Historical Account of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Including the Borough of Gateshead. Originally published by Mackenzie and Dent, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827.
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Eneas Mackenzie, 'Index', in Historical Account of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Including the Borough of Gateshead(Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/newcastle-historical-account/pp763-780 [accessed 13 March 2025].
Eneas Mackenzie, 'Index', in Historical Account of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Including the Borough of Gateshead(Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827), British History Online, accessed March 13, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/newcastle-historical-account/pp763-780.
Eneas Mackenzie. "Index". Historical Account of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Including the Borough of Gateshead. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1827), British History Online. Web. 13 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/no-series/newcastle-historical-account/pp763-780.
A memoir, or some brief account, is given of those individuals to whose names the letter m. is affixed.
-->Abbs Mrs. 351.
Abercrombie Gen, lands at Shields. 73.
Academy for fine arts recommended, 590.
Accidents on the river Tyne, 744.
Ad Murum, 5.
Adamson John, 622.
Address to the late king relative to
American war, 64, on his escape from
assassination, 74, on the battle of
Trafalgar, 75.
-, —— to the prince regent, 80, against
reform, 81.
-, —— to the queen, 84, 85, females'
ditto, ib.
-, —— to the king, 85.
Airey Joseph, 332, 375.
-, ——Miss, 298.
Akenside Dr. Mark, m. 371.
Albion Street and Place, 191.
Aldwine monk, visit to Northumb. 6.
Alexander William account of 67.
All Saints' parish church, history of, 292, chantries of, 295, old church described, 297, new church, history of 302, described, 305, organ, 312, chapel, 313, vestry, ib. records of, ib. bells, 314, clock, ib. sepulchral monuments, 315, lecturers, 316, curates, 318, boundaries of the parish, ib. assistant curates, 321, registers, &c. 322, charity-school, 448, Sundayschool, 457, legacies to the poor of, 533, poor-house, 542, houses, occupations, and population, 733, christenings, marriages, and deaths, ib.
Allan Rev. John, m. 397.
Alms-houses, ancient, 154, Brigham's, ib. Stock Bridge, ib. Low bridge, ib. Ward's, 155, opposite Rosemary-lane, ib. Manors, 568, Gateshead, 757.
Alvery's Island, 181.
-, ——Rev. Y. m. 281.
Amateur Harmonic Society, 591.
Amen Corner, 177.
Anchor old at the Trinity-house, 687.
Anchorage, Gateshead, 755.
Anderson Place, 178.
-, ——Major, 200, (see corporation
auditors), 640.
-, ——Thomas, 348, m. 588.
-, ——'s of Jesmond, 193.
-, ——'s alderman ring, 208.
Andrew's St. parish church, history of, 323, chantries of, 324, described, 326, vestry, 328, organ, ib. extracts from the old registry of, ib. 363, steeple, 329, bells, ib. monumental inscriptions, ib. church-yard, 336, curates, &c. ib. boundaries of the parochial chapelry of, ib. charity-school, 449, Sunday-school, 457, legacies to the poor, 536, poor-house, 543, houses, occupations, and population in, 733, christenings, marriages, and deaths, ib.
Andrew Tower, 111.
Anglo-Saxons, 5.
Ann's St. Street, 184.
-, —— chapel, 361, preachers at, ib.
chapel school, 451.
Anti-burghers, see Burghers.
Antiquarian Society, 485.
Antiquities Roman, reflections on, 3, found, 225.
Apprentices, riot of, 24.
Aquafortis, 716.
Architecture of the Castle, 98.
Ascension-day, 581, 744.
Askew Adam, M. D. m. 505.
-, ——Henry, 260.
Assembly Rooms, 171, 231, subscription rooms, 499.
Assessed duties, 735.
Assize, judges of, customs, 233.
Association Protestant, 65.
-, ——armed formed, 73, again
formed, 74.
-, ——for preserving life from
shipwreck, 568.
Astell Mary, 732.
-, ——William, 347.
Athol Sir Adam de, 330.
Atkin Rev. George, 333.
Atkinson Charles, death of, 274.
-, ——Henry, m. 468.
-, —— Joseph, m. 588.
-, —— Thomas, tried for manslaughter, 68.
-, —— William murdered, 58.
Aubone William, 298.
Augustine Friars, 132, suppression of,
133, account of, ib. situation of, 134.
-, ——'s St. arrival in Britain, 5.
Austin Tower, 114.
Austrian archdukes John and Lewis at Newcastle, 79.
Avison Chas. prof. of music, 251, 333.
Ayton Bank, encampments at, 65.
Back Row, 169.
Backhouse Dorothy, 332.
Bagnall George, 591, 747.
Bailey Gate, 169.
Baillie Rev. John, m. 394.
Bainbridge Joseph, 267.
Baliol does homage to Edward III. 12.
Ball, masked, 81, bachelors', 88, 232.
Ballast Hills, 186, burial-ground, 408,
registry, curious circumstance in,
413, plan of a new, ib.
-, ——Shores, 737.
Balloons, Clarke's, 67, Lunardi's, 68, Sadler's, 78.
Bambrough, fortress of, 4.
Bank Side, 168.
Banks, 719, panic of, 70, 71.
Baptism, 250.
Baptists, congregations of, 397, et seq. missionary society, 571, auxiliary ditto, 572.
Barker Robert, m. 578, 727.
Barnes Mr. m. 368.
Barracks the, 710.
Barras, meaning of the word, 148, Bridge, 192, 214, mill and field, 194.
Barrington apprehended, 68.
Bartholomew St. nunnery of, 118.
Bates Andrew, A. M. 355.
-, ——Ralph, 331.
Baths public, 527.
Bedingfield Thomas, m. 732.
Beehive,Sandhill, 162.
Beer trade, 717.
Beilby Ralph, 331, m. 582.
Bell Joseph, 333, John, 347, Edward,
350, John, 351, William, m. 576.
-, —— Matthew, 315.
-, ——'s Court, 174, 179.
Bellegrove Retreat, 526.
Bells, legality of ringing at funerals, 40.
Benefit societies, list of, 564, calculations on forming, 566.
Benevolent Newcastle Society, 546.
Bennet's John epitaph, 257.
Bennett Rev. B. m. 374.
Benson Rev. Christopher, m. 356, 457.
Benton Bank, 193.
Benwell chapel, 151.
Bertram Mombowcher Tower, 112.
-, ——Robert, 349.
Bethel chapel, 405, Sunday-school, 458.
-, ——Union Society, 573.
Bewick Thomas, artist, m. 583.
Bewicke Colonel, 269.
Bible Association, 570.
-, —— Society, 569, schism in, ib.
Bigg Market, 176.
Birch Mrs. Elizabeth, m. 407.
Black Boy Chare, 162.
-, —— Friars, 124, demised to 9 Mysteries, 128.
-, —— Gate, 102, 167.
Blackburn Rev. James, m. 289.
Blackett Street, new and old, 188, discovery in, ib. Place, 189.
-, ——Sarah, 260.
-, ——'s Sir Walter hospital, 530.
-, ——'s Sir Wm. loyalty suspected, 51.
Blakiston's Mrs. effects sold, 45.
Blaylock Thomas, m. 471.
Blue Anchor Chare, 163.
Blyth's Nook, 182.
Boat-race, 85.
Bolbeck Hall, 170.
Bonaparte, assoc. formed against, 73.
Bonner Rev. R. 337.
Book catalogue, first printed, 729.
Books in numbers, 729.
Borcovicus or Housesteads, 3.
Borne George, 299.
Borrel Richard, 298.
Botanical & Horticultural Society, 600.
Boucher James, 351.
Boundaries of Newcastle, 158, 185.
Bounty offered to seamen, 64.
Bourbon duke, in Newcastle, 72.
Bourne Henry, m. 320.
Bowling Green, 599.
Boy bishop, 151.
-, ——nearly buried alive, 353.
Bradford Rev. William, A. M. m. 283.
Brand Rev. John, m. 339, 349.
Brandling John, case of apprentice, 669.
-, ——Place, 193.
-, ——Robert, knighted, 20.
-, ——epitaph on, 299.
Bredy Robert, 349.
Bremenium, 2.
Bridge old of Newcastle, 2.
-, ——Barras, 192, 214.
-, —— Glasshouse, 186, 214.
-, —— Nether Dean, 180, 214.
-, —— Ouseburn, 186, 214.
-, ——Pandon New, 186, 189, 214.
-, ——Stock, 181, 214.
-, ——Street, 189.
-, ——Tyne, antiquity and history of,
204, destruction of, 210, temporary
one erected, 211, present one built,
ib. acts relative to, 213, widened
and improved, 214, description of, ib.
-, —— Upper Dean, 175, 214.
Brigantes, 2.
Britain, Julius Cæsar's landing in, 2.
-, ——Tadmor of, 3.
Britons, history of on the Tyne, 1.
Broad Chare, 164.
-, ——Garth, ib.
Brough Buildings, 186.
Brown and Son's veneer saw-mill, 192.
-, ——Rev. John, m. 284.
-, —— Sir Stephen, m. 732.
Bruce Edward, 332.
Brumwell William, m. 514.
Brunswick Place, 189, chapel, 402.
Brunton John, 410.
Bryan Michael, m. 589.
Bulcraig Thomas, 411.
Bull baited, 64.
Bulmer's Mr. typ. productions, 730.
Burdikin John, feat of, 305.
Burdon William on repairing the Castle, 101, m. 438.
Burdus Richard, 315.
Burgesses, rights and privileges of, 652, Collier's account of, ib.
Burghers, opinions of, 392, meetinghouses, ib. 394.
Burial-ground, Percy Street, 414.
Burn Bank, 164.
Burns club, 598.
Burnup William, 348.
Burton Francis, 256.
Butcher Bank, 180.
-, —— Market, 176.
Bye-trades the, see Companies, 679, Companies not of, 698.
Byker Buildings, 186.
-, —— Chare, 164.
-, ——township, 546, poor-rates of, ib.
Byng Admiral, effigy of burnt, 58.
Byrde George, 269.
Cæsar's landing in Britain, 2, account of the Suevians, 4.
Cameron Alexander, 412.
Candle curious, 60.
Carlel Tower, or Weavers, 113.
Carliol Croft, 179, Tower, 113.
-, —— Street, 179, meeting-house, 394.
Carlyle Rev. J. D. m. 285, his opinion of St. Nicholas' steeple, 761.
Carmelites or White Friars, 131, grants to, ib suppressed by Henry 8, ib. situation of, 132.
Carmichael J. W. artist, m. 581.
Caroline Queen, addresses to, 84, 85, subscription for plate for, ib.
Carpenters' Tower, 116, school for girls, 455, Sunday-school at, 458.
Carr George, 257, m. 423.
-, ——Thomas, trial of, 726.
Carriers, 722.
Castle built, 7 ancient history of, 89,
purchased by the corporation, 97,
used as a depot for antiquities, ib.
accident on, ib. garrisoned, ib. used
as a prison, 98, described, ib.
-, —— Garth, 168, custom in, ib. Street,
ib. meeting-house, 390.
-, —— Leazes, 710.
Catholic Roman priests executed, 33, 363, chapels, 362, Q. Elizabeth's laws against, ib. Gateshead chapel burnt, 364, 754, chapel description of, 365, bishops succession of, 366, friendly society, 564, defence society, 574 baptisms, 734, charity-schools. 762.
Cavendish William, m. 46.
Central News-rooms, 499.
Chambers Sir Robert, m. 436.
Chandy Simon, taken prisoner, 15.
Chapel of the Castle, 102.
Chapels ancient, St. James', Barras Bridge, 148, Virgin Mary's, 149, St. Lawrence, 149, Heaton, 150, Jesmond, ib. Benwell, 151, North Gosforth, ib. the Ladies', 152, St. John's, ib.
Chapels, meeting-houses, &c. St. Thomas', 357, St. Ann's, 361, Catholic, 362, Unitarian, 370, Quaker, 380, Wall Knoll, 382, Garth Heads, 384, St. James', Blackett Street, 385, Groat Market, 386, High Bridge, 387, Scotch Church, 390, Castle Garth, ib. Close, 392, Carliol Street, 394, Clavering Place, 395, Postern, 396, Zion, ib. Tuthill Stairs, 397, New Court, 398, Foster Street, 399, Brunswick Place, 402, New Road, 404, Bethel, ib. Ebenezer, 406, Silver Street, ib. Jerusalem, 407, Infirmary, 503, Trinity-house, 686, Barras Bridge, 761.
Chapman William, engineer, m. 469.
Chares, 162, laughable mistake, ib.
Charitable institutions, 528.
Charity-schools, note on, 447.
Charles I. a prisoner at Newcastle, 34.
-, ——II. restoration, anecdotes of, 368.
Charlotte Princess, funeral of, 80.
-, ——Queen, ditto, ib.
-, ——Street, 171.
Charlton Rear-admiral W. 273.
Charnley Wm. bookseller, 350, m. 729.
Chaytor Oswald, 347.
Chevy Chase, the Bowmen of, 599.
Chicken Edward, m. 351.
-, ——Rev. Robert, m. 352.
Chimney Mills, 194.
Choral Society, 591, 752.
Christianity introduced into Britain, 5.
Church Auxiliary Missionary Soc. 570.
-, —— Street, 177.
Circulating libraries, 498.
Circus the, 594.
Claremont Place, 194.
Clark Charles, 347.
-, —— John, A. M. m. 336.
-, —— M. D. m. 503.
-, —— Joseph (see corp. auditors), 640.
-, ——'s Mr. balloon, 67.
Clarke Hewson, author, m. 759.
Clarkson Jefferson, L. L. B. m. 423.
Clavering Place, 169, meeting-house, 395, library, 497.
Clayton Nathaniel Rev. 348, m. 356.
-, ——plate presented to, 621.
Cleasby Stephen, 351.
Clennell John, m. 379, Luke, m. 586.
Clerks' Society, 562.
Clogger's Raw, 68.
Close, 165, Gate, 107, suburbs of, 196, meeting-house, 392, Sunday-sch. 458.
Clothing distressed females society, 549,
Clover Robert, m. 759.
Clutterbuck John 347.
Coaches 722, hackney, ib.
Coal tar, 716.
-, ——trade, 715, shipped from Newc. 712.
Cock's Chare, 164.
Cockerill Mr. m. 590.
Coffins stone, 273.
Coinage new delivered, 80.
Coins found in old bridge, 204.
Coke, 716.
Cole Sir Ralph, m. 618.
-, —— William, m. 355.
Collard William, 588.
Colliery bands, 591.
Collingwood Edvardi, 261.
-, ——Lord, piece of plate to, 75,
monument, 272, m. 432.
-, ——Street, 170.
Colvin's Chare, 163.
Companies incorporated, 662. Merchant Adventurers, 663, Skinners and Glovers, 670, Taylors, 671, Saddlers, 672, Bakers and Brewers, 674, Tanners, ib. Cordwainers, 675, Butchers, 676, Smiths, 677, Fullers and Dyers, 678, Bye-trades, 679, Trinity-house or Mariners, ib. Weavers, 688, Barber-chirurgeons with Chandlers, 690, Shipwrights, 691, Coopers, ib. House-carpenters, 692, Masons, 693, Joiners, 694, Millers, 695, Feltmakers, Curriers, and Armourers, 696, Colliers, Paviors, and Carriagemen, ib. Slaters, ib. Plumbers, Pewterers, and Glaziers, 697, not of the 15 Bye-trades, 698, Goldsmiths, ib. Bricklayers and Plasterers, 699, Rope-makers, 701, Sail-makers, ib. Upholsterers, Tin-plate Workers, and Stationers, ib. Meters, 702, Porters, ib. seriveners, 703, Hoastmen, ib. extinct companies, 706, plays performed by, 707.
Conduit-head, 187.
Conference Methodist. 405.
Continental Ladies' Society, 572.
Cook Rev. Thomas, m. 65.
Cookson Anthony. m. 445.
-, ——John, 376.
Cooper William, 360.
Copperas works, 716.
Cordell Rev. Charles, works of, 364.
Corner Tower, 114.
Corporation the, history of, 601, mayors and sheriffs, list of, 612, aldermen, 618, recorders, 619, town-clerks, list of, 620, deputy do. 621, coroners, ib. places bought of and scheme of, ib. list of sheriffs' and coroners' clerks, 622, clerks of the chamber, ib. sword-bearers and duties of, 623, water-bailiffs, 624, quay-masters, 625, town-marshals, ib. town-surveyors, 626, mace-bearers and serjeants at mace, ib. ancient officers of, 627, courts (see courts), 628, chamberlains, 636, auditors, 637, revenue, 641, disbursements for one year, 644, dues and tolls, 649, regalia, 233.
Cosin John, 300.
Cotter M. French judge, 80.
Coulson Stephen, 299, John, 333, Thomas, m. 589.
-, ——'s Mr. remarks on bastardy, 546.
County-courts, 224, act for building,
ib. rate, ib. antiquities found in digging the foundation, 225, foundation
stone laid, ib. description of, 227,
Bayley Judge remarks on, 228, reflections in, ib. cost, 229.
-, ——rates, 735.
Courts, mayors' and sheriffs', 628, Harvey's, 629, conscience, 630, admiralty, ib. pye-powder, 631, quarter sessions, ib. assize, ib. common council, 635, oath of, ib. guild, 636.
Cowan Rev. Robert, m. 384.
Cowgate, 181.
Cradle Well, 193.
Cram David, Esqr.'s house, 190.
Cramlington Ann, 315.
Crispin St. festival of, 88.
Croft the, 179, Place, 190.
Cross Street, 171.
Crowe Patrick, 263.
Cumberland Duke of arrives at Newcastle, 55, returns to do. 56, visits
do. 60.
-, ——Row, 194.
Cunningham John, poet, 350.
Cureton Rev. John, 411.
Curious mode of escaping the law, 14.
Custom-house, 719.
Cuthbert John, 267, Rev. Richd. m. 355.
-, ——St. his shrine profaned, 15.
Daglish John, vaccinator, 514.
Dalziel Alexander, m. 582.
Dark Chare, 163.
Darn Crook, 173.
Darnell William, 331.
Davison Alexander, 264, Thomas, A. M.
m. 317, Elizabeth, 330.
-, ——'s hospital, 531. Mrs. do. 530.
Davy Sir H. plate presented to, 80.
Dawes Richard, A. M. m. 419.
Dawson Barbara, 264.
-, ——'s Court, 170.
Dead Men's Graves, 193.
Dean Pandon, 186.
-, ——Street, 177.
Debating Societies, 500.
Deekham Hall, 760.
Denton Chare, 170.
-, ——or Nevil Tower, 107, 170.
Diamonds, 698.
Dickson Major-general, 332.
Dispensary the, 512.
Dispute between the burgesses and magistrates, 63, anniv. celebrated, 64.
Dissenters, Mr. Neal's account of, 370.
Dissenting Protestant chapels, 367.
Dixon Abraham, 298.
-, —— John, surgeon, 744.
Dobson John, plan of gaol, opinions on, ditto for chapel approved of, 761.
Dockray Stephen, m. 336.
Dockwray Thomas, M. A. 263, m. 289.
Dodd Rev. J.m. 286.
Dog Bank, 180.
-, ——loup Stairs, 167.
Doubleday Robert, m. 466.
-, ——Thomas, m. 467.
Douglas Mr. Henry killed, 57.
Dowey's Corner, 168.
Drama the, 593.
Druids, 1, ancient order of, 598.
Drury Lane, 176.
Drysdale William, m. 444.
Duane Matthew, 261.
Duns Scotus, m. 129.
Durant Rev. William, m. 287, 316.
Durham, writ for establishing university at, 40, bishop of, letter to the
mayor, 370, bust of bishop, 446.
-, —— Tower, 110.
Earthquakes felt at Newcastle, 9.
Ebenezer chapel, 406.
Ecclesiastical establishments, 235.
Edmund's St. Hospital, 753.
Education, instit. for, (see schools) 415.
Egypt, 184.
Eldon Lord, m. 426.
-, ——Place, 194.
Elizabeth's Queen persecution of the Catholics, 365.
Elliott Robert, 41, Thomas, m. 518.
Ellison Rev. Nathaniel, A. M. 272, m.
338, John, A. M. m. ib. Rev. Nathaniel, 283, Robert, 299, Cuthbert,
M. A. m. 320.
-, ——Place, 190.
Elstob Elizabeth, m. 57, William, m. 58.
Elswick Court, 189.
-, ——Low, 196.
Emigrants, arrival of. 72, departure, 74.
Encampment on the Town Moor, 54, at Ayton Bank, 65, on the coast, 71, 72.
Entries in Sandgate, 183.
Erick Street, 179.
Errington George, 269. Thomas, 347.
Evans Frances Henrietta, 333.
Events historical, 1.
Ever Tower, 110.
Ewbank John, artist, m. 582.
Exchange the, 215, burnt, 25, crows' nest on, 216, modernized, ib. pictures in, 217, subscription newsroom, 499.
Execution Dock, 173.
Executions, William Alexander, 66, William Brown, 53, Richard Brown, 57, Dorothy Catenby, ib. Catholic priests, 33, 363, James Chambers, 67, Thomas Clare, 75. Jane and Eleanor Clark, 70, William Collins, 67, Michael Curry, 52, James Edgar, 60, John Fenwick, Esq. 49, Robert Hazlett, 60, 746, Henry Jennings, 68, Robert Knowles, 64, Ewan Macdonald, 57, Andrew Mackenzie, 64, two men, 57, Thomas Nicholson, 71, James O'Neill, 79, Charles Smith, 80, George Stewart, 59, on the Town Moor, 52, Thomas Watson, 59, 105, Alice Williamson, 59, John Wilson, 52, William Winter, 70, witches, 37.
Exports, 515.
Eye Infirmary, 522, patients, 523.
Fairs, 719, in Gateshead, 750.
Famine at Newcastle, 11.
Fancourt Mr.m. 371.
Farrer Rev. John, m. 556.
Fawcett Rev. Richard, m. 284.
-, ——Christopher, 347.
Faws shipped to South Carolina, 57.
Featherstonhaugh Bridget, 348.
-, ——Henry, B. D. m. 318.
Fell Ralph, 298.
-, —— Gateshead, 746, church, 755.
Female extraordinary, 64.
-, —— found murdered, 68, 69.
Fenkle Street, 171.
Fennings Richard, 349.
Fenwick Nicholas, 330, John, 332,
334, Robert, 347.
-, ——'s Entry, 164.
Festivals, 591.
Fickett Tower, 112.
Field House, 760.
Fife Geo. memb. of St. James' ch. 385.
Fine arts institutions for, 575.
Fire near the Tyne Bridge, 56, Hornsby's Chare, 59, Barber's house, 63,
Kidd's flax-loft, 65, Williams and
Co.'s glass-house, ib. Foster and Co.'s
sugar-house, 67, Clapham's brewery,
ib. at Chimney Mills, 68, Sweet's
house, ib. Powell's house, 69, near
the High Crane, ib. Richardson's
house and shop, 70, Mollison's premises, 71, Alex. Graham's house, 72,
Matthew Brown's house, 73, Rankin's house, ib. Bulman's warehouse,
ib. Messrs. Parks' colour-manufactory, 75, Beilby and Hawthorn's manufactory, ib. John Anderson's workshop, 76, Richardson's bark-mill, ibbark-mill near St. Andrew's church,
ib. Harrison's premises and Anderson's house, Gateshead, 77, Cooke's
house, ib. Goodlad and Co.'s paperhanging manufactory, ib. R. Pearson's warehouse, ib. Hodgson's
work-shop, ib. building in Clavering
Place, 78, premises occupied by
Beeney and Lawson, 79, Clapham
and Co.'s soap-house, 86, glass and
dwelling houses, ib. flax-mill, Ouseburn, 87, Brown's saw-mill, 88.
-, ——bricks, 716.
-, ——engines, 723.
Fish bought at Newcastle, 9.
-, ——Market, 217.
Fisheries in the Tyne, 744.
Flemings account of, 130.
Flesher's Raw, 166.
Floods, 57, 59, great, 61, 79.
Flour-dealers, 718.
Foe Daniel de, m. 759.
Forster Matthew, A. M. m. 355.
-, —— Rev. John, m. 397.
-, —— 's Street, 184, chapel, 399.
Forsyth Thos. reform of police by, 626.
Forth the, 713, Lane, 171, Banks, 196, Row, ib. Street, 197.
Forts, Agricola's, 2, at Sandgate, 183.
Fosse the, 117.
Foster Thomas, Esq. intention to surprise Newcastle, 51.
-, —— Rev. Matthew, 347.
-, —— Robert, m. 382.
Fowberry Robert, A. M. m. 417.
Fox George, 380, on the Durham university, 41.
Foxes' heads, 293.
Free and Easy Johns, 598.
Free Gardeners, 597.
Freeholders of Newcastle, 659.
Free Masons, 599.
Freemen, apprentices to, 698.
-, ——'s Hospital, 528.
Free-thinking Christians, 408.
Friars learned, 129, of the Sac, 130, situation of, 131.
Friends, society of, 380, meeting-house library, 497, tract association, 574.
Friendless Poor Society, 546.
Friendly Society, 549.
-, —— Gateshead, 757.
Fryer John, 334, m. 444.
Furyre Mary, 257.
Gaol (see Prisons), 218.
Garth Heads, 185, meeting-house, 384.
Garthwaite Richard, A. M. m. 418.
Gas, dreadful explosion of, 84, works, 725.
Gateshead borough, etymon of name, 745, history of, ib. borough lands, 746, 759, Fell divided, ib. battle on the Fell, 6, 746, Foresters of the borough, 747, Bailiff, ib. courts and corporation of, 748, Stewards, list of, ib. Wainmen, ib. borough described, 749, institutions in, 750, parish church, history and description of, 751, chantries in, ib. rectory and list of rectors, 752, St. Edmund's Hospital, 753, Trinity chapel, ib. refounded as King James' Hospital, 754, Fell church, 755, meetinghouses, ib. Anchorage and Chapel Schools, 756, benefit societies and charities, 757, parochial affairs, 758, suburbs of, 759, biographical anecdotes, ib. Park, 760.
Ged William, m. 727.
Gellatley Rev. David, 391.
George II. cor. observed at Newc. 52.
-, —— III. proclaimed, 59, coronation,
ib. anniversary of his accession celebrated, 65, address to, 68, birth-day
celebrated, 76, jubilee celebrated, 77,
funeral observed, 84.
-, ——IV. proclaimed, 84, coron. 85,
-, ——'s Stairs, 180.
Gibson Rev. Alexander, m. 385, John, m. 402, John, painter, 345, 761, Peter, intrepidity of, 744.
Gigs or light boats, 722.
Gilpin Dr. m. 371.
Giordana Luca, m. 327.
Glass-house Bridge, 186, 214.
-, —— works, 716.
Glassites, opinions of, 399.
Glassmen, procession of, 88.
Gloucester Duke of in Newcastle, 72.
Gosforth North chapel, 151.
Graham Dr. exhib. of earth-bathing, 69.
-, —— Rev. William, m. 393.
Grammar-school, 415, masters and ushers, 416, ushers of sub-masters, 421, under ushers, 423, Spital, 424, bequests, &c. to, ib. decline of, 427, re-modelled, 442.
Grand Stand, 600.
Grant Rev. David, 386.
Gravesend Walk, 170.
Gray Gilbert, m. 576, George, m. 577, Sarah, m. 350.
Green Court, 173.
Greenfield Place, 195.
Greenwell Elizabeth, 263.
Gregory monk sends missionaries, 5.
Grey Jean pilloried, 60.
-, —— Dr. Richard, m. ib.
-, —— Friars, 128, conventuals and recollects of, 129, situation of, 130.
Grieve Dr. m. 516, George, 412.
Grinding Chare, 163.
Groat Market, 174, meeting-house, 386, library, 497.
Grocers, 718.
Grounds public, 709.
Grundell Mr. John, m. 405.
Guild-hall, 216.
Gunner Tower, 108.
Hackney coaches, 722.
Hadrian's rampart of earth, 2, coins of found, ib. 204.
Hailes William Anthony, m. 403.
Halfden Danish king, ravages of, 6.
Hall William, 258, William, A. M. m. 423, Rev. George, m. 437, Dr. m. 526.
Hamilton Thomas, 264.
Hammond Samuel, m. 282.
Hanover Square, 169, chapel, 370, school, 451, Sunday-school, 456, library, 497, charities, 547.
Harle Jonathan, M. D. m. 383.
Harrison Thomas, 330, Robert, m. 443.
Harvey James, 332, William, m. 587.
Haselriggs, 42, Sir Arthur, m. 43.
Hastings E. m. 588.
Hawkes William, Esq. m. 760.
Hawks David, 590.
Heath Thomas, 332.
Heaton chapel, 150.
Hedley Capt. W. interesting story of, 294.
Hengist and Horsa, 4.
Herbage committee, 711.
Herber Tower, 110.
Hermitage, 152, 209.
Heron Street, 173.
Hetherington Edward, 332.
Hewson William, m. 63, Thomas, 334.
Hides and skins, 718.
High Bridge, 175, 214, meeting-ho. 387.
-, ——Friar Street, 172, Lane, 173.
Hetherington Edward, 332.
Hewson William, m. 63, Thomas, 334.
Hides and skins, 718.
High Bridge, 175, 214, meeting-ho. 387.
-, ——Friar Street, 172, Lane, 173.
Higham Place, 189.
Hill's Court, 179.
Hillcoat Mr. obtains a patent, 60.
Hilton William, 759.
-, ——s family of, 119.
Hodgson Edward, 266, Solomon, 351, m. 728, John, 351, William, m. 588.
Holdsworth Richard, m. 280.
Hole H.F.P.W. m. 588.
Holy Land, pilgrims' monuments, 265.
Hood Dr. m. 376.
Hornsby's Chare, 162.
Hospitals, St. Mary's, 137, St. Mary Magdalen, 145, Virgin Mary's, Jesmond, 149, Jesus', 528, Davison's Mrs. 530, Blackett's Sir W. ib. Davison's, 531, Peace and Unity, ib. Keelmen's, 550, St. Edmund's, 753, King James', 754.
Houston Thomas, m. 732.
Howard John, arrival of, 68.
-, ——mathematician, 350, m. 465.
Huddleston Joseph, 265.
Huet (see St. Nich. charity-sch.) 445.
Hughes Mary, works of, 379.
Hurry Francis, 350.
Hutchinson William, 315.
Hutton Dr. Charles, m. 557.
-, —— Rev. John, m. 389.
Hymers Michael, 315.
Ida landing and account of, 4.
-, ——'s erection of Bambrough, ib.
Ifferson Matthew, 269.
Ilderton Charles, 349.
Illuminations and rejoicings at Newcastle, 55, 56, 65, 69, 73, 78, 85.
Imports, 715.
Improved Royal School for Girls, 454.
Improvements effected or projected, 197, 361.
Independent Methodists, 406.
-, ——s opinions of, 396.
Indigent and Sick Society, 548.
Infant schools, 456, observations on, ib.
Infirmary first projectors of, 375, establishment and progress, 501, subscriptions, ib. cost of, 503, chapel of, ib. improvements, 505, description of, 509, patients, 510, government, subscribers, and revenue, 511, account, 512.
Ingham William, 266, m. 506.
Ingram John (Cath. priest), 363.
Innis George singular preservation of, 77.
Inns and public houses, 718.
Institution for fine arts, 575.
-, ——the New, 472.
Insurances, 723.
Invasion alarm of, 74.
Iron market, 175, manufactures, 716.
Jackson John, m. 588.
-, ——Thomas, S. T. P. m. 281.
James II. statue destroyed, 48, account
of ditto, 161.
-, ——'s King Hospital, 754.
-, ——St. chapel, Barras Bridge, 148.
-, ——Blackett Street, 385.
Jamieson Mr. Geo. Baptist priest, 399.
-, ——Rev. Richard, m. 465.
Javil Groop, 165.
Jennison Robert, D. D. m. 282, 316.
Jerusalem New Temple, 407.
Jesmond Andersons of, 193.
-, ——chapel, 149, 193.
-, ——West, 193.
Jesus' Hospital, 528.
Jews, 408, Society for promoting Christianity among, 573.
John's St. chapel, 152.
-, ——church, history of, 342, chantries in, 343, described, 344, organ
the, 346, steeple and vestry, ib. extract from the old books of, ib. funeral monuments and inscriptions, 347,
church-yard the, 353, boundaries of
the par. chap. of, ib. ministers or
lecturers and curates, ib. charityschool, 450, Sunday-school, 457, legacies to the poor of, 538, poor-house,
544, population, &c. 733.
-, ——Lane, 171.
Johnson Hugh, 334, Robert, m. 585.
Jopling Isaac, m. 589, John, m. ib.
Jubilee, George III.'s celebrated, 77.
-, ——Royal School, 452, curious circumstance of two scholars, 453.
Jurin James, m. 418.
Keelmen, stick of, 50, 56, riot of at Shields, 84, strike, 87, hospital described, 552, trial with the coalowners, 740.
Kemble Stephen, m. 593.
Kent William, 315.
Keppell Admiral, 65.
Keyside, 162.
Kilhamites, 405.
King John, A. M. m. 423.
-, ——Street, 167.
-, ——'s Dykes, 117.
Knaggs Thomas, M. A. m. 317.
Knox the reformer, 279, letters of, 368.
Ladies' Chapel, 152.
Laidlaw Rev. Adam, m. 386.
Lambert Cuthbert, 330, Dr. m. 506.
-, ——'s Leap, 187.
Lambton Place, 189.
Lamp and watch acts, 725.
-, ——s, number of, ib.
Lampton Joseph, priest, m. 363.
Latitude and longitude of the town, 157. Dr. m. 284.
Law society, 498, library, ib.
Lawrence Dr. Samuel, m. 374.
-, ——St. chapel, 149.
Lazarettoes, 146.
Lead, 715, manufacture of, 716.
Leather Market, 762.
Leaver Henry, m. 355.
Leazes the, 710, Road, 190.
Lecturer refused to Gateshead par. 758.
Leopold Prince at Newcastle, 81.
Legacies to the poor (see different par.)
Legge Right Hon. Henry, 59.
Leven Earl of, assault upon Newc. 30.
Levingston, anecdote of, 368.
Libraries, Lit. and Phil. 461, Antiquarian, 486, Lit. Scient. and Mec. 488, St. Nicholas', 490, medical, 496, theological, ib. sectarian, 497, law, 498, circulating, ib. typographical, ib.
Liddell Thomas, 257.
Lilburn Colonel Robert, 35.
Lindsay Margaret, 257.
Lisle Street, 190.
Literary and Philosophical Society, 461,
New Institution attached to, 472,
museum do. 473, New Library, 475,
donors' names towards, 480, described, 481, expense of, 483, 762.
-, ——, Scientific, and Mechanical
Institution, 488.
Lock Hospital, 523, 542, 762.
Lockhart Rev. John, 390, on Sundayschools, 460.
Lomax John, M. A. m. 369.
Longevity, 734.
Longmoor James, 412.
Lousy Hill, 185.
Lovaine Row, 192, Place, ib.
Love Lane, 164.
Low Bridge, 180, 214.
-, ——Friar Street, 171.
Lowes William C. 349, Sarah, ib. Susannah, 351.
Lowthian Mr. m. 376.
Lunardi Mr. balloon, 68.
Lunatic Asylum, 525.
Lushington Rev. J. S. 272.
Lying-in Hospital, 517, new, description of, 518.
Lynch Count in Newcastle, 78.
Mackford's Buildings, 189.
Macready William, m. 594.
Maddison President, 759.
-, ——s of Gateshead, ib.
Madison Lionel, 262.
Magazines list of, published in New. 729.
Magdalen Hospital of St. Mary, 145, masters of, 146, situation, 147.
Maiden's of, 146, situation, 147.
Maiden's Walk the, 196.
Maison de Dieu, 152, 217.
Man Edward, 257.
-, ——flying, 96.
Manlove Mr. m. 371.
Manor Chare, 179.
Mansion-house, 232.
March Rev. John, B. D. m. 282, 288.
Margaret Queen, 16.
Mariners of Newcastle burn Dundee, 12.
Market-days altered at Newcastle, 39.
-, ——s corn, 719, in Gateshead, 750.
Marley Sir J. gallantry, 30, m. 43, 616.
Married women lying in at their own houses, 521.
Marshall John, m. 528.
-, ——Richard, prior of Bl. Friars, 127.
-, ——'s Yard, 174.
Martin John, artist, m. 578.
-, ——'s St. Court, 174.
Mary's St. church, Gateshead, 758.
-, ——Hospital, 137, masters of,
142, chapel of, 144, property of, 145.
-, ——Virgin Hospital and chapel,
Jesmond, 149.
Masonic Lodges, 594.
Maximilian Archduke at Newcastle, 80.
Mayor's establishment, 233, list of, 612.
M'Cracken Jean Adair, 412.
Medical library, 496.
Meek Rev. Thomas, m. 387.
Meeting, radical reform, 81, moderate
do. 84, of Reformers and Whigs, 85,
relative to the railway, 88.
-, ——houses (see Chapels).
Menham Thomas, 349.
Merchants' Court, 217.
Methodists Wesleyan, 402, New Connexion, 405, Independent, 406, Primitive, ib. Sunday-school, 457, 458, library, 497, missionary society, 512, Sunday tract society, 574.
Michael Grand Duke at Newcastle, 80.
-, ——'s St. Mount, 182.
-, ——priory, 134.
Middle Glass-houses, 186.
-, ——Street, 175.
Midford John, 269.
Milburn William, 299.
Milk Market, 183.
Mills, wind, water, steam, 717.
M'Indoe Rev. David, m. 387.
Missionary Society, 571.
Mitchell John m. 728.
Moises Edvardus, 312.
-, —— Rev. Hugh, A. M. 266, m. 420.
Monastic institutions, 118, plundered by Henry VIII. 124, nunnery of St. Bartholomew, 118, Black Friars, 124, Grey do. 128, Friars of the Sac, 130, Carmelites, 131, Augustine Friars, 132, St. Michael, 134, reflections on, 155.
Moneyers elected, 9, 699.
Monkchester, former name of Newc. 6.
Moor the Town, 709, the Nun, 710.
Moorhouse Henry, M. D. 315.
Moot-hall, 104, 224.
Morals, 730.
Morden Tower, 110.
Morrison Dr. Robert, 389.
Morton Andrew, m. 582.
-, ——Rev. William, m. 316.
Mosley Edward, 265.
Mosley Street, 176.
Mosstroopers condemned at Newc. 36.
Mount the, 168.
Mummy the, 474.
Munro Henry, 333, m. 592.
Munton Anthony, A. M. m. 423.
Murray Alexander, 412.
-, ——Rev. James, 332, m. 587.
Museum the, 473.
Musical institutions, 590.
Muss Charles, m. 579.
Mutiny of soldiers, 72.
Myln Chair, 191.
Nelson Lord, funeral of, 75.
Nesbit Charlton, artist, m. 587.
Nevill Hugh de, 8
-, ——'s Cross, battle of, 13.
-, ——Tower, 107, 170.
New Court chapel, 398, library, 498.
-, ——Flesh Market, 176.
-, ——Road the, 184, chapel, 404.
Newburn battle at, 25.
Newcastle, origin and early history of, 1, Earl of, title extinct and revived, 24, Marquis of disfranchised, 33, Cavendish, Duke of, m. 46, riot at, 52, latitude and longitude, 157, situation, 158, boundaries, ib. streets, 160, improvements effected or projected, 197, 361, freeholders, 659.
Newgate, 111, Street, 172, 174, suburbs of, 191.
News-rooms, 499.
Newspapers, 727, Newcastle Mercury, ib. Newcastle Gazetter, ib. Newcastle Journal, ib. General Advertiser, ib. Newcastle Advertiser, ib. Freeman's Weekly Post, ib. General Hue and Cry, ib. Durham County Advertiser, ib. Newcastle Courant, ib. Newcastle Chronicle, 728, Tyne Mercury, ib. Northumberland and Durham Gazette, ib.
Newton Charles fights a privateer, 49.
-, ——Matthew, 269.
Nicholas Grand Duke at Newcastle, 79.
-, ——St. miracle performed by, 154.
-, ——Church, 235, chantries, 238,
described, 242, altered, 243, font,
250, organ, ib. organists, 251, steeple,
252, 761, clock and bells, 255, sepulchral monuments, 256, vicars of,
276, boundary of parish, ib. 278, vicarage the, 286, afternoon lecturers,
ib. curates, 289, charity-sochool, 445,
Sunday-school, 457, library, 490,
Dr. Thomlinson's will relative to,
491, legacies to the poor, 532, poorhouse, 541, population, &c. 733.
-, ——yard, 177.
Nicholson Susannah, suicide, 50, Cuthbert, 330, George, 349, William, m. 586, Isaac, m. 588.
Nimma Rev. Alexander, 410.
Nonconformity, history of, 367, ministers ejected for, ib. act of, 368.
Non-jurors or Episcopalians, 408.
North Shore, 185.
Northumberland, residence of the kings
of, 5, Earl of rebels, 22, Hugh Earl
of, created lord lieutenant of Newcastle, 57, Duke of, presented with
the freedom of the town, 80, Henry
4th Earl of shrine, 256.
-, ——and Newcastle corps
formed, 84.
-, ——Court, 189.
-, ——Institution for the
Fine Arts, 575.
-, ——Place, 190.
-, ——Spinning-mill, 716.
-, ——Street, 188, 190.
Northumbrians war with Saxons, 4.
Numbers books in, 729.
Nunnery of St. Bartholomew, 118, account of, ib. grants and donations, 119, suppressed, 123, situation of, ib.
Nuns-gate, 174.
Odd Fellows' Lodges, 598.
Ogle James, 330.
Old Flesh Market, 175.
Orange Lodges, 597.
Orchard Street, 197.
Orde John, 269.
Organs, 250.
Origin of Monkery, 124.
Orphan-house, 189, Sunday-school, 457.
Oswy King, zeal for Christianity, 6.
Ottadini, 2.
Ouseburn, 186, 214.
Owen Robert, 454.
Oxen consumed, 718.
Oxford Street, 190.
Oxley Amor, m. 417.
Paget Thomas, 412.
Paine Thomas, 69.
Painter Heugh, 180.
Paintings in the Exchange, 217, Mansion-house, 232, St. Nicholas' church, 247, St. Andrew's do. 327, Catholic chapel, 366, Trinity-house, 686.
Palester's Chare, 163.
Palmer James, m. 73.
Pandon Hall, 5, Gate, 114, 181, Street, 182, New, 186, Dean, ib. Bank, 187, suburbs, ib. New Bridge, 214, Bank chapel, 378.
Pants number of, 725.
Paper brown, 716.
Papists imprisoned, 51.
Parade the, 192.
Paradise Row, 169.
Park the, 164, Place, 189.
Parker H. P. artist, m. 580.
Parliament, list of members, 655.
Passage, objectionable in a petition, 85.
-, ——boats, 722.
Peace, thanksgiving for, 59, proclaimed, 74, 78.
-, ——and Unity Hospital, 531.
Peacock John, m. 590.
-, ——'s Chare, 164.
Peada king of Mercia, 5.
Peareth William, 268.
Pearson Dr. m, 516.
Pedlar Row, 189.
Pencher Place, 167.
Pendred Rev. W. m. 397.
Peppercorn Chare, 163.
Percy Street, 191, 192, Court, ib. Place, ib. burial-ground, 414.
Perkin Rev. John, m. 357.
Pestilence in Newcastle, 46.
Peters Wm. on Newc. freeholders, 333.
Petition of burgesses against American war, 64, Cumberland adopted and sent, 65, against alterations in the corn-laws, 78, relative to sweeps, 80, for moderate reform, 84, for H. Hunt's liberation, 87.
Phil-harmonic Society, 591.
Pickering George, m. 732.
Picton Place, 189.
Picts and Caledonians the same, 4, excursions against the Britons, ib.
Pigg Cuthbert, 350, John, m. 539.
Pilgrim Street, 177, Gate, 113, inn, 177, suburbs, 188.
Pink Tower, 109.
Pitt Right Hon. William, 59.
Plague at Newcastle, 8, 14, 20, 24, 33, orders relative to, 45, malicious report of, 50.
Plays ancient, 150, performed by incorporated companies, 707, described, ib. 708, expenses of, 709.
Pleasant Row, 187.
Plumber Chare, 163, Tower, 113.
Police the, 626, night, 726.
Pollard Robert, m. 588.
Pons Ælii, 2, occupiers of, 4, probable destruction of, ib.
Poor of Newcastle, subscription for and
sufferings of, 52, legacies to (see different parishes), 532, do. not in possession of, 539, rates, 540, 545, 546,
of Gateshead, 758, houses (see different parishes), 540.
-, ——Friendless, 546.
Portland Place, 190.
Population, 732.
Postern, 169, chapel, 396.
Potteries, 716.
Præmonstratensians, 152.
Premium offered for provisions, 63.
Presbyterian meeting-houses, 383, et seq. Bible, missionary, and school society, 574,
Prince's Street, 190.
Pringle Rev. James, 412.
Prior Matthew, m. 699.
Prisoners escape of, 68, 69, 76.
-, ——conv. through streets, 219.
Prisons New, 218, plan of, 220, on employment in, 223, observations, 224.
Privateers from Newcastle, 65.
Protestants political, 81, dissenting chapels, 367, acts against, 368, dissenters' widows' fund, 554, schoolmasters' association, 555.
Prowitt Edward, m. 378.
Prudhoe Street, 189, Court, ib. Place, ib.
Public buildings, 204, 234.
Pudding Chare, 170, Unitarians in, 378.
Pullen Market, 174.
Quakers, behaviour of in the army, 42, meeting-house, &c. (see Friends)380.
Quality Row, 185, 186.
Quay, 162.
Queen Street, 169, Square, 190.
Races the, 599.
Racket Court, ib.
Railroad meeting, 88.
Randall Rev. Thomas, m. 354.
Rankin's Entry, 174.
Ranson Thomas Fryer, m. 587.
Ranters (see Prim. Methodists) 406.
Ratton Raw, 171.
Rawlett Rev. John, m. 288.
Rawlin Henry, 298.
Rebellion, acts at Newc. relating to, 51.
Rectors in Gateshead, 752.
Red Row, 181.
Redheugh, 759.
Reed John, mason, 215.
Reflectionson monastic institutions, 155.
-, ——in the county-courts, 224.
Regent's Street, 197.
Reichester, 2.
Rejoicings, 55, 65, 70, 77.
Rennie's Mr. report of the Tyne, 740.
Repository the, 547.
Resolutions against reform, 69, to suppress disaffection and sedition, 70.
Review on Blyth Sands, 71, on Throckley Fell, 76.
Rewcastle Chare, 164.
Rhodes Robert, 254, 298.
Richardson Thomas Miles, m. 580.
Riddle a, 252.
-, ——Edward tried for duelling, 51.
-, ——mathematician, m. 444.
Ridley Nicholas, 258, Matthew, 259,
Matt. White, 271, Rev. Henry, m. 289.
-, ——Villas, 188, Place, 190.
Riot at Newcastle, 52, at Shields, 84.
Ritschel George, m. 417, do. jun. m. 425.
Road Roman military, 2.
Robertson Rev. James, 411, Wm. m. 473.
Robinson Josiah, 350, George, 351.
Robson Elizabeth killed, 86, John killed, 97, Timothy, 269, Thomas, 315, William, m. 379.
Rogerson Rev. R. m. 374.
Roman stations, account of, 3, antiquities, reflections on, ib. departure from Britain, 4.
Rosemary Lane, 170.
Rotheram Dr. John, m. 505, Capt. E. m. ib.
Rothwell Mr. anecdote of, 370.
Rudd Frances, 333, Thomas, m. 418.
Rumney Robert, 350.
Runchiman William, 413.
Rushworth John, m. 39.
Russel Square, 169.
Rutherford John, m. 444.
Rutter Christopher, 330.
Sadler Mr. balloon, 78.
Sail large of vessels from Shields, 74.
Sailor killed while baiting a bull, 60.
Sal-ammoniac, 716.
Salmon fisheries, 717, 744.
-, —— large draughts and large, 744.
Sallyport Gate, 116, Sunday-sch. 458.
Salt works, 716.
Saltwellside, 759.
Sandall Patrick, old grave-stone, 409.
Sandemanians, 399.
Sandgate, 82, 116, chares and entries, 183, midden, 134, New Road, ib. Shore, 185.
Sandhill, 161, statue on, ib.
Sands James, m. 498.
Sandyford Br. 187, Dean, 188, Lane, 192.
Saunders Walter, 332.
Saville Row, 190, Court, ib. Place, ib.
Savings Bank, 568.
Schoolmasters' Association, 555.
Schools, Grammar, 415, Trinity, 443,
St. Nicholas' charity, 445, do enlarged, 446, All Saints' charity, 448,
St. Andrew's do. 449, St. John's do.
450, St. Ann's do. 451, Hanover Sq.
chapel do. ib. Royal Jubilee, 452,
Royal improved girls, 454, Carpenters' Tower girls, 455, Union dayschool girls, ib. Infant, 456, Anchorage and Chapel, Gateshead, 756.
-, —— day, number of, 460.
-, —— ladies' boarding, ib.
-, ——Sunday, 456, Hanover Square,
457, St. John's, ib. All Saints', ib.
St. Andrew's, ib. St. Nicholas', ib.
Orphan-house, ib. Carpenters' Tower, 458, Nuns-gate, ib. Bethel, ib.
Sallyport, ib. Close, ib. Tuthill Stairs,
ib. number of children educated in,
459, Lockhart on, 460.
Scot Dr. John, friar, m. 129.
Scotch army besiege Newcastle, 28.
-, —— Church, 390, Relief (see Castle
Garth meeting-house) ib.
Scott George, 351, John (lord chancellor) m. 426, William (Lord Stowell) m. 430, John, artist, m. 586.
Scourfield Radulphi, 347.
Seamen lay an embargo on vessels, 78.
-, ——'s Loyal Standard Assoc. 567.
Secession United chapels, 392, 394, 395.
Selby Sir George, tomb of, 256.
Servant girls punished for impiety, 15.
Severus' Wall, 3.
Shaftoe Catherine, 269, Leonard, m. 317.
Sharper Elizabeth, suicide by, 49.
Shaw John, A. M. 347, m. 355.
Sheep drowns two men, 59.
-, —— and lambs, 718.
-, —— Head Alley, 168.
Shieldfield the, 187, fort, ib. 27.
Ship buildings, 717, insurances, 723.
Shoemakers, 718.
Shot Tower the, 196.
Sick Man's Close, 148.
Side the, 166.
Sidgate, 190.
Silver Street, 180.
Situation of Newcastle, 157.
Skerrett Major-general, 269.
Skinner Thomas, 411.
Slack Thomas, 351, m. 728.
Smellie Rev. John, m. 390.
Smith Joseph killed by a boar, 67, Rev.
John, vicar, m. 285, Rev. W. B. m. 386.
-, ——'s Court, 189.
Smoult William, m. 465.
Snow, heavy fall of, 64, 65, 76, 87.
Society for clothing dist. females, 549.
Soldier shot at Newcastle, 26, 56, 59.
South Street, 197.
Soup-kitchen, 74, 549.
Spence Thomas, m. 399.
Spicer Lane, 164.
Spital The, 422.
Sports on the Tyne, 78.
Spring Gardens, 191.
St. Ann's Row, 186.
-, ——James' Lane, 191, Place, 194.
-, ——Lawrence, 186.
Stank Tower, 108.
Steam engines, 717, boats, 721.
Steel John, 410.
Stella Haugh, battle at, 25.
Stephenson George, plate presented to, 80, John, 258, George, curate, m. 321.
Stereotype printing, 727.
Stewards of Gateshead, 748.
Stobbs John, freedom presented to, 46.
Stock Bridge, 181, 214.
Stone figure, 265, curious, 298.
Stony Hill, 164.
Storey Joshua, 332.
Storm tremendous, 69, 70, 76, ib. 87.
Stote's Hall, 193.
Stowell Street, 173.
Strachan Henry, 412.
Strangers' Friend Society, 547.
Strawberry Place, 191, Lane, ib.
Streets, 160.
Strologer Solomon, 350.
Sublapsarians, 399.
Subscriptions, 59, 60, 64, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 77, 80, 81, 85, 86, 243.
Suburbs the eastern, 183, of Pandon, 187, Pilgrim Street, 188, Newgate, 191, Westgate, 194, the Close, 196.
Summer Hill Terrace, 195.
Sussex Duke of at Newcastle, 87.
Swan Mr. strange narrative of, 67.
Swedenborgians, opinions of, 407.
Swinburn Place, 195, High, ib.
Swirle, 184.
Sydenham Rev. Cuthbert, m. 287.
Sympathetic Society, 547.
Tabernacle the, 408.
Tailors, 718.
Tan-yards, 716.
Taylor John, m. 379, Robert, m. 590.
Temple William, m. 543.
Theatre-royal, 229, accident at, 87, altered, 280.
Theological library, 496.
Thomas William, 351, m. 467.
-, ——'St. chapel, history of, 357.
Thomlinson Rev. Robert, charities on tablet, 288, will, 490.
Thompson Thomas, m. 79.
-, ——musician, m. 592.
Thornhill John, m. 472, do. jun. m. ib.
Thornton Roger, 298, 312.
-, ——Street, 198.
Tilsley Rev. John, m. 287.
Tintoretto, artist, m. 247.
Tizacke Abigail, old tomb-stone of, 382.
Tod's Nook, 191.
Towers and Gates (see Town-walls) 107.
Town-walls, 105, 116, waits, 590.
Tract Religious Society, 573.
Trade and Manufactures, 715.
Tradesmen, Liberal Society of, 563.
-, ——'s Amicable Society, 757.
Trading vessels, 721.
Trafalgar Street, 190.
Trinity chapel, Gateshead, 753.
-, ——Chare, 164.
-, ——House, school, 443, masters and
salaries, ib. library, 499, history of,
679, extract of books of, ib. chapel
of, 686, premises and curiosities, ib.
fraternity of, 687, receipts, ib. oath
of secresy, ib. value of property, 688,
scretaries and salaries of, ib.
Tristram Rev. Henry Baker, m. 356.
Trollop Robert, 752.
Trotter Eliz. Julia, 334, Dr. Jas. m. 506.
Tulloch Benjamin, 332.
Tully Mr, 759.
Turner Rev. T. m. 284, William, 333, m. 376, Henry, m. 377.
Tuthill Stairs, 166, 169, 397, chapel, ib. Sunday-school, 458.
Twizell Joshua, 330.
Tyne, ancient inhabitants and towns on, 1, floods in, 57, 59, 61, 65, frozen, 63, 64, 78, Bridge history of, 204, river history of, 736, conservatorship of, ib. Rennie's report on, 740, river jury and oath, 743, Ascensionday, 744, fisheries, ib. accidents, ib.
Typographical Society, 498.
Tytler James, 759.
Udale Ephraim, m. 280, 369.
Uniformity act of, 45, 367.
Union Street, 175, day-school for girls, 455, Newcastle Sunday-school, 458.
Unitarians, chapel, 370, opinions, ib. Pandon Bank, 378 Surgeons' Hall, ib. tract society, 574.
Universalists, 408.
Urquhart Robert, m. 355.
Vaccination, 514.
Vasey William, m. 500.
Vicarage-house, 171, 286.
Vice society for the suppression of, 573.
Villa Real, 192, Place, 195.
Vine Lane, 191.
Vint's Buildings, 184.
Vitriol oil of, 716.
Wade Marshall quartered at Newc. 54.
Waggon train, 75.
Wainmen in Gateshead, 748.
Waits town, 590.
Walker Rev. Thos. m. 374, Geo. m. ib.
Wall Knoll, 182, Tower, 116, Close, 185.
-, ——Roman, 4, 5, direction of, 115.
Wallace William repulsed, 9.
Wallas Robin, 300, Hen. 315, Wm. 347.
Walter Weaver, A. M. m. 424.
Walters Ralph, m. 583.
Walton Nicholas, m. 466.
War proclaimed, 53, 57, 59.
Warden Charles, m. 318.
-, ——'s Close, 195.
-, ——'s of the Castle, 101.
Wards of the town, 106.
Warrilow Rev. William, 351, 365.
Watch set at gates, 48, night, 726.
Water gates, 116, supply of, 726.
Waters Ralph, 331, Radulphi, 349.
Waterson Edward (Cath. pr.) m. 363.
Watson Robert, m. 575.
Watts Mrs. Jane, m. 380.
Waugh Richard, m. 473.
Weaver's Tower, 113.
-, ——wife has 62 children, 24.
Wellington Place, 179.
Welsh Joseph and Robert, 166.
Werge Major John, 273.
West Spital Tower, 108.
-, ——Wall Cottages, 171.
Westgate, 109, Street, 170, suburbs of, 194, township poor-rates, &c. 545.
Westmoreland Place, 170.
White Cross, 173, 174, Friar Tower, 107.
-, ——Matt. 298, H. m. 588, John, m. 727.
Whyte Alexander tried for libel, 83.
Wibbersley John, A. M. m. 422.
Widdrington Sir T. m. 41, John, 332.
Wilkes, rejoicing for liberation, 60.
Wilkinson John, 346, 350, Peter, 412.
-, ——'s Buildings, 187.
William the Conqueror at Newcastle, 6.
Wilson Mary, 273, Mrs. J. 331, Benjamin, m. 576, Thomas, Esq. m. 760.
Winch N. J. m. 473.
Wind high, 65, 71, 76, 78, 86.
-, ——'s Hole, 174.
Windmill Hills, 759.
Winship Thomas, 330.
Wishart George, m. 287, 316, 336.
Women bricklayers' labourers, 730.
Wood Thomas B. 332. Dr. m. 506.
Woodhouse John, artist, 588.
Wrangham Thomas, 299.
Wreckington, 760.
Wrightson William, 258.
Yielder William, 350,
Young Dr. m. 516.
Zion chapel, 396.