Memorials: 1373

Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Originally published by Longmans, Green, London, 1868.

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'Memorials: 1373', in Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries, ed. H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].

'Memorials: 1373', in Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Edited by H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,

"Memorials: 1373". Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Ed. H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.

In this section

Punishment of the Thewe, for stealing a child.

47 Edward III. A.D. 1373. Letter-Book G. fol. ccxcix. (Latin.)

On Monday, the Feast of St. Benedict the Abbot [21 March], in the 47th year etc., Alice de Salesbury, a beggar, was adjudged to the pillory called the "thewe," for women ordained, by award of the Mayor and Aldermen, there to stand for one hour in the day; for that, on the Sunday before, she had taken one Margaret, daughter of John Oxwyke, grocer, in the Ropery, in London, and had carried her away, and stripped her of her clothes, that she might not be recognized by her family; that so, she might go begging with the same Alice, and gain might be made thereby etc. As to the which, the same Alice was convicted before the Mayor and Aldermen.

Delivery of a Barge, provided by the City to serve under the King, together with the rigging and tackle thereof, to William Martlesham, its master

47 Edward III. A.D. 1373. Letter-Book G. fol. ccciv. (Norman French.)

"This indenture, made on the 29th day of July, in the 47th year etc., witnesseth that John Piel, Mayor, the Aldermen, and the Commonalty, of the City of London, have handed over and delivered, on the day of the making hereof, their barge, (fn. 1) called " 'The Paul of London,' fully rigged, together with the rigging and tackle thereof, unto William Martlesham, mariner, of the said city, and Master of the said barge, that is to say;—one mast with three topcastelles, (fn. 2) 8 couples of new hedropes, (fn. 3) 3 forstiez, and 2 couples of backstiez, 2 girdinez, (fn. 4) 3 cranelynz, (fn. 5) 2 upties, (fn. 6) 2 pollanges, (fn. 7) one seylyerde (fn. 8) for the barge, one sail with 2 bonettes, (fn. 9) 2 shetes, (fn. 10) 2 thurghwals, (fn. 11) 2 bowelynes, (fn. 12) 2 stechynges, 2 trusses, (fn. 13) 2 yerderopes, (fn. 14) one rakke, (fn. 15) and the rigging pertaining to the mast; 6 new cables, 5 anchors for the barge, one wyndyngrope, (fn. 16) 2 haucers for boyropes, 2 touropes, (fn. 17) 3 werpropes, 2 ketels (fn. 18) for the barge, 60 teeldes, (fn. 19) 16 skaltrowes, 2 roostrees, one grapenel, (fn. 20) one cheyne of 16 fathom, (fn. 21) 2 waterfyles, (fn. 22) 80 ores (fn. 23) for the barge, 2 wyndyngbailles, (fn. 24) 4 tables with the trestles, 4 napes (fn. 25) for the same, 5 dozen aguls (fn. 26) for the barge, 40 pounds of filace, (fn. 27) 2 dozen shovels, one dozen skopes; (fn. 28) 2 great tankards, (fn. 29) bound with iron; six pottz (fn. 30) tankards; two boring-bits; (fn. 31) 4 sketfates; (fn. 32) 20 poleynes; (fn. 33) 2 wyndyng poleys; 2 skeynes (fn. 34) of poletwyne;50 new palettes, (fn. 35) stuffed; one pair of plates; (fn. 36) 50 cloves of taleghwode; (fn. 37) 20 chains of iron; 60 bows, with a huche; (fn. 38) 500 cords for them; 400 sheaves of arrows, (fn. 39) with a tun; one beyl; (fn. 40) 2 buttes (fn. 41) of iron for one ketel; one trevyt; (fn. 42) 2 bukettes, (fn. 43) with 2 beiles; one stremer; (fn. 44) 3 standards; 16 baners; (fn. 45) 2 boyes (fn. 46) of corkille; one coler (fn. 47) for the steyes; 2 brass pots; 2 hatchets; 2 hammers; one eschele; (fn. 48) and 100 bords (fn. 49) called'waynskott'; and 80 pavyz; (fn. 50) 30 yards of large bever; (fn. 51) also, 200 dartes; also, 30 launces; also, 4000 quarels (fn. 52) for arblast. Also, one boat for the same barge, with one mast, 4 couples of hedrope, (fn. 53) one foresteye, one couple of baksteye, one uptye (fn. 54) with 2 haliers, 2 yerderopes, one zeylyerde, for the boat, one sail, 2 shettes, (fn. 55) 2 thurghwalis, one bowelyne, (fn. 56) one ankyr for the boat, one cable for the boat, 30 ores, one daviot, for the same boat:— the same to serve under our Lord the King in this present expedition upon the sea; he safely to keep and conduct the same, and, after the said expedition, to bring back and redeliver such barge (fn. 57) and boat, and all the things aforesaid, unto the Mayor and Commonalty of the said city, for the time being, by reasonable account made thereof; and to answer and make satisfaction for all that has been lost therefrom by his default, within 40 days next after such his return. The which thing well and loyally to do in form aforesaid, he, the same William Martlesham, Master of the said barge, binds himself, his heirs, and his executors, and all his goods, moveable and immoveable, wheresover they may be found, on this side of the sea or beyond, to the Mayor and Commonalty aforesaid, and to their successors, hereby. And for the greater certainty of so doing, John Maykyn, shipman, and Robert Hulle, shipman, have become sureties for the said William, Master of the barge aforesaid; and the said John Maykyn and Robert, the sureties aforesaid, bind themselves and each of them severally, and all their goods, moveable and immoveable, wheresoever they may be found, on this side of the sea or beyond, to the Mayor and Commonalty aforesaid, and to their successors, in the same manner as the said William, Master of the barge aforesaid, is bound. In witness whereof, to the one part of this indenture the Mayor and Commonalty aforesaid have set the Seal of the Mayoralty of the said city; and the aforesaid William, John Maykyn, and Robert, to the other part have set their seals. Given at London, the day and year beforementioned."

Sentence of Imprisonment, for assault in presence of the Mayor.

47 Edward III. A.D. 1373. Letter-Book G. fol. ccvi. (Latin.)

On Friday next after the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary [8 September], in the 47th year etc., Robert Brabason, stokfisshmongere, was attached to make answer for that, —when John Lithfot, (fn. 58) saltere, on the Monday next after the Feast of the Decollation of St. John the Baptist [29 August], was laid in wait for by certain persons who were jealous of him, and did not dare go out of the house of Thomas de Mordone, chaundeler, near to Billyngesgate, in which he then kept himself, for fear of death, as was stated to John Pyel, the Mayor; whereupon, the same Mayor, for keeping the peace, on the same day went there, and arrested the said Robert, who then manifestly threatened the said John Lythfot, (fn. 58) —while the same John Ligthfot (fn. 58) was going towards his house with the Mayor, for safe-conduct, the said Robert, while so under arrest, and going along with the said Mayor, drew his dagger in presence of him, the Mayor, and made assault with the same upon the said John Ligthfot, (fn. 58) so under safe-conduct, and attempted to stab him, in contempt of our Lord the King etc., and in pernicious example to others.

And the said Robert appeared in person, etc., and acknowledged that he was guilty thereof etc.,; and he put himself upon the favour of the Mayor and Aldermen. And conference being held thereupon between the said Mayor and Aldermen, by their common consent it was ordered and awarded, that the said Robert Brabasoun should be committed to the Prison of Neugate for the contempt aforesaid, there to remain for a year and a day then next ensuing.

Afterwards, on the 16th day of September in the year aforesaid, the said Robert was committed to the charge of Simon de Mordone, Alderman, by him to be kept etc.

And hereupon, the same Simon, John Horn, William Strokelady, William Walford, John Rous, Elias de Thorpe, pelterer, John Burghwelle, John Kirketone, William Bramptone, William Torgold, William Turke, William Bradewelle, John Mortone, and Richard Brounvyle, fishmongers and stokfishmongeres, jointly gave surety, and each of them for himself, body for body, to have the body of the same Robert at the Guildhall, to stand his trial, (fn. 59) where and when they should be warned, etc.

Ordinances of the Court-hand Writers, or Scriveners.

47 Edward III. A.D. 1373. Letter-Book G. fol. cccvii. (Latin and Norman French.)

(fn. 60) On the 26th day of September, in the 47th year etc., came here the reputable men, the common Writers of Court-hand of the City, and delivered to the Mayor and Aldermen a certain petition, in these words.—

(fn. 61) "Unto the honourable Lords, the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of London, pray the Writers of Court-hand of the said city, that whereas their craft is very much in request in the same city, and it is especially requisite that it should be lawfully and wisely ruled and followed, and that, by persons instructed therein; and seeing that, for want of good rule, many mischiefs and defaults are, and have been oftentimes, committed in the said craft, by those who resort from divers countries unto the said city, as well chaplains as others, who have no knowledge of the customs, franchises, and usages, of the City, and who cause themselves to be called 'scriveners', and undertake to make wills, deeds, and all other things touching the said craft; the fact being that they are foreigners and unknown, and also, are less skilled than the aforesaid scriveners who are free of the said city, and who for long have been versed in their craft, and have largely given of their means for their instruction and freedom therein:—to the great damage and disherison of many persons, as well of the said city as of many countries of the realm, and to the great damage and scandal of all the good and lawful men of the said craft. Therefore pray the good scriveners, that it may please your honourable and discreet Lordships, to grant unto them, and to establish for the common profit of the said city, and of many other countries, and for the well-being and amendment of their condition, that they, and their successors for all time, may be ruled and may enjoy their franchise in their degree in manner as other folks of divers trades of the said city are ruled and do enjoy their franchise, in their degree; according to the points that follow.—

"In the first place,—they pray that no person shall be suffered to keep shop of the said craft in the City, or in the suburb thereof, if he be not free of the City, made free in the same craft, and that, by men of the craft.

"Also,—that no one shall be admitted to such freedom, if he be not first examined and found able by those of the same craft who shall, for the time being, by you and your successors be assigned and deputed to do the same, and to be Wardens of the said craft.

" Also,—that every scrivener of the said city, and of the suburb thereof, shall put his name to the deeds which he makes; that it may be known who has made the same.

"Also,—that every one who shall act against this Ordinance and enactment, shall pay to the Chamber, the first time 40d.; the second time, half a mark; and the third time, 10 shillings.

"Also,—that these Articles shall be enrolled in the said Chamber, as being firm and established for ever." (fn. 62)

Further requisitions as to the equipment of the Barge built by the City for the King's service.

47 Edward III. A.D. 1373. Letter-Book G. fol. cccvi. (Latin and Norman French.)

(fn. 63) Our Lord the King sent here, on the 28th day of September in the 47th year etc., his Letter under the Privy Seal, in these words.—

(fn. 64) "Edward, by the grace of God etc., to the Mayor, Aldermen, Citizens, and Commoners, of our City of London, greeting. Whereas the barge (fn. 65) which you have caused to be made of late for our service, at our command, as you do know, is at present in the Port of Suthamptone, and cannot go from thence to sea on our service, as it was ordered to do, with the expendition of barges and other vessels which are there at present in our service; seeing that the said barge is not provided with anchors, cables, tackle, (fn. 66) or other necessary equipment, as it ought to be, according as for certain we have learned;— We do command and charge you strictly that, so soon as you shall see this, you will ordain among you in all ways that the said barge be well and sufficiently equipped and arrayed with anchors, cables,tackle, (fn. 66) and all other things necessary thereto, and that, with all the haste that may be made in any way; to the end that it may go forth in our service in the said expedition, and so that, by your negligence or laches in this behalf, our said service may not experience delay, which may God forbid, through want of the barge aforesaid. And this in no manner omit, on the fealty and allegiance which unto us you owe. Given under our Privy Seal, at Westminster, the 24th day of September, in the 47th year of our reign in England, and in France the 34th."

(fn. 67) By reason of which Letter, (fn. 68) there was given unto William Martesham, Master of the barge aforesaid, the sum of 20 marks for buying anchors, cables, and other necessaries for the same; as set forth in the following.—

"Be it remembered, that William Martesham, Master of the ship called 'The Poul,' of London, on the 24th day of September in the 47th year etc., gave the Mayor and Aldermen to understand that one anchor and two cables of the said barge were lost in the last voyage of the same. Wherefore John de Cauntebrigge, Chamberlain of the Guildhall of London, delivered unto the said William, for the Commonalty of the city aforesaid, on the 24th day of September, 20 marks for the purchase of such anchors, cables, and other necessaries; as to the which, the said Chamberlain has the acquittance of the same William, by way of receipt." (fn. 69)

Inundation of the vicinity of St. Mary's Hospital without Bisshopesgate, from a defective watercourse.

47 Edward III. A.D. 1373. Letter-Book G. fol. cccxvi. (Latin.)

It was presented, upon the oath of twelve reputable men of the Ward of Bisshopesgate, at the Wardmote holden before John Lytle, Alderman of the same Ward, on the Sunday next after the Feast of St. Nicholas the Bishop [6 December], in the 47th year etc., that after great rains the waters coming down from the fields of the Lord Bishop of London into Berwardeslane, (fn. 70) and from the street without Bisshopesgate, used, and of right ought, to have their course through an arched passage beneath a certain tenement belonging to Nicholas de Altone, which Thomas de Leuesham, skynnere, then held, opposite to Berwardeslane aforesaid, towards the Moor of London; which watercourse was then choked up: by reason whereof, in winter-time every year, water, a foot and more in depth, overflowed and rose in the Church of the Hospital (fn. 71) of St. Mary without Bisshopesgate, and in many of the houses (fn. 72) there, as also, in many houses and gardens of the whole vicinity of Berwardeslane; whereby, very many walls and partitions, throughout the whole vicinity, were oftentimes thrown down or torn up; so much so, that Sir Thomas, the then Prior of the Hospital aforesaid, and the Convent of that place, and all the men of the vicinity, were in doubt whether the greatest of damage and peril might not shortly befall them and their tenements, unless the said watercourse should be speedily repaired. Therefore the said Thomas was warned to be here on the Friday next after the Feast of St. Agatha [5 February] then next ensuing, to shew if he had aught to say for himself, why he ought not to clear out and cleanse the passage aforesaid, that the water might have its course there, as it was wont to have etc. (fn. 73)


  • 1. A ship of war in this instance, but partly impelled by oars.
  • 2. Platforms round the mast, from which to throw darts or missiles at the enemy.
  • 3. Headropes, forestays, and backstays.
  • 4. Qy. as to this term; possibly it may mean the main gear, or jear.
  • 5. Crane-lines.
  • 6. Some kind of rope, probably.
  • 7. Probably, pulleys or blocks.
  • 8. Sailyard.
  • 9. A "bonnet" is an additional slip laced to the foot of a sail.
  • 10. Sheets, or sail-ropes.
  • 11. Qy. as to thurgbwals and stecbynges.
  • 12. Bowlines.
  • 13. Ropes for keeping the centre of a yard to the mast.
  • 14. Yard-ropes.
  • 15. Rack: various sorts are used on board ship.
  • 16. Winding-rope, halsers, buoy-ropes.
  • 17. Probably, "to-ropes," used like "warp-ropes," the next.
  • 18. Kettles.
  • 19. Qy. as to this and the two following terms: roostree may perhaps mean "crosstree."
  • 20. Grapnel, chain.
  • 21. bras.
  • 22. Qy. as to this item.
  • 23. Oars.
  • 24. Winding—bails; perhaps some portions of a windlass.
  • 25. Table-cloths.
  • 26. Probably, sail-needles.
  • 27. String, or thread.
  • 28. Scoops.
  • 29. See page 6 ante, Note 2.
  • 30. Tankards for drinking from.
  • 31. bedeux.
  • 32. Vats for necessary purposes.
  • 33. Pulleys, winding-pulleys.
  • 34. Skeins of pull-twyne; probably, thin string.
  • 35. Pallets.
  • 36. Armour-plates.
  • 37. Tall-wood; long faggots.
  • 38. Hutch; a box, or case.
  • 39. Or garbs; they were generally packed in casks, for conveyance.
  • 40. Or bail; probably for bearing up the tilt over the boat.
  • 41. Butts; iron supports for either side of a kettle on the hearth.
  • 42. Trivet.
  • 43. Buckets with bails or circular handles.
  • 44. Streamer; an ensign, or pennon.
  • 45. Banners.
  • 46. Buoys of cork.
  • 47. Colour for the stays.
  • 48. Scaling-ladder.
  • 49. Boards called "wainscot"; employed in "boarding" the enemy's ship.
  • 50. Or "pavises," large shields.
  • 51. Long beaver. Perhaps used for stanching the blood from wounds.
  • 52. Square-headed arrows for cross-bows.
  • 53. Head-rope, forestay, backstay.
  • 54. Uptie, haulyards, yardropes, sailyards.
  • 55. Sheets: thurgbwalis, as stated before, cannot perhaps be identified.
  • 56. Bowline, anchor, oars, davit.
  • 57. For further particulars as to this Barge, and the original order for building it, see pp. 373, 374, Note 3 post.
  • 58. So varied in the MS.: for "Lightfoot."
  • 59. For the assault.
  • 60. In Latin.
  • 61. In French.
  • 62. A Note in Latin is added, stating that the prayer of the petition was duly granted.
  • 63. In Latin.
  • 64. In French.
  • 65. See page 369 ante, as to the equipment of this Barge.
  • 66. avyrons.
  • 67. In Latin.
  • 68. Or rather, the necessities set forth in the Letter, as the receipt is dated four days before the Letter seems to have come to hand.
  • 69. In folio ccxcvii. are contained the original orders, from the King, dated 3rd and 28th of November in the 46th year (1372), enjoining the City to build two war barges for defence against the French and Spaniards, by the 1st of April next; each barge to be 80 feet long, and 20 in breadth. It is also there stated that a tax of one third of one fifteenth was levied upon the citizens for building one of these barges; the inspectors of the building thereof, and of its boat, being John Coggeshale and John Horn, fishmonger. In folio ccxcviii. we learn that they paid 621l. 3s. 2¾d. for the building and equipment. William Taleworth, shipwright, appears to have been the builder. The second barge, ordered by the King to be built, does not seem to have been made.
  • 70. Called "Hog Lane," in Stow's time.
  • 71. Or St. Mary Spittle.
  • 72. Probably, meaning the rooms, or cells.
  • 73. We are informed in the sequel, at considerable length, but without disclosing a single additional fact, that an order for cleansing the passage under the tenement called "Le Brigge-hous"(the Bridge House) was finally made, time being granted until Whitsuntide following.