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'Medieval Europe', in History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].
'Medieval Europe', in History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,
"Medieval Europe". History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. , British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.
In this section
Artistic patronage at SS. Annunziata, 1444-c.1520. Bulman, Louisa M.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Shearman, J.K.G.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Benedict XIII and Scotland, 1394-1417. McGurk, F.
M. Litt., Glasgow. Supervised by Cowan, I.B.; Duncan, A.A.M.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Hugh 'of Amiens', archbishop of Rouen, 1130-64. Waldman, T.G.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Davis, R.H.C.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Italian opinions about Great Britain during the period of the Italian Renaissance. de Cossart, M.E.C.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Brand, C.P.; Hay, D.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Men of law of Toulouse, 1335-1444. de Lavigne, R.L.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Carus-Wilson, Eleanora M.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Ottimati families in Florentine politics and society, 1427-1530: the Rucellai, Capponi and Ginori. Kent, F.W.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Rubenstein, N.
Categories: Political history
Political alignments in Florence on the eve of Cosimo de Medici's rise to power, 1427-34. Kent, Dale V.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Rubenstein, N.
Categories: Political history
The earls of Orkney-Caithness and their relations with Norway and Scotland, 1158-1470. Crawford, Barbara E.
Ph. D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Adam, R. J.
Categories: Political history
The finances of the College of Cardinals in the later middle ages. Antonovics, A.V.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Partner, P.D.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The study of Aristotle's Posterior Analytics in the 12th and 13th centuries: the translaters, glossators and commentators and their methods. Dod, B.G.
B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Paluello, L. Minio
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Arabic botany and pharmacology, with particular reference to the work of Al-Zahrawi and Ibn Juljul in Muslim Spain. Johnstone, Penelope C.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, G.L.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Byzantine relations with the Armenians in the 11th century, with special reference to Cilicia. Yarnley, C.J.
B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Mathew, A.G.
Categories: Political history
Contribution of the Spanish Arabs to western thought and education in the middle ages. Yasamee, A.K.
M.Phil., London. Supervised by Beales, A.C.F.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Ministeriales and the development of territorial lordship in the Eichstatt region, 1100-1350. Arnold, B.C.B.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Leyser, K. J.
Categories: Political history
Patriarch, shah and caliph: a study of the relationships of the Church of the East with the Sassanid empire and the early caliphates up to 820 A.D. Young, W. G.
Ph. D., Glasgow. Supervised by Frend, W.H.C.
Categories: Political history
Reformation, society and humanism in Erfurt, c.1450-1530. Scribner, R.W.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Dickens, A.G.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
School-teachers in the early Byzantine empire,330-610 A.D. Moffatt, M. Ann
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Browning, R.
Categories: Political history
Seignorial fortress in France in relation to public policy, c.864 - c.1483. Coulson, C.L.H.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Brown, R. A.
Categories: Political history
Studies in the history of gunpowder in the middle ages. Williams, A.R.
M.Sc., Manchester (UMIST).
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Studies in the organization of the Bzyantine army in the 10th and 11th centuries. Howard - Johnston, J. D.
D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Browning, R.
Categories: Political history
The history and development of the organ. Winterbottom, H.W.
M.Sc., Salford.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The social and economic structure of central Greece in the late 12th century. Herrin, Judith E.
Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Political history
A 15th-century guide to household management in Florence: the Trattato del Governo della Famiglia ascribed to Agnolo Pandolfino. Ravenscroft, Judith F.C.
M. Phil., London. Supervised by Rubenstein, N.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
A history of the Roman monastery of San Paolo fuori le Mura, in the later middle ages. Adams, Ishbel C.M.
Ph. D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Butler, L.H.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Honore Bouvet, the Tree of Battles and the literature of war in 14th-century France. Wright, N.A.R.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fowler, K.A.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Reform in the Polish church in the 13th century. Haronski, B.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Smalley, Beryl
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Relations between Freiburg in Breisgau and the surrounding countryside in the age of S.W. German agrarian unrest before the Peasanst's War, c.1450-1520. Scott, T.
Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Hassinger, E.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The episcopate in the kingdon of Leon in the 12th century. Fletcher, R.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Procter, Evelyn E.S.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Observant congregations of the Augustinian friars in Italy, c.1385 - c.1465. Walsh, Katherine
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Smalley, Beryl
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The one and the many: a study of some mystical movements in Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries, with some reference to Islamic and Hindu mysticism. Feneley, J.E.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Ernst, W.H.C.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The topographical and archaeological study of the antiquities of the city of Rome, 1420-47. Spring, P.W.H.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Walsh, P.G.; Hay, D.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Venice and the Byzantine empire before the Fourth Crusade. Martin, M.F.
M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Political history
Aspects of the Waldeness in the 14th century, including an edition of their correspondence. Biller, P.P.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Leff, G.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Benedetto Accolti d'Arezzo, Florentine lawyer, humanist and chancellor. Black, R.D.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rubenstein, N.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Bonitas et mesericordia Dei: John Pupper of Goch, some notes in late medieval thought. Ogilvie, Margaret H.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Parker, T.M.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Byzantium and Russia in the 11th century: a study in political and ecclesiastical relationships. Shepard, J. E. B.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Obelensky, D.
Categories: Political history
Education in Aragon and Catalonia, c.1213-1327. Winterbottom, Susan
M.A., Liverpool. Supervised by Cobban, A.B.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Francesco Filelfo at the court of Milan, 1439-81: a contribution to the study of humanism in northen Italy. Adam, R.G.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Grayson, C.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Latin monasteries and nunneries in Palestine and Syria in the time of the Crusades. McLellan, Joyce M.
Ph. D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Riley - Smith, J. S. C.
Categories: Political history
Perugian merchants and merchantile activity, c.1370-1424. Servini, D.P.D
M. Phil., London. Supervised by Waley, D.P.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Slavs, Germans and Danes in Holstein and western Mecklenburg from Charlemagne to the Wendish Crusade, 800-1147. Salvador, Carla G.
B.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Leyser, K.J.
Categories: Political history
Studies in medieval arms and armour. Williams, A.R.
Ph. D., Manchester (UMIST).
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The architecture of Kasimir the Great: a study in the architecture of Lesser Poland, 1320-70. Crossley, B.P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Kidson, P.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The Catholic episcopate in Ostreogothic Italy. Moorhead, J.A.
Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Marcus, R.A.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The feudal nobility of Cyprus, 1192-1400. Edbury, P.W.
Ph. D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Butler, L.H.
Categories: Political history
The intellectual game in Italian Resaissance culture, 1400-1600. Cliff, Michelle C.
M. Phil., London. Supervised by Gombrich, E.H.J.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The Norman principality of Capua (1058-98), with particular reference to Richard I (1058-78). Matheson, L.S.G.
B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Mason, J.F.A.
Categories: Political history
The opening of the sea route between Genoa and England and its development to the end of the 14th century. Burnham, Wendy E.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Ruddock, Alwyn A.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The political thought of Baldus de Ubaldis. Canning, J.P.
Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Ullmann, W.
Categories: Political history
The relations between Byzantium and the West in the reign of John V Palaiologos. Southern, P.C.D.
Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Arnold, M.J.
Categories: Political history
The urban saint in early Byzantine social history. Seiber, Julia M.
B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Brown, P.R.L.
Categories: Political history
Thirteenth-century mathematical astronomy: De plana sphere Jordani. Thomson, R.B.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by North, J.D.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Aspects of Byzantine military administration: the elite corps, the opsikion and the imperial tagmata from the 6th to the 9th centuries. Haldon, J. F.
Ph. D, Birmingham. Supervised by Bryer, A. A. A.
Categories: Political history
Commercial relations between the Norman kingdom of Sicily and the N. Italian mercantile republics, 1116-91. Abulafia, D.S.H.
Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pistarino, G.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Economy and society in 8th century Tuscany. Wickham, C.J.
D. Phil, Oxford.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Furniture in England, France and the Netherlands from the 12th to the 15th century. Eames, Penelope
Ph. D., Liverpool. Supervised by Myers, A.R.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Maximilian I and England, 1477-1509. Philpot, Rosl
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Carsten, F.L.
Categories: Political history
Orthodox-Muslim mixed marriages, c.1297-1453. Rakintzakis, G.
M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Political history
Patterns of European sanctity: the cult of saints in the later middle ages, with special reference to Perugia. Dickson, M.G.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fowler, K.A.; Hay, D.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Social structure and the hierarchy of officialdom in Byzantine Italy, 554-800. Brown, T.S.
Ph. D., Nottingham. Supervised by Bullough, D.A.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
S.W. France from the 5th to the 8th century A.D.: the contribution of archeology. James, E.F.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hawkes, C.F.C.
Categories: Political history
The commune of Verona under Venetian rule, 1405-55. Law, J.E.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Jones, P.J.
Categories: Political history
The Franciscan Regular Observance, 1368-1447, and the divisions of the order, 1294-1528. Nimmo, D.B.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Hay, D.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The papal schism, the empire and the west, 1159-69. Reuter, T.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Leyser, K.J.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The sources and method of papal and anti-papal polemic, 1073-1112. Robinson, I.S.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Smalley, Beryl
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The status of the individual within the community according to ecclesiastical doctrine in the high middle ages. Vodola, Elizabeth F.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Ullman, W.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
A comparitive study of the Nizamiyyah and the universities of Paris, Bologna and Oxford before 1250. Pur-Muqaddas, A.
Ph.D., Lancaster.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Aspects of the monastic patronage of the Engishand French royal houses, c.1130-1270. Hallam, Elizabeth M.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Brooke, C.N.L
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Cordoba and Jerez de la Frontera in the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 1474-1516: a study of the relationship between the nobles and the towns. Edwards, J.H.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Highfield, J.R.L.
Categories: Political history
Fourteenth-century Rodez. Bristow, Ann F.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, P.S.
Categories: Political history
Settlements and buildings of the Scandinavians in the North Atlantic region, 800-1150,. Sveinbjarnardottir, Gudrun
M. Phil., London. Supervised by Wilson, D.M.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Some aspects of evolution and diffusion in European technology, 1450-1750. Hollister-Short, G.J.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hall, A.R.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The Carolingian Renaissance: a study in the education of a society. Pierce, Rosamond D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Ullmann, W.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The heresy of the Amalricians: an inquiry into some possible sources. Braid, A.J.
D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Reeves, Marjorie E.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The history of Thessaly, 1266-1393. Magdalino, P.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Nicol, D.M.
Categories: Political history
The life and assassination of Mikhail of Chernigov: an investigaion of the sources. Dimnik, M.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Fennell, J.L.I.
Categories: Political history
The pastoral ministry of the priest-confessor in the early middle ages, 600-110. Forshaw, Helen P.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Lawrence, C.H.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The political theory of Pope Clement VI. Wood, Diana P.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Wilks, M. J.
Categories: Political history
The union theory and practice in the Italian Renaissance and its significance for the birth of modern science. Brown, D.H.
M.Sc., Manchester (UMIST). Supervised by Gibbons, M.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Universities, academics and the Great Schism. Swanson, R.N.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Ullmann, W.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Charles the Bold, last Valois duke of Burgundy, 1467-77, and Italy. Walsh, R.J.
Ph. D., Hull. Supervised by Vaughan, R.
Categories: Political history
Novgorod in the early middle ages: the rise and growth of an urban community. Dejevsky, N.J.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Obolensky, D.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Of the influence of Savonarola, from his arrival in Florence to the end of the 16th century. Curnew, B.L.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trevor-Roper, H.R.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Studies on the interaction of German commerce in Norway and Norwegian political relations with the British Isles, c.1240-1320,. Lustig, R. I.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Foote, P.G.
Categories: Political history
The church of the Panagia at Skripou. Klepetouna, Maria
M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Karlin - Hayter, Patricia; Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Political history
The teaching of Gasparino Barzizza (1360-1430), with special reference to his place in Paduan humanism. Mercer, R.G.G.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Grayson, C.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The transformation of the medieval sermon. d'Avray, D.L.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hunt, R.W.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
A political and social history of Seville under Banu 'Abbad. Benaboud, M.
Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by McDonald, M.V.; Watt, W.M.
Categories: Political history
A social history of black slaves and freedom in Portugal, 1441-1555. Saunders, A.C. de C.M
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Highfield, J.R.L.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Church and society in the Norman principality of Capua, 1058-1197. Loud, G.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Cowdrey, H.E.J.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Conditions of building in Rome and the papal states in the mid 15th century. Burroughs, C.E.N.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Chambers, D.S.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Court rabbis in 14th- and 15th- century Castile. Levy, A.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Abramsky, C.A.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Early crusading apocalyptic in the context of the Western apocalyptic tradition. Hounam, D.G.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Hill, Rosalind M. T.
Categories: Political history
Early princely authority in Sweden, Pomerania and Novgorod: a comparitive study. Sobel, L.
Ph. D., Leeds. Supervised by Sawyer, P. H.
Categories: Political history
Hugh of Digne (d. c.1255) in relation to religious and social development in southern France. Bershas, Joan E.
M.Litt., Newcastle. Supervised by Murray, A.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
St. Gregory of Tours and classical literary culture. Keeton, B.
M.Litt., Durham. Supervised by Townsend, G.B.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The control of plague in Venice and northen Italy, 1348-1600. Palmer, R.
Ph.D., Kent. Supervised by Laven, P.J.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The leper hospital of Saint Gilles de Pont-Audemer: and edition of its cartulary and an examination of the problem of leprsy in the 12th and early 13th century. Mesmin, Simone C.
Ph. D., Reading. Supervised by Holt, J.C.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Town defence in the French Midi during the Hundred Years War, c.1337-c.1453. Noel, R.P.R.
Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fowler, K.A.
Categories: Political history
Abelard's philosophy: an inquiry into the causes of Abelard's condemnation. Le Page, J.-P.
M.Phil., Sheffield. Supervised by Luscombe, D.E.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Aspects of the history and organisation of the French provincial universities of Orleans, Angers, Avignon and Cahors from their origins to c.1450. Scarth, A. J.
Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Cobban, A. B.
Categories: Art and Architecture; Education
Byzantium and its Muslim neighbours during the reign of Basil II, 976-1025. Farag, W.A.
Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hendy, M. F.
Categories: Political history
Capital city subject province in the later 15th century. Knapton, M.W.S.
D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Jones, P.J.
Categories: Political history
Chariot racing and tzykanion in Byzantine Constantinople from the 6th century, with particular reference to the Great Hippodrome and other places of entertainment of the city. A. A. M. Bryer, S. Giatsis
M.A., Birmingham.
Categories: Political history
Gregory of Cyprus: a study of Church and culture in late 13th-century Byzantium. Sopko, A.J.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Nicol, D.M.
Categories: Political history
Gregory the Great: exegesis and audience. McClure, Judith
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J.M
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Higher education in Byzantium in the 13th and early 14th centuries. Constantinades, C.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Nicol, D.M.
Categories: Political history
Miracles and miracle collections, c.1015-1215. Ward, Benedicta
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Southern, R.W.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Social tensions within 15th-century Hispano-Jewish communities. Gutwirth, E.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Abramsky, C.A.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Some aspects of maritime activity and the use of sea power in relation to the crusading states, 1096 - 1169. Foster, Shirley M.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Prestwich, J.O.
Categories: Political history
The Angevin kings of Sicily, the papacy and the crusades, 1254 - 1343. Housley, N.J.
Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Riley - Smith, J.S.C.
Categories: Political history
The Byzantine church and the land in the 10th and 11th centuries. Morris, Rosemary
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Howard - Johnston, J. D.
Categories: Political history
The career of Ibn Qasi as religious teacher and political revolutionary in 12th-century Islamic Spain. Elliot, W.
Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Walsh, J.R.; Watt, W.M.
Categories: Political history
The counts of Angouleme from the 9th to the mid 13th century, with a catalogue of comital documents, 882/3-1246. Watson, R. C.
Ph. D., East Anglia. Supervised by Martindale, Jane P.
Categories: Political history
The development of the theory of evangelical poverty in the 14th century. Thomson, K.J.
M.Phil., London. Supervised by Wilks, M.J.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The employment of foreign mercenary troops in the French royal armies, 1415-70. Ditcham, B.G.H.
Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fowler, K.A.
Categories: Political history
The idea of the populus in later medieval Roman law. Evans, Diana P.
Ph. D., London. Supervised by Wilks, M. J.
Categories: Political history
The law of treason and treason trials in later medieval France. Cuttler, S.H.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Armstrong, C.A.J.
Categories: Political history
The library catalogues of Frankish monasteries in the 9th century as evidence of their patristic holdings. Butt, J.J.
B. Phil., St. Andrews. Supervised by Bullough, D.A.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The production and circulation of glossed books of the Bible in the 12th and early 13th centuries. de Hamel, C.F.R.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hunt, R.W.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The relations of Byzantium with the Islamic powers of the Near East, 959 - 76. Pennybacker, J.
M. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Howard - Johnston, J. D.
Categories: Political history
A preliminary study of the Balkan Vlachs. Winnifrith, T.J.
M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Political history
Avitus of Vienne: religion and culture in the Auvergne and the Rhone valley, 470-530. Wood, I.N.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J.M.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Byzantium and the Seljuk Turks of Asia Minor, c. 1192-1237. Savvides, A.
M. Phil., London. Supervised by Nicol, D.M.
Categories: Political history
Dominican patronage of the arts in central Italy: the Provincia Romana, c.1220-1320. Cannon, Joanna L.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hohler, E.C.; Lasko, P.; Gardner, J.R.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Ecclesiastical penance in the church of Constantinople: a study of the hagiographical evidence to 983 A.D. K.T. Ware, R.J. Barringer
D. Phil., Oxford.
Categories: Political history
Government and society in Guyenne, 1451-c.1494. Harris, R.D.R.
D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, P. S.
Categories: Political history
Paola Malatesta and the court of Mantua, 1393-1453. Letts, Rosa M.
M.Phil., London. Supervised by Chambers, D.S.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Papal policy in Rome, 1012-1124. Whitton, D.R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Leyser, K.J.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Prolegomena to a new edition of the Pratum Spirituale of John Moschus, with a new specimen of the edition. Pattenden, P.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wilson, N. G.
Categories: Political history
Sepulchral monuments in Naples and the surrounding area, 1300-1421. Bevan, Sarah C.
D.Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Waterhouse, E.K.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The library and manuscripts of Piero di Cosimo de' Medici. Ames-Lewis, F.A.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Shearman, J.K.G.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The literary interests of the abbey of Corbie in the first half of the 9th century. Ganz, D.M.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J.M.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The palace at Revere and the earlier architectural patronage of Lodovico Gonzaga, marquis of Mantua, 1444-78. Lawson, J.G.
Ph.D., Edinburgh.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The parlement of Poitiers and the 'kingdon of Bourges': a study of war, government and politics during the early years of the reign of Charles VII of France, 1418-36. Little, R.G.
D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, P.S.
Categories: Political history
The West and the crusade: attitudes and attempts, 1291-1312. Schein, Sylvia
Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Smail, R.C.
Categories: Political history
Chioggia and the villages of the Venetian lagoon: studies in urban history. Goy, R.J.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Maxwell, R.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Conflicting trends in the religious life of Novgorod and Pskov during the 14th and 15th centuries and the heresy of the 'strigol'niki'. McDonald, A.
M.Phil., Leeds. Supervised by Morison, J.D.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Florentine family in crisis: the Strozzi in the 15th century. Gregory, Heather J.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rubinstein, N.
Categories: Political history
Mantua under Gian Francesco Gonzaga, 1407-44. Roberts, A.
Ph.D., Warwick. Supervised by Mallett, M.E.
Categories: Political history
Skeletal materials: their structure, technology and utilization, c. A.D. 400-1200. MacGregor, A.G.
M.Phil., Durham. Supervised by Cramp, Rosemary J.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The colonization and settlement of Podlasie, 1350-1600. Demidowicz, G.A.
M.Soc.Sc., Birmingham.
Categories: Political history
The development of the Theologia of Peter Abelard. Mews, C.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Luscombe, D.E.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Dialogues of Gregory the Great in their late antique cultural background. Petersen, Joan M.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The French and the Crusade, 1313-36. Tyerman, C.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Butler, L.H.
Categories: Byzantine history
Theophylact through his letters: the two worlds of an exiled bishop. Mullett, Margaret
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Byzantine history
The Portolan charts: their construction and use in the light of contemporary techniques of marine survey and navigation. Pelham, P.T.
M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Brice, W.C.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
A biography of Tommaso Soderini, a Florentine politician of the 15th century. Clarke, Paula C.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rubinstein, N.
Categories: Political history
A history of the Scandinavian churches, with special reference to contacts with and influence from Britain (c.850-1200). Toy, J.
Ph.D., Leeds.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
A study of the life and work of Constantine Stilbes (12th century), together with acritical edition of several of his works. Psalidakou, Stavroula
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Browning, R.
Categories: Byzantine history
Church and society in the 11th and 12th centuries: eastern influence on western monasticism - the case of Stephen of Muret. Dunn, Marilyn J.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Brown, T.S.; Angold, M.J.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Civil wars in Muslim Spain: sources of conflict in the era of Al-Mansur and the party kings. Wasserstein, D.J.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Jones, A.; Crone, Patricia
Categories: Political history
Criticism of crusading, 1095-1274. Siberry, J. Elizabeth
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Riley-Smith, J.S.C.
Categories: Byzantine history
Lordship and feudalism in late medieval Ferrara, 1350-1440. Dean, T.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Jones, P.J.
Categories: Political history
Municipal government and jurisdiction in medieval Hungary: the town of Buda from its foundation to the 15th century. Rady, M.C.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Peter, L.F.
Categories: Political history
Parties to court actions in saga-age Iceland, 930-1030 A.D. Neff, Charlotte N.
Ph.D., Kent. Supervised by Smyth, A.P.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Studies in domestic expenditure at the court of Ferrara, 1451-1505. Tuohy, T.J.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Chambers, D.S.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The career of Ebroin, mayor of the palace, c.657-680. Fouracre, P.J.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Categories: Political history
The German order and Prussian society: a noble corporation in crisis, 1410-66. Burleigh, M.C.B.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Du Boulay, F.R.H.
Categories: Political history
The politics of magnificence in Ferrara, 1450-1505: a study in the socio-political implications of Renaissance spectacle. Brown, R.G.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fowler, K.A.
Categories: Political history
The university of Siena, 1357-1557. Denley, P.R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Jones, P.J.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Trade guilds and devotional confraternities in the state and society of Venice to 1620. Mackenney, R.S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pullan, B.S.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
An historical and theological commentary on On consideration by St. Bernard of Clairvaux. Wilson, J.D.
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Southern, R.W.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Early Germanic queenship. Macfarlane, Fiona M.
M.Litt., Glasgow. Supervised by Wormald, C.P.
Categories: Political history
Medieval Italian fortification: some account of fortification and related themes in central Italy, c.1000-1400 A.D. Andrews, D.D.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hassall, M.W.C.
Categories: Political history
Piety and charity in late medieval Florence: religious confraternities from the middle of the 13th to the late 15th century. Henderson, J.S.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rubinstein, N.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The cross-Channel estates of the Montgomery-Belleme family, c.1050-1112. Thompson, Kathleen M.
M.A., Wales (Cardiff). Supervised by Bates, D.R.
Categories: Political history
The early history of the Cappella de' Principi, Florence. Morrogh, A.D.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Burns, H.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The fall of Boethius: a study of the relations between late Roman senator and barbarian. Barnish, S.J.B.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J.F.
Categories: Political history
The growth of the Byzantine rural economy, 900-1200. Harvey, A.L.
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Hendy, M.F.; Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Byzantine history
The miraculous and French society, c.950-1100. Morison, Patricia R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Leyser, K.J.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Muslims of Norman Sicily, c.1060-1194. Johns, J.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Brett, M.
Categories: Political history
The Perugian nobility, c.1200-1430. Thomas, Hazel C.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Jones, P.J.
Categories: Political history
The use and influence of the Old Testament in 12th-century political thought. Bryan, R.G.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Wilks, M.J.
Categories: Political history
Baptism and change to the 12th century. Cramer, P.J.
Ph.D., Sheffield. Supervised by Luscombe, D.E.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Books of Hours produced in the Low Countries for the English market in the 15th century. Rogers, N.J.
M.Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Morgan, N.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Byzantium and its Arab neighbours under the successors of Basil II, 1025-71. Abdel-Kader, Samira Y.
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Neilsen, R.J.; Haldon, J.F.; Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Byzantine history
Latin siege warfare in the 12th century. Rogers, R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Leyser, K.J.
Categories: Byzantine history
Problems of war and diplomacy in Italian thought, 1454-1509. Rizzolo, Julia J.M.
M.Phil., London. Supervised by Chambers, D.S.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The careers of the Beaumont twins, Count Waleran of Meulan and Earl Robert of Leicester, 1118-68. Crouch, D.B.
Ph.D., Wales (Cardiff). Supervised by Bates, D.R.
Categories: Political history
The study of cosmography and geography in Reichenau and St. Gall, 700-1050 A.D. Corum, J.S.
M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Mayr-Harting, H.M.R.E.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Ancient Egypt and ancient Egyptians as understood in the Italian Renaissance. Wolff, Anne S.
M.Phil., Liverpool. Supervised by Clough, C.H.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Byzantine Crete, 5th-12th centuries. Tsougarakis, D.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mango, C.
Categories: Byzantine history
Byzantium, the Crimea and the Steppe, 550-750. Smedley, J.R.
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Byzantine history
Carolingian Brittany. Smith, Julia M.H.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J.M.
Categories: Political history
Fleury and St. Benedict: monastery and patron saint, 640-877. Lysaght, G.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J.M.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Settlement and defence in Byzantine and Longobard northern and central Italy. Christie, N.J.
Ph.D., Newcastle. Supervised by Harrison, R.M.
Categories: Byzantine history
Social development and economic dependence: northern Sardinia, c.1100-1330. Brown, Rosalind P.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Abulafia, D.S.H.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The Anglo-Burgundian regime in Paris, 1420-36. Thompson, G.L.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Vale, M.G.A.
Categories: Political history
The Greek community in Venice, 1470-1620. Ball, J.G.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Chambers, D.S.
Categories: Political history
The reign of the Byzantine emperor Nicephorus I, 802-11. Niavis, P.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Angold, M.J.
Categories: Byzantine history
The transmission of knowledge about the Holy Land through Europe, 1271-1314. Cook, B.J.
Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Denton, J.H.; Morris, Rosemary
Categories: Byzantine history
Traditions of belief in late Byzantine demonology. Greenfield, R.P.H.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Nicol, D.M.
Categories: Byzantine history
Academic commentaries on the Ten Commandments, c.1150-c.1270. Smith, Lesley J.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Southern, R.W.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Business, politics and family ties: three case studies, the Cerchi, del'Antella and Portinari of Florence, 1260-1360. Baggott, Clare M.
Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Richmond, C.F.
Categories: Political history
Monarchy and nobility in the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. Tibble, S.P.F.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Riley-Smith, J.S.C.
Categories: Byzantine history
Neophytos the recluse: a cultural study of a Byzantine holy man. Galatariotou, Catia
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Byzantine history
Texts from early medieval Redon: their value for the history of Brittany. Brett, Caroline J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Dumville, D.N.
Categories: Political history
The political behaviour of the secular magnates in Francia, 829-79. Airlie, S.R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J.M.
Categories: Political history
Women and imperial power in Byzantium, 780-1056: a study of the reigns of the Empress Eirene and six later empresses. Wilson, L.J.
Ph.D., Southampton.
Categories: Byzantine history
A critical study of the development of the cult of the Virgin Mary up to A.D. 87. Brisley, M.J.
M.Th., Wales (Bangor).
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Aspects of the Christian understanding of the nature of peace in the early middle ages. Starkey, Patricia M.
Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Allmand, C.T.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Byzantine Monemvasia. Kalligas, formerly Charitomene Calligas, Haris
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Nicol, D.M.
Categories: Byzantine history
Castles of the Hundred Years' War in England and France. Wilson, Valerie M.D.
M.Phil., Southampton. Supervised by Platt, C.P.S.
Categories: Political history
Charles the Bald and the defence of the West Frankish kingdom against the Viking invasions, 840-77. Coupland, S.C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Categories: Political history
Cremona, city and civic identity, 996-1128. Coleman, E.F.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Wickham, C.J.; Ward-Perkins, B.R.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Florentine villas in the 15th century: a study of the Strozzi and Sassetti country properties. Lillie, Amanda R.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Burns, H.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
George Amiroutzes (c.1400-1475): philosopher or apostate?. Frangedaki, Anna
M.Phil., Birmingham. Supervised by Birdsall, J.N.; Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Byzantine history
Kings, courts and the late Roman past, A.D.395-c.725. Barnwell, P.S.
Ph.D., Leeds. Supervised by Wood, I.N.
Categories: Political history
Preaching friars and the civic ethos in a late medieval Italian commune: Siena, 1380-1480. Paton, Bernadette T.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Jones, P.J.
Categories: Political history
Settlement patterns in medieval and post-medieval Iceland: an interdisciplinary study. Sveinbjarnardottir, Gudrun
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Parry, M.L.; Buckland, P.C.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Templars in the Holy Land during the 12th century. Rovik, Shefali S.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Cowdrey, H.E.J.
Categories: Byzantine history
The Ayala family in the service of the Castilian monarchy in the 14th century. Henry, B.
M.Phil., Liverpool.
Categories: Political history
The cult of the Cross in the early middle ages. Ballingal, M.C.
M.A., Durham.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Emperor Frederick II's crusade, 1215-c.1231. Giles, K.R.
Ph.D., Keele. Supervised by Jackson, P.
Categories: Byzantine history
The founding of the French university faculties of medicine: the life and works of Bartholomew of Bruges (c.1286-1356). O'Boyle, C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by French, R.K.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The Lancastrian land settlement in Normandy and northern France, 1417-50. Massey, R.A.
Ph.D., Liverpool. Supervised by Allmand, C.T.
Categories: Political history
The Norse settlement of Shetland and Faeroe, c.800-1500: a comparative survey. Macgregor, Lindsay J.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Crawford, Barbara E.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The origins and development of the Second Iconoclasm, from A.D. 813. Turner, D.
M.Litt., Birmingham. Supervised by Haldon, J.F.
Categories: Byzantine history
Warfare in the Latin East, 1193-1291. Marshall, C.J.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Riley-Smith, J.S.C.
Categories: Byzantine history
Giacomo Badoer and Venetian trade in Constantinople, 1436-40. Davies, Siriol A.
M.Phil., Birmingham. Supervised by Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Byzantine history
Lineage bonds in 15th-century Florence: the Giovanni, Parenti and Petrucci. Rosenthal, Elaine
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Rubinstein, N.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Market structures and economic development in late medieval Sicily, 1300-1500. Epstein, S.R.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Abulafia, D.S.H.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Monarchy and nobility in the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem, 1099-1130: establishment and origins. Murray, A.V.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Kennedy, H.N.
Categories: Byzantine history
Monasteries and their patrons in the dioceses of Trier, Metz and Toul, c.850-1000. Nightingale, J.B.W.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Leyser, K.J.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Political theory at the court of Charles V of France, 1364-80. Gill, Rosemary H.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Wilks, M.J.
Categories: Political history
Regular canons and the crusades in the 12th and 13th centuries. Slack, Corliss K.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Leyser, K.J.
Categories: Byzantine history
Silver and billon coinage in France under Charles VI, 1385-1420. Sorenson, D.W.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Spufford, P.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The architecture in the Byzantine empire, 582-867 A.D.: churches and monasteries. Ruggieri, V.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mango, C.
Categories: Byzantine history
The Franciscan order in Castile, c.1440-c.1560. McKendrick, Geraldine
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fowler, K.A.; Mackay, A.I.K.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The mobility of landowners between the Tyrrhenian city states of Italy, c.850-1050. Skinner, Patricia E.
M.Litt., Birmingham. Supervised by Wickham, C.J.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The social and political structure of the Maeander region on the eve of the Turkish invasions. Whittow, M.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Howard-Johnston, J.D.
Categories: Byzantine history
Crime and marriage in three late medieval ecclesiastical jurisdictions: Cerisy, Rochester and Hereford [1314-1486]. Finch, A.J.
D.Phil., York. Supervised by Biller, P.P.A.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Imperial orthodoxy: heresy and politics during the reign of Alexios I Komnenos (1081-1118). Leeson, D.F.G.
M.A., Belfast.
Categories: Byzantine history
Merchants, pedlars and pirates: a history of Scotland's relations with northern Germany and the Baltic in the later middle ages. Ditchburn, D.M.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Barrow, G.W.S.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Merovingian to early Carolingian churches and their founder-graves in southern Germany and Switzerland: the impact of Christianity on the Alamans and Bavarians. Burnell, S.P.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hawkes, Sonia E.C.; James, E.F.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Papal relations with Scotland and northern England, 1342-70. Barrell, A.D.M.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Watt, D.E.R.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The crusaders' views of Islam. Pattinson, P.M.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Riley-Smith, J.S.C.
Categories: Byzantine history
The early medieval archaeology of Croatia, c.600-900 A.D. Evans, H.M.A.
Ph.D., Newcastle. Supervised by Greene, K.
Categories: Political history
The evidence of the runic inscriptions for the conversion of Sweden toChristianity in the 11th century. Jackson, C.J.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Foote, P.G.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The German Hanse and England: commercial and political interaction at the close of the middle ages. Fudge, J.D.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Blanchard, I.S.W.; Goodman, A.E.; Fowler, K.A.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The Gregorian ideal in practice: Bishop Anselm II of Lucca, 1073-86. Cushing, Kathleen G.
M.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Leyser, K.J.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The life and works of Martin of Leon (c.1150-1203). McCluskey, R.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Highfield, J.R.L.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The patronage of Cardinal Oliviero Carafa, 1430-1511. Norman, Diana
Ph.D., Open University.
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Venetians in the Black Sea, 1204-1453. Martin, M.E.
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Bryer, A.A.M.
Categories: Byzantine history
Feudal economics: a study of some aspects of lordship in southern England andnorthern France in the 10th and 11th centuries. Harfield, C.G.
M.Phil., Southampton. Supervised by Hinton, D.A.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Images of the military orders, 1128-1291: spiritual, secular, romantic. Nicholson, Helen J.
Ph.D., Leicester. Supervised by Housley, N.J.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Liber Maiorichinus. Barnes, Gillian E.H.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Hall, J.B.
Categories: Political history
Louis the Pious: reputation and reality, 778-823. Cornah, Pauline
M.Phil., Lancaster. Supervised by King, P.D.
Categories: Political history
Missions, mythologies and the search for non-European allies in anti-Islamic holy war, 1291-c.1540. Knobler, A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Jackson, P.
Categories: Byzantine history
Piety and heresy in medieval Orvieto: the religious life of the laity, c.1150-1350. Henderson, J. Mary
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Fowler, K.A.; Dickson, M.G.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Politics and patronage at the abbey of St. Denis (814-98): the rise of a royal patron saint. Brown, G.P.A.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Categories: Political history
Ritual, chivalry and pageantry: the courts of Anjou, Orleans and Savoy in the later middle ages. Rosie, Alison
Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Stephens, J.N.; Fowler, K.A.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The aristocracy of Leon-Castile in the reign of Alfonso VII (1126-57). Barton, S.F.
D.Phil., York. Supervised by Fletcher, R.A.
Categories: Political history
The friars and the preaching of the cross in the 13th century. Maier, C.T.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Riley-Smith, J.S.C.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The lands of St. Ambrose: the accumulation of property rights by the monastery of Sant' Ambrogio, Milan, and its impact on the economic and social structure of north-western Lombardy in the 9th and 10th centuries. Balzaretti, R.
Ph.D., London. Supervised by Davies, Wendy E.
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The merchants and the noblemen: economic power and political status in the duchy of Gaeta, c.800-1100. Skinner, Patricia E.
Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Wickham, C.J.
Categories: Political history
The relationship of the Italian and southern French Cathars, 1170-1320. Roach, A.P.
D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Murray, A.
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Aspects of Franciscan patronage of the arts in the Veneto during the later middle ages. Bourdua, Louise
Ph.D., Warwick.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Patronage, artistic, in Italy; Italy; Veneto; Franciscan order, in Italy
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Byzantine monetary affairs during the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th centuries. Athanassopoulou-Penna, Vassiliki
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 700–1100
Categories: Byzantine history
Civitas Mediomatricorum: settlement and social organization in the Merovingian region of Metz, c.450-c.750. Halsall, Guy R.W.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by James, E.
Chronological coverage: 450–750
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Federigo da Montefeltro: the man and the myth. Smith, C.J.
M.A., Exeter.
Chronological coverage: 1430–1482
Index terms: Montefeltro, Federico da (?1410-1482), 1st duke of Urbino
Categories: Political history
Italian sumptuary legislation, 1200-1500. Killerby, Catherine M.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Jones, P.J.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1500
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Knightly piety in south-western France, c.970-c.1130, and the lay response to the First Crusade. Bull, Marcus G.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.B.N.C. Hist.). Supervised by Riley-Smith, J.S.C.
Chronological coverage: 970–1130
Categories: Byzantine history
Patronage and production of French literature in the 12th century. Broadhurst, Karen M.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck)
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Index terms: Literature, in France; Patronage, in France; France
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Politics, economics and ethics in 13th-century and 14th-century Hispano-Jewish society. Hersch, Philip
M.Litt., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Mackay, A.I.K.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1400
Index terms: Jews, in Spain; Spain
Categories: Political history
The first kingdom of Burgundy: the history and archaeology of a successor state in south-eastern France and western Switzerland. Boyson, David B.
Ph.D., Newcastle. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Greene, K.
Chronological coverage: 400–500
Categories: Political history
Theophanes of Nicaea: his life and work. Polemis, Ioannes D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Byz.). Supervised by Mango, C.
Chronological coverage: 1335–1381
Categories: Byzantine history
The role of Christianity in the last pagan state in Europe: Lithuania, 1315-42. Rowell, Stephen C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Slavonic). Supervised by Shepard, J.E.B.
Chronological coverage: 1315–1342
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Walahfrid Strabo's `Libellus de exordiis et incrementis quarundam in observationibus ecclesiasticia rerum': a translation and liturgical commentary. Correa, Alice L.H.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Med. Hist.). Supervised by Bullough, D.A.
Chronological coverage: 838–838
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Women in religious ocmmunities: the Benedictine convents in Venice, 1400-1550. Primhak, Victoria J.
Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Chambers, D.S.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1550
Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history
Anselm of Lucca, reform and the canon law, c.1046-1086: the beginnings of systematization. Cushing, Kathleen G.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Leyser, K.J.
Chronological coverage: 1046–1086
Index terms: Anselm of Lucca (Pope Alexander II) (d. 1073); Canon law
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Christian attempts to conquer the Balearic Islands, 1015-1229. Doxey, Gary B.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, David S.H.
Chronological coverage: 1015–1229
Index terms: Balearic Islands
Categories: Political history
Comparison of the interdicts imposed by the papacy on Venice from the 15th to the 17th century. Beller, Katherine E.
M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Pullan, B.S.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
Index terms: Interdicts; Papacy; Italy; Venice, Italy
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Crusader ideology (1095-1291): a comparative study. Yousef, Abdul K.
Ph.D., Essex.
Chronological coverage: 1095–1291
Index terms: Crusades
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Learning Latin in the 12th century: a study of the grammatical and rhetorical glosses on Horace's Satires. Reynolds, Suzanne C.
Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Burnett, C.S.F.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Index terms: Satires (Horace's); Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)(65-8 B.C.); Education; Latin language
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Legal and political thought in France, c.1310-1380. Galbraith, Robert D.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Spufford, P.
Chronological coverage: 1310–1380
Index terms: Legal thought; Political thought; France
Categories: Political history
Like scales from their eyes: visionary experience in western Europe from Augustine to the 8th century. Moreira, Isabel A.M.C.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Harries, Jill D.
Chronological coverage: 400–750
Index terms: Augustine, Saint (354-430); Visions
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Lupus of Ferrieres. Lockwood, P. Elizabeth
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 840–862
Index terms: Ferrieres, France, abbey; Lupus, Servatus (c.805-862)
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Some aspects of religious architecture in Castile, c.1400-1550. Brindle, Steven P.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Highfield, J.R.L.; Kidson, P.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1550
Index terms: Spain; Castile, Spain; Religious architecture, in Spain; Architecture, in Spain
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The origins and development of non-conventual monastic dependencies in England and Normandy, 1000-1350. Impey, Edward A.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Eur. Archaeol.). Supervised by Blair, W.J.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1350
Index terms: Monastic dependencies, non-conventual; Monasticism; Normandy
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The outsider in Byzantium: perceptions and actualities of political, religious and social heterodoxy in the Byzantine empire, 1025-1204. Smythe, Dion C.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Med. Hist.). Supervised by Magdalino, P.
Chronological coverage: 1025–1204
Index terms: Heterodoxy, in the Byzantine empire; Byzantine empire
Categories: Byzantine history
The position of abbots in the Western European church of the 13th and 14th centuries. West, Andrew
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Denton, J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1400
Index terms: Church, medieval; Abbots; Monasticism
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
A comparative study of Ta`ifa states, c.1018-c.1094 (with special reference to Valencia and Zaragoza). Nusseibeh, Saker A.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 1018–1094
Index terms: Valencia, Spain; Spain; Tai`fa states; Zaragoza, Spain
Categories: Political history
Aspects of the institutional history of the Albigensian Crusades, 1198-1229. Dutton, Claire M.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Riley-Smith, J.S.C.
Chronological coverage: 1198–1229
Index terms: Albigensian Crusades (1198-1229); Crusades
Categories: Byzantine history
Byzantine funerary practice. Ivison, Eric
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Byz. Stud.). Supervised by Bryer, A.A.M.
Chronological coverage: 600–1000
Index terms: Funerary practice, in Byzantium; Byzantium
Categories: Byzantine history
Byzantine Kastoria. Moustakis, Konstantin
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Byz. Stud.). Supervised by Bryer, A.A.M.
Chronological coverage: 527–1453
Index terms: Greece; Kastoria, Greece; Byzantium
Categories: Byzantine history
Christian catacombs, cult centres and churches in Malta to 1530 A.D. Buhagiar, Mario
Ph.D. (Ext.), London. (Ext.)
Chronological coverage: 50–1530
Index terms: Churches, in Malta; Catacombs, Christian, in Malta; Malta
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Greek refugees and immigrants in western Europe during the 15th century. Harris, Jonathan P.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Chrysostomides, Julian
Chronological coverage: 1453–1470
Index terms: Greeks, in western Europe; Migration, to western Europe; Migration, Greek
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Imperial imagery in the reign of Heraclius. Pritchard, David
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Whitby, L.M.
Chronological coverage: 610–641
Index terms: Heraclius I, Byzantine emperor (610-41); Byzantium
Categories: Political history
Legislation for Western European monasteries up to A.D. 700. Greenhow, Desna M.
Ph.D., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Holdsworth, C.J.
Chronological coverage: 400–700
Index terms: Monasteries, Monasticism
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Recruitment of English armies in France in the later middle ages. Jamieson, Neil
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Allmand, C.T.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1485
Index terms: Army, English; France
Categories: Political history
Student and teacher in 15th-century Florence. Davies, Jonathan D.
Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Clough, C.H.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Index terms: Teachers, in Italy; Italy; Florence, Italy; Education, in Italy
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The crusading history of central France, especially in the region of Berry (1095-1300). Gardner, Christopher K.
M.Litt., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Dickson, M.G.
Chronological coverage: 1095–1300
Index terms: France; Berry, France; Crusades
Categories: Byzantine history
The Frankish church and women from the late 8th to the early 10th century: representation and reality. Hodgson, Andrea M.E.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 780–920
Index terms: Francia; Women; Church, Frankish; France
Categories: Gender and Women; Ecclesiastical and religious history
The laity and the Catholic church in Cathar Languedoc. Gordon, James D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Murray, A.
Chronological coverage: 1050–1229
Index terms: Languedoc, France; Roman Catholicism, Roman Catholic Church, in France; Catharism, in France
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The making of the queen in early medieval England and Francia. Smith, Julie A.
D.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by James, E.
Chronological coverage: 771–1031
Index terms: Queens, in England and Francia; Francia
Categories: Political history
The Pratriche (debates) of the Florentine deliberative assembly, 1465-6. Beamish, Victoria E.
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wright, A.D.
Chronological coverage: 1465–1466
Index terms: Florence, Italy
Categories: Political history
The residences of potentiores in Gaul and Germania in the 5th-9th centuries. Samson, Ross
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Alcock, L.
Chronological coverage: 400–900
Index terms: Potentiores; Residences, in Gaul and Germania; Gaul; Germania
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The writings of Alexander of Roes. Scales, Leonard E.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Denton, J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1273–1291
Index terms: Political thought; Alexander of Roes (fl.1281-8); Germany
Categories: Political history
Ethnographic culture and the construction of community in Ostrogothic Italy, 489-554. Amory, Patrick H.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 489–554
Index terms: Ethnographic culture; Italy; Ostrogoths; Community, in Italy
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Homosexuality: a study of its treatment and expression in medieval England and France. Thompson, Emma J.
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Edwards, J.H.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Homosexuality; Homosexuality, in France; France
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Medieval pilgrimage: with particular reference to Rome in the period from Paschal II to Innocent III (1099-1216). Birch, Debra J.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Bolton, Brenda M.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Index terms: Paschal II (d. 1118), pope; Rome, Italy; Pilgrimage; Innocent III (1160-1216), pope
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Monks and aristocrats: church and society in the Lombard principalities of S. Italy, 774-981. McQueen, William B.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Anglod, M.J.; Brown, T.S.
Chronological coverage: 774–981
Index terms: Aristocrats, Aristocracy; Italy; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Lombard principalities; Church: medieval
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Patriarchy and power in the Byzantine empire from Maria of Alania to Maua of Antioch, 1080-1180. Hill, B.N.
Ph.D., Belfast.
Chronological coverage: 1080–1180
Index terms: Byzantium; Women, in Byzantine empire; Maria of Alania (fl.1071-81), Byzantine empress; Patriarchy, in Byzantine empire
Categories: Byzantine history
Popular culture in Merovingian Gaul, A.D. 481-751. Hen, Yitzhak
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 481–751
Index terms: Merovingian empire; Gaul
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Religion and medicine in the late 13th and 14th centuries, with particular reference to Arnau de Vilanova. Ziegler, Joseph
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Dunbabin, Jean H.; Smith, R.M.
Chronological coverage: 1280–1400
Index terms: Religion; Arnau de Villa Nova (c.1235-1313); Medicine
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The business of art: contracts and payment documents for 14th- and 15th-century Italian altarpieces and frescoes. O'Malley, Michelle M.
Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Hope, C.A.; Chambers, D.S.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Frescoes, in Italy; Italy; Altarpieces, in Italy; Art, in Italy
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The church in Castile, 1065-1215. Lakin, Emma M.
M.Phil., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Fletcher, R.A.
Chronological coverage: 1065–1215
Index terms: Castile, Spain; Church (medieval); Spain
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The early Humiliati: the development of an order, c.1176-c.1280. Andrews, Frances E.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Bolton, Brenda M.
Chronological coverage: 1176–1280
Index terms: Orders, religious; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Humiliati
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The German nobility and the feud: Franconia, c.1440-1550. Zmora, Hillay
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Scribner, R.W.
Chronological coverage: 1440–1550
Index terms: Germany; Feud, in Germany; Nobles, Nobility, in Germany; Franconia
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The Latin church in Cyprus, 1195-1312. Coureas, Nicholas S.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Riley-Smith, J.S.C.
Chronological coverage: 1195–1312
Index terms: Cyprus; Latin church; Church, medieval; Crusades
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Libri Feudorum and the Roman law. Ryan, Magnus J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Stein, P.G.
Chronological coverage: 1150–1150
Index terms: Law, Roman; Libri Feudorum
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The reign of Leo VI, 886-912: personal relationships and political ideologies. Tougher, Shaun F.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Magdalino, P.
Chronological coverage: 886–912
Index terms: Leo VI (866-912), Byzantine emperor; Byzantium
Categories: Political history
The restoration of papal authority in Rome from the end of the Great Schism to the early 16th century. Dean, Brenda
M.A., Exeter. (Hist.). Supervised by Williams, Ann
Chronological coverage: 1417–1510
Index terms: Rome; Great Schism (1378-1417); Papacy
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The visual appearance of knights in the 12th century, with particular reference to romance and colour. Hunter, Timothy J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mayr-Harting, Henry M.R.E.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Index terms: Knights
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Town planning in Bologna, 1300-1500. Pritchard, Mark B.
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Burns, H.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
Index terms: Bologna, Italy; Italy; Urban development, Urban growth, in Italy; Town planning, in Italy
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Agrarian structures in the valley of Aro from the late 14th to the 18th century. Sanz Alguacil, Antonio
Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Golding, B.J.
Chronological coverage: 1380–1700
Index terms: Aro valley, Spain; Agrarian structures, in Spain; Spain
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Byzantine Larissa to 1204. Koulouras, George
M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Magdalino, P.
Chronological coverage: 527–1204
Index terms: Byzantium; Larissa, Greece
Categories: Byzantine history
Crusade and society in eastern Europe: the Hospital and Temple in Poland and Pomerania, 1145-1370. Smith, Paul V.
Ph.D., London. (S.S.E.E.S.). Supervised by Davies, I. Norman R.
Chronological coverage: 1145–1370
Index terms: Crusades, Crusaders; Pomerania; Poland; Hospitallers, in Poland and Pomerania; Templars, in Poland and Pomerania
Categories: Byzantine history
England and the continent in the 10th and early 11th centuries. Shepherd, Marion
Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by King, P.D.
Chronological coverage: 900–1130
Index terms: England, and Europe
Categories: Britain and Ireland; 500-1000; 11th Century
Stephen of Muret and his followers in the period c.1050 - c.1220. Wilkinson, Maire M.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.). Supervised by Wilks, Michael J.; Michael J.
Chronological coverage: 1050–1220
Index terms: Stephen of Muret, Saint (1048-1124); Church, medieval
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The counts of the Perche, 1066-1217: sources of power and the politics of the southern Norman frontier and Anglo-Norman realm. Thompson, Kathleen H.
Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by King, Edmund J.
Chronological coverage: 1066–1217
Index terms: Normandy; France; Perche, France
Categories: Political history
The Fortress of Faith: the perception of Muslims in 15th-century Spain. Echevarria Arsuaga, Ana M.
Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Hood, A.; Mackay, A.I.K.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
Index terms: Muslims, Spanish view of; Fortress of Faith (Alonso de Espina's); Spain
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The maritime cultural landscape of Viking and late Norse Orkney. Allen, formerly Bowman, Anne
Ph.D., Durham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Millett, M.J.; Hamerow, Helena F.
Chronological coverage: 800–1400
Index terms: Norsemen; Vikings; Orkney
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The principality of Antioch, 1098-1130. Asbridge, Thomas S.
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Riley-Smith, Jonathan S.C.
Chronological coverage: 1098–1130
Index terms: Antioch, principality of; Crusades, Crusaders
Categories: Byzantine history
The role of castles in the political and military history of the Crusader states and the Levant, 1187-1380. Molin, Bengt K.
Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Loud, G.A.
Chronological coverage: 1187–1380
Index terms: Crusades, Crusaders; Palestine; Castles, in Palestine; Army, Crusader; Levant
Categories: Byzantine history
The Sestiere of San Polo: a cross-section of Venetian society in the second half of the 15th century. Wheeler, Joseph R.
Ph.D., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by Mallett, Michael E.
Chronological coverage: 1450–1500
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The theory and practice of the ecclesiastical interdict in the age of the decretalists. Clarke, Peter D.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Denton, Jeffrey H.
Chronological coverage: 1150–1350
Index terms: France; Interdict, papal; Papacy
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
To what extent was the iconography of Judith a reflection of Renaissance society?. Penhallurick, Claire E.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Williams, Ann
Chronological coverage: 1400–1600
Index terms: Women; Judith, iconography of; Renaissance
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Whales, dolphins and porpoises in the economy and culture of peasant fishermen in Norway, Orkney, Shetland, Faroe Islands and Iceland, c.900-1900 A.D., and Norse Greenland, c.1000-1500 A.D. Lindqvist, Ole
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Smout, T.C.
Chronological coverage: 900–1900
Index terms: Dolphins; Whales; Porpoises; Fishermen, in N. Europe; Peasants, in N. Europe; Norway; Orkney + OTHERS, SEE THESIS
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Brittany and the Angevins, 1166-86: an administrative study. Everard, Judith A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Holt, James
Chronological coverage: 1166–1186
Index terms: Angevin kings; France; Brittany, France; Administration, Angevin, of Brittany
Categories: 12th Century
Cola di Rienzo (1312-54): the revolution in historical perspective. Collins, Amanda L.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rosser, A. Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1322–1354
Index terms: Italy; Rienzo, Cola di (1312-54); Rome
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Inquisition, Catharism and the confessing subject: the discourse of heresy in Languedoc, c.1220-c.1330. Arnold, John H.
D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.). Supervised by Biller, Peter P.A.; Riddy, Felicity J.
Chronological coverage: 1220–1330
Index terms: Cathars, Catharism, in France; Languedoc, France; France; Inquisition, in France; Heresy, in France
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Liber celi et mundi: introduction and critical edition. Gutman, Oliver W.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Burnett, Charles S.F.; Sharpe, Richard
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Index terms: Liber celi et mundi; Cosmology
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Normandy and the Angevin empire: a study of the Norman pipe rolls. Moss, Vincent D.
Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.). Supervised by Bates, David R.
Chronological coverage: 1154–1399
Index terms: Angevin empire; France; Normandy; Pipe rolls
Categories: 12th Century; 13th Century; 14th Century
Social and political processes in the Carolingian middle Rhine valley, c750.-c.875. Innes, Matthew J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 750–875
Index terms: Carolingian kings, in France; Rhine valley, France
Categories: 500-1000
Social organization and state control in two Genoese merchant colonies: Tunis and Famagusta, in the late 13th century. MacKenzie, Robert J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, David S.H.
Chronological coverage: 1280–1300
Index terms: Tunis; Merchants, of Italy; Italy; Famagusta, Cyprus; Genoa, Italy; Cyprus
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The Byzantine frontier in the Balkans in the 11th and 12th centuries. Stephenson, P.A.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Shepard, Jonathan E.B.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1200
Index terms: Frontiers, in the Balkans; Balkan states; Byzantium
Categories: Byzantine history
The Carmelite friary at Esslingen. Elders, Joseph
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Dixon, Philip W.
Chronological coverage: 1350–1550
Index terms: Friaries, in Germany; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses, in Germany; Germany; Esslingen, Germany; Carmelite friars, in Germany
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The christianization of Iceland: priests, power and social change, 1000-1300. Vésteinsson, Orri
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Wendy E.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1300
Index terms: Priests, in Iceland; Christianization, of Iceland; Iceland
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The coinage of Deventer, 983-1100. Coleman, Robert D.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Metcalf, D. Michael
Chronological coverage: 983–1100
Index terms: Coinage, of Deventer; Netherlands; Deventer, Netherlands
Categories: Social history; Economic history
The crusade of 1101, with particular reference to military history. Mulinder, Alec C.
Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by France, John
Chronological coverage: 1101–1101
Index terms: Army, Crusader; Crusades, Crusaders
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The dispute for authority between the consuls of the city of Cahors and the lord bishops during the 13th century. Groom, Veronica J.
M.A., Exeter. (Hist. & Archaeol.). Supervised by Williams, Ann
Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
Index terms: Church, medieval, in France; France; Cahors, France
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The influence of John Cassian on early continental and insular monasticism to c.817. Lake, Stephen M.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Lapidge, Michael
Chronological coverage: 415–817
Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Cassian, John (c.360-435)
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Compelle intrare: monastic reform movements in 12th-century north-western Europe. Porter, Jon M.B.
Ph.D., Nottingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Hamilton, Bernard F.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Index terms: Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses; Reform, monastic
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Experiences of motherhood in Normandy, c.1050-c.1150. Quirk, Kathleen F.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Van Houts, Elisabeth M.C.
Chronological coverage: 1050–1150
Index terms: Normandy; Mothers, Motherhood; Women; France
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Innocent III and Aragon-Catalonia: studies on papal power. Smith, Damian J.
Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Dyer, Christopher C.
Chronological coverage: 1198–1216
Index terms: Catalonia, Spain; Aragon, Spain; Spain; Innocent III (1160-1216), pope
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Knights of the cloister: Templars and Hospitallers in central southern Occitania, c.1100-c.1300. Selwood, Dominic K.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Rubin, Miri E.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
Index terms: Occitania; Hospitallers; Templars
Categories: Byzantine history
Literacy in Lombard Italy, 568-774 A.D. Everett, Nicholas C.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
Chronological coverage: 568–774
Index terms: Italy; Literacy, in Lombard Italy; Lombards
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Papal ceremonial in the 12th century, with special emphasis on 'adventus'. Twyman, Susan E.
Ph.D., London. (Q.M.W. Hist.). Supervised by Bolton, Brenda M.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
Index terms: `Adventus', papal; Papacy; Ceremonial, papal
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Practice of penance, c.900-c.1050. Hamilton, Sarah M.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Duggan, Anne J.; Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 900–1050
Index terms: Church, medieval; Church, early; Penance
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The composition and dissemination of Bernard of Clairvaux's texts. Mancor, Neil McK.
Ph.D., Reading. (Hist.). Supervised by Barber, Malcolm C.
Chronological coverage: 1110–1153
Index terms: Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint (1090-1153)
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
The development of the idea of limbo in the middle ages. Beiting, Christopher J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Murray, Alexander
Chronological coverage: 1100–1321
Index terms: Church, medieval; Limbo, idea of
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The organisation of war in England under John, 1199-1216. Fisher, Andrew R.
Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Ayton, Andrew C.
Chronological coverage: 1199–1216
Index terms: Supply, military; Recruitment, military; Army
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Urban space and political life in Rome, 1100-1300: the Frangipani family in the Forum area. Ellis, Matthew R.
M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Ward-Perkins, Bryan R.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
Index terms: Urban society, in Italy; Frangipani family, in Italy; Rome
Categories: Political history
An 11th-century Byzantine liturgical homiliary: the Evergetis 'Katechetikon'. Crostini, Barbara
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Munitiz, Joseph A.
Chronological coverage: 1034–1054
Index terms: 'Katechetikon' (of Euergetis); Liturgy, Byzantine; Constantinople, Euergetis monastery; Byzantium; Homiliary, Byzantine
Categories: Byzantine history
A study of the origins, development and significance of the Beguine communities in Douai and Lille, 1200-1500. Galloway, Penelope E.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Smith, L.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1500
Index terms: Women, in France; Lille, France; Beguine movement, in Flanders; Douai, France; France
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
Crusading proposals of the late 13th and early 14th centuries. Leopold, Anthony R.
Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, David W.; Scales, Len E.; Forey, Alan J.
Chronological coverage: 1280–1330
Index terms: Crusades, Crusaders
Categories: Byzantine history
Female spirituality and intellect in the 12th and 13th centuries: a case study of Herrad of Hohenbourg. Griffiths, Fiona J.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, Anna B.S.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1300
Index terms: Herrad of Hohenbourg (d. 1195); Female spirituality; Women
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Germanic social structure, c.200-600: a methodological study in the use of archaeology and historical evidence in migration-age Europe. Ravn, Mads
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archaeol.). Supervised by Hills, Catherine M.
Chronological coverage: 200–600
Index terms: Migration, in Europe; Germanic peoples
Categories: Social history; Economic history
Ideas about women in the earliest printed Dutch vernacular books: female saints' lives, exempla and their female readers. van Dort, Catharina T.H.
Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David L.
Chronological coverage: 1470–1500
Index terms: Netherlands; Books, in the Netherlands; Women; Dutch vernacular printed books; Printed books, in the Netherlands
Categories: Social history; Intellectual history; Gender and Women
Of republics and tyrants: aspects of Quattrocento humanist writings and their reception in England, c.1400-c.1460. Rundle, David G.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Clifford S.L.; Garnett, George S.
Chronological coverage: 1400–1460
Index terms: Political thought; Italy; Humanists, Humanism; Tyrants, Tyranny
Categories: Political history
Politics, image-making and urban space: representations of Florence in the art of Domenico Ghirlandaio. Pearson, Caspar
M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist. of Art)
Chronological coverage: 1475–1494
Index terms: Florence, Italy; Art, in Italy; Italy; Ghirlandaio, Domenico (c.1449-1494); Artists, in Italy; Towns, in Italy
Categories: Art and Architecture; Education
Politics, society and the Crusades in England and France, 1378-1400. Magee, James W.
Ph.D., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Housley, Norman J.
Chronological coverage: 1378–1400
Index terms: France; Crusades
Categories: Byzantine history
Representations of the barbarian in the early medieval West, c.800-1100. Ashley, Scott
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Wormald, C. Patrick
Chronological coverage: 800–1100
Index terms: Europe, western; Barbarians
Categories: Political history
Royal eloquence in the Spanish Peninsula, with particular reference to the Crown of Aragon, c.1200-1410. Cawsey, Suzanne F.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Linehan, Peter A.; Dunbabin, Jean H.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1410
Index terms: Eloquence, royal, in Spanish peninsula; Aragon, Spain; Spain
Categories: Political history
Studies in representations and preceptions of the Carolingians in Italy, 774-875. West, Geoffrey V.B.
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
Chronological coverage: 774–875
Index terms: Italy
Categories: Political history
The crusade in the 14th century as an expression of the international chivalric ethic. Norgate, Louise
M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Loud, Graham A.; Murray, Alan V.
Chronological coverage: 1300–1400
Index terms: Chivalry; Crusades
Categories: Byzantine history
The ecclesiastical organization of the Church of the East, 1318-1913. Wilmshurst, David J.
D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Richards, Donald S.; Brock, Sebastian P.
Chronological coverage: 1318–1913
Index terms: Byzantine church
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history
The Poor Clares in the Hispanic kingdoms during the 13th century. Tunstall, Lee-Ann
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Abulafia, David S.H.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
Index terms: Spain; Hispanic kingdoms; Poor Clares
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Urbanism in Siena, c.1450-1513. Policy and patrons: interactions between public and private. Nevola, Fabrizio
Ph.D., London. (Courtauld). Supervised by Clarke, Georgia
Chronological coverage: 1450–1513
Index terms: Siena, Italy; Urban development, Urban growth; Italy
Categories: Education; Art and Architecture
Eastern attitudes towards the Franks in the Levant during the early crusades, 490/1096-564/1169. Christie, Niall G.F.
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Kennedy, Hugh N.
Chronological coverage: 1096–1169
Index terms: Levant; Franks; Crusades
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 12th Century
The debate about women and its socio-cultural background in early modern Venice. Dialeti, Androniki
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Black, Christopher F.
Chronological coverage: 1500–1700
Index terms: Venice, Italy; Women, in Italy; Italy
Categories: Gender and Women; Cultural history; Social history; 15th Century; 16th Century; 17th Century
A new comparative approach to the Byzantine economy (A.D. 900-1200). Kaplanis, Costas
Ph.D., London.
Chronological coverage: 900–1200
Categories: Ancient
A social archaeology of the late medieval English peasantry: power, community and gender. Smith, Sally V.
Ph.D., Sheffield.
Chronological coverage: 1200–1500
A study of Byzantine sgraffito wares (11th-13th century): classification, production, circulation, and art historical analysis. Dimopoulos, Johanna
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 1000–1300
Constructions of female sanctity in Anglo-Saxon and Old Norse religious prose. Hodgson, Miranda J.
M.Litt., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 500–1000
Categories: Ancient
England’s hermits, 970-1220. Licence, Tom O.
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 970–1220
Index terms: Religion, medieval; Hermits, medieval
Making middle Byzantine Constantinople: imperial devotional sites and ideology from Basil I to John II Komnenos. Zulian, Giulia
M.Phil., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 866–1143
Index terms: Basil I (c.811-886), Byzantine emperor; Ideology, imperial; Empire, Byzantine; Constantinople; Byzantium; John II Komnenos (1087-1143), Byzantine emperor
Categories: Ancient
Norman ethnicity in Normandy and Italy, c.911-c.1204. Johnson, S. Ewan
Ph.D., Cambridge.
Chronological coverage: 911–1204
Index terms: Italy, and Normandy; Normandy, and Italy; Ethnicity, Norman
Categories: Ancient
Pathways of power in late Carolingian Catalonia. Jarrett, Jonathan A.
Ph.D., London.
Chronological coverage: 700–900
Categories: Ancient
Portaying the unknown, picturing the unseen? Portraits of women in late 15th- and 16th-century Venice. Scherf, B.-S.
Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist. of Art)
Chronological coverage: 1480–1520
Index terms: Art, Artists, in Venice; Venice; Women, in Venice; Italy
Categories: Gender and Women; Art and Architecture; 15th Century; 16th Century
Procopius and the Gothic War. Kouroúmali, Maria
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 520–565
Categories: Ancient
Religious women and their communities in late medieval Scotland. Curran, Kimberly A.
Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Scotland; Women religious, in Scotland; Church, medieval
Categories: Cultural history; Ecclesiastical and religious history; Gender and Women; Social history
Social conflict and its management in the 6th century, with special reference to the reign of Justinian I. Bell, P.N.
D.Phil., Oxford.
Chronological coverage: 500–600
Categories: Ancient
The church and communities: Cluny and its local patrons, 900-1050. Halton, Sarah E.
Ph.D., Birmingham.
Chronological coverage: 900–1050
Index terms: Patronage, religious; Cluny, monastery; Church, medieval, in France; Monasticism, Monasteries, Monastic houses
Categories: Ancient
The family in the 'Islendingasögur': myth or reality. Archer, Emily
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 500–1200
Index terms: Iceland; Islendingasögur; Family
The forgotten patrons: the French governors of Milan, 1499-1522. Woodcock, Philippa
Ph.D., London. (Queen Mary). Supervised by Welch, Evelyn
Chronological coverage: 1499–1522
Categories: 16th-17th Century; Urban history; Political history; Imperial and colonial; Art and Architecture
The medieval hall houses of north and east Wales: a socio-political development arising out of changes in land-holding practice and the Glynd?r revolts?. Green, E.M.
Ph.D., Nottingham.
Chronological coverage: 1100–1500
Authority and pedagogy in Hermann of Reichenau's De octo vitiis principalibus. Williams, Hannah
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 800–1100
Categories: Ancient
Chronicles of Isidore of Seville. Wood, Jamie P.
Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 580–636
Categories: Ancient
Growth of Newcastle 'villages'. Morrison, Jennifer
M.A., Durham. (Archaeol.)
Chronological coverage: 0–1800
Index terms: Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Hagiography and the cult of saints in the diocese of Liège, c 700-980. Zimmern, Matthew
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 700–980
Categories: Ancient
Health and disease in medieval and Tudor Norwich. Fay, Isla
Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1000–1603
Index terms: Norwich, Norf.; Health, Healthcare; Disease
Social origins of dynastic and elective kingship. A study of the Frankish and Visigothic successions. Widdowson, John M.
Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 200–700
Categories: Ancient
Texts and contexts: women's dedicated life from Caesarius to Benedict. Rudge, Lindsay
Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 500–800
Categories: Gender and Women; Byzantine history; Ancient
The Augustinian canons and their benefactors in the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield. Abram, Andrew
Ph.D., Wales. (Lampeter Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 1170–1536
The Mercian polity, 716-918. Burghart, Alex
Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.)
Chronological coverage: 716–918
Index terms: Mercia
Categories: Ancient
Reform, liberty and the First Crusade. Fletcher, Anthony
Ph.D., N.U.I. Galway. (Hist.). Supervised by LoPrete, Kimberly
Chronological coverage: 1095–1099
Index terms: Crusades
Categories: 11th Century
The archaeology of medieval rural ecclesiastical settlement in the barony of Lower Dundalk, County Louth. Ryan, Vanessa
Ph.D., Trinity College Dublin. (Hist.). Supervised by Barry, Terence
Chronological coverage: 1000–1500
Index terms: Archaeology; Settlement; Ireland; Lower Dundalk, Co. Louth
Transmission and transformation of iconography and exegetical themes from late antiquity in insular art. Foley, Susan
Ph.D., Cork. (Hist.). Supervised by O'Reilly, Jennifer
Chronological coverage: 400–1000
Index terms: Exegetical themes, in insular art; Iconography; Insular art; Art, Artists, insular
Motivations and response to crusades in the Aegean, 1302-48. Carr, Michael
Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Jonathan P.
Chronological coverage: 1302–1348
Categories: Asia and Middle East; 14th Century
Siena and its Contado: Art, iconography and patronage in the diocese of Grosseto, c.1380-c.1480. Cardarelli, Sandra
Ph.D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Nichols, Tom
Chronological coverage: 1380–1480
Categories: Ecclesiastical and religious history; Art and Architecture
The logic of political conflict in the late Middle Ages : a comparative study of urban political conflicts in Italy and the southern Low Countries, c.1370-1440. Lantschner, Patrick
Ph.D., University of Oxford. (Christ Church). Supervised by Vale, Malcolm; Rosser, Gervase
Chronological coverage: 1370–1440
Categories: Urban history; Political history