12th March 1624

Proceedings in Parliament 1624: The House of Commons. Originally published by British History Online, , 2015-18.

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'12th March 1624', in Proceedings in Parliament 1624: The House of Commons, ed. Philip Baker ( 2015-18), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/proceedings-1624-parl/mar-12 [accessed 18 February 2025].

'12th March 1624', in Proceedings in Parliament 1624: The House of Commons. Edited by Philip Baker ( 2015-18), British History Online, accessed February 18, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/proceedings-1624-parl/mar-12.

"12th March 1624". Proceedings in Parliament 1624: The House of Commons. Ed. Philip Baker (2015-18), British History Online. Web. 18 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/proceedings-1624-parl/mar-12.

Long title
12th March 1624

In this section



[CJ 683; f. 38]

Veneris, 120 Martii, 210 Jacobi

L. 1a. An act for confirmation and securing of certain lands in the county of Wilts therein mentioned, sold by [Sir] Thomas Redferne, gent., to divers persons for payment of his debts and securing certain portions given by A[rthur] Redferne, his father, deceased, out of the same lands and to and for the daughters of John Redferne, his elder brother, also deceased, against the daughters of the said John Redferne, being the right heirs of the said Arthur Redferne, their grandfather.

L. 2a. An act for the confirming and assuring of the manors of New Langport and Sevans, alias Sephans, etc. and other lands in the county of Kent late the inheritance of Sir H[enry] James, kt., in a praemunire convicted unto Martin Lumley, now Lord Mayor of London, Alice Woodroffe, widow, and Edward Cropley and their heirs.

Committed to:

Mr. [Edward] Alford Sir Nicholas Tufton Mr. [Robert] Luken
Sir Peter Heyman Sir Francis Seymour Sir Roger North
Sir H[enry] Poole Sir D[udley] Digges Mr. [Edward] Liveley
Sir Charles Morrison Sir Francis Barnham Sir William Pitt
Mr. [Henry] Sherfield Mr. Solicitor Mr. Whitaker
Sir Thomas Myddelton Sir Edwin Sandys Serjeant [Richard] Digges
Sir William Herbert Mr. Recorder Mr. [Nicholas] Duck
Mr. [Richard] Godfrey Mr. [Francis] Fetherstonhaugh Mr. [William] Lenthall
Mr. [William] Sotwell Mr. [Ralph] Whitfield
Mr. [Christopher] Brooke
Sir Francis Brandling

Monday next, 2 o'clock, Court of Wards.

MR. [NICHOLAS] DUCK reports the bill of Wadham College in Oxford with addition of some words only without alteration of any matter of substance, which words twice read.

Ordered, to be engrossed.

SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR reports from the committee for survey of the Clerk's Book. Desires to know the pleasure of the House, whether they shall have power to strike out what they think fit. Left doubtful.

Sir Edwin Sandys added to the committee for surveying the Clerk's Book.

The committee for survey of the Clerk's Book to examine former precedents in what manner the Clerk has used to take his notes and make his entries, and to report the same to this House, the House conceiving the committee of privileges appointed to do this Lunae, 10 Martii cannot attend it.

[f. 38v] MR. SECRETARY [CALVERT] reports from the committee yesterday at the conference with the Lords. That the Prince only spoke, who said, my Lord Treasurer having by his Majesty's commandment made a relation to the Lords of his Majesty's present estate and a doubt [blank]. The Prince being present in the House was pleased to give his own sense [blank]. That the King intended not by this that we should enter into a present consideration of his Majesty's own wants/

MR. TREASURER. By this report we may see how happily our generous resolution yesterday fell out. That his Majesty's care reflects more on the general than for relief of his particular wants, and the assurance his Majesty gives us of his resolution to call Parliaments often, to make good laws and redress public grievances. And lastly, the Prince his sense of the injuries received by delusions, and the obligation.

[f. 39] SIR ROBERT PHELIPS. Necessities of king and kingdom. That we had no doubts here yesterday, as among the Lords. We fittest to relieve the King's particular wants when we have enabled the subjects to do it by removing their grievances.

The Prince's respect to us in the last speech rare. To present a message to his Highness, first, of acknowledgement of thanks for his expression to the committee yesterday; secondly, that we will, both upon the present and all other occasions, express our respects unto him.

SIR GEORGE MORE moves for expedition in returning our resolution yesterday to the King.

CHANCELLOR DUCHY. Never rejoiced so much in any Parliament. Moves a select committee for a message to the Prince.

[CJ 684] Mr. Treasurer Chancellor Exchequer Sir Edward Coke
Mr. Comptroller 2 Secretaries [of State]
Sir Robert Phelips Sir Francis Cottington
Chancellor Duchy Sir Edwin Sandys
Sir B[enjamin] Rudyard Mr. [Edward] Alford
Sir D[udley] Digges Mr. Solicitor
Mr. Recorder Sir Nathaniel Rich
Sir John Savile Sir Francis Seymour
Sir John Eliot Sir George More

MR. SECRETARY CONWAY moves a real satisfaction to the King's proposition in particular.

SIR JOHN ELIOT. That this general resolution of ours/

The said committee to consider of a fit frame of a thanksgiving and message to the Prince.

The former committee for penning our resolution yesterday and this to go up presently into the Court of Wards, and agree upon both.

L. 1a. An act for and concerning the naturalizing of such Englishmen's children as have served the states of the Low Countries as soldiers since your Majesty's coming to the crown, for their better encouragement and relief.

By a general vote of the House, obdormit.

SIR ROBERT HARLEY reports the bill for the repeal of the branch of 34 H. 8 for Wales without amendments.

Engrossetur, upon question.

The bill of monopolies and other engrossed bills to be read and passed tomorrow. Monopolies first.

[f. 39v] SIR EDWARD SEYMOUR. That the Jesuits and papists, as he hears, prepare great sums of money to be carried over. To think of a course for it.

SIR A[RTHUR] INGRAM, accordant. To have the Lord Treasurer moved to take care of it.

SIR THOMAS HOBBY. To acquaint the Lords of the Parliament with this and to desire a conference with them about this.

Ordered, a message to the Lords presently to entreat their Lordships.

Sir Edward Seymour Sir William Beecher
Sir Thomas Jermyn Sir A[rthur] Ingram
Sir Edward Cecil Sir Edward Villiers
Sir H[enry] Mildmay Sir William Howard
Sir Francis Barrington Sir Guy Palmes
Mr. [Richard] Vaughan Sir H[enry] Poole

to inform the Lords hereof, and to desire them to take a present course to prevent this exportation of gold. Sir Edward Cecil to deliver this message and report back.

MR. [JOHN] GLANVILLE reports from the committee of privileges, first, for Chippenham, secondly, for knights of Norfolk. For Mr. John Maynard, the precept being made and notice given, bailiff and 12 burgesses appeared who all chose Mr. John Maynard. After, by a mistake, "Charles" was written in the return instead of "John". Opinion of the committee that this return should be amended without any new writ.

For Sir Francis Popham, 6 to 6 at the first meeting; adjourned to another day, when the 13th burgess appeared. At which time, divers other burgesses and householders appeared in the Lower House, the bailiff and other burgesses being in the Upper House and the doors there not shut to keep any out. The plurality of voices chose Mr. [John] Pym. All the committee, except 8, clear of opinion that the others, besides the bailiff and burgesses, ought to have voice in the election, and yet, that Sir Francis Popham not elected by reason the common burgesses gave no voice at all for him.

[f. 40] Report from the 2 committees by MR. SOLICITOR, which read. Our resolution yesterday for answer to the King read and allowed to pass. That the committees think fit a message to the Lords presently, to be directed to the Lords, that we, having agreed upon this model out of our former correspondence with the House, desire a conference with the Lords to agree upon an answer to his Majesty.


That the committee have thought fit to inform the House that the committee shall show this model to the Lords, if required, but not to alter it without acquainting the House, except only for matter of form.

Reports also the other message to the Prince. That the committee think fit this should be reserved until the conference, where the Prince his Highness expected. The substance thereof in writing read and allowed. Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer to deliver the message and make the report back.

SIR EDWARD CECIL reports from the Lords, who thank this House for their care and will forthwith take order with their best care.

MR. [JOHN] MOHUN. That Chippenham, from 10 Mary, has chosen only by bailiff and 12 burgesses. Dangerous to alter this and to give others liberty to choose.

SIR GEORGE CHUDLEIGH. That the charter 10 Mary but ultimo Mary, and 10 Eliz. Election was made by the bailiff, burgesses, common council and congregation, so as the bailiff and burgesses not only the electors.

SIR W[ALTER] EARLE. That all the returns until 350 Eliz. were by Ballivus, burgenses, et alii homines. About 30 other freemen in the town.

MR. [JOHN] WIGHTWICK. The question for Mr. [John] Maynard whether due notice given.

MR. [HENRY] SHERFIELD. If the bailiff and 12 had only notice in rigour of law, the election of Mr. [John] Maynard not good. But yet, since no person complains, no reason for us to question it.

[f. 40v] Upon question, the election of Mr. John Maynard good and the return of Charles Maynard to be amended and made John Maynard, the same being only a mistake in writing of the name.

MR. CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER reports from the Lords that they take in very good part the great and continual correspondence of this House. Have appointed 3 of the clock this afternoon in the Painted Chamber with 24 of their number, and that they have appointed their House to sit this afternoon for taking order in such doubts as may emerge.

The 48 yesterday nominated to meet and confer with the Lords.

MR. SOLICITOR to deliver that he has this day reported to the Prince and Lords, and Sir Edwin Sandys, Sir Robert Phelips and Mr. Recorder to second him, as occasions shall be offered, and Mr. Solicitor to make the report back.

The committee for grievances to sit this afternoon, and Mr. Speaker to come upon sending for.

[House adjourned]


[CJ 734; f. 48v]

Veneris, 12 Martii

L. 1. [Sir Thomas] Redferne's bill. [Blank]

L. 2. Earl of Holdernesse's bill.

Committed to:

Sir Peter Heyman Sir Francis Seymour
Mr. [Edward] Alford Sir Dudley Digges
Sir Nicholas Tufton Sir Francis Barnham
Sir Henry Poole Mr. Solicitor
Sir Charles Morrison Sir Edwin Sandys
Sir William Herbert Mr. [Ralph] Whitfield
Mr. [Francis] Fetherstonhaugh Mr. [Henry] Sherfield
Mr. [Richard] Godfrey
Mr. Recorder
Sir Thomas Myddelton

Monday, Court of Wards, 2 o'clock.

MR. [NICHOLAS] DUCK reports the bill of Wadham College. Have added some words, but not altered the substance.

Ordered, to be engrossed.

SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR reports from the committee to examine the Clerk's Book. Found some things which they thought not fit to stand. To have power to strike out what they think fit. The explanation of the Secretary's message concerning my Lord Keeper to be entered in the book.

[f. 49] Sir Edwin Sandys added to this committee.

This committee also to search precedents, in what manner entries have been used to be made. [Blank]

MR. SECRETARY [CALVERT] reports from the conference yesterday with the Lords. None spoke but the Prince alone, who said that [the] Lord Treasurer having made relation to the Lords of [the] King's necessities, and thereupon a doubt arising what [the] King intended by it, gave this sense of it, which he did. And fearing the like doubt, [the] Lords commanded him to do the like to us. [The] King intended not that we should take a present consideration of his own particular estate, but that he could not enter into a war without us. But that this being done, no difficult thing to settle his estate in due time. Another doubt, lest the King should be slow to call us together again, bade us call to mind the end of the King's answer. Said his father not only very willing, but held it most necessary, to call us often together to make good laws.

Next wished we would consider how far this gone. Required expedition. The year far spent. And remembers how far we had irritated those that enemies hereafter. Fit to provide that we might not only show our teeth but bite, if occasion. And bade us have a special care of his honour, being his first action. And lastly, concluded that we should oblige him by our care, and hereafter we should find our labours not lost.

[f. 49v] MR. TREASURER. We [were] happy in our declaration before we had knowledge of the Prince's speech. We see his Majesty's care to prefer the public before his own private estate. Who will not open the sluices of his heart to such an invitation, being the first request his Highness ever made to this House? Besides our declaration upon these particulars, to return such an answer to the Prince and give him assurance how careful we will be of his interest and zealous to satisfy his desires.

SIR ROBERT PHELIPS agrees with the last motion. Will speak 2 parts: the necessities of the King; second, the necessity of the present occasion. In the first, observed that though hitherto an agreement between Lords and us, yet here our genius before them. No scruple here. We shall then be better able to relieve his Majesty when we have relieved the commonwealth. Such an invitation never descended from a Prince to his commons. That journey into Spain to fetch a wife brought home a prince wedded to the virtue of the last Prince of Wales that was in Spain.

To present to his Highness a message of these parts:

  • 1. An acknowledgement of his singular favour to us.
  • 2. An assurance from this House to serve him not only in this, but in all his princely resolutions.

SIR GEORGE MORE. This business now come to be opus huius diei, rather opus Dei. Prince moved us to expedition. Without stay therefore/

CHANCELLOR DUCHY. Never rejoiced in any Parliament but this. Here clear and plain dealing between King and subject. Not ordinary for this House to send messages or compliments to the Prince. To have some few to [f. 50] draw the form of a message.

Mr. Treasurer Chancellor Exchequer
2 Secretaries [of State] Mr. Comptroller
Sir Edward Coke Sir Benjamin Rudyard
Sir Robert Phelips Sir Dudley Digges
Chancellor Duchy Mr. [Edward] Alford
Sir Francis Cottington Sir Francis Seymour
Sir Edwin Sandys Sir John Eliot
Mr. Recorder Sir George More
Sir John Savile

These are to consider of a fit frame of a thanksgiving and message to the Prince.

The former committee for penning our resolution yesterday and this to go up presently into the Committee Chamber, and agree upon both.

L. 1a. An act for the naturalizing of such Englishmen's children as have served the states of the Low Countries as soldiers since his Majesty's coming to the crown, for their better encouragement and relief.

By a general vote of the House, obdormit.

SIR ROBERT HARLEY reports the bill of grace for Wales.

Ordered, to be engrossed.

MR. [JOHN] GLANVILLE moves to have the bill of monopolies read.

Ordered, that this bill and the other shall tomorrow be read and put to the question for passing.

SIR EDWARD SEYMOUR. That the Jesuits and popish priests about town prepare great sums of money by exchanging, so carry it over. To think of some course for staying of it.

[f. 50v] SIR ARTHUR INGRAM. My Lord Treasurer the command of all the ports. To send to him.

SIR EDWARD VILLIERS thinks it more properly belongs to the Lord Admiral and Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports.

[CJ 735] SIR EDWARD CECIL. To have it moved to the lords of the Council that they may acquaint the King with it.

SIR THOMAS HOBY. The course of this House not to send to the lords of the Council, but to the Lords of the Parliament. To send a message speedily to the Lords.

Sir Thomas Jermyn [blank]
[blank] Sir William Beecher
Sir Edward Seymour Sir Arthur Ingram
Sir Edward Cecil Sir Edward Villiers
Sir Henry Mildmay Sir William Howard
Sir Francis Barrington Sir Guy Palmes
Sir Henry Poole

to inform their Lordships hereof, and to desire them to take a present course to prevent the exportation of money. Sir Edward Cecil to deliver the message and report back again to the House.

MR. [JOHN] GLANVILLE reports from the committee of privileges. The first case was of Chippenham. The due election for [Mr.] John Maynard but Charles [Maynard] returned by a mistake. The opinion of the committee that the return ought to be mended.

For Sir Francis Popham, even voices. The court adjourned until another day. Then Mr. [John] Pym had the plurality of voices. The opinion of the committee that not only the mayor and 12 had right of election. The opinion of the committee that a new writ ought to go out because Mr. [John] Pym, duly elected, has waived and Sir Francis Popham not duly elected.

[f. 51] MR. SOLICITOR reports from both the committees. Have digested it into writing. Read and allowed by the House. The committee think fit to have presently a message to the Lords and those to make a general signification of the resolution of the House to assist. To desire a conference, if they please.

Agreed. The same committee shall presently go to the Lords.

This next, that the committee, if the Lords entertain it, to be directed to these 2. To have authority to show this draft to them with this power that, as cause, power to alter it not in substance but only in form.


For the message to the Prince, would not have it delivered to the whole House now, but at the conference. First, to express that we have, with great joy, heard his princely expression of himself yesterday. That we give him humble thanks for it and will, in all things, be careful and tender of his honour.

Chancellor Exchequer to deliver the message and make the report.

SIR EDWARD CECIL reports from the Lords. Has delivered his message. They return many thanks for our care and will take order with all expedition.

Resolved, upon question, that the election of Mr. John Maynard is good and that the return of Mr. Charles Maynard shall be amended.

CHANCELLOR EXCHEQUER reports from the Lords. They take in good part the continued correspondency of this House. Appointed a committee of 24 of their House and, because there may be some emergent occasion, have ordered their House to sit this afternoon. This afternoon, Painted Chamber.

[f. 51v] The former committee of 48 of our House appointed yesterday to meet their Lordships at time and place appointed.

Mr. Solicitor to deliver that he has reported to the House today.

Veneris, 12 Martii, post meridiem

About 6 o'clock, Mr. Speaker went into the chair.

MR. SOLICITOR reports from the Lords. They attended the service. First, acquainted the Lords that they were commanded to address themselves to the Prince his Highness. That [?we] had heard, [?with] a great deal of joy, his princely expression. And to give him this assurance that now, and ever, we should be very tender of his honour. After, to the Lords, how that we had set down a model, which was read to them. Retired themselves and read it apart. After, Lord Canterbury: that they did hope, out of our love to them and correspondence and gravity of our committee, would not think it long they had stayed so long. Had read it over in their House and passed it by a general vote, but only in one place: "The Lords and Commons". Then moved, in what way to represent to his Majesty. To have a committee, if this House think fit, to understand his Majesty's pleasure, when to attend him. 24 of their Lordships. If our House agreed to this, they intended my Lord of Canterbury/

Read and allowed of and the same 48 to be the committee.

[f. 52] Bill of alienations, tomorrow at 8 o'clock, Committee Chamber. And the bill of concealments.

SIR EDWARD COKE reports from the committee of grievances. A patent questioned of the Dutch congregation in Colchester. An order made by the Attorney [General] and Solicitor which was approved of by the committee as fit to be observed by them.

The opinion of this House that these orders fit to be observed.

Serjeant says he has made search for Sir Thomas Gerrard but cannot find him. Has one of his men in his keeping; desires to be freed of him.

Called in.

Question, whether the bar should be shut against him or not. Overruled, the bar ought to be down.

Demanded whom he served.

Answered: Sir Thomas Gerrard. Saw him not these 3 days.

Vivian Mollinax, his brother-in-law. Knows not what is become of his master. Knows not where he went. His master at church within this quarter of a year at Wigan on a work day.

Ordered, to be discharged.

Chancellor Duchy

Sir Robert Phelips

Sir John Savile

Sir Thomas Hoby to view this return.

[House adjourned]


[p. 203]

Vendredis, 12 Martii 1623

1. L. Bill pur confirmacion de terres vend par [Sir] Thomas Redferne.

2. L. Bill pur assurance de terres de Sir Henry James, etc.

Sur question, committe, Lune in [court de] gards.

MR. [NICHOLAS] DUCK reporte le bill de Wadham College.

Sur question, ingrosse.

SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR. Fait reporte del viewe del Clerkes liver and trove some things to be put out si le Huise like it. Resolve nemy.

[p. 204] Pur le resolucions deste sette downe solement, et nemy le particuler speeche de chescun hom, et referre cest al comittee.

MR. SECRETARY CALVERT. Fait reporte: le Prince dit que Lord Tresorer reporte doubt arise la. Le Roy intends not par cest for us to take upon us this presently. Then it wolde be no greate difficulte to settle the King's estate in his time. The yeare farre spente; we had irritated our enemyes. Care of his honour, his firste action and oblige us to him, which in time we sholde finde he wolde declare.

SIR THOMAS EDMONDES. Pur thanks al Prince.

SIR ROBERT PHELIPS agree, et message to the Prince for his expression yesterdaye.

SIR GEORGE MORE. Opus dei et dieu.

CHANCELLOR DEL DUCHYE. D'avoir selecte comittee est un tender busynes, et nest use de cest Huise d'avoir [p. 205] complements our messages al ascun mes al Roy. Mes est bon divinitie, le pere et fils sont tout un, but I confesse I never had hoape of Parliamente but this.

SIR JOHN SAVILE likes not this complementary course; not thauncyent parliamentary course. He was not bredde unto it.

Selecte committee de framer presentmente forme de message.

1. L. Bill generall de naturalizer touts Englishmen's infants nee in Low Cuntries in service in les guerres la. Mise eius par Sir Edward Cecil.

SIR HENRY POOLE. Versus le bille pur le generalitie. Le merit nest conus, lour disposition in religion, etc.

SIR ARTHUR INGRAM al mesme le purpoase.

SIR THOMAS HOBY. Auxy que null poet preser les serements.


Agree that this bill shall sleepe.

SIR ROBERT HARLEY. Fait report del bill de Gales.

Sur question, deste ingrosse.

MR. [JOHN] GLANVILLE. Fait reporte, mes moves pur bill de monopolies de passer. Et le SPEAKER move auxy pur concealments, mes par le use del Huise notice doit este done le jour devant al Huise pur passant.

SIR EDWARD SEYMOUR. Pur staie de recusants argent ore change in golde. Portes to staye all.

[p. 206] SIR ARTHUR INGRAM. Al mesme le purpoase; uqe le Tresorer et Admirall be sente to for securinge the ports, et intimation sente presently par message al seignours.

MR. [JOHN] GLANVILLE. Fait reporte de privileges, Chippenham: sur question, John Maynard well choasen and le vicomte amend son retorne.

Sir Richard Weston fait reporte del seignours response pur comittee cest afternoone at 2 a clocke in Painted Camere. De 24 le former committee agreede upon. Their Howse sittes this afternoone; our Howse to doe the like.


[f. 98]

Friday, the 12th of March

SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR, being one of the 4 appointed to view the Clerk's Book every Saturday, desired power to strike out what they thought fit.

[f. 98v] SIR PETER HEYMAN had overlooked all the Queen's time and finds no man's name set to his motion, unless it was to an order.

A report by SECRETARY CALVERT of the Prince's speech at the conference: that the Lord Treasurer having by the King's command made relation of the King's estate, and a doubt arising among the Lords of the King's intent, the Prince declared that the King had no intent we should enter into consideration of his present relief, but to let us know of himself he was not able to support this war. That the Prince added of himself that we should not fear that these things settled, the King would call no more Parliaments. He wished expedition. That we should consider how much we had irritated those that hereafter we may call our enemies. That we should prepare not only to show our teeth but to bite, if occasion served. Then to consider the King's honour and his own, being his first entry into the world. That to fail would be dishonour to the Prince and us, and by dispatching we should oblige him forever.

SIR ROBERT PHELIPS. Such an inviting and favourable expression never came from [a] Prince of Wales sitting in Parliament. He moved for a message to the Prince: first, an acknowledgement of his favour; then, an assurance that not only in this occasion but in all other his princely resolutions, the House will assist him; lastly, an intimation of the resolution of the House thereupon.

[f. 99] SIR HUMPHREY MAY had been of divers Parliaments but never took joy but in this. The Parliament never used to send compliments or congratulations but to the king, yet it is good divinity, the father and son being all one; never father better to a son, nor son better deserving of a father.

SIR JOHN SAVILE never observed the House so full of compliments and his nature was against it; he had rather action than words.

SECRETARY CONWAY moved a particular contribution.

SIR JOHN ELIOT. We had already promised more in general, and to descent [sic] into particulars did not engage so much.

SIR EDWARD COKE. The Black Prince and Harry the 5th in their fathers' times sat divers times in committees as Lords of Parliament, and had divers times thanks given them for their good offices between the king and people.

An act for the naturalizing of English soldiers' children born in the Low Countries since the King's coming to the crown, for their better encouragement and relief.

SIR THOMAS HOBY. This bill is against the orders of the House, for no man must be naturalized but such as come into the House and take their oath.

MR. [CHRISTOPHER] BROOKE. The bill is too general and should be only for such as had done good service.

MR. [THOMAS] WENTWORTH. It is not repugnant to any law.

SIR EDWARD CECIL. It does not concern 500 children.

Yet the bill was cast out of the House.

SIR EDWARD SEYMOUR. The papists were hunting for gold in the town and [f. 99v] shipping it away. He moved to send a message to the Lords to consider of it.

The Lords promised to take a way to stop the transporting of gold.

The committee thought fit to send a message to the Lords to make a general signification of assistance, and that the committee may show their paper to the Lords.

The Lords answer: they had presently appointed a committee of 24 to sit in the Painted Chamber, and their whole House to sit the while.


[p. 47]

Friday, 12th March

Report of MR. SECRETARY CALVERT. The Prince's speech: that my Lord Treasurer making a relation of the King's estate, hearing some doubts did arise in the Upper House and fears that the like might do too in the House of Commons what the King did intend by this relation, his Highness was desirous therefore to interpret the King's intent unto both Houses, which was not that we should now take into our consideration his own estate but to enable him for a war. Second, there shall be no fear although we do now grow to a resolution to assist the King in this great business, yet we need not fear but that the King will not only call us together again but also make him in love with Parliaments, make us happy by the correspondency of both Houses. The Prince undertakes this business as being the first that ever he was seen in the world. Thought it will reflect much upon the King['s] honour yet will much [p. 48] concern the honour of the Prince, and therefore said that the speedy concluding of this business would oblige him to us and when time serves we should not repent, adding that he did not only desire we should show our teeth but bite also.

A thanks to be given to the Prince by the House of Commons: they render all humble and hearty thanks to his Highness for his princely expressions at the last conference, assuring him they will be very tender of his honour as in duty they are bound.


The Lords came to a conference this afternoon and seeing our declaration, which was that in pursuit of our advice unto his Majesty upon his declaration to dissolve both treaties we will assist him in a parliamentary course with our persons and abilities as dutiful and obedient subjects.

[p. 55] This afternoon, the Speaker was sent for and the House sat.

MR. SOLICITOR'S report of the conference. The committee did attend the Lords, let the Prince know with what great joy the Commons did acknowledge the Prince's expression of himself. The Lords did withdraw themselves and did debate the business and came to us again and said they had read our declaration and that they had passed it by the voice of their whole House, altering no word but that the Lords should be joined with the Commons. May it please your excellent Majesty/


[f. 29v]

[12 March 1624]

Two private bills read.

[f. 30] SECRETARY CALVERT report[s] the Prince's speech. That the Lord Treasurer by command having related the King's necessity, the ends whereof the Lords doubting, the Prince delivered his sense to them and now to us. That the King's intention was not [to] trouble us with his father's necessity at present, but to provide for war. That that might be last was seasonable enough, that because we might doubt of our calling again, he expressed the King's purpose of Parliaments, then pressed the necessity of the haste if perhaps the enemies should assault and take occasion, that we might bite. That he desired it being his first act, it might be speeded for his and our honour, he would be obliged and we should never repent it. That the King would often call Parliament to redress the public grievances.

[SIR THOMAS] EDMONDES. To descend to particulars and send thanks.

SIR ROBERT PHELIPS seconded, and to send up our acknowledgement upon declaration of the King, and the King not to doubt us.

SIR G[EORGE] MORE. That opus huius diei is opus Dei and seconded that.

[f. 30v] An answer to the King's speech and thanks for our advice accepted. Recites that he said he would not reject our advice, how his treasure was spent, not fit to maintain war. That if upon declaration the war do follow, we will maintain (proat is resolved before). Sent by messengers.

The committees that prepared this did go with the message of thanks to the Lords, where the Prince is. The Lords take well the correspondence and appoint a committee and sit also, if occasion serve, to advise. And we in like sat, require our Speaker to be ready.

[Afternoon,] committee [for grievances]

Sir Edward Coke. 18 E. 3. 12 E. 4 offices of weights and measures, and beer, over-ruled, null impositions sur propre commoditie, sur ascun pretence on office pour melioration, there was a monopolie de vente sole, for drying of fish and all over-ruled at Council table. Ordered, upon report of the opinion of the committee, that the surveyors of Newcastle [sea]coal shall not exercise their office until the matter be examined. It was 4d. a chaldron, [£]150,000.


[f. 101v]

12 March

We resolved to send to the Lords to have a meeting to let the Lords know that we had no doubts among us for anything that Sir Richard Weston had delivered, but before we had the Lords' message we had with one voice delivered our opinions and would desire their Lordships to join with us in it to his Majesty, with many other compliments of thanks to his Highness.


[f. 71v]

Friday, 120 Martii 1623

An act for confirmation of the sale of lands sold by Mr. [sic] [Thomas] Redferne in Blackbury in comitatu Wilts. 1. L.

[f. 72] An act for confirming of the manor of New Langport and other lands, late the lands of Sir Henry James, unto Sir Martin Lumley, now Lord Mayor of London, and others. 2. L. Committed. r. p.

It is ordered that a particular committee shall take into consideration/

MR. SECRETARY [CALVERT] reports what the Prince delivered yesterday at the conference with the Lords in the Painted Chamber. First, he said that the Prince only spoke and his speech was thus in effect.

[f. 72v] MR. TREASURER said that we see how happily the Prince fell on some things that were doubted here, and how happy we were in resolving to fortify our advice with the best assistance we can. He would [f. 73] that besides the declaration we have made, send a message to his Highness to show how careful and zealous we will be to do what shall testify our duties and thankfulness to his Highness.

SIR ROBERT PHELIPS. That the parts of what was here delivered yesterday are 2:

  • 1. The necessity of the King.
  • 2. The present occasion.

For the first, we lay it aside for another time. For the second, our good genius made us step before the good zeal of the Lords in that business and that without doubt or question. It is the goodness of God, who brings all about according to His merciful goodness, that the journey which was intended for a wife in Spain turned to a wedding of our Prince to the virtues of that noble Prince of Wales. Would that by message we signify an acknowledgement of the obligations of this House to his Highness, and that we would assist his Highness with the best of our abilities in his Highness's royal designs.

CHANCELLOR OF THE DUCHY. That he is glad there is such a concurrency and agreement as there is in this Parliament, and that there is no such fencing as there has been in former Parliaments. That it has not been the use of Parliament to send any compliment or thanks but to the king, but it is quod divinity, the father and son are one. He would have a committee appointed to consider of a message of compliments and thanks to his Highness.

SIR DUDLEY DIGGES says the Prince said he cared not for compliments but action. He likes well of this compliment but would have us have consideration of the manner of this compliment.

MR. [EDWARD] ALFORD would that in the message [f. 73v] appointed to go for a conference with the Lords concerning the expression of our declaration concerning our assisting the King in pursuit of our advice, he would have us at that message give the Prince particular thanks, for it has not been the use of Parliament to compliment with others than the king.

SIR EDWARD CONWAY says that the way to please and satisfy the Prince is to give a satisfaction to the King concerning the declaration of our assistance. He would have us set down in the particulars what we will do if the King shall declare the breach of the treaties, and this will best content the Prince.

A committee is appointed to consider presently of a message of thanks to be sent to the Prince for his gracious explanation of the doubts in the King's answer.

An act for and concerning the naturalizing of such Englishmen's children as have served the states of the Low Countries in the wars since the King's coming to this crown, for their better encouragement in their service. 1. L. Rejected.

SIR H[ENRY] POOLE says it is not the order of this House to naturalize such as we know not how they stand affected.

SIR THOMAS POSTHUMOUS HOBY. That this bill is against a law if established, for none ought to be here naturalized but such as here in the House do in their [f. 74] persons take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy in the face of the House.

MR. [THOMAS] WENTWORTH says that a child may be born in the Low Countries to captains or soldiers there who have land here in England. If the father there die[s] before such children be naturalized, then such lands shall descend to a cousin and not to the child of such captain or soldier. He would have this bill duly considered before it be cast out.

SIR EDWARD CECIL says that there may be a proviso put in that if they will receive the oaths when they come of age.

MR. [JOHN] GLANVILLE would have us not to discourage the gentlemen that serve in the Low Countries; he would not have it cast out but let it fall without order, and he believes none will ever press to have it read the second time that shall understand the sense of this House to be against the passing of it.

This bill is not cast forth but let rest here with this intimation of the House's distaste of it.

It is an ancient order that there should be warning given a day before the third reading of any public bills to be passed this House.

SIR EDWARD SEYMOUR says that he hears [f. 74v] there is an abundance of money changed in this town into gold by priests and others with an intention, as it is to be feared, to be transported.

SIR ARTHUR INGRAM says that he hears that there is much money changed into gold and it is to be doubted it is to be transported.

A message is ordered and sent presently to the Lords to inform their Lordships what they hear concerning the present great changing of money into gold in this town, which this House is doubtful is with intent to be transported, and desire therefore that their Lordships will take some speedy order to prevent the transportation of any money.

At the report from the committee of privileges, it is affirmed that it was proved that Mr. John Maynard was elected burgess of Chippenham in Wiltshire and that in the writ there was Charles Maynard returned in the return of that writ. It was determined at the said committee that the return of Charles Maynard should be amended and John should be returned because there was a certificate from the town that John Maynard was by them elected though Charles was returned.

Report by MR. SOLICITOR of what the committee has [blank]. We your Majesty's most humble and [blank] [f. 75] having lately received and taken into our serious consideration your gracious [blank] answer [blank] do in all humbleness render to your Majesty all humble thanks that you [blank] as likewise graciously to intimate [blank] not to reject that counsel [blank]. That your own treasure is too much exhausted [blank]. We do [blank]. That neither that nor any other [blank]. We do with dutiful and zealous affection [blank] that in pursuit of our advice upon his Majesty's declaration/

MR. SOLICITOR reports that it was the opinion of the committee that there should be a message from this House to let the Lords understand in a general manner that we are agreed on an answer to his Majesty's answer [f. 75v] and that we desire a conference with their Lordships to let them understand more particularly of our answer.

It is ordered that the same committee that penned this our answer shall go with this message to the Lords, and if at the conference it be desired by the Lords to see the copy of the draft of our answer, the committee shall show it but alter nothing of it but what concerns matters of form.

It is further reported that the same committee took consideration of the form of the thanks to be given to the Prince, which is in these words: that our House with joy has heard of his Highness's princely expression of himself at the last conference and that we give his Highness all humble thanks for his [blank] and promise both that we will be careful of his Highness's honour in all things as in affection and duty we held ourselves bound.

This is ordered to be delivered at the conference to the Prince his Highness.

Concerning the election of Mr. John or Charles Maynard, MR. [HENRY] SHERFIELD says that there is no complaint against Mr. John Maynard and therefore he would not have us alter his election but let this question sleep.

It is, by question, resolved that the election of John Maynard is good and the return shall be amended.

SIR EDWARD CECIL reports from the Lords that their Lordships will take present order for to prevent the exportation of money according to our desire.

[f. 76] MR. CHANCELLOR EXCHEQUER reports that the committee have acquainted the Lords with our message and that the Lords take in good part the correspondency between both Houses and have appointed 24 of their House to meet at the conference with us this afternoon in the Painted Chamber; and because there may be some emergent business that may require the direction of their House, they have appointed their House to sit this afternoon.

It is ordered that 48 of our House shall meet with the Lords this afternoon, and that Mr. Solicitor shall acquaint the Lords at this conference with the paper which is penned touching our resolution to assist the King.

Friday, 120 Martii, afternoon, the Speaker being in the chair by special order

MR. SOLICITOR, reporting from the conference with the Lords, did say that their Lordships did hope that out of the love that we bear unto them [blank] that we would not conceive their stay is long, and they said that upon consideration of our answer to the King, their Lordships have made verbatim the same declaration which our House has done concerning the assisting of his Majesty; that their Lordships do purpose (if we think it fit) they will entreat Lord Canterbury to deliver this [to] the King; and their committee shall be 24 and they desire ours may be a proportionable number.

[f. 76v] Upon a report concerning a difference between the town of Colchester and the Dutch congregation there, it is ordered that the orders which were made by Mr. Attorney [General] and Mr. Solicitor heretofore in this business upon the mutual consent of both parties, shall stand and be put in force and be duly performed by each parties [sic].

Our Serjeant reports that in performance of the order of this House, he has made search for Sir Thomas Gerrard but cannot find him, only he heard that he was Wednesday last at Whitehall, but he cannot there meddle with him, it being within the verge.

The bar is put down and Sir Thomas Gerrard's man is there examined as a witness, not as a delinquent. He knows not what is become of his master nor has seen him these 3 days. That he saw his master at church at Wigan 3 months since, but it was upon a working day.

It is ordered that this man of Sir Thomas Gerrard's shall be discharged.

A committee is appointed to examine the return of Liverpool in county Lancaster, and of the officers' carriage there.


[p. 109]

Friday, the 12th of March 1623

An act for securing of the lands of [Sir Thomas] Redferne, sold for debt.

An act for confirming the manor of [New] Langport in Kent, late Sir Henry James's (who was attained of a praemunire for refusing to take the oath of supremacy and allegiance), granted by patent from the King to [blank] James, his son and heir, and sold (to the now Lord Mayor [Martin] Lumley) by him.

An act for Wadham College. Put to engrossing.

SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR reports that the committee that was appointed to view the Clerk's Book do[es] desire to have power to erase out what they hold fit.

But it was denied.

SECRETARY CALVERT reports the Prince's speech at the committee, which is among the other speeches of this Parliament annexed to this book.

The TREASURER, SIR THOMAS EDMONDES, observes by the King's speech last and the exposition the Prince made of it that he is more careful of the general good than of his particular estate, that he assures us of redress of grievances by Parliaments, of the Prince's care and regard of the King's honour and of his own, and of his free engagement to recompense our loves in future. That these motives should open the sluices of our hearts to pour out our affections and service to them both, and therefore moves that due thanks may be returned and to profess our care and zeal to satisfy him.

SIR R[OBERT] PHELIPS propounds two things for present consideration upon the Prince's speech, the King's wants and a due respect of the Prince's favours. He says it was our good genius that led us to resolve of assistance to the King before the Lords had done it, and that it is fit further care should be had to relieve the King, but that it was first necessary to relieve the commonwealth, to enable it to that. Moves that there [p. 110] may be both real and complimental thanks returned from us, real when the King shall declare himself according to our advice and petition, complimental to the Prince that this House acknowledging the favours he has shown us, do assure his Highness that we shall be ready to attend upon all his princely resolutions.

SIR HUMPHREY MAY says he rejoices to see the course of this Parliament. In others they stood fencing and now there is plain dealing, yet he wishes to be well advised of matters of compliment to the Prince. It has ever been used to the King alone, and moves that a committee may be appointed to frame a fitting form of thanks.

SIR JOHN SAVILE is made one of the committee for this and he desires to be excused for that he understands not compliment nor never saw it used in Parliament before.

SIR EDWARD CONWAY says the King and Prince too are not doubtful of our loves; we shall not need to frame words for further assurance. That we have to do is to go really on to procure the King to declare, and observes that the Prince does encourage and invite us to particulars; this shall bind him in chains of love to us, if we deal not generally and individually but particularly, and this will be real and give satisfaction.

SIR JOHN ELIOT says he did doubt that upon a general declaration of our intents the King would receive no satisfaction, but now conceives it to be better than the particular, because particular subsidies cannot so fully answer the charge of a war, as an engagement to assist to the whole war; the war may hold when the subsidies are gone but individual promises take away all jealousy.

[p. 111] SIR EDWARD COKE says that it appears by the Parliament Rolls that the Black Prince and Henry the 5th did both sit princes in Parliament and had thanks often given them by the House.

SIR EDWARD CECIL presents an act for the naturalizing of the soldiers' children in the Low Countries.

SIR HENRY POOLE excepts against it and says this is a particular favour of the House and not to be made common; it is granted only to deserving persons, but thus it may redound as a benefit to the person that perhaps stands disaffected in religion or to the state.

SIR THOMAS HOBY says it cannot be, in regard by the statute before the second reading of a bill for naturalization, the party must come and take the oaths of supremacy and allegiance.

MR. [CHRISTOPHER] BROOKE. Act of Parliaments are like last testaments to be construed to the true intent of the maker; that this possibly cannot be done to so many in general, neither in his opinion needs it, for it they be born of English parents they have by law as much capacity of right here as a home-born subject. Moves that this bill may slip away in silence and die.

SIR R[OBERT] HARLEY reports the committee for the repeal of a branch of a statute made the 34 of H. 8 for Wales.

SIR FRANCIS [sic] SEYMOUR informs the House of abundance of money now changed into gold by the papists and carried on shipboard, and moves to have it stayed.

SIR ARTHUR INGRAM affirms as much.

MR. [JOHN] GLANVILLE reports the committee of privileges, a new election for [Sir Francis] Popham, for Chippenham.

The SOLICITOR reports the form of the message to be presented to the King as follows: [p. 112] may it please your Majesty, we your humble and loyal subjects, having taken into consideration your Majesty's most gracious goodness to ask our advice, render you our humble thanks for taking it in good part; and for that we have heard that your treasure is exhausted so as that you are not able of yourself to support a war, we humbly desire that this nor any other thing may not hinder your Majesty in your resolutions, for upon your Majesty's declaration we have with one voice agreed in a parliamentary way to assist your Majesty with our persons and abilities.

The message to the Prince was conceived to this effect: that the House of Commons, having with great joy received the great expression that your Highness made unto them, give humble thanks and promise that they ever are and will be tender of your honour as in duty we are bound.


The message to the King being this afternoon presented to the Lords, they altered nor added nothing but desired to put in themselves with us, and it was granted by the House.

The Speaker was sent for and the House sat to confirm these things.


[f. 48v]

12 Martii

An act for confirmation of assurance of lands sold by Sir [blank] Redferne in Wiltshire.

Second read. Committed, Monday, Court [of] Wards, 2 [o']clock. An act for the confirming the assurance of New Langport and [blank] in the county of Kent to Martin Lumley.

[MR. NICHOLAS] DUCK reports the bill for Wadham College in Oxford. Engrossing.

[SIR FRANCIS] SEYMOUR reports the committee for the survey of the Clerk's Book and desires there may be power given to the committee to strike out that which they shall think fit. The message from Mr. Secretary was that concerning my Lord Keeper and an explanation thereof, which was at a committee, was not set down. He desires it may be inserted.

It is ordered that the committee selected for privileges shall take into consideration the precedent. [Blank]

[f. 49] [SECRETARY] CALVERT, report. The Prince said that the Lord Treasurer by his Majesty's command made relation to the Lords [blank]. To give his own sense [blank]. That the King intended not by this that we should take into consideration his own estate. Another doubt the Prince moved of himself, lest [blank]. That our carriage to his Majesty in this Parliament would make him in love with Parliaments. [Blank] That it required expedition and that his Majesty had desired it at our hands in his first speech. That the time of the year [blank]. Recommended the care of his Majesty's honour but particularly his own [blank] [f. 49v] oblige his care/

TREASURER moves that besides the declaration we have made, we may return our humble thanks and express our care to satisfy his Highness.

[SIR ROBERT] PHELIPS. 2 parts, the necessity of the King, the present occasion. Though there have been a good passage among the Lords, yet we have outstripped them for that we had no doubts. We shall be able to relieve his Majesty when we have disburdened the commonwealth. Such a precedent that when the Prince should have brought home a wife, he returned wedded to the glory of the Prince of [blank]. By a committee, acknowledgement of his favour to the committee; secondly, that we/

[f. 50] [SIR GEORGE] MORE moves that seeing all delays are dangerous, that we show to the Lords what we have done before we make any addition.

[CHANCELLOR] DUCHY moves that a selected committee may be made to think what message is to be sent up, for it has not been usual to send up compliments to any but the king.

Committee to d/

[MR. EDWARD] ALFORD. That if any shall run out of the House before the committee, that he be called.

[SIR EDWARD] CONWAY. If we shall declare what we will do in particular is the way to cause the King to declare what he will do.

[SIR JOHN] ELIOT. If we propose a certainty of subsidies, is not so much as that we have offered; therefore, he moves that course may not be diverted.

[f. 50v] An act for the naturalizing of all the children of Englishmen as have served in the Low Countries. Rejected.


[f. 26]

120 Martii 1623

Two private bills were read:

  • 1. Concerning [Sir Thomas] Redferne's lease.
  • 2. Touching the settling of certain leas[es] in the tenure of Sir Edward [sic] James upon Alderman [Martin] Lumley.

The bill for Wadham College was reported by DR. [sic] [NICHOLAS] DUCK.

SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR moved, by direction of the committee appointed to peruse the Clerk's book, that authority might be given to strike out anything which they thought unfit to stand. That the [f. 26v] explanation of the King's message touching my Lord Keeper might be entered.

SIR DUDLEY DIGGES added that no man's name might be set down but only the resolution of the House.

MR. SECRETARY CALVERT reported the Prince's speech at the last conference with the Lords, which was to this effect: that a doubt being risen in the Lords' House what should be his Majesty's intention in appointing the Lord Treasurer to declare the necessity of his own estate, and his Highness having satisfied them therein, they fearing we might be troubled with some doubt had commanded him to give us the like satisfaction, which was that he conceived the King did not intend by that declaration that we should take present consideration of the relief of his particular estate, but only to make it appear that he could not of himself upon his own estate maintain a war. And therefore, in the first place, we should provide for the defence and safety of the kingdom, and when we had resolved of this, his Majesty's estate might hereafter be settled in due time.

Another doubt moved from the Prince himself, lest we should fear after these things done the King would be slow to call us together again. To clear this he put us in mind of the King's speech, that it should not be his fault if he were not in love with Parliaments, and added that himself, having occasion to send to his Majesty about other business, found him not only willing but that he thought it necessary to call us often together for making good laws and redressing such abuses as he knew he could not be informed of but in Parliament.

He proceeded to admonish us that we would remember the weight and the haste of the business; the time of the year was far spent, we had exasperated our enemies and therefore ought to provide not only to show our teeth but to be able to bite. That the King's honour and his own honour more particularly was engaged. This being the first action of his coming into the world, if we should herein fail him, it would not only dishonour but discourage him and bring shame upon ourselves. And concluded that by our readiness and alacrity in this great business, we should oblige him so to acknowledge our care that hereafter, when time shall serve, we should not think our labours ill-bestowed.

MR. TREASURER took the opportunity of those affections which this report had excited to move that somewhat might be added to the declaration which was made yesterday, whereby we might give a more particular assurance of our tenderness of the King and Prince's honour and zeal in pursuing his Highness's desire.

This was diverted by a proposition of SIR ROBERT PHELIPS to send a message to the Lords which should consist of two parts, [f. 27] as he called them, real and complimental. The real to contain no more but that as soon as his Majesty shall have declared the treaties broken, we will then express ourselves in some particular manner for his assistance. The complimental he subdivided into 3 points:

  • 1. An address of acknowledgement and thanks to the Prince's Highness.
  • 2. An assurance of our readiness to serve him in this or other his great resolutions.
  • 3. To acquaint the Lords with the resolution which was taken yesterday.

Some other seconded this motion, but SECRETARY CONWAY, perceiving that out of these generals there could not be realities enough extracted to satisfy the King, dealt plainly with us. That there was no way in that resolution which we took yesterday to give satisfaction. The Prince would not have laid himself so open if his expectation had rested in general. He knows to whom he speaks and the disposition of this House in that respect. But the safety of Ireland and of the Low Countries and the bestowing of the Prince, who yet remains like a barren plant, cannot be settled or proceed without the King's declaration for the cessation of those treaties of Spain which are yet in being. As our former resolution does not bind us to particulars, so will it not satisfy the King. We must offer him somewhat real and individual, but under those conditions to which he has bound himself. This only, without other ceremony, will give the Prince real satisfaction and produce the King's declaration.

But the House seemed more inclinable to those who maintained the former resolution to be of more importance than any certain sum or number of subsidies could do, as being neither limited in proportion nor in time. For present, it was only resolved that the committee should go out and consider what message we should send to the Lords.

An act for the naturalization of such children as are born beyond the seas of English parent[s] in service of the States.

To this bill were taken some exceptions.

  • 1. That it was against the law to naturalize any without taking the oath of allegiance.
  • 2. That they do not by their birth there lose the freedom of this kingdom and so need not such a law; 25 Ed. 3.
  • 3. That the like may be required of the Archduchess for those who serve on that side.
  • 4. That it will be full of uncertainty to make a law of a general naturalization, which by proof and averment must be applied to particulars, and inconvenient to bring in so many Dutch English at once.

Upon these reasons, though the House would not reject the bill, yet it was suspended and laid asleep.

Information was given of great quantities of gold lately gathered from the goldsmiths, which bred a jealousy of some intendment of transportation. This caused some little debate and a message to the Lords.

[f. 27v] MR. [JOHN] GLANVILLE having made a report of the election of Chippenham, the debate was intercepted by return of the committees who had agreed upon a writing containing the resolution of the House in answer to his Majesty's speech concerning our advice and that a message should be sent to the Lords, signifying the same resolution in general with a desire of correspondence with them and of a meeting for the perfecting thereof, a congratulation to the Prince for the noble expression of himself with thanks and promise to be tender of his honour in all things.

These propositions of the committee were approved by the House and the Solicitor [sic] sent with the message.

The case of Chippenham had been thus stated by the reporter: the right of election was in question between the corporation, consisting of the bailiff and 12 burgesses and the inhabitants. This present election was made in this manner. Upon Wednesday, the 21st of January, there was a meeting where there were present only the bailiff and eleven of the corporation in an upper room, and Mr. John Maynard was chosen by all their voices for the first place. For the second, the voices were equal between Sir Francis Popham and Mr. [John] P[ym]. Thereupon, the election for the voice was adjourned until Friday following, at which time the whole corporation met and Mr. [John] P[ym] had 7 and Sir Francis Popham 6. At their coming down out of that upper room they found divers other of the inhabitants, but it was not proved that any of them was present at the reading of the writ or did name Sir Francis Popham. Yet the bailiff made a return in this manner: for the first place he returned Mr. Charles Maynard, brother to John Maynard, by a mistake, as was alleged; and for the second, Sir Francis Popham. The opinion of the committee was that the return should be amended for Mr. [John] Maynard and that a new writ should go for the second.

The first was ordered, upon question, by the House, the other put off until a new day.

Eodem die, at the committee for grievances

A petition was delivered by the grocers of London against the apothecaries, who being a part of their company, had procured themselves to be new incorporated by a new charter without their consent.

Day was given for this cause to be heard by counsel.

The patent was read whereby the King, at the nomination of the Duke of Lennox, had appointed Sir R[obert] Sharpeigh and Mr. [blank] surveyors of seacoal, with a fee of 4d. per quarter [sic] and reservation of ten pounds rent to the King.

The exceptions were these.

  • 1. An imposition was laid upon a native commodity spent within the kingdom, which was a power the King did not challenge but disavow to the Parliament 70 Jacobi. And 12 H. 4 and 13 Eliz., it was adjudged that an office erected for the advancement of cloth was void.
  • 2. That the woodmongers had been drawn by bribery to make the certificate upon which this patent was passed.

[f. 28] A day was appointed for the appearance of Sir Robert Sharpeigh.

The inhabitants of Colchester preferred a complaint against the Dutch congregation there, that they had excessive privileges by their church whereby they did eat the rest of the town out of all trade. Both parties were heard and an agreement made between them according to certain articles which had formerly been mediated by Mr. Attorney [General] and Solicitor.

The Speaker was called to the chair.

Mr. Attorney [sic] made a report of the conference with the Lords, which had been adjourned until this afternoon. That their Lordships had approved our paper and passed it by the vote of the House.

The effect of which paper was this: an acknowledgment of his Majesty's prudent answer to our advice. Thanks for this inclination to hearken to us. Desire that no consideration of the charge might hinder his resolution, for that we had unanimously agreed and did assure his Majesty that upon his declaration to dissolve both those treaties, we would be ready in a parliamentary manner with our persons and our abilities to assist his Majesty.

The business between the Dutch congregation and townsmen of Colchester was reported and confirmed by the House.

A committee was appointed together with the committee named by the Lords to wait upon the King, and my Lord of Canterbury to deliver the declaration above mentioned.


[f. 77]

Friday, the 12th of March

SECRETARY CALVERT'S report from the committee of both Houses of the Prince's speech.

MR. TREASURER. We see how nobly the Prince has been pleased to take care of removing jealousies. We see how his Majesty desires not to prefer his own private estate before the more public. Who will not now [blank] [f. 77v] it being the first request the Prince has made to this House. Motion, to return thanks to the Prince.

SIR ROBERT PHELIPS. We shall be better able to relieve the King's wants when we have relieved the commonwealth. Motion, a message to the Prince:

  • 1. To tender our humble thanks.
  • 2. To signify that we are ready to attend his Highness with our best services to second his Highness's resolutions.

The CHANCELLOR OF THE DUCHY. It is a weighty business. In regard it has not been usual to send messages to any but the King, therefore fit to have a select committee to consider of it.

Ordered accordingly.

SECRETARY CONWAY. I think not this the readiest way to show our thankfulness. The Prince knows to whom he spoke and to what end. He desired we should go to a speedy resolution. The King's declaration is that that both he and we must look after. Our resolutions must be more particular to satisfy his Majesty. Let us declare what we will do on [f. 78] condition the King will declare himself, and on those other conditions which he himself has proposed. And this we may do safely, and this will give the Prince a real satisfaction.

SIR EDWARD COKE. Fit first to go on with that which is referred to the committee. The Black Prince was usually a committee and so was H. 5 before he was King. And thanks was wont to be returned by the House for the pains the Prince had taken.

Bill for naturalizing the children of such soldiers as have served in the Low Countries that have been there born since his Majesty's reign.

The House thought fit to let this bill die without any further proceeding in regard of the strang[en]es[s] and impossibility of it.

Bill for repeal of the statute H. 8 concerning Wales. Reported and passed to engrossment.

SIR EDWARD SEYMOUR informed that priests and recusants did exchange great quantities of silver into gold to transport it.

A message was sent from this House to the Lords to acquaint them with it.

[f. 78v] SIR JOHN STRANGWAYS informed that of 4 ships at Lisbon embarked, one of them sent here, the master bound to return her laden with brass to make ordnance.

MR. [JOHN] GLANVILLE'S report from the committee of privileges. The case of Chippenham:

  • 1. One Charles Maynard returned instead of John, his brother, that was chosen before and was returned by another indenture, it being pretended there was a mistake.
  • 2. Touching the difference between Mr. [John] Pym and Sir Francis Popham upon the question whether 12 of the borough only were to elect, or more.

[f. 80v] SIR EDWARD CECIL'S report of the message concerning the stay of the money.

Friday afternoon, a committee for grievances

A petition preferred by the grocers complaining of a grant made to the apothecaries of London restraining the trade of the grocers.

A complaint made against the patentees that had procured an imposition upon [sea]coal, 4d. per chaldron.

The patent read.

Sir Edward Coke. A case 18 E. 3, a surveyor of weights and measures. And in the 1 E. 4, one had got a patent to survey beer, and a fee out of it; and in 12 E. 4, one got a patent to survey victuals. These voided by Parliament. In Queen Elizabeth's time, one got a grant to be a surveyor of vinegar and mustard; one Captain Bell in this King's time, for surveying of lead, but rejected by the Council. One got a grant for surveying and salting and drying of fish. There may be surveying of corn, victual or any such thing as well as of [sea]coal.

Sir Thomas Trevor. The imposition is upon the King's subjects; strangers are free. [f. 81] The patentee is paid by the small measure, which is but half the water measure, so he has 2 groats out of the chaldron in effect.

This put off to be heard.

A complaint having been made against the Dutchmen of Colchester for prejudicing the other native inhabitants by making bays, etc., having not served as apprentices, counsel heard on both sides.

Sir Edward Coke. The King may dispense with a penal law but he cannot confer that power upon any other.

A certificate to the lords of the Council was read mentioning that they suffer none of theirs to beg, contribute to the poor of the town and set on work 20,000 poor people.


[f. 77v]

March 12, Friday

A motion that the Clerk might enter in his book only the resolutions of the House but put no man's name to it.

Report of the Prince's speech the day before. My Lord Treasurer having related the King's necessities, doubts arose among them to what end that was done; fearing the like might arise among us, he said the King intended not thereby a relief of his own estate so much as to make it appear he would not enter the war without our assistance. We might settle his Majesty's estate in due time. And because we might doubt of the King's slow calling again of another Parliament, that once settled he assured us that his Majesty would, if things went on as they did, be in love with Parliaments, and he himself had found his Majesty not only willing to do so but that he had judged it necessary to call them often (though he had not any command to tell us it). Now he in his particular was commanded from the Lords (those were his very words, speaking [f. 78] as a Lord of the Upper House) to entreat us to consider how far this main business of treaties and advice was already gone, that his Majesty desired a speedy resolution, that the year was far spent, how far we had already irritated and exasperated the adversary, and ergo entreated us to provide not only to show our teeth but to bite too if there were occasion. He recommended the care of the King in it and that it was his own first engagement and action, the dishonour of him if it should miscarry, ergo we should oblige him to be hearty in it; and the time would serve that we should think our labours well bestowed.

A motion to return a thankful answer to the Prince consisting of an acknowledgement of his favour towards us and the assurance that we would be tender of his honour in this and all things else.

A select committee to frame that answer.

SIR HUMPHREY MAY. Never rejoiced at Parliament before, for then they did nothing but fence one with another. Now all things went in a fair way. And ergo, though this House was never wont to send any message to any particular man but only the king, yet it was good divinity, to speak with reverence, of the father and the son are one. And besides, the Prince had highly deserved it. Never was father more indulgent nor ever son more observant.

SECRETARY CONWAY would rather give real thanks in speaking freely to the King that he might do so to us.

It was related out of the records that the Black Prince and likewise Henry the 5th sat in committees and had thanks returned them from the House of Commons; that a precedent for us now.

[f. 78v] A bill brought for the naturalizing of the children of soldiers that served in the Low Countries, but it was rejected as too general, also because they could not come in and take their oaths, vide March 20; and besides, it was not needful for by the statute 25 Henry the 50 [sic], children born of liege parents are natives; and instance made of the naturalizing of a daughter of Sir Edward Cecil's, it was done by declaration rather than act. So this bill had honourable burial.

Notice given, according to the custom of the House, of the 3rd reading and passing of bills the next day.

Notice given of the papists getting up of gold everywhere and a motion to stop the passage of it beyond sea. A message was sent immediately about it unto the Lords.

Order to deliver our resolution to the King and thanks to the Prince. A committee of both Houses that day to that purpose.

Master John Maynard, after long debate, taken into the House as burgess for Chippenham, for which Charles Maynard was returned.