A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Originally published by Clarendon, Oxford, 1908.
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John Stow, 'Cripplegate warde', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603, ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp290-303 [accessed 6 March 2025].
John Stow, 'Cripplegate warde', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Edited by C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp290-303.
John Stow. "Cripplegate warde". A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp290-303.
Creplesgate warde
Creplegate warde.; From the standard to the Crosse in Cheape on the north side, is of Cripplegate warde.
The next Warde is called of Cripplesgate, and consisteth of diuerse streetes and lanes, lying as well without the Gate and Wall of the Cittie, as within: first within the Wall on the East part thereof, towards the north, it runneth to the West side of Bassings hall Warde: and towardes the South it ioyneth to the Warde of Cheape, it beginneth at the West ende of saint Laurence Church in the Iurie, on the North side, and runneth West to a Pumpe, where sometime was a Well with two Buckets, at the South corner of Alderman burie streete, which street runneth downe North to Gay spurre lane, and so to London Wall, which streete and lane are wholy on both sides of this Warde, and so bee some few houses on both the sides from Gay spurre lane, by and agaynst the Wall of the Citie, East to the Grates made for the Watercourse of the Channels, and west to Cripplesgate. Now on the southside from ouer against the west end of saint Laurcnce church to the Pumpe, and then vp Milke streete south vnto Cheape, which Milkestreete is wholy on both the sides of Cripplegate warde, as also without the South ende of Milkestreete, a part of west Cheape, to wit from the standarde to the Crosse is all of Cripplegate warde. Then downe great Woodstreete, which is wholy of this warde on both the sides thereof, so is little Woodstreete which runneth downe to Cripplegate.
Phillip lane.
Out of this Woodstreete be diuerse lanes, namely on the East side is Lad lane, which runneth east to Milkestreete corner: down lower in Woodstreete is Louelane, which lyeth by the south side of S. Albons church in Woodstreete, and runneth downe to the Conduite in Aldermanburie streete. Lower downe in Woodstreet is Addlestreete, out of the which runneth Phillip lane downe to London wall. These be the lanes on the East side.
On the west side of the Woodstreete is Huggen lane by the south side of S. Michaels church, and goeth through to Guthuruns lane. The lower is Maiden lane, which runneth west to the north end of Gutherons lane, and vp the said lane on the East side thereof, till against Kery lane, and backe againe: then the sayd Maiden lane, on the north side goeth vp to staining lane, and vp a part thereof on the East side, to the farthest North part of Haberdashers Hall, and backe againe to Woodstreete, and there lower downe is Siluerstreete, which is of this warde, till ye come to the East ende of S. Oliues church, on the south side, and to Munkes well streete on the north side, then downe the saide Munkes well streete on the East side thereof, and so to Cripplesgate, do make the boundes of this ward within the walles.
Without Cripplegate, Forestreete runneth thwart before the gate, from against the north side of saint Giles church, along to More lane end, and to a Posterne lane ende that runneth betwixt the Towne ditch on the south, and the certaine Gardens on the north almost to Moregate, at the East of which lane is a Pot-makers house, which house with all other the Gardens, houses, and Allies on that side the Morefieldes, till ye come to a Bridge and Cowhouse neare vnto Fensburie Court is all of Criplegate ward: then to turne back again through the said Posterne lane to More lane, which More lane with all the Allies and buildings there, is of this warde after that is Gurbstreete, more then halfe thereof to the streightning of the streete, next is Whitecrosse streete, vp to the end of Bech lane, and then Redcrosse streete wholy, with a part of Golding lane, euen to the Postes there placed, as a bounder.
Then is Bechlane before spoken of, on the East side of the Red crosse, and the Barbican streete, more then halfe thereof, towarde Aldersgate streete, and so haue you all the boundes of Cripplegate ward without the walles.
A pumpe at the corner of Aldermanbury street.; Liber Osney. Aldermanbery court or Guildhal by Aldermanbury church.
Now for Antiquities and Ornaments in this warde, to be noted: I find first at the meeting of the corners of the old Iurie, Milkestreet, Ladlane, and Aldermanburie, there was of old time a fayre Well with two Buckets, of late yeares conuerted to a Pumpe. How Aldermanbury streete tooke that name, many fables haue beene bruted, all which I ouerpasse as not worthy the counting: but to be short, I say, this street tooke the name of Aldermans burie (which is to say a Court) there kept in their Bery, or Court hall now called the Guild hall, which hall of old time stoode on the East side of the same streete not farre from the west ende of Guildhall now vsed. Touching the antiquitie of this old Aldermans burie or court, I haue not read other then that Richard Renery one of the Shiriffes of London, in the first of Richard the first, which was in the yeare of Christ 1189. gaue to the Church of S. Mary at Osney by Oxford, certaine ground and rents in Alderman bery of London, as appeareth by the Register of that Church, as is also entred in the Hoistinges of the Guild hall in London: this olde Bery Court or hall continued, and the Courts of the Maior and Aldermen were continually holden there, vntill the new Bery Court or Guildhall that now is was builded and finished, which hall was first begun to be founded in the yeare 1411, and was not fully finished in 20. yeares after. I my selfe haue seene the ruines of the old Court hall in Aldermanbery streete, which of late hath beene imployed as a Carpenters yard, &c.
In this Alderman bury streete be diuerse faire houses on both the sides, meete for marchants or men of Worship, and in the middest thereof is a fayre Conduit, made at the charges of William Eastfield, sometime maior, who tooke order as well for water to bee conueyed from Teyborne, and for the building of this Conduit not farre distant from his dwelling house, as also for a Standarde of sweete water, to bee erected in Fleetestreete, all which was done by his executors, as in another place I haue shewed.
Parish church of S. Mary Aldermanbury. Shanke bone of a man 28. inches and a halfe long.; Reyne Wolfe graue antiquary, collected the great Chronicles increased and published by his executors vnder the name of Raph Holonshead.; Conduit in Aldermanbury.; Gay spur lane.; 1327–30, p. 360. Priory or Hospitall called Elsing Spittle.; Charterhouse Churchyard without Aldersgate, & one other the like without Aldgate.
Then is the parrish church of S. Mary Aldermanbury a fayre Church with a churchyeard, and cloyster adioyning, in the which cloyster is hanged and fastned a shanke bone of a man (as is said) very great and larger by three inches and a halfe then that which hangeth in S. Lawrence church in the Iury, for it is in length 28. inches and a halfe of assisse, but not so hard and steely, (fn. 1) like as the other, for the same is light and somewhat Porie and spongie. This bone is said to bee found amongst the bones of men remoued from the charnel house of Powles, or rather from the cloyster of Powls church, of both which reportes I doubt, for that the late Reyne Wolfe Stationer (who paid for the carriage of those bones from the charnell to the Morefieldes) tolde mee of some thousandes of Carrie loades and more to be conueighed, whereof hee wondred, but neuer told of any such bone in eyther place to bee found, neyther would the same haue beene easily gotten from him, if hee had heard thereof, except he had reserued the like for himselfe, being the greatest preseruer of antiquities in those partes for his time. True it is, that this bone, (from whence soeuer it came) beeing of a man, as the forme sheweth, must needes be monstrous, and more then after the proportion of fiue shanke bones of any man now liuing amongst vs. There lie buried in this Church Simon Winchcombe Esquier, 1391. Robert Combarton 1422. Iohn Wheatley Mercer, 1428. Sir William Estfild, knight of the Bath, Mayor, 1438. a great benefactor to that church, vnder a fayre monument, hee also builded their steeple, changed their old Bels into 5. tunable bels, and gaue one hundred poundes to other workes of that church. Moreouer hee caused the Conduit in Aldermanbury which he had begun, to be performed at his charges, and water to be conuayed by pypes of leade from Tyborne to Fleetstreete, as I haue said. And also from high Berie to the parrish of S. Giles without Cripplegate, where the inhabitants of those partes incastellated the same in sufficient cesterns, Iohn Midleton, Mercer, Mayor 1472. Iohn Tomes Draper, 1486. William Bucke, Taylor, 1501. Sir William Browne Mayor, 1507. Dame Margaret Ieninges, wife to Stephen Ieninges, Mayor 1515. A widdow named Starkey sometime wife to Modie. Raffe Woodcock Grocer, one of the shiriffes 1586. Dame Mary Gresham wife to Sir Iohn Gresham, 1538. Thomas Godfrey Remembrancer of the office of the first fruites, 1577. Beneath this church haue yee Gay spur lane, which runneth downe to London Wall as is afore shewed. In this lane at the North end thereof was of olde time a house of Nunnes, which house being in great decay, William Elsing Mercer in the yeare of Christ, 1329. the 3. of Edward the 3. began in place thereof the foundation of an Hospitall, for sustentation of 100. blind men, towardes the erection whereof, he gaue his two houses in the parishes of S. Alphage, and our blessed Lady in Aldermanbury neare Cripplegate. This house was after called a Priorie or Hospital of S. Mary the Virgin, founded in the yeare 1332. by W. Elsing for Canons regular: the which W. became the first Prior there. Robert Elsing son to the said W. gaue to the said Hospitall 12 li. by the yeare, for the finding of 3. priestes, hee also gaue 100. s. towards the inclosing of the new churchyeard without Aldegate and 100. s. to the inclosing of the new Churchyeard without Aldersgate, to Thomas Elsing his sonne 80. pound, the rest of his goods to bee sold, and giuen to the poore. This house valued 193 li. 15.s. 5. d. was surrendered the xi. of May, the xxii. of Henry the eight.
Parish church of S. Alphage.
The monumentes that were in this church defaced. Thomas Cheney, sonne to William Cheney, Thomas, Iohn, and William Chency, Iohn Northampton Draper, Mayor 1381. Edmond Hungerford, Henry Frowike, Ioan, daughter to sir William Cheney, wife to William Stokes, Robert Eldarbroke Esquier, 1460. dame Ioan Ratcliffe, William Fowler, William Kingstone, Thomas Swineley, and Helen his wife, &c. The principall Isle of this church towardes the north was pulled down and a frame of foure houses set vp in place: the other parte from the steeple vpward, was conuerted into a parrish Church of S. Alphage, and the parrish Church which stoode neare vnto the Wall of the Cittie by Cripplesgate was pulled downe, the plot thereof made a Carpenters yearde, with saw pittes. The hospitall it selfe, the Prior, and Canons house with other lodgings, were made a dwelling house, the church yeard is a garden plot, and a fayre gallery on the cloyster: the lodgings for the poore are translated into stabling for horses.
Elsing Spittle burned.
In the yeare 1541. sir Iohn Williams maister of the kinges Iewels, dwelling in this house on Christmas euen at night, about seuen of the clocke, a great fire began in the gallery thereof, which burned so sore, that the flame fiering the whole house, and consuming it, was seene all the Cittie ouer, and was hardly quenched, whereby manie of the kings Iewels were burned, and more imbeseled (as was said). Sir Rowland Heyward, Mayor, dwelled in this Spittle, and was buried there, 1593. Richard Lee, alias, Clarenciaulx king of Armes, 1597.
Gregory Rocksley Mayor of London, his house rent xx shillings the yeare.
Now to returne to Milkstreete, so called of Milke sold there, there bee many fayre houses for wealthy Marchantes and other: amongst the which I read that Gregory Rokesley Mayor of London in the yeare 1275. dwelled in this Milke streete, in an house belonging to the Priorie of Lewes in Sussex, whereof hee was tenant at will, paying twentie shillinges by the yeare without other charge: such were the rentes of those times.
Parish church of S. Mary Magdalen.
In this Milke streete is a smal parrish church of Saint Marie Magdalen, which hath of late yeares beene repayred, William Browne Mayor 1513. gaue to this church forty pound, & was buried there, Thomas Exmew Mayor, 1528. gaue forty li. and was buried there: so was Iohn Milford one of the shiriffes 1375 (?). Iohn Olney Mayor, 1475. Richard Rawson one of the shiriffes, 1476. Henrie Kelsey, Sir Iohn Browne Mayor, 1497. Thomas Muschampe one of the Shiriffes, 1463. Sir William Cantilo Knight, Mercer, 1462. Henry Cantlow, Mercer, marchant of the Staple, who builded a Chappell and was buried there, 1495. Iohn West Alderman, 1517. Iohn Machell Alderman, 1558. Thomas Skinner Clothworker, Mayor 1596.
Then next is Woodstreete, by what reason so called, I know not, true it is that of olde time, according to a decree made in the raigne of Richard the first, the houses in London were builded of stone for defence of fire, which kind of building was vsed for two hundred yeares or more, but of later time for the winning of ground taken downe, and houses of timber set vp in place. It seemeth therfore that this street hath beene of the latter building all of timber, (for not one house of stone hath been known there,) and therfore called Woodstreet, otherwise it might take the name of some builder or owner thereof.
Thomas Wood one of the shiriffes in the yeare 1491. dwelled there: he was an especiall benefactor towardes the building of S. Peters church at Woodstreet ende: he also builded the beautifull front of houses in Cheape, ouer against Woodstreete end, which is called Goldsmithes row, garnished with the likenes of Woodmen: his predecessors might bee the first builders, owners and namers of this streete after their owne name.
Compter in Woodstreet.; Ladle lane, corruptly called Lad lane. Loue lane. Parish church of S. Albon.
On the East side of this street is one of the Prison houses,
pertayning to the Shiriffes of London, and is called the
Compter in Woodstreet, which was prepared to be a prison
house in the yere 1555. and on the Eue of S. Michaell the
Archangell, the prisoners that lay in the Compter in Bredstreete were remoued to this Compter in Woodstreete.
Beneath this Compter is Lad lane, or Ladle hall (fn. 2), for so
I find it of Record, in the parrish of S. Michaell Woodstreete,
and beneath that is Loue lane, so called of wantons. By
this lane is the parrish church of S. Albon, which hath the
monuments of Sir Richard Illingworth Baron of the Exchequer,
Thomas Catworth Grocer, Mayor, 1443. Iohn Woodcocke,
Mayor, 1405. Iohn Collet and Alice his wife: Raph Thomas,
Raph and Richard sonnes of Raph Illingworth, which was
sonne to Sir Richard Illingworth Baron of the Exchequer,
Thomas sonne of Sir Thomas Fitzwilliams, Thomas Chalton,
Mercer, Mayor, 1449. Thomas Ostrich Harberdasher 1483.
Richarde Swetenham Esquier, and William Dunthorne Towne
Clearke of London, with this Epitaph:
Fælix prima dies postquam mortalibus æui
Cesserit, hic morbus subit, atque repente senectus.
Tum mors qua nostrum Dunthorn cecidisse Wilelmum,
Haud cuiquam latuisse reor, dignissimus (inquam,)
Artibus hic doctor, nec non celeberrimus huius
Clericus vrbis erat primus, nullique secundus,
Moribus, ingenio, studio, nil dixeris illi,
Quin dederit natura boni, pius ipse, modestus,
Longanimus, (fn. 3) solers, patiens (fn. 3), super omnia gratus,
Quique sub immensas curas variosque labores,
Anxius atteritur, vitæ dum carpserit auras,
Hoc tetro in tumulo, compostus pace quiescit.
Simon Morsted, Thomas Pipehurst (fn. 4) Esquier, Richarde
Take, Robert Ashcombe, Thomas Louet, Esquier, Shiriffe of
Northamptonshire, 1491. Iohn Spoore, Katheren daughter to
Sir Thomas Mirley Knight, William LinchladeMercer, 1485. ChrisIohn Penie Mercer, 1450. Iohn Thomas Mercer, 1485. Christopher Hawse, Mercer, one of the shiriffes 1503. William
Skarborough Vintner, Simon de Berching, Sir Iohn Cheke
Knight, Schoolemaister to king Edward the sixt, deceased
1557. do lie here.
Adle street.; Pinners hall, now the Plaisterers hall.
Then is Adle streete, the reason of which name I know not, for at this present it is replenished with fayre buildinges on both sides: amongst the which there was sometimes the Pinners Hall, but that Company being decayed, it is now the Plaisterers Hall.
Brewers hall.
Not far from thence is the Brewers Hall, a fayre house, which companie of Brewers was incorporated by King H. the 6. in the 16. of his raign, confirmed by the name of S. Mary and S. Thomas the Martyr, the 19. of E. the 4.
Curriers hall.
From the West end of this Addle streete, little Woodestreete runneth downe to Cripplesgate, and somewhat East from the Sunne Tauerne against the wall of the Citty is the Curriers Hall.
Huggen lane.
Now on the West side of Woodstreete haue yee Huggen lane, so called of one Hugan, that of olde time dwelled there: hee was called Hugan in the lane, as I haue read in the 34. of E. the first, this lane runneth downe by the south side of S. Michaels church in Woodstreet, and so, growing very narrow by meane of late encrochmentes, to Guthurons lane.
Parish church of S. Michael in Woodstreet.
The parish church of saint Michaell in Woodstreete is a proper thing, and lately well repayred, Iohn Iue parson of this church, Iohn Forster Goldsmith, and Peter Fikelden Taylor, gaue two messuages and two shoppes, with solars, sellars, and other edifices in the same parrish and streete, and in Ladle lane, to the reparations of the church, chaundell, and other workes of charitie, the 16. of Richard the second.
Iames the fourth King of Scots, his head buried in S. Michaels church in Woodstreet.; Black hall in Woodstreet in S. Michaels parish.
The monumentes here be of William Bambrough the sonne of Henry Bambrough of Skardborough, 1392. William Turner Waxechandler, 1400. Iohn Peke Goldsmith, 1441. William Tauerner Girdler, 1454. William Mancer Ironmonger, 1465. Iohn Nash 1466. with an Epitaph, Iohn Allen Timbermonger, 1441. Robert Draper 1500. Iohn Lamberde Draper, Alderman, one of the Shiriffes of London, who deceased 1554. and was father to William Lambarde Esquire, well knowne by sundry learned bookes that he hath published, Iohn Medley Chamberlaine of London, Iohn Marsh, Esquire, Mercer and common Seargeant of London, &c. There is also (but without any outward monument) the head of Iames, the fourth king of Scots of that name, slayne at Flodden field, and buried here by this occasion. After the battell the body of the saide king being founde, was closed in lead, and conueyed from thence to London, and so to the Monastery of Sheyne in Surrey, where it remayned for a time, in what order I am not certaine: but since the dissolution of that house, in the raigne of Edward the sixt, Henry Gray Duke of Suffolke, beeing lodged and keeping house there, I haue beene shewed the same body so lapped in lead, close to the head and body, throwne into a wast roome amongst the olde timber, leade, and other rubble. Since the which time Workmen there for their foolish pleasure hewed off his head: and Launcelot Young Maister Glasier to her Maiestie, feeling a sweet savour to come from thence, and seeing the same dryed from all moisture, and yet the forme remayning, with the hayre of the heade and bearde redde, brought it to London to his house in Woodstreet, where for a time hee kept it for the sweetenesse, but in the ende caused the Sexton of that Church to bury it amongst other bones, taken out of their Charnell, &c. I reade in diuers Recordes of a house in Woodstreete then called Blacke Hall, but no man at this day can tell thereof.
Ingenelane or Mayden lane.; Waxchandashers hall.; Haberdasberg hall Record in the Rowles.
On the North side of this S. Michaels church is Mayden lane, now so called, but of old time Ingenelane, or Inglane. In this lane the Waxechandlers haue their common Hal on the south side thereof: and the Haberdashers haue their like hall on the North side at Stayning lane end. This Company of the Haberdashers or Hurrers of olde time so called, were incorporated a Brotherhood of saint Katherine, the 26. of Henry the sixt, and so confirmed by Henrie the seauenth, the 17. of his raigne, the Cappers and Hat Marchantes or Hurrers being one Company of Haberdashers.
Siluer street.
Downe lower in Woodstreete is Siluer streete, (I thinke of siluer smithes dwelling there) in which bee diuers fayre houses.
Monks well street.
And on the North side thereof is Monkes well streete, so called of a well at the North end thereof, where the Abbot of Garendon had an house or Cell called saint Iames in the Wall by Criplesgate, and certaine Monkes of their house were the Chaplens there, wherefore the Well (belonging to that Cell or Hermitage) was called Monks, Wel, and the street of the Wel Monkswel street.
Boyers hall.; Almes houses in Monks well street.
The East side of this streete downe against London wall, and the south side thereof to Criplesgate, bee of Criplesgate ward, as is afore shewed. In this street by the corner of Monks well street is the Bowyers hall. On the said east side of Monks well streete be proper Almesehouses, 12. in number founded by sir Ambrose Nicholas, Salter, Mayor 1575. wherein be placed twelue poore and aged people rent free, hauing each of them seuen pence the weeke, and once the yeare each of them fiue sackes of Charcoales, and one quarter of an hundreth of Faggots of his gift for euer.
Almes chambers in little woodstreet.
Then in little Woodstreet be seauen proper Chambers in an Alley on the west side, founded for seuen poore people, therein to dwell rent free, by Henry Barton Skinner, Mayor 1416. Thus much for the Monuments of this Ward within the walles.
Parrish church of S. Giles without Criplegate.
Now without the Posterne of Criplesgate, first is the parish Church of saint Giles a very fayre and large church lately repaired after that the same was burned, in the yeare 1545. the 37. of Henry the eight, by which mischance the monuments of the dead in this church are very fewe: notwithstanding I haue read of these following: Alice, William & Iohn wife and sonnes to T. Clarell, Agnes daughter to Thomas Niter Gentleman, William Atwel, Felix daughter to sir Thomas Gisors, and wife to Thomas Trauars, Thomas Mason Esquier, Edmond Wartar, Esquier, loan wife to Iohn Chamberlaine Esquier, daughter to Roger Lewkner Esquier, William Fryer, Iohn Hamberger Esquier, Hugh Moresbye, Gilbert Prince, Alderman, Oliuer Cherley Gentleman, sir Iohn Wright or Writhesley, alias Garter King at Armes, Ioan wife to Thomas Writhesley, sonne to sir Iohn Writhesley, Garter, daughter and heyre to William Hal Esquier, Iohn Writhesley the yonger, sonne to sir Iohn Writhesley & Alianor, Alionor second wife to Iohn Writhesley daughter and heyre to Thomas Arnolde, sister and heyre to Richard Arnold Esquier, Iohn her sonne and heyre, Margaret Writh (fn. 5) her daughter, Iohn Brigget, Thomas Ruston Gentleman, Iohn Talbot, Esquier, and Katheren his wife, Thomas Warfle, and Isabel his wife, Thomas Lucie Gentleman, 1447. Raph Rochford knight, 1409. Edmond Watar Esquier, Elizabeth wife to Richard Barnes, sister and heyre to Richard Malgraue, Esquier, of Essex, Richard Gouere, & Iohn Gouere Esquiers, (fn. 6) Iohn Baronie of Millain, 1546 (fn. 6) Sir Henry Grey knight, sonne and heyre of George Grey Earle of Kent, 1562, Reginalde Grey Earle of Kent, Richard Chioppin (fn. 7), Tallowe Chandler, one of the shiriffes, 1530. Iohn Hamber Esquier, 1573, Thomas Hanley alias Clarenciaux King at Armes, Thomas Busbie, Cooper, who gaue the Queenes head Tauerne to the reliefe of the poore in the parrish, 1575. Iohn Whelar Goldsmith 1575. Richard Bolene, 1563. William Bolene 1575. W. Bolene Phisition, 1587. Robert Crowley Vicker there, all these foure vnder one olde stone in the Quire, the learned Iohn Foxe writer of the Actes and Monuments of the English church 1587. The skilfull Robert Glouer alias Sommer set Herralde 1588.
Brotherhoode in S. Giles Church.
There was in this church of old time a fraternitie or Brotherhoode of our blessed Ladie, or Corpus Christi, and saint Giles, founded by Iohn Belancer in the raigne of Edwarde the thirde, the 35. yeare of his raigne.
Water Conduit without Criplesgate.
Some small distance from the east end of this church is a water, Conduit brought in pypes of leade from Highbery, by Iohn Middleton one of the Executors to Sir William Eastfield, and of his goodes, the inhabitantes adioyning castelated it of their owne costes and charges, about the yeare 1483.
Bosse in the wal of S. Giles Churchyeard.
There was also a Bosse of cleare water, in the wall of the Churchyeard, made at the charges of Richard Whitington somtimes Mayor, and was like to that of Belins gate: of late the same was turned into an euill pumpe, and so is cleane decayed.
Poole of spring water.
There was also a fayre poole of cleare water neare vnto the Parsonage, on the west side thereof, which was filled vp in the raigne of Henry the sixt, the spring was coaped in, and arched ouer with hard stone, and staires of stone to goe down to the spring, on the banke of the Towne ditch: and this was also done of the goodes, and by the executors of Richard Whitington.
white Crosse street.; Hospitall of the French order.
In white crosse streete king Henry the fift builded one fayre house, and founded there a brotherhoode of saint Giles, to bee kept, which house had sometime beene an Hospitall of the French order, by the name of saint Giles without Criplesgate, in the raigne of E. the first, the king hauing the iurisdiction and poynting a Custos thereof, for the precinct of the parrish of saint Giles, &c. patent R. 2. the 15. yeare, which Hospitall being suppressed, the landes were giuen to the Brotherhood for reliefe of the poore.
One Alley of diuers tenementes ouer against the north wall of S. Giles Churchyeard, was appoynted to bee almes houses for the poore, wherein they dwelled rent free, and otherwise were relieued: but the said Brotherhoode was suppressed by Henry the 8. since which time Sir Iohn Gresham Mayor purchased the landes and gaue parte therof to the maintenance of a free schoole, which he had founded at Holt, a Market town in Norfolke.
Red Crosse streete. Liber S. Buttolph. The Iewes Garden or place to bury their dead.
In Red crosse street on the west side from saint Giles Churchyard, vp to the said Crosse, be many fayre houses builded outward, with diuers Alleyes, turning into a large plot of grounde, of olde time called the Iewes Garden, as being the onely place appoynted them in England, wherein to bury their deade, till the yeare 1177. the 24. of Henry the second, that it was permitted to them (after long sute to the king and Parliament at Oxford) to haue a speciall place assigned them in euery quarter where they dwelled.
This plot of ground remayned to the said Iewes, till the time of their final banishment out of England, and is now turned into faire garden plots and summer houses for pleasure.
Beech lane.; The Abbot of Ramsey his Inne.
On the east side of this Red crosse streete, bee also diuers faire houses, vp to the Crosse. And there is Beech lane, peraduenture so called of Nicholas de la Beech, Lieutenant of the Tower of London, put out of that office in the 13 of Edward the third. This Lane stretcheth from the Red Crosse streete, to white crosse street, replenished not with Beech trees, but with beautifull houses of stone, bricke & timber. Amongst the which was of old time a great house, pertayning to the Abbot of Ramsey, for his lodging when he repayred to the Cittie: It is now called Drewry house, of sir Drewe Drewrie, a worshipfull owner thereof.
Almes houses in Beech Lane.
On the north side of this Beech lane, towardes white Crosse streete, the Drapers of London haue lately builded 8. Almes houses of bricke and timber, for 8. poore widdowes of their own Company, whom they haue placed there rent free, according to the gift of the Lady Askew, widdow to sir Christopher Askew sometime Draper and Mayor, 1533.
Golding lane. Almes people there.
Then in Golding lane Richard Gallard of Islington Esquier, Cittizen and paynter stayner of London, founded thirteen almes houses for so many poore people placed in them rent free, hee gaue to the poore of the same Almesehouses two pence the peece weekly, and a loade of Charcoale amongst them yearely for euer, hee lefte fayre landes about Islington to maintaine his foundation: Thomas Hayes sometime Chamberlaine of London, in the latter time of Henrie the eight married Elizabeth his daughter and heyre, which Hayes & Elizabeth had a daughter named Elizabeth married to Iohn Ironmonger of London, mercer, who now hath the order of the Almes people.
Burghkening or Barbican.
On the west side of the Red crosse, is a streete called the Barbican, because sometime there stoode on the North side thereof, a Burgh-Kening or Watch Tower of the Cittie called in some language a Barbican, as a bikening is called a Beacon: this Brugh-kening by the name of the Manner of Base court, was giuen by Edward the third to Robert Vfford earle of Suffolke, and was lately pertayning to Peregrine Bartie Lord Willoughby of Ersby.
Next adioyning to this, is one other great house, called Garterhouse, sometime builded by Sir Thomas Writhe, or Writhesley knight, alias Garter principall king of Armes, second son of Sir Iohn Writhe knight, alias Garter, and was vnckle to the first Thomas Earle of Southampton knight of the Garter, and Chancelor of England. He built this house and in the top thereof, a chapell, which he dedicated by the name of S. Trinitatis in Alto. Thus much for that part of Criplegate Warde without the wall, wherof more shall be spoken in the suburbe of that part. This ward hath an Alderman & his Deputie within the gate. Common Counsaile eight, Constables nine, Scauengers twelue, For Wardmote Inqueast fifteene and a Beadle.
Without the gate, it hath also a Deputie, Common Counsaile two, Constables foure, Scauengers foure, Wardmote Inquest 17. and a Beadle. It is taxed in London to the fifteene, at forty pound.