Hospitals in this Citie and suburbs

A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Originally published by Clarendon, Oxford, 1908.

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John Stow, 'Hospitals in this Citie and suburbs', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603, ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online [accessed 6 March 2025].

John Stow, 'Hospitals in this Citie and suburbs', in A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Edited by C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online, accessed March 6, 2025,

John Stow. "Hospitals in this Citie and suburbs". A Survey of London. Reprinted From the Text of 1603. Ed. C L Kingsford (Oxford, 1908), British History Online. Web. 6 March 2025.

Hospitals in this Cittie, and Suburbes thereof, that haue beene of old time, and now presently are, I reade of these as followeth.

An hospital for frensie people in Tower street ward.

Hospital of saint Mary in the parish of Barking church, that was prouided for poore priests, and others, men and women in the Citty of London, that were falled into frensie or losse of their memory, vntill such time as they should recouer, was since suppressed and giuen to the Hospitall of saint Katherine by the Tower.

S. Anthonies in Brodesstreete warde.

S. Anthonies, an Hospitall of 13. Poore men and colledge, with a free schoole, for poore mens children, founded by Cittizens of London, lately by Iohn Tate, first a Brewer & then a Mercer, in the Warde of Brodestreete, suppressed in the raigne of Edward the sixt, the schoole in some sorte remayning, but sore decayed.

S. Bartilmew in Smithfielde.

S. Bartlemew in Smithfield, an Hospitall of great receipt, and reliefe for the poore, was suppressed by Henry the eight, and againe by him giuen to the Citty, and is endowed by the Cittizens beneuolence.

S. Giles in the fields.

S. Giles in the fieldes was an Hospitall for leprose people out of the Citty of London and shire of Middlesex, founded by Matilde the Queene, wife to Henry the I, and suppressed by K. Henry the eight.

S. Iohn of Ierusalem for defence of the Rhodes.

S. Iohn of Ierusalem by Westsmithfield, an Hospitall of the Knightes of the Rhodes, for maintenance of soldiers against the Turkes and Infidels, was suppressed by king Henry the 8.

S. Iames in the field.

S. Iames in the field was an Hospitall for leprouse virgines of the citty of London, founded by cittizens for that purpose, and suppressed by king Henry the 8.

S. Iohns at Sauoy.

S. Iohn at Sauoy, an Hospitall for reliefe of one hundreth poor people, founded by Henry the seuenth, suppressed by Edwarde the sixt. Againe new founded, indowed and furnished by Queene Mary, and so remayneth.

S. Katheren by the Tower.

S. Katherine by the Tower of London, an Hospitall with a Maister, Brethren, and sisters and Almes women, founded by Matilde wife to King Stephen, not suppressed, but in force as afore.

Elsing Spittle

S. Mary within Criplesgate, an Hospitall founded by William Elsing, for an hundred blind people of the cittie, was suppressed by king Henry the eight.

S. Mary Bethlem.

S. Mary Bethelem without Bishopsgate was an Hospitall, founded by Simon Fitzmary a Cittizen of London to haue beene a Priory, and remayneth for lunaticke people, being suppressed and giuen to Christs Hospitall.

S. Mary Spittle.

S. Mary without Bishopsgate was an Hospitall and Priorie, called S. Mary Spittle, founded by a cittizen of London, for reliefe of the poore, with prouision of 180. beddes there for the poore: it was suppressed in the raigne of King Henry the eight.

S. Mary Rounsiuall.

S. Mary Rounceuall by Charing crosse, was an Hospital suppressed with the Priories Aliens, in the raigne of king Henry the fifte, then was it made a brotherhoode in the fifteenth of Edward the fourth, and again suppressed by king Edward the sixt.

S. Thomas of Acon.

S. Thomas of Acres in Cheape was an Hospitall for a Master and brethren (in the Record called Militia): it was surrendred and sold to the Mercers.

S. Thomas in Southwarke.

S. Thomas in Southwarke being an Hospitall of great receite for the poore, was suppressed, but againe newly founded and indowed by the beneuolence and charitie of the cittizens of London.

Hospital without Aldersgate.

An Hospitall there was without Aldersgate, a cell to the house of Cluny, of the Frency order, suppressed by King Henry the fift.

Hospitall without Criplesgate. Hospitall in Oldborne.

An Hospitall without Criplesgate, also a like Cell to the saide house of Cluny, suppressed by king Henry the 5.

A third Hospitall in Oldborne, being also a Cell to the saide house of Clunny, suppressed by king Henry the 5.

Gods house at Whittington Colledge.

The Hospitall or Almes house called Gods house, for thirteene poore men, with a colledge called Whitington colledge, founded by Richard Whitington Mercer, and suppressed; but the poor remaine, and are paid their allowance by the Mercers.

Christs Hospitall.

Christs Hospitall in Newgate market of a new foundation in the Grey Fruers church by king Heny the eight: poor fatherless children be there brought vp and nourished at the charges of the cittizens, to the number of —.

Hospitall of Bridewell.

Bridewell, now an Hospitall (or house of correction) founded by king Edward the sixt, to be a Workehouse for the poore and idle persons of the Citty, wherein a great number of vagrant persons be now set a worke, and relieued at the charges of the cittizens. Of all these Hospitals, being twenty in number, you may reade before in their seuerall places, as also of good and charitable prouisions made for the poore, by sundrie well disposed Cittizens.