Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Originally published by Longmans, Green, London, 1868.
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'Memorials: 1312', in Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries, ed. H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].
'Memorials: 1312', in Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Edited by H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,
"Memorials: 1312". Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Ed. H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.
In this section
Letters of King Edward, sent to John de Gisorz, Mayor of London, the Aldermen, and the Commonalty, for the safe-keeping of the City in his behalf; and Ordinances made thereon.
5 Edward II. A.D. 1312. Letter-Book D. fol. cxlii. (Norman French.)
Be it remembered, that on the Wednesday next before the Purification of Saint Mary [2 February], in the 5th year of the reign of King Edward, son of King Edward, the briefs under-written were sent to the Mayor, Aldermen, and all the commonalty of London, for the safe-keeping of the City, according to the tenor of the writs in the King's behalf to be ordained and executed.—
"Edward, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord etc., to the Mayor, and Aldermen, and all the commonalty of our city of London, greeting. Forasmuch as we do confide very much in the loyalty that is among you, and the affection which you have towards ourselves, such as you ought to have for your liege lord; and, more especially, for the love which we have, and at all times have had, towards you, as you well know; we do pray you affectionately, and do command and charge you, strictly enjoining, on the fealty which unto us you owe, and as you wish to save your bodies, and your heritages, and whatsoever you have, from penalty of negligence as regards us, that you cause our city of London right safely and surely to be kept, in behalf of ourselves and of our heirs: that so no damage or peril may befall it—the which God forbid—for default of good and sufficient guard; and that our lordship and our estate be there saved in all points, without any manner of blemish, as we do especially trust in you, and as you would eschew peril unto yourselves. And understand so well this our command, and have it so tenderly at heart, that we may be able to praise you for the same, and that nought of our right, or of our lordship, in our city be lost, on peril of losing whatsoever unto us you may forfeit. Given under our Privy Seal, at York, the 21st day of January, in the 5th year of our reign." (fn. 1)
Also, the King sent to divers persons in London divers letters to the following effect, that is to say.—
"Edward, etc., to our well-beloved John de Gisorz, our Mayor of London, greeting. As we have sent word unto you, to the Aldermen, and to the commonalty, of our city of London, that among you and them, in whose loyalty we do greatly trust, for the affection which you have towards ourselves, as towards your liege lord, especially for the love which we have, and at all times have had, towards you and those of the said city; and as you would yourselves save your bodies, your heritages, and whatsoever you have to save, from penalty of negligence as regards ourselves, you do cause our said city right safely and surely to be kept in our behalf; that so no damage or peril may befall it—the which God forbid;—and that our lordship and our estate may there be saved in all points, without any manner of blemish: and as we do know that you are the man in London by whose counsels is guided the manhood thereof, (fn. 2) and are per suaded that the manhood of our said city will charge itself with the safe-keeping of the same our city, and most willingly would save it to the use of us and of our heirs, as is right; we do com" mand and charge you, on the fealty which unto us you owe, and as you would wish to eschew the penalty aforesaid, that you use all diligence and all counsel as towards the said manhood of the City, and towards all those of our said city, who shall be most available towards the safe-keeping thereof, that they undertake such safe-keeping, and cause the same our city so safely and surely to be kept, in behalf of us and of our heirs, that nought of our right, or of our lordship, be lost therein; and that so we may be able to perceive the diligence that you shall have employed herein; for the which we may be the more especially beholden to you. Given under our Privy Seal, at York, the 21st day of January, in the 5th year of our reign."
By reason of which briefs, Sir John de Gisorz, the then Mayor, caused to be assembled the Aldermen and others of the commonalty of each Ward; that is to say, on the Saturday next after the Purification [2 February]. To which meeting there came Sirs Thomas Romayn, Nicholas Pikot, Neel Drury, John de Lincoln, Henry de Gloucestre, William Cosin, Simon Bolet, and Anketyn de Gisorz, Aldermen; and Henry de Durham, William de Combemartyn, William de Leire, William Servat, Richard de Gloucestre, Geoffrey de Conduit, Walter de Rokesle, and the Prior of the Trinity, who were Aldermen, (fn. 3) did not come. And of the commonalty there came by summons, that is to say, from each of the Wards, four or six of the best men: and the ordinances underwritten were made in manner as follows.—
It is ordained by the Mayor, Aldermen, and all the commonalty of the City of London, for the safe-keeping of the same city.—In the first place, that all the Gates shall be well and strongly made and repaired in every way, and all the portcullises; that so every gate may be well chained, within and without, with a double chain. And that the walls be mended in all places where there is any default, and the fosses without the walls well examined and cleansed, and deepened all around the City, where there is need. And that the barbecans be well and strongly made and repaired in every way. And that all the quays facing the Thames, such as the Stonwarf, Billinggesgate, Rederesgate, Oistergate, Ebbegate, Douegate, Watergate, Queen Hythe, Stongate, Watergate at Castle Baynard, and all the lanes which lead towards the Thames, be well and stoutly chained; and all the quays of the good folks towards the water be well and stoutly bretached. (fn. 4)
And that at each gate of the City there be every day six men, right vigorous and powerful, and well trained and well armed, to oversee those entering and going forth, if any perchance be suspected of coming for doing mischief to the City. And that every night all the great gates be closed by the keepers thereunto assigned, until sunrise, and the wickets of the gates only be kept open until curfew has been rung out at St. Martin's le Grand; and after that, all the wickets be well closed throughout all the night, that so no one enter there until bell rung (fn. 5) at St. Thomas of Acon; (fn. 6) upon which, all the wickets are to be open until sunrise, and at sunrise the great gates are to be opened for the first time in the day. And the common watch is to be kept every night throughout the said city from sunset to sunrise, and that by good men, stout and well armed.
And that every night there be appointed one or two hundred men, well armed, who are to go throughout the City to keep the peace. And that two good and strong boats be provided on the Thames at night, with people therein well armed.
And that every Alderman in his Ward cause to be written down the names of the houses, and the housekeepers thereof, and those of all their household for whom they shall be willing to answer. And that every one in the Ward be put in arms, according as his condition demands, to keep and maintain in the said city the peace of our Lord the King.
And besides this, that every person in the Ward, keeping hostel or house, together with those who dwell in the hostels or houses, to whomsoever the same may belong, and whosoever such persons may be, so dwelling therein, at the cost and maintenance of themselves, as well clerks as laymen, shall be assessed at a certain payment, such as one penny, halfpenny, farthing, or more or less, according to their means, to be paid each day for guarding the City.
In behalf of our Lord the King, and for the safety of the citizens and of their goods, we do charge you, strictly enjoining, that immediately on seeing this notice, you do cause to be chosen four or six of the best men of your Ward; and that by you and them be examined all those who keep hostels in the same Ward, and all their guests, and all their household, for whom at all perils they shall be willing to answer, and that the same be duly put in a roll: and that every one be placed in arms, and make payment, according as his means demand, in manner aforesaid. And of this thing you are to certify us distinctly and openly by a roll, in which are to be set forth the names, the arms, and the sum, of every person, and unto every person pertaining, according as is before stated, on the Monday next after the Purification [2 February], in the Guildhall, on the peril which pertains thereto. And let all those know who are to find the common watch at night, that they must find good and stout persons, and well armed, for keeping guard. And have there this order."
Then, on the Saturday next after the Purification, the Mayor and Aldermen were assembled; and they ordered a letter to be written to the King, in manner as follows.—
"To the most noble Prince, and their most dear liege lord, Sir Edward, by the grace of God, King of England, Lord of Ireland, and Duke of Aquitaine, his lieges, the Mayor, Aldermen, and the commonalty, of his city of London, honour and reverence, as unto their most dear liege lord. Whereas, Sire, you have demanded of us by your letters that we should cause to be guarded and safely kept your said city in behalf of yourself and your heirs, according as is in your mandate contained; know, Sire, that of the same wish we ourselves are, and at all times have been, and always will be, to the best of our lawful power, if God so please. And we do let you know that your said city is in good condition, may God be thanked, and your people set in good array, according as the time demands; and that ordinance has been made to strengthen and to repair the gates, and the defaults in the walls, and divers other things which pertain to the safe-keeping of the said city, so speedily as ever the same may be properly done. Unto God, our most dear lord, we commend you, and may he save you and keep you; and may he grant unto you a good life, and a long."
This letter was sealed with the common seal on Tuesday, at the beginning of Lent, and sent to the King, Reymand, son of John de Lincoln, (fn. 7) being bearer thereof; and he was enjoined to touch upon the points underwritten to the King.—
"Let the custody of the City be touched upon before our Lord the King, in such words as these.—Under the first head;—tha the murage which our Lord the King has granted to the City and wherewith the old walls of the City ought to be repaired strengthened, and amended, is now spent upon the new wal behind the Friars Preachers at Castle Baynard, towards the Thames, by your command, and nowhere else.
"Also, that such outlays and costs, which are great, and an hastily expended upon so many repairs, whereas in justice they ought to be levied from all those who have rents, and tenements and moveables, within the City, commonly fall upon one part of the citizens only, and not upon persons of the religious Orders and others who have franchises by charter and in almoigne; (fn. 8) to the amount indeed of the third part of the rental of the said city. And such persons are not willing to give any portion thereof, or any aid or contribution, or any assistance, thereto although they are saved just as much throughout the said city as the rest of the citizens. And if the King shall see fit, and deem it good that they should aid therein, the people of the City will be the better comforted and the better strengthened and the more speedily will they have the City put in due repair.'
Writ enjoining inquisition to be made as to a certain vacant plac near Ivylane: and Answer; upon inquisition, thereto.
5 Edward II. A.D. 1312. Letter-Book D. fol. cl. (Latin.)
"Edward, by the grace of God, etc., to the Mayor and Sheriff of London, greeting. We do command you that, upon the oath of good and lawful men of the city aforesaid, by whon the truth thereon may best be known, you make diligent inqui sition if we, without injury or prejudice to any person, or nui sance to our city aforesaid, may give and grant unto our well beloved clerk, Master William de Maldone, a certain vacan place of ours in the city aforesaid, with the appurtenances the place, that is to say, that extends lengthwise between the tenement of our well-beloved and trusty John de Bretagne Earl of Richmond, on the West, and the houses that be longed to Henry le Waleis, late citizen of the said city, on the East; and in breadth, between our highway which extends from Ivylane to Eldedeneslane, (fn. 9) on the North, and the North wall of the palace of the venerable father, Ralph, Bishop of London, the South: that so the same William may build houses thereon, and hold the same to him and his heirs of us and our heirs, at a certain rental to be made for the same, and to us at our Exchequer yearly to be paid;—or not. And if by such gift and grant, injury or prejudice should accrue to any one, then to what person and persons, and how, and in what way. And if the same be to the nuisance of the said city, then to what nuisance, and how, and in what way; and how much the same place contains in length and breadth, and how much it is worth yearly in all the issues thereof. And the inquisition distinctly and openly made thereon you are to send to us without delay, under your seals, and the seals of those by whom it is made; and this writ. Witness myself, at York, the 10th day of March, in the 5th year of our reign."
Inquisition taken before John de Gysorz, Mayor of London, and Richard de Welleford and Simon de Mereworthe, Sheriffs of the same city, on the Thursday next after the Feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist [24 June], in the 5th year of the reign of King Edward, son of King Edward; on the oath of Walter atte Belhous, Geoffrey de Jernemuthe, Thomas le Chaundeler of Ivylane, William Florie, Geoffrey le Palmere, William de Toppesfeld, Nicholas de Cauntebrige, Peter de Bolyntone, William Prudhomme, Thomas le Perler, and Richard Jordon, sworn to make inquisition whether our Lord the King may without injury etc. [an exact repetition of the words of the preceding Writ].—
"Who say upon their oath, that building upon the place aforesaid would be to the prejudice of our Lord the King and of the Queen; in that, if it should chance that the King should pass through Chepe to Westminster, such building would be a nuisance and annoyance to the same our Lord the King, and the other great men of the land, by reason of narrowing the road too much for passing along; and also, if it should happen that the Queen should pass along that road in her chariot, such building would in like manner be a nuisance there, on having to turn the chariot, or in case of her meeting another chariot there.
"They say also, that it would be to the prejudice of the Bishop of London; in that he, the same Bishop, has a certain wall near that place, upon which if he should wish to build, or even if he should only wish to make an outlet to the King's highway through the middle of such wall, as is fully lawful for him to do, the fact of the vacant place being so built upon would prevent him from so doing. And also, in case fire should happen by accident to break out in the houses built upon the place aforesaid, the Church of St. Paul, London, by reason of the proximity of such buildings, might, in case of such fire, be all the sooner destroyed and burnt, the which may God forbid etc.
" They say also, that it is to the prejudice of Sir John de Bretagne, in that it would be to the nuisance of free ingress and egress to and from his tenement there, etc.
" They say also, that it would be to the nuisance of the City of London; in this, namely, that such carts as are wont to load firewood at Castle Baynard's wharf, have been in the habit of passing through that place, as along a common way; whereas, if it were built upon, those same carts, when meeting there, would not be able to pass, by reason of the narrowness of the road.
" They say also, that if a case should arise, as in time of war, when the Gates of Ludegate and Neugate would have to be guarded, such watch and ward could not be kept in due manner, if the said place should be built upon, as before stated: and so it would be to the prejudice of our Lord the King, and the whole of the City.
" In testimony whereof, the jurors aforesaid to this inquisition have set their seals. Given at London, the day and year abovementioned."
Agreement made for founding a bell, for the Prior and Convent of the Holy Trinity.
5 Edward II. A.D. 1312. Letter-Book D. fol. cxlvii. (Latin.)
Richard de Wymbissh, potter (fn. 10) and citizen of London, came here before the Chamberlain (fn. 11) on the Friday next after the Feast of St Mark the Evangelist [25 April], in the fifth year of the reign of King Edward, son of King Edward, and acknowledged that he was bound to Sir Ralph, Prior of the Church of the Holy Trinity (fn. 12) it London, and the Convent of that place, to make one bell, good entire, and well-sounding, and as nearly in tune, to the utmost of his power, with the greater bell of the church aforesaid. And the said bell was to weigh 2820 pounds, of good and befitting metal every hundred weight thereof containing 112 pounds: the same to be ready by the Feast known as "St. Peter's Chains" [1 August] next-ensuing, without any further delay. And should he not do so, then he agreed etc., as proved by his recognizance.
The same Prior also agreed to redeliver unto the said Richard the great bell which he had formerly made for the use of him and his Convent; and that, without delay, so soon as the same Richard should commence founding the bell aforesaid, upon view thereof by the said Lord Prior, or of such of his people as he should appoint to be present thereat.
Afterwards, Alan de Middeltone, Canon and Sacrist of the said house, came and acknowledged that the said Richard had fully satisfied them as to the work aforesaid; and therefore this recognizance was cancelled.
Transaction as to certain hides purchased by the Mayor and Sheriffs in the King's behalf, but never taken or paid for.
5 Edward II. A.D. 1312. Letter-Book D. fol. cxlix. (Latin.)
Be it remembered that in the time of Richer de Ref ham, Mayor, in the 5th year of the reign of King Edward, son of King Edward, Adam Trugge and Ralph de Brawhynge received from the said Mayor, in the Chamber of the Guildhall, 100 shillings, in part payment of 10 pounds for twenty great hides which the Mayor and Sheriffs were commissioned (fn. 13) to provide for the use of our Lord the King; as in a certain indenture of the Wardrobe of the said King, and which remains with Simon de Corp and Peter de Blakeneye, the then Sheriffs, is more fully contained. And because that the officials of the household of our Lord the King, who were commissioned to receive such hides, did not receive them, by default of such officials they still remained in the hands of the said Ralph and Adam.
Order was therefore given to the said Ralph and Adam, by John de Gisorz, Mayor, Nicholas de Farendone, Thomas Romayn, John de Wengrave, William Trente, Nicholas Pikot, and Geoffrey de Conduit, Aldermen, on Friday the morrow of Our Lord's Ascension in the year aforesaid, to redeliver here in the Chamber the said 100 shillings. And the said Ralph and Adam came, and said that the hides before-mentioned, remaining in their hands, were now much deteriorated; by reason whereof, if they were now to give back the said 100 shillings, they would incur heavy damage and loss thereby. Wherefore they begged that the said Mayor and Aldermen would allow them some portion of the said sum. Accordingly, the said Mayor and Aldermen, having taken into consideration the matters aforesaid, remitted and released to the said Adam and Ralph 20 shillings out of the said hundred.
Whereupon, on the day and in the year aforesaid, the said Ralph paid to the Mayor the four pounds. And they were told that they might do with the said hides whatever they might think fit.
And seeing that the said 100 shillings were paid to the aforesaid Ralph and Adam out of a certain sum of money, namely, 35 pounds, which was found upon the body of one John Pikard, vadlet (fn. 14) of Jaques de Roysi of Reyns, (fn. 15) who was drowned in the Thames, and which money the said Jaques afterwards claimed as being his own chattels; and it having been accordingly resolved to satisfy the said Jaques as to the said sum; precept was given to John le Mazeliner, the then Chamberlain, that out of the issues of the Chamber he must satisfy the aforesaid Jaques as to the said 20 shillings, which were remitted on the repayment by the said Adam and Ralph.
Ordinances for Watch and Ward of the City Gates.
6 Edward II. A.D. 1312. Letter-Book D. fol. cli. (Latin.)
Be it remembered, that on the Friday next after the Feast of St. Laurence [10 August], in the sixth year of the reign of King Edward, son of King Edward, John de Gysorz, Mayor, Nicholas de Farendone, Thomas Romayn, Richer de Refham, John de Wengrave, John de Wyndesore, Anketyn de Gysorz, Simon de Paris, Geoffrey de Conduit, William Trent, Nicholas Picot, Simon Bolet, John de Lincoln, William de Coumbemartyn, Roger de Frowyk, William Servat, William de Leire, Richard de Gloucestre, and Ralph, Prior of the Holy Trinity, Aldermen, and the good men of the commonalty, were assembled in the Chamber of the Guildhall, to consult and treat of establishing a good and safe custody of the Gates of the City, during this coming time of Parliament; seeing that the said Mayor and Aldermen, and the whole of the commonalty, had lately agreed with our Lord the King that they would guard the said city in his behalf, that so no person should enter it by force of arms against the will of him, the King.
Wherefore, by unanimous assent it was agreed that all the City Gates should be closed every night at the hour of curfew being rung at St. Martin's le Grand; and so long as curfew was ringing the wickets of the gates were to stand open, and when curfew had been rung out, they were to be closed. Also, that the iron chain were to be drawn across the gates, within and without, and to be fastened with locks, not to be opened before sunrise.
Also, it was agreed that at this coming time every Alderma: shall be resident in the City, for the good and safe custody of all; and that each of them, in his own Ward, shall make inquisition by three or four of the best men in such Ward, and cause to be assessed all those who possess in goods and merchandizes to the value of 50 shillings and more; that such persons may find, at their own expense, each of them, one strong man, well and fittingly armed; that so at every gate there may be in the day time sixteen, or at least twelve, strong men and well armed, to keep such ward; and twelve or eight by night. And they are to see that no men-at-arms in any way enter the City with great horses (fn. 16) and their arms, unless they bring a certain warranty, or a message from our Lord the King.
Also, it was agreed that to each gate there should be assigned one serjeant, a discreet man, to keep ward in form as follows.—
Injunctions given to the Warders of the City Gates.
6 Edward II. A.D. 1312. Letter-Book D. fol. cli. (Norman French and Latin.)
" To the Warder of the Gate of Ludegate. Whereas it is ordained and assented to by the Mayor, Aldermen, and all the commonalty of London, that ward of the Gates of the said city shall be kept as well by day as by night; we do command you, on the King's behalf, strictly enjoining you, on peril of forfeiting as much as you may forfeit, that you, together with two men of the watch, well and fittingly armed, be at all hours of the day ready at the gate, within or without, down below, to make answer to such persons as shall come on great horses, or with arms, to enter the City: and that you set a guard over above the gate, upon the leads thereof, to look out afar, that so you may be the better warned when any men-at-arms approach the gate. And if any do approach in manner aforesaid, then let the chain be drawn up without, and answer be given in this manner;—'Lordings, the King has given charge to us that no person shall enter his city by force of arms, if he have not special warranty from him. Wherefore, Sirs, we pray you, that you will not take this amiss;—but as for your persons, you who are upon your palfreys, and you folks, who come without bringing great horses or arms, you may enter, as being peaceful folks.' And if they will not thereupon turn about, then let the portcullis be quickly lifted by those of your people above; that so those other persons may in no way enter."
It was also then agreed, (fn. 17) that the person who should be warned to find a man with arms to keep such ward, and make default therein, by night or by day, should have levied of him half a mark for the first default, and one mark for the second default, and 20 shillings for the third.
After this, it befell that the Earls of Lancaster, Hereford, Warwick, and Arundel, against whom the King and his people, for certain reasons, had conceived no slight indignation, drew nigh to the City of London, with a very great multitude of Barons, and knights, and others, as well horse as foot, and arrived at Ware; whereupon, by our Lord the King, and his Council, injunctions were given to the Mayor and Aldermen, and the whole commonalty, that they must keep still more diligent and stronger ward at the City Gates. By reason of which message, a congregation was held in the Guildhall on Friday the Feast of the Nativity of St. Mary [8 September]; and on the same day it was agreed by the Mayor, Aldermen, and Commonalty, that watch and ward of the gates should be kept in future, by day and night, during the time of this peril, in form as follows.—
At every gate there were to be sixteen men, strong and befittingly armed, those who watch by day coming early and at sunrise; while those who watch by night, were to come at sunset. And the serjeants of the Wards were to be there, ready with the names of those upon whom they had made summons to appear before the Alderman of their Ward; and every Alderman was to come there at the hour aforesaid, that so he might oversee if all those who had been summoned had come well and sufficiently armed, or not. And if it should happen that any one of those who had been summoned made default, or came not befittingly armed, orders were immediately to be given to the Sheriff to attach his body, if he could be found. And if he could not be found, all his goods and chattels were to be sequestrated, until he should appear to submit to justice, and receive judgment.
And observe, that all the bedels of the Wards were sworn before the Mayor and Aldermen, that they would well and trustily make summonses of the watches in their Wards, according to the panels which their Aldermen should deliver to them; and that they would spare no one for prayer, favour, or reward, nor would unduly aggrieve the poor or any other people; nor would they hire any men in the stead or name of any of those summoned to watch, etc.
Acknowledgment of debt by a Butcher to the Kitchener of Waltham Holy Cross.
6 Edward II. A.D. 1312. Letter-Book D. fol. clv. (Latin.)
On the Monday next after the Feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude [28 October], in the 6th year of the reign of King Edward, son of King Edward, John de Lung, citizen and butcher of London, came and acknowledged the following writing as being his own deed.—
"Be it known to all men, that I, John le Lunge, citizen and butcher of London, am held and firmly bound by these presents, to Brother Thomas de Ware, Canon and Kitchener of Waltham Holy Cross, in the sum of 16 pounds sterling, for oxen of him bought in London and elsewhere; the same to be paid to him, or to his certain attorney bearing this letter, in London, at the Feast of St. Martin [11 November] next ensuing, without further delay. In testimony whereof, to these presents I have set my seal. Given at London, on the Monday next after the Feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude, in the 6th year of the reign of King Edward, son of King Edward."
The fee (fn. 18) was forgiven him at the instance of H. de Waltham, (fn. 19) Clerk. Afterwards, he paid the debt, and received his acquittance.
Letter from Queen Isabel, announcing her safe delivery of a son; with an account of the rejoicings consequent thereon.
6 Edward II. A.D. 1312. Letter-Book D. fol. clxviii. (Norman French.)
"Isabel, by the grace of God, Queen of England, Lady of Ireland, and Duchess of Aquitaine, to our well beloved, the Mayor, and Aldermen, and the Commonalty of London, greeting. Forasmuch as we believe that you would willingly hear good tidings of us, we do make known unto you that our Lord, of his grace, has delivered us of a son, (fn. 20) on the 13th day of November, with safety to ourselves, and to the child. May our Lord preserve you. Given at Wyndesore, on the day above-named."
Of this letter the bearer was John de Phalaise, (fn. 21) tailor to the Queen; and he came on the Tuesday (fn. 22) next after the Feast of St. Martin [11 November], in the 6th year of the reign of King Edward, son of King Edward. But as the news had been brought by Robert Oliver on the Monday before, the Mayor and the Alder men, and great part of the Commonalty, assembled in the Guildhall at time of Vespers, and carolled, (fn. 23) and shewed great joy thereat; and so passed through the City with great glare of torches, and with trumpets and other minstrelsies.
And on the Tuesday next, early in the morning, cry was made throughout all the City to the effect that there was to be no work, labour, or business in shop, on that day; but that every one was to apparel himself in the most becoming manner (fn. 24) that he could, and come to the Guildhall at the hour of Prime; (fn. 25) ready to go with the Mayor, together with the [other] good folks, to St. Paul's, there to make praise and offering, to the honour of God, who had shown them such favour on earth, and to shew respect for this child that had been born. And after this, they were to return all together to the Guildhall, to do whatever might be enjoined.
And the Mayor and the Aldermen assembled at the Guildhall, together with the good folks of the Commonalty; and from thence they went to St. Paul's, where the Bishop, (fn. 26) on the same day, chaunted Mass with great solemnity; and there they made their offering. And after Mass, they led carols (fn. 27) in the Church of St. Paul, to the sound of trumpets, and then returned each to his house.
On the Wednesday following, the Mayor, by assent of the Aldermen, and of others of the Commonalty, gave to the said John de Phalaise, bearer of the letter aforesaid, ten pounds sterling and a cup of silver, four marks (fn. 28) in weight. And on the morrow, this same John de Phalaise sent back the present aforesaid, because it seemed to him to be too little.
On the Monday following, the Mayor was richly costumed, and the Aldermen arrayed in like suits of robes; and the drapers, mercers, and vintners, were in costume; and they rode on horseback from thence to Westminster, and there made offering, and then returned to the Guildhall, which was excellently well tapestried and dressed out, and there they dined. And after dinner, they went in carols throughout the City all the rest of the day, and great part of the night. And on the same day, the Conduit in Chepe ran with nothing but wine, for all those who chose to drink there. And at the Cross (fn. 29) just by the Church of St. Michael in West Chepe, there was a pavilion (fn. 30) extended in the middle of the street, in which was set a tun of wine, for all passers by to drink of, who might wish for any.
On the Sunday next after Candlemas [2 February] in the year aforesaid, the fishmongers of London were costumed very richly, and they caused a boat to be fitted out in the guise of a great ship, with all manner of tackle that belongs to a ship; and it sailed through Chepe as far as Westminster, where the fishmongers came, well mounted, and presented the same ship unto the Queen. And on the same day, the Queen took her route for Cantebire, (fn. 31) on pilgrimage thither; whereupon, the fishmongers, all thus costumed, escorted her through the City.
Receivers sworn, of moneys to be taken for the use of the Conduit in Chepe.
6 Edward II. A.D. 1312. Letter-Book D. fol. clix. (Latin.)
Be it remembered, that on the Monday next before the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle [30 November], in the 6th year of the reign of King Edward, son of King Edward, at the Husting of Common Pleas, Roger de Paris, Ranulph Balle, and William Hardi, were sworn before the Mayor and Aldermen to receive from the brewers, cooks, and fishmongers, the moneys which, at their discretion, upon such brewers, cooks, and fishmongers, they shall assess, for the easement which they have from the water of the Conduit in Chepe. And such moneys they will trustily expend on the repair and maintenance thereof; and, on being requested, will give a faithful account thereof.