Calendar of Early Mayor's Court Rolls: 1298-1307. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1924.
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'Index of names and places: A-J', in Calendar of Early Mayor's Court Rolls: 1298-1307, ed. A H Thomas (London, 1924), British History Online [accessed 14 March 2025].
'Index of names and places: A-J', in Calendar of Early Mayor's Court Rolls: 1298-1307. Edited by A H Thomas (London, 1924), British History Online, accessed March 14, 2025,
"Index of names and places: A-J". Calendar of Early Mayor's Court Rolls: 1298-1307. Ed. A H Thomas (London, 1924), British History Online. Web. 14 March 2025.
Abbehale, Abbehal, Ralph de,
Abbevile, Wibert de, see Gilbert le Abrokur
Abbyndon, Abbendon, Richard
-, - - Stephen, son of,
-, - Robert de,
Abel, Sir John, n.
Aberdeen, wine sent to,
Abevyle, in Ponthieu,
Abraham, Abram, Thomas, ironmonger,
Abrokur, Gilbert, Wybert le, see Abbevile, Wibert de
Absolon, Adam,
-, - Hugh,
Acre, George de, wine-merchant,
Acton, Roger de, of Clerkenwell,
-, - Walter de, currier,
-, - William, brother of Walter de,
-, - - brother of Roger de, of
Aldersgate, currier,
"Adinettus," of Gascony,
Adrian, Peter, ad aquam (Atwater?), Maurice, butcher,
Ailmer, Thomas, "batour," see Eylmere
Albyn, William, fishmonger,
Aldeger of Hardwyk,
Aldewych, Thomas de, cordwainer,
Aldresgate, a jury of,
Aldresgate, Juliana, wife of Robert
de, fishmonger,
-, - Robert de, fishmonger,
-, - Walter de, fruiterer,
Alegate, Allegate, juries of,
-, - - the Gate of,
Alegate, John de, poulterer,
-, - - son of John de, poulterer,
-, - Jordan, brother of William de,
-, - Ralph de, clerk,
-, - Robert de, "poter,"
-, - William de,
Alegate Ward; Adam, beadle of,
Alemain, Godfrey de,
Aleyn, Allyn, John,
-, - John, fishmonger,
-, - Richard, fishmonger,
Alger, John, currier,
Alisaundre, Alysaundre, William,
All Hallows, a jury of,
All Hallows at Hay, parish of,
-, - Stanignechurch,
Almaine, see Hanse (Index of
-, - Thetard le Estreys, Alderman
of the Hanse of,
-, - the King of,
Amayler, John le, goldsmith,
Ambresbury, Anbresbury, Aumbresbiry, Martin de, Sheriff,
-, - Walter de, goldsmith,
Amyas, the Bishop of,
Amyens, Nele and Corbie, privileges of the Hanse Merchants of,
-, - Mauncel, burgess of,
Amys, Amiz, Henry, son of Juliana
la Jovene,
-, - William, fishmonger,
Ancerwyk, the Abbess of,
Andewyle, Andevyne, Walter de, of Amiens, Amyas,
Andreu, John, foreigner,
-, - Peter, merchant of Montpelers,
-, - William, of Bernflete,
Andvers, in Brabant,
Anesty, Richard,
Appelby, Roger de,
-, - - Undersheriff of Middlesex,
Apperle, Sir William de, Master William de, deputy of the King's Steward,
Archer, Nicholas le,
Arcubus , Adam de,
Ardern, Nicholas de, chaplain,
Armenters, John de, Sheriff,
-, - - Joan, widow of,
-, - - John, son of,
-, - Peter de,
-, - Robert de,
Armerer, Armurer, Gerdo le,
-, - Hugh le,
-, - Manekin le,
Arras, Arace, Ralph de,
-, - Matthew de,
Arundel, Robert de,
Ascelyn, John, of St Trond,
Asherugge, the Earl of Cornwall at,
Aske, Peter de,
Assh, Robert de,
Asshendon, Robert de, Collector
of Bradestrete Ward,
-, - Roger de,
-, - William de, goldsmith,
Asshewell, Thomas de, of St Anthony,
Athelard, Roger,
Athol, John, Earl of, n. 1
Attecherch, Adam, "batour,"
-, - Katherine,
-, - - Thomas, son of,
Atteloke, Robert,
Atterderne, Ralph de, merchant of Almaine,
Atteweld, William, "batour,"
Auberkyn, Reginald,
Aulyn, Beringer,
Aunore, Alan, fishmonger,
Auntioche, Adam de,
Aykyn, John, son of William, merchant and mariner of Middelbourgh in Seland,
Bacheler, John, fishmonger,
-, - Roger, fishmonger,
Bacwell, Baukwell, Bauquelle,
John de,
-, - - Justice of Gaol Delivery,
Badborouham, Hugh de, of the
King's Household,
-, - John de, poulterer,
Bailiff, Joce the, see Sergaunt, Gocelin le
Baker, Bakere, Adam le, fishmonger,
-, - Alan le,
-, - Robert the, boatman of Serre,
-, - Simon the, Collector of Bradestrete Ward,
-, - Stephen le, fishmonger,
Baldewin, Baldewyne, John, fishmonger,
Ballard, Adam, blader,
-, - Colouth,
Balle, Ralph,
-, - Ranulph,
-, - - Isabella, wife of,
-, - Yvo,
Balsham, Roger de,
-, - William, tanner,
Baman, William, n.
Barage, Ernald,
Baran, Bernard,
Barber, Barbour, etc., Gilbert le,
-, - Hamond le,
-, - James le,
-, - John le,
-, - Manettus, son of William le,
-, - Reginald, Renaud le, of Vintry,
-, - Richard le,
-, - - brewer of Dowgate,
-, - - of Fletestrete,
-, - - of Cornhill,
-, - - cook,
-, - - beadle of Walebrok,
-, - - blader,
-, - Robert le, of Ewelleshalle,
-, - - of Garscherch,
-, - - - Maud, wife of,
-, - Roger le, serjeant,
-, - Saer le,
-, - Stephen le,
-, - Thomas le,
-, - - of Fridaystrete,
-, - William le,
Bardeneye, Walter de,
Bardi, the Society of, of Florence, n.
Bardolf, Sir Hugh,
Bare, Ralph de la, goldsmith,
Bareth, Walter,
Barlack, Guy,
Baroun, John, "batour,"
Barre, Hamo atte, poulterer,
-, - John atte, poulterer,
-, - John de la,
Barres, the, of the Suburbs,
Barton, William de, fishmonger,
Basing, Basinge, Basinges, John
-, - Thomas de,
-, - William de,
Basseshawe Ward, the Beadle and Watch of,
Bassingbourne, Dame Margaret, widow of Sir Warin de,
Batour, Hugh le,
-, - Nicholas le,
-, - Ralph le,
-, - Roger le,
-, - William le,
Batricheseye, John de, cordwainer,
Baudechun, Richard,
Baudri, Baudry, Adam, tanner,
-, - Hugh,
-, - John, tanner, of the Moor,
-, - Robert, fishmonger,
Baumere, Richard le, of Kynemeretone,
Baunber, John,
Baysetart, Henry, merchant of Malines,
Beaublet, Beaubelet, Nicholas, spurrier,
Beauchamp, Sir Walter de, Steward
of the King's Household,
-, - William de,
Beaufiz, Richard,
Beauflour, Beauflur, John,
-, - Simon, xxv n.
-, - Thomas,
Beaulou, Robert de,
Beble, Geoffrey, chaplain, n.
Beche, Philip atte,
Bechesworthe, John de, journeyman cordwainer,
Becles, John de,
Bedeford, John de,
-, - Thomas de,
Bedefunte, John de, "kisser,"
-, - Walter de, "kisser,"
Bedel, Adam le, of Alegate,
-, - Robert le,
Bedleem, Brother Thomas de; see Donecastre, Thomas de
Befald, John de,
Belet, Bolet, Simon, Sheriff,
Belhous, Walter atte,
-, - William atte,
Bellehous, Henry de,
Belleryteryslane (Billiter Lane),
Benere, John le, fishmonger,
-, - - Warden of London Bridge,
-, - Robert le, fishmonger,
-, - Walter le, fishmonger,
Benetele, Adam de,
Benge, Henry de,
Benham, John de,
Berchenereslane, on Cornhulle,
Berdefeld, John de,
Berdenn, Walter de,
Bereford, Bereforth, Richard de,
King's Treasurer in Ireland,
-, - William de, King's Justice,
Beregholte, Robert de,
Berewyc (Berwick),
Berkhamsted, Berhamstead,
Nicholas de,
-, - William de, "batour,"
Berking, Berkyng, Andrew de,
-, - John de,
Berkingg, market at,
Berlee, Adam de,
Bermingham, Richard de, fruiterer,
Bernard, Adam,
-, - Stephen,
Berners, James de,
Bernes, Richard de, fishmonger,
-, - Roger de, fishmonger,
Berneval, Peter,
Bernham, Richard de, currier of Crepelgate Without,
Bertand, Guy,
Berton, Walter de,
-, - William, clears himself by the
Great Law, xxxi
Betely, James,
Beton, Betoyne, Bettoyn, William de, Willyem de, Alderman,
Beverlee, Beverley, William de,
-, - - - Thomas, son of,
Beynin, William,
Bidik, Bydik, William de, pepperer of "Soperuslane,"
Bigot, Hugh, King's Justice at Guildhall in xv
-, - juries of,
-, - Wardenship of,
Bishopsgate, Hanse merchants
charged with the repair of, n.
-, - Within, bequest for pavement of,
Bissheye, Robert de,
Bitterle, Bittrele, John de,
Blackfriars, murage taken for rebuilding the Wall by, n.1
Blader, Andrew le,
Blakeloft, Margaret atte,
-, - Margery atte,
Blakeneye, Peter de,
-, - Stephen de,
Blakeslon, Robert de, cornmerchant,
Blaket, Roger, apprentice,
Blaunchapelton, a jury of,
Blechinglee, Robert de,
Blound, Blount, Blund, etc.,
Alice la,
-, - Henry le, stockfishmonger,
-, - John le,
-, - - Mayor,
-, - dominus John le, Mayor,
Blound, etc., John le, Mayor and
Justice of Gaol Delivery, n.
-, - - "cirger,"
-, - Peter le, cook,
-, - Reginald le, Bailiff of the Weavers,
-, - Robert le,
Bluntesham, John de, taverner,
-, - - Richard, brother of,
Blyd, Geoffrey de,
"Blytheleved," "Blycheyleved," ship called,
Bocher, Richard le,
Boclaund, Bokelande, John de,
-, - Richard de,
Boctone, Adam de, "cofferer,"
Bod, Henry,
Bogeys, John,
Bokeler, Walter le,
Bokerelesbury, a jury of,
Bole, Gilbert le, cordwainer,
-, - John le, bailiff of the Bishop of
-, - - son of Henry le,
-, - William Cros le, fishmonger,
Boligton, Bolinton, Bolingtone,
Peter de, fishmonger,
-, - Richard de,
-, - - Alice, wife of,
-, - - Emma, sister of,
Bolimer, Symon, of Castle Baynard,
Bolnhirst, Richard de, called "Godard," pepperer,
Bolom, Peter,
Bolychromp, John, called "Byndere," broker of carts,
Bompuz, Katherine,
Bonaventure, Italian merchant,
-, - Guydo,
Bonde, John,
Bondon, Henry de,
Bonevil, Robert de,
Bonmarche, Geoffrey, cordwainer,
Bonseingyurs, Bonzcini, Society of, of Sienna, otherwise called "de la gruntable," n.
Bordeaux, ship freighted at,
Borghard, Salmon, fishmonger,
Borham, Raude de,
-, - Walter de,
Bosco, Roger de, beadle of Farringdon Ward,
Bosenham, Bosenho, Peter de, Sheriff,
Boteler, Botiler, Botiller, James
-, - Paul le,
-, - Walter le,
Botertounte, Botertunte, Simon de,
Botetourte, Sir John,
-, - - Justice at Leadenhall, n.
Botis, John, poulterer,
Botoner, Botener, Adam le,
-, - Bartholomew le,
-, - Gregory le,
-, - John le,
-, - - junior,
Bottertone, Buttertone, John de,
Bouler, Estmer le, of Candelwykstrate,
Bouthone, Adam de,
Bowe, Adam atte,
Box, Henry,
-, - - Sheriff,
-, - Julia, widow of Henry,
-, - Robert, pepperer,
-, - Thomas,
-, - - of Brinchesle,
Boys, John de, fishmonger,
-, - William de,
Brabant, John, Duke of,
Brabazuns, Brabazun, James le,
James de, of the Society of the
Bonseignours, de la gruntable,
of Sienna,
-, - - Castellus, partner of,
-, - Sir Roger de,
Brace, Braz, Adam,
Bracer, Brasour, etc., Gilbert le,
of Hiengham,
-, - William le,
Bradestrete (Broad Street), a jury of,
Brainford, forestalling at,
Brakele, Brakkelee, Geoffrey de,
-, - Ralph de,
Brangwayn, Robert, of Castle Baynard,
Brawhing, Ralph de, girdler,
Bray, Braye, Gilbert de,
-, - Richard de,
-, - Robert de,
-, - Thomas de,
-, - William de,
-, - - stockfishmonger,
-, - - official of the Bishop of
Bredstrate, James de,
-, - Roger de,
-, - Walter de,
Bree, Robert de, of Dublin,
Brekesheved, John de,
Brenkele, Brynkele, John de,
Bret, Brett, William, goldsmith,
-, - - le, of Wyntringham,
-, - - Dyonisia, wife of,
Bretevill, William de, of co. Kent,
Bretoun, Bretun, etc., Sir John le,
Warden of the City,
-, - Robert le,
Brewere, Henry le,
-, - John le, of Billirica,
-, - Richard le,
Breydesten, Breideston, John de,
-, - Robert de,
-, - William de,
Brid, German,
-, - - Lucy, widow of,
-, - John, poulterer,
Bridge Ward,
Briggestrate, Breggestrate,
Bristol, goods bought at,
-, - the Custumals of, xxv n.
Bristoll, Bristow, Elyas de,
-, - John de, journeyman cordwainer,
-, - Roger de,
-, - William de,
Brith, Richard, fishmonger,
Brittany, John, son of the Duke
-, - Sir John de, Earl of Richmond,
Bro, Browe, Bruwe, Brachius de
-, - Reymund de la,
Brocher, Adam le,
Brok, Thomas,
Broken Wharf,
Brokettour, Robert le,
-, - - Maud, wife of,
Bromleye, Brompleye, Brumleye,
Thomas de,
-, - Walter de, Master Cornmeter,
Brompfeld, Richard de,
Brompton, John de,
Broud, John, weaver,
Broune, Roger de, xxv n.
Brouthton, Brouchtone, John
-, - Simon de,
-, - William de, skinner,
Bruges, deeds alleged to be at,
Brugges, Robert de la Bourse de,
Bruing, Bruming, etc., Thomas,
-, - - "kisser,"
Brun, Brunne, etc., Adam,
-, - John le,
-, - Nicholas le,
-, - Nigel le,
-, - Roger, xxv n.; see
Broune, Roger de
-, - Thomas,
Bruys, Richard le, tanner,
Bryon, John,
Bucquinte, John, submitted to the Middle Law, xxxii
Bullok, Richard, taverner,
-, - Walter, taverner,
Bumstede, Bumpstede, John de, poulterer,
Bunting, John,
Burdegale, Burdeus, Richard de, clerk,
Bureford, Burreford, Burreforth, John de, Sheriff,
Burel, John, poulterer,
Burgh, Burgo, Bennet de,
-, - Chynus de,
-, - John de,
-, - Richard de, goldsmith,
-, - Walter de, Canon of Holy
Burgundia, Antony de, see Hurtts Antony, rector of
Burgy, Philip, merchant of the Society of the Mosi,
Burser, Roger le, xvii n.
Bury, Byri, Henry de, cordwainer,
-, - James de, of Aldersgate, currier,
-, - Peter de, skinner,
-, - Ralph de, cordwainer,
-, - Roger de,
Bushe, Master John,
-, - - Isabella, sister of,
Bussard, John, cook,
Bustre, Henry de,
Buttermonggere, Margaret la,
Bynau, Bynaw, Bartholomew,
Bynde, Italian merchant,
Caller, Callere, Robert le, Sheriff,
Callestere, Eva la,
Calvomonte, Hugh de, Warden of the Fair of Champenoise Brie,
Cambridge, Cauntebregg, etc.,
Maud de,
-, - Nicholas de,
-, - - John, son of,
-, - William de,
Camerwelle, Margery de,
Campedene, Robert de, Collector of Alegate Ward,
Campes, Caumpes, Richard de, Sheriff,
Candelwykstrete, Candelwykstrate,
-, - Roger the Beadle of,
Canefeld, Canefeud, Geoffrey de,
-, - John de, bailiff of the Guild
of Weavers,
-, - Walter de, butcher,
-, - William de,
Canoun, Kanoun, Geoffrey, n.,
-, - William,
Canterbury, Hugh de,
-, - John de, poulterer,
-, - Simon de, skinner,
Canvyle, Thomas de,
Caperiche, David,
Careman, Clays, merchant of Brabant,
Carle, John,
Carletone, William de, Serjeant of the Sheriff,
Carlisle, Cardoil, John, Bishop
-, - Juliana de,
-, - Michael de,
Carmelite Friars, the robbery at the,
Carnon, Simon, "lodesman,"
Carpenter, John, compiler of Liber Albus, xxvi
Cary, Roger,
-, - - Avice la Haubergere, widow
Castle Barnard, William de, cordwainer,
Castle Baynard,
Caundeler, Chaundeler, Aleyn le,
-, - Henry le, beadle,
-, - Hugh le,
Caundeler, Chaundeler, John le,
-, - - of Ismongerelane,
-, - - of Flete,
-, - Matthew le,
-, - Maykin le,
-, - Richard le,
-, - Stephen le,
-, - Thomas le, chandler,
-, - William le,
Causton, Caustone, Alexander de,
-, - Hugh de,
-, - John de,
-, - William de, see Caxtone,
William de
Cavedihs, Cavendyssh, Geoffrey
-, - - John, son of,
Caxtone, William de, Collector of Walbrook Ward,
Cayn, John, of St Manehuld, Warden of the Fair of Champenoise Brie,
Ceinturer, Ceynturer, Jordan le,
-, - Robert le, see Gurdelere,
Robert le
Cendal, John, mercer,
Cene, James de, house of, on Cornhill, see Brabazun, James le
Cercle Neyr, Circuli Neri, Society of, of Florence, n. 4
Cesterton, John de,
Chabenham, Chabeham, Walter de, "kisser," n.,
Chalaundrer, Bartholomew le,
Chalfhunte, Robert de,
-, - William de,
Chalham, John de, cordwainer,
Cham, Sir John de,
Chamber, John of the, Clerk to the
-, - - - to the Sheriff,
-, - William, Clerk of the, see
Chaumbre, William de la
Chamberleyn, John le, girdler,
Champenoise Brie, Fair of,
Chapeler, John le,
-, - William le,
Chapeleyn, Chaplain, Ralph le,
-, - Reginald the,
Chapun, Baldewyn,
Chaucer, Baldechon le,
-, - Baudewyn le,
-, - John le, n., xxxv
Chaumbre, William de la,
Chelcheithe, Cheleshuch, etc.,
Geoffrey de, tanner,
-, - Ralph de, tanner,
-, - Robert de, spurrier,
Chepe (Cheap),
Cherringe, Henry de,
Cherteseie, John de, spurrier,
Chese, Thomas, currier of Cherringe,
-, - Walter, currier,
Chestehonte, William de, spurrier,
Cheswyk, John de, of Langborne
-, - Walter de, woolman,
Chiarenti of Pistoja, see Claren de Pistorye
Chichestre, William de, "verrer,"
Chigewell, Chygewell, Chykewell, Alexander de,
-, - - Michael, brother of,
-, - Richard de, smith,
-, - Thomas de, "lorriner,"
-, - William de,
Chiltren, Chyltren, Daniel de, cordwainer,
Chinggeston (Kingston), sale of timber at,
Chivaler, Sir Robert,
Chobham, John de,
Chyld, Peter,
Clare, Thomas de,
-, - - Gilbert, son of,
Claren De Pistorye (Chiarenti of Pistoja), n. 2
Claus, John de, John des, of the Honour of Seguis, Segur,
Clayssone, William,
Clerekes, Alice la,
Clerk, Clerc, David the, of the
-, - Geoffrey le, of Northflete,
-, - Guy le,
-, - John le, beadle of Bread Street
-, - - Coroner of the City,
-, - - servant of the Prior of Holy
-, - Peter the,
-, - Robert le,
-, - William le,
Clerkenwell, the Hospital of,
Clerkenwell, Adam de, Beadle of Cornhulle,
Clopham, Gylottus de,
Clovier, Robert le,
-, - ... le,
Coffer, Coffrer, Cofferer, Alexander le,
-, - Richard le,
-, - Thomas le,
-, - - cordwainer,
-, - William le,
Cok, James, barber, of Cornhull,
Cokkes Lane, prostitutes in,
Coldharbour, Coldhakber, n. 1
Colegate, Stephen de,
Colesdon, John de, fishmonger,
Colingham, Collingham, Thomas de, fishmonger,
Colle, Henry, of Collon (Cologne),
Collecestre, William de, chaplain,
Colmanstrete, William de Leyre's house in,
Colon, Godelin de,
Combe Martin, William de, Sheriff,
Conduit, the,
Conduit, Conductu, Geoffrey de,
-, - William de, taverner,
Conele, William de,
Conestable, Walter, goldsmith,
Convers, Nicholas le, brewer,
-, - Robert le, goldsmith,
Converse, Alice la, wife of William le Ireys,
Cook, John,
-, - Simon the,
See Cok, Couk, Keu, Koc, Ku
Cooper, Walter the, of St Nicholas Lane,
Coosyn, Walter,
Copdonhall, in the parish of St Dunstan in the East, n. 1
Copersmyth, John le,
Coppedhalle, n. 1
Coppedok, John de, poulterer,
Corbel, Elyas,
Corbet, Thomas,
Corbins, Matthew de,
Cordewaner, Godwyn le,
-, - Hankok le,
-, - Ralph le,
-, - Richard le,
Cordwainer Street, CordwanerStrate, etc.,
-, - Market near,
Cornedale, Robert de, clerk,
Cornere, Agnes de la,
Cornhill, Cornhulle, Cornell,
Cornhulle, John de,
Cornibia , John de,
Cornwall, Edmund, Earl of, brother of Edward
Cornwall, Cornewale, Peter de,
-, - William de, clerk,
Cornys, Adam, currier,
Corriour, Stephen le,
Cose, Francis, n. 3; see Lumbard, Cose
Cosin, Cosyn, William, Sheriff,
Costantyn, Costentyn, Richard,
Cote, Walter,
Coteler, Cotiler, Cuteler, Adam
-, - Edmund le,
-, - Laurence le,
-, - Philip le,
-, - - Walter, brother of,
-, - Ralph le,
-, - Salamon le, Sheriff,
-, - Simon le,
-, - - Katherine, wife of,
-, - - John, son of,
-, - - William, son of,
Cotenne, Coppe, n. 2
Cotoun, John, skinner,
Couk, Nicholas le,
Coumbe, Edmund de,
-, - Peter de,
Coundon, Simon de, cordwainer,
Couper, Cupere, etc., Adam le,
-, - Henry le, baker,
-, - Walter le,
Coupman, Henry,
Courter, Theobald,
Coventre, John de, blader,
-, - Roysia de,
-, - Stephen de,
Crackfergus, Commonalty of,
Crane, John,
Craumpe, Robert, foreigner of Coventry,
Crel, William, cook,
Crepelgate, porterage to,
-, - prison of,
Crepelgate, Golding de, poulterer,
Crepelgate, John de,
-, - Richard de,
Cressi, Cressy, Alan de, foreign
weaver of Pountif,
-, - Geoffrey de, foreign weaver of
-, - John de, foreign weaver of
Creye, William de,
-, - - Isabel, wife of,
Crisp, Roger,
Crodde, Thomas, see Crudde
Crofton, Richard de, Sheriff's Clerk,
Crokesle, John de,
Cros, Gilbert,
-, - Henry, fishmonger,
-, - - Joan, wife of,
-, - Thomas,
-, - - Margery, widow of,
-, - -Thomas, son of,
-, - William, fishmonger,
Cros Muriele, William,
Crouly, Croy, Croily, John de,
Croydon, John de,
-, - - fishmonger,
Croyndon, account made at,
Crudde, Thomas, Master Cornmeter at Queenhithe, see Crodde
Crutched Friars, n. 1, n. 3
Curteys, Hugh, of Stibbenheth,
-, - William,
Cycestre, Alan de,
Dachet, John,
Daginhale, Walter de, tanner, n.
Dalby, William de,
Dalleye, Dalleie, Adam, spurrier,
-, - Robert de, spurrier,
Danesty, John,
Daniel, Richard,
Darcy, Henry, Mayor, xxv
Darmenters, John, Sheriff, see Armenters
Daunce, Robert de la,
David, Geoffrey, butcher,
Davy, Richard, baker,
Decard, Detard, Alderman of the Hanse, see Estreys, Detard le
Delehak, Sir Eustace,
Delvere, Walter le, beadle of the Batours,
Denmars, Reginald,
Derby, Master Henry de, clerk,
-, - Roger de,
-, - Thomas de,
-, - - cordwainer,
Derlington, Adam de, Collector of Cordwanerstrete Ward,
Derman, Robert,
Despenser, Sir Hugh le, Forest
-, - Richard le, chaplain,
Devenys, John,
Dichefeld, Thomas de,
Dillewyss, Stephen de,
Diri, Dyry, Walter,
-, - Alice, wife of,
Dissot, John,
Distavelane, Thomas de Brumleye's house in,
Dobes, Robert, Sheriff, n. 2, (Robert Rokesley, junior)
Doddeford, Robert de,
-, - - skinner,
-, - Thomas de, alias Doddele,
Dode, John,
-, - Philip,
Dodington, William de, servant of the Earl of Lincoln,
Dogget, Thomas,
Dokesworth, John de,
Dollingham, Dulingham, etc., Martin de, butcher,
Donecastre, Thomas de, Canon
of the Church of Bedlehem,
-, - William de,
Donmawe, Robert de,
Dorgod, Stephen,
Dorking, John de,
Dosing, Robert, poulterer,
-, - - Holilde and Felice, daughters
Dosswell, Thomas, butcher,
Dounegate, Dowegate, etc., John
-, - Ralph de, cooper,
-, - Richard de,
Douuegate, jury of,
Dover, the King's Castle of,
Dovre, Ralph de,
Dowgate Dock, the Guildhall of the Teutonics at, n.
Draper, Mark le,
Dreux, John de, n. 2; see Brittany, Sir John de
Drinkwater, Thomas,
Droknesford, Drokenesford, Sir John de, n. 3
Dru, Robert,
Dublin, the Commonalty of,
Dudlee, Terry de, fruiterer,
Duket, Laurence, mainprised in felony by twelve mainpernors, xxix
Dunelmia, Christiana de, clears herself by the Great Law, xxxi
Dunlee, Henry de,
Dunninghurst, John de, chandler,
Dunstaple, Donestaple, Alice de,
-, - John de, Sheriff,
-, - Walter de, called "de Templo,"
Durand, ...,
Durdrich (Dordrecht), the "Pelerim" of,
Durdrich, Peter de,
Durham, men of the Bishop of,
Dyicton, John de, attorney,
Dynaunt, Albridus de,
Dyrham, Joan de,
-, - - Nicholas, journeyman of,
Dyvelyn, Robert,
East Cheap, Estchep,
Ebbegate, Walter de,
Echelkerke, John, of Thorpmond in Almaine,
Edelmeton, Eddelmeton, Peter
-, - Roger de, tanner,
Ediman, William,
Edmund, brother of Edward see Cornwall, Edmund, Earl of
Edward II, Articles of, with regard to the Mayor's Court in, xvii
Edward III, Charter of, to London, xii
Eldchirk, John de,
Eldestrete, Simon del, poulterer,
Elms, the, at Smithfield, n. 2
Elsingham, John de, smith,
Eltham, Robert de,
Ely, quitrent paid to the Bishop of,
Ely, Adam de, fishmonger,
-, - John de,
xxi n. 2
-, - Matthew de, fishmonger,
-, - Richard de, of the Mercery,
-, - Robert de, fishmonger,
Elys, Helys, John, "kisser," n.,
-, - John,
-, - - of Colecestre,
-, - - Maud, daughter of,
see Wymondham
Enefeud, Terricus de, attorney,
Engayn, Sir John de,
Engleys, John le, Englishman, John the,
Escanz, les (the Exchange),
Esseburne, Hugh de, cordwainer,
Essex, John de,
-, - Matthew de,
-, - Reginald de, cordwainer,
Esthalle, William de,
Eston, John de, see Heston
Estre, Ysabel de,
Estreys, Ebright, Egbrytht le,
see Werle, Egbrith de
-, - Detard, Thetard, Teostardus le,
Alderman of the Hanse,
see Decard
Ethelgiva, wife of Earl Ethelwine of East Anglia, xiii
Eton, Etone, John de,
Everard, Elyas,
Evere, Alice de,
-, - Roger de, see
Hevere, Roger de
Export, John de, the will of,
Eylbrich, foreign merchant,
Eylmere, Thomas, see Ailmer
Eyrot, William, currier,
Fairhod, John,
Fairman, John, currier,
-, - Symon, currier,
Fanne, Peter,
Fannere, Vannere, Wannere,
Stephen le,
-, - - Isabella, wife of,
-, - - Felicia, daughter of,
-, - Walter le,
Farendon, Farndon, etc., Nicholas de, alderman,
-, - - the ward of,
-, - Thomas de,
Farneberghe, Farmberwe, Roberd
-, - Richard de,
Farnham, Farinham, Henry de, spicer,
Fatting, Maud,
-, - Richard, butcher,
-, - William,
Fauchor, Faucheur, John le,
Faukoun, William,
-, - - Roysia, mother of,
Faveresham, Henry de, cordwainer,
Fernus, John,
Ferour, Ferun, Roger le,
Fersdene, Richard de,
Fethermongere, Richard le,
-, - - Margery, widow of,
Fevere, Fevre, Feyver, Gilbert le,
-, - Milo le, smith,
-, - Reginald le,
Fihsbourne, Bartholomew de,
Fihswarf (Fishwharf), jury of,
Fincham, John de, goldsmith,
Finchinfeud, Finchingfeld, etc.,
Geoffrey de,
-, - Ivo de, butcher,
-, - Ralph de,
-, - Walter de, deputy of the Mayor,
-, - William de,
Fingrie, Fyngrie, Henry de,
-, - - Sheriff,
-, - Robert de,
Fisshe, James,
Fithele, John, currier,
Fitz Ancher, Henry,
Fitz Aylwin, his Assize of Building, n.
Fitz Hugh, William,
Fitz Laurence, William,
Fitz Peter, Ralph,
Fitz Walter, Robert, Banneret of London, origin of his claims, xi
Fitz Warin, Simon,
Fitz William, Henry, cordwainer,
Fiz, Richard, "ceynturer,"
Fiz Robert, Simon, fishmonger,
Fiz Saundre, William le,
Flambard, Laurence,
Flanner, Flaoner, Roger le,
Flaxele, the Abbot of,
Fleming, Flemingg, Flemeng,
-, - John le, "verrer,"
-, - Thomas le,
Flete, Edmund, keeper of the Gaol
-, - John de, "chapeler,"
-, - Stephen de,
-, - Thomas de, "pheliper,"
Flete, Walter de,
Flete Bridge, Fletebruge,
Fletegate, a house in,
Fletestrate, Fletestrete,
Fleye, William, "kisser,"
Flinchard, James, fishmonger,
-, - Walter,
-, - William, fishmonger,
Florence, Philip, son of Guyco de,
Fonte, Nicholas de,
Fontevrault (de Fonte Ebraldi), the Abbess of,
Forde, Robert atte, "seler,"
Foreste, Foresta, William de,
-, - William de la,
Forner, Giles le,
-, - Hugh le,
Foundepe, William, merchant,
Foundour, Fundour, Cristian le,
-, - John le,
Fourbeur, Fourbur, etc., Adam le,
-, - John le,
-, - Robert le,
Fox, Thomas le, Master Cornmeter at Queenhithe,
Foxle, Robert the cook of,
France, legacy from Margaret late Queen of,
Fratre, William,
Fraunceys, Frensche, etc., Hugh
-, - John le,
-, - - currier,
-, - - "peleter,"
-, - Ralph le, currier,
-, - Robert le, of Malteby,
-, - Roger le, currier,
-, - William le,
Fraunceyse, Katherine la,
Fraunk, John, "batour,"
Fremelingham, Edward de, Clerk of the Arches,
Frend, Gervase le,
Frenigham, Walter de,
Frer, Frere, Robert,
-, - William, fishmonger,
Freschfihs, John,
Freston, Robert de, "burler,"
Friars Minors (Greyfriars), House of,
Friday Street, a jury of,
Fridaystreet, Fridaiestrate, etc., John de, clerk,
Fridaystreet, etc., Margery de,
-, - William de, Sheriff's Serjeant,
Friscobaldi, John of the Society of
-, - Sire Jon de, n. 2
Frochs, Frohs, John, fishmonger,
-, - Hugh, fishmonger,
Frogwell, Walter de, beadle of Cordwanerstret,
Frowyk, Agnes, widow of Reginald,
-, - - Henry, son of,
-, - Reginald de,
-, - Robert de, cordwainer,
-, - Roger de,
-, - Thomas de,
-, - - Alice, wife of,
-, - - goldsmith,
Fruter, Gerard le, fruiterer,
-, - William le, brewer,
Frysingfeld, John de, knight,
Fuatard, John,
Fulbard, Burgensis, of Florence,
Fulham, Foleham, etc., Adam de,
Alderman and fishmonger,
-, - - junior,
-, - John de, fishmonger,
-, - Robert de, fishmonger,
Fuller, Walter le,
-, - William le,
Furmager, Walter le,
Fyges, Saleman, of Serre,
Gaiateshal, John de, currier,
Galeys, Waleys, Henry le, Mayor,
Gamel, John,
Gane, Bernard de la, burgess of Leyburn (Libourne, Gascony), n.
Gardiner, Robert le,
-, - - of co. Lincoln,
-, - Walter le,
Garlaund, Gerlaund, John,
Garscherche, Geoffrey de,
Gassak, Gaillard de,
Gaste, Simon, of St Trond,
Gate, John atte,
-, - Richard atte,
Gauge (Gange?), Robert,
Gaugeour, Henry le,
Gay, John de,
Gayoler, Richard le, of Newgate,
Gaytone, John de, cordwainer,
-, - William de,
Geffard, Giffard, Geoffrey,
-, - - poulterer,
Geldere, John le,
Geldres, Count of,
Gentilcors, Richard,
Genue, Gylenzon de,
Geram, Simon, of St Albans,
Gerard, Brachius,
-, - Elys,
Gerardini, Philip, alias Philip de Spine, n. 2
Gerardoun, Geraundon, Reymund,
Germin, Reginald,
Gernemue (Yarmouth),
Gernemuhe (Yarmouth), Geoffrey de,
Geryn, John,
Gilberd, John,
Gilingham, Guillingham, Adam de,
Gisors, John de, falsifies the City's books in order to mainprise a man accused of felony, xxix
Gladewyn, Richard, "sokenreve"
of St Paul's,
-, - - attorney,
Gloucester, the Earl of,
Gloucestre, David de, clerk,
-, - Henry de,
-, - - alderman,
-, - Richard de,
-, - - Sheriff,
-, - Robert de,
-, - William de, cobbler,
Godale, Geoffrey, at Flete,
-, - William,
Godard, Simon,
-, - - Alice, widow of,
-, - Thomas,
Godchep, Ralph,
Goderonelane, a jury of,
Godesname, Richard,
Godesone, Adam,
Godman, Agnes, cook,
Goldbeter, Odo le,
Goldcorn, Joan, widow of Bartholomew le Locksmyth,
Goldsmith, William,
Goly, Guy de,
Gomage, William, of the King's Household,
Gorre, William, cook,
Goryngg, William de,
"Gote, John the,"
Gous, Robert,
Goys, Goyz, John, smith,
Grafton, William de,
Graham, Simon de,
Grandisone, Sir William de,
Gras, Gilbert le,
-, - - John, son of, see Gros
Grascherche, Garscherch, etc., juries of,
Graschirchestrate, etc.,
Graspeys, Henry, fishmonger,
Graunt, Roger le,
-, - - barber,
Gravesende, Cristina de,
Greenwich, Roger de,
Grene, Boidinus de, butcher,
Greneford, John de,
Greyland, Greylaund, Agnes,
-, - William, fishmonger,
Grigori, John,
"Gronewold," the Ship called,
Gros, John le, clerk,
Gubbe, John,
-, - Walter,
-, - William, fishmonger,
Guidiccioni, Richardo, n. 2; see Gydechoun
Guildhall, the, n., n. 2,
Guldeford, Gildeford, John de,
-, - - fishmonger,
-, - - pepperer of "Soperuslane,"
-, - Simon de,
Gumbard, John,
Gurdelere, Robert le, Master Cornmeter at Queenhithe,
Gut, Guth, Simon,
-, - - pepperer of "Soperuslane,"
Guyppewyco (Ipswich), John de, smith,
Gy, Guy, Gydotty, partner of Brachius Gerard,
Gydechon, Gydechoun, Thomasyn,
-, - Thomas, of Lucca, n. 2
Gyhalda Teutonicorum , see Hanse (Index of Subjects)
Haber, William, "hostermongere,"
Hackeneye, Hakeneye, Adam de,
-, - Matthew de,
-, - Richard de,
-, - Walter de, fishmonger,
Hacumby, Richard de,
Haddle, Hadlee, Richard de, fishmonger,
Hadham, Haddeham, John de,
-, - Richard de, tanner,
-, - Robert de, "batour,"
-, - Stephen de, blader,
-, - - tanner,
Hagyn, Richard,
-, - - Gunnora, wife of,
Hainault, Holland and Seland, Count of,
Hakeword, John de,
Haleford, John de,
Hales, Thomas de,
Haliwelle, Alice de, poulterer,
Hallingbury, Halingebury, etc.,
Adam de, alderman,
-, - - sheriff,
-, - Walter de, "burler,"
Hamme, John de,
Hamond, John, spurrier,
Hamptone, William de,
Hanewell, Henry de,
Hardeburg, wool attached at,
Hardekyn, of Hardwyk,
Hardel, Ralph,
-, - Richard, wine-merchant,
-, - Robert,
-, - - his quay in Vintry,
-, - William,
Hardeye, Alice,
Hardmot, merchant of Almaine,
Hardwyk, merchants of,
Harewe, Harwe, etc., Adam de,
-, - Henry de,
-, - John de, Serjeant,
-, - Stephen de,
-, - William de,
Harm, Richard, "bolenger,"
Harwode, William de,
Hasserwit, Thomas, cordwainer,
Hatfeld, Hattefeud, etc., John
-, - Richard de,
-, - - butcher,
Haubergere, Avice la, widow of Roger Cary, xxv n.
Haukesdene, William de,
Haunsard, William, fishmonger,
Haut, John le,
Hauteyn, Hautein, Nicholas,
-, - Richard,
-, - Walter,
-, - - John and Thomas, sons of,
-, - - of Lincoln,
Hauvile, Robert de,
Havering, Haveryngge, John de,
-, - Luke de, Sheriff,
Hay, William le, of Wodestrate, chandler,
Hebuthon, William de,
Hefene, Janinus le, merchant of Malines,
Hegham, Sir Roger de,
-, - - Ysabell, wife of,
-, - - King's Justice,
Helde, Alexander of 3e, poulterer,
Heldefihstrete (Old Fish Street),
Helding, Peter de,
Helmeton, William de,
-, - - pepperer of "Soperuslane,"
Hendone, William de,
Hengeham, Hengham, Andrew de,
-, - - Agatha, wife of,
-, - Master Geoffrey de, clerk,
-, - Sir Hugh de,
-, - William de, brewer,
Henlee, Walter de,
Henry III, Charter of, to the Hanse of Almaine,
Herand, Roger,
Herdewyk, Nicholas de,
Hereford, Herford, Herforth,
Hugh de,
-, - John de,
-, - Richard de,
-, - Stephen de,
-, - Symon de, Cornmeter at Queenhithe,
-, - Master Walter de,
-, - William de, armourer,
-, - - Robert, son of, n.
Hereng, Richard, chaplain,
Herkestowe, William de, of Lincoln,
Herlested, Walter de,
Herlisun, John, fails in his law, xxx
Herm, John,
Hernesemaker, Herneys Makere, William le, spurrier,
Herppinge, William de,
Herst, Gilbert atte,
Heston, Geoffrey de, of Aldersgate, currier,
-, - John de, see Eston
-, - - carpenter,
-, - William de,
Heumer, Henry le,
-, - Manekyn le,
Heved, Roger,
Hever, Hevere, Roger de, see Evere
Heylaund, William de la,
Heymogger, Heymonger, John le,
-, - - Mabel, wife of,
-, - William le,
Heyne, Walter, clerk to the Prince,
Heyron, Heyrun, John, junior,
Hichingg, William de, clerk, see Hikling
Hidecroun, Adam de,
Hikling, William de, clerk,
Hill, Richard atte, attorney,
Hireys, Peter le,
Hockeleye, Richard de,
Hodde, Philip, see Hudde
Hoddere, Juliana la, n. 3
Hodle, Geoffrey,
Hoggenorton, William de,
Holand, Seland, and Frigia, the Count of,
Holcote, Holecote, etc., Heyne
de, currier,
-, - Reginald de, currier,
-, - Stephen de, cordwainer,
Hole, Richard ate,
-, - William Ballard atte,
Holebourn, a jury of,
Holebourne, John de, cooper,
Holer, Richard le, poulterer,
Holte, John ate, smith,
-, - Stephen de, smith,
Holy Trinity, the Prior of,
Holy Trinity The Less,
-, - the Rector of,
Homfrey, journeyman of Adam de Fulham,
Honilane, Ralph de, Alderman,
Honiton, William de,
Honteman, Hunteman, Adam,
Hoppe, Henry,
Hopstathe, Gerard de,
Hormed, Hormede, John de,
-, - Walter de,
Horn, John, Sheriff,
-, - - Richard, son of,
-, - Richard,
-, - - fishmonger,
-, - - ironmonger,
Hornclerk, Horn, Clerk, John,
Hornere, John le,
-, - William le,
Horsham, Adam de,
-, - Geoffrey de,
-, - William de,
Horshobrigg, porterage of corn to,
Hosebond, Roger,
Hosker, Hoscher, Richard le, tanner, n.
Hospinel, Adam, fishmonger,
Houndeslowe, Richard de,
Howard, Sir William,
Huberd, John,
-, - - "flecher,"
Hubertyn, Geoffrey, of Lucca,
Hudde, Philip, master of the ship "le Messager" of Lym, see Hodde
Hughelyng, Felicia, daughter of, poulterer,
Hundesdiche, Geoffrey de,
-, - - William, son of, tanner,
-, - Henry de,
-, - Philip de,
-, - - Gervasius, brother of,
Hunger, Gilbert,
Hungerford, Peter de,
Hungrie, Peter de,
Hurer, Geoffrey le,
-, - Guy le,
-, - - Agnes, widow of,
Hurtts (Hurst, co. Kent), Antony, rector of, n.; see Burgundia, Antony de
Hutgoh, Richard, see Otgo
Ingham, Sir John de, Precentor of St Paul's,
Insula , William de,
Ireys, William le,
-, - - Alice la Converse, wife of,
Ismongerlane, a jury of,
Jacob, John, master of the "Edmund" of Brithlingeseye,
James, Master, the King's Smith,
Janiani, Taldo, Stoldus, agent of the Frescobaldi, n. 2
Joce, John,
Johan, Bernard, "de la Rue Maior dakes," de vico Maiori, n.,
Jolyf, William,
Jordan, ..., "paternosterer,"
-, - Robert,
-, - Thomas, bailiff of the Weavers,
-, - William, Wardon of London
Jovene, Jevene, Juvene, Henry le,
-, - John le,
-, - Juliana la,
-, - - Henry Amys, son of,
Joy, Robert,
Jurdon, Giles, fishmonger,
-, - William, fishmonger,
Juvenal, John, Serjeant,
-, - - Serjeant of the Chamber,
-, - - Serjeant of the Commonalty,
-, - Thomas, Serjeant of the Mayor
(Common Serjeant),
-, - - Alice, wife of,