
Index terms: Trade unions; Banks
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The diplomacy of Sir Robert Craigie and Shigemitsu Mamoru, 1937-41. Best, Antony M.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Nish, I.H.
Chronological coverage: 1937–1941
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Japan; Mamoru, Shigemitsu (1887-1957); Craigie, Sir Robert (1883-1959); Japan, and Britain
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
`The disease of indifference': a `local democratic' approach to local government reform, 1830-90. Klopfer, Eric B.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, Lord
Chronological coverage: 1830–1890
Index terms: Local government
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The double blow: 1956 and the Communist party of Great Britain. Hudson, Katharine J.
Ph.D., London. (S.S.E.E.S.). Supervised by Hanak, H.
Chronological coverage: 1956–1956
Index terms: Communist party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The early political career of Sir Robert Cecil, c.1582-1597: some aspects of late Elizabethan Secretarial administration. Acres, William D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Elton, Geoffrey
Chronological coverage: 1582–1597
Index terms: Salisbury, 1st earl of, see Cecil...; Cecil, Sir Robert (c.1563-1612), 1st earl of Salisbury
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The economic structure and management of the Gwydir estate, N. Wales, c.1815-1914. Scheltinga, Jozef G.W.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Jones, J.G.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1914
Index terms: Wales; Gwydir estate, Caerns.; Estates
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The effect of changing ecclesiastical policies on church furnishings, fabric and ritual in 17th-century Yorkshire, 1603-65. Vickers, Noreen
M.Phil., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by English, Barbara A.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1665
Index terms: Church of England; Church furnishings; Yorkshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The elementary education of females in England, 1800-70, with particular reference to the lives and work of girls and women in industrial Lancashire and rural Norfolk and Suffolk. Gomersall, Margaret C.
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, R.F.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1870
Index terms: Elementary education; Girls; Education (19th-20th cent.); Lancashire; Norfolk
Categories: Gender and Women; Education; 18th-19th Century
The Family of Love in English society, 1550-1630. Marsh, Christopher W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Spufford, H. Margaret
Chronological coverage: 1550–1630
Index terms: Family of Love
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The first New Left in Britain, 1956-64. Kenny, Michael H.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Govt.). Supervised by Geras, N.M.; Howell, D.
Chronological coverage: 1956–1964
Index terms: Left-wing parties; New Left
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The fishing industry of Northumberland and Durham, 1780-1914. Muirhead, George
Ph.D., Newcastle. (Econ.)
Chronological coverage: 1780–1914
Index terms: Northumberland; Fishing industry; Durham
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The Flemish and Walloon communities at Sandwich during the reign of Elizabeth I, 1561-1603. Backhouse, Marcel F.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Duke, A.C.
Chronological coverage: 1561–1603
Index terms: Walloons, in England; Flemish, in England; Migration, to Britain; Elizabeth I (1533-1603), queen; Sandwich, Kent
Categories: 16th Century
The formation of opinions and the communication network in London, 1637-c.1645. Freist, Dagmar
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1637–1645
Index terms: Communications; London
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The formulation and implementation of British agricultural policy, 1945-51. Middleton, Roger J.
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Alford, B.W.E.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1951
Index terms: Agricultural policy; Agriculture
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The General Baptists, 1640-60. Clifford, Ruth M.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Barnard, T.C.
Chronological coverage: 1640–1660
Index terms: Civil War (1642-60); Baptists; General Baptists
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The guardians of the poor and the administration of the poor law in S. Hampshire, 1870-1914. Groves, Rosemary S.H.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Vinson, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Hampshire; Poor law; Poverty
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The household of Queen Katherine Parr. Hamilton, Dakota L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Loach, S. Jennifer
Chronological coverage: 1543–1548
Index terms: Parr, Katherine (1512-48), queen; Household, royal
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The impact of the French Revolution on the ideas and politics of William Pitt, 1789-95. Mori, Jennifer C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mitchell, L.G.
Chronological coverage: 1789–1795
Index terms: French Revolution (1789); Pitt, William (1759-1806)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The impact of the Irish revolution on the Irish community in Scotland, 1916-23. Patterson, Iain D.
M.Phil., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Fraser, W.H.
Chronological coverage: 1916–1923
Index terms: Irish, in Scotland; Ireland; Scotland
Categories: 20th Century
The influence of the submarine upon naval strategic thinking, 1876-1914. Lambert, Nicholas A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hayes, P.M.; O'Neill, R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1876–1914
Index terms: Navy; Naval strategy; Submarines
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The life and work of John Hoppner (1758-1810). Wilson, John H.
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Kitson, M.W.L.
Chronological coverage: 1778–1810
Index terms: Art; Artists; Hoppner, John (1758-1810); Portrait painting
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The life and work of Sir John Charles Robinson (1824-1913): his role as a connoisseur and creator of public and private collections of works of art. Davies, Helen E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Haskell, F.J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1844–1913
Index terms: Robinson, John Charles (1824-1913); Art collections; Art
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The life and writings of Ann Yearsley, milkwoman of Bristol, 1753-1806. Waldron, Mary M.
Ph.D. (Ext.), London. (Ext.)
Chronological coverage: 1773–1806
Index terms: Bristol; Yearsley, Ann (1753-1806); Milk trade
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The Manchester middle classes, 1850-80. Gunn, Simon A.L.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Joyce, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1880
Index terms: Middle class; Manchester
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The medical school of the University of Nottingham: origins and development. Ablett, Susan
Ph.D., Nottingham.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1980
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Medical education; Nottingham, university
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The modern inspectorate: a study of Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Schools in England and Wales, 1944-91. Dunford, John E.
Ph.D., Durham. (Educ.). Supervised by Goodings, R.F.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1991
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Schools; Schools
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The most artistic town in England? The contribution of art and of design to the emergence and establishment of a civic culture in Birmingham in the late 19th century. Hartnell, Roy
Ph.D., Central England in Birmingham. (Art & Design). Supervised by Stanley, N.; Seed, J.; Swift, J.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1900
Index terms: Artists, Art; Civic culture; Birmingham
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The music hall, 1885-1922: the emergence of a national entertainment in Britain. Crowhurst, Andrew J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.). Supervised by Billinge, M.D.
Chronological coverage: 1885–1922
Index terms: Leisure; Entertainment; Music hall
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Cultural history
The nature and development of radical and royalist politics in the South West of Britain, 1792-1805. Poole, Stephen W.
M.Litt., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Styles, J.
Chronological coverage: 1792–1805
Index terms: Royalists, Royalism; Radicals, Radicalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The origins, emergence and development of `ragged schools' in Scotland in the 19th century. Gavin, Alison
M.Ed., Stirling. (Educ.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Ragged schools; Schools; Education (19th-20th cent.); Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The parliamentary history of the Isle of Wight, 1779-1886. Lavers, Jack D.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Portsmouth Poly.). Supervised by Feuchtwanger, E.J.; Surry, N.W.
Chronological coverage: 1779–1886
Index terms: Parliament; Wight, Isle of
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The phenomenon of conversion: change of religion to and from Catholicism in England, 1580-1625. Questier, Michael C.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Hawkins, M.J.
Chronological coverage: 1580–1625
Index terms: Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic church; Conversion
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The political career of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Clayton, Christopher A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mitchell, L.G.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1812
Index terms: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley (1751-1816)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The politics of nurse education, 1860-1948. Rafferty, Anne M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Webster, C.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1948
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Nurses
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The presbyteries of Cupar, Dundee and St. Andrews during the ten years' conflict and Disruption. Briand, Kenneth C.
Ph.D., St. Andrews.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1850
Index terms: Dundee, presbytery; Cupar, presbytery; St. Andrews, presbytery; Disruption, of the Church of Scotland; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The problem of mental deficiency in Britain, c.1913-1946. Thomson, Mathew P.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Weindling, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1913–1946
Index terms: Mental deficiency
Categories: 20th Century
The provision of preaching during the early English Reformation, with special reference to itineration, c.1530-1547. Wabuda, Susan R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collinson, P.
Chronological coverage: 1530–1547
Index terms: Itinerant preachers; Preaching; Reformation
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The relationship between Evangelicalism and the social gospel, with special reference to Wesleyan Methodism, 1875-1914. Standing, Roger
M.Phil., Manchester. (Eccles. Hist.). Supervised by Rack, H.D.
Chronological coverage: 1875–1914
Index terms: Social gospel; Methodists, Methodism; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Wesleyan Methodists
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The relocation of industrial communities in Ayrshire, 1919-65. Earnshaw, Neil
M.Phil., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, G.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1965
Index terms: Ayrshire; Industrial communities; Scotland
Categories: 20th Century
The Roman Catholic Church in the history of the Polish exiled community in Britain, 1939-50. Gula, Jozef Z.
Ph.D., London. (S.S.E.E.S.). Supervised by Davies, I.N.R.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1950
Index terms: Poles, in England; Roman Catholic church
Categories: 20th Century
The rural community in 19th-century Jersey. Kelleher, John
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Okey, R.F.C.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Rural community, in Jersey; Jersey
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The Scottish Special Housing Association and housing policy in Scotland, 1937-59. Begg, Thomas N.A.
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Treble, J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1937–1959
Index terms: Scotland; Scottish Special Housing Association; Housing policy
Categories: 20th Century
The Shetland hand knitting industry, 1790-1950, with special reference to Shetland lace. Fryer, Linda G.
M.Litt., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Macinnes, A.I.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1950
Index terms: Scotland; Hand knitting industry; Shetland Islands; Lace
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The social context of medical practice: gynaecology in Glasgow, 1850-1914. Bevan, Michael J.
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Jordanova, Ludmilla J.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Scotland; Glasgow; Gynaecology; Medical practice
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The status of Elizabethan astrology, 1558-1603. Dunn, Richard S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Bennett, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1558–1603
Index terms: Astrology
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
The Sudan in Anglo-Egyptian relations, 1950-8. Abdullah, El-B.A.
Ph.D., Exeter.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1958
Index terms: Egypt, and Britain; Foreign relations, with Egypt; Sudan
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The suppression of the slave trade as an issue in Anglo-French diplomacy, 1814-48. Kielstra, Paul M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, D.W.J.
Chronological coverage: 1814–1848
Index terms: Diplomatic relations, with France; Slave trade; France
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The tenants' movement and housing struggles in Glasgow, 1945-90. Johnstone, Charles
Ph.D., Glasgow.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
Index terms: Scotland; Glasgow; Tenants' movement; Housing; Urban development
Categories: 20th Century
The treatment of delinquent and potentially delinquent children and young persons in Scotland, 1866-1937. Collin, Margaret C.J.C.
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Fraser, W.H.
Chronological coverage: 1866–1937
Index terms: Children; Delinquent children; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
`The uplifting game': nonconformity and the working class in S. Lambeth, 1884-1903. Davis, J.W.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Cromwell, Valerie
Chronological coverage: 1884–1903
Index terms: Lambeth, see London; London, Lambeth; Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Working class
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The War Office: a study of its development as an organizational system, 1870-1904. Tadman, Michael
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Bond, B.J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1904
Index terms: War Office
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The Western Mail, 1869-1928: a study in the politics and management of a provincial newspaper. Cayford, Joanne M.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.). Supervised by Jones, A.G.
Chronological coverage: 1869–1928
Index terms: Press, newspaper; Wales; Western Mail
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The women's suffrage movement in the North East of England, 1900-14. Neville, David
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Newcastle Poly.). Supervised by Mason, A.; Stanley, L.; Lancaster, W.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1914
Index terms: Women's suffrage; Women
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
The women who served Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth: ladies, gentlewomen and maids of the privy chamber, 1553-1603. Merton, Charlotte I.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Elton, Geoffrey
Chronological coverage: 1553–1603
Index terms: Elizabeth I (1533-1603), queen; Mary I (1516-58), queen; Privy chamber
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Gender and Women
The work of the English privy council, 1660-79, with respect to domestic affairs. Gardener, Dorothy M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Aylmer, G.E.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1679
Index terms: Privy council
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Trades councils in 20th-century Scotland. Hatvany, Doris M.
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Fraser, W.H.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
Index terms: Scotland; Trades councils
Categories: 20th Century
Tradition, reform and diplomacy: Anglo-Scottish relations, 1528-42. Hotle, Charles P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Bradshaw, B.I.
Chronological coverage: 1528–1542
Index terms: England, and Scotland; Diplomacy; Scotland, and England
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Transaction costs and rural economy in southern England, c.1780-c.1840. Gray, Mark A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Supple, B. E.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1840
Index terms: Transaction costs
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Upland farming in Northumberland, 1850-1914. Roberts, Ian E.
Ph.D., Newcastle. (Econ.)
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Northumberland; Farming; Upland farming; Agriculture
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Urban change in a Lancashire market town: Ormskirk, 1600-1800. Duggan, Mona
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Watson, J.K.; Mullett, M.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1800
Index terms: Urban change; Market towns; Ormskirk, Lancs.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Voluntary associations and the middle class in Edinburgh, 1780-1820. Dalgleish, Andrew J.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Dickinson, H.T.; Morris, R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1820
Index terms: Middle class; Scotland; Voluntary associations; Edinburgh
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Weighing the different sources of intelligence: the contribution of ULTRA to four campaigns of the Second World War. Pavey, Michael
M.Phil., Bristol.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Intelligence service; World War II (1939-45); ULTRA
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
West Indian entertainers in Britain in the 1920s and 1930s. Cowley, John
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Hennessy, C.A.M.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1940
Index terms: West Indians, in Britain; Entertainers
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
W. Gilbert's scientific achievement: an assessment of his magnetic, electrical and cosmological researches. Evers, Ingo D.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Phil.). Supervised by Zahar, E.G.
Chronological coverage: 1560–1603
Index terms: Electricity; Magnetism; Gilbert, William (1540-1603); Cosmology
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
William Howley (1766-1848): bishop of London, 1813-28; archbishop of Canterbury, 1828-48. Garrard, James R.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Rowell, D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1766–1848
Index terms: London, bishop of; Canterbury, archbishop of; Howley, William (1766-1848), archbishop; Church of England
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Woman's duties and woman's rights: the debate in early 19th-century Britain on the social position of women. Hodgkin, Heidi
M.A., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Thorpe, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1830
Index terms: Women
Categories: Social history; 18th-19th Century; Gender and Women
Women and the management of the education of working-class girls, 1800-61. Goodman, J.F.
Ph.D., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1861
Index terms: Working class; Education (19th-20th cent.); Women; Girls
Categories: Gender and Women; 19th Century; Education
Women in the Arminian/Methodist Magazine, 1778-1821. Jones, Margaret P.
M.Phil., Cambridge. Supervised by Cracknell, K.
Chronological coverage: 1778–1821
Index terms: Arminian/Methodist Magazine; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 18th-19th Century
Women's religious settlement houses, 1885-1914. Froud, Andrew W.
M.Phil., Cambridge. (Div.). Supervised by Lash, N.L.A.
Chronological coverage: 1885–1914
Index terms: Religious settlement houses; Women; Settlement, religious
Categories: Gender and Women; 19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 20th Century
Wool textile employers' organizations: Bradford, c.1914-1945. Magrath, Irene
Ph.D., Hull. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Nield, K.H.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1945
Index terms: Employers' organizations; Textile industry; Wool textile industry; Bradford, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Work and school for the children of London's labouring poor in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Davin, Anna D.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Foster, R.F.
Chronological coverage: 1879–1914
Index terms: Children; London; Education (19th-20th cent.); Schools; Poverty
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Young people and Communist politics in Britain, 1920-91: aspects of the history of the Young Communist League. Waite, Michael M.
M.Phil., Lancaster. (Soc.)
Chronological coverage: 1920–1991
Index terms: Young Communist League; Communists, Communism
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
A biographical study of General Perronet Thompson, 1783-1869. Morrison, John R.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Walvin, J.; Royle, E.
Chronological coverage: 1803–1869
Index terms: Thompson, Thomas Perronet (1783-1869)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
A century of adventism in Wales: a history of adventism in Wales and the border counties. Phillips, Brian P.
Ph.D., Glamorgan. Supervised by Jones, J.G.; Elias, J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1888–1988
Index terms: Wales; Adventism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
A forgotten offensive: Royal Air Force Coastal Command's anti-shipping campaign, 1940-5. Goulter, Christina J.M.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Bond, B.J.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1945
Index terms: Royal Air Force; Coastal Command; World War II
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Agrarian change in E. Cumberland, c.1750-c.1900. Humphries, Andrew B.
M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1750–1900
Index terms: Cumberland; Agrarian change
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Alfred A. Walton and mid Victorian working-class radicalism. Mares, Detlev
M.A., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1850–1860
Index terms: Working class; Walton, Alfred A. (1816-83); Radicalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Anglican church life in Leeds during the early Victorian resurgence, 1836-51. Dalton, Harry W.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Steele, E.D.; Forster, G.C.F.
Chronological coverage: 1836–1851
Index terms: Leeds, W.R. Yorks.; Church of England
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Anglican sisterhoods in Victorian England. Mumm, Susan E.D.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Cromwell, Valerie
Chronological coverage: 1837–1901
Index terms: Sisterhoods, Anglican; Church of England
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Anglo-Polish relations, 1943-6. Hurst, J.W.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Pritchard, J.
Chronological coverage: 1943–1946
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Poland; Poland, and Britain
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Anglo-Prussian relations, 1804-6: the Napoleonic threat. Simms, Brendan P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Blanning, T.C.W.
Chronological coverage: 1804–1806
Index terms: Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821); Prussia, and England; Foreign relations, with Prussia
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
An infinite variety of arguments: the Bridgewater Treatises and British natural theology in the 1830s. Topham, Jonathan
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Brooke, J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1840
Index terms: Natural theology; Theology; Bridgewater Treatises
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
'A problem almost as difficult as that of Orkney or Shetland': bringing schooling to the Cambridgeshire Fens in the 1870s. Gilbey, Janet M.
M.Phil., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, R.E.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1880
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Cambridgeshire Fens
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Archbishop, cathedral and parish: the diocese of Canterbury, 1660-1805. Gregory, W. Jeremy
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Walsh, J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1805
Index terms: Church of England; Canterbury, diocese
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Armistice Day, 1919-46. Gregory, Adrian M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Winter, J.M.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1946
Index terms: Armistice Day
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
A social history of the British army, 1939-45. Crang, Jeremy A.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Cole, T.F.; Addison, P.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: World War II; Army
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
A sociological analysis of transformation in a religious order: the Passionists in Britain and Ireland, 1945-90, and the 'option for the poor'. Sweeney, James P.
Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
Index terms: Religious orders; Ireland; Passionists; Poverty
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Aspects of the political and social history of Ashington, a Northumberland coal-mining community, 1870-1914. Hall, Valerie G.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Bulmer, M.I.A.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Ashington, Northumb.; Coal industry, Coal miners, Coalfields; Miners, Mining
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Aspects of the relationship of the state and local society in early modern England, with special reference to Cheshire, c.1590-1630. Hindle, Steve
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, K.E.
Chronological coverage: 1590–1630
Index terms: Cheshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
A study of the activities of committed nonconformists in the areas of Street, Som., and Bristol city during the 19th and early 20th centuries, and their impact on the contemporary social environment. Parrack, Dennis S.
M.Litt., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1920
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Bristol; Street, Som.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A token commitment: British military planning for the defence of Germany, 1945-50. Cornish, Paul N.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Towle, P.A.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1950
Index terms: Defence, of Germany; Germany; Army; Military planning
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Bertrand Russell, Leonard Woolf and John Maynard Keynes: a biographical examination of influences, established before 1914, which dictated their reaction to the First World War. Weston, Sally
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Copley, A.R.H.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1914
Index terms: Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946), 1st; Woolf, Leonard S. (1880-1969); Russell, Bertrand A.W. (1872-1970), 3rd Earl Russell; World War I (1914-18)
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Bishop John Stokesley: a humanist reformer at the court of Henry VIII. Chibi, Andrew A.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Greengrass, M.
Chronological coverage: 1509–1539
Index terms: Reformation; Humanists, Humanism; Stokesley, John (c.1475-1539), bishop; Henry VIII (1491-1547), king
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Britain and Korea, 1945-54: a study of a diverging relationship. Kim, Sang W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Towle, P.A.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1954
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Korea; Korea, and Britain
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British foreign policy under Lord Curzon, 1919-24. Bennett, G. Harry
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Ball, S.R.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1924
Index terms: Curzon, George N. (1859-1925), Marquess Curzon of Kedleston; Foreign policy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British-German relations between 1955 and 1961. Huth, Sabine
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Huttenberger, P.
Chronological coverage: 1955–1961
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Germany; Germany, and Britain
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British government propaganda and persuasion during the 1956 Suez crisis. Shaw, Antony T.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Owen, Edward R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1956–1956
Index terms: Suez crisis (1956); Propaganda
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
British policy and the German resistance movement, 1938-44. Cooke, Jason M.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Grenville, J.A.S.
Chronological coverage: 1938–1944
Index terms: Foreign policy; Germany; World War II (1939-45); Resistance movement, in Germany
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British policy and the Ottoman reform movement from the congress of Berlin to 1900. Sasmaz, Musa
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist./Byz. Stud.). Supervised by Grenville, J.A.S.; Strauss, J.
Chronological coverage: 1878–1900
Index terms: Ottoman empire; Reform movement, in the Ottoman empire; Foreign policy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
British policy in Aden Protectorate, 1919-55. Yousif, Abd A.S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Bidwell, R.L.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1955
Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Aden; Aden
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
British relations with the Malay rulers from decentralization to Malayan independence, 1930-57. Smith, Simon C.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Stockwell, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1957
Index terms: Foreign relations, with the Malay rulers; Malaya
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British working-class attitudes to war, 1902-14. Croucher, Barry C.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Chamberlain, Muriel E.
Chronological coverage: 1902–1914
Index terms: War, attitudes to; Working class
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Chief inhabitants and their areas of influence: local ruling groups in Essex and Suffolk parishes, 1630-1720. French, Henry R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, K.E.
Chronological coverage: 1630–1720
Index terms: Essex; Local ruling groups; Suffolk
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Christian Brother, union brother: a study of W.T. Miller (1880-1963), Nonconformist and pit deputies' leader. Ackers, Peter B.H.
Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Black, J.; Benson, J.; McLeod, D.H.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1963
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Trade unions; Miller, William T. (1880-1963); Miners, Mining
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Christian radicalism in Britain, 1830-50. Groth, Eileen L.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1850
Index terms: Radicalism, Christian
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Compulsory day continuation schools: their origins, objectives and development, with special reference to H.A.L. Fisher's 1918 experiment. Silto, William
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Gordon, P.
Chronological coverage: 1909–1925
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Fisher, Herbert A.L. (1865-1940); Day continuation schools; Schools
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Conflicting images: film, class and society in Britain, 1919-39. Bamford, Kenton
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Richards, J.M.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Class; Films
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Conflicts within the established church in Warwickshire, 1603-42. Oldridge, Darren
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Capp, B.S.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1642
Index terms: Religious conflicts; Warwickshire; Church of England
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Constriction, conformity and control: the taming of the Daily Herald, 1921-30. Richards, H.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Curran, J.R.A.; Aldgate, A.K.
Chronological coverage: 1921–1930
Index terms: Newspapers; Daily Herald; Press
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Consuming science: science, technology and food in Britain, 1870-1930. Horrocks, Sally
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Edgerton, D.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1930
Index terms: Food
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Contests over constitutionalism: the faltering of reform in England, 1816-24. Fulcher, Jonathan C.S.J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hilton, A.J.B.
Chronological coverage: 1816–1824
Index terms: Constitutionalism; Reform movement
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Cosmo-choru-poly-grapher: an analytical account of the life and work of John Norden, 1547-1625. Kitchen, Frank
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Short, B.M.
Chronological coverage: 1567–1625
Index terms: Norden, John (1547-1625)
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Courtly reformation: Williamite propaganda after the Glorious Revolution in England. Claydon, Anthony M.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hoppit, J.
Chronological coverage: 1688–1702
Index terms: Court, royal; William III (1650-1702), king; Revolution (1688); Propaganda
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
D.D. Home and the spiritualist movement in 19th-century Britain. Halliday, Ronald N.F.
M.Litt., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Bebbington, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1855–1900
Index terms: Spiritualist movement; Home, Daniel D. (1833-86)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Development of 19th-century non-graduate (Anglican) theological colleges, with special reference to episcopal attitudes. Dowland, David A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hinchcliff, P.B.
Chronological coverage: 1810–1900
Index terms: Church of England; Education, theological; Theological colleges; Bishops
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Differentiation in the working class, class consciousness and the development of the Labour party in Liverpool up to 1939. Davies, Robert S.W.
Ph.D., Liverpool John Moores. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Nightingale, M.; Lane, A.D.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Liverpool; Labour party; Working class
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
District nursing and the work of district nursing associations in England and Wales, 1900-48. Fox, Enid N.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Soc. Pol.). Supervised by Elston, Mary-Ann; Macnicol, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1948
Index terms: Public health; District nursing associations; Nurses, Nursing
Categories: 20th Century
Divisions, debates and `dis-ease': the Rockingham whig party and the house of lords, 1760-85. Farrell, Stephen M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hilton, A.J.B.
Chronological coverage: 1760–1785
Index terms: House of lords; Parliament; Watson-Wentworth, Charles (1730-82), 2nd marquess of Rockingham; Whig party; Rockingham, 2nd marquess of,see Wats
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
`Done (very filthily) into English': a critical study of the writing of Nicholas Culpeper, 1616-54. Woodcraft, David R.
M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.). Supervised by Williams, G.W.
Chronological coverage: 1636–1654
Index terms: Culpeper, Nicholas (1616-54)
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Economic significance and role of adits in Cornish mine drainage, 1700-1900. Buckley, J.A.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Camborne School of Mines)
Chronological coverage: 1700–1900
Index terms: Miners, mining; Adits, in mine drainage; Cornwall
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Elections and electioneering in Haslemere (Surrey), 1715-80. Clayton, Mary E.
M.Phil., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Corfield, Penelope J.
Chronological coverage: 1715–1780
Index terms: Elections, parliamentary; Haslemere, Surr.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Emigration from the Scottish Catholic Bounds, 1770-1810, and the role of the clergy. Toomey, Kathleen
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Martin, G.; Bannerman, J.W.M.; Ferguson, W.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1810
Index terms: Migration, Scottish; Scotland; Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Clergy, Roman Catholic
Categories: 18th-19th Century
English Protestant religion in the 1940s. Lord, Eric
M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Binfield, J.C.G.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1950
Index terms: Protestants, Protestantism
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Eurasians in British India, 1773-1833: the making of a reluctant community. Hawes, Christopher J.
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of S. Asia). Supervised by Arnold, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1773–1833
Index terms: India; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in India; Eurasians, in India
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 18th Century; 19th Century
Fantasy surgery, 1880-1945, with special reference to Sir William Arbuthnot Lane. Dally, Ann G.
M.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Porter, R.S.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1945
Index terms: Lane, Sir William Arbuthnot (1856-1943), 1st baronet; Surgery
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century
Farming and sea-faring in N. Pembrokeshire, 1815-1914. Morgan, Eric J.R.
M.Phil. (Ext.), Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Howell, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1914
Index terms: Agriculture; Farming; Pembrokeshire; Sea-faring; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Farmworker unionism in N.W. Essex, 1870-1914. Woodgate, Mervyn A.
M.Phil., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Brown, A.F.J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Essex; Farmworkers; Trade unions; Agriculture
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Father Patrick Lavelle, 1826-86. Moran, Gerard P.J.
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, S.W.
Chronological coverage: 1846–1886
Index terms: Lavelle, Patrick (1826-86); Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Finance and the government of England, 1679-89. Brodie, Ross A.
M.Litt., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Hutton, R.E.
Chronological coverage: 1679–1689
Index terms: Public finance; Finance
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
Formations of cultural identity: art criticism, the National Gallery and the Royal Academy, 1820-63. Trodd, Colin B.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Pointon, Marcia R.
Chronological coverage: 1820–1863
Index terms: London, National Gallery; Art; Art criticism; London, Royal Academy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
For the public good: Henry Cole, his circle and the development of the South Kensington estate. Cooper, Ann
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Roberts, Gerrylynn K.
Chronological coverage: 1848–1882
Index terms: Cole, Sir Henry (1808-82); London, Kensington
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Franciscan values and social contexts: sociological study of founders of Anglican Franciscan third orders, 1882-1939. Sharpe, Rosemary A.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc.). Supervised by Baker, Eileen
Chronological coverage: 1882–1939
Index terms: Church of England; Franciscan third order
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Friendly societies in S. Durham and N. Yorks., c.1790-1914: studies in development, membership characteristics and behaviour. Turner, James J.
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Teesside Poly.: Hum.). Supervised by Rose, M.E.; Taylor, D.; Leonard, J.W.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1914
Index terms: Durham, county; Friendly societies; Yorkshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
George Whitefield as inter-confessional evangelist, 1714-70. Smith, David A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Walsh, J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1735–1770
Index terms: Evangelism; Whitefield, George (1714-70); Evangelical Revival
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Government and the administration of hospital services in Northern Ireland, 1948-73: the Northern Ireland Hospital Authority. Gray, Ann M.
D.Phil., Ulster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1948–1973
Index terms: Northern Ireland Hospital Authority; Northern Ireland; Ireland; Hospitals; Public health
Categories: 20th Century
Great Britain-River Plate relations, 1806-26. Gallo, Ezequiel J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deas, M.D.
Chronological coverage: 1806–1826
Index terms: Foreign relations, with the River Plate; Plate, River
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Hardwicke Drummond Rawnsley, 1851-1920. Atkinson, M.
M.Phil., Lancaster.
Chronological coverage: 1871–1920
Index terms: Rawnsley, Hardwicke Drummond (1851-1920); National Trust
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
`Healing for the body as well as the soul': the Aberdeen Royal Asylum in the 19th century. Lobban, Robert J.B.
M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Withrington, D.J.; Carter, Jennifer J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Aberdeen, Royal Asylum; Mental health
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Henry Williamson as a `Romantic fascist'?: the origins, context and applications of Henry Williamson's aesthetic and political ideas. Romanovitch, Elizabeth
Ph.D., Kingston. (Hum.). Supervised by Beck, P.J.; Barnes, I.R.
Chronological coverage: 1915–1977
Index terms: Williamson, Henry (1895-1977); Political thought
Categories: 20th Century
Identification, interests and influence: voting behaviour in four English constituencies in the decade after the Great Reform Act. Radice, Paula
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Heesom, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1832–1842
Index terms: Reform Act (1832); Elections, parliamentary; Voting behaviour
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Images of childhood, 1900-30. Grenfell-Hill, Jeffrey du C.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Stead, P.P.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1930
Index terms: Childhood
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
James Harrington and the idea of mixed government, 1642-83. Fukuda, Arihiro
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Worden, A.B.
Chronological coverage: 1642–1683
Index terms: Political thought; Harrington, James (1611-77); Government, mixed
Categories: 17th Century
John Bull's other homes: state housing and British policy in Ireland, 1883-1992. Fraser, Murray
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Archit.). Supervised by Forty, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1883–1992
Index terms: Ireland; Housing
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Joseph Cowen of Newcastle and radical Liberalism. Hugman, Joan
Ph.D., Northumbria at Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Colls, R.; Lancaster, W.
Chronological coverage: 1851–1900
Index terms: Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumb.; Liberalism; Radicalism; Cowen, Joseph (1831-1900)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Kinship and community in Yorkshire, 1500-1700. Coster, William
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Cross, M. Claire
Chronological coverage: 1500–1700
Index terms: Yorkshire; Community; Kinship
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
Labour, ideology and the states in Ireland, 1917-30. Fitzpatrick, Claire M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reid, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1917–1930
Index terms: Ireland; Labour
Categories: 20th Century
Labour policies and socialist ideas: the example of the Attlee government, 1945-51. Francis, Martin
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rowett, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1951
Index terms: Socialists, Socialism; Attlee, Clement Richard (1883-1967), 1st Earl Attlee; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Landholdings, agriculture and society: Easingwold, 1660-1750. Taylor, Valerie
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Sheils, W.J.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1750
Index terms: Landholding; Easingwold, N.R. Yorks.; Agriculture
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Lead mining in the Pennines, with particular reference to the duke of Devonshire's lead mines at Grassington. Gill, Michael C.
M.Phil., Exeter. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Butt, R.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1900
Index terms: Grassington, W.R. Yorks.; Pennines; Miners, Mining; Lead mining, Lead mines; Devonshire, duke of
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Lord Woolton's chairmanship of the Conservative party, 1946-51. Kandiah, Michael D.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Coleman, B.I.
Chronological coverage: 1946–1951
Index terms: Woolton, Frederick James Marquis (1883-1964), 1st earl of Woolton; Conservative party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Magnetic England in the 18th century. Fara, Patricia
Ph.D., London. (Imperial Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Second, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Magnetism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Medical officers and the army during the First World War. Whitehead, Ian R.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Cecil, H.P.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: Army; Medicine; Medical officers; World War I (1914-18)
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Mental health policy in Northern Ireland, 1921-91. Prior, Pauline M.
D.Phil., York. (Soc. Pol.). Supervised by Jones, Kathleen
Chronological coverage: 1921–1991
Index terms: Northern Ireland; Mental health policy; Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
Mixed farming on the Hampshire Downs, 1837-1914. Afton, Bethanie
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Wordie, J.R.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1914
Index terms: Mixed farming; Hampshire; Hampshire Downs; Agriculture; Farming
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Monuments to the fallen: Scottish war memorials of the Great War. Bell, Gilbert
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, G.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Scotland; World War I (1914-18); War memorials
Categories: 20th Century
Mother superiors: Anglican and Roman Catholic religious orders, 1830-1900. Stone, Hope B.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wright, A.D.; Green, S.J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1900
Index terms: Church of England; Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Religious orders
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Municipal transport in Aberdeen, 1898-1975, and its relationship with housing politics. Mitchell, Michael
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Withrington, Donald J.
Chronological coverage: 1898–1975
Index terms: Scotland; Aberdeen; Transport; Municipal transport; Housing
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Music societies and musical life in old foundation cathedral cities, 1700-60. Chevill, Elizabeth J.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Music). Supervised by Price, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1760
Index terms: Cathedral cities; Music societies; Music
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
`My own crazy carcase': the life and works of Dr. George Cheyne, 1672-1743. Shuttleton, David E.
Ph.D., Edinburgh.
Chronological coverage: 1692–1743
Index terms: Philosophy; Mathematics; Cheyne, George (1672-1743); Pietists, Pietism
Categories: 18th Century
Nineteenth-century manorialism and lordship in S.E. Wales. Nolan, Jackie
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Howell, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Wales; Lordship; Manorialism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Paternalism in the coalmining industry: the case of the Clay Cross company, c.1840-1890. Williams, Clifton
M.Phil., Nottingham Trent. (Int. Stud.). Supervised by Griffin, C.P.; Hill, J.; Holmes, C.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1890
Index terms: Coal industry, Coal miners, Coalfields; Clay Cross, Derb.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Patronage and politics in Ireland, 1714-27. McNally, Patrick
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jupp, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1714–1727
Index terms: Patronage, political; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Pauper education in Victorian England: administration and organization within the new poor law, 1834-1880. Livingstone, Janet E.
Ph.D., London Guildhall. Supervised by Bagwell, P.S.; Shepherd, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1834–1880
Index terms: Poor law; Education (19th-20th cent.); Paupers
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Pelham, parliament and public policy, 1747-54. Connors, Richard T.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hilton, A.J.B.
Chronological coverage: 1747–1754
Index terms: Pelham-Holles, Thomas (1693-1768), 1st duke of Newcastle,; Parliament
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Perceptions, patterns and policies of tourism: the development of the Devon seaside resorts during the 20th century, with special reference to Torquay and Ilfracombe. Morgan, Nigel J.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Coleman, B.I.; Fisher, H.E.S.; Porter, J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
Index terms: Tourism; Devon; Torquay, Devon; Seaside resorts, in Devon; Ilfracombe, Devon
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Policing rural Ireland: a study of the origins, development and role of the Irish Constabulary and its impact on crime prevention and detection in the 19th century. Bridgeman, Ian R.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Emsley, C.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Irish Constabulary; Ireland; Police; Crime
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Political opposition and republicanism in England, 1672-83. Hobson, Alan R.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Childs, J.C.R.
Chronological coverage: 1672–1683
Index terms: Republicanism
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Politics, commerce and social policy in the City of London, 1782-1802. Brown, Susan E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Innes, Joanna M.
Chronological coverage: 1782–1802
Index terms: Social policy; Commerce; London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
Poole, 1815-81: suburban growth and social change. MacDonald, Terence A.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Rule, J.G.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1881
Index terms: Urban development; Poole, Dors.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Urban history; Social history
Popular disturbance in 16th-century county Durham. Johnson, Antony P.
M.Phil., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Palliser, D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Popular disturbances; Durham, county
Categories: 16th Century
Popular housing provision in England, 1930s-1950s. Tsubaki, Tatsuya
Ph.D., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Tiratsoo, Nicholas E.H.; Mason, A.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1960
Index terms: Housing provision
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Popular politics, religion and culture in the Midlands, 1640-6. Osbourne, Simon
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Capp, B.C.
Chronological coverage: 1640–1646
Index terms: Midlands
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Population structure and occupation in Liverpool, 1660-1750. Lewis, Fiona
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Power, M.J.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1750
Index terms: Population structure; Liverpool
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Prelude to Restoration: Laudians, conformists and the struggle for `Anglicanism' in the 1650s. Trott, Frederick J.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Lake, P.G.
Chronological coverage: 1650–1660
Index terms: Laudians; Restoration (1660); Church of England; Anglicanism
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Protecting children in time: a historical sociological study of the abused child and child protection in Cleveland from 1880 to the `Cleveland Affair' of 1987. Ferguson, Thomas H.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol.). Supervised by Ennew, J.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1987
Index terms: Children; Cleveland, N.R. Yorks.; Child abuse
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Public health in 19th-century port cities: the examples of Liverpool, Glasgow and Belfast. Sheard, Sally
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Geog.). Supervised by Laxton, P.; Kearns, G.P.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Liverpool; Ports; Public health; Glasgow; Belfast
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Radicalism in Paisley, 1830-48. Leitch, Archibald
M.Litt., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by McCaffrey, J.F.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1848
Index terms: Paisley, Renfrews.; Radicalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Readings on wills in the Inns of Court, 1552-1631. Mirow, Matthew C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Law). Supervised by Baker, J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1552–1631
Index terms: Inns of Court; Wills
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Legal history
Reason, character, evolution and environment: theory and policy in Victorian social science, c.1860-c.1895. Webster, James G.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Jose F.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1895
Index terms: Evolution; Social science
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Relationships between Scottish universities and their communities, c.1858-1914. Lloyd, Campbell F.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
Chronological coverage: 1858–1914
Index terms: Education, 19th-20th cent.; Universities; Scotland; Towns; Higher education
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Religion and society in Guernsey, 1560-1640. Ogier, Darryl
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Capp, B.C.
Chronological coverage: 1560–1640
Index terms: Guernsey
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Religious belief and popular culture: a study of the S. London borough of Southwark, c.1880-1939. Williams, Sarah C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Garnett, E. Jane
Chronological coverage: 1880–1939
Index terms: Popular culture; Religious belief; London, Southwark
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Religious dissent in the industrial zone of Swansea from the mid 18th century until 1914. Williams, Edwin C.
M.Phil. (Ext.), Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, P.T.J.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1914
Index terms: Swansea, Glam.; Dissent, religious
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Religious life in Essex, c.1500-1570. Hart, Ian
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Scarisbrick, J.J.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1570
Index terms: Reformation; Essex; Religious life
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Responses of the laity to changes in official religious policy in Gloucestershire, 1541-80. Litzenberger, Caroline J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collinson, P.
Chronological coverage: 1541–1580
Index terms: Reformation; Gloucestershire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Rules writ in water: a history of riparian rights and property use doctrine in England to 1870. Getzler, Joshua S.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Law). Supervised by Ibbetson, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1485–1870
Index terms: Property-use doctrine; Riparian rights
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century; 18th Century; 19th Century
Rural old dissent in the S.E. Midlands, 1715-1851, with particular reference to membership and social composition. Wildman, Lilian M.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Bedford Coll.). Supervised by Binfield, J.C.G.; Doyle, P.
Chronological coverage: 1715–1851
Index terms: Dissenters, Dissent
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Safonau byw ac iechyd yng Ngwynedd, 1850-1914. (Standards of living and health in Gwynedd, 1850-1914.). Roberts, Hubert G.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Davies, J.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Gwynedd; Health; Standard of living; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
`Saved from a life of vice and crime': reformatory and industrial schools for girls, c.1854-c.1901. Cale, Michelle S.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hood, R.G.
Chronological coverage: 1854–1901
Index terms: Reformatory schools; Schools; Industrial schools; Education (19th-20th cent.); Girls
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Scott's of Greenock, shipbuilders and engineers, 1820-1920. Robb, Johnston F.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Slaven, Anthony
Chronological coverage: 1820–1920
Index terms: Greenock, Renfrewshire; Shipbuilding; Scotts' Shipbuilding and Engineering Company; Engineering; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Sixteenth-century printing types and ornaments of Scotland, with an introductory survey of the Scottish book trade. Watry, Paul B.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Roberts, R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Scotland; Book trade; Printing
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Social bases of the Irish land war, 1857-79. Murphy, Clare
Ph.D., Belfast. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Kennedy, L.
Chronological coverage: 1857–1879
Index terms: Ireland; Land war
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Social work's changing task; an analysis of the changing task of social work as seen through Scottish voluntary organization, Family Care. Cree, Viviene E.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Brown, B.; Davidson, R.F.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1990
Index terms: Family Care; Scotland; Voluntary organizations; Social work
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Stability and change in the administrative area of Milton hundred (Kent): with special reference to the second half of the 19th century. Bellingham, Patricia
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Adult Contin. Educ.). Supervised by Widdowson, J.D.A.; Hey, D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Index terms: Local administration, Local government; Milton hundred, Kent
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
State, law and prosecution: the emergence of the modern criminal process, 1780-1910. Langford, P.
Ph.D., Warwick.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1910
Index terms: Law; Criminal process; Prosecution
Categories: 19th Century
Strange usurped potentates: Elizabeth I, the papacy and the Indian summer of the medieval deposing power. Lock, Julian R.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wormald, Jennifer M.
Chronological coverage: 1569–1570
Index terms: Papacy; Elizabeth I (1533-1603), queen; Deposing power, papal
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
S. Yorkshire coal-mining communities in the 19th century. Walker, Andrew G.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Adult Contin. Educ.). Supervised by Widdowson, J.D.A.; Hey, D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Coal industry, Coal miners, Coal mining, Coalfields; Yorkshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Technology and tradition: wireless telegraphy and the Royal Navy, 1895-1920. Blond, A.J. Lee
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Constantine, S.; Gooch, J.
Chronological coverage: 1895–1920
Index terms: Royal Navy; Wireless telegraphy; Navy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The ambassadorship of Sir Oliver Franks at Washington, 1948-52. Hopkins, Michael F.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Hartley, O.A.; Spiers, E.M.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1952
Index terms: Washington, D.C., U.S.A.; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Diplomacy; Franks, Sir Oliver (b.1905), Baron Franks; United States of America, and Britain
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The anatomy of the British Liberal party, 1908-18: a study of its character and disintegration. Hancock, John W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Clarke, P.F.
Chronological coverage: 1908–1918
Index terms: Liberal party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The army schoolmaster and the development of elementary education in the Army, 1812-1920. Smith, Elaine A.
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Gordon, P.
Chronological coverage: 1812–1920
Index terms: Elementary education; Schoolmasters; Education (19th-20th cent.); Army
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The Berkshire woollen industry, 1500-1650. Jackson, Christine A.
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Wordie, J.R.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1650
Index terms: Woollen industry; Berkshire
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
The brewing industry: politics and taxation, 1852-80. Levy, Scott A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Mathias, P.
Chronological coverage: 1852–1880
Index terms: Brewing industry; Taxation
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The British gas appliance industry, 1875-1939. Goodall, G. Francis
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Hunt, E.H.
Chronological coverage: 1875–1939
Index terms: Gas appliance industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The British Labour party and the question of Palestine. Bihan, Stéphane
M.A., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Thorpe, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1948
Index terms: Palestine; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The British parliament and the American Civil War. Good, Timothy S.
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Ratcliffe, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1861–1865
Index terms: American Civil War (1861-5); Parliament
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The British right wing and its ideology towards the land and ecology, 1918-39. Craven, Josef F.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Grenville, J.A.S.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Land; Right-wing parties; Ecology
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The career of John, 1st Viscount Scudamore, 1601-71. Atherton, Ian J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1621–1671
Index terms: Scudamore, John (1601-71), 1st Viscount Scudamore
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The career of Robert, 1st Baron Clive, with special reference to his political and administrative career. Prior, David L.
M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, P.D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1744–1774
Index terms: Clive, Robert (1725-74), 1st Baron Clive
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The career of Sir Edward Massey. Evans, David S.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Roy, I.
Chronological coverage: 1639–1674
Index terms: Massey, Sir Edward (c.1619-c.1674)
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The City and the livery companies of London, 1540-60. Rider, Clare M.
Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Loades, D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1540–1560
Index terms: London, City; Livery companies; Trade
Categories: 16th Century
The Colonial Office and labour legislation in British Africa from the early 19th century to the 1950s, with special reference to the use of penal sanctions in `master and servant' ordinances. Banton, Mandy K.
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Roberts, A.D.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1960
Index terms: Colonial Office; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Africa; Labour legislation, in South Africa
Categories: Africa; 19th Century20th Century
The confusions of an imperialist inheritance: Cripps, Attlee and the Indian problem, 1940-7. Owen, Nicholas J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, J.G.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1947
Index terms: India; Cripps, Sir Stafford (1889-1952); Attlee, Clement Richard (1883-1967), 1st Earl Attlee; Colonial and imperial policy
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The construction industry in Belfast, 1800-1914. Cockerill, John
Ph.D., Belfast. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, D.S.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1914
Index terms: Belfast; Construction industry; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The construction of policy for women in the British armed forces, 1938-45. Rosenzweig, Jane A.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howarth, Janet H.; Parker, R.A.C.
Chronological coverage: 1938–1945
Index terms: World War II; Armed forces; Women
Categories: Military and naval history; Gender and Women; Administrative history; 20th Century
The contribution of the College of Preceptors to education in England, 1846-1917. Willis, Richard S.J.
M.Phil., Leeds. (Educ.). Supervised by Sharp, P.R.
Chronological coverage: 1846–1917
Index terms: College of Preceptors; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The decline of air pollution in Manchester, 1880-1985: a reinterpretation. Buxton, Diane
M.Sc., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Edgerton, D.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1985
Index terms: Manchester; Air pollution
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Urban history; Social history
The development of cremation in England and Wales, 1820-1990: a sociological analysis. Jupp, Peter C.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc.). Supervised by Barker, Eileen V.
Chronological coverage: 1820–1990
Index terms: Cremation
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The development of democracy as a political ideal in the second half of the 19th century, with special reference to Cambridgeshire, Huntingdonshire and co. Durham. Lane, Andrew
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Heesom, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Index terms: Durham, county; Huntingdonshire; Cambridgeshire; Democracy, ideal of
Categories: 19th Century
The development of forensic science and its relation to the detective police in Victorian and Edwardian England. Ward, Jenny
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Emsley, C.; Russell, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1910
Index terms: Detective police; Police; Forensic science
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The development of nursery education from the 1890s to the 1950s, with particular reference to the work of Miriam Lord in Bradford. Murray, Ruth L.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Educ.). Supervised by Anning, A.J.E.; Sharp, P.R.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1960
Index terms: Nursery education; Bradford, W.R. Yorks.; Lord, Miriam (fl.1890-1950), educationalist; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The development of sick children's nursing, 1919-39. Arton, Michael E.
M.Phil., Bath. (Soc. Pol.). Supervised by Klein, R.E.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Nurses, Nursing; Sick children's nursing; Children
Categories: 20th Century
The development of the Clyde's eastern trade, c.1815-1850. Whitehead, Margaret
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, G.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1850
Index terms: Scotland; Clyde, river; Trade
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The early feminists, radical Unitarians and the emergence of the women's rights movement, 1831-51. Gleadle, Kathryn
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Reid, F.
Chronological coverage: 1831–1851
Index terms: Women; Feminists; Women's rights movement; Unitarians, Unitarianism
Categories: Political history; 19th Century; Gender and Women
The early political career of Charles James Fox, 1768-82. Archer, Ian K.R.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, P.D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1768–1782
Index terms: Fox, Charles James (1749-1806); Parliament
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The economics of psychiatric services: U.K. and Ireland, 1845-1985. Raftery, James P.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc. Admin.). Supervised by Abel-Smith, B.
Chronological coverage: 1845–1985
Index terms: Psychiatric services; Psychiatric services, in Ireland; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The effect of the coming of the railway on the towns and villages of E. Kent, 1841-1914. Andrews, Frank W.G.
Ph.D., Kent. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Whyman, J.; Armstrong, W.A.
Chronological coverage: 1841–1914
Index terms: Towns; Kent; Transport; Railways; Villages
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The effect of the growth of Middlesbrough on the surrounding rural economy. Watson, David I.
M.Phil., Leeds. (Econ. Stud.). Supervised by Bowden, Susan M.; Chartres, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1900
Index terms: Urban development, Urban growth; Middlesbrough, N.R. Yorks.; Rural economy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Urban history; Social history
The English campaign in France, 1543-5. MacMahon, Luke M.C.
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Scarisbrick, J.J.
Chronological coverage: 1543–1545
Index terms: Foreign relations, with France; France; Warfare
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The estates of the Fawkes family in Yorkshire, 1824-1927: their structure and exploitation. Sharples, Marion
M.Phil., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Steele, E.D.; Forster, G.C.F.
Chronological coverage: 1824–1927
Index terms: Yorkshire; Fawkes family; Estates
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The foundation and early years of Wesley House, Cambridge. Glass, Paul S.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Steele, E.D.
Chronological coverage: 1921–1935
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Education, theological; Methodists, Methodism; Cambridge, Wesley House
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The gentry government of Devon, 1625-40. Wolffe, Mary A.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Barry, J.; Roots, I.A.
Chronological coverage: 1625–1640
Index terms: Local administration, Local government; Devon; Gentry
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The godly of Goshen scattered: an Essex clerical conference in the 1620s and its diaspora. Webster, Tom
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1620–1635
Index terms: Puritans, Puritanism; Clergy; Essex
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The high church tradition in Ireland, 1800-70, with particular reference to the work of John Jebb and Alexander Knox. Thompson, Michael J.
M.A., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, S.W.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1870
Index terms: Ireland; Jebb, John (1775-1833), bishop; High church tradition, in Ireland; Knox, Alexander (1757-1831)
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The history of building societies in Bradford in the 19th century. Mayho, T. Clifford
M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Martin, D.E.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Building societies; Bradford, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 19th Century
The history of suicide in England and Wales, 1850-1961, with special reference to suicide by poisoning. Clarke, Michael J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Earles, M.P.; Smith, R.E.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1961
Index terms: Poisoning; Suicide
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The history of the Railway Clerks' Association, 1919-39. McMahon, Anthony
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Renshaw, P.R.G.; Waites, B.A.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Trades Unions; Railway Clerks' Association; Railways
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The history of waste disposal in the 19th century. Walklett, Hilary
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Michael, M.; Walton, J.K.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Public health; Waste disposal
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The I.B.M. community at Hursley Park, 1958-90. Gunning, Carol A.
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (King Alfred's Coll., Winchester). Supervised by Richardson, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1958–1990
Index terms: International Business Machines (I.B.M.); Hursley Park, Hants.
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The ideological evolution of a mass outdoor movement in Britain. Taylor, Harvey
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Walton, J.K.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1939
Index terms: Outdoor movement
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The impact of the First World War on a local community. Cranstoun, J.G.M.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, I.; Donnachie, I.L.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: World War I
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The integration of Jewish immigrants in Glasgow. Braber, Bernardus M.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by McCaffrey, J.F.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1990
Index terms: Jews; Jewish immigrants; Glasgow; Migration, Jewish
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The involvement of the English Crown and its embassy in Constantinople with pretenders to the throne of the principality of Moldavia, 1583-1620, with special reference to Stefan Bogdan, between 1590 and 1612. Coulter, Laura J.F.
Ph.D., London. (S.S.E.E.S.). Supervised by Deletant, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1583–1620
Index terms: Moldavia; Stefan Bogdan, (fl.1590-1612); Constantinople; Romania
Categories: Europe; 16th Century; 17th Century
The Irish in N. Lancashire and W. Cumberland, c.1850-1906: aspects of the social history of Barrow-in-Furness, Cleator Moor and their hinterlands. MacRaild, Donald M.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Martin, D.E.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1906
Index terms: Barrow-in-Furness, Lancs.; Cumberland; Lancashire; Irish, in England; Cleator Moor, Cumb.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
`The island of Mesmeria': the politics of Mesmerism in early Victorian Britain. Winter, Alison
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Schaffer, S.J.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1850
Index terms: Mesmerism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
The life and writings of Isaac Milner. Melaas, Barbara J.
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, S.W.
Chronological coverage: 1768–1820
Index terms: Milner, Isaac (1750-1820)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The management of voluntary organizations in the post-war period, with special reference to national-local relations. Penn, Alison M.R.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Cromwell, Valerie
Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
Index terms: Voluntary organizations
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The market for farm labour in Scotland, 1900-39. Anthony, Richard F.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Hughes, G.A.; Morris, R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Scotland; Agriculture; Farm labour
Categories: 20th Century
The maternity and infant welfare movement in Leicester between 1868 and 1948. Aucott, Shirley R.
M.Phil., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Brock, W.H.
Chronological coverage: 1868–1948
Index terms: Infant welfare; Maternity welfare; Leicester
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The musical patronage of Christopher, 1st Baron Hatton (1605-70). Wainwright, John P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Music). Supervised by Jones, A.V.
Chronological coverage: 1625–1670
Index terms: Hatton, Christopher (1605-70), 1st Baron Hatton; Patronage, musical; Music
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
The musical patronage of the English aristocracy, c.1590-c.1640. Hulse, Lynn M.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Music). Supervised by Price, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1590–1640
Index terms: Patronage, of music; Music; Aristocracy
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
The National Asylum for Idiots, Earlswood, 1847-86. Wright, David J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Digby, Anne
Chronological coverage: 1847–1886
Index terms: Earlswood, Surr., National Asylum for Idiots; Asylum; Lunatic asylum
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The nature and causes of demographic change in an industrializing township: Calverley, 1680-1820. King, Steven A.
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Hudson, Patricia
Chronological coverage: 1680–1820
Index terms: Calverley, W.R. Yorks.; Demographic change
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
The North ministry and Ireland, 1770-82. Breeze, Heather P.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, P.D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1782
Index terms: North, Frederick (1732-92), Lord North; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The origin and expansion of Primitive Methodism in the Hull circuit, 1819-51. Hatcher, Stephen
Ph.D., Manchester. (Eccles. Hist.). Supervised by Rack, H.D.
Chronological coverage: 1819–1851
Index terms: Methodists, Methodism; Primitive Methodists, Primitive Methodism; Hull, E.R. Yorks
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The origins of the Free Presbyterian Church in Scotland. Macleod, James L.
Ph.D., Edinburgh.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1900
Index terms: Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The political career of James, 4th marquess and 1st duke of Hamilton (1606-49) to 1643. Scally, John J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1626–1643
Index terms: Hamilton, James (1606-49), 4th marquess and 1st duke of Hamilton
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The politics of influence: Churchill, Eden and Soviet Communism, 1951-7. Faughnan, Sean A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Steiner, Zara S.
Chronological coverage: 1951–1957
Index terms: Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965); Communism, in the U.S.S.R.; Eden, Robert Anthony (1897-1977), 1st earl of Avon; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The politics of meaning in the commemoration of the First World War in Britain, 1914-39. King, Alexander M.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Archit.). Supervised by Forty, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1939
Index terms: Commemoration, of World War I; World War I
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
The politics of moderation: Britain and the Indian Liberal party, 1917-23. Woods, Philip G.
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of S. Asia). Supervised by Arnold, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1917–1923
Index terms: India; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in India; Liberal party, in India
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The poor law of lunacy: the administration of pauper lunatics in mid 19th-century England, with special emphasis on Leicestershire and Rutland. Bartlett, Peter
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Bynum, W.F.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
Index terms: Leicestershire; Pauper lunatics; Lunacy, Lunatics; Rutland
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The practice and procedure of the house of commons, 1660-1714. Ellis, Kathryn M.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, P.D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1714
Index terms: Commons, house of; Parliament
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The Queen Margaret Settlement, 1897-1914: Glasgow women pioneers in social work. Kendall, Catherine M.
M.Litt., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by McCaffrey, J.F.
Chronological coverage: 1897–1914
Index terms: Glasgow; Queen Margaret Settlement, Glasgow; Women; Social work
Categories: 19th Century; Social history; Legal history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
The rise and fall of romantic radicalism: England, 1800-10. Spence, Peter E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hilton, A.J.B.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1810
Index terms: Radicalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The role of experimentation and experimental evidence in the development of 19th-century bacteriology in Britain. Davison, Judith
Ph.D., Northumbria at Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Knight, D.M.; Sutton, M.A.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Experimentation, in science; Bacteriology
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
The role of local government during the Second World War, with special reference to Lancashire. Taylor, Paul
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Constantine, S.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Local administration, Local government; Lancashire
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The role of the clergy in the administration of justice in the diocese of Worcester, 1660-1830. Doyle, Alan H.
D.Phil., Buckingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Clarke, J.C.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1830
Index terms: Clergy; Justice, administration of; Worcester, diocese; Church of England
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The Scots contribution to the developing Anglican communion, c.1700-1888. Luscombe, Lawrence E.
Ph.D., Dundee. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Machin, G.I.T.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1888
Index terms: Anglican communion; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Selwyn papers at Winchester cathedral and the Church of England, 1918-39. Daykin, Timothy E.
M.Phil., London. (K.C. Theol.). Supervised by Champ, Judith F.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Selwyn papers; Winchester, cathedral; Church of England
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The social history of Ashfield, 1880-1930, with special reference to the rise and influence of organized religion. Breckles, Robert W.
M.Phil., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Meller, Helen E.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1930
Index terms: Ashfield, Notts.; Churches
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The spirit of independence: friendly societies in Nottinghamshire, 1724-1913. O'Neill, Julia
Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. (Nottingham Polytechnic: Int. Stud.). Supervised by Hill, J.; Rose, M.E.; Griffin, C.P.
Chronological coverage: 1724–1913
Index terms: Nottinghamshire; Friendly societies
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The state and agarian reform: the case of Ireland, 1800-1940. Mulhall, Terence
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc.). Supervised by Desai, M.; Mouzelis, N.P.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1940
Index terms: Ireland; Industrial development strategy, in the Irish Free State; Irish Free State
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The structure and organization of English horse-racing, 1830-60: the development of a national sport. Eadie, Emma C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by McKibbin, R.I.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1860
Index terms: Horse-racing; Sport
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Cultural history
The trading region of Wigan in the early 17th century. Watmough, Darren C.
M.A., Liverpool.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1625
Index terms: Wigan, Lancs.; Trade
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
The urban system in the regional economy of N.W. England, 1700-60. Stobart, Jon V.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Geog.). Supervised by Langton, J.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1760
Index terms: Urban system; Towns
Categories: 18th Century
The voluntary maternity hospital: a social history of provincial institutions, with specific reference to maternal mortality, 1860-1930. Stephenson, Craig D.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Mason, A.; Lane, Joan
Chronological coverage: 1860–1930
Index terms: Maternity hospitals; Women; Maternal mortality; Hospitals
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The Walloon strangers in Canterbury, 1574-1640. Fisher, Margaret D.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, A.F.
Chronological coverage: 1574–1640
Index terms: Canterbury, Kent; Walloon community
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The women's cause: feminist organizations, 1918-28. Law, Vivien C.
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Rendel, Marguerite
Chronological coverage: 1918–1928
Index terms: Feminists, Feminism; Women
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
The Women's Institute Movement, 1915-60. Morgan, Margaret R.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Howkins, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1915–1960
Index terms: Women's Institute Movement; Women
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
The yeomanry in Ulster, 1796-c.1814. Blackstock, Allan
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jupp, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1796–1814
Index terms: Ireland; Ulster; Yeomanry
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Thomas Pitt, Lord Camelford, amateur architect, connoisseur and patron of the arts: a case study of the history of taste, 1760-93. Vernon, Joanna E.
M.Phil., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Crook, J.M.
Chronological coverage: 1760–1793
Index terms: Pitt, Thomas (1737-93), Baron Camelford; Architects, Architecture
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Ultramarine: a case study in the relationship between industry, science and technology, with particular reference to the firm of Reckitt & Sons, and their successors. Chicken, Eric
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Russell, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1985
Index terms: Reckitt and Sons; Ultramarine
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Village carriers in Lincolnshire in the 19th and 20th centuries. Holland, Jonathan
M.Phil., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Ambler, R.W.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1990
Index terms: Lincolnshire; Village carriers
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Whig opposition to Sir Robert Walpole in the house of commons, 1727-34. Hanham, Andrew A.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Newman, A.N.
Chronological coverage: 1727–1734
Index terms: Whig party; Walpole, Sir Robert (1676-1745), 1st earl of Orford; Commons, house of; Parliament
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
William Constable, F.R.S., F.S.A. (1721-91): an 18th-century naturalist and scientist. Hall, Elizabeth A.F.
M.Phil., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Hoppen, K.T.
Chronological coverage: 1741–1791
Index terms: Constable, William (1721-91)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
William, Earl Cowper: his life and his contribution to equity. Histed, Elise B.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Law). Supervised by Yale, D.E.C.
Chronological coverage: 1682–1723
Index terms: Cowper, William (d. 1723), 1st Earl Cowper; Law; Equity
Categories: 17th Century; 18th Century
William Kelly: `born for the universe'. Taylor, Malcolm L.
M.Phil., Teesside. (Hum.). Supervised by Moore, J.A.; Hempstead, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1841–1906
Index terms: Kelly, William (1821-1906); Christian Brethren
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Wills and will-making in Bedfordshire, 1500-40, with particular reference to wills of land. Ford, Judith A.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Day, M. Rosemary
Chronological coverage: 1500–1540
Index terms: Landownership; Bedfordshire; Wills
Categories: 16th Century
Women and the Reformation: social relations and attitudes in England, c.1470-c.1570. Peters, Christine
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Heal, Felicity M.
Chronological coverage: 1470–1570
Index terms: Reformation; Women
Categories: Social history; Medieval; Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 15th Century; 16th Century
Women and violent crime in London, 1800-30. Morgan, Sharon R.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Pihlips, D.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1830
Index terms: Women; London; Crime
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Legal history; Gender and Women
Women and work in 18th-century Edinburgh. Sanderson, Elizabeth C.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Ferguson, W.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Scotland; Edinburgh; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Economic history; 18th-19th Century
Women, pensions and social dependency in Britain and Hungary, 1945-90. Maltby, T.
Ph.D., Sheffield.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
Index terms: Pensions; Hungary; Women; Women, in Hungary; Pensions, in Hungary
Categories: Gender and Women; Social history; Europe; 20th Century
Women's employment in Berkshire, 1851-81. Scott, Olive
M.Phil., Council for National Academic Awards. (Bulmershe Coll.). Supervised by McClelland, K.; Silver, H.
Chronological coverage: 1851–1881
Index terms: Berkshire; Employment; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Economic history; 18th-19th Century
Women, sex and honour: the London church courts, 1572-1640. Gowing, Laura B.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Roper, Lyndal A.
Chronological coverage: 1572–1640
Index terms: London; Church courts; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Legal history; 16th-17th Century
1929: the end of the poor law in Middlesex? A study of the operation and changing role of the Middlesex Public Assistance Committee during the period 1929-38. Woodfield, Paul
M.A., Brunel. (Govt.). Supervised by Burnett, J.
Chronological coverage: 1929–1938
Index terms: Middlesex Public Assistance Committee; Middlesex; Poor law
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
A computerized analysis of four building accounts associated with Sir Christopher Wren. Watson, Andrew R.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Barnard, T.C.
Chronological coverage: 1663–1666
Index terms: Building accounts; Accounts; Wren, Sir Christopher (1632-1723); Architects, Architecture
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
`A free trade in politics': a geography of Chartism's political culture, c.1838-1848. Howell, Philip M.R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.). Supervised by Billinge, M.D.
Chronological coverage: 1838–1848
Index terms: Chartists, Chartism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
After alliance: Japan and Britain in Shanghai, 1925-31. Goto, Harumi
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Waswo, Ann
Chronological coverage: 1925–1931
Index terms: Shanghai, China; Foreign relations, with Japan; Japan, and Britain
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
A Hebridean industry: kelp manufacture in the Western Isles, c.1760-1846. Gordon, Thomson
M.Phil., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Devine, Thomas M.
Chronological coverage: 1760–1846
Index terms: Western Isles, Scotland; Scotland; Kelp manufacture; Hebrides
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A history of the B.B.C. radio features department. Thomas, Jeanette A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Weaver, M.L.H.L.
Chronological coverage: 1924–1964
Index terms: British Broadcasting Corporation; Radio
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
A history of the Jewish community in Bradford, 1870-1970. Harris, Sydney
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, C.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1970
Index terms: Migration, to Britain; Migration, Jewish; Bradford, W.R. Yorks.; Jews; Immigration, see Migration
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Allied close air support, 1943-5. Gooderson, Ian R.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Sabin, P.A.G.
Chronological coverage: 1943–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Air support
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
An English provincial society: N. Lancashire, 1770-1820. Borwick, P. David R.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Mullett, M.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1820
Index terms: Provincial society; Lancashire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
An enquiry into the relations between management and workforce of Truman, Hambury and Buxton in the inter-war period. Stark, Hilary
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Donnachie, I.L.; Daunton, M.J.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Industrial relations; Brewing industry; Truman, Hambury and Buxton, brewers; Managers, Management; Workforce
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
An enquiry into the relations between the management and the workforce of Truman, Hanbury and Buxton in the inter-war period. Stark, H.M.
M.Phil., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, M.J.; Donnachie, I.L.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Industrial relations; Truman, Hanbury and Buxton
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
An examination of crime and criminal justice in the literary utopias of 1880-1914. Scotson, Timothy
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Keller, A.G
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Utopias, literary; Crime; Criminal justice
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Anglican evangelism and politics, 1895-1906. Foster, Ian T.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1895–1906
Index terms: Church of England; Evangelism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
An historical comparison of garden design and the education of garden designers in Britain and China. Xu, Q.
Ph.D., Reading.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1990
Index terms: Education; Gardens; Gardens, in China; Education, in China
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 11th Century; 12th Century; 13th Century; 14th Century; 15th Century; 16th Century; 17th Century; 18th Century; 19th Century
An investigation into the determinants of U.K. strike activity in the post-war period: a theoretical and empirical analysis of four selected industries, with lessons for aggregate strike patterns. Murton, Adrian C.S.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Ind. Rel.). Supervised by Kelly, J.E.
Chronological coverage: 1946–1986
Index terms: Industry; Strike activity
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
A permissible dose: ionising radiation as a genetic hazard, Great Britain, 1935-60. Pound, Nicola J.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Weindling, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1960
Index terms: Genetics; Radiation
Categories: 20th Century
A political history of the magazine Encounter, 1953-67. Howard, Jeremy P.M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Weaver, M.L.H.L.
Chronological coverage: 1953–1967
Index terms: Press, periodical; Encounter magazine
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Aspects of a career in science: Sir William Ramsay and the chemical community, 1880-1915. Watson, Katherine D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, R.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1915
Index terms: Ramsay, Sir William (1852-1916); Science; Chemistry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Aspects of parliamentary enclosure in Nottinghamshire. Brown, Margery
Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Snell, K.D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1850
Index terms: Enclosure, parliamentary; Nottinghamshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Aspects of policy-making in teacher training and the teachers' struggle for professional status, 1895-1910. Waugh, Joy M.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howarth, Janet H.; Silver, H.
Chronological coverage: 1895–1910
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Professions; Teachers; Teacher training
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
A study of the birth and development of the overseas missions of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland up to 1910. Addley, William P.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Theol.)
Chronological coverage: 1820–1910
Index terms: Ireland; Presbyterians, Presbyterianism; Missions, Presbyterian
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A study of the social and political thought of Edward Baines senior, with special reference to the Leeds Mercury, 1801-26. Thornton, David
M.Phil., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Green, S.J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1801–1826
Index terms: Leeds Mercury; Baines, Edward (1774-1848); Political thought; Press, newspaper
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Attitudes to crime in early modern England, with special reference to witchcraft, coining and murder. Gaskill, Malcolm J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, K.E.
Chronological coverage: 1485–1700
Index terms: Coining; Witchcraft; Crime; Murder
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
Attitudes to marriage, divorce and the remarriage of divorced persons in the United Reformed Church and its predecessors, 1830-1992. Goldring, Richard
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D.H.; Torrance, I.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1992
Index terms: Congregational churches; Presbyterian Church; United Reformed Church; Divorce; Marriage
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Attitudes to women and domesticity in England, c.1939-1955. McCarty, Elizabeth A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howarth, Janet H.; McKibbin, R.I.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1955
Index terms: Domesticity; Women
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
A woman's place in the village: an oral history study of working-class women's lives between 1890 and 1940 in and around Broadway, Worcs. Sidenius, Jean H.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Mason, A.; Weinberger, Barbara
Chronological coverage: 1890–1940
Index terms: Women; Broadway, Worcs.; Working classes; Villages
Categories: Social history; 19th Century; Oral history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Britain and Menorca in the 18th century. Donaldson, David W.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, C.; Emsley, C.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Menorca; Menorca; Minorca
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Britain and the war in China, 1937-45. Baxter, Catherine E.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Int. Pol.). Supervised by Steeds, D.
Chronological coverage: 1937–1945
Index terms: China; World War II (1939-45); Foreign policy
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
British civil-military relations and the South African War, 1899-1902. Surridge, Keith T.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Porter, A.N.
Chronological coverage: 1899–1902
Index terms: Civil-military relations; South Africa; South African War (1899-1902); Army
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
British industrial reconstruction and government economic policy, 1914-19. Peters, John D.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Newton, C.C.S.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1919
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Industrial reconstruction; Economic policy
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
British military aircraft production, 1935-41. Ritchie, N. Sebastian
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Overy, R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1941
Index terms: Aircraft, military
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
British planners in Palestine, 1918-36. Hyman, Benjamin
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Geog). Supervised by Diamond, Derek R.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1936
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
British policy and strategy in the Tientsin crisis, 1939. Yang, Jennifer
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Parker, R.A.C.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1939
Index terms: Foreign policy; Tientsin crisis (1939); China
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British realpolitik and the myth of Rapallo friendship, 1922-34. Salzmann, Stephanie C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Steiner, Zara S.
Chronological coverage: 1922–1934
Index terms: Germany, and the U.S.S.R.; Rapallo, treaty of (1922); Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Germany; Foreign policy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Charles Boyle, 4th earl of Orrery, 1674-1731. Smith, Lawrence B.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Phillipson, N.T.; Dickinson, H.T.
Chronological coverage: 1694–1731
Index terms: Jacobites, Jacobitism; Boyle, Charles (1674-1731), 4th earl of Orrery; Orrery, 4th earl of, see Boyle, Char
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Children under the care of the Scottish Poor Law, 1880-1929. Macdonald, Helen J.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Crowther, M. Anne
Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
Index terms: Children; Poor law; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Class and gender relations in working-class movements, 1820-70. Rogers, Helen
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by de Groot, Joanna C.; Rendall, Jane L.
Chronological coverage: 1820–1870
Index terms: Gender relations; Class relations; Working classes
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Community changes in Washingborough parish, 1550-1750. Webster, Brenda
M.Phil., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Johnston, J.
Chronological coverage: 1550–1750
Index terms: Washingborough, Lincs.
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century; 18th Century
Conceptions of manufacturing advance in British politics, c.1800-1847, with special reference to parliament, governments and their advisers. Hardy, William E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by MacIntyre, A.D.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1847
Index terms: Government, see Administration; Parliament; Manufacturing industry; Administration, Government, central
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Conservative party rupture and the Rhodesian crisis, c.1964-c.1970. Stuart, Mark H.S.
M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Bridges, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1964–1970
Index terms: Southern Rhodesia; Rhodesia; Conservative party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Contrasting experiences of schooling for middle-class girls in a Lancashire industrial town: St. Helens, 1858-1926. Stirling, P.M.
M.Ed., Liverpool. (Educ.). Supervised by Harrop, Sylvia A.
Chronological coverage: 1858–1926
Index terms: St. Helens, Lancs.; Lancashire; Education (19th-20th cent.); Middle classes; Girls
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Countering the revolutionaries: an examination of the Cumann nan Gaedheal, 1922-5. Regan, John M.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harkness, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1922–1925
Index terms: Cumann nan Gaedheal; Ireland; Irish Free State
Categories: 20th Century
Defining murder in Victorian London: an analysis of cases, 1862-92. Bars, Jennifer A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hood, R.G.
Chronological coverage: 1862–1892
Index terms: London; Murder
Categories: 19th Century
Denominationalists and the operation of the Birkenhead school board, 1893-1903. Turner, Martin
M.Ed., Liverpool. (Educ.). Supervised by Betts, R.S.
Chronological coverage: 1893–1903
Index terms: Birkenhead, Ches.; School boards; Education (19th-20th cent.); Denominationalists
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Early innovations in social research: the poverty survey of Charles Booth. Bales, Kevin B.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E.). Supervised by Lewis, Jane E.
Chronological coverage: 1875–1903
Index terms: Social research; Poverty; Booth, Charles (1840-1916); London; Social conditions
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Economy and society in Dover, 1509-40. Dixon, Mary
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, A.F.
Chronological coverage: 1509–1540
Index terms: Dover, Kent
Categories: 16th Century
Educational provision for officers of the Royal Navy, 1857-77. Dickinson, Harold W.
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, R.E.
Chronological coverage: 1857–1877
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Navy; Royal Navy, see Navy; Officer education
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Enclosure by agreement in Buckrose, with special reference to Birdsall. Alexander, Ann
M.Phil., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by English, Barbara A.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1750
Index terms: Birdsall, E.R. Yorks.; Buckrose, E.R. Yorks.; Enclosure
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
English Catholics, English Catholicism and the papacy, 1950-82. Saxby, Ian P.
M.Phil., Southampton. (King Alfred's Coll., Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, R.C.; Pugh, R.K.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1982
Index terms: Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Papacy
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
`Englishness', patriotism and the British Left, 1881-1924. Ward, Paul J.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Ramsden, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1881–1924
Index terms: `Englishness'; Left-wing parties; Patriotism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
English political prints and pictorial political argument, c.1640-c.1832: a study in historiography and methodology. Nicholson, Eirwen E.C.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Phillipson, N.T.; Dickinson, H.T.
Chronological coverage: 1640–1832
Index terms: Historiography; Political prints
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
European pietism in 18th-century Yorkshire: the origins and early development of the Moravian settlement at Fulneck, 1742-90. Stead, Geoffrey
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Steele, E.D.
Chronological coverage: 1742–1790
Index terms: Moravians, Moravian church; Yorkshire; Pietism; Fulneck, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Foundations of British abolitionism: beginnings to 1789. Brown, Christopher L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Innes, Joanna M.; MacLeod, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1789
Index terms: Slavery, abolition of; Abolitionism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Gentlewomen of science: the role of women in the London scientific elite, 1800-75. Farrell, H.C.
M.Phil., Leeds.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1875
Index terms: Women; Scientific community; London
Categories: Science and technology; Intellectual history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
Geographical mobility, occupational changes and family relationships in early 19th-century Scotland. Tidswell, David P.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Adams, I.H.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1820
Index terms: Mobility, geographical; Scotland; Family; Occupational changes
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Girls' vocational training schools in London: a study of the inter-war years. King, Sarah J.
Ph.D., Greenwich. (Hum.). Supervised by Ryan, Joan A.; John, Angela V.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Vocational training schools; Schools; Education (19th-20th cent.); Girls; London
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Great Britain, the Baltic Republics and the Soviet Union, 1939-45. McManus, Andrew P.
M.Phil., Bradford. (Eur. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the U.S.S.R.; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the U.S.S.R.; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and Britain; Foreign relations, with the Baltic Republics; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the U.S.S.R.; World War II (1939-45)
Categories: 20th Century
Grocers and groceries: the distribution of groceries in four contiguous English counties, c.1660-1750. Stone, Susan A.
M.Phil., Wolverhampton. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Benson, J.; Rowlands, M.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1750
Index terms: Trade; Grocers
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
Henry Parker and parliamentary propaganda in the English Civil Wars. Peacey, Jason T.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Tuck, R.F.
Chronological coverage: 1642–1652
Index terms: Parliament (17th cent.); Propaganda; Parker, Henry (1604-52); Civil War (1642-60)
Categories: 17th Century
Home at work: the structuring of women's employment in late 19th-century Dundee. Crockett, Nicole J.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Morris, R.J.; Siltanen, Janet
Chronological coverage: 1879–1900
Index terms: Scotland; Dundee; Women; Employment
Categories: Gender and Women; Economic history; 18th-19th Century
Housing and high rise in Salford, 1900-present. Taylor, George
M.Phil., Salford. (Pol. & Hist.). Supervised by Garrard, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1992
Index terms: High rise housing; Salford, Lancs.; Houses, Housing; Urban development, Urban growth
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Housing for the rural working classes of E. Yorkshire in the late 19th century and the development of early rural council housing to 1939. Clarke, Richard S.
M.Phil., Humberside. (Int. Educ.). Supervised by Swann, P.; Foster, D.
Chronological coverage: 1879–1939
Index terms: Yorkshire; Housing; Working classes; Council housing
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
`I am a sort of middle-man': John Newton and the English Evangelical tradition between the conversions of Wesley and Wilberforce. Hindmarsh, D. Bruce
D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Rowell, D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1738–1785
Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Wesley, John (1703-91); Newton, John (1725-1807); Wilberforce, William (1759-1833)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Images of the military in Edwardian England. Wilkinson, Glenn R.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Gooch, J.
Chronological coverage: 1901–1910
Index terms: Army
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Industrial development, social change and popular politics in the mining area of N.W. Derbyshire, c.1600-1700. Wood, Andrew
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, K.E.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Derbyshire; Industrial development; Miners, Mining
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Industrial growth in Ireland, c.1790-1910. Bielenberg, Andrew
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Baines, D.E.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1910
Index terms: Industry, in Ireland; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Infanticide in England, 1840-80. Arnot, Margaret L.
Ph.D., Essex. (Soc.). Supervised by Davidoff, Leonore
Chronological coverage: 1840–1880
Index terms: Children; Women; Infanticide
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Influence of pressure groups on British foreign policy during the 'scramble for Africa', c.1880-95. Rees, Christian J.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Chamberlain, Muriel E.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1895
Index terms: 'Scramble for Africa'; Africa; Foreign policy; Pressure groups
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Influences on consumer behaviour and women's clothing in England, 1835-65. Stephens, Jennifer A.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1835–1865
Index terms: Women; Clothing; Consumer behaviour
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Gender and Women; Economic history
Irish music and dance in London, 1890-1970: a socio-cultural history. Hall, Reginald
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Howkins, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1970
Index terms: Music; London; Irish, in England; Dance
Categories: 18th-19th Century
James Stuart and the founding of the University Extension Movement, 1866-78. Ward, M.
M.Ed., Liverpool. (Educ.). Supervised by Harrop, Sylvia A.
Chronological coverage: 1866–1878
Index terms: University Extension Movement; Education (19th-20th cent.); Stuart, James (1843-1913)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Jewish education in Manchester, 1800 to the present. Kirk, Pamela R.
M.Phil., Salford. (Pol. & Hist.). Supervised by Garrard, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1990
Index terms: Manchester, Lancs.; Education (19th-20th cent.); Jews
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
John Wesley, evangelical Arminian. McGonigle, Herbert B.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1738–1791
Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Arminians, Arminianism; Wesley, John (1703-91); Methodists, Methodism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
King's College of Household Science and the household science movement in English higher education, c.1908-1939. Blakestad, Nancy L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howarth, Janet H.
Chronological coverage: 1908–1939
Index terms: Higher education; Education (19th-20th cent.); King's College of Household Science; Household science movement
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Labour's nuclear defence policy: the rise and fall of unilateralism, 1945-91. Rikihisa, M.
M.Phil., Sheffield.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1991
Index terms: Unilateralism; Nuclear defence policy; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Landownership and parliamentary enclosure in Bedfordshire. Purchon, Jean M.
M.Phil., London. (Birkbeck Geog.). Supervised by Yelling, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1850
Index terms: Bedfordshire; Enclosure, parliamentary; Landownership
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Legislation, royal proclamations and other national directives affecting inns, taverns, ale houses, brandy shops and punch houses, 1552-1757. Hunter, Judith
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Wordie, J.R.
Chronological coverage: 1552–1757
Index terms: Legislation; Inns; Proclamations, royal; Taverns; Ale houses
Categories: 16th Century17th Century; 18th Century
Leisure in English towns, 1945-60. Ichihashi, Hideo
Ph.D., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Tiratsoo, Nicholas E.H.; Mason, A.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
Index terms: Towns; Leisure
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Local authority maternal and child welfare services in England, 1919-39. Peretz, Elizabeth A.
Ph.D., Middlesex. (Hist.). Supervised by Ree, J.; Webster, C.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Children; Public health; Welfare services; Women
Categories: 20th Century
Local political culture in the Hanoverian empire: the case of Ireland, 1714-60. McCoy, J. Gerard
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Foster, R.F. (Roy)
Chronological coverage: 1714–1760
Index terms: Hanoverian empire; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Lord Salisbury and nationality in the East. Wang, Shi-Tsung
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Tinios, P.E.
Chronological coverage: 1885–1900
Index terms: Nationality, in the East; Cecil, Robert A.T. Gascoyne-(1830-1903), 3rd marquess of Salisbury; Salisbury, 3rd marquess of, see Ceci
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Lord Salisbury as Secretary of State for India, 1866-7 and 1874-8. Brumpton, Paul R.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Steele, E.D.
Chronological coverage: 1866–1878
Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy...; Cecil, Robert A.T. Gascoyne- (1830-1903), 3rd marquess of Salisbury; Salisbury, 3rd marquess of, see Ceci; India
Categories: 19th Century
Mechanics' Institutes in Northumberland and Durham, 1824-1902. Stockdale, Clifton
Ph.D., Durham. (Educ.). Supervised by Batho, G.R.
Chronological coverage: 1824–1902
Index terms: Northumberland; Durham; Mechanics' Institutes; Education (19th-20th cent.); Working classes
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Municipal housing in Leicester, 1919-39. Newitt, Ned
M.Phil., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Rodger, R.G.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Housing, municipal; Leicester
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Non-Benthamite influences on the English law of evidence, 1828-98. Allen, Christopher J.W.
Ph.D., London. (U.C.)
Chronological coverage: 1828–1898
Categories: 19th Century
Officer/man relations, morale and discipline in the British army, 1902-22. Sheffield, Gary D.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Bond, B.J.
Chronological coverage: 1902–1922
Index terms: Army
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
`Our happy reformation': Anglicanism and society in a northern parish, 1689-1789. Snape, Michael F.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D.H.
Chronological coverage: 1689–1789
Index terms: Parishes; Anglicanism, see Church of England; Church of England
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Passwords to power: a public rationale for expert influence on central government policy-making - British scientists and economists, c.1900-c.1925. Hull, Andrew J.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Trainor, Richard H.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1925
Index terms: Administration, Government, central; Scientists; Policy-making; Economists
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Peace negotiations and the French Revolution, 1793-1802. Scott, Timothy J.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Gorman, F.
Chronological coverage: 1793–1802
Index terms: French Revolutionary Wars (1793-1802)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
People, work, space and social structure in Edwardian Derry, 1901-11. Gallaghan, Walter G.
D.Phil., Ulster. (Hist.). Supervised by Fraser, Thomas G.; O'Brien, M. Gerard R.
Chronological coverage: 1901–1911
Index terms: Ireland; Work; Londonderry, see Derry; Derry; Social structure
Categories: 20th Century
Philosophic radicalism in later 19th-century Britain. Cruikshank, Anthony F.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, M.E.
Chronological coverage: 1869–1900
Index terms: Radicalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Pluralism and the theory of the state in English political thought, 1900-39. Runciman, David W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Bentley, M.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Political thought; Pluralism, in political thought; State, theory of
Categories: 20th Century
Political and industrial crisis: the experience of Tyne and Wear pitmen, 1831-2. Ridley, David
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Heesom, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1831–1832
Index terms: Coal industry, Coal miners, Coal mining, Coalfield; Tyne and Wear; Pitmen
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Political and industrial developments in the coal-mining communities of the lower Calder Valley, 1840-95. Rusiecki, Paul
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Crossick, G.J.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1895
Index terms: Calder, valley; Coal industry, Coal miners, Coal mining, Coalfields; Industrial development
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Powers of association: aspects of elite social, cultural and political life in Norwich, c.1680-1760. Branford, Colin
Ph.D., East Anglia. (E. Angl. Stud.). Supervised by Morgan, V.F.G.
Chronological coverage: 1680–1760
Index terms: Urban development, Urban growth; Norwich; Elites
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
Press, politics and reform, 1779-85. Barker, Hannah J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Langford, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1779–1785
Index terms: Reform; Press
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
`Prize the doubt': the life and work of Francis William Newman. Schellenberg, Ann M.
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, S.W.
Chronological coverage: 1825–1897
Index terms: Newman, Francis William (1805-97)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Problems concerning authority in the Church of England, 1857-94, with particular reference to the convocation and diocese of York. Fethney, Michael J.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Royle, E.
Chronological coverage: 1857–1894
Index terms: York, diocese; Church of England
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Propaganda, publicity and political violence: the presentation of terrorism in Britain, 1944-60. Carruthers, Susan L.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Taylor, P.M.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1960
Index terms: Media; Propaganda; Terrorism
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Racialization, education and the black child since 1945. Grosvenor, Ian
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Educ.). Supervised by Lowe, R.A.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
Index terms: Racialization; Race; Education (19th-20th cent.); Black people, Blacks; Children
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Railwaymen in the North East of England, 1890-1930: industrial and political attitudes and policies. Francis, Lawson
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Purdue, A. William
Chronological coverage: 1890–1930
Index terms: Industrial relations; Railways; Railwaymen
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Rationalizing electrotherapy in neurology, 1860-1920. Senior, John E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hackmann, W.D.; Weindling, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1920
Index terms: Neurology; Electrotherapy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Religion in Lancashire, 1603-40. Webb, Carol
M.Phil., Central Lancashire. (Hist. & Crit. Stud.). Supervised by Mullett, M.A.; Pope, R.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1640
Index terms: Religion; Lancashire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Scientific medicine and the medical sciences in Cambridge, 1851-1929. Weatherall, Mark W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Kamminga, H.
Chronological coverage: 1851–1939
Index terms: Cambridge; Medical sciences; Medicine
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Scottish Council for Research in Education, 1928-93. Morris, John G.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Soc. Sc.)
Chronological coverage: 1928–1993
Index terms: Scotland; Education (19th-20th cent.); Scottish Council for Research in Education; Research
Categories: 20th Century
Scripture politics: the religious foundations of Presbyterian radicalism in late 18th-century Ireland. McBride, Ian R.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Conway, S.R.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1800
Index terms: Ireland; Presbyterians, Presbyterianism; Radicals, Radicalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Shipyard employers and urban communities on the Clyde, 1870-1914. Eccles, Andrew L.
M.Phil., Paisley. (Applied Soc. Stud.). Supervised by Foster, J.O.; Sloane, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Urban society; Scotland; Clyde river; Shipyards; Employment
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Sir Edward Grey, the parliamentary radicals and the struggle for the control of foreign policy, 1911-12. Scrase, Gavin M.
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Sweet, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1911–1912
Index terms: Radicals, Radicalism; Grey, Edward (1862-1933), 1st Viscount Grey of Fallodon; Foreign policy; Parliament, 20th cent.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Social and economic connections between Scotland and Ireland in the later 19th century. Harding, Paul
M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Brotherstone, W.T.C.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1900
Index terms: Ireland, and Scotland; Scotland, and Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Society and economy in W. Cornwall, c.1588-1750. Cullum, David H.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Barry, J.
Chronological coverage: 1588–1750
Index terms: Cornwall
Categories: 17th Century; 18th Century
Stanislaw August Poniatowski, his circle and English political culture. Butterwick, Richard J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Evans, R.J.W.
Chronological coverage: 1755–1798
Index terms: Poniatowski, Stanislas August (1732-98); Poland
Categories: 18th Century
Status, display and dissemination: social expression and stylistic change in the architecture of 17th-century Hertfordshire. Hunneyball, Paul M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Architects, Architecture; Hertfordshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
Technology, productivity and performance in the British paper industry, 1861-1913. Magee, Gary B.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Foreman-Peck, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1861–1913
Index terms: Productivity; Technology; Paper industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The 18th-century church in Yorkshire at the time of the Drummond visitation of 1764. Jago, Judith
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Royle, E.
Chronological coverage: 1764–1764
Index terms: Church of England; Yorkshire; Drummond, Robert Hay (1711-76), archbishop; Visitation, archiepiscopal; York, diocese
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The abolition of religious tests at Cambridge University in the 19th century. Hadden, John
M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Carter, Jennifer J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Cambridge, university; Religious tests, at Cambridge University; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The Arminian Methodist Connexion, 1832-7. Parkes, William
M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, John H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1832–1837
Index terms: Arminian Methodist Connexion; Methodists
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The blitz and the bomber offensive: a case study in British home propaganda, 1939-45. Fisher, S. Jane
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Cole, T.F.; Addison, P.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Propaganda; Blitz; World War II (1939-45); Bomber offensive
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The Blueshirts in Ireland: the movement and its members, 1932-5. Cronin, Michael J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Foster, R.F. (Roy)
Chronological coverage: 1932–1935
Index terms: Blueshirt movement, in Ireland; Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
The British influence over the making of Manx criminal law and procedure, 1765-1993. Edge, P.W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Law). Supervised by Spencer, J.R.
Chronological coverage: 1765–1993
Index terms: Law, criminal; Criminal law, see Law; Man, Isle of
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century
The British Legion, 1918-39. Barr, Niall J.A.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by De Groot, Gerald J.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Army; British Legion
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The British response to the Paris Commune of 1871. Higgins, Mark
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1871–1871
Index terms: Paris Commune (1871); France
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The Catholic Church and Republican nationalism in the early 20th century. O'Reilly, Noel
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harkness, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1920
Index terms: Republican party, in Ireland; Nationalists, Nationalism, in Ireland; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
The classical plebeians: radical republicanism and the origins of Leveller thought. Glover, Simon D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Tuck, R.F.
Chronological coverage: 1620–1645
Index terms: Republicans, Republicanism; Levellers; Political thought
Categories: 17th Century
The clergy in the diocese of Chester, c.1520-1580. de Vere, Caroline
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Philips, C.B.; Davies, R.G.
Chronological coverage: 1520–1580
Index terms: Church, from 16th cent.; Clergy; Chester, diocese
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Conservative dimension of foreign policy: the Conservative party and foreign policy during the Lloyd George coalition, 1918-22. Rose, Inbal A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hayes, P.M.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1922
Index terms: Foreign policy; George, David Lloyd (1863-1945), 1st Earl Lloyd-George; Conservative party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The Conservative party in the constituencies, 1918-39. Bates, Jonathan W.B.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by McKibbin, R.I.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Parliamentary constituencies; Constituencies, see Parliamentary constituencies; Conservative party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The crisis of eloquence: reading and writing English newsbooks, 1641-9. Raymond, Joad
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Norbrook, D.G.E.
Chronological coverage: 1641–1649
Index terms: Civil War (1642-60); Newsbooks
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
The decline of mortality in the 19th century, with special reference to three English towns. Anderson, Imogen S.
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Heesom, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Towns; Mortality
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The decline of the landed estate in county Tyrone, c.1860-1915. Windrum, Caroline
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.). Supervised by Baker, A.R.H.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1915
Index terms: Ireland; Tyrone, county; Estates
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The defence of uniformity: Anglicanism as a political ideology in a society of de facto religious pluralism, 1660-72. Clarke, Julian C.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Hughes, Ann L.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1672
Index terms: Restoration (1660); Uniformity, religious; Pluralism, religious; Anglicanism
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The development of dentistry: a Scottish perspective, c.1800-1921. Ross, Rufus M.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Maver, Irene E.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1921
Index terms: Scotland; Dentistry
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of football in Lancashire, c.1860-1914. Lewis, Robert W.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Walton, J.K.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1914
Index terms: Football; Lancashire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Cultural history
The diary of Isaac Archer, 1641-1700. Storey, Matthew J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Spufford, H. Margaret
Chronological coverage: 1641–1700
Index terms: Archer, Isaac (1641-1700); Diaries
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The duke of Newcastle's war: Walpole's ministry and the war against Spain, 1737-42. Woodfine, Philip L.
Ph.D., Huddersfield. (Hist.). Supervised by Dickinson, H.T.; Wood, P.A.; Wright, D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1737–1742
Index terms: War, with Spain; Newcastle, duke of, see Pelham-H...; Walpole, Sir Robert (1676-1745.; Pelham-Holles, Thomas (1693-1768), 4th duke of Newcastle upon Tyne and 1st duke of Newcastle-under-Lyme; Orford, 1st earl of, see Walpole...
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The early silk industry and demographic change in eastern Cheshire. Ferguson, Craig J.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Nash, Robert C.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1850
Index terms: Population; Demography; Cheshire; Silk industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The economics of field sports in 19th and 20th-century Britain. McKenzie, Callum
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, M.E.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1990
Index terms: Sport; Field sports; Leisure
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Cultural history
The effects of modernization and change in the London docks, with particular reference to the Devlin reforms and events since 1967. Mankelow, Roy E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reid, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1990
Index terms: Devlin, Patrick Arthur (1905-1993), Baron Devlin; London, Docks; Docks
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The empress Eugénie and her foundation of Farnborough abbey. Paxton, Nicholas
M.Phil., Salford. (Pol. & Hist.). Supervised by Young, J.W.
Chronological coverage: 1887–1887
Index terms: Farnborough, Hants, abbey; Eugénie (1826-1920), French empress; Monastic houses
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The English corantos of the 1620s. Frearson, M.C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Spufford, H. Margaret
Chronological coverage: 1620–1630
Index terms: Press, newspaper; Newsletters; Corantos
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The episcopate in the age of Pitt, 1783-1810. Robinson, Andrew S.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hilton, A.J.B.
Chronological coverage: 1783–1810
Index terms: Church of England; Bishops; Episcopate, see Bishops; Pitt, William (1759-1806)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The evolution of Calvinist higher education, 1560-1620. Maag, Karin Y.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Pettegree, A.D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1560–1620
Index terms: Education (16th-18th cent.); Higher education; Calvinists, Calvinism
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
The experience of urban poverty: a comparison of Oxford and Shrewsbury, 1740-70. Tomkins, Alannah E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Innes, Joanna M.
Chronological coverage: 1740–1770
Index terms: Poverty; Shrewsbury; Oxford; Towns
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The French-speaking Reformed community in Southampton, 1567-1610. Spicer, Andrew P.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Duke, A.C.
Chronological coverage: 1567–1610
Index terms: French language-speakers; Southampton, Hants; Reformed community; Protestants, Protestantism
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The function of theatre entertainment in the First World War, 1914-18. Collins, Laurence J.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L.)
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: Entertainment; World War I (1914-18); Theatre
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
The health of the working class in Leeds and Bradford, 1900-40. Swinnerton, Bronwen J.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Cecil, H.P.; Whiting, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1940
Index terms: Leeds, W.R. Yorks.; Health; Working classes; Bradford, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 20th Century
The helicopter and the struggle for its control between the War Office and the Air Ministry. Sadler, Guy
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Malcolm S.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1960
Index terms: War Office; Army; Helicopters; Air Ministry
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The Heralds' visitation of Huntingdonshire, 1564-1684. Bedells, John H.B.
M.Phil., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Coward, B.
Chronological coverage: 1564–1684
Index terms: Heralds; Huntingdonshire; Gentry
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
The historical geography of multiple firms, 1850-1950. Alexander, Andrew F.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Geog.). Supervised by Shaw, G.; Kain, R.J.P.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1950
Index terms: Firms, multiple
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The hospitals of London: administration, reformation and benefaction, 1500-72. Daly, Christopher T.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Heal, Felicity M.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1572
Index terms: London; Hospitals
Categories: 16th Century
The image of the Highland Clearances, c.1880-1890. Gourievidis, Laurence
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Smout, T.C.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1890
Index terms: Highland Clearances; Scotland; Highlands, Scottish
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The impact of King James II on the departments of the royal household. Barclay, Andrew P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1685–1689
Index terms: James II (1633-1701), king; Household, royal
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The influence of British business interests in Anglo-Japanese relations, 1933-7. Sharkey, John
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Boyce, R.W.D.; Hunter, Janet E.
Chronological coverage: 1933–1937
Index terms: Japan, and Britain; Foreign relations, with Japan; Business, British
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The influence of the staff of the Ministry of Health on policies for nursing, 1919-68. Scott, Elizabeth J.C.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Abel-Smith, B.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1969
Index terms: Nurses, Nursing; Ministry of Health
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The Labour governments and the docks, 1945-51: international and industrial tension. Phillips, James K.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Addison, P.; Brown, J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1951
Index terms: Industrial relations; Dockers, Docks; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The landlord-planned nexus at Strokestown, county Roscommon: a case study of an Irish estate town, c.1660-c.1925. Hood, Susan E.
D.Phil., Ulster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1660–1925
Index terms: Estates; Strokestown, co. Roscommon; Ireland; Towns; Urban development
The life and work of Thomas Pennant, 1726-98. Evans, Ronald P.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, P.T.J.
Chronological coverage: 1746–1798
Index terms: Pennant, Thomas (1726-98)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
The merchant community in Ireland, 1660-c.1710. Agnew, Jean H.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Dowd, Mary
Chronological coverage: 1660–1710
Index terms: Ireland; Merchants
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The ministry of Canon Peter Green at St. Philip's, Salford, 1910-50. Price, Michael
M.Phil., Manchester. (Eccles. Hist.). Supervised by Rack, H.D.
Chronological coverage: 1910–1950
Index terms: Green, Peter (1871-1961); Salford, Lancs., St. Philip's church; Church of England
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The mission of the churches to the Irish in Dundee, 1846-86. Quinn, John
M.Litt., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Bebbington, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1846–1886
Index terms: Missions, Christian; Dundee, Angus; Irish, in Scotland; Churches; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The motives, pattern and form of Anglo-Ottoman diplomatic relations, c.1580-1661. Saunders, Liane
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, C.S.L.; Repp, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1580–1661
Index terms: Ottoman empire; Diplomatic relations, with the Ottoman empire; Diplomacy, Anglo-Ottoman
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 17th Century; 17th Century
The parliamentary politics of Bridgwater, 1832-69. Rowe, Jillian D.
M.Phil., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Coleman, B.I.
Chronological coverage: 1832–1869
Index terms: Parliamentary representation; Bridgwater, Som.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The political thought of Thomas Reid. Kitagawa, Kurtis G.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Phillipson, N.T.
Chronological coverage: 1758–1796
Index terms: Political thought; Reid, Thomas (1710-96)
Categories: 18th Century
The politics of female homework, with special reference to Spitalfields, 1880-1909. Atkinson, Diane
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Pol.). Supervised by Parsons, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1909
Index terms: Spitalfields, see London; Women; London, Spitalfields; Homework, female; Work
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The relationship between Evangelical urban missionaries and the working-class poor in Birmingham, Norwich and Edinburgh, c.1830-1860. Burdett, Jeffrey A.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D. Hugh
Chronological coverage: 1830–1860
Index terms: Birmingham, Warwicks.; Missions, Christian; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Norwich; Edinburgh
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The religious policy of the Cecils, 1589-98. Richardson, William B.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Williams, P.H.
Chronological coverage: 1589–1598
Index terms: Cecil, Robert (c.1563-1612)++; Burghley, 1st Baron, see+++; Cecil, William (1520-98), 1st Baron Burghley; Salisbury, 1st earl of, see++; Religious policy
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The role and impact of Sir James Hudson, as Minister at Turin 1852-63, upon Anglo-Italian relations. Carter, Nicholas E.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Hearder, H.
Chronological coverage: 1852–1863
Index terms: Italy, and Britain; Turin, Italy; Hudson, Sir James (1810-85); Foreign relations, with Italy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The role of the laity in the Catholic Church in the light of the Second Vatican Council, with particular reference to England, and more especially to the diocese of Clifton. McLorinan, John
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D.H.
Chronological coverage: 1962–1990
Index terms: Vatican Council, Second (1962-5; Clifton, diocese; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Laity, in Roman Catholic Church
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The role of the police and other law enforcement agencies in the application of the law relating to popular disturbances in central Scotland, 1850-1914. Dove, H. Mervyn
M.Phil., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Emsley, C.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Scotland; Police; Popular disturbances; Law enforcement agencies
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Scottish parliament, 1639-61: a political and constitutional analysis. Young, John R.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Macinnes, A.I.
Chronological coverage: 1639–1661
Index terms: Parliament, Scottish; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Slingsbys of Scriven, c.1600-1688. Pitts, Susan E.E.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Forster, G.C.F.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1688
Index terms: Scriven, W.R. Yorks.; Slingsby family
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The social construction of melancholia in the 18th century. Plasha, Wayne W.K.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Digby, Anne; Fleeman, J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Melancholia
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The study of British and Israeli race and ethnic relations, 1950-70: a comparative analysis. Danziger, Gilad
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E.)
Chronological coverage: 1950–1970
Index terms: Race relations, in Israel; Race relations; Israel
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The town plans of Glasgow, 1764-1865: a history and cartobibliography. Moore, John N.
M.Litt., Glasgow. (Arts)
Chronological coverage: 1764–1865
Index terms: Urban development; Towns; Scotland; Glasgow; Maps
Categories: 18th-19th Century
`The wail of Jeremiah': the early career of C.F.G. Masterman as an expression of Edwardian Christian socialism. Hesketh, Philip J.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Theol.). Supervised by Champ, Judith F.
Chronological coverage: 1906–1927
Index terms: Christian socialism; Masterman, Charles Frederick Gurney (1874-1927); Socialism
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The whigs and Yorkshire elections, 1695-1715. Hall, Richard
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Speck, W.A.; Childs, J.C.R.
Chronological coverage: 1695–1715
Index terms: Elections; Yorkshire; Whig party
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Trusts: practice and doctrine, 1536-1660. Jones, Neil G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Law). Supervised by Baker, J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1536–1660
Index terms: Trusts
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Legal history
Unemployment and electoral politics, 1929-35: the case of the E. Midlands and the north-east of England. Blackhall, Sarah L.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Clarke, P.F.
Chronological coverage: 1929–1935
Index terms: Midlands; Elections; Unemployment
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Unionist-nationalism: the historical construction of Scottish national identity, Edinburgh, 1830-60. Morton, Graeme
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by McCrone, D.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1860
Index terms: Unionist-nationalism; Edinburgh; Scotland; National identity
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Urban politics and popular protest: Huddersfield in the age of reform, 1832-52. Hemingway, Vivienne W.
Ph.D., Huddersfield. (Hist.). Supervised by Laybourn, K.; Wright, D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1832–1852
Index terms: Popular protest; Huddersfield, W.R. Yorks.; Towns
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Victorian church building and restoration in the diocese of York, with special reference to the archdeaconry of Cleveland. Drewery, Graeme R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1837–1901
Index terms: York, diocese; Church restoration; Church building; Cleveland, archdeaconry
Categories: Art and Architecture; Cultural history; 18th-19th Century
Wales and film: an industrial community and the cinema, 1935-40. Ridgwell, Stephen
M.Phil., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Stead, P.P.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1940
Index terms: Wales; Cinema
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Winston Churchill: air power, blue water strategy and land campaigns, 1939-43. Geange, Robert S.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Towle, P.A.; Barnett, Correlli
Chronological coverage: 1939–1943
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965), prime minister; Warfare; Air power
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Women and litigation in the Elizabethan court of requests. Stretton, Timothy
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, K.E.
Chronological coverage: 1558–1603
Index terms: Litigation; Court of requests; Women
Categories: Legal history; Gender and Women; 16th-17th Century
Work, class and community: the structure and values of working-class life in coal and cotton Lancashire, with particular reference to Bolton and Wigan, c.1880-1930. Griffiths, Trevor
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Waller, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1930
Index terms: Cotton industry; Coal industry; Lancashire; Working classes; Bolton, Wigan, Lancs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Writing and literacy in 19th-century England: some uses and meanings. Howard, Ursula
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Hemstedt, G.C.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Writing; Literacy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Wythenshawe, the development of a community, 1932-45. Kay, Audrey
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, M.E.
Chronological coverage: 1932–1945
Index terms: Wythenshawe, Ches.
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Absolutist political theory in Restoration Scotland: Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh's Jus Regium (1684). Jackson, J. Clare
M.Phil., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Fitzpatrick, Martin H.
Chronological coverage: 1684–1684
Index terms: Political thought; Scotland; Mackenzie, Sir George (1636-91); Jus Regium (Mackenzie's); Restoration (1660)
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Access to museum culture: the British Museum, 1753-1836. Cash, Derek J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Raven, J.
Chronological coverage: 1753–1836
Index terms: British Museum; London, British Museum; Museums
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Accounting for change: a case study of education in Bradford from the 1960s to the 1990s. Shaw, A.
M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1960–1994
Index terms: Bradford, W.R. Yorks.; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 20th Century
A commercial history of the Birmingham Small Arms Co. Ltd. (B.S.A.), with particular reference to the motorcycle division, 1945-75. Koerner, Stephen
Ph.D., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Tiratsoo, Nicholas E.H.; Mason, A.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1975
Index terms: Birmingham Small Arms Co. Ltd. (B.S.A.); Motorcycle industry
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
A common cause? Class dynamics in the industrial women's movement, 1888-1918. Holloway, Geraldine I.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Yeo, Eileen M.
Chronological coverage: 1888–1918
Index terms: Women's movement; Women; Classes, social; Industry
Categories: Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century; Economic history; 20th Century
`A failed enlargement': the Six and the first British application to the E.E.C., 1961-3. Ludlow, N. Piers
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deighton, A.F.
Chronological coverage: 1961–1963
Index terms: European Economic Community; Foreign policy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Aftermath of Munich: strategic priorities in British rearmament, October 1938 - August 1939. Grimwood, Ian R.
M.Phil., London. (Ext.)
Chronological coverage: 1938–1939
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Rearmament; Munich Agreement (1938)
Categories: 20th Century
Agricultural workers and the community, 1850-1940. Hussey, Stephen
Ph.D., Essex. (Soc.). Supervised by Thompson, P.R.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1940
Index terms: Farming; Agricultural workers; Workers
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
A local case study on the war memorial movement in the East End of London, 1918-39. Connelly, Mark L.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Ramsden, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); London, East End; War memorial movement
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
An economic analysis of a voluntary hospital: the foundation and institutional structure of the Middlesex Hospital, 1745-1900. Croxson, B.E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Econ. & Pol.). Supervised by Ogilvie, S.C.
Chronological coverage: 1745–1900
Index terms: London, Middlesex Hospital; Middlesex Hospital, see London; Hospitals
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Anglo-German relations during the formative years of the European Community, 1955-61. Schaad, Martin P.C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hesse, Joachim J.
Chronological coverage: 1955–1961
Index terms: Germany, and Britain; Foreign relations, with Germany; European Community
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
An historical analysis of the development and application of visual and aural aids in English education, 1920-70. Carter, James S.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Educ.). Supervised by Sharp, P.R.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1970
Index terms: Aural aids; Education, (19th-20th cent.); Visual aids
Categories: 20th Century; Education
An investigation into early English fox-hunting, with an account of hunting with hounds in the East Riding of Yorkshire, 1700-1850. Middleton, Iris M.
M.Phil., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Neave, D.R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1850
Index terms: Leisure; Hunting; Yorkshire, East Riding; Fox-hunting
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
A policy of neglect: British diplomacy towards French Indo-China, 1943-5. Claude, Hutton
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Charmley, John D.
Chronological coverage: 1943–1945
Index terms: Diplomats, Diplomacy; Indo-China, French
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
A question of control: social and industrial relations in the South Wales coalfield and the crisis of post-war reconstruction, 1914-21. May, Edward C.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1921
Index terms: Industrial relations; Wales; Miners, Mining; World War I (1914-18)
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Aristocratic women and political society in early and mid Victorian Britain. Reynolds, Kim D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Matthew, H.C.G.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1880
Index terms: Aristocrats, Aristocracy; Women
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
A social history of economic development: the Bedaux strike at Henry Hope & Sons, Smethwick, 1933. Benjamin, Austin
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1933–1933
Index terms: Henry Hope & Sons; Strikes; Industrial relations; Smethwick, Staffs.
Categories: 20th Century
Aspects of order and disorder in Kent, with special reference to four parishes: Chart Sutton, Sutton Valence, East Sutton and Willesborough, c.1590-1620. Shah, Nabeela A.
M.Phil., Kent. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1590–1620
Index terms: Sutton Valence, Kent; Chart Sutton, Kent; East Sutton, Kent; Public order; Kent; Willesborough, Kent
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Aspects of parochial religion in 17th-century Kent: the evidence of churchwardens' accounts. Hitchman, Valerie A.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Fincham, K.C.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Kent; Parishes; Church of England; Churchwardens
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Aspects of the employment of children in the British coalmining industry, 1800-72. Kirby, Peter T.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Woodward, J.H.; Martin, D.E.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1872
Index terms: Children; Coal industry, Coal miners, Coal mining, Coalfields; Employment; Work
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Astley's amphitheatre and the early circus in England, 1768-1830. Kwint, Marius S.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Innes, Joanna M.
Chronological coverage: 1768–1830
Index terms: Astley, Philip (d.1814); London, Lambeth; Astley's amphitheatre, London; Circus; Lambeth, see London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
A study of Sino-British relations, 1950-4. Clayton, David W.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Lowe, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1954
Index terms: Foreign relations, with China; China, and Britain
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
A study of the relationship between crime and distress in 17th-century England, with particular reference to the North West. Johnson, Patricia A.
Ph.D., Central Lancashire. (Hist. & Crit. Stud.). Supervised by Mullett, M.A.; Russell, D.C.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Distress; Crime
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Attitudes toward actresses in 18th-century Britain. Crouch, Kimberly A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Innes, Joanna M.; Langford, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Theatre; Women; Actresses
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Austen Chamberlain and British foreign policy, 1924-9. Grayson, Richard S.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Dunbabin, J.P.D.
Chronological coverage: 1924–1929
Index terms: Chamberlain, Sir Austen (1863-1937); Foreign policy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Backbench debate within the Conservative party and its influence on British foreign policy, 1948-56. Onslow, Sandra D.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Watt, D.C.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1956
Index terms: Conservative party; Foreign policy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Between dependency and adulthood: the treatment of youth in British politics, 1959-70. Gunthorpe, Kate
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Whiting, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1959–1970
Index terms: Young people
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Bluestocking philosophy: aspects of female aristocratic thought in 18th-century England. Riordan, Susannah M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hilton, A.J. Boyd
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Philosophical thought; Aristocrats, Aristocracy; Women
Categories: 18th Century
Britain and Central Europe, 1918-32. Batonyi, Gabor
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Zeman, Z.A.B.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1932
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Central Europe; Europe, central, and Britain
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Britain and the E.E.C., 1957-61: a study of liberal democracy under pressure. Tratt, Jacqueline
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Middlemas, R.K.
Chronological coverage: 1957–1961
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Europe; European Economic Commission
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Britain and the Egyptian question, 1950-4. Thornhill, Michael T.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hayes, Paul M.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1954
Index terms: Foreign policy; Egypt
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Britain and the United States in the Gulf: roles and responsibilities, 1892-1971. Al-Otaibi, Faisal A.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter)
Chronological coverage: 1892–1971
Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Gulf, see Persian Gulf; Persian Gulf; United States of America, and Britain
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Britain, France and the peace of 1783. Stockley, Andrew P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Beales, D.E.D.
Chronological coverage: 1783–1783
Index terms: Foreign relations, with France; France, and Britain
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
British forces and Irish freedom: Anglo-Irish defence relations, 1922-31. Linge, John R.
Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Hutchison, I.G.C.; Peden, G.C.
Chronological coverage: 1922–1931
Index terms: Ireland, and Britain; Foreign relations, with Ireland; Defence
Categories: 20th Century
British policy towards the Soviet Union, 1939-42, with special reference to the Baltic States. Child, Victoria J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.). Supervised by Deighton, A.F.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1942
Index terms: Foreign policy; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Baltic States
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British strategy and S.E. Asia, 1941-57. Hack, Karl A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Carey, Peter B.R.; Darwin, John G.
Chronological coverage: 1941–1957
Index terms: Foreign policy; Asia, south-east
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British women explorers and travel writers in the late 19th century and early 20th century. McEwan, Cheryl
Ph.D., Loughborough. (Geog.). Supervised by Heffernan, Michael J.; bell, Morag
Chronological coverage: 1879–1914
Index terms: Women; Explorers; Travel writers
Categories: Intellectual history; 18th-19th Century; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Central schools and the reorganization of elementary education, 1902-39, with special reference to the London County Council and the City of Manchester. Moran, Michael P.
M.Phil., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Dean, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1902–1939
Index terms: Schools; Education (19th-20th cent.); Central schools; London; Manchester, Lancs.
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Charity, mutuality and philanthropy: voluntary provision in Bristol, 1800-70. Gorsky, Martin
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Alford, Bernard W.E.; Feldman, Daniel M.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1870
Index terms: Charity; Philanthropy; Bristol
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Chinese-British commercial conflicts in Shanghai and the collapse of the merchant-control system in late Qing China, 1860-1906. Motono, Eiichi
D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Elvin, J.M.D.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1906
Index terms: Shanghai, China; Trade, external; Trade, external, of China; China
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century
Commemorating the lost generation: the First World War memorials in Cambridge, Oxford and some English public schools. Jamet, Catherine J.M.-O.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Sutherland, Gillian R.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1930
Index terms: War memorials; Cambridge; World War I (1914-18); Oxford; Public schools
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Common law reporting, 1550-1650. Wells, Elizabeth M.P.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Law). Supervised by Ibbetson, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1550–1650
Index terms: Common law reporting
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Legal history
Community, work and religion: mentalities in the villages of the North Wales coalfield, c.1930-c.1960. Laidlaw, Roger S.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Tiratsoo, Nicholas E.H.; Obelkevich, J.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
Index terms: Religion; Wales; Coal industry, Coal miners, Coal mining, Coalfields; Popular belief; Miners, Mining
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Conditions of service for secondary schoolmasters in England and Wales, 1891-1951, with specific reference to the work of the Assistant Masters Association. Walker, Geoffrey
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, R.E.
Chronological coverage: 1891–1951
Index terms: Secondary education; Schoolmasters; Assistant Masters Association; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Conflict and containment: a radical perspective on rank and file movements and trade union strategies in 1919. Ives, Martyn
Ph.D., Manchester. (Govt.). Supervised by Howell, D.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1919
Index terms: Trade unions
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Conservative governments and the housing question, 1951-9. Simmonds, Alan G.V.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Whiting, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1951–1959
Index terms: Conservative party; Housing
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Curzon and British war imperialism in the Middle East, 1916-19. Fisher, John N.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wilson, K.M.
Chronological coverage: 1916–1919
Index terms: Middle East; Curzon, George Nathaniel (1859-1925), Marquess Curzon; World War I (1914-18); Imperialism
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
Dorset landed estates since 1870: their survival and influence. Waymark, Janet D.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Geog.). Supervised by Yelling, J.A.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1990
Index terms: Estates; Dorset
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Ecclesiastical politics in Scotland, 1586-1610. MacDonald, Alan R.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Barrow, Geoffrey W.S.; Lynch, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1586–1610
Index terms: Church of Scotland; Ecclesiastical politics; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Education for industry: attitudes and policies affecting the provision of technical education in Britain, 1916-29. Bartlett, Marian E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Feinstein, Charles H.; McKibbin, Ross I.
Chronological coverage: 1916–1929
Index terms: Technical education; Education (19th-20th cent.); Industry
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Elementary education and Welsh society, 1870-1902. Smith, Robert V.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Howell, David W.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1902
Index terms: Elementary education; Wales; Education, 19th-20th cent.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Episcopal office in the English church, 1520-59. Carleton, Kenneth W.T.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Theol.). Supervised by Chavasse, Ruth A.
Chronological coverage: 1520–1539
Index terms: Reformation, in England; Bishops; Church of England; Episcopal office
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Family health maintenance and responses to poor health in Manchester, 1919-39. Stelfox, Margaret
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Pooley, C.G.; Constantine, S.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Manchester, Lancs.; Families; Health; Public health
Categories: 20th Century
Fellow travellers of the Right and foreign policy debate in Scotland, 1935-9. Stewart, Neil M.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Stephenson, A. Jill R.; Addison, P.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1939
Index terms: Foreign policy; Scotland; Right-wing parties
Categories: 20th Century
Field Marshal Montgomery, 21st Army Group and N.W. Europe, 1944-5. Hart, Stephen A.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Reid, B.H.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1945
Index terms: Army; World War II (1939-45); Western Front campaign (1944-5); Montgomery, Bernard Law (1887-1976), 1st Viscount Montgomery
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Finance, philanthropy and the hospital: metropolitan hospitals, 1850-98. Waddington, Keir
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, M.J.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1898
Index terms: Philanthropy; Hospitals
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Friends in business: the interaction of business and religion within the Society of Friends, 1700-1830. Prior, Ann
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Econ.)
Chronological coverage: 1700–1830
Index terms: Society of Friends, see Quakers; Quakers; Business
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Full defence by counsel and the development of advocacy, 1800-50. Cairns, D.J.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Law). Supervised by Cornish, W.R.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1850
Index terms: Legal procedure; Advocacy
Categories: 19th Century
General Allenby and the campaign of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force, June 1917 - November 1919. Hughes, Matthew D.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Reid, Brian Holden
Chronological coverage: 1917–1919
Index terms: Army; Palestine; Allenby, Edmund Henry Hynman (1861-1936), 1st Viscount Allenby; Egyptian Expeditionary Force
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Geography, gender and the state: a critical evaluation of the development of geography, 1830-1918. Mander, Avril M.C. Maddrell
D.Phil., Oxford. (Geog.). Supervised by Matless, D.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1918
Index terms: State; Gender; Geography
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Gloucester diocese and the advance of Protestantism, 1541-80. Moore, Francis A.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter)
Chronological coverage: 1541–1580
Index terms: Protestants, Protestantism; Gloucester, diocese; Reformation
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Government and economy in 17th-century Wigan. Pratt, Jonathan K.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, Colin B.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Wigan, Lancs.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Government and politics in Scotland, 1661-81. Lee, Ronald A.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
Chronological coverage: 1661–1681
Index terms: Restoration (1660); Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Health, policy and medical research: Hepatitis B. in the U.K., since the 1940s. Stanton, Jennifer M.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.H.T.M.). Supervised by Berridge, Virginia
Chronological coverage: 1940–1994
Index terms: Medical research; Public health; Hepatitis B.
Categories: 20th Century
Heathcote hospital: a study of the administration of isolation hospitals in the Warwick Union, 1877-1927. Thomas, Maureen
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1877–1927
Index terms: Isolation hospitals; Warwick, Heathcote hospital; Poor law; Hospitals; Public health
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Independence and deference: a study of the West Riding electorate, 1832-41. Richardson, Sarah A.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Speck, W.A.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1840
Index terms: Electorate; Yorkshire, West Riding; Elections
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Independent Labour Party men and women's suffrage in Britain, 1893-1914. Ugolini, Laura
Ph.D., Greenwich. (Hum.). Supervised by John, Angela V.; Dunne, John
Chronological coverage: 1893–1914
Index terms: Independent Labour party; Women's suffrage; Labour party, see also Independent Labour party
Categories: Political history; 19th Century; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Industrial finance, with special reference to the Sheffield steel industry, 1850-1914. Newton, Lucy
Ph.D., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Cottrell, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Finance, industrial; Steel industry; Sheffield, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 19th Century
Industrial relations in the British printing industry between the wars. Richardson, Michael J.
Ph.D., West of England. (Hist.). Supervised by Ollerenshaw, Philip G.; Hannam, June B.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Industrial relations; Printing industry
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Ireland and Scotland, 1560-1760: the historical perspective on the Gaelic dimension. Macdonald, Fiona A.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Kirk, James; Cowan, Ian B.
Chronological coverage: 1560–1760
Index terms: Scotland, and Ireland; Ireland, and Scotland; Gaelic
Categories: 16th-17th Century
John Russell, the 4th duke of Bedford, and politics, 1745-51. Philp, Karen R.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Langford, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1745–1751
Index terms: Russell, John (1710-71), 4th duke of Bedford
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Jonson, Stansby and English typography, 1579-1623. Bland, Mark B.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by McKenzie, D.F.
Chronological coverage: 1579–1623
Index terms: Stansby, William (d.1639); Jonson, Ben (1573-1637); Typography
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Labour's response to the affluent society: domestic policy, 1955-64. Donnelly, Mark
Ph.D., Surrey. (St. Mary's Coll., Strawberry Hill, Hist.). Supervised by Longmore, Jane
Chronological coverage: 1955–1964
Index terms: Affluent society; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Lancashire and the English privy council, c.1620-c.1629. Jillings, Kevin J.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Foster, G.C.F.; Childs, J.C.R.
Chronological coverage: 1620–1629
Index terms: Lancashire; Privy council
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Landholding and the peasant economy in the Western Highlands and Islands, 1700-1884. Pearson, Michael J.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Earth Stud.). Supervised by Dodgshorn, R.A.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1884
Index terms: Landholding; Islands, Scottish; Scotland; Highlands, Scottish; Peasant economy
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Late 19th-century imperial British literature and history. Omissi, Dominic
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by MacKenzie, J.M.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1900
Index terms: Literature; Empire, British
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
`Lawrels for the conquered': the dilemmas of William Davenant and Abraham Cowley in the revolutionary decades of the 17th century. Shore, Robert
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Luckett, R.
Chronological coverage: 1640–1660
Index terms: Cowley, Abraham (1618-67); Civil War (1642-60); Davenant, Sir William (1606-68); Dramatists, Drama
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Leisure in York, 1900-39: recreation and citizen-making in the minster city. Jones, Ian
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Walvin, J.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Recreation; York; Leisure
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Liberty and continuity in the political thought of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, 1794-1834. Edwards, Pamela J.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Rosen, F.
Chronological coverage: 1794–1834
Index terms: Political thought; Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834); Liberty
Categories: 19th Century
Madness and gender in the 19th century: a case study of a Scottish asylum. Johnson, M.O.
M.Phil., Strathclyde. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Lunatic asylum; Gender; Mental health; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Mansfield College, Oxford: its origin, history and significance. Kaye, Elaine H.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Binfield, J.C.G.
Chronological coverage: 1886–1990
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Education (19th-20th cent.); Oxford, Mansfield College; Tertiary education
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Metropolitan encounters: a study of Indian students in Britain, 1880-1930. Lahiri, Shompa
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of S. Asia). Supervised by Robb, P.G.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1930
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Indians, in Britain
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century; 20th Century
Middle-class women and the ideology of domesticity: a study of gender, work and politics in Leeds, 1870-1920. Bayston, Simon R.
M.A., Leeds. (Business & Econ. Stud.). Supervised by Honeyman, Katrina; Collins, M.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1920
Index terms: Women; Leeds, W.R. Yorks.; Middle classes; Domesticity; Work
Categories: Social history; 18th-19th Century; Gender and Women; 20th Century
'Mollies', 'fops' and 'men of feeling': aspects of male 'effeminacy' and masculinity in Britain, c.1700-80. Carter, Philip J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Innes, Joanna M.; Langford, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1700–1780
Index terms: Male `effeminacy'; Masculinity
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Monmouthshire and the Education Act, 1902: the 'Welsh revolt' of 1902-5, a study in conflict between national and local government in the field of education. Griffiths, Eirwen
M.Phil., London. (K.C.)
Chronological coverage: 1902–1905
Index terms: Administration, Government, central; Wales; Monmouthshire; Education Act (1902); Administration, Government, local, see Local administration; Education, 19th-20th cent.; Local administration, Local government
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Mr. Balfour's apologetics: excoriation and accommodation in the intellectual formation of Arthur Balfour. McGeachie, J.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Porter, R.
Chronological coverage: 1868–1930
Index terms: Balfour, Arthur James (1848-1930), 1st earl of Balfour; Conservative party
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Nineteenth-century craftsmen and tradesmen in Hertfordshire: a spatial, economic and social study of self-sufficiency. Crompton, C.A.
Ph.D., Open University.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Self-sufficiency; Tradesmen; Craftsmen; Hertfordshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Economic history
Nonconformity, labour and the social question in Wales. Pope, R.P.
Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor)
Chronological coverage: 1906–1939
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Wales
Categories: 20th Century
Nonconformity, theology and reunion, c.1870-1910. Wood, Stella M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Matthew, H.C.G.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1910
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Official British film propaganda during the Second World War. Chapman, James R.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Richards, J.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Films; Propaganda
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Oliver Franks's Washington embassy: a study in Anglo-American relations. Balazs, Antonia E.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rowett, J.S.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1952
Index terms: Washington, D.C., U.S.A.; Foreign relations, with the U.S.A.; Ambassadors; Franks, Oliver S., Baron Franks (1905-93); United States of America, and Britain
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
`Pale stood Albion': the formulation of national culture in Britain, 1939-56. Weight, Richard A.J.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, M.J.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1956
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); National identity
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Parliamentary elections and political culture in Hereford city, 1818-42. Johnston, Samuel
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Gorman, F.
Chronological coverage: 1818–1842
Index terms: Elections, parliamentary; Hereford
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Patronage funding and the hospital patient, c.1750-1815: three English regional case studies. Berry, Amanda J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Smith, R.M.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1820
Index terms: Patronage, medical; Hospitals
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Plymouth shipowning, 1824-55. Haines, Michael S.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffy, M.
Chronological coverage: 1824–1855
Index terms: Shipowning; Plymouth, Devon
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Policing Victorian Brighton and Hove, 1830-1900, with particular reference to local political control. Oakensen, Derek J.
Ph.D., Brighton. (Hist. & Crit. Stud.). Supervised by Rule, J.G.; Wells, R.A.E.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1900
Index terms: Hove, Suss.; Local administration, Local government; Brighton, Suss.; Police
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Political faction and the formulation of foreign policy: Britain, 1806-7. Hole, Toby
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Black, J.M.
Chronological coverage: 1806–1807
Index terms: Foreign policy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Poor relief in Scotland before 1845, with particular reference to the contribution made by the Church of Scotland. Oh, Yeon-Su
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Harper, Marjory-Ann D.; Withrington, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1570–1845
Index terms: Poor relief, in Scotland; Scotland; Church of Scotland
Categories: 17th Century; 18th Century; 19th Century
Possessing the increase: tithes and the idea of property in 17th-century political thought. Brace, Laura A.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Govt.). Supervised by Vogel, Ursula; Steiner, H.I.
Chronological coverage: 1650–1660
Index terms: Liberty; Self-ownership; Property
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Property and politics in British radical thought, 1775-1814. Haughton, K.E.
M.Phil., Wales. (Swansea)
Chronological coverage: 1773–1814
Index terms: Political thought; Radicals, Radicalism; Property
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Provision for the poor in S.E. Ulster, 1825-50. Beale, George M.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harkness, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1825–1850
Index terms: Ireland; Ulster
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Public assistance and means testing in Bolton, 1929-36. Howarth, Michael
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Robertson, Alex J.
Chronological coverage: 1929–1936
Index terms: Means testing; Public assistance; Bolton, Lancs.; Poverty
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Public health and mortality in Preston, 1841-71: the relationship between class and health. Bell, Frances N.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1841–1871
Index terms: Mortality; Public health; Preston, Lancs.; Demography
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Public opinion, crime and the police in Preston, c.1815-1914. Boyle, Christina
M.Phil., Central Lancashire. (Hist. & Crit. Stud.). Supervised by Russell, David C.; Emsley, Clive
Chronological coverage: 1815–1914
Index terms: Public opinion; Crime, Criminals, Criminality; Preston, Lancs.; Police
Categories: 18th-19th Century
`Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?' The problems of policing in Anglophone Africa during the transfer of power. Morrison, Hamish
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Bridges, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1963
Index terms: Africa, Anglophone; Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Africa; Police, in Anglophone Africa
Categories: Africa; 20th Century
Recent developments in British art history, with special reference to the works of Francis Haskell, and their possible application to the study of Chinese art history. Cao, Yi Qiang
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Haskell, F.J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1990
Index terms: Art history; Art history, Chinese; Haskell, Francis J.H. (b.1928); China
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Religious revivalism and popular evangelicalism in Britain and Ireland, 1859-1905. Holmes, Janice
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hempton, D.N.
Chronological coverage: 1859–1905
Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Revivalism, religious; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Representing Unionism: Plunkett, Midleton and the leadership of the Anglo-Irish, 1880-1920. Moran, James
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Warren, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
Index terms: Unionists, Unionism; Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon (1854-1932; Brodrick, St. John (1856-1942), 9th Viscount and 1st earl of Midleton; Ireland; Anglo-Irish
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Richard Baxter's Kidderminster ministry, 1641-61. Gilbert, Charles
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Cust, R.P.
Chronological coverage: 1641–1661
Index terms: Kidderminster, Worcs.; Baxter, Richard (1615-91); Puritans
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Richard Cumberland's De Legibus Naturae in its ethical and scientific context. Parkin, Jonathan B.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Skinner, Q.R.D.
Chronological coverage: 1672–1672
Index terms: Science; Cumberland, Richard (1631-1718), bisho; De Legibus Naturae (Cumberland's); Ethics
Categories: 17th Century
Rough-headed urchins and bonnetless girls: a study of Irish childhood in Derby in the mid 19th century. Minns, Hilary W.M.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
Index terms: Children; Irish, in England; Derby
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Royal taxation of the English parish clergy, 1535-58. Carter, Patrick R.N.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collinson, P.
Chronological coverage: 1535–1558
Index terms: Reformation; Clergy; Taxation
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Rule Britannia: an analysis of the propaganda which fuelled the wars of belligerent nationalism in Great Britain, 1719-39. Thomson, Oliver C.W.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Glassey, Lionel K.J.
Chronological coverage: 1719–1739
Index terms: Propaganda; Nationalism; War
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Samuel Rutherford (c.1600-1661) and the British revolutions. Coffey, John R.D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Goldie, M.A.
Chronological coverage: 1620–1661
Index terms: Civil War (1642-60); Rutherford, Samuel (c.1600-1661); Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Science, secularization and social change: the metamorphosis of entomology in 19th-century England. Clark, John F.M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Weindling, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Secularization; Science; Entomology
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Scotland on display: the image of Highland Scotland in Scottish exhibitions, 1888-1938. Stevens, Anita
M.Sc., Edinburgh. (Geog.). Supervised by Withers, C.W.J.
Chronological coverage: 1888–1938
Index terms: Exhibitions; Highlands, Scottish; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Scottish east coast trade with particular reference to Leith, 1685-1770. Kinloch, Janet
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, Gordon
Chronological coverage: 1685–1770
Index terms: Coastal trade; Trade; Leith, Edinburgh; Ports; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Seaside resorts of England and Wales, 1950-74. Demetriadi, Julian C.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Walton, J.K.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1974
Index terms: Leisure; Seaside resorts; Wales
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Secular policy enforcement during the personal rule of Charles I: the administrative work of parish officers in the 1630s. Langelueddecke, Henrik A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, Clive A.
Chronological coverage: 1630–1639
Index terms: Local administration; Charles I (1600-49), king; Parish officers
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Sino-British relations during 1910-30: a case study of British business in Hankow. Chang, Ning J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by van den Ven, Hans
Chronological coverage: 1910–1930
Index terms: China, and Britain; Business, British, in China; Foreign relations, with China; Hankow, China
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Sir James Maitland and Howietoun fishery. Hill, Stephen
Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Tranter, N.L.; Peden, G.C.
Chronological coverage: 1868–1897
Index terms: Howietoun, Stirlings.; Maitland, Sir James (1848-97), Bart.; Fisheries; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Sir Jerom Murch: case study of a unitarian liberal and his impact on the Bath community, 1833-95. Kolaczkowski, Alexandra E.
Ph.D., Bath. (Hist. of Tech., Sc. & Soc.). Supervised by Brooke, David
Chronological coverage: 1853–1895
Index terms: Unitarians, Unitarianism; Murch, Sir Jerom (1833-95); Bath, Som.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Sixteenth-century courtship in the diocese of Canterbury. O'Hara, Diana
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, A.F.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Canterbury, diocese; Marriage; Courtship
Categories: 16th Century
Six town clerks of Stratford-upon-Avon: the Hunt family, 1762-1894. McFarland, Patricia
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1762–1894
Index terms: Hunt family, of Stratford-upon-Avon; Town clerks; Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwicks.; Local government
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Social mobility, marriage and kinship among some gentry and yeoman families of Wantage hundred, c.1522-c.1670. Aubertin-Potter, Norma A.R.
Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. (Hum.). Supervised by Brookes, J.E.; Heard, N.
Chronological coverage: 1522–1670
Index terms: Families; Yeomen; Marriage; Gentry; Wantage, Oxf., hundred; Social mobility; Kinship
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
Socio-economic structure and the 'small' market town: N. Berkshire, 1520-1640. Kemp, Simon
Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. (Hum.). Supervised by Gold, John R.; Heard, N.
Chronological coverage: 1520–1640
Index terms: Towns; Market towns; Berkshire; Urban development
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
Some aspects of the provision for war widows in Britain, 1914-21. James, Ingrid H.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Winter, J.M.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1921
Index terms: War widows; World War I (1914-18); Women
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Somerset Place to Whitehall: reforming the civilian departments of the navy, 1830-34. MacDougall, Philip
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Ditchfield, G.M.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1834
Index terms: London, Whitehall; Civil service; London, Somerset Place; Navy; Whitehall, see London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Technical education in the city of Wakefield: the place of Thornes House Grammar School. George, Nora J.
Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1921–1961
Index terms: Wakefield, W.R. Yorks., Thornes House Grammar School; Technical education; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 20th Century
The 1859 religious revival in Scotland: a review and critique of the movement, with particular reference to the city of Glasgow. Marrs, Clifford J.
Ph.D., Glasgow.
Chronological coverage: 1859–1859
Index terms: Scotland; Revival, religious (1859); Glasgow
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The 2nd Lord Penrhyn (1836-1907): a study of the Rt. Hon. George Sholto Gordon Douglas-Pennant, 2nd Baron Penrhyn of Llandegai. Douglas-Pennant, Edmund H.
M.Phil., Wales. (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Griffith, William P.; Jones, R. Merfyn
Chronological coverage: 1866–1907
Index terms: Penrhyn, 2nd Baron, see Douglas-Pennant, George Sholto Gordon; Douglas-Pennant, George Sholto Gordon (1836-1907), 2nd Baron Penrhyn of Llandegai
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The administration of urban society in Scotland, 1800-50, with reference to the growth of civic government in Glasgow and its suburbs. Oliver, Sheila C.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Maver, Irene E.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1850
Index terms: Glasgow; Scotland; Local administration, Local government; Urban development, Urban growth
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The agonizing reappraisal: Conservative politics, 1903-31. Evans, Stephen
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea)
Chronological coverage: 1903–1931
Index terms: Conservative party
Categories: 20th Century
The Aldermaston marches, 1958-63. Masters, Ian
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1958–1963
Index terms: Nuclear weapons; Aldermaston marches (1958-63); Aldermaston, Berks.; Nuclear disarmament
Categories: 20th Century
The attitudes of the T.U.C. towards the establishment of the welfare state: retirement pensions, 1942-60. Sneddon, Nicola
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1942–1960
Index terms: Welfare state; Retirement pensions; Trades Union Congress; Pensions
Categories: 20th Century
The Birmingham, Aston and King's Norton boards of guardians and the politics and administration of the poor law, c.1836-1912. Tolley, Paul L.
Ph.D., De Montfort. (Hum.). Supervised by Mason, R.; Thoms, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1836–1912
Index terms: Boards of guardians; Poor law; Local administration, Local government; Birmingham, Warwicks.; Aston, Warwicks.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The British film industry during the 1930s: a business and industrial history. Sedgwick, John
Ph.D., London Guildhall. (Pol. & Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Floud, R.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1940
Index terms: Film industry
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
`The building of a nation's health': the life and work of George Newman to 1921. Hammer, Margaret A.E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Sutherland, Gillian R.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1921
Index terms: Public health; Newman, Sir George (1870-1948); Health
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The campaign for voluntary sterilization in Britain in the 1930s. Harris, Edwin G.N.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Thorpe, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1939
Index terms: Families; Sterilization, voluntary; Men
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The changing patterns of Black politics in Britain. Shukra, K.K.
Ph.D., Kent.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1994
Index terms: Black people, Blacks
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The City of London Poor Law Union, 1837-69. Tanner, Andrea I.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Porter, Dorothy E.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1869
Index terms: London, City of; Poor law
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The Congregation of the Christian Brothers' teaching order in England and Scotland, 1895-1995: a critical evaluation. Zwolinski, Frank A.
Ph.D., Dundee. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Williams, L.A.; Machin, G.I.T.
Chronological coverage: 1895–1995
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Christian Brothers, order; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Conservative party during the era of appeasement, with special reference to the constituency level and the persecution of the Jews. Crowson, Nicholas J.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Alexander, M.S.
Chronological coverage: 1936–1939
Index terms: Appeasement; Parliamentary constituencies; Conservative party; Jews
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The contribution of the labour movement to the downfall of the Chamberlain government, Sept. 1939 - May 1940. Leader, Vanessa J.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Thorpe, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1940
Index terms: Labour movement; Chamberlain, Neville (1869-1940), prime minister; World War II (1939-45)
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The courts, crime and the criminal law in Ireland, 1692-1760. Garnham, Neal
D.Phil., Ulster.
Chronological coverage: 1692–1760
Index terms: Criminal Law; Crime; Courts; Ireland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition and suburban modernity, 1908-51. Sugg, Deborah
Ph.D., East London. (Cultural Stud.). Supervised by Alexander, Sally A.
Chronological coverage: 1908–1951
Index terms: Homes; Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition; Suburban life
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The decline in marital fertility of Edinburgh grocers in the later 19th century. Rainger, Christine A.
M.Phil., Edinburgh. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Morris, R.J.; Anderson, M.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1900
Index terms: Edinburgh; Grocers; Fertility; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of the public library service in Burnley, 1890-1930. Sollis, Andrew J.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, M.E.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1930
Index terms: Libraries; Public libraries; Burnley, Lancs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
The difficulties of maintaining a voluntary elementary school: St. Ann's School, Tottenham, 1862-1902. Johnston, Judith I.
M.Ed., Liverpool. (Educ.). Supervised by Betts, R.S.
Chronological coverage: 1862–1902
Index terms: Education, 19th-20th cent.; Schools; London, Tottenham, St. Ann's school; Elementary education; Tottenham, see London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The early reception of psychoanalysis in Britain. Ellesley, Sandra
Ph.D., Essex. (Soc.). Supervised by Crawford, Catherine J.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1920
Index terms: Psychoanalysis
Categories: 20th Century
The educated eye and the industrial hand: art and design instruction for the working classes in mid Victorian Britain. Denis, Rafael
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Arscott, Caroline H.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1880
Index terms: Education, 1th-20th cent.; Art and design instruction; Working classes
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The emergence of a graduate dental profession, 1858-1957. Marlborough, Helen Scott
Ph.D., Glasgow.
Chronological coverage: 1858–1957
Index terms: Dental profession
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The English boys' boarding preparatory school, 1914-40. Austin, J.E.
Ph.D., Open University.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1940
Index terms: Boys; Schools; Preparatory schools; Education, 19th-20th cent.; Boarding schools
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The evangelistic ministry of John Bunyan, 1655-88. Archer, Robert W.F.
M.Phil., Wales. (Spurgeon's Coll.). Supervised by Watkins, O.
Chronological coverage: 1655–1688
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Evangelism; Bunyan, John (1628-88)
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Free Church of England, otherwise called the Reformed Episcopal Church, c.1845-c.1927. Fenwick, Richard D.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.). Supervised by Price, D.T.W.
Chronological coverage: 1843–1900
Index terms: Free Church of England
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The gentry of Tudor Cornwall. Chynoweth, John
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Orme, N.I.
Chronological coverage: 1485–1603
Index terms: Cornwall; Gentry
Categories: 16th Century
The geography of landownership in Staffordshire, c.1840-1910. Bell, David J.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Whitehand, J.W.R.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1910
Index terms: Staffordshire; Landownership
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The Great War and Methodism: the assimilation of Dissent?. Pugsley, David P.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D. Hugh
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: Dissenters and Dissent, religious; Methodists, Methodism; World War I (1914-18)
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Great War and the Britannic question in Ireland, 1914-18: the impact of the total war upon Nationalist and Unionist concepts of national and imperial identity. Hennessey, Thomas W.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harkness, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: Ireland; Nationalists, Nationalism, in Ireland; World War I (1914-18); Unionist party
Categories: 20th Century
The growth and decline of Cardiganshire ship-building, 1740-1914, with special reference to Llansantffraid. Thomas, G. Ivor
M.Phil., Wales. (Lampeter)
Chronological coverage: 1740–1914
Index terms: Cardiganshire; Ship-building industry; Llansantffraid, Cardig.; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The growth and significance of the Coventry car component industry, 1895-1939. Beaven, Bradley J.
Ph.D., De Montfort. (Hum.). Supervised by Mason, R.; Thoms, D.W.
Chronological coverage: 1895–1939
Index terms: Car components industry; Coventry, Warwicks.; Motor industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The historical geography of rural social protest in Highland Scotland, c.1897-1939. Robertson, Iain J.M.
Ph.D., Bristol. (Cheltenham & Gloucester Coll., Geog.). Supervised by Charlesworth, A.; Gillies, W.; Withers, C.W.J.
Chronological coverage: 1897–1939
Index terms: Social protest; Highlands, Scottish
Categories: 18th-19th Century
'The impact of the past upon the present': the experience of the Clydeside dock labour force, c.1850-1914. Kenefick, William
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by McIvor, Arthur I.; Jackson, Gordon
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Labour relations; Labour force; Scotland; Docks; Clydeside
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The impact of World War II on local authorities in S. Lancashire, 1935-45. McPherson, Eric
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, Michael E.; Robertson, Alex J.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1945
Index terms: Local administration, Local government; Lancashire; World War II (1939-45)
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The infantry officers of the Line of the British Army, 1815-68. Huffer, Donald B.M.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bourne, J.M.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1868
Index terms: Army; Infantry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The influence of finance on rural elementary schools in the area of Great Malvern, Worcs., during the 19th century, and the importance of individual benefactors. Cooper, David J.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Educ.). Supervised by Lowe, R.A.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Education, 19th-20th cent.; Schools; Malvern, Great, Worcs.; Elementary education
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The influence of Wesleyan Methodism on elementary education in England in the period 1849-1901, with particular reference to the work of Dr. James Harrison Rigg. Smith, John T.
Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1849–1902
Index terms: Wesleyan Methodists, Wesleyan Methodism; Methodists, Methodism; Education (19th=20th cent.); Elementary education; Rigg, James Harrison (1821-1909)
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The inter-change between political ideas and events in Britain from the Great Reform Act of 1832 to 1870. Burns, Timothy R.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Prothero, I.J.
Chronological coverage: 1832–1870
Index terms: Political ideas; Reform Act (1832)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The Liberal land campaign and the land issue, c.1906-1914. Packer, Ian D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hart, M.W.
Chronological coverage: 1906–1914
Index terms: Land issue; Liberal party
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The Liberal party in Scotland, 1843-68: electoral politics and party development. Millar, Gordon F.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by McCaffrey, John F.
Chronological coverage: 1843–1868
Index terms: Elections, parliamentary; Liberal party; Scotland; Party politics
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Liberal party in S.W. England, 1929-59. Tregidga, Garry H.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Thorpe, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1929–1959
Index terms: Liberal party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The life and thought of Thomas Hodgskin (1787-1869): nature and artiface. Stack, David A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Gareth Stedman
Chronological coverage: 1807–1869
Index terms: Hodgskin, Thomas (1787-1869); Labour movement
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The limits of interests and force: British foreign policy and the Berlin Wall crisis, 1958-61. Gearson, John P.S.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Freedman, L.
Chronological coverage: 1958–1961
Index terms: Berlin Crisis (1958-61); Cold War; International relations; Foreign policy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The marquess of Hartington, Chief Secretary for Ireland, 1871-4: a study in policy and politics. Dunford, Antony
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Warren, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1871–1874
Index terms: Hartington, marquess of, see.; Devonshire, 8th duke of, see Cavendi; Cavendish, Spencer Compton (1833-1908), marquess of Hartington and 8th duke of Devonshire; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Mayer family and their influence on the veterinary profession. Clewlow, John
M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, J.H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1844–1844
Index terms: Veterinary profession; Mayer family
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
The meaning of public housing: a case study of E. London, 1945 to the present. Allen, Jessica J.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Geog.). Supervised by Rose, Gillian C.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1995
Index terms: London; Housing
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The metamorphosis of Battersea, 1800-1914. Bailey, Keith A.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Englander, D.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1914
Index terms: London, Battersea; Urban development, Urban growth; Battersea, see London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Urban history; Social history
The miners' libraries of South Wales from the 1860s to 1939. Baggs, Christopher M.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth)
Chronological coverage: 1860–1939
Index terms: Wales; Miners, Mining; Libraries
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The moral, social and political thought of the 3rd earl of Shaftesbury, 1671-1713: unbelief and whig republicanism in the early Enlightenment. de Miranda, Manuel L.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Tuck, R.F.
Chronological coverage: 1691–1713
Index terms: Political thought; Shaftesbury, 3rd earl of, see ......; Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1671-1713), 3rd earl of Shaftesbury; Enlightenment; Republicans, Republicanism
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The Mosul question in Anglo-Turkish relations, 1922-6. Sipahioglu, Ugur
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Langhorne, R.T.B.
Chronological coverage: 1922–1926
Index terms: Britain, and Turkey; Turkey, and Britain; Mosul, Iraq
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The Nationalist party in Northern Ireland, 1945-72. Lynn, Brendan
D.Phil., Ulster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1972
Index terms: Nationalist party; Northern Ireland; Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
Theodore Rothstein and Russian émigrés in the British labour movement, 1884-1920. Burke, David
Ph.D., Greenwich. (Hum.). Supervised by Johnman, Lewis; Lindop, Fred J.
Chronological coverage: 1884–1920
Index terms: Labour movement; Russia; Migration, Russian; Migration, to Britain; Rothstein, Theodor (Fyodor Aronovich) (1871-1953)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The Ordnance Survey popular edition one-inch map of England and Wales, 1919-42: a cartographic anatomy. Hodson, A. Yolande
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Geog.). Supervised by Davis, J.F.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1942
Index terms: Cartography; Wales; Maps; Ordnance Survey
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The origins of Essex recusancy. O'Boy, Michael W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Duffy, Eamon
Chronological coverage: 1558–1570
Index terms: Recusancy; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Essex
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Palmerston forts in the South West: why were they built?. Kinross, John S.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffy, M.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1870
Index terms: Temple, Henry John (1784-1865), 3rd Viscount Palmerston; Forts
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The parliamentary experience of the Irish members of the house of commons, 1833-41. Crowe, Brian D.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jupp, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1833–1841
Index terms: Parliament, members of; Commons, house of; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The picturesque movement in theory and practice in Devon. Todd, Matthew M.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffy, M.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1820
Index terms: Picturesque movement; Devon
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The Pingos and the development of engraving techniques in the second half of the 18th century. Eimer, Christopher
M.Phil., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Challis, C.E.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1800
Index terms: Engravers, Engraving; Pingo family
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The political activities of Anthony Crosland, 1950-64. Peel-Yates, Jessica S.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Whiting, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1964
Index terms: Crosland, Anthony (1918-77); Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The political career of Walter Runciman, 1st Viscount Runciman of Doxford (1870-1949). Wallace, Jonathan C.
Ph.D., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Pugh, M.D.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1949
Index terms: Runciman, Walter (1870-1949), 1st Viscount Runciman
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The political committee of the Reform Club. Sharpe, Michael
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Warren, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1836–1900
Index terms: Clubs; Reform Club
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The politics of trial procedure in the Chartist trials in England and Wales, 1839-48. Fellague Ariouat, Jacqueline M.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, Dorothy K.G.
Chronological coverage: 1839–1848
Index terms: Trial procedure; Trials; Chartists, Chartism; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The projection of Britain's 'new empire' in Africa, 1939-48. Morris, C.J.
Ph.D., Leeds.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1948
Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in Africa; Empire, British; Africa
Categories: Africa; 20th Century
The radical thread - political change in Scotland: Paisley politics, 1885-1924. Macdonald, Catriona M.M.
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Fraser, W. Hamish
Chronological coverage: 1885–1924
Index terms: Scotland; Towns; Paisley, Renfrewshire; Radicals, Radicalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The rehabilitation and employment of disabled ex-servicemen after two World Wars. Elsey, Ena
Ph.D., Teesside. (Hum. Stud.). Supervised by Taylor, D.; Fowles, A.J.; Pollard, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1950
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); World War I (1914-18); Disabled people; Ex-servicemen; Employment
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The relationship between Richard Cromwell and the army grandees during the Second Protectorate. Eccles, Robert I.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Childs, J.C.R.
Chronological coverage: 1658–1659
Index terms: Cromwell, Richard (1626-1712); Commonwealth and Protectorate (1649-60); Army
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The representation of accountants and other professionals on the boards of U.K. companies, 1893-1993. Anderson, Malcolm
M.Phil., Wales. (Cardiff)
Chronological coverage: 1893–1993
Index terms: Business; Companies; Professions; Accountants
Categories: 18th-19th Century
`The riddle of the Swiss': British policy towards Switzerland, 1940-3. Wylie, Russell N.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Steiner, Zara S.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1943
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Foreign policy; Switzerland
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The role of the gas industry within the chemical industry, with particular reference to the London lower riverside. Mills, Mary
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Roberts, Gerrylynn K.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1900
Index terms: London; Chemical industry; Gas industry; Thames, river
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The role of the Ministry of Defence in influencing the commercial importance of the British semiconductor industry. Morris, P. Robin
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Buchanan, R.A.; Roberts, Gerrylynn K.; Gorham, D.A.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1990
Index terms: Semiconductor industry; Ministry of Defence
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The role of the Moravian Church in England, 1728-60. Podmore, Colin J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Walsh, J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1728–1760
Index terms: Moravian Brethren, Moravian Church
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Round Table, 1910-66. May, Alexander C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, J.G.
Chronological coverage: 1910–1966
Index terms: Round Table
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The second Labour government, 1929-31, and the wider labour movement. Riddell, Neil B.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Thorpe, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1929–1931
Index terms: Labour party; Labour movement
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The small market town in the large multi-township parish: Shifnal, Wellington, Wem and Whitchurch, c.1535-c.1600. Watts, Edith S.
Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Cox, J.J.; Wanklyn, Malcolm D.G.; Cox, N.C.
Chronological coverage: 1535–1600
Index terms: Wellington, Salop; Shifnal, Salop; Market towns; Wem, Salop; Towns; Shropshire; Whitchurch, Salop
Categories: 16th Century
The Sousa Coutinho family and the influence of Portugal on British policy, 1808-12. April, Brian R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Blanning, T.C.W.
Chronological coverage: 1808–1812
Index terms: Sousa Coutinho family; Portugal
Categories: Europe; 19th Century
The state, war and industry: the effects of the First World War on the profitability of British industry. Arnold, Anthony J.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Hannah, L.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Industry
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The struggle for equality by the anti-Trinitarians, 1813-44. Schulman, Jacob F.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Hinchcliff, P.B.
Chronological coverage: 1813–1844
Index terms: Anti-Trinitarians
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The survival and decline of locally-based and family firms in the Kirkcaldy area, c.1900-1960. Mackie, Robert L.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Morris, R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1960
Index terms: Kirkcaldy, Fife; Scotland; Family firms
Categories: 20th Century
The technological development of the English silk industry, 1685-1860. Bush, Sarah J.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Farrie, D.A.
Chronological coverage: 1685–1860
Index terms: Technology; Silk industry
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
The Tories and Ireland: Bonar Law and Conservative strategy, 1912-14. Smith, Jeremy W.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Govt.). Supervised by Beattie, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1912–1914
Index terms: Bonar Law, see Law; Law, Andrew Bonar (1858-1923), prime minister; Conservative party; Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
The Treasury dispute 1958 and the nature of Conservatism. Jarvis, Mark C.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Hartley, O.A.; Whiting, R.C.
Chronological coverage: 1958–1958
Index terms: Conservative party; Conservatives, Conservatism; Treasury
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The velocity of circulation of money: empirical evidence for the United Kingdom, 1870-1991. Riley, J.D.C.
Ph.D., London Guildhall.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1991
Index terms: Circulation of money; Coinage; Money
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century
The world of the anthracite miner. Matthews, Ioan A.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Williams, C.M.
Chronological coverage: 1872–1925
Index terms: Anthracite mining; Miners, Mining
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Trades councils in the E. Midlands, 1929-51: politics and trade unionism in a 'traditionally moderate' area. Stevens, Richard
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrigley, Christopher J.
Chronological coverage: 1929–1951
Index terms: Trade unions; Trades councils
Categories: 20th Century
Unionism and the new century: the structure, organization and mechanics of the Unionist party in Britain and Ulster, 1900-22. Burnett, David A.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, T.A.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1922
Index terms: Ulster; Unionist party; Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
Victorian suburbanization of Glasgow, 1830s-1910s. Tang, Tommy
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1830–1914
Index terms: Urban development; Scotland; Glasgow; Suburbs, Suburban development
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Voluntary charities in 19th-century Manchester: organizational structure, social status and leadership. Shapely, Peter
Ph.D., Manchester Metropolitan. (Hist.). Supervised by Kidd, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Manchester, Lancs.; Charities, voluntary
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
War and social change: a study of a Scottish burgh, 1910-22. Harding, Albert W.
M.Phil., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Donnachie, Ian L.
Chronological coverage: 1910–1922
Index terms: Scotland; World War I (1914-18); Burghs
Categories: 20th Century
War, reconstruction and the Fisher Act of 1918. Lobell, Brian J.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Educ.). Supervised by Searby, P.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1920
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Fisher Education Act (1918); World War I (1914-18)
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Welsh Conservatism, 1885-1935. Aubel, Felix F.E.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter)
Chronological coverage: 1885–1935
Index terms: Conservatives, Conservatism; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century
William Robertson Nicoll and the Liberal nonconformist press, 1886-1923. Higgins, Roisin
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Sykes, A.
Chronological coverage: 1886–1923
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Press, periodical; Nicoll, Sir William Robertson (1851-1923); Liberal party
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Winston Churchill and the Conservative party, 1929-37. Stewart, Graham S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Clarke, P.F.
Chronological coverage: 1929–1937
Index terms: Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965), prime minister; Conservative party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Women and Presbyterianism in Scotland, c.1830-c.1930. Macdonald, Lesley A. Orr
Ph.D., Edinburgh.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1930
Index terms: Presbyterians, Presbyterianism, Presbyterian church; Women; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 20th Century
Women and work in Northern Ireland, 1920-50. Morrow, Alison J.
D.Phil., Ulster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1920–1950
Index terms: Women; Northern Ireland; Ireland; Work
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Women M.P.s, feminism and domestic policy in the Second World War. Parker, Kristy L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harrison, Brian H.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Domestic policy; Feminism; Women; Parliament, members of; World War II (1939-45)
Categories: Social history; Political history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Women of art and nature: representation of the feminine ideal through fashion in Britain, 1850-1900. Sato, Mutsumi
M.A., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Crossick, G.J.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Index terms: Women; Fashion
Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; 18th-19th Century
Women-run hospitals in Britain: a historical survey, focusing on Dr. Catherine Chisholm (1878-1952) and the Manchester Babies' Hospital (Duchess of York Hospital). Mohr, Peter
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Pickstone, J.V.
Chronological coverage: 1878–1952
Index terms: Hospitals; Women; Manchester, Lancs.; Chisholm, Catherine (1878-1952); Manchester Babies' Hospital
Categories: Medicine; Social history; 19th Century; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Women's health and illness, 1550-1700. Snowdon, Sarah K.
M.Phil., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Houlbrooke, R.A.
Chronological coverage: 1550–1700
Index terms: Illness; Health; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Medicine; 16th-17th Century
Women, work and the family: Birmingham, 1800-70. Chandler, Fiona E. Terry
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Chinn, C.S.A.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1870
Index terms: Work; Women; Birmingham, Warwicks.; Family
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
Working-class life and politics in London in the 1930s. Challand, Anna
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Thorpe, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1939
Index terms: Working classes; London
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Working-class women in 19th-century rural Sussex. Carley, Julia
M.Phil., Essex. (Soc.). Supervised by Davidoff, Leonore
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Women; Working classes; Sussex
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
Admiralty war planning, armaments diplomacy and intelligence perceptions of German seapower and their influence on British foreign and defence policy, 1933-9. Maiolo, Joseph A.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Stevenson, David
Chronological coverage: 1933–1939
Index terms: Germany; Defence policy; Foreign policy; Admiralty; Intelligence service
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Agricultural change in southern Derbyshire, 1770-1870, with special reference to the dairy industry. Dalton, Roger T.
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Watkins, Charles
Chronological coverage: 1770–1870
Index terms: Dairy industry; Derbyshire; Agriculture; Farming; 46-6907
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
A Holiness Church in Scotland: the origins and development of the Church of the Nazarene, 1906-50. Whiteford, Jean C.
M.Th., Glasgow. (Arts)
Chronological coverage: 1906–1950
Index terms: Holiness churches; Scotland; Church of the Nazarene
Categories: 20th Century
An analysis of the Scottish regular and secular orders in the age of Renaissance and Reformation. Gould, John A.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Kirk, James
Chronological coverage: 1485–1565
Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Scotland; Religious orders; Renaissance; Reformation
Categories: 16th-17th Century
An assessment of a Soviet agent: Donald Maclean, 1941-50. Kerr, Sheila M.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Watt, Donald Cameron
Chronological coverage: 1940–1951
Index terms: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Cold War; MacLean, Donald (1913-83); Espionage; Intelligence, Soviet
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
A neglected issue in the history of education and training: women students of University College London and the Polytechnic at Regent Street, c.1870-1930. Stevenson, Julie
Ph.D., Thames Valley. (Hist.). Supervised by Armstrong, John; Thane, Patricia M.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1930
Index terms: Women; Students; London, University College London; Education, 19th-20th cent.; London, Regent's Street Polytechnic
Categories: Gender and Women; 19th Century; Education; 20th Century
Anglo-French political and cultural relations during the reign of Henry VIII. Richardson, Glenn J.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Starkey, David R.
Chronological coverage: 1509–1547
Index terms: Foreign relations, with France; France, and England; Culture; Culture, in France and England
Categories: Europe; 16th Century
Anglo-Ottoman rivalries in S.W. Arabia prior to and during World War I, 1906-19. Yaccob, Abdol R.B.
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Near & Mid. E.). Supervised by Yapp, Malcolm E.
Chronological coverage: 1906–1919
Index terms: Ottoman empire, and Britain; World War I (1914-18); Arabia; Foreign relations, with Ottoman empire
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
'A railway suburb': growth and development in Gorton and Openshaw during the mid 19th century. Crabb, George D.
M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
Index terms: Openshaw, Lancs.; Manchester, Lancs., Gorton; Railways; Gorton, see Manchester; Urban development
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Army chaplains in the First World War. Brown, Alison M.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by De Groot, Gerald J.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: Army; World War I (1914-18); Chaplains
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
A search for the underclass: a comparative study of cellar dwellers in Manchester, Salford, Stockport and Rochdale, 1861-71. Hayton, Sandra
Ph.D., Salford. (Pol. & Hist.). Supervised by Garrard, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1861–1871
Index terms: Stockport, Ches. and Lancs.; Rochdale, Lancs.; Salford, Lancs.; Cellar dwellers; Manchester, Lancs.; Housing; Underclass
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Urban history; Social history
Aspects of Elgar's reception in England, 1918-34. Gardiner, John P.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Cunningham, Hugh St.C.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1934
Index terms: Elgar, Sir Edward (1857-1934); Music
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Aspects of the English electoral system, 1800-50, with special reference to Yorkshire. Pack, Mark A.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Royle, Edward
Chronological coverage: 1800–1850
Index terms: Electoral system; Yorkshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
A study, based on weekly newspaper sources, of the changing city between the Municipal Extension and Improvement Act of 1883 and the Aberdeen Corporation Act of 1891. Jamieson, Thomas R.
M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Withrington, Donald J.
Chronological coverage: 1883–1891
Index terms: Scotland; Urban development, Urban growth; Aberdeen; Press, newspaper
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A study of the perceived differences in the pattern of poor rate expenditure in Staffordshire in the second half of the 18th century. Fowkes, Dudley
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by McInnes, Angus J.D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1800
Index terms: Poor law; Staffordshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
A system of aggression: motives, methods and margins of Methodist growth, with special reference to the growth of Methodism on Cannock Chase, 1776-1893. Goodwin, Charles H.
Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.)
Chronological coverage: 1776–1893
Index terms: Cannock Chase, Staffs.; Methodists, Methodism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Bishop Mant and the Down and Connor and Dromore Church Architecture Society: the influence of the Oxford and Evangelical Movements, the Cambridge Camden Society and the Gothic revival on the Church of Ireland and its architecture in Ulster, 1838-78. McBride, Stephen R.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1838–1878
Index terms: Mant, Richard (1776-1848), bishop; Architecture; Church of Ireland; Ulster; Down and Connor and Dromore, diocese; Ireland; Oxford Movement
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Boarding-out the insane, 1857-1913: a study of the Scottish system. Sturdy, Harriet C.G.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Parry-Jones, W. Ll.
Chronological coverage: 1857–1913
Index terms: Public health; Insanity; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Bombardment and support: roles of the Royal Navy in the assault on Walcheren, 1 November 1944. Howcroft, Ivor
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffy, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1944–1944
Index terms: Royal Navy, see also Navy; Navy; Royal Navy; World War II (1939-45); Walcheren, Netherlands; Netherlands
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Breconshire, 1540-1640: some economic and social aspects. Redwood, Pamela A.
M.Phil., Wales. (Cardiff)
Chronological coverage: 1540–1640
Index terms: Wales; Breconshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Britain's attitudes towards European integration and France, 1955-7. Turner, Charles W.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Ranieri, Ruggero
Chronological coverage: 1955–1957
Index terms: European integration; France
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British collecting, 1656-1800: scientific inquiry and social practice. Kell, Patricia E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by MacGregor, Arthur G.
Chronological coverage: 1656–1800
Index terms: Scientific inquiry; Collecting
Categories: 17th Century; 18th Century
British maritime strategy and amphibious capability, 1900-40. Massam, David R.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hayes, Paul M.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1940
Index terms: Maritime strategy; Navy; Amphibious warfare
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
British or Irish? A comparative study of working-class life in three cities [Belfast, Bristol and Dublin], c.1880-1925. Lynch, John P.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Brown, Kenneth D.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1925
Index terms: Urban society; Irish; Working classes; Ireland; Belfast; Bristol; Dublin
Categories: 18th-19th Century
British perceptions of the Ottoman empire, 1876-1908. Odams, H.J. Rachel
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Young, Robert J.C.
Chronological coverage: 1876–1908
Index terms: Ottoman empire
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century; 20th Century
British policy towards Portugal in the Second World War. Von Peter, F.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Steiner, Zara S.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Portugal; Foreign policy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British policy towards the French military nuclear programme, 1954-60. O'Driscoll, Samuel N.M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Clark, Ian
Chronological coverage: 1954–1960
Index terms: Nuclear technology and policy, in France; France; Army, French
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British tanks, 1915-18: manufacture and employment. Childs, David J.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
Chronological coverage: 1915–1918
Index terms: Army; World War I (1914-18); Tanks
Categories: 20th Century
British technologies and Polish economic development, 1815-63. Niziol, Simon M.M.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Milward, Alan S.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1863
Index terms: Economic development, in Poland; Poland; Technology
Categories: Europe; 19th Century
Church evangelicals in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 1800-30, with special reference to the Elland Clerical Society. Wade, Jeanette
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Royle, Edward
Chronological coverage: 1800–1830
Index terms: Elland, W.R. Yorkshire; Church of England; Yorkshire, West Riding; Elland Clerical Society; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Clergy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Class, commercialism and community in the origins and development of the Northern Rugby Football Union, 1857-1910. Collins, Antony
Ph.D., Sheffield Hallam. (Hist.). Supervised by Baxendale, John D.
Chronological coverage: 1857–1910
Index terms: Leisure; Rugby football; Northern Rugby Football Union; Class, social; Commercialism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Cultural history
Classicism and antiquarianism in Elizabethan patronage: the case of John, Lord Lumley. Barron, Kathryn A.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Chaney, E.P. de G.
Chronological coverage: 1554–1609
Index terms: Antiquarianism; Lumley, John (c.1534-1609), Baron Lumley; Patronage, artistic
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Class organization of 19th-century dissent. Dexter, Julie
Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Snell, Keith D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Class organization; Nonconformity; Dissent
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Combating the 'sin of self-sacrifice': Christian feminism in the women's struggle, 1903-18. Inkpin, Jonathan D.F.
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1903–1918
Index terms: Women's movement; Women; Feminists, Feminism; Christianity, Christians
Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 20th Century
Concerts in the musical life of Belfast to 1874. Johnston, Robert R.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1750–1874
Index terms: Concerts, musical; Belfast; Ireland; Musicians, Music
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Contempt, sympathy and romance: Lowland perceptions of the Highlands and the clearances during the famine years, 1845-55. Fenyo, Krisztina
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Cowan, Edward J.
Chronological coverage: 1845–1855
Index terms: Famine, see Great Famine; Lowlands, Scottish; Highland clearances; Highlands, Scottish; Scotland; Great Famine (1845-9)
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Court politics and government in England, 1509-15. Greig, Lorne C.G.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Thomson, John A.F.
Chronological coverage: 1509–1515
Index terms: Court, royal
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Covenanting political propaganda, 1638-88. Steele, Margaret
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Duncan, Archibald A.M.
Chronological coverage: 1638–1688
Index terms: Propaganda; Covenanters, Scottish; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Craft structure in the Nottingham lace industry in the 1920s and 1930s. Saito, Kentaro
M.Phil., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Fearon, Peter S.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1939
Index terms: Lace industry; Nottingham; Labour
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Cultural constitution of female psychiatric disorders, 1870-1938. Loughlin, Kelly E.
Ph.D., Essex. (Soc.). Supervised by Crawford, Catherine J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1938
Index terms: Medicine; Psychiatric disorders; Women
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Custom, conflict and community: a study of the Irish in S. Wales and Cornwall, 1861-91. Miskell, Louise
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by O'Leary, Paul B.
Chronological coverage: 1861–1891
Index terms: Migration, Irish; Wales; Irish, in Wales; Irish, in Britain; Migration, in Britain
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Cézanne in England, c.1890-1927. Harvey, Benjamin D.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Fine Art). Supervised by Verdi, Richard F.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1927
Index terms: Artists; Cézanne, Paul (1839-1906); Painters, Painting
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
Diplomats and diplomacy in London, 1667-72. Clayton, Roderick E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Aylmer, Gerald E.
Chronological coverage: 1667–1672
Index terms: Diplomats, Diplomacy; London
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Divine providence and epidemic cholera: a contribution to the study of secularization of thought in 19th-century England. Grimley-Evans, Corinne
Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. (Hum.). Supervised by Pelling, H. Margaret; Digby, Anne
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Epidemics; Cholera; Divine providence; Secularization
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Domestic service in London, 1660-1750: gender, life cycle, work and household relations. Meldrum, Timothy
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, Paul A.; Earle, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1660–1750
Index terms: London; Women; Households; Domestic service; Work
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Electric power system evolution in Merseyside and North Wales: the technical history of a region's electrification, 1879-1948. Woodward, G.
Ph.D., Manchester. (UMIST: is this correct under Manchester?)
Chronological coverage: 1879–1948
Index terms: Electrification; Merseyside; Wales; Electric power
Categories: 20th Century
Elias Allen and the role of instruments in shaping the mathematical culture of 17th-century England. Higton, H.K.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. & Phil. of Sc.). Supervised by Bennett, James A.
Chronological coverage: 1608–1653
Index terms: Instruments, mathematical; Mathematics; Allen, Elias (c.1588-1653)
Categories: 17th Century
Emigrants and emigrators: a study of emigration and the new poor law, with special reference to Bedfordshire, Northamptonshire and Norfolk, 1834-60. Howells, Gary K.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Nene Coll.: Hist.). Supervised by Murdoch, Alexander J.
Chronological coverage: 1834–1860
Index terms: Bedfordshire; Migration, in Britain; Emigration, see Migration; Northamptonshire; Poor law; Norfolk
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Excavated 16th-century glass from five English towns: a preliminary investigation of status and the role of the glass in the social context of dining. Willmott, Hugh B.
M.A., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Johnson, Matthew H.; Price, Jenny
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Towns; Dining; Glassware
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Experimental pharmacology in the 18th century. Maehle, Andreas-Holger
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Bynum, William F.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Pharmacology
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Ex-servicemen, war widows and the English county pension scheme, 1593-1679. Hudson, Geoffrey L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Slack, Paul A.
Chronological coverage: 1593–1679
Index terms: Pensions; War widows; Ex-servicemen
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Factors affecting population stability in rural England: a study of seven parishes in the Fylde area of Lancashire, 1851-91. Cowan, M.H.
M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1851–1891
Index terms: Parishes; Fylde, Lancs.; Population
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Female education in the late 16th and early 17th centuries in England and Wales: a study of attitudes and practice. Bowden, Caroline M.K.
M.Phil., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, Richard E.
Chronological coverage: 1580–1630
Index terms: Education (16th-18th cent.); Girls; Wales
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Field Marshal Viscount Wolseley: a reformer at the War Office, 1871-1900. Kochanski, Halik
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Bond, Brian J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1899
Index terms: Wolseley, Sir Garnet (1833-1913), Viscount Wolseley; Army; War Office
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Forging skill at Swindon: social relations and technology in a 19th-century railway workshop. Butterworth, Phillip A.
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Divall, Colin
Chronological coverage: 1825–1900
Index terms: Swindon, Wilts.; Transport; Railways
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Foundations of youth work, Albemarle and after: an analysis of the development of youth service policy at national level in England, 1958-71. Smith, David S.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1958–1971
Index terms: Albemarle Report (1960); Young people; Youth service, Youth work
Categories: 20th Century
Francophilia and Francophobia in English society, 1748-83. Eagles, Robin D.E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mitchell, Leslie G.
Chronological coverage: 1748–1783
Index terms: Francophilia and Francophobia; France
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Free or non-free agency? Gender and the Factory Act of 1874. Takeuchi, Keiko
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, Michael E.
Chronological coverage: 1874–1874
Index terms: Women; Factory Act (1874); Gender
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
From Banff to Bengal and beyond: the life, travels and writings of a remarkable N.E. loon, Robert Wilson, M.D. (1787-1871). Watt, Thelma G.
M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Dukes, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1807–1871
Index terms: Medicine; Wilson, Robert (1787-1871); Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
'Generous and lofty sympathies': the Kensington Society, the 1866 Women's Suffrage Petition and the development of mid Victorian feminism. Dingsdale, Ann
Ph.D., Greenwich. (Hum.). Supervised by John, Angela V.; Brown, C.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1880
Index terms: Women; Women's suffrage; Feminists, Feminism; Kensington Society
Categories: Political history; 19th Century; Gender and Women
Geographical education, empire and citizenship in Britain, 1870-1944. Ploszajska, Teresa S.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Driver, Felix F.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1944
Index terms: Geographical education; Empire, British; Education, 19th-20th cent.; Citizenship
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
George Dempster of Dunnichen (1732-1818). Lang, Andrew M.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Bannerman, John W.M.; Simpson, John M.
Chronological coverage: 1752–1818
Index terms: Agriculture; Scotland; Dempster, George (1732-1818); Dunnichen, Forfar
Categories: 18th-19th Century
George Wightwick: a Regency architect in the west of England. Reid, Rosamund M.
M.Phil., London. (R.H.U.L. Vict. Art). Supervised by Crook, Joseph Mordaunt
Chronological coverage: 1829–1872
Index terms: Architects, Architecture; Wightwick, George (1802-72)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
'Gold tried in the fire': the prophet Theaurau John Tany and the Puritan revolution. Hessayon, Ariel Y.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1649–1655
Index terms: Puritans, Puritanism; Tany, Thomas (Theaurau John) (fl. 1649-55); Millennarians, Millennarianism
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Governing matters: the values of English education in the earth sciences, 1790-1830. Dolan, Brian P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Secord, Jim A.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1830
Index terms: Education (16th-18th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Great Britain and the Cherokee nation: war and peace on the Anglo-Cherokee frontier, 1756-63. Oliphant, John S.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Glyndwr
Chronological coverage: 1756–1763
Index terms: Cherokee people, N. America; Anglo-Cherokee War (1750-65); America, colonial
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Great Britain and the importance of Indochina in the post-war Churchill administration. Bui, Ming Dung
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1951–1955
Index terms: Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965), prime minister; Indochina; Foreign policy
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
Henry Lilley Smith (1788-1859), surgeon, philanthropist and originator of provident dispensaries :a study of the career, ideas and the achievements of a 19-century country doctor. Wheeler, Simon
M.A., Warwick.
Chronological coverage: 1808–1859
Categories: 18th-19th Century
High Calvinists in action, c.1810-1860: a study of the response of some high Calvinist ministers to religious and secular problems in Manchester and London, compared with the work of some evangelical Calvinists. Shaw, Ian
Ph.D., Manchester. (Relig. & Theol.). Supervised by Rack, Henry D.
Chronological coverage: 1810–1860
Index terms: London; Manchester, Lancs.; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Calvinists, Calvinism; Ministry, Christian
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
History of life in the Tower Gardens estate, N. Tottenham. Bligh, Diana
M.Phil., Essex. (Soc.). Supervised by Thompson, Paul R.; Harloe, M.H.
Chronological coverage: 1910–1990
Index terms: London, Tottenham; Tower Gardens estate, Tottenham; Urban society
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Hugh Gaitskell, the Labour party and foreign affairs, 1955-63. Rippingale, Simon
Ph.D., Plymouth. (Arts & Educ.)
Chronological coverage: 1955–1963
Index terms: Labour party; Gaitskell, Hugh (1906-63); Foreign affairs
Categories: 20th Century
Ideology and the telephone: the social reception of a technology, London 1876-1920. Stein, Jeremy
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Geog.). Supervised by Dennis, Richard J.
Chronological coverage: 1876–1920
Index terms: Telephones; London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Industrial and commercial efficiency: the role, reform and development of Scottish technical and commercial education, 1895-1914. Velek, Thomas G.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Fielden, Kenneth; Anderson, Robert D.
Chronological coverage: 1895–1914
Index terms: Commercial education; Technical education; Education; Scotland; Industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Innovation and the development of the British garden between 1919 and 1939. Musgrave, J.T.T.
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Gardens
Categories: 20th Century
In the midst of a Protestant people: the development of the Catholic community in Bristol in the 19th century. Gilbert, P.J.
Ph.D., Brunel.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Bristol; Protestants, Protestantism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Irish and non-Irish women living in their households in 19th-century Liverpool: issues of class, gender, religion and birthplace. Letford, Lynda S.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Geog.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Class, social; Liverpool; Women; Irish, in Britain; Gender; Religion
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
John Bramhall and the reconstruction of the Church of Ireland, 1633-41. McCafferty, John D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1633–1663
Index terms: Church of Ireland; Bramhall, John (1594-1663), archbishop; Ireland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
John Maynard Keynes and international relations: idealism, economic paths to war and peace, and post-war reconstruction. Markwell, D.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Int. Rel.)
Chronological coverage: 1930–1960
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); International relations; Keynes, John Maynard (1883-1946), 1st Baron Keynes; Reconstruction, post-war
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
John Nicholson, organ builder of Worcester: background, life and work. Berrow, J.
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1835–1895
Index terms: Worcester; Organs; Nicholson, John (1815-95); Organ building
Categories: 18th-19th Century
John Snow M.D., 1813-58. Snow, Stephanie J.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1833–1858
Index terms: Snow, John (1813-58); Medicine
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
John Stuart Mill and male support for the Victorian women's movement. Dyer, Anton
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Burrow, John W.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Index terms: Women; Mill, John Stuart (1806-73); Women's movement
Categories: Political history; 19th Century; Gender and Women
John Stuart Mill, George Jacob Holyoake and the 'social question': themes of continuity in mid 19th-century radicalism and socialism. Lee, Mathew J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Gareth Stedman
Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
Index terms: Holyoake, George Jacob (1817-1906); Socialists, Socialism; Radicals, Radicalism; Mill, John Stuart (1806-73)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Land development and the steel companies of eastern Sheffield, 1850-1900. Simmons, Richard
Ph.D., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Sutcliffe, Anthony R.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Index terms: Land development; Steel industry; Sheffield, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Landowners on the Devon/Somerset border, 1660-1715. Flower-Smith, R. Priscilla
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Barry, Jonathan
Chronological coverage: 1660–1715
Index terms: Devon; Landowners, Landowning; Somerset
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Liberation or limitation? A study of women's leisure in Bolton, c.1919-39. Oliver, Elizabeth
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Summerfield, A. Penny; Abrams, Lynn C.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Women; Bolton, Lancs.; Leisure
Categories: 20th Century; Social history; Gender and Women
Liberty, loyalty and locality: the discourses of loyalism in England, 1790-1815. Watson, Katrina K.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Emsley, Clive
Chronological coverage: 1790–1815
Index terms: Loyalists, Loyalism
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
Local constraints on the development of popular education in Walsall, 1760-1955. Harris, Tony C.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Educ.). Supervised by Lowe, R.A.
Chronological coverage: 1760–1955
Index terms: Secondary educaion; Education, 19th-20th cent.; Walsall, Staffs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
'London, Brighton and South Coast Religion'? Tractarianism and ritualism in Brighton, Hove and Worthing. Cowl, Ruth
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, John H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1833–1900
Index terms: Brighton, Suss.; Ritualists, Ritualism; Hove, Suss.; Tractarians, Tractarian movement; Worthing, Suss.; Church of England
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
London government in transition: from the London County Council to the Greater London Council, 1962-7. Anderson, Colin R.
Ph.D., Luton. (Hist.). Supervised by Clapson, Mark J.
Chronological coverage: 1962–1967
Index terms: Local government; London County Council; Greater London Council; London
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Lord Rosebery and Scottish nationalism, 1868-96. Akroyd, Robert J.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Simpson, John M.; Edwards, Owen Dudley
Chronological coverage: 1868–1896
Index terms: Primrose, Archibald Philip (1847-1929), 5th earl of Rosebery; Rosebery, 5th earl of, see Primrose, Archibald Philip; Scotland; Nationalism, in Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Losing face: the British foreign service and the question of Tibet, 1904-22. Palace, Wendy C.
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Howell, David W.
Chronological coverage: 1904–1922
Index terms: Foreign service; Foreign relations, with Tibet; Tibet
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Margaret Miller and the campaign for the right of the married woman to earn. Bhatt, Jennifer
M.Phil., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Snell, Keith D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1932–1934
Index terms: Women; Married women; Miller, Margaret Stevenson (b.1897); Right to earn
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Medicine and midwifery: discourses in childbirth, c.1945-1974. Pitt, Susan J.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.). Supervised by Borsay, Anne
Chronological coverage: 1945–1974
Index terms: Women; Midwifery; Medicine; Childbirth
Categories: 20th Century
Military recruiting in the Scottish Highlands, 1739-1815: the political, social and economic context. MacKillop, Andrew
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Cowan, Edward J.
Chronological coverage: 1739–1815
Index terms: Army; Highlands, Scottish; Scotlands; Military recruiting
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Moving between worlds: gender, class, politics, sexuality and women's networks in the diaries of Anne Lister of Shibden Hall, Halifax, Yorkshire, 1830-40. Euler, Catherine
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Rendall, Jane L.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1840
Index terms: Halifax, W.R. Yorks; Women; Lister, Anne (fl. 1830-40) of Shibden Hall, Halifax; Diaries; Gender; Class; Sexuality
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
Municipal maternity services: policy and provision, 1900-39, with particular reference to Kingston-upon-Hull and its Municipal Maternity Home. Rhodes, Maxine
Ph.D., Hull. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Blackman, Janet M.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Hull, E.R. Yorks., Municipal Maternity Home; Maternity services; Kingston-upon-Hull, see Hull; Public health; Urban society
Categories: 20th Century
N. Hingley and Sons Limited, BlackCountry anchor smith and chain cable maker: a study of the world's premier manufacturer of ship's anchors and cables in the period 1890-1918. Mallin, Kenneth
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1890–1918
Index terms: Iron and steel industry; Chain cables, manufacture of; Anchors, manufacture of; Hingley, N., and Sons Limited; Black Country
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Nonconformity and Anglican dissent in Restoration Wiltshire, 1660-89. Lancaster, Henry J.
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Hutton, Ronald E.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1689
Index terms: Church of England; Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Wiltshire; Anglican Church, see Church of England
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Of war wounds: the propaganda, politics and experience of medicine in World War I on the Western Front. Herrick, Claire
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Cooter, Roger J.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: Medicine; War wounds; Wounds; World War I (1914-18); Propaganda; Army
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
'Our job is to free women': the sexual politics of four Edwardian feminists, c.1910-c.1935. Frances, Hilary
D.Phil., York. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1910–1935
Index terms: Sexual politics; Women; Feminists, Feminism
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Parliamentary elections and the political development of Newton, Preston and Wigan, 1689-1768. Harrison, Richard D.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Mullett, Michael A.
Chronological coverage: 1689–1768
Index terms: Wigan, Lancs.; Newton, Lancs.; Elections, parliamentary; Lancashire; Preston, Lancs.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Peace, patriotism and reform: the ideas of the British peace movement, 1896-1916. Laity, J. Paul
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Garnett, E. Jane; Ceadel, Martin E.
Chronological coverage: 1896–1916
Index terms: Peace movement
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Periodic marketing in counties Donegal,Dublin, Kildate and Tipperary in the 17th century. Murray, Mary B.
M.Phil., Belfast. (Geog.). Supervised by Proudfoot, Lindsey J.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Tipperary, county; Kildare, county; Dublin, county; Ireland; Donegal, county; Markets, Marketing; Trade
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Poetry and ideology in the Industrial Revolution in England. Tortova, Maria
M.Phil., East London. (Cultural Stud.). Supervised by Blake, Andrew J.; Chase, R.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1860
Index terms: Industrial Revolution
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Policing the factory: appropriation and its control in the West Riding textile factories, 1840-80. Godfrey, Barry S.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Nene Coll.: Hist.). Supervised by King, Peter J.R.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1880
Index terms: Yorkshire, West Riding; Textile industry; Factories
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Politics and government in Ireland during the Seven Years War, 1757-63. Magennis, Eoin
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jupp, Peter J.
Chronological coverage: 1756–1763
Index terms: Seven Years War (1756-63); Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Poor law policy and the operation of labour markets in Oxfordshire, c.1750-1870. Song, Byung Khun
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Eastwood, David S.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1870
Index terms: Oxfordshire; Labour markets; Poor law
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
'Poppies on the up-platform': commemoration of the Great War in Wales. Gaffney, Angela D.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Wales
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Popular Liberalism in the English counties, 1885-1906. Lynch, Patricia C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Prest, John M.
Chronological coverage: 1885–1906
Index terms: Liberals, Liberalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Popular music and social identity in Manchester and Glasgow, 1870-1914. Eva, Philemon
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Joyce, Patrick J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Popular mysticism and the origins of the new psychology, 1880-1910. Hayward, Rhodri
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Roger
Chronological coverage: 1880–1910
Index terms: Psychology; Mysticism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Post-primary education in West Ham, 1918-39: a study in provision and practice. O'Flynn, Kim L.
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, Richard E.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Post-primary education; Education (19th-20th cent.); London, West Ham
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Potato-harvesting in the Lothians, 1870-1995. Holmes, Heather D.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1870–1995
Index terms: Potato-harvesting; Lothians; Scotland; Agriculture
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Principle or pragmatism? The history of the 19th-century copyright legislation. Seville, C.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Law). Supervised by Cornish, William R.
Chronological coverage: 1842–1842
Index terms: Copyright Act (1842)
Categories: 19th Century
Problems in molecular science in the 19th century. Yamalidou, Maria
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Harman, Peter M.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Molecular science; Science
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Property, profit and pollution: conflicts in river and estuary fishing, 1860-1914. Parsons, Gillian A.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Walton, John K.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1914
Index terms: Pollution; Fishing
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Proprietors and managers: structure and technique in large British enterprise, 1890-1939. Quail, John M.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Business Sch.). Supervised by Moreton, P.W. Terence; Honeyman, Katrina
Chronological coverage: 1890–1939
Index terms: Managers; Proprietors; Businesses
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Prostitution and police in London, c.1660-c.1760. Dabhoiwala, Faramerz N.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ingram, Martin J.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1760
Index terms: Police; Prostitution; London
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Psychology and ministry: the life and work of Leslie Weatherhead. Travell, John C.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Binfield, J. Clyde G.
Chronological coverage: 1913–1976
Index terms: Clergy; Ministry, Christian; Weatherhead, Leslie Dixon (1893-1976); Psychology
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Public chamber-music concerts in London, 1835-50: aspects of history, repertory and reception. Bashford, Christina M.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Music)
Chronological coverage: 1835–1850
Index terms: Chamber music; London; Concerts; Music, Musicians
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Quaker pamphleteering and the development of the Quaker movement, 1652-6. Peters, M. Kate
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collinson, Patrick
Chronological coverage: 1652–1656
Index terms: Pamphlet literature; Quakers
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Reform of marriage and divorce law in England and Wales, 1909-37. Moyse, Cordelia A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Educ.). Supervised by Sutherland, Gillian R.
Chronological coverage: 1909–1937
Index terms: Divorce law; Marriage law; Law reform; Women
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Regional voting behaviour in Britain: explaining the growing divide, 1955-92. Henig, Simon A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by McLean, Iain S.
Chronological coverage: 1955–1992
Index terms: Voting behaviour
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Re-investigating coastal trade: the ports of the Bristol Channel and the Severn estuary (1695-1704). Hussey, David P.
Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Wanklyn, Malcolm D.G.; Trinder, Barrie S.
Chronological coverage: 1695–1704
Index terms: Bristol; Trade; Severn estuary; Coastal trade; Ports
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
Religious attendance amd provision in Birmingham and the Black Country and the surrounding rural areas during the mid 19th century. McPhail, John A.
Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Wanklyn, Malcolm D.G.; Leese, Roger
Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
Index terms: Black Country; Birmingham, Warwicks.; Religion
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Representing exile: Ireland and the formation of the English nation, 1558-1603. Breen, John M.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1558–1603
Index terms: English nation; Ireland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Robert Hugh Benson (1871-1914), Catholic novelist and apologist: towards the restoration of a portrait. Heap, Nicholas G.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Rowell, D. Geoffrey
Chronological coverage: 1901–1914
Index terms: Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Benson, Robert Hugh (1871-1914)
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Rural settlement and population in England, 1676-1851: an experiment in historical geography. Leighton, Rosalyn J.
M.A., Durham.
Chronological coverage: 1676–1851
Index terms: Historical geography; Population, rural; Settlement, rural; Rural settlement
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Scottish influences upon the Reformed churches in N.W. England, c.1689-1829: a study of the ministry within the Congregational and Presbyterian churches in Lancashire, Cumberland and Westmorland. Westaway, Jonathan H.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Evans, Eric J.
Chronological coverage: 1689–1829
Index terms: Congregationalists, Congregational churches; Churches; Ministers, Ministry, Christian; Presbyterians, Presbyterianism, Presbyterian churches; Scotland; Reformed churches; Lancashire, Cumberland, Westmorland - GIVE SEPARATE ENTRIES
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Sifting science: Methodism and natural knowledge in Britain, 1815-70. Clement, Mark S.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Garnett, E. Jane
Chronological coverage: 1815–1870
Index terms: Natural knowledge; Methodists, Methodism; Science
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Sir William Cecil and the British succession crisis of the 1560s. Alford, Stephen
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Guy, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1560–1570
Index terms: Cecil, William (1520-98), Lord Burghley; Succession, royal
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Sisterhood or surveillance? The development of working girls' clubs in London, 1880-1939. Dove, Iris
Ph.D., Greenwich. (Hum.). Supervised by Brown, C.; John, Angela V.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1939
Index terms: London; Clubs; Girls' clubs; Workers; Women
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Socialist ideology and the British Labour party in the inter-war years. Lee, Richard
M.Phil., Wolverhampton. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Callaghan, J.T.; Coates, D.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Socialists, Socialism; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Social networks and urban space: the social organization of a county town, Leicester, c.1550-1640. Kawana, Yoh
Ph.D., Leicester. (Urban Hist.). Supervised by Clark, Peter A.
Chronological coverage: 1550–1640
Index terms: Social networks; Urban development; Leicester
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
Social unrest and popular protest in Sheffield, 1760-1815. Bailey, Spencer J.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Childs, John C.R.
Chronological coverage: 1760–1815
Index terms: Sheffield, W.R. Yorks.; Popular protest; Social unrest
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Some contributions of Nevil Maskelyne and his contemporaries to the solution of navigational problems, 1761-1811, including revaluation of their position-finding by computer-aided methods. Bailey, David M.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffy, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1761–1811
Index terms: Navigation; Maskelyne, Nevil (1732-1811); Navy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Structures, relationships and attitudes: coalmining family life in the Black Country during the second half of the 19th century. Ridgeway, William J.
Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Leese, Roger; Wanklyn, Malcolm D.G.; Benson, John
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Index terms: Coal industry, Coal miners, Coal mining, Coalfields; Family life; Black Country
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Sympathy, antipathy, hostility: British attitudes to non-repatriable Poles and Ukrainians after the Second World War and to the Hungarian refugees of 1956. Hanson, Janine
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, Colin
Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
Index terms: Hungarians, in Britain; Ukrainians, in Britain; Poles, in Britain; Refugees; Hungarian uprising (1956)
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The 1st and 2nd earls of Rutland and their part in the central and local politics of mid Tudor England. Norris, Mark M.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Malkiewicz, Andrej J.A.; Dow, Frances D.
Chronological coverage: 1537–1563
Index terms: Manners, Thomas (d. 1543), 1st earl of Rutland; Rutland, 2nd earl of, see Manner, Henry; Rutland, 1st earl of, see Manners, Thomas; Manners, Henry (d. 1563), 2nd earl of Rutland
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The architectural works of Richard Cromwell Carpenter (1812-55), William Slater (1819-72) and Richard Herbert Carpenter (1841-93). Elliott, John P.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Vict. Art). Supervised by Crook, Joseph Mordaunt
Chronological coverage: 1832–1893
Index terms: Carpenter, Richard Herbert (1841-93); Slater, William (1819-72); Carpenter, Richard Cromwell (1812-55); Architects, Architecture
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The Berlin embassy of Lord D'Abernon, 1920-6. Johnson, Gaynor L.
Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Loades, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1926
Index terms: Vincent, Sir Edgar (1857-1941), Viscount D'Abernon; Diplomats, Diplomacy; Berlin; D'Abernon, Viscount, see Vincent, Sir Edgar; Germany, and Britain; Foreign relations, with Germany
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The Book of Sports in context: sabbatarian legislation in Lancashire, 1579-1616. Racaut, Luc
M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Braddick, Michael J.; Milton, Anthony
Chronological coverage: 1579–1616
Index terms: Sabbatarianism; Book of Sports (1617); Lancashire; Leisure; Legislation
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The British naval mission at Constantinople: an analysis of naval assistance to the Ottoman empire, 1908-14. Reed, Charles V.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Neill, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 1908–1914
Index terms: Constantinople; Ottoman empire; Navy
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The brutal hospital: efficiency, form and identity in the National Health Service. Hughes, Jonathan
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Green, Christopher K.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1990
Index terms: National Health Service; Hospitals
Categories: 20th Century
The buildings and works of the Office of Ordnance at the Tower of London, 1660-1722. Parnell, Geoffrey P.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Roy, Ian
Chronological coverage: 1660–1722
Index terms: London, Tower; Ordnance, Office of; Buildings
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The church in Cromwellian England: initiatives for reform of the ministry during the Interregnum. Winstone, Martin V.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Worden, A. Blair
Chronological coverage: 1649–1660
Index terms: Ministry, Christian; Interregnum (1649-60); Church, from 16th cent.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Church, the state and the Fenian threat, 1861-75. Rafferty, Oliver P.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Foster, R.F. (Roy)
Chronological coverage: 1861–1875
Index terms: Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Ireland; Fenians
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The clergy of the deaneries of Rochester and Malling in the diocese of Rochester, c.1770-1870. Lane, Gerald
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Ward, W.R.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1870
Index terms: Malling, deanery; Rochester, deanery; Rochester, diocese; Church of England; Clergy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The community of Penkhull: from agrarian village to industrial suburb, 1600-1911. Talbot, Richard
M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, John H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1911
Index terms: Penkhull, Staffs.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The competence, training and education of the British 19th-century master mariner, with particular reference to the years 1815-73. Singleton, Colin
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, Richard E.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1873
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Master mariners
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The concept of male honour in 17th-century England. Foyster, Elizabeth A.
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Fletcher, Anthony J.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Men; Male honour; Honour
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The constitutional thought of Winston Churchill, 1906-29. Small, L.J.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1906–1929
Index terms: Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965), prime minister; Constitutional thought
Categories: 20th Century
The conversion to socialism: Britain, 1880-1914. Donovan, Nick
M.A., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Obelkevich, James
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Socialists, Socialism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The Co-operative movement in N.W. England, 1919-39: images and realities. Southern, Jayne B.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Winstanley, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Co-operative movement
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The demands of the people will rise: post-Chartist radicalism in the Dundee area, c.1850-c.1885. St. John, M.
M.Phil., Dundee.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1885
Index terms: Radicals, Radicalism; Dundee, Angus; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The development of Blue Streak [ballistic missile system]: an analysis of the role of ideas in British nuclear weapon procurement policy. Cole, Benjamin C.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1952–1960
Index terms: Ballistic missile system; Nuclear weapons; Blue Streak ballistic missile system; Defence policy
Categories: 20th Century
The development of local government in Torquay, c.1824-c.1870. Sandford, Patricia M.
M.Phil., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Coleman, Bruce I.
Chronological coverage: 1824–1870
Index terms: Local administration, Local government; Torquay, Devon
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The development of popular scientific and technical education in Wiltshire, 1850-1914. Sampey, Philip C.
M.Phil., Bath.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Technical education; Education (19th-20th cent.); Wiltshire; Scientific education
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of Roman Catholic secondary education in Durham. McCormack, Leo
M.A., Durham. (Educ.). Supervised by Day, David V.
Chronological coverage: 1902–1990
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Secondary education; Durham
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The development of sports and leisure in Chester, 1870-1900. Sykes, M. Kevin
M.Phil., Coventry. (Worcester Coll.: Hist.). Supervised by Ward, I.; Davis, R.J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1900
Index terms: Chester, Ches.; Leisure; Sport
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Cultural history
The development of the School Medical Service and decline of the half-time system, 1880-1920. Taylor, Steven
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
Index terms: Half-time system; School Medical Service; Scotland; Public health
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of voluntary hospitals, 1850-1914. Seager, John H.C.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Lowerson, John R.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Voluntary hospitals; Hospitals
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The Devon Pauper Lunatic Asylum, 1828-61. Lee, Jeanette R.
M.Phil., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Forsyth, W.J.; Coleman, Bruce I.
Chronological coverage: 1828–1861
Index terms: Lunatic asylums; Lunatic asylums, see also Mental hospitals; Devon Pauper Lunatic Asylum; Devon; Poverty; Medicine
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The early Elizabethan episcopate, 1559-80, with specific reference to aspects of some of their non-ecclesiastical activities. Ladley, Jane H. Reedy
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collinson, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1559–1580
Index terms: Episcopate, $see Bishops; Bishops
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The early Tudor royal household chapel, 1485-1547. Kisby, Fiona L.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Music). Supervised by Wathey, Andrew B.
Chronological coverage: 1485–1547
Index terms: Chapels, royal household; Household, Households, royal; Music
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The educational work of Bradford Mechanics' Institute in the 19th century, with particular reference to the economic, political, religious and social affiliations of its leading members. Wright, T. Gerry R.
M.Phil., Leeds. (Educ.). Supervised by Sharp, Paul R.
Chronological coverage: 1820–1900
Index terms: Bradford, W.R. Yorks.; Mechanics' Institutes; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The emergence of modern civil police in Scotland: a case study of the police and systems of police in Edinburghshire, 1800-33. McGowan, John
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Emsley, Clive
Chronological coverage: 1800–1833
Index terms: Edinburghshire; Scotland; Police
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The English East India Company and Hindu laws of property in Bengal, 1765-1801: appropriation and invention of tradition. Bhattacharyya-Panda, Nandini
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Raychaudhuri, Tapan
Chronological coverage: 1765–1801
Index terms: Property laws, in Bengal; East India Company; Bengal; India; Hindus, Hinduism, in Bengal
Categories: Middle East and Asia; 18th Century
The 'equal pay' issue, 1870-1961. MacDougall, Sylvia
M.Ed., Liverpool. (Educ.). Supervised by Betts, R.S.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1961
Index terms: Employment; Women; Equal pay
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The establishment of Histology in the curriculum of the London medical schools, 1826-88. Bracegirdle, Patricia H.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Bynum, William F.
Chronological coverage: 1826–1888
Index terms: Education, 19th-20th cent.; Medical education; Histology; London; Curriculum
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
The establishment of the Tudor regime: Henry VII, rebellion and the financial control of the aristocracy, 1485-1509. Cunningham, Sean
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Grant, Alexander
Chronological coverage: 1485–1509
Index terms: Henry VII (1457-1509), king; Aristocrats, Aristocracy; Rebellions; Tudor dynasty; Administration, Government, royal
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The evolution of modern British sporting culture, 1793-1850. Harvey, Adrian N.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Stevenson, John
Chronological coverage: 1793–1850
Index terms: Sport
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
The evolution of the administrative infrastructure of the British Expeditionary Force, 1910-19. Brown, Ian M.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Reid, Brian Holden
Chronological coverage: 1910–1919
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); British Expeditionary Force; Army
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The finance and growth of the Lancashire cotton industry, 1870-1914. Toms, J. Stephen
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Barnes, P.A.; Chapman, Stanley D.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Lancashire; Cotton industry; Finance
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The geography of poor relief expenditure in late 18th- and early 19th-century rural Oxfordshire. Newbold, Edward J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Geog.). Supervised by Langton, John
Chronological coverage: 1780–1820
Index terms: Oxfordshire; Poor relief
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
'The good pope': British reactions to the papacy of Pius IX, 1846-52. Matsumoto, Saho
Ph.D., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Davis, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1846–1852
Index terms: Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Pius IX (Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti)(1792-1878), pope; Papacy; Rome
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Gothic revival and the Church of England, 1790-1840. Bradley, Simon M.
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Newman, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1840
Index terms: Church of England; Art; Gothic revival
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The growth of consumerism, 1660-1740. Sleep, Janet
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Tom M.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1740
Index terms: Consumerism
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history; Economic history
The history of obstetrics in Northern Ireland, 1948-92. O'Sullivan, John F.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Clarkson, Leslie A.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1992
Index terms: Obstetrics; Ireland; Northern Ireland; Public health; Women
Categories: 20th Century
The history of technological change in the U.K. biscuit industry, 1900-75. Jones, Kyle F.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Feinstein, Charles H.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1975
Index terms: Biscuit industry
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The history of the British malting industry, with special reference to Pauls Malt Limited, 1830-1975. Clark, Christine M.
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Wilson, Richard G.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1975
Index terms: Pauls Malt Ltd.; Malting industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The history of the child, 1905-89: how the child and family are constructed in the Nursing Times. Fraser, Mary P.
Ph.D., London. (Goldsmiths Soc.)
Chronological coverage: 1905–1989
Index terms: Family; Nursing Times; Children
Categories: 20th Century
The ideology of the English landscape garden, 1720-50. Granziera, Patrizia
Ph.D., Warwick.
Chronological coverage: 1720–1750
Index terms: Landscape gardens
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The impact on England of James VI and I. Newton, Diana R.
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Quintrell, Brian W.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1610
Index terms: James I (1566-1625), king; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The implementation of social policy in England in the 1930s: a case study of Cheshire County Council and Birkenhead County Borough. Snape, Stephanie A.
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Lowe, Rodney
Chronological coverage: 1930–1939
Index terms: Birkenhead, Ches.
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The influence of the Church of England on legislation concerning women, 1903-31. Francis, Keith A.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Theol.). Supervised by Champ, Judith F.
Chronological coverage: 1903–1931
Index terms: Legislation; Church of England; Women
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 20th Century
The intellectual, political and cultural significance of Penguin books, 1935-c.1956. Joicey, Nicholas B.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Clarke, Peter F.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1956
Index terms: Penguin books; Books
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
The invention of the stomach pump and its development in the 19th century. Jackson, William
M.Sc., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Pickstone, John V.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Medicine; Stomach pump
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The Irish in the West of Scotland, 1790-1850. Martin, Mitchell
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Devine, Thomas M.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1850
Index terms: Migration, Irish; Scotland; Irish
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Italian community in Manchester, 1880-1945: a study in immigrant settlement, ethnicity and identity. di Felice, Paul A.
M.Phil., Salford. (Pol. & Hist.). Supervised by Garrard, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1945
Index terms: Manchester, Lancs.; Migration, Italian; Migration, to England; Italians; Settlement; Ethnicity
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Labour party and the idea of citizenship, c.1931-51. Beach, Abigail L.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, Martin J.
Chronological coverage: 1931–1951
Index terms: Citizenship, idea of; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The life and work of Thomas Laycock (1812-76). James, Frederick E.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Bynum, William F.
Chronological coverage: 1832–1876
Index terms: Neuro-psychiatry; Laycock, Thomas (1812-76); Medicine
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The making of a woman's town: household and gender in Dundee, 1890-1940. Smith, Graham R.
Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Peden, George C.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1940
Index terms: Urban development; Women; Households; Dundee, Angus; Gender; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The making of a working-class socialist, Harry Quelch (1858-1913). Dunlop, John
M.Phil., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Tiratsoo, Nicholas E.H.; Mason, Tony
Chronological coverage: 1878–1913
Index terms: Socialists, Socialism; Quelch, Harry (1858-1913); Working classes
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The management of traditional building work in Cumbria, 1650-1840. Tyson, Blake
Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. (Hum.). Supervised by Airs, M.; Heard, N.
Chronological coverage: 1650–1840
Index terms: Management; Building; Cumbria
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
The military and political career of John Lambert, 1619-57. Farr, David N.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1635–1657
Index terms: Civil War (1642-60); Lambert, John (1619-83); Army
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The music of a popular movement: English metrical psalmody and hymnody, 1558-1633. Parsons, D.O.M.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Music). Supervised by Le Huray, P.G.
Chronological coverage: 1558–1633
Index terms: Hymns; Metrical psalms; Music
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The newspaper press and development of Harrogate: how did the press and the developing local authority influence public opinion and respond to it, c.1841-1884?. Wharton, John E.
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Royle, Edward
Chronological coverage: 1841–1884
Index terms: Press, newspaper; Administration, local; Harrogate, W.R. Yorks.; Public opinion
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
The Paris embassy of Sir Eric Phipps, 1937-9. Herman, John
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Watt, Donald Cameron
Chronological coverage: 1937–1939
Index terms: Diplomats, Diplomacy; Phipps, Sir Eric (1875-1945), diplomat; Paris; France
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The planning, intelligence, execution and aftermath of the Dieppe Raid, 19 August 1942. Henry, Hugh G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Hinsley, Harry
Chronological coverage: 1942–1942
Index terms: Intelligence service; Dieppe Raid (1942); World War II (1939-45); Army; Navy
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The political culture of the English Commonwealth, 1649-53. Kelsey, Sean
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Hughes, Ann L.
Chronological coverage: 1649–1653
Index terms: Commonwealth and Protectorate (1649-60)
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The political role of women in N.E. Ulster, 1890-1940. Urquhart, Diane L.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Dowd, Mary
Chronological coverage: 1890–1940
Index terms: Ireland; Northern Ireland; Ulster; Women
Categories: 19th Century; Political history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
The Presbyterian ministry of Ulster in the 18th and 19th centuries: a prosopographical study. Conway, Kevin F.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Brown, Kenneth D.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1900
Index terms: Ministry, Christian; Presbyterians, Presbyterianism, Presbyterian church; Ireland; Ulster; Prosopography
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The problem of boy labour and 'blind alley' occupations within the context of the labour markets of Brighton and Portsmouth, 1870-1939. Bowden, Roy E.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Rule, John G.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1939
Index terms: Portsmouth, Hants.; Brighton, Suss.; Labour market; Employment; Boys
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The railways' influence on place-names in suburbia: Harrow borough. Scott, Peter G.
M.Phil., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Phythian-Adams, Charles V.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1990
Index terms: Harrow, Mdx.; Suburbia; Place-names; Railways
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The regulation of marriage formation in England between 1690 and 1753. Hosking, Jenny L.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Barry, Jonathan
Chronological coverage: 1690–1753
Index terms: Marriage
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
The religious allegiance of London's ruling elite, 1520-1603. Hickman, David J.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Tyacke, Nicholas R.N.
Chronological coverage: 1520–1603
Index terms: London; Reformation; Religion; Elites
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The religious dimension of the women's suffrage movement: the role of the Scottish Presbyterian churches, 1867-1918. Choi, B.A.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
Chronological coverage: 1867–1918
Index terms: Women; Women's suffrage; Scotland; Presbyterians, Presbyterianism, Presbyterian church
Categories: 19th Century; Political history; Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 20th Century
The rich and the poor: Jewish philanthropy and social control in 19th-century London. Rozin, Mordechai
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Social control; Jews; Philanthropy; Charity; Poverty
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Rifle Brigade, 1800-c.1870: a study of social, cultural and religious attitudes. Stevens, Crosby
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Binfield, J. Clyde G.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1870
Index terms: Rifle Brigade; Army
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The rise of aquatic recreation and sport: yachting and rowing in England and S. Devon, 1640-1914. Cusack, Janet
Ph.D., Exeter. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Fisher, H.E. Stephen; Duffy, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1640–1914
Index terms: Recreation; Marine recreation; Devon; Leisure
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
The role of amphibious warfare in British defence policy, 1945-64. Speller, Ian A.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Lambert, Andrew D.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1964
Index terms: Defence policy; Navy; Amphibious warfare
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The role of Jewish women in national Jewish philanthropic organizations in Britain, 1880-1945. Taylor, Susannah M.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Kushner, A.R.J. (Tony)
Chronological coverage: 1880–1945
Index terms: Women; Philanthropy; Jews; Philanthropic organizations
Categories: Social history; 19th Century; Gender and Women; 20th Century
The role of the lord warden in the administration of the Cinque Ports in the 16th century. Hill, J. Alec
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Peter R.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Cinque Ports, Kent
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The secular clergy of the archdiocese of Armagh, 1519-58. Jefferies, Henry A.A.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Dowd, Mary
Chronological coverage: 1518–1558
Index terms: Church, from 16th cent.; Clergy; Ireland; Armagh, archdiocese
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The shadow of marriage: single women in England, 1919-39. Holden, Katherine
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Single women; Marriage; Women
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
The small ports and landing-places of the River Tay, c.1750-1850. Duncan, Philip J.
Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1750–1850
Index terms: Ports; Tay, river; Scotland; Landing-places
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The social and cultural impact of the motor car in Britain, 1918-39. O'Connell, Sean
Ph.D., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Obelkevich, James; Mason, Tony
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Transport; Motor car
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The social consequences of parliamentary enclosure in E. Devon. Sell, Paul
M.Phil., Exeter. (Geog.). Supervised by Shaw, Gareth; Gibson, Alex J.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1860
Index terms: Enclosure, parliamentary; Devon
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The social history of juvenile crime in Middlesex, 1790-1850. Shore, Heather
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Corfield, Penelope J.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1850
Index terms: Middlesex; Young people; Crime
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The spectacle of difference: graphic satire and urban culture in London, 1700-51. Hallett, Mark L.
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Solkin, David H
Chronological coverage: 1700–1751
Index terms: Urban culture; Satire, graphic; London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
The Staffordshire justices and their sessions, 1603-42. Xiang, Rong
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Cust, Richard P.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1642
Index terms: Local government, see Local administration; Staffordshire; Local administration, Local government; Justices of the peace
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The structure of industry in London, 1775-1825. Barnett, David C.
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Chapman, Stanley D.
Chronological coverage: 1775–1825
Index terms: Industry; London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The struggle for reconstruction: coalition and the labour movement, 1916-24. Carter, Matthew R.
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Searle, Geoffrey R.
Chronological coverage: 1916–1924
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Labour movement
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The Stuart court and courtiers beyond seas, 1644-54. Reynolds, Neil A.C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1644–1654
Index terms: Stuart house; Court, royal
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The system of criminal justice in Cheshire, 1820-75. Barrett, Andrew A.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1820–1875
Index terms: Criminal justice; Cheshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The teaching of mathematics to juniors, 1944-90. Malcolm, Monica
M.Phil., Liverpool. (Educ.). Supervised by Marsden, William E.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1990
Index terms: Education, 19th-20th cent.; Teaching; Mathematics teaching
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The transfer of wealth and power: gentlemen landowners and the middle classes of Bromley, 1840-1914. Greenhalgh, Matthew
Ph.D., Greenwich. (Hum.). Supervised by Leach, Bridget; John, Angela V.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1914
Index terms: Bromley, Kent; Landowners, Landowning; Middle classes
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The transformation of St. Peter Port, Guernsey, 1680-1836. Cox, Gregory S.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Clark, Peter A.
Chronological coverage: 1680–1836
Index terms: Urban development; St. Peter Port, Guernsey; Guernsey
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
'The tribe of Dan': the New Connexion of General Baptists, 1770-1891, a study in the transition from revival movement to established denomination. Rinaldi, Frank W.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1770–1891
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Revival, religious; New Connexion of General Baptists; General Baptists; Baptists
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The ultimate engine: the British army and popular radicalism, 1815-50. Miller, Michael
M.Phil., Southampton. (Chichester Inst.: Hist.). Supervised by Foster, Andrew W.; Behagg, Clive
Chronological coverage: 1815–1850
Index terms: Radicals, Radicalism; Army
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The workshops of the cutlery industry in Hallamshire, 1750-1900. Beauchamp, Victoria A.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1750–1900
Index terms: Cutlery industry; Hallamshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The works of Mrs. Trimmer (1741-1810). Heath, Pauline M.
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, Richard E.
Chronological coverage: 1761–1810
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Education (16th-18th cent.); Trimmer, Sarah (1741-1810)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
'Tilting to Europe'?: British responses to developments in European integration, 1955-8. Kane, Elizabeth J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deighton, Anne F.
Chronological coverage: 1955–1958
Index terms: European integration; Foreign policy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Timber trading, shipbuilding and the estate areas of Cornwall. Baker, Michael W.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffy, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1700–1850
Index terms: Navy; Ships; Shipbuilding; Estates; Trade; Timber trading; Cornwall
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
Time use in 18th-century London: some evidence from the Old Bailey. Voth, Hans-Joachim K.L.R.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Landers, John M.; Smith, Richard M.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: London, Old Bailey; Time use
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Tobacco consumption, 1870-1945. Hilton, Matthew
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Winstanley, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1945
Index terms: Tobacco
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Tourism and the image of success: an essay on its developmental role within the post-industrial city, with special reference to Hull. Brooks, Craig
M.Phil., Hull. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Blackman, Janet M.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1996
Index terms: Hull, E.R. Yorks.; Tourist industry, Tourism; Kingston-upon-Hull, see Hull; Urban development
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Trade disputes, trade unions and the law: the legal politics of industrial relations, 1906-27. McLeish, Martyn L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Freedland, Mark R.; McKibbin, Ross I.
Chronological coverage: 1906–1927
Index terms: Industrial relations; Law; Trade unions
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
'Tripping daintily into the arena': a social history of English women's athletics, 1921-60. Robinson, Lynne
Ph.D., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Mason, Tony
Chronological coverage: 1921–1960
Index terms: Recreation; Leisure; Women; Athletics
Categories: 20th Century; Social history; Gender and Women
Unionist culture and literature, 1920-72. McIntosh, Gillian V.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, T. Alvin
Chronological coverage: 1920–1972
Index terms: Northern Ireland; Ireland; Unionist party
Categories: 20th Century
United Kingdom space policy, 1955-60. Whyte, Neil E.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Geog.)
Chronological coverage: 1955–1960
Index terms: Space policy
Categories: 20th Century
Voluntary provision for old age by trade unions in Britain before the coming of the welfare state: the cases of the Amalgamated Society of Engineers and the Typographical Association. Fukasawa, Kazuko
Ph.D., London. (Goldsmiths Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Thane, Patricia M.
Chronological coverage: 1877–1908
Index terms: Amalgamated Society of Engineers; Pensions; Old age; Trade unions; Typographical Association; Welfare state
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Voting behaviour in Winchester, 1832-68. Slade, David D.J.
M.Phil., Open University. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1832–1868
Index terms: Elections, parliamentary; Voting behaviour; Winchester, Hants.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Wages and unemployment in Britain, 1855-1938. Butchart, Edward T.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Oswald, A.J.
Chronological coverage: 1855–1938
Index terms: Unemployment; Wages
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
War, gender and memory: the British memory of World War II. Noakes, Lucy
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Howkins, Alun J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
Index terms: Gender; World War II (1939-45); Memory
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Wealth and community in Liverpool, 1650-1750. Ascott, Diana E.
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Power, Michael J.; Kermode, Jennifer I.
Chronological coverage: 1650–1750
Index terms: Wealth; Liverpool
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history
Weaving truth with trust: labour management at Early's blanket mill, Witney, 1900-60. Hughes, Andrew W.
Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. (Hum.). Supervised by Feinstein, Charles H.; Digby, Anne; Stewart, J.W.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1960
Index terms: Labour management; Witney, Oxon.; Early's blanket mill, Witney, Oxon.; Industrial relations; Blanket weaving industry
Categories: 20th Century
'Well conducted, rational and industrious': female insanity and its treatment at the North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum, 1865-93: cure or custody?. Evans, Joanne
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Rendall, Jane L.
Chronological coverage: 1865–1893
Index terms: Yorkshire, North Riding; North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum, see York; Medicine; Insanity; Women; York, Clifton, North Riding Pauper Lunatic Asylum
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Wentworth and court politics in the 1630s. Pogson, Fiona
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Quintrell, Brian W.
Chronological coverage: 1630–1640
Index terms: Strafford, 1st earl of, see Wentworth, Thomas; Wentworth, Thomas (1593-1641), 1st earl of Strafford; Court, royal
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Were the Diggers the only 'true Levellers' of the English revolution?. Margeson, Ian D.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffin, P. Anne
Chronological coverage: 1646–1660
Index terms: Levellers; Diggers
Categories: 17th Century
'Who is anti-American?' The British Left and the United States, 1945-56. Goodman, Giora
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Burk, Kathleen
Chronological coverage: 1945–1956
Index terms: Anti-Americanism; United States of America; Left-wing parties
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Who should deliver babies? Models of nature and the midwifery debate, c.1800-c.1886. Bedford, Joanna
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Porter, Dorothy E.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1886
Index terms: Midwifery; Childbirth; Women; Medical practitioners, Medical practice; Midwives, Midwifery; Babies
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Women and citizenship in England: a study of non-feminist women's societies and the women's movement in England, 1928-50. Beaumont, Caitriona A.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Obelkevich, James; Mason, Tony
Chronological coverage: 1928–1950
Index terms: Women's movement; Citizenship; Women; Feminists, Feminism
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Women in the Clydeside labour movement, 1918-39. Cairns, David
M.Phil., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by McIvor, Arthur J.; Fraser, W. Hamish
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Clydeside; Labour movement; Women; Scotland
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Women teachers in state schools in England and Wales, 1900-39: the development of feminist allegiance and political strategies. Oram, Alison M.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Lewis, Jane E.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Women; Teachers; Schools; Wales; Education (19th-20th cent.); Feminists, Feminism
Categories: Gender and Women; Education; 20th Century
Women, work and culture on Tyneside, 1900-80. Knox, Elaine
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Summerfield, A. Penny; Walton, John K.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1980
Index terms: Work; Women; Tyneside
Categories: Gender and Women; Education; 20th Century
Working-class credit on Tyneside since 1918. Taylor, Avram G.
Ph.D., Durham. (Soc. & Soc. Pol.)
Chronological coverage: 1918–1995
Index terms: Credit; Working classes; Tyneside
Categories: 20th Century
Working-class living standards in the West Yorkshire town of Huddersfield, 1870-1914. Bryson, Rebecca J.
Ph.D., Huddersfield. (Hist.). Supervised by Laybourn, Keith; Taylor, David
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Working classes; Towns; Living standards; Huddersfield, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
A comparative study of the cost and durability of ships of the line built for the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War and the American War of Independence. Rosier, Barrington A.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffy, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1755–1783
Index terms: American War of Independence (1776); Seven Years@ War (1756-63); American Revolution (1776); Royal Navy; see also Navy; Navy; Ships of the line
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
A comparative study of the socialization of children in Britain and Japan, 1918-55. Mizobe, Atsuko
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by MacKenzie, John M.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1955
Index terms: Japan; Children, in Japan; Children
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
Adoniram Judson Gordon D.D. (1836-95): pastor, pre-millennialist, moderate Calvinist and missionary statesman. Gibson, Scott
D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Hinchliff, Peter B.
Chronological coverage: 1856–1895
Index terms: Calvinists, Calvinism; Pre-millennialists, Pre-millennialism, in the U.S.A.; Missions, Christian; Gordon, Adoniram Judson (1836-95); United States of America; Baptists, in the U.S.A.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Agricultural trade unionism in Shropshire, 1900-30. Mansfield, Nicholas A.
Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Wanklyn, Malcolm D.G.; Benson, John
Chronological coverage: 1900–1930
Index terms: Labour relations; Shropshire; Agriculture
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
A history of the Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital, 1874-1982. Gould, Glenice
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Goodman, David C.; Coley, Noel G.
Chronological coverage: 1874–1982
Index terms: London, Royal National Throat, Nose and Ear Hospital; Hospitals; Royal National Throat Nose and Ear Hospital, London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
A history of the trade to S. Asia by Macmillan & Co. and Oxford University Press, 1875-1900. Chatterjee, Rimi B.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by St. Clair, W.L.; Turner, M.
Chronological coverage: 1875–1900
Index terms: Book trade, to S. Asia; Oxford University Press; Macmillan, publishers; Trade, external
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century
Alcohol treatment policy 1950-90: from alcoholism treatment to alcohol problems management. Thom, Elizabeth
Ph.D., London. (L.S.H.T.M.). Supervised by Berridge, Virginia
Chronological coverage: 1950–1990
Index terms: Public health; Alcohol treatment policy; Health policy
Categories: 20th Century
'All the common rules of social life': the reconstruction of social and political identities by the Dorset gentry, c.1790-1834. Flame, Michael J.
Ph.D., Warwick.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1834
Index terms: Gentry, in Dorset; Dorset
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
An assessment of the English churches' engagement with Europe since 1939. Hinchliffe, David
M.A., Durham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1939–1996
Index terms: Churches; Europe
Categories: 20th Century
An assessment of the political and legal career of Robert Price. Evans, Evan D.
M.Phil., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Laurence, E. Anne; Jones, G.E.
Chronological coverage: 1682–1733
Index terms: Price, Robert (1655-1733)
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
An early imperial problem: Britain and Ireland, 1750-83. Powell, Martyn J.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, Peter D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1783
Index terms: Empire, British; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
An examination of the social impact of the Vivians on Swansea, 1809-94. Cook, Lorainne A.
Ph.D., West of England.
Chronological coverage: 1809–1894
Index terms: Vivian family; Swansea, Glam.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A 'politik engine': astrology and politics, 1678-1715. Woodcraft, D.R.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1678–1715
Index terms: Astrology
Categories: 16th-17th Century
'A price must be paid for motherhood': the experience of maternity in Sheffield, 1879-1939. McIntosh, Tania
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Woodward, John H.
Chronological coverage: 1879–1939
Index terms: Sheffield, W.R. Yorks.; Women; Health; Public health
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century
A prison officer and a gentleman: the life and writings of Major Arthur Griffiths (1838-1908), prison inspector and novelist. Marlin, Christine D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Thompson, Peter J.
Chronological coverage: 1858–1908
Index terms: Griffiths, Arthur (1838-1908); Prisons
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
A sense of belonging? National identity and popular literature in England and Scotland in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. Richards, Nicola H.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Gorman, Francis; Joyce, Patrick J.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1820
Index terms: Literature, popular; Popular literature; National identity; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Aspects of the common law of evidence, 1754-1824, with special reference to the rule against hearsay. Gallanis, T.P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Law). Supervised by Spencer, John R.
Chronological coverage: 1754–1824
Index terms: Law, common; Evidence, common law of; Common law, see Law; Hearsay
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
A study of the dietary of necessitous children during the 19th and 20th centuries within the framework of educational and social reforms. O'Leary, Kathleen M.
M.Phil., Loughborough. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1990
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Poverty; Diet; Children; Social reform
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A tory Anglican hegemony misrepresented: clergy politics and the people in the diocese of Lincoln, c.1770-1830. Harratt, S.R.C.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1770–1830
Index terms: Lincoln, diocese; Clergy; Anglicans, Anglicanism; Tories, Toryism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
'Best belov'd of kings': the iconography of King Charles II. Gibson, Katharine M.B.
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Millar, Sir Oliver; Fletcher, Jennifer M.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1685
Index terms: Charles II (1630-85), king; Visual arts
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
'Be ye holy': the Mildmay conference and the Keswick convention, 1856-1900. Bucknall, Alison M.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D. Hugh
Chronological coverage: 1856–1900
Index terms: Church, from 16th cent.; Holiness movement; Keswick convention; Mildmay conference
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Bishop John Skinner and the resurgence of Scots episcopacy. Nimmo, Alexander E.
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Div.). Supervised by Bradley, Ian C.
Chronological coverage: 1764–1816
Index terms: Skinner, John (1744-1816), bishop; Episcopal Church of Scotland; Scotland; Aberdeen, bishop of
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Bloody women: the politics of menstruation, c.1850-1930. Strange, Julie-Marie
M.Phil., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1930
Index terms: Women; Menstruation
Categories: Medicine; Social history; 19th Century; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Bodies and battles: the treatment of casualties in the British Navy during the 1790s. Wallace, Janice I.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Cavallo, Sandra
Chronological coverage: 1790–1800
Index terms: Medicine; Casualties, treatment of; Navy; Battles, naval
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Britain, America and the United Nations operation in the Congo, 1960-3. Hemming, Philip E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reynolds, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1963
Index terms: United Nations; Foreign policy; United States of America; Congo
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Britain and the Belgian exiles, 1940-5. Allen, Robert W.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Burk, Kathleen
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Belgium
Categories: Europe; 20th Century
British art and the origins of modern childhood, 1730-1830. Steward, James C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Haskell, Francis J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1730–1830
Index terms: Childhood; Children; Art
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
British government attitudes towards the U.S.S.R., 1940-5: a study of British perceptions of the U.S.S.R. and the development of a policy of Anglo-Soviet co-operation within the Churchill coalition. Folly, Martin H.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Kent, C. John
Chronological coverage: 1940–1945
Index terms: Foreign relations, with the U.S.S.R.; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Government, central
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British ideological movements and Irish politics, 1865-1925. Peatling, Gary K.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Foster, Robert F. (Roy)
Chronological coverage: 1865–1925
Index terms: Ideological movements; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
British Jewry, Zionism and the Jewish state, 1936-56. Wendehorst, Stephan E.C.M.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Pulzer, Peter G.J.
Chronological coverage: 1936–1956
Index terms: Jewish state; Zionists, Zionism; Jews
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
British policy towards European integration: the proposal for a European Free Trade Area, June 1955 - December 1958. Ellison, James R.V.
Ph.D., Kent. (Canterbury Christ Church: Hist.). Supervised by Greenwood, Sean
Chronological coverage: 1955–1958
Index terms: European integration; Foreign policy; European Free Trade Area
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British policy towards Transcaucasia, 1917-21. Caglayan, Kaya T.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Mid. E. Stud.). Supervised by Suleiman, Michael W.; Sabri-Tabrizi, G. Reza
Chronological coverage: 1917–1921
Index terms: Transcaucasia; Foreign policy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British politics, government and the navy before American Independence, 1763-78. Wilkinson, Clive W.
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Hill, Brian W.
Chronological coverage: 1763–1772
Index terms: Government, see Administration; Administration, Government, central; Navy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
British-Romanian relations, 1944-65. Percival, Mark L.
Ph.D., London. (S.S.E.E.S.). Supervised by Deletant, Dennis J.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1965
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Romania; Romania, and Britain
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Business development and banking in N.E. England, 1755-1839. Banham, John D.
Ph.D., Sunderland. (Soc. & Int. Stud.). Supervised by Morgan, Gwenda; Lawler, K.; Hepurn, Anthony C.
Chronological coverage: 1755–1839
Index terms: Business communities
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
Business, training and education: Sheffield, c.1880-1940. Eason, Mark
Ph.D., Sheffield Hallam. (Hist.). Supervised by Lloyd-Jones, Roger
Chronological coverage: 1880–1940
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Business; Sheffield, W.R. Yorks.; Training
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Calais, 1485-1547: a study in early Tudor politics and government. Grummitt, David I.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Starkey, David R.
Chronological coverage: 1485–1547
Index terms: Administration, Government, royal; France; Calais, France
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
Central and local influences on public health reform in mid Victorian Liverpool, 1830-75. McGrath, Thomas
M.Phil., Central Lancashire. (Hist. & Crit. Stud.). Supervised by Levitt, Ian; Vernon, Keith
Chronological coverage: 1830–1875
Index terms: Liverpool; Public health
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Centres of calculation: a study of accounting and local government in England and Wales, 1800-1995. Jones, Geoffrey
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1995
Index terms: Local government, see Local administration; Local administration, Local government; Accounting; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Change and development in the British funeral industry during the 20th century, with special reference to the period 1960-94. Parsons, B.
Ph.D., Westminster. (Management)
Chronological coverage: 1900–1995
Index terms: Funeral industry
Categories: 20th Century
Child sexual abuse and the law: London, 1870-1914. Jackson, Louise A.
Ph.D., Surrey. (Roehampton Inst.: Hist.). Supervised by Arnot, Margaret L.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Children; Law, on child sexual abuse; Child sexual abuse; London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Churchill's diplomatic eavesdropping and secret signals intelligence as an instrument of British foreign policy, 1941-4: the case of Turkey. Denniston, Robin A.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Burk, Kathleen
Chronological coverage: 1941–1944
Index terms: Foreign policy; Turkey; Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965), prime minister; Diplomats, Diplomacy; Intelligence service
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
Church-state relations and Roman Catholic schools in Northern Ireland, 1922-96. McCavera, Patrick J.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1922–1996
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Northern Ireland; Ireland; Schools
Categories: 20th Century
Circulating fiction 1780-1830: the novel in British circulating libraries of the Romantic era: with a check-list of 200 mainstream novels of the period. Skelton-Foord, Christopher J.
Ph.D., Cardiff.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1830
Index terms: Libraries, circulating; Novels; Fiction
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology; Medicine; Education; Art and Architecture
Civic life and education in 19th-century Manchester: a study of Benjamin and Oliver Heywood. Foy, Christopher J.
M.Phil., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Heywood, Sir Benjamin (1793-1865); Manchester; Education; Heywood, Oliver (1825-92)
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Civilian soldiers in Staffordshire, 1793-1823. Hales, Michael
Ph.D., Sheffield Hallam. (Hist.). Supervised by Baxendale, John D.
Chronological coverage: 1793–1823
Index terms: Military movements, part-time; Staffordshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Clement Attlee and the Labour party in opposition, 1931-40. Swift, John
Ph.D., Lancaster. (St. Martin's Coll.: Hist.). Supervised by Pearce, Robert D.
Chronological coverage: 1931–1940
Index terms: Attlee, Clement (1883-1967, 1st Earl Attlee, prime minister; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Commerce and culture: the Liverpool merchant elite, c.1790-1850. Wilson, Arline M.
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Kermode, Jennifer I.; Belchem, John C.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1850
Index terms: Elites; Merchants; Liverpool
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Commercial geographies: landscape, economy and regional policy in inter-war Britain. Linehan, Denis J.
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Matless, David S.; Watkins, Charles; Daniels, S.J.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Commerce, see Economic relations; Trade; Regional policy; Landscape; Trade
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Commodore George Johnstone: a study in 18th-century naval command. Butterfield, Charles A.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffy, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1750–1781
Index terms: Johnstone, George (1730-87); Navy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Communism and counter-culture: the socialisms of William Morris and Ernest Belfort Bax. Aldous, Roger T.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Yeo, Eileen M.
Chronological coverage: 1885–1926
Index terms: Communists, Communism; Bax, Ernest Belfort (1854-1926); Counter-culture; Morris, William (1834-96); Socialists, Socialism
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century
Condemned or condoned? Investigating the problem of unmarried motherhood in England, 1945-60. Fink, Janet
Ph.D., Essex. (Soc.). Supervised by Davidoff, Leonore
Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
Index terms: Unmarried motherhood
Categories: 20th Century
Containing the German threat: the British debate over West German rearmament, 1949-55. Mawby, Spencer W.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Kent, C. John
Chronological coverage: 1949–1955
Index terms: Rearmament, in the Federal German Republic; Federal German Republic; Germany
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Co-operative society libraries and newsrooms of Lancashire and Yorkshire, 1844-1918. Everitt, Jean
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth)
Chronological coverage: 1844–1918
Index terms: Lancashire; Newsrooms; Libraries; Co-operative societies; Yorkshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Crown finance and governance under James I: projects and fiscal policy, 1603-25. Cramsie, John R.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Guy, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1625
Index terms: Financial policy; James I (1566-1625), king; Administration, royal; Fiscal policy
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Curiosi and virtuosi: gentlemanly culture, experimental philosophy and political life in England, 1620-85. Whitaker, Katharine S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Cunningham, A.R.
Chronological coverage: 1620–1685
Index terms: Philosophy, experimental; Gentlemen
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
David Martyn Lloyd Jones, 1899-1981: the significance of his life and work in 20th-century Evangelicalism. Brencher, John
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Binfield, J. Clyde G.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1981
Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Lloyd Jones, David Martyn (1899-1981); Wales
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Dead woman walking: executed women in England and Wales, 1900-55. Ballinger, Anette
Ph.D., Sheffield.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1950
Categories: Legal history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Developments in infant health and education in Manchester. Williams, Eunice
Ph.D., Manchester. (Educ.)
Chronological coverage: 1890–1939
Index terms: Public health; Infant health; Manchester, Lancs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Does your country need you? An oral history of the national service experience in Britain, 1945-63. Martin, Steven J.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Malcolm S.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1963
Index terms: National service
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Economy, society and government in 17th-century Hexham. Rossiter, Anna F.
M.Litt., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Boulton, Jeremy P.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Hexham, Northumb.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Elections and the electorate in Yorkshire county elections, 1708-41. Hall, Richard
Ph.D., Coventry. (Worcester Coll.: Hist.). Supervised by Speck, William A.; Crompton, Francis G.
Chronological coverage: 1708–1741
Index terms: Electorate; Elections; Yorkshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
Electoral reform at work: local politics and national parties, 1832-41. Salmon, Philip J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Stevenson, John; Eastwood, David S.
Chronological coverage: 1832–1841
Index terms: Parties, political; Electoral reform
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Elementary education in S.E. Northumberland, 1918-39: progress and change, with particular reference to the Bothal and Woodhorn areas. Wise, David J.
M.A., Durham. (Educ.). Supervised by Galloway, David M.; Grace, G.R.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Elementary education; Woodhorn, Northumb.; Northumberland; Bothal, Northumb.; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Emigration from the Irish Republic to Britain, 1921-70. Delaney, Enda G.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Kennedy, Liam
Chronological coverage: 1921–1970
Index terms: Migration, Irish; Irish, in Britain; Ireland, Republic of; Ireland; Migration, to Britain
Categories: 20th Century
Employment of the steamship in the Scottish east coast trades to 1850. Bain, Colin J.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Maritime Stud.). Supervised by Prescott, Robert G.W.
Chronological coverage: 1807–1850
Index terms: Trade; Scotland; Steamships
Categories: 18th-19th Century
English cathedral choirs and choirmen, 1558 to the Civil War: an occupational study. Saunders, James B.J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collinson, Patrick
Chronological coverage: 1558–1642
Index terms: Choirs, cathedral; Cathedrals
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
English smuggling in the 18th century. Muskett, Paul D.T.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Emsley, Clive
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Smuggling
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Ethnology, ethnobiology and institution: A.C. Haddon and anthropology at Cambridge, 1880-1926. Rouse, S.L.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. Anthr.). Supervised by Macfarlane, Alan D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1926
Index terms: Cambridge, university; Ethnology; Haddon, Alfred Cort (1855-1940); Ethnobiology; Anthropology
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Evangelicalism, cultural influences and theological change, considered with special reference to the thought of Thomas Rawson Birks (1810-83). Brown, Ralph
Ph.D., Open University. (Relig. Stud.). Supervised by Wolffe, John R.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1883
Index terms: Birks, Thomas Rawson (1810-83); Evangelicals, Evangelicalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Family, religion and enterprise in the 19th century: the provincial entrepreneur and the rise of a family manufacturing firm, the Reckitt family of Lincolnshire and Kingston-upon-Hull. Jenkins, Bessie S.
M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Walton, John K.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Kingston-upon-Hull, see Hull; Reckitt family; Enterprise; Hull, E.R. Yorks.; Religion; Family; Lincolnshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Female business enterprise in and around Birmingham in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Jenns, Katherine R.P.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Chinn, Carl S.A.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1920
Index terms: Women; Birmingham, Warwicks.; Business
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Female spirituality amongst nonconformists, 1825-75. Wilson, Linda
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1825–1875
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Spirituality
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Fictional histories: an examination of Irish historical and political novels, 1880-1914. Reilly, Eileen
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Foster, Robert F. (Roy)
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Novels; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Friendly societies before 1834: an examination of their role, aims and activities. Lister, Richard C.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Green, Simon J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1834
Index terms: Friendly societies
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Friends of religious equality: the politics of English nonconformists, 1847-67. Larsen, Timothy
Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Bebbington, David W.
Chronological coverage: 1847–1867
Index terms: Religious equality; Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Equality, religious
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
From packhorse to railway: changing transport systems from the 17th to the 19th centuries and their impact upon trade and industry in Shropshire. Hill, Trevor G.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Snell, Keith D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1900
Index terms: Railways; Packhorses; Transport
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
From poor law to public assistance: poverty and its relief in three N.W. towns (Oldham, Huddersfield and Bury), c.1926-1939. Nightingale, Susan
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, Michael E.
Chronological coverage: 1926–1939
Index terms: Oldham, Lancs.; Poor relief; Poverty; Huddersfield, W.R. Yorks.; Public assistance; Poor law; Bury, Lancs.
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Hanes Cymdeithas yr Iaith Gymraeg, 1962-92. (The history of the Welsh Language Society, 1962-92.). Phillips, Dylan
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by O'Leary, Paul B.
Chronological coverage: 1962–1992
Index terms: Language; Welsh Language Society; Wales
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Horsing the British army, 1878-1923. Winton, Graham R.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bourne, John M.
Chronological coverage: 1878–1923
Index terms: Army; Horses
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Iconoclasm, ecclesiology and 'the beauty of holiness': concepts of sacrilege and the 'peril of idolatry' in early modern England, c.1590-1642. Yorke, Peter D.
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Fincham, Kenneth C.
Chronological coverage: 1590–1642
Index terms: Church, from 16th cent.; Holiness; Iconoclasm
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Ideas, policy and ideology: the British Labour party in opposition, 1951-9. Torrie, Catherine A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Jose F.
Chronological coverage: 1951–1959
Index terms: Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Industrial diseases and the Women's Trade Union League: the case of lead poisoning, 1891-1921. Wang, Wen-Hsia
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reid, Alastair J.
Chronological coverage: 1891–1921
Index terms: Trade Unions; Industrial diseases; Industrial relations; Women's Trade Union League; Lead poisoning; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; 19th Century; Economic history; 20th Century
Interpreting the warehouse landscape: Nottingham's lace market, 1850-1920. Nix, Jon B.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Cosgrove, Denis E.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1920
Index terms: Warehouses; Urban development, Urban growth; Lace market; Nottingham; Trade; Landscape, urban
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Irish theatre and cultural nationalism, 1890-1916. Levitas, J. Benjamin A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Foster, Robert F. (Roy)
Chronological coverage: 1890–1916
Index terms: Nationalism, in Ireland; Theatre; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
James 'Athenian' Stuart (1713-88). Bristol, Kerry A.C.
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Newman, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1733–1788
Index terms: Art; Architects, Architecture; Stuart, James (`Athenian')(1713-88).; Artists
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
Jeremy Bentham's theory of punishment. Draper, Anthony J.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Rosen, Fred
Chronological coverage: 1789–1832
Index terms: Punishment, theory of; Bentham, Jeremy (1748-1832)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Journey's end: ex-servicemen and the state during and after the Great War. Latcham, Andrew P.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by McKibbin, Ross I.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1929
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Ex-servicemen
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
'Keeping her in the family': women and gender in Southampton, c.1400-c.1600. Jones, Sian E.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Golding, Brian J.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
Index terms: Women; Southampton, Hants.; Gender; Families
Categories: Social history; Medieval; Gender and Women; 16th-17th Century
Key girls: the engineering industry and women's employment, 1900-50. Wightman, Clare M.P.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Bourke, Joanna
Chronological coverage: 1900–1950
Index terms: Engineering industry; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Economic history; 20th Century
Labour and the countryside: rural strands in the British labour movement, 1900-39. Griffiths, Clare V.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by McKibbin, Ross I.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Countryside; Labour movement
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Labour's foreign policy, 1945-51, as critically reported by the New Statesman, The Spectator and The Economist. McCloskey, Andrew P.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Grenville, John A.S.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1951
Index terms: Press, newspaper; The Economist; The Spectator; New Statesman; Foreign policy; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Labour women politicians in the 1920s. Docherty, Jennifer
M.A., Manchester Metropolitan. (Hist.). Supervised by Hunt, Karen; Kidd, Alan J.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1930
Index terms: Politicians, women; Women; Labour party
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Land and politics in Connacht, 1898-1909. Campbell, Fergus J.M.
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Beinart, William J.
Chronological coverage: 1898–1909
Index terms: Public opinion; Local administration, Local government; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Landscape for living: garden theory and design of the modern movement. Woudstra, Jan
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Geog.). Supervised by Prince, Hugh C.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1960
Index terms: Garden theory and design; Landscape
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Landscape into architecture: William Andrews Nesfield and William Eden Nesfield. James-Fowler, Nina Gibbs
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Vict. Art). Supervised by Crook, Joseph Mordaunt
Chronological coverage: 1813–1888
Index terms: Nesfield, William Eden (1835-88); Architects, Architecture; Nesfield, William Andrews (1793-1881); Artists; Landscape art
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
Language and the articulation of scientific ideas of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Nightingale, Simon
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Roger; Brooke, John H.
Chronological coverage: 1831–1990
Index terms: British Association for the Advancement of Science; Science
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Late medieval Catholicism and the impact of the Reformation in the deanery of Derby, c.1520-c.1570. d'Arcy, Joan
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Beckett, John V.; Marcombe, David
Chronological coverage: 1520–1570
Index terms: Church (medieval); Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Reformation; Derby, deanery
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Late Victorian and Edwardian images of women and their education in the popular periodical press, with particular reference to the work of L.T. Meade. Garriock, Jean
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Educ.). Supervised by Harrop, Sylvia A.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Press, periodical; Meade, L.T. (Elizabeth Thomasina)(d. 1914); Education (19th-20th cent.); Women
Categories: 20th Century; 19th Century; Gender and Women; Education
Liberal revival: Jo Grimond and the politics of British Liberalism, 1956-67. Sell, Geoffrey
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Pol.). Supervised by Pimlott, Ben J.
Chronological coverage: 1956–1967
Index terms: Grimond, Joseph (1913-94), Baron Grimond; Liberal party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Life, achievements and influence of Thomas Combe of Oxford, 1796-1872. Hughes, Albert C.
Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. (Hum.)
Chronological coverage: 1838–1872
Index terms: Artists; Pre-Raphaelite artists; Oxford University Press; Oxford; Tractarians, Tractarian movement; Combe, Thomas (1796-1872); Ritualists, Ritualism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Management information and management practices: freight train operation in inter-war Britain. Edwards, Roy A.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Baines, Dudley E.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Freight trains; Trains; Transport; Management
Categories: 20th Century
Men, women, shops and 'little shiny homes': the consuming of Coventry, 1930-9. Whitworth, Lesley
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Mason, Tony; Steedman, Carolyn K.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1939
Index terms: Coventry, Warwicks.; Shops; Working classes; Houses
Categories: Social history; 20th Century; Gender and Women
Military influence on British civilian nursing, 1939-76. Starns, Penny
M.Litt., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Lowe, Rodney
Chronological coverage: 1939–1976
Index terms: Nurses, Nursing; Army
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Military science and military history: Bloch, Fuller, Henderson and the Royal United Service Institution, 1830-1901. Welch, Michael D.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1830–1901
Index terms: Fuller, John Frederick Charles (1878-1966); Royal United Service Institution; Military science; Bloch, Jean de (1836-1902); Army; Henderson, Sir David (1862-1921)
Categories: 18th-19th Century
'Monstrous game of speculation': flat racing and British society, c.1790-1914: a social and economic history. Huggins, Michael J.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Walton, John K.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1914
Index terms: Horse-racing; Leisure
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Cultural history
Movements of evangelical spirituality in England in the inter-war period. Randall, Ian M.
Ph.D., Wales. (Spurgeon's Coll.). Supervised by Bebbington, David W.; Brown, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Spirituality
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Municipal museums in the North-West, 1850-1914: social reproduction and cultural activity in Liverpool and Preston. Hill, Kate
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Edge Hill Coll.: Hist.). Supervised by Steele, Murray; Spalding, Roger H.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Museums; Preston, Lancs.; Liverpool
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Myth, prejudice and vested interest: political and cultural influences on history teaching in British secondary schools, 1945-55. Leighton, Joan
Ph.D., Manchester. (Educ.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1955
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Secondary education; History teaching; Schools; Teaching
Categories: 20th Century
Negative perceptions of whiggery, 1760-1807. Hunn, Stuart A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mitchell, Leslie G.
Chronological coverage: 1760–1807
Index terms: Whiggery
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Nineteenth-century fertility in a Scottish textile community: the case of New Lanark. Comber, Rachael E.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Geog.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Lanark, New, Lanarks.; Textile industry; Scotland; Fertility; Families
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Norfolk and North Sea southern basin natural gas, 1966-95: a study in political economy. Collins, Michael L.
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Church, Roy A.
Chronological coverage: 1966–1995
Index terms: North Sea; Gas, natural; Natural gas; Norfolk
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Odo Russell's embassy in Berlin and British-German relations, 1870-8. Urbach, Karina
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Beales, Derek E.D.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1878
Index terms: Ampthill, 1st Baron, see Russell, Odo; Foreign relations, with Germany; Russell, Odo (1829-84), 1st Baron Ampthill; Germany, and Britain; Berlin, Germany; Diplomacy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Ordering dinner: Victorian celebratory domestic dining in London. Mars, Valerie R.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Brock, William H.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1901
Index terms: Dining, celebratory domestic; London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Cultural history
Organizational development of Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, 1909-79. Davies, Philip H.J.
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1909–1979
Index terms: Intelligence services; Secret Intelligence Service
Categories: 20th Century
Patterns of re-use: the transformation of monastic buildings in post-Dissolution Hertfordshire, 1540-1600. Doggett, Nicholas D.B.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Platt, Colin P.S.
Chronological coverage: 1540–1600
Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Buildings, monastic; Hertfordshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Pens and paradigms: the origins of Covenanting thought and resistance, 1580-1638. Wells, Vaughan T.
Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Bebbington, David W.; Brown, Keith M.
Chronological coverage: 1580–1638
Index terms: Covenanters, Scottish; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Picking up the pieces: Schroder's working programme for the European communities and the solution of the 1963 crisis. Bange, Oliver
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Sked, Alan
Chronological coverage: 1963–1963
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Europe; Europe, Britain and; European Economic Community
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Policing Birmingham: a study of a borough police force, 1839-1914. Floy, Geoffrey A.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Chinn, Carl S.A.
Chronological coverage: 1839–1914
Index terms: Birmingham, Warwicks.; Police
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Popular culture in Merthyr Tydfil, c.1870-1914. Croll, Andrew J.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Popular culture; Merthyr Tydfil, Glam.; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Post-Chartist radicalism in Dundee, 1850-85. St. John, Michael
Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Davey, Christopher J.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1885
Index terms: Dundee, Angus; Radicals, Radicalism; Scottish
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Precedent, policy and practice: clerical marriage and the English Reformation. Parish, Helen L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Heal, Felicity M.
Chronological coverage: 1530–1558
Index terms: Reformation; Marriage; Clergy
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Privileged by liberty: despising tyranny, repelling revolution - the teaching of European history in secondary schools in England and Wales, 1945-75. Syriatou, Athena
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, Martin J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1975
Index terms: Schools; Secondary schools; Wales; Teachers, Teaching; European history, teaching of
Categories: 20th Century; Education
'Proud Preston': a history of the Football League, 1900-39. Taylor, Matthew
Ph.D., De Montfort. (Hum.). Supervised by Lanfranchi, Pierre
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Football League; Preston, Lancs.
Categories: 20th Century
Public health reform in Watford, Herts., 1834-1914. Wilsdon, Clare A.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Chinn, Carl S.A.
Chronological coverage: 1834–1914
Index terms: Watford, Herts.; Public health
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
Queen Victoria and Germany. Doppler, Julia L.H.
M.Phil., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, Martin J.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1901
Index terms: Victoria (1819-1901), queen; Germany
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Radar strategy: the air dilemma and British politics, 1932-7. Rose, Alexander G.D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Steiner, Zara S.
Chronological coverage: 1932–1937
Index terms: Air policy and strategy; Radar
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Radicalism and reform in Burnley, 1842-70. Jervis, Martin R.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Prothero, Iorwerth J.
Chronological coverage: 1842–1870
Index terms: Radicals, Radicalism; Burnley, Lancs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Raymond Mortimer: a Bloomsbury voice. Yoss, Michael E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Waller, Philip J.
Chronological coverage: 1915–1980
Index terms: Mortimer, Raymond (1895-1980); London, Bloomsbury
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Real Liberals and Conservatives in the City of London, 1848-86. Claus, Peter M.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Golby, John M.; Purdue, A. William
Chronological coverage: 1848–1886
Index terms: Conservatives, Conservatism; Liberals, Liberalism; London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Religious and political conflict in 19th-century Belfast: a case study of the Pound and Sandy Row, 1820-86. Hirst, Catherine J.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Connolly, Sean J.
Chronological coverage: 1820–1886
Index terms: Belfast, Sandy Row; Belfast, Pound; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Renaissance culture at the court of James V, 1528-42. Thomas, Andrea S.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Goodman, Anthony E.; Lynch, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1528–1542
Index terms: Scotland; Courts, royal and noble, in Scotland; James V (1512-42), king of Scotland; Renaissance, in Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Repertory and rivalry: opera at the second Covent Garden Theatre, 1830-56. Dideriksen, G.
Ph.D., London. (K.C.)
Chronological coverage: 1830–1856
Index terms: Covent Garden Theatre; Opera
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Rescue and reform: girls, delinquency and industrial schools, 1908-33. Cox, Pamela M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Educ.). Supervised by Thom, Deborah
Chronological coverage: 1908–1933
Index terms: Schools; Education (19th-29th cent.); Industrial schools; Delinquents, Delinquency; Girls
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Responses to the American Revolution in the contemporary British media. Stead, Margaret
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Speck, William A.
Chronological coverage: 1776–1776
Index terms: American Revolution (1776); Media
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Richard Cosin and the rehabilitation of the clerical estate in late Elizabethan England. Hampson, James E.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Guy, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1590–1600
Index terms: Clergy; Cosin, Richard (c.1549-1597); Church of England
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Richard Hooker and the problem of authority, in the context of Elizabethan church controversies. Perrott, M.E.G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Tuck, Richard F.
Chronological coverage: 1594–1600
Index terms: Church of England; Hooker, Richard (c.1554-1600); Church controversies
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Richard Pace on pedagogy, counsel and satire. Curtis, C.M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Bradshaw, Brendan I.
Chronological coverage: 1502–1536
Index terms: Pedagogy; Education, 16th-18th cent.; Pace, Richard (c.1482-1536); Satire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Roman Catholic recusancy in Monmouthshire, 1603-89: a demographic and morphological analysis. Matthews, Robert P.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Jones, J. Gwynfor
Chronological coverage: 1603–1689
Index terms: Monmouthshire; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Recusants, Recusancy; Demography
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Satiric prints of women in late 18th-century England. McCreery, Cindy
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Langford, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1780–1800
Index terms: Satiric prints; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; Art and Architecture; 18th-19th Century
Seventeenth-century Berkshire almshouses. Lambert, Susan
M.Phil., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Wordie, J. Ross
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Philanthropy; Almshouses; Berkshire; Charity; Poverty
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Sir Lovelace Tomlinson Stamer, rector of Stoke, 1858-92: aristocratic clergyman in an industrial parish. Myers, Paul H.
M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, John H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1858–1892
Index terms: Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs.; Stamer, Sir Lovelace Tomlinson (1829-1908), Bart.; Church of England; Clergy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Skills and innovations: a study of the stranger working community, c.1550-1600. Luu, Lien Bich
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Hist. Res.). Supervised by Keene, Derek J.
Chronological coverage: 1550–1600
Index terms: Stranger working community; Workers; Migration, to England
Categories: 16th Century
Social Darwinism and social policy, 1900-14. Owen, John D.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1900–1914
Index terms: Social policy; Social Darwinism
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Sovereignty, state and the law of treason in England, 1641-9. Orr, Donald A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1641–1649
Index terms: Sovereignty; Law; Treason, law of
Categories: 17th Century
Steps on the road of appeasement: British foreign policy-making. Shen, Peijian
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1931–1939
Index terms: Foreign policy; Appeasement
Categories: 20th Century
St. Mary's College, Durham, and the development of women's higher education in England, 1895-1952. Fox, Elizabeth A.
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bythell, Duncan
Chronological coverage: 1895–1952
Index terms: Higher education; Universities; Durham, St. Mary's College; Education (19th-20th cent.); Women
Categories: Gender and Women; 19th Century; Education; 20th Century
Suffolk landowners: an economic and social history of the county's landed families in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Bujak, Edward J.
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Wilson, Richard G.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1920
Index terms: Landowners; Suffolk
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Tactical doctrine and training in the infantry and armoured arms of the British home army, 1940-4. Harrison-Place, Timothy
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Childs, John C.R.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1944
Index terms: Training, military; World War II (1939-45); Army
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Technological change and the evolution of corporate innovation, [1890-1990]. Anderson, H.B.
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1890–1990
Index terms: Technology; Industry; Corporate innovation
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Telegrapher of empire: Charles Tilston Bright and the construction of career credibility in Victorian Britain. Barkley, Gareth E.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Crosbie W.
Chronological coverage: 1883–1937
Index terms: Bright, Sir Charles Tilston (1863-1937); Telegraphy; Empire, British
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The 1857 Divorce and Matrimonial Causes bill: a case study of the lawmaking process. Banks, Angela M.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Soc. Stud.). Supervised by MacLean, M.
Chronological coverage: 1857–1857
Index terms: Lawmaking; Divorce and Matrimonial Causes bill (1857); Marriage; Women
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The allotment movement in England, 1793-1873. Burchardt, Jeremy F.S.
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Wordie, J. Ross
Chronological coverage: 1793–1873
Index terms: Allotment movement
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The Anglican Church in the industrialized town: St. Mary's parish, Nottingham, 1770-1884. Bowen, M. Wendy
M.Phil., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Beckett, John V.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1884
Index terms: Industrial Revolution; Church of England; Nottingham, St. Mary's church; Urban development and growth; Towns
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The anti-colonial politics and policies of the Communist Party of Great Britain, 1920-51. Jones, Jean E.
Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hum. & Soc. Sc.)
Chronological coverage: 1920–1951
Index terms: Communists, Communism, Communist party; Anti-colonialism
Categories: 20th Century
The application of the theology of the Westminster assembly in the ministry of the Welsh Puritan Vavasor Powell (1617-70). Milton, M.A.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter)
Chronological coverage: 1643–1670
Index terms: Powell, Vavasor (1617-70); Wales; Westminster assembly (1643-52); Puritans, Puritanism
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The army co-operation missions of the Royal Flying Corps/Royal Air Force, 1914-18. Jordan, David J.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bourne, John M.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: Royal Air Force; World War I (1914-18); Royal Flying Corps; Army
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The attempt to control ritualism in the Church of England through the use of legislation and the courts, 1869-87, with special reference to the Society of the Holy Cross. Kitchenham, Paul P.G.
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, Sheridan W.
Chronological coverage: 1869–1887
Index terms: Society of the Holy Cross; Church of England; Ritualism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The birth of the tactical air force: British theory and practice of air support in the West, 1939-43. Hall, David I.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Neill, Robert J.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1943
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Air support; Air force
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The book trade and public policy in early modern Scotland, c.1500-c.1720. Mann, Alastair J.
Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Hutchison, Iain G.C.; Brown, Keith M.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1720
Index terms: Book trade; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The boundaries of political economy: tory economic argument, 1809-47. Gambles, Anna C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davis, John H.; Eastwood, David S.
Chronological coverage: 1809–1847
Index terms: Economic argument; Tory party, see also Conservative party; Tory party
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Economic history
The British Communist party, imperialism and war, 1935-45. Redfern, Neil
Ph.D., Manchester Metropolitan. (Hist.). Supervised by Adams, Tony J.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Imperialism; Communist party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The British imperial network in the Mediterranean, 1800-70: a study of regional fragmentation and imperial integration. Chircop, John
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Venn, Fiona M.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1870
Index terms: Colonial and imperial policy and administration, in the Mediterranean; Mediterranean Sea; Empire, British
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The Church of Scotland chaplains in the Second World War. Coulter, David G.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Church of Scotland; Scotland; Chaplains
Categories: 20th Century
The clearers and the cleared: women, economy and land in the Scottish Highlands, 1800-1900. Lodge, Christine
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Hist. & Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Macinnes, Allan I.
Chronological coverage: 1810–1850
Index terms: Highlands, Scottish; Scotland; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Economic history; 18th-19th Century
The commercial Maecenas: a study of the life and principal business concerns of John Boydell. Painting, Vivienne W.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by McInnes, Angus J.D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1741–1804
Index terms: Engravers, Engraving; London; Boydell, John (1719-1804); Business
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The contribution of John Logie Baird to television and related technologies. Brown, Douglas
M.Phil., Strathclyde.
Chronological coverage: 1908–1946
Index terms: Baird, John Logie (1888-1946); Television technology
Categories: 20th Century
The corporate landowner in town development, with particular reference to Cleethorpes and Grimsby, c.1800-c.1900. Dowling, Alan
Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Ambler, Rodney W.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Urban development, Urban growth; Landownership; Grimsby, Lincs.; Cleethorpes, Lincs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The country house architecture of Henry VII and the nobility. O'Harrow, Sean P.D.G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Watkin, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1485–1509
Index terms: Country houses; Henry VII (1457-1509); Architects, Architecture; Nobles, Nobility
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
The dean and chapter of Salisbury cathedral during the English Reformation, 1529-63. Coats, Peter G.
Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Alan D.
Chronological coverage: 1529–1563
Index terms: Church of England; Salisbury, Wilts., cathedral, dean and chapter; Reformation; Cathedrals
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The debate on the relations between the Churches of Scotland and England during the British Revolution, 1633-47. Kim, Joong-Lak
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1633–1647
Index terms: Scotland; Church of England; Church of Scotland; Revolution, British (1640-60)
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The decline and fall of the Net Book Agreement, 1962-97: a study of cause and effect. Dearnley, James A.
Ph.D., Loughborough. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1962–1997
Index terms: Publishing; Booksellers, Bookselling; Net Book Agreement; Books
Categories: 20th Century
The development of Labour party thinking on the civil service, 1945-95: ideological and programmatic or intuitive and reactive?. Stone, Neal T.
M.Phil., Kent. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1995
Index terms: Civil service; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century
The development of nonconformist chapels in the Aberdare district during the ministry of the Rev. Joseph Harrison (1817-51), together with their social and political influence to 1868. (In Welsh medium.). Lloyd, Eirug M.
M.Phil., Wales (Cardiff). (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Jones, J. Gwynfor
Chronological coverage: 1817–1868
Index terms: Aberdare, Glam., Independent church; Chapels, nonconformist; Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Wales; Harrison, Joseph (fl. c.1817-51)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The development of the port of Plymouth in the railway age, 1848-1914. Townley, Tracy Y.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffy, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1848–1914
Index terms: Ports; Railways; Plymouth, Devon; Urban development, Urban growth
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The early career of James Butler, 12th earl and 1st duke of Ormonde, 1610-43. Kelly, William P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Bradshaw, Brendan I.
Chronological coverage: 1630–1643
Index terms: Ormonde, 12th earl and 1st duke of, see Butler, James; Butler, James (1610-88), 12th earl and 1st duke of Ormonde
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The economic and social power of two landed families in 19th-century rural Devon, with particular reference to their provision of labourers' housing. Nicholls, Bryan
M.Phil., Exeter. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Melling, Joseph L.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Houses, Housing; Devon; Landed families; Labourers, rural
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The economic development of Sheffield and the growth of the town, c.1740-c.1820. Flavell, Neville
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Adult Contin. Educ.). Supervised by Hey, David G.; Crossley, David W.
Chronological coverage: 1740–1820
Index terms: Urban development, Urban growth; Sheffield, W.R. Yorks.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
The education of women in Hanoverian Britain, c.1760-1820. Skedd, Susan J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mitchell, Leslie G.
Chronological coverage: 1760–1820
Index terms: Education, 19th-20th cent.; Education, 16th-18th cent.; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Education; 18th-19th Century
The Empire, Neville Chamberlain and appeasement: the degree to which the Empire influenced the policy of appeasement of Nazi Germany. Fry, Kevin E.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Thorpe, Andrew J.
Chronological coverage: 1933–1939
Index terms: Germany; Appeasement; Empire, British; Chamberlain, Neville (1869-1940), prime minister; National Socialist party, National Socialism, in Germany
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
'The empire of learning': the school board of Glasgow and elementary education, 1872-85, with particular reference to the work of William Mitchell. Winters, Richard
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Educ.)
Chronological coverage: 1872–1885
Index terms: Scotland; Elementary education; Education (19th-20th cent.); Glasgow; School boards
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The English Civil War: proposals for law reform and notable trials during the Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1648-59. Cutler, Keith J.
LL.M., Keele. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1648–1659
Index terms: Trials, judicial; Law reform; Civil War (1642-60); Commonwealth and Protectorate (1649-60)
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The evolution of the indoor food market in England, c.1800-1906. Woodward, Philip J.
Ph.D., Brighton. (Hist. & Crit. Stud.). Supervised by Maguire, Patrick J. (Paddy)
Chronological coverage: 1822–1904
Index terms: Indoor food market; Markets; Food market
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The evolution of Ulster Unionism, 1960-9: causes and consequences. Mulholland, Marc E.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, T. Alvin
Chronological coverage: 1960–1969
Index terms: Unionist party; Northern Ireland; Ulster Unionist party; Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
The fall of the Constantinople government and British policy, 1920-2. Ozden, Nese
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Near & Mid. E.). Supervised by Yapp, Malcolm E.; Anderson, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1922
Index terms: Turkey, and Britain; Nationalists, Nationalism, in Turkey; Foreign relations, with Turkey; Constantinople,
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The history of the E. Midlands Housing Association, 1946-96: a study in housing policy and provision. Bennett, Stephanie
M.Phil., De Montfort. (Hum.). Supervised by Thoms, David W.
Chronological coverage: 1946–1996
Index terms: Houses, Housing; East Midlands Housing Association; Midlands
Categories: 20th Century
The impact of industrialization on adult mortality in eastern Scotland, c.1810-1861. Ball, Emma
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1810–1861
Index terms: Demography; Mortality; Industrialization; Scotland; Population
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The impact of the 'turn to Europe': external policy and policy-making processes in three British government departments, 1957-63. Kim, Young Jun
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Turner, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1957–1963
Index terms: Policy-making, British; Foreign policy; European Economic Community; Foreign relations, with Europe
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The Japanese experience in Britain, 1862-76. Cobbing, Andrew J.
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of E. Asia). Supervised by Sims, Richard L.
Chronological coverage: 1862–1876
Index terms: Japanese, in Britain
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century
The Labour government's Northern Ireland policy, October 1964 - August 1969. Rose, Peter
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Hennessy, Peter J.
Chronological coverage: 1964–1969
Index terms: Labour party; Northern Ireland; Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
The Labour party, 1931-5: the meaning of defeat. Toye, Richard J.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1931–1935
Index terms: Labour party
Categories: 20th Century
The Labour party and the planned economy 1931-5. Toye, Richard J.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1931–1935
Index terms: Labour party
Categories: 20th Century
The Labour party's attitudes towards the E.E.C., 1961-81. Chey, H.B.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol.). Supervised by Hawthorn, G.P.
Chronological coverage: 1961–1981
Index terms: European Economic Community; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The Lanarkshire Lithuanians: a study of an immigrant group in Scotland. O'Donnell, Ellen
M.Phil., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Fraser, W. Hamish
Chronological coverage: 1919–1990
Index terms: Lithuanians, in Britain; Scotland
Categories: 20th Century
The life and art of Richard Cosway, R.A. (1742-1821) and Maria Cosway (1760-1838). Lloyd, Stephen H.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Penny, N.
Chronological coverage: 1762–1838
Index terms: Cosway, Maria (1760-1838); Cosway, Richard (1742-1821); Artists; Art
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The life and political significance of Henry Fitzroy, duke of Richmond, 1525-36. Murphy, Beverly A.
Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Loades, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1525–1536
Index terms: Richmond, duke of, see Fitzroy, Henry; Fitzroy, Henry (1519-36), duke of Richmond
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The life and work of Hugh William Williams (1773-1829), set within a Scottish context. Rock, Joseph
Ph.D., Edinburgh.
Chronological coverage: 1793–1829
Index terms: Landscape painting; Artists; Art; Williams, Hugh William (1773-1829); Painters, Painting; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The life and work of Willa Muir, 1890-1955. Allen, Kirsty A.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1910–1955
Index terms: Muir, Willa (1890-1955); Scotland
Categories: 20th Century
The life, career and political significance of Margaret Pole, countess of Salisbury, 1473-1541. Pierce, Hazel M.
Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Loades, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1493–1541
Index terms: Salisbury, countess of, see Pole, Margaret; Pole, Margaret (1473-1541), countess of Salisbury
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The making of the market: oligopolistic business in Britain, 1945-c.1960. Morelli, Carlo J.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Econ. Hist.). Supervised by Hannah, Leslie
Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
Index terms: Markets; Business
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The material culture of food in early modern England, c.1650-c.1750. Pennell, Sara M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Pelling, Margaret H.; Slack, Paul A.
Chronological coverage: 1650–1750
Index terms: Food
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
The merchants and maritime trade of King's Lynn in the 18th century. Barney, John M.
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Wilson, Richard G.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Merchants; Maritime trade; King's Lynn, Norf.; Trade
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The mistresses of Charles II and Restoration court politics, 1660-85. Wynne, Sonya M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1685
Index terms: Courts, royal and noble; Women; Charles II (1630-85), king; Mistresses
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The myth of independence: British-Bahraini relations in the 19th century. Bunney, Richard
M.A., Durham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Foreign relations, with Bahrain; Bahrain, and Britain
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century
The National Reform Union and the Reform League: a comparative analysis. Vickers, Jane
Ph.D., Manchester Metropolitan. (Hist.). Supervised by Nicholls, David
Chronological coverage: 1864–1868
Index terms: National Reform Union; Reform League
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The nature and extent of Catholic recusancy in Elizabethan Kent. Warren, Catherine M.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Roberts, Peter R.
Chronological coverage: 1558–1603
Index terms: Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Kent; Recusancy
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The officers of the Irish Brigade and the British Army, 1789-98. Elliott-Wright, Philipp J.C.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Childs, John C.R.
Chronological coverage: 1789–1798
Index terms: Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Soldiers; Army; Irish Brigade; Ireland; French Revolution (1789); Napoleonic Wars
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Oxford conference of the Universal Christian Council for Life and Work, July 1937: a missiological interpretation. Smith, Graeme R.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Theol.)
Chronological coverage: 1937–1937
Index terms: Oxford; Universal Christian Council for Life and Work; Missions, Christian
Categories: 20th Century
The place of the 7th earl of Shaftesbury within the Evangelical tradition, with particular reference to his understanding of the relationship of evangelistic mission to social reform. Turnbull, Richard D.
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, Sheridan W.
Chronological coverage: 1821–1885
Index terms: Philanthropy; Shaftesbury, 7th earl of, see Cooper, Anthony Ashley; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; Cooper, Anthony Ashley (1801-85), 7th earl of Shaftesbury; Mission, Christian; Social reform; Reform, social
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The political career of William Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd duke of Portland, 1738-1809. Wilkinson, David
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, Peter D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1759–1809
Index terms: Portland, 3rd duke of, see Bentinck, William Henry Cavendish; Bentinck, William Henry Cavendish (1738-1809), 3rd duke of Portland, prime minister
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The politics of crime in interwar England and Wales, with particular reference to some discontinuities with 19th-century criminal justice policy. Taylor, Howard
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrigley, Christopher J.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Justice; Criminal justice; Crime; Wales
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The politics of survival: Irish women in outcast Liverpool, 1850-90. Kanya-Forstner, Martha
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Belchem, John C.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1890
Index terms: Women; Irish, in England; Liverpool
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; Social history; 18th-19th Century
The poor law in rural Lancashire, 1820-50. Jackson, Betty L.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Winstanley, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1820–1850
Index terms: Lancashire; Poor law
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The port authority, labour relations and attempts at decasualization in the Port of London, 1909-39. Howson, Joyce C.
M.Phil., Kent. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Lovell, John C.
Chronological coverage: 1909–1939
Index terms: Labour relations; Decasualization; London, Port of London; Ports
Categories: 20th Century
The portrayal of women in the cartoons of William Kerridge Haselden. Kindred, Judith S.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Cunningham, Hugh St. C.; Welch, David A.
Chronological coverage: 1905–1918
Index terms: Cartoons; Press, newspaper; Haselden, William Kerridge (1872-1953); Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; 20th Century
The problems of the British iron and steel industry in the period 1900-30, with special reference to its financial structure and performance. Hopkins, Lionel A.
M.Phil., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Woolf, Stuart J.; Hatton, T.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1930
Index terms: Iron and steel industry
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The provision of parks and preservation of open spaces for 19th-century London. Eeles, Joan M.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Coleman, Bruce I.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Urban development, Urban growth; Parks, urban; London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The pupil-teacher centre in England and Wales in the late 19th and early 20th centuries: policy, practice and promise. Robinson, W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Educ.). Supervised by Gardner, P.W.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
Index terms: Pupil-teacher centres; Wales; Education (19th-20th cent.); Teachers, Teaching; Teacher training
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The reconstruction of teacher education and training, 1941-54, with particular reference to the McNair committee. Crook, David R.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Educ.). Supervised by Lowe, Roy A.
Chronological coverage: 1941–1954
Index terms: McNair committee (1941-4); Teachers; Education (19th-20th cent.); Teacher training
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The reform of urban policing in Victorian England: a study of Kingston-upon-Hull, 1836-66. Welsh, David R.
Ph.D., Hull. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Nield, Keith H.
Chronological coverage: 1836–1866
Index terms: Hull, E.R. Yorks.; Police; Kingston-upon-Hull, see Hull; Towns; Crime
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The renaissance of the English market town: a study of six Nottinghamshire market towns, 1680-1840. Smith, Catherine A.
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Catherine Delano; Beckett, John V.
Chronological coverage: 1680–1840
Index terms: Urban development, Urban growth; Towns; Market towns; Nottinghamshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The representation of the Cotswolds, c.1850-c.1939. Brace, Catherine S.
Ph.D., Bristol. (Cheltenham & Gloucester Coll.: Geog.). Supervised by Thrift, N.J.; Charlesworth, A.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1939
Index terms: Cotswolds
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The revenue system in Ireland: government and administration, 1689-1702. McGrath, C. Ivar V.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Miller, John L.
Chronological coverage: 1689–1702
Index terms: Administration, Government, central; Revenue system; Ireland; Government, see Administration
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Rev. Francis Close and the foundation of the training institution at Cheltenham, 1845-78. Trafford, Robert
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1845–1878
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Teachers, Teaching; Teacher training; Cheltenham, Glos.; Close, Francis (1797-1882)
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The rise of the Labour party in English rural constituencies, with special reference to Norfolk, c.1900-1939. Stokoe, Raymond
M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Searle, Geoffrey R.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Constituencies, see Parliamentary constituencies; Parliamentary constituencies; Labour party; Norfolk
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The role of banks in industrial finance in Yorkshire, 1895-1914. Silverman, Miriam P.
M.A., Leeds. (Business Sch.). Supervised by Collins, Michael; Caunce, Stephen
Chronological coverage: 1895–1914
Index terms: Finance; Industry; Banks; Yorkshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The role of electrical power systems technology in Britain, 1875-1948. Snow, Albert
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Roberts, Gerrylynn K.; Bowers, B.
Chronological coverage: 1875–1948
Index terms: Electrical power systems; Technology
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
The role of electrical power transmission systems in Britain, 1875-1948. Snow, Albert
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Roberts, Gerrylynn K.; Bowers, B.
Chronological coverage: 1875–1948
Index terms: Electrical power transmission systems
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The role of gardens in suburban development: a study of Kingston upon Thames, 1800-1914. Simms, B.
M.Phil., Kingston.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1914
Categories: 18th-19th Century
'The ruin of rural England': an interpretation of late 19th-century agricultural depression, 1879-1914. Roberts, Jason A.
Ph.D., Loughborough. (Geog.). Supervised by Heffernan, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1879–1914
Index terms: Depression, agricultural; Agriculture
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The rural middling sort in an 18th-century Essex village: Great Tey, 1660-1830. Pearson, Jane
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Walter, John D.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1830
Index terms: Villages; Essex; Great Tey, Essex; Middle classes
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The social construction of nature: the case of forestry in Great Britain since the turn of the 20th century. Gerber, Judith
D.Phil., Oxford. (Geog.). Supervised by Williams, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1900–1990
Index terms: Nature, attitudes to; Forestry
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
The social context of science in Ireland, 1890-1950. Whyte, Nicholas H.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Phil. & Anthr. Stud.). Supervised by Bowler, Peter J.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1950
Index terms: Science, social context of; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Treadgold family and ironmongery business, c.1770-1900: a study in the construction of identities. Day, Ann
Ph.D., Portsmouth. (Soc. & Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Chapman, John; Gray, Robert Q.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1900
Index terms: Treadgolds ironmongery business, Portsmouth; Ironmongery; Portsmouth, Hants.; Business
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The voyages of the Dolphin as precursors of Cook's voyages of exploration. Cock, Randolph
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Duffy, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1764–1768
Index terms: Cook, James (1728-79); Exploration; Dolphin, voyages of; Voyages of exploration
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The workings of political patronage, 1807-65: case studies of the 1st duke of Wellington and the 3rd Viscount Palmerston. Robson, Karen Ward
M.Phil., Southampton. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1807–1865
Index terms: Palmerston, 3rd Viscount, see Temple, Henry John; Wellesley, Arthur (1769-1852), 1st duke of Wellington; Patronage; Wellington, duke of, see Wellesley, Arthur; Temple, Henry John (178401865), 3rd Viscount Palmerston
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The work of Joseph Estlin Carpenter in the field of comparative religion. Marshall, Dennis V.
M.Phil., Open University. (Relig. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1864–1927
Index terms: Carpenter, Joseph Estlin (1844-1927); Religion, comparative
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Thomas Gillespie and the origins of the Relief Church in 18th-century Scotland. Roxburgh, Kenneth B.E.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1749–1761
Index terms: Presbyterian church, in Scotland; Scotland; Gillespie, Thomas (1708-74); Relief church, in Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Tithes in Elizabethan Berkshire, 1558-1603. Barker, Diana J.M.
M.Phil., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Houlbrooke, Ralph A.
Chronological coverage: 1558–1603
Index terms: Church of England; Tithes; Berkshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Towards cultural democracy: contradiction and crisis in British and U.S. cultural policy, 1870-1990. Bilton, Chris
Ph.D., Warwick.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1990
Index terms: United States of American, and Britain; Cultural policy
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Twenty foolish plans: faction and dispute within English Catholicism at the end of the 18th century. Sleight, Christopher J.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Chandler, Andrew M.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1800
Index terms: Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
University archives. dos Santos, Vilma
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Allmand, Christopher T.
Chronological coverage: 1881–1990
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); University archives; Liverpool, university
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
War widows in British society, 1914-90. Lomas, Janis
Ph.D., Staffordshire. (Arts: Hist.). Supervised by Ashton, Owen R.; Golby, John M.; Parry, Ann
Chronological coverage: 1914–1990
Index terms: War widows
Categories: 20th Century
Whitelands College, John Ruskin and the education of women, 1850-1900. Cocker, Helen L.
M.Phil., Surrey.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Women; Ruskin, John (1819-1900); Women, education of; Whitelands College; Further education
Categories: Gender and Women; Education; 18th-19th Century
William Pulteney Alison: activist philanthropist and pioneer of social medicine. Martin, Sheonagh M.K.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Knox, William W.
Chronological coverage: 1810–1859
Index terms: Social medicine; Philanthropy; Scotland; Public health; Medicine
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Witchcraft in Middlesex, 1563-1736. Singleton, Barbara
M.Phil., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Houlbrooke, Ralph A.
Chronological coverage: 1563–1736
Index terms: Witchcraft; Middlesex
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Women and 17th-century manuscript culture: miscellanies, commonplace books and song books compiled by English and Scottish women, 1600-60. Burke, Victoria E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Black, Lauchlan G.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1660
Index terms: Commonplace books; Scotland; Women; Song books
Categories: Intellectual history; Gender and Women; Cultural history; 16th-17th Century
Women and crime in Belfast, 1900-13. Boyle, Michael D.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, David S.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1913
Index terms: Crime; Belfast; Women
Categories: Legal history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Women and embroidery in 17th-century Britain: the social, religious and political meanings of domestic needlework. Geuter, V. Ruth
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Roberts, Michael F.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Needlework; Embroidery; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; 16th-17th Century
Women and leisure in Manchester, c.1920-c.1960. Langhamer, Claire
Ph.D., Central Lancashire. (Hist. & Crit. Stud.). Supervised by Lubelska, Catherine E.; Russell, David C.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1960
Index terms: Manchester; Leisure; Women
Categories: Social history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Women and the monastic life in late medieval Yorkshire. Macdonald, Anna C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Maddicott, John R. L.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1540
Index terms: Women; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Yorkshire
Categories: Gender and Women; Medieval; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 15th Century; 16th Century
Women and the professions, 1890-1939. Cooke, Jessica M.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Dyhouse, Carol A.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1939
Index terms: Women; Professions
Categories: Gender and Women; 20th Century; Social history; 19th Century
Women at work in Ulster, 1845-1911. Neill, Margaret
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Dowd, Mary
Chronological coverage: 1845–1911
Index terms: Ulster; Ireland; Women; Work
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Women in the churches of 19th-century Stirling. Jeffrey, Linda
M.Litt., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Bebbington, David W.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Scotland; Churches; Stirling; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 18th-19th Century
'Your wee bit hill and glen': the cultural politics of the Scottish Highlands, 1918-45. Latimer, Hayden
Ph.D., Loughborough. (Geog.). Supervised by Heffernan, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1945
Index terms: Highlands, Scottish; Scotland
Categories: 20th Century
'Your wee bit hill and glen': the cultural politics of the Scottish Highlands, c.1918-1945. Lorimer, Hayden
Ph.D., Loughborough. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1918–1945
Index terms: Highlands, Scottish; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Abimonable crimes: sodomy trials in English law and culture, 1830-89. Cocks, Harry
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, C. Conrad; Vernon, N. James
Chronological coverage: 1830–1889
Index terms: Trials; Homosexuals, Homosexuality; Sodomy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Abominable crimes: sodomy trials in English law and culture, 1830-89. Charlesworth, Lorie R.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, Michael E.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1889
Index terms: Crime, Crimes; Sodomy trials; Trials
Categories: 19th Century
Accounting and estate management in N.E. England, c.1700-c.1770, with particular reference to the Bowes estate. McCollum-Oldroyd, David A.
M.Phil., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Lomas, Richard A.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1770
Index terms: Estates; Estate management; Accounts, Accountants, Accounting; Bowes estate
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A comparative re-examination of Anglo-Irish relations in 19th-century Manchester, Liverpool and Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Scott, Caroline L.
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Heesom, Alan J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Manchester, Lancs.; Liverpool; Ireland; Migration, to Britain; Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumb.; Migration, Irish; Ireland, and England
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A critical appraisal of the Rev. Dr. John Scott Lidgett C.H. (theologian, educationalist and ecclesiastical statesman) between 1890 and 1920. Turberfield, Alan F.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Wilson, Kenneth B.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1920
Index terms: Education, 19th-20th cent.; Church of England; Lidgett, John Scott (1854-1953)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Adam Abell's The Roit or Quheill of Tyme: an edition. Thorson, Stephanie
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Macdougall, Norman A.T.
Chronological coverage: 1533–1537
Index terms: The Roit or Quheill of Tyme (Abell's); Historiography; Abell, Adam (c.1533); Scotland
Categories: 16th Century
'A different kind of nation': the political origins of Britain's financial and economic unpreparedness for the Second World War. Price, A. Chris
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Trythall, J. William D.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1939
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Finance
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Against all the odds: women in the communist party in Scotland, 1920-91: an oral history. Rafeek, Neil
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by McIvor, Arthur J.; McMillan, James F.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1991
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Age, obsolescence and unemployment: the older worker in the British industrial system, 1890-1940. Riddle, Stuart M.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Laslett, T. Peter R.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1940
Index terms: Unemployment; Workers; Industry; Age; Older workers
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Albany: a prosopographical study in fact and fiction. Ray, Jonathan
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Vict. Art). Supervised by Crook, Joseph Mordaunt
Chronological coverage: 1771–1900
Categories: 18th-19th Century
'An earthly beast, a mole and an enemy to all godly learning?': the life and career of Rowland Lee, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield and lord president of the council in the Marches, c.1487-1543. Jones, Michael
M.Phil., Wales (Cardiff). (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Jones, J. Gwynfor
Chronological coverage: 1507–1543
Index terms: Coventry and Lichfield, bishop; Wales; Lee, Rowland (c.1487-1543), bishop; Council in the Marches; Church
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Anglo-Jewish philanthropy in England, 1859-1905: a study of the foundation and early work of the Jewish Boards of Guardians in London, Manchester and Liverpool. Dove, Ruth
M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, Gordon A.
Chronological coverage: 1859–1905
Index terms: Philanthropy; Jews
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Annie M.A.H. Rogers and the admission of women to the university of Oxford: a study of family, society and reform in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Gilbert, Rosemary
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Cunningham, Hugh St. C.
Chronological coverage: 1876–1914
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Oxford, University; Rogers, Annie (1856-1937); Family, Families; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Education; 19th Century; 20th Century
An oral history of birth control practice, c.1925-50: a study of Oxford and South Wales. Fisher, Kate E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Jane E.; Smith, Richard M.
Chronological coverage: 1925–1950
Index terms: Oral history; Wales; Oxford; Birth control
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Arts and arms: political literature, military defeat and the fall of the Newcastle ministry, 1754-6. Cardwell, M. John
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Langford, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1754–1756
Index terms: Newcastle, 1st duke of, see Pelham-Holles, Thomas; Pelham-Holles, Thomas (1693-1768), 1st duke of Newcastle; Political literature
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A satellite town: population, government and society in Chipping Barnet, 1660-1780. Cohen, Hedy
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by McInnes, Angus J.D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1780
Index terms: Local administration; Demography; Population; Urban development; Government, see Administration; Chipping Barnet, Herts.; Administration, local, see Local administration
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history; Economic history
A social and business history of yachtbuilding. Collier, William
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Lee, W. Robert
Chronological coverage: 1700–1990
Index terms: Yachtbuilding
A social history of blindness. Bates, Kathleen
Ph.D., Loughborough.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1995
Index terms: Blindness
A social history of the architecture and interiors of Winchester houses, c.1660-c.1750. May, Michael
Ph.D., Southampton. (King Alfred's Coll., Winchester: Hist.). Supervised by Richardson, Roger C.; Platt, Colin P.S.; James, Thomas B.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1750
Index terms: Architects, Architecture; Houses; Winchester, Hants.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
Aspects of entrepreneurship and wealth accumulation in Britain since 1850. Nicholas, Thomas
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Feinstein, Charles H.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1998
Index terms: Wealth accumulation; Entrepreneurship
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Economic history
Aspects of Northamptonshire enclosure: social and economic motives and movements. Hollowell, Steven
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Beckett, John V.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1900
Index terms: Northamptonshire; Enclosure
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Association football in South Wales, 1906-40. Johnes, Martin O.
Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff). (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1906–1940
Index terms: Football; Wales; Association Football; Leisure
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
A study of the British industrial wage structure, 1900-26. Gowers, Robin
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1900–1926
Index terms: Wages; Industrial wage structure; Employment
Categories: 20th Century
A study of the problem of worker effort in British industry, 1850-1920. St. John, Ian
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Feinstein, Charles H.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1920
Index terms: Workers; Industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
A study of the servant class in S. Ayrshire, 1750-1914. Aitchison, Jean R.
M.Phil., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Cowan, Edward J.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1914
Index terms: Scotland; Ayrshire; Servants
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
A survey of Scottish episcopalianism, 1688-1840, with special reference to the North East. Jones, Patrick G.D.
M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Withrington, Donald J.; Macinnes, Allan I.
Chronological coverage: 1688–1840
Index terms: Episcopalianism, Episcopal Church; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Attitudes to race in 19th-century Britain. Wright, Eamon D.
Ph.D., London. (Goldsmiths Soc.). Supervised by Gilroy, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Race, attitudes to
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Between tropical disease and veterinary medicine: the development of immunological studies of parasitism, 1900-70. Hankins, Richard C.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Jackson, Mark A.; Pickstone, John V.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1970
Index terms: Medicine; Parasitism; Immunology
Categories: 20th Century
Britain's deep-sea fishing industry, 1840-1919. Haines, Michael S.
Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Starkey, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1919
Index terms: Deep-sea fishing; Fishing industry; Industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Britain's first worker-priests: radical ministry in a post-war setting. Mantle, John A.C.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
Index terms: Church of England; Priests, Priesthood, Anglican; Worker-priests; Working classes
Categories: 20th Century
British politics in transition, 1923-4: the creation of a new two-party system. Tombs, Michael C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Clarke, Peter F.
Chronological coverage: 1923–1924
Index terms: Parties, political
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
British women writers on India between the mid 18th century and 1857. Raza, Rosemary A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Brown, Judith M.; Prest, John M.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1857
Index terms: Women writers; India
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Intellectual history; Gender and Women
Business structure, business culture and the industrial district: the Potteries, c.1850-1900. Popp, Andrew D.
Ph.D., Sheffield Hallam. (Hist.). Supervised by Lloyd-Jones, Roger
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Index terms: Potteries, The, Staffs; Pottery industry; Business; Industrial districts
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Calling London: descriptions of the English metropolis by African, Caribbean and South Asian writers, 1772-1998. Sandhu, Sukhdev S.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Cunningham, Valentine D.
Chronological coverage: 1772–1998
Index terms: Writers, South Asian; Writers, Caribbean; Writers, African; London; Literature
Cambridgeshire society during the First and Second Civil Wars, c.1638-c.1649: some aspects of patterns of allegiance. Sadler, Sue L.
Ph.D., Anglia Polytechnic University. (Hist.). Supervised by Sutton, John
Chronological coverage: 1639–1649
Index terms: Civil War (1642-60); Cambridgeshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Castles in the air: British films and the reconstruction of the built environment, 1939-51. Haggith, Toby
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Mason, Tony
Chronological coverage: 1939–1951
Index terms: Built environment; Films
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
Charles Stuart and the transatlantic anti-slavery connection. Van Dyke, David A.
Ph.D., Edinburgh.
Chronological coverage: 1803–1865
Index terms: Stuart, Charles (1783-1865); Anti-slavery; Slavery
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Chiefs, lawyers and debt: a study of the relationship between Highland elite and legal profession in Scotland, c.1550-1700. Watt, Douglas
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Boardman, Steven I.; Lynch, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1550–1700
Index terms: Highlands, Scottish; Chiefs; Lawyers, Legal profession; Scotland; Debt
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Church, chapels and communities: comparative studies in county Durham, 1870-1914. Hind, John R.
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bythell, Duncan
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Durham, county; Chapels; Church of England
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Church monuments and commemoration in Devon, c.1530-c.1640. Faunch, Christine J.M.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1530–1640
Index terms: Commemoration; Church monuments; Devon
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Church restoration in the diocese of Rochester, 1840-80. Vigar, John E.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Ditchfield, Grayson M.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1880
Index terms: Rochester diocese; Church restoration
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Church, society and imperial mentalities, 1790-1850: the political and ideological context of the Canterbury Association. Grainger, Steven
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Lowerson, John R.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1850
Index terms: Imperial mentalities; Church of England; Canterbury Association
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Citizenship, community and the Church of England: Anglican theories of the state, c.1926-1939. Grimley, Matthew
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Garnett, E. Jane
Chronological coverage: 1926–1939
Index terms: Citizenship; Church of England; Community; Anglicans, Anglicanism
Categories: 20th Century
Class against class: the Communist party of Great Britain in the third period, 1927-32. Worley, Matthew
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrigley, Christopher J.
Chronological coverage: 1927–1933
Index terms: Communists, Communism, Communist party
Categories: 20th Century
Clergy and community: the archdeaconries of Buckingham and Gloucester, 1730-80. Wilton, Alene J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Langford, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1730–1780
Index terms: Archdeaconries; Buckingham; Church, from 16th cent.; Clergy; Gloucester
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Composers of Norwich cathedral, 1620-1819. Roast, T.R.
Ph.D., East Anglia.
Chronological coverage: 1620–1819
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Continuities and contrasts in education in Jarrow, 1944-88. Furnues, S.D.
Ph.D., Sunderland.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1988
Index terms: Jarrow, co. Durham; Education
Categories: 20th Century
Custom and conflict: disputes over tithe in the diocese of Canterbury, 1501-1600. Simpson, Paula
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, Andrew F.
Chronological coverage: 1501–1600
Index terms: Canterbury, diocese; Tithe
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Developments in trade and marine transport facilities in the north-east of Scotland, 1600-1914: a study in historical geography. Moore, Kathryn L.
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1600–1914
Index terms: Marine transport; Trade; Scotland; Transport
Discipline and disorder in English prisons: aspects of policy and resistance, 1840-1920. Brown, Alyson
Ph.D., Hull. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Nield, Keith H.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1920
Index terms: Prisons
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Dissenting academies, 1750-1850: their contribution to education and ministerial training. Mercer, Matthew J.
M.Phil., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Bonney, Richard J.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1850
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Dissenting academies; Dissenters and Dissent, religious; Education (16th-18th cent.); Ministry, Christian
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Dr. William Stukeley (1687-1765): antiquarianism and Newtonianism in 18th-century England. Haycock, David A.B.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Hunter, Michael C.W.
Chronological coverage: 1707–1765
Index terms: Antiquarianism; Stukeley, William (1687-1765); Newtonianism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Economic and social influences on marriage in Banbury, 1730-1841. Lauricella, Sharon
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Schofield, Roger S.
Chronological coverage: 1730–1841
Index terms: Banbury, Oxf.; Women; Marriage
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Education and the early modern English Separatists. Gurney, David W.
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, Richard E.
Chronological coverage: 1558–1642
Index terms: Dissenters and Dissent, religious, see Separatists; Education, 16th-18th cent.
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Eighteenth-century medicine and William Blake (under the title 'The Anatomy of Blake'). Ishizuka, Hisao
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Catherine J.
Chronological coverage: 1777–1827
Index terms: Blake, William (1757-1827); Medicine
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Emergency legislation in the Northern Ireland context. Donohue, Laura K.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Kramer, M.
Chronological coverage: 1968–1997
Index terms: Terrorists, Terrorism; Ireland; Northern Ireland; Emergency legislation; Legislation
Categories: 20th Century
England's travell: empire and experience in Hakluyt's "Voyages". Kostaridou, Maria
Ph.D., York. (Eng.)
Chronological coverage: 1582–1600
Index terms: Hakluyt, Richard (1552?-1616), geographer
Categories: 16th-17th Century
English attitudes toward Continental Protestants, with particular reference to church briefs, c.1680-1730s. Nishikawa, Sugiko
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Tyacke, Nicholas R.N.
Chronological coverage: 1680–1740
Index terms: Protestants, Protestantism, Continental; Church briefs
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
English pantomime in London, 1779-86. Taylor, Wendy A.
Ph.D., Cardiff. (Cardiff)
Chronological coverage: 1779–1786
Index terms: London; Pantomime
Categories: 18th Century
English popular political culture: street or crowd politics in the 17th century and particularly after 1640. Walker, Rachel E.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Braddick, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1640–1700
Index terms: Street politics; Popular political culture; Crowd politics
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
English Presbyterianism in Lancashire and Cheshire, 1700-c.1830. Steers, Anthony D.G.
M.Phil., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1830
Index terms: Lancashire; Presbyterians, Presbyterianism; Cheshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century
English Strict and Particular Baptists in the 19th century. Dix, Kenneth
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, John H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Baptists
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Enterprise culture in late 18th-century Birmingham. Stirk, Nigel P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Geog.). Supervised by Billinge, Mark D.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1800
Index terms: Enterprise culture; Birmingham, Warwicks
Categories: 18th Century
Equality of opportunity in post-war England and Japan: a comparative study of educational policy, 1944-70. Okada, Akito
D.Phil., Oxford. (Educ.). Supervised by Phillips, David G.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1970
Index terms: Education, in Japan; Education (19th-20th cent.); Japan; Educational policy
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
'Equal with the best abroad': French influence on English theatre music, 1660-85. Tuppen, S.J.
Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor)
Chronological coverage: 1660–1685
Index terms: Theatre Music
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Everyday bourgeois science: the scientific management of children in Britain, 1880-1914. Gurjeva, Lyubov G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Secord, Jim A.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Children
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Exhibitions and the Empire in Britain, 1886-1938: representations of Britishness and otherness. Kawamoto, Masahiro
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Cunningham, Hugh St. C.
Chronological coverage: 1886–1938
Index terms: Exhibitions; Empire, British
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Facing feminities: women in the National Portrait Gallery, c.1858-1900. Perry, Lara A.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Corbett, David Peters
Chronological coverage: 1858–1900
Index terms: National Portrait Gallery; Women
Categories: Intellectual history; Gender and Women; Social history; 18th-19th Century
Faith, perseverance and patience: the history of the Oxford suffrage and anti-suffrage movements, 1870-1930. Bradley, Katherine
Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. (Hum.). Supervised by Howarth, Janet H.; Stewart, John W.; Digby, Anne
Chronological coverage: 1870–1930
Index terms: Anti-suffrage movement; Women's suffrage; Women; Oxford
Categories: 19th Century; Political history; 20th Century
Family, ideology and popular memory in S.E. London, 1945-60. Peplar, Michael R.
Ph.D., Greenwich. (Hum.). Supervised by Ryan, Joan A.; Lindop, Fred J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1960
Index terms: Popular memory; London; Family, Families
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Family values: popular British cinema and the family, 1940-9. Fogg, Claire
Ph.D., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Williams, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1949
Index terms: Family, Families; Cinema
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Famines in Ireland, 1822-49: changing attitudes to charity and relief in Ireland and the North West of England during the first half of the 19th century. Bray, Ann M.G.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, Michael E.
Chronological coverage: 1822–1849
Index terms: Charity; Famine, in Ireland; Ireland; Poor relief
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Father Andrew Mullen, 1790-1818: a study in early 19th-century Irish spirituality. Dempsey, William
M.A., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, Sheridan W.
Chronological coverage: 1810–1818
Index terms: Mullen, Andrew (1790-1818); Canonization
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Female criminality in York and Hull, 1830-70. Grace, Susan E.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Rendall, Jane L.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1870
Index terms: Women; Criminals, Criminality; York
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
Female emigration from post-independence Ireland: an oral history of Irishwomen in Lancashire, c.1922-1960. Lambert, Sharon
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Geog.). Supervised by Pooley, Colin G.
Chronological coverage: 1922–1960
Index terms: Migration, to Britain; Migration, Irish; Emigration, see Migration; Ireland; Lancashire
Categories: Oral history; 20th Century; Gender and Women; Ethnic and migration history
Female landholders in Hampshire, c.1650-1900. Seeliger, Syliva V.
Ph.D., Portsmouth.
Chronological coverage: 1650–1900
Index terms: Women; Landholders, female; Hampshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Femininity and physical science in Britain, 1870-1914. Gould, Paula A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Secord, Jim A.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Women; Physical science; Femininity
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Finances and government of Canterbury, 18th to mid 19th century. Panton, Frank H.
M.Phil., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Ditchfield, Grayson M.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1850
Index terms: Government, see Administration; Administration, local; Canterbury, Kent
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
Francis Stewart, 5th earl Bothwell, c.1562-1612: lordship and politics in Jacobean Scotland. MacPherson, Robin G.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Bannerman, John W.M.; Lynch, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1576–1624
Index terms: Bothwell, 5th earl, see...; Hepburn, Francis Stewart (d. 1612), 5th earl Bothwell; Scotland; Lordship, in Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Freemasonry in Edinburgh, 1721-46: institutions and context. Kahler, Mary L.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Mason, Roger A.
Chronological coverage: 1721–1746
Index terms: Freemasons, Freemasonry; Edinburgh; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
From an 'unruly sect' to a society of 'strict unity': the development of English Quakerism, c.1650-1689. Leachman, Caroline L.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Tyacke, Nicholas R.N.
Chronological coverage: 1650–1689
Index terms: Quakers, Quakerism
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
From immigrants to ethnic minority: African Caribbean people in Leicester, 1945-81. Chessum, Lorna
Ph.D., De Montfort. (Hum.). Supervised by Panayi, Panikos
Chronological coverage: 1945–1981
Index terms: Migration, African Caribbean; Immigration, see Migration; African Caribbean people; Leicester
Categories: 20th Century
Gender and technology in the E. Midlands boot and shoe industry, 1850-1911. Greenfield, Jill
Ph.D., Warwick. (Women's Stud.). Supervised by Berg, Maxine L.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1911
Index terms: Gender divisions of labour; Industry; Boot and shoe industry; Technology; Women
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
Gender and the Great War: British combatants, masculinity and perceptions of women, 1918-39. Cullen, Stephen M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howarth, Janet H.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Women; World War I (1914-18); Gender; Masculinity
Categories: Military/naval history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Gender, society and print culture in late 17th-century England, with special reference to the Athenian Mercury, 1691-7. Berry, Helen M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, Keith E.
Chronological coverage: 1691–1697
Index terms: Press; Print culture; Athenian Mercury; Gender
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Gentlemanly professionals within the Civil Service: scientists as insiders during the inter-war period. Chaston, Philip
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Crosbie W.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Civil Service
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
George Sandys: religious toleration and political moderation in an early Anglican. Ellison, A.J.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.)
Chronological coverage: 1598–1644
Index terms: Religious toleration; Sandys, George (1578-1644); Anglicanism
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Hanes Cymdeithasol yr laith Gymraeg ar sail tystiolaeth y cylchgronau, rhwng 1840-60. (The Welsh language, 1840-60: the evidence of periodicals.). Williams, Bethan H.
M.Phil., Wales (Aberystwyth). (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Jenkins, G.H.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
Index terms: Press, periodical; Welsh language; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Hannah More: evangelicalism, cultural reformation and loyalism. Stott, Anne M.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hoppit, Julian
Chronological coverage: 1765–1833
Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism; More, Hannah (1745-1833); Loyalists, Loyalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Holocaust memorialization in Great Britain. Cooke, Steven
Ph.D., Bristol. (Cheltenham & Gloucester Coll.: Geog.). Supervised by Charlesworth, A.; Mills, C.A.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1995
Index terms: Memorials, Memorialization; Holocaust
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Ideas of the Liberal party: perceptions, agendas and liberal politics in the house of commons, 1832-52. Coohill, Joseph J.T.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Eastwood, David S.; Stevenson, John
Chronological coverage: 1832–1852
Index terms: House of commons; Liberal Party
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Image and reality: the lives of aristocratic women in early Tudor England. Rowley-Williams, Jennifer A.
Ph.D., Wales (Bangor). (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Loades, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1485–1547
Index terms: Aristocrats; Women
Categories: Cultural history; Gender and Women; Social history; 15th Century; 16th Century
Imperialist women in Edwardian Britain: the Victoria League, 1899-1914. Riedi, Elizabeth L.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Sykes, Alan
Chronological coverage: 1899–1914
Index terms: Imperialists, Imperialism; Women; Victoria League; Empire, British
Categories: Political history; 19th Century; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Industrial workers in a peasant community: Manifold Valley parishes in the 18th century, with special reference to workers at Ecton Copper Mine, c.1760-1820. Bromfield, Patricia A.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by McInnes, Angus J.D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Staffordshire; Miners, Mining
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
In pursuit of profit? Local enterprise in south-west Wales in the 18th century. Matthews, Mark D.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Howell, David W.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Business; Local enterprise, in Wales; Wales
Categories: 18th Century
James Murray: his ideas in relation to his circle and his time. Smith, Jeffrey
M.Litt., Newcastle. (Hist.). Supervised by Derry, John W.
Chronological coverage: 1752–1782
Index terms: Newcastle upon Tyne, Northumb.; Murray, James (1732-82)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
John Spottiswoode, Jacobean archbishop and statesman. Pearce, A.S. Wayne
Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Bebbington, David W.; Brown, Keith M.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1639
Index terms: Spottiswoode, John (1565-1639), archbishop of St. Andrews; Scotland; Archbishops
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Joseph Johnson and the politics of publishing. Braithwaite, Helen
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1758–1809
Index terms: Publishing; Booksellers, Book selling; Johnson, Joseph (1738-1809); Books
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Landscape and the condition of England, 1878-1917. Grimble, Simon J.H.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.)
Chronological coverage: 1878–1917
Index terms: Landscape
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Economic history
Law, legislation and the Welsh language in the 19th century. Jones, Mark Ellis
Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth). (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by O'Leary, Paul B.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Law; Welsh language; Wales; Legislation
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Local imperialism: town and empire in Warrington, 1750-1910. Toole, Janet
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Tadman, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1750–1910
Index terms: Warrington, Cheshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Love and work: feminism, family and ideas of equality and citizenship, Britain 1900-39. Innes, Susan K.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Morris, Robert J.; Brown, A.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Equality, ideas of; Work; Families; Feminists, Feminism; Citizenship, ideas of
Categories: 20th Century
Low and Lord Beaverbrook: the case of cartoonist's autonomy. Benson, Timothy S.
Ph.D., Kent.
Chronological coverage: 1927–1950
Index terms: Aitken, Max (1879-1964), Lord Beaverbrook; Beaverbrook, Lord, see Aitken, Max; Low, David (1891-1963), cartoonist; Cartoons
Categories: 20th Century
'Making ends meet': working-class women's strategies against poverty in W. Oxfordshire, c.1850-1900. Dubber, Melanie J.
Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. (Hum.). Supervised by Heard, N.; Digby, Anne
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Index terms: Oxfordshire; Women
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century; Social history; Gender and Women; Economic history
'Making good citizens': national identity, religion and Liberalism among the Irish elite, c.1800-1850. Ridden, Jennifer S.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Marshall, Peter J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1850
Index terms: Australia; Ireland; Citizenship, ideas of; Liberals, Liberalism; Church of England; Bourke, Sir Richard (1777-1855)
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Making home: working-class perceptions of space, time and material culture in family life, 1900-55. Faire, Lucy J.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Rodger, Richard G.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1955
Index terms: Working classes; Domestic designs
Categories: 20th Century
Management and labour relations at Swindon railway locomotive works, 1947-67. Anson, Michael J.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Booth, Alan E.; Melling, Joseph L.
Chronological coverage: 1947–1967
Index terms: Swindon, Wilts.; Locomotive industry; Industrial relations; Railways
Categories: 20th Century
Manchester, c.1650-1800. Watmough, Darren C.
M.Phil., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Hudson, Patricia
Chronological coverage: 1650–1800
Index terms: Manchester, Lancs.
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Manchester Liberalism, 1918-29: the electoral, ideological and organizational experience of the Liberal party in Manchester, with particular reference to the career of Ernest Simon. Jones, Brendon
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Lowe, Peter C.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1929
Index terms: Liberals, Liberalism; Manchester, Lancs.
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Manipulating hegemony: British labour and the Marshall Plan. Vickers, Rhiannon M.
Ph.D., Warwick.
Chronological coverage: 1947–1950
Index terms: United States of America, and Britain; Marshall Plan (1947); Labour; Foreign relations, with U.S.A.
Categories: 20th Century
Manufacturing and trades: the urban economies of the N. Essex cloth towns, c.1770-1851. Raven, Neil D.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Urban Hist.). Supervised by Clark, Peter A.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1851
Index terms: Towns; Cloth trade; Trade; Cloth towns; Manufacturing; Essex
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
Marylebone Park and the New Street: a study of the development of Regent's Park and the building of Regent Street, London, in the first quarter of the 19th century. Anderson, James L.
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld)
Chronological coverage: 1812–1835
Index terms: London, Regent's Park; Architects, Architecture; London, Regent's Street; Nash, John (1752-1835); Urban development
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
Meanings of manhood in early modern England, with special reference to Cambridge, c.1560-1640. Shepard, Alexandra J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, Keith E.
Chronological coverage: 1560–1640
Index terms: Cambridge; Manhood
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
Mechanisation and the miner: work, safety and labour relations in the Scottish coal industry, c.1890-1914. Renfrew, Alexander
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by McIvor, Arthur J.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1914
Index terms: Labour relations; Safety; Scotland; Mines, Miners, Mining, Mining industry; Mechanisation; Coal industry, in Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Medical treatment and care in 19th-century Bradford: an examination of voluntary, statutory and private medical provision in a 19th-century urban industrial community. Alvin, Christine
Ph.D., Bradford.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Public health, Public healthcare; Bradford, Yorks.; Medical treatment; Private healthcare
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Mid Victorian weekly periodicals and anti-Catholic discourse, 1850-60: ideology and English identity. Kakooza, M.M.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter)
Chronological coverage: 1850–1860
Index terms: Anti-Catholicism; Press, periodical
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Millicent Garrett Fawcett, 1867-94: an 'excellent guerrilla partisan'?. Whiteley, Justine
M.A., York. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1867–1894
Index terms: Feminists, Feminism; Fawcett, Millicent Garrett (1847-1929); Women
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Morale during and after the fall of Kut-al-Amara. Dendy, Scott
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Gooch, John
Chronological coverage: 1915–1916
Index terms: Kut-al-Amara, Iraq; World War I (1914-18); Army
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Morals, rituals and gender: aspects of social relations in the diocese of Norwich, 1660-1703. Peacock, David R.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Sharpe, James A.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1703
Index terms: Social relations; Morals; Norwich, diocese; Rituals; Gender
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Music hall, transportation and sport: up-to-dateness in London popular culture, c.1890-1914. Horrall, Andrew J.
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Reid, Alastair J.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1914
Index terms: London; Sport; Transport; Music hall; Popular culture
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Cultural history
Mutiny and sedition in the Home Commands of the Royal Navy, 1783-1803. Doorne, Christopher J.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Crimmin, Patricia K.
Chronological coverage: 1783–1803
Index terms: Mutiny; Navy; Royal Navy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Nature and the Victorian entrepreneur: soap, sunlight and subjectivity. Bergin, John P.
Ph.D., Hull.
Chronological coverage: 1837–1901
Index terms: Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship; Nature
Categories: 18th-19th Century
'Neville, please mind the shop': Chamberlain's role in Churchill's war cabinet, May-October 1940. Rowe, Ian C.
M.Phil., Salford.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1940
Index terms: Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965), prime minister; Chamberlain, Arthur Neville (1869-1940), prime minister
Categories: 20th Century
New Left Review's analysis of Britain, 1964-90. Davis, Madeleine J.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Pol.). Supervised by Coole, Diana
Chronological coverage: 1964–1990
Index terms: New Left Review
Categories: 20th Century
Organized responses to British Union of Fascists mobilization in S. Lancashire, 1932-40. Barrett, Neil
Ph.D., Manchester. (Govt.). Supervised by Howell, D.
Chronological coverage: 1932–1940
Index terms: Fascists, Fascism; Lancashire
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Origins and evolution of special education for children with intellectual disabilities in Greater Glasgow, 1862-1962. McMillan, Lachlan
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Educ.)
Chronological coverage: 1862–1962
Index terms: Glasgow; Special education; Intellectual disabilities; Education; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Pacifism in the Church of England, 1930-7. Barrett, Clive
Ph.D., Leeds. (Theol.). Supervised by Hastings, Adrian
Chronological coverage: 1930–1937
Index terms: Church of England; Pacifists, Pacifism
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Palmerston and the politics of foreign policy, 1846-55. Brown, David S.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Gray, Peter H.
Chronological coverage: 1846–1865
Index terms: Temple, Henry John (1784-1865); Palmerston, 3rd Viscount, see Temple, Henry John; Foreign policy
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Partnership and power: the organization of gender roles in the E. Cleveland ironstone mining communities, 1918-64. Williamson, Margaret
Ph.D., Teesside. (Law, Arts & Hum.). Supervised by Nicholson, Anthony (Tony); Lewis, Richard
Chronological coverage: 1918–1964
Index terms: Cleveland, N.R. Yorks.; Miners, Mining; Ironstone mining; Gender roles; Women
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
Past histories: History and the elementary school classroom in early 20th-century England. Brindle, Patrick
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Educ.). Supervised by Gardner, Philip W.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1920
Index terms: Schools; Elementary education; Classrooms; Education (19th-20th c.); Curriculum; History, in schools
Categories: 20th Century; Education
Paths to Utopia: anarchist counter-cultures in late Victorian and Edwardian Britain, 1880-1914. Thomas, Matthew J.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Hinton, James S.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Anarchists, Anarchism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Patrician landscapes, plebeian culture: parks and society in two English counties, c.1750-1850. Cowell, Ben
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Watkins, Charles; Daniels, S.J.; Beckett, John V.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1850
Index terms: Landscapes; Elite landscapes; Elites
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Patterns of change in landscape and agriculture on the Sutherland estate in Shropshire, 1550-1750, with reference to Cherrington, Kynnersley and Lilleshall. Wood, Ashleigh J.
M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by McInnes, Angus J.D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1550–1750
Index terms: Cherrington, Salop; Sutherland estate; Shropshire; Kynnersley, Salop; Agriculture; Landscape; Lilleshall, Salop
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century; 18th Century
Photography personified: art and identity in British photography, 1857-69. Hacking, Juliet L.
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Arscott, Caroline H.
Chronological coverage: 1857–1869
Index terms: Photography
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
Police and crime in Sheffield, 1818-74. Williams, Christopher A.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Martin, David E.; Woodward, John H.
Chronological coverage: 1818–1874
Index terms: Order and disorder
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Policing the war. Donaldson, D.M.
Ph.D., Huddersfield.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Second World War (1939-45); Police, Policing
Categories: 20th Century
Political, economic, social and cultural determinants in the history of early to mid 19th-century art and design education in Britain. Romans, Mervyn
Ph.D., Central England in Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1860
Index terms: Education, art and design
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Popular politics in the North West of England, 1815-21. Edwards, Louise M.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Gorman, Francis
Chronological coverage: 1815–1821
Index terms: Popular politics
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Popular religious attitudes in urban Lincolnshire during the Reformation: the will evidence, 1520-1600. Lucas, Mary D.
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by McHardy, Alison K.; Marcombe, David
Chronological coverage: 1520–1600
Index terms: Reformation; Religious attitudes, popular; Lincolnshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Private profit and public interest: model dwellings companies and the housing of the working classes in London, 1840-1914. Morris, Susannah E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davis, John H.; Offer, Avner
Chronological coverage: 1840–1914
Index terms: Working classes; Housing; Model dwellings companies; London
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Professional men of law before the lords of council, c.1500-1550. Finlay, John
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Law)
Chronological coverage: 1500–1550
Index terms: Law; Lords of council; Scotland; Lawyers
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Professional women and the British empire, 1880-1939. Friend, Elizabeth A.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by MacKenzie, John M.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1939
Index terms: Empire, British; Professional women; Women
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century; Political history; Gender and Women
Providence and politics in Sir Walter Ralegh's History of the World. Larkum, Eleri G.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Norbrook, David G.E.
Chronological coverage: 1614–1614
Index terms: $History of the World$ (Ralegh's); Ralegh, Sir Walter (1552-1618); Providence, in history
Categories: 17th Century
'Providing a friend': the Bolton Guild of Hope, the poor and the problem of poverty, 1905-14. Robertson, Stuart
Ph.D., Huddersfield. (Hist.). Supervised by Taylor, David; Laybourn, Keith
Chronological coverage: 1905–1914
Index terms: Poverty; Guild of Hope; Bolton, Lancs.; Philanthropy
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
Public elementary education in York, 1870-1902. Downs, Gerald S.
M.A., York. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1870–1902
Index terms: Elementary education; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Public healthcare in Nottingham, 1750-1911. Bosworth, Ennis C.
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Chapman, Stanley D.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1911
Index terms: Public health, Public healthcare; Nottingham
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
Radicalism and the impact of war, 1793-6: a case study of Sheffield and Yorkshire. Thomas, Andrew S.
M.A., York. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1793–1796
Index terms: Yorkshire; Sheffield, W.R. Yorks.; Radicals, Radicalism; French Revolutionary Wars (1793-1802)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
R.A.F. operational requirements, 1923-39. Sinnott, Colin S.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Sabin, Philip A.G.
Chronological coverage: 1923–1939
Index terms: Operational requirements, of the R.A.F.; Royal Air Force
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
R.A.F. publicity and public relations, 1939-45. Medhurst, Anthony
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Winter, Jay M.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Public relations; R.A.F.; Royal Air Force; World War II (1939-45)
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Rape in England, 1600-1800: trials, narratives and the question of consent. King, Rebecca F.
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Brooks, Christopher W.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1800
Index terms: Trials; Women; Rape
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Redskins in Epping Forest: John Hargrave, the Kibbo Kift and the Woodcraft Experience. Craven, Josef F.C.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, Martin J.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1930
Index terms: Kibbo Kift; Hargrave, John Gordon (1894-1982); Woodcraft Experience
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Reginald McKenna as chancellor of the exchequer. Farr, Martin J.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Strachan, Hew F.A.
Chronological coverage: 1915–1916
Index terms: McKenna, Reginald (1863-1943)
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Religion and irreligion in Birmingham and the Black Country. Robson, Geoffrey
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Theol.). Supervised by McLeod, D. Hugh
Chronological coverage: 1800–1850
Index terms: Black Country; Religion; Birmingham, Warwicks; Irreligion
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Religion and social class: church membership in Belfast, c.1870-1930. Huddleston, David
M.Phil., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Hempton, David N.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1930
Index terms: Class, social; Ireland; Belfast; Church membership; Social class, see Class
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Religion, commerce and politeness: the making of the social ethics of the Scottish Enlightenment. Merikoski, Ingrid A.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Brown, Stewart J.; Phillipson, Nicholas T.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Religion; Social ethics; Commerce; Enlightenment; Scotland; Politeness
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Religious dissimulation, conformity and compromise in England, c.1547-c.1603. Wright, Jonathan A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Haigh, Christopher A.
Chronological coverage: 1547–1603
Index terms: Religion
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Religious, legal and moral approaches to alcohol abuse in the northern province, c.1660-1725. Carlile, Dianne
M.A., York. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1660–1725
Index terms: York, province; Alcohol abuse
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Representation of the seasons in early 19th-century England. Webb, Nicholas J.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Jordanova, Ludmilla J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1830
Index terms: Seasons
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Representing black Britain: black images on British television from 1936 to the present day. Malik, S.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1936–1998
Index terms: Black people, Blacks; Television
Categories: 20th Century
Republicanism, patriotism and radicalism: political thought in Ireland, 1776-98. Small, Stephen J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Philp, Mark F.E.; Stevenson, John
Chronological coverage: 1776–1798
Index terms: Patriots, Patriotism, in Ireland; Ireland; Republicans, Republicanism, in Ireland; Radicals, Radicalism, in Ireland; Political thought, in Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Republics of letters: commerce, learning and the question of 'culture', c.1790-1840. Connell, Philip J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Leask, Nigel J.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1840
Index terms: Commerce, see Economic relations, Trade; Trade; Culture
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history
Rhetoric, religion and politics in the St. Paul's Cross sermons, 1603-25. Morrissey, Mary E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Maule, Jeremy F.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1675
Index terms: Rhetoric; London, St. Paul's Cross; Sermons; Religion
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Roman Catholic education in England in the 19th century, with special reference to William Bernard Ullathorne. Hansen, Charlotte
M.A., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, Sheridan W.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1889
Index terms: Ullathorne, William Bernard (1806-89), Roman Catholic bishop; Education, 19th-20th cent.; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Royalty and public in Britain, 1714-89. Kilburn, Matthew C.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Langford, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1714–1789
Index terms: Royalty
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
Rural property rights and the survival of historic landed estates in the late 20th century. Jackson, Andrew
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Geog.). Supervised by Munton, Richard J.C.
Chronological coverage: 1965–1990
Index terms: Landed estates; Property rights; Estates
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history; Agriculture
Rus in urbe: greening the English town, 1660-1760. Williams, Laura J.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.). Supervised by Borsay, Peter N.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1760
Index terms: Towns
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Satisfying popular consumer demand, 1775-1815: with specific reference to the dress trades in Hampshire. Fowler, Christina L.
Ph.D., Portsmouth.
Chronological coverage: 1775–1815
Index terms: Hampshire; Dress trade; Consumer demand
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
Scotland, Denmark-Norway and the House of Stuart, 1603-60: a diplomatic and military analysis. Murdoch, Stephen W.
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Macinnes, Allan I.; Dukes, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1603–1660
Index terms: Stuart, House of; Norway; Denmark; Scotland; Diplomacy
Categories: Europe; 17th Century
Searching for a balance: British trade policy towards Japan, 1950-4. Yokoi, Noriko
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Best, Antony M.
Chronological coverage: 1950–1954
Index terms: Trade, with Japan; Trade policy; Japan
Categories: 20th Century
Simon Forman's philosophy of medicine: medicine, astrology and alchemy in London, c.1580-1611. Kassell, Lauren T.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Pelling, Margaret H.
Chronological coverage: 1580–1611
Index terms: Astrology; Medicine; Forman, Simon (1552-1611); Alchemy
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
Sir Arthur Gorges (1557-1625) and the patronage system. Gibson, Jonathan R.D.
Ph.D., London. (U.C.L.)
Chronological coverage: 1577–1625
Index terms: Gorges, Sir Arthur (1557-1625); Patronage
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Sir Joseph Bazalgette and the main drainage of London. Halliday, Stephen
Ph.D., London Guildhall. (Pol. & Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Floud, Roderick; Sheldrake, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1855–1890
Index terms: London; Bazalgette, Sir Joseph (1819-90); Drainage, Drains
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Social and economic change in Lambourn Hundred, 1522-1663. Shuttleworth, Julie
Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. (Hum.). Supervised by Brookes, J.E.; Heard, N.
Chronological coverage: 1522–1663
Index terms: Lambourn Hundred, Berks.; Agrarian change, Agrarian development; Land use
Categories: 16th Century; 17th Century
Social and economic conditions of the Blue Rigg miners, Greenhow Hill, 1797-1815, based on an account book in the Varvill Collection. Willan, Robert V.
M.Phil., Leeds.
Chronological coverage: 1797–1815
Index terms: Greenhow Hill, Yorks,; Blue Rigg miners; Miners; Account books; Varvill Collection
Categories: 19th Century
Social distinction and the written word: two provincial case studies, Warwick and Draguignan, 1780-1820. Fowler, Denise
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Steedman, Carolyn K.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1820
Index terms: Social distinction; Towns
Categories: Europe; 18th Century; 19th Century
Social geography of 'secularization' in England and Wales in 1851. Crockett, Alasdair
Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Snell, Keith D.M.; Lewis, G.
Chronological coverage: 1851–1851
Index terms: Census (1851); Wales; Secularization
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Socialism and education in Britain, 1883-1902. Manton, Kevin
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, Richard E.; Dean, Dennis W.
Chronological coverage: 1883–1902
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Socialists, Socialism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
Socialism and pluralism: a study in inter-war British ideology. Stears, Marc D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by Freeden, Michael S.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Political thought; Pluralism; Socialism, Socialists
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
Socio-economic life in some peasant communities in E. Sussex during the 17th and early 18th centuries. Clarke, David R.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Hawkins, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1720
Index terms: Peasants; Sussex
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history; Economic history
Some factors affecting participation in combat during the Second World War. Allen, Iain A.R.
Ph.D., Leeds.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45)
Categories: 20th Century
Southport, 1841-81: a social study of a new community. Gowling, Margaret E.
M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Winstanley, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1841–1881
Index terms: Southport, Lancs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Stimulus to invention: the premium system as a method of encouraging agricultural improvement, 1754-1870. Lim, Helena L.H.
Ph.D., Bath. (Hum & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Buchanan, R. Angus
Chronological coverage: 1754–1870
Index terms: Agricultural improvement; Agriculture; Premium system
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Structures of knowledge in British progressive liberal thought, 1890-1920: society, nature and cultural legacies. Gerson, Gal
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Freeden, Michael S.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1920
Index terms: Liberal thought
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Studies in the political economy and economic impact of British defence expenditure and American military aid to Britain, 1945-55. Geiger, Till
Ph.D., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Tyson, Robert E.; Payne, Peter L.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1955
Index terms: Defence expenditure, in Britain; in West Germany; Germany
Categories: 20th Century
Suffrage, solidarity and strife: political partnerships and the women's movement, 1880-1930. Balshaw, June
Ph.D., Greenwich. (Hum.). Supervised by Leggett, Denise; John, Angela V.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1930
Index terms: Solidarity; Suffrage
Categories: Social history; Political history; Gender and Women; 19th Century; 20th Century
That other game: a social history of soccer in S. Wales, c.1906-1939. Johnes, Martin O.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff)
Chronological coverage: 1906–1939
Index terms: Football; Soccer, see Football; Wales
Categories: 20th Century
The architect and the metropolis: the work of James and Decimus Burton in London and Dublin, c.1800-1840. Arnold, Dana R.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Archit.). Supervised by Forty, J. Adrian
Chronological coverage: 1800–1840
Index terms: Burton, James (1761-1837); Town planning; Architects, Architecture; Dublin; Burton, Decimus (1800-81); Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The architectural history of Stafford House, London. Yorke, James Alexander
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Vict. Art). Supervised by Crook, Joseph Mordaunt
Chronological coverage: 1827–1912
Index terms: London, Stafford House; Architecture
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The artisan sector in English economic development: networks of provision in deadstock processing crafts, c.1600-c.1850. Thomason, Carmel M.
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1600–1850
Index terms: Deadstock processing crafts; Artisans
The attempted revival of British Fascism: Fascism and anti-Fascism, 1945-51. Renton, David K.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Holmes, Colin; Thurlow, Richard C.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1951
Index terms: Fascists, Fascism
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The attitude of the Conservative party towards the Jews, c.1900-1948. Defries, Harold M.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Turner, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1940
Index terms: Conservative party; Jews
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The British gas industry, 1949-70: management strategies and government regulation. Jenkins, Andrew G.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Booth, Alan E.; Melling, Joseph L.
Chronological coverage: 1949–1970
Index terms: Gas industry
Categories: 20th Century
The British shipping industry in the 16th century. Jones, Evan T.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Blanchard, Ian S.W.; Newman, J.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Shipping industry
Categories: 16th Century
The British state and the natural environment, with special reference to the Alkali Inspectorate, c.1860-1906. Garwood, Christine
Ph.D., Leicester. (Northampton: Hist.). Supervised by Bartrip, Peter W.J.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1906
Index terms: Environment, natural; Atmospheric pollution
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The British student movement, 1965-72. Thomas, Nick
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Tiratsoo, Nicholas E.H.; Mason, Tony
Chronological coverage: 1965–1972
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Universities; Student movement
Categories: Social history; 20th Century
The career of John Miller Andrews, 1871-1956. Richardson, David
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harkness, David W.
Chronological coverage: 1891–1956
Index terms: Northern Ireland; Andrews, John M. (1871-1956); Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The celebration movement and the influence of J.F. Herbart on moral education in England through the work of Frank Herbert Hayward (1872-1954). Rawnsley, Rosalind
Ph.D., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1892–1954
Index terms: Herbart, Johann Friedrich (1776-1841); Hayward, Frank Herbert (1872-1954); Education
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The changing concept of infection and its influence on hospital design, 1850-90. Hayward, Richard A.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, John H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1890
Index terms: Architecture; Hospitals
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The clay tobacco pipe-makers of northern Warwickshire and the pipes found in that area. Melton, Nigel D.
M.Phil., Liverpool. (Archaeol., Classics & Or. Stud.). Supervised by Higgins, D.A.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1900
Index terms: Pipe-makers; Warwickshire; Clay tobacco pipe-makers; Pipes, clay
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The clown's mistress. Income tax evasion: ideal and reality in mid Victorian Britain relating to the detection of and punishment for evading the income tax. Colley, Robert J.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1842–1880
Index terms: Income tax evasion; Taxation
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The coming of the railways: social and economic change in 19th-century Northallerton. Fairburn, Harry L.
M.A., York. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1830–1900
Index terms: York; Northallerton, N.R. Yorks.; Railways
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The Communist party in South Wales, 1945-68. White, Lyndon K.P.
M.Phil., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1968
Index terms: Communist party; Wales
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The communities of the manor of Epworth in the 17th century. Lloyd, Joy
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Braddick, Michael J.; Hey, David G.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Epworth, Lincs.; Community; Manors
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The consistory court of the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield. Tarver, Anne
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Capp, Bernard S.
Chronological coverage: 1680–1830
Index terms: Church courts; Coventry and Lichfield, diocese; Courts, church
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
'The contention of power': the role of the Jesuits in the Catholic life of Bristol, 1700-1830. Hankins, Kenneth M.W.
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1700–1830
Index terms: Jesuits; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Bristol
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The contribution of Claude Montefiore to Jewish-Christian relations around the turn of the century. Langton, Daniel R.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Kushner, A.R.J. (Tony)
Chronological coverage: 1900–1910
Index terms: Jews, and Christians; Montefiore, Claude Joseph Goldsmid- (1858-1938); Christians, and Jews
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The contribution of the Church of England to elementary education in the diocese of Oxford, 1833-1914. Lowe, Dorothy P.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Educ.). Supervised by Cowie, Evelyn E.
Chronological coverage: 1833–1944
Index terms: Church of England; Elementary education; Education; Oxford, diocese of
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The creation and transformation of inter-war suburbia in Birmingham. Carr, Christine M.H.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Whitehand, Jeremy W.R.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Urban development; Suburbs, Suburbia; Cities; Birmingham, Warwicks.; Towns
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The Czechoslovak air force in the U.K., 1940-5. Brown, Alan C.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Southampton New Coll.: Culture & Lang.). Supervised by Smith, Adrian A.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1945
Index terms: World War II (1939-45); Czechoslovakia; Air force, Czechoslovak
Categories: Europe; 20th Century
The development and survival of post-medieval vernacular houses: a case study from Norfolk. Longcroft, Adam
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Tom M.
Chronological coverage: 1550–1750
Index terms: Norfolk; Farming; Vernacular architecture; Housing
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The development of Belfast as a centre of art, 1760-1888. Black, Eileen
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jupp, Peter J.
Chronological coverage: 1760–1888
Index terms: Art; Belfast; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of employer/employee liability for personal injuries during the reign of Victoria. Stein, M.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1837–1901
Index terms: Personal injuries liability; Industrial relations; Victoria (1819-1901), queen
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of middle-class housing in western Sheffield during the 19th century. Wilson, Nyra M.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Adult Contin. Educ.). Supervised by Harper, R.H.; Hey, David G.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Houses, Housing; Middle classes; Sheffield
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of organized charity in the Scottish burgh: Dundee, 1790-1850. Walsh, Lorraine
Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Davey, Christopher J.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1850
Index terms: Dundee, Angus; Scotland; Charity
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of secondary education in Co. Durham, 1944-74, with special reference to Ferryhill and Chilton. Richardson, Martin
Ph.D., Durham. (Educ.). Supervised by McPartland, M.F.
Chronological coverage: 1944–1974
Index terms: Ferryhill, Durham; Chilton, Durham; Education (19th-20th cent.); Durham
Categories: 20th Century
The development of the British army during the wars with France, 1793-1815. Bartlett, Keith J.
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Bythell, Duncan
Chronological coverage: 1793–1815
Index terms: War, with France; France; Army
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The diplomacy of Sir Nevile Henderson, 1937-9. Neville, Peter E.J.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Lentin, Antony
Chronological coverage: 1937–1939
Index terms: Henderson, Sir Neville (1882-1942); Diplomacy
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The economic impact of the English Civil War on the economy of London, 1642-50. Coates, Ben
Ph.D., Leicester. (Urban Hist.). Supervised by Clark, Peter A.
Chronological coverage: 1642–1650
Index terms: Civil War (1642-60); London
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
The educational contributions of T.W. Woodhead, 1863-1940. Barker, Ian D.
Ph.D., Leeds.
Chronological coverage: 1883–1940
Index terms: Woodhead, T.W. (1863-1940); Education
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The educational function of the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society, 1840-1990. Lewis, R. Margaret
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Educ.). Supervised by Marsden, William E.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1990
Index terms: Music; Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Society; Liverpool; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The emergence of 'community' on inter-war council housing estates in London. Bayliss, Darrin
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Geog.). Supervised by Rose, Gillian C.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Estates, council; London; Housing; Council housing estates
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The endowed grammar schools of Shropshire, the Careswell exhibitions and the response of the local communities to educational reform, 1860-1914. Turnock, John L.
Ph.D., Manchester.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1914
Index terms: Careswell exhibitions; Grammar Schools, in Shropshire; Education
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The episcopate of Thomas Henshaw, bishop of Salford, 1925-38. Broadley, Martin
M.Phil., Manchester. (Rel. & Theol.). Supervised by Cooper, Kate; Sellers, Ian
Chronological coverage: 1923–1938
Index terms: Epsicopate, see Bishops; Bishops; Henshaw, Thomas (1873-1938), bishop of Salford; Salford, Lancs., bishop of
Categories: 20th Century
The Fishers of York: a provincial carver's workshop in the 18th and 19th centuries. Myerscough, P. Corita
D.Phil., York. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1700–1900
Index terms: Fisher family; York; Carvers
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The Fox and Grenville families: a case study of familial relationships in the Georgian era. Rubenhold, Hallie
M.Phil., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Speck, William A.; Douglas, D.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1820
Index terms: Grenville family; Fox family
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The freedom of Sudbury, Suff., in the 18th century. Berry, Allan W.
M.A., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Walter, John D.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Sudbury, Suff.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Local history
The grafted tongue: linguistic colonization and the native response in 16th-century Ireland. Palmer, Patricia A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.)
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Linguistic colonization, in Ireland; Ireland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The heathen at home and overseas: the middle class and the civilizing mission, Sheffield 1790-1843. Twells, Alison
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Royle, Edward; Rendall, Jane L.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1843
Index terms: Sheffield, W.R. Yorks.; Middle classes; Heathen
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The history of general paralysis of the insane, 1820-1950. Hurn, Juliette
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Bynum, William F.
Chronological coverage: 1820–1950
Index terms: Insane; Paralysis; Medicine
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The history of nature conservation and recreation in the Cairngorms, 1880-1980. Lambert, Robert
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Smout, T. Christopher
Chronological coverage: 1880–1980
Index terms: Recreation; Nature conservation; Leisure; Conservation movement; Scotland; Cairngorms
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The impact of mercantilism and war on the Scottish marine, 1651-1791. Graham, Eric J.
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Jackson, Gordon
Chronological coverage: 1651–1791
Index terms: War; Mercantilism; Scotland; Marines, Scottish
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The institutional care and treatment of people categorized as mentally defective before and after the Second World War: the Royal Eastern Counties Institution. Stevens, Andrew R.A.
Ph.D., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Catherine J.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1950
Index terms: Mental handicap; Care
Categories: 20th Century
The institution of citizenship: immigration policy and nationality law in post-war Britain. Hansen, Randall A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by King, Desmond S.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
Index terms: Immigration policy; Citizenship
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The introduction of computer technology at Standard Triumph, 1955-65. Brabham, Margaret
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Obelkevich, James
Chronological coverage: 1955–1965
Index terms: Computers, Computer technology; Car manufacturing industry; Standard Triumph car manufacturer; Industry
Categories: 20th Century; Economic history
The Labour party and Northern Ireland, 1979-97. O'Donnell, Martin
Ph.D., Surrey. (St. Mary's Coll., Strawberry Hill: Hist.). Supervised by O'Hara, James
Chronological coverage: 1979–1997
Index terms: Northern Ireland; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century
The later political career of R.A. Butler, 1951-64. Patch, Nicholas A.
Ph.D., Plymouth. (Arts & Educ.)
Chronological coverage: 1951–1964
Index terms: Butler, Lord Richard Austen (1902-82)
Categories: 20th Century
The Lawsons of Brough Hall: an 18th-century Catholic family and their country house, 1700-1837. Clements, Malcolm
M.A., York. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1700–1837
Index terms: Country houses; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Lawson family; Brough, N.R. Yorks., Brough Hall
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Left, the constitution and public discourse in Britain, 1900-24. Chadwick, Andrew
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E.)
Chronological coverage: 1900–1924
Index terms: Public discourse; Constitution; Left-wing parties
Categories: 20th Century
The life and the teaching of Richard Hurrell Froude. Crowe, Eric A.
M.A., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, Sheridan W.
Chronological coverage: 1823–1836
Index terms: Oxford Movement; Froude, Richard Hurrell (1803-36); Tractarians
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The life and work of Brian Jackson. Hardwick, K.
Ph.D., Huddersfield. (Hist.). Supervised by Stafford, William; Laybourn, Keith
Chronological coverage: 1953–1983
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Jackson, Brian (1933-83)
Categories: 20th Century; Education
The literary patronage of the Cecil family, 1570-1612. Haresnape, Elizabeth
Ph.D., Leeds. (Eng.)
Chronological coverage: 1570–1612
Index terms: Cecil family; Patronage, literary
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The making of the clinical trial in England, 1910-45: expertise, the state and the public. Cox-Maksimov, Desiree C.T.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Kamminga, Harmke
Chronological coverage: 1910–1945
Index terms: Clinical trials; Medicine
Categories: 20th Century
The medical profession in Manchester, 1860-1900. Tuxford, F.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist. of Sc., Tech. & Med.). Supervised by Pickstone, John V.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1900
Index terms: Medical profession; Medicine; Manchester, Lancs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The ministry of Henry Newcome: Presbyterianism in S.E. Cheshire, 1648-62. Nunn, Catherine M.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, Colin B.; Hughes, Ann L.
Chronological coverage: 1648–1662
Index terms: Presbyterians, Presbyterianism; Newcome, Henry (1627-95); Cheshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The mobilization of public opinion against the slave trade and slavery: popular abolitionism in national and regional politics, 1787-1838. Jones, Mark
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Walvin, James
Chronological coverage: 1785–1838
Index terms: Slavery; Slave trade; Public opinion; Abolitionism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The music of St. Paul's Cathedral, 1872-1972: the origins and development of the modern cathedral choir. Storey, Timothy C.
M.Mus., Durham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1872–1972
Index terms: Music; Cathedral choirs; London, St. Paul's cathedral; Choirs
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The nature and development of the concept of 'national synthesis' in British Fascist ideology, 1920-40. Woodbridge, Steven A.
Ph.D., Kingston. (Hum.). Supervised by Pimlott, Ben J.; Barnes, Ian R.; Sullivan, T.J.; Hawkins, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1920–1940
Index terms: National synthesis; Fascists, Fascism
Categories: 20th Century
The needle-making industry of Warwickshire/Worcestershire in the 19th century. Vincent, Donald
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Lane, Joan
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Industry; Worcestershire; Needle-making industry; Warwickshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The noble duke of York. James, duke of York and Albany: the early modern prince as Lord High Admiral, imperialist and entrepreneur, 1660-85. Callow, John
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Evans, Eric J.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1685
Index terms: York, duke of, see James II; Colonies; James II (1633-1701); Army
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The old law of special education and the feeble-minded children of Leeds: a study of the Leeds Education Authority's implementation of the defective children and mental deficiency legislation, 1903-39. Daniel, David Mills
Ph.D., Leeds. (Educ.). Supervised by Sharp, Paul R.
Chronological coverage: 1903–1939
Index terms: Children; Feeble-minded children; Education (19th-20th cent.); Special education; Leeds, W.R. Yorks.; Mental deficiency
Categories: 20th Century
Theology as a branch of politics? The relationship between politics and religion in the writings of John Lilburne, William Walwyn and Richard Overton. Dargue, Jane R.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Fincham, Kenneth C.
Chronological coverage: 1647–1660
Index terms: Walwyn, William (1600-?); Overton, Richard (fl. 1622-68); Lilburne, John (c.1614-1657); Levellers
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The organization and role of the Royal Artillery in the First World War. Marble, W. Sanders
Ph.D., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Bond, Brian J.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Army; Royal Artillery
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The origins, development, decline and reuse of the cloth mills of the Stroud valleys of Gloucestershire: a study in industrial archaeology. Mills, Stephen
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Palmer, Marilyn
Chronological coverage: 1700–1900
Index terms: Stroud, Glos.; Cloth mills; Mills; Industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The origins of video art. Lee, Yongwoo
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Iles, C.; Kemp, Martin J.
Chronological coverage: 1960–1997
Index terms: Video art
Categories: 20th Century; Cultural history
The owner-occupied working-class house of the 1930s. Crisp, Alan G.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Fraser, M.; Davis, John H.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1940
Index terms: Owner-occupied houses; Working classes; Houses
Categories: 20th Century; Social history
The patriot priest, Father Eugene Sheehy: his life, work and influence. Knox, Celia I.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Howkins, Alun J.
Chronological coverage: 1861–1917
Index terms: Patriotism, Irish; Ireland; Sheehy, Eugene (1841-1917); Nationalists, Nationalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
'The peculiar mission of Christian womanhood': the selection and preparation of women missionaries of the Church of England Zenana Missionary Society, 1880-1920. Morawiecki, Jennifer A.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Dyhouse, Carol A.; Thane, Patricia M.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
Index terms: Women; Church of England; Missions, Christian, in India; India; Empire, British
Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 19th Century; 20th Century
The personal and political antagonisms of Daniel O'Connell and Robert Peel, 1812-18. Pearce, George H.A.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Green, Simon J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1815–1850
Index terms: Peel, Sir Robert (1788-1850), prime minister; Ireland; O'Connell, Daniel (1775-1847); Anglo-Irish relations
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The political economy of the British Labour party, 1945-92. Larkin, Philip
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Martell, A. Luke; Thane, Patricia M.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1992
Index terms: Labour party
Categories: 20th Century; Political history
The political life of Georgiana, duchess of Devonshire, 1757-1806. Foreman, Amanda L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mitchell, Leslie G.
Chronological coverage: 1777–1806
Index terms: Cavendish, Georgiana (1757-1806), duchess of Devonshire; Devonshire, duchess of, $see$ Cavendish, Georgiana
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The political thought of Richard Morison: a study in the use of ancient and medieval sources in Renaissance England. Nicod, Luc P.M.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Govt.). Supervised by Coleman, Janet
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Morison, Sir Richard (d. 1556); Political thought
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The population of Coverdale, 1700-1900. Moverley, Marion
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Green, Simon J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1900
Index terms: Coverdale, N.R. Yorks.; Population
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The possessions of Henry VIII: a study of inventories. Hayward, Maria A.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Starkey, David R.
Chronological coverage: 1546–1546
Index terms: Henry VIII (1491-1547), king; Inventories
Categories: 16th Century
The power and the purse: aspects of the genesis and implementation of the Metropolitan Poor Act 1867. Ashbridge, Pauline M.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Palmer, Sarah R.
Chronological coverage: 1867–1867
Index terms: Poverty; Poor relief; Metropolitan Poor Act (1867); London
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history
The practice and procedure of the house of commons, c.1784-1832. Wilkinson, Clare
Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth). (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Thomas, Peter D.G.
Chronological coverage: 1784–1832
Index terms: Commons, house of; Parliament
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The professionalization of mental nursing in Great Britain, 1850-1930. Arton, M.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Bynum, William
Chronological coverage: 1850–1930
Index terms: Mental health; Nurses, Nursing
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The professionalization of mental nursing in Great Britain, 1850-1950. Arton, Michael E.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Bynum, William F.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1950
Index terms: Professionalization, of mental nursing; Nursing; Mental nursing; Medicine
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Medicine
The professional woman in Restoration theatre. Hayward, Roland
M.A., Hertfordshire. (Hum.). Supervised by Gowing, Laura
Chronological coverage: 1660–1675
Index terms: Women; Restoration; Theatre; Professions
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Cultural history
The promotion in Shropshire of emigration to Canada to 1914, with particular reference to the period from 1890. Harris, Donald F.
Ph.D., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1914
Index terms: Emigration, to Canada; Canada, and Britain; Shropshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Protestant churches and the origins of the Northern Ireland state. McConnell, David
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1886–1922
Index terms: Protestants, Protestantism; Northern Ireland; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The radicalism of Joseph Chamberlain: his ideas and actions in the context of Birmingham in the 1870s. Maekawa, Ichiro
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1870–1880
Index terms: Radicals, Radicalism; Chamberlain, Joseph (1836-1914); Birmingham, Warwicks.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The reception of John Foxe's Acts and Monuments, 1563-1641. Nussbaum, Damian F.J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collinson, Patrick
Chronological coverage: 1563–1641
Index terms: Acts and Monuments (Foxe's); Foxe, John (1516-87)
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The religious and business practice of 19th-century Quakers, with special reference to the Clarks of Street. Harrison, Brenda
M.Litt., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Macleod, Christine
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Clark family; Quakers; Street, Som.; Business
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The results and consequences of technical education: an historical case study of metalliferous mining education prior to 1939 with special reference to the Camborne School of Mines and the Royal School of Mines . Dixon, David Gunthorpe
Ph.D., Southampton.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1939
Index terms: Camborne School of Mines; Royal School of Mines; Education, technical; Metalliferous mining education
Categories: 20th Century
The rise and fall of Portland naval base, 1845-95. Carter, Geoffrey H.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Duffy, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1845–1995
Index terms: Navy; Portland, Dors., naval base; Royal Navy
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The role of agents, Inspectors and visitors in the development of elementary education, c.1826-c.1870. Bagworth, Hazel J.
Ph.D., Brunel. (Amer. Stud. & Hist.). Supervised by York, Brian A.
Chronological coverage: 1826–1870
Index terms: Inspectors, education; Elementary education; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Education
The role of the principal of an Oxford women's college, 1879-1925. Keene, Anne
Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. (Hum.). Supervised by Binfield, J. Clyde G.; Digby, Anne
Chronological coverage: 1879–1925
Index terms: Women's colleges; Principals, of women's colleges; Women; Oxford University; Education (19th-20th cent.)
Categories: Gender and Women; Education; 19th Century; 20th Century
The role of women in the emigration of children to Canada :a case study of the two initiators Miss Rye and Miss Macpherson, 1869-1914. Searle, Gwendoleyne
M.Phil., Oxford Brookes. (Hum.). Supervised by Chamberlain, Mary C.; Hendrick, Harry J.; Digby, Anne
Chronological coverage: 1869–1914
Index terms: Children; Emigration, see Migration; Migration, to the Empire; Women; Empire, British; Child emigration
Categories: Social history; 19th Century; Gender and Women; Ethnic and migration history; 20th Century
The Roman Catholic Church and society in Wales, 1916-62. Hughes, T.O.
Ph.D., Wales. (Bangor)
Chronological coverage: 1916–1962
Index terms: Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Wales
Categories: 20th Century
The self and the state, 1580-1660. Baldwin, Geoffrey P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Skinner, Quentin R.D.
Chronological coverage: 1580–1660
Index terms: State; Self
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Political history
The skilled compositor: change, co-operation and conflict in the workplace, 1850-1914. Duffy, Patrick
Ph.D., Manchester Metropolitan. (Hist.). Supervised by Kirk, Neville
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Compositors
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The social and political development of the N. Wales miners, 1945-96. Gildart, Keith
D.Phil., York. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1996
Index terms: Miners, Mining; Wales
Categories: 20th Century
The Staffordshire pottery industry and its worldwide markets, with special reference to the 19th century. Booth, Pauline R.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, John H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Pottery; Industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Stanhope and Tyne railway: a critical review of the key stages of its business history. Baldwin, John H.
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Divall, Colin
Chronological coverage: 1825–1850
Index terms: Railways; Stanhope and Tyne railway; Transport
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Economic history
The theology and practice of baptism amongst British Baptists, 1900-96. Cross, Anthony R.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, John H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1996
Index terms: Theology; Baptismal theology; Baptists
Categories: 20th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The transformation of political consciousness in S.E. England, 1880-1914. Hopper, Trevor
Ph.D., Brighton. (Hist. & Crit. Stud.). Supervised by Maguire, Patrick J. (Paddy)
Chronological coverage: 1880–1914
Index terms: Political consciousness
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history
The Tudor state and the politics of the county: the greater gentry of Somerset, c.1509-58. Ashton, David J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Gunn, Steven J.
Chronological coverage: 1509–1558
Index terms: Gentry; Somerset
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The university of Glasgow, 1910-30, with emphasis on its participation in the 1914-18 war. Forrester, Leslie L.
M.Litt., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Maver, Irene E.
Chronological coverage: 1910–1930
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Glasgow University; Universities; Education; Scotland
Categories: 20th Century
The volunteer forces of the West Riding of Yorkshire during the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars, 1793-1814. Linch, Kevin B.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Broers, Michael G.
Chronological coverage: 1793–1814
Index terms: Yorkshire, West Riding; Napoleonic Wars (1793-1815); Volunteer forces
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The war effort in Lancashire, 1642-51. Gratton, Malcolm J.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Hughes, Ann L.; Phillips, Colin B.
Chronological coverage: 1642–1651
Index terms: Civil War (1642-60); Lancashire
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
The watchmen of music: the reception of English music in the press, 1850-1914. Hughes, Meirion
Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff). (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Stradling, Robert A.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Composers, musical; Music criticism
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Cultural history; Art and Architecture
The West Highland railway: the politics of railway promotion in late 19th-century Scotland. McGregor, John A.
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Durie, Alastair J.; Donnachie, Ian L.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1900
Index terms: West Highlands railway; Railways; Highlands, Scottish
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The yeomen of the king's guard, 1485-1547. Hewerdine, Anita R.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Starkey, David R.
Chronological coverage: 1485–1547
Index terms: King's guard; Yeomen of the king's guard; Household, royal
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
'Thinking their own thoughts': alternative cosmologists in early 18th-century England. Byrne, Michael V.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Hunter, Michael C.W.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1720
Index terms: Cosmologists, Cosmology
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Science and technology
Translating Italy for the 18th century: British women novelists, translators and travel writers, 1739-97. Agorni, Mirella
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1739–1797
Index terms: Travel writers, female; Translators, female; Novelists, female; Women; Italy, and Britain
Categories: Intellectual history; Gender and Women; Europe; 18th Century
Travel to the Holy Land, 1799-1831. A case study: the journey of Moses and Judith Montefiore. Goldstein, Andrew
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Keller, Alex G.
Chronological coverage: 1799–1831
Index terms: Montefiore, Sir Moses (1784-1885); Palestine, see also Holy Land, Israel; Israel, see also Holy Land, Palestine; Holy Land, see also Israel, Palestine; Montefiore, Lady Judith (d. 1862); Holy Land; Travel
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century
Urban political culture in later 17th-century England: York, 1649-88. Withington, Philip J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, Keith E.
Chronological coverage: 1649–1688
Index terms: Towns; York
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Local history
Vocational education and society in Ireland, 1930-90: a case study in the politics of education. O'Reilly, Bernard
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1930–1990
Index terms: Vocational education, in Ireland; Education, in Ireland; Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
Walter Pater, aestheticism and Victorian science. Dawson, Gowan
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Shuttleworth, S.; Woodward, John H.
Chronological coverage: 1859–1894
Index terms: Aestheticism; Pater, Walter Horatio (1839-94); Science
Categories: 18th-19th Century
What Britons were told about the war in the trenches, 1914-18. Schneider, Eric F.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ceadel, Martin E.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Trench warfare
Categories: 20th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
Witchcraft, magic and superstition in England, 1640-60. Valletta, Frederick V.A.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Roy, Ian
Chronological coverage: 1640–1660
Index terms: Superstition; Magic; Witchcraft
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history
Women and charity in four 16th-century Yorkshire towns. Barton, Charlotte
M.Phil., Huddersfield. (Hist.). Supervised by Cullum, Patricia H.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1600
Index terms: Towns; Yorkshire; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Local and regional history; Social history; 16th Century
Women and crime in S.W. Scotland: a study of the justiciary court records, 1750-1815. Kilday, Anne-Marie
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Devine, Thomas M.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1815
Index terms: Justiciary court; Courts; Scotland; Crime; Women
Categories: Gender and Women; Legal history; 18th-19th Century
Women and Fascism in inter-war Britain. Gottleib, Julie V.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Parry, Jonathan P.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Fascists, Fascism; Women
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Women at the Front: gender conflicts during the First World War. Dennant, Lynda
Ph.D., Warwick. (Women's Stud.). Supervised by Luddy, Maria
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: Gender conflicts; Women; World War I (1914-18)
Categories: Military and naval history; Gender and Women; Administrative history; 20th Century
Women in British nonconformity, c.1880-1920, with special reference to the Society of Friends, Baptist Union and Salvation Army. Lauer, Laura E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howarth, Janet H.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
Index terms: Nonconformists, Nonconformity; Salvation Army; Baptist Union; Women; Society of Friends
Categories: Social history; 18th-19th Century; Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history; 20th Century
Women in English political life, 1754-90. Chalus, Elaine H.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Langford, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1754–1790
Index terms: Women
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; 18th-19th Century
Women in medicine in late 19th- and early 20th-century Edinburgh: a case study. Thomson, Elaine
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1880–1920
Index terms: Women; Medicine; Edinburgh
Categories: 19th Century; Medicine; Gender and Women; 20th Century
Women members and witnesses on British government ad hoc committees of inquiry, 1850-1930, with special reference to royal commissions of inquiry. Harrison, Elaine
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Lewis, Jane E.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1930
Index terms: Administration, central; Government, see Administration; Women; Royal commissions of inquiry; Committees of inquiry
Categories: Military and naval history; Gender and Women; Administrative history; 19th Century; 20th Century
Working-class politics in Plymouth, c.1890-1920. Hilson, Mary K.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Thorpe, Andrew J.; Melling, Joseph L.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1920
Index terms: Plymouth, Devon; Working classes
Categories: 18th-19th Century
World without war: a study of women's involvement in the peace movement, 1914-39. Morrison, Caroline
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Henig, Ruth B.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1939
Index terms: Peace movement; Women
Categories: Political history; Gender and Women; Social history; 20th Century
York and Yorkshire's military reaction to the Jacobite rebellion of 1745. Bagnall, David R.
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Clayton, Ronald W.
Chronological coverage: 1745–1745
Index terms: Rebellion (1745); Jacobites; Yorkshire; York
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Military and naval history; Administrative history
A bad press? Popular newspapers, the Labour party and British politics from Northcliffe to Blair. Thomas, James
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Stead, Peter P.
Chronological coverage: 1893–2000
Index terms: Blair, Tony (1953-), prime minister; Harmsworth, Alfred Charles William, Viscount Northcliffe (1865-1922), journalist and newspaper proprietor
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A community study of Upholland, Lancashire, with particular reference to the 17th century. Coney, Audrey P.
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Kermode, Jennifer I.; Booth, Paul H.W.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Upholland, Lancashire; Lancashire
Categories: 16th-17th Century
A critical edition of Lady Falkland: her life (1645) with correspondence and records of the Falkland family, 1625-71. Wolfe, H.R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Axton, Marie H.
Chronological coverage: 1625–1671
Index terms: Falkland, Lady, see Cary, Elizabeth; Cary, Elizabeth (1585-1639), Lady Falkland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Administration and social change in the post-war British new towns: a case study of Stevenage and Hemel Hempstead, 1946-70. Homer, Andrew
Ph.D., Luton. (Hist.). Supervised by Clapson, Mark I.
Chronological coverage: 1946–1970
Index terms: New towns; New towns, social change
Categories: 20th Century
Adult education as a source of employment and vocation in England, 1919-39. Coles, Janet
Ph.D., Leeds. (Educ.). Supervised by Marriott, S.; Sharp, Paul R.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Adult Education; Education, adult
Categories: 20th Century
A fatal attachment: Ireland and the Jacobite cause, 1685-1766. O'Ciardha, Eamonn T.J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Bradshaw, Brendan I.
Chronological coverage: 1685–1766
Index terms: Jacobites, Jacobitism; Ireland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
A force to be reckoned with? The temperance movement and the 'drink question', 1895-1933. Dunn, James C.
M.Phil., Central Lancashire. (Hist. & Crit. Stud.). Supervised by Russell, David C.; Vernon, Keith
Chronological coverage: 1895–1933
Index terms: Temperance movement
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A forgotten army: the female munitions workers of S. Wales, 1939-45. Williams, Mari A.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Women; Wales; Munitions workers
Categories: 20th Century
Agweddau ar ddiwylliant materol bonedd siroedd Dinbych a'r Fflint, 1540-1640. (Aspects of the material culture of the Denbighshire and Flintshire gentry, 1540-1640.) (In Welsh medium.). Williams, Sioned N.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Jones, J. Gwynfor
Chronological coverage: 1540–1640
Index terms: Flintshire; Denbighshire; Wales
Categories: 16th-17th Century
A history of the Irish Baptist foreign mission, 1924-77. Reid, Andrew B.
M.Phil., Belfast.
Chronological coverage: 1924–1977
Index terms: Mission, Baptist; Baptist mission; Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
A history of the Medical Artists' Association of Great Britain, 1949-97. Archer, Patricia M.A.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist. of Med.). Supervised by Bynum, William F.
Chronological coverage: 1949–1997
Index terms: Medical Artists' Association of Great Britain
Categories: 20th Century
A history of women workers in English libraries, 1871-1974. Kerslake, Evelyn
Ph.D., Loughborough.
Chronological coverage: 1871–1974
Index terms: Women; Libraries
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century; Social history; Gender and Women; Economic history
Air pollution in 19th-century Manchester and Salford. Mosley, Stephen
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Walton, John K.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Salford, Lancs.; Manchester, Lancs.; Air pollution
Categories: 18th-19th Century
'A manly training to obedience': Protestant reformatories for boys in Lancashire, c.1854-1908. Jolly, Sandra
Ph.D., Central Lancashire. (Hist. & Crit. Stud.). Supervised by Vernon, Keith; Levitt, Ian
Chronological coverage: 1850–1908
Index terms: Lancashire; Crime; Residential care; Juvenile delinquency
Categories: 18th-19th Century
An analysis of the origins and provisions for rural elementary education in the North Riding of Yorkshire in the early 20th century. Brown, Joan
M.Phil., Leeds. (Educ.). Supervised by Sharp, Paul R.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1920
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Yorkshire, North Riding; Elementary education
Categories: 20th Century
An assessment of aspects of the work of the Stevenson engineers, 1786-1952. Paxton, Roland A.
Ph.D., Heriot-Watt.
Chronological coverage: 1786–1952
Index terms: Stevenson family, Edinburgh; Engineering, in Scotland; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
An edition, with introduction and commentary, of John Blount's English translation of Nicholas Upton's De Studio Militari (Bodleian Library, MS. Eng. Misc. d. 227). Walker, Craig G.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Keen, Maurice H.
Chronological coverage: 1511–1515
Index terms: De Studio Militari (Nicholas Upton's); Blount, John (fl.1515); Upton, Nicholas (c.1400-57)
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Anglo-Japanese relations, 1939-41: the influence of diplomats on foreign policy-making. Niwa, Yasuko
M.Litt., Oxford. (Pol.)
Chronological coverage: 1939–1941
Index terms: Japan, and Britain; Foreign policy; Diplomats, Diplomacy; Foreign relations, with Japan
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
An irenic theologian: William Forbes, first bishop of Edinburgh. Martin, Joyce B.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Theol.). Supervised by Platt, John E.
Chronological coverage: 1605–1634
Index terms: Bishops; Forbes, William (1585-1634), bishop of Edinburgh; Epsicopate, see Bishops
Categories: 16th-17th Century
A passage from India: British women travelling home, 1915-47. Gowans, Georgina
Ph.D., Southampton.
Chronological coverage: 1915–1947
Index terms: India, and Britain; Women, British, in India; Travel, from India to Britain
Categories: 20th Century; Asia and Middle East; Gender and Women; Ethnic and migration history; Population
A railway revolution? A census-based analysis of the economic, social and topographical effects of the coming of the railway upon the city of Winchester, c.1830-c.1890. Allen, Mark A.
Ph.D., Southampton. Supervised by James, Thomas B.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1890
Index terms: Winchester, Hants.; Transport; Railways
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A railway revolution? An analysis of economic and social change in Winchester, c.1840-c.1890. Allen, Mark
Ph.D., Southampton. Supervised by James, Thomas B.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1890
Index terms: Winchester, Hants.; Transport; Railways
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Archaeology, museums and the nation in 19th- and early 20th-century Ireland. Crooke, Elizabeth M.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 1800–2000
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Architecture, science and colour in Britain, 1945-76. Neumann, Eva-Marie
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Archit.)
Chronological coverage: 1945–1976
Index terms: Architecture; Science
Categories: 20th Century
Arts and crafts influences in East Anglian gardens: gardens and gardening in Norfolk and Suffolk, 1885-1914. Percifull, Elise
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Tom M.
Chronological coverage: 1885–1914
Index terms: Suffolk; Arts and crafts; Norfolk; East Anglia; Gardens, Gardening
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A social history of Roman Catholic nuns and sisters in 19th- and early 20th-century England and Wales: the veiled dynamic. Walsh, Barbara M.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Winstanley, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1920
Index terms: Nuns; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A social history of Roman Catholic nuns and sisters in 19th-century England and Wales. Walsh, Barbara
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Winstanley, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church; Nuns
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A socio-historical study of the British Federation of University Women, 1930-57. Golby, Alison
Ph.D., Portsmouth. (Soc., Hist. & Lit. Stud.). Supervised by Purvis, June; Lunn, Kenneth J.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1957
Categories: 20th Century; Social history; Gender and Women; Education
Aspects of female gentility in 18th-century N. Wales. Clarke, Simone
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Roberts, Michael F.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Wales; Female gentility; Women
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Aspects of the life and work of Dr. Edward William Hope, Assistant Medical Officer of Health for Liverpool, 1883-94, and Medical Officer of Health for Liverpool, 1894-1924. Clayton, June
M.Phil., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Power, Michael J.; Power, Helen J.
Chronological coverage: 1883–1924
Index terms: Public health, Public healthcare; Liverpool; Hope, Edward William (1854-1950), doctor; Medical Officer of Health for Liverpool
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Aston Webb and Edwardian architecture. Dungavel, Ian
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Vict. Art). Supervised by Crook, Joseph Mordaunt
Chronological coverage: 1901–1911
Index terms: Webb, Sir Aston (1849-1930); Architecture
Categories: 20th Century
A study of female textile operatives in the Belfast linen industry, c.1890-1939. Hamill, Jonathan P.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Dowd, Mary
Chronological coverage: 1890–1939
Index terms: Ireland; Belfast; Textile industry; Women
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A study of the management of metalliferous mining in 19th-century Cornwall, with particular reference to the Thomas family. Mann, Jacqueline H.
M.Phil., Exeter.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Mines, Miners, Mining, Mining industry; Cornwall; Metalliferous mining; Thomas family, Cornwall; Management
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Avoiding the asylum: pioneering work in mental health care, 1890-1939. Westwood, Beryl A.L.
D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Thane, Patricia M.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1939
Index terms: Mental health; Asylums
Categories: 18th-19th Century
A war of individuals: aesthetic and humanist anti-war feeling in Britain, 1914-22. Atkin, Jonathan P.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Whiting, Richard C.; Cecil, Hugh P.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1922
Index terms: Humanists, Humanism; Anti-war feeling; World War I
Categories: 20th Century
'A war of individuals': British aesthetic, humanist and moral anti-war reaction during the Great War and post-war period. Atkin, Jonathan P.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Whiting, Richard C.; Cecil, Hugh P.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1922
Index terms: World War I; Humanists, Humanism; Anti-war feeling
Categories: 20th Century
'Being like a field': corporate identity in the Stationers' Company, 1557-1684. Gadd, Ian A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.)
Chronological coverage: 1557–1684
Index terms: Stationers' Company
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Biography and the cult of personality in 18th-century Britain. Howard, Stephen B.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Langford, Paul
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Personality, the cult of; Biography
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Blackpool division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade. Beighton, Peter
M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Constantine, Stephen
Chronological coverage: 1877–1997
Index terms: Public health; St. John Ambulance Brigade; Blackpool, Lancs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Blackpool division, St. John Ambulance Brigade: the early years. Beighton, Peter H.
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Constantine, Stephen
Chronological coverage: 1898–1902
Index terms: Public health; St. John Ambulance Brigade; Blackpool, Lancs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Breaching the Bastille: aspects of gender, class and politics in the women's movement to reform the 19th-century English workhouse. Chantry, Angela
Ph.D., Kent. (Canterbury Christ Church: Hist.). Supervised by Wells, Roger A.E.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Women; Gender; Workhouses
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Political history; Social history; Gender and Women; Cultural history
Breaking the conjugal vows: marriage and marriage breakdown in the North of England, 1660-1800. Bailey, Joanne
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Brooks, Christopher W.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1800
Index terms: Marriage; Matrimonial breakdown; Gender
Categories: 16th-17th Century
British homeopathy during two centuries. Morrell, Peter
M.Phil., Staffordshire. (Arts: Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–2000
Index terms: Medicine; Homeopathy
Categories: 18th-19th Century
British university observatories, c.1820-1939: ideals and resources. Hutchins, Roger D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Fox, Robert
Chronological coverage: 1820–1939
Index terms: Universities; Observatories
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Cartographic representations of race, c.1850-1930. Winlow, Heather D.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Geog.)
Chronological coverage: 1850–1930
Index terms: Race; Cartography
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Changing patterns of female employment in rural England, c.1790-1890. Verdon, Nicola
Ph.D., Leicester. (Northampton: Hist.). Supervised by King, Peter J.R.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1890
Index terms: Rural society; Female employment; Women
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Charles I and the distribution of political patronage. Shepherd, Mark D.
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Quintrell, Brian W.
Chronological coverage: 1625–1649
Index terms: Patronage, political; Charles I (1600-49), king
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Chartism in N. Staffordshire. Fyson, Robert
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Walton, John K.
Chronological coverage: 1838–1848
Index terms: Staffordshire; Chartists, Chartism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Chemical and analytical aspects of the early alkali and bleaching industries in Britain. Page, Frederick G.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Brock, William H.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1850
Index terms: Science, industrial; Bleaching industry; Alkali industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Church building and restoration in Victorian Glamorgan, 1837-1901. Orrin, Geoffrey R.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1837–1901
Index terms: Glamorgan,; Wales; Church building; Church restoration
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Classics for girls: classics in independent schools, 1902-60, with special reference to the differing experiences of boys and girls. Hasler, Penelope
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea)
Chronological coverage: 1902–1960
Index terms: Schools, independent; Classics; Education, of girls; Girls, education of; Boys, education of; Education, of boys
Categories: 20th Century
Collective strategies of Clydeside capital, 1870-1920. Johnston, Ronald J.
Ph.D., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by McIvor, Arthur J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1920
Index terms: Scotland; Capital; Clydeside, Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Concepts of Baptist ministry mainly in the period between 1850 and 1900. Nicholls, Michael K.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, David M.; Briggs, John H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Index terms: Baptist ministry; Baptists
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Conditions of emergence and existence of archaeology in the 19th century: the Royal Archaeological Institute, 1843-1914. Ebbatson, Linda
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1843–1914
Index terms: Royal Archaeological Institute; Archaeology
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Conservative policy on local government, 1886-1902. Sutherland, Roy Wallace
M.Phil., London. (Ext.)
Chronological coverage: 1886–1902
Index terms: Conservatives, Conservatism, Conservative party; Local administration, Local government
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Control of religious printing in early Stuart England. Towers, Suellen M.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Tyacke, Nicholas R.N.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1640
Index terms: Printing, religious
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Corporatism and the Conservative party in the 1930s. Frame, William R.G.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Turner, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1940
Index terms: Conservative party; Corporatism
Categories: 20th Century
Death by divelishe demonstracion : witchcraft beliefs, gender and popular religion in the early modern Midlands and north of England. Macpherson, Kirsteen
Ph.D., Nottingham Trent. (Int. Stud.). Supervised by Brown, Angela; Bennett, Martyn
Chronological coverage: 1500–1700
Index terms: Witchcraft
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Debt, credit and business strategy: the law and the local economy, 1850-1900. Wood, Neil
Ph.D., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Rodger, Richard G.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1900
Index terms: Towns; Northampton; Leicester; Property ownership
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Decision-making processes in the manufacturing sector: the independent locomotive industry in the 19th century. Bailey, Michael R.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Divall, Colin
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Locomotive industry; Manufacture, Manufacturing; Industry; Railways
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Decoration and devotion: religious representation in west country decorative plasterwork, c.1590-c.1660. Hamling, Tara
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by West, Shearer C.
Chronological coverage: 1590–1660
Index terms: Religious decoration; Decorative plasterwork
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Developments in the making of policy in education in the 20th century: the 1902, 1918, 1944 and 1988 Education Acts. Davies-Griffiths, Christopher C.
Ph.D., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 1902–1988
Index terms: Education policy; Education Acts (1902, 1918, 1944 and 1988)
Categories: 20th Century
Did 'King Dirt' and 'Bumbledom' defeat the objects of the Public Health Act, 1848? A case study of the political, social and cultural attitudes to public health reform in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Gateshead and Sunderland, 1835-58. Friswell, Caroline A.
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Heesom, Alan J.
Chronological coverage: 1835–1858
Index terms: Gateshead?; Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Sunderland?; Public Health Act (1848); Public health
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Different bodies: female philanthropy and the mis/recognition of women, 1870-1914. Livesey, Ruth
M.Phil./Ph.D., Warwick. (Women's Stud.). Supervised by Steedman, Carolyn K.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Philanthropy; Women
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century; Gender and Women
Diversity, urbanization and the decline of religious vitality in the city of Aberdeen, 1851-1991. Chmiel, Paul J.
M.Phil., Aberdeen. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1851–1991
Index terms: Aberdeen; Religious vitality; Urbanization; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Domestic servants in 19th-century Dundee. Merchant, Jeanette
Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Whatley, Christopher A.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Dundee, Angus; Domestic servants; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Dundee radical politics, 1834-50. Paul, Shona G.
M.Phil., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Lawrence A.
Chronological coverage: 1834–1850
Index terms: Working-class movement; Dundee
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Early limestone railways of south-east Wales. van Laun, John
Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Lewis, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1825–1900
Index terms: Limestone railways; Railways, limestone; Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Eighteenth-century erotica. Harvey, Karen L.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Vickery, Amanda
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Erotica
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Empires of patronage: Colonel William Sykes and the politics of Victorian science. Beecroft, Mark E.
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Crosbie W.
Chronological coverage: 1810–1872
Index terms: Patronage, scientific; Science; Empire, British; Sykes, William Henry (1790-1872), colonel
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Encouragements and constraints in the development of experimental animal behaviour studies in Great Britain since the late 19th century. Wilson, David A.H.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Gentilcore, David C.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1996
Index terms: Animal behaviour; Science, academic
Categories: 18th-19th Century
English hunting as a courtly phenomenon under Henry VIII. Williams, James J.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1509–1547
Index terms: Courts, royal; Hunting; Henry VIII (1491-1547), king
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Enniskillen and the Newtownbutler campaign, 1689. Graham, Darren P.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Childs, John C.R.
Chronological coverage: 1689–1689
Index terms: Enniskillen, Ireland; Ireland; Newtownbutler, Ireland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Eschatology, apocalypse and millenarianism in 17th-century Protestant thought. Gibson, Ken
Ph.D., Nottingham Trent. (Int. Stud.). Supervised by Brown, Angela; Bennett, Martyn
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Millennarian thought
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Factionalism in the Kirk during the Cromwellian invasion and occupation of Scotland, 1650-60: the protester-resolutioner controversy. Holfelder, Kyle D.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1650–1660
Index terms: Church of Scotland; Scotland, Cromwellian occupation of
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Farming and landholding in a Wealden parish: a study of farmers in Frittenden, 1800-70. Betts, Philip F.J.
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Armstrong, Walter A.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1870
Index terms: Frittenden, Kent; Parishes; Landholding; Farmers, Farming; Weald of Kent
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Fascism in East Anglia: the British Union of Fascists in Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex, 1933-40. Mitchell, Andrew M.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Thurlow, Richard C.
Chronological coverage: 1933–1940
Index terms: Suffolk; Norfolk; Essex; East Anglia; Fascists, Fascism; British Union of Fascists
Categories: 20th Century
Female and child agricultural day labourers in Somerset, c.1685-1870. Speechley, Helen V.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Whittle, Jane C.; Overton, Mark
Chronological coverage: 1700–1850
Index terms: Somerset; Children; Agriculture; Women
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Female culture in physical training colleges, 1885-1918. Street, Kelvin J.
Ph.D., De Montfort. (Hum.). Supervised by Vamplew, Wray
Chronological coverage: 1885–1918
Index terms: Physical training colleges; Women
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Film and the contestation of public health in inter-war Britain. Boon, Timothy M.
Ph.D., London.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Public health; Film
Categories: 20th Century
'Flame and burnt offering': a life of Constance Lytton, 1869-1923. Myall, Michelle
Ph.D., Portsmouth. (Soc., Hist. & Lit. Stud.). Supervised by Purvis, June
Chronological coverage: 1889–1923
Categories: 18th-19th Century
'Flawed in France, flawless in Palestine': is the traditional view of Sir Edmund Allenby's military career in the First World War in need of revision?. Berry, Nicholas J.
M.Phil., London. (K.C. War Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Allenby, Sir Edmund (1861-1936), field marshal
Categories: 20th Century
From craft union to trades union: the National Association of Operative Plasterers, 1860-1914. Cook, Colin F.
M.Phil., Coventry. (Worcester: Hist.). Supervised by Crompton, Francis G.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1914
Index terms: Trade unions; Plasterers, Plastering
Categories: 18th-19th Century
From separation to integration: the care of orphan and destitute children in Sheffield, 1860-1920. Handley, Jack
M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Binfield, J. Clyde G.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1920
Index terms: Orphans, care of; Children; Sheffield, Yorkshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Furnishing a city: design and production of furniture in 19th-century Sheffield. Goddard, Julie
Ph.D., Sheffield Hallam. (Hist.). Supervised by Lloyd-Jones, Roger
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Sheffield, Yorks.; Industry; Furniture industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Gender and nursing in 19th-century Britain and Japan. Takahashi, Aya
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Corfield, Penelope J.; Summers, Anne
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Japan; Nurses, Nursing; Gender
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century
George Canning and the tories, c.1801-1827. Lee, Stephen M.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Gorman, Francis
Chronological coverage: 1801–1827
Index terms: Canning, George (1770-1827), prime minister; Tories, Toryism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Government and the gas industry, 1945-73. Jenkins, Andrew G.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Booth, Alan E.; Melling, Joseph L.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1973
Index terms: Gas industry
Categories: 20th Century
Government evacuation schemes as they affected schoolchildren in Sheffield during the Second World War. Elcock, Audrey A.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Martin, David E.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Sheffield; Evacuation; World War II (1939-45)
Categories: 20th Century
Herbert Gladstone, Ireland and radicalism. Lee, Richard A.
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Warren, Allen J.
Chronological coverage: 1886–1894
Index terms: Gladstone, Herbert John (1854-1930), Viscount Gladstone; Ireland; Radicals, Radicalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Illegitimacy and the urban poor in 18th-century London. Black, John
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Corfield, Penelope J.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: London; Illegitimacy; Poverty
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Imagining England: spatial and chronological conceptions of the realm of Elizabeth and James I. James, Kathryn A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Brockliss, Laurence W.B.
Chronological coverage: 1558–1625
Index terms: Elizabeth I (1533-1603), queen; Chronological conceptions; Spacial conceptions; James I and VI (1566-1625), king
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Industrialization in Argyll, 1700-1914. Lindsay, Robert G.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Cowan, Edward J.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1914
Index terms: Argyll; Industrialization; Scotland
Industrial schools in England 1857-1933: 'moral hospitals' or 'oppressive institutions'. Gear, Gillian C.
Ph.D., London. (Inst. Educ.). Supervised by Aldrich, Richard E.
Chronological coverage: 1857–1933
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Schools, industrial
Categories: 18th-19th Century
In search of a British Volkswagen. Clausager, Anders D.
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Hinton, James S.
Chronological coverage: 1935–1965
Index terms: Car Manufacturing industry; Volkswagen
Categories: 20th Century
Interest groups and policy-making: the welfare state, 1942-64. Sneddon, Nicola M.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Rollings, Neil; Crowther, M. Anne
Chronological coverage: 1942–1964
Index terms: Welfare state; Interest groups
Categories: 20th Century
John Howard Shakespeare and the English Baptists, 1898-1924. Shepherd, Peter
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, Sheridan W.
Chronological coverage: 1898–1924
Index terms: Nonconformity
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Kirk and community: Ulster Presbyterian society, 1640-1740. Browne, Roisin M.
M.Phil., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by O'Dowd, Mary
Chronological coverage: 1640–1740
Index terms: Northern Ireland; Ulster; Presbyterian church, in Ulster
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Labour and management relations at Swindon locomotive works, 1948-70. Anson, Michael J.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Booth, Alan E.; Melling, Joseph L.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1970
Index terms: Swindon, Wilts.; Locomotive industry; Industrial relations; Railways
Categories: 20th Century
Leisure persuits in North Lincolnshire, 1880-1939. Tonkin, David J.
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Walvin, James
Chronological coverage: 1880–1939
Index terms: Lincolnshire; Leisure
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Local governance and economic development: re-figuring state regulation in the Scottish Highlands. Mackinnon, Daniel
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Geog.). Supervised by Withers, Charles W.J.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1995
Index terms: Highlands, Scottish; Scotland
Lord Wellesley's confrontation with the Maratha 'empire'. Halliwell, William A.C.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Woolgar, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1797–1805
Index terms: India; Marathas; Empire, British; Wellesley, Arthur (1769-1852), 1st duke of Wellington
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 18th Century; 19th Century
Male violence directed at women as reported in the Manchester press, 1870-1900. Jones, Joanne
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Edge Hill Coll.: Hist.). Supervised by Archer, John E.; Feehan, Laurie J.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1900
Index terms: Masculinity; Manchester, Lancs.; Women; Violence
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Social history; Local and regional history; Gender and Women
Medical aspects of the famine in Scotland and Ireland in the 19th century. MacGillivray, Neil
M.Sc., Edinburgh.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1850
Index terms: Famine, in Ireland; Ireland; Famine, in Scotland; Scotland; Medicine
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Medicine and literature in 19th-century Britain. Copping, Matthew C.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Literature; Medicine
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Medicine and the cinema in the 1930s. Boon, Timothy M.
Ph.D., London. (Ext.). Supervised by Lawrence, Christopher J.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1940
Index terms: Cinema; Medicine
Categories: 20th Century
Metropolitan philanthropy: education and political culture in early 19th-century England, c.1800-1830. Gribble, Laura M.H.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Stevenson, John
Chronological coverage: 1800–1820
Index terms: Education (19th cent.); Philanthropy
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Micro-morphogenesis in inter-war suburbia. Walsh, Amanda
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Whitehand, Jeremy W.R.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Micro-morphogenesis; Suburbia
Categories: 20th Century
Modernity, art and art education in Britain, 1870-1940. Sharp, Neil
D.Phil., Sussex.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1940
Index terms: Education, artistic; Art
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Mothers of the future: Darwinian thought and the new woman literature of the 1890s. Richardson, Angelique
M.Phil., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Marcus, Laura; Porter, Dorothy E.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1900
Index terms: Women; Darwinian thought; Literature
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Mr. Mercury: a biographical study of Edward Baines, with special reference to his role as editor, author and politician. Thornton, David
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Green, Simon J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1794–1848
Index terms: Mr. Mercury, see Baines, Edward; Leeds Mercury; Baines, Edward (1774-1848), journalist; Newspapers, Newspaper press
Categories: 18th-19th Century
New light on the Wren City churches: the evidence of the All Souls and Bute drawings. Geraghty, Anthony P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Watkin, David J.
Chronological coverage: 1666–1722
Index terms: Churches; London; All Souls drawings; Bute drawings; Architecture; Wren, Sir Christopher (1632-1723)
Categories: 16th-17th Century
New material from the Clarke manuscripts: political and official correspondence and news sent and received by the army headquarters in Scotland, 1651-60. Henderson, Frances M.S.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Worden, A. Blair
Chronological coverage: 1651–1660
Index terms: Clarke manuscripts; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Nicholas Culpeper and the book trade: print and the promotion of vernacular medical knowledge, 1649-65. Sanderson, Jonathan
Ph.D., Leeds. (Eng.)
Chronological coverage: 1649–1665
Index terms: Book trade; Print, Printing; Culpeper, Nicholas (1616-54); Medical knowledge, vernacular
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Northern Irish regiments in the Great War: culture, mythology, politics and national identity. Hughes, S. Gavin M.
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: Northern Irish regiments; Northern Ireland; World War I (1914-18); National identity; Ireland; Ulster; Army
Categories: 20th Century
'One big row': government and the railways, 1951-64. Loft, E. Charles
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Hennessy, Peter J.
Chronological coverage: 1951–1964
Index terms: Transport; Railways
Categories: 20th Century
Opera and nationalism in mid 18th-century Britain. Aspden, Suzanne E.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1740–1760
Categories: 18th Century
Pacifist feminism in Britain, 1870-1902: 'the truest form of patriotism'. Brown, Heloise
Ph.D., York.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1902
Index terms: Women; Pacifism; Feminism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Passive air defence in Great Britain, 1936-9: the production and distribution of gas masks. Craven, Peter
M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Miller, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1936–1939
Index terms: Air defence; Gas masks
Categories: 20th Century
Paternalism, politics and estate management: the 5th Earl Fitzwilliam, 1786-1857. Gratton, David J.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Binfield, J. Clyde G.
Chronological coverage: 1786–1857
Index terms: Fitzwilliam, Charles William Wentworth (1786-1857), 5th Earl Fitzwilliam; Paternalism; Estate management
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Patrons and governors: aspects of the social history of the Bath Infirmary, c.1739-1830. Borsay, Anne
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter)
Chronological coverage: 1739–1830
Index terms: Patronage; Bath Infirmary; Public health, Public healthcare
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
Patterns and processes in a small Welsh town: a case study of Aberystwyth, c.1875-1925. Brown, Charlotte C.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Geog. & Earth Sc.). Supervised by Lewis, C. Roy
Chronological coverage: 1875–1925
Index terms: Aberystwyth, Wales; Wales; Towns, in Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Perceptions of the New World in England c.1570-c.1625. Macpherson, Sarah L.
M.Sc., Edinburgh.
Chronological coverage: 1570–1625
Index terms: New World
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Philip Zec: cartoonist in a propaganda war. Kellett, David K.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Welch, David A.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Cartoons, Cartoonists; Zec, Philip (1910-83); Propaganda
Categories: 20th Century
Plasterers: the development of a skilled trade and its trades union, 1860-1967. Cook, Colin
M.Phil., Coventry. (Worcester: Hist.). Supervised by Crompton, Francis G.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1967
Index terms: Plasterers, Plastering; Trade unions
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Political opposition to the government of Charles I in Scotland, 1625-37. Hesketh, Christian M.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Roy, Ian
Chronological coverage: 1625–1637
Index terms: Scotland; Charles I (1600-49), king
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Political violence in the Newry/Armagh area, 1912-25. Day, Charles S.
Ph.D., Belfast. (Pol.)
Chronological coverage: 1912–1925
Index terms: Newry, co. Down, N. Ireland; Northern Ireland; Political violence; Armagh, N. Ireland; Violence, political; Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
Politics of urban Glasgow, 1690-1750: case study in civic humanist tradition. Birkeland, Mairianna
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Kidd, Colin C.; Maver, Irene E.
Chronological coverage: 1690–1750
Index terms: Scotland; Civic humanism; Glasgow
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Politics through the microphone: B.B.C. radio and the 'New Jerusalem', 1940-5. Smith, David M.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Ramsden, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1945
Index terms: British Broadcasting Corporation; Radio
Categories: 20th Century
Poor relief, welfare and medical provision in Bedfordshire: the social, economic and demographic context, c.1770-1834. Williams, Samantha K.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Richard M.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1834
Index terms: Medical provision; Welfare; Public health; Poor relief; Demography; Bedfordshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Popular culture in early modern Scotland. Brunsden, George M.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Cowan, Edward J.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1700
Index terms: Popular culture; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Popular religion in Dudley and the Gornals, c.1914-1965. Sykes, Richard P.M.
Ph.D., Wolverhampton. (Hum., Lang. & Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Benson, John; Leese, Roger
Chronological coverage: 1914–1965
Index terms: Gornals, Lower and Upper, Staffs.; Dudley, ???; Popular religion
Categories: 20th Century
Popular responses to the outbreak of the 1914-18 war in England and Wales. Freda, Dominic A.J.
M.Litt., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.)
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: First World War (1914-18)
Categories: 20th Century
Preparing for total war: civilian gas mask policy in Britain, 1935-9. Craven, Peter
M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Miller, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1935–1939
Index terms: Air defence; Gas masks
Categories: 20th Century
Press and empire: the London press, government news management and India, c.1900-1922. Kaul, Chandrika
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Darwin, John G.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1922
Index terms: News management; Empire, British; Newspapers, Newspaper press; Press, newspaper; India
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
Proletarianization, parliamentary enclosure and the household economy of the labouring poor, 1750-1850. Shaw-Taylor, Leigh M.W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Smith, Richard M.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1850
Index terms: Household economy; Poverty; Proletarianization; Enclosure, parliamentary
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Protestantism, puritanism and practical divinity in England, c.1570-1620. Yiannikkou, Jason
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collinson, Patrick
Chronological coverage: 1570–1620
Index terms: Divinity, practical; Puritanism; Protestantism
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Protestant polemic and the nature of evangelical dissent, 1538-53. Bradshaw, Christopher J.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Pettegree, Andrew D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1537–1553
Index terms: Protestants, Protestantism; Reformation; Evangelicals, Evangelicalism
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Protestant religious dissent in 17th-century Nottinghamshire. Jennings, Stuart
Ph.D., Nottingham Trent. (Int. Stud.). Supervised by Brown, Angela; Bennett, Martyn
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Dissenters and Dissent, religious; Nottinghamshire; Protestants, Protestantism
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Provincial playing places and performances in early modern England, 1559-1625. Keenan, Siobhan
Ph.D., Warwick.
Chronological coverage: 1559–1625
Index terms: Theatre
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Public health response to epidemics. Allen, Kenneth W.
M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Woodward, John H.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1990
Index terms: Epidemics; Public health
Public readings of technology: film, aviation and passenger shipping, 1890s-1930s. Rieger, Bernhard W.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Daunton, Martin J.
Chronological coverage: 1890–1940
Index terms: Aviation; Film; Technology; Ships, Shipping
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Reds at the heart of the empire: aspects of the Communist party of Great Britain in the Medway towns, 1920-43. Turner, David S.
Ph.D., Kent. (Canterbury Christ Church: Hist.). Supervised by Greenwood, Sean
Chronological coverage: 1920–1943
Index terms: Communists, Communism; Medway towns
Categories: 20th Century
Regional policy and the British motor vehicle industry, 1945-64: a study in selective intervention and the economics of industrial location. Rosevear, Stephen
Ph.D., Bristol. (Hist. Stud.). Supervised by Middleton, Roger A.H.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1964
Index terms: Motor industry
Categories: 20th Century
Religion and politics in the history of Bury Grammar School, c.1570-1749. Fallows, Ian B.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Educ.). Supervised by Sharp, Paul R.; Jenkins, E.W.
Chronological coverage: 1570–1749
Index terms: Politics; Schools; Education, 16th-18th cent.; Religion; Bury Grammar School, Lancs.
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Religious feminism in an age of empire: C.M.S. women missionaries in Iran, 1869-1934. Francis-Dehqani, Gulnar E.
Ph.D., Bristol.
Chronological coverage: 1869–1934
Index terms: C.M.S., see Church Missionary Society; Church Missionary Society; Women, in Iran; Missions, Christian, in Iran; Feminism, religious; Iran
Categories: 20th Century; 19th Century; Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Representations of adultery in England, c.1660-c.1740: a study of changing perceptions of marital infidelity in conduct literature, drama, trial publications and the records of the court of arches. Turner, David M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ingram, Martin J.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1740
Index terms: Court of arches; Marriage; Adultery; Drama; Conduct literature
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Restoration drama and the art of political disguise, 1660-88. Mertens, Barbara
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1688
Index terms: Dramatists, Drama; Restoration (1660)
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Restoration drama and the art of political disguise, 1660-88. Mertens, Barbara
M.Litt., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1688
Index terms: Dramatists, Drama; Restoration (1660)
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Royalist politics, religion and ideas in Restoration Scotland, 1660-89. Jackson, Janet C.L.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Goldie, Mark A.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1689
Index terms: Restoration, in Scotland; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Safety at sea in the 19th century. Bahr, Rudiger
M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Maritime Stud.). Supervised by Prescott, Robert G.W.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Maritime safety
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Scottish trade unions and nationalization, 1945-55: a case study of the coal industry. Anderson, Ian G.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Rollings, Neil; Gordon, Eleanor J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1955
Index terms: Nationalization; Scotland; Trade Unions; Coal industry, Coal miners, Coal mining, Coalfields
Categories: 20th Century
Seasonal workers, their dwellings and living conditions in Scotland, 1770-1970. Leitch, Roger W.
Ph.D., Dundee.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1970
Index terms: Living conditions; Seasonal workers; Scotland
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century; 20th Century
Sexual slander in later 17th-century England. Winch, Dinah S.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ingram, Martin J.
Chronological coverage: 1670–1700
Index terms: Cheshire; Slander, sexual; Sussex; Sexual slander
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Sir George Clerk: his career and diplomacy. Protheroe, Gerald J.
Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
Chronological coverage: 1811–1867
Index terms: Clerk, Sir George (1787-1867); Diplomacy
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Social and economic change in the old shire of Cromarty, 1680-1850. Alston, David J.
Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Whatley, Christopher A.
Chronological coverage: 1680–1850
Index terms: Scotland; Cromarty
Social and economic history of Cromarty, 1680-1850. Alston, David
Ph.D., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Whatley, Christopher A.
Chronological coverage: 1680–1850
Index terms: Scotland; Cromarty
Social and political determinants in the identity of 19th-century English art education. Romans, Mervyn
Ph.D., Central England in Birmingham. (Art & Design). Supervised by Seed, John; Stanley, N.; Swift, J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Education (19th-20th cent.); Art
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Social changes in Southport, 1841-91. Gowling, Margaret
M.Phil., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Winstanley, Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1841–1891
Index terms: Southport, Lancs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Social investigation in rural England, 1870-1914. Freeman, Mark
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Crowther, M. Anne
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Rural society
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Social relationships and developing class tensions within W. Essex rural communities, 1800-50. Hall-Garrett, Peter
M.A., Essex. (Hist.). Supervised by Hussey, S.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1850
Index terms: Rural society; Essex; Class, social
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Some aspects of the law of nationality in 19th-century Britain. Graf, Simon-Peter
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Nationality, law of; Law
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Spa town: a study in the urban development of Harrogate, c.1770-1841. Neesam, Malcolm G.
M.Phil., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Green, Simon J.D.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1841
Index terms: Urban development; Harrogate, Yorks.; Spa towns
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
St. Andrews University Library in the 18th century: Scottish education and print culture. Simpson, Matthew
Ph.D., St. Andrews.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Scotland; Universities; St. Andrews, University of, Scotland; Education, higher, in Scotland; Libraries; Print culture
Categories: 18th Century
Status and participation in early modern England: a case study from N. Norfolk, 1580-1640. Pitman, Jonathan
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, Victor F.G.; Smith, Alfred Hassall
Chronological coverage: 1580–1640
Index terms: Community; Norfolk
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Structures and strategies: the family in Sheffield, 1841-91. Holl, Kristin N.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Woodward, John H.
Chronological coverage: 1841–1891
Index terms: Sheffield, Yorks.; Family, Families
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Studies on the mathematical and astronomical papers of Sir Henry Savile. Goulding, Robert D.
Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Kraye, Jill A.
Chronological coverage: 1569–1622
Index terms: Savile, Sir Henry (1549-1622); Mathematics; Astronomy
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Temperate feminists: The British Women's Temperance Association, 1870-1914. Barrow, Margaret
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, Michael E.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1914
Index terms: Women; Feminists, Feminism; Temperance; The British Women's Temperance Association
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century; Social history; Gender and Women
The 19th-century pottery industry. Booth, Pauline R.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Briggs, John H.Y.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Pottery; Industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The administration of the poor law in the city of Worcester in the 18th century. Sanders, Margaret H.
M.Phil., Coventry. (Worcester: Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, B.C.; Trueman, B.E.S.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Worcester; Poor law
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The application of emerging new technologies by Portsmouth dockyard, 1790-1815. Wilkin, F. Susan
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Chant, Colin W.; Coley, Noel G.
Chronological coverage: 1790–1815
Index terms: Portsmouth dockyard; Technology; Dockyard, Portsmouth
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
The battles of the Lys: the British army on the defensive in April 1918. Blades, Geoffrey D.
M.Phil., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Bond, Brian J.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1918
Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Army; Lys, Battles of the, Flanders
Categories: 20th Century
The British general election of 1929. Howard, Jason G.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Clarke, Peter F.
Chronological coverage: 1929–1929
Index terms: General elections
Categories: 20th Century
The British Labour party and the League of Nations, 1933-5. Corthorn, Paul S.
M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Philip A.
Chronological coverage: 1933–1935
Index terms: League of Nations; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century
The business of the College of Justice in 1600: how it reflects the economic and social life of Scots men and women. Coutts, Winifred K.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Lynch, Michael; Sellar, W. David H.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1600
Index terms: College of Justice; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Social history; Gender and Women; Economic history
The causes and effects of the divisions within Methodism in Bradford, 1796-1857. Terry, James G.
Ph.D., Huddersfield.
Chronological coverage: 1796–1857
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
The Communist party of Great Britain: its relationship to the struggle against Fascism, c.1935-1945, with special reference to W. Yorkshire. Murphy, Dylan
M.Phil./Ph.D., Huddersfield. (Hist.). Supervised by Stafford, William; Laybourn, Keith
Chronological coverage: 1935–1945
Index terms: Yorkshire; Fascists, Fascism; Communist party
Categories: 20th Century
The Conservative party and the adaptation to modernity, c.1957-c.1964. Jarvis, Mark C.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Turner, John A.
Chronological coverage: 1957–1964
Index terms: Conservative party
Categories: 20th Century
The construction of martyrdom in the English Catholic community to 1603. Dillon, Anne K.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Div.)
Chronological coverage: 1520–1603
Index terms: Martyrdom, Roman Catholic; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The contributions of émigré art historians to the British art world after 1933. Béchard-Léauté, Anne-Françoise
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Massing, Jean Michel
Chronological coverage: 1933–1960
Index terms: Art historians, émigré; Art
Categories: 20th Century
The cotton brokers and the development of the Liverpool cotton market, c.1800-1914. Hall, Nigel A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Feinstein, Charles H.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1914
Index terms: Liverpool; Cotton trade
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The creation and evolution of the London regiment, 1908-18. Jones, Michael
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1908–1918
Index terms: London regiment; Military
Categories: 20th Century
The creation of place image in inter-war Clacton and Frinton. Chase, Laura
Ph.D., Essex. (Soc.)
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Frinton, Essex; Clacton, Essex
Categories: 20th Century
The cult of King Charles the martyr: the rise and fall of a political theology, c.1640-1859. Lacey, Andrew C.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Palmer, Marilyn
Chronological coverage: 1640–1859
Index terms: Charles I (1600-49), king; Political theology
The cultural effects of the introduction of public provision into a S. Yorkshire coal mining community: a study of the Dearn Valley, 1918-39. Elliott, Michael
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Martin, David E.
Chronological coverage: 1918–1939
Index terms: Yorkshire; Coal industry, Coal miners, Coal mining, Coalfields; Dearn Valley, Yorkshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The culture of commerce in England, 1660-1720. Glaisyer, Natasha A.F.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Goldie, Mark A.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1720
Index terms: Commerce
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The daughters of Sir Anthony Cooke (1505-76) of Gidea Hall, Essex. King, Susan
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1515–1576
Index terms: Education (16th-18th cent.); Women; Gidea Hall, Essex; Cooke, Sir Anthony (1505/6-76), educator
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The design process in British ceramic manufacture, 1750-1850, and John and David Elers and their contemporaries. Elliott, Gordon
Ph.D., Staffordshire. (Arts: Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1750–1850
Index terms: Design; Elers, John Philip (fl.1690-1730); Ceramic manufacture; Elers, David (fl.1690-1730)
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
The development and implementation of authority in a regional capital: a study of Bristol's elites, 1835-1939. Jordan, Spencer
Ph.D., West of England. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1835–1939
Index terms: Towns; Local government; Bristol
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of gymnastics in the W. Midlands, with particular reference to its association with religious and educational institutions during the period 1865-1918. Gallighan, Frank
Ph.D., Coventry. (Worcester: Hist.). Supervised by Ward, I.; Davis, R.J.; Compton, Francis G.
Chronological coverage: 1865–1918
Index terms: Religious institutions; West Midlands; Schools; Gymnastics; Education
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of millennarian thought in early modern Britain. Gibson, Ken
Ph.D., Nottingham Trent. (Int. Stud.). Supervised by Brown, Angela; Bennett, Martyn
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Millennarian thought
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The development of the localized brewing industry in S. Cheshire, 1830-1940. Roberts, Nigel C.
M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1940
Index terms: Brewing industry; Cheshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The development of the playhouse in 17th-century London. Potts, Alistair J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Howard, D.J.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Playhouses; London
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The diagnostic use of x-rays in medicine in the United Kingdom, 1896-1920s: a regional study. Ramsey, Leslie J.
M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Cherry, Steven
Chronological coverage: 1896–1930
Index terms: Medicine; X-rays, diagnostic use of
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The diagnostic use of x-rays in the United Kingdom, 1896-1920s: a regional study. Ramsey, Leslie J.
M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Cherry, Steven
Chronological coverage: 1896–1930
Index terms: X-rays, diagnostic use of; Medicine
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The discipline and morale of the British Expeditionary Force in France and Flanders, 1914-18, with particular reference to the Irish regiments. Bowman, Tim
Ph.D., Luton. (Hist.). Supervised by Beckett, Ian F.W.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: B.E.F., see British Expeditionary Force; France; British Expeditionary Force; Flanders, Belgium; Irish regiments; World War I
Categories: 20th Century
The Drum Major of sedition: the political life and career of John Cartwright. Eckersley, Rachel E.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Gorman, Francis
Chronological coverage: 1760–1824
Index terms: Cartwright, John (1740-1824)
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The duke of Wellington and the people, 1819-32. Durham, Shaun R.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1819–1832
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The economy, housing and health in West Hartlepool, 1919-39. Wilson, Robert A.
M.Phil., Teesside. (Law, Arts & Hum.). Supervised by Taylor, David; Byrne, D.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: West Hartlepool; Health; Houses, Housing
Categories: 20th Century
The effect of religion on the parish of Leigh, c.1850-1898. Trumble, Sylvia
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Rose, Michael E.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1898
Index terms: Leigh, Lancs.; Parishes; Religion
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The effect of the Second World War on Macclesfield and its population. McGuinness, Philip
M.Phil., London. (K.C. War Stud.). Supervised by Dockrill, Michael L.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1945
Index terms: Macclesfield, Cheshire; World War II (1939-45)
Categories: 20th Century
The emergence of the occupation of district nursing in 19th-century England. Denny, Elaine
Ph.D., Nottingham.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1900
Index terms: Public health, Public healthcare; Nurses, Nursing; District nurses, District nursing
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The English Roman Catholic bishops and politics, 1903-43. Aspden, Kester D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Thompson, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1903–1949
Index terms: Politics, and religion; Religion; Bishops, Roman Catholic; Roman Catholics, Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church
Categories: 20th Century
The enlightened curriculum: liberal education in 18th-century British schools. Moore, Terrence O.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Anderson, Robert D.; Phillipson, Nicholas T.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Education (16th-18th cent.); Schools
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The evolution of infant education in Manchester, 1850-1920. Keogh, Irene W.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Educ.)
Chronological coverage: 1850–1920
Index terms: Manchester, Lancs.; Infant education; Education, infant
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The evolving reputation of Richard Hooker: an examination of responses to the Ecclesiastical Polity, 1640-1714. Brydon, Michael A.
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Ford, G. Alan
Chronological coverage: 1640–1714
Index terms: Hooker, Richard (?1554-1600), theologian; Ecclesiastical polity
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The extent of support for parliament in Yorkshire during the early stages of the first Civil War. Hopper, Andrew J.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Sharpe, James A.
Chronological coverage: 1642–1648
Index terms: Parliamentarians; Civil War (1642-60); Yorkshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century
'The fools have stumbled on their best man by accident': an analysis of the 1957 and 1963 Conservative party leadership selections. Miller, Stephen D.
Ph.D., Huddersfield.
Chronological coverage: 1957–1963
Categories: 20th Century
The foreign policy of the Chamberlain wartime administration, September 1939-May 1940. Mee, Richard C.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1939–1940
Index terms: Foreign policy; World War II (1939-45); Chamberlain, (Arthur) Neville (1869-1940), prime minister
Categories: 20th Century
The formation and management of the local licensed trade in Crewe, 1830-1914. Roberts, Nigel C.
M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Vincent, David M.
Chronological coverage: 1830–1914
Index terms: Cheshire; Brewing industry
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The frigate captains of the Royal Navy, 1793-1815. Wareham, Thomas N.R.
Ph.D., Exeter.
Chronological coverage: 1793–1815
Index terms: Frigates, captains of; Royal Navy
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
'The gathering of the elect': the development, nature and social-economic structures of Protestant religious dissent in 17th-century Nottinghamshire. Jennings, Stuart B.
Ph.D., Nottingham Trent. (Int. Stud.). Supervised by Brown, Angela; Bennett, Martyn
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Dissenters and Dissent, religious; Nottinghamshire; Protestants, Protestantism
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The historical development of the port of Faversham, 1580-1780. Wilkinson, Paul
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Maritime Stud.). Supervised by Prescott, Robert G.W.
Chronological coverage: 1580–1780
Index terms: Faversham, Kent; Ports
Categories: 20th Century
The history of community care for people with learning difficulties in Norfolk, 1930-80. Rolph, Sheena E.
Ph.D., Open University.
Chronological coverage: 1930–1980
Categories: 20th Century
The history of the Welsh Jewish communities, 1750 to the present. Morris, David G.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by O'Leary, Paul B.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1999
Index terms: Community; Jews, in Wales; Wales
Categories: 20th Century
The hope of the world: the story of Jesus and its influence in the formation of identity in working-class girls in Britain, 1900-45. Brewer, Sandy E.
Ph.D., London. (Goldsmiths)
Chronological coverage: 1900–1945
Index terms: Working classes; Class, social; Girls
Categories: 20th Century
The humanitarian, technical and political response to shipwreck in the first half of the 19th century: the 1836 inquiry and its aftermath. Probert, William B.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Rule, John G.
Chronological coverage: 1836–1840
Index terms: Humanitarian, Humanitarianism; Shipwrecks; Shipwreck, 1836 inquiry
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Hunting Hours: London, British Library, MS. Egerton 1146. Almond, Richard L.
M.Phil., York.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1520
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The iconography and mythology of the 18th-century English landscape garden. Gordon, Susan E.
Ph.D., Bristol.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Gardens; Iconography, of garden design; Landscape gardens
Categories: 18th Century
The imagined tropic: British imperial medicine in China, 1840-1910. Li, Shang-Jen
Ph.D., London. (Imperial Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Iliffe, Robert C.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1910
Index terms: China; Empire, British; Medicine
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 19th Century
The impact of the American Revolution on Irish public opinion. Morley, Vincent
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Elliott, Marianne J.; Mason, Keith
Chronological coverage: 1776–1800
Index terms: Public opinion, in Ireland; Ireland; American Revolution (1776)
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The impact of the struggle for racial equality in the United States on British racialised relations, 1958-68. Sanderson, Nuala M.
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Oldfield, John R.
Chronological coverage: 1963–1968
Index terms: Civil rights, in the U.S.A.; Johnson, Lyndon B. (1908-73), president of the U.S.A.; United States of America; Racial equality, in the U.S.A.
Categories: 20th Century
The Industrial Revolution and naval shipbuilding in the 18th century. Goodwin, Peter
M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Maritime Stud.). Supervised by Prescott, Robert G.W.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1800
Index terms: Industrial Revolution; Navy; Shipbuilding
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The influence of the Oxford Movement on Welsh Anglicanism and Nonconformity in the 1840s and 1850s. Freeman, D. Peter
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, Prys T.J.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1860
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The integration of women into a military service: the Women's Auxiliary Air Force in the Second World War. Stone, Tessa J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Szreter, Simon R.S.
Chronological coverage: 1940–1945
Index terms: Women's Auxiliary Air Force; Second World War (1939-45); Women
Categories: 20th Century; Gender and Women; Military/naval history
The introduction and development of electricity in the S. Wales coal industry to 1926. Jones, Alan V.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff)
Chronological coverage: 1875–1926
Index terms: Wales; Electricity; Coal industry, in Wales
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The involvement of lawyers in the English parliament of 1601. Shaw, Judith A.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Smith, Alan G.R.
Chronological coverage: 1601–1601
Index terms: Lawyers; Parliament
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Irish fertilizer industry. Cooper, Mark
Ph.D., Belfast. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, David S.; Davies, J.
Chronological coverage: 1850–1990
Index terms: Fertilizer industry; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Jacobite movement in Scotland and in exile, 1746-59. Zimmermann, Doron
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Goldie, Mark A.
Chronological coverage: 1746–1759
Index terms: Jacobites, Jacobitism; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The judiciary and the defence of property in the law courts during the personal rule of Charles I. Perkins, Nicola P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1629–1640
Index terms: Charles I (1600-49), king; Law courts; Judiciary; Property, legal defence of
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Kynoch Press, 1876-1981. Archer, Caroline
Ph.D., Reading.
Chronological coverage: 1876–1981
Index terms: Kynoch Press, Birmingham; Printing
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Labour party and the planned economy, 1931-51. Toye, Richard J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Clarke, Peter F.
Chronological coverage: 1931–1951
Index terms: Planned economy; Labour party
Categories: 20th Century
The land agent in 19th-century Staffordshire. Wheat, Rose
M.Phil., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, Philip J.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
Index terms: Land agents; Staffordshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Agriculture
The laws of settlement: their impact on the poor inhabitants of the Daventry area of Northamptonshire, 1750-1834. Vialls, Christine M.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Eng. Loc. Hist.). Supervised by Snell, Keith D.M.
Chronological coverage: 1750–1834
Index terms: Daventry, Northamptonshire; Northamptonshire
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The left-wing road to Fascism: an investigation of the influence of 'socialist' ideas upon the political ideology the British Union of Fascists. Burrows, Mark
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Thurlow, Richard C.
Chronological coverage: 1925–1940
Index terms: Left-wing parties; British Union of Fascists; Fascists, Fascism; Socialists, Socialism
Categories: 20th Century
The legacy of Michael Collins, 1922-32. McLean, Robert
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Anderson, Michael; Edwards, Owen Dudley
Chronological coverage: 1922–1932
Index terms: Collins, Michael (1890-1922); Ireland
Categories: 20th Century
The Legh of Booths muniments, c.1280-1808: the study of a Cheshire family through its archive. Harris, Simon J.
Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Studd, J. Robin
Chronological coverage: 1280–1808
Index terms: Booths, Ches.; Chershire; Legh family; Charters
Categories: 14th Century; 15th Century; 16th Century; 17th Century; 18th Century;
The Liberal party, 1970-83: its philosophy and political strategy. Fox, Ruth
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Hartley, Owen A.; Whiting, Richard C.
Chronological coverage: 1970–1983
Index terms: Liberals, Liberalism, Liberal party
Categories: 20th Century
The life and career of Sir John Mason, 1503-66. Welchman, Richard
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, Prys T.J.
Chronological coverage: 1523–1566
Index terms: Mason, Sir John (1503-66)
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The life styles of young middle-class women in Liverpool in the 1920s and 1930s. Messenger, Sharon
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Andrew M.
Chronological coverage: 1920–1940
Index terms: Middle classes; Women; Liverpool
Categories: 20th Century; Social history; Gender and Women
The making of the Royal Naval Officer Corps, 1860-1914. Jones, Mary
Ph.D., Exeter.
Chronological coverage: 1860–1914
Index terms: Royal Naval Officer Corps
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The management of change in the British Steel Corporation, 1967-89: an analysis of the management perspective. Venn, Sally E.
M.Phil., Wales. (Bangor Hist.). Supervised by Jones, R. Merfyn
Chronological coverage: 1967–1989
Index terms: Regional policy; Wales
Categories: 20th Century
The market place and the market's place in London, 1660-1840. Smith, Colin S.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hoppit, Julian
Chronological coverage: 1660–1840
Index terms: Markets, in London; London
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The market place and the market's place in London, c.1660-1840. Smith, Colin S.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hoppit, Julian
Chronological coverage: 1660–1840
Index terms: Markets, in London; London
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The marriage of Philip of Habsburg and Mary Tudor and anti-Spanish sentiment in England: political economies and culture, 1553-7. Samson, Alexander W.S.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Spanish & Portuguese)
Chronological coverage: 1553–1557
Index terms: Philip II (1527-98), king of Spain; Mary I (1516-58), queen; Foreign relations, with Spain; Marriage, royal; Spain, and England
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The meanings of space in society and drama: perceptions of domestic life and domestic tragedy, c.1550-1600. Richardson, Catherine T.
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Butcher, Andrew F.
Chronological coverage: 1550–1600
Index terms: Domestic tragedy; Domestic life; Drama; Space; Tragedy, domestic
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The missing pillar: economic planning and the machinery of government under Labour administrations, 1945-51. Thorpe, Keir M.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Hennessy, Peter J.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1951
Index terms: Economic planning; Government, see Administration; Administration, central; Labour party
Categories: Administrative history; Military and naval history; 20th Century
The nationalist movement in Turkey and Great Britain, 1919-23: the relationship between a revolutionary movement and a status quo power. Tol, Eren D.
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1919–1923
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The National Training School for Music, 1873-82: catalyst or cul-de-sac? A critical analysis of the circumstances leading to the rise and fall of Sir Henry Cole's music school at South Kensington. Brightwell, Giles W.E.
M.A., Durham. (Music)
Chronological coverage: 1873–1882
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The nature and function of the heraldic visitations, with special reference to Staffordshire. Verasanso, Janet
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Ives, Eric W.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1650
Index terms: Staffordshire; Heraldry
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The negotiations to end the state of war between Thailand and the United Kingdom: their impact on Thai domestic politics, 1945-7. Shusawat, Sonsak
Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of S.E. Asia). Supervised by Brown, Ian G.
Chronological coverage: 1945–1947
Index terms: Thailand, and Britain
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 20th Century
The neuroses of the railway: trains, travel and trauma in Britain, c.1840-1900. Harrington, Ralph
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Ruth
Chronological coverage: 1840–1900
Index terms: Travel; Transport; Railways
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The origin, gestation and evolution of management consultancy within Britain, 1869-1965: the principles, practices and techniques of a new professional grouping. Ferguson, Michael
Ph.D., Open University.
Chronological coverage: 1869–1965
Index terms: Management consultancy
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The origins of the Baptist Union of Scotland, 1800-70. Talbot, Brian R.
Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Bebbington, David W.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1870
Index terms: Baptist Union of Scotland; Scotland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The origins of Thomas Cromwell's public career: service under Cardinal Wolsey and Henry VIII, 1524-30. Ward, Philip J.
Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Int. Hist.). Supervised by Starkey, David R.
Chronological coverage: 1524–1530
Index terms: Wolsey, Thomas (c.1475-1530), cardinal; Cromwell, Thomas (1485-1540), earl of Essex, Baron Cromwell of Okeham; Henry VIII (1491-1547), king
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The ownership, occupation and use of land on the South Downs between the Rivers Arun and Adur in West Sussex, c.1840-c.1940. Godfrey, John D.
D.Phil., Sussex.
Chronological coverage: 1840–1940
Index terms: River Adur; River Arun; West Sussex; Arun, see River Arun; South Downs; Land ownership; Adur, see River Adur
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The patronage and production of the 'Book of Hours' of James IV and Margaret Tudor. Lyle, Suzanne
Ph.D., St. Andrews.
Chronological coverage: 1503–1503
Index terms: Tudor, Margaret (1489-1541), queen of James IV of Scotland; Patronage, artistic; Book production; James IV of Scotland (1473-1513), king; 'Book of Hours'
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The political career of Mary of Guise in Scotland, 1548-60. Ritchie, Pamela
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Mason, Roger A.
Chronological coverage: 1548–1560
Index terms: Mary of Guise (1515-60), regent of Scotland; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The political career of Sir Thomas Wriothesley, 1st earl of Southampton. Gibbons, Geoffrey N.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Marshall, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1525–1550
Index terms: Southampton, 1st earl of, see Wriothesley, Sir Thomas; Wriothesley, Sir Thomas (1505-60), 1st earl of Southampton
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The political culture of the Left in 'affluent' Britain, 1951-64. Black, Lawrence
Ph.D., London Guildhall. (Pol. & Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mandler, Peter
Chronological coverage: 1951–1964
Index terms: Left-wing parties
Categories: 20th Century
The political relationship between central government and the local administration in Yorkshire, 1678-90. Short, Michael J.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Childs, John C.R.
Chronological coverage: 1678–1690
Index terms: Central administration, Central government; Local administration, Local government; Yorkshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The politico-religious usage of the Queen's Chapel, 1623-88. Baldwin, David J.P.
M.Litt., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Ford, G. Alan
Chronological coverage: 1623–1688
Index terms: Religion; Queen's Chapel
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The politics of bread in 18th-century England (debates on corn trade and corn laws). Sheldon, Richard
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
Index terms: Corn trade; Bread, politics of; Corn Laws
Categories: 18th Century
The port of Faversham from the 18th to the 20th centuries. Wilkinson, Paul
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Maritime Stud.). Supervised by Prescott, Robert G.W.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1900
Index terms: Faversham, Kent; Ports
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The post-Second World War productivity agencies and Britain, c.1948-60, with special reference to automation. Bufton, Mark W.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Wilks, Stephen R.M.; Booth, Alan E.
Chronological coverage: 1948–1960
Index terms: Automation; Industry; Productivity
Categories: 20th Century
The recoinage and exchange of 1816-17. Clancy, Kevin
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Geoffrey P.; Challis, Christopher E.
Chronological coverage: 1816–1817
Index terms: Recoinage and exchange; Finance
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Reformation of religion in Freebridge Marshland, Norfolk, with special reference to Tilney All Saints, c.1500-80. Galloway, Barendina M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Duffy, Eamon
Chronological coverage: 1500–1580
Index terms: Tilney All Saints, Norfolk; Reformation; Norfolk; Freebridge Marshland, Norfolk
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The regulation of popular entertainments in Yorkshire, 1660-1750. Avis, Stephen P.
M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Sharpe, James A.
Chronological coverage: 1660–1750
Index terms: Popular entertainment; Yorkshire
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The relationships between gender and crime in the Midlands during the 17th century. Lees, Linda
Ph.D., Nottingham Trent. (Int. Stud.). Supervised by Brown, Angela; Bennett, Martyn
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Crime; Gender
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The religious, social and political thought of William Walwyn, 1600-81. Gruen, Simone
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Capp, Bernard S.
Chronological coverage: 1620–1681
Index terms: Walwyn, William (fl.1649); Political thought
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The religious, social and political thought of William Walwyn. Gruen, Simone
M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Capp, Bernard S.
Chronological coverage: 1620–1667
Index terms: Walwyn, William (fl.1649); Political thought
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The representation of African and Asian people in marketing in Britain, 1880 to present. Ramamurthy, Anandi
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by MacKenzie, John M.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1990
Index terms: African people, representation of; Marketing; Asian people, representation of
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The representation of aggression in the 17th-century English broadside ballad. Todd, Sarah
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Roberts, Michael F.
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Aggression, representation of; Ballads
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The role of clothing and fashion in the household budget and popular culture: Britain, 1919-49. Robson, Jennifer M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Waller, Philip J.
Chronological coverage: 1919–1949
Index terms: Popular culture; Household, Households; Fashion; Clothes, Clothing
Categories: 20th Century
The role of housing in the development of the women's movement in England, 1850-1914. Morrell, Caroline
Ph.D., Oxford Brookes. (Sch. of Planning). Supervised by Digby, Anne
Chronological coverage: 1850–1914
Index terms: Houses, Housing; Women's movement
Categories: 19th Century; 20th Century; Social history; Gender and Women
The role of public opinion during the trial of Archbishop Laud, 1641-5. James, Leonie S.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Fincham, Kenneth C.
Chronological coverage: 1641–1645
Index terms: Laud, William (1573-1645), archbishop of Canterbury; Public opinion
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Scottish burghs during the Cromwellian occupation, 1651-60. Gillanders, Susan
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Dennison, Elizabeth P.D.; Lynch, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1651–1660
Index terms: Scotland, Cromwellian occupation of; Burghs, in Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Scottish glass industry, 1610-1750. Turnbull, Jill
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Murdoch, Alexander J.; Lynch, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1610–1750
Index terms: Glass industry; Scotland
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Scottish music hall, 1840-1918. Maloney, Paul
M.Phil., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Brown, Callum
Chronological coverage: 1840–1918
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The shaping of political allegiances: class, gender, nation and locality in county Durham, 1918-45. Lynn, Pauline
Ph.D., Teesside. (Law, Arts & Hum.). Supervised by Ford, Graham; Lewis, Richard
Chronological coverage: 1918–1945
Index terms: Durham, county; Gender; Class, social; Local government
Categories: 20th Century
The Sion College conclave and London Presbyterianism during the English Revolution. Vernon, Elliot C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Morrill, John S.
Chronological coverage: 1648–1660
Index terms: London; English Revolution (1640-60); Revolution, English (1640-60); Presbyterians, Presbyterianism, Presbyterian church; Sion College conclave
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Society of Friends in Wales: the case of Monmouthshire, c.1654-1836. Allen, Richard C.
Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Roberts, Michael F.
Chronological coverage: 1654–1836
Index terms: Monmouthshire; Society of Friends, in Wales; Wales
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Steel boys in Ireland and America. Willis, Stanley
M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Ohlmeyer, Jane H.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1800
Index terms: Steel boys, in Ireland; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Steel boys. Willis, Stanley
M.Litt., Aberdeen. (Hist.). Supervised by Ohlmeyer, Jane H.
Chronological coverage: 1780–1800
Index terms: Steel boys, in Ireland; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The tour journals of Wales, 1770-1810. Buck, Edmund
M.Phil., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Christopher M.
Chronological coverage: 1770–1810
Index terms: Travel literature; Wales; Tour journals
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The transformation of Edwardian nonconformity, with special reference to J.H. Shakespeare. Shepherd, Peter
Ph.D., Durham. (Theol.). Supervised by Gilley, Sheridan W.
Chronological coverage: 1901–1910
Index terms: Nonconformity
Categories: 20th Century
The transformation of urban Liberalism: Liberal politics in Leicester and Manchester, 1885-95. Moore, James R.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Lowe, Peter C.
Chronological coverage: 1885–1895
Index terms: Manchester, Lancs.; Leicester, Leics.; Liberals, Liberalism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Unionist press and the politics of the Great War. Mitchell, Antony C.
D.Phil., York.
Chronological coverage: 1914–1918
Index terms: World war I (1914-18); Press, Unionist
Categories: 20th Century
The use and organization of domestic space in late 17th-century London. Melville, Jennifer D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Wrightson, Keith E.
Chronological coverage: 1670–1700
Index terms: Domestic space; London
Categories: 16th-17th Century
The Welsh clergy, 1558-1642. Williams, Barrie
Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, G.; O'Day, M. Rosemary
Chronological coverage: 1558–1642
Index terms: Clergy; Wales
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The world view of Oliver Heaviside. Sealey, David
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Harman, Peter M.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1925
Index terms: Communications, electrical; Physics; Heaviside, Oliver (1850-1925)
Categories: 18th-19th Century
The Wright Incorporation of Perth 1700-1840. Petznick, Laura W.S.
Ph.D., St. Andrews.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1840
Index terms: Wrights, Incorporation of; Perth, Scotland; Minute books, of the Wright Incorporation; Scotland
Categories: 18th Century; 19th Century
'Thou art a verie baggadge': gender and crime in 17th-century Nottinghamshire and Staffordshire. Lees, Linda
Ph.D., Nottingham Trent. (Int. Stud.). Supervised by Brown, Angela; Bennett, Martyn
Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
Index terms: Crime; Gender
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Transport, laissez-faire and government policy in Britain in the first half of the 19th century. Taylor, James C.
M.A., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Cunningham, Hugh St.C.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1850
Index terms: Laissez-faire; Transport
Categories: 18th-19th Century
'Undying spirits': religion, medicine and institutional care of the dying, 1878-1938. Humphreys, Clare J.
Ph.D., Sheffield.
Chronological coverage: 1878–1938
Index terms: Public health, Public healthcare; Medicine; Religion; Death; Institutional care
Categories: 18th-19th Century
University women: origins, experiences and destinations at Glasgow University, 1939-87. Wakeling, Judy
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Crowther, M. Anne; Trainor, Richard H.
Chronological coverage: 1939–1987
Index terms: Women; Education, of women; Glasgow University; Universities; Scotland
Categories: 20th Century; Intellectual history; Gender and Women
Wales in British politics, c.1603-42. Bowen, Lloyd
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Johnson, Anthony M.
Chronological coverage: 1603–1642
Index terms: Wales, and Britain
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Walsingham: a social and economic history, 1800-1950. Fears, Howard
M.Phil., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Wilson, Richard G.
Chronological coverage: 1800–1950
Index terms: Walsingham, Norfolk
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Watching and observing: Sir George Clerk in central Europe, 1919-26. Protheroe, Gerald J.
Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
Chronological coverage: 1919–1926
Index terms: Clerk, Sir George Russell (1874-1951); Diplomacy
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Westgate-on-Sea 1865-1940: fashionable watering place and London satellite, exclusive resort and a place for schools. Crouch, Dawn
Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Rosman, Doreen M.; Cunningham, Hugh St.C.
Chronological coverage: 1865–1940
Index terms: Tourism; Westgate-on-Sea, Kent; Schools
Categories: 18th-19th Century
White women, slavery and racism: images of the British Caribbean in women's published writing, 1770-1845. Liddy, Joanne
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Tadman, Michael
Chronological coverage: 1770–1845
Index terms: Slavery; Racism; Women; Caribbean; Literature
Categories: 18th-19th Century; Latin America and West Indies; Intellectual history; Gender and Women; Cultural history
Who cared? A study of the provision of nursing care and welfare for sick and wounded soldiers and their families during the civil wars and Interregnum, 1642-60. Gruber von Arni, Eric E.
Ph.D., Portsmouth. (Soc., Hist. & Lit. Stud.). Supervised by Thomas, James H.
Chronological coverage: 1642–1660
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Why we're all going on a summer holiday: the role of working-class organisations in the development of popular tourism, 1850-1950. Barton, Susan Renou
Ph.D., De Montfort. (Hum.). Supervised by Lanfranchi, Pierre
Chronological coverage: 1850–1950
Index terms: Working classes; Tourism
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Witchcraft in early modern Britain. Macpherson, Kirsteen
Ph.D., Nottingham Trent. (Int. Stud.). Supervised by Brown, Angela; Bennett, Martyn
Chronological coverage: 1500–1700
Index terms: Witchcraft
Categories: 16th-17th Century
Women in the regional economy: the East Midlands, 1700-1830. Lane, Penny
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Berg, Maxine L.; Steedman, Carolyn K.
Chronological coverage: 1700–1830
Index terms: Women; Proto-industrialization; Midlands
Categories: Local and regional history; 18th-19th Century; Gender and Women; Economic history
Women workers and trade union participation in Scotland, 1919-39. Arnot, Julie
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Gordon, Eleanor J.; Crowther, M. Anne
Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
Index terms: Women workers; Trade unions; Scotland
Categories: 20th Century; Social history; Gender and Women
Worcester and Gloucester: a comparative study of urban expansion in two provincial cities between 1870 and 1939. Dunleavey, Janet
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Geog.). Supervised by Slater, Terry R.
Chronological coverage: 1870–1939
Index terms: Urban development, Urban growth; Gloucester, Glos.; Worcester, Worcs.
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Working-class movements in Dundee, 1836-50. Paul, Shona G.
M.Phil., Dundee. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Lawrence A.
Chronological coverage: 1836–1850
Index terms: Working-class movement; Dundee
Categories: 18th-19th Century
Working-class perception of home life, 1900-55. Faire, Lucy J.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Econ. & Soc. Hist.). Supervised by Rodger, Richard G.
Chronological coverage: 1900–1955
Index terms: Working classes; Domestic designs
Categories: 20th Century
Working the land: land and politics in Ireland, England and Wales in the 1880s. Boucher, Clare M.
M.Phil., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Howell, David W.
Chronological coverage: 1880–1890
Index terms: Land; Wales; Ireland
Categories: 18th-19th Century