Variations between the editions of 1598 and 1603

A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Originally published by Clarendon, Oxford, 1908.

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John Stow, 'Variations between the editions of 1598 and 1603', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603, ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

John Stow, 'Variations between the editions of 1598 and 1603', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Edited by C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

John Stow. "Variations between the editions of 1598 and 1603". A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

In this section


Passages or phrases which did not appear in the edition of 1598 are denoted by an asterisk.

Volume I

Page xcvii, l. 2. Robert Lee, Lord Mayor] the Lord Mayor

xcviii, ll. 18–28. which some other …any other] but I trust hereafter that shalbe supplied, and I professe (if more touching this worke come vnto me) to afforde it, in all dutie. In the meane time I recommend this to your view, my laboures to your consideration, and my selfe to your seruice (as I haue professed during life) in this or any other.

1, ll. 1–15. As the…greater maiestie.] As Rome the chiefe Citie of the world to glorifie it selfe, drew her originall from the Gods, Goddesses, and demy Gods, by the Troian progeny. So this famous Citie of London for greater glorie, and in emulation of Rome, deriueth it selfe from the very same originall. For (as Jeffery of Monmoth, the Welche Historian reporteth) Brute descended from the demy god Eneas, the sonne of Venus, daughter of Iupiter, aboute the yeare of the world 2855, the yeare before Christes natiuitie 1108, builded a Citie neare vnto a riuer now called Thames, and named it Troynouant, or Trenouant.

l. 16. *as…noteth

ll. 17, 18. also…faire] also added fayre

3, l. 27. hauing] which hath

l. 29. whereof] which

4, l. 8. Fastnes] Paces

l. 18. confederates] leager fellowes

5, l. 2. this Citie] this our Citie

l. 14. inwalled this Citie] inwalled it

7, l. 27. ignorant of building] ignorant of the Architecture or building.

ll. 30–32. artificers…wodden buildings.] Masons and Workemen in stone into this Iland amongst the Saxons, (he I say) brought hyther Artificers of stone houses, Paynters and Glasiers, artes before that time vnto the Saxons vnknowne, who before that time vsed but wodden buildinges.

l. 32 to page 8, l. 2, *And to this…diuine seruice.

8, ll. 8, 9. of the…Londennir,] of the olde Saxons Londonceaster, Londonbeig,

l. 22. whereof William] whereof I haue read some, namely William

9, ll. 1–12. *By the Northside…landside.

ll. 19, 20. then brake…purses] and then they brake into the houses of the Jewes, and searched their coffers

9, l. 23. of this Citie] of the Citie of London

ll. 26–30. *hauing graunted…he also

ll. 34, 35. *along behinde the houses

l. 39 to page 10, l. 2. *1328… repaired.

10, ll. 9, 10. and Bricke… burnt:] and willed brick to be made and brent there,

ll. 18, 19. the Posterne… repayred] the Posterne. A greate part of the same wal called Moregate was repayred

ll. 20, 21. in two…fixed] standing in two places there

11, l. 5. *for defence thereof.

ll. 19–22. *All which sayde…name of Wel.

12, ll. 9, 10. That…proued thus,] That the Riuer of the Wels, in the West parte of the Citie, was of old time so called: it may be prooued thus,

ll. 18, 19. this water…continued,] this water hath beene since that time called Turnemill Brooke: yet then called the riuer of the Wels, which name of Ryuer continued:

14, l. 6. in a Booke] in an olde writing (fn. 1) booke

l. 16. to scowre] to couer

15, ll. 21, 22. is faire… full.] is thereof yet fayre curbed square with harde stone, and is alwaies kepte cleane for common vse: it is alwaies ful, and neuer wanteth water.

ll. 24–26. west ende… incloseth it:] west ende of this Clarkes well Church, without the stone wall that incloseth the Church,

ll. 26–38. *the sayd Church… Gentiles in England, &c.

l. 39 to page 16, l. 9. Other smaller… discerned.] the other smaller wells that stood neare vnto Clarkes wel, to wit Skinners wel, Fagges well, Todwell, Loderswell, and Redwell, are all decayed and so filled vp, that their places are now hardly discerned:

16, l. 21. is called Smithfield pond.] is but fowle: and is called Smithfielde Ponde.

17, ll. 15–18. Water…an other place.] Water procured to the Standarde in West Cheape aboute the yeare 1431.

ll. 23–6. *The Conduit…other Conduits.

18, l. 13. Bulmer] Bulman

ll. 26, 27. *neare… Lothbery

ll. 28–30. Eastfield… Cripplegate.] Eastfielde conueyed water from Teyborne and from Highbery.

19, l. 5. Wodrooffe] Wodren

l. 10. 900 li.] 700 li.

l. 12. *The towne Ditch without the Wall of the citie.

20, ll. 7–13. *namely… XCV. li. iij.s. iiij. d.

ll. 19–23. *And againe…viii. CXIIIJ. pound, xv. s. viij. d.

l. 23. Before the which] At which

l. 36. *for I cannot helpe it.

23, ll. 1–4. liberality … was builded.] liberality of diuers persons 215 yeares before the bridge of stone was finished.

ll. 22, 23. foure years… 1205.] foure yeares before this worke was finished, and was buried in the Chappell builded on the same bridge in the yeare 1205.

ll. 29–32. foure Clearks … erected,] foure Clarkes and other. There was also a Chantrie for Iohn Hatfielde &c. So that in the yeare 23 of Henry the 6 there was 4 Chaplens in the saide Chappell; after that example sundry houses were thereupon shortly after erected.

l. 32 to page 24, l. 9. *and many … on this Bridge.

24, ll. 10, 11. The first … foure yeares] The first action on this bridge was lamentable, for within 3 yeres

ll. 12–14. the Borough … there] a maruelous terrible chance happened, for the citie of London vpon the south side of the riuer of Thames, as also the Church of our Ladie of the Canons in Southwarke

l. 37 to page 25, l. 3. *1381, a great … Annales.

25, ll. 27–34. *In the yeare 1450 … in number.

l. 35. common siege] common stage

l. 38. to page 26, l. 7. *In the year 1553 … Annales.

26, ll. 16, 17. *vs. wardens, as aforesaid, and others

l. 25. *sometime about the Fleete.

27, ll. 13–15. *as before … vpon Walbrooke

ll. 17, 18. should clense … extended.] should vaulte or bridge and clense the same so farre as his landes extended.

ll. 20–4. Also … discerned.] In the thirde of Henry the fift, this watercourse hauing had many bridges (as ye haue hearde) I haue reade of one by the name of Horshew bridge, by the Church of S. Iohn Baptist now called S. Iohns vpon Walbrooke, which hath beene since vaulted ouer with bricke, and the Streetes or Lanes where through it passed so paued, that the same watercourse or brooke is now hardly discerned.

l. 27. *in this Citie

28, ll. 2–5. Tower of London … builded,] Tower of London, which then serued as a Posterne for Passengers out of the East: from thence through Towerstreete, Eastcheape, and Candelweekestrete, to Londonstone, the midle point of that high way: then through Budgerow, Wathelingstreete, and leauing Paules Church, on the right hand, to Ludgate in the West, the next be Aldgate, Bishopsgate, Criplegate, Aldersgate, Ludgate, and the Bridgegate, ouer the Thames. Since the which time hath been builded Newgate

l. 10. *or reasonable coniecture

ll. 12–19. For the first … gate and posterne] The first was the Posterne gate next vnto the Tower of London which at the length fell downe in the yeare 1440, the 18 of Henry the 6, and was neuer reedified againe of stone, but an homely cotage with a narrow passage made of timber, lath, and loame, hath beene in place thereof set vp, and so remaineth. The ruine of the said Posterne

28, l. 23. *to the white tower,

ll. 25, 26. outer wal.] utter wal of the Tower.

ll. 28–33. Thames … reedified.] Thames, to haue flowed aboute it. By meanes of this ditch the foundation of that gate being loosed and greatly weakened, fell at the length, as ye haue hearde and so remaineth.

l. 33 to page 29, l. 7. *Such was … Communaltie, &c.

29, ll. 10–16. *This is one … antiquitie of the gate

ll. 18, 19. *as ye … Portsoken

l. 27 to page 31, l. 2. *More, I reade … thus much for Aeldgate.

31, l. 4. The third and next] The next

l. 12. Blethenhall greene] Blethenhal green now called Bednal-greene

l. 36. Inserts after Chanons regular: the 19 of Henry the thirde.

32, ll. 1–3. Thus much … repayring the same] Thus much for Antiquitie, now for repayring of this gate.

l. 4. confirmed] graunted or confirmed

33, l. 1. *seemeth to me that

ll. 8, 9. *but since … Monke of Bery

ll. 25, 26. More, I read that] Besides this

34, l. 16. This is … hath] This gate hath

35, l. 3. *and is the fift principall gate

ll. 4, 5. about … Stephen] about the raigne of Henry II or Richard I.

ll. 12–14. *a kind of … that time, &c

37, l. 7. Thomas Knowles … London,] Lastly Thomas Knowles Mayor,

ll. 14–38. *Tuesday next … them in irons.

38, l. 2. *and sixt principal gate

ll. 35, 36. defaced … Idoll] defaced by vnaduised folkes

39, l. 37 to page 40, l. 2. *38 foot … in bredth

40, l. 19. *three broad Arrow heades

l. 31. *Thus much for gates in the wall.

l. 32 to page 41, l. 6. Water gates … Ripa Reginæ] Of the Watergates of name, on the banke of the riuer of Thames. The first from the West towards the East is called Ripa Reginae

41, l. 11. so called] so called, as may be supposed

42, l. 1. The next] The next after Downgate (of old time)

ll. 23, 24. *and is the … Fitzstephen

l. 25. newe made] weakely made

43, l. 17. Inserta after now: the largest water gate on the Riuer of Thames, and therefore

l. 35. Inserts after Customers key: which is now of late most beautifully enlarged and built

44, l. 8. said Riuer:] said Riuer, and therefore concerning Gates let this suffice.

ll. 8–16. *now for … Francigenarum

45, ll. 13–20. *Ye haue … Tower

ll. 21, 22. which … white tower,] This was the great square Tower, which was then builded,

45, ll. 28–33. *and also … at Westminster.

46, ll. 9–15. *In the yeare 1153 … repayred.

l. 38 to page 47, l. 7. *It is also to be noted … good likings.

47, l. 7 to page 48, l. 1. But Mathew Paris … Lion Tower.] Aboute the yeare 1239 King Henry the third caused the Tower of London to be fortified with bulwarkes, which after they were builded fell downe, and therefore he caused it to be reedified more strongly, to his cost of more then twelue thousand markes.

In the yeare 1274 King Edward the first commaunded the Treasurer and Chamberlaine of his Exchequer, to deliuer out of his Treasorie, vnto Giles of Andwarp 200 markes, of the fines taken of diuers Marchants, or vsurers of London, towardes the worke of the ditch about the Tower of London.

48, ll. 1–34. *I find also … Iohn Bowre.

l. 35. Edward the fourth … London] Edward the fourth fortified this Tower and made it strong.

l. 35 to page 49, l. 6. *and inclosed … somewhat.

49, ll. 7–28. *and other parts …vsually opened.

ll. 28–31. And thus much … in the same] Thus much for the foundation and building, increase and maintenance of this Tower. Now somewhat of accidents in the same.

l. 39 to page 50, l. 7. *In 1214 … Tower: Likewise

50, ll. 8, 9. *and again … Iusticers.

ll. 18, 19. brought … hanged.] brought him to the gallowes, and there hanged him and other twaine.

ll. 29, 30. *as ye … Gates.

51, ll. 12–14. *E. 2 … their dyet.

ll. 27, 28. *and kept … her sonne.

52, ll. 2–4. *I finde … Buckles bury.

53, l. 38 to page 54, l. 1. Thus … money matters] Thus haue I set downe according to my small reading in antiquitie, these money matters

54, ll. 10–13. *first poynted … were not vsuall.

ll. 32–5. *King Edward … forbidden.

55, ll. 13–31. *In the yeare 1411 … money for them.

l. 32. In the yeare 1465] In the yeare 1464

56, l. 3 to page 57, l 27. *saith the Record … siluer in the middest thereof.

58, ll. 15–26. *In the yeare 1426 … Queenes, and others.

ll. 31–4. entered the same … murdered.] entered the same, and deliuered king Henry, but the next yeare hee was againe sent thether, and there murthered.

l. 36. *with Malmesey

ll. 37, 38. were said to be murthered there.] were murdered in the Tower.

l. 39 to page 59, l. 5. *In the yeare 1485 … before the king.

59, ll. 12–26. *In the yeare 1546 … Easterweeke.

62, ll. 16–22. *The yeare 1216… owne Lord, &c.

l. 30 to page 65, l. 28. *and sware … out of an olde Recorde.

65, ll. 38, 39. *in the yeare 1428 … that same

66, ll. 5–28. *In the yeare 1460 … scepter in his hand.

l. 29. Edward the fourth … leauing] and true it is, that his sonne King Edwarde the fourth being dead, and leauing

ll. 30–5. Richard, D. of Glocester … in my Annales.] there Richarde, Duke of Glocester, then Protector, practised for the Crowne, and as it were by election of the Commons, made in the Guild hall of London, tooke upon him there the title of the Realme, as offered and imposed vpon him; as yee may reade set downe and penned, by Sir Thomas Moore.

ll. 36, 37. Henry … raigne] King Henry the 7 aboute the yeare 1501 the 3 of his raigne

67, l. 2. In the seauenteenth] In the 7

ll. 10–29. *The 20 of the saide … Katheren Queene of England; &c.

l. 31 to page 68, l. 3. *Next adioyning … the 7 of E. the fourth.

68, l. 8. since named] surnamed

l. 22. a Charter … wherein] a Charter, the 10 of June, the 4 of Edwarde the I, remayning of Recorde in the Tower, wherein

l. 28. One other Tower] A third Tower

71, ll. 1, 2. *king Stephen was there lodged

l. 20. More] The rest

ll. 23–7. *Sernes Tower … at Westminster.

75, ll. 1, 2. St. Anthonies schoole … were] St. Anthonies Schoole, howsoeuer the same be now fallen, both in number and estimation, were

ll. 4–9. *the schollers … following him: and

l. 9. mindfull] the children mindful

ll. 15–24. *with the decay … of Canterburie, &c.

76, l. 22. whose names were] whose names be

77, l. 20. the old Temple] the old Temple in Oldborne

ll. 22–6. *in the libertie of Westminster … St. Andrewes Church.

l. 27. There was also … of Chancerie] One other Inne of Chauncery sometime there was

l. 30. *in Strand streete, and

ll. 31, 32. *in the libertie … Inne of Chancerie

l. 32. with other houses] The which and other dwelling houses

ll. 34, 35. that large … vnfinished,] that beautiful (but yet vnperfect house)

81, l. 22. *and the Stockes Market

ll. 35–7. Pater noster makers … Paules Church yarde] Pater-noster Beademakers and Text Writers are gone out of Pater Noster Rowe into Stationers of Paules Churchyard:

82, l. 14. *to confirme his opinion

83, l. 4. *or rather is mightily encreased

l. 14. or baked tyle] bricke or tyle

l. 16. often consuming] often consuming and deuouring

83, l. 22. a Booke] a booke (as I heare)

ll. 23–5. *which Booke … this matter.

ll. 30–3. *The Coach man … him home.

84, l. 5. *because she was sicke and weake

ll. 17, 18. *for the world … on foote.

85, l. 9. *Great families of old time kept.

l. 11 to page 87, l. 27. *by noble men, and great estates … kept. Nearer to our time

88, ll. 7–19. *Richard Redman … which were many.

l. 37. *and great reliefe at his gate.

89, ll. 2, 3. *yet their … sit vpon them.

ll. 4–15. Edward Duke of Sommerset … left shoulder.] These, as all other of these times gaue great reliefe to the poore, and I haue oft seene at that Lorde Cromwels gate, more then two hundred persons serued twice euery day with breade, meate, and drinke.

Edward Duke of Sommerset was not inferior in keeping a number of tall Gentlemen and Yeomen. These (I say) and all other men of honour and worshippe then lodging in this Citie, or within the liberties therof, did without grudging, beare their part of charges with the citizens, according to their estimated estates, without the which those musters of old time could not haue beene so great.

And thus I end touching vsuall Orders and Customes of this Citie.

l. 17 to page 91, l. 27. *These as all other … through the Citie to Westminster. (fn. 2)

93, l. 33. Inserts after publike places: as the Theater, the Curtine &c.

94, ll. 1–33. The marching forth … well dowked.] The youthes of this citie time out of mind haue left off to practise the disarmed launce, and shielde on horsebacke in the fieldes, but I haue seene some few vpon the Riuer of Thames rowed in boates, with staues flat at the foreend, runing one against another, and for the most part eyther one, or both ouerthrowne and well ducked.

95, ll. 15–17. *namely in Bearegardens … stand vpon.

96, l. 7. One other shew] Of one other shew ye may reade

97, ll. 6–8. *The like was … great thanks.

ll. 25–39. *Against the feast of Christmas … great tempests.

99, l. 3. Monke of Bery] monke of Bray

ll. 27, 28. and therefore … in the night]. And therefore to speake of watches and shewes in the nightes.

l. 29 to page 101, l. 2. *Of watches in this Citie … enormities in the night,

101, ll. 2–4. I reade … to bee kept,] First I reade that in the yeare of Christ, 1253, watches in Cities and Borough towns were commanded by King Henry the thirde,

101, ll. 31–8. *euery mans doore … Then had ye.

105, ll. 20–7. *and Thomas the Archbishop … of Canterburie, &c.

ll. 27–30. Unto this … other matters.] thus far FitzStephen: whereunto may be added innumerable persons of honor, borne in London, and actions done by worthie citizens, whereof I will onely note a few best knowne to the comminalty.

ll. 31–3. *The Citizens … of their Citie.

l. 34. 1197] 1235

l. 36. *Domus Dei, or

106, ll. 11–14. *He also … London bridge.

ll. 19–30. *Sir Iohn Poultney … poore people, &c.

l. 37. effect] intent

l. 38 to page 107, l. 10. *Iohn Lofken … stone and glasse.

108, ll. 4–8. *Iohn Churchman … to sit, &c.

l. 9. Adam Bamme … 1391] In the yere 1391 Adam Bamme, Maior,

ll. 16–27. *Thomas Knoles … glasse windowes

l. 28. Thomas Falconar … 1414] In the yere 1415, Thomas Faulconer Maior,

l. 30 to page 109, l. 2. *More he made … with his goods

109, ll. 2–8. founded … Newgate, &c.] In the yeare 1420 Richarde Whitington Maior founded Whitingtons Colledge for the poore, with diuinitie lectures to be reade there for euer: Hee also builded Newgate &c

ll. 9–24. *Iohn Carpenter … Walbrooke, &c.

ll. 28–30. *a great builder … to be

ll. 32–6. William Eastfield … Cripples gate, &c.] In the yeare 1438 William Eastfielde Maior, conueyed water to the Conduite in Fleetestreete to Alderman-berry and to Criplesgate.

ll. 37, 38. Stephen Browne … thence] In the yeare 1439 Stephen Browne Maior sent into Prussia, and caused corne to be brought thence to London in great quantitie

110, ll. 3–18. *Philip Malpas … Hodsdon in Hertfordshire.

l. 21. to charitable vses.] to be bestowed in charitable actions for releefe of the poore.

ll. 22–34. *Godfrey Bollein … of his owne charges.

l. 35. Inserts: In the yeare 1471 Iohn Stockton Maior, and II Aldermen of London, with the Recorder were all made knightes in the fielde, by Edwarde the fourth, for their good seruice done vnto him.

ll. 35, 36. Edmond Shaw … goods, &c.] In the yeare 1483 Edmond Shaa Maior, builded Criplesgate.

ll. 37, 38. *Thomas Hill … to be builded.

l. 39 to page 111, l. 3. Hugh Clopton … Summarie.] In the yeare 1491, Hugh Clopton Maior, builded the great stone arched bridge at Stratford vpon Auon.

111, l. 9 to page 113, l. 15. *Sir Iohn Perciuall … in coales for euer.

113, l. 19. *as in my Summarie.

113, ll. 20–37. *Edward Hall … and also buried.

l. 38 to page 114, l. 3. Sir Thomas Gresham … for the poore.] In the yere 1566 Sir Thomas Gresham, Mercer, builded that stately Exchange Royal in London, and left his dwelling-house in Bishopsgate streete, to be a colledge of readings &c. as in my summary.

114, ll. 4–19. *William Patten … gift for euer.

ll. 24–8. *Sir T. Offley … trust in them.

l. 29. Iohn Haydon, Shiriffe, 1583.] In the yeare 1582 Iohn Haydon, Alderman,

l. 32. 900li.] 906l.

l. 35. in charitable actions] in deedes of charity.

l. 37. to page 116, l. 26. more then of other … Coopers set in place.

116, ll. 27–33. Margaret Danne … 30 yeare after.] about the yeare 1570 Margaret Dan, widowe to William Dan, late one of the Sheriffes of London, gaue by her testament more then 2000 pound to charitable actions.

117, ll. 2–4. I haue … erected.] I haue expressed, and a farith by monumentes erected in Christes Hospitall: which gift she afterward in her widowhode confirmed and greatly augmented.

118, l. 15. I haue discoursed.] I haue at large discoursed

ll. 22–24. *not Galus brooke … fabuled, but

l. 34. taketh name] taketh his name

119, l. 11. This Citie was] The city thus

120, l. 18. Bridge ward without.] The Bridge warde without, in the Brugh of Southwarke.

l. 22. which soundeth] which soundeth as much as

124, l. 19. *and his two wiues

126, ll. 3–6. *a plague. in their house.

ll. 36, 37. whereby … shallow.] Whereby the ditch is filled vp and made shallow enough.

127, l. 7. *Henrie Iorden … Chaunterie there

l. 21. within these fortie yeares] within these fortie foure yeares last,

l. 31. towards] in

l. 37 to page 128, l.6. *Amongst the which … was finished.

128, l. 39 to page 129, l. 1.*which houses … and such like.

129, ll. 11, 12. *the filth … into the ditch

l. 17. a Beedle] a Beadle, to attend vpon them all

l. 18. foure pound ten shillings.] ix pound

130, l. 26. Inserts after Chicke lane: and to Berwardes lane,

ll. 35, 36. *some haue written … this chappell was

l. 38. *his cosen

131, l. 3. *and auotion … Stretham

l. 8. new builded] new builded this Chappell

ll. 9, 10. *Hamond de Lega … Chapple

ll. 10, 11. London … colledge.] London in the yeare 1488, when he deceased 1501 was buried there. This Chappell and Colledge

131, ll. 23, 24. of the Greene … Houshold] in houshold

ll. 27,28.Sir Richarde … Chartley] Lord Ferrers.

l. 32. *or M. of the Heance men

ll. 34–6. *Iohn Crolys … Chantery there 1388.

ll. 37, 38. *now corruptly called Sything lane

132, l. 12. King of Armes] Herralde

l. 17. Inserts after Marchant, &c.: Woodroffe lane towardes the Tower is in this Parish.

ll. 23, 24. *Cokedon hall … I reade of.

l. 26. Mincheon] Mincheon or Minion

ll. 26–8. *so called … Bishopsgate streete

l. 38. fourth of Henry the fift …] thirde of Henry the fift, by the name of halfe pence of Genoa forbidden to pass as vnlawfull payment amongst the English subjectes.

l. 38 to page 133, l. 4. *it was … the other halfe

133, l. 6. Inserts after stronger: There was at that time also forbidden certaine other coynes called Seskairs, and Dodkins, with all Scottish monies.

l. 15. *Alderman of London

l. 33. for Harpe Lane,] or Harpe Lane

l. 36 to page 134, l. 2. who was … children.] who was brother to Chichley the archbishop: he had 24 children.

137, l. 24. Inserts after antiquitie: but I leaue euery man to his owne iudgement, and passe to other matters.

138, l. 5. to the fifteene at sixe and twentie pounds.] to the fifteene at 46l. and accounted in the Exchequer at 45l. 10s.

139, l. 22. *to Crowched Friers, and then Woodroffe lane

142, l. 18. *about the Citie

l. 33. *seuen in number.

l. 37. Rowles] Rowalles (fn. 3)

144, ll. 4–9. I haue oft … towardes the North.

l. 20. as he tearmed it] as he poor man tearmed it. (fn. 4)

l. 38. reproach] the reproch

145, l. 1. *amongst them

l. 9. builded the whole] builded the one halfe, to wit, the whole,

ll. 21, 22. Buried in this Church … Shiriffes 1439. Sir Robert] The monuments of the dead buried in this Church are these: Philip Malpas, one of the Sheriffes in the yeare 1439, was buried in the old church: this man gaue by his testament to the poore prisoners 125 pound: to other poore, euery yeare for fiue yeares together foure hundred shirtes and smockes, an hundred and fiftie gownes, and fortie paire of sheetes, to poore maydes marriages an hundred markes, to high wayes an hundred markes, and to fiue hundred poore people in London euery one sixe shil linges eyght pence, besides twentie markes the yeare to a graduate, to preach abroad in the countries: twentie shillings the yeare, for twentie yeares to the preachers at the Spittle, the three Eastre holydayes. (fn. 5) Sir Robert

145, ll. 31–3. *Stephen Woodroffe … weekely for euer.

ll. 33–5. *he bequeathed … thereby.

ll. 37–8. *William Hanbury, Baker.

146, ll. 8, 9. lately … Beale] lately builded, by M. Beale.

ll. 31, 32. Thomas … son] Sir Thomas Henage the father and the sonne.

147, ll. 4, 5. *the south … Woodroffe lane

ll. 36, 37. *Sir Rice Grifith. .1531

148, ll. 20–6. *more he appoyntea … continued for euer. margin. *These poyntes … wronged.

149, l. 33. Blanch apleton] the Blanch Chapleton

150, l. 1. long since discontinued] now long time since discontinued

ll. 9–13. *with three … Ironmongers hall.

l. 16. fifteene … pound] fifteene in London at 46l. and amounted in the Exchequer to 45l. 10s.

151, l. 28. out but one] out one

l. 32. *the contrarie.

152, l. 8. *and againe new buildeth it.

l. 28. Inserts after Mutas: a Seruiceable Gentleman

154, ll. 5–12. *Within the sayde … H. the sixt.

l. 12. He was buried in the] hee deceased in the yeare 1459, and was buried in his

l. 15. prisons] prisoners

l. 23. Inserts before one Maister with: three Schoolemaisters, with an Usher, to wit,

l. 39. Inserts after learne: flying tales haue I hearde, but not of credit, to auouch, and therefore I ouer passe them;

157, ll. 31–4. *I reade also … size appoynted.

160, ll. 18, 19. Britain … Tile] Britaine (or Romayne) tyle as they call it

l. 22. *made their prall

ll. 23–6. *which pumpe … yeare 1600.

ll. 36, 37. *Against the east … pumpe.

161, ll. 2, 3. *or the poore … Ed. the 3.

l. 11. Inserts after a dwelling house: reseruing the Church yarde for a garden plot.

162, l. 18. *and withholden

163, ll. 17, 18. *but now lately … other meane people.

l. 34. fifteene at … ob. q.] fifteene at 40 shillings, or thereabout.

164, ll. 15, 16. *an Ancris … London.

164, ll. 35–7. *Stephen Geninges … Testament 1523.

165, ll. 23–9. *and is called … for euer

l. 30. Iohn Powlet.] the Lord Iohn Powlet.

l. 36. Sir Roger Manars.] M. Cornewallos.

l. 38. *wealth, (for he was indebted to many)

166, ll. 5, 6. *by Citizens … pleasure.

l. 21. Hospitall, commonly] hospital of our blessed Ladie Commonly

ll. 23–38. *Walter Archdeacon … of his raigne.

167, ll. 4, 5. Sir … 1452.] There lyeth buried Sir Henry Plesington, Knight, 1452.

ll. 14–16. *which chappell … buried,

l. 20. stood … Prelates, now

168, l. 2. *continued untill this day.

l. 10. Inserts after yeare 1439: the 18 of Henry the sixt

169, l. 7. *what so euer it was at the first

171, l. 26. Henrie the third.] Henry the thirde, as I haue founde in Recordes.

172, ll. 3–28. these monuments, &c. [The list in the 1603 edition has been rearranged, and some dates and names added.]

l. 7. Seeanner] Somer

l. 21. Liade] Lynd

173, l. 19. Gerwain Cioll] Ierome Serall

l. 22. 1576] 1567

l. 24. Denmarke] Germany

174, ll. 8, 9. *In the Chapter … learning.

ll. 20–35. *Alice Smith … Charitable mind.

175, l. 11. fifteene at thirteene pound.] fifteen at xxiil. in London, and in the Exchequer xxil. xs.

176, l. 10. *Robert Beele Esquire 1601.

l. 38. was … graunted] is letted

177, ll. 11, 12. amongst … which is in] which is the backe part of Gresham house in

l. 15. *which be now

178, ll. 2–4. *Lucie … Epitaph,

l. 6. Brekenake] Pembrooke

l.9. Atcourt] Courtney

ll. 12, 13. *Beheaded … 1463.

l. 19. Rodlegate] Dadlegate

ll. 22, 23. *The Lorde Barons … 1471.

179, ll. 12. 13. *sir Iames Tirell … 1502.

ll. 14, 15. *Edward … Huntington

l. 29. and an house] he had also an house

l. 39. Inserts after causeth them: in some matters

180, l. 8. Gartier] gartier or Principall

l. 24. the free schoole] there a large Free Schoole.

ll. 26–9. Whereof … Pumpe] in this Schoole hath beene many good schollers trained vp. Now in three needle street, on the south part thereof, the first monument at y east end by the wel with 2 buckets or pump.

180, ll. 30, 31. of Martin … founders thereof.] of William Oteswich, and Iohn Otoswich his sonne new founderes thereof.

182, ll. 7–10. *This was … Cordwayner streete.

ll. 11, 12. Thomas … Armes] Thomas Clarentius Principall king of Herraldes

183, l. 31. *whereon … free schoole

ll. 33–5. breadth, whereon … his raigne] breadth in the parish of S. Bennet Finke: this was giuen to the Maystere of the Hospitall, to the enlarging of their Church and house to the same belonging, for a maister, fourteene priests &c., in the seuenth of Henry the Sixt. Moreourer king Henry the Sixt, in the twentieth of his raigne.

l. 39. Burnworth] Turnworth

184, ll. 12–14. Hee also … in Windsore.] This Hospitall was annexed, vnited, and appropriated vnto the Colegiate Church of S. George in Windsore, aboute the yeare 1485, (as was reported) by Sir Anthonie Baker, (maister of the saide Hospitall) to Sir Iohn Wolsborne Knight, and other commissioners in teh seanen and thirtith of Henry the eight.

ll. 15–30. *The Procters … use of the Hospitall.

l. 31. In the yeare 1499] since the saide annexing, to wit in the yeare 1499, the foureteenth of Henry the seuenth

ll. 36–9. *and finished … and other.

l. 39. Inserts: This goodly foundation hauing a free schoole and Almeshouses for poore men, (builded of hard stone) adioyning to the west end of the Church, was of olde time confirmed by Henry the Sixt in the yeare 1447. The outward worke of this new church was finished in the yeare 1501. The saide Iohn yate deceased about the yeare 1514, and was there buried in a monument by him prepared, as appeareth by an indentuere tripartiete, made between the saide Iohn Tate, the Deane of Windsor, and William Milborne, Chamberlaine.

185, l. 12. *performed

l. 22. builded this Church] builded this Church and was there buried

ll. 23–5. *was buried … Edward the fourth.

l. 28. *was also buried there

l. 31. *a Sermon

ll. 34, 35. *Iohn Dent … Anne his wife.

186, ll. 5–10. *This Gidney … he and she.

ll. 13, 14. *hee dwelt … 8. pence

l. 15. *a Batchler

l.18. Iohn Broke] Iohn Becke

187, l. 9. Inserts after bounds: of this ward

l. 13. It appeareth] yet it appeareth

l. 16, 17. and it … beefe not aboue] and shortly after it was enacted, that the said Butchers & others should sel their beefe and mutton by weight, to wit beefe not aboue

187, l. 31. same act … Grasiers] same to raise in price; by meane that euery Grazier

l. 34. Inserts after raysing his price: but the true causes of enhansing the prices both of those and other victualls are not to bee disputed here.

ll. 34–7. *The number … 720 Oxen Weekly.

188, l. 2. *on the north side

l. 5. stalles] Stalles on the north side of that streete

l. 13. German] German or Dutch man borne.

ll. 20–2. with foure … wayes] with foure spoutes runeth foure waies.

ll. 25, 26. *but now … I know not. (fn. 6)

l. 34 to page 189, l. 13. *To this prison … 25. of our raigne.

189, ll. 14–18. More … brake] Also without the West side of this Tunne, was a fayre well of springing water, curbed round with hard stone. In the yeare 1298 certaine principall Citizens of London brake

l. 21. great fines.] great fines, as in another place I haue shewed.

l. 21. to page 190, l. 38. *It cost the citizens … hard stone: but

191, ll. 5, 6. *and this was for night walkers.

l. 9. scoulds … offenders] and scolds &c.

ll. 9–34. *As in the … to be reformed.

ll. 35–7. The foresaid … increased] In the yeare 1475, R. Drope Mayor, dwelling in that warde, inlarged

192, l. 17. foure great horses] and were vsed to haue foure great horses

l. 19. back againe] backe again; now three horses serue the turn.

193, l. 13. *through threeneedle streete

ll. 30–2. *besides the … were kept

194, l. 1. that for winning] but of late for winning

l. 9. fame reporteth] some reporteth

l. 17. sea Metropolitane] sea, and made it the Metropolitane

ll. 36–8. *in the yeare 1425 … there: and

195, l. 4. Monumentes … defaced.] The monuments of the dead in this Church be these

ll. 4–17. *I reade … buried there

ll. 20, 21. *Thomas Gardener … Smith

l. 21. and other] and diuers other that be defaced.

ll. 22–37. *for the antiquity … yet remayneth.

196, ll. 1, 2. *since … the sixt

ll. 8–15. a sixt Bell … 100. Masrkes.] One Russe a Draper gaue a sixt Bell, which he named Russe after his owne name, to be nightly rung at eight of the clocke: which bell vsually rong by one more then 100 yeares, of late ouer hayled by 4 or 5 at once, hath beene thrice broken, and therefore not rong as heretofore.

196, ll. 15–37. *And here a Note … founded Chaunteries there

197, l. 1. Poore maides … parrish] maides marriages.

ll. 2, 3. and gownes … 100. &c.] gownes of brodecloth to the poore 100, to prisons, Hospitals and Lazare houses liberally; hee also gaue his house in Cornbill to be sold, and the price thereof to be spent on the amendment of high wayes.

ll. 3, 4. matching … Vicecount] afterwardes Vice Countesse

ll. 6–21. *and her great … Drope and Lady Lisle

ll. 21, 22. notwithstanding. Tombe] notwithstanding the tombe of them both

ll. 25, 26. was buried there, 1511] 1511 lyeth there

l. 34. His … Garnam] His monument is gone. Elizabeth Peak widow gaue ye patronage or gift of the benefice to the Drapers, and lyeth buried in the belfrey 1518. Richard Garneham

l. 35. Smith] Smith my Godfathers

l. 36. his wife, buryed] his wife my Godmother did lie

l. 37. to p. 198, l. 1. Thomas Stow … father, 1559.] Thomas Stow and Thomas Stow my grandfather and father

198, l. 10. *G. Barne, and other

ll. 15–17. *Thomas Houghton … William Towerson.

ll. 22–6. *the Church yarde … Iohn Rudstone

ll. 28–31. Sermons … and other.] lands for sermons to be preached there, but that is gone, and his Thombe of marble before the pulpit is taken away, amongst others, namely of Doctor Yaxly one of the Phisitions to King Henry the eight, that was buried there with his wife, vnder a Tombe of marble.

ll. 31–7. *The Quire … kingdome of heauen.

199, ll. 17, 18. *for that was allowed free.

l. 23. Leopards passant, gardant] Lyons passant

l. 33. Some say] Others say

200, l. 5. *or sixe

201, ll. 5–11. *of what originall … the second.

l. 12. The meeting … continued] which manner continued.

ll. 14–17. meetings at … Exchange.] meeting in Cornehill at the Burse, since by her Maiestie named the Royall Exchange.

l. 19. *On both the sides

l. 23. At the … standeth] At Limestreet corner is

ll. 25–9. *in the raigne … buried. Also

ll. 33–5. *The Ladie Wich … Sermons, &c.

ll. 37, 38. *Henrie Trauers … about 1504.

202, l. 3. Clothworker, Maior, &c.] Clothworker mayor 1583, buried there.

ll. 4–6. *by the foure … on the West.

202, ll. 10, 11. broder … incrochments.] larger in breath.

ll. 26–32. *Next is a common … night watches.

203, ll. 4, 5. *Matilde … Chaunterie there, &c.

l. 11. *Knight banaret, and yet

l. 33. Inserts after Stockes market: and these be the bounds of this warde

l. 36 to page 204, l. 1. *as may bee supposed … of stone.

204, l. 5. it would … downe.] it would not haue remained there so long.

l. 10. Inserts after his wife: Alice, William and Iohn, wife and sonnes to Thomas Clarell, Agnes daughter to Thomas Niter Gent., William Atwell, Felix daughter to Sir Thomas Gisers, and wife to Trauers, Thomas Mason Esquire, Edmond Warter Esquire, Loane wife to Iohn Chamberlaine Esquire, daughter to Roger Lewkner Esquire, William Frier, Iohn Hamburger Esquire, Hugh Moresby, Gilbert Prince, Alderman, Oliuer Chorley, gentleman, Sir Iohn Writh (or Writhesley) alias Garter, principall king at Armes, sometime laid vnder a faire tombe in the quire, now broken downe and gone. Ioane wife to Thomas Writhesley, sonne to Sir Iohn Writhesley, Gartar, daughter and heire to William Hall Esquire, Iohn Writhesley the younger, sonne to Sir Iohn Writheslsey and Alienor, Eleanor seconde wife to Iohn Writhesley, daughter and heire to Thomas, Arnalde, and Agnes his second wife, Iohn Writhesley sonne of Thomas, Agnes Arnold, first maried to William Writhesley, daughter of Richard Warmeforde, Barbara Hungerford, daughter to Sir Iohn Writhesley, wife to Anthonie Hungerford, son to Sir Thomas Hungerford of Denampney in the countie of Glocester.

ll. 16–19. *And here I am to note … leaue them.

ll. 20–3. By this Church … alley.] [In the 1598 edition placed before the list of monuments.]

l. 29. Iulian, wife to Iohn Lambart Alderman.] Iulian, wife to Iohn Lambard Alderman, mother of William Lamberd, yet liuing

l. 33. *Goldsmith

205, l. 3. Inserts after Peach: Hugh Acton, Taylor

l. 4. *the founded a Chanterie there

ll. 5–11 *he gaue … Woolnoths church.

ll. 26, 27. It is taxed … 20l. 9s. 8d.] It is taxed to the fifteene in London at xxi pound. In the Exchequer at xxl. xs.

206, l. 25. Belinsgate in the] this Billinsgate, I haue not read in any recorde, more then that in the

l. 27. Standage]strandage

207, 5. defaced and gone] defaced and cleane gone

208, 1. 9. *bad and

l. 24. for the stranger will not] for they will not

209, l. 14. *Richard Goslin, shiriffe, 1422.

210, l. 32. Mumforde] Mounforde (fn. 7)

l. 35. *Roger Delakere founded a Chauntrie there.

212, l. 4. *Iohn Blund Mayor, 1307

l. 11.*Mauritius Griffeth … 1559

l. 12. Blanch] Branch (fn. 8)

ll. 14–20. Maoraltie … raysed on him] mayoralty, decesed, 1571, in the parish of S. Christopher, but was buried there, as in the parish where he was borne (fn. 9)

213, l. 5. *Haberdasher

ll. 5, 6. *Philip Cushen … 1600.

l. 33 to page 215, l. 19. *of whose antiquitie I reade … Those Stockfishmongers, and Saltfishmongers

215, l. 22. Sir Iohn Cornwall … Ampthull] the Lord Fanhope

ll. 23–6. Crooked lane … why, or when] Crooked lane, whereas before they had seueral halles, in Thames Street twaine, in new fishstreet twain, & in old fish street twaine, in all six seueral halls. This company was so great as I haue read in the recordes of the Tower: now worne out of knowledge to the company, who bee not able so much as to shewe the reason, why

ll. 27–37. *Neither to Say … other places.

216, ll. 18, 19. taxed … 47l.] taxed to the fifteene in London at fifty pound, and in the exchequer at 49 pound ten shillings.

l. 35. Tauerns, but] Tauernes, for they dressed not meates to be sold, but

217, l. 6. *after the watch was broken up

l. 36, 37. *so called … Oueries, and other

218, ll. 25, 26. *William Chartney … Chaunterie there.

ll. 33–5. *Simon de Winchcomb … Hondon an other

219, ll. 8–10. *It is now … Rhenish wine.

ll. 15, 16. *William de Burgo … 1317.

ll. 26, 27. Iake Straw, but Iacke] Iack Straw in Smithfield, and there to haue been there fore knighted by the king, but that is not trew, for Iack

221, ll. 33, 34. Crosse, and sworde … Walworth. crosse and sword as now &c.

223, l. 5. Inserts before Iohn Bold: Winslow, Gent.

224, ll. 5, 6. *Thomas Aylesbourgh … Chaunteries, and

l. 9. *and other.

l. 30. is none] is there none

226, ll. 8, 9. *In the yeare 1507 … pence. And

l. 16. *in all 82 lie, 3s.

227, ll. 7, 8. *Anne Cawode … Chauntrie there, &c.

228, ll. 30, 31. Horshew Bridge, in Horshew bridge streete.] Horshew Bridge, a Bridge ouer the Brooke in Horse bridge lane.

228, l.38. *I haue lerned

229, l. 18. Huytley] Huntley

l. 19. *since, Lancelot Bathurst, &c.

ll. 26, 27. It is taxed … shillings.] It is taxed to the fifteene in London to forty pound, and in the Exchequer to thirty nine pound.

230, l. 1. *when I come to them.

l. 24. to page 231, l. 7. *This companie of Skinners … for what is done.

231, l. 7. Then lower downe was] Then was there

l. 35. Mariner]. Warrier.

232, l. 14. William Cosin was] William Cosin, dwelling there, was

l. 15. Inserts after 1306: the 34 of Edwarde the I.

l. 20. Steleyard] Stele house or Stele yarde

234, l. 31, 32. *or the Flemish Geld

235, l. 10. graue stones] graue stones on these persons

ll. 20, 21. *Nicholas Louen … Chaunteries there

l. 24. used it, and] vsed it, and so doth

236, ll. 37, 38. *it was then counted … stately house

237, l. 2. Inserts after raigne: and not otherwise

238, l. 12. it is taxed … pound.] It is taxed to the fifteene in London at 36 pound, and in the Exchequer at 34l. 10s.

239, l. 6. a Brewhouse] a Brewhouse on the Thames side.

240, ll. 19–24. The Vintners … great Burdeous Marchants] These Vintners, as well Englishmen as strangers borne, were of old time great Burdeaux merchants

l. 31. Inserts after Gallon: William More Vintner Mayor, in the raigne of Richard the Second.

l. 31 to page 241, l. 18. *I reade of sweet wines … therewith, I reade that

241, l. 19. T. Duke of Clarence, and I. Duke of Bedford] Thomas Duke of Clarence and Iohn Duke of Bedford.

l. 32. in like meeter] of verse

242, ll. 1, 2. *the raigne … confirmed

l. 2. Inserts after Henry the 6: Hauing thus much not without trauaile & some charges noted for the antiquitie of these Vintners, about two yeares since or more I repayred to the common hall of that company, and there shewed, and read it in a court of Assistance, requiring them as being one of the principall companies in this cittie (of whome I meant therefore to write the more at large) if they knew any more which might sound to their workship or commendation, at their leysure to send it me, and I wold ioyne it to my former collection: at which time I was answered by some that tooke vpon them the speech, that they were none of the principall, but of the inferiour companies, and so Willing me to leaue them I departed, and neuer since heard from them, which hath somewhat discouraged me any farther to trauail amongst the companies to learn ought at their hands.

In Margin: The Vintoners one of the 12 principall companies. The readiest to speak not alwaies the wisest men.

242, l. 10. is the royall streete and] in the royall streete is

ll. 11–18. *I thinke of olde … Walbrooke water. Then is

l. 28. These were bounde] These were (as the manner was then) bound

243, ll.22, 23.*borne in Almayne … the sixt dayes.

244, l. 38. to page 245, l.10. Richard de Wilehale … Saint Mary Ouery, 6.s.

245, l.10. This house] which

l.30. to Shew actiuities] to shew their actiuities

l. 36. H. Causton] Henry Causton

l.38. T. Roman Maior 1310] Thomas Romaine

246, ll. 18, 19.*William Shipton … Chauntries there.

247, ll. 27–31. *On the other side … Apostles in London, &c.

248, ll.8, 9. *sometime called Saint Martin de Beremand church.

249, ll. 1, 2. *William Stoksbie … Chantries there.

ll. 9–14. *I read … 20.s. and 3.d. by yeare.

l.15.Whitthorne] Withers

ll.15, 16. *and before … Chantrie there.

l. 33. Inserts after Harbert: the Lord Strange

l. 34. Worcestert] Glocester

ll. 37, 38. *Richard Plat … there, 1601.

250, ll. 2, 3. It is taxed … 4. pence]. It is taxed to the fifteene in London, at six and thirty pound, and in the Exchequer at thirty fiue pound, fiue shillings

251, l. 11.against … wholy] against that lanes end: and this place is wholly.

ll.17–25. *I haue not read … halfe pennie the pounde.

252, ll.33, 34.*Iohn Grantham … Chanteries there.

253, ll. 7, 8. *and yet not … Chauntrie there.

ll. 9–11. gaue … Kirion lane] gaue lands to that church,

ll. 27–31. Sir William Laxton … later buried] Sir William Laxton, Grocer, Mayor, deceased 1556, was buried in the vault, prepared by Henry Keble principall founder of that church for himself, but now his bones are vnkindly cast out, his monuments pulled downe, and the bodies of the said Sir William Laxton, and of Sir Thomas Lodge Grocer Mayor, are laid in place, with monuments our them for the time, till an other giue money for their place, and then away with them.

ll.31, 32. *William Blunt … buried there, 1594. &c.

l.34 to page 254, l.7. This Church in the reigne … I cannot learne.] called de Arcubus, of the stone Arches or Bowes on the top of the Steeple, or bell Tower thereof, which arching was as well on the old steeple, as on the new, for no other part of the church seemeth to haue beene arched at any time, yet hath the said church neuer beene knowne by any other name, then S. Mary Bow, or le Bow: neither is that Church so called of the court there kept, but the said Court taketh name of the place wherein it is kept, & is called the court of the arches, but of what antiquitie or continuation I cannot declare.

254, l. 19. *and a marish ground.

margin. Inserts after hanged: God amend or shortly send such an end to such false brethern.

255, ll. 9–11. *Iordan Goodcheape. attainted

l. 39 to page 256, l. 7. *This Bell. at your will.

256, l. 37. Inserts after 1499: deceased 1505.

257, l. 8. *Hawley … chauntries there.

ll. 13–18. King Edward … pleasures.] This building was made by K. Edward the third vpon this occasion. In the raigne of the sayde King diuers instings were made in London betwixt Sopars Lane and the Crosse in Chepe: for the standard stoode not then in place where now it is, namely one great iusting was there in the yeare 1330, the fourth of Edward the third, whereof is noted thus. About the feast of S. Michael there was a great and solemne iusting of all the stout Earles, Barons and nobles of the realme, at London in West Cheape, betwixt the great crosse and the great conduit, nigh Sopars Lane, which iusting lasted three daies; where Queene Philip with many Ladies fell from a stage of timber, notwithstanding they were not hurt at all: wherefore the Queene toke great care to saue the Carpenters from punishment, and through her prayer (which she made on her knees) she pacified the King and counsaile, and thereby purchased great loue of the people. After which time the King caused this silde or shede to bee made, and strongly to bee building of stone, for himself, the Queene, and other estates to stand, in and there to behold the iustings and other shewes at their pleasure (fn. 10)

ll. 22, 23. *to Stephen Spilman, Seldam, shed or building

l. 25. or Tamarsilder] and in the 8 of the same H. called Tamarside

l. 27. Inserts after London: and a certaine shop in the said parish, between the same shed and the kings high way of west Cheape, annexed to the said shed, with two shops, sellers and edifices whatsoeuer, as well builded or any way beeing ouer the said shop, as ouer the entry of the said shed, which were holden of him in burgage, as all the Cittie of London is, and which were worth by yeare in all issues, according to the true value of them, vij pound xiijs. and iiijd. as was founde by inquisition thereof before Thomas Knowles Mayor, and Eschetor in the said Citie. (fn. 11)

258, ll. 26, 27. at 52 li.… 52. pound, 6.s.] at 72.l. 16.s. in the Exchequer at 72. pound

ll. 29, 30. *and taketh … this warde

l. 30.also] which also

260, ll. 1–6. *in the 18. the yeare. And

l. 6. he gaue the same Tower] of his raigne did grant

260, ll. 8, 9. name of … in London.] name of his Tower called Seruesse (fn. 12) Tower at Bucklesbery

l. 38 to page 261, l. 3. Edward Hall … in this church.

261, l. 22. Inserts after morning: the 13th of Nouember

l. 39. Inserts after high streete: which is the maine body of this warde: first ouer against the parish church of S. Mildred, on the south side of the Poultrie, vp to the great Conduite, haue yee diuers fayre houses, sometimes inhabited by Poulters, now by Grocers, Haberdashers, and Vpholders, at the west end of this Poultrie, on the south side, haue ye the great Conduite, which is the beginnging of west Cheape. This Conduite was the first sweete water that was conueyed by pipes of lead vnder ground, to this place in the Citie, from Padington; it was castellated with stone and cesterned in lead, which was begunne in the yeare 1285. Henry Wales being then Maior. This Conduite was againe new builded by Thomas Hame one of the Sheriffes in the yeare 1479. Beyond this Conduite, on the south side of Cheap be now faire and large houses, for the most part possessed of Mercers vp to the north corner of Cordwainer streete, corruptlrie called Bow lane. which houses in former time were but shedes (or shops) with solars ouer them, as of late one of them remained at Sopars lane, end, wherein a woman solde seedes, rootes, and herbs, but those sheddes or shops, by incrochmentes on the high streete, are now largely builded on both sides outward, and also vpwarde toward heauen, some three, foure, or fiue stories on high. &c. (fn. 13)

l. 39 to page 262, l. 1. Called … side thereof] On the north side of the Poultrie.

262, l. 14. Scalding wike] of Skalding house or Skalding wike

ll. 18, 19. *Salomon Lanuare … one other.

l. 27. Tho. Tusser] Thomas Tusser Gentleman

263, ll. 1. 2. Some foure … is a prison] of the name of this streete called the Poultrie, I haue before spoken as also of the lane called Skalding house or Skalding wike &c. On this north side some foure houses west from saint Mildred Church, is a prison

l. 6. was … Corpus Christi] was sometime a proper Chappell of Corpus Christi

l. 9. in which Chappel] where

264, ll. 1–5. *Henrie Ady … there buried.

l. 16. to page 269, l. 3. *More I reade of Bordhangly … saint Mary Cole church where we left (fn. 14)

269, l. 4. Inserts after or Acars: near to the great Conduit in Cheape

l. 19. Inserts after Parliament: there is also a preaching in the Italian tongue to the Italians and others on the Sondaies.

l. 21. 1428] the eight of Henry the sixt

269, l. 36. this Hospital] this Chappell

270, ll. 1–3. remoued … letten out for rent.] remoued into the great olde Chappell, and his Chappell is made into shops, and letten out for rent, by his successors the Mercers.

ll. 3–5 enabled … Richard the 2.] enabled to be a Company the 20 of Richarde the second

ll. 5–17. *They had three … Eschetor in the said Citie. (fn. 15)

ll. 22–5. *In the yeare 1536 … being Maior.

ll. 27, 28. whereof … raigne] in the 8

271, ll. 9–15. *I find that Iohn Norman … no farther.

l. 15. Inserts: Without this lane is the Standarde in Cheape, which Iohn Wels Grocer Maior 1430 caused to be made with a small cesterne for fresh water, hauing one Cocke continually running, when the same is not turned nor lockt; this was finished by his executors, Thomas Knoles, and Iohn Chichley, they purchased licence of Henry the sixt, to conuey water, to make the Conduite. Now whether the Standarde in West Cheape, so oft spoken of in former times, be the same and stoode iust in this place, or else where, or that the same were remoueable, may be some question: for it is manifest that in the raigne of Edwarde the thirde, and at other times when the great iustinges, and other running on horsebacke were practised betwixt the great Crosse, and the great Conduite at Sopars lane end, there was no such Standarde, or other Obstacle betweene them, neither was that streete paued with hard stone as now it is. We read that in the yeare 1293, three men had their right hands stricken off at the Standard in Cheape for rescuing of a Prisoner; it is verie likelie therefore that the olde Crosse in Cheape (which was then newlie builded) was also the Standarde.

In the yeare 1326 the Citizens tooke Walter Stapleton, Bishop of Excester, and beheaded him with other at the Standarde in Cheape. In the yeare 1399 King Henry the fourth caused the Blanch Charters made by Richarde the second, to bee burnt at the Standarde in West Cheape. In the yeare 1381. Wat Tylar beheaded Richarde Lions and others in Cheape. In the yeare 1461. Iohn Dauie had his hand striken off at the Standarde in Cheape, also Iacke Cade the Rebell beheaded the Lorde Say at the Standarde in Cheape &c. Thus much for the Body of Cheape warde may suffice. (fn. 16)

ll. 16, 17. Now for … Catteten streete] Then followeth Catte streete (so called in Recordes the 24 of Henry the sixt, now corruptlie Catteten street)

272, l. 37. Sir Iohn Sha] Edmond Shaw

l. 38 to page 273, l. 9. *who was the first … worke was finished

273, ll. 14–17. *How this gift … then they performe.

275, ll. 13, 14. because of olde time … there about.] because of olde time since the raigne of William Conqueror (that first brought Iewes from Roan into this realme) many Iewes inhabited there about, vntill that in the yeare 1290. the 18. of Edward the first they were wholly and for euer by the said king banished this realme, hauing of their owne goodes to beare their charges, till they were out of his dominions. The number of the Iewes at that time banished were 15060 persons, whose houses being sold, the king made of them a mightie masse of money. (fn. 17)

275, l. 16. 70. yeares] 60. yeares

276, l. 11. Angell his wife] Angell his wife, 1517.

ll. 13–15. The wife of a Maister … Chester] a Countesse of Cornewall and Chester, but her name and time is not there apparent

l. 18. *Samuell Thornhill, 1597.

l. 23. *eleuen shillinges.

277, l. 12. disdainely] disdainfully

278, l. 27 to page 281, l. 25. *Then is the olde Iurie … thus much for the Iewes. (fn. 18)

281, l. 26. In this … olde Iury] In the Olde Iurie,

ll. 27–31. *Vpwell, so … King confirmed

ll. 31, 32. In this … Parishioners] in which to the commendation of the parishioners.

282, l.12. *Iohn Brian

l.18. *made in place of Iewes houses

283, l.5. Inserts after yeare 1399: This may bee some argument, which I ouerpasse.

ll. 5–8. *Hugh Clopton … Chaunteries there.

ll. 30, 31. *two fifteenes … charges thereof

l. 32. Inserts after springes: without the North wall of the Cittie

l. 38 to page 284, l.4. *sometime belonging … deceased, 1509.

284, ll. 6, 7. *Alderman Bennet now possesseth it.

ll. 14–17. *which companie of Armourers … the sixt.

l. 20. Inserts after defaced: there is one Tombe on the South side the Quire but without inscription.

ll. 20–7. *notwithstanding, I find … the 17. of Henrie the sixt.

ll. 27–31. Thomas Bradberie … buried there.] I read that Thomas Bradbury, Mercer, Maior, in the yeare 1509. was buried there, his Tombe is on the north side the Quire, & also one Edmond Harlocke Curriar to bee a great benefactor, Sir Iohn Garme, Skirringham, 1468, Richard Hamney 1418, Richard Colsel &c.

ll. 32–5. *This Church … a parish church.

285, ll. 5, 6. It is taxed … xv.l. xvi.s. ix.d.] It is taxed to the fifteene, in London, at 19l. and in the Exchequer at 19l.

l. 17. Monuments on] Monumentes of building on,

286, ll. 21–4. *Richard the second … Edward the third.

288, ll. 9–13. onely I read … where they dwelt] onely I read of a branch of this family of Bassinges to haue spread it self into Cambridgeshire, near vnto a water or bourne, and was therefore for a difference from other of that name, called Bassing at the bourn, and more shortly Bassingborne. But this family is also worne out, and hath left the name to the place, where they dwelt.

ll. 32–6. *In the 21 … forfeyture thereof.

290, ll. 1–4. *Thus haue you … Coopers hall.

1.8. *seuen pound.

291, ll. 38–9. to be noted] meete to be noted

292, l. 5. to be short] to be short and plaine

293, l. 5. I doubt] I haue some doubt

294, l. 6. Inserts after Cripplegate: obtaining first the kinges licence of Mortmaine, vnder the great seale of England.

295, ll. 2–4. Sir Rowland Heyward … there 1593] The Lord William of Thame was buried in this Church, and so was his successor in that house Sir Rowland Heyward Mayor &c.

l. 4. *Richard Lee … 1597.

l. 5. sold there] sold there (as is supposed)

ll. 7, 8. Rokesley … dwelled] Rockesley chiefe say maister of the kings mints, and Mayor of London in the yeare 1275. the third of Edward the first (in which office he continued 7. yeares together) dwelled

l. 11. without other charge] without being bounden to reparations or other charge:

296, ll. 21, 22. *Thomas Chalton, Mercer, Mayor 1450.

297, l. 3. Inserts after Mirley, Knight: Iohn Collet

l. 10. for at this present it is] but it is at this present

l. 12. Inserts after decayed: and not worth a pinne,

298, l. 4. to William Lambarde] to my louing friend William Lambarde

l. 21. Maister Glasier] at this present mayster Glasier.

299, l. 31. Inserts after following: to be buried there, to wit,

l. 31 to page 300, l.4. *Alice, William & Iohn … Writhesley & Alianor (fn. 19)

300, ll. 4, 5. Alionor … Thomas Arnolde] Elianor wife to Iohn Writh, Esquire, daughter to Thomas Arnald, Esquire,

ll. 6, 7. Margaret with her daughter] Margaret Writh her daughter.

l. 10. 1409] 1439

l. 13. Iohn Baronie] Frauncis Baromi

l. 17. King at Armes] Herrald at Armes

301, ll. 11–14. *by the name of … the 15. yeare

302, ll. 15–26. Then in Golding lane … of the Almes people.] Then in Golding Lane be also Almes houses, 13. in number, and so many poore people placed in them Rent free, and euery one hath two pence by the weeke for euer. Of the foundation of Thomas Hayes, Chamberlaine of London, in the latter time of Henry the eight, he left faire lands about Iseldonne, to maintaine his foundation: Maister Ironmonger hath the Order of them.

303, l. 12. Inserts after forty pound: and in the Exchequer at thirtie nine pound ten shillings.

304, ll. 12, 13. which stone wall … Faringdon ward.] which is also of this ward.

305, ll. 9–11. *of Thomas Lichfield … 14 of E. the 2.

l. 24. Inserts before Iohn Hewet: Thomas Leichfield

306, ll. 21–3. *The men of this mistery … Richard the second.

307, ll. 19–21. *William Gregory … remayneth.

l. 27 to page 308, l. 37. *This colledge claymed … in the leafe 299

309, ll. 1–10. the Colledge church … saint Mathewes Gospel.] the Colledge church was pulled downe and in place thereof many houses foorthwith builded, highly prised, and letten to strangers borne, and other such as claime the benefit of ye priuiledges, which were at the first granted only to ye church, and to the Deane, Prebends & Canons, seruing God according to ye foundation.

ll. 16 17. *it is now a Printing house.

l. 32. R. Cawod and T. Smith] Robert Cawod and Thomas Smith

ll. 37–9. *Thomas Bilsington …Helmet vpon Cornhill.

310, l. 5. I. Hartshorne] Iohn Hartshorne

l. 12. *the Clothworkers …ouersight thereof.

ll. 16, 17. and in the Exchequer, 6.l. 19.s] and likewise in the Exchequer.

312, l. 22. to the east … Augustines church] to the gate

ll. 23–5. *which arch … yere 1361

313, l. 36. in West Cheape streete] in Westcheape

l. 38. *as before … west Cheape streate] vpon this occasion.

l. 39. Inserts here the account of the founding of Cheap cross as on i. 265–6 above, from Queene Elianor to let of cariages, but omitting the words in the yere 1533 against the coronation of Queen Anne. The first edition then continues:

'In the yere 1581. the 21. of Iune in the night, the lowest Images about the said Crosse, were broken and defaced.

Whereupon proclamation was made, that who so wold bewray the doers therof, should haue fortie crownes: but nothing came to light. The Image of the blessed virgin at that time robbed of her son, and her armes broken by which shee staied him on her knees, her whole bodie also was strained with ropes so as it was readie to fall: But was in the yere 1595. again fastened and repaired. In the yeare 1596. about Bartholomewtide, a new Sonne mishapen (as borne out of time) was laide in her armes. The other Images remaining broken as before.

On the east side of the same Crosse, the steppes being taken-thence, vnder the Images of Christes resurrection, was set vp a curious wrought frame of grey Marble, and in the same an Image in Alabaster of a woman (for the most part naked), and Thames water prilling from her breasts: but the same is oft times dried vp. (fn. 20)

314, 1. 15. *Sir Alexander Auenon, Maior, 1570.

ll. 18–21. yeelding … yeres since.] for thirtie shillings foure pence the yeares rent, but now increased much.

315, l. 1. Iohn Standelfe] Iohn Standelfe and Iohn Standelfe

ll. 4–20. *both of Ealdersgate street ward … common seale at that time.

ll. 20–8. At the north end … said Elizabeth.] at the North end whereof, is one great house builded of stone, commonly called the Lord Windsor's house, but I haue read it by the name of Neuells Inne in siluer street, and at the ende of Monkes well streete.

l. 29 to page 316, l. 3. This companie … hall in that street, &c.] whom obtained their incorporation in the yeare one thousand sixtie and foure, the second of Edward the fourth, since the which time they builded theyr Hall.

316, l. 26. Inserts after for the Butchers: and there is the Butchers Hall.

ll. 35, 36. *in the iniddest whereof the church stoode.

l. 38 to page 317, l. 2. *and there is … wals of the citie.

318, ll. 16, 17. *their Conduit head … Henrie the third, &c.

l. 31. by Pattents] by pattent of

319, l. 37. Monuments] [The list in the 1603 edition has been rearranged, with some additions.]

322, l. 33. This church hath] a proper church, and hath,

l. 38. Anthony Cage]— Cage

l. 39 to page 323, l. 3. *Allen at Condit … in the same streete.

323, l. 36. H. Reade] Henry Reade

326, ll. 19–21. *Also the new … yeare 1256.

327, ll. 23–6. *In the yeare 1408 … other easements.

l. 37. at the dispence] painted about the Cloyster: at the speciall request and dispence

328, l. 32. *neare vnto a Carpenters yard.

329, l. 26. in the yeare … remaineth.] then their former church was, and so it still remaineth to that vse.

330, l. 2. Inserts before Robert: In this chapell were buried

l. 3. were] and were

l. 4. *or coped

l. 5. *before the said Chappell

l. 11. citie … milles.] citie, to beare three winde-milles.

l. 22. Inserts after because hee: was borne in London and

l. 28. heard] heard off,

l. 32. Inserts after downe] and broken also.

331, ll. 22, 23. *This Pulpit … defaced.

332, ll. 20–4. before Aprill … collected.] But concerning the steeple litle was done, through whose default God knoweth: it was said that the money appointed for newe building of the steeple, was collected, and brought to the hands of Edmond Grindall then Bishop of London.

ll. 36–7. new buried … shewed] now buried in the West Ile, with an Epitaph, as in another place I haue shewed.

333, ll. 2–4. *Martin … Pateshull 1240.

ll. 7, 8. Bishop … Quire, 1262] B. 1262

ll. 8–15. *Geffrey de Acra … Middlesex, 1309.

ll. 24, 25. new worke … church] newe woorke of Powles,

335, ll. 8–10. *Sir Raph… Quire, 1308.

l. ll. Guildford … Apostles, 1313.] Gylford, L. Marshall was buried in the Postles chapell, 1313.

ll. 12–28. *William Chasteleshunte … north doore, 1353.

l. 32. *proper chapple, and

336, l. 1. Inserts after call him: Sir Raphe de Hingham, cheefe Iustice of both Benches successiuely, buried in the side of the North walke, against the Quire, 1308. Sir Iohn Pulteney, Draper, Mayor, 1348, in a faire chapell by him builded, on the North side of Powles, wherein he founded 3. chaplains. Richard de Plesseys in the North walke before Saint Georges chapell, 1361. Sir Symon Burley, constable of Douer, and Chamberlaine to Richard the second, knight of the Garter, beheaded, lyeth buried in the North walke against the Quire. Adam de Bery, Mayor, in the yeare 1364, buried in a Chapel of Saint Mary Magdalen: or of the holy Ghost, called Holmes Colledge.

Roger Holmes Chauncelor and Prebend of Powles, was buried there 1400.

ll. 1–8. *Michael Norborow, … doore of Pauls, 1390.

ll. 10–20. *sir Richard Burley … Beauchampe, 1423.

l. 22 to page 337, l. 27. *Walter Sherington … shrine; and of later time

337, l. 29. *Thomas Linicar, Doctor of Phisicke

l. 31. *Iohn Dowman Canon of Paules, 1525.

338, l. 11. where a merry] where of a mery

l. 14. saint Thomas] S. Georges

ll. 17, 18. to bee buried there.] and so an end for Paul's church.

l. 31. namely, A.B.C.] namely A.B.C. Or Absies

339, l. 11. and belongeth] and belonged

l. 23. here hath beene] here, be

l. 24. *William Seuenoake Maior, 1418.

ll. 26, 27. Sir Roger Cholmley] Sir Roger Cholemly, some say William Seuen-Oake, Maior &c.

ll. 27, 28. *Iohn Went … Chanteries there.

340, l. 5. *and from thence to Leycester.

ll. 22–3. in my Annales I haue] in other places hath beene

l. 28. were buried] are interred, or buried

340, l. 36. Inserts after Brewes: Dame Iahu, daughter to Thomas, wife to Syr Gnight

341, ll. 12–14. *The Countesse of Huntington … buried here 1443

l. 23. Nicholas Eare] Nicholas Carre, Esquire

l. 30. Carden] Cardin, alias Carden

342, l. 3. new builded] first builded

l. 5. 1361.] 1361, which was the 35 of Edward the third

l. 16. I. Oxney] Iohn Oxney

ll. 17, 18. *Iohn Leiland the famous Antiquary

l. 20. *Barber Chirurgion

ll. 20, 21. *Iohn Mundham …E. the second.

ll. 34, 35. Prebend houses] Prebend almes houses

343, ll. 17, 18. Inserts after Mountgodard streete: by all likelihood; and after Goddards: or Pots

l. 21. *of olde time

344, l. 2. the fifteene 50. pound.] the fifteene in London at 54. pound, and in the Exchequer at 53. pound 6. shillings, 8. pence.

l. 33. Then is Fryday streete] Then is there one other streete, which is called Friday streete

345, ll. 12–27. *at Breadstreet corner … Next to be noted

ll. 27–28. frame of … the Walles] frame and front of faire houses, and shops, that be within all the walles

l. 33. It contayneth] It continueth

346, l. 9. *Inserts after present: as of olde time also

l. 22. stalles] stables

ll. 26–9. *Walter Turke … the other iiii.s.

l. 38. *Robert Basset, Salter, Mayor 1476.

347, ll. 6–14. *In the 23. of Henry the eight … through Cheape, Cornehill &c.

ll. 14–6. More … steeple of stone.] The steeple of this church had sometime a faire speere of stone, but taken downe vpon this occasion

ll. 17, 18. about mid day … lightning] about noone or midday, fell a great tempest at London, in the ende whereof, happened a great lightening

l. 35. *to that parish

348, l. 13. same side] same East side

l. 15. name of … the twenteeth] name I haue not read: other then that in the 20

l. 20. Basing] any Basing

ll. 23, 24. Arched Vaultes … The same is now] Arched Vaultes of stone, and with Arched Gates, now

349, ll. 2–4. *for the most part … placed

ll. 5–7. *as the labours … Vniuersity of Oxford

ll. 7–9. he writing … here to touch.] wherein the Authour writing a Chapter of Gyaunts, and hauing beene deceiued by some Authours, too much crediting their smoothe speeche, hath set downe more matter then troth, as partly (and also against my will) I am enforced to touch.

349, l. 10. *as he tearmeth it

ll. 16–19. *The errour … or shin bone.

l. 19. Notwithstanding, it] Wherevnto (fn. 21)

350, l. 7. set vp] set vp in the streete

l. 8. principall house] principall Hall or house.

351, l. 5. Note that] such

ll. 13, 14. *Wil. de Auinger … Ed. the 3.

ll. 19–21. *There was of … chauntries there.

ll. 28–37. *Of these Cordwayners … to pay xxx. s.

352, l. 7. 36. li. 18. s. 2. d.] at thirtie sixe pound tenne shillings.

Volume II

2, l. 19. as followeth.] are therein none.

ll. 20–5. Iohn Brian … Northamptonshire, 1572

l. 27. proper] comely

ll. 28, 29. *so that … the church:

ll. 30, 31. of some … Bey] of some Colde Abbey

l. 31 to page 3, l. 13. as standing … or namentes.] but I could neuer learne the cause why it should bee so called, and therefore I will let it passe. There bee monuments in this Church, of Andrew Aubery, Grocer, Mayor, and Thomas Fryar, Fishmonger, in the year 1351. who gaue to this church and parish one plot of ground, containing fiftie six foote in length, and fortie three foote in breadth at both endes, to be a buriall place for the dead of the said Parish, the twentie sixt of Edward the third. Also Thomas Madesley, Clarke, and Iohn Pylor gaue to the Wardens of that Parish one shop and a house in Distar lane, for the continual repairing of the bodie of that church, the belles and Ornaments, the twentieth of Richard the 2.

3, l. 14. in this church] there

l. 16. Nicholas Wolberge] Richard Walberge

ll. 18–23. Iohn Suring … Barde, Fishmonger, 1528.] and others.

5, ll. 2–4. *Iohn Skip … in this church.

l. 30. in this church] to this church

l. 31. *he founded a chauntrie

6, l. 9. Inserts after little: vpon the Thames.

9, l. 17. Inserts after but now: that case is altered.

11, l. 27. Exchequer … pence] Exchequer at twentie pound.

13, ll. 22–8. There was also … woodwharfes in place.] There was also a messuage by Baynardes Castle, called Legates Inne, in the 7. of Edward the fourth, where be now diuers Wood Wharfes.

13, ll. 31, 32. and made … Puddle Wharfe.] and made Puddle like, it is (as I suppose) called Puddle Wharfe.

15, ll. 14, 15. *Doctor Caldwell… king at Armes.

ll. 28, 29. *Iohn Parnt founded a chauntry there.

l. 29. Inserts after Wardrobe: I haue not read by whom the same was builded, neither when, or for what cause, but only that

ll. 32, 33. builded … deceased] was lodged there: this house then bearing the name of the King's Wardrobe, in the 5 of E. the 3. The saide Iohn Beauchampe deceased

l. 34 to page 16, l. 2. *His Executors … second of his raigne.

16, ll. 20–4. *On the East side … repaired it.

l. 28. is Darby house] Garter House, so called of the Office there kept by Garter king of Heraults, and other Heraults. This house was

18, ll. 4, 5. *Richard Woodroffe … Randolph Esquire, 1583.

ll. 18–20. *as a place … to Carter lane.

ll. 21–30. The other … house there.] The other Sermon Lane, or Sheremoniers Lane, the reason of their names so giuen, I haue not learned, but I finde Sermon Lane or Sheremoniers Lane, so called in the foureteenth of Edward the first, and a place there, to be called the blacke loft, with foure shops adioyning. I finde also that in the thirteenth of Richard the second, William de la Pole had an house there; it may bee supposed that lane to take name of such as cutte and rounded the plates to be coyned into Esterling pence, for the place of coyning was in the olde Exchaunge neare vnto this.

19, l. 28. as in my Annales I haue expressed.] as in another place I haue at large reported.

20, ll. 15–18. *in place of Peter Colledge … for a Well.

ll. 22, 23. *in the Exchequer … shillinges.

21, ll. 16, 17. *lately replenished with houses builded

22, l. 35 to page 23, l. 4. *Henry the third granted … E. the third the 26. of his raigne

23, ll. 4–7. it was gouerned … the yeare 1423.] this Hospital was since repayred about the yeare 1423, of the goodes and by the executors of Richarde Whittington, sometime Maior of London, and was gouerned by a Maister, and eight brethren, being Priestes for the church, and foure Sisters to see the poore serued.

l. 21 *or Nanfant

l. 22. Lord saint George] Lord Sir George

l. 34 to page 24, l. 13. *thus:
Beholde how ended is … . . . .
and partly do possesse them.

24, l, 16. Sturgeon] Surgeon

25, l. 31. *pryor

26, ll. 32–4. *This priorie … in the yeare 1410.

27, ll. 27, 28. *notwithstanding … of parliament

l. 33. *for such as will giue greate rents.

28, l. 9. Inserts after late: wise and worthy

l. 18. gaue the remnant of the priorie church] gaue it

ll. 21, 22. were put out … parrish church] were once more put out and then all the saide church

l. 31. was performed.] is performed.

l. 31. Inserts after performed: for it is more easie to pul downe then to set vp and builde.

ll. 31, 32. *The parish haue … serue their turne.

29, l. 25 to page 33, l, 22. *For example to note: … for Iustes in Smithfield.

33, l. 27. *and a garden plot.

34, ll. 14, 15. *Next to this Church … Sarasens head.

ll. 29, 30. owne charges … 1500.l.] owne onely charges, (amounting to the summe of 1500. pound) and by him finished.

ll. 38, 39. for so I find, … the sixt.] about the 37. of Henry the sixt.

35, ll. 1–14. *This house was … all reprises, x. s.

ll. 15, 16. so called … of Elye.] commonly called Ely place, for that it pertaineth vnto the Bishops of Ely

ll. 16–20. *William de Luda … Chappell there.

l. 20. More] the which

ll. 21–4. by the name … appeareth by patent, by the name of his Mannor and sixe tenements in Oldeborne to the Church and couent of Ely, as appeareth by pattent of Record

36, l. 22. Robert Yorke.] Roger Yorke

39, ll. 3, 4. Thomas Lord Writhesley … buried 1550.] an Earle of Southampton buried there

l. 18. *William Sydnam … chauntry there.

l. 34. which is of Chauncery] which is the second Inne of Chauncerie

l. 36 to page 40, l. 15. *and was founded … the king in capite.

40, l. 15. also of Chancery] the thirde Inne of Chauncery

ll. 33, 34. *whereof I have spoken in an other place.

41, l. 15. Inserts after 1471: neere vnto Shooe lane.

ll. 32, 33. *Nicholas Coningston … chaunteries there.

l. 36 to page 42, l. 7. *by gift … patent the 3. of Ed. the second.

42, l. 7. After … Robert Clifford] after whose death

l. 17. *but returned againe to the Cliffordes

45, ll. 15–21. Saint Bridges … Grapes and leaues. &c.] S. Bridget or S. Bride (as they terme it) now a fayre church, the which William Venor, Esquier, Warden of the Fleete aboute the yeare 1480, increased with a large body, and side Isles from the Quire (which of olde time was the whole Church) downe to the west end, all through this Church builded of his charges is wrought in the stone worke, round about both within and without, the figure or likenes of a vine, with Clusters of Grapes amongst the leaues &c.

ll. 21–8. *The partition … Chauntries there.

l. 35. Lord Treasurer] one of her Maiesties most honorable Counsaile.

45, l. 35. *who hath … stately buildings.

46, l. 21. were] lye

l. 32. were buried] lye

48, l. 26. Inserts after Warwick: & others in other places

49, l. 20. riding of] riding vpon

51, l. 9. Inserts after ware: twentie miles from London, was the thirde, he died

52, l. 2. fifteene … one shilling.] fifteen in London at 35l., and in the Exchequer at 34l. 10s.

56, ll. 20, 21. *The Abbot of Wauerley had a House there.

57, l. 22. Iohn Gower … Poet] Iohn Gower a learned Gentleman and a famous Poet (but no knight as some haue mistaken it)

ll. 24, 25. *in the chapple … chauntrie, he lieth

l. 33. written] set forth

l. 33 to page 58, l. 16. *and this last … fell downe in the yeare 1469.

58, ll. 29, 30. William Greuill … his wife] Margaret wife to William Greuell Esquire, and

59, l. 1. Inserts after Gower: Poet,

l. 1. *Iohn Duncell, Marchant Taylor, 1516

ll. 2–9. *Thomas Tong … deceased the 24. of May, 1598. &c.

60, l. 1. solde] hath solde

l. 2. or to Marchants] or to certaine Merchants

61, l. 39. Immorth] Imworth

62, ll. 7, 8. *William Brandon … E. the 4.

l. 27. Inserts after thereof: in the raigne of E. the 3.

63, l. 4. And then] Then next haue yee

l. 4. *Theeues lane by S. Thomas Hospitall

ll. 11, 12. But … Canons Regular] This Hospitall was againe new founded, by Peter de Rupibus, Bishop of Winchester, for Cannons Regular

l. 21. Inserts after Abbot: and Couent

l. 30. Inserts after This Hospitall: being in the yeare 1220 made to dispend three hundred fortie foure pound by the yeare.

64, l. 13. remaineth as] remaineth now as it was before

67, ll. 31, 32. *Leofstane … London 1115

70, l. 36. to Wapping in the west] To Wapping in the Woze, and Wapping it selfe

71, ll. 11–13. which runneth south … this lane to] (which runneth South by the Hermitage to Wapping) to

ll. 15–22. and to the Mannor of Shadwell … mile from Radcliffe.] Not farre from thence, of very late where of old time stoode the Mannor of Shadwell, belonging to the Deane of Powles, there haue beene raised many small Tenements towards Radliffe; and Radliffe itselfe hath bin so increased in building Eastward (in place where I haue knowne faire hedges, long rowes of Elme, and other trees) that the same haue now taken hold of Limehurst (or Lime hoste itselfe), commonly called Lime house, sometime distant a mile from Radliffe &c.

71, l. 22 to page 72, l. 5. *Hauing said this much…and so to Blake wal.

72, ll. 6–8. diminished by Merchants … whereof I haue spoken.] diminished, by incrochments for building of small tenements, and taking in of garden plots, timbaryars or what they list.

From this Tower Hill towards Aldegate (being a long continuall streete) amongst other buildings, was that Abbey of Nunnes, called the Minorities, or Minories, whereof I haue spoken. And on the other side of that streete, lyeth the Ditche, without the wall of the Citie, from the Tower vnto Aldegate.

l. 19. other purprestures] other prepesterous like

73, ll. 7, 8. this feate … purchased] this fact, that parish purchased

ll. 9–15. *but I finde in Record…Aldegate of London, &c.

ll. 22, 23. vp to the Barres… Norton fall gate] Thence vp to the Barres and to Norton fall gate

ll. 27, 28. *Stephen Grausend … benefactor therevnto

ll. 28, 29. Louell knight of the Garter] Louell, brought vp in Lincolnes Inne

l. 36. Inserts after and other: And neare therevnto are builded two publique houses for the acting and shewe of Comedies, Tragedies, and Histories, for recreation. Whereof the one is called the Courtein, the other the Theatre: both standing on the Southwest side towards the field.

l. 38. Sewers ditch] Sors Ditche, or Sewers Ditche

74, l. 7. Golding lane] Grubstreete

l. 15. but those houses belong] belonging

ll. 19, 20. a house builded … Berwardes Lane] a fayre house lately builded by the Lorde Iohn Powlet. Next to that, a large house, with gardens of pleasure, builded <by> Iasper Fisher. From this vp to the West ende of Hog Lane

l. 21. then the] Then was the

l. 35. *for a small portion of money

ll. 38, 39. neare as much … purchase] which some thinke to be neare as much, as the houses cost him in the purchase

75, ll. 8–27. sir Iohn Elrington … Harry Yong 1545. (fn. 22)

l. 33. Queene Elizabeth] the Queene that now is

l. 36 to page 76, l. 12. *One note of Shoreditch … Bethelem-Crosse

76, l. 12. and so … that Hospitall] Now will I passe through the Hospitall of S. Mary Bethelem

ll. 30, 31. other the ditches … More ditch] other ditches thereabout

77, l. 19. *whereof I mind not much to argue

78, ll. 11, 12. worse case … inclosure] worse case then euer before it was, by the meanes of inclosure

79, l. 8. *by casualtie of fire

82, ll. 8–16. *and it is to be noted … should be buried.

l. 22. he also gaue them the three Acres] But the three acres

83, l. 7. *Philip Morgan Bishop of Ely, 1434.

85, l. 10. *Iohn Botell

86, ll. 5–23. *And of later time …reparation of that church.

l. 25. houses … namely] houses for Gentlemen and others, are now builded aboute this Priorie, especially

l. 33. *now dammed up.

87, l. 3. Porte Poole] Porte Poole lane

ll. 29, 30. Adioyning … sometime] The same was after

ll. 31, 32. *Robert de Curars … yeare 1147.

88, ll. 2, 3. this old … Lincolnes] this Southampton

l. 14. Inserts after Seale: deceased in the yeare 1578.

ll. 18–27. *This ground he had … Cittie, cart. 11. H. 3.

90, l. 20. Inserts after common lawes: this house was greatly increased with new buildinges.

l. 36. Inserts after conuersorum: Moreouer (saith the same Recorde) in the 20 of Edward the third, the saide king sent commandement vnder his great seale, to the Mayor and Sheriffes of London, willing them to make proclamations in euery Ward of the Citie and suburbes, that all leprous persons, within the saide Citie & suburbes should auoid within fifteen daies, and that no man suffer any such leprose person to abide within his house, vppon paine to forfeite his saide house, and to incur the King's farther displeasure. And that they should cause the saide Lepers to be remoued into some out places of the fieldes, from the haunt or company of all sound people: whereupon it followed that the citizens required of the Gardian of Saynt Giles Hospitall, to take from them and to keepe continually the number of foureteene persons, according to the foundation of Matilde the Queen, which was for Leprose persons of the Citie of London and the shire of Middlesex.

In Margin: Hospitall of S. Giles founded for Leprose persons of the Citie of London and shire of Middlesex. Pattent. All leprose people to be voided the citie & suburbs. W. Dunthorne.

l. 37 to page 91, l. 7. *This Hospitall was founded … Drapers of London, for xxxli.

91, ll. 8–12. prisoners … this life.] prisoners conueyed towards Tyborne, there to be executed, were saluted with a Bowle of Ale, thereof to drinke as their last refreshing in this life.

l. 21. * of Lancaster.

l. 22 to p. 92, l. 7. Next without the Barre … Excester house] Next without the barre and libertie of the citie of London and the liberties of the Dutchy of Lancaster, on the said south side or left hande neere vnto the Riuer of Thames, amongst other buildings memorable for greatnesse, the first was Excester house

92, ll. 9–17. *who was first builder … raigne of Henry the 6, &c.

l. 21. of the Earle of Essex lodging there.] of the late Earle of Essex there inhabiting

l. 26. I haue not read as yet.] I haue not heard nor can coniecture

93, ll. 1–5. *Then was there … enlarging of this house.

ll. 9, 10. *(commonly … Couentrie) his

ll. 10–12. *this house … Edward the first.

l. 34. *mee, for satisfying of some Denyers thereof

95, l. 36 to page 96, l. 1. *where sir Robert Cecill … commoditie of passengers.

96, ll. 1–10. Richard the 2 … on that south side.] And thus far on this South side the high streete is of the libertie of the Dutchy of Lancaster.

Iuie bridge in the high streete hath a way or low going doune vnder it, stretching to the Thames: the like as sometime had the Strand bridge before spoken of.

This whole streete from Temple Bar to the Sauoy was commanded to be paued, and Tole to be taken towards the charges thereof in the 24. yeare of Henry the sixt.

l. 12. Omits *as is afore shewed, is. Inserts: standeth a pair of Stockes and then

ll. 25–26. *but out of … of the Danes.

97, ll. 1–7. *Thus much … Chancerie, &c.

ll. 20–3. *There is in … is 13.s. 4. d.

98, l. 17. the estate.] the estate of England.

l. 19. Inserts after Bedfords house: which is a goodly house.

l. 20. Inserts after Iuy Bridge: ouer against the olde Bedforde house, namely called Russell house and Dacres house, now the house of Sir Thomas Cecile Lorde Burghley,

ll. 22–9. in the liberty … doth yet remaine.] and stretcheth to S. Giles in the fielde. Then had ye the Chappell of our Lady called the Pew, with an house wherein sometime were distraight and Lunatike people.

Amongst other thinges of this Chappel I haue read that on the 17. of Februarie in the yeare of Christ 1452. by negligence of a scholler appointed by his Scholemaister, to put forth the lights of this Chappell, the Image of our Lady, richly decked with Iewels, pretious stones, pearles, and ringes (more then any Ieweller could iudge the price) (for so sayth mine Author) was with all this apparrell, ornamentes and Chapple itselfe brent. (fn. 23)

In Margin: Chappell of our Lady in the Pew, an house belonging to Bethlem. Chappell of our Lady the Pew brent. Iohn Piggot.

l. 37 to page 99, l.5. But in the yeare … to that vse] Of later time king Henry the eight hauing fayre stabling for horses there in the yeare 1534. and the 28. of his raigne, it was burned with many great houses and much hay therein: but it was againe reedified in the raignes of king Edwarde the sixt, and Queene Marie

102, ll. 21–7. *Whereof one … Earle of Lincolne.

l. 36 to page 103, l. 3. *Edward the third, in the 17 … honour of S. Thomas. But

103, l. 33. Inserts after Maltorth: I thinke Custome

104, ll. 11–14. *In the 51 … without any wages.

106, l. 13. Inserts after their annoyance: This church of S. Margaret (which that king Edward builded) continued till the daies of king Edward the first, at what time the staple of Woolles was at Westminster, and then the parishioners and Merchantes of the Staple builded it all of new, the great chancell excepted, which was done by the Abbots of Westminster as is afore shewed. (fn. 24)

l. 16. *whereof … in the foundation

107, ll. 34, 35. *kinges Bench … Iustice of the

108, ll. 23, 24. who gouerned … L. Andrewes.] now Resident.

l. 35. *Hugolyn … the Confessor.

110, l. 4. Inserts after Dawbeny: Earle of Bridgewater OMITS Lord Lieutenant of Callice

l. 14. *elect

l. 15. *sonne to Iohn Baron of Dudley

l. 16. Edward Hungerforde knight] Edmond

ll. 17, 18. *daughter to Alane Buxull knight, 1416.

ll. 19, 20. *sonne to Bourchier … Barnet

l. 21. Iohn Bourchier … Barnet, 1471] the Lord Barons, and both slain at Barnet

l. 23. *Gray

ll. 31, 32. Robert Hawley Esquier] Robert Hall knight

111, l. 17. Francis Howard Countesse of Hertford, 1598] Elizabeth Countesse of Hertford

ll. 20–3. *Sir Henry Cary … stately monument.

112, ll. 16–33. *The parish church of S. Margaret … in the yeare 1499. (fn. 25)

113, l. 36. Inserts after in the accounts: The like commaundement, the said king Henry gaue to Hugh Gifford and William Browne, that vpon Fryday next after the Epiphany, they should cause to be fed in the great Hal of Windsor, at a good fire, all the poore and needy children that could be found, and the kings children, being waighed and measured, their weight and measure to be distributed for their good estates. (fn. 26)

114, ll. 18–24. *Also the Maior … assise and warde.

116, ll. 3, 4. *Iohn Boterell … workes.

l. 24. Inserts after Fabian: the Chronickler

119, l. 1. high treasurer.] high Treasurer of England

120, ll. 11–13. *King Iohn … Westminster, &c.

ll. 26–9. *since vsually rung … in the towne.

l. 29. More, that … written] about the biggest of which (as I haue beene informed) was written

l. 34 to page 121, l. 8. *But these Bels … Thirtie six thousand shall find me.

121, ll. 17–33. *By this chappel of S. Stephen… Edward the fifth, &c. (fn. 27)

123, l. 9. Inserts before erected: first practized and

ll. 11–15. *William Caxton … monasteries.

l. 32 to page 124, l. 2. *In the yeare of Christ… the first dinner.

125, l. 11. *saith some.

ll. 17–27. *more then this as followeth … receiued here.

ll. 27–9. And now … There remaineth] But to my matter of our London Bishops as I finde it written: First, there remaineth

126, l. 17. the foureteenth, fledde] the fourteenth and the last for he fled

128, l. 4. Inserts before in the Isle: at Crotsey

l. 9. Inserts after Paule: on the eighteenth kallendes of December

l. 30. Heatbright] Hutbright

129, ll. 7, 8. but there … of them.] but there remaineth memories there

ll. 27, 28. Robert … 7 yeares] Robert Bishop of London, 7 yeares a monk of Gement, in Normandie:

ll. 35, 36. and appeareth… Paules church.

131, l. 14. * or aboue

l. 37 to page 132, l. 7. *He admonished … infected therewithall.

132, l. 10. *coped

ll. 17, 18. *or aboue

ll. 18, 19. *close at … Fauconbridge.

l. 33. *since I kept house for

133, l. 15. Bentworth] Wentworth or Bentworth

l. 31. Chancellour] Lord Chancellour

l. 34. Treasurer of the Exchequer] Treasurer of England

l. 37. in Powles … aultar.] at S. Bartilmewes Pryorie in Smithfield.

134, ll. 8, 9. the kings Chancellor] Lord Chancellour

135, l. 17. * and the tombe was taken downe.

136, l. 5. Inserts after Stebunheth: otherwise called Stebinhith

l. 6. Inserts after Stebunheth: or Stebinhith

ll. 6, 7. * with al and singular … belonging

ll. 16, 17. for … seruice] for his good seruice

ll. 18–20. with all … Hackney way] and the landes in

ll. 29–31. *to be holden … knights fee.

137, l. 18. saint Thomas] S. Georges

ll. 23–5. consecrated … yeare 1598] nowe sitteth Bishop of London in this yeare 1598

140, l. 14. Alde Mary church. New Mary Church, or Mary le Bow.]
St. Mary Aldmary Church.
S. Mary Bow at the North corner of Cordwayner street

l. 25. *Vpwell

141, l. 20. by Paules] by Paules gate

143, ll. 6, 7. *a Cathedral church … Westminster and

145, l. 9. *to the number of —.

146, ll. 15–33. * also the citizens (fn. 28)of the superiors, &c.

l. 37. *God and

148, ll. 8–15. Godfrey Portgraue … God you keepe.] Godfrey Portgraue and to all the Burgesses of the Citie of London, in as large forme as they enioyed the same in the time of K. Edward before the conquest.

ll. 20, 21. *buried at Bermondsey.

149, l. 18. of Maiors as followeth.] of Maior I finde as followeth.

151, ll. 7–9. * Walter Brune … saint Mary Spittle.

153, l. 29. *patent xi. Henry 3.

ll. 32–5. *The liberties … common seale.

154, l. 16. Inserts under date 1235: this yeare Walter Brune citizen of London, and Rosia his wife, founded S. Mary Spittle without Bishopsgate.

155, ll. 6–9. *Gerard Bat was … precedent yeare.

ll. 23, 24. *Queene Hith … of London.

158, ll. 5–7. *This Alen … Earle of Surrey.

ll. 18, 19. C. Hugh … Tower.] M. Hugh Fitz Thomas.

159, l. 10. *at London.

164, ll. 14–17. *More hee graunted by his letters … for his time.

165, ll. 12–14. *The king graunted … kings armes.

ll. 23, 24. The price … Gallon.] The price of Gascone Wines at London, not to bee solde aboue foure pence the gallon, and Renish wine sixe pence the gallon.

168, l. 37. *or Skinner, as I find in record.

171, ll. 32, 33. Winter … Candlemasse.] Winter eueninges.

172, ll. 2–11. * this William Seuenoke … which was graunted

177, l. 1. *euerie Sergeant to haue his yeoman

179, ll. 2–5. *the king made … Black Hith field.

ll. 22–5. *hee was sworne … redressed them.

180, l. 1. *Marchant taylor, after of Counsell to Henrie the eight.

182, ll. 13–15. *The fore named Shiriffes … them againe.

186, ll. 12–20. *1599. The 41 … Robert Lee, Marchant taylor.

l. 26. *Iames Dalton

l. 29, to page 195, l. 26. but hee being now … to trauell further in this Worke.

204, ll. 23–5. in rewarde … were knighted] in memory and reward of which seruice the Cittie had a Daggar added to their shielde of Armes, and the Maiors haue beene most commonly sithens knighted.

In Margin: After the common opinion of men of late times. (fn. 29)

218, l. 4. 400 yeares] three hundred yeares


  • 1. Writen, Tanner MS. 464.
  • 2. The whole section Of Charitable Alms in old times given is thus an insertion in the edition of 1603, being expanded from the original conclusion of the previous section as given above. Some part of it appeared elsewhere in 1598. Cf. p. 265 below.
  • 3. Harley MS. 538, Lord of Rowels.
  • 4. Harley MS. 538, 'as they tearmed it'; see p. 292 below.
  • 5. See i. 110 above.
  • 6. For reading of Harley MS. 538 see p. 302 below.
  • 7. The better from: see Cal. Wills, ii. 650–1
  • 8. See p. 311 below.
  • 9. See pp. 311–2 below.
  • 10. For the longer account in the edition of 1603 see vol. i. p. 268.
  • 11. Compare vol. i. p. 270 above.
  • 12. In the margin, Seruice Tower by Walbrook.
  • 13. Compare the paralled passaged of the 1603 edition on i. 264, 268.
  • 14. Much of this passage appears elsewhere in the first edition, see pp. 249–51, 254.
  • 15. See, however, the parallel passage in the 1598 edition on p. 249 above.
  • 16. This differs a good deal from the parallel passage in the 1603 edition: see i. 264–5.
  • 17. In the 1603 edition this is expanded into the long account of the Jewry under Coleman Street Ward: see i. 278–81.
  • 18. Cf. the passage at the top of this page.
  • 19. On this see i. 204 and ii. 245 above.
  • 20. The paragraph In the yeare 1599, &c., (i. 267) is of course an addition of the 1603 edition.
  • 21. Cf. p. 353 for the original draft of the story of Gerard the Giant.
  • 22. This insertion in the text of 1603 explains the ungrammatical sentence 'Notwithstanding that,' &c.
  • 23. Cf. corresponding passage of 1603 edition on ii. 121.
  • 24. Cf. vol. li. p. 112, for parallel passage in 1603 edition.
  • 25. Cf. parallel passage above.
  • 26. Cf. vol. i. p. 90 above.
  • 27. See p. 264 above.
  • 28. In the 1598 edition there is no stop at 'city' and a full stop after 'at that time'.
  • 29. The explanation of Stow's tampering with his friend's original text is to be found on i. 221 above. The marginal note was no doubt Stow's own.