Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Originally published by Longmans, Green, London, 1868.
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'Memorials: 1378', in Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries, ed. H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].
'Memorials: 1378', in Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Edited by H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,
"Memorials: 1378". Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Ed. H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.
In this section
The Prior of Christ Church, Aldgate, sworn ex officio as Alderman of Portsoken Ward.
1 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. lxxix. (Latin.)
On the Monday next after the Feast of Our Lord's Epiphany [6 January], in the first year etc., in the Mayor's Court holden on that day in the Guildhall of London, in presence of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Officers, for the same Court summoned, William Rysyng, Prior of Christ Church, in London, was sworn to fill the office of Alderman in the Ward of Portsokne, and faithfully to do all things touching that office, according to the custom of the said city; in manner and form in which the other Aldermen are wont to be charged.
Contumacy shown by Nicholas Twyford, one of the Sheriffs, towards the Mayor; and punishment for the same.
1 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. xcii. (Latin.)
On Sunday, the Feast of Saints Perpetua and Felicitas [7 March], in the first year etc., before the hour of Noon, a conflict arose in Westchepe, between certain persons of the trade of Goldsmiths and others of the trade of Pepperers, from a certain rancour that had existed between them; by reason of which conflict, no small affray arose throughout the whole city; and that too, while the Bishop (fn. 1) of Carlisle was preaching in St. Paul's Churchyard; in which place, because of such conflict, and the wounded fleeing thither with very great outcry, no little tumult and alarm ensued. Upon which, Nicholas Brembre, the then Mayor, being informed thereof, together with other Aldermen, immediately went to Westchepe, to restore peace there, and to maintain it; and after he had so restored order, he convened his Aldermen on this matter, to meet, after dinner on the same day, at the Guildhall.
And when they had met there, as also, Nicholas Twyford, one of the then Sheriffs, at the mandate of the said Mayor, there came with the said Sheriff one of his suite, John Worsele by name, who was publicly accused before the said Mayor of being a principal mover of the strife: by reason whereof, the Mayor forthwith personally arrested him, and ordered him to be sent to the Compter of Andrew Pykeman, the other Sheriff. Upon which arrest being made, the said Nicholas, the Sheriff, went to the serjeant-at-arms, who so had him in custody by precept of the Mayor, and said that he was to be taken to his own Compter, in Mylkstret; alleging that he had been arrested by himself before he came there, and that that Compter belonged both to himself and his fellow Sheriff. It was accordingly whispered (fn. 2) to the Mayor, that the person who had been so arrested by him could not be taken to the place named by him, as the said Nicholas, the Sheriff, was opposed thereto; wherefore, the Mayor, going up to him, asked why the man so under arrest was not taken to the Compter of the said Andrew, the other Sheriff, as he had ordered. Whereupon, the said Nicholas answered him as above stated; for which reason the Mayor there bodily arrested him. In consequence whereof, as also for other reasons, which had arisen in quelling the said disturbance, and for having more mature deliberation thereon, and confirming the preservation of the peace for the future, the said Mayor caused a Common Council to be summoned, together with the other wiser and more influential men of the City, to be on the Tuesday following at the Guildhall.
And when they had met there, the reason for such assembling being first stated, the Mayor related how that he had gone to quell the affray in Westchepe, adding also, that some who had been arrested by him, and handed over to the mace-bearers to take to prison, had been rescued by persons to him unknown; and how that in another place, namely, the lower part of Frydaystret, when some others had been arrested, and delivered to the Sheriffs' mace-bearers, to take to the Prison of Neugate, a rescue was again effected, by persons unknown. And how also that the Sheriff aforesaid had behaved rudely to him, the Mayor, and indeed re belliously, in the Guildhall. At which all the people there were not a little excited, and were indignant thereat.
And because that the said Nicholas, the Sheriff, could not deny this, but acknowledged it, and the same was confirmed on the testimony of ten Aldermen who had been present at the said act of rebelliousness, after examining the Remembrances and Ordinances which make mention of such rebellion, unlawfully made by the Sheriffs or officers of the City against the Mayor for the time being, it was pronounced by the Common Council, with one accord, that the said Nicholas should vacate his office of Sheriff, until he should have deserved to meet with more favour. And it was as a matter of favour that the judgment was thus modified; for it was testified by many, and recorded also by the Mayor, that he did not long persist in his contumacy; but soon, led by penitence thereto, entirely fulfilled what the Mayor had before commanded. It was also decided, that he should remain in the custody of the said Andrew, the other Sheriff, and that his Compter should be taken into the hands of the Mayor, and all his goods and chattels be sequestrated, until he should have given sufficient security to keep the City indemnified as towards our Lord the King, for the time that he should hold such office of Sheriff. (fn. 3)
Illegal obstruction of a right of way through the Church of St. Michael le Quern.
1 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. lxxxiv. (Latin.)
Be it remembered, that on the 8th day of April, in the first year etc., Ralph Strode, the Common Serjeant, on behalf of the Commonalty, and more especially the Ward of Farndone Within, presented unto Nicholas Brembre, Mayor, and the Aldermen of the said city, that Roger, Rector of the Church (fn. 4) of St. Michael le Quern, Thomas Parker, Nicholas Jordan, John Streche, William Fychet, and Walter Brente, had then lately blocked up with a stone wall the doorway of the said church; through which doorway, time out of mind, there was wont, and ought, to be a common passage for the people, throughout all the day; and the which blocking up of the doorway aforesaid was a grievous purpresture, and inju rious to the whole commonalty of the said city, as being an impediment to their common passage.
Whereupon, the said Mayor, taking with him the Aldermen and Sheriffs, went in person to the Church; and, after inspecting the said nuisance and purpresture, they gave a day to the parties aforesaid to appear before them, the morrow, namely, in the Chamber of the Guildhall, to shew if they had aught to say for themselves why they had caused the doorway to be so blocked up, to the purpresture and grievous damage of the commonalty.
Upon which day they appeared etc., and they not having anything to shew for themselves, but putting themselves upon the favour of the Court, it was awarded by the said Mayor and Aldermen, and precept and injunction were given to the persons aforesaid, under a penalty of 20 pounds, from each of them to be levied, that they should cause the wall to be pulled down, so newly built in the said doorway; and that the old door should stand open for the common passage of the people through the said Church during the day, as from of old it had been wont to do.
Punishment of the Pillory, for substituting counters for gold.
1 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. lvi. (Latin.)
On the 29th day of May, in the first year etc., John Grey was attached to make answer to John Tilneye, paltokmaker, in a plea of falsehood and deceit etc., for that he, the same John Grey, on the 28th day of May last past, came to the house of the said John Tilneye, at Bukeleresbury, in London, and there bought of him two paltockes (fn. 5) of black satyn, called jackes, at 100s. Of which he asked that one should be handed over to him, that he might shew it to a companion of his, for whom he was buying it; and the said John Tilneye agreed that, with proper security, it should be so delivered to him. Whereupon, the said John Grey, in part payment, gave him one farthing (fn. 6) of gold; and, as though part of his security for the same, shewed him 15 other farthings of gold, which he placed in a certain purse, and then, as he asserted and affirmed, put the same into a chest of his, called a "trussyngcoffre, (fn. 7) " and delivered them to the same John, in part of his satisfaction for the same. And the said John Tilneye, firmly trusting in his word, and not at all thinking of any trick or fraud, believed that he had put the said farthings, together with the purse, into that chest; whereas he, the same John Grey, craftily made off with the said purse with the farthings in it, and put into the chest 15 countours, in another purse, resembling the first; and then gave the chest to the same John Tilneye, first locking it with a key, and then taking the key away with him.
And afterwards, on the same day, the said John Grey having come again to the house of the same John Tilneye, the latter, not yet having sufficient security for the said jacke, requested him to give him some more money, by way of security; whereupon, John Grey shewed him other fourteen farthings of gold, which he engaged to put into the chest as before, as part of his security; and then, as before, fraudulently made off with them, substituting and leaving fourteen countours in the chest in their place; in deceit of the same John Tilneye etc.
And the said John Grey, being questioned thereon before Nicholas Brembre, Mayor, and the Aldermen, on the same day, at the Guildhall, acknowledged that he was guilty thereof. And conference being held thereupon between the said Mayor and Aldermen, seeing that many purses and new countours, in imitation of farthings of gold, were found upon him, by reason whereof great suspicion might be entertained; and as the deceit aforesaid appeared to be manifestly to the hurt and damage of the people, and to the scandal of the whole city; and to the end that such deceit, or any other, might not be in any way maintained or encouraged in the same,—which is the principal city of the whole realm,—and that justice and good government might there be found, and punishment be inflicted upon delinquents, according to their demerits; and that those to come might beware of committing such falsity, or any other like it; and according to the custom of the City of London in like cases etc.; it was adjudged that the same John Grey should be put upon the pillory, there to remain for one hour of the day, the said purses and countours being pierced and strung about his neck. And orders were given to the Sheriffs, to have public proclamation made as to the reason for such punishment being inflicted.
Order for setting the Watch in the City on the Eves of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist and of St. Peter and St. Paul.
1 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. lxxix. (Latin and Norman French.)
(fn. 8) On Wednesday next after the Feast of St. Barnabas the Apostle [11 June], in the first year etc., a Letter was sent to every Alderman, in form as follows.—
(fn. 9) We do command you that, together with the good men of your Ward, you be well and sufficiently armed, arrayed in red and white, particoloured, (fn. 10) over your armour, to keep the watch (fn. 11) on the Eves of the Nativity of St. John [24 June], and of St. Peter and St. Paul [29 June], next to come, in manner as done heretofore, for the honour of the City, and for keeping the peace; and this you are not to omit, on the peril which attends the same, and as you would save the honour of the City."
And upon this, by advice of the Mayor and Aldermen, the said watch (fn. 12) was made in manner as follows; that is to say,—all the Aldermen, with the good men of their Wards, assembled in Smythefeld on the Eve of St. John, arrayed as aforesaid, and from thence passed through the City, first, the Aldermen, and then the men of their Wards, as follow.—
First,—the Wards of Tower, Billyngesgate, Algate, Lymstret; with cressets, (fn. 13) the lances white, powdered with red stars.
Secondly,—the Wards of Bridge, Candelwykstret, Dougate, Walbroke; with lances all red.
Thirdly,—Bisshopesgate, Langebourne, Cornhulle, Bradstret; with white lances, environed, that is to say, wreathed, with red.
Fourthly,—Farndone, Castle Baynard, Aldrichesgate; with black lances, powdered with white stars.
Fifthly,—Chepe, Crepulgate, Colmanstret, Bassyeshawe; with lances all white.
Sixthly,—Bredstret, Queen Hythe, Vintry, and Cordewanerstret; with lances— (fn. 14)
Hides forfeited, for being badly tanned.
1 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. lxxxviii. (Latin.)
Whereas of late, by assent of the Mayor and Aldermen, it was ordered that all hides badly tanned or curried that were exposed for sale within the liberties of the City, in deceit as well of the Lords as of the whole city, should be seized by discreet men of the trade of Cordwainers, thereto by the men of the same trade chosen etc., and presented to the Mayor and Aldermen, for the time being; that so, according to their award the same might be forfeited, if it should seem reasonable, to the use of the commonalty of the City: afterwards, on the 20th day of June in the first year etc., John Bukstone, Henry Gyllynghan, Thomas Brele, Thomas Gloucestre, John Stoke, and Robert Quitman, chosen and sworn to oversee the said Ordinance, brought here into the Chamber, before the Mayor and Aldermen, 47 tanned hides taken from Nicholas Burle, tanner, which had been exposed for sale in the city aforesaid, and all of which were raw, and false, and forfeitable. They asked therefore that the same should be forfeited to the use of the Commonalty.
Which Nicholas Burle, then here present in Court, said that he was a freeman of the City of London, and that it was lawful for him to buy and sell all manner of merchandize, as he might please. And he said that he bought the same hides at the town of Rothewelle, (fn. 15) and brought them to London to sell to saddlers, girdlers, bottlemakers, (fn. 16) and other trades, for which they were suitable, and might very well serve; and he did not admit that, as they were not good for the trade of cordwainers, they might not serve other trades etc. And the cordwainers aforesaid said that the hides were altogether false, and fit for no trade, and therefore asked that they should be forfeited. And the said Nicholas averred that they were good etc., and put himself as to the same on the oath of the saddlers, pouchmakers, girdlers, botelmakeres, tanners, curriers, and cordwainers, etc.; and the cordwainers aforesaid did the same.
Therefore precept was given to Robert Markele, serjeant of the Mayor, to bring here on the Friday next after the Feast of the Apostles Peter and Paul [29 June], before the Mayor and Aldermen, two or three reputable men of each of the trades aforesaid. Which jury appeared, by Thomas Soys and Richard Stacy, of the trade of saddlers, Stephen Petteleye, of the trade of pouchmakers, John Abraham, of the trade of girdlers, William Karlille, Thomas Tyrold, of the trade of botelmakers, Walter atte Chaunge, John atte Felde, of the trade of tanners, Richard Cerne, John Phippe, of the trade of curreiours, John Longe the Younger, and Thomas Kyngesbrugge, of the trade of cordwainers. Who declared upon their oath, all the hides aforesaid to be raw and forfeitable, and in their then state to be of no service for any trade. Therefore, it was awarded that all the hides aforesaid should be forfeited to the use of the Commonalty.
Description and valuation of wares in a Haberdasher's Shop.
2 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book F. fol. ccxxii. (Latin.)
Articles that were in the shop of Thomas Trewe, haberdasher of London, in the Parish of St. Ewen, in the Ward of Farndone Within, in the month of July in the second year of the reign of King Richard the Second etc.—
2 dozens of laces of red leather, value 8d.; one gross of poynts (fn. 17) of red leather, 18d.; one dozen of cradilbowes, made of wool and flax, 18d.; 3 cradilbowes, made of wool and flax, 3d.; one dozen of caps, one half of which are of red colour, and the other half green, 2s. 8d.; one dozen of white caps, called "nightcappes" 2s. 3d.; 2 dozens of woollen caps of divers colours, 16s.; 6 caps of black wool, 4s.; 5 caps of blue colour, and one cap of russet, 2s. 6d.; 5 children's caps, red and blue, 2s. 1d.; one dozen of black hures, 4s.; one black hure, 4d.; two hair camises, (fn. 18) 12d.; one red cap, 7d.; one other cap of russet, 7d.; one hat of russet, 6d.; one white hat, 3d.; 2 papers covered with red leather, 12d.; 2 other papers, one of them covered with black leather, and the other with red, 8d.; one purse, called "hamondeys" (fn. 19) of sea-green colour, 6d.; 4 pairs of spurs, 2s.; one double chain of iron, 10d., and one other iron chain, 6d.; one wooden gaming-table, with a set of men, 6d.; 2 permis, (fn. 20) 2s.; one cloth painted with Him Crucified, and other figures, 2s. 4d.; 8 white chains of iron for ferrettes, 8d.; one flekage (fn. 21) of wood, 3d.; one set of beads of geet, (fn. 22) 6d.; one other set of beads of black alabaster, 4d.; three sets of beads of wood, 3d.; two pairs of pencases, with horns, (fn. 23) 8d.; one pair of children's boots of white woollen cloth, 2d.; one osculatory, called a "paxbred," (fn. 24) 3d.; 2 sets of wooden beads, called "knottes," 4d.; 4 articles called "kombes," of box-wood, 4d.; 2 wooden boxes, 3d.; 2 wooden (fn. 25)piper quernes, 3d.; 2 pounds of linen thread, green and blue, 2s.; 2 wooden cosynis, (fn. 26) 2d., 6 purses of red leather, 4d.; 4 eyeglasses, (fn. 27) 2d.; 18 horns, called "inkehornes," 18d.; 2 pencases, 6d.; one black girdle of woollen thread, 2d.; 13 quires of paper, 6s. 8d.; other paper, damaged, 6d.; one hat of russet, 6d.; 2 wooden coffins, (fn. 28) 8d.; 2 gaming-tables, with the men, (fn. 29) 16d.; one wooden block for shaping caps, 2d.; 6 skins of parchment, called soylepeles, 6d.; one wooden whistle, (fn. 30) 2d.; 7 leaves of paper, 1d.; and 3 pieces of whippecorde, 3d.
Punishment of the Pillory and Whetstone, for slandering the Mayor and Aldermen.
2 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. lxxxviii. (Latin.)
Whereas, from the relation of many trustworthy persons, Nicholas Brembre, the Mayor, and the Aldermen, were given to understand that Ralph atte Sele, baker, who before, on the 9th day of July in the 2nd year of the King now reigning, had been drawn upon the hurdle, with a halfpenny loaf (fn. 31) of French bread, deficient to the amount of 2s. 10d. in its proper weight, and another farthing loaf of French bread, deficient by 17d., went afterwards to several bakers at divers times, and shewed them a loaf, asserting that he had then been unjustly drawn, and saying that his bread was at the time old, cold, and mouldy, as it was then to be seen, and was not hot (fn. 32) when it was weighed, as of right it ought to be, so slandering the Mayor and Aldermen etc.: therefore, on the 16th day of the month aforesaid, being questioned thereon before the said Mayor and Aldermen, he put himself upon the examination of John Laytone, William atte Sele, William Hert, John Middeltone, Robert Charwelle, and Walter Parker, to whom he had said these words, as imputed.
All of whom, Walter Parker excepted, came, and were examined; and thereupon it was found that the same Ralph was guilty. Therefore, seeing that the said loaf and the other loaf for which he had been drawn, were taken 15 days before the examination aforesaid, and were weighed while hot, in presence of the Mayor and Aldermen, and were then found to be deficient in weight, as before stated; and that the same Ralph could not be found within a fortnight after the taking and weighing of the same by reason whereof the loaves had become musty in the meantime; and because that the words aforesaid had been spoken by the said Ralph in defamation of the Mayor and Aldermen; it was adjudged that he should be put upon the pillory, with a whetstone hung from his neck, there to remain for one hour of the day.
Injunction sent to the Aldermen to ride with the newly elected Mayor to Westminster.
2 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. xcv. (Norman French.)
"We do command you, that you be properly mounted on the morrow of St. Simon and St. Jude [28 October] next ensuing, to ride in honour of the City with the Mayor, (fn. 33) from the Guildhall to Westminster, on which day he is to take his charge there; and that you be arrayed there in cloak and hood at least, that are particoloured with red, scarlet, and white, the red on the right side; on pain of paying 20 shillings to the Chamber, without pardon thereof."
Order for the arrest of John Maynard and others, concerned in an attack upon the house of the Earl of Bukenham.
2 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. xciv. (Norman French.)
Because that John Maynard, wexchaundeler, and other misdoers of his covin, lately in London had offended (fn. 34) against the honourable Lord, the Earl of Bukenham, (fn. 35) and his servants; for which offence Nicholas Brembre, the then Mayor of the City of London, at the Parliament holden at Gloucester, was impeached and aggrieved by the said Lord, and by other persons of the Council of our Lord the King, and thereupon paid a great sum of money to the said Lord: and whereas all the Commonalty of the said city, by reason thereof, had been many times cast in damages and molested, by default of the said misdoers; the which damages and grievances of right ought rather to fall upon those who were guilty of such offence, than upon others:—by assent of John Phelipot, Mayor, the Aldermen, and a Common Council, holden at the Guildhall, on the Saturday next after the Feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude [28 October], in the second year etc., it was unanimously ordered, that the said John Maynard, and all others of his covin, so soon as ever they should be found within the franchise of the said city, should be arrested and detained, until they and their sureties should have made sufficient compensation, as well to the said Nicholas as to all the Commonalty, for all the payments, grievances, losses, and damages, of them or any of them, for the reason aforesaid.
A Parish Clerk committed to prison, for speaking evil of the Duke of Lancaster.
2 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. xcvii. (Norman French.)
Be it remembered, that on the 8th day of November in the 2nd year etc., Thomas Knapet, clerk of the Church of St. Peter the Little, near Pouleswharf in London, was arrested by the Mayor and John Boseham, one of the Sheriffs; for that he, the said Thomas, had spoken disrespectful and disorderly words of his puissant and most honourable Lordshipof Lancaster, (fn. 36) in the house of Master John Shepeye, in presence of the said Master John, and of Thomas Hiltone and other servants of the said Master John, to the great scandal of the said lord, and to the annoyance of all good folks of the city: the which words were testified to by the said Thomas Hiltone, and by the same Thomas Knapet could not be denied, when he was examined thereon. Upon which matter being understood, the said clerk was committed to Neugate, until he should have obtained the pardon of the said Lord, and of the City.
And after that, at the suit of the wife of the said clerk, and by other means employed with that Lord, the release of such clerk was by him assented to, seeing that he acknowledged his offence committed in those words, and threw himself wholly on the grace of that Lord. And thereupon, he sent his Esquire, "Henry Warde" by name, to John Phelipot, the Mayor, enjoining that the said clerk should be liberated, so far as concerned himself, such clerk finding surety before the Mayor in the Court there, that by himself or by any other person for him, or by his procurement, neither the said Thomas Hiltone nor any other person who had accused him, or borne witness against him, should thereafter be impeached, molested, aggrieved, or damaged, by reason of the said information; and this, under reasonable penalty.
And on the 12th day of May in the year aforesaid, (fn. 37) the said clerk was mainprised by Andrew Tryg fishmonger, (fn. 38) Henry Grenecobbe dyer, John Hanslap fishmonger, John Sprot dyer, John Bransby webbe, (fn. 39) and John Simon, on the condition aforesaid, each one on pain of paying 20 pounds.
Ordinances as to the sale of Lambs, and the early closing of Butchers' Shops.
2 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. xcvii. (Norman French.)
(fn. 40) Proclamation made on Friday, the 19th day of November, in the 2nd year of the reign of King Richard the Second.—
"It is ordered that no person coming to the City with lambs to sell, shall sell the same at a higher price than the best lamb for 6d., between now and the beginning of Lent; and that no one of the City, or other person wont to sell flesh-meat within the City, shall go into the country to buy lambs; but only those [are to bring them], to whom the said lambs belong; on pain of losing the same, whosoever shall be convicted thereof.
"Also,—it is ordered that all butchers, as well freemen as foreigners, who are wont to sell flesh-meat within the City, shall close their shops in the day, before the time for candles being lighted; and that they shall sell no meat by light of candle, but by clear daylight only; on pain of losing to the extent that they shall be convicted of acting to the contrary hereof."
Ordinance of the Cooks and Pastelers, or Piebakers.
2 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. xcix. (Norman French.)
The Ordinance of the Cooks, ordered by the Mayor and Aldermen, as to divers flesh-meat and poultry, as well roasted as baked in pasties.—
"The best roast pig, for 8d. Best roast goose, 7d. Best roast capon, 6d. Best roast hen, 4d. Best roast pullet, 2½d. Best roast rabbit, 4d. Best roast river (fn. 41) mallard, 4½d. Best roast dunghill (fn. 41) mallard, 3½d. Best roast teal, 2½d. Best roast snyte, (fn. 42) 1½d. Five roast larks, 1½d. Best roast wodecok, 2½d. Best roast partridge, 3½d. Best roast plover, 2½d. Best roast pheasant, 13d. Best roast curlew, 6½d. Three roast thrushes, 2d. Ten roast finches, 1d. Best roast heron, 18d. Best roast bittern, 20d. Three roast pigeons, 2½d. Ten eggs, one penny. For the paste, fire, and trouble upon a capon, (fn. 43) 1½d. For the paste, fire, and trouble upon a goose, 2d. The best capon baked in a pasty, 8d. The best hen baked in a pasty, 5d. The best lamb, roasted, 7d."
Charge of slothfulness made against the late Mayor before Parliament, by the Earl of Bukenham; and approval of him by the City.
2 Richard II. A.D. 1378. Letter-Book H. fol. ci. (Latin.)
Be it remembered, that on the 25th day of November, in the 2nd year of King Richard the Second etc., John Phelipot, the Mayor, and all the Aldermen and Commoners, as the Common Council of the said city deputed and sworn, and others of the more reputable citizens of the said city, being specially summoned thereunto, and assembled together in the Upper Chamber of the Guildhall, by John Hadleye and his fellows, namely, Geoffrey Neutone, John Norhamptone, and William Venour, citizens of the City elected to be present on behalf thereof at the Parliament of our said Lord the King, holden at Gloucester in the year above-mentioned; it was shown by William Walworthe, who was there present, and by the four so elected, how that, after Nicholas Brembre, Mayor of the said city, had the year before honourably come to Gloucester at the mandate and order of our said Lord the King, he was questioned there, and arraigned in full Parliament by Sir Thomas de Wodestoke, Earl of Bukenham, (fn. 44) for that in the same year, upon Cornhille in London, the men of that vicinity made assault upon the servants of the said Earl, and beat and wounded them, and pursued them, when flying to his hostel, and broke and hewed down the doors of the same with axes and other arms, the said Earl being then within and lying in his bed, and, by reason thereof, no little alarmed; to the grievous damage of the said Earl, and so pernicious an example to the whole realm;—and all this, he alleged, had happened through the inexcusable slothfulness (fn. 45) of the said Nicholas, and he requested that redress should be made to him for the same.
Whereupon, the said Nicholas wonderfully well, as it appeared to all his friends, exculpated and cleared himself of all the acts of injury thus imputed to him; so much so, that on the same day he returned to his hostel with honour, as being an innocent man, and entirely exonerated. The said Lord the Earl, however, and his brothers, and some other Lords, his friends, seeing that that way they could not gain their ends, threatened most grievously as well the said Nicholas as the whole of the city aforesaid; so much so, that all the citizens then present there dreaded that some new Statute would be made there, or perhaps [some old Statute be] confirmed anew, for that reason, through which the said city and many of its officers might incur no small damage, and the liberties also of the City be infringed upon, and in a great measure perhaps annulled; unless the said Earl could in some other way be appeased. Whereupon, through persons treating for concord on either side, in order that some greater evil might be avoided, which otherwise might very probably befall them, it was agreed that Nicholas Brembre should give to the Earl 100 marks, on the understanding that on those grounds he should no longer have any right of action against the said Nicholas, but would shew himself kind lord towards him for the future.
Which transactions being thus related in order before the Mayor and the Common Council, each one of them gave hearty thanks to the said Nicholas; knowing for certain that it was for no demerits of his own, but for the preservation of the liberties of the City, and for the extreme love which he bore to it, that he had undergone such labours and expenses. Wherefore, with one accord, by the said Mayor, Aldermen, and all the rest of the Commoners, it was faithfully granted and promised, that the City should keep the said Nicholas indemnified as to the said 100 marks, and also all other expenses by reason of that matter by him incurred. And that the same might be kept in memory, orders were given to the Common Clerk that it should thus be entered.
This same was also recited, and unanimously agreed to and affirmed, at another meeting of the Common Council on the 15th day of January then next ensuing.