A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Originally published by Clarendon, Oxford, 1908.
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John Stow, 'Bridgewarde within', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603, ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp211-216 [accessed 30 January 2025].
John Stow, 'Bridgewarde within', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Edited by C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online, accessed January 30, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp211-216.
John Stow. "Bridgewarde within". A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online. Web. 30 January 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/survey-of-london-stow/1603/pp211-216.
Bridge warde within
Bridgewarde within.; Bridge streete or new Fishstreet.
Bridgeward within, so called of London Bridge, which Bridge is a principall part of that Ward, and beginneth at the stulpes on the South end by Southwarke, runneth along the Bridge, and North vp Bridgestreete, commonly called (of the Fishmarket) New Fishstreete, from Fishstreete hil, vp Grasse streete, to the North corner of Grasse church, all the Bridge is replenished on both the sides with large, fayre and beautifull buildinges, inhabitants for the most part rich marchantes, and other wealthy Citizens, Mercers and Haberdashers.
In new Fishstreete bee Fishmongers and fayre Tauernes on Fishstreete hill and Grassestreete, men of diuerse trades, Grocers and Haberdashers.
Water Conduit in Grassestreete.
In Grassestreete haue yee one fayre Conduit of sweete water castellated with crest and vent, made by the appoyntment of Thomas Hill Mayor, 1484. who gaue by his testament one hundred markes, towardes the conuayance of water to this place. It was begun by his Executors in the yeare 1491. and finished of his goods whatsoeuer it cost.
Parish church of S. Magnus.
On the East side of this Bridge warde, haue yee the fayre Parrish Church of S. Magnus, in the which church haue beene buried many men of good Worship, whose monumentes are now for the most part vtterly defaced. I find Iohn Blund Mayor, 1307. Henry Yeuele Freemason to E. 3 Richard the 2. & Henry the 4. who deceased 1400. his Monument yet remayneth. William Brampton, Iohn Michell Mayor, 1436. Iohn French, Baker, Yeoman of the Crowne to Henry the 7. 1510. Roberte Clarke Fishmonger 1521. Richard Turke one of the Shiriffs 1549. William Steede Alderman, Richard Morgan Knight, chiefe Iustice of the common pleas, (fn. 2), 1556. Mauritius Griffeth Bishoppe of Rochester, 1559. Robert Blanch Girdler 1567. Robert Belgraue Girdler, William Brame, Iohn Couper Fishmonger, Alderman, who was put by his turn of Maoraltie, 1584. Sir William Garrard Haberdasher, Mayor I555. a graue, sober, wise and discreete Cittizen, equall with the best, and inferior to none of our time, deceased 1571. in the parrish of S. Christopher, but was buried in this Church of Saint Magnus as in the parrish where he was borne, a fayre monument is there raysed on him: Robert Harding Salter, one of the Shiriffs 1568. Simon Low Marchant Taylor, Esquier, &c.
Parish church of S. Margaret vpon fish street hill.
Then is the parrish Church of S. Margaret on Fishstreete hill, a proper Church, but monumentes it hath none: a foot way passeth by the south side of this Church, from Fishstreet hill into Rother lane.
Parish church of S. Leonarde Milke church.
Vp higher on this hill, is the parrish Church of Saint Leonard Milke Churche, so termed of one William Melker, an especiall builder thereof, but commonly called Saint Leonardes in East Cheape, because it standeth at East Cheape corner. Monumentes there bee of the Doggets, namely, Walter Dogget Vintner, one of the Shiriffes, 1380. Iohn Dogget Vintner and Allice his wife, about 1456. this Iohn Dogget gaue lands to that Church, William Dogget, &c.
This Church, and from thence into little East Cheape to the east end of the saide Church, is of the Bridge Warde.
Grasse church of S. Benet. Grasse church.
Then higher in Grasse streete is the parrish Church of Saint Bennet, called Grasse Church, of the Herbe market there kept: this Church also is of the Bridge Warde, and the farthest North end thereof: some Monumentes remayne there vndefaced, as of Iohn Harding Saltar, 1576. Iohn Sturgeon Haberdasher, Chamberlaine of London, Philip Cushen Florentine, a famous marchant, 1600.
Customes of Grasse street market.
The Customes of Grasse church market, in the raigne of Edward the third, as I haue reade in a Booke of Customes, were these: Euery Forren Cart laden with corne, or Maulte, comming thether to bee sold, was to pay one halfe peny, euery Forren cart bringing cheese two pence, euery cart of corne & cheese together, (if the cheese be more worth then the corne) two pence, and if the corne bee more worth then the cheese, it was to paye a halfe peny, of two horses laden with corne or malte, the Bayliffe had one Farthing, the cart of the Franchise of the temple and of Saint Martins le grand, payed a Farthing: the cart of the Hospitall of Saint Iohn of Ierusalem paid nothing for their proper goods, and if the corne were brought by Marchants to sel againe, the load paid a halfepennie, &c.
Thames streete Stockfishmonger row.; Ebgate lane.; Fishmongers hall.
On the west side of this ward, at the north end of London bridge is a part of Thames streete, which is also of this warde, to wit, so much as of old time was called Stockefishmonger Row, of the stockefishmongers dwelling there, downe west to a water gate, of old time called Ebgate, since Ebgate lane, and now the olde swan, which is a common stayre on the Thames, but the passage is very narrow by meanes of encrochments. On the South side of Thames streete, about the midway betwixt the bridge foote, and Ebgate lane, standeth the Fishmongers hall, and diuerse other fair houses for marchants.
Antiquities of the fishmongers, 1290.; A triumphant shew made by the fishmongers for victorie of the king.;Fishmongers had six hals in London.Fishmongers sixe of them Maiors in 24. yeares.; Fishmongers for their gretetings enuied of the other companies.; Nicholas Exton for the Fishmongers craued the kings protection.; Iohn Cauendish craued the peace against the Chancellor, chalengeth him for taking of a bribe.; Fishmongers by Parliament restored to their liberties.
These Fishmongers were sometimes of two seuerall companies, to wit, Stockefishmongers, and Saltfishmongers, of whose antiquitie I reade, that by the name of Fishmongers of London, they were for forestalling, &c. contrarie to the lawes and constitutions of the Citie, fined to the king at 500. markes, the I8. of king Edward the first. More, that the said Fishmongers, hearing of the great victorie obtained by the same king against the Scots, in the 26. of his raigne, made a triumphant and solemne shew through the Citie, with diuerse Pageants, and more then 1000. horsemen, &c. as in the Chapter of sports and pastimes. These two companies of Stockfishmongers and Saltfishmongers, of old time had their seuerall Hals, to wit, in Thames streete twaine, in newe Fishstreete twaine, and in olde Fishstreete twaine: in each place one for either companie, in all sixe seuerall halles, the companie was so great, as I haue read, and can proue by Recordes. These Fishmongers hauing beene iolly Citizens, and sixe Maiors of their companie in the space of 24. yeares, to wit, Walter Turke, 1350. Iohn Lofkin, 1359. Iohn Wroth, 1361. Iohn Pechie, 1362. Simon Morden, 1369. and William Walworth, 1374. It followed that in the yeare 1382. through the counsell of Iohn Northampton Draper then being Maior, William Essex, Iohn More Mercer, and Richard Northburie, the sayde Fishmongers were greatly troubled, hindered of their liberties, and almost destroyed by congregations made against them, so that in a Parliament at London the controuersie depending betweene the Maior and Aldermen of London, and the Fishmongers there, Nicholas Exton speaker for the Fishmongers, prayeth the king to receiue him and his companie into his protection, for feare of corporall hurt. Wherevpon it was commanded, either part to keepe the peace, on paine of loosing all they had. Herevpon a Fishmonger starting vp, replyed that the complaint brought against them by the moouers, &c. was but matter of malice, for that the Fishmongers in the raigne of Edward the third, being chiefe officers of the Citie, had for their misdemeaners then done, committed the chiefe exhibitors of those petitions to prison. In this parliament, the Fishmongers by the kings Chartar patents were restored to their liberties: notwithstanding in the yeare next following, to wit, 1383. Iohn Cauendish Fishmonger, craueth the peace against the Chauncellor of England, which was granted, and he put in sureties, the Earles of Stafford and Salisburie, Cauendish chalengeth the Chauncellor for taking of a bribe of ten pound for fauour of his case, which the Chauncellor by oath vpon the Sacrament auoydeth. In further triall it was found that the Chauncellors man without his maisters priuitie had taken it. Whereupon Cauendish was adiudged to prison, and to pay the Chauncellor 1000. Markes for slandering him.
Principall aduersaries to the Fishmongers condemned to perpetuall prison.; Patent.; Stock fishmongers and Salt fishmongers vnited. Sir Iohn Cornwall created baron Fan hope the 6. of H. the 6. Fishmongers ioyned in amitie with the Goldsmiths. W.walworth slandered by a fable of Iack Straw. T. Walsingham.; H.Kniton. Lib. Ebor.
After this many of the Nobles assembled at Reding, to suppresse the seditious sturs of the said Iohn Northampton or Combarton, late Maior, that had attempted great and heynous interprises, of the which he was conuict, and when he stoode mute, nor would vtter one worde, it was decreed, that hee should be committed to perpetuall prison, his goods confiscate to the kings vse, and that he should not come within one hundred miles of London during his life. He was therefore sent to the Castell of Tintegall in the confines of Cornewall, and in the meane space the kinges seruants spoyled his goodes. Iohn More, Richard Northbery, and other, were likewise there conuict, and condemned to perpetuall prison, and their goods confiscate, for certaine congregations by them made against the Fishmongers in the Citie of London, as is aforesayd, but they obtained and had the kings pardon, in the 14.of his raigne as appeareth of Record, and thus was all these troubles quieted. Those Stockfishmongers, & Saltfishmongers, were vnited in the year 1536, the 28. of Henrie the eight, their hal to be but one, in the house giuen vnto them by sir Iohn Cornwall, Lord Fanhope, and of Ampthull, in the parish of saint Michael in Crooked lane, in the raigne of Henrie the sixt. Thus much haue I thought good to note of the Fishmongers, men ignorant of their Antiquities, not able to shew a reason why, or when they were ioyned in amitie with the Goldsmiths, do giue part of their armes, &c. Neither to say ought of sir William Walworth, the glorie of their companie, more then that he slue Iacke Straw, which is a meere fable, for the said Straw was after ouerthrown of the Rebels, taken, and by iudgement of the Maior beheaded, whose confession at the Gallowes is extant in my Annales, where also is set down the most valiant, and praise-worthie act of William Walworth, against the principall rebell Waltar Tighlar. As in reproose of Walworths monument in Saint Michaels Church I haue declared, and wished to be reformed there, as in other places.
Drinkwater wharse, and fish wharfe.; Crooked lane.; Edward the blacke prince.
On that south side of Thames streete, haue ye Drinkwater warfe, and Fish Wharse in the parish of saint Magnus. On the North side of Thames streete is Saint Martins lane, a part of which lane is also of this ward, to wit, on the one side to a well of water, and on the other side as farre vp as against the said well. Then is Saint Michaels lane, part whereof is also of this warde vp to a Well there, &c. Then at the vpper end of new fishstreete, is a lane turning towards S. Michaels lane, and is called Crooked lane, of the croked windings thereof. Aboue this lanes end, vpon Fishstreet hill is one great house, for the most part builded of stone, which pertained sometime to Ed. the black prince, son to Ed. the 3. who was in his life time lodged there. It is now altered to a common hosterie, hauing the blacke bell for a signe: Aboue this house at the top of Fishstreet hil is a turning into great Eastcheape, and so to the corner of Lombardstreet, ouer against the northwest corner of Grasse church, & these be the whole bounds of this Bridgeward within: the which hath an Alderman, and his deputie, for the common counsell 16. Constables 15. Scauengers 6. for the wardmote inquest 16. & a Beedle. It is taxed to the 15. in Lon. at 47.1.