Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Originally published by Longmans, Green, London, 1868.
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'Memorials: 1393', in Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries, ed. H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Memorials: 1393', in Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Edited by H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"Memorials: 1393". Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Ed. H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
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Punishment of the Pillory, for stealing a baselard at the Funeral of Sir John Deveros.
16 Richard II. A.D. 1393. Letter-Book H. fol. cclxxviii. (Latin.)
On Tuesday next before the Feast of St. Gregory the Pope [12 March], in the 16th year etc., William Thornmanby, of the County of York, was taken in the Church of the Friars Minors, in London; for that he, at a great gathering of the Mayor and Aldermen, and common people, there assembled to solemnize the funeral of John Deveros, (fn. 1) late Steward of the household of our Lord the King, cut off a baselard belonging to a certain man there present; and he was carried from thence to the Sheriffs' Compter.
And afterwards, on Wednesday, the day after, he was taken to the Guildhall, before the Mayor and Aldermen; and it was there adjudged, that the said William should be put upon the pillory for the offence aforesaid, there to remain for one hour of the day; and the same on the Thursday and Friday following, for one hour each day, the reason for such sentence being each time proclaimed. After which, he must forswear the City, as it was further awarded.
Ordinance for the regulation of the Evechepynges in Westchepe and on Cornhulle.
16 Richard II. A.D. 1393. Letter-Book H. fol. cclxxviii. (Latin and Norman French)
(fn. 2) The Ordinance underwritten was publicly proclaimed in full market in Westchepe and Cornhulle, in London, on Thursday, the 20th day of March, in the 16th year etc.—
(fn. 3) "As from of old it has been the custom to hold in the City of London on every Feast-day two markets, called 'Evechepynges,' one in Westchepe and the other on Cornhulle; that is to say, the one in Westchepe, between the corner of the lane called 'Seint 'Laurence Lane' and a house called 'the Cage'; so always, that the said lane be not obstructed by the people of the said market, [who] are not to stand near to the shops there for the sale of divers wares that in such shops are wont to be sold: and that too, by daylight only, between the first bell (fn. 4) rung and the second, for the said markets ordained. And now, on the 10th day of March, in the 16th year etc., William Staundone, the Mayor, and the Aldermen of the said city, have been given to understand that divers persons, at night, and by candlelight, do sell in the common hostels there, and in other places, in secret, divers wares that have been larcenously pilfered, and some falsely wrought, and some that are old, as being new; and that other persons do there practise the sin of harlotry, under colour of the sale of their said wares, to the very great damage and scandal of good and honest folks of the said city.—Therefore, the said Mayor and Aldermen, by wise counsel, and with good deliberation between them had, for the honour of the City, and in order to put the said markets under good control and governance, have ordained that from henceforth, on every such market-night, each of the said two bells shall be rung by the bedel of the Ward where it is hung, one hour before sunset, and then again half an hour after sunset. At which second ringing, all the people shall depart from the market with their wares, on pain of forfeiture to the Chamber of all such wares as shall, after the said second bell rung, be found in the same; as to the which, the bedel, if he be acting, or other officer by the Chamber of the Guildhall thereunto assigned, shall have two pence in every shilling for his trouble in taking them. And that no one shall sell in common hostels any wares that in the said markets are wont to be sold, or anywhere else within the said City, or in the suburbs thereof; but only in their own shops, and in the places, and at the days and hours, aforesaid; on pain of forfeiture, to the use of the said Chamber, of all the wares that shall otherwise be sold.
"And that the Masters, or those assigned thereto, of each trade of which the wares are brought to the said markets, shall have power, together with the bedel of the Ward, or other officer thereto assigned, to survey, assay, and stop, all false and defective wares in the markets aforesaid, or elsewhere, exposed for sale; and to present the same to the Chamberlain, to be there adjudged upon, as to whether they are forfeitable or not; and further, to arrest, to the use of the said Chamber, all other things and wares in hostels or other places exposed for sale, against the form aforesaid. Of the which forfeitures, so by the said Masters, or others thereto assigned, taken and adjudged as forfeited, the said Masters, or persons thereto assigned, shall have one third part for their trouble."
Election of Richard Whityngton to the Shrievalty.
17 Richard II. A.D. 1393. Letter-Book H. fol. cclxxxiii. (Latin.)
On Sunday, the Feast of St. Matthew the Apostle [21 September], in the 17th year etc., in presence of William Staundone, Mayor, Adam Bamme, William Venour, William More, Henry Vannere, John Fraunceys, Adam Karlille, John Walcote, William Sheryngham, Roger Elys, William Bramptone, William Evote, William Parker, Thomas Knolles, John Cosyn, Aldermen, and Gilbert Maghfeld, one of the Sheriffs, and Alderman of London, and of very many Commoners of all the Wards of the City aforesaid, for the election of Sheriffs in the Guildhall of the said city summoned; the said Mayor chose Richard Whytyngdone, (fn. 5) Alderman, and the aforesaid Commonalty chose Drew Barentyn, to be Sheriffs (fn. 6) of London for the ensuing year.
And also, at the same congregation, as Auditors of the accounts of the Chamberlain and of the Wardens of London Bridge, there were chosen, namely, by the said Mayor and Aldermen, William Evote and Thomas Knolles, Aldermen, and by the said Commonalty, Robert Parys, Geoffrey Broke, John Frankeleyn, and John Forster, Commoners.
Regulation as to Street-walkers by night, and Women of bad repute.
17 Richard II. A.D. 1393. Letter-Book H. fol. cclxxxvii. (Norman French.)
"Let proclamation be made, that no man, freeman or foreigner, shall be so daring as to go about by night in the City of London, or the suburbs thereof, after nine of the clock, on pain of imprisonment, and of making fine to the Chamber for the offence; unless he be a lawful man, and of good repute, or the servant of such, for some real cause, and that, with a light. And that no man who is an alien, shall go about by night in the same city, or in the suburbs thereof, after eight of the clock, on pain of imprisonment and of fine, as aforesaid; unless he be a lawful man, and of good repute, or the servant of such, for some real cause, and that, with light. And that no man, of whatsoever condition he be, shall go about the said city, or in the suburbs thereof, with visor or false face, during this solemn Feast of Christmas, on pain of imprisonment, and of making fine, for such contempt.
"Also,—whereas many and divers affrays, broils, and dissensions, have arisen in times past, and many men have been slain and murdered, by reason of the frequent resort of, and consorting with, common harlots, at taverns, brewhouses of huksters, and other places of ill-fame, within the said city, and the suburbs thereof; and more especially through Flemish women, who profess and follow such shameful and dolorous life:—we do by our command forbid, on behalf of our Lord the King, and the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, that any such women shall go about or lodge in the said city, or in the suburbs thereof, by night or by day; but they are to keep themselves to the places thereunto assigned, that is to say, the Stews (fn. 7) on the other side of Thames, and Cokkeslane; (fn. 8) on pain of losing and forfeiting the upper garment that she shall be wearing, together with her hood, every time that any one of them shall be found doing to the contrary of this proclamation. And every officer and serjeant of the said city shall have power to take such garments and hoods, in manner and form aforesaid: the which they shall bring to the Guildhall, and shall have the half thereof for their trouble."
The Orphan of a Citizen allowed to become a Nun, at the Priory of Kelburne.
17 Richard II. A.D. 1393. Letter-Book H. fol. cclxxxviii. (Latin.)
On the 12th day of December, in the 17th year etc., for certain reasonable causes by the friends of Matilda, who was daughter of Richard Toky, and now an orphan, shown and set forth, it was assented to by the Mayor and Aldermen, that the said Matilda, taking the goods that were left to her by will, should become a nun in the Priory of Kelburne, (fn. 9) and there assume the religious garb. And upon this, precept was given to the Chamberlain to pay to the Prioress of the House of Kelburne aforesaid, to the use of the said Matilda, 38l. 5s. 4¼d.
(fn. 10) Afterwards, on the 12th day of October, in the 4th year of the reign of King Henry, after the Conquest the Fourth, came here Lady Emma de Saint Omer, Prioress of the House aforesaid, and received of Stephen Speleman, Chamberlain of the City, the said sum of 38l. 5s. 4¼d. Therefore, as well the said Chamberlain as the Court were wholly discharged thereof.