
History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

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'Historiography', in History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/theses-1970-2014/historiography [accessed 12 March 2025].

'Historiography', in History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/theses-1970-2014/historiography.

"Historiography". History Theses 1970-2014: Historical research for higher degrees in the universities of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. , British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/theses-1970-2014/historiography.

In this section


'Hiding behind history': Winston S. Churchill's portrayal of the Second World War east of Suez. Wilson, Catherine A.V.
     Ph.D., Hull. (Hist.). Supervised by Omissi, David E.
     Chronological coverage: 1939–1945

Religion in Tacitus' Annals: historical constructions of memory. Shannon, Kelly E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Classics). Supervised by Ash, Rhiannon
     Chronological coverage: 76–117

The authenticity of Asser's Life of Alfred. Lavington, Rosalind M.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by John, E.
     Categories: Medieval

The English historiography of the Crusades, 1550-1660. Mower, Andrew J.
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1550–1660

'X' marks the spot: the history and historiography of Coleshill House, Berkshire. Fielder, Karen
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Arnold, Dana
     Chronological coverage: 1660–2000


Francis Bacon: the study of history and the science of man. Clark, D. S. T.
     Ph. D, Cambridge. Supervised by Wormald, B. H. G.

Max Lenz: a study of Rankean historiography in the 20th century. Herkless, J. L.
     M. Litt., Cambridge. Supervised by Forbes, D.

Nicolaus of Damascus: his historical writings, with particular reference to his biography of Augustus. Biltcliffe, D. A. W.
     Ph. D., Leicester.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

The apocalyptic tradition in early Protestant histiography in England and Scotland, 1535-1655. Firth, Katherine R.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Trevor-Roper, H. R.

The historical methods of Xenophon in the Hellenica, with special reference to the influence of Thucydides. Soulis, E.
     Ph. D., Bristol.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

The life and works of Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, accompanied by a critical edition of certain sections of al-Saklawi's al-Jawahir wa-al-Durar. Rahmani, A. A.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Hopkins, J. F. P.


Chronicon regum Manniae et Insularum: chronicle of the kings of Mann and the Isles. Translated rom the original Latin, with notes. Broderick, G.
     M. Phil., Nottingham.
     Categories: Medieval

Introduction and commentary on select chapters of Herodotus Book II. Lloyd, A. B.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Forrest, W. G. G.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

M. N. Pokrovsky and the origin of Soviet historiography. White, J. D.
     Ph. D., Glasgow. Supervised by Brock, W. R.

The Bolshevization of Soviet Historiography, 1928-32. Barber, J. D.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Carr, E. H.

The Byzantine church historians form Eusebius to Evagrius: a historiographical study. Chesnut, G. F.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Greenslade, S. L.
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

The historical works of Jon Espolin and his contemporaries: aspects of Icelandic historiography. Sigurdsson, L.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Palsson, H.; Hay, D.

The Origines of Cato and the non-Roman historical tradition about ancient Italy. Cornell, T. J.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Momigliano, A. D.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

The reign of the Fatimid Caliph al-Mustansir bi'llah, 1027-94: a discussion of al-Maqrizi's account given in the Itti'az al-Hunafa. Kessler, P. E.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Richards, D. S.


A critical edition of John Capgrave's Universal Chronicle. Lucas, P. J.
     Ph. D., Leeds. Supervised by Cawley, A. C.
     Categories: Medieval

A critical edition of the life of St. Samuel of Kalaman in the Pierpont Morgan Library, Coptic Codex no. 578, with translation, commentaries and a historical study of the saint and his times. Alcock, A.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Barnes, J. W. B.
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

An edition of the History of King Richard the Third, by Sir George Buck, 1619. Kincaid, A. N.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Alton, R. E.

Augustus and the historians. Gillian Clark, E.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Lepper, F. A.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Objective history and the individual historian. Ingram, P. G.
     Ph. D, Edinburgh.

Platina's History of the Popes. Palermino, R. J.
     M. Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Hay, D.
     Categories: Medieval

Shams al-din al-Sakhawi as an historian of the 9th/15th century, with an edition of that section of his chronicles (Wajiz al-kalam) covering the period 800-49/1397-1445. Al-Hasso, A. A.
     Ph. D., St. Andrews. Supervised by Burton, J.

The 1929 debates in the Society of Marxist Historians, their relevance to the contemporary setting, and. Richards, N. A. C.
     M. Sc., Salford.

The attitudes of Carlyle and his circle to the French Revolution with special reference to Carlyle's French Revolution. Smart, J. D.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Burden, D. H.

The possibility of objectivity in history. Gorman, J.L.
     Ph. D, Cambridge. Supervised by Gallie, W.B.

Traditional and contemporary elements in Xenophon's Hellenica. Rahn, P. J.
     Ph. D., Liverpool. Supervised by Walbank, F. W.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history


A critical edition of the Annals of Hailes, with a study of their sources. Blount, Margaret N.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by John, E.
     Categories: Medieval

A critical edition with introduction and summary of contents, of 'Umar b. Shabba'a History of Medina. al-Ghannam, S. M.
     Ph. D., Manchester.

British scholarship on Muslim rule in India: the work of William Erskine, Sir Henry M. Elliot, John Dowson, Edward Thomas, J. Talboys Wheeler and Henry G. Keene. Wahi, Tripta
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Hardy, P.

The treatment of military operations and military leaders in Xenophon's Hellenika: the paradigmatic factor. Gray, Vivienne J.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Griffith, G. T.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history


A critical edition of Ta'rikh Irbil of Ibn al'Mustawfi, accompanied by an introduction, evaluation and a biography of the author. al-Sakkar, S.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Serjeant, R. B.

A critical edition of the Artuqid section in Ta'rikh Mayyafariqin wa Amid, by Ibn al-Azraq al Fariqi. Savran, A.
     Ph. D., St. Andrews.

An historical commentary on Plutarch's biography of Kimon. Stuart, M. J.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Barron, J. P.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

A study of al-Ma'afiri's biographies of famous women in early Islam. Tibi, A.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Jones, A.
     Categories: Gender and Women; Asia and Middle East

Chronography and early Greek history. Ball, R. N.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Jeffery, Lilian R.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

History as celebration: Castilian and Hispano-Latin epics and histories, 1080-1210 A.D. West, G. R.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Deyermond, A. D.
     Categories: Medieval

Introduction, text and commentary on chapters 1-27 of Plutarch's Life of Caesar. Pelling, C. B. R
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Russell, D. A. F. M.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Iohannes Cuspinianus and the History of the Emperors. Godfrey, D. M.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Chambers, D. S.

Josephus: Jewish history and the Greek world. Rajak, Tessa
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Millar, F. C. B.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Memory into history: a study of the autobiographical writings of American historians who lived during the American Civil War. Carter, R. A.
     M. Litt., Edinburgh. Supervised by Shepperson, G. A.

Suetonius's Life of Nero: a historical commentary. Bradley, K. R.
     B. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Sherwin-White, A. N.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

The growth of working-class consciousness in the first half of the 19th century: a study of the autobiographies of working men. Vincent, D. M.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by McKendrick, N.

The nature of theoretical history and its application in the works of William Robertson. Moore, Pauline
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Mitchison, Rosalind M.

Tradition and innovation in English chronicles down to the mid 13th century. Peterson, D. S.
     M. Litt, Edinburgh. Supervised by Barker, L. G. D.; Hay, D.
     Categories: Medieval

Views of ancient history in Italy, 1250-1350. Dury, R. J.
     M. A., Manchester. Supervised by Hyde, J. K.
     Categories: Medieval

Vita sancte Etheldrede Eliensis: an edition with a commentary, full glossary, and an introduction to the language of the text, of the Middle English Life of St. Etheldreda in MS. B. M. Faustina BIII. Eastwood, Othalie S. H.
     M. A., Durham.
     Categories: Medieval


An edition and translation of the chronicles from Muhammad al-Qadiri's Nashr al-Mathani. Cigar, N. L.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Brown, K.

An edition of the Continuation of the Eulogium Historiarum, 1361-1413. Clifford, S. N.
     M. Phil, Leeds. Supervised by Taylor, J.
     Categories: Medieval

A study of 19th century historical work on Muslim rule in Bengal: Charles Stewart to Henry Beveridge. Hussain, M. D.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Hardy, P.

Economic theory in historical explanation: the Hempel explanation schema in economic history. Howells, P. G. A.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by John, A. H.

Mustafa Selaniki's History of the Ottomans. Ipsirli, M.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Walsh, J. R.

Nationlism as a secular religion: the evolution of Jules Michelet's historical thought, 1840-6. Mago, Michela S.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Gallie, W. B.

The textual history of the Welsh-Latin Historia Brittonum. Dunville, D. N.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh.
     Categories: Medieval


An historical commentary on Suetonius's Lives of Galba, Otho and Vitellius. Murison, C. L.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Wellesley, K.; Cadoux, T. J.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Economic and social interpretations of history in the works of selected British historians in the 18th and 19th centuries. Wilsher, J. C.
     Ph. D., Lancaster. Supervised by Perkin, H. J.

Evagrius Scholasticus, the church historian. Allen, Pauline A.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Cameron, Averil M.
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

George Buchanan's Rerum Scoticarum Historia. Abbott, D. M.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Campbell, I. M.; Donaldson, G.

Italian historiography and the French invasion of 1494. Ley, G. K. H.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Chambers, D. S.

Mission and spirituality in Carolingian missionary literature, with particular reference to the Vita Bonifatii and the Vita Anskarii. Barker, Carole A.
     Ph. D., Nottingham. Supervised by Markus, R. A.
     Categories: Medieval

Perspective and method in early Islamic historiography: a study of al-Tabari's Tar'ikh al-Rusul wa'l Muluk. Straley, Dona S.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh.

Studies in the lives of the Saints, with special attention to the Northern Homily Cycle. Heffernan, T. J. A.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Brewer, D. S.
     Categories: Medieval

The historiography of mental 'illness': a cause for the social history of madness. Crawford, C.
     M. Sc., Sussex. Supervised by Luckin, W.

The languages of the Chronicle of the Morea. Caney, J. C.
     M. A., Birmingham. Supervised by Alexiou, Margaret
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

The life and writings of Sir John William Kaye (1814-76). Singh, N. N. P.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Ballhatchet, K. A.

The social and contintental background to early Anglo-Saxon hagiography. Thacker, A. T.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J. M.
     Categories: Medieval

Tuscan historiography c.1400-c.1450 and the problem of Florentine hegemony in Tuscany. Webb, Diana M.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Rubinstein, N.
     Categories: Medieval


A translation and historical commentary of George Akropolites's History. Macrides, Ruth J.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Nicol, D. M.
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

Idealism and the study of history: the development of the historiography of Max Lenz. Herkless, J. L.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Grenville, J. A. S.

Marx and scientific social history. Lloyd, A. C.
     M. Phil., Sussex.

Paolo Paruta as an historian. Phillips, Sara
     M. A., Kent. Supervised by Laven, P. J.

Peter Heylyn: a 17th century church historian. Mainard, R. I.
     M. A., Manchester.

Suetonius's Life of Claudius: a historical and social commentary. Mottershead, Jean
     Ph. D., Manchester. Supervised by Birley, A. R.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Sulpicius's Saint Martin. Stancliffe, Clare E.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Wallace-Hadrill, J. M.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

The chronicle of Count Marcellinus in its contemporary and historiographical context. Croke, B. F.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J. F.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

The Chronographia of Michael Psellos: prolegomena to a new edition. Snipes, H. K.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Browning, R.
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

The Historia Ecclesiastica of Germanus I of Constantinople: its place in the development of Greek liturgical theology. Parsons, S. C.
     M. Litt, Oxford. Supervised by Ware, K. T.
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

The Mildrith legend: study in early medieval hagiography in England. Rollason, D. W.
     Ph. D., Birmingham. Supervised by Davis, R. H. C.
     Categories: Medieval

The political, religious and historiographical ideas of Juan Fransisco Masdeu, S. J., 1744-1817. Mantelli, R.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Anderson, M. S.

The reception of the major works of W. E. H. Lecky, 1865-96. Pilling, N. P.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Burns, J. H.

Time and the land: the work of American historians during the generation of the American Revolution. Perry, E. S.
     Ph. D., Cambridge. Supervised by Pole, J. R.


A commentary on Quintus Curtius's Historiae Alexandri Magni Macedonis Book IV, 1-8. Bromley, Marilynne A. C.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Goodyear, F. R. D.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

'Al-mas' Udi, with special reference to his treatment of non-Muslim history and religion. Shboul, A. M. H.
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Hussey, Joan M.

An edition of MS. B (Cotton Tiberius A. vi) of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Taylor, R. S.
     B. Phil, St. Andrews.
     Categories: Medieval

Aristotle's treatment of historical material in the Politics. Thomas, D. H.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, D. M.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Attitudes to nationality in Scottish historical writing from Barbour to Boece. Drexler, Marjorie J.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Cowan, E. J.
     Categories: Medieval

Biographies of early Icelandic bishops. Fort, P. M.
     M. Litt, Edinburgh.
     Categories: Medieval

Carlyle, Ruskin, Arnold and Pater: their conceptions of history. Johnson, J. A.
     Ph. D., Manchester.

Divine providence and Sir Walter Raleigh's History of the World. Hardy, Linda R.
     M. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Williamson, C. F.

French historical novels, 1814-36: some ideological implications of recreational fiction and its conditions of production. Gretton, T. H..
     Ph. D., London. Supervised by Johnson, D. W. J.

G. G. Coulton and Catholic popular historiography. Bradburn, Carole A.
     M. A., Sheffield. Supervised by Moore, R. E.

Historiography of the political culture of the Afghan period in northern India, 1451-1557. Milo, A.
     M. Phil., London. Supervised by Hardy, P.

Reginald of Durham and St. Godric of Finchale: a study of a 12th-century hagiographer and his major subject. Tudor, Victoria M.
     Ph. D., Reading. Supervised by Farmer, D. H.
     Categories: Medieval

The development of British Indology, 1765-1820. Swanson, K. B.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh.

The history of the Jazira, 1100-50: the contribution of Ibn al-Azraq al-Fariqi. Hillenbrand, Carole
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Howard, I. K. A.; Walsh, J. R.

The Sehname-i Humayun of Ta'liki-zade Medmed Efendi on the Ottoman campaign into Hungary in 1593-4: a critical edition of the text, with introduction and annotation. Woodhead, Christine M.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Walsh, J. R.


A critical edition of Al-Araj al-Miski fi t-Tarikh al-Makki by 'Ali b. 'Abd al-Qadir at-Tabari, together with an introduction to the work and its author. Al-Tasan, M. S.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh.

An edition of al-Muntakhab fi dhikr ansab qaba'il al' Arab by 'Abd al Rahman b. Hamad b. Zayd al-Mughiri al-Lami al-Ta'i (A.H. 1285-1364/A.D. 1863-1944). I. ibn. Al-Zayd, M.
     Ph. D., Exeter.

A reconsideration of the historical works associated with Simeon of Durham: manuscripts, texts and influences. Meehan, B. A.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Baker, L. G. D.; Hay, D.
     Categories: Medieval

A reconsideration of the literary sources of the history of Roman Britain. Reed, N. J.
     M. Phil, St. Andrews.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

A survey of historical and ethnographic literature on the ancient kingdom of Kongo. Burke, Joan F.
     M. Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Lienhardt, R. G.

Determinism in humanist historiography: Facio, Palmieri and Platina. Palermino, R. J.
     Ph. D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Hay, D.
     Categories: Medieval

Mosul and Mosuli Historians of he Jalili era (1726-1834). Kemp, P. E.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hourani, A. H.

Suetonius on the emperor: studies in the representation of the emperor in The Caesars. Wallace-Hadrill, A. F.
     D. Phil, Oxford. Supervised by Brunt, P. A.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

The Icelandic life of Saint Oswald from Reykjaholabok: an edition. Kernick, Sheila L.
     M. A., Birmingham. Supervised by Faulkes, A. R.
     Categories: Medieval

The legacy of evangelicalism in the lives and writings of certain descendants of the Clapham Sect, with special reference to biographical literature. Tolley, C. J.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Cockshut, A. O. J.

The life of St. Etheldreda. Gooding-Williams, Brenda C. M.
     M. A., Birmingham. Supervised by Shepherd, G. T.
     Categories: Medieval

The works of Jehan Creton: a critical edition. Stewart, Lorna A.
     Ph. D., Aberdeen. Supervised by Laidlaw, J. C.
     Categories: Medieval

Two Tudor translations of Hayton's La fleur des histoires de la terre d'Orient: a critical edition. Burger, G. D.
     D. Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Gray, D.


A commentary on Einhard's Life of Charlemagne. Hocking, P.A.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Ireland, R.I.
     Categories: Medieval

Byzantine historiography in Kievan Russia: a study in cultural adaptation. Franklin, S.C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Obolensky, D.
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

Dionysius of Halicarnassus as a historian: an investigation of his aims and methods in the Antiquitates Romanae. Schultze, Clemence E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Fredericksen, M.W.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Hagiography in England in the 19th century: a study in literary, historiographical and theological developments. Townsend, R.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Rowell, D.G.

Tacitus and Roman Britain, with special reference to De vita Agricolae. Rogan, J.
     B.Phil., Open University.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Thomas Carlyle and the 18th century. Lockwood, D.N.
     M.A., Birmingham.

William Harrison (1535-93) and The Great English Chronology: Puritanism andhistory in the reign of Elizabeth. Parry, G.J.R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Elton, G.R.


An analysis of the earliest historical writers (Ibn Ishaq, al-Tabari and al-Baladhuri). Luqman, M.
     Ph.D., Glasgow.

Asceticism and society: a study in John of Ephesus's Lives of the Eastern Saints. Harvey, Susan Ashbrook
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Young, Frances; Brock, S.P.
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

A survey of the writing of French contemporary history, 1660-1700. James, Valerie A.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Briggs, R.

Diodorus Siculus Book XV: a historical commentary (excluding the Sicilian portions). Stylianou, P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Cawkwell, G.L.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Herodian on Elagabalus. Sidebotham, H.
     M.A., Manchester. Supervised by Birley, A.R.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

The compilation and production of a classic county history: a study of Francis Blomefield's History of Norfolk. Stoker, D.
     M.Phil., Reading. Supervised by Dodwell, Barbara

The early county historians of Wales and western England, c.1570-1656. Deakin, Q.E.
     Ph.D., Wales (Aberystwyth). Supervised by Walker, R.F.

The Historiae of Theophylact Simocatta. Whitby, L.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Howard-Johnston, J.D.
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

The Lives of the early Irish saints: a study in formulaic composition and thecreation of an image. Bray, Dorothy A.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Categories: Medieval

Xenophon's Hellenica: introductory essay and commentary on VI 3-5. Tuplin, C.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Andrewes, A.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history


A critical study of the Liber Historiae Francorum. Gerberding, R.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Hadrill, J.M. Wallace-
     Categories: Medieval

Change and continuity in English historical thought, c.1590-1640. Woolf, D.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Aylmer, G.E.

Joachim of Fiore and the idea of historical progress. Gormley, J.E.
     M.A., Belfast.
     Categories: Medieval

Justin Martyr: a theology of history. Donner, T.G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Chadwick, H.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Liberalism and historicism: history and politics in the thought of Benedetto Croce. Bellamy, R.P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Ginsborg, P.A.

Lord Macaulay's History of England and the historical imagination. Simmons, C.A.
     M.Phil., Sheffield.

Mao and history: an interpretive essay on some problems in Mao Zedong's philosophy of history. Knight, N.J.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Schram, S.R.

Polydore Vergil's Anglica Historia, 1307-1422. Gray, B.
     M.Litt., Birmingham.
     Categories: Medieval

Textbook Germany for the adolescent historian, 1945-82. Lewis, T.C.
     M.A., Birmingham. Supervised by Grenville, J.A.S.

The amateur and the professional: antiquarians, historians and archaeologists in 19th-century England, 1838-86. Levine, Philippa J.A.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Briggs, A.

The evolution of the Decline and Fall: a study of Gibbon in his historiographical context. Womersley, D.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Jack, I.R.J.

The historiography of Henry de Boulainvilliers. Price, R.
     Ph.D., Durham.

The Zafar-Namah of Hamdallah Mustaufi and the Il-Khan dynasty of Iran. Ward, L.J.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Luft, P.

Thomas Carlyle's method of epic and prophetic history, 1820-37. Sorensen, D.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Richards, B.A.


Historiographical aspects of Russian Liberalism, 1890-1918. Wilson, A.J.H.
     M.A., Keele. Supervised by Service, R.J.

John Lingard: the historian as apologist. Cattermole, P.H.
     Ph.D., Kent.

The development of Jean-Paul Sartre's theory of history, 1945-60. Dobson, A.N.H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Warnock, Helen M.

The historical novel as philosophy of history: three German contributions - Alexis, Fontane, Doblin. Humphrey, R.P.B.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Stern, J.P.

The idea of Walter Benjamin: researches in philosophical historiography and the philosophy of history. Tagart, R.W.
     M.A., Kent. Supervised by Bann, S.

The ideological context of John Milton's History of Britain. Dzelzainis, M.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Skinner, Q.R.D.

The Miroir historical abrege de France and Cest chose profitable: a study of two 15th-century French historical texts and their context. Daly, Kathleen
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Vale, M.G.A.
     Categories: Medieval

The writing of Thomas Carlyle's Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches. Trela, D.J.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.

Traditional Thai historiography and its 19th-century decline. Pongsripian, W.
     Ph.D., Bristol. Supervised by Brailey, N.J.

William Mitford and Greek history. Taylor, J.S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Murray, O.


A commentary on Livy Book IX, chapters 1-28. Oakley, S.P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Goodyear, F.R.D.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

A commentary on Plutarch's Life of Pompey, chapters 1-46.4. Watkins, O.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pelling, C.B.R.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

An unexploited source for the history of the Saljuqs: a translation of and critical commentary on the Akhbar al-dawlat al-Saljuqiyya. Ayaz, Q.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Hillenbrand, Carole

Explanation in social history. Lloyd, A.C.
     M.Litt., Oxford. Supervised by Torrence, J.R.

Fourth-century Greek historical writing about Persia in the period between the accession of Artaxerxes II Mnemon and that of Darius III (404-336 B.C.). Stevenson, Rosemary B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Lewis, D.M.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Gold Coast historians and their pursuit of the Gold Coast pasts, 1882-1918. Jenkins, R.G.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by McCaskie, T.C.

The Lives of St. Francis of Assisi contained in MSS. B.N. fr. 19531, 2094, 13505. Pinder, Janice M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Kennedy, E.M.
     Categories: Medieval


A critical edition of Tarikh al-Madinah by Al-Shaykh Qutb al-Din. Drees, A.A.A.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Hillenbrand, Carole

A critical edition of volume 2 of Tarikh al-duwal wa'l muluk by Muhammad b. Abd Al-Rahim b. Ali Ibn Al-Furat. Elshayyal, M.F.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Hillenbrand, Carole

A critical reconstruction and edition of the historical writings of Madaini. Al-Shihab, A.M.N.
     Ph.D., Exeter.

Agents and masters in ancient near eastern history writings. Lawrence, P.J.N.
     Ph.D., Liverpool.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

An examination of attitudes towards non-Europeans in British school history textbooks and children's periodicals, 1890-1914. Castle, Kathryn A.
     Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards. ((North London Polytechnic)). Supervised by Judd, D.O.; Aldrich, R.E.

Arab historians and the rise of the nation-state, 1820-1980. Choueiri, Y.M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Hinds, G.M.

Milton's History of Britain in its historical context. von Maltzahn, N.D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Carey, J.

Studies in oral tradition and written record in classical Athens. Thomas, Rosalind
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Humphreys, Sarah C.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

The Gesta Dei per Francos of Guibert, abbot of Nogent. Coupe, M.D.
     Ph.D., Southampton. Supervised by Morris, C.
     Categories: Medieval

The Life of S. Pancratius of Taormina. Stallman, Cynthia J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Mango, C.
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

The politics of German historians, 1914-45. Lambert, P.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Rohl, J.C.G.


Medieval Irish saints' Lives: a study of the three Latin collections. Sharpe, R.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Dumville, D.N.
     Categories: Medieval

Piacentine historiography in the later 16th century: the Cronica dell' origine di Piacenza of the Inquisitor Umberto Locati (1503-87). Ditchfield, S.R.
     M.Phil., London. Supervised by Chambers, D.S.

Plutarch and Rome: three studies. Swain, S.C.R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pelling, C.B.R.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history


Economics and modes of security in the philosophy of history. Blackburn, R.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Cohen, G.A.

Flodoard of Rheims, Historia Ecclesiae Remensis, III 22-29: a translation and commentary. Carroll, M.L.
     M.A., York. Supervised by James, E.
     Categories: Medieval

Giambattista Vico: imagination and historical knowledge. Desbrisay, Cecelia G.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Berlin, I.

Orientalism, utilitarianism and British India: James Mill's The History of British India and the romantic Orient. Majeed, J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Shrimpton, N.G.

Paolo Sarpi, Cardinal Albizzi and the history of the Inquisition in Venice, 1600- 30. M. Flanagan, Honoria
     M.Phil., Manchester. Supervised by Pullan, B.S.

Sixteenth-century civic communities and the advent of the Reformation: the Moeller initiative, the subsequent debate and current dominant interpretive trends in the social historiography of the urban Reformation in Germany and France. Gaganakis, C.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by Black, C.F.

St. Peter Damian's Vita Beati Romualdi: introduction, translation and analysis. Phipps, C.R.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
     Categories: Medieval

The Asiatic mode of production: historical materialism and Indian historiography. O'Leary, D.B.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Nossiter, T.J.

The English Reformation and English Catholic historians, 1790-1940. Vidmar, J.C.
     M.Phil., Edinburgh.

The Evangelical Revival as seen by contemporary and subsequent writers. Whiteman, R.D.
     M.Phil., St. Andrews.


A critical edition of the Vita Gregorii Magni by an anonymous member of the community of Whitby. E. Mosford, Sian
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Winterbottom, M.
     Categories: Medieval

Cassius Dio and the Julio-Claudians. Mills, C.A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Millar, F.G.B.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Historical commentary on Suetonius's Life of Caligula, with introduction. Wardle, D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Griffin, Miriam T.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Hydatius: a late Roman chronicler in post-Roman Spain: an historiographical study and new critical edition of the chronicle. Burgess, R.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Matthews, J.F.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Poverty and the historians: a study in historiography and opinion, c.1850-1930, with particular reference to Thomas Mackay and Sidney and Beatrice Webb. Kidd, A.J.
     Ph.D., Manchester. Supervised by Rose, M.E.

Tahrir defterleri as a source for history. Cicek, K.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. Supervised by Ursinus, M.O.H.

The Lives of Meletios of Myoupolis: introduction, translation and commentary. Armstrong, P.
     M.A., Belfast.
     Categories: Medieval

The reception of Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae: the evidence of manuscripts and textual history. Crick, Julia C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Dumville, D.N.
     Categories: Medieval

Thomas Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts-Bay: its context and construction. Murphy, Mary-Rose
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Pole, J.R.

Valerius Maximus as a source for his own times. Bellemore, Jane
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by North, J.A.
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history


An historical and critical survey of the secondary material on the life, thought andinfluence of Jonathan Edwards (1703-58). McMullen, M.D.
     M.Th., Aberdeen. Supervised by Sefton, H.R.

Authorship and authority in Hume's History of England. Slater, G.P.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Womersley, D.J.

Commemorating the past: a critical study of the shaping of British and Arthurian history in Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia Regum Britanniae, Wace's Roman de Brut, Layamon's Brut and the alliterative Morte Arthure. Johnson, Lesley A.
     Ph.D., London. Supervised by Cowen, Janet M.
     Categories: Medieval

Jewish autobiography in eastern Europe: the pre-history of a literary genre. Moseley, M.G.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Patterson, D.

The British debate on the French Revolution: Edmund Burke and his critics. Yang, Su-hsien
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. Supervised by Dickinson, H.T.

The 'other' feudalism: a critique of 20th-century Turkish historiography and its particularization of Ottoman society. Berktay, H.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. Supervised by Wickham, C.J.; Ursinus, M.O.H.

Virtue, learning and the Enlightened historian: Calvinist humanism and the rise of Scottish scholarship, 1550-1800. Allan, D.W.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. Supervised by Goldie, M.A.


Early medieval writers on 5th-century Britain. Raraty, David G.J.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, I.N.
     Chronological coverage: 500–900
     Index terms: Historiography, medieval
     Categories: Medieval

Golden ages and barbarous nations: antiquarian debate on the Celtic past in Ireland and Scotland in the 18th century. O'Halloran, Clare
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Bradshaw, B.I.
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1800

Hagiography and ecclesiastical historiography in late 16th and early 17th-century Italy: Petro Maria Campi of Piacenza, 1569-1649. Ditchfield, Simon R.
     Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Chambers, D.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1589–1649

Marx's use of Hegel: methodology and the `historical transformation problem'. McMahon, Charles
     M.Litt., Glasgow. (Soc. Sc.). Supervised by Meikle, S.
     Chronological coverage: 1838–1858

Miners' autobiographies: a critical study of life accounts by English miners and their families. Howard, W. Stuart
     Ph.D., Council for National Academic Awards.
     Chronological coverage: 1790–1945
     Index terms: Autobiographies; Miners

Nabob, historian and orientalist: the life and writings of Robert Orme, 1728-1801. Tammita-Delgoda, A. Sinharaja W.
     Ph.D., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Marshall, P.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1742–1763

Ovid and the `Fasti': an historical study. Herbert-Brown, Geraldine E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Price, S.R.F.
     Chronological coverage: 8–8
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Recent interpretations of historical materialism. Hwang, Richard R.-C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol.). Supervised by Giddens, A.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1990

Sir John Hayward's The First Part of the Life and Raigne of King Henrie IIII and its unpublished continuation: the humanist historical tradition and its dissolution. Polfreman, Malcolm J.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Black, R.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1599–1599

The hagiography of St. Alban and St. Amphibalus in the 12th century. Gordon-Taylor, Benjamin N.
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Rollason, D.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Categories: Medieval

The Historia Iherosolimitana of Albert of Aachen: a critical edition. Edgington, Susan B.
     Ph.D. (Ext.), London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1100
     Categories: Medieval


A commentary on Q. Curtius Rufus's Historiae Alexandri Book X. Dempsie, William A.R.
     Ph.D., St. Andrews.
     Chronological coverage: 50–50
     Index terms: Quintus Curtius Rufus (fl. c.50; Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.); Historiae Alexandri Magni Macedonis (Quintus Curtius Rufus's); Greece, ancient
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Aspects of history writing in 19th-century France: the politics, poetics and practice of A.A. Monteil. Warne, Christopher M.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, P.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1801–1850
     Index terms: France; Monteil, Amans Alexis (1769-1850); Historiography, French

Beowulf, Cu Chulainn and Grettir: aspects of the hero in three medieval societies. McDonald, Kathleen H.
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, I.N.
     Chronological coverage: 750–800
     Index terms: Beowulf; Cu Chulainn; Hero, in medieval societies; Grettir
     Categories: Medieval

H.G. Wells and his writings. Hamm, Philip M.
     M.A., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Field, F.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1920
     Index terms: Wells, Herbert George (1866-1946)

Ibn al-Adim and Bughyat al-Talab fi Ta'rikh Halab. Morray, David W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Richards, D.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1212–1212
     Index terms: Ibn al-Adim (1193-1262); Historiography, Arab; Bughyat al-Talab fi Tar'ikh Halab (Ibn al-Adim's); Aleppo, Syria

John Ruskin's understanding of history: a comparison of The Stones of Venice and St. Mark's Rest. Keck, Stephen L.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Jose F.; Birch, D.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1843–1843
     Index terms: Stones of Venice (Ruskin's); Ruskin, John (1819-1900); St. Mark's Rest (Ruskin's)

Laonikos Chalkokondyles: a translation and commentary of the Demonstrations of Histories, books I-III. Nicoloudis, Nicolaos G.
     M.Phil., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nicol, D.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1463–1463
     Index terms: Historiography, Byzantine; Chalkokondyles, Laonikos (d. c.1464); Byzantine empire
     Categories: Medieval

One more fight: the writings of Sir Winston Churchill. Woods, Frederick B.
     Ph.D., Keele. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, T.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1958
     Index terms: Churchill, Sir Winston (1874-1965), prime minister; World War II (1939-45)

Problems in historical construction: an idealist approach. Rogerson, Paul G.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Bentley, M.J.
     Chronological coverage: 1933–1980

Regino of Prüm and the 'Chronicon': history and history-writing in Lotharingia in the late 9th and early 10th centuries. Lee, Sally Orwin
     M.Phil., London. (K.C. Hist.). Supervised by Nelson, Janet L.
     Chronological coverage: 880–906
     Index terms: Chronicles; Regino of Prüm (d. 915); Lotharingia
     Categories: Medieval

Scottish whig historiography and the creation of Anglo-British identity, 1698-c.1800. Kidd, Colin C.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Robertson, J.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1688–1800
     Index terms: Whig party; Scotland; Anglo-British identity

Socrates Scholasticus: historian of church and state. Urbainczyk, Theresa
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Byz. Stud.). Supervised by Haldon, J.F.
     Chronological coverage: 400–450
     Index terms: Byzantine empire; Historiography, Byzantine; Socrates (c.380-c.450)
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

The contribution of 'Abd al-Basit to Mamluk historiography: a critical edition of parts of his unpublished work, Nayl al-Amal. Al-Wahaibi, Khalid K.N.
     M.Litt., Edinburgh. (Mid. E. Stud.). Supervised by McDonald, M.V.; Hillenbrand, Carole
     Chronological coverage: 1250–1517
     Index terms: `Abd al-Basit, Mamluk historian; Mamluks; Historiography, Mamluk; Nayl al-Amal (`Abd al-Basit's)

The Goggam chronicle: introduction, with edition, translation and annotation of select chapters. Getahun, Girma G.Y.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Brock, S.P.
     Chronological coverage: 1901–1901
     Index terms: Go province, Ethiopia; Ethiopia; Goggam chronicle

The life and historical writings of Michael Attaleiates. Hicks, Michael D.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Howard-Johnson, J.D.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1100
     Index terms: Attaleiates, Michael (fl. 11th cent.); Byzantine empire
     Categories: Medieval

The pilgrimage of 'an eternal Oedipus': continuity and change in the philosophy of history of R.G. Collingwood. Kim, Hyun S.
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Hist.). Supervised by Shannon, R.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1909–1937
     Index terms: Collingwood, Robin George (1889-1943)

The Vita of St. Epiphanius of Salamis: a historical and literary study. Rapp, Claudia
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Mango, Cyril
     Chronological coverage: 340–403
     Index terms: Epiphanius, Saint (c.315-403); Church, early
     Categories: Medieval

Yodit. Levi, Caroline A.
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Afr.). Supervised by Irvine, A.K.; Brett, M.
     Chronological coverage: 1270–1500
     Index terms: Yodit, fictional ancestress; Ethiopia
     Categories: Medieval


An assessment of Velleius Paterculus and his attitudes towards the period from the late Republic to the early Principate. Pine, Jeremy R.
     M.Phil., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Burton, G.P.
     Chronological coverage: 1–30
     Index terms: Velleius Paterculus (c.19 B.C. - after 30 A.D.); Rome, ancient
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

A study of Ottoman historiography in the 17th century. Piterberg, Gabriel
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Or. Stud.). Supervised by Repp, R.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1699
     Index terms: Ottoman empire
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

Enlightenment historical writing in national context in France, Britain and America, 1731-89. O'Brien, Karen E.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Rivers, Isabel
     Chronological coverage: 1731–1789
     Index terms: United States of America; France; Enlightenment

George Grote on Plato and Athenian democracy. Demetriou, Kyriacos
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Rosen, F.
     Chronological coverage: 1846–1856
     Index terms: Democracy, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient; Grote, George (1794-1871); Athens, Greece, ancient; Plato (c.427-c.347)
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

Izaak Walton and his precursors: a literary study of the emergence of the ecclesiastical Life. Martin, Jessica H.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Luckett, R.
     Chronological coverage: 1623–1683
     Index terms: Biography; Church of England; Walton, Izaak (1593-1683)

Materials towards a critical edition of John Aubrey's Brief Lives. Bennett, Kate S.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Robbins, R.H.
     Chronological coverage: 1680–1680
     Index terms: Biography; Aubrey, John (1626-97); Brief Lives (Aubrey's)

Narratives of Protestant mission in Canada: the writings of Benjamin Kohlmeister, Joshua Marsden and Joseph Abbott, 1814-46. Williams, Robert J.M.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1814–1846
     Index terms: Abbott, Joseph (1789-1863); Marsden, Joshua (1777-1837); Missions, Christian, in Canada; Kohlmeister, Benjamin (1756-1844); Canada

The historiography of the late Stalin period: a case study of war veterans through oral history. Cohen, Jonathan H.
     M.Litt., Oxford. (Pol.). Supervised by McAuley, Mary
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1953
     Index terms: Stalin, Joseph (Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili)(1879-1953); Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

The texts, transmission and circulation of some 11th-century Anglo-Latin saints' Lives. Love, Rosalind C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Anglo-Saxon). Supervised by Lapidge, M.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–1099
     Index terms: Saints; Hagiography
     Categories: Medieval

The uses of the writings of the Venerable Bede in the 12th century. Archer, Peter A.
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Med. Hist.). Supervised by Bullough, D.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1199
     Index terms: Bede, the Venerable (c.673-735)
     Categories: Medieval


Alcibiades and Athens: a study in literary presentation. Gribble, David W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Pelling, C.B.R.
     Chronological coverage: -432–-404
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Athens, ancient; Alcibiades (c.450-404 B.C.)
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

A study of the English Lives of St. Mary of Egypt in their literary context. Lavery, Simon P.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Brewer, D.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1500
     Index terms: Hagiography; Mary of Egypt, saint (5th cent.)
     Categories: Medieval

David Hume of Godscroft: his life and work. Gilfillan, Flora N.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Scot. Hist.). Supervised by Ferguson, W.; Lynch, M.
     Chronological coverage: 1580–1630
     Index terms: Hume, David (c.1560-c.1630); Scotland

Fictive ancient history and national consciousness in early modern Europe: the influence of Annius of Viterbo's Antiquitates. John, Richard T.
     Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Kraye, Jill A.; Chambers, D.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1498–1498
     Index terms: Annius of Viterbo (1432-1502); Antiquitates (Annius of Viterbo's); National consciousness; Nanni, Giovanni see Annio

Procopius and the Persian wars. Greatrex, Geoffrey B.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Howard-Johnston, J.D.
     Chronological coverage: 526–526
     Index terms: Procopius (c.499-565); Persian wars
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

The Attlee governments in perspective: commitment and detachment in the writing of contemporary history. Burgess, Simon G.
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Govt.). Supervised by Barnes, A. John L.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1951
     Index terms: Labour party; Attlee, Clement R. (1883-1967), 1st Earl Attlee, prime minister

The chronicle and career of George Chastellain (c.1415-1475): a study in the political and historical culture of the court of Burgundy. Small, Graeme P.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Fowler, K.A.
     Chronological coverage: 1435–1475
     Index terms: Burgundy; Chastellain, George (c.1415-1475); France; Chronicles
     Categories: Medieval

The continuations of the Chronicle of Fredegar and the political aims of the Carolingians. Ferguson, Adam T.B.
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, I.N.
     Chronological coverage: 801–850
     Index terms: Fredegar (fl.7th cent.); Franks; Chronicle of Fredegar; Carolingian empire; Chronicles
     Categories: Medieval

The social and ecclesiastical background to the treatment of the Connachta in Tirechan's 7th-century Collectanea. Swift, Catherine J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Charles-Edwards, T.M; Blair, W.J.
     Chronological coverage: 600–600
     Index terms: Connachta; Ireland; Tirechan (fl. 7th cent.); Church, in Ireland
     Categories: Medieval

The use of Byzantine historiography in the works of P.S. Delta. Spanaki, Marianna
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Byz. Stud.). Supervised by Alexiou, C.
     Chronological coverage: 1912–1947
     Index terms: Delta, Penelope S. (1874-1941); Byzantium

The writing of urban histories in 18th-century England. Sweet, Rosemary H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Langford, Paul
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1799
     Index terms: Urban histories

Vernacular history in the making: Anglo-Norman verse historiography in the 12th century. Damian-Grint, Peter B.
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck French). Supervised by Short, Ian
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Anglo-Norman verse
     Categories: Medieval


A study of Matthew Paris's Lives of the two Offas. Todd, Andrew D.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Van Houts, Elisabeth M.C.
     Chronological coverage: 1240–1240
     Index terms: Offa (fl.709), king of the East Saxons; Paris, Matthew (c.1200-1259); Lives of the two Offas (Paris's); Vitae duorum Offarum (Paris's; Offa (d. 796), king of the Mercians
     Categories: Medieval

A study of Tursun Bey's History of Mehmed the conqueror (Tarikh-i-Ebu `l-Feth). Inan, Kenan
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Mid. E. Stud.). Supervised by Imber, C.
     Chronological coverage: 1497–1500
     Index terms: Ottoman empire; Tursun Beg/Bey (fl. 1454-1500)

Idealist and pragmatist elements in R.G. Collingwood's philosophy of history. Requate, Angela
     Ph.D., London. (L.S.E. Govt.). Supervised by Minogue, K.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1909–1937
     Index terms: Collingwood, Robin George (1889-1943)

Literary and linguistic studies in the Epitome historion of John Zonaras. Grigoriadis, Jordan
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Magdalino, Paul; Whitby, L. Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1240
     Index terms: Byzantium; Zonaras, John (fl. 12th cent.); Epitome historion (Zonaras's)
     Categories: Medieval

Matthew Paris and Anglo-Saxon England: a 13th-century view of the distant past. Reader, Rebecca
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Prestwich, Michael C.
     Chronological coverage: 1240–1240
     Index terms: Paris, Matthew (d.1259); Anglo-Saxons
     Categories: Medieval

Medical biography and autobiography in Britain, c.1780-1920. Hutt, Marten H.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Pelling, Margaret H.
     Chronological coverage: 1780–1920
     Index terms: Autobiography, medical; Biography, medical; Medicine

Quintus Curtius Rufus's Historiae Alexandri Magni: a study in rhetorical history. Moore, Philip I.W.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Hornblower, N.S.R.; Pelling, C.B.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1–99
     Index terms: Quintus Curtius Rufus (fl. 1st cent.); Historiae Alexandri Magni (Quintus Curtius Rufus's); Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.)
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history


A comparative study to show how medieval European religious history was understood in Italy and Britain in the 18th century. Barnett, Stephen J.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Kirk, Linda M.; Luscombe, David E.
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
     Index terms: Religion, in Europe; Italy

A new Liberal descent: the joint historical pursuits of Barbara and Lawrence Hammond. Javurek, formerly Rabow, Teresa M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Szreter, Simon R.S.
     Chronological coverage: 1911–1934
     Index terms: Hammond, Barbara (1873-1961); Hammond, Lawrence (1872-1949)

Christian-Muslim relations as a topos in Maltese historiography, literature and culture. Gauci, Joe V.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1999
     Index terms: Muslims, and Christians; Malta; Christians, and Muslims

Sons of Ismael and followers of Mahomet: the depiction of the 'Saracenus' and 'Moro' in the universal histories of 13th-century Christian Europe. Clegg, Justin H.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Morgan, David A.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1200–1300
     Index terms: Crusades, Crusaders; Moors; Saracens
     Categories: Medieval

'The Ancient, Famous and Honourable History of Amadis de Gaul': a critical modern-spelling edition of Anthony Munday's translation of Book One (1589-1619) with introduction, notes and commentary. Moore, Helen D.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Duncan-Jones, Katherine D.; Cooper, E. Helen
     Chronological coverage: 1589–1619
     Index terms: The Ancient, Famous and Honourable History of Amadis de Gaul (Munday's edition); Munday, Anthony (1553-1633)

The 'Chronicle of Alfonso III' and its significance for the historiography of the Asturian kingdom, 718-810: a critical study of the content, purpose and themes of a late 9th-century historical text. Wreglesworth, John E.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Wood, Ian N.
     Chronological coverage: 718–810
     Index terms: Alfonso III, king of the Asturias (9th c.); Spain; Asturias, Spain; Chronicles
     Categories: Medieval

The Scotorum Historiae of Hector Boece: a study. Royan, Nicola R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Mapstone, Sally L.; Winterbottom, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1527–1527
     Index terms: Boece, Hector (c.1465-1536); Scotorum Historiae; Scotland

The union of 1707 in Scottish historiography, c.1800-1914. Iwazumi, Kino
     M.Phil., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Mason, Roger A.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1914
     Index terms: Union of England and Scotland (1707); Scotland


'A chief standard work': the rise and fall of David Hume's History of England, 1754-c.1900. Baverstock, James A.G.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hoppit, Julian
     Chronological coverage: 1754–1900
     Index terms: History of England (Hume's); Hume, David (1711-76)

Antiquarianism in the Midlands and the development of county history, 1586-1656. Broadway, Janet R.
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Cust, Richard P.
     Chronological coverage: 1586–1656
     Index terms: Antiquarians, Antiquarianism; Midlands; County history

A post-Conquest English retrospect upon the age of the Anglo-Saxons: a study of the early Middle English verse chronicle attributed to Robert of Gloucester. Mitchell, Sarah L.
     D.Phil., York. (Med. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1270–1300
     Index terms: Chronicles; Anglo-Saxons; Robert of Gloucester (fl. 1260-1300)

C. Licinius Macer and the historiography of the early republic. Hodgkinson, Michael J.
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Anc. Hist. & Classics)
     Chronological coverage: -40–-66

History in black and white: the treatment of history in the political novels of André Brink. Plummer, Robert J.N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Kelly, John S.
     Chronological coverage: 1962–1995
     Index terms: Novels, political; South Africa; Brink, André (b.1935)

Plotting Irish history: nationalism and the invention of narrative. McCracken, James H.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1922
     Index terms: Nationalism, in Ireland; Ireland

Subjects of history: the prose writings of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1582-1603. Davies, Rosalind A.
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Eng.)
     Chronological coverage: 1582–1603
     Index terms: Raleigh, Sir Walter (1552-1618); Prose writing

The construction of the Holocaust: genocide and the philosophy of history. Stone, Daniel
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Harris, Ruth; Benjamin, A.
     Chronological coverage: 1933–1945
     Index terms: Jews; Genocide; Holocaust

The martyrology of Jean Crespin and the early French Evangelical movement. Watson, David
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Pettegree, Andrew D.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1554–1554
     Index terms: Evangelicals, Evangelicalism, in France; Reformation, in France; France; Crespin, Jean (1520-72); Martyrology; Historiography, in France

The Roman Alexander: studies in Curtius Rufus. Spencer, D.J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Henderson, J.G.W.
     Chronological coverage: 41–54
     Index terms: Alexander the Great (356-323 B.C.); Curtius Rufus, Quintus (c.41-54)
     Categories: Ancient; Ancient history

The unwritten verities of the past: history and the English Reformations. Betteridge, Thomas
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Eng. & Amer. Stud.)
     Chronological coverage: 1540–1563
     Index terms: Reformation


Being different: schools of hagiography in Bedan Northumbria. Duncan, Sandra A.J.
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Higham, Nicholas J.
     Chronological coverage: 680–735
     Index terms: Northumbria; Saints; Hagiography; Bede, the Venerable (c.673-735)
     Categories: Medieval

Byzantine hagiographies in Arabic: three translations from a 9th-century manuscript copied at the monastery of Mar Saba in Palestine (Vaticanus Arabicus 71). Leeming, Katherine I.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Zimmerman, Friedrich W.; Brock, Sebastian P.
     Chronological coverage: 800–900
     Index terms: Mar Saba monastery, Palestine; Hagiography; Byzantine church
     Categories: Europe; Byzantine history

Four studies in the historiography of early Rome. Northwood, Simon J.
     Ph.D., Manchester.
     Chronological coverage: -500–0
     Index terms: Rome, ancient

Historiography and visual culture in Britain, 1660-1783. Sullivan, Matthew G.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Fine Art)
     Chronological coverage: 1660–1783
     Index terms: Visual culture

History and legend in the chronicle of Peter of Langtoft. Wilde, James F.
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Denton, Jeffrey H.
     Chronological coverage: 1280–1300
     Index terms: Chronicles; Peter of Langtoft (d. c.1307)
     Categories: Medieval

Kingmaking: the historiography of Bruce and Lancaster in biography, ceremonial and document. Tolmie, Sarah K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Axton, Richard P.
     Chronological coverage: 1294–1399
     Index terms: Kingmaking; John of Gaunt (1340-99), duke of Lancaster; Ceremonial; Bruce, Robert (1274-1329); Biography
     Categories: Medieval

Past or present? Writing women's history: the case of women in the Weimar Republic. Christison, Nichola
     M.Res., Strathclyde. (Hist.). Supervised by Fischer, Conran J.
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1933
     Index terms: Weimar Republic; Germany; Women
     Categories: Gender and Women; Europe; 19th Century; 20th Century

Politics and identity: a critical analysis of Israeli historiography and political thought. Adiv, Ehud
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck)
     Chronological coverage: 1881–2000
     Index terms: Political thought, in Israel; Israel; Middle East

Reforming Rome: the reception and interpretation of imperial Roman history in Reformation England. Pucci, Michael S.
     Ph.D., Nottingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1520–1600
     Index terms: Reformation; Roman empire; Rome

Representations of the Second World War: ideological currents in French history-writing under the Fourth Republic. Frey, Hugo J.
     Ph.D., Surrey.
     Chronological coverage: 1947–1960
     Index terms: Historiography, French; World War II (1939-45); France

Sacred historiography and its rhetoric in 16th-century Japan: an intertextual study and partial critical edition of Principio y progresso de la religión christiana en Jappón [...] (1601-3) by Alessando Valignano. Uçerler, M. Antoni
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1601–1603
     Index terms: Historiography, sacred, in Japan; Japan; Principio y progresso de la religión christiana en Jappón [...] (1601-3); Valignano, Alessandro (1539-1606)

Sir Thomas Gray's Scalacronica: a medieval chronicle and its historical and literary context. King, Andrew C.
     M.A., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Prestwich, Michael C.
     Chronological coverage: 1362–1369
     Index terms: Scalacronica (Gray's); Gray, Sir Thomas (d. 1369)
     Categories: Medieval

The historical thought of S.T. Coleridge: the later prose works. Lloyd, Myfanwy J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Garnett, E. Jane
     Chronological coverage: 1792–1834
     Index terms: Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834); Philosophy, of history

The politics of time: 'primitives' and the writing of history in colonial Bengal. Banerjee, Prathama
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of S. Asia). Supervised by Arnold, David J.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900
     Index terms: Time, perceptions of, in Bengal; Middle classes, in Bengal; Bengal; India; Santhals, in Bengal

The representation of history in the Cuban revolutionary press during the 1960s. Dorling, Grail
     M.Phil., Wolverhampton.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1969
     Index terms: Press, newspaper, in Cuba; Cuba

The 'Sibylla Tiburtina' and its medieval audience: interpretation and diffusion of the Latin text. Holdenried, Anke
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by d'Avray, David L.
     Chronological coverage: 1100–1200
     Index terms: Sibylla Tiburtina
     Categories: Medieval

Wonders in central medieval chronicles of the Anglo-Norman realm. Watkins, Carl S.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Brett, Martin
     Chronological coverage: 1066–1200
     Index terms: Wonders; Chronicles
     Categories: Medieval

Writing Wounded Knee: representations of the 1890 massacre. Forsyth, Susan J.
     Ph.D., Kent. (Eng.)
     Chronological coverage: 1890–1998
     Index terms: Wounded Knee, Battle of


Art and identity in the Mariana Islands: issues of reconstructing an ancient past. Flores, J.S.
     Ph.D., East Anglia.
     Chronological coverage: 1668–2000

A study of Bede's Historiae. Gunn, Victoria A.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Bates, David R.
     Chronological coverage: 633–731
     Index terms: Historiae; Bede

Cultural narration and the historical subject: Annie Garnett, her diary, life and works. Brunton, Jennie
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Constantine, Stephen
     Chronological coverage: 1896–1896
     Index terms: Garnett, Annie (fl.1896)

Divination and Roman historiography. Nice, Alexander Thetmore
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: -300–-200
     Index terms: Divination, Roman; Roman, ancient; Historiography, Roman

Elite perceptions of the Victorian and Edwardian past in inter-war England. Gardiner, John P.
     Ph.D., Kent. (Hist.). Supervised by Cunningham, Hugh St. C.
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1939

Imagining resistance: British historiography and popular fiction on the Indian rebellion, 1857-9. Chakravarty, Gautam
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.)
     Chronological coverage: 1857–1859
     Index terms: India; Popular fiction; Indian Rebellion (1857-8)

Kingmaking: the historiography of Bruce and Lancaster in royal biography, ceremonial and document. Tolmie, Sarah K.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1306–1422
     Index terms: Scotland; Bruce, House of; Lancaster, House of; Biography, royal; Ceremonial

Newspapers and historical research: a study of historians and custodians in Wales. Secker, Jane-Louise
     Ph.D., Wales. (Aberystwyth)
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Press, newspaper; Wales

Perceptions of the Thirty Years' War in eye-witness personal accounts. Mortimer, Geoffrey
     D.Phil., Oxford. (German). Supervised by Watanabe-O'Kelly, Helen
     Chronological coverage: 1618–1648
     Index terms: Thirty Years' War (1618-48)

Sir James Edmonds and the official military histories of the Great War, 1915-1948. Green, Andrew S.
     Ph.D., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Gooch, John
     Chronological coverage: 1915–1948
     Index terms: World War I (1914-18); Edmonds, Sir James Edward (1861-1956)

Sir John Hayward and early Stuart historiography. Richardson, Lisa J.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collinson, Patrick
     Chronological coverage: 1603–1627
     Index terms: Hayward, Sir John (c1564-1627)

The Arab tribes from Jahiliya to Islam: sources and historical trends. el-Sakkout, Ihab
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Kennedy, Hugh N.
     Chronological coverage: 500–750
     Index terms: Arab tribes; Islam

The Chatsworth labyrinth heritage in hypertext: the creation and evaluation of a computerized introduction for the public environment in a major stately home. Williamson, Nigel
     M.Phil., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Greengrass, Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1990
     Index terms: Computerized heritage projects; Chatsworth House, Derbyshire; Stately homes

The influence of Switzerland on the life and writings of Edward Gibbon. Norman, Brian
     Ph.D., Open University. (Hist.). Supervised by Lentin, Antony
     Chronological coverage: 1753–1758
     Index terms: Gibbon, Edward (1737-94); Switzerland

The language of character and the nature of events in the historical narratives of William Robertson. Hargraves, Neil K.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Dickinson, Harry T.; Phillipson, Nicholas T.
     Chronological coverage: 1753–1793
     Index terms: Scotland; Robertson, William (1721-93)

Towards a reading of Mexican women's autobiography. Molene, Soledad
     M.A., Warwick. (Hist.). Supervised by King, John P.
     Chronological coverage: 1521–1998
     Index terms: Autobiography; Women Writers; Mexico
     Categories: Latin America and West Indies; 16th Century; 16th-17th Century; 17th Century; 18th-19th Century; 19th Century; 20th Century; Gender and Women

Transcending deconstruction. Antonio Gramsci, E.P. Thompson and the future of social history. The history of adult education, 1700-1850: a case study. McKay, Fergus
     Ph.D., Wales. (Swansea Educ.). Supervised by Lowe, Roy A.
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1850
     Index terms: Thompson, E.P. (1924-93); Education; Gramsci, Antonio (1891-1937); Adult education


Aby Warburg and art in Hamburg's public realm, 1896-1918. Russell, Mark A.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Steinberg, Jonathan
     Chronological coverage: 1896–1918
     Index terms: Germany; Art; Warburg, Aby (1866-1929); Hamburg, Germany

Attitudes to philosophy's past in the 17th century: Theophilus Gale and his continental precursors. Pigney, Stephen J.
     Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Kraye, Jill A.
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1700
     Index terms: Gale, Theophilus (1628-78); Philosophy

Damit mit alles mit der zeit in vergessenheit khome: historiographical writings by nuns in German, 1450-1720. Woodford, Charlotte
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1450–1720

Geography in early Christian historiography. Merrills, Andrew H.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 312–636
     Index terms: Christianity, Christians; Geography; Historiography, Christian

James Mill's History of British India in its intellectual context. Chen, Jeng-Guo
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Dickinson, Harry T.; Phillipson, Nicholas T.
     Chronological coverage: 1817–1817
     Index terms: Empire, British; India; History of British India; Mill, James (1773-1836)

The historiography of Britain's West European policy, 1945-73. Daddow, Oliver J.
     Ph.D., Nottingham. (Pol.). Supervised by Forster, Anthony W.; Aldrich, Richard J.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1973
     Index terms: Foreign policy; Europe, Western

Theories of Columbus's landfall in the New World: a historiographical enquiry. Burgess, Doreen A.
     M.Phil., Leicester. (Hist.). Supervised by Housley, Norman J.
     Chronological coverage: 1492–1492
     Index terms: Columbus, Christopher (1451-1506); New World

The road books of England and Wales, 17th-19th centuries: a cartobibliography and analysis. Hodson, Donald
     Ph.D., Exeter. (Geog.). Supervised by Kain, Roger K. P.
     Chronological coverage: 1600–1899
     Index terms: Wales; Cartobibliography; Road books

Transforming history: women's prose writing and historiography in the G.D.R. Bridge, Helen R.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Med. & Mod. Lang.)
     Chronological coverage: 1945–1990
     Index terms: German Democratic Republic, East Germany; Germany; Historiography, in the G.D.R.; Women; Prose writing, women's, in Germany
     Categories: Gender and Women; Intellectual history; 20th Century


Ancient myths, modern mythmaking: Olaus Rudbeck and the Swedish origins of classical civilization. King, David V.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Burke, U. Peter
     Chronological coverage: 1697–1702

An historical G.I.S. for England and Wales: a framework for reconstructing past geographies and analysing long-term change. Gregory, Ian N.
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Geog.)
     Chronological coverage: 1500–1997
     Index terms: G.I.S., see Geographic Information Systems; Geographic Information Systems; Wales

Discrepancies in Olympiad dating and the chronological problems of archaic Peloponnesian history. Shaw, Pamela-Jane
     Ph.D., Wales. (Cardiff Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: -776–393
     Index terms: Peloponnesian history, ancient; Olympiad dating

Interpretations of Stalinism. Redman, Jennifer
     M.A., Kent. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1924–1998
     Index terms: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Stalin, Joseph (1879-1953), Soviet leader

Literary writing and the recording of history: a study of Marinos Tzane Bounialis's The Cretan War (17th century). Vlassopoulou, Maria
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Mod. & Med. Lang.)
     Chronological coverage: 1681–1681
     Index terms: The Cretan War, of Marinos Tzane Bounialis; Bounialis, Marinos Tzane (fl. 17th c.)

Perceptions of the national past in Victorian historiography and literature. Welsh, Sheila M.
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Edge Hill Coll.: Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1837–1901
     Index terms: Literature, Victorian; Historiography, Victorian

The campaign for the reopening of the Huddersfield Narrow Canal and the dynamics of heritage in modern Britain. Howarth, Rachel S.
     M.A., York. (Hist.). Supervised by Ditchfield, Simon R.
     Chronological coverage: 1985–2000

The historians and the nation in the 19th century: the case of east-central Europe. Baár, Monika K.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Evans, Robert J.W.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1900

The Holocaust and the entwinement of identity, testimony and representation. Waxman, Zoë V.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Webber, J.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1941–1998

The origin of the Turks: a problem in Renaissance historiography. Meserve, Margaret Hamilton
     Ph.D., London. (Warburg)
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Renaissance; Historiography, Renaissance; Turks


Ammianus Marcellinus: autopsy, allusion, exemplum. Kelly, Gavin A.J.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Lit. Hum.). Supervised by Tomlinson, Roger S.O.; Kraus, C.S.
     Chronological coverage: 350–395

An historiographic approach to the role of women in Minoan society. Mckenzie-Young, Rebecca G.E.
     Ph.D., London. (Ext.)
     Chronological coverage: -1500–1990
     Categories: Europe; Pre-1000 BC; 20th Century

Contested histories or multiple pasts? The representation of the archaeological past in the museum. Webb, S.H.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Archaeol.)
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2000
     Index terms: Museums; Archaeology

Decolonising African history: crises and transitions in African historiography, 1950-90. Brizuela Garcia, Esperanza
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–1990
     Index terms: Historiography, African; Africa

Derrida and the Holocaust. Jacobson, Simon
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Joyce, Patrick J.
     Chronological coverage: 1941–1998
     Index terms: Postmodernism; Derrida, Jacques (1930-), French philosopher; Holocaust

Enlightenment contra humanism: Michel Foucault's critical history of thought. Dalgliesh, Bregham P.
     Ph.D., Edinburgh.
     Chronological coverage: 1960–1984

Epigraphical research and historical scholarship, 1530-1603. Stenhouse, William J.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Crawford, Michael H.
     Chronological coverage: 1530–1603

Historical justification and the portrayal of Palestinian political identity, 1967-77. Rangwala, G.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Soc. & Pol. Sc.). Supervised by Mayall, James B.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1967–1977
     Index terms: Palestine; Identity, Palestinian

John Venn's Alumni Cantabrigienses: a case study of a biographical dictionary and the automated conversion of the printed text to a structured database format. Barker, Emma J.
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Willett, Peter; Greengrass, Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1922–1954

Philochorus and the tradition of local historical writing at Athens: genre, ideology and methodology in the reconstruction and presentation of Attic history. Joyce, Christopher J.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Classics). Supervised by Rhodes, P.J.
     Chronological coverage: -286–-260

Tyche: fortune and chance in Euripides and 5th-century historiography. Giannopoulou, V.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: -484–-406
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Euripides (484 x 480-406 B.C.), Greek dramatist; Fortune, in ancient Greece; Chance, in ancient Greece

Writing people into the landscape: approaches to the archaeology of Badenoch and Strathnaver. Lelong, Olivia C.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Knapp, A. Bernard; Barrett, John C.; Morrison, Alex
     Chronological coverage: 1–1900

Writing the history of the Russian revolution: historiographical and theoretical approaches. Macvarish, Kathryn A.
     D.Phil., Sussex. Supervised by Williams, Beryl J.; van Gelderen, Martin
     Chronological coverage: 1917–1917


Historiography in the Ayyubid period. Hirschler, Konrad
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist. of Near & Mid. E.). Supervised by Hawting, Gerald R.
     Chronological coverage: 1171–1250
     Index terms: Ayyubid sultanate

Ottomans looking west? The idea of a 'Tulip Age' (1718-30) and its development in Turkish historiography, 1908-50. Erimtan, Can
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Kerslake, Celia J.
     Chronological coverage: 1908–1950
     Index terms: Ottoman empire; 'Tulip Age', Turkey; Turkey

Plural pasts: the role of function and audience in the creation of meaning in Ottoman and modern Turkish accounts of the siege of Nagykanizsa. Norton, Claire
     Ph.D., Birmingham. (Byz., Ottoman and Mod. Greek Stud.). Supervised by Murphey, Rhoads
     Chronological coverage: 1688–1690
     Index terms: Turkey; Ottoman empire; Nagykanizsa, siege of

Polybius's concept of Pragmatike Historia: constitutional decline and the struggle for the Peloponnese. Hunt, Paul C.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hornblower, Simon
     Chronological coverage: -200–-118
     Index terms: Pragmatike Historia, of Polybius; Peloponnese; Polybius (200-118 B.C.)

Sites of salvage: science history between the wars. Scheinfeldt, J. Thomas
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Bennett, James A.
     Chronological coverage: 1919–1939
     Index terms: Science, history of

The idea of the Roman past in early medieval Italy: Paul the Deacon's Historia Romana. Cornford, B.D.P.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by McKitterick, Rosamond D.
     Chronological coverage: 760–780
     Index terms: Paul the Deacon (720-c.799); Italy, and Rome; Historia Romana, of Paul the Deacon

The liberation of the Nazi concentration camps in British memory. Bunting, Aimee
     M.Phil., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Kushner, A.R.J. (Tony)
     Chronological coverage: 1945–2000
     Index terms: National Socialists, National Socialism, National Socialist party; Concentration camps; Nazi party, see National Socialists; World War II (1939-45); Germany

The Presbyterian interpretation of Scottish history. Forsyth, G. Neil
     Ph.D., Stirling. (Hist.). Supervised by Bebbington, David W.
     Chronological coverage: 1580–1995
     Index terms: Scotland; Presbyterians, Presbyterianism, in Scotland


Developments in historiography in the 4th century B.C. Stavrou, Stavros
     M.A., Leeds.
     Chronological coverage: -400–-300

Factional pasts: the shifting relations between 19th-century historiography and historical fiction, 1814-70. Jenkin, Oliver D.P.
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 1814–1870
     Index terms: Fiction, historical

How Keats read his histories: 18th-century historiography and Keats's narrative poems. Fermanis, Porscha
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1816–1821
     Index terms: Keats, John (1795-1821), poet; Poetry, narrative

Josephus and the Maccabean revolt. Taverner, Stephen
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Pearce, Sarah J.K.
     Chronological coverage: 57–101
     Index terms: Josephus, Flavius (A.D. 37/38-100), Jewish historian; Maccabean revolt (166-162 B.C.)

Roman noble self-presentation as an influence on the historiographical tradition of early Rome. Richardson, James H.
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: -264–-100
     Index terms: Rome, ancient; Nobility, Roman

Studies on the composition of Niketas Choniates' Historia. Simpson, Alicia J.
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1190–1210
     Index terms: Choniates, Niketas (c.1140-1213), Byzantine historian; Historia (late 12th-early 13th cent.), of Niketas Choniates; Byzantium

The writing of history in ancient Egypt during the 1st millennium B.C., c.1070-180 B.C.: trends and perspectives. Gozzoli, Roberto B.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: -1070–-180
     Index terms: Egypt, ancient

Tracing the reception of the Description de l’Egypte. Bednarski, Andrew
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1809–1850
     Index terms: Description de l’Egypte (1809-28)


Architecture as past history and present politics: the architectural writings of Edward Augustus Freeman. Dade-Robertson, Christine
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Jotischsky, Andrew; Richards, Jeffrey M.
     Chronological coverage: 1843–1892
     Index terms: Freeman, Edward Augustus (1823-92), historian; Architectural writing; Architecture

Beyond the foreigner: representations of non-Roman individuals and communities in Latin historiography from Sallust to Ammianus Marcellinus. Chlup, James T.
     Ph.D., Durham.
     Chronological coverage: -66–390
     Index terms: Sallust (Gaius Sallustius Crispus) (86 B.C.-34 B.C.), Roman historian; Rome, ancient; Foreigners, in ancient Rome; Ammianus Marcellinus (c.330-c.390), Roman historian

Cecil Roth and the imagination of the Jewish past, present and future in Britain, 1925-64. Lawson, Elisa J.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Hist.). Supervised by Roemer, Nils
     Chronological coverage: 1925–1964
     Index terms: Roth, Cecil (1899-1970), historian; Jews

Hibernia: Celtic tiger in the shadow of an eagle? The historiography of Hiberno-Roman studies and an investigation into the nature and extent of links between Ireland and the Roman world as indicated by textual and material evidence. Kelly, Eamonn H. Rennick
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1–400
     Index terms: Rome, empire; Hibernia; Ireland, see also Hibernia

Identifying Romanness: virtus in Latin historiography during the late republic and early empire. Balmaceda, Catalina
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: -200–200
     Index terms: Rome, empire; Rome, republic; Historiography, Roman; virtus

Michael Drayton and early modern antiquarianism. Vine, Angus E.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Eng.). Supervised by Vine, R.T.R.
     Chronological coverage: 1583–1631
     Index terms: Drayton, Michael (1563-1631), poet; Antiquarianism

Once called Albion: the composition and transmission of history writing in England, 1280-1350. Fisher, Matthew N.
     D.Phil., Oxford. (Eng.). Supervised by Hudson, A.M.
     Chronological coverage: 1280–1350

The composition and context of Joachim von Sandrart's Teutsche Akademie. Meurer, Susanne
     Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Hope, Charles A.
     Chronological coverage: 1675–1679
     Index terms: Teutsche Akademie, of Joachim von Sandrart; von Sandrart, Joachim (1606-88)

The emulation of nations: William Robertson and the international order. Grundy, Geoff
     Ph.D., Edinburgh. (Hist.). Supervised by Brown, Stewart J.; Phillipson, Nicholas T.
     Chronological coverage: 1741–1793
     Index terms: Robertson, William (1721-93), historian and Church of Scotland minister

The water mill in medieval Europe: the Italian case in the findings of 20th-century historiography. Papaccio, Gloria
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Water mills, in medieval Italy; Italy

Towards reflexive practice: an assessment of the postmodern sceptical challenge to empirical historiography. Brickley, Peter F.
     Ph.D., Southampton. (Chichester: Hist.). Supervised by Foster, Andrew W.; Andress, David R.
     Chronological coverage: 1980–1996


Argentina's partisan past: nationalism, Peronism and historiography, 1955-76. Goebel, T. Michael
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1955–1976
     Index terms: Nationalism, Argentinian; Argentina; Historiography, Argentinian; Perón, Juan (1895-1974), Argentinian president

Bias and objectivity in the historiography of the Arab-Israeli conflict: a case study of the time period, 1967-74. Ehnsio, Rikard
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1967–1974
     Index terms: Arab-Israeli conflict

E.H. Carr’s sense of crisis in an age of crisis. Okayasu, Satoshi
     M.Phil., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1925–1982
     Index terms: Carr, Edward Hallett (1892–1982), historian

The Chronicle of Morea: historiography in Crusader Greece. Shawcross, Clare T.M.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1300–1350
     Index terms: Crusades; Greece; Historiography, Greek; Chronicle of Morea

The cultural politics of history. Writing in Singapore: a post-colonial study. Teng, Siao See
     Ph.D., Essex. (Sociology)
     Chronological coverage: 1965–2000
     Index terms: Historiography, Singaporean; Singapore

The double life of Scottish history: deployment of the past in Lowland Scotland, 1830-1920. Coleman, James J.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts)
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1920
     Index terms: Scotland, lowland

The Pax Romana, Britannica and Americana: a conceptual and historiographical study. Parchami, Ali
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 0–2005

The representation of women, warfare and power in Greek historiography, 400-1 B.C. Vassiliu, Vassilis
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: -400–-1
     Index terms: Power, in ancient Greece; Warfare, in ancient Greece; Greece, ancient; Women, representation of, in ancient Greece
     Categories: Gender and Women; Military/naval history; Ancient; 1000-1 BC


Derrida, postmodernism and the end of history. Hart, Sally
     M.Phil., Chichester. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1965–2000
     Index terms: Derrida, Jacques (1930-2004), philosopher; Postmodernism

Family history in England, c.1945-2006: culture, identity and (im)mortality. Titley-Bayes, Simon
     Ph.D., York. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1945–2006

Interpreting Abu Bakar, the ruler of Johor (1862-95): the reconstruction of selected issues in the existing historical writings. Abdullah, Abdul Rahman bin Tang
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1862–1895
     Index terms: Abu Bakar (1833-95), sultan of Johor; Johor

Manufacturing the past: collective memory and the commodification of history as popular culture on British television. Dillon, Robert
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1980–2000
     Index terms: see also media; Television; Culture, popular; History, on television; Memory, collective

'Nothing more than words': E.H. Carr and the apologia of appeasement. Smith, Benjamin J.
     M.Phil., Birmingham. (Hist.). Supervised by Crowson, Nicholas J.
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1961
     Index terms: Appeasement; Carr, Edward Hallett (1892-1982), historian and diplomatist

Representations of history in Greek upper secondary education with special reference to understandings of interculturality. Daniil, Ekaterini
     Ph.D., London. (Inst. of Education)
     Chronological coverage: 1980–2007

The production of history: historians, publishers and the transfer of knowledge in Britain, 1895-1980. Churchill, Paul
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.)
     Chronological coverage: 1895–1980

The role of history in the recent Mexican novel: a study of five historical novels by Elena Garro, Carlos Fuentes, Fernando del Paso, Paco Ignacio Taibo II and Rosa Beltrán. Rafael, Laura
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Spanish)
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2000


A study of 15th-century Ottoman historiography. Menguc, Murat C.
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1500
     Index terms: Historiography, Ottoman; Ottoman empire

Fighting for peace? How has the Roman army been perceived and portrayed by historians, military historians and the popular imagination?. Stride, Richard J.
     M.Phil., Bristol.
     Chronological coverage: -500–500
     Index terms: Army, Roman; Rome, ancient

Learned societies and the ancient national past in Britain, France and Germany, 1830-90. Manias, Chris
     Ph.D., London. (Birkbeck)
     Chronological coverage: 1830–1890
     Index terms: Learned societies, in Germany; Learned societies, in France; Learned societies; National past; Germany; France; National past, in France, in Germany

Philosophic historiography in the 18th century in Britain and France. Brereton, Mary C.
     D.Phil., Oxford.
     Chronological coverage: 1700–1800
     Index terms: Historiography, philosophic, in France; Historiography, philosophic; France

The culture of enthusiasm: technology, collecting and museums. Geoghegan, Hilary
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Geog.). Supervised by Driver, Felix F.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Museums; Collecting; Technology

The scholar advocate: Rudolf Schlesinger's writings on Marxism and Soviet historiography. McKendry, Stephanie J.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. Supervised by White, James D.
     Chronological coverage: 1921–1969
     Index terms: Historiography, Soviet; Marxists, Marxism; Schlesinger (1901-69), political commentator and scholar; Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

The years 1920-45 in Korean church historiography: a study of nationalism. Ryoo, Chang W.
     Ph.D., Birmingham.
     Chronological coverage: 1920–1945
     Index terms: Nationalism, in Korea; Korean church; Historiography, Korean


English literature on the Ottoman Turks in the 16th and 17th centuries. Ingram, Anders I.G.
     Ph.D., Durham. (Hist.). Supervised by Brooks, Chris W.; Woodhead, Christine
     Chronological coverage: 1500–1700
     Index terms: Ottoman empire, in English literature

From archaic to classical: reassessing Greek history, 525-450 B.C. Watson, James
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: -525–-450
     Index terms: Greece, ancient

History, ecology and the postmodern. Coope, Jonathan
     M.Phil., Chichester. (Hist.). Supervised by Jenkins, Keith W.
     Chronological coverage: 1965–2000
     Index terms: Postmodernism; Ecology

Julius Caesar in the early Italian Renaissance. Schadee, Hester
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Davidson, Nick
     Chronological coverage: 1400–1450
     Index terms: Italy, Renaissance; Renaissance, Italian; Caesar, (Gaius) Julius (100-44 B.C.), Roman emperor

Opening the hidden land: state formation and the construction of Sikkimese history. Mullard, Saul
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Ramble, Charles
     Chronological coverage: 1641–1750
     Index terms: India; Sikkim

Outside Auschwitz: history, responsibility, witnessing. Carter-White, Richard
     Ph.D., Exeter.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–2000
     Index terms: Holocaust; Auschwitz

Ouvrir l'archive': rituels historiographiques et critique postcoloniale. Bruyère, Vincent
     Ph.D., Warwick.
     Chronological coverage: 1945–2000
     Index terms: Archives, post-colonial

Rectifying the 'ignoraunce of history': John Foxe and the collaborative reformation of England's past. Phillpott, Matthew
     Ph.D., Sheffield. (Hist.). Supervised by Greengrass, Mark
     Chronological coverage: 1536–1587
     Index terms: Foxe, John (1516/17–87), martyrologist

The construction of Zi zhi tong jian's imperial vision: Sima Guang on the southern and northern dynasties. Strange, Mark
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Dudbridge, Glen
     Chronological coverage: 1039–1086
     Index terms: China; Zi zhi tong jian, of Sima Guang; Guang, Sima (1019-86), Chinese historian

The Islamic conquest of Spain: historiographical perspectives, 8th-14th centuries. Clarke, Nicola
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Robinson, Chase F.
     Chronological coverage: 700–1400
     Index terms: Spain, Islamic

The sword of the lord': West vs. East in the historical writings of E.A. Freeman. Morrisroe, Vicky L.
     Ph.D., Manchester. (Hist.). Supervised by Jones, Stuart
     Chronological coverage: 1867–1892
     Index terms: Freeman, Edward Augustus (1823-92), historian

Turkey and Western subjectivity: orientalist ontology and the occlusion of Ottoman Europe. Bryce, Derek
     Ph.D., Glasgow Caledonian.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–2000
     Index terms: Ottoman empire; Orientalism; Turkey, and the West

Writing history in the Third Republic: the 'legend' of the École Méthodique (1860-1914). Noronha-DiVanna, Isabel
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1860–1914
     Index terms: Third Republic, France; France; École Méthodique


A narrative in relief: the historiography of English modern painting (1910-15), from the 1910s to the 1950s. Brand, Carol F.
     Ph.D., Plymouth.
     Chronological coverage: 1910–1960

'Answering the calls of the living': collaborative practice in archaeology and ancient Egyptian daily life exhibitions in Western museums. Tully, Gemma
     Ph.D., Southampton.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000

Archaeological discourse at Megiddo, Gezer and Masada: an historiographic interpretation of trends. Farrington, Naomi
     Ph.D., Cambridge.
     Chronological coverage: 1800–2000

A thematic commentary on Arrian's Indike, 17.6-43. Ricot, Richard P.
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hornblower, Simon
     Chronological coverage: 115–180
     Index terms: India, ancient; Arrian (Lucius Flavius Arrianus 'Xenophon') (c.86-160), Roman historian; Indike, of Arrian

Classical scholarship, anthropology and the historiography of Achaemenid Persia (1900-40): an intellectual inquiry. Samiei, Sasan
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Kuhrt, Amélie T.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–1940
     Index terms: Persia, Achaemenid; Anthropology; Achaemenid empire

Collecting and displaying 'Japan' in the Victorian age: the case of the British Museum. Mikasa, Princess Akiko of
     D.Phil., Oxford. Supervised by Rawson, Jessica
     Chronological coverage: 1868–2000

Crosses in circulation: processes and patterns of acquisition and display of early medieval sculpture in the national museums of Britain and Ireland, 'c'.1850-1950. McCormick, Elizabeth L.
     Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Hawkes, Jane; White, Michael
     Chronological coverage: 1850–1950

Early Timurid historiography. Wheeler, Jennifer
     Ph.D., St. Andrews. (Hist.). Supervised by Hoyland, Robert
     Chronological coverage: 1350–1857
     Index terms: Persia, Timurid; Timurid dynasty

Herodotus and Hellenistic culture: studies in the reception of the Historiae. Priestley, Jessica M.
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Classics). Supervised by Hunter, Richard
     Chronological coverage: -323–-146
     Index terms: Herodotus (c.485-425 B.C.), Greek historian; Historiae, of Herodotus; Greece, ancient

History in the post-Holocaust: history, historians and reason's literary desire. Edwards, Matthew
     M.Phil., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Stone, Dan
     Chronological coverage: 1945–2000
     Index terms: Holocaust

Jan van Naaldwijk's Chronicles of Holland: continuity and transformation in the historical tradition of Holland during the early 16th century. Levelt, Sjoerd
     Ph.D., London. (Warburg). Supervised by Kraye, Jill A.; Duits, Rembrandt
     Chronological coverage: 1515–1515
     Index terms: van Naaldwijk, Jan (c.1444-1520), Dutch chronicler; Holland, see also Netherlands; Chronicles of Holland, of Jan van Naaldwijk

Knowledge transfer in action: a study in the selection and interpretation of themes from history of science scholarship for museum exhibition. Thorn, Louise E.
     Ph.D., Imperial College London. (Hist. of Sc.). Supervised by Warwick, Andrew C.; Morris, Peter
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000
     Index terms: Museums, science; Science, history of

Objects of evidence: colonial encounters through material culture from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands at Brighton Museum, 1858-1949. Wintle, Claire
     D.Phil., Sussex.
     Chronological coverage: 1858–1949

Oral history's institutionalisation in British historiography: rise and crisis of a sub-discipline. Collins, Owen R.
     Ph.D., Aberystwyth. (Hist. & Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Lambert, Peter A.; Rathbone, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 1960–2008
     Index terms: Oral history

Telling people's histories: an exploration of community history-making, 1970-2000. Sitzia, Lorraine
     D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist.). Supervised by Holloway, G.I.; Langhamer, Claire L.
     Chronological coverage: 1970–2000
     Index terms: Community history

The archaeology and conservation of the east front of York Minster. Holton, Alexander B.
     Ph.D., York.
     Chronological coverage: 1500–2000

The history and politics of civilisation: the debate about Russia in French and German historical scholarship from Voltaire to Herder. Speck, Reto
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Bourke, Richard
     Chronological coverage: 1714–1803

The language of the naked facts: Joseph Priestley on language and revealed religion. Kingston, Elizabeth
     D.Phil., Sussex. (Hist.). Supervised by Haakonssen, Knud
     Chronological coverage: 1753–1804
     Index terms: Priestley, Joseph (1733-1804), theologian and natural philosopher; Theology


Cosmo Innes and the sources of Scottish history, 'c'.1825-75. Marsden, Richard A.
     Ph.D., Glasgow. (Arts). Supervised by Broun, Dauvit E.; Kidd, Colin C.
     Chronological coverage: 1825–1875

Instruments of power: developing and applying diplomatic analysis to enhance archival interpretation and research uses of technical drawings. Sillitoe, Paul
     Ph.D., Liverpool. (Hist.). Supervised by Procter, Margaret
     Chronological coverage: 1400–2000

Making history: the role of historic reconstructions within Canada's heritage conservation movement. Brown, Wayde A.
     Ph.D., Cardiff.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000

Remembering the First Crusade: Latin narrative histories, 1099-'c.'1300. Packard, Barbara
     Ph.D., London. (R.H.U.L. Hist.). Supervised by Phillips, Jonathan P.
     Chronological coverage: 1099–1300

The historiography of ancient Athenian and pre-Hellenic women in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Brown, Joanna
     Ph.D., Reading. (Classics). Supervised by Goff, Barbara E.; King, Helen
     Chronological coverage: 1800–1920

The idea of the south in post-war Italy: a historiographical interpretation of the work of five Italian film directors, 1946-64. Piombino, Natalia
     Ph.D., London.
     Chronological coverage: 1946–1964


Beyond the Akbar Namah: Padshah Namahs and official regional chronography for Shah-Jahan Padshah I (r. 1037/1628-1068/1658). Baburi, Saqib
     Ph.D., London. (S.O.A.S. Hist.). Supervised by Powell, Avril
     Chronological coverage: 1627–1657
     Index terms: Shah-Jahan Padshah I (1592-1666), Mughal emperor; Mughal empire; Akbar Namah (1590-6); Padshah Namah; Chronography, regional, in the Mughal empire

Museums uploaded: the role of the object in a digital world. Sydoriak, Cassiope K.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Grootenboer, Hanneke
     Chronological coverage: 1990–2010
     Index terms: Museums

Reconciling the diverging historiographies of Somerset's case: emergence of the public sphere and its impact on Somerset v. Steuart in 1772. Han, Ye Sol
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Deutsch, Jan-Georg
     Chronological coverage: 1770–1780
     Index terms: Public sphere; Somerset, James (b. c.1741, d. in or after 1772), slave; Steuart, Charles (1725-97), Scottish-American merchant; Slavery, Slave trade

The G.I.S. approach to the study of Anglo-Saxon settlement in East Anglia. Wilcox, William
     Ph.D., East Anglia. (Hist.). Supervised by Williamson, Tom M.
     Chronological coverage: 500–1000
     Index terms: Settlement, in East Anglia; G.I.S., see Geographic Information System; Geographic Information System; East Anglia

Thucydides and his speeches: accurate historical reporting or an author's historical tool?. Stewart, Paul
     M.A., Leeds. (Hist.). Supervised by Moxon, Ian
     Chronological coverage: -440–-395
     Index terms: Greece, ancient; Thucydides (c.460-c.395 B.C.E.), Greek historian

To what extent are definitions of 'word' and 'image' useful in discussions of the concepts of text in art and text as art?. Cullen, Alexander P.T.
     M.St., Oxford. Supervised by Clunas, Craig
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2000
     Index terms: Text, and art; Art, and text

Utilitarian readings of Plato. Loizides, Antis
     Ph.D., London. (Q.M. Hist.). Supervised by Varouxakis, Georgios; Bourke, Richard
     Chronological coverage: -427–-347
     Index terms: Plato (c.428-c. 348 B.C.E.), Greek philosopher


Archaeological ethics in armed conflicts. Williams, Jack F.
     Ph.D., Leicester. (Archaeol. ; Anc. Hist.). Supervised by Pluciennik, Mark; O'Sullivan, Deirdre
     Chronological coverage: -10000–2014

Historiography of Spanish-Irish relations. De Mesa Gallego, Eduardo
     Ph.D., University College Dublin (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Downey, Declan
     Chronological coverage: 1500–2000

How were war literature and memory utilised as political tools in Germany following the First World War, and what implications does this have for the larger historiography?. Barrilleaux, Jane L.
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Gregory, Adrian M.
     Chronological coverage: 1914–1933

Issues in archiving historic medical records in Ireland. Mulrennan, Kirsten
     Ph.D., University College Dublin (National University of Ireland). (Hist.). Supervised by Mullins, Elizabeth
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000

Mad love to the ordinary: desire, modernity and history. Wilkinson, Alexander W.
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Sayer, Derek
     Chronological coverage: 1918–1980

Settlement and field patterns in the south Pennines: a critique of morphological approaches to landscape history in upland environments. Smith, Nigel J.B.
     Ph.D., Lancaster. (Hist.). Supervised by Winchester, Angus J.L.
     Chronological coverage: 1000–2000

The British 'bluesman': Paul Oliver and the nature of transatlantic blues scholarship. O'Connell, Christian
     Ph.D., Gloucestershire. (Hum.). Supervised by Wilson, Joe; Wynn, Neil A.
     Chronological coverage: 1950–2009

The great rebuilding thesis in a regional context. Christian, Tanya C.L.
     M.Phil., Aberystwyth. (Hist. ; Welsh Hist.). Supervised by Jones, David Ceri; Schofield, Phillipp
     Chronological coverage: 1570–1640

Victorian negotiations with the recent past: history, fiction, utopia. Kingstone, Helen
     Ph.D., Leeds Trinity. (Hist.). Supervised by Mitchell, Rosemary; Salmon, Richard J.
     Chronological coverage: 1837–1901

Writing British national history in the 20th century. Salinsky, Mary R.
     Ph.D., King's College London. (Hist.). Supervised by Thane, Patricia M.
     Chronological coverage: 1900–2000


Archaeology and place: history, heritage and sense of place on Valentia and Achill Islands. Miller, Jeff
     Ph.D., Belfast. (Geog., Archaeol. and Palaeoecology). Supervised by Horning, Audrey
     Chronological coverage: 1980–2010

'Culture and society' in conceptions of the Industrial Revolution in Britain, 1930-60. Hutton, Alexander
     Ph.D., Cambridge. (Hist.). Supervised by Collini, Stefan
     Chronological coverage: 1930–1960

Homeward bound: re-membering slavery in the landscape of the metropole. Donington, Katie
     Ph.D., London. (U.C. Hist.). Supervised by Hall, Catherine M.
     Chronological coverage: 1777–1837

Increasing the digital literacy of museum professionals: digital innovation and the museum sector of Northern Ireland. Murphy, Oonagh
     Ph.D., Ulster. (Hist.). Supervised by Crooke, Elizabeth; Thatcher, Ian D.
     Chronological coverage: 2000–2013

‘Lovers of art’: early English literature on the connoisseurship of pictures. Good, Caroline
     Ph.D., York. (Hist. of Art). Supervised by Hallett, Mark L.
     Chronological coverage: 1658–1719

Real life stories in everyday objects: approaches and methodologies. Purkis, Harriet
     Ph.D., Ulster. (Hist.). Supervised by Crooke, Elizabeth; Naylor, R.
     Chronological coverage: 2000–2013

Studies in art history writing and revision of Whistler's art history. Day, James
     Ph.D., London. (Courtauld Inst.). Supervised by Parkinson, Gavin
     Chronological coverage: 1854–1903

The science of romanticism: Frederick York Powell's philosophy of history. Allan, Rory
     M.St., Oxford. (Mod. Hist.). Supervised by Garnett, Jane
     Chronological coverage: 1804–1950

Thinking with history in public policy development. Green, Alix
     Ph.D., Hertfordshire. (Hist.). Supervised by Davies, Owen; Hitchcock, Tim
     Chronological coverage: 2000–2012