Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 14 (transcript pp.51-58)

London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Originally published by Centre for Metropolitan History, London, 2010.

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'Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 14 (transcript pp.51-58)', in London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320, ed. Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online [accessed 12 March 2025].

'Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 14 (transcript pp.51-58)', in London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Edited by Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online, accessed March 12, 2025,

"Sheriffs' Court Roll, 1320: Membrane 14 (transcript pp.51-58)". London Sheriffs Court Roll 1320. Ed. Matthew Stevens (London, 2010), British History Online. Web. 12 March 2025.

Membrane 14

[m. 14] Court of John of Prestone, sheriff, held on Tuesday after the feast of St. Lawrence, 14 Edward II [12th August, 1320]
John Cook, attorney of the master of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, pl., v. Peter of Haliwelle, concerning the receiving of his law in a plea of debt, by Richard
of Rothyngge.
nihil habet ideo
alter per corpus
Walter Longeman, def., v. Richer [sic.] of Refham, kt., in a plea of account, by the same.
Thomas of Buri, attorney of Elen Scot, pl., v. John of Hoptone, shoemaker, concerning the receiving of his law in a plea of debt, by Richard Scot.
jurata Simon of Thorp, pl., v. Walter le Foundor in a plea of debt, whereupon judgment, by Richard of Rothyngge.
Peter of Lodelawe, pelter, def., v. Walter del Hay in a plea of trespass, whereupon a jury, by Thomas Orpedeman.
William of Haukedene, def., v. Nicholas le Chesmongere in a plea of trespass,
by Richard of Rothyngge.
vacat William of Redyngge, def., v. William Sprot in a plea of account, by the same.
vacat Hamo le Chaundeler, def., v. Robert of Stowe & Joan his wife in a plea of trespass, whereupon a jury, by the same.
vacat quia
postea venit
William of Castre, def., v. Robert de la Porte in a plea of trespass, whereupon a jury, by the same.
vacat quia
postea venit
John le Litle, def., v. Andrew of Sechesford in a plea of trespass, whereupon a jury, by the same.
William Reyner, def., v. the same Andrew in the same, whereupon judgment, by the same.
John Baldewyne, def., v. the same, in the same, whereupon judgment, by the same.
proxima William of Arondel, pl., v. Saunz Arnald in a plea of trespass, by the same.
Stephen Vyncent, def., v. David Scot in a plea of trespass, whereupon a jury,
by Thomas Orpedeman.
John Pynnote, butcher, def., v. Simon of Norhantone, 'seynturer', in a plea of debt, by R. Scot.
jurata John of Writele, chaucer, def., v. Stephen of Uptone in a plea of trespass, whereupon a jury, by the same.
proxima Martin of Eltham, taverner, def., v. Nicholas of Denesle, in a plea of debt, by Nicholas of Cranele
Walter Bullok, taverner, def., Alexander of Honylane in a plea of debt, by the same.
William le Ken, def., v. Peter of Beuerle, cordwainer, and Aldith his wife and Joan their daughter in a plea of trespass, by the same.
Nicholas of Beutle, def., v. Agnes, relict of Robert Heigne, Robert Nel and William le Taverner, 'hosiere', executors of the will of the said Robert, in a plea of debt, by the same.
[p. 52] John le Skirmysour, def., v. John of Fleyte and Mariona his wife in a plea of trespass, by the same.
Geoffrey Sterre, def., v. William of Alegate in a plea of convent, by the same.
William of Redyngge, brewer, def., v. William Sprot, 'batour', in a plea of account, by the same.
Richard Heyne, pestour, of London and Maude his wife, defs, v. John of Dunstaple, clerk, in a plea concerning a bond, by the same.
vacat Thomas of Enefeld, spicer, pl., v. John of Doule, spicer, in a plea of debt, by the same.
John le Heymongere and Margery his wife, defs, v. Thomas of Rauseleie and Alice his wife in a plea of trespass, by the same.
Nicholas of Draytone, pl., v. Walter Mountagu, 'pestour', and Raina his wife in a plea of debt.
Raina, wife of the said Walter, v. the said Nicholas in a plea of debt, by the same, and Walter, husband of the said Reyne, appears and thus they begin to make a double essoin [et sic incipient furcare].
John Rampn servant of William Herny, def., v. Richard of Copelande in a plea
of trespass, by the same.
jurata Roger le Glasiere, def, v. Roger Elis in plea of trespass, whereupon a jury, by Nicholas of Kranele.
Richard of Notyngham, pl., v. Nigel le Carpenter in a plea of covenant, by the same.
The same Nigel, def., v. the same Richard in the same, by Rothyngge.
Roger le Glasiere, def., v. Maykin Abraham, 'parmenter', in a plea of trespass, by J. Stalbard.
vacat John of Kent, 'pheliper', def., v. Juliana la Lavendere in a plea of trespass, by Reille. Lucy, his wife, appears.
John of Kent, def., v. Christina, servant ['ancilla'] of Juliana la Lavendere, in a plea of trespass by the same; and Letice [sic.] his wife, appears.
summonitiones Agnes, wife of William le Chaundeler, def., v. John of Kyngestone and
Alice his wife, concerning the making of his law in a plea of debt by R. of Rothyngge.
proxima Manent Francisci, def., v. Guido Jacob and Jacob Totti of Luca, citizens and merchants of London, in a plea of debt, by the same.
Gilbert le Rede and Juliana his wife, defs., v. Walter Neel in a plea of debt, by the same.
Simon le Callere, executor of the will of Beatrice atte Borgate, def., v. Walter le Callere, in a plea of debt, by the same.
proxima John de la Myne of London, def., v. Nicholas of Dynesle, parson of Halstede, in a plea of debt, by the same.
William le Taillor, def., v John of Northale, carpenter, and Margery his wife in a plea of trespass, by the same.
Robert of Newmarket, chaplain, def., v. John le Porter, 'glouere', in a plea of trespass, by the same.
proxima William le Hastere, jun., pl., v. Eleanor Beaumond in a plea of debt, by the same.
Roger le Peyntor, def., v. William of Stratford in a plea of debt, by the same.
[p. 53] d. a. s. Richard atte Masche and Agnes his wife, defs., v. the same William in a plea of debt, by the same.
William of Tanrugge, pl., v. William le Foundor in a plea of trespass, by the same.
The same William le Foundor, def., v. the same William of Tanrugge in the same, by Orpedeman.
John Priour, 'fourbour', def., v. Simon de Norhanton, 'zonar', in a plea of debt, by the same.
Richard Payn, pl., v. Robert Broun, concerning the receiving of his law in a plea of trespass, by Rothyngge.
vacat Walter le Sawiere of Beddele, pl., v. Richard of Dunstaple, concerning the receiving of his law in a plea of trespass, by the same.
John Bontynge, pl., v. Peter Busshe in a plea of account, by the same.
summitio Thomas of Redyngge, pelter, def., v. Goce [sic.] le Gentil in a plea of debt, concerning the making of his law, by Rothyngge.
Simon le Taillor, Amice his wife, executrix of the will of John Reyner, Adam Hunteman and John Smart, co-executors, v. Alice, relict of John of Kyngestone, Waletr Clenehond, and Robert of Dittone, executor of the will of the said John, in a plea of debt, by R. Scot.
summitio proxima Roger of Edelmetone, def., v. Ralph Manyman, concerning the making of his law in a plea of trespass, by Rothyngge.
summitio proxima Agnes, wife of William le Chaundeler, def., v. John of Kyngestone, concerning the making of his law in a plea of debt, by Orpedeman.
Richard Larmurer of Fletestrete, better distrained v. Henry of Kent, 'paternostrer', in a plea of trespass.
Adam of Suthewerk and Joan his wife, pl., appear v. Peter, servant of John of Orewelle, baker, in a plea of trespass, and the same Peter had a day by attachment and now does not come. Therefore let him be better attached etc.
vacat Thomas of Enefeld, spicer, pl., appears v. John of Douele, spicer, in a plea of debt. John does not come. Therefore let him be distrained etc.
proxima Guido Jacobi and Jacob Totti of Luca, citizens and merchants of London, pls., appear v. Manent Francisci and Brachmus Huberti of Pulisis in a plea of debt. Brachmus attached, does not come. Therefore etc. Manent appears by essoin.
Walter le Callere, pl., appears v. Henry of Mortelake - misericordia -, and Simon le Callere, executors of the will of Beatrice atte Borgate, in a plea of debt. Henry, summoned, does not come. Therefore, let him be distrained. Simon comes by his essoin.
proxima Guido Jacobi and Jacob Totti, pls., appear v. Brachmus Huberti of Pulisis in a plea of trespass. The same Brachmus, attached, does not come. Therefore etc.
proxima Nicholas of Bentle, pl., appears v. Denis of Bruges, servant of William of Gossesfeld, in a plea of trespass. Denis, attached, does not come. Therefore etc.
William le Hastere, jun., pl., appears v. Eleanor Beaumond in a plea of debt. Eleanor has a day by attachment of her goods, but does not come. Therefore let more be taken.
[p. 54] John of Leuesham, pl., appears v. Henry Goce - misericordia - in a plea of debt. Henry, summoned, does not come. Therefore let him be distrained.
Walter Lucas, distrained v. John of Bledelawe in a plea of debt.
Richard of Burgh, distrained v. the said John in a plea of debt.
William Ficays - misericordia - attached v. Robert Goce and Letice his wife in a plea of trespass .
John le Lung and Joan his wife, attached v. William le Chaundeler in a plea of trespass.
William of Honesdone, distrained v. Ralph Manyman in a plea of covenant.
Juliana Tulesan, distrained v. William Wastel in a plea of debt.
contra hoc ponit se Henry le Sawiere attached v. Richard le Clerk, 'sawiere', in a plea of trespass.
William of Alegate, distrained v. Geoffrey Sterre in a plea of debt.
Peter Bussh, distrained v. John Boutyng in a plea of account.
proxima Robert of Torteville, distrained v. William Rosselyn in a plea concerning the removal of a horse.
Gerard le Fruter, attached v. John le Fruter in a plea of trespass.
proxima Michael Mynot, attached v. Reimund of Lymoges in a plea of trespass.
Nicholas of Bentele, distrained v. Walter Neel in a plea of debt.
John le Tilere, distrained v. Thomas of Hakeneie in a plea of debt.
The Prior of the Order of St. Augustine, and Brother Guy, a member of the same community, distrained v. Willam of Alegate in a plea of debt.
Thomas Dieu, distrained v. Richard le Chaundeler of Douegate in a plea of debt.
Simon of Abyndone, distrained v. Richard of Perers in a plea concerning the detention of a bill.
[m 14d.] William of Wideslade, distrained v. William Bidik in a plea of account.
The same William, distrained v. the same in a plea of debt.
proxima The Prior of Bermondeseye and Brother William Cauche, monk of the house,
attached v. Thomas Bonroncyn in a plea of trespass.
nihil habent
Lawrence le Tornor of Eppynggehethe and Brother Thomas of Eppynggeberi and Hugh of Pikeryngge, baker, executors of the will of John of Derby, parson of the church of St. Mildred, better attached v. William Wastel in a plea of debt
Because it is testified by the serjeant that John le Messager has nothing whereby he can be distrained, it is ordered that he be attached by his body v. John of Stoketone in a plea of account.
The same concerning William Alisaundre v. John of Hanyngfeld in a plea of account.
Thomas of Walpol, better attached v. Robert de la Porte in a plea of trespass.
proxima John Postle of Kyngestone, better attached v. Robert le Blunt in plea of trespass.
Alice la Joignour, better distrained v. Reginald atte Conduit in a plea of debt.
William le Gauger, better attached v. Roger of Suthcote in a plea of trespass.
[p. 55] nihil habet Martin of Aumbesbery, better attached v. Robert de la Porte in a plea of trespass.
John of Hadham, better distrained v. Richard of Gloucestre, alderman, in a plea of debt; and Philip of Offord, potter, and Richard of Bromfeld appear.
William of Eli, pelter, better distrained v. Margery le Bonore in a plea of debt.
John de la Barre, better distrained v. Richard Cros in a plea of the detention of chattels.
John le Mareschal, better attached v. Adam of Keteryngge in a plea of trespass.
Hugh of Paris and Alice his wife, better distrained v. John Brus and Christina his wife in a plea of debt.
Roger of Lyncolne - misericordia -, better attached v. Robert de la Porte in a plea of trespass.
Martin Bright, poulter, better distrained v. John of Dallyngge, jun., in a plea of
John atte Hulle, cordwainer, better distrained v. the same in a plea of debt, and John Coppedoke appears by his attorney.
John Stailbard and Alice his wife, better distrained v. Agnes, relict of James le Botiller, John of Hardyngham, Geoffrey le Bothoner and William of Macchyngge, executors of the will of the said James, in a plea of debt.
Rose la Brewestere, better distrained v. William Peioun in a plea of account.
William of Bristowe, butcher, attached by his body v. John of Canefeld, butcher, in a plea of account.
Roger le Barber, better distrained v. Ralph of Dallyngge in a plea of debt.
Richard of Hodesdone, 'pestour', attached by his body v. Martin of Paris in a plea of account.
John Russel, 'verrer' - misericordia -, better distrained v. Stephen of Creie in a plea of debt.
nihil habet Thomas of Bromesierde, better attached v. Nicholas of Teukesberi, clerk, in a plea of trespass.
William of Durham and Maude his wife, better distrained v. Thomas of Walpol in a plea of debt.
John le Mareschal of Walbroke, better distrained v. Thomas of Hameldene in a plea of debt.
Adam of Eli, of London, merchant, jun., better distrained v. John of Yemeseie in a plea of account.
The same Adam, better distrained v. Henry Dymmoke in a plea of account.
Roger Chauntecler, better distrained v. William Fourneis in a plea of account.
Philip, son of John Beauneis, better distrained v. Agnes, relict of James le Botiller, John of Herdyngham, Geoffrey of Cutendene and William of Macchyngge, executors of the will of the said James, in a plea of debt.
William Fourneis, better distrained v. the said executors in a plea of debt.
Peter of Cicestre, clerk, better distrained v. Nicholas le Verrer in a plea of debt.
[p. 56] William de la Hune, better distrained v. Geoffrey Beauflour in a plea of debt.
Gilbert le Rede, better distrained v. Robert le Hore in a plea of debt. Juliana, wife of the said Gilbert, appears.
Bernard of Pouche, better distrained v. Austin le Waleis in a plea of account.
William atte Waie, better attached v. Thomas atte Taye and Alice his wife in a plea of trespass.
The same William, better distrained v. the same Thomas and Alice in a plea of debt and covenant.
Gilbert le Rede, better distrained v. Richard Daske in a plea of debt. Juliana, wife of the said Gilbert, appears.
Thomas of Baldok, better distrained v. Stephen of Abyndone and Hamo of Chigewelle in a plea of account.
John Joce, kt., better distrained v. Robert Borman in a plea of debt.
John Denys of Caunterberi, better distrained v. John of Wengraue in a plea of
William of Tauntone, attached by his body v. Richard le Chaucer in a plea of account.
Gilbert le Rede - in misericordia -, better distrained v. John Spray - petit licenciam - in a plea of debt. Juliana, wife of the said Gilbert, appears.
Nicholas Crane, Thomas of Buri, butcher, and Robert le Treiere, better distrained v. John Priour and William Fourneis in a plea of debt.
Nicholas Crane and John of Warle, better distrained v. the said John and William in a plea of debt.
John Caperon, better distrained v. John Erleker in a plea of account.
proxima William atte Rie - misericordia -, better attached v. John Hamond, cook - petit licenciam -, in a plea of trespass.
Luke of Berkwei, better attached v. John of Ware, stockfishmonger, in a plea of debt.
Robert of Kent, sen., attached by his body v. Robert of Westle in a plea of account.
John Dosynoun, better attached v. Hugh le Fourbour in a plea of covenant.
James Beauflour, citizen and vintner of London, better distrained v. Giles Fanward, merchant of Pene in Agenois, in a plea of debt.
Margaret, relict of Ralph of Farneham, better attached v. Robert of Donmowe in a plea of debt. John Sausemer appears.
Mary, relict of William of Goldyngham, executrix of the will of William of Goldyngham, William Quynci and William of Wedryngsete, co-executors, better attached v. Roger le Botiller in a place of debt.
Isabella Knokyn, Thomas of Eytone, Roger Carels and Ralph Restwold, executors of the will of John Knokyn, better attached v. Roger le Botiller in a plea of debt.
Ralph Beauflour, citizen and taverner of London, better distrained v.-
[p. 57] -Bernard de la Tour of Besaz in a plea of debt.
nihil habet John of Donewiz, clerk, better attached v. John Rastel in a plea of trespass.
Roger of Kynebantone, attached by his body v. Reiner Piggesflessh in a plea of account.
Thomas Frembaud, executor of the will of Nicholas Frembaud, better distrained v. Thomas Coke in a plea of debt.
Walter Hudde of St. Albans, chaplain, attached by his body v. John of Perers, Reimund of St. Clements, Gerard of Bisle and John of Stoketone, executors of the will of William Seruat in a plea of account.
The same Walter, attached by his body v. the said executors in a plea of trespass.
John Hereward, attached by his body v. Henry of Bidik in a plea of account.
Walter of Essex, better distrained v. Gilbert le Mareschal in a plea of debt.
Ralph Beauflour, attached by his body v. Saunz Arnald of Castelioun in a plea of account.
Walter Crepyn, better distrained v. Robert Belebarbe in a plea of debt.
Robert of Kent, of London, better distrained v. Thomas of Spaigne in a plea of account.
summonitiones contra xlijd. Roger le Paumer is summoned to hear his judgment for failing concerning his law v. Henry of Ware in a plea of debt.
contra William of Norhantone summoned in like case v. Richard le Ussher in a plea of debt.
Walter son of Martin of Aumbesbury, pl., appears v. Robert of Osprenge and Isabella his wife and Roger Chauntecler in a plea of trespass, whereupon the record. The defs. do not come. Therefore let them be attached etc.
Loveday between John of Bromptone, pl., and Robert, servant of Simon le Fourbour in a plea concerning the detention of a knife, until the next court at the prayer of the parties, without essoin.
Love-day between Richard of Reynham and Nicholas atte Holmes and Lucy his wife, executors of the will of Nicholas atte Holmes, pls., and William of Speresholte and Alice his wife in a plea of debt, until the next court etc.
Love-day between the same Nicholas, Lucy and Richard, pls., and William of Spreresholte in a plea of debt, until etc.
Love-day between Richard of Nasyngge, pl., and Simon le Armurer in a plea trespass, until etc.
Judgment between Stephen le Bole, pl., and John Litle, William of Fundenhale and Richard of Wrenyngham in a plea of trespass, in respite.
Between Simon of Thorp, pl., and Walter le Foundor in a plea of debt.
Imparlance between Stephen of Creie, pl., and Thomas of Rocheford of-
[p. 58] -Waltham Holy Cross in a plea of account, in respite etc. The def. is mainprised by the pl.
Judgment between Richer [sic.] of Refham, kt., pl., and the prior of Bermundeseie in a plea of covenant in respite etc.
Between Andrew of Sechesford, pl., John le Litle, William Reyner and John Baldewyne in a plea of trespass, in respite etc.
Between Richard Cros, pl., and Stephen Aleyn in a plea of debt in respite etc.
Between Stephen Aleyn and Richard Cros in a plea of debt in respite etc.