Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1687

Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Originally published by [s.n.], [s.l.], 2004.

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'Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1687', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711, ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online [accessed 31 March 2025].

'Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1687', in Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Edited by Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online, accessed March 31, 2025,

"Roger Whitley's Diary: January 1687". Roger Whitley's Diary 1684-1697 Bodleian Library, Ms Eng Hist C 711. Ed. Michael Stevens, Honor Lewington ([s.l.], 2004), British History Online. Web. 31 March 2025.

January 1687

4. Tuesday, I went about 8 to Mrs Alports funerall; there was the Bishop, Shakerley, Massey, the Deane, Fogg & great deal of company; I went witth the body out of towne; at the townes end Mr Alport came into my coach; I brought him to Hatton heath; there he took horse; I retorned with Minshall by Cotton Hook; saw Cookson, his wife & sonne; went to Chester, dined with Angell; past 3 Minshall & I went to visit cosen Ravenscrofts; saw Betty & Mainwaring & Nat; Hurlestone with them; went thence to the Sunne; Jack Wright & Ben; Cratchley came to us; then Mr Hunt; then Mr Mainwaring, his brother Gleg, G.Mainwaring, Golborne &c; we parted neare 11; lay at Dr Angell.

5 Wednesday, I went to Mr Hunt, Hughson came thither to me; I discoursed my severall businesse; gave him 20s fee; went thence to visit Sir John Hanmer at the Feathers, then to the Recorder; then to Mr Taylor; found & left Hughson with him; then to Jacksons; there dined Mainwaring, Minshall, Gleg, Jack Wright & Ensigne Gibs; Alderman Wright came to us but had dined before; after dinner came Sir John Hanmer & a Lieutenant with him; we had 4 or 5 bottles of wine; parted about 4; whilest I was there Charles Hurleston's brother came to speake about Rogers debts which his brother was bound for; I went to him in the entry; going in agen I met Holinay at the foore; he spoke to me but neither of them dranck with us; Mainwaring & I took coach about 4; left Sir John Hanmer & some more in the Row; the rest in the house; we came home about 7.

6. Thursday, Traverse dined & supt with us; parted past 10.

7 Friday, Mainwaring went to dine at Dedington & to meete Biddolph &c. at night at Namptwitch; Ewart & Houseman went to Chester to waite on the Bishop about his coming to Peele, Cottingham & Carington came (with John; Carington) about his lease; they & Hardware dined with me; all parted soone after dinner.

8. Satorday, Sir Michael Biddolph with my daughters, children & servants came hither; Mainwaring came with them.

9. Sonday, I stayd at home all day; Traverse supt with us; went home past 10.

10. Monday, D.Minshall came to us with yong Dod of Soughall to speake with Mainwaring ; they dined, went away about 4.

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Jan; 11. Tuesday, 2 Fernehalls (from Chester) came to see Mrs Dresser; we were going to diner; they dined with us; went away past 3; in the evening came D.Minshall, left us about 5; Mainwaring stayd at Chester all night.

12. Wednesday, Mainwaring went to Chester; Biddoph and Minshall dined; Minshall left us about 5; Mainwaring stayd at Chester all night' 13. Thursday, Biddolph dined at home, Hussey came from Peover to speake with Mainwaring; he followed him to Chester, they retorned not at night.

14. Friday, we were at home all day; Mainwaring came home at night.

15. Satorday, I went to Chester with daughters, sisters, Mainwaring & Biddolph; we dined at Angells; Holland trimmed me there; we went about 3 to the Bishop; (Mainwaring, Biddolph & I) brought him to the Quire at 4; went to Jacksons; there was G.Mainwaring & some others; Mrs Hurleston came about her husbands businesse; we went back past 9.

16. Sonday, went to church in the afternoone; went to the vicar's; stayd neare an houer, Traverse went with us home, supt, parted past 10.

17. Monday, Biddolph Mainwaring & I went to Chester, also Traverse; dined at Jacksons; went to meete Lord Tyrconnell (neare Chriselton) came with him to the Palace; stayd about 1/2 houer; went to Jacksons; there was Warburton, Minshall, G.Mainwaring, Streete &c. there came to us one Captaine Magennis (a Captaine of Dragoons) pretending to make acquaintance with us; we had 2 bottles of wine; we left him & the company; called on Sir Thomas Bellot at Chiselton; stayd with him, his mother & sisters about an houer; went home.

18. Tuesday, went with Mainwaring & Biddolph to Chester; dined at G.Mainwaring with Sir John Hanmer, Winter & 3 or 4 more of those officers; Bellot, 2 Hurlestons, Shakerley, Streete, Minshall, Warburton, Alderman Mainwaring , his wife &c. about 3 I went to Hunts, Recorders & Taylors; they were all abroad, I spoke with their servants; came back to G.Mainwaring about 4; there was Mr Anderton; I soone left them, called on sister Angell; she came to Peele with Mainwaring , Biddolph & myselfe &c; we found Dr Angell at Peele.

19. Wednesday, Sir Thomas Bellot & his chaplaine dined with us; Dr Angell, his wife, Mainwaring , Biddolph & the chaplaine went about 3; Sir Thomas not till 8.

20. Thursday, Angell went to Chester; Mainwaring to hunt at the chamber; Biddolph went that way a shooting; about 11 yong Mrs Done came to see my daughters & Mr Hardware, they dined & stayd till evening; one Jeynson (that hath taken Tatenhall) came to speake with me; he dined in the hall, dranck a glasse of wine with me & went away past 3; Angell retorned from Chester at night.

21. Friday, in the evening the Bishop, his Lady, sonne & daughter came to Peele; Mainwaring , Biddolph & Angell had bin ahunting but retorned also at night; there was also the vicar & schoole Mr of Tarvyn; we supt; the Bishop &c sate up till neare 11.

22. Satorday, Bellot, 2 Browns, Colais, Vicar & School Mr of Tarvyn came to dine with the Bishop, Angell went to Chester in the morning; Chomley sent his servant with a letter to the Bishop; Angell retorned; we supt, went to bed about 11. Bellot left us about 10.

23. Sonday, we went to church with the Bishop; he Preached & confirmed; retorned to dinner with Cholmeley, Sir John Arderne, Sir John Crew, Deane, Bruen, Recorder, Clapton, Sherwood, G.Mainwaring, Streete, his son in law, another Bruen, Minshall, Hardware &c; towards evening most went away, G.Mainwaring, Streete, Minshall stayd all night, &c; Deane & Clapton stayd till about 2 in the morning .

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24. Monday, Mainwaring, Biddolph & I went to Uskington with the Bishop & his company; there we dined with that family, Sir John Arderne, Bellot, Doane, Clapton, Folio, Sherwood, Colley, G. Mainwaring, Streete, Minshall, &c. the Bishop &c went past 3 towards Vale Royall; others went to Chester; my company, G.Mainwaring; & Streete parted past 4; they to Chester; Minshall with us to Peele; he was sent for in the night to hast to Chester, his mother being very ill &c. Dr Angell was at Peele that night.

25. Tuesday, was all day at home; Mainwaring , Biddolph, Angell.

26. Wednesday, Angell went to Chester before dinner, Mainwaring & Biddolph to meete Sir John Crew & Bellot in the afternoone; they were late at the Doanes; came home after I was in bed.

27. Thursday, Mainwaring went to Chester before 9; about 11 came Finchet, Bromhall & Akerley about a lease for years in Kelsall; they parted past 12; Angell retorned in the evening; Biddolph & I went to visit Mr Hardware, his wife & daughters; retorned past 9; 28. Friday, Biddolph & I went to Chester, dined at the Sunne with Mainwaring, G.Mainwaring, Burrows, his wife, Streete came after dinner; went to the Bishop about 3 (Mainwaring & Biddolph with me) saw him, his sonne & Colais the schoolmaster of Wigan with him; went to Alderman Wright; there were G.Mainwaring, Streete, Lloyd, Edwards, Ince, Wilcocks, Starkey &c; we attended the funerall of Mrs Marshall; bore the Pall, after the sermon brought D.Minshall home; there were severall men & woomen with him; went to the Sunne; there was G.Mainwaring, Captaine Winstalley, Streete, Lloyd &c; went about 8 to Mrs James; there was Hunt & his wife; Kenrick, his wife & daughter, Anderson & his wife, Mrs Yong, Streete, G.Mainwaring, Biddolph, Mainwaring, Biddolph &c; we supt; some of us stayd till 1l ; Biddolph & I lay at Dr Angells &c.

29. Satorday, I went to Hunt, then to Taylor; called at Hope & Anchor but Anderson &c were at diner; dined at Alderman Wrights; Biddolph Mainwaring , Streete, Minshall & Morgan with us; after dinner came Mr Williams (the Lawyers brother) & Kinaston with him; then Sir John Hanmer; we parted at 5; came home; Biddolph, Mainwaring with me, Morgan after me, found Angell there; supt, parted past 10.

30. Sonday, dined at home; went to church in the afternoone; Whittell preached; retorned directly home; Angell went to Chester.

31. Monday, Mainwaring & Morgan went to Chester in the morning; after dinner came William Mainwaring in his way to Chester; he & I went together past 4; we met Sir John Crew & Mr Llee in the next feild; they went in; we went to Chester; light at Dr Angells; went thence to the Sunne; there was Mainwaring, G.Mainwaring, Minshall, Mrs Mainwaring, Wright of Stretton came to us & another with him, stayd about 1/2 houer; we all parted past 10; I lay at Angells.