Roger Whitley's Diary: November 1684

Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.

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'Roger Whitley's Diary: November 1684', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711, ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online [accessed 13 March 2025].

'Roger Whitley's Diary: November 1684', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Edited by Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025,

"Roger Whitley's Diary: November 1684". Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025.

November 1684

Nov 1st. Satorday, Mr Jones came to me about hyring a house; I stayd with him all morning dined with my daughter (with Minshall &c.); ended the businesse with Clark, the taylor by the assistance of Minshall and Jones; went not out that day.

2 .Sonday, dined at my daughter (Roger Minshall and elder Kent with us); went in the evening to Mr Jones cellar (to meete le Pine but he came not interl); met there Sir Thomas Duppa, Sir Harry Pragers, Coling, and Maxfield; dranck 2 bottles, left them there; went back to the Sunne where was Minshall and Morgan Whitley; sent the coach home with my daughter; dranck one bottle, so home.

3. Monday, Hilman came to me with patternes; I went to Mr Mosier, dined with my daughters; Mr Lewes, Nickley & Dudley dined with me; went to Humfreys chamber; to Mr le Pine at Mr Peters office; met Minshall at Castle Taverne, went to the Sunne where was Lewes; Sir Samuel Dashwood, his ? Greson Wrigley? Dudley, Mr Lewes, Mr Whitley, a man of Wickam & Minshall; parted about 10.

[fo. 21r]

4. Tuesday went to Westminster, dined with Henshaw and Minshall at the Castle; after dinner Mr Turton came; stayd till past 5; then came Sir Edward Wood; he, Minshall and I stayd till past 8; thence came to daughter's lodgings, then home.

5. Wednesday, Mr Jones, Roger's coachman were with me, Cosens the barber to trimme me; a periwig maker towards the Strand but I would not buy his periwig (he had been with me the day before) I stayd within all morning dined with my daughter &c;. Mr Minshall and Mr Baskervile to us after dinner to give account of Mr Oneby's house & to appointe a meeting with him next day; Saladine and Jones came to visit me; I went at night with Minshall, drank a pint of wine and parted; I supd with my daughter, then went home.

6. Thursday, I stayd within all morning. had no company; went (about 12) to meete Mr Oneby at Garroway's where was also Mr Mitton, Mr Baskervile and Sir William Gulston; we went thence to a taverne in Lumbar Streete to discourse of taking Oneby's house; we parted betwixt 1 and 2; I went into Duncombe's shop; saluted him, Mr Pitte and Mr Kent; also Captaine Shales desiring him to be examined in my cause; went home to dinner; thence to Mr Oneby's house (at 4) where was Mitton at tables and many others (strangers to me) all but Baskervile, I viewed the house; drank 4 glasses of wine; went thence to Baskervile's, thence to a taverne in King Streete with Baskervile, Mr Deane and Minshall of Chester; stayd till past 9; went thence to daughter's lodging where was Morgan Whitley; supt and thence home about 11.

7. Friday, I went to see Mr Dorisla, then to Mr Trenche's house; dined with my daughter; went in the evening to Humphrey's and Peters; retorned about 6; met Mr Lewes, Sir Samuel Dashwood and his brother at the Sunne Taverne, Mr Scotto came to us, stayd awhile, also one Mr Paine (a stranger to me) and Morgan Whitley; we had a barrell of oysters; with the 2 sisters behinde the bar. I went to my daughter about 10, then home.

8. Saterday, one came to me about Mrs Marbery's business (a stranger to me), I called on Minshall, went to Westminster; discoursed with Sir Robert Clayton, Fauche, Bretland (about Marbery's business), Mr Ashurst, Mr Waring, Mr Williams, Humfreys &c; dined at home, Minshall, Lewes, Baskervile, Deane and Thomas Minshall with me; they parted before 5; then came Whitley of Shotton; discoursed me and Minshall about his businesse; they went away; I stayd at daughter's lodgings all the evening. Morgan Whitley supt with us; I went home a little past 10. was trimmed.

9. Sonday, I stayd at home al morning, dined with daughter (Morgan Whitley and his brother John) with us; went after dinner to St Hellens; after sermon to Mr Pages (his daughter and husband there); thence I went to daughter; found Lady Gulston there; left herand went to Sir Thomas Player, stayd awhile with him, and Mr Winstanley; went to the Sunne, to Mr Lewes; Mr Geratt watch maker, was with him and Morgan Whitley; then came Minshall & a stranger with him; we sup't and parted past 10 and I went directly home;.

10 Monday, I stayd at home all morning, dined with my daughter; Mr Zouch came to visit me in the afternoone; discoursed of Mr Frowde, the suite in the Exchequer; Mr Parsons; Mr Petin and Heskett &c. he parted before 4; I went then to Humfreys & Peters, soe back to the Sunne where was Lewes, Abraham Dashwood, Francis Dashwood & Morgan Whitley. we went thence to the Bullhead; Mr Baskervile came to us; we parted about 10 and I went home.

11. Tuesday I viewed Mr Bovery's house; dined at home, Minshall with me; went at 4 o'clock to Mr Kent to speake with him and his brother about the stables, Minshall with me, thence to Mr Jones; met Sir Edward Wood and Morgan Whitley there; parted before 8; went to daughter then home past 10.

12. Wednesday Mrs Jones came to see me; she and Minshall dined with us at daughter's; in the evening I went to Humfreys, then to Mr Gulston; discoursed him about Egerton's statute & my Exchequer suite; he offered his service; I left him past 6; went to the Mayrmayd in Cornhill; there was Mr Millington, Cannon, Lee, Sitwell; then came Ayly, Sir John Turner, Bovery & Yong we parted past 10.

[fo. 21v]

13. Tuesday Mr Jones came to me about a house, also Mr Lee; he & Minshall dined with us; I went in the evening with daughter to Lady Woods there was Mrs Gant; we stayd about ½ an houer; went back before 7; stayd with daughter till 10 then home.

14. Friday, cosen Whitley of Shotton came to me, to desire me speake to his aunt about his concernes; I went with Mr Millington to Garroways coffee house; met there Mr Holmeley, Mr Henshaw, (Sir Samuel Dashwood. Scotto &c interl); I dined with Mr Olwyn where was Sir Harrry Capell, Sir Thomas Player & Mr Moyses; we parted past 5; I went to my daughter, thence (with Minshall) to the Sunne where was Mr Lewes, Mr Wilson (a stranger) Mr Paine; then came Mr Nokes, one Rawlins & Morgan Whitley; we parted past 10; I went to my daughter & thence home.

15. Satorday, Mr Kent came to give me a account of Thanet-house; discoursed of my sonnes concernes; (Houseman in the room), stayd about a quarter of an houer &c; I dined with my daughter; Mr Lewes came in (when we were at dinner) & dined with us; I went in the evening to Peters & Humfreys; retorned to daughter (was trimmed there) went home.

16. Sonday, stayd at home in the morning. dined with daughter, Morgan Whitley with us; went to St Hellen's church; called at Mr Vanhams (he was abroad); called at cosen Humfreys, brought my daughter to cosen Fairefax; went to Lord. Maxfield's, found him at Mr Sackviles; stayd there about ½ an houer; retorned to cosen Fairefax; stayd 1/2 an houer with him & his wife; soe home with my daughters, supt; went to my lodgings.

17. Monday, brother Peter came to me, stayd 1./2 an houer; dined with me & Mr Lewes & Minshall; in the evening I went to Peters & Humfreys; thence to the Castle taverne to meete Sir Edward Wood & Mr Shales; discoursed my businesse to them &c; before 8 Mr Lewes came to us, after him Morgan Whitley; we parted about 10; I went to my daughter then home.

18. Tuesday, Mr Rawlins was with me about the money Roger owed him; afterwards came Mr Jayson, (on the same errand) and one White, his attorney with him; . I dined with daughter; went in the evening to Mr Humfreys; called at the Sunne; stayd there with brother Peter, Mr Geratt, Dorisla, Morgan Whitley, Mr Lewes (for a while) I left them a little past 10; went home.

19. Wednesday, I went to Westminster; went to Sir Andrew Foresters house in Sherwood Streete in Pickadilly to speak about the Black Box; retorned & dined at Pontack's with Sir Edward Wood, Mr Shales, Lewes, Minshall & Abraham Dashwood; called at Jonathans coffee house; with Sir Edward Wood & Dashwood; went with Sir Edward Wood & Shales to visit Sir Paul Neale; brought them both home; called at the Sunne, stayd there with Minshall, Geratt; Lewes, Morgan & Mr Cook till 11; Mr Lewes payd his fines; went home to bed.

20. Thursday, cosen Kirks came to me to borrowe money; (the barber trimmed me); Mr Booth, attorney came to me about Marsh, his money; I sent Houseman to the Sheriffs office with Robinson's money; met Taylor & White at the doore; apointed them to meete me at night; (I saw cosen Morgan at daughters lodgings interl); I dined with Sir Paul Neale, Sir Edward Wood, & Mr Shepheard with us; went thence about 3 (left Mrs Porter there), went home & thence to the Halfe Moone in Grations Streete past 5; found Dorisla, Gerratt & Vermuden there; then came Abraham Dashwood & Minshall; I went to the next roome (with Minshall) to speake with Taylor & White; I gave Taylor a note to pay 124 li.1st of Jan; he gave me a discharge for Roger; promised to deliver up the bond in a day or 2 & to make out the debt or come to a discount; left them presently; parted with the other company before 10; went home.

21. Friday, Pickmore came to me, gave me account of his masters goods, horses &c; I dined with my daughter; went to Humfreys chamber then to Sir Thomas Player, saw him, Mr Winstanley & his wife; called at Sir Robert Clayton's; saw his brother; then supt with my daughter & went home past 10. .

22. Satorday, I dined with my daughter, Minshall with us; I stayd at her lodging & my owne all that day.

23. Sonday, went to Parish church, dined with my daughter, Minshall with us; Lumley came to me after dinner to tell Mr Halford would see me the next day; went to St Hellens church went home with Vanham then to Humpfreys then brought daughter to Lady Woods then to Lord Maxfield (with Minshal) then to Mr Jones in Scotland Yard were there were Sir Thomas Duppa, Mr Coling, Rogers, Maxfield; Sir Edward. Wood came to us; Mr Egan. (stayd not) then Mr Coling's sonne in law; parted about 9 went home with my daughter [fo. 22r] 24. Monday, cosen Kirks and her daughter came to borrow money, I dined with daughter, after dinner brother Peter and Mr Jones came; after them Sir Michael Biddolph; I went to speake with Mr Duncombe drank a bottle of wine with him; discoursed about my suite &c. used these expressions; viz it troubled me to be begd and fleeced by other people; would lay all I had at the King's feete; I hope I never gave him just cause of offence; if I have, I humbly beg his pardon; I would always obey him, in all just and lawfull things; his Majesty is soe gratious he will never command other; and I would never oppose him &c; he mentioned Lord Sonderland to move the King &c asked if I would 5,000li. or 4,000li. I said I would make a present of 2,000li.or 3,000li. to be quiete& that I might live peaesbley under the King's protection and the laws; we discoursed those matters; one Mr Willmot (I think of Harfordshire) was below; Mr Duncombe sent for him up; told me he was a high flowne Tory; he used severall passionate expressions against Mr Hays jury &c; we drank a bottle of wine, I was weary and would stay no longer; left them together; went to daughter Biddolph; where was Sir Michael and Minshall; we supt together, then came Mr Humfreys; he and Minshall went away together; and I home to bed.

25. Tuesday, I went to Westminster, dined with daughter and Sir Michael; went to Sir Andrew Forester and Sir St. Fox and Lady Wood; called on Mr Kent; drank a bottle with Sir Edward Wood, Maxwell and Mr Stroude and Mr Gilby at the cellar; so to daughters then to bed.

26.Wednesday, Mr Halford came to me (and one Mr Mason about money, Roger owed him) I dined with daughter; Sir Michael, Minshall, Roger and brother with us; I went at 4 to Dr. Taylor; stayed about 1\2 houer; discoursed my businesse; he promised his answer on Monday evening. I went to the 3 Tun Taverne in Wood Streete to meete Mr Oneby about his house; there was with him Mr Mitton, the Common Serjeant and 2 others, (strangers to me) I stayed neare 1/2 hour; then went to another roome to Sir Michael Biddolph; Mr Oneby came to us and Mr Baskervile and afterwards Mr Oneby's brother in law from one of the other company; we discoursed our businesse; stayed until 11; went then home.

27. Thursday, Mr Rawlins came to me about the money Roger owed him; Sir Michael Biddolph called as he was going with his wife to Coomer;. I dined with cosen Anne at theire lodgings; one Booth, an attorney came to me about the money Roger owed Marsh; I went to Humphrey's chamber; called at the Sunne, stayd not, soe home.

28. Friday, Mr Kent came to see us; I went to Westminster, dined at Lord Maxfield's; went to Humphrey's chamber then to Castle Taverne to meete Rawlins about Roger's businesse, there came Mr Fit Gerard and Mr Chadwell, the poet, Sir Michael Biddolph, Minshall, Rawlins, Roger and Mr Turton, the 2 last went soone away; the rest stayd till past 11; we left Gerard, Chadwell and Minshall there; Sir Michael and I went home.

29. Satorday, I went to Westminster, dined with daughter, Sir Michael & cosen Philips with us; after dinner came Minshall and Roger, after them Booth attorney about Marsh's money, before them, I went to my chamber, thence to Humfreys &c; stayd with him and Mr Ward till neare 10, then went home.

30. Sonday, Mr Fit Gerard, Roger and Minshall dined with Sir Michael Biddolph & me; after dinner I left them and went to the church by the Exchange; thence to Humfreys; Mr Peasly and his wife came thither, stayd awhile; then Humfreys and I went to Mr Williams at Gray's Inne about my businesse; found there Sir H: Onere, Serjeant Winne, Gabriel Salisbury and Mr Gurin and Mr Whitlock; the 4 first stayd awhile and then left us; we drank a flasque of wine afterwards, then left Williams & Whitlock together, soe went home.