Memorials: 1353

Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Originally published by Longmans, Green, London, 1868.

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'Memorials: 1353', in Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries, ed. H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].

'Memorials: 1353', in Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Edited by H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,

"Memorials: 1353". Memorials of London and London Life in the 13th, 14th and 15th Centuries. Ed. H T Riley (London, 1868), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.

In this section

Royal injunction, in favour of two Genoese, keeping tavern in the City.

27 Edward III. A.D. 1353. Letter-Book G. fol. iii. (Latin.)

"Edward, by the grace of God, etc., to the Mayor and Sheriffs of London, greeting. It has been shown unto us by Francisco of Genoa, and Panino Guillelmi, servant of Francisco de Spynola of Genoa, that whereas they have lately taken a certain tavern, with the two adjoining cellars, in the city aforesaid, and have stowed away wines of Crete and other sweet wines in one of the said cellars, and red and white wines in the other cellar, for making sale thereof in the said tavern; you, asserting that no person in the said city, whether native or alien, according to the custom of the city aforesaid, ought to sell red or white wines in the same tavern with sweet wines, seeing that from the mixture of the one wine with the other, which is often known to be made, the greatest danger (fn. 1) has arisen heretofore, and is daily apprehended, have prevented the said Francisco and Panino from selling their wines aforesaid in the tavern so taken by them, although before you they were willing to give security that they would make no such mixture thereof; to the no small loss and damage of the same Francisco and Panino; as to the which they have entreated us that we would give them redress;—We therefore, wishing to act graciously as towards the same Francisco and Panino, so far as becomingly we may, to the end that other alien merchants may not thereby be minded to decline to come to the said city with their wines and merchandizes, do command you that, after taking the corporal oath of the same Francisco and Panino, and of each of them, that they will not mix their sweet wines with other their wines, you will permit them to sell their red and white wines by themselves, and their sweet wines by themselves, in the same tavern, the same being stowed away in different cellars, the custom aforesaid notwithstanding, without any impediment from you thereto. Witness myself, at Westminster, the 24th day of February, in the 27th year of our reign in England, and in France the 14th."

Punishment of the Pillory, for selling carrion.

27 Edward III. A.D. 1353. Letter-Book G. fol. vi. (Latin.)

On Wednesday next after the Feast of St. Petronilla the Virgin (fn. 2) [31 May], in the 27th year etc., it was found by the inquisition upon which Richard Quelhogge had put himself, that he, the same Richard, bought a pig that had been lying by the water-side of the Thames, putrid and stinking, of one Richard Stevenache, porter, for 4 pence; and from the same had cut two gammons for sale, and had sold part thereof, in deceit of the people; as in the said inquisition taken thereon, and entered in the Rolls of Remembrances of the Chamber, in the time of Adam Fraunceys, Mayor, more fully appears.

Therefore, by award of the Mayor, Sheriffs, and Aldermen, the said Richard Quelhogge was put upon the pillory, and the residue of the said gammons was burnt beneath him there.

Royal mandate, as to workmen who have withdrawn from the works at the Palace of Westminster.

27 Edward III. A.D. 1353. Letter-Book G. fol. x. (Latin.)

"Edward, by the grace of God, etc., to the Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, greeting. Whereas many workmen and labourers, who were retained upon our works at our Palace at Westminster, and were receiving our wages, have withdrawn from such our works without leave, and have been received to work for divers men of the City and County aforesaid, within the same city and county, as we have been given to understand; in contempt of us, and to the damage and manifest retardation of our works aforesaid;—We, wishing in this behalf such remedy to be applied as is befitting, do command you, that in the City and County aforesaid, in such places as you shall deem most expedient, you do cause public proclamation to be made, and it in our behalf strictly to be forbidden, that any one shall, on pain of imprisonment of his body at our will, and of grievous forfeiture unto ourselves, receive any such workmen upon his works, of whatsoever calling they may be, who shall have been before retained upon our works aforesaid, (unless they shall have had leave to depart therefrom,) or in any way retain the same. And if, after the proclamation and prohibition aforesaid, you shall find any such workmen who have been before retained in our service, and have not had leave to depart therefrom, received upon the works of other persons of the City and County aforesaid, then you are to cause as well such workmen as their receivers to be taken, and the workmen to be brought back to our Palace aforesaid, there to be set upon such our works; and the receivers of them to be sent to our Tower of London without delay, there in prison at our will to remain, as before mentioned. And this you are in no way to omit. Witness myself, at Westminster, the 28th day of July, in the 27th year of our reign in England, and in France the 14th."

Proclamation for keeping the peace within the City.

27 Edward III. A.D. 1353. Letter-Book G. fol. x. (Norman French.)

This proclamation was made on Thursday, the Feast of St. Peter's Chains [1 August], in the 27th year of the reign of King Edward the Third etc.—

"It is ordered that every hosteler and herbergeour, within the franchise of the City, shall cause his guests to be warned that they must leave their arms and armour in their hostels where they are lodging, in the keeping there of their hosts; and if such hosts do not give such warning, and any one shall be found bearing arms or in armour, for default of such warning, the host of such person shall be punished by imprisonment and other penalty, at the discretion of the Mayor and Aldermen.

"Also,—that no alien shall go in armour, or shall carry sword, knife with point, or other arms, in the City, or in the suburb thereof; on pain of imprisonment, and of losing such arms and armour.

"Also,—that every person of the peace shall come in aid of the officers of the City, if need be, to arrest felons and other misdoers, and such as shall be found contravening the cry aforesaid. And in the absence of the officers, every man of the peace shall have power to arrest such persons, and to bring them to the houses of the Sheriffs, that so due punishment may be inflicted upon them.

"Also,—that no one shall give maintenance, succour, prayer, or aid, to any person who is of bad covin or alliance, or accused of evil, on pain of forfeiting as much as he may forfeit, unto our Lord the King, and to the City.

"Also,—that no one shall hold an assemblage, within the City or without, for making covin, confederacy, or alliance; nor yet shall make any collection of money in boxes, or in other manner, for the maintenance of his quarrels, or for exciting evil riots, on pain of imprisonment and of forfeiture, as before stated.

"Also,—that no one, on pain of imprisonment, shall be so daring as to go wandering about the City, or the suburb thereof, after the hour of curfew rung out at St. Martin's le Grand; unless he be a man of the City of good repute, or the servant of such, for some real cause, and that, with light.

"Also,—that no taverner or brewer shall keep the door of his tavern open after curfew rung out at St. Martin's le Grand aforesaid, under the penalty thereon of old ordained."


  • 1. It seems to have been an impression that this mixture was highly dangerous to health.
  • 2. Or Pernella; familiarly, in old English, "Parnel."